
Chapter 1:

“Hey bro,” I said to my big brother, Jackson. “The hell's happenin'?” I asked. 

“Well, since mom and dad are never here...” he started saying.

“Spit it out, Jackson.” I said.

“I told the team that they could stay with us for a while.” he said.

“What?!” I yelled. “You told people that they could move into our house without asking me first!” I said still yelling. Jackson didn't dare say another word. Even though he was the big brother, he knew I could get pretty scary when I'm mad. “How many people?” I asked calmly.

“Uh, seven...” he said.

“Seven people!” I yelled again. “Ugh! Okay, how long are they staying?” I asked as calmly as I could manage.

“I don't know, could be months, weeks, maybe the whole year.” he said.

“The whole year!” I said raising my voice again. “Calm down, Olivia. Calm down.” I told myself. “Okay, are they all guys?” I asked.

“Yeah, pretty much.” he said and I just walked away. I went upstairs to my room and slammed the door shut. I did some math in my head thinking about how many rooms are in the house and if any would be left. Nope. Not one empty room if freaking seven guys move in. But there is a room down in the basement that no one dares to go into because of spiders, dust and maybe other things that I would not like to find out.

I laid back on my bed and then heard loud noises. It was the sound of teenage boys. I screamed into my pillow and stayed there for a while. I heard the guys running around the house, they were probably picking out their rooms until one of them came into mine.

“This room's taken.” I said with my head still in my pillow so the guy probably didn't understand me. I didn't hear him walking away so I got my head out of the pillow and threw it at him, “I said this room's taken!” and then he walked out. I laid back on my bed and checked the time. It was almost 11am and I had plans with my bestie, Melissa. School starts in a week and we're trying to make the best of it. I closed my bedroom door and locked it then went into the bathroom (in my room) and locked it. I turned the shower water on and stripped out of my clothes. I jumped into the shower once the water heated up. I washed my light brown hair and cleaned my tan skin.

Once I finished, I turned off the water and got out of the shower. I wrapped a towel around my hair and another around my body. I unlocked the bathroom door and went into my room. I grabbed a pair of panties with a matching bra and slipped them on. I went into my closet and looked through most of my clothes. I ended up grabbing a simple summer dress that brought out my curves. I laid it on my bed and took off the towel wrapped around my hair. I blow-dried it and then straightened it.

Once I finished my hair, I went onto make up. I put on a thin line of eyeliner and a bit of mascara. I don't really need make-up because I am naturally beautiful, I get it from my parents. They are both models who travel around the world. That's why they're never home with Jackson and I but they leave us loads of money. I put on a bit of lip gloss and I was done with hair and make-up. I then took off the towel wrapped around my body and slipped the dress on. I closed the zipper on the side and looked in the mirror. I was missing my silver hoop earrings. I grabbed them and put them on. I went back into the closet to look for a pair of heels to match with my outfit. I grabbed the perfect pair and slipped them on. I looked around for a matching purse and put all the things I needed inside. I looked in the mirror one last time and unlocked my bedroom door.

I took my phone out of my purse and texted Melissa. I was about to start walking down the stairs until I hit a wall which I believe is impossible because I can text and walk around this whole entire house without touching one wall. I fell onto my ass. I looked up from my phone and saw a guy.

“Hey, you're the girl who threw a pillow at me earlier.” he said with a smirk on his face. This was the same guy who came into my room earlier.

“Yeah, now watch where you're going, douchebag.” I said.

“You're the one who walked into me.” he said and I just walked away and continued texting Lissa. I went downstairs, past the living room, past the kitchen and before I was out the door I yelled, “Going to see M, text you when I'll be home!” to Jackson. I opened the door and on the other side, I found 3 shirtless guys who were dripping wet. They probably just took a swim. I have to say, they looked super hot and so did the other guy from before. Maybe it won't be so bad to live with seven more guys. I didn't want them to know that I found them attractive though.

“Can. You. Move?” I said looking at each one of them with each word I said. They took a step back and I walked away. I grabbed my car keys out of my purse and went into my car. I text Melissa that I was on my way and drove away from my house.

I met her at the mall in front of our all-time favorite store: Forever 21. Melissa was almost as rich as me but she lived with her parents. We shopped and then went to eat lunch. I told her about the guys who are supposedly living in my house now and told her about how hot they all are so far.

She asked if she could move in but I told her that there weren't any rooms left and she insisted to share a room with one of the guys. We laughed and then did some more shopping. We ate dinner at a restaurant together and then watched The Fault In Our Stars in the movie theater for the 4th time. We both cried and afterwards we went to her house so she could grab some stuff. She left her car and we both went in mine and drove to my house.

We didn't see any of the guys so we went straight upstairs into my room. I took off my dress and jumped into the shower as Melissa got changed in my bedroom. Once I finished I wrapped a towel around my body and opened the bathroom door. I grabbed another pair of panties and a matching bra and put them on. I looked through my closet and grabbed a red dress that was sexy but not too slutty. It went mid-thigh and I slipped it on and showed it to Melissa. She squealed in response and she showed me her dress. It was a purple strapless dress that was a bit longer than mine. I squealed and then dried my hair as she curled hers. Then I curled mine as she did her make-up and then I did my make-up as she finished curling my hair. I grabbed a pair of black heels along with a matching purse. I put all the stuff I needed in the purse along with my fake I.D. And we went out the door. As we walked down the stairs, we heard all the guys come in. We continued to walk down and I saw all the hot guys who were now living with me.

“Where do you think you're going?”Jackson asked me.

“Lissa's parents are throwing a party for her aunt.” I said without hesitation.

“So why are you dressed like that?” he said motioning to what I was wearing.

“We're the entertainment.” Melissa said with a smile and looked over at me.

“Okay, fine.” Jackson said and we walked towards the door.

“Bye, boys.” we both said at the same time as we walked out of the house. We got into my car and started laughing our asses off. Once we sobered up, we drove to the club. We met our friends Daniella, Natalia, and Sylvia or as I call them Dani, Talia, and Syl. Dani was wearing a black dress that was about the same length as mine, Talia was wearing a dark blue dress that was about the same length as Lissa's dress and Syl was wearing a pink dress that was shorter than everyone else. We danced with some hot guys and laughed and maybe drank a bit too much. A taxi had to take me home with all the girls. The bartender was the one who called the taxi and put us all into it. That's the last thing I remember and the bartender also put his phone number in my pocket.


Taxi Driver's POV

A guy put 5 very drunk girls in my taxi and I asked where they needed to go. The guy gave me some money because they probably wouldn't be able to pay (too drunk). A girl with light brown hair and a red dress gave me an address so I drove off. I dropped all the girls off and the light brown hair girl said that they could stay over tonight. The only reason I was listening was because I was waiting for them to get out. They got out and I drove off. 


Jacob's POV

“I think the girl's are back.” I said to Xavier, Tyler, and Matt.

“They are definitely back.” Matt said once we heard the giggling of the girls and the keys in the keyhole of the front door. We all glanced to the door as it opened and in walked 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 girls completely wasted.

“That's a lot of sexy!” two of the girls yelled once they saw us. One was wearing a dark blue dress and the other was wearing a black dress that was a bit shorter.

“Well, thank you, very drunk ladies.” Tyler said. The girls started slowly losing balance so each of us grabbed one of them. Drew was in the living room watching TV so we called him over to pick up the last girl who was wearing the pink dress. We brought the girls up to Olivia's room. Only 2 girls could fit on the bed so Matt gave up his bed for the 3 other girls. We went back downstairs after putting them down.

“Damn, them girls are hot.” Tyler said as we got into the living room.

“I know right and we are living with one of them!” Drew said excited like a girl.

“Bro, calm down. Plus, Jackson would never let any of us touch Olivia.” I said.

“Dude's right.” Xavier said referring to me. We watched TV for a little while longer and then we all went to bed. Matt slept on the floor in my room since the girls were on his bed.

Chapter 2:


Olivia's POV

I woke up the next morning with a massive headache. I looked around and realised that I was in my room, Lissa was next to me snoring. I got up and went to the bathroom. Oh god, I was a mess. My hair was everywhere, my make-up smudged all over my eyes, gosh, I need to clean up. I took off my dress and hopped into the shower. I washed up and got out. I wrapped a towel around my body and went out the bathroom. Lissa was spread out across the bed and snoring a whole lot louder than before. I grabbed a pair of panties with a matching bra, of course and slipped them on. I went to my closet and grabbed a tank top and shorts. I put them on and went back to the bathroom to make my hair decent enough to go downstairs. Once I finished, I brushed my teeth and went downstairs into the kitchen. I seriously don't remember how I got into bed, I wonder if the girls ever got home.

“Hey drunkie,” one of the guys say.

“Shut it.” I snap back and grab a bottle of water. I open it and drink about half the bottle. “Did you put me and my friend in my bed last night?” I asked the guy.

“Yeah, me, Jacob, Xavier, Tyler and Drew.” he says.

“Were we only two girls?” I ask wondering about Dani, Talia, and Syl.

“Hell no, you were five.” he says with a laugh.

“Where are the other girls then?” I ask.

“In my room. I gave up my bed for them. You're welcome.” he said.

“Oh, okay. Well, thanks, uh...” I say but don't know his name. I don't know the name of any of the guys that are living in my house except for my brother and the names that this guys just told me.

“Matt.” he says.

“Okay, thanks, Matt. Where is everyone?” I ask.

“Some are sleeping, others went out.” he answers.

“Oh, did any of my friends leave?” I ask him.

“No, I just checked up on them a few minutes ago and they're still sleeping.” he says.

“Okay, thanks.” I say and go back upstairs. I got into my room and Lissa was waking up.

“Hey Lissa, massive headache?” I say to her using a soft voice.

“Yeah...” she groaned. She sat up in the bed and I let her go take a shower. I wanted to go check up on my other girls but I had no idea which room they were in. I went back downstairs into the kitchen to ask, uh, Max? No, Matt, yeah, to ask Matt which room it was.

“Hey, uh, Matt?” I say softly once I get into the kitchen.

“Yeah,” he says as he turns to me.

“Which room is yours?” I ask not looking into his dreamy blue eyes.

He let out a chuckle, “Come on.” he says and walks up the stairs. I followed him and his room was 2 doors away from mine. “This room.” he whispers as he opens the door. Dani, Talia, and Syl were all on the bed. I went to Dani and woke her up. I told her that she could go to my room and shower in my bathroom. Then I woke Talia, I told her to shower in my brother's bathroom and I let Syl sleep. She drank the most last night, well, from what I remember. I checked my brother's room before letting Talia in and he was probably out with a girl or trying to hook up with one. It's all good as long as he doesn't do that here.

I went into my room to see if Lissa was done with her shower and she was but she didn't have any clothes so I let her borrow mine. I gave her my water bottle and she drank the whole thing! Dani was almost done with her shower so I went to wake up Syl, I told her that Dani was almost done and that she could go in afterwards. I let all the girls borrow some clothes and I also changed into a crop top and shorts myself. We helped each other fix up our hair and make-up then went downstairs. We grabbed a few bottles of water and pretty much drank the whole bottle each. We went back upstairs to grab our purses and shoes then went out the door. I drove each girl home and grabbed a dozen doughnuts on the way back. I figured that some of the guys might want some. When I got back, all the guys were home.

“Hey!” I say as I walk into the living room. All, uh, 8 guys were there (including my brother). They all say “Hey” or “'Sup” or just a simple “Hi”.

“Matt? Can I, uh, talk to you for a minute?” I asked and everyone seemed confused because I didn't know any of their names.

“Yeah, sure.” he says and walks over to me. I brought him into the kitchen.

“Uh, I don't want Jacks to find out about last night... Could you and the other guys, uh, not tell him?” I asked hoping that he would say yes without wanting anything in exchange. From having a big brother, I know that most guys would want something in exchange.

“Sure.” he said and I let out a breath of air that I didn't even know I was holding. “But...” ugh, he's going to say it now. “What do I get in exchange?” he continued with a smile on his face.

“What do you want?” I asked not thinking at all.

“Hm... What do I want?” he says with his hand on his chin, “A kiss.”

“Just stand in the street and ask a girl who walks by to kiss you and they'll be glad to 'cause you sure are hot as hell.” I mumbled the last part.

“What was that?” he asks with a smirk, “Did you say that I'm hot or that I'm on pot?”

“No, I didn't say that you're on pot you idiot.” I say and I hit his arm.

“So you said that I'm hot.” he replied with a smirk on his face again.

“Well, uh yeah, and I don't think any girl in the world could deny it...” I say looking away from him.

“Aw... That's so sweet of you to say.” he says and hugs me really really hard, lifting my feet off the ground.

“Dude. Can't. Breathe.” I say to him as he was hugging me.

“Sorry.” he says and puts me down, “Anyways, I didn't mean I wanted a kiss from some random girl. I want a kiss, from you.” he says and had a smile on his face.

“Oh... Well, uh... okay.” I say and peck his lips. “There you go. A kiss.” I say hoping that he won't say anything.

“No, no, no, no.” he starting saying just as I hoped he wouldn't, “I want a real kiss.”

“Ugh, okay. But not here.” I say and grab his hand. I pull him towards my room but we pass his door on the way and he pulls me in. He closes the door behind him and lockes it.

“Just one kiss, that's all.” I say as he takes a step closer to me. He puts his hands around my waist and I put mine around his neck. We kiss and he slides his tongue across my bottom lip asking for entrance. I open my mouth a bit and our tongues meet halfway. Once we pulled away, I was breathing heavily. I didn't really mind kissing him because for one, it's not my first kiss so it doesn't matter and for two, I was pretty sure that he was going to be a great kisser because he is already super cute. I actually find this guy more on the cute side than on the hot side.

“You're a good kisser.” he says with a smile as he looks into my light blue eyes.

“You're not so bad yourself” I say getting back into my 'not interested in all you hot guys' character, “So are we done here?”

Chapter 3:

 He slid his hand through his dirty blonde hair and muttered “Yeah.” So I opened the door and left his room leaving him speechless. I went downstairs to make sure that the others guys don't say anything to Jackson. Shit, I don't remember their names. They were 5 guys total, uh... their was Drew and uh, Jacob and, um... Ugh, I can't remember!

I walked into the living room the guys weren't there anymore but I could hear them outside. I went out back and they were all by the pool. 7 hot guys, in my pool, shirtless, with water dripping down their hot bodies. Oh god, I don't know if I can handle this much hotness at once.

I calmed myself down and yelled over their screaming voices. “Hey!” I yelled to get their attention.

“Hey, it's J's hot little sister.” one of the guys said. He had light brown hair that was alike to Zac Efron's a few years back when he had it longer. Some other guy splashed him for him to shut up, it was the guy who I met on the first day. Met him when he came into my room and when he bumped into me on the stairs.

“Thank you, guy with light brown hair for calling me hot and thank you other guy who is a complete idiot for making him shut up.” I said and smiled. Most of the guys laughed at my comments. “Okay, so which one of you is Drew and Jacob?” I asked.

“Drew!” a guy yelled as he jumped up in the pool.

“I'm Jacob.” another guy says as he gets out of the pool and grabs a towel. “Sorry about him,” Jacob says, “He's a bit, uh, how could I say it? Loco. I mean, crazy.” Jacob had short black hair with green eyes and Drew was a blonde with blue eyes.

“Hey, can we talk inside?” I ask once Drew finally got out of the pool and walked over to Jacob and I.

“Yeah, sure.” Jacob says and we walk into the house. We went into the kitchen and grabbed bottles of water. I open one for me and sat on the island of the kitchen with both boys in front of me still shirtless and dripping.

“So, you guys helped me and my friends last night, right?” I say.

“Yeah, you were all so wasted!” Drew yells and Jacob hit his arm.

“Yeah, okay. But can you guys not tell Jackson about it?” I ask looking into their eyes with the sweetest look ever and leaning down so they could see a bit under my shirt. Jacob stared at my face and Drew looked straight down.

“Deal.” Drew says not looking away from my boobs.

“Awww... Deal.” Jacob says and he gets out of the trance of my sweet look and says, “How the hell did you do that?”

“Practice makes perfect, boys.” I say and jump off the kitchen island. “And I have a question. What are the names of the two other boys who helped me and my friends last night, not including Matt?” I ask them as I hold the doorknob to go back outside to ask the last two guys to keep their mouths shut.

“Tyler and Xavier.” Jacob says and I walk out the door. I go back out by the pool and the Zac Efron guy yells, “Hey, she's back!”

“Yeah, yeah. I'm here, whatever.” I say not caring about his comment, “Which one of you is Tyler and, uh, Xavier?” I ask scanning all the guys.

“I am the incredibly hot and sexy Tyler.” a guy with short dark brown hair and gray-ish blue-ush eyes says, I loved those kind of eyes.

“Xavier, or as you called, complete idiot.” the guy who bumped into me when I was going down the stairs and barged into my room on day 1 says.

“Oh great.” I mumble as I knew that they would both want something from me in exchange. “Inside, now.” I say as they both walk up to me and we walked into the living room.

“What do you need, babe?” Tyler asks as he sits on the couch.

“So you both helped me and my friends last night, right?” I say making sure.

“Yeah, you were so-” Xavier started saying but I cut him off.

“Yeah, I get it. I was drunk.” I say and then got to the point, “So I don't want Jackson to find out that I went out and got drunk with my friends so could you maybe, not tell him?” I say hoping that they would just say a simple 'ok' and go back to the pool.

“Yeah, sure. No problem, babe.” Tyler says and starts to walk out of the living room but of course Xavier had to speak up...

“Wait-” Xavier says and Tyler stops walking and backs up, “What do we get in exchange?” he says and Tyler rubs his hands together.

“Ugh, what do you want?” I groan.

“I'll tell you later,” Xavier says and walks away. I opened my mouth to say something but nothing comes out..

“What about you?” I say to Tyler.

“Let me think about this. One hot and sexy guy plus one hot and sexy girl equals hot and sexy sex.” he says as he looks at me.

“Hell no. I am not gonna have sex with you.” I say and start to walk away. But he grabs my wrist and twirls me around.

“I don't want to make you have sex with me. I am not that crazy! But I would love a hot and sexy kiss.” he says and puts one of those half smiles on his face.

“Yeah, okay. But not here.” I say and pull him upstairs into my room and he closes the door behind me.

“One kiss.” I say. He takes one step closer to me, grabs my waist and pushes me against the door. I moan as my back hits the door, he places his hands on each side of my head pushing against the door. And he replies, “Yes, one hot and sexy kiss.” He crashes his lips onto mine and his lips were so soft and I loved it. I wrapped my arms around his neck. He bit my bottom lip and I let out a moan so he took the opportunity to slip his tongue into my mouth. Once our tongues touched they danced around. He put his hands down off of the door and pushed his body against mine. I grabbed a handful of his beautiful dark brown hair and pulled it, he moaned. Oh god, it turned me on, so freaking much. I could feel him smile, he started to reach under my shirt and his hand was on my bare skin. He was getting revenge, he clipped my bra without breaking our amazing kiss and started drawing circles around my nipple. His circles were slowly shrinking and once he got to my nipple, he pinched it. I couldn't help it and let out a moan. I could feel his smile, again. I broke the kiss and led kisses down, lower and lower, til I got to his neck. He massaged my breasts as I sucked his neck. He was moaning and I was trying my best not to but he was turning me on way too much. Once I stopped sucking, I led kisses back up to his lips and we kissed. I left a hickie on his neck. I kissed him the best I could and pulled away.

“One hot and sexy kiss.” I say and he nods. I open the door for him but he just stands there. I laugh and walk into my bathroom. I look at myself in the mirror and say, “Damn, girl. 2 guys in one day.” I thought to myself “Living with 8 guys isn't so bad after all.” I hook my bra back on and fix my hair. I walk out of the bathroom and Tyler was gone. I look out my window and saw that the guys were all out of the pool so I went downstairs into the living room. Everyone was there, Jackson, Drew, Jacob, Xavier, Matt, Tyler and 2 other guys who I didn't know the names of yet. One of them was the Zac Efron guy, he has hazel eyes and the other guy had hair a bit longer than Zac Efron guy and his hair had more volume. He had green-blue eyes, they were beautiful.

“Hey guys,” I say and they all turn towards me. “So I know everyone here except the pool guy who said I'm hot and pretty eyes over here.” I say and pointed as I described them.

“Name's Kyle, and thank you.” says the guy with the gorgeous eyes.

“I'm Blake!” says pool guy.

“Okay, uh, you're welcome Kyle. And Blake, you don't need to yell.” I say looking him straight in the eye.

“He's always yelling. You'll get used to it, uh, I think." Jacob says.

“Oh, okay, uh, Jacob?” I say unsure of his name.

“Yeah, it's Jacob.” he says and smiles. There were no more seats in the living room so I sat on Jacob's lap, he's pretty much the only one who has talked to me and didn't called me hot or sexy or anything like that. They were watching football which I was not interested in. I check the time and it was almost 7pm. I was freaking hungry, the only thing I've eaten today was a doughnut.

“Hey, guys.” I say interrupting their game, “Can we order pizza or something?” And they all just started yelling in agreement. I got up and called the pizza place. I ordered 2 large cheese pizza and 2 large cheese and pepperoni pizzas. I went back to the living room once I hung up. I sat on Xavier's lap just to see if he would say or do anything to me.

“You still owe me something and I will tell you tonight. In my room. On my bed.” he whispers in my ear bringing shivers down my spine.

Then door bell rang which probably meant that the pizza was here. No one bothered to get up and get the pizza so I had to. I asked my brother for money and went to pay the dude and get our pizza. I opened all 4 large pizza boxes and laid them out on the dining table with plate and napkins. I grabbed a pepperoni and cheese slice before the guys came and attacked the whole thing.

“Pizza's here!” I yell to the guys who were still in the living room. I sat on the kitchen island watching the guys attack the pizza as I peacefully ate mine. Once I finished it, there were only 2 slices of cheese pizza left. Drew ran over to it and grabbed, then he ran away. I went to grab the last slice but Xavier grabbed it before I could. I made a sad face and looked up at him.

“Okay, fine. We'll share.” he says and takes one gigantic bite out of the pizza then gives it to me.

“The rest is mine, right?” I say because he pretty much ate half the pizza with that one bite.

“If you want it to be.” he whispers in my ear and walk away. I finish the slice of pizza and clean up. I throw out the boxes and put the dishes in the dishwasher. I grab a can of Coca-Cola and drink it. I check the time and it was 10:40pm. I go upstairs into my room and lay back on my bed. I grab my phone and text Lissa.


Me: Hey Liss! So some crazy stuff happened today and we really need to talk. School starts in less than a week and im goin cray-cray

Lissa: Hey Liv! What happened? Tell me everything!

Me: Ok. So 5 of the guys brought us into bed last nite cus we were soooo wasted.

Lissa: Yeah, and...

Me: i asked the first guy not to tell Jacks about it and he said 'what do i get in exchange' and whatever. i asked him what he wanted and he said that he wanted a kiss, from me.

Lissa: Omg! What did u say and do?!?! Which one is he?

Me: I brought him upstairs so no one would see us and we kiss. It was just a kiss though. Nothing happened.

Lissa: Oh, that's boring then...

Me: Yeah, but then i went to ask two others guys to keep quiet and they didn't ask anything cus i used my boobs and my sweet look.

Lissa: Okay, soooo

Me: The last two guys! One named Tyler and the other, Xavier.

Lissa: They sound hot! What happened?!

Me: Tyler's exact words were 'One hot and sexy guy plus one hot and sexy girl equals hot and sexy sex'!!!!

Lissa: u had sex with him!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Me: Hell no! He said that one hot and sexy kiss would be enough for him.

Lissa: So u kissed another one of them!

Me: Yes!!!!!!! But this kiss was a whole other level compared to the first guy. The first guy was just tongue but this guy was tongue and touching and I even gave him a hickie! I don't even know if he's seen it yet.

Lissa: So what about the other guy, Xavier?

Me: I have no idea. So he said that he would tell me later (what I owed him) and then he whispered in my ear that he'll tell me tonite, in his room, on his bed. So I have no idea what is happening but it is now tonite so he should walk into my room anytime or I walk into his.

Lissa: Damn girl! I wanna live in that magical house of yours!

Me: Yeah, I've had a crazy day. But I need to explain names to you so you can keep up with me when I talk to you. So first guy that the kiss was average, his name is Matt. Blonde hair, blue eyes, more cute than hot and he's really nice (ideal bf). Next 2 guys Jacob and Drew, Drew worked with boobs and Jacob worked with sweet look. Last 2, Xavier (mystery guy) and Tyler (hot and sexy guy). Other ppl r Blake, he's hilarious and his hair reminds me of Zac Efron, the last guy's name is Kyle, gorgeous eyes but haven't really talked to him.

Lissa: Ok, i'll try to learn all this shit and text u tomorrow. And if the guy who is making u crazy, whatever his name is, doesn't come in yr room. U sure as hell will go into his.

Me: Ugh, okay... Nite Lissa. <3 <3 <3

Lissa: Nite Liv. <3 <3 <3


I checked the time and it was a bit before midnight so I waited on my bed for Xavier. If he doesn't come in my room before midnight then I'm gonna go into his. I stayed on my bed and listened to music until it was midnight.

Midnight came and no Xavier. I took my earbuds out and unplugged them from my phone. I threw them on my bedside table and got up off the bed. I slipped my phone into my back pocket and went to my door. Then I realised that I had a problem, I have no idea which room was Xavier's.

I walked out of my room and passed a few doors on the way to the stairs. I could here moans coming out of the room across from me, the room next to me and the room just across from the stairs. I covered my ears and ran down the stairs. I walked into the living room to find Matt, Blake, Xavier and my brother.

“Hey guys. There are some disturbing noises upstairs so imma stay down here for a while.” I say and sit next to Xavier, “I think one of you is missing, unless one of the guys is sleeping with another guy up there...” I add.

“No, Jacob went to sleep.” Matt says. I sit there waiting for Xavier to say or do something but he doesn't. He just sits there watching T.V.

“I thought you were going to tell me tonight. In your room. On your bed.” I whispers in his ear as seductively as I could. I couldn't help it, I swear that this guy was so much hotter than the others. He probably had a freaking 6 or 8-pack. He had dark brown hair and the kind of eyes that you could get lost in. That is why I always try to avoid eye contact with this guy.

“Gotta wait until everyone goes to bed.” he whispers back and concentrates on the T.V. again. I lay my head on his shoulder and wait. Blake went to bed, then Matt, then Jackson. Once Jackson was out of sight, Xavier jumped off the couch and pulled me into one of the few rooms that were downstairs. I guess this was his room.

Chapter 4:


“Hi.” he said as he closed the door.

“Hi.” I said not being able to avoid the hypnotising eyes. “So?” I asked looking away.

“What?” he asked and then remembered, “Oh yeah.” he pulled me and threw me onto his bed.

“In your room. On your bed.” I said, “now tell me.” He didn't say anything, he sat on the bed and pulled me onto his lap, he kissed me. I got so into it that he laid me down on the bed and was on top of me, I didn't even realise. I had my hands around his neck and gripped his hair. He led a trail of kisses going down and he kissed my neck until he found my sweet spot. I moaned at his touch. He sucked on it and I bit my lip trying to keep my moan in but it came out within a matter of seconds. I tugged his hair and he moaned. He led his trail of kisses back to my lips and bit my bottom lip and I moaned once again. I flipped us over and didn't break the kiss. I did just as he did and led a trail of kisses down his neck and sucked on his lower neck as he ran his hands around my body and moaned. Somehow, we both already had our shirts off. I do not remember doing that but whatever. This felt amazing.

We were about to go further but we didn't in the end because it was too soon. I slept in his bed and we just cuddled, nothing happened. I haven't even had a real conversation with this guy. But it felt so wrong yet so right.




I called Lissa the next morning and we went shoe shopping at the mall and talked about everything that happened. When I got home, I didn't hear any of the guys so I just went up to my room to drop off my shoes in my closet. It was really nice weather outside and I had 5 days left until school starts so I decided to go for a swim. I looked through my closet for a bathing suit. Once I got it, I heard all the guys coming in the house. I dropped the bathing suit on my bed and ran down the stairs.

“Hey guys! Going for a swim, who wants to join?” I asked and they all started yelling that they would and that they wanted to and stuff so I told them to go get changed and I ran back to my room. I got changed in my bathroom and grabbed a towel along with my phone, headphones, and sunglasses. I went outside by the pool and put all my stuff on one of the chairs. I saw the guys walking out of the house so I dived into the pool the best I could. I swiftly went back up into the water and all the guys were staring. They all dropped their towels and jumped in. I put my head under the water, protecting myself. Once I got back up, Xavier was right in front of. I caught my breath and pulled him down with me. I wrapped my legs around his waist and kissed him. He ran out of breath and had to get some air so we couldn't have a decent kiss.

“Sorry, babe. I'm not that great of a swimmer.” he said once he caught his breath.

“It's fine.” I said with a laugh and swam under water. I liked swimming under and grabbing people's ankles. It's hilarious! Once I got out, I dried off and went inside. I went upstairs into my room to take a shower. But for some reason, Xavier was in my room, sitting on my bed. I closed the door behind me and locked it in case anyone walked in.

“Hey, what are you doing here?” I asked sitting on his lap.

“I was waiting for you so that I could do this.” he said and kissed me. I pushed away.

“Babe, I need to shower. We can do this after, promise.” I said.

“How about during?” he said and I had a confused look on my face. “Can I join you in the shower?” he asked. I thought about it and said yes but had to keep bathing suit on. We washed each others bodies and kissed in the shower. I'm not a virgin so I was okay with showering with Xavier. I dated a guy for about a year and a half but he had to move away so we slept together before he left.

I got out of the shower and dried off. Xavier went to his room to grab some clothes but promised that he'd come back. I slipped on a pair of red and black lace panties with a matching bra and looked through my closet for a tank top and shorts. But Xavier came back in the room before I could.

“Babe? I'm back.” he said and I walked out of the closet still in bra and panties only. He was wearing boxers only, I believe he purposely wore no shirt. He closed the door and locked it. He walked straight up to me and crashed our lips together. He bit my bottom lip and I moaned as he slipped he tongue into my mouth. Once our tongues touch, I felt a tingly feeling inside of me that I can't explain. I took a few steps back as he took steps forward and we fell onto my bed without breaking our kiss. He was on top, with my arms around his neck and I started to grind against him. He moaned and kissed the hickie he gave me last night. I flipped us over and I was now sitting on him. He placed his hands on my breasts as I traced my finger around his abs. I moaned at his touch and could feel his erection on my ass. I leaned forward and starting grinding on him again as he massaged my breasts. His erection was getting bigger and bigger, we were both moaning. He unhooked my bra and threw it on the floor. He grabbed my breasts in his hands and squeezed them, I moaned once again.


Chapter 5:


I didn't let it go any further. Like I said before, I don't know this guy well enough, he has to at least take me on a date or something if he wants to get that far with me. I sure am hot but I am not a slut. The next day, all of the guys plus me and my girls took a trip to the beach. I drove with my girls and the guys took two other cars. Kyle had a girl stuck to him the whole time. She was pretty, light brown hair, blue eyes, tall, perfect body, I don't know what her name is but everyone called her Ange, or Angie, or simply A. All the guys seemed to know her so I decided to get to know her myself.

“Hey,” I said to her when we were sitting in the sun at the beach.

“Hey,” she said turning over to me, taking off her sunglasses and putting them on her head.

“Name's Olivia but most people call me Liv.” I said and held my hand out.

“I'm Angelica but most people call me a lot of different things so you can pick it out yourself.” she said with a smile and shook my hand.

“Okay, let me think. What do you prefer?” I asked.

“I don't really prefer anything because there are so many different names that I'm used to all of them.” she said.

“Okay, I want to find one that no one has thought of... How about 'gelica? Just like Angelica but without the 'an' so, 'gelica.” I said.

“Never thought of that one, I like it.” she said.

“Yes, exactly what I was hoping for.” I said and clapped my hands together. We talked for a while and then I brought up the guys. “So, how come you're so close with all the guys?” I asked, “My guess would be because you are simply beautiful but why would you stick around. Normally, the hot girls come and go in the house.” I said thinking that maybe that offended her.

“Oh, no. I am not one of the sluts that those douchebags sleep with. Oh god no!” she said, “I'm dating Kyle. We've been together for a little longer than a year now.” she said.

“Oh okay. That makes so much more sense. I'm so sorry if I offended you!” I apologised.

“No, no, it's fine.” she said and got up. “I'm gonna go for a swim, wanna join?” she asked. I said yes and grabbed my girls along with me. All the guys joined us and we splashed each other like crazy maniacs.

We stayed at the beach until it got dark. Most of us girls paired up with a guy who had their arm around our shoulder. I was with Xavier, Dani was with Matt, Talia with Blake, Syl was with Drew, Angelica with Kyle, Tyler was with a random girl, Lissa surprisingly with Jackson and Jacob surprisingly alone. We all watched the sunset and went home. I drove with Xavier in shotgun, Kyle, Angelica, and Jacob in the back. We all drove home. All the girls stayed over, even Tyler's random girl. Lissa, Dani, Angelica and I made some dinner for everyone and then we all watched a movie in the living room. Once it was past midnight, we all went to our rooms. I stayed in Xavier's room and told the girls that they could sleep in my bed if they wanted to but most of them stayed with the guy that they were with on the beach. I went upstairs to my room to get changed and I could already hear moans from almost all of the rooms. I shivered, went to my room and closed the door behind me. I went to my closet and changed into a tank and shorts. I went to my bathroom and washed my face as well as brushed my teeth. I was starting to feel sleepy and didn't feel like dealing with Xavier now so I just ended up falling asleep in my bed. I laid in bed and closed my eyes.

The next morning, I woke up early in case any of the girls needed to ditch the guys. I took a shower and put on a pair of white shorts and a floral crop top. I was on my way downstairs and saw Lissa sneaking out of Jackson's room.

“Hey,” I whispered.

“Hey,” she said and looked ashamed of herself.

“Go take a shower in my room and grab whatever clothes you need. Then meet me downstairs.” I told her and patted her shoulder. She nodded and headed towards my room. I went downstairs and checked if Xavier was awake. I slowly and quietly opened his door and he was sleeping. I closed the door and went into the kitchen. I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and then I saw Talia was down the stairs with her hair a big mess and her shoes in her hands.

“Hey, Talia.” I said and scared the shit out of her.

“Holy mother of... Liv, you scared me.” she said whining at the end.

“I know. So, you sneaking away?” I asked and she nodded. “Lissa's upstairs in my room getting changed. Go take a shower and borrow whatever clothes you need to. Come back down when you're ready.” I said and she went back upstairs. I scrolled through Instagram and Facebook, looked through all my notifications and finally Lissa and Talia came down both changed and ready to ditch the guys. We got into my car and listened to the radio singing our heads off. I think that if any of the other girls wanted to ditch, then they would have came downstairs already. Lissa, Talia and I went to Starbucks and bought some coffee. I then dropped each of them home and went home myself. When I got home, Blake, Jacob and Xavier were in the kitchen.

“Hey, guys!” I said as I walked in.

“Hey.” they all said back. I walked towards the fridge to grab a bottle of water but Xavier grabbed my hand and pulled me to his room.

“Why didn't you come back last night?” he asked as he closed the door and looked me straight in the eyes.

“I'm sorry. I was just so tired from the long day and passed out on my bed.” I said with my sweet look.

“No, it's okay. You just worried me.” he said.

“Well, I'm okay.” I said and pecked his lips.

“I know, babe.” he said to me and I went back to the kitchen. Matt and Dani were there now. Dani was sitting on his lap. I'm happy for her, and for him.

“Hey Liv.” Dani said with the happiest smile on her face.

“Hey Dani,” I said and walked over to her. “Can we talk?” I said and pulled her off of Matt's lap and all the way upstairs, into my room. “What happen?!?! Did you hook up?!?!” I asked as I closed the door behind me.

“No, we didn't hook up. We kissed and cuddled. He's such a nice guy and... I just...” she said drifting off with a smile on her face.

“Oh Dani! I'm so happy for you!” I said. “I took Lissa and Talia home already. You can take a shower and borrow some clothes if you need to.” I said and hugged her. She went into the bathroom and took a shower just as I told her.

I went downstairs to tell Matt that Dani was in my room and she'll be back down soon. On the way back upstairs, I could already hear more moans. I could hear them from the room next to Matt's and the one next to mine. I'm pretty sure that the one next to Matt is Drew's who is with Syl and the room next to mine is Kyle's. I went back into my room and laid back on my bed. Not long after, Dani came out with a towel around her waist. She went into my closet and tried some clothes on. She picked out the clothes she wanted and I help her with her hair while she did her make-up. Dani had long black hair that was naturally beautiful. I blow-dried it and curled it. She finished her make-up and we went downstairs. She went straight to Matt and kissed him. She sat on his lap and I went into the kitchen to make some eggs and bacon. I made enough for everyone and they all served themselves. I sat in the living room and turned on the T.V. A few seconds after, everyone came in the living room as well.

After a while, Kyle and Angelica came out of their room and into the living room. I got up and hugged Angelica as she came into the living room. I sat on Xavier's lap leaving them a spot. Afterwards, Syl and Drew came out and I pulled her straight upstairs and into my room. I closed the door but Dani was there already and she came into the room and closed the door.

“What happened?!?!” Dani and I asked Syl at the same time.

“We hooked up.” she said with a slight smile.

“Oh my god Syl! You hooked up with him!” I said.

“It's just a summer fling. Doesn't mean anything.” she said to me.

“Okay, whatever. Take a shower and you can borrow clothes if you need to.” I told her and both Dani and I laid back on my bed. We talked while waiting for Syl to come out. Sylvia is the type of girl who is really shy most of the time but once it comes to partying and guys, she just goes crazy. She is a party animal.

“Do you think that you and Matt are gonna become a real thing?” I asked.

“I hope so, I mean, I really like him.” she said and had a smile on her face just thinking about it.

“Do you want me to talk to him?” I asked.

“Oh god, yes, please!” she said to me.

“Okay, I will then.” I said and Syl came out of the bathroom. She put on some clothes and I did her hair while Dani did her make-up. Syl had light brown hair and green eyes. Her hair was long and naturally straight. We finished her hair and make-up and all went downstairs. I asked Syl and Dani if they wanted to go home and they both said that they wanted to stay a bit longer. We went back into the living room and watched T.V. I noticed that Jackson was there now.

“Can we go see a movie or something?” I said interrupting the T.V. And the people kissing. Everyone agreed and we drove to the movie theater. I drove shotgun with Xavier and Dani and Matt were in the backseat. They were holding hands and I found it adorable. We watched Guardians of the Galaxies because there was nothing else that everyone would agree on. We ate at Denny's after and each couple got their own booth. But Jacob, Tyler, and Jackson were alone so they sat at a table. All the guys paid for their girl and the people who finished first left with the people who finished after them. The guys who still had a girl dropped them off on the way back home. I was now the only girl, once again.

Everyone was in their own rooms doing their own shit. I was also in my room laying back on my bed thinking about what to do on the last few days of summer vacation. I walked out of my room and into the hallway.

“Everyone in the living room now!” I yelled and went down to the living room. I stood in the middle in front of the T.V. Waiting for all the guys to come in. They were all in the living room within seconds.

“Okay. So we have 2 days left until school starts. What are we going to do?” I said, “We're gonna have a party!” I yelled and all the guys supported me on it. “So party tomorrow night and we have the whole next day to deal with our hangovers. Deal?” I said and they all said deal. We talked about where we would get drinks and stuff and we had everything planned out. I went back upstairs and into my room. I laid back on my bed and thought of school. Me and all my girls are all gonna be juniors. Most of the guys are gonna be seniors but not all of them. Jackson, Xavier, Kyle, and Jacob are gonna be seniors and Matt, Drew, Blake, and Tyler are gonna be juniors. I thought about Xavier and if anything would happen between us but I honestly think our relationship won't get any further. He is totally the player type of guy. Once school starts, all the girls will be all over him and he'll forget about me. If I don't expect much then my heart won't get broken. Thinking about heart-break, school, and friends, I have to talk to Matt about Dani. I got up off my bed and slipped my phone into my back pocket. I opened my door and walked over to Matt's. His room is one the opposite side and one door away. So he is diagonal from me. I knocked on his and waited for him to say something to let me come in. He just opened the door instead.

“Hey,” I said.

“Hey, what's up?” he asked.

“I need to talk to you. Nothing much.” I said.

“Okay...” he said as he sat on his bed and I sat next to him.

“So, I'm gonna get straight to the point. You and Dani. What's happening there? Just a summer romance and nothing more or you are hoping it's not just a summer romance?” I asked.

“I, uh, why would I tell you this?” he asked.

“Because I just asked you.” I answered.

“Are you jealous?” he asked.

“Hell no. I did not kiss you for my own pleasure. You made me kiss you.” I stated.

“Okay fine.” he said. “I'm hoping it's not just a summer romance.” he said avoiding eye contact.

“Okay, then she will be at the party tomorrow so you dance with her. And take care of her if she drinks too much and if any guys are getting too close and she doesn't want them there. Save her. Even if she's drunk as hell, you gotta be there. Take her out on a date. Give her your jacket if she's cold. Then kiss her good night at her doorstep and drive home. Tell me everything after that. She'll probably get to me first but I wanna hear both sides of the love story.” I said.

“Okay.” he said trying to follow everything I just said. “Thank you, Liv.” he said and hugged me. Once he let go I realised that I wanted to talk to him.

“I helped you so could you maybe help me?” I asked.

“Sure, what do you need?” he asked.

“So I asked all the guys who helped me and my friends a few nights ago to keep quiet and of course Xavier wanted something in exchange just like you. But he also wanted the same thing as you.” I said.

“He copied me!” he yelled trying to make me laugh because I was getting a bit too serious. I laughed a bit and Matt smiled.

“Yeah, so I kissed him but it got a bit too far.” I said and I saw the look on Matt's face and yelled, “Not that far!” He looked a bit relieved. “So we've made out several times and taken off our shirts but nothing more. We barely talk and he doesn't talk about taking me on a date or something like that. All we do is kiss without our shirts sometimes.” I said.

“So what do you need from me?” he asked.

“Well, you've known Xavier longer than me. Is it a summer fling even though we haven't hooked-up or is he gonna ask me out or simply try to get me to sleep with him?” I asked Matt.

“Umm... Honestly, Xavier has always been a player and I'm surprised he hasn't tried to sleep with you yet.” Matt said.

“Well, actually...” I said and Matt's face look disappointed. “I stopped it!” I said. “We were both topless somehow and he unhooked my bra and threw it on the floor. He tried taking off more of my clothing but I wouldn't let him.” I said to Matt.

“How can you push away a guy when you're already that far with him?” Matt asked.

“It was hard.” I said.

“Okay, well, I'm sorry Liv but Xavier is just trying to hook up with you. There's a small possibility that I'm wrong but I really think that he's just trying to hook up with you. I don't know what you can do about it. Maybe just avoid him or tell him what you know or just hook up with him if you want.” Matt said.

“Okay, well thanks for the advice.” I said to him.

“Yeah, you too.” he said and I went back to my room and fell back onto my bed. I texted Lissa. I told her that Matt says Xavier's a player and he's just trying to hook up with me and I asked her about what I should do now. She told me that I should manipulate him. Like make him take you on a date or make him get a boner and then leave him with it or make him get a boner in public. Once you make him take you on a date, once you get home you have a make-out session against the wall then on the bed and then you take off his shirt and then you take off yours and you make him get the biggest boner ever until he says 'I need you now' or something like that. Then you slap him put your shirt on and call all the guys into the room and he'll be laying there speechless, shirtless and has a boner. I told her that it was the best plan ever but I don't know if I could get him to go on a date with me. Lissa told me to get Matt to help. Matt could tell Xavier that if he takes me on a date then I might sleep with him. Then he'll take me on a crappy date and the plan will go perfectly. I checked the time and it was nearly midnight. I went back to Matt's room and told him the whole plan and that he can't tell anyone. He agreed and I went back to my room. I washed up and fell asleep thinking about how humiliated Xavier would feel.


[: Hope you like it so far! Tell me what you think and I'll update when I can. :]



Chapter 6:


I woke up the next day and went straight into the shower. I shaved and shampooed and conditioned. Once I finished I got out and blow-dried my hair then got changed and video called Lissa, Dani, Talia, and Syl.

“Hey girls, party at my house tonight. Need an outfit. Who's coming?” I said while putting on my make-up. They all said that they were coming. “Dani, talked to Matt and good things are coming for you. Lissa, Talia, and Syl, be careful with who you hook up with this time. Meet me at my house in 20 minutes everyone.” I said and they all said yeah and okay and sure. I hung up and finished my make-up. I fixed up my hair and picked out my shoes. I grabbed my purse and my phone. I sprayed a bit of perfume on, looked myself in the mirror and walked out my door.

“Living room now!” I yelled to everyone in the house. I went down to the living room and stood in the same spot as before. Everyone arrived in a matter of seconds once again.

“Okay, party is tonight. Someone needs to get people to come, someone needs to get something for people to eat, people to drink, and something to entertain people. Find it out and text me if there are any problems. I'll be at the mall with my girls but please sort everything out. Okay? Bye.” I said and went out the door as my girls arrived to my house. We all got into my car and I drove to the mall. I bought a short purple dress and matching heels. All the girls got what they wanted and we ate at the food court after we all found our dresses. Once we got home, it was 7:00pm and the party was starting around 10pm. No one was home except for Tyler and Drew who were probably the two who were spreading the word. We went into my room and laid our dresses on my bed. I looked around for my jewelery and laid it all on the floor.

I heard the guys coming in so I went downstairs and told the girls to shower.

“Hey guys,” I said, “Did you get everything?” I asked hoping they would say yes.

“Yes.” most of them said.

“Yay! Okay, did you get a D.J. or something?” I asked.

“No, but I know someone.” Jackson said.

“Okay, so you got food? You got the drinks? Do we have any strobe lights or something?” I asked.

“I have some at my mom's house.” Blake said.

“Okay, can you go get those and Jackson get the DJ and the rest of you set up.” I said and went upstairs to check on Drew and Tyler. “What are you guys working on?” I asked.

“People coming.” Tyler said.

“Okay, do we got people?” I asked.

“We gotta lot a people.” Tyler said.

“Okay, great. Go help out the guys downstairs when you can.” I said and went back to my room. Syl and Talia looked like they already showered so I sent Dani to Matt's bathroom so it would be faster. Lissa was currently in my shower and I went downstairs to warn Matt to not go into his bathroom. He was confused but nodded his head in comprehension anyways. Once I got back upstairs, Lissa just got out of the bathroom. I grabbed my hair dryer, hair straightener, and my curling iron. I looked through one of the guy's stuff for another hair dryer and found one. I gave it to Talia and Syl. Syl dried Talia's hair while Talia dried Lissa's hair while Lissa curled my hair while I did my own make-up. Once we finished this, I dried Dani's hair while she curled Syl's hair and Syl straightened Talia's hair and Talia did Lissa's make-up. Then I curled Lissa's hair and she did Dani's make-up, Talia did Dani's hair while Syl picked out accessories. Everyone's hair was done and the only people who didn't have make-up were Syl and Talia. I did Syl's make-up while everyone else put their dresses on with messing up their hair and make-up. Once I finished Syl's make-up, I did Talia's and then put my dress on. We all helped each other out with the accessories and then added last touches to hair and make-up. We slipped on our shoes and we heard the doorbell ring.

“Just in time, girls.” I said and we looked at ourselves one last time in the mirror then walked out the door. When we walked down the stairs, all eyes were on us. I checked out the place for strobe lights, food, music, drinks and everything was perfect. It was the night that I wanted. With a few drinks, a few dances with hot guys, a few looks from hot guys, and then the party would end and the next morning everyone is hungover but still had a great time.


Chapter 7:



“What the hell...” I muttered slowly opening my eyes. “Oh god...” I groaned and crawled out of bed. I walked over to my bathroom and turned the shower on. I looked at myself in the mirror, “Holyshit.” My make-up was all over the place, my hair was all over the place, and I had a horrible taste in my mouth. I got out of my clothes and jumped in the shower. I stood there for a while, letting the water run down my body. Once I finished my shower, I brushed my teeth. I went into my room and put a hoodie and shorts. I still had a towel wrapped around my wet hair but went downstairs to get a bottle of water and see if anyone else was awake.

I opened my bedroom door and instantly saw a mess. I looked down the hallway, a mess. I went down the stairs and it was crazy. I tried walking into the kitchen without stepping on all the junk that was on the floor. Jacob, Blake, Drew were already there.

“Hey.” I said and got groans in response. “Okay, good morning to you, too.” I said and grabbed a bottle of water. “Wait a second... Drew, where's your girl?” I asked.

“She left.” he said and I laughed.

“What about Syl?” I asked.

“I don't know. I don't remember much...” he said.

“Yeah, me neither...” said Blake and I.

“Wait, why did you ask Drew and not me?” Blake asked offended.

“Because the girl who stays with Drew would probably stay longer for some more in the morning but a girl who stays with you would ditch so they wouldn't need to socialise with you in the morning.” I answered. Blake opened his mouth to say something in response but then closed his mouth and walked out of the room. A girl walked passed the kitchen and towards the front door. Her hair was a mess and her shirt was on backwards. “Hey.” I said trying to get her attention. She turned around towards me. “Which guy?” I asked.

“What? Why?” she asked.

“I just started living with these guys and would like to find out which ones are the real players. So, which guy and tell me your name to see if they remember it.” I said to her.

“Tyler and my name's Emily.” she said and left. About 10 minutes later, Tyler came downstairs. “Hey, where's your girl?” I asked him.

“She left.” he said.

“I know.” I answered. “I watched her leave.” I said and smiled.

“Thanks.” he said sarcastically and gave a fake smile back.

“You're welcome.” I said with another smile on face. I playfully kissed him on the cheek and went back upstairs to my room. I laid back on my bed and realised that I don't even remember half of last night. I closed my eyes trying to picture the last thing I could remember. But I don't know how I even got into bed. I don't know if anything happened with another guy. Oh god, I don't know if anything happened between Xavier and I.

Concentrate, Olivia, concentrate. Okay, so I got a drink. I danced with a few guys and I'm pretty sure that nothing happened there, just some intense dancing. I had a few more drinks and that's when the dancing got intense. Then, I remember. I saw Xavier surrounded by girls and... that's all... I snapped and got drunk and now I can't remember a thing. One of the guys probably put me in bed. I hope I didn't sleep with someone and they left before I woke up.

I heard people going downstairs, so I decided to join. I got up off my bed and went downstairs. Matt and Dani just came down along with Kyle and Angelica.

“It's the two cutest couples of the house!” I said. But everyone groaned in response, once again. “Okay...” I said and handed everyone a bottle of water. I went to the living room and sat down along with everyone else. Everyone was here except for Jackson and oh god, Xavier. Did he sleep with another girl last night? Is that why he isn't here now? I'm pretty sure that he didn't touch me last night, or did he? I need to ask someone that I trust and that would most likely remember something. I trust Matt but he was probably with Dani the whole time and wasn't paying any attention to Xavier and I. Maybe Jacob, he isn't really a party animal and was probably sober the longest.

I was so lost in thought that I hadn't realised that I was muttering my thoughts out-loud and was doing hand gestures along with my muttering. All the guys plus Dani and Angelica were standing around me and a few of them were waving their hands in front of my face.

I blinked my eyes a few times and they moved their hands away but they were all staring.

“What?” I said.

“You were like, talking to yourself...” Blake said.

“Oh... How long have you guys been standing there?” I asked.

“A while...” Tyler answered.

“Oh.” I said softly. This is what happens when a hot guy gets into my head. I start talking to myself and people think that I'm crazy. “Jacob, come here.” I said to him and grabbed his arm to the kitchen.

“Yes?” he said/asked.

“How late did you get drunk last night?” I asked.

“Surely long after all you guys. You all got wasted within the first half hour.” he said and laughed.

“So, I need to ask you something then...” I said.


“Did I do anything with anyone last night from what you saw?” I asked kind of awkwardly.

“Uh... you danced with a few guys and-”

“Yeah, I remember the dancing and then more dancing but after that, I have no memory at all.” I said.

“Okay, let me think. Yeah, you were dancing with a few guys and then you were dancing with a lot of guys and then with a few guys and girls on the table and then after a while you were way too drunk and could barely stand so one of those guys that you were dancing with put you upstairs in your room, I think...” he said with pauses between every few words when retrieving his memory.

“Okay, thanks.” I said and went upstairs to my room. I laid back on my bed and thoughts were flooding my brain. So nothing happened between Xavier and I last night. Nothing happened between any guy and I last night, well I hope so.



12/31/2014  -> Happy New Year to all the Bookrix users!

Chapter 8:




<<If your lips are movin', if your lips are movin', then you're lyin', lyin' lyin'. >>


“Ugh, where's my phone.” I groaned. I found it and hit the 'Dismiss' button which should say 'Shut the F*** up, I want to SLEEP' instead. I snuggled back into my blanket and closed my eyes.

“Ah shit. It's the first day of school.” I said with my eyes wide open. I jumped out of bed and went into the bathroom. I played 'Uptown Funk' by Bruno Mars on my speakers and stripped out of my clothes. I turned on the shower while I undid my ponytail. I jumped into the shower and let the warm water rush down my body. Once I got out I wrapped a towel around me and went back in my bedroom and into my closet. I grabbed the clothes I needed and put them on my bed. I slipped on a pair of panties and a matching bra. I went back to the bathroom and started to moisturise and then brushed my teeth.

I went to my room and sat down at my vanity. I applied my primer and then a bit of eye shadow along with a small amount of mascara and a thin line of eyeliner. I added some pink gloss on my lips and grabbed my hairdryer. Once my hair was dry enough, I curled it and it looked perfect.

I slipped my clothes on and checked the time, I had to go. I leave a lot earlier than I should since I pick up all my girls on the way to school and grab coffee for each of us before. I went in my closet and grabbed a pair of shoes then grabbed my phone and stuffed it into my back pocket. I looked around for my purse and went downstairs. I quickly said 'Hey' to the few people who were in the kitchen while I grabbed my car keys off the counter. I rushed out the door and went straight into my car.

I drove to Starbucks and they already knew what I wanted. While I waited, I texted all the girls. Once I got all the coffee I drove off to Lissa's house, then Dani's, then Talia's and lastly, Syl. I gave each of them their coffee once they got in the car. Last stop, school.

“Hey Syl?” I asked.

“Yeah?” she answered.

“What's happening between you and Drew?” I asked.

“Nothing, it was just a summer fling, just one night, that's all, he knows it.” she said as I parked the car in front of the school. We all got out of the car and started walking towards our lockers.

“But would it be awkward if you saw him at school today and he talked to you?” I asked her.

“Of course not. Plus, he's a senior and all the other school sluts with be on him and the other guys.” she answered back.

“Actually, he's a junior, like us along with Blake, Tyler and Dani's happiness, Matt.” I said.

“What!?” she exclaimed as she slammed her locker shut.

“Yeah, you didn't know? Jackson, Kyle, Jacob and Xavier are the only seniors.” I said to her as I closed my locker.

Lissa decided to change the subject, “Oh, and talking about Xavier, have you told the girls our genius plan?”

“Actually I haven't yet.” I answered and one of the worst things of school, the school bell, rung. That means, class time. We all took out our schedules to see what classes we had.

“I have Geo with Ms. Santiago.” I said.

“Me too.” said Syl.

“Same here.” added Talia.

“Math with Mr. Freed.” Dani said.

“Same.” said Lissa.

“Okay, see you later girls.” I said and they answered back “See ya later.” and we walked our separate ways.

“So what's your genius plan with Xavier?” asked Talia.

“I'll tell you guys at lunch, when we're all together.” I said.

“Okay.” she answered back. We arrived to the classroom and only a few people were in there. I sat down first and my girls sat next to me. We talked until the teacher came in. Matt walked in with Blake and sat behind us. They said 'Hey' to us and we all said 'Hey' or 'Hi' back.

Once she came in, she told us her name and what we were going to do this year and all that shit that no one cares about. So instead of listening, I was lifted away by my cloud of thoughts. I started by thinking about Xavier, thinking about my plan. Maybe I should just tell Kylie that Xavier loves her. Now that would be hilarious.

Okay, so Kylie is a bitch who has been my enemy since 3rd grade. It all started when she stole my best friend, Samatha. It was always the three of us, the cutest three best friends since kindergarten but then things changed. She pushed me away and then I was alone. For the rest of 3rd grade. Then the next year, we weren't in the same class and I met Lissa and Dani. Kylie became a full-on bitch by high school. If being a bitch were a job, she'd be richer than me. But it's not, so sucks for her.

Kylie and I are the rulers of the school. We are the 'populars' but she's the school bitch, wait a second, if she's the bitch then that means I'm the slut. I'm not a slut, am I? I mean I kissed all those guys but I'm not a slut, right? Whatever, well I have my crew (Me, Lissa, Dani, Talia, and Syl) and she has her crew: her, Miranda which is her replacement of Lissa, Alexis which is her Dani and Lily which is actually her replacement of Talia and Syl together but no one can replace my girls. Samatha moved away in like 6th grade because her parents got divorced or something. I don't even know but whatever.

So if I told Kylie that Xavier loves her, she would get so clingy and he would hate it and it would annoy him so much. Players hate clingy girls but I think I'm gonna stick to my original plan. And that's when the bell decides to ring, once again.

“Uh, baes...” I said referring to Talia and Syl, “I completely zoned out in this class. Was there anything important?” I asked them.

“Nah, you're fine.” they both said and we left the classroom. Matt and Blake we're outside the door.

“Hey guys.” I said with Talia and Syl behind me one on each side like always.

“Hey, do you guys know what class Dani has next?” Matt asked.

“Nope, sorry. I don't even know what class I have next. Hold on.” I said as I tried getting my schedule out of my designer purse. “I have.... French with... Miss Lacombe, well something like that.” I said with a laugh. “Girls?”

“Spanish.” Talia and Syl both said.

“Us too!” Blake said a bit over-excited.

“Yeah, okay....” I said, “Uh, Dani probably has French with me so...”

“Oh, okay. Well then it's okay, never mind. See ya later.” Matt replied.

“Tal, Syl. We'll meet up at the lockers, kay?” I said.

“Yeah / Sure,” they said. Then we walked our separate ways. I don't like walking in the school halls alone. It feels really weird but French class is only at the end of the hallway so I'm fine.

I went in the class and no one was there so I sat in the back and took out my phone. People started coming in but I just stayed on my phone. I was texting Lissa. She said that she just had math class and guess who was in her class. Miranda. Lissa hates Miranda just as much as I hate Kylie. It's a double rivalry. And that's when I heard someone take the seat next to me and I knew it wasn't Dani so I was ready to kill them.

“Hey- oh, it's just you.” I said as I realised that it was Drew who sat next to me.

“Hey sexy.” he said.

“Hey. Uh, sit on the other side. That spot is reserved.” I said.

“Oh fiesty.” Drew replied.

“Oh shut up and move,” I said and pushed him off the chair playfully.

“Okay, okay. I'm moving. But...” he started to say.

“What...?” I asked annoyed.

“Give me a kiss.” he said knowing I would deny.

“Hells no. Now move.” I said.

“Okay, fine.” he finally said.

“And I'm with Xavier.” I said and he started laughing as if it was a joke, “You're joking, right?” he asked and I gave a straight-up 'no'. “No one is with Xavier. He's a player.” Drew stated.

“Not like he's any better than you.” I said and Dani walked in.

“Ouch, that hurt.” Drew said and I gave him a fake smile. I turned my back to him and started talking to Dani but then the teacher walked in. She introduced herself in French and made everyone do the same. Right after I did my part, I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. It was from Lissa. She was complaining about that bitch, Miranda. She is in Italian class and Miranda is siting behind her. And that's when Kylie comes in with her two other bitches, Alexis and Lily.

“Sorry, we're late.” she said and she put a croissant on the teacher's desk. Dani and I looked at each other and both went *cough* “kiss-ass” *cough*. And started laughing and Kylie glared at us.

“Allez-vous asseoir. Go sit down.” Ms. Lacombe said. I texted Lissa telling her that I was with the other bitches and we just kept texting the whole time. Time passed fast and the bell rang. I packed up my stuff and I texted Lissa before that we were all meeting up at the lockers. Dani and I left the class and Matt was waiting out the door for her.

“Hey beautiful.” he said.

“Hey,” she said and kissed him.

“Okay, uh, guys. That cute and all but I'm right here. Okay?” I said.

“Sorry.” they both said.

“Okay. Now, lockers. Matt, walk with us.” I said.

“Gladly.” he replied and we walked to the lockers. All of our lockers are purposely next to each other. In freshmen year, we were all separated but we did what had to be done to get these lockers.

Everyone was already there when we arrived. “Hey,” I said.

“Hey, so I think we all have gym class now but we have to stop by the bathroom first.” Lissa said and everyone agreed, “Oh and hey Matt.” she added and smiled to him.

“Hey.” he said back. “Babe, I gotta go find Jacob. I'll see you at lunch, okay?” he asked and grabbed her hand to hold it in his.

“Yeah, that's fine.” she said and he kissed her forehead. “Bye.” she said.

“Bye,” he said back and left.

“Awwww... You guys are so cute!” Talia exclaimed.

“Stop it...” Dani said back as she closed her locker.

“Okay, everyone's done? Let's go.” I said and shut my locker. We walked in our regular formation. I walked in front with Lissa next to me on the left and Dani stood behind in between us both with Talia on her right and Syl on the left.





We walked towards our bathroom. Everyone in the school knows not to go to this one bathroom because it's ours. Not even Kylie has her own bathroom. We are so awesome. And then that's when Kylie and her crew decide to show up. We were both in our formation and walked towards each other.

“Well look who we have here...” Kylie said once she stopped walking and ended up about 2 feet away from me.

“You know Ky,” I said hencing the way I said her name because she hates it, “I thought that after all these years you would change but no, you're still a bitch.” She had her mouth open as if I offended her and her girls gasped, along with other people in the hallway while some 'oooooo-ed'. “And maybe close your mouth before something flies in.” I said and a few people laughed to that.

“Well maybe, you should close your legs before you get pregnant.” Kylie said back. And a lot of people reacted.

“Bitch please. At least I can get a guy.” And with that I did my signature finger twist thing -yeah, it's kinda weird- and said “Let's go girls.” then walked away with my head held high.





Chapter 9:


Once we got into the bathroom and the door was shut, everyone was complaining. 'What the f***', 'she is such a bitch', 'she's the slut', 'how dare she say that' me and my girls were all saying. “No, seriously. I'm over it.” I said once I got out of the bathroom stall and walked towards the mirror. They all kept complaining except for Dani who was fixing up her hair. I washed my hands and fixed up my make-up. Okay, now this was annoying me. “Okay, Lissa, Syl, T. Shut up.” I said.

“Sorry...” they all said and went into the bathrooms. I passed Dani my lip gloss and she passed me her mascara. “Oh wait. Dammit.” I said.

“What?” Lissa asked.

“We have gym class now. Why am I doing all of this... ugh.” I complained.

“Oh right...” Dani said.

“Okay, everyone's done? Let's go.” I said and we all walked to the gym. We went to the changing rooms and got changed. There were only about three girls in there when we arrived and they were already changed. We were the last ones, we tied our hair up in high ponytails and went in the gym.

“Late.” the teacher said.

“Sorry, Mr. Massley.” I said.

“Don't let it happen again.” he replied and continued talking about what we were gonna do today. Obviously we were gonna do volleyball and I hate volleyball so I was thinking of an excuse for me, Lissa and Syl to not play today. Dani and Talia love volleyball but we don't. Once Mr. Massley was done talking I walked up to him and motioned Lissa and Syl to come with me.

“Mr. Massley?” I asked.

“Yes?” he replied.

“We were late for a reason.” I said.

“And what would that reason be, Miss Myers?” he asked.

“I have serious cramps, Lissa has her period, and Syl is really sore from practicing her new dance routine 24/7.” I said without any pauses or hesitation.

“Okay, fine. Go sit down.” he said and he started walking away.

“Um, Mr. Massley!” I called for him before it was too late, he turned around to look at me. “Can we go to the bathroom?” I asked.

“Go ahead.” he said annoyed by me.

“Thank you,” I said and we left.

“Why are we going to the bathroom again?” Lissa asked.

“We're not.” I said and walked towards Dani and Talia. “Dani, we're not playing but we're gonna stop by the football field. Want me to say anything to Matt?” I asked.

“Oh okay...” Syl and Lissa both said.

“Nah.” Dani said.

“Okay, see ya.” I said and we walked towards the changing rooms. When I grabbed for door-handle, it opened but I didn't touch it. Guess who was on the other side, just guess. Yeah, Kylie and Miranda.

“Move bitch.” Miranda said to Lissa.

“Um, excuse you.” I said getting all up in her face.

“Fuck off.” Miranda replied.

“Let's go, M.” Kylie said and pushed between Lissa and I to get through.

*scoffs* “Okay...” I muttered to myself. “Have fun playing volleyball.” I said 'cause I know they she hates volleyball as much as I do. And with that, we left. We got into the changing rooms and I realised I didn't feel like changing. I was wearing my gym clothes which were shorts and a tank top. I cut the shorts and sewed them a bit so they weren't so big and ugly. Now they're short and make me look hot. I did the same for my girls. My hair looked really good in this ponytail so we just went straight to the football field. All the guys were running around the field, probably warming up. We sat down towards the top of the bleachers and watched them. Even the seniors were there. After a while, when there was no teacher in sight. Me and my girls went down the bleachers to get a closer look at the guys.

“Hey sexy” one of the guys said to me. I didn't know this one guy, he's probably on the soccer team. All the guys I live with are football players.

“Hey,” I said in a flirtatious way and Lissa hit me in the arm. “One second,” I said smiling to the hot guy in front of me. I turned around and looked at Lissa “What?”

“What are you doing?” she exclaimed.

“Flirting with this guy, to see if Xavier gets jealous.” I whispered the last part.

“Oh, okay. Go ahead.” she answered back and smiled.

“Hey,” I said when I turned back towards the hot guy.

“Hey,” he said and I motioned me girls to leave without looking away from this hot guy's beautiful eyes.

“Are you on the soccer team?” I asked.

“Yes, I am. Are you skipping class?” he asked.

“Yes, I am.” I said with a smile.

“You have a beautiful smile.” he said to me and I let out a small giggle.

“Thank you. I bet you have beautiful smile as well.” I said and made him smile just as I wanted. “And there it is,” I said, I like this guy. We laughed for a while but then-

“Liv!” Lissa shout-whispered to me. I looked at her and she was nudging her head towards something. I looked in the direction and it was Xavier. He was looking straight at me but once he noticed I saw, he looked away. I smiled to myself.

“Sorry, I gotta go but one thing before I leave...” I say to this hot guy.

“Yes?” he says.

“Your name.” I say with a smile and he chuckles.

“Ryder.” he says.

“Ryder....Okay, well I'm-” I started to say.

“I know who you are.” he says.

“Creeper alert.” I say, “I'm joking. See ya around, Ryder.” I say and meet up with my girls. We started to walk back to the gym and we couldn't stop talking. We weren't even walking in formation. Just in a straight line with me in the middle. There was still one hour of P.E. left so we just chilled in the gym watching the volleyball game and cheered for Dani and Talia. After, we had lunch and we talked a lot, about what just happened with that hot guy Ryder and how Xavier might have gotten jealous, we also talked about the plan I had for Xavier but I'm not sure if it's gonna happen. Matt ate lunch with us but he's cool. He's like my guy best friend, no, he's like my brother. Not anything like my actual brother Jackson, but he's like.... like my twin brother. Yeah...

Well, Matt said that he was starting to get Xavier into the idea of taking me on a date so maybe this plan might happen. Dani says it's a bit too harsh, she agrees that he is an asshole but it's still a bit extreme. Talia thinks the same and Syl loves the idea and wants to help me make it happen, also wants to be there when it happens.

After my last period, Art class, I stopped by the lockers to meet up with all my girls. I only have art class once a week along with drama, it's an extra class that you get to pick. I take art/drama with Dani, Talia and Syl take Dance class, and Lissa takes music/choir. All the guys have football practice at the same time, our schedules are not so different...

So I walked to the lockers with Dani and we were the first ones there. Guess who was waiting by my locker when I arrived. You'll never guess. It was Xavier. I know right, like, WTF.

Dani and I were walking towards him and she whispered to me, “Uh, is that Xavier?”

“Yeah.” I answered.

“Why is he there?” she asked.

“No idea.” I whispered right before we arrived close enough for me to say hi to him. “Hey babe,” I said.

“Hey,” he said and kissed me. Dani opened her locker and sort of stuffed her head in it so it wasn't like she was standing there watching us, even though she was. “Can I drive you home?” he asked.

“Oh.” I said surprised, “Uh, I sorta need to drive my friends home. If I pick them up, I drop them off. We were planning to go the mall too. Sorry...” I said to him, “Maybe I could make it up to you with a date?” I proposed.

“A date?” he said surprised and not at all excited, “Yeah, sure. Wednesday after school? I'm driving.” he said and surprised me.

“Okay.” I said unsure of all of this.

He grabbed my hand and said “See ya at home,” kissed me on the forehead and left. That's when Talia and Syl then Lissa arrived walking the opposite way of Xavier. I stood there so lost, so very lost.



Chapter 10:


“We weren't planning to go to the mall...” Dani said.

“I know, it was an excuse.” I said.

“I am so lost right now.” Dani said.

“Yeah, me too.” I added. Lissa, Syl, and Talia arrived to us and tried to get me or Dani to explain what just happened.

“Okay, seriously. I have no idea what is happening but can you guys just hurrying and we can leave.” I said once I closed my locker shut. They were done within seconds. “Can I crash at one of your houses? Don't wanna be in the same house as him right now, it's too confusing.” I said.

“Can't,” they all said at different times.

“What? Why?” I exclaimed and they all gave their reasons. They actually had good reasons... We finally got into my car and I turned the engine on.

“Why don't we just all sleep at your place. At least one person has to be with you at all times so you're never alone with Xavier.” Talia said from the back seat as I was backing out of the parking space and drove off. Everyone agreed with Talia as did I.

“So, where's the next stop?” I asked.

“We'll stop by Syl's so she can grab a few things, then Talia, then Dani, then me. Like we always do.” Lissa said.

“Kay, Syl's place we go.” I said and turned on the radio. We did as Lissa said and actually ended up going to the mall before going to my house. I looked through a lot of stores for an outfit for my first date with Xavier but couldn't find the perfect one. And I have no idea where he's taking me. Once we were done, everyone had bought something except me and that never happens when I go to the mall.

We drove to my house and I took a deep breath before opening the door.

“Hey” I said to Tyler and Blake, who were in the kitchen.

“Hey,” they both said back. I took my girls upstairs to me room and we passed by Matt and Kyle on the way up the stairs.

“Sorry Kyle, I need him.” I said to Kyle and grabbed Matt's arm. I dragged him up to my room along side my girls.

“You know, you could just ask me to come.” Matt said, “You don't need to drag my here by force.”

“Shut up,” I said and hit his arm as I sat on my bed. Everyone also found a place to sit, Matt sat next to me with Dani next to him. Lissa laid down on the floor in front of my as Talia and Syl sat on the floor. “Xavier is taking me out on a date.” I said.

“What? When did this happen?!” he said surprised.

“After school today. He was waiting for me in front of my locker. I'm surprised he even knows where my locker is! He offered to drive me home but I made up an excuse and said that I could maybe make it up to him with a date. He agreed and then seemed happy, excited for the date.” I said.

“Woah.” Matt said.

“Yeah.” My girls and I all said at the same time.

“Wait a second,” Matt said, “I just thought of something but it's not so great news.”

“What?” I asked.

“I don't know...” he said hesitantly.

“Tell me.” I said firmly.

“What if... he's excited about this date because...” Matt started saying.

“C'mon, tell me.” I said.

“Because he thinks you'll sleep with him after.” Everyone went silent.

“But wasn't that the plan in the first place?” Syl asks.

“Yeah, right?” Talia adds.

“Please don't tell me you have feelings for him.” Dani and Lissa both say.

“Of course I do! Feelings of pure hate, obviously!” I said with a nervous laugh after.




Chapter 11:

“Okay Olivia. Calm down.” I said to myself, “Dammit, calm the fuck down.” I said as my make-up got messed up. I started to fix it, “It's just a date, that's all. He's an asshole and this is what you are going to do. Make him get really into you, during the date. After, go home, into his room. Everyone will be waiting but he won't know. You'll kiss him and push him against the wall. He will turn you around so you are against the wall. Take off his shirt and push him on the bed. Do what you need to do to make him get a boner without taking off his pants or yours. Get up and open the door where everyone will be, the whole household plus my girls. Dammit, that's a lot of people...” I whispered the last part.

I was currently in the school bathroom and none of my girls are with me because I was excused from class alone. I'm actually standing in a room with a mirror in front of me and I'm completely talking to myself. I have my date with Xavier in an hour. I don't know if I can do this. I don't know who to talk to about this. No one will understand, I mean, I don't even understand.

Do I have feelings for Xavier? Does he have any for me? I hate this. Why does everything always have to be so complicated? Ugh... I grabbed my purse and took my phone. The bell was gonna ring in 10 minutes so there was no point of me going back to class. Normally I would be out of school in 10 minutes but Xavier is on the football team and has practice. On the upside, I get to sit on the bleachers for an hour watching all the guys run around without shirts on.

I fixed up my hair and left the bathroom to go to my locker. Sometimes I like walking alone in the school hallways without my girls, it made me feel more independent, like I was my own person, but other times it makes me feel alone and stupid. I guess I got so used to having my girls around me all the time, I don't know what I would do without them.

I got to my locker and put my purse with all my books and stuff inside of it and grabbed another purse with other stuff like make-up, a brush, my phone, wallet, headphones and more. Once I closed my locker, the bell rang. I waited by my locker for my girls before going to see Xavier. They all arrived together and we talked for about five minutes about the plan and they kept asking me if I was okay, but I am completely fine. Well, I'd like to think so.

They left and I went to the football field. I sat down by the bleachers and tried to spot Xavier. When our eyes crossed paths, he smiled. Oh god, how I love that smile of his. I sent back a slight smile then searched through my purse covering my face with my hair because I was certain that I was starting to blush. I kept my head down until I was certain that the reddening on my cheeks had disappeared.




After one full hour of watching the guys throw a ball around, it was time. I was currently waiting out by the school parking lot for Xavier. He was in the changing rooms getting ready. I quickly fixed up my make-up and put it all back in my purse before all the guys came out. A few guys walked out of the school but I didn't recognise them, well except for one... Ryder. This might cause a problem.




 [: Hey guys! Sorry, it's actually been months since my last update. But I think there's only one chapter left of this book and it'll be the first book I have ever finished. There may be another book afterwards but I'm not sure what I could write about. Hope you're liking my book and stay tuned for the last chapter! Favorite if you liked what you read and comment what you think (good/bad). TO BE CONTINUED.... Bye! :]

Chapter 12:

Shit, what do I do? Do I hide from him or make him come over? Shit, he saw me. Too late. He's coming over.

“Hey there,” he says with a smile.

“Heeeeey...” I say with a fake smile hoping that Xavier doesn't come out yet.

“What are you doing still at school? Last time you were skipping and this time you're here staying extra hours. Detention maybe?” he asks.

“Nope. Not that kind of girl, well maybe sometimes,” I add the last part. “But not this time, you know, I live with 8 guys that are on the football team so... here I am.” I say and check the school door to see the guys who are walking out. Thank god, it's not Xavier. He gonna come out soon though, I gotta make Ryder leave.

“Hm.. understood.” he responds.

“Uh.. I suggest you leave now- not that I want you to but if the guys see you talking to me, we'll get harassed. And I'm not really in the mood for that.” I say as sweet as I could.

“Nah, I get it. Not really but I get it, I'll go now.” he says with a smile, “See ya around.” he adds and leaves, right at that moment, Xavier came out. Along with all the other guys. I don't even know if all the other guys know about our date tonight.

Everyone got into their own cars and drove off. Xavier on the other hand came up to me.

“Hey beautiful,” he says and kisses me gently. What the hell has gotten into this guy. I thought he was an asshole player but calling me beautiful plus a gentle kiss. What. The. F**k.

“Hey there,” I reply after the release of the kiss. “So, where are we going?” I ask but instead of him replying, he opens the car door and motions me in without a word. “Uh, okaay...” I say and slowly get in the car. He closes the door and goes around to the driver's seat. He starts the engine and drives.

“Soooo, you're not gonna tell me where we're going?” I ask.

“No.” he says.

“Are you gonna give me a hint?” I ask.

“No.” he says.

“Not even just a little one?” I ask.

“No.” he says.

“How about a conversation?” I ask.

“This isn't a conversation?” he asks.

“No.” I say, mimicking him and he smiles which made me smile and we laughed.


In the end he took me to a bowling alley. He drove to one that was out of the center of town, maybe so we wouldn't get disturbed by people we know or maybe it was so that we wouldn't bump into to one of his sluts. Ugh, imagine if that happens, she's gonna think that I'm the slut. I'm surely not a slut, am I? Hell nah.

So we played a round or two and ate a few orders of french fries. We didn't really talk that much it was mostly “You're so gonna lose”, “You wanna bet on it?”, 'Should we order more fries?”, and “rematch?”. We were currently giving back our shoes and putting our original ones back on. It was still early and the sun would set in a few hours.

“What do you wanna do now?” I asked on the way out of the bowling alley.

“Your call.” he answers.

“Okay, I think I know a place nearby.” I say as we get into the car. He started the car and I guided him to our destination. I didn't tell him where I was taking him since he didn't tell me where he was taking me. We ended up exactly where I wanted.

“This is it.” I say as I got out of the car. “Exactly how I remember.” I say to myself.

“How do you know this place?” he asks.

“Jackson and I would go out back here with my parents all the time when we were little.” I explained then all of the sudden, Xavier grabs my hand and we just start walking.

“What happened with your parents anyways? How come they're never at your house? Well, if you don't mind me asking.” he says and adds the end part.

“Jackson's never told you?” I asked.

“Never asked him.” he replies.

“Oh, okay. Well, it's pretty simple and explains a lot.” I start off.

“Okay... go on.” he says.

“Well, my mom and dad are both models who travel the world for their photo shoots. They leave us butt loads of money to make it up to us.” I say.

“So you're implying that since both of your parents are models, you and Jackson are both naturally beautiful.” Xavier states.

“Indeed, I am.” I said proudly.

“Well that a lot of self-confidence.” he says.

“You're hella worse.” I state.

“You're kidding me, right?” he says with a smirk.

“Hell to the nah.” I say and he lifts an eyebrow.

“Well, we'll see about that.” he says and picks me up off my feet. We were laughing like crazy and he couldn't carry me anymore because of it. He set me down on a bench that was on top of a hill. He sat down next to me and held my hand in his.

“What about your parents?” I asked him. “How come you're living in my house and not in yours?”

“I'm sorry, Olivia. I'm not ready to go through that with you right now. Maybe another time, babe.” he says and kisses my forehead. He then gently lays my head on his shoulder and put his arm around me. I snuggled into his chest as we watched the sunset and enjoyed each other's company.

Oh shit. The plan. I completely forget. Shit. But this is so nice. It feels so right. No one will understand. I looked up at him and he looked down at me. He smiled and, oh how I loved it. I couldn't help but smile back. I was still laying on him. I felt so protected in his arms. I loved it. I don't wanna hurt him now. I believe that he has a big heart under all his giant muscles.

The sun was set and it was dark out now. We walked back to the car hand in hand. He opened the car door for me and kissed my hand before he let go, I smiled, as did he. He went around the car and started driving home. It was really quiet for some reason until Xavier decided to break the silence.

“Liv?” he said.

“Yes?” I asked wondering what he was gonna say next.

“On Monday, you came out to the football field during P.E. class. You were, uh, talking to a guy from the soccer team,” he said awkwardly.

“Ryder?” I asked him but inside I was all like 'OMG HE'S JELLY!!!'

“Yeah...” he said, “Are you guys, like ...” he started saying but drooled off.

“No, of course not.” I said, he looked me in the eyes and smiled.

We finally arrived home and we both got out of the car. He walked around the car to get to me. He stood so close to me, I looked into his eyes and smiled. He leaned down and kissed me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he had one hand on the car supporting him up since I was leaning my whole entire back on the car with him covering my front. His other hand, held my head and played with my hair. His lips were so soft.

“Hey, I know I come off as a big player and all...” he said.

“The biggest.” I said jokingly even though it was true.

“Yeah, but you're different, Olivia. I really like you.” he said. It was quiet. He was staring straight into my eyes, and I into his. I was trying to see if he was lying, he wasn't. I didn't know what to say to him. “I'm sorry.” he started saying.

“Why?” I said and held his hand.

“I shouldn't have said anything. You obviously don't feel the same way.” he said and looked down at the floor. I placed my hand on his cheek and he looked up at me. I kissed him. I could feel him smiling.

“I do, Xavier.” I said once we pulled away and we both smiled. He held my hand and we walked into the house hand in hand. I don't care about what my girls think, I don't care about what the other guys think. Xavier is a great guy and even if he was a player, he's mine now.







[: Hey guys! So this was the last chapter of 'This Is What Happens When You Live With 8 Guys'! Hope you guys enjoyed it and hope you check out my other books as well. If you really liked this book and wish for a sequel, tell me and maybe give me a few ideas if you'd like. I'm always up for your comments (good/bad) so please comment whatever you like. Please favorite so i know that you're there! :] 


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 27.10.2014

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