
"NO! I'm not leaving! Please!" I was screaming on top of my lungs, "Zero! ZERO!" Zero was trying to reach me but when he broke free of the guards, he was punched and thrown on the ground."Luna! Luna!"Zero yelled,Don't worry I'm coming! I won't leave you!" Zero never breaks his promises I know that, I thought frantically.The guard punched me in the gut and a big gasp came out my mouth.Zero's eyes were turning blazing red. I knew he was about to snap. I couldn't let him be hurt badly. I won't allow it. "Zero!" I yelled, "I'm gonna be fine get outta here! Now!" He looked at me like I was crazy. Maybe I am. All i could think was about HIM getting out of here. Not me. I knew I'd have to resort to this, but I don't wan't to leave him. I punched the guard in the face and sprinted away to the canyon's edge. I looked over the edge, then I looked behind me and saw ALL the guards after me. Zero was struggling against ropes and he yelled, "WATCH OUT!!"
I was about to answer but had no time to because I was hit in the back of the head with a bat. I didn't pass out but I couldn't move so I just layed there helplessly while they tied me up and dragged me by my hair to a van. I heard Zero scream, "I promise I'll come after you! Luna! I Promise!" The van door shut and I saw Zero say something, but didn't hear him. All i knew is that I was screaming, ZERO over and over until a sweet smelling cloth went under my nose, and as I drifted to sleep, I saw Zero beaten and tired still tied up at that tree and I started to cry because I knew I'd never see him again. I think he knew it too.
Chapter 2
I wake up screaming again. I have that dream every night since that day two years ago. He never came, I know he wouldn't lie to me but I always wonder:Does he think it's too much trouble? I don't know what he's doing but he's my last hope to get out of this hell-hole. A guard comes walking past and he throws a rock at me for screaming. They do alot of things. I get to eat every 3 days and it's usually rotton and moldy. We get water from the poluted lake outside, my house is a dog crate and they don't let us go to the bathroom.They let us outside but make us run and see how far we can go until we pass out or die. If we don't get up they beat us to death and throws us in a dumpster or just thrown in a pit. The guard calls and says it's time for outside. I sneak out of the group, and go to my hideout to see Ruu. Ruu is my best friend, and he is a cat. My first day here I was in a daze and didn't eat the food I had and I gave it to him. Ever since then we've been best friends. I spot him in the usual spot but I see a guard and I get stricken with panic. If the guard sees him he will be killed on the spot. I sprint over there and pick him up, as I do, a guard notices and runs after me I sprint for the hole i've been digging for what seems like forever. It's way too small for me, but Ruu can squeeeze through. I wanted to be able to escape with him, and we would leave this place far behind but thats impossible now. I shove him through and cover up the hole just as the guard comes and grabs my throat and starts choking me. He says, "You wanna die freak?" He throws me on the ground and steps on me and gets his knife out and grabs my wrist, which is full of other guard's knife marks. I know what's coming and close my eyes and grit my teeth. I feel the blade on my wrist cut deeper than usual. I scream in pain as he grabs my other wrist and cuts that one as well. He throws me on the ground and spits on me. He says, "I'll come back later and take you back to your cage if your still alive." He smiles and kicks me in the face and I blackout. I wake up to the starry sky and little kitten mews. I turn my head and hear Ruu trying to dig through the dirt. I gather sticks and rocks to cover it up and I fall back down and watch the stars. I look at my wounds that have dirt and blood mixed all the way down my arm and in a small puddle. I wonder why I didn't die? I hear footsteps and look around, I don't see a thing. My head makes a thump as it hits the ground. A couple minutes later I hear it again. I try to move but I hear a deep voice order, "Don't move." All of a sudden I see a tall figure with wings just like mine except this persons are MUCH bigger and stronger looking and dark as night. Mine are dirty and withered looking and haven't been used in a very long time. Thats why i'm here is because of my wings. My wings are supposed to be brownish white but are so caked with mud you can't even tell anymore. The figure steps into the moonlight and I gasp. He whispers, "Luna.... I'm so sorry..."
Chapter 3
Zero's POV
After 2 years of dreaming and searching for this face, I can't belive what happend to her. The sparkle from her beautiful green eyes look dead, and she looks so thin I can see her bones, and I see cut marks on her wrist and they're still bleeding. Pure hatred flares up in me but this isn't the time to murder every single person who hurt her. I have to get her out of here, fast. "Listen... Luna. We have to get out of here while the systems dow- ZERO!!!" she screamed. Even though she's in so much pain she gets up and runs full speed into me and squeezes me so tight that I can't breathe. I don't even care, I squeeze her againts my chest never wanting to let go , but im gentle because she's in pain. I can feel the blood from her wrist going into my back and hatred flares up again. I have to concentrate otherwise this will all be in vain if we get caught. I pull back to look into her face but I want to turn away again and bile rises in my throat, all I wanna do is murder those bas- CONCENTRATE! I take a deep breath and say, "Luna... lets get outta here." She nods and i pick her up and cradle her againts my chest. "Wait," she whispers, "I have to get Ruu..." Ruu? Who's that? I thought. She says, "He's on the other side of that pile if dirt..." I set her down gently as I can next to a tree and go by the dirt. I start digging and hear meows and as soon as there's a hole all the way through, a cat runs through and goes straight to Luna. Luna cradles the cat and says in a gentle voice, "We can go now." I go and pick her up again, and she lays her head down on my chest.
I let my wings stretch out, but as I was about to jump, I hear a guard yell, "What the hell?!" "Hey you!" "Damn", I mutter. Luna's eyes turn wide open and says, "Go now..NOW!" I look at her startled as the guard takes out a gun and points it at us. I start running as fast as I could, and im much faster than a normal human, but I can't outrun a bullet. There's a bang and a sharp pain hits me right in the shoulder. I gasp in pain and almost trip, but my wings kept my balance. Luna crys out,"Zero! Zero! Are you ok?!?!" I look at her frightened face, she's not concernd about herself at all. "I'm fine, Luna" I try to reassure her by smiling, but she can see that I'm hurt, and she's even more worried. I see a ledge to jump off of , but the problem is is that I need to get rid of this guy or he'll shoot us out of the sky. I hide behind a tree, and put Luna down and say, "Stay right here, and don't move an inch." She nods. I run over and sneak behind the guard most likely looking for Luna. I hear the guard say, "Code Black, Code Black. Subject 4757713 has escaped and is being taken away on foot by an unknown person. I repeat a suject has escaped." I kick the guard in the back of the head and he goes out cold. I leave him because he's not worth it. I sprint over to Luna in seconds and pick her up roughly. She winces, "Im sorry, Im sorry, i'm in a rush!" "It's nothing really, she says, where are we going?" I look around and guards are everywhere.My shoulde hurts like hell. This is nothing compared to her scars, im such a wimp. I see the ledge, but i don't know if I can fly with this wound with the both of us. She certainly can't fly. Dammit! What do I do? I have to jump they're gaining on us. I run fullspeed towards the cliff and I jump. My wings spread out, and I feel intense pain, I couldn't help but wince. "Zero? Are you ok?" I look at her wrist, and her wounds are bleeding heavily again, damn I wasn't careful enough."I'm fine, It's you im worried about." She shrugs it off. "I'm fine." About ten minutes later she starts to doze off, "Luna."I shake her,"Please don't fall asleep." I expected her to open her eyes, but it's like she didn't hear me. I start to panic, what if I never see her eyes again? I fly faster to the nearest cave, when I start to get dizzy, I'm about to black out...No. I can't I HAVE to save her this time. I won't let her down again. I land in the cave and stumble to a stop. I find the most comfortable looking spot and set her down. I have to get her something. I look around , and see water dripping from the ceiling, and leaves that got blown in here. I gather all the leaves, and make a bed, and I put a rock shaped like a bowl under the dripping water. I return, and rip off two strips from my jacket, wrap them around her wrists to stop the bleeding. I pick her up and set her down on the leaves, and she was still clutching that cat tightly. I looked at her frail body. She probably hasn't slept well, she obviously hasn't eaten well, I can see pretty much every bone in her body. I feel such guilt, Why did this happen to HER, why didn't they take me instead! They took away so much, her smile, her eyes by the way they used to sparkle whenever she laughed, and she's pretty much starved to death. I get up and lay next to her. Just like we used to. We knew each other since we were born. We were abandoned and had to live on our own for who knows how long, most of our lives. We arent related but we both have avian DNA in our genes. We don't know who made us, but we promised that all we needed was eachother, and I broke that promise. I abandoned her, but I never stopped looking for her. I wrap my wound so I don't bleed to death, and I grab her and hold her. I fell asleep just like that and dreamt about better times.
Chapter 4
Luna's POV
I dreamed about Zero and I. This is the first time that it wasn't about that terrible day. I't was when we used to fall asleep in each others arm, protecting each other from danger. My eyes open, and Zero's sleeping face is so close to mine that my heart skips a beat. I remember that he finally came to rescue me. I look at his shirt that's ripped, and notice that my wrist are bandaged up to stop the bleeding. He wrapped his wound too. I feel so calm, more than I ever have in two years. "Mew" I look down and see Ruu looking at me with big eyes. "Quiet Ruu, Zero's sleeping" I shifted so I wouldn't wake him up, and saw water in a rock, I drank it gratefully, but left plenty for Zero. I traveled farther in the cave, and saw a little pond. I decided I should clean up while he's sleeping. I took off my shirt and pants, and I saw so many scars. As I was looking, at myself, Zero ran in in a hurry and yelled. "Luna!? Where are you...? He stared at my scared body and didn't look away. "Ah...Um..." I threw my shirt over me and crouched down, ashamed. I heard him walk over, and I started to panic. But instead, he wrapped his arms around me apoligizing over and over. "What are you sorry for? You didn't do this." "I know but I didn't come sooner...I'm so sorry..." "It's not your fault, it's mine." "DON'T SAY THAT! I cringe away from him afraid that he's going to hurt me like the guards did. I don't know why I thought that, Zero would never hurt me. "Im sorry. You were about to take a bath right? Sorry, we dont have any more clothes you could put on. But we'll get new ones when your recovered." He hands me his jacket and strides out of the room.
Chapter 5
I stepped into the cool water, and immediatly blood and dirt and filth went into the water and I started to think about why Zero was acting so strange. I know that were older now and alot has happend, but does he hate me because Iv'e caused him so much trouble? I don't wan't to think that, but I can't get it out of my brain. I walk over towards the edge to change back into my grungy clothes when an idea pops in my head: I should just wash my clothes in here too. I grab my clothes and soak them and scrub them. When everything I can get out of it is gone I hang it up on a rock. Now I have to wait. I put on Zero's jacket and smell it. It smells just like him. I notice blood on it and decide to wash this too. I wade in the pool, diving underwater to clean my hair and such until my clothes are dry. When they're finally dry, I get out of the pool and put them on. I look in the reflection in the mirror, and I look relativly normal again except that my stomach is nothing but ribs, and I still have cuts and bruises all over. I attemped to comb my hair with a spiky rock, and while I was walking I tripped and fell and I couldn't get the energy to stand up and my head was pounding I started to freak out, and I couldn't breathe. I started to cough and bloods coming out.."Zero..."
Zero's POV
While I waited for Luna to finish bathing I couldn't help but think of all the scars on her body. I could count all of her ribs from where I was standing. She probably thinks I'm mad at her because I all of a sudden ran out of there. I couldn't help it, I was getting carried away and I didn't wanna do anything stupid. I know that she's a girl and she probably hasn't taken a bath in forever, buts it's taking her a long time to come out I want to check on her, but if I walk in again she's going to think i'm a pervert. I'll go knock I guess. I ran towards the bathroom and knocked on the wall, "Hey,*knock,knock,knock* Are you ok in there? Youv'e been in there a long time." "Hey! Answer Me!" Why isn't she answering?!?! "Im coming in!" I peek in and see her lying on the floor with blood coming out of her mouth. "Luna!! Whats Wrong?!" I shook her, and shook her, but she didn't move and she wasn't breathing. "Damn what do I do?" A thought occured to me. Aren't I supposed to do mouth-to-mouth in this situation? I look at her, she isn't breathing, and her face is pale, and her lips are turning blue. I lean in closer to her face. I really wish our first kiss wasn't like this...I put my mouth on hers and blow air into it. Her lips are ice cold, but hers the same. I pull back and do chest compressions "1,2,3..." I go back to her lips and blow more air. She starts to move, and I sit her up and she starts to cough. She throws up blood, alot of it. "I can't breathe..." she whispers, "Water..." I run over to tho bowl and help her drink it. She coughs more but doesn't throw up. "Are you ok?" I ask. "Yeah...sorry about that..." "Do you know what happened?" I asked. "Uh, no not really... I just got really dizzy,and I couldn't breathe." I stare at her blankly, I didn't have a clue of what to do, or say. "We need to go somewhere better than a cave, and it's too out in the open." she said, "And they will probably find us quick if we stay here, were not far from the Institution." So that was what that horrible place was called, I thought. Yeah..., but to fly far away,you would need to fly too. I don't think I could carry you far enough." She looked down, and I looked at her once beautiful wings, all withered now. "I'll help you get back to normal, It may take a while, but i'll teach you how to fly again." She looked so sad when she stared at me in shock. "Thank you so much," she said. I knew that she meant for more than the flying part, "Don't worry we'll get you flying in no time." I smiled at her,and for a second, she smiled back.
Chapter 6
Luna's POV
"Come on,I know it's hard,but let your wings out all the way." I knew Zero was being patient with me, but I can't even fully open my wings. I push as hard as I can. I feel my wings come out all the way. It feels so good that I moan.Since I was locked in a cage, and couldn't risk my wings being seen outside, they haven't been fully opened in a very long time. Zero smiles at me, "See? Doesn't that feel good?" I nod,"What now?" "Try moving them around a little before you fly, otherwise you wont be able fly at all, and all you'll do is hurt yourself." It went like that for about a week, and by doing little by little, my wings look normal again.Today he says im going to fly. Im really nervous, he says that i'll jump off a cliff and try to fly like we've practiced. If I can't do it he'll fly down and pick me up before I splat. I trust him, but I can't help feeling nervous. He's going to fly with me just in case anything happens. Im standing on the cliff looking over the edge. This reminds me of the day I was seperated from Zero. I look behind me, no guard,just Zero, "You ready?" I take a deep breath, "As ready as ill ever be." I let my wings out, its much easier than the first time, but I still love it when the wind blows againts them. "When I say go, you can start running and jump off, don't slow down and just do what we practiced, Ill be right behind you." "Ok." I wait what seems like forever when he orders, "Go." I run like a bullet, and don't stop. I see the edge nearing me quickly. I start to panic, but I don't stop. I jump off and let the wind through my wings, and flap a hard downstroke. It hurt a little, but the feeling of flying again erases all the pain. I go higher than any plane, I hear Zero catching up fast behind me. I get competitive all of a sudden and go faster. I scream, "Catch me if you can!" I look back, and see him smile at me. He's really fast, but I think I can go faster. Were head to head, but I think he's letting me win. "Come on! You can do better than that! Don't tell me your gonna get beat by a girl!He speeds up and passes me easily, and just to taunt me, every time I get close he speeds up ahead of me easily while im using all my energy just to stay close behind him. All of a sudden, my mind shuts off and I start to drop like a stone. Zero notices and pulls his wings in to catch up. I can't move at all and see a river getting close to me. Zero is'nt gonna make it in time, it's too late. He stares at me in horror and I just stare back. He reaches out his hand to mine, and grab it floating in the wind. We have no time to dodge it, so all he can do is hold on to me and take full impact of the water. We go under, and I can't breathe. A bunch of ice cold water goes down my throat and I start to choke. We're carried downstream and the currents too strong and Zero's wings are to wet to be able to spread out,so we can't fly out of here. He tries to grab rocks and debrie but they all float out of reach. He grabs onto a branch that fell,but I slip out of his hand and fall down a waterfall.
If you want me to make volume 2 tell me and ill make it. I just want to see how this one turns out!


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 03.08.2011

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I dedicate this book to my cousin who taught me about anime and manga

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