
Chapter 1: Out! Out! Out!

Chapter 1: Out! Out! Out!
“Tess have you packed yet?” mum asked shouting up the stairs. I slowly walked down.
“Why do we have to move? Why do they have to send you to japan to continue your work there?” I asked angrily.
“I told you, it’s because your mother, me can speak Japanese. This is what happens when you have an intelligent mother” she replied “now get packing. I didn’t buy you that black suitcase for nothing.”

One by one my clothes and shoes went into the hollowness of the black suitcase. T-shirts, leggings, jeans, shorts, jumper, cardigans, tights and converses etc. Then there was the dress. The long, flowing, green dress. It was made from silk and it was a birthday present from my best friend Ella and her mum for my sixteenth birthday. It also had a pair of glittering high heels to go with it as well. Ella wanted me to wear it when I was going to the prom with her at the end of this year, I guess I can’t now. I looked around my blue walled room. Every memory in this room flashed before my eyes and I felt the tears stinging at my eyes begging me to let them flow out and down my cheeks.
“Tess come on, or we will miss our flight!” my dad exclaimed
Great way to ruin the moment dad way to go! NOT!
This beautiful room will mine forever and always.

Chapter Two:Japan!

Chapter 2: Japan!
Well I survived that flight now I’d have to survive the long boring drive to Osaka. Dad had brought a 3 room house there. Then mum butted in and said that she’d seen it online and that it was peaceful there with a lot of greenery and it’ll be quiet. I mean America, Chicago wasn’t that loud and you’d see greenery’s every so often here and there.
Slowly black dots clouded my eyes and I drifted into the sweet world in my dreams where nobody would find me.
“Tess wake up, were here!” Did I mention that I had an annoying brother? BANG!
“Ow!!!!” I shrieked “Why did you do that for?”
“Because you wouldn’t wake up and I thought you were dead!” he shouted back at me with a tone matching mine. “Don’t do that to me again”
“I was sleeping”
“Yeah like a pig”
“I don’t know who’s a pig when you’re the foul smelling one here!”
“Stop it you two were here” Dad said quietly then the car jolted to a holt. All I could see was trees that were different shades and looming over us for the last ten minutes of the ride. But now there was a great grand house in front of us. There were three big windows which indicated the three bed rooms. However only two bedrooms had a balcony. They both had double-glazing glass doors. Suddenly while counting how many windows there was I discovered one at the very top near the roof, well now I know we have an attic I wonder if we have a basement. I was so surprised to finally have an attic I quickly lugged my black suitcase towards the door where my very slow mother was opening the door. When I heard the loud click of the door I bolted right through and ran up the wooden stairs that creaked ever so slightly when I ran up them. I got up to the first floor however there were no other stairs leading to any other floor. I looked around, and then I spotted a trap door at the ceiling. When I opened it a rope ladder sprang down towards me. Quickly and as carefully as I could I got my suitcase up there then me. The room was very spacious and I was sure that the attic was the largest room in the whole house. Slowly I took in the view of my future. It was a room I could live in for the rest of my life. Okay maybe not. There was everything here already, well, nearly everything. There was a bed, a wardrobe, which opened in the middle and had two lower drawers and bedside table. Well this wasn’t everything I needed but I can wait, I guess. So I started tidying it. I cleaned out the dust in the wardrobe and drawers; I used hot water to clean them again but this time cleaning my bed too. Finally I was done. Whoops I forgot something I had to make a list of things I needed so mum could get them when she goes shopping.
List of things I need:
CD and DVD holders
Alarm clock
Plastic boxes m
Now I have finally finished. I had already put my bed covers on my bed and everything was ready. Tomorrow was a big day, thought as I climbed tiredly down the rope ladder than dragged my feet down the actual stairs.

Chapter Three: Temperature Gone Hot!

Chapter 3: Temperature gone hot!
‘Dit-Dit’ ‘Dit-Dit’ Huh? What time is it? 7:00. Okay. Creak. “Rise and shine honey. You wouldn’t want to be late to your first day at school would you?” mum said cheerily. I looked at her through my half opened eyes. She was walking towards my window and thrusting open the curtains, letting the bright rays of sunlight filter through. “Alright already I’ll wake up but I don’t want any breakfast, okay?” I said
“Sure thing kiddo and be careful not to wake your brother on the way down his school doesn’t start till 9:00, okay? Did you know you had a balcony behind that door and your own wash room, no fair. Oh well I guess you found this room.”
“Okay I know now, and I’ll try not to wake him” I reassured her. I lazily stumbled towards my wardrobe and took out my towel “I’ll just take a shower” I said.
I walked towards the shower; just as I got there I heard my bedroom door click shut.
When I got in the shower I turned the water up. Warm water consumed me and wrapt me in their warm embrace. Man, it’s always nice to have a shower in the morning.
When I finished I picked out some random clothes. For all you need to know, I am not the type of girl who picks what she wears carefully, I’m also not the type of girl who looks at the weather report, then chooses what she wears. I just wear anything I want in any weather. The weather doesn’t bother me neither what people think. So I picked out a deep sea blue dress, black thick tights and a black woolly cardigan. There. Perfect. I let my hair hang loosely around my shoulders and a bit further down. Looking at my reflection in the mirror I said “come on Tess you can do It, it might be a new school but it won’t be that scary. It’s not like a vampire will leap out in front of you and say ‘ I vant to drink your bloood’
Quietly I climbed down the rope and down the stairs towards the door. My black shoulder bag was there all ready and packed. Quickly I put on my black converses and walked out onto the door. It was very simple to walk to school it only took 20 minutes. When I arrived in front of the large white building. I knew it was going to be a long term.
I got into the school early so I walked up to a girl with red hair (definitely dyed) I gently tapped her on the shoulder. She turned around pretty quickly. She had a good sense of style and she was pretty. “Hi I’m Tess” she looked kinda puzzled “I’m a new student”
“Oh, hi I’m cat” she replied clearing her surprised expression quickly.
“Oh, like the animal cat” I said without thinking
“Hey what’s that suppose to mean?!”
“Um I like cats I think they’re really cute”
“Really, I think they’re cute too” then she ran off.
Okay weird.
So I’m back to square one.
So then I walked up to a guy. I couldn’t really see him. All I saw was his back, but I could make out that he was a bit taller than me and was quite muscular. Well I wasn’t looking on purpose however I could see his muscles forming a slightly bump under his t-shirt that you could see on top. He drop dead gorgeous black wavy air that was a little curly and warm brown eyes, the brown between chocolate and hazel nuts .Focus .Focus. FOCUS. Not knowing that I was standing inches behind him and staring off to space, I was stuck frozen on the floor staring up at him when he spoke. “Hi what’s up?”
“Uh, oh I’m new here I was wondering if you could show me were Mr Johnson’s room is?”
“Yeah, sure. My names Usui, Usui Kiryu yours?”
“My names Tess, Tess Shinata. I moved here from America Chicago. What about you have you always lived in Japan?” I asked not shy at all.
“No, actually I guess you already knew. I moved from America, Los Angeles. I moved here two years ago with my mum and dad. They missed living in Japan so I decided that we should move here.” He answered quietly. Whoops, I guess I hit a sore spot. ”What about you?” He asked suddenly.
“I moved here with my mum and dad too, but it was because of their work. Their company in America sent them here because they wanted to expand the area of their work and bring it out to other counties.” I said “I’m sorry about before.”
“Why?” he asked a questioning look on his face.
“Well when I asked you about why you moved here your tone of voice turned and your expression, I think I hit a sore spot. I don’t need you to tell me was it or not I’m just sorry.”
“No your right, It was a sore spot. I quite hurt.”
“Why, don’t you like it here? You didn’t want to leave did you? I thought you were the one who suggested it?” I asked a bit muddled.
“Well yes I did suggest it, I only wanted them to be happy, I guess. I guess I really didn’t think about me and what I feel about it.”
“But I think you should have asked your parents. If they truly love you then they would want you to be happy.” I blurted out
“Wow that was quite a speech” he said as I was blushing like mad.
“My mum told me that” I said a little less embarrassed “My mum said that as long as I was happy she would be too as long as I was through no matter what.”
“Yeah I guess. We’re here.” He said pushing open a clear white door. In side there was a flat floor stage, which had 4 rows of 5 blue plastic chairs on the left and right of the room. However from the door and forward towards the stage there was a clear aisle where there was no chair but white space.
“Sit down any where we don’t have an according seating plan” he said behind me. So I sat on the chair at the furthest corner of the room. Suddenly I heard a slap of heels on wood and at the door and emerged from there was a girl. She had Long Flowing black hair with dark blue strips of highlights on the right side, and then there was a purple-ish red high lights on the left side. She had black eyeliner ad black mascara and lip gloss on. Too much make up girl. She walked up to Usui and me, I wonder why. “Hey Usui.” Then she kissed him on the lips. Lips. Finally she pulled away. “Oh, hey I’m guessing that’s the new student.” Then she turned to me “hi my names Renee”
“Yeah, her name is Tess” was all he said.
“Hey Usui Tamaki wants to talk to you about football practice tomorrow. He wants to meet you right now, he’s just down the hall.” She said cheerfully.
And with that he ran out of the room. The air around me changed. There was something bad coming on the way I just know it. “Listen close, I am just going to say this once2 she said putting one of her black boots foot on the blue chair next to me. “ Usui is mine, he’s my boyfriend and I’m not going to let any new student barge in to this school and take my boyfriend from me. So get your paws of him or I’ll do something that will make you regret the day you came to this school. You got that.” Just then a guy came in. He looked fairly okay but right now he was staring at us. First at her face, then at her slender leg on the chair. I knew what he thought about what is happening now. “Cat fight, meow.” Was all he said. Shut up she said loudly. Then she took her leg off the chair and she walked out the door. Wow this was going to be a long term.
Sitting in classrooms for so long I felt so tired and sick, that when the bell rang for lunch, I quickly packed my bags rushed towards the door as fast as possible and before everyone in my class.
When I arrived outside I walked towards a cherry-wood bench under autumn tee with golden yellow, orange and red tree leaves dancing swiftly towards the dry ground. I sat for a while enjoying the peace and quiet for a while until Renee and her black spiked-heel boots walked pass with her gang. I looked at them closely. They all looked like normal teenage girls, who were nice until they saw me and put on their meanest scowls. Wow the girls here were even meaner than the it-girls in America. They all looked like nice girls. They looked the part. Skinny, long skinny legs and long hair. But they didn’t act the part. When they passed, Usui appeared. “Hey Can I sit here?”
“Yeah sure nobody else is going to sit there.” I said
“I heard what happened today with Renee, my friend told me. I’m sorry Renee’s over protective about me. Seeing as her boy friend and all that.”
“I know, I saw, I experienced and now I understand.”
“I’m sorry.”
“It wasn’t your fault you don’t need to be sorry. It wasn’t Renee’s either, it was mine.”
“Huh yours but Renee was the one who…. You know.”
“Yes but if I didn’t meet you than I wouldn’t have met Renee either.”
“Do you regret meeting me?”
“I don’t know”
“Maybe I should stop talking to you then Renee wouldn’t do anything anymore.”
“Maybe, you should get going in case Renee sees you talking to me again.”
“I never thought you’d say that to me, in thought you were different from other girls, that you wouldn’t just back off after what Renee said. I guess you’re not”
At that moment I knew that I had not only upset him but me too. After that I felt a twisting feeling in my stomach that felt very uncomfortable. As time dragged on in period 5, art, everytime I glanced at Usui’s the more the twisting in my stomach twist. Finally when I got home I spent the whole night in my room after eating dinner. I went on my laptop for a bit going on face book. I uploaded my blog after. < What do I do? What would you do in a boy problem?> feeling<confused and hurt☺> .
I closed my laptop and dropped onto my bed. That night I thought about everything that happened today was starting at a new school like this? Were you not meant to fit in? I don’t know and I knew I didn’t have the answers for every single question that went thought my head tonight. I slowly drifted off to sleep. My dreams were never good when my real life was good. But tonight it was particularly good after all my real life was quite messed up right now anyway it’s quite logical. All I had to do today was get ready for another start of the drama that started today, or rather a nightmare.

Chapter Four: Mystery Guy

Chapter 4: Mystery guy
It’s nearly Christmas, however the cold had not seeped in yet. I had not slept very well all week since the day I hurt Usui. Let’s face it I hadn’t slept any at some nights. It had been a week since I made a friend then lost it at the very same day. I have improved I had made new friends already, I had moved on and I hope Usui did as well. First there was Cat the crazy girl I had met her at the very first day. Her actual name is Cathy but she prefers me and her other friends to call her Cat, and if you like melodrama, she’s your girl. Secondly there was Sam; he was a casual guy who goes with everyone’s ideas as long as he likes it. Finally there was George and Toby. They were from the school Karate and Judo club. It may be a drama and art school, however they like to keep their students healthy and fit so they looked good. George goes karate and Toby Goes Judo. My friends were all kind of Normal and great, at art and drama (singing, acting and dancing). School was getting better. Lessons were fine, because I shared some lessons with all of the group or sometimes only with one individual in the group. Usui was staying away from me and trying to steer clear of me as I with him.
I went home on Friday early, because it was a free period. After sitting in my room for five minutes of reading I walked over to the balcony. I hadn’t paid attention to it since mum said it was here. Before mum said it I didn’t even know it was there, but now I was enjoying the view I got just outside it. The sun was still up, shining its brilliant golden yellow rays into my small lounge outside my bathroom, which was separated from the rest as my room (where my bed is) by a wall, like my small lounge. I hadn’t looked properly at the view around me, when I noticed a rustling of leaves behind the bush below, disappearing into the forest.
Silently I put on my blue woolly jumper on over my leggings and walked climbed down my step ladder and walked down the wooden stairs being careful not to make it creak. I put on my purple converses and ran out the door quickly taking my keys and locking the doors behind me. The cold had seeped in I just didn’t know. I tip toed towards the bush looking around carefully to see what it was. There was a clear path, well trail more like it looked like it had been here for quite a while. Suspicious I followed it through parts bushes and trees. After what was like an hour of walked into a clearing. There was a clear grass land that had trees surrounding it acting like a protective barrier. The grass was green and dry, there was a little flowers growing here and there nothing much and nothing less. The bright sun rays came down straight into this land it would be a great place for reading.munja -wa –sho, munja –wa –sho. My phone vibrated in my back pocket of my leggings.
It said: <Hey Kiddo, me and your dad have a meeting and lots of things we need to discuss, of the work we have to start doing. This meeting is probably going to take a long time. Then we have to tell the workers there what the plan is and what needs to be happening, blah-blah-blah…… I know I’m boring you but we can’t cook dinner order a pizza of something. The number for pizza takeaway is on the fridge notice board, and the money is on the money jar on the shelves with the coffee beans and tea bags. Have fun tonight be safe, do you homework, and get to bed before 11:00>
I know what you’re thinking, what a long text message right. I admit I have a very annoying mother; however she’s a caring mother too. Okay, back too main point. The land was very well kept and it was beautiful. I could sit here looking at this all day. Maybe not. I heard rustling of dried leaves behind me. I turned around; standing there was a guy with black hair. He was dressed in all black, and a black mask in which shaded his eyes so that I could not make out his eye colour. He was normal height, he looked a one or two inches taller, about 5ft 7 or 8, see I’m only 5 ft 6. I’m a bit taller than the average height.
“Who are you?” I asked trying to stop myself from stuttering. I could feel my heart trying to leap out of my body trough my throat. I felt my knees were trying to give away from under me.
“you don’t need to know.”
“ ‘scuse me but shouldn’t I know what you’re doing behind my house?” I said signalling towards the house.
“no” he said and turned back into the trees. he disappeared just like that.
Okay . I walked silently back into the house. What was he doing there? Who is he? Suddenly my thoughts were interrupted by a clatter in the kitchen.
“Hey sis, you’re back early.” My brother  was back already, time passes quickly.
“yeah my biology teacher was on a bio field trip, so I had no bio and had a free period instead.” I replied “Mum and dad have a meeting today so they won’t be back for dinner, we are going to have pizza” I said before I forgot.
“Woohoo pizza tonight, allllright!!!” He said jumping in the air.
“If you don’t shower now and do your homework I’m not ordering it, no get your fat ass in the shower.”
“Gotcha” and he raced up the stairs
Typical kids well typical brothers instead.
Lazily I went to my room taking a long hot shower and went downstairs again, bumping into my brother on the way. “Sis, your shower took so long I showered and did my home work already”
“Cool so it’s pizza time. How about 2 orders of wedges and a medium pizza. Half macaroni and pepperoni and ….”
“Let’s have BBQ on the other half.”
“Sorted, and already on it.” I said saluting
Waiting patiently by the door waiting for the pizza by the front door, my mind drifted towards the boy at the garden today again. Should I tell mum? Maybe I shouldn’t what if he isn’t there anymore. Ding! Ding! Pizza was here now. Holding the 20 bucks in my hand tightly screwed into a ball I opened the door. As quickly as I can I took the pizza, gave the money and took the change and slammed the door behind me as I made my way to my spacious living room.
I had managed to get some homework done and I had some quality time to myself in my room listening to music and reading my book. My brother got in for an early night , but I hadn’t, no way , it was my first night in my new house without my parents, and I was gonna make most of my alone time. I went to bed just before 11:00.waht a great night.
Clank, clank, clank…. Huh was it morning already? I looked outside my window, it was still dark, and then I looked at my alarm clock.2:00 in the morning! Who would still be awake at this hour on a school day/work day? Stifling a yawn I put on my blue jumper, over my grey trousers. I walked silently as possible over to my window. Something hit it again, a rock. Well it couldn’t be by accident when it already hit my windows four times already! I looked out towards the dark sky which was lightening at its peaks, sunrise. I looked down into the shadows. He’s back again. The guy from today, behind my house. The one wearing all black and a mask. What is he doing knocking on my window? I walked down the stairs as quiet as mice. I slipped through the double glazed back door at the kitchen, of course after putting on my converses. “Hey, were you awake already, by any chance?” he asked in a sort of whisper that sent shivers down my spine.
“No! I wasn’t awake already. Who would be at this time on a school/work day?” I asked straining to keep my voice down.
“And who exactly are you?”
“A guy who has always been around since you arrived.”
“A guy who has been here since I arrived? But why? What purpose do you have? Who are you?
Do I know you?”
“Whoah, calm down one question after another girl, this ain’t no 20 questions.”
I narrowed my eyes at him.
“I don’t know who you are or what you’re saying, and I don’t want to know.”
I walked towards the house.
“You really don’t want to know?”
“you don’t want to know why I’m here?”
“Okay I ask a question and you give me an answer and I’ll think about I I want to carry on talking to you.” I said eyeing him. Reluctantly I sat on the dry grass; he sat down under a big tree in the shade while I sat in the sun.
“Ist questions what your name is?”
“My name is Thomas Damon.”
“How old are you?”
“I’m 17 I’m still in school” I kept shooting questions and he shot answers right back…….
This was my 18th questions, 18 down, 2 to go.
“Where is your favourite place to go to?”
“Its here or the beach.”
“Last one, what is your favourite flavour for ice-creams?”
“Mint-choc-chip or vanilla and toffee.”
I stood up brushing off the soil sticking to my trousers. “I think I might like you after all.”
“Because you like nearly the same things as I do.”
And with that I walked away back to the house. The sun had risen and it had a mixture of colour, yellow, orange, pink, purple, blue and dark blue. The colour would look like it was over-lapping each other, however they blended quite well. The sky was not fully lit and there was a chilly wind brewing outside, hurriedly I ran into the house. Tip toed to my room. As I got back into my bed I looked at my alarm clock.3:00 I can’t believe I talked to some stranger outside my house, for an hour. Keeping in a yawn I sunk into the softness of my bed and covers, and drifted off to sleep again.
By the time I woke up the second time, it was 7:30. Hurriedly I slipped out of my bed and grabbed any clothes I could, a pair of dark blue skinnies, a white long shirt over me vest top, and a light yellow jumper. I grabbed my bag and raced out the door. I wasn’t late on my first day, but I don’t want to be late on my second day either. I wasn’t late, but everyone was in form already. So it was quite embarrassing especially be stared at by everyone in every direction. Self consciously I took a seat beside Toby. “Why are you so late today?” He asked as I sat down.
“I woke up late and well I was woken by some freak knocking on my window.”
“What freak what did he do?”
“Nothing don’t worry it was okay I would have snapped him like a tooth pick.”
He laughed as quietly as he can, but it still found its way to weave to Mr Johnson’s ears.
“Toby, Tess what is so funny? Would you care to share it with the class? I’m sure they would find it very amusing too.”
“Sorry sir no such luck, it’s a private joke. Maybe next time.” Toby replied smirking. I wouldn’t be surprised at what Toby was smirking about. I so wish you could see Mr Johnson’s face right now.
“Right class, today I hope you all know what lesson you have and well be on your way then.” He said ushering us out; as Toby was going through the door he called him back. I waited outside for him.
“So what had he got to say?” I asked hardly trying to contain my giggles.
“Detention for 15 mins, man, that’s so uncool. I mean you were laughing too.”
“But I’m new, you’re not.”
“Man, I should change school every so often; you know just to not get into trouble.”
I laughed all the way to our first class.

During that day, I was given a 10,000 word essay to do about all the battles between 1010 -1070 for history. I had to draw a person (not my family) a sketch in pencil. I also had to write and research all Shakespeare’s plays and write what they were about, each and every one of them. I’m going to drop the essays for now, writing is not my type of thing, and also it isn’t due for another week and a half. Sketching, who should I sketch? Somebody not in my family. I could do Toby, George, Cat or Sam. Oh, shook, I can’t do someone I knew, the teachers know I know them their mates. That guy. The guy in the garden miss doesn’t know him. Grabbing my new pad, I ran towards the kitchen, where the back door was. I looked around. “Hey, mystery guy, where are you? Come out I need your help!”
Out of nowhere his voice came. I looked around, but I couldn’t see him anywhere. “Say the magic word, and try to call me by my name if you remember it, I have a name you know.” He said his voice was loud but he wasn’t screaming, but his voice was strong and loud and kinda of sweet.
What was his name? What was his name? Thomas, yes Thomas Damon.
“Um, Thomas, could you come out, uh, please. I need your help.” I said unsure what I said was right or Not.
“That’s better” he said coming out between two very tall trees that were looming over both of us. “What do you need help on, essays? Photography? Drawing? You name it I do it.”
“Um it’s not that I need you to be my model.” I said uncertainly.
“Ner, Uh. I ain’t doing that.” He said shaking his head.
“But you said, ‘you name it , I do it.’ Come on. Unless you want to go back on your words”
“No I don’t want to go back on my words, oh okay what do I have to do?” he asked walking towards me.
“All you have to do is sit down and let me sketch you. However look comfortable, and normal, don’t look like you’re trying to do that pose on purpose.” I said
Slowly he sat on a wooden rope swing that I never knew was there. He sat very casually; the pose was very good and natural. He looked so relaxed; I guess he’s a good model and that I chose the right person.
Slowly I started at the shape of his head, slowly adding his features, and then his hair. I couldn’t see his features so I drew the part of his feature (his eyes and nose and lips, but only part of it.) I had to draw his mask too, because he refused to take his mask off.

Chapter Five: Sorry letter

Chapter 5: Sorry letter.
I haven’t talked to Thomas for a long time; I never even set foot into the back garden for 3 weeks now. I didn’t hear or see him for these weeks. Every night I slept, a gnawing would start in my stomach, and my heart would ache like I’d lost something special. Why is he doing this to me? I don’t even know him. What is this feeling? For these few nights I couldn’t help but look outside my window towards the garden.
One morning I woke up and found a letter on my window ledge, as I looked out the window again.
I’m Sorry about that day. I just can’t take my mask off, I hope you understand that. And if this answer isn’t good enough then I’m guessing you don’t want to see me anymore. If you don’t mind my mask anymore, then meet me in the garden at 4:00. I will wait there for half an hour, and if there are any blockages or wrong timing I guess that means we were never meant to meet and we just aren’t right to be friends.

You’re mysterious Guy
I’ll always be waiting. . . .
I read the letter over a few times. I will meet him.
I went to school as quickly as possible. Every time it was near the end of lesson my heart races, and I’m sitting there wishing it would go as fast as my heart was going. By lunch, I was beating myself up about why time was so slow. I think it’s just my consciousness playing with me, some old people, like my dad thinks that time passes quick. That’s because when you’re happy, time goes quicker, but when you’re desperate you will think that time is slow because you want it to go faster. The bell went, thank god for that I thought lunch would never end. 5th period was art that was when I was when I decided to take his portrait out. Today we were going to paint whatever we want. So it took his portrait out and started sketching, then painting. I painted His eyes a light blue so light that it looked like it was ice. Then I painted his hair black with bits of light black to show the different shade in his hair. He wore all black and he was sitting on the wooden swing like that day of the sketch. I drew him pretty little in the middle of the page about the size of a A4 paper on the A3 paper. I then used a super thin brush to swiftly add colour to each petal of the flowers and vines that winded it’s way around the rope holding the brown rope. I than Drew a big shape of a heart around him, and a keyhole right behind him. I painted the outside of the heart and the swing and Thomas round the edges, than I painted the heart red. I Painted the inside of the keyhole black and the edges a yellowy-gold that I made by mixing bright gold to yellow. I Drew vines and thorns with little flowers and petals on the outside of the hurt. The flowers were on the Vines that was twisting itself around the thorns. Suddenly miss Hilton asked everybody, to hand in their paintings , so she could place them on the rack to dry. When it was my turn I placed it on the table, and miss Hilton looked at me than at my picture. Eyes still on the picture she said, “It is a wonderful picture, good work, I saw that you was very concentrated on it. Well done.” Not knowing Usui was behind me I stopped when I saw that he had his eyes on my picture. He looked at me than he looked back at the picture. Slowly I turned away and walked up the stairs to form.
By the time I got home it was 4:15, shit I thought. I wonder if he’s still waiting for me. Being careful not to be too loud I walk outside towards the garden. There he was he had his eyes closed and he was lying on a swing bench a white one, you know the ones you would see outside in a garden. He laying there with his arms crossed under his head. I walked over to him and look at his face. He looked fairly handsome but I’m still wondering what’s under that mask of his. But I’m not going to look inside the mask that he likes to keep on. Because once it’s done, it’s done there will be no going back. “Hey you came.” He said sitting up suddenly wide awake. Lucky for me I weren’t that close.
“Were you awake?” I asked looking away
“Okay, I’m sorry I snapped about you mask before.” I said sheepishly.
“That’s okay I just don’t like it when people get mad at me then stop off without another word.”
He said.
“I know but why didn’t you ….” I started to ask.
“But why didn’t I chase after you?” he said
“Well, yes” is aid looking at him straight in the eye.
“I’m pretty slow in reactions so I didn’t know what to do.” He explained
“Fine, Shall we start over again?”
“Sure. Hi, my name is Thomas Damon.”
“Hi my names Tess.” I couldn’t hold it anymore and I burst out laughing.
“What’s so funny?”
“Nothing it’s just it’s starting all over again with you and I know you already.” I said the laughing in my throat died away.
“Yeah, I guess it’s pretty funny” He said looking around.
Before I could stop myself I asked him “Where do you go to school?, actually do you go to school at all?”
“I can’t tell you, I want to stay mysterious, and it’s a secret.” He said tapping the side of his nose.
“Where do you sleep or live?” I asked
“I show you in a few days time.”
“I look forward to it.”
That day we sat and read and did a lot of other things, and then he walked towards a bush and brought out a guitar case. He set it down beside me and sat down between me and the case. He silently took out a Light brown guitar that was dark brown on its side.
“What are you doing with a guitar?”
“Shhh” was all he said. He started strumming a few strings.
He then started singing with song………
By the time he finished, I had my eyes closed, and I was drifting into sleep.
When I woke up, I found myself covered in a Deep Blue Blanket around me. There was a blurring of orange and yellow.
“I thought you’d never wake up.” A voice said beside me.
I turned a little bit to my right. I was sleeping on Thomas’s Shoulder the whole time.
“Are you okay” I asked
“Yeah, what about you? Did you enjoy your beauty sleep princess?”
I laughed “what time is it?”
“About 6:30”
“It was about two hours and I’ve been sleeping on your shoulder the whole time?”
“Ouch, your shoulder must hurt.”
“No because you spread most of your weight on the Tree Trunk we were leaning on.” He said patting the tree trunk.”
“Did you leave me to get the blanket?”
“No it was in my case.”
“Well I should get going you know about my brother.”
“Yeah. I had a great time today maybe we could do this sometime again.”
“Yeah sure” my heart was beating normally, but I felt a warm fuzzy feeling all over my body why?
“Thomas we could do it again 2mo”
He grinned at me and put out the fire and walked into the shadows caused by the Trees.

Chapter Six: Secret Hideout

Chapter 6: Secret Hideout
Today I woke up feeling like a new toy, Shiny and fresh. It was 9:00. I grabbed a white elbow length shirt and my strapped Red shorts . I put on my white shirt then my black thick tights, and then my shorts over it tightening the straps. I quickly put on my red converses, and packed my black backpack, with my book a note book , drawing pad and pencils and my water bottle.
“Honey why are you up so early?” my mother asked wearily coming down the stairs, “sweetie do you want me to cook some breakfast for you?”
“No thanks mum, and apple will do.” And I ran out the door before she could say another word about breakfast. I looked at the cherry red apple in my hand. I walked towards the woods.
I looked around at the different colours in there. Suddenly blackness evolved round my eyes “Guess who it is?” a husky voice asked. I would never forget this voice.
“Thomas.” He let go turning me around.
“How did you know? What clue did I give you?” he asked shaking his head.
“you didn’t , I just recognise your voice. I could recognise it anywhere.”
“really? Remember before when you wanted to know where I lived let me show you. But you have to be blindfolded on your first arrival.”
“okay” I agreed
Then he slipped a Red cloth around my eyes and put my hand in his. First I was pretty freaked but his hand was warm and guiding. “hey this bits pretty hard to walk on when you’re blindfolded, would you mind if I carried you? there are a lot of vines and thorns and pricks and…….”
“Look you don’t need to explain yourself, just do it I just want to get there.” I said.
Slowly and carefully he carried me on his back. I had my arms round his neck so I could feel his pulse. It was beating quite quickly right now. I could feel his breathing on the back of my hand. They were quick short breaths.
“we’re nearly there.”
We walked another five minutes with me in the dark. As slowly as he had picked me up he set me down, pulling the blindfold off.
“we have to climb a bit but don’t worry I have a rope ladder.” He explained
“ I have on to because I sleep in the attic.” He went up first and I went after him, we were climbing up a step ladder into a tree house. The house was made of wood, there was a lot of space inside. There was a Mattress on the floor and a wooden table on the other side of the room, with a pot of pencils and colour pencils too. There were two wooden chairs and some big bean bags next to the bed. On the bed was the blue blanket I used before and another thick Blue Duvet and a Blue cushion.
“ welcome to my home.” He said drastically.
“wow you live here all by yourself?” I asked looking round the room.” “so what do you do here”
“I read, there are a lot of books over in those two white boxes, or I write some songs with my guitar.” He replied now sitting on the bed.
I sat on a green bean bag that was as big as my Desk. This is fun I guess, it’s so peaceful.
“Aren’t you lonely here?” I asked
“no because most of the time I look at you from your garden, it makes me feel less lonely.”
“ Where are your parents? Don’t you have any brother or sisters?”
“ no I’m an only child, and as for my parents I don’t want to talk about them.” He said looking down towards there floor.
“ sorry”
“About what?”
“Every time you look down or away when I say something that you don’t like and I know it , which makes me feel like I’ve said the wrong thing.”
“Forget what happened just now. What did you bring with you? Have you eaten breakfast yet?”
“First things first I have forgotten what happened just now.” Placing a finger on my temple I turned it a bit. “There forgotten. I brought quite a lot of things.” Emptying the contents in my bag. “And no I haven’t had breakfast, but I brought an apple with me.”
He sighed and took some biscuit out of his bag. “I did some morning shopping and stocked up” he said shaking the tin of biscuits a bit.
“What else did you buy?”
“I brought bread, water, croissants, crackers, and sweets.” He said dropping all the food onto the table from the bag that he took out , that contained the foods.
“Great, what did you eat for breakfast?”
“I ate nothing, this is my breakfast” he said shaking the tin with various strength to prove his point.
“ then let’s have our breakfast here, then, we can do the things we want to do.” We ate. Then we did our own thing We both slept for about 5 hours. When I woke up he did to it was 12:30, we lay there thinking for an hour listening to the music on his iPod. I lay down on his mattress reading whilst lying on my stomach. Then I heard the familiar strumming of guitar strings, and the husky voice I would recognise anywhere. It sang:
‘Hmmm, I got a lot of things, I have to do
All these distractions, our futures coming soon.
We’re being pulled, a hundred different directions,
But whatever happens, I know I’ve got you.
You’re on my mind; you’re in my heart,
It doesn’t matter where we are, we’ll be alright
Even if we’re miles apart….
All I wanna do, is be with you, be with you
There’s nothing we can’t do, just wanna be with you
Only you….
No matter where life takes us,
Nothing can break us apart; you know it’s true,
I just want to be with you.
Just be with you …..
You know how life can be
It changes overnight
It’s sunny then raining
But it’s alright
A friend like you always makes it easy
I know you get me every time
Through every up, through every down
You know I’ll always be around
Through anything you can count on me
All I wanna do is be with you, be with you
There’s nothing we can’t do
I just want to be with you
Only you
No matter where life takes us
Nothing can break us apart
You know it’s true
I just want to be with you …
I just want to be with you.’

“That song is beautiful” I exclaimed sitting straighter “where did you learn that?”
Tapping the side off his nose again he said “it’s one of my other secrets.”
“ how many secrets do you have?”
“if you try to be with me longer, and try to figure me out, you might found all my secrets one by one.” He said sliding his guitar back into his case.
“What time is it?”
“it’s 4:00”
“it’s time”
“what time” I asked standing up too quickly, I fell down onto the mattress again. Thomas came and helped me up pulling me by my right arm with his right, then looping his left arm round my waist. Huh. Oh man , I hope I’m not blushing.
“what’s the matter am I making you uncomfortable? You stiffened so suddenly.” He said tugging his left arm away.
“No, No You weren’t making me uncomfortable, I just feel stiff after lying there for so long.” After that he didn’t put his arm back, and now I know I knew that I made him uncomfortable, not the other way round.
“where are you trying to lead me to?”
“I’m trying to lead you to my other entrance, sorta like a back door. But more like an open balcony.”
A back door, sorta balcony? What is he saying? He led me towards the back of the house behind a thick black curtain. There was a door there he opened it and walked out into the landing. I walked uncertainly over to the landing standing next to him. There he stared out into the distance, but where in the distance? There I saw it. There was a sunset. It was the same one, well it looked the one I saw the morning he shook me from my sleep. It was beautiful.Magnifico, it looked like a water painting that blended it’s colour in a blender, that mixed it’s colours together. None of us said anything in the first few minutes, but Thomas was the one to break the silence first.
“Beautiful isn’t it?”
“Yeah, do you get this beautiful view every day to yourself?”
“Yes I do, but I’d rather share it with somebody, somebody like you.”
“wow that’s quite a compliment, because that means that I am a great company to be with.”
“ I guess” he said chuckling quietly.
“Did you know that we slept for 5 hours, what did you have a late night last night?” I asked without looking at him.
“Yes last night was a pretty tough one. I couldn’t sleep till 2 in the morning. You?”
“I couldn’t sleep till 3 in the morning. Hey let me get my pad so I can draw this down on my pad. Can I borrow you Colour pencils, I forgotten mine. And before you say it I’m not going to hurt them or lose them or break them or blunt them. You know seeing as you’re their only partner, or should I say they’re your only partner and company.”
“Hey what’s that suppose to mean, and I weren’t going to say what you thought I was going to say.”
He said glaring at me, but not for real, he was having a laugh inside I could see it in his eyes.
Quickly before the sun set I drew the sunset and tried to shade the colour and layers rightly so I could get as close to the actual sunset colour as I could. By the time I was finished the sun only had a quarter part left above the horizon.
“There all done you can have the picture” I said ripping the picture carefully out of my pad and handing it over to him and signing on the back like a true artist. He took the picture carefully and walked back into the house, he set the picture on the table and searched in his draw.
He carefully took out a wooden Frame, and slipped my picture into the gap of the frame, and hung it up on the wall where he slept.
“There, your picture just brightened my room.” He said pointing at the picture then opening his arms wide. “ come on I better bring you home, it’s getting late.”
We went down the rope ladder, I looked back and up at the tree house, wondering if I would ever be able to come here again, on my own, without being blindfolded and guided. Will he ever open up to me and tell me his secret, or should I say secrets. Silently I let him blindfold me again. Maybe he wouldn’t open up to me, because he doesn’t trust me or he can’t. He carried me and I sank in to his arms, I fell into a deep, sweet dream against his strong chest and the soft steady beat of his heart.
By the time I woke up I was in bed already. I woke up with a start trying to a just to the darkness around me. It was 6:00. Tiredly I trudged down the stairs. The lights were on and there wasn’t just one voice in the kitchen downstairs. When I was down in the kitchen, my father eyed my mother and went out with my brother, who was laughing like mad. What’s so funny?
“So,” my mother said, sliding closer to me, well as close as possible, because we had high chairs like the bars, which were covered on top with black leather.
“….So, what?” I asked now eyeing her.
“Who was that guy that brought you back?”
“Errrrrr” I racked my brain as harder as I could. Guy? Oh Thomas. Brought me back? Oh right I think I fell asleep. Shit I hope I didn’t dribble, that stupid habit that I never seemed to break from. “ what you Thomas?”
“Does this description help you? Tall guy, probably 5 ft 7 or 8, Black wavy hair, Light brown chocolate melting mixed with hazel nut coloured eyes, quite muscular, probably a six pack?”
“Mum, his names Thomas and don’t say what you said to me in his face because it will be so embarrassing, plus I’m not sure if he has a six pack, I mean come on please.”
“When did you meet him? Is he your boyfriend?” My mother gave me a nudge with her shoulder, ewww what happened to my mother, she’s talking to me about boys. Come on please my workaholic mother is talking to me about boys. Whist making my sandwich, I picked up a wooden mixing spoon and pointed it at my mother. “ Where’s my mother gone what have you done to her?”
“Put that down you idiot I just want to know more about you after moving here. Your mothers right here nothing’s happened I just want to know more about your friends, though he is just you friend right/ or is there more?”
“No there is nothing more, and yes we are just friend.”
“You didn’t want to leave him you know.” She carried on; I shot her a what-are-you-talking-about- are-you-crazy look. “ when you came back, your father tried to take you from him, but you tugged onto his shirt. Your father had to pry you off. He smiled at you then nodded and turned to leave. He didn’t say another word, and why does he wear that ridiculous mask.” When she finished I knew it was my turn to fill my desperate mother in.
“He just wears it, nothing’s wrong with his face and why would I being trying to keep him to me?”
Now it was my mother’s turn to make her looks, she raised a perfect black eyebrow and shot me a I-ask-you-all-that-and-you-give-me-such-a-short-answer!.
Without answering another one of her question, I took my toast and ate it whilst walking upstairs, I finished it pretty quickly, but even though eating little today, I still felt normal, without feeling hungry and on the urge of trying to find food to eat. Again there was a envelope on the window sill, how do they get there?
Thank god there was no wind, or it would have blown away. It said:
Before you think anything I’m sure your mother told you what happened when I brought you home. I know you would have wanted me to let you down to walk home, but you were sleeping so peacefully, so I didn’t want to wake you. I was wondering if you were doing anything tomorrow, maybe I could bring you somewhere, my special place. Meet me at 8:00. Let me know your answer by writing a letter/note and placing it on the windowsill. I will get it somehow don’t worry.
Your mystery Guy…
Right get writing:
Yes my mother did tell me what happened and I am very much grateful to you. Just remind me not to sleep when you carry me, well make sure I don’t fall asleep on you. Sure I would love to see your special place. Tomorrow, wait outside by the swing.
Blindfolded girl,
As like I did with his first note, I tied the envelope with a black ribbon and put it with the first one in my red box on the top of my bookshelf. I slept peacefully without any distractions. I had a very good dream it was of us, Thomas and I we were walking down a path through the trees that had no leaves but looked like it was sprinkled with white icing sugar. And the path was scattered with it too. We had one long blue scarf round both our necks and we were holding hands and laughing. However the dream was quickly put to an end. My alarm clock had started screaming. 7:15. Knackered(by the way it means tired out), I dragged my ragged body out from under my covers and let the cold water hit me full on. This was relaxing, too relaxing, it wouldn’t last. I had to meet Thomas at eight, why eight? I checked at the window if the letter was still there, but to my surprise it wasn’t there he did have a way to get the letter.

Chapter Seven:Special Place and Shopping Spree

Chapter 7: Special place and shopping spree
Quickly I pulled on some black skinnies and white t-shirt with my red chequered shirt elbow length and my blue thick cardigan, with wool inside on. I picked up my usual black shoulder bag with my notebook, water and pen in it now, and went down the stairs. By the time I got to the day, I thought I would make it out without my mother asking me a load of question, like a prisoner in a cell, being questioned. But guess what she come out the kitchen with a cup of warm water in hand “where are you going so early in the morning?” she said leaning onto the panel of the kitchen wall.
“I could ask you the same thing why are you up so early?”
“I was awakened up by an early bird.”
“ I’m going out to town, I haven’t been into town since coming here and going to school.” I said closing the door, cutting then cold airs way of visiting the inside of my house.
“So early in the morning no shops will be open right know. Also why are you going through the back way?”
“Does it matter? I’ll be back by 3:00.” I said
“okay and be careful, wrap up warm it’s the middle of December already.” She walked over and kissed me on the forehead.
“okay bye me, get some more sleep.” I said as I walked out the condensation back glass door.
As I walked out all I could hear was her saying good bye. I walked towards the swing feeling warm and fuzzy inside, although the air around me was cold making the air I breathed out white and puffy like a cloud. He was there swinging gently on the swing.
“Hey where are we going today?”
“you’ll see, we are going into town today.”
“okay, I have never been into town before since coming here.”
“Well there will be a lot of new things to you.” silently we caught the bus into town. He didn’t wear his mask today, but he wore a neck-warmer and he wore a blue scarf round his neck, it must be long, because it wrapped round his neck loosely 3 times.
“follow me” he said.
He walked through ally-ways and shortcuts, finally stopping outside a small coffee shop. It was empty except for a young woman with brown hair sitting at the front of the counter. When we walked in warm are hit us first then the sweet smell of fresh blue mountain coffee beans. Thomas chose a seat at the window with two large armchairs. We sunk into one each, I looked outside the window. It was quiet and it wasn’t a bad silence. The air was sweet and warm, and we was waiting for the waitress, that came to my mind, at the same time, the waitress came round. She wasn’t very tall, but she look pretty good after all the early mornings of working here.
“Hi nice to meet you, what can I get you both?” she asked in a calm voice that I thought would be very quiet and soft, though it was actually louder.
“I would like to have a hot blue-mountain coffee and she would like a ….” Thomas said looking at me again after talking to the waitress.
“I would like to have a hazel nut coffee with honey drizzle twist, please.” I said as quietly as possible, so that I wouldn’t disturb the silence around us.
“ You have a very polite fried there, you don’t have to be so tightly packed together, just relax, it’s cool.” She said walking away. After she walked away Thomas gave a low chuckle. The air suddenly filled with the smell of nut’s and honey. The smell wafted around the air for a long time until the waitress came back with her brown tray with a two large mugs that had hot steam wafting out from the top. But there was also a plate that was topped with two large pieces of cookies.
“here are your orders.” She said carefully putting our right drinks in front of us.
“But none of us ordered any cookies.” I said questioningly.
“these cookies are made from our shops secret recipe, hat was passed down form generations to generations.”
“So you’re the shop owner.” I said understanding finally
“Yes sweety, now drink up the cookies were freshly out of the oven they are for our special customers only, the drinks won’t be nice when they’ve cooled down.”
“Sorry but you said sweety, shouldn’t somebody who’s a lot older than me. To tell you the truth, my mom calls me that. The truth is I don’t think you’re that old. You look very young.” I said “ chocolate and hazel nut, but you have a secret ingredient.”
“ wow, you really are a sweet heart, really I’m in my 30’s already I have a 5 years old son and a 3 years old daughter. And yes there is a secret ingredient in there, take a guess, but I wouldn’t be surprised if you got it wrong; we only put a very little amount in there.” She said folding her arms round the brown tray in her arms.
I took a careful breath in after smelling it.
“You’ve added ginger in there. But you only put a little in there, because the chocolate added the moist to the cookie already, however the ginger had moisture too so you only put a little, so it does not overwhelm the cookie with the taste of ginger, also then it wouldn’t be very soft.”
“Girl you just won yourself a chocolate and vanilla icing cupcake. You are the second person who guessed it right, nobody ever thought of putting ginger in a cookie except in ginger breads.” She walked over to the counter, opening the glass cabinet pulling out a yellowed icing cupcake. Slowly I walked over to the counter.
“Who was the first person?” I asked.
“The first person was Thomas over there he comes frequently, and he guessed it just by sniffing it too. You two make quite a pair.” I looked over to Thomas questioningly. But he just sat there silently looking out the window sipping his coffee. I slowly sat back down. I sipped my coffee carefully so that I could taste the foam melting in my mouth. By the time we finished our coffee, we got up putting out coats and cardigans back on. Today Thomas was wearing a long black coat that had 5 buttons. It stopped just 10 cm above his thighs. He looked good; again he’d look better without his mask. Time passed quickly when we left; there were already three customers in the line and some sitting down sipping their warm mugs of coffee.
We walked silently down the street that was now filled with cars and buses and taxis. We went to shopping today. I bought a pair of black mittens for him, it suits him, and you know he likes black. And I bought a pair of white mittens for myself. We also went to shop for sweets, hats, scarves, and a lot of stuff. I brought a new floral patterned shoulder bag, a pair of white mittens, a pair of Dark brown leather boots with laces 10cm above my ankle also I bought some cream coloured leg warmers. By the end of the day I didn’t know how much I spent but I knew how happy I was going into town with him. I bought him a pair of black mitten and a lucky charm, a necklace with a swirl and a 4-leaf-clover in the middle. We took the bus back home without anything again just enjoying the view from outside the window. I wonder when it will snow it was already the middle of December. We walked round the back when the wind started whipping. We huddled closer together until we was sure that we could keep warm in a certain distance. I don’t know when we started holding hands, but in the cold when my hand was close to blistering, his hand found mine and held them very tightly. I looked up speechless.
“it’s cold I wouldn’t want your fingers coming off.” We walked another 5 paces when I stopped him in his tracks. Silently I pulled out the black mittens I had bought for him. I grabbed both his hands and held them up putting on one mitten on after another. Now this time it was his time to question me.
“I thought you’d like them, they keep you warm and they’re your favorite colour. Look I bought white ones for myself too.” I said pulling the pair of white mittens out of my bag and putting them on. Then I grabbed hold of his hand again and started walking.
“Black isn’t my favorite colour.” He said quietly.
“Then why do you wear black all the time. There isn’t it warmer like this.”
“A little, but isn’t this much warmer?” he asked wrapping his long scarf round both our necks twice.
“Much” I said, but before we walked over 3 paces white thin pieces of snow drifted down wards form the sky it was the first snow. The snow floated down onto the dark concrete paved footpath. The wind whipped through our hair, lifting lots of strands of my long brown hair into the air. We watched for a few long moment, he then lifted me onto his back and walked slowly down the footpath. It was slowly piling up with snow now but on the snow there was only I foot print. I enjoyed being carried by him, I felt warm and safe. What was this feeling? Why do I love it so much when I’m with him? Why do I feel so happy to be with him, and why do I feel so desperate to see him every minute? Was this love?.....

Chapter Eight: Unmistakable stares

Chapter 8: unmistakable stares
What I didn’t know wouldn’t hurt me was what my mother would say, but I need to know why I felt this way. I wonder if he felt the same way. It was Monday again. The snow was drifting steadily. The outside was piled with thick white snow, shimmering in the sun. I put on a light blue long sleeved t-shirt and then I put on a pair skinny black jean and the boots I bought with Thomas. I also wore my black cotton coat and went out to the drifting snow putting on my white mittens. It was a cold day, but the snow had stopped falling.
Okay the school part is always boring, so I’m going to skip it. And forward.
After school I walked into the circle of bare trees that was now piled with thick layers of snow. The ground was also covered in a thick layer of snow that came up just above my ankle. Thomas. I have to find Thomas; I need to ask him about guys. Usui, he keeps looking at me. Well in class, I don’t get it he, he looked at me I mean he was the one who chose not to speak to me anymore.
“Thomas, Thomas please come out I have problems.”
“what problems?” he said coming out of nowhere.
“there’s this guy..” I started, brushing off the snow on the bench with my blistering bare hands. “he chose not to talk to me anymore, and yet now, he keeps looking at me he looks at me in the canteen, in the classrooms, in the library, in the halls. I just don’t get it.”
I said sitting down and turning to face him. He looked distracted for a moment, and confused.
“hey what’s up, If you have problems of your own and they’re bigger than mine than forget mine.” I stared of into the distance.
“so you don’t want him to stare at you.”
“no I do I want to look at him properly in his face, but every time I try to look into his face, there’s this irritating butterflies in my stomach.” I said placing a hand on my lap. “ I want to take in his features, his warm brown eyes, His Dark black hair, his long curly eyelashes and….. you look an awful lot like him.”
He looked at me through his mask, where I couldn’t read his expressions.
“That’s why I like spending time with you I guess.” He edged closer, and my heart picked up paste like it was going to come out of my lungs, the butterflies in my stomach was flying round again. He edged so closer, so that his face was just inches from mine, I was backed up against the side of the bench.
“so you took me as a replacement for him?” he asked hurt.
“no of course not, you’re you and he’s…just who he is I guess, there’s no way you could be the same person, you two are totally different.” I said brushing him off.
“good, because I don’t like being treated as a replacement.” He said sitting back on his side of the bench.
“I’m sorry I didn’t mean that, but I probably shouldn’t be talking to you about guys, and describing another guy in that way to you. but other than you I have no one else to talk to.”
“fine carry on”
“well….” We sat in the cold talking for the whole day, though the sun was up it could not break through the cold.
“don’t worry I’m sure when he’s checked up on you long enough, he might take his chance and come up to you like an actual guy and just talk to you.” he said getting up.
“yeah I guess. But he’s not an actual guy. He can’t even look at me properly in the eye. When I catch his eyes, he looks away.” I said. He paused a second before speaking again.
“maybe, he’s just embarrassed” he said quickly. “I’ve gotta go you should go home to. It’s winter, it’s getting dark earlier now.” Walking into the trees.
Sighing I walked back home.

Chapter Nine: Surprise on my doorstep and a mysterious party

Chapter 9: surprise on my doorstep and a mysterious party
The next morning I woke up if felt like I’ve been hit by a train and squashed by a truck. Again I still had to go to school, my brother was going to a three day sleepover tonight after school, and my parents have a all nighter meeting at their work place. The whole place is empty but me, yay, not. Great everybody has something to do except for me. I put on some clothes and walked down the stairs when I walked into my mother.
“hey kiddo what’s the rush? Expecting for something at the door?” she asked walking with me down the wooden stairs.
“no” I said walking down after her. “why?”
“I found this at the door with a light pink card slipped between the big blue bow and the box, it said ‘to Tess’” she said picking up a big white cardboard box, with a light blue ribbon tied into a big bow in the front. She handed it to me without a word and walked into the kitchen.
“er…. Thanks.” I walked over towards the living room, checking that it was empty first. I laid the box onto the floor. I sat down in front of it and crossed my legs. Who could it be from? Such a big box.
I opened the box, and pushed away the light blue tissue papers, there lay folded was a light green dress that had a silk straps and a sequined bodice and a long silk dress and a bottom dress, on top lay a white mask, that had emerald jewels on the edge of the mask and light green feathers on the side. It was a truly magnificent dress. I took the dress and mask out laying it on my lap, underneath the dress laying there was a note, the writing never changing showing who it was from.
I couldn’t write much on the card in front because I know that your mother was going to pick this up. The dress is for you, I think it will look beautiful on you and would you care to join me in a masquerade party tonight? I will meet you outside you house at 9:00. It’s cold but you won’t be outside for long. You will get to know a new secret about me.
Your mystery guy
Great. Again with the whole day at school….
First period…
Second period…
Break. Stuck in the library….
Third period…
Fourth period….
By lunch I was longing to go home. I didn’t even notice Toby coming up to me.
“hey, are you okay.” He said sitting down beside me on the cold wooden bench.
“yeah, just thinking about something. What’s the matter?” I asked turning to face him, his light blue eyes were full of sweetness. His dirty blonde hair damp from the snow.
“well there is a Japanese party tonight we was wondering if you wanted to come with us, you know as a group and our first party since you came here, the last two years we went together as a group too.” He said ruffling the snow from his blonde hair.
“em… I can’t come I have to look after my little brother, you know my parents are always out for meetings.”
“yeah okay I’ll tell the others, you’re missing all the fun.” He said standing up from the bench and walking away towards the canteen.

Running through the doors into the empty house I looked around where I should start. So I ran up the stairs and ran into my room and into the shower. I washed my hair with my lemon and lime soap then I blow dried it carefully and then I tied my hair into a twisted bun tightly and left it for the rest of the night till 8:15 4 hours should do the job. Carefully laid my dress onto my bed and took out my make-up box that I hadn’t used since my auntie gave it to me. I opened it without hesitation and applied Different colours of brown eye shadow to my eyes carefully patting the colours together so it mixed and then I applied liquid black eyeliner above my eyelashes then I applied pencil eye-liner to the bottom of my eyes, perfect, and for my lips all I put was Vaseline. I put eyeliner on to make my eyes look big and more obvious. Then carefully I applied the littlest amount of mascara. Finish with the make- up and now the dress…. Ding dong. He’s here already? I ran down the stairs to open the door.
“Your Early.” I said opening the door wider. He was wearing a black tux and he had his mask too. Wow he looks good in a tux.
“yeah and you still aren’t ready?”he asked stepping into the house onto the doormat “ I thought you’d be ready by now and sit in the living room waiting for your prince charming.”
“course not, plus you’re early.” I said closing the door behind us wait a sec. “come on up I need help.” Slowly we walked to my room. “just wait out here for now.” I closed the door in him and slipped on the dress. I only managed to do the zip half-Way up my back. Great I knew it. I opened the door.
“your help is needed prince charming.” I said turning my back to him “help me please, I can’t do up the back”
“sure thing.” He said and zipped it up. “you’re beautiful.” He said as I turned around. Carefully I slipped on the shining high heeled brown ankle-boots from a long time ago. Perfect.
“let’s go” he said and lead me down the stairs.
“are you just being a gentlemen tonight because you’re wearing tux?” I said as I went through the car door Thomas was holding open for me.
“no, l’ve always been a gentlemen you just hadn’t noticed.” He said getting into the driver’s seat.
“you have a car?” I asked “ where do you park it ?”
“ I own this car and I park it at a garage my friend’s other friend opens.” He said
He started the car and went. After we drove for about 10 minutes, I started talking to him.
“so what party Is it?” I asked
“it’s a Japanese winter solstice it starts from the 19th of December till the 5th of January.”
He stopped on the opposite of a grand park called Sakura Garden.
“What does Sakura mean?” I asked as we got out the car.
“Sakura means Cherry blossoms, we only get them In Japan when it’s spring.”
“so I’m guessing it’s called Sakura garden because the cherry blossom trees grow here?”
“yes which is why we also celebrate our spring solstice because the cherry blossoms welcome the spring, it grows here and when it does it tells us that spring is coming, and then by the time it’s middle spring the trees die and then they grow again next year.”
Slowly he crossed the road with me placing my hand in his. We walked into the park where there was a large tent, inside was not paved with grass, it had been paved with a smooth white marble. There was a big white tent set up with 2 tables put into an L-shape to fit under the tent. On top was food and pastries of all kinds, there was fruit punches and juice plates were ladled with snacks. It was truly magnificent. There was swift music playing and everybody joined the dance floor. They gently swayed to the music and danced peacefully with their partners. There was older Japanese couples around 55-60 they were wearing kimonos, well the woman was. The woman looked happy and comfortable wearing it. It had a white back ground with branches that looked similar to the branches on the cherry blossom trees surrounding us. The branches wounded their way round and up her leg, and they too had blossoms on them. I eyed her curiously. Then Thomas eyed me and then looked to the direction of the woman.
“oh” was all he said
“oh…what?” I asked him turning my attention back at him.
“ you are interested about the kimonos , I would like to see you in one of them.” He said carelessly.
“really? I can’t even imagine myself wearing one of them. And the wooden heel sandals? No way.” I said.
He gave a low chuckle in return and pulled me to the middle of the dance floor breaking us into a slow waltz, it was as if we could have been walking the steps at this pace.
“you know I have never danced before. I left before my prom to come here. But I don’t need to experience or try dancing to know I’m very bad at it.” I said looking up to meet his eyes.
“shh, close your eyes and let me guide you. and I’ll try to make sure you don’t trip over my foot.” He said
“try?” I asked letting my eyelids cover my eyes and making the light and surrounding I could see disappear, plunging me into eternal darkness. Slowly I leaned into him placing my forehead against his shoulder. He put his hand at the middle of my back and placed the other hand around mine. Uncertainly I followed my instinct and moved to the music. To my luck I didn’t trip and when it finally ended I opened my eyes. The light was too much for my eyes I stumbled backwards, but warm strong hands caught me. it was Thomas as I always knew he’d be there.
“hey I’m gonna go get us some drink, ok?” he asked
“sure anything for me.” I said walking away from the middle of the dance floor as the music had ended. Just then I decided to take of my mask, a surprise was in for me.
Cat and Sam, George and his partner and Toby emerged and spotted me in an instant. Yikes! I tried to duck into the toilet, but it made me stand out pretty much.
“Hey what are you doing here?” Cat asked
“yeah what are you doing here, I thought you said that you had to look after your little brother.” Toby asked. I smiled painfully- not that I’m in pain or I hurt anywhere but- you get it. Come on you can lie, it’s just one teensy weensy lie. Okay.
“yeah, well my parents thought that it’s our first time in Japan and our first Japanese festival since we moved in so, we came together.” I said as normal as I could manage. “do you have a partner with you?”
“No I couldn’t find anybody, plus, I’m going with the gang so it didn’t matter to find a partner.” He said looking down at the floor.
“excuse me I’m gonna go join my parents.”I said walking towards the drink table across the tent. Thank god it’s on the other side of the room. Where is he? Quickly I spotted him leaning against the far wall drinking water.
“finally I found you.” I said leaning against the wall as well.
“What did you say to your friends?” he asked sipping his water.
“er, let me think. I told them I chose to go to the party with somebody I have only met for what a week over going with them, and worse lying to them?” I asked “ can we go I can’t carry on dancing with you in this party when somebody I had lied to is in this very same room. It makes me uneasy.” Keeping my head down I looked at my friends across the room.
“ we can go I know just the place.” He said pulling me through the whirling crowd that was now dancing to some jazz music in the dimmed lights, thank god they did that.
We d rove back to my house and guess what this was no surprise really it isn’t. We went to his so called home again.
“Aren’t you bored being by yourself all the time? Do you go to school at all?” I asked as I had to walk through the woods in my converses. We stopped by my house so I could change into more comfortable clothes you know so I can be more comfortable.
“no, because most of the time I’m spying you. When I’m bored I draw” he replied looking at me form the corner of his eyes. We walked silently for the rest of the way. What the guy was spying on me?
“How exactly do you spy on me? What do you see when your spying on me?” I asked, picking the words carefully.
“ Well I use my Binoculars. And well I see a lot of things, could you be more specific?” he asked a smile tugging at the corners of his lips.
“Do you see me… I don’t know do you see me when I sleep? …….. okay this is gonna sound awkward but do you spy on me when I change?” I asked refusing to look at him.
He stopped in his tracks and turned towards me. “ why, do you want me to I don’t mind.” He said smiling cheekily now and started walking again. I froze for a bit.
“no, I don’t want you to, and I’m sure of hell you wouldn’t mind.” I said laughing.

Chapter Ten:Keys to secrets

Chapter 10: Keys to secret
“Okay I’ve known you for how long, a week? You haven’t told me any secrets.” I said biting my straw form my iced coffee cup.
“well, would you like me to clarify to you what secrets you know about me? Okay you’re right none. Figure me out.”
“Are you telling me to check you out?” I asked him straw still in my mouth.
“Nope, think about the things I talked to you about or showed you.”
I closed my eyes and thought the tree house. I opened my eyes, finding myself staring into dark welcoming brown eyes. Shit.
“Why are you staring at my face. Is something wrong?” I asked.
“no, I’m just observing your face when your eyes are closed.”
“don’t you observe it enough when you spy on me when I’m sleeping? Hey I know what secret you showed me now” I said
“what?” he asked. I waved around him .”oh yeah the tree house I showed you that didn’t i.”
“Yes sure did.” He waved a key at me. The Key was silver it had swirls on it and little leaves at the top it was tied with a white ribbon into a bow.. “why are you waving a damn key at me? Are you giving me your house key?”
“Hell no, but there’s a spare one under the loose floorboard on one of the step ladders, I think it’s the 4th one.”
“was the key thing a secret of yours?” I asked
“well sorta yes” he took another key out and handed them to me. “here, every time you realise or figure out my secrets one by one I will give you a key, right now you have figured out two secrets. so here is two keys.”
“okay cool these are pretty, I’ve never seen these keys around before.” I said looking at them carefully.
“of course I design them myself then I take the designs to key shops and they make them for me.” He said casually.
“they are pretty.” I said lying down on his bed. “let’s do something together this weekend.”

Chapter Eleven: Kisses, Break-ups and Mint choc-chip

Chapter 11: Kisses, Break-ups and mint-choc chip
“ Wait Usui, what you’re saying is I was talking to Cat, I walked into a locker door, slipped on a puddle in Front of me and passed out on my first day back at school?”
“Yep pretty much.” He said looking into my face.
I winced, there was a bad lump on the left corner of my forehead. Before I knew it Usui pulled me into a heart-warming kiss, and wrapped his arms round me. My lips were blistering when he pulled away but I couldn’t feel anything. I mean I always imagined how it would be to kiss him, but after this it didn’t feel very special at all. No fireworks, no heat, no nothing. I stared at him with wild eyes. I then felt like I was being spied on a cold stare was directed at me from someone on my right and very cold indeed. It was Renee. She looked like she was ready to pounce onto me like Alice Did to James when she ripped his head off in Twilight. Holy crap.
My cheeks warming I Turned to the Nurse. “I’m fine Now, I can go to class.”
The nurse quickly scribbled a note for me and I snatched it and ran out of the office, right pass Renee, who was staring daggers at me.
Somehow I managed to struggle through the first 4 periods before lunch. That also included me hiding in the library at break to avoid Renee. But there was no running now. Renee had the 4th period with me and I was dying to get out of that class as fast as possible, but she got me.
“Hey, bitch, are you going round stealing other peoples boyfriends as well. Hey Naomi better keep an eye on your boyfriend or she might snatch him right out of your hands. I’ll get you , you better be careful.” She rounded the corner as I stood there stunned. I hadn’t snatched her boyfriend we weren’t even together, and for her information, he kissed me. I didn’t have any intensions on stealing when he was your guy. I’d never swooped so low for a guy before and I never will. If she thinks I’m gonna bend under her threats she’s got another thing coming.
By registration I was all cut out to get whatever consequences she wanted me to get. But I didn’t get any. Instead, she came up to me and said , “ you can have him, yeah he was popular and cool and good-looking, but I’ve got a new guy now and he’s way better. He’s captain of the football team. Keep your hands of this one or I swear I will get you back for whatever you’re gonna do. As they say if the old ones don’t go how will the new ones get a chance? You can have Usui he wasn’t that good anyways.” Apparently her and the football captain had hooked up in the broom cupboard things got hot in there and bam they’re together, plus now everybody knows that Usui had dumped how times change.
I got home feeling quite relaxed. I didn’t see Thomas for quite a few days. I’m guessing he’s up to his usual, spying and drawing. That night I wondered when I could talk to Thomas again. I haven’t seen him for a long time and the weather in Japan hadn’t gotten any better I mean it’s still freezing cold outside. I wonder if he was warm enough in his little tree house. Oh well. I drifted off and started dreaming about America again. There were glowing lights that filled the darkening skies with a bright glow and how the streets filled with chatters of people along the streets. How their breath came out white and was disappearing into thin air, how their breath seemed to mixed with the steams coming from their hot cups of coffee or tea that they were sipping in the cold evening chatting and showing their friends around. Big buildings as tall as skyscrapers were towering over their heads. I missed America so much still.
Saturday. That morning I woke up with I loud clap against my window. It stirred me out of my sleep, I tried to ignore it but it repeated, lazily I walked up to the window quick enough to see a dark shadow disappearing into the trees. There was an envelope on the window sill outside that was covered with slight frost. Unwillingly I opened the window and gingerly stuck a hand out to grabbed the envelope and shut the window without another glance. I opened the envelope that was written with the same familiar handwriting I knew.
I know you wanted to spend the weekend together meet me outside at eight like last time. I promise this time you’ll find out another secret about me. Dress warm it’s cold, just to let you know, I’m wearing the mittens you gave me, they keep my hands warm.
Great and he couldn’t have told me earlier. I only have half an hour. So that’s why he was hitting my window he was trying to wake me up. Great. I showered and brushed my teeth as quick as I could, pulled on a pair of black skinnies, red t-shirt, pulled a Grey fleece jumper on top and put on my Cream coloured wool coat on top. Wrapped my white scarf round my neck twice. I put my white mittens inside my brown shoulder bag, with the rest of my stuff. Went down the stairs silently put a note out for mum pulled on my white converses and slipped out into the cool morning air. I checked my watch I as I went and was met by Thomas standing there Wearing a black fleece coat, a clearly visible black jumper underneath and a predictable pair of black jeans and black converses. Black, black, black. Always the predictable black and of course as he said he was wearing the black mittens I got him. He was right on time unlike most guys who were either early or late never, and I say never, because it is never. They are never on time. Never right on the dot. But he was right on eight ‘o’clock not one minute earlier or one minute later of eight. Typical guy.
“hey” he said as I looked at him I could feel the warmness of his breath kissing the tips of my cheeks. Shit I’m going bonkers, why would I ever describe him like that I didn’t use to describe that about any of my friends in America. All we use to say was don’t breath in my face.
“hey” walking beside him as he walked forward.
“do you want to stop by the coffee house first for some coffee?” he asked as he took off his mittens . he caught me looking. “sweaty hands”
“sure if you want to. Why so early today?” I asked stifling a yawn
“I want to show you something but with that yawn you’re trying to stifle I think you need your morning coffee first, and maybe some breakfast for us both.” He said with a gentle smile. Slowly knowing that there was snow crunching under my feet, I walked over to him. We started walking and I was sure that our hands were brushing each other, but he made no move to show he figured so I stayed silent, but for the rest of the journey we stayed quiet. I couldn’t take it anymore. I turned around to face him and pulled his hand into mine. Electric went through my to my heart and did another cycle.
“what’s the matter you’re awfully quiet this morning. Is something wrong?” I asked I could see sorrow and pain through his eyes but why?
“Nothing’s wrong.” He said and that was all. But he held my hand the rest of the way. We picked up our warm cups of coffee and warm bacon sandwiches. We sat down on a nearby bench and ate in silence. Then we went to a flower shop and he bought some Flowers. Why? All morning I have been asking why. But he didn’t answer one of those questions. The silence went on and he lead me into a cemetery. Why? He walked up to a grave and placed the flower on top.
“ My dad passed away 2 years ago after I moved back to Japan with my mom . he had a heart attack one day and passed away.” He said into the cool air. The cold wind grabbed at me whipping my hair into my face .
“was he the one who taught you how to play the song?” I asked gently.
“yes, today’s the day he passed away two years ago. He taught me that before he died, he told me he sang it to my mom when they first met.” He said I walked against the wind towards him and put my arms round his waist and hugged him hoping he’d feel better.
“it’s fine , I’m sorry I’ve been so silent all morning I’ve been thinking about my dad. I’m so sorry” he said pulling me closer and wrapping his arms round my shoulder. I leaned my head against his heart.
After a while we walked out the cemetery and through a park.
“Let’s walk around for a bit” he said. So we did nothing improved until it was later in the day and we were going into the shopping mall. I went in after him, and his mood seemed to pick up when he saw kids smiling and laughing about. His eyes lightened and a smile came on his face. It was really awkward when we broke from that hug I mean I’ve only met him for three weeks now and I’m hugging then guy already? We walked around in a few shops and decided we should spilt up and meet at the entrance of the mall at 3. So we split up. I went round into all kinds of shops. Until I came to one. It showed gemstones and meanings and all kinds of astronomy and gemstones things so I went in. I looked around and found a wrist band it was brown and it looked like it was plaited, along the plait there would be different colours like red and orange. It said it was a lucky charm and a charm to keep people happy so it was a lucky and happy charm great. So I bought it. After I bought it and walked out the door I realised it was nearly three so I went down to the mall entrance. He was there already and he was carrying an awfully big bag. He had his back turned to me so crept up behind him.
He turned round and said “boo!”
Surprised I jumped a bit.
“weren’t I suppose to be the one saying boo, I’m the one who sneaked up on you.” I said shaking my head and walking out the door.
“well sorry but I couldn’t resist seeing how you’d jump.”
“how did you see me anyways?”
“I saw your reflection on the glass door.” He said laughing. His mood had picked up. “did you buy anything?” I grabbed tightly onto my brown bag which I put the charm in.
“nope, you?” I asked sounding innocent.
“you’ll see”
“Okay, well I have to go home now. Mom moved the family night to today because tomorrow they are going to dinner and party tomorrow night.” I said walking back the way we went.
“Okay well tomorrow let’s do something fun.” he said
. . .

Sunday. I was dressing up when mom came in.
“hey, kiddo are you going somewhere? You seem to wake up very early on weekends now.” She said sleepily. “your brothers gone to his one day and one night sleep over this morning.”
“Mom it’s early it’s only 10, you should go back to sleep.” I said pulling on my red coat.
“can I make you some breakfast? Honey I don’t mean to pry but are you going out with Thomas?” she asked eyeing me.
I sat down on my bed and pulled on my red converses. “ yes I am going out with Thomas, mom” now she stared at me, boring her eyes into mine. “Not going out going out, just hanging out and showing me around town. No breakfast for me”
“okay” she said uncertainly “but if you do go out with him you have to tell me, he’s not bad you know. I’m can’t go back to sleep I have to finish of some work for today.”
“okay, love you mom.” I kissed her on the cheeks and raced down the stairs.
Thomas was standing there.
“how come you’re always there when I get out the door?”
“because it’s a courtesy for guys to wait for girls, instead of making the girl wait.” He said “ let’s go it’s opened already.”
“what’s opened already?” without any further word he pulled me into a quick run. We ran for about 15 minutes. I pulled him to a halt trying to get some air. “ where are we going?”
“we are going to the funfair.” He said walking into the park. “shall we go on the swings?”
“cool, race you there.” I ran as fast as I could to the ticket booth, bought a ticket and sat on one on the swings near the side. He came on right after me. We were on it for about 3 minutes. I enjoyed having the windblown across my face and past me again. Next we went on the merry do round.
“May, I help you, after all lady’s would of course need help to get onto a horse.” He said lending me a hand
“I don’t need help to get on a horse, but I appreciate your offer of help” so I took his hand and got on the horse. “thanks” I said laughing.
He got onto a black horse right next to mine. This was fun. Then we spent the rest of the morning on bumper cars and a lot of other rides. Next we went to a ducky booth.
“ should I try to get you a prize on this?” he asked. He gave the guy some money, he got three tries to hook a duck that had a star on it, most of them had numbers on them. On his first try he got one and he got me a panda teddy. It was so cute it looked like a baby panda with cartoon eyes.
Next we went onto a Basketball booth, we had five balls and you had to get three in to get a prize. He went up to try, but I stopped him.
“I’ll do this one, what toy do you want if I get them in?” he pointed up to Cute tortoise toy that was about the size of a computer monitor. It had cream coloured skin and a blue shell. So I payed the guy and throw the first two in I had three balls left. For the 3rd ball it didn’t go in but the 4th one did. Yes!
I threw the toy at him.
“you can have it you did win it.” So I took it. He played a tin can one when he had to knock all the tins down and you might have guessed he did hit all of them, he won me a blue mushroom from the Mario games. it’s was one by now. Thomas said he was going to buy something and he came back with candy floss.
“do you want some?” he asked
“Can’t exactly get it can I” showing him the three big toys in my arms. He took a chunk of the candy floss.
“open wide” he said holding out the candy towards me.
“I’m not gonna let you feed me” I said laughing and backing away.
“ okay you don’t want to eat it, I’ll just eat all this lovely pink candy floss all by myself.” He said opening his mouth ready to drop it in.
“no!” quickly I opened my mouth and he dropped It in, laughing. Embarrassed, I turned my head away.
“Hey, you okay? Do you want more?” he asked smiling gently while his warm brown eyes melted me to my core.
“No I’m fine, what do we do now?” I asked regaining my voice to speak.
“We are going ice-skating, can you remember the last time you ice-skated?” he asked.
“No actually I can’t.” We walked into a big mall, but it was a different mall than last time it was bigger and taller, and the whole building was big with glass windows, was all you would see if you looked up. We walked to the middle of the mall. There was a big ice-skating rink there, it had around 25 people I think. Thomas walked behind me and pushed me forward to a counter.
“hey, my treat you payed for quite a lot today.” Quickly I pulled out my cream purse and asked for two tickets. I payed the guy and gave the other ticket to Thomas, who was handling my toys. I took all of the toys and handed him the tickets. He showed the to the guy standing next to a glass door. We went through and walked to a locker and put all my toys in and my bag. He locked it and pulled the key out pocketing it. We went over to the table where we asked for skate shoes.
“Five please.” I asked. The guy passed me a pair of white shoes and turned to Thomas.
“Eight” he replied, and the guy passed him a pair of Dark blue shoes to Thomas. We went to sit down on one of the green benches. I pulled off my converses and loosened the black laces and pulled it on.
“You have small feet.” He replied eyeing the other shoe.
“excuse me, my feet aren’t small, I had a friend in America who was one year older than me and had size 4 feet.” I said snapping a little. He put both hands up in surrender.
After a while he said “I like girls with small feet.” Really? Was I blushing, damn keep your head down the heat will past. He already had both his skates on when I was finishing tying my second shoe’s shoelace. He helped me up and we walked to the edge of the ice rink, he walked in. uncertainly I reached for his outstretched arms. I couldn’t see to remember how to skate, but he helped me, soon we were playing catch with each other. When we were both tired out and bored we went to take off our shoes and took our stuff out the lockers and walked around the mall for a bit. He then took me to a café named maid latte, it was cute and all the waitresses were girls and they wore really cute maid dresses. We sat down in a corner.
“what do you want to drink?” he asked standing
“Um… surprise me” he walked over to a counter and ordered something. Why do I blush at what he says, why do I hang out with him for like forever? I looked back towards Thomas who was now holding a shaker and a card over a big cup. A moment later he came back with a cup of coffee, that had chocolate dust over it and it formed a picture of a tortoise, panda and mushroom.
“wow, are you really trying to tell me that the girl read your mind and made this?” I asked taking in the detail of it.
“nope I did it”
“I saw, but how?”
“it’s easy they let the chef, do anything they want.” He said sitting down.
“The chef, don’t tell me it’s you” I said staring at him.
“yep, I come here to make desserts and other food, and occasionally the let me design my own card.”
“your own card?”
“the card you draw what you want on it then you cut out the shape and sprinkle the chocolate dust over the card to form the picture on top of the coffee.” He explained.
“Okay well you would have to teach me, would you teach me if I wanted to learn it?”
“of course I would, it would be my honour.” He said
“I can’t drink all of this by myself unless you want me to go to the toilet every ten minutes.” I said smiling.
“ Okay Let’s share it.” He said and walked towards the counter bringing back two straws.
“why not” we started drinking and talking and by the time we finished the coffee, we both had very stiff backs. We both stood up. It had started snowing again outside.
“we better be quick before the snow get’s thicker.”I said
“Why would we have to be quick, do you have somewhere to go?” he asked surprised.
“ yes, I have to get home, because mom and dad are going to a dinner party with their friends from work, and they might go for a few drinks they said they won’t be back till 12. My brother went to sleepover at his friends today so it’s just me. Unfortunately, it’s also my turn on cleaning duty, I have to wash both the toilets the bathroom and shower room. Vacuum the whole house and wipe the kitchen and dining room table surface.”
“Wow, okay let’s go so you can get an early start on you cleaning.” He said putting on his coat. We walked back home and he dropped me off by the front door and did what he always did, disappear into the trees.
I put on some leggings and a big old t-shirt pulled on some ankle socks and tied my hair up, and put some gloves on ready to clean.
I scrubbed the both the toilet and bleached it. It had been about 2 hours since I last saw him at 4. The bell to the front door rang. Who could it be? Mom? No way she’s probably having dinner right now. Slowly I walked towards the front door, I opened it and Thomas was standing there.
“what are you doing here?” I asked surprised but all he did was stare at me. “ what are you staring at?”
“sorry, I’ve never seen you dress so, casual, care-free, normal” he explained still staring
“so I’m not dressed normal, normally?” I asked
“no, you know that’s not what I meant. I’ve come to offer my help” he said
“offer accepted, thanks. Come on in.” he walked in and took off his shoes. “you can put you thins in the kitchen or the living room.” He walked in the direction I had pointed and came back out of the kitchen a few minutes later with his sleeves pulled up.
“so what should I start on?” he asked
“ you can vacuum the dining room and living room, thanks”
I ran up the stairs and quickly cleaned the Bathroom, then I got a bucket filled with hot water and soap, and took it into the shower room and started scrubbing. By the time I was down I was sweating a little and I was sure my cheeks were red. Thomas was standing by the door when I turned around.
“ I finished anything else to do?” I picked up the bucket and walked towards the bathroom. Emptying the water into the bathtub. I put the bucket down and started walking out the door. However I slipped on some water by the door because of the bucket. Damn I’m gonna I hell of a sore but to put up with. But then a warm hand came round my waist and the other holding my hand. I wasn’t on my arse, I hadn’t fallen but I was in a dip. Thomas had caught me. I stared at him for a moment, but he pulled me back up into standing positions.
“Are you blushing? Your cheeks are a bit red.” he said with a smirk
“of course not. I’m just hot.”
“really, I don’t think so” he said looking at me up and down. I playfully punched his arm. he smiled gently. “have you had dinner yet?”
“well sorta, I ate two slices of bread with a cup of milk. I couldn’t be bothered to make any proper food, because it’s just me today.” I said jumping down the stairs two at a time.
“okay sit in the living room and wait for me.” he said and ran into the kitchen. I walked into the living room and lay down on the sofa. After five minutes. He came back I smelt him before I saw him. He had brought pasta for me.
“wow, this smells really good. Where did you get it?” I said taking the smell in.
“get it? I made it try it” he said digging into his plate of pasta. I tasted one it was delicious and full of flavour.
“this is really good.” But I spooned half of my pasta onto his plate. “ you can eat up, I’m sure you didn’t eat anything after you went back to your so-called home. Plus I told you I ate something already.” I said eating the rest of mine up. I got up to put my plate into the kitchen sink. I poured myself a glass of water and walked back into the living room. I picked up the remote and flicked through the channels there was nothing to watch. I went to the horror channels; there were usually some movies at nine on these channels.
“Hey do you want anything to drink?” I asked sipping my water and tucking my legs under me.
“Water would be fine, I’ll get it by myself” he said getting up. I shot up form my seat and pushed him back into his seat.
“I’ll get it” I said picking up his empty plate. “ you’ve helped me a lot today” I walked into the kitchen and placed the plate on top of mine in the sink. And opened the top cabinet, took a glass cup out and filled it with luke- warm water.
“Here your water.” I said handing it to him
“Thanks” he said drinking from it. We watched the scary movie for a bit before he waved two key’s in front of me. “Do you remember the two secrets about me, from yesterday?”
“Yes, your dad had passed away and that he taught you the song.” I replied lightly. He placed the two keys into my palm; they were Identical to the ones he first gave me.
. . .
We had watched the movie for an hour now there wasn’t anything that scary yet, gruesome but nothing scary. Thomas ran out the living room door, for like ten minutes now. He came back with one big bowl filled with Mint choc-chip ice-cream and two spoons.
“ that’s nice of you to bring ice-cream, because it’s certainly not from my fridge, we don’t have any ice-cream.” We sat and ate the bowl together, the movie was getting more gruesome by the minute and more scary when we had finished the ice-cream I had turned into a snow man or should I say woman. I was shivering madly.
“hey you okay?” he asked putting a hand on my hand. “shit you’re freezing, why didn’t you tell me you were cold? Was it because of the ice-cream?” he went to check the windows and one them was frozen and he shut it with a slam.
“Do you know where my room is?” I asked as my teeth kept chattering?
“no why?” before he could say another word, I got up from the sofa and stumbled a bit. He came and put a hand on my waist. I walked up the second flight of stairs and pointed to the ceiling, he pulled the short end of a rope and a step ladder came down.
“My rooms up there, under my duvet I have a thick dark blue blanket, pull it out.” Quickly he climbed the rope ladder and emerged with my blanket. He wrapped the blanket round me and picked me up and ran down the stairs, gently sitting me down on the sofa. He sat down on my right, and pulled the blanket round us both and put his arms round me.
“Shit you’re still freezing, it’s like hugging a ice sculpture.” He started rubbing my arms. But I was still freezing, but I was slowly warming up. We watched the rest of the movie in silent. But when it was the end, and the guy was going to suck all the girls blood out, and rip her head off then rip her bones out of her body one by one. I turned my head away and buried my face into Thomas warm, strong chest. I could feel the thud of his heart on my cheeks. I waited for 20 seconds before I sat up.
“has the part passed?” Thomas didn’t answer and I sat up to look. I saw that horrible scene and I couldn’t seem to take my eyes off the screen. When it ended I replayed the images through my head.
“I’m going home now, thanks, night.” I walked him to the door and he walked to the edge of the trees, he paused a second, but he went anyway.
That night I couldn’t sleep. The images tore at my consciousness and I dreamt about it. The girl was me and I saw it through somebody else’ eyes. I was being torn limb by limb and blood spurted everywhere and my family was there Thomas was there, Toby, Usui and cat. But they couldn’t do anything at all about it. I screamed and screamed but they couldn’t hear me. I screamed for real this time and woke up from this nightmare. I ran to my parent’s room, but they weren’t back yet. I pulled my blanket round me and ran through the forest to Thomas house. I knocked loudly. I sank down onto the steps when nobody opened the door.
“Thomas, Thomas, Thomas. Come on I need you!” I whispered tears rolling down my scratched cheeks. That was caused because of the branches whipping in the wind. There was a creak behind me. I turned around. Thomas crouched down right next to me and looked at me; he cupped my tear-stained face into his hands.
“what’s the matter Tess?”
“I had a night mare from that stupid, stupid, stupid horror movie.” Scrunching up the corner of my blanket. “Nobody’s home yet.”
“come inside” he pulled me into his house. I stood there trying to wipe the tears with my hand, he sat me down on his bed and pulled up a chair opposite me.
“I’m sorry I freaked myself, watching the end part of the movie.” I said gulping back a sob. “ nobody was home and I didn’t want to be by myself.” I pulled the blanket tighter round me.
“oh, okay, do you want to talk or just sit there in silence?” he asked leaning back into his chair.
“I’m sorry, did I wake you from your sleep?” I asked
“nope, not really…. Well sorta. I couldn’t sleep after that movie too, but I was starting to drift off, when you suddenly came banging on my door.”
I sat in silence keeping my eyes on the floor. He sat down on top of the bed and pulled a pillow back against the head board of the bed. He pointed his thumb in that direction and I crawled over to it lying against it I pulled my blanket over me and then I ducked under his cover. He pulled his guitar out from inside the case, and sat down beside me, ducking under the covers as well. He started strumming a few notes. He started singing, I started drifting to sleep. At one moment I was conscious of the music stopping, and somebody pulling up the covers so that it came up over my shoulders. I was conscious of somebody warm sliding into the covers next to me. The heat was warm and comforting; their warmth was spreading around my keeping me warm.
I woke up really early the next morning, it was probably just light. Somebody stirred on my right. Thomas. Quietly I swung my legs over the side of the bed and walked over to his table. I grabbed a pen and post-it note.
Thanks for helping me sleep and staying with me. Now I know to not watch any movie on the horror channel after nine. Thanks again for the dinner and dessert. May-be next time we hang out we can do something different, something other than watching TV. Hoped you had a nice sleep.
See you soon,
Leaving that note I went outside and ran as fast as I could back to the house. Silently I slipped through the back door using the spare key. I turned around and crept up the stairs.
“Er… where do think you are going young lady?” I turned around slowly. My mom stood there in her green silk dressing gown.
“ to my room, see I went out for a morning jog.” I explained
“You never use to jog.”
“Well, I started picking it up to lose weight, starting today.”
“Oh, come on, I’m your mother I know everything about you, I know you’re not a morning person and I know you’re lying. So tell me the truth and I’ll think about punishing you. Plus I know you weren’t in bed last night. you probably came back from where you went.” She said crossing her arms.
“okay, long story short. Last night Thomas came to help me clean. He brought dinner and dessert. We ate and watched a scary movie. He went I went to bed. Nightmare from the movie. Ran to find my parents, guess what they weren’t there. Ran to find Thomas, not wanting to be alone at night in a big empty house. Sang played guitar, fell asleep woke up came back” I explained
“ got it, just make sure you two were both acting sensibly.” Her expression changed as quick as it came. “ so was you okay last night? did you have fun? What happened?” she asked
“Mom what are you saying, nothing happened.” I said laughing. Quickly I ran upstairs to get away from her interrogation. It was 6:30. I ran the water in the shower and went in letting the warm water soak my skin. I pulled on some jeggins and a yellow jumper. I went to the get my brown bag, taking out the charm. I put the charm and the keys he gave me onto the desk and gazed at them in wonder. Why? That was the first question that came to my mind. Grabbing both of them I opened my draw opening a black box with a silver ribbon, I put them in with the first charm I brought him. Nothing can happen between us, we’re friends very good friends. If something happened between the two of us we would break our friendship. If one of us gets tired and we dump each other the friendship will be ruined, it will and can never be the same again. I can’t let anything happen between us. Without thinking anymore about it I went downstairs.
I packed my bag and gulped down some cereal, pulled on my Uggs and went outside.

Chapter Twelve:Question to the heart + Unusual Disappearances = Coincidence?

Chapter Twelve :Question to the heart+ unusual disappeareances= Coincidence?
“hey, how are you I heard the incident with Usui, did you kiss him, or did he kiss you?” Toby asked when I opened the door and stepped into the school.
“Second” I replied without looking as I loaded my books into my locker.
“Really, wonder why he did that? Do you know?” he as Cat, George and Sam joined us.
“Hey, Tobe are you asking the thing that happened with Usui and her last week. I want to know too.” asked George.
“ I want to know. How was the kiss, is he a good kisser? Did you know he was gonna kiss you?” Toby chirped in.
“ I didn’t feel anything when he kissed me and about the good kisser thing, no comment. I didn’t know he was gonna kiss me and I don’t know why he did.” I replied trying not to be annoyed.
“ I think you guys should stop pestering Tess, because I think she’s about to find out.” Sam put in and pointed to Usui who was walking through the crowd towards us.
“can, I talk to you in private please?” Usui said as he came up to me.
“sure” I said shooing Them out of the way. They moved and did their own stuff but keeping their ears faced our way. I pulled Usui away to the stairs.
“so, what do you want to talk about?” I asked him.
“I want to talk about the kiss, I’m sorry I lost control over my feelings.” He said looking around.
“What feelings?” I asked
“Feelings about you, feelings towards you, how I feel about you. The point is I really like you. When I kissed you, it gave me a chance to break up with Renee.” He said taking my hand. “Tess, do you want to be my girlfriend?”
Being with him was the only thing I wanted since I started here. “I’m sorry but I can’t accept that offer.” I was surprised at myself, this was all I ever wanted, but how come now I pushing it all away? I guess I waited too long and the feeling towards him was long gone. I pulled my hand away from his grasp.
“okay, no worries, forget it.” He dropped his hands onto his side and walked away in silence. Cat, George, Toby and Sam walked towards me.
“Hey what happened just now? Why was he holding your hand?” Sam asked.
“Hey since when did you want to know what happens between them?” cat asked
“Since I don’t know.” she put her head on his shoulder. He leaned forward and pulled her in to a kiss. They pulled away and stared at each other for a minute smiling. Cat looked away blushing.
“Sorry, Tess what were you Saying? Cat asked her blush had seemed to disappear. “So what did Usui say?
“he talked about the kiss and Feelings.” I replied walking to form.
“What feelings?” they all asked in unison.
I opened my mouth to speak but the bell rang for form. Saved by the bell. I had fifth period with Usui today.
1st period…
2nd period…
3rd period…
4th period…
After being stuck in the classroom for two hours after break I dragged myself to my locker and put my books back in my locker. I closed my locker just in time to see Sam send a goodbye kiss to Cat. I walked into the girl’s toilet. Nobody was in there, great. I splashed some cold water onto my face and looked in the mirror. Damn I looked bad. I wiped my face, dragged my combed through my hair tied it up and put on some Vaseline. Someone came into the toilets. Cat.
“Hey you alright sweetie?” she asked washing her hands.
“Nope.” I replied sitting down on the bench.
“Why don’t you tell me what Usui said maybe I could help.” She said sitting down next to me.
“He asked me to be his girlfriend. I said no, but I don’t know why I did.”
“Well, I think that you do know why you said no. the answer is deep down inside your heart. You either don’t believe it or you just don’t want to believe in it.” She said her warm hands on mine.
“I guess you’re right. Cat when you started going out with Sam, didn’t you think that one day when you break up it will break your friendship? That it won’t ever be the same again?”
“sweetie look at me.” She lifted my head so that I was looking at her. “ I didn’t think about that much, all I wanted to do was follow my heart. Sometimes yes trying something your heart want might hurt something or someone. But all I know is if you don’t at least give it one chance, you might regret it when things change.”
“ but how? How did you and Sam get together I mean you guys started as friends and now you guys are something more.”
“ Honey, I was true to my heart. I liked him I didn’t know if he felt the same, I just gave it a chance. And it turns out he felt the same. This isn’t about Usui is it?”
“you’re right it’s about someone else.”
“And you guys are friends, and you don’t want to hurt him. Follow your heart is all I’m gonna say.”
“I understand. Cat thanks. Let’s go Canteen and grab some lunch.” There weren’t much people inside, because the sun had came out. We sat down with George and the others after I grabbed a ham sandwich and fruit salad. I spotted Usui sitting alone.
“Hey you guys why is Usui sitting alone?”
“Dunno, a bunch of popular kids had sat with him trying to talk to him but he waved them off. Then some girls came to talk to him, he gave them a small smile, and they walked off.” Sam said Picking out the strawberries in his fruit salad and giving them to Cat who was smiling. I picked up my lunch and went to sit down next to Usui.
“Hey mind if I sit?” he shook his head. “What’s the matter you don’t look like you’re on top of your game today. Was it because of this morning?”
“One question at a time Tess” that sounded so familiar, quickly I shook the Familiarity off. “ it’s just I haven’t been feeling so well after last night and this morning.” He took a few bites from his mayo salad and instantly started choking.
“are you alright?” I asked urgently. He pointed to his shirt pocket. I put my hand in and pulled out an inhaler and a tube of pills. He took the inhaler and started breathing in and out deeply. I took the tube of pills and read the label. For allergic reactions: per scripted to Usui Kiryu. He pointed at the tube and put up two fingers. I opened the tube and fumbled for two pills which I handed to him and he took it will his bottle of water. I looked at him in surprise.
“Allergic reaction. I’m allergic to quiet a lot of things. Seafood is one of them. I think they put prawn in the salad.” He pushed the salad away.
“ was that your lunch?” I asked
“er yeah” opening my bag I took out the ham sandwich I bought. I put it on the table in front of him.
“eat it, you are suppose to take pills without eating something before.”
“thanks.” He opened the container and dug in. I opened my fruit salad and we ate and talked. It almost seemed like nothing happen this morning. When we got up at the end of lunch, he stumbled a bit.
“are you okay?” I put a hand to his forehead which was burning. “ you have a fever I’ll bring you to the school nurse ask them if you could go home early okay?” I help him to the school nurse and dropped him there and went to my fifth period. Cat was there already in her seat I showed miss Hilton my note and took my seat beside Cat. We had to finish the painting we started. I went to the racks and took my picture out. I grabbed black and brown paint and sat down in my seat. I squirted a little amount of each colour and painted. I painted his hair all black. Then I painted his eyes brown.
“is it Usui, it looks like him but why the Mask?”cat asked sitting down next to me with her paint
“It’s not Usui. But it does look and awful lot like him doesn’t it” I said eyeing the picture.
I added a bit of light grey to the back and painted that colour on the edge of his curls to look like they were catching the light. I mixed some gold with the brown and added that colour in the middle of his eyes and argon the edge. Finished. I looked over a Cat’s picture and No mistaking she was drawing Sam with his Black hair and Blue-ish grey eyes. I walked over to Sam on the other side of the room and He was drawing Cat. Her skin was a warm light brown and her eyes were green with a hint of brown. She was wearing a pink top and a green skirt. Yep definitely Cat. The bell finally rang and form now home time. I dropped onto my bed and looked out the window. I go up and changed into a knee length trousers and a t-shirt with me trainers and walked to Thomas’s house. I knocked but nobody answered. Fourth step loose floorboard. Key. I took the key and opened the door. No-one was there. Where was he if this was his house and he doesn’t go to school, where could he be. I walked to the desk the note I gave him laid there untouched. The bed was done up and my blanket was folder neatly on top.
Weird, that night I couldn’t sleep, all I did was look out the window for nearly the whole night. I finally fell asleep reassuring myself that there would be a envelope or note on the window sill the next morning.
Nothing, No envelope or note. I got dressed for school….
I got a letter at school today it was parents meeting day next week 20th. My grades and academic reports were going to my teachers and they will show my parents. Usui wasn’t in today and I was sure of that he was really sick yesterday. I went to the tree house again today. he still wasn’t there, where could he be? What happened to him? Did he have an accident? Geez I’m freaking myself out about some guy I met three weeks ago.
(Wednesday, 12th of January)
I got up early and went to school simple answer. No envelope. No note. No show from Usui and No show Thomas. On my calendar I crossed out the 11th, 12th of January and circle them putting no show in their boxes.
(Thursday 13th of January)
Today is last day I’m checking. It’s the last straw. I went to school and Usui still wasn’t in I asked all my subject teachers on my academic grade and they all said that because we still have a week and a half to get results for the for the report depending on our course work in our subject. Presentations, information and something can help you raise your levels before the report is given. I walked home that day wondering if Thomas was there, and was it just a coincidence that Usui and Thomas looked so much alike. That when Usui isn’t in school, so isn’t Thomas in his tree house? I put down my bag in my room opened the box with the keys he gave me and pulled out the spare key to his tree house. I walked there silently and stopped at the rope ladder. Last chance. I climbed the ladder conscious of the wood steps creaking beneath me feet. I stood at the landing just before the door, crossing my fingers I opened the door. No-one. I shut the door with a slam, locked it and climbed down the stairs. On the last step I reached up opened the loose board on the fourth step and dropped the key in without so much of a backward glance. On the way walking back home I stopped at the opening where me and Thomas first met. I sat down on the swing and pushed myself so that I was swinging a little. Something flew through the air to me, it was paper aeroplane. It landed by my feet and I picked it up and opened it. It was plain who was playing this stupid game. I scrunched it up and threw it aside and carried on swinging. Another one sailed through the air and landed near my feet I picked it up and opened it. Nothing. I scrunched it up, picked up the last one and got up to walk back to my house. Another one came I was sure this one was plain as well. But when I bent down to pick, I realised something was written on it. Open me. I opened it. It had a beautiful drawing of a girl on it. A pencil sketch. After a moment I realised the girl was me. I carried on walking. The next one that came said stop and turn around. I scrunched it up into a ball and carried on walking.
“Hey, couldn’t you read it?” somebody said behind me. I kept on walking until a hand gripped my wrist. “Sorry”
“Sorry for what?” I asked without turning. Thomas walked in front of me.
“Sorry for not being there?”
“I s that suppose to be a question? So you aren’t sorry for not even leaving a note? You’re not sorry about making me worry about you?” I asked snapping a little.
“ You were worried about me?” he asked my temper went down quickly as realisation hit me.
“ yes it was like you disappeared as quickly as you came. I thought something had happened to you.” he looked at me funny “ I was worried about you because you was my friend.”
“Come here you.” he pulled me into his chest and hugged me tightly. I wanted to stay like that and keep hugging him but I pulled away.
“Just because you hugged me, it doesn’t mean I’ve forgiven you.”
“So princess, what do I have to do to be forgiven by you? slay a dragon?” he asked
“Teach me how to play the guitar, that’s not all, but you have to let me think of any other suitable punishments.”
“surely teaching you how to play the guitar would not be a punishment but a pleasure.”
“when can we start”
“Tomorrow” he turned to walk back into the forest. I put a hand on his arm to stop him.
“Promise me that if you ever have to leave again at least leave a note for me.” I said He nodded his head in agreement. I walked back to my house and threw away the plain papers except for the one that had the pencil sketch and the one he writ on. I pulled my red box off my bookshelf which contained all the notes he left on my window sill (4). I put the red box in the same draw as the black box and put the two papers inside with the boxes.

Chapter Thirteen: Diving into trouble, or a relationship? (p.s friends or more?)

Chapter Thirteen: Diving into trouble, or a relationship? (p.s friends or more?)
Guess what day comes in 4 weeks time. My birthday. I’m not looking forward. Last year my mum insisted on knitting a jumper for me as birthday, because last year she worked a lot missing out a lot of time for me. Let me tell you, the jumper, it didn’t go well. She ended up with a too little hole for my head, too big a hole for my sleeve and I short sleeve and another one long. So we went to shopping instead, she bought me a proper grey wool jumper and a cream wool cardigan.
I’m going to quickly carry on, this week was boring I still went to lessons with Thomas (if you’re wondering its guitar lessons). However I only had two lessons this week Thomas, because I spent my whole week course work and revising for assessment, so that I could have a good enough grade for my parents to be pleased. Parents meeting day was on Thursday ( the day before yesterday) I had gotten good enough grades for my subjects, I even got one higher grade than the national curriculum level for P.E. that is the average of what I should get at my age. I spent Friday sleeping and lying in because I had spent the last three nights before PM Day cramming. On Saturday I woke up with a fresh start. I had to see Thomas today I hadn’t heard from him since our last guitar lesson. I pulled on a white vest and on top I wore a thin grey button-down shirt and I put on pink strap shorts. I dragged a comb through my hair and went downstairs.
“Morning Tess, early start today? It’s Saturday though. I could drop you off in town and maybe give you some money to spend, as a reward for doing outstandingly on your assessments” my dad said. We walked into the kitchen.
“As interesting as that sounds, I am going to have to turn down that amazing offer.” I said putting 2 brown bread slices into the toaster. I walked over to the fridge and pulled out a bottle of orange juice.
“Turn down an offer of spending my well-earned money? What are you doing today?”
“I am going to meet a friend today.” I exclaimed. I poured out half a glass full of orange juice sipping it gleefully.
“Does this friend happen to be the guy who brought you home once and the one your mother kept talking about?” I choked on my orange juice and nearly had orange juice up my nose. My toast shot up from the toaster. I grabbed the toast and munched on it self-consciously. I drained the glass to the last drop was in my stomach I set the glass down quickly and got out a pair of ankle socks and white converses.
“ it is him, isn’t it?” dad asked walking into the hallway I quickly pulled on my socks and converses.
“Bye dad” I said and walked out the door. I walked round to the back of the house and into the bushes. I stopped shortly at the at the opening where I saw a line of red arrows leading to a different path I followed the path of the arrows, the path wasn’t exactly a path, it was a twisting turning path that went downhill, with lumps of big rocks and small pebbles. I held onto low branches on my way down. I came to a small opening where there was a lake and on the edge there was a sandy shore. In the middle was a little red bridge, which was made of wood. The red arrows stopped at the middle of the bridge. Slowly I walked to the middle of the bridge. I looked down at the lake where the water lapped against each other like dark blue waves of hair. Suddenly a blur of black and light brown landed in front of me into the water creating a big splash. Unable to stifle my scream a gasp escaped form my lips. I backed up edging my way towards the red arrow path I was about to turn and run up the path when a head popped out of the water with a black mask. Thomas.
“You Okay?” Thomas asked shaking his wet head. I let out a sigh. The top half of his body was already out of the water, his skin on his chest was lightly toned in light brown. Oh, god I’m not even going to talk about his abs! He was wearing no top but a pair of dark-to-light blue jeans for a change. I snapped out of the faze.
“Yeah, I’m fine you just scared the half of my living breath out of me” I said tucking a few strands of loose curls behind my ear. “What are you doing here? How did you find this place?”
“ I’m teaching you to dive today he Said walking towards me.
“ I am not diving, I don’t even have a swimsuit” I said.
“ You know you want to. Come on I’m not wearing a swimsuit” he looked at me, willing me “come I’ll show you how to dive and where we are diving from.” He walked further down the shore to an opening of a curving road. We walked up it easily. Honestly it was easy for him but I was struggling, he offered me a hand. When we reached the top, the view over the lake was truly magnificent. I saw a pile of clothes, t-shirt, button-down, socks and black converses. He took a step back and ran full speed to the edge and jumped, I stared, shocked. After about a minute in heard his voice calling.
“come on Tess, the water isn’t cold down here!” I dared myself to take a look over the edge. I took off my socks( taking off my converses first of course!) moving onto my shorts and finally my grey button-down, until I was only in my vest top and underwear. I walked to the mountain edge and saw Thomas moving out of my dropping range. Come on Tess you can do this I urged myself. I jumped. Remember to tuck in my long arms and legs. I didn’t know how big of a splash I caused but I stayed under the water for a few seconds, letting the freshness of the water seep in. I got up for a long breath brushing wet strands of hair out of my face. I let out a yelp. Not only had the freshness seeped in but the coldness. Thomas let out a low laughter. We spent the rest of the day swimming and talking and splashing. I sent a big splash over to Thomas; he fell back into the water. He sent one back I turned away staring into my hands. My skin was wrinkled now and I shook it a little.
“Hey, we should get out now my hands are wrinkling.” I said walking up the shore.
“Okay lets go back up the mountain, race you up” he said. No surprise, he won.
“It’s not fair you got a head start” I said walking up behind him. He picked up his t-shirt and wiped himself down. He handed it to me, I wiped myself down pulling up my sweat shirt I suddenly tripped whilst pulling the sweat shirt, and I was stepping on it! Thomas hooked his arm round my waist and pulled me up. I hadn’t realised how close we had gotten. Both of his hands were locked around my waist. One of my hands was grabbing my sweat shirt and one hand was on his shoulder. He slowly leaned towards me. I gazed at him from under my lashes seeing his dark eyelashes and brown eyes. The way his smile was slightly pulled up in the corners and his lips were light coloured. I leaned in closer until our breaths were merging. Ring! Ring! My phone! I scrambled onto the floor and slipped my fingers into my short’s pocket for my phone. I clicked answer. Mom!
“Hi mom!” please let me sound innocent. Slowly I got from the floor and darted a glance towards Thomas, he had his back to me facing the lake. I took a few steps away from him.
“Hi honey, I just called to tell you that I made some pasta salad for tea time and be back for it.”
“What time is it now mom?”
“It’s about 1:30”
“Okay I’ll be back for it, bye mom.”
“Bye honey” I locked my phone and turned around Thomas was staring at me. Shit! Why was he staring at me? What was he staring at? I quickly pulled my button-down on and slowly walked over to the pile of clothes. I had no curves, just legs. Very long and daddy-long leg’s kinda legs. I picked up my shorts and wiggled into them. I pulled the straps the straps over my shoulders and tried to do the clasp, but I fumbled with it. Come on you stupid clasp! Unexpectedly Thomas extended a strong tanned arm and held onto the clasp, his long fingers delicately hooked the clasp. He took another step closer and hooked my other clasp. He wrapped a loose curl round his finger and tucked it behind my ear. When he pulled away his fingers brushed gently on my cheek. His eyes widened with realisation and pulled away. Where his fingers brushed my cheek there was a light fuzzy sensation of heat. He quickly pulled on his button-down the opening of the shirt near the buttons, showed way to light toned skin. I looked away. By the time I looked back at him he had his socks and converses on.
“Let’s go you have a tea party to go to.” He said walking down the twisting path. Picking up my converses, I tore after him in my ankle socks. He was very fast (but that was because I stopped to put on my converses) he was about three feet in front of me. He still kept going, I ran after him until I tripped over a stone and fell off the path. I rolled a bit until I grasped onto a hanging branch. I took a deep breath and looked down. My gaze held onto the fast current of the lake beneath me. I saw a little ledge just by my right foot and tried to step onto it but pain burst through my whole foot. I winced.
“Tess?!” I heard a voice call.
“I’m down here!” I said I repeated it again, louder this time.
“How the heck did you get down there?” he asked he was lying down his head just over the edge of the cliff. “I see a ledge near your right foot can you step on it?”
“I can and I can’t, why? Because I hurt my leg and I can’t shift my weight onto that foot.”
“Try lifting your left leg, can you see it, just above your left knee there a big ledge. When your half way up onto that ledge extend a hand to me” he stretched out a hand a feet above me, I slowly lifted my left leg and stepped onto the ledge and boosted myself up grabbing his hand tightly. He held onto my left hand tightly in his right and put right hand on my left forearm pulling me against his chest.

I was glad that I was safely up (relief!).  He put an arm round my waist and another hooked under my knee and set me down on a large flay rock near the path. He bent down and examined the scratches on my legs. He set one knee on the ground and gently pulled up my right leg onto his lap. He turned my ankle around and pulled down my ankle socks a little. I could see that there was a large circle the size of a tennis ball on my ankle that I knew was going to swell and turn black and blue. He turned it again and I grabbed his shoulder. He looked up.

“That’s enough of turning, as simple as anyone can see it, I twisted my ankle.”

“I’m sorry Tess; it was supposed to be a fun day. But now your cold and hurt.” He said setting my foot down gingerly. 

“That’s okay just help me home oaky?” he piggy backed me all the way back to his house and set me down outside. I sat there quietly and felt the sun light hitting my legs and the warmth spreading through me. He emerged a second later with a bottle of spring water and a white towel. He walked over to me and handed me the bottle.

“Am I suppose drink this or just hold it?” I asked.

He walked behind and put the towel on my head and rubbed it. He suddenly stopped and tied my hair into a ponytail.

“Now where was it you needed to go? Home, right?” he picked me up again.

“Aren’t you … tired?”

“I am… but I did cause you to hurt yourself.”

“You didn’t so?”

“So I feel the need to make it up to you.” I lifted my legs up a bit and pointed to my scratches. He didn’t reply. I put my head sown on the back of his shoulders. When we got to my house I pressed the buzzer.

“Tess you’re back…” my mum started.

“Hi, Mrs Shinata, can I come in?” Thomas asked patiently.

“of course, come on in.” she said uncertainly.

“I’m gonna need a medical box, do you have one?” Thomas asked walking into the living room and settling me down on the sofa.

“..c..Course we do, are you guys hurt? What happened?” my mother asked concern creeping to her brows. She went and came back into the living room with our big green medical box. Thomas took it without answering. He knelt down before me opening a bottle of TCP antiseptic and pouring some on a cotton pad.

“This might sting a little.” He said in a low voice, he pulled my left leg onto his thighs and rubbed the damp cotton onto my scratches and did the same for my right leg. He rubbed gently over he taped a pad onto the surface of my ankle and wrapped it in a bandage.

“There, all done don’t move around too much, but don’t stay still too much and do nothing- in other words don’t overdo yourself.” Thomas said standing up. He handed the medical box to my surprised mother.

“You are very skilled aren’t you?” I said to him. He didn’t reply but gave a small smile. I looked at my mum and she went out, excusing us.  

“What’s up?” I asked, gee, he changed quickly. He came over.

“I just wanted to get you alone”

“For what?”

“For this…” he whispered into my ear, his breath warming the hair on my neck, sending tingling sensations down to my toes. He moved to face me and…. Kissed me.

All the adjective in the world couldn’t describe the way I’m feeling right now. He pulled back to look at me for any protest. When I didn’t show any, he kissed me again less hesitantly. He pulled away smiling. 

“Bye” he said and walked out, not long after I heard the front door close.

“Honey, what happened? How did this happen? Did he hurt you?” mum said rushing in. I licked my lips the taste of him still faintly there, tasting of black coffee and something I just couldn’t put my finger on, it was just so…..him. 



Tag der Veröffentlichung: 05.11.2011

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