
Chapter 1: First Day of School, again...

“Emma, sweetheart. You need to wake up.” my mother said to me in her sweet voice with her hand on my shoulder.

“5 more minutes.” I groaned back at her.

“It's the first day of school and you don't want to be late, do you now?” she answered back in a motherly way. I fluttered my eyes open, adjusting to the light coming from the window next to my bed into my old light purple wall-painted bedroom.

“I'm awake.” I said still half asleep.

“Okay, honey.” she said as she walked out the door. I got up and walked over to my closet, I grabbed a pair of shorts that were black but mixed up with a bit of white and a red tank top. I threw them onto my bed and went in the bathroom. I turned the shower on and then stripped out of my clothes. I threw the dirty clothes into the laundry hamper and went in the shower. I let the warm water soothe my tan skin. Once I finished my shower I wrapped myself in a towel and walked out to get to my bedroom. I went to my dresser and grabbed a pair of panties and a matching black bra. I slipped them on then put on the clothes I had thrown onto my bed before going in the shower. I went back to the bathroom and blow dried my black curly hair and then straightened my cute fringe. Then I grabbed my make-up bag and put on some black mascara on my long eyelashes as then added some pink lip gloss on my pink lush lips. I put on a pair of silver hoop earrings and then took a last look before getting my bag and going downstairs.

“Breakfast, honey?” my mom asked while holding a plate of eggs and bacon in front of her. I could never reject eggs and bacon. I sat down and started eating.

“Where's dad?” I asked my mom while I still had some food in my mouth.

“Remember, he had to work late last night so now he is sleeping in.” she answered back and I nodded because I had a mouth full of food and couldn't talk. I finally finished so I ran out the door into my car and drove to school.

My parents work for a business that makes us travel a lot. I have been to 9 different schools and today was my school number 1O. I am not a shy kind of person, I can make friends easily but I don't because I that if I get to close I would get sad all over again when my mom and dad say that I have to pack up and move. But this school, this place was different. Miami, Florida. The town I grew up in. I had 3 of the best-est friends you could have before I had to move away, I was about 12 or 13 years old. Katie Lyster and Taylor Wind, my best girl friends and Jordan Heal, my best guy friend. I had a huge crush on Jordan back then, it was adorable. I was hoping to see one of them at school today.

Once I had arrived to school, I went to the school's office and there was a lady there who looked young. She also seemed like she hated this job.

“Yes?” she asked while looking down at her nails.

“Hi, my name is Emma Smith. I'm new here.” I said nicely and she looked up at me and I smiled. She didn't smile back.

“Wait over there until Mrs. Bree calls you in.” she said pointing to a wooden bench in the corner of the room. I walked over to the bench and the lady got up and walked over to a door that said Principal Bree on it and said “Emma Smith is here, she is the girl who just moved from California.” The rude lady completely changed, it was so weird. She talked so nice and sweet to umm... what was her name? Oh yeah! Mrs. Bree. Miss Rude Lady smiled to Mrs. Bree and then turned around to look at me with no smile on her face at all what-so-ever. “She is ready to see you, Miss Smith.” she said and I got up and walked towards her. I entered the room and saw a lady who was a bit fat and had short black hair. She didn't look mean like most of the other school principals I have met.

“Sit, please.” she said in a kind voice and I sat down in a leather black chair in front of her wooden desk. “Hello, I am Mrs. Bree, the principal and you must be Emma Smith.” she said to me and I nodded. “Here is your schedule, I will get someone to help you around the school and show you to your locker.”

“Thank you,” I said as she handed me my schedule and she smiled to me so I smiled back. She got up from her chair and opened the door. She let out one of her hands showing me out the door so I walked out and she walked behind me. The lady from before saw us and she quickly put a fake smile on her face as Mrs. Bree walked up to her and told her something.

Mrs. Bree then told me to sit down and wait. So I sat down on the wooden bench again and waited. Mrs. Bree and the lady were talking and then someone knocked on the door that was already open and said “You called me here.”

“OMG!” we both yelled as we saw each other and hugged.

“I'm guessing, you two ladies know each other.” Mrs. Bree said with a chuckle.

“Yes!” we both yelled and hugged again.

“Oh my god, Emma! It's been like forever!” she exclaimed.

“I know right! I missed you so much!” I said so happy and excited.

“I missed you too!” she said as she hugged me again.

“Katherine, may you please show Miss Emma to her locker and her next class?” Mrs. Bree asked Katie. I smirked when she said Katherine because Katie used to hate it when people called her by that name. She saw me smirk and she elbowed me in the arm.

“Yes, Mrs. Bree.” Katie replied.

“Thank you Miss Lyster.” she answered back as we walked out the door with our arms hooked together.

“We have to catch up! Come to my house after school?” Katie asked me.

“Yes!” I yelled back.

“Okay, now what is your locker number and combination?” she asked.

“Locker 357 and I am not telling you my combination.” I answered back. We walked over to my locker and I put some books in. I took out my schedule and showed it to Katie and she said she had almost all the same classes as my except for Spanish and Math. I was in an advanced class in Math and Katie already knew Spanish so she takes French. We checked what classes we had next and we both had English class. We were late. Katie opened the door and said “Sorry, I'm late. I had to show the new girl around.”

“Thanks.” I said sarcastically to Katie and only loud enough for her to hear. I went up to the teacher and he told me find a seat. I sat down and Katie was sitting on my right while some guy with dark brown hair was sitting on my left with his head on the desk wrapping his arms around his head so I couldn't see his face.

“Well, why don't you introduce yourself and tell us something about you Miss Smith.” the teacher said. I stood up from my chair and introduced myself like he said. Everyone turned around to look at me except for that one guy next to me who still had his head in his arms.

“Hi, my name is Emma Smith and-” I got cut off as the guy next to me jolted up and scared me. Oh my god! I... I couldn't... How could... How was this possible? It looked at him up and down as he looked at me up and down. It was him: Jordan Heal.

I was speechless.


Jordan's P.OV.


I hated English class so I just kept my head down in my desk and wrapped my arms around my head so no one could see my face. The class door opened and I heard Katie come in the class and say that she had to show the new girl around. I really didn't give a fuck so I kept my head down in my desk. Katie and I had recently broke up after being together for 3 years so I'm honestly not quite over her yet. But sometimes it made me feel better knowing that I could get any other girl in the school because I was Jordan Heal, the captain of the football team. I heard someone take the seat next to me and I assumed that it was Katie because that was her usually seat.

“Well, why don't you introduce yourself and tell us something about you Miss Smith.” Mr. Treflee said. I heard the chair from the desk next to me move and heard a familiar voice say,

“Hi, my name is Emma Smith and-” I instantly reacted when I heard her name. I looked up and the girl standing right in front of me. I... I couldn't... She couldn't really... How was this even possible? My first ever crush, standing right in front of me: Emma Smith.

I was speechless. 

Chapter 2: Curiosity & Awkwardness

Emma's P.OV.


“Miss Smith,” the teacher said. I completely forgot that I was standing up with the whole class watching me.

“Oh, sorry. Ummm... So, my name is Emma Smith. I'm new here and just moved from California. And umm... yeah.” I said.

“Okay, thank you Emma, you may take your sit.” Mr. Treflee said and then started teaching today's lesson.

“Psst...” Katie whispered to me. I turned towards her. “What the hell was that between you and Jordan?” she whispered to me making sure that he couldn't hear.

“I have no freakin' idea,” I said and then faced back to the teacher. I didn't say anything or even look at Jordan during the rest of the class but I couldn't stop thinking about him. I just couldn't stop! He is so freakin' hot! I couldn't help but wonder if he likes me as much as I like him because he looked at me exactly as I did to him.

I thought about the good times we had together when we were kids and then the school bell rang taking me away from my thoughts. I packed my stuff and tried to avoid eye contact with Jordan. I don't know why I did that though. I finished packing up my things and realised that Jordan and I were the only people left in the classroom.

“Hey,” Jordan finally said. I turned around and faced him.

“Hey,” I said back. There was a moment of silence but then Jordan spoke up.

“So, it's been a while.” he said.

“Yeah, I just moved back on last week. Umm... I think Katie is waiting for me.” I said kind of awkwardly.

“Yeah, okay, go ahead.” Jordan said while opening the door and motioning me out. Katie was standing there and I noticed that she felt, uncomfortable for some reason. I looked at Jordan who was behind me and he looked pretty much, exactly the same. I wonder what happened between them. I decided to say something to take away the awkward silence.

“So, umm... Katie, what class do you have next?” I asked.

“Umm... I think I have French class so you probably have Spanish.” Katie said trying to avoid eye contact with Jordan.

“I have Spanish class now, you can walk with me.” Jordan offered.

“Uh, yeah, sure, thanks. I just need to go to my locker first if that's okay.” I said looking up at Jordan.

“Yeah, that's fine. Where's your locker?” Jordan asked.

“It's just down the hall,” I said to Jordan. “I'll see you at lunch, okay?” I said to Katie.

“Yeah, see ya.” Katie said and then left while Jordan and I went to my locker.

“So, how you've been?” Jordan asked while we were walking.

“I've been good, I guess.” I said unsure of what I should say next. I got to my locker and opened it. I put some stuff in and took some stuff out and then closed it.

“So where's Spanish class?” I asked.

“Just around the corner.” Jordan answered. We walked to Spanish class and didn't say another word to each other. I don't know why it was so awkward. We used to be so close, best friends. Ugh! We arrived to the classroom and everyone was already seated.

“Sorry, I'm late.” Jordan said and went to his seat. I walked over to the teacher and told him I was new and all that. He told me to take a seat. The only seat left was next to Jordan in the back of the room so I went across the room and sat down.

“Why don't you introduce yourself, in Spanish of course.” the teacher said. I introduced myself and didn't have mush difficulty with it because I find the Spanish language really easy for some reason. The teacher seemed satisfied with me and let me take my seat then started teaching the lesson.

“Hey,” Jordan whispered next to me.

“Hey,” I whispered back.

“So, I'm sorry that it's been a bit awkward between us.” he said.

“Awkward? Nah.” I said not even believing it myself.

“Really?” he whispered.

“No, it has been completely awkward.” I said with a laugh.

“Yeah,” he said laughing with me. I missed this. Him and me laughing together. I missed his laugh. I missed his smile. I missed him.

“Quiet back there!” the teacher yelled so Jordan and I immediately shut up. We glanced at each other every once in a while and laughed. We were back to normal, to the good old times.

At lunch, I ate with Katie and Jordan ate with his friends. I realised that there was some tension between Katie and Jordan so I tried not to bring him up but I really wanted to talk to her about him.

“So, how you've been? How's life? Do you have a boyfriend or maybe a girlfriend? I said and winked.

“Well, I have been feeling really crappy lately but now you're here so I am feeling a lot better! I missed you so fucking much! And I've been feeling crappy because I recently broke up with someone and I was with him for 3 years. I broke up with him so I don't know why I am feeling so crappy...” she said. I went to her and gave her a hug. We finished our lunch then went to our lockers. We went to Katie's locker first because it was closer to where we were. Then we went to my locker and afterwards we went to the bathroom. We fixed up our make-up and all then checked our schedules for our next class. We had History class. Ugh, I hate history! We walked to class and we were a bit early so we sat in the back of the class and talked.

“So, I've seen you, I've seen Jordan, what happened to Tay?” I asked Katie.

“Taylor Wind? Ummm... she died.” Katie said. “Kidding! Well, actually she did kind of die, well her old self did. The Taylor that we knew when we were kids and that we were best friends with, is gone.” Katie said harshly.

“What happened?” I asked curious.

“High school happened Emma, high school happened.” Katie said and now students were starting to enter the room so we stopped talking to each other. I started getting lost in my thoughts. I wonder if Jordan is in this class. Maybe if he is, he will sit next to me. But if I start talking to him during class what would happen with Katie. I got pulled away from my thoughts when I heard someone take the seat next to me. It was a guy I haven't seen before. He had light brown hair that fell perfectly and light brown eyes. He obviously had some really nice abs under his dark blue shirt. He was hot, almost as hot as Jordan.

“Sorry, was this seat taken?” he asked me.

“No, no. It's not.” I said and put on a smile.

“Okay, thanks. Name's Jake, what's yours?” he said with a big smile on his face.

“Emma.” I answered still smiling.

“You new here?” Jake asked.

“Yeah, but I grew up in this town. I move around a lot because of my parents' job. This school is my 10th one. I am just happy to be back home and see some of my old friends. And maybe some new ones.” I said.

“Well, you do have one new friend.” he said.

“Oh really? And is there any chance that the one new friend is you?” I said with a teasingly smile.

“Yes.” he said with a smirk.

“Okay Jake.” I said sort of flirtatiously.

“Okay Emma.” Jake said in the same way. The teacher walked in which gave me a reason to look away from Jake because I was starting to blush. I looked down at my desk with my hair covering my face. I heard someone come in the classroom and I looked up. It was Jordan. He apologized to the teacher for being late then took his seat. He sat in front of me since Katie was already on my right and Jake was on my left.

Jordan turned around and said, “Hey, what are you doing after school?”

“I have plans with Katie, sorry.” I said feeling kind of bad for him. He looked a bit disappointed.

“Oh, well, what about tomorrow?” he asked hopefully.

“Can't either, my parents want me home right away for some reason. What about Thursday?” I asked trying to give him some more hope.

“I have football practice.” he said sadly.

“What about Saturday, I'm free then.” I said.

“Yeah, that's fine.” he said.

“Okay, Saturday. Pick me up at 12:30 and we can eat lunch. Then we can do whatever you wanted to do today after school.” I said finally.

“Okay, it's a plan.” he said and then turned back around. I chatted with Katie and Jordan from time to time and also exchanged a few flirtatious looks with Jake.

I had one period left and then school was out for the day. After last period, I went to my locker and waited for Katie outside of the school. She finally came out and then we went to my car. We drove to her house in my car, she lived in the same house that she did before. It was an average sized house with a lot of bedrooms. Katie had a lot of other siblings unlike me. I am an only child and Katie has 3 other siblings, an older brother and younger twins, boy and girl. Her brother is only 2 or 3 years older than Katie and the twins are about 9 or 10 years old now. We arrived to her house and went inside. No one seemed to be there. She said that her dad was probably working and her mom was shopping or taking the twins to the park or something. Her older brother moved away to go to college so we were alone in her house. We went up to her bedroom and sat on her bed.

“So tell me, what have you been doing? Boyfriends or girlfriends, new hobbies, old hobbies, habits, secrets... Tell me everything! But first boyfriends!” she exclaimed.

“Well, first of all it would be boyfriends, not girlfriends. I am not gay. Second of all, I never bothered to get a boyfriend because I knew I would end up packing up and moving and it would be too hard and heart-breaking. My life is pretty boring, there isn't anything exciting to tell you...” I told her.

“There has to be something, anything!” Katie said determined.

“You can tell me something. Tell me what happened between all of you guys when I was gone! You sound like you hate Tay and when I see you anywhere near Jordan you seem so uncomfortable and tense. What the hell happened!?” I said as the curiousity came over me.

“Well, umm... Jordan and I were actually really close not too long ago but now... not so much. And for Taylor, you will understand tomorrow. You'll see her at school and understand everything.” Katie answered a bit annoyed by just talking about Taylor.

“How come I didn't see her at school today?” I asked.

“Who knows, sometimes she just decides that she wants to go on vacation or something and she just does.” Katie answered even more annoyed. “I'm hungry.” Katie says.

“Let's go to Baskin Robins, the one we use to go to all the time. Is it still there?” I asked Katie.

“Yeah, great idea. Let's go.” Katie said. We went downstairs and into my car. We drove to the ice cream parlor and ordered our ice cream. We both knew exactly what we wanted, we took the same ice cream that we always took and sat in the booth in the corner which was the only place we would sit in this place. If that seat was taken then we wouldn't order any ice cream.

“We have so many good memories of this place. It's amazing, it's just a simple ice cream parlor for most people but for us, it is our childhood memories.” I said not exactly talking to Katie but kind of thinking out loud.

“Yeah, I know. This one place can just take you back to the old times. When we were young and didn't care about anything. I wish I could go back to that time. I miss being a kid.” Katie said also kind of thinking out loud.

“Yeah, me too Katie, me too.” I said. We sat there in silence just looking around, taking in all of the good memories and even the bad. Once we finished our ice creams, we went back to Katie's house.

We just talked and she told me about all the people I should know at school and the people I shouldn't know. I told her about some crazy things that have happened at other schools that I have been to. I told her about how many times I have been hit on at all of those schools. I don't know if I am hot but I am pretty. I ended up eating dinner with her family and went home around 9:30pm or something.

Once I got home, I went straight up to my room and then into the shower. After my shower I put on a pair of shorts and a tank top. I went downstairs and talked to my parents. I told them about my day and how I caught up with Katie and made a new friend and also talked with Jordan. I didn't tell them that the 'new friend' was a guy and how amazingly hot Jordan was now but I at least mention them so it's good enough for me. I already ate dinner so I went back up to my room and worked on some homework. Once I finished it was nearly 11pm so I sat on my bed and grabbed my laptop. I went on YouTube and played some music. I started to paint my nails and then my phone rang. I grabbed it and it was a text. It was from Katie.


Katie: Can u drop by my house tomorrow and take me to school?

Me: Sure. What time?

Katie: 45.

Me: Okay, good nite. :)

Katie: Nite. :)


I painted my nails, let them dry, brushed my teeth, tied my hair up in a messy bun then went to sleep.

Chapter 3: I am never wrong, Emma

I woke up the next morning and feeling exited to see how today turns out. I got up and went to the bathroom to wash up. I went back to my room and got changed afterwards then I went back to the bathroom and did my hair and make-up. I put on a pair of earrings and a simple necklace with a silver heart around my neck. I then put on a pair of heels, grabbed my bag and phone and went downstairs. I was feeling confident today. I was wearing my favorite sweater that was white on the top and slowly turns into an orange-scarlet color at the end. And I painted my nails that color. The sweater was long and had a thin silver belt. With the sweater, I wore pre-ripped light blue denim shorts. I was wearing silver hoop earrings that I love because silver hoop earrings always make my whole entire outfit so much better.

I went down to the kitchen and grabbed an apple for breakfast. I yelled bye to my mom and dad and then went out the door. I searched through my bag for my keys while walking towards my car. I finally found my keys and got into the car. I still had 15 minutes left and it takes me less then 5 minutes to get to Katie's house so I decided to go buy some coffee and doughnuts. I got a coffee for me and Katie and then a bow of doughnuts that came with around six of them. I guess I'll give one to Jordan or something. Wait, no, I can give it to Katie's younger twins. I would still have 2 doughnuts left. Okay, one for Jordan and another for Jake maybe. No, it's too soon to get a doughnut for Jake. Unless he sees me give on to Jordan, then I would have to give one to him. You know what, I'll just leave the leftovers at Katie's house and let her family eat it. I arrived to Katie's house and gave her the coffee and doughnut box. We both grabbed a doughnut and went back to the car with our coffees as well.

Once we got to school we went to our lockers separately and said that we would meet up in class later. We both had Math class but I am in the advanced class. But that does not make me a nerd. I found my way to class somehow after going to my locker and arrived on time. I went to the back of the class and sat down. I went deep into thought thinking about Taylor, which made me think about all of us as kids, which made think about Jordan, which made me think about how amazingly hot he is, which made me think about Jake and how hot he is. And then I felt someone staring at me. I turned to my left and James was there. He scared me but also surprised me. He doesn't seem like a smart kind of guy.

“Were you thinking about me, Emma?” Jake asked looking me straight in the eyes. His eyes are beautiful. I could stare into them forever. Oh god, he asked me a question and I am just staring at him.

“Uh, no.” I answered.

“I don't believe you Emma.” he answered back.

“Well, then too bad for you, Jake. Are you actually in this class?” I said to him.

“Yeah, why?” he asked me.

“I don't know, you just don't seem like the smart kind of guy.” I said.

“Well, what about you, Emma? You don't really seem like the nerdy smart kind of girl.” he said.

“I am not nerdy!” I whispered and yelled at the same time. I hate when people call me 'nerdy'. I don't know why but it just annoys me so much.

“Okay, I'm sorry. You don't need to go all crazy but just so you know. I like crazy.” he said with one of those sexy half-smiles that a lot of guys do.

“Yeah, okay Jake.” I said and then the teacher came in. He started teaching today's lesson and I just zoned out. I learned this lesson a month ago in California so I went deep into thought again. I thought about Jake and Jordan. Jake and I had a thing, we obviously were attracted to each other but nothing has happened so far. I only met him yesterday so it's understandable. But for Jordan, we have a history. There was no love or romance in that history but there is still a history. I don't know if Jordan likes me that way. What if he doesn't, he maybe just thinks of me as a best friend, like the old times. But when we first saw each other again, that moment, it was... magical, perfect, and it left us both speechless. He most likely likes me in that way because of the way he looked at me. I could see it in his eyes. I wonder where he's gonna take me on Saturday. Maybe he'll take me to the beach and have a romantic walk and then our first kiss when the sun sets.

“Hey Emma,” Jake whispers to me taking me away from my thoughts. I turned to him to show that I was listening. “Wait for me after class.” he said.

“Okay,” I answered and then started to listen to what the teacher was saying because I needed to make sure I wouldn't get behind. When the bell rang, I grabbed my stuff and waited out the classroom door for Jake. He came out not long after.

“Hey,” he said putting his arm around my shoulder.

“Hey, so why did you want me to wait for you?” I asked.

“No reason, what class do you have next?” Jake asked once we arrived to my locker.

“Geo, I think.” I answered unsure.

“With Ms. Fildes?” he asked.

“Yeah,” I said.

“I have that class, too.” he said.

“Let's go then.” I said with a smile and then closed my locker shut. We walked to Geography class and Jake kept his arm around my shoulder. He was a lot taller than me so he could easily put it there. He told me that Ms. Fildes is the funniest teacher out of all the teachers in the school. He told me that whenever you fail a test, she would whack your head with something. Either your notebook, binder, a pencil, your failed test, a pencil case, pretty much anything. She also tell jokes and sometimes they are inappropriate, that's why everyone loves her. We arrived to class and sat in the back. Jake isn't always the kind of guy he seems to be. He is normally the hot guy that flirts with all the hot girls that he finds but we had a normal conversation like friends. We talked and laughed and I liked it. I would obviously like it if we were more than friends but I still had my eye on Jordan.

Then Jordan walked into class, saw me and walked over. He sat in the seat on my right and Jake was already on my left.

“Hey Emma, haven't seen you today.” Jordan said while sitting down.

“Yeah, I've been in class,” I said with a smile and Jordan laughed. “So I heard that this teacher is the best out of the whole school, is it true?” I asked.

“Hell no! This teacher is the worst. Every time I fail a test she hits me in the head with something!” Jordan said.

“Yeah, that's why she's the best teacher out of the whole school, Jordan. I always get to see her hit you in the head.” Jake said butting into our conversation.

“Shut up, Jake!” Jordan yelled to him. “Emma this is Jake, Jake this is Emma.” he said introducing us to each other.

“Yeah, we've met.” Jake and I said at the same time.

“Oh, okay,” Jordan answered and then the teacher walked in. She was short and a bit chubby. She had short red-like hair and did not has a very great sense of style. She looked like she was in her mid 40's.

“Hello class, oh, it seems that we have a new face in the room. Why don't you stand up and introduce yourself.” she said nicely. I stood up from my chair just as Katie walked into the room. “Katherine, you are late.” the teacher stated.

“Sorry, Ms. Fildes and can you call me Katie?” Katie asked.

“I will try my best. Now take your seat.” Ms. Fildes said. Katie took the seat in front of me. “Go ahead.” the teacher said looking at me.

“Oh, uh, my name is Emma Smith. I just moved from California and uh, yeah.” I said.

“Thank you, Emma. You may take your seat. Okay, class so for today's lesson....” The teacher started but I really didn't want to listen.

“Hey gurl!” Katie turned around and whispered to me.

“Hey!” I whispered yet slightly yelled to her. “Why were you late?” I asked.

“Hair and make-up emergency.” she answered. Katie had long light brown hair that were a bit wavy but she always straightened it. She was naturally pretty but still put make-up on but only the basics, eye-liner, mascara, lip gloss, and that's it. Katie had a great sense of style and I'm surprised that I don't see guys all over her since she just broke up with her boyfriend.

“Hey Emma,” Jordan whispered to me. I turned towards him. “So, how do you know Jake?” he asked.

“History and math class.” I said and then added, “Why are you jealous, Jordan?” I said teasingly.

“No.” Jordan replied directly.

“How do you know Jake?” I asked.

“He's on the football team with me.” he answered. I didn't even know that either of them were on the football team but then again, that would make a lot more sense. They both seem really fit and surely had really nice abs that I would love to see.

“Oh, okay.” I said and then turned back around.

“Emma, you should stop talking about me with other people.” Jake whispered in my ear.

“Oh really, and how did you know that I was talking about you?” I whispered back flirtatiously.

“Well, Emma, if you haven't noticed, I have a special sense that shows me things I need to know or that I want to know. For example, I am certain that you are very attracted to me right now.” he whispered in my ear seductively.

“And what if you're wrong, Jake. What then?” I said to him.

“I am never wrong, Emma.” Jake said and then the bell rang. He quickly packed his stuff and went out the door before I could say anything else to him. 


[Hope you like the book so far. Please heart and/or comment and I'll continue! :) ]

Chapter 4: Best News Ever

I had lunch with Katie and then had Gym. Katie and I went to the girls changing room because we know that we would take forever to get changed. I changed into a pair of shorts and a tank top. I tied my hair up into a pony tail and took off the jewelery that I needed to. I went into the gymnasium and talked to the gym teacher. She told me that we were going to play volleyball and asked if I knew the basics. I told her that I did and she told me that it was okay so I went back into the changing room and waited for Katie to finish. She was tying her hair up. Once she finished we went into the gymnasium and sat on a bench.

After about 5-10 minutes, a girl with blonde hair walked in. She had two other girls walking behind her. The three of them walked over to the gym teacher with sad faces. I saw the teacher nod her head and then the three girls started heading towards us. The first blonde haired girl had long blond hair and a nice body with flawless skin. As she walked closer, I saw that she had blue eyes. The two girls behind her also had blond hair but their hair was straight and flat, the opposite of the first girl. She was probably the popular girl of the school, who thinks she's better than everyone else and all. They were walking up to us.

“Hello, Katherine. It's always nice to see you.”the first blonde girl said sarcastically.

“Go away and don't call me Katherine.” Katie snarled.

“O.M.G. Is that you?!” the blonde hair girl yelled looking towards me. “Emma! It's me!”

“Tay?” I said.

“Yeah!” she yelled and gave a hug. God, I didn't even recognise her. She has changed so much. She used to have short messy hair and wore whatever she found in her closet. But now, she was completely different. Dressed completely different, haircut and hairstyle completely different, talked completely different.

“You've...uh, changed.” I said.

“Hell yeah, and so have you!” she said. “You look... hot! I missed you! So, me and my girls...” she started saying and turned around to show me what she meant by 'my girls' (the two blondes who were behind her), “are skipping Gym today. Wanna join? We're gonna watch the guys play football!” she whispered the last part to me. I would actually love watching the guys play football. Jordan and Jake, on the field, all sweaty but still really hot.

“Yeah, sure.” I said but then Katie nudged me and whispered a 'What the hell!' to me. I looked at Katie and then back at Taylor. “Can Katie come?” I asked.

“Hell no.” Taylor answered right away without hesitation.

“Well I didn't want to come anyway!” Katie said. I glanced at Katie and then said,

“If Katie doesn't come then I won't come.” but I really wanted to come!

“Ugh, okay. Katherine may come.” Taylor said annoyed. “Come on.” Taylor said and walked out of the gymnasium. But the problem was that Katie and I were dressed in our gym clothes.

“Uh, Tay? Katie and I kinda need to change.” I said. She looked us up and down then nodded and said that she'll wait. Katie and I went to the changing rooms and started to change back into our clothes.

“What the hell, Emma! I don't want to watch the guys play football with Taylor!” Katie yelled.

“Well, sorry! I actually want to watch the guys play football and I didn't want to leave you alone and sure as hell didn't want to be alone with Taylor. She kinda scares the hell out of me.” I said while fixing my hair.

“I told you that the Taylor that we knew was gone.” Katie said while fixing up her make-up.

“Yeah, well, what the hell happened? Who the hell changed her?” I asked now fixing up my make and Katie was fixing her hair.

“I told you Emma. High school happened. Sometimes, high school changes you.” Katie said walking out of the changing rooms. So I grabbed my stuff and followed her. Taylor and the two other girls were standing there fixing up their make-up and hair.

“Let's go.” Taylor said and started walking towards the football field. Once we got there, the guys weren't out yet so we went up the bleachers and sat down. As we sat down, all the guys came out. I looked around for Jake and Jordan and found them both right away. All the guys were walking onto the field and their backs were to us so they hadn't seen us. The went to the coach and then they started running a few laps. Jordan saw me and we made eye contact, he waved and then started his laps. When Jake saw me, he winked and kept running.

“Did Jake Hile just wink at you?” Katie said to me really excited. I haven't told Katie about Jake yet because for one, she would want me to ask him but I am hung up on Jordan which I didn't want to tell her about and for two, she just broke up with her boyfriend. Wait, how does she know Jake?

“How do you know Jake?” I asked.

“Uh, he is one of the hottest guys in the whole school! It's pretty obvious, Emma!” she said. “So why did he wink at you?” Katie asked eagerly.

“Well, obviously because I am hot! Hot people go out with hot people!” I said kind of imitating the voice of Taylor. She couldn't hear us because she was sitting at the bottom of the bleachers so she could flirt with each guy that passed by. Katie and I laughed at my imitation for a while and then I told her all about Jake. Katie was so excited about these news and wanted every single detail so I told her everything from the beginning when we first met all the way to the end to when he told me 'I am never wrong, Emma.'

Once I finished telling my life story of Jake and I, all the guys were back into the changing rooms. Katie wanted to know more and offered me to go to her house but my parents wanted me to go home right away after school. They said we would eat dinner together as a family and that they had something important to tell me. I hope they weren't gonna tell me we were moving again. I liked being back, back with my friends, back in my house, in my room, going back to places that I use to go all the time. I wasn't ready to move again.

I didn't want to leave without seeing Jordan or Jake so I waited in front of the guys changing room for one of them to get out. Awkward thing was that they both came out at the same time, together.

“Hey Emma!” they both said and walked up to me.

“Didn't you have class?” Jordan asked me.

“Yeah, I had Gym but skipped. Seeing you guys play was a lot better.” I said hitting Jordan on the arm and winked at Jake when Jordan wasn't looking.

“Well, I gotta go. See you guys later.” Jordan said and left.

“So, you wanted to see me play, did you?” Jake said raising an eyebrow.

“Hell yeah, seeing hot guys run around tackling each other, oh.” I said while fanning myself with my hand jokingly.

“So, you think I'm hot?” he said with one of those half-smiles again.

“Well, apparently, you are one of the hottest guys out of the whole school.” I said.

One of the hottest guys? Hell no, I am the hottest guy.” Jake said still half-smiling.

“No, I don't think so...” I said with a wink. I checked my watch and realised that I should be already home by now. “And guess what, I am never wrong, Jake.” and with that I left. I drove home, once I arrived, I went up to my room. I started doing my homework and then called Katie.


“Hey Katie!” I yelled.

“Hey Em!” She yelled back.

“So I have more dets (details) for ya!” I said happily.

“Yay! Tell me, tell me, tell me!” she shouted, excited.


I told her about my conversation with Jake but didn't say anything about talking Jordan before or them coming out of the changing room at the same time or the wink I gave to Jake when Jordan wasn't looking. So, basically, I didn't mention Jordan at all. I really need to find out what happened between them soon.


“So you told him what he told you and then walked away like he did?” she asked.

“Exactly.” I said.

“You go girl!” Katie yelled.

“No one says that anymore but thank you anyways.” I said.


I could hear Katie's younger twins yelling in the background and then she told me that she had to go. I laughed then hung up. I went downstairs and saw my mom cooking in the kitchen and my dad on his computer, most likely working.

“Hi honey, dinner will be ready in an hour.”

“Okay,” I said while hugging my dad and giving my mom a kiss on the cheek. “I'll upstairs in my room then.” I said and headed upstairs back into my room. I haven't fully finished unpacking my things. I still had a box full of posters and pictures and other crap that I had to keep. I grabbed some of my posters and stuck them up on the wall. I took out a few pictures that I have had ever since I moved away. They were pictures of me, Katie, Taylor, and Jordan. I had a picture of us that was taken the day before I moved. We were sitting in our booth at Baskin Robin's and we all had ice cream all over our faces. We each got 3 ice creams that day because it was our last one of all of us together.

I always kept this one picture on my bed-side table, every single house, apartment, hotel room, I always had this one picture next to me on the bed-side table. Once I finished putting up my posters and picture frames, I went downstairs into the kitchen.

“Is food ready yet?” I asked.

“Yes dear, can you hand me the plates please?” my mom asked.

“Sure,” I answered and handed her the plates. She put a slice of lasagna on each plate and then handed them to me. I put them on the dining table and grabbed 3 forks and 3 knives. I set them out and sat down at my seat. My dad was already sitting at the table but he was using his laptop and was working. “Honey, could you pleas put that away? Dinner is ready.” my mom said to my dad. He nodded and closed his laptop. He pushed it aside as my mom sat at the tale. We started eating and then I got too anxious and curious.

“What did you guys need to tell me?!” I yelled out of nowhere. My parents both looked at each other then nodded their head once.

“Uh, sweetie, you know that I have been working really hard lately,” my dad started saying. I nodded my head in acknowledgment so he could continue, “I have been offered a big job.” he said.

“Please don't tell me that we're moving again. We just got here and I'm am still catching up with my old friends and even have some new ones. We can't leave yet!” I yelled in anger and annoyance.

“Honey, you didn't let your father finish.” my mom said.

“The offer is not in another state this time,” my dad said with a smile on his face. Oh god, what if it's in another freakin' country! “Oh sweetie! We're staying in Miami! They offered me a job that would keep us in Miami for a few years. We are staying here until you graduate!” my dad said full of happiness and delight. I ran up to my dad and gave him a big hug and a big kiss on the cheek to my mom. I yelled thank you to both of them as I ran upstairs to tell Katie the news.

“Honey! You didn't finish eating!” my mom yelled because I was already halfway up the stairs.

“Not hungry anymore! Gotta call Katie!” I yelled back as I got into my room and closed the door behind me. I got out my phone and called Katie, the news were way too big to be told by a text.


“Hey gurl! Wassup! You callin' me twice in one night is pretty rare.” Katie said.

“Omg! My parents just told me the best news ever!” I yelled in excitement.

“What is it!? Tell me, tell me, tell me!” Katie yelled back.

“I'm staying in Miami until we graduate!” I yelled so loud that my parents could probably hear me from downstairs.

“Oh my freakin' god! Are you serious!?” Katie yelled back as loud as I did.

“Hell yeah, bitch!” I yelled.


Then after that, Katie and I shrieked, squealed, and laughed for about an hour talking about things we had to do together and other things. By the time we hung up, it was passed midnight. I went to my bathroom and got ready for bed. I went downstairs to check if my parents were still awake, they were. I saw them sitting in the living room watching a movie.

“Honey, shouldn't you be in bed?” my mom asked concerned.

“Yeah, I was talking to Katie.” I said.

“Well then go to bed, sweetie. You have school tomorrow.” my dad said.

“I know I just came down to tell you guys that I love you.” I said and then gave my dad a hug and told him that I love him and gave my mom a kiss on the cheek and told her that I loved her.

“I love you, too sweetie/honey. Good night.” they both said.

“Good night.” I said back and then went up to my room and went to sleep. 


[Hope you like the book so far. Please heart and/or comment and I'll continue! :) ]

Chapter 5: It Finally Happened


I was waiting outside of my house for Jordan. Today was Saturday and it was 12:27pm, we had plans to meet up at 12:30. While I was waiting, I thought about where he might take me, and what we would do, what we would talk about, if this would end up as our first date. We didn't say that this was a date, it was 'catching-up'. We pretty much already caught up on everything. I have been hanging out a lot with Jordan and Jake. Jordan and I had a special spark, it's probably because we have a history or something like that. But Jake and I, have no history but we also have a spark, we kind of have a sexual spark if you know what I mean. But don't get me wrong, we haven't had sex. I am actually a virgin, completely and totally a virgin. Jake on the other hand, has probably had sex with a lot of girls, he seems like the player type to me. But we haven't done anything which is surprising for a guy like him. Even a few girls at school ask me if Jake and I had 'done it' and I tell them that we haven't and they seem surprised. Oh, and the reason that I am a virgin is because of all the moving, I have never gotten close enough to a guy to go that far with him. But I may have the chance now. It could be Jake, or Jordan, or another guy that I haven't even met. Then Jordan came up the driveway.

“Hey!” he said as he got out of his car.

“Hey!” I said back.

“So, you ready?” Jordan asked.

“Yup!” I said so Jordan opened the door of the passenger's seat for me and I got in. He closed the door and then went around to the driver's seat.

“So, where to?” he asked.

“Uh, I don't know. How about that place we used to go all the time when we were kids. What was it called? Uh, Barney's, no, uh, oh yeah! Benny's Burgers!” I said.

“I remember that place! To Benny's we go!” Jordan yelled as he started the car.

“So, where are you taking me afterwards?” I asked.

“Sorry, Emma. It's a secret.” he whispered.

“Nooo! Tell meee!” I begged.

“Nope, you'll just have to wait.” he said with a smile on his face.

“Meanie.” I mumbled.

“Awww... Just like old times.” Jordan said and I hit him in the arm. It probably didn't hurt him at all. In fact, I think it hurt me more than it hurt him. He had really damn, big muscles. “Did little Emma hurt herself trying to hurt me?” Jordan said in a voice that someone would use when talking to a baby.

“No, shut up.” I said with a pouty face. I looked out the window and went deep into thought. For some reason I started thinking about Jake when I really shouldn't because I was currently with Jordan. I have actually gotten to know Jake in the past few days. We talked a lot during class and we actually had a lot in common. For example, we both like the same bands, hate history class, are good in Math, prefer dogs over cats, have the same favorite ice cream flavor.

“We're here.” Jordan said while parking into the parking lot of Benny's Burgers.

“Damn, this place looks exactly the same.” I said while getting out of the car. Jordan came around the car and closed the door for me.

“Imagine how it looks on the inside.” he said as we walked towards the small, old-styled American restaurant.

“Whoa,” we both said as we walked in. “Exactly the same.” we said at the same time again.

“Hello, table for two?” an old guy asked. “Emma Smith and Jordan Heal?” The old guy asked.

“Benny?” Jordan asked. Oh my god, that was Benny, he looks a lot older now, with white hair and all.

“Oh! It's so good to see you.” Benny said.

“Yeah, it's been a while.” I said.

“So, table for two or are the others coming?” Benny asked.

“Nope, just two.” Jordan said and then Benny led us to our table. He sat us down at the table that wee would always sit at when we were kids.

“So, what brought you kids back here to old Benny's?” Benny asked.

“Well, I just moved back and we wanted some of Benny's famous burgers for old times sake. We might come often since I'm back and staying.” I said with a smile.

“Well, I hope so, if we don't get more customers soon, I might have to close down the place.” Benny said. “Well, would you like a menu or your usual?” Benny asked.

“I'll have my usual, plus a Coke.” Jordan said.

“I'll have my usual as well, with a Sprite, please.” I said.

“Okay, I'll be right back with your orders.” Benny said and then left.

“I can't believe this place might close down.” I said to Jordan.

“Yeah, I love this place. It's like a part of our childhood. I wish there was something we could do.” Jordan said.

“I don't know. Maybe there is.” I said.

“What?” Jordan asked.

“Doesn't the football team go out for pizza after ever game win or lose?” I asked.

“Yeah, why?” Jordan asked not understanding where I was going with this.

“What if you guys came here instead? It would gain the place a lot of money, wouldn't it? Burgers are just about as good as pizza, right?” I said.

“I guess. I'll see with the guys and maybe it'll would work out.” Jordan said then a waitress with black curly hair tied up into a pony tail came to our table with our drinks.

“Coca-cola?” she asked and then put it in front of Jordan she then put my Sprite in front of me and said, “your food will be here shortly.” and then left.

“So you and Jake have been hanging out a lot lately.” Jordan said.

“Yeah... why?” I asked.

“Do you... uh, like him?” Jordan asked.

“Did he ask you to ask me that?” I said hoping to get the truth.

“Uh... no,” Jordan said.

“Okay...Well, Jake and I are just friends.” I said and then our meals arrived and just on time, it was starting to get kind of awkward. We ate our food and then ordered dessert.

“So, are you gonna tell me where we are gonna go next or not?” I asked Jordan really curious. I hate not knowing things!

“No.” he said.

“Tell me! Please!” I pleaded.

“Never!” he said.

“Tell me!!!” I yelled.

“Just wait 15 minutes Emma!” he yelled back.

“Ugh, okay.” I said. Our desserts arrived, I got an ice cream sundae and Jordan got a banana split. We pretty much shared everything and then he paid for our lunch. We went walked outside.

“Where are we going?!” I whined.

“You'll see. Come on.” he said and then started walking. We walked for about 5 minutes.

“Oh my god, I remember this place. We use to come here almost every week when we were kids.” I said thinking of all the great memories.

“Yup. So wanna play?” Jordan said.

“Hell yeah, but I'm gonna beat your ass.” I said. Jordan took me to a mini golf place that we all used to go to when we were kids.

“I don't think so.” Jordan said.

“Uh, I do think so. I beat your ass when we were like 10. So I think I could beat your sorry ass now.” I said.

“Oh yeah! Let's bet on it!” Jordan said.

“Okay, if I win...” I said thinking of what I could get from Jordan. “You have to do what ever I say for a whole week.” I said confidently.

“And if I win, I get to take you out on another date.” Jordan said with a slight smile. Wait a second, another date, so that means that he thinks that this is a date. Hell yeah!

“Another date? This isn't a date, Jordan,” I said while motioning my hands around.

“Well then, in that case, why don't we make it one.” Jordan said as he took a step closer to me and started to lean down. Oh my gosh! He's gonna kiss me! He put his hand on my cheek, I closed my eyes and he kissed me. This kiss was unbelievable, I'd even call it magical. It brought back all the good memories that we've had together. I felt sparks throughout my body, I felt something I had never felt with a guy before, love.

“Well, that's not fair.” I said.

“What?” Jordan said confused and the smile that he had slowly faded away.

“If the only to get another date with you is to lose then I will purposely lose.” I said to him and his smile came back immediately.

“Well then, let's see.” Jordan said and then took my hand and we walked into the mini golf.

We played and it was really close but I won in the end. Probably because I am awesome!


Jordan P.O.V.


“Yup. So wanna play?” I asked.

“Hell yeah, but I'm gonna beat your ass.” Emma said confidently. I took her to the mini golf place that we all used to go to when we were kids.

“I don't think so.” I said.

“Uh, I do think so. I beat your ass when we were like 10. So I think I could beat your sorry ass now.” she said. The only reason she beat me when we were kids is because I had a huge crush on her and I let her win.

“Oh yeah! Let's bet on it!” I said planning out everything that is going to happen next.

“Okay, if I win...” Emma said thinking of what to say next. “You have to do what ever I say for a whole week.” she said confidently.

“And if I win, I get to take you out on another date.” I said with a slight smile.

“Another date? This isn't a date, Jordan,” Emma said while motioning her hands around.

“Well then, in that case, why don't we make it one.” I said as I took one step closer to her and started to lean down for a kiss. I put my hand on her cheek, she closed her eyes and I kissed her. This kiss was unbelievable, I'd even call it magical. It brought back all the good memories that we've had together. I have never felt so much for a girl before, not even for Katie.

“Well, that's not fair.” Emma said.

“What?” I asked confused and the smile that I had slowly faded away. What is she talking about not fair?!

“If the only way to get another date with you is to lose then I will purposely lose.” she said to me and my smile came back immediately.

“Well then, let's see.” I said and then took her hand and we walked into the mini golf.

We played and on the last few rounds I was winning but I let her win in the end. It's kinda like a tradition now. I brought her home and we kind of made-out on her door-step, I hope her parents didn't see. Emma's parents like me anyways.

“See you at school,” I said and then pecked her one last time on the lips.

“See ya,” she said and then opened her door and went inside. I went in my car and drove far enough that Emma wouldn't see me. I pulled over and went crazy.

“Holy mother of god! I just went on a date with freaking Emma Smith and I freaking kissed her! Holy... Wow... You finally did it. And now you are talking to yourself in your car...” I said to myself and then started the car engine and drove home. Once I got home I went straight up to my room. I looked over at my blue alarm clock to check the time, it was 8:45pm so I took a shower and went downstairs into the kitchen. My sister, Brianna was in the kitchen.

“Hey Jordan,” my sister said quite sad. My parents are 'very successful people' as they say, and are rarely home because they are always working. My little sister is 12 years old and she should normally be around her parents all the time. She is usually sad, I can't remember the last time that I heard her laugh or see her smile. We used to be one normal happy family but not anymore. I grew up with both my parents always at my side but Brianna won't have that. I try my best to spend time with her to make her feel less lonely.

“Hey Bri, you hungry?” I asked her with a smile even though I was really hurting me to see her this way. She nodded so I asked, “What do you want me to make? Name anything.”

“Pizza.” she said.

“Okay, umm... We have cheese & pepperoni or plain cheese. Which one?” I asked.

“Plain cheese.” she said. I put the frozen pizza in the oven and then went over to Brianna. I gave her a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

“Are you okay?” I asked.

“Not really.” she said and then hugged my tight. The oven beeped which meant that the pizza was ready. Brianna let go of me and I saw tears in her eyes. I wiped them away and kissed her forehead, “It's gonna be okay,” I said to her and then took her pizza out of the oven.


Emma's P.O.V.


After Jordan dropped me off at my house after our date I went straight up to my room closed the door behind me and lean back on it, I slowly slipped down until I was sitting on the floor.

“Ahhhh!!!” I screamed in joy, “I went on a date with Jordan freaking Heal! Hell yeah! And he kissed me and then we made-out on my doorstep, like in the freaking movies. Yeeesssss!” I yelled again. I stood up put some music on and started dancing around my room and singing along. I did that for about half an hour, maybe more. I took a shower and then went downstairs to find something to eat.

“Hey sweetie, are you hungry?” my dad asked as I gave him a hug.

“Hey daddy! Yes, I am hungry. What's for dinner, mommy?” I asked sounding overly-happy and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

“Hi honey,” my mom said with a laugh, “We are having my famous special-seasoned fish. It'll be ready in about 10 minutes. Why don't you set up the table, honey?” my mom said.

“Okay mommy.” I said and then set up the table. We all sat down at the table and started eating.

“So, you seem, uh, very, uh, happy... Care to tell me why?” my mom asked curiously. “Are you all happy because of that date you had with Jordan?” my mom asked with a big smile on her face.

“It wasn't a date.” I said, “at first...” I whispered to myself.

“Okay, your 'catching-up/get-together' thing. Are you all happy because of that?” my mom asked with a big smile on her face again.

“Maybe...” I said silently.

“I knew it! Oh honey! I am so happy for you!” my mom said and then came up to me and gave me a really big and tight hug.

“Well then, I need to have a talk with Jordan.” my dad said.

“Please don't daddy!” I begged. My dad always gave a guy that I start dating the whole 'Break her heart and I'll break you' speech.

“I'm sorry sweetie but I have to. It's a father's duty.” my dad said and then stuffed his mouth with food. Once I finished eating I went to bed thinking about Jordan.


[Hope you like the book so far. Please heart and/or comment and I'll continue! :) ]

Chapter 6: The Bet Benefits

 “You can't make me do that!” Jordan yelled.

“Hell yeah, I can! You lost the bet.” I answered with a smile. We are halfway through the week and I have been making Jordan do the stupidest things. Nothing too bad, I have made him carry my stuff around, get me the things I want, and even made him take me to the mall. On Friday, I'm planning to make him go on a date with me which I hope will make him happy because that was the plan if he one the bet in the first place. Now I am making Jordan tell me if he has had a crush on me since we were kids. I haven't told him that I did but if he says that he had a huge crush on me back then, then I'll say it too.

“Tell me!” I pleaded, “Please...” I begged with a puppy dog face. I gave him a kiss on the cheek. Jordan and I haven't really talked about us being an 'us' yet. So we don't kiss and stuff at school but he occasionally pulls me into the janitor's closet and we make-out, just like the movies. I love it! I can finally have a normal life but I need to tell Katie about this. I still don't know what happened between her and Jordan yet, maybe I could make Jordan tell me because he has to do whatever I say for the rest of the week.

“Ugh, yeah. I had a little bit of a crush on you when we were kids.” Jordan said.

“Awww...” I said and held his hand. “Don't worry, so did I.” I said with a smile and we kissed. We were sitting on a bench in an empty park. Jordan walked me home, I went straight up to my room and flopped onto my bed. I smiled to myself and thought about my life and how great it's gonna be for the next few years. I took a shower and then did my homework. Once I finished, it was 6:35pm so I called Katie.


“Hey Katie! Whatcha doin?”

“Hey Emma! Nothin' much, what about you?”

“Just finished homework.”

“Same here.”

“Are you doing anything tomorrow?”

“No, why?”

“We need girl time.”

“I always knew this day would come but it's so soon. Wait, what do you want to do, Em?”

“I just wanted to go out, get ice cream, talk, and stuff.”

“Oh, okay, yeah I'm free tomorrow so meet me in front of girls bathroom after school.”

“Why girl's bathroom? Can't we just meet at one of our lockers or just outside.”

“I will need to fix my hair and make-up, duh! Well, I gotta go, twins are yelling for me.”

“Bye Katie!”

“Bye Em!”


I went downstairs and went into the living room. My mom was watching a cooking channel on the TV and my dad was working at his desk. I did the usual, kiss on the cheek and big hug, then 'Hi honey' or 'Hey sweetie'. I went into the kitchen and grabbed a cup of water and then back up to my room. I played some music and laid on my bed. I played games on my phone, went on Facebook, and I even took a few selfies. Okay, maybe not a few, I took about 20 or 30 selfies... Afterwards, I ate dinner with my parents and stayed up a bit late watching some of my favorite TV series, Pretty Little Liars, Young & Hungry, Faking It, Awkward, and others. I fell asleep thinking about what could have possibly happened between Katie and Jordan.




“Hey Emma! How come we haven't talked in a while?” Jake said putting his bag on the desk next to me and then sat on the desk I was sitting at.

“Hey Jake!” I said. I haven't talked to Jake that much because of Jordan obviously but no one knows about Jordan and I, so Jake thinks that I'm single and we might 'hook up' or something, well, that's what I'm assuming.

“So my little nerd,” Jake started to say and knew that calling my that would really annoy me, “What have you been up to?” he asked in a somehow very attractive way.

“Uh, nothing much.” I said trying not to look into his beautiful brown eyes.

“Hey,” he said and lifted my head up by my chin to look him in his eyes, “Have you been avoiding me?”

“No,” I said now hypnotized by his amazing eyes.

“Oh really?” Jake said, “I told you, Emma.”

“What did you tell me?” I said and we were both whispering because our faces were an inch apart.

“I am never wrong.” Jake said and then kissed me. This kiss wasn't like the way that Jordan and I would kiss, this was more... what's the word... sexy. But when Jordan and I kiss, it's more passionate and sweet. They were completely different and I liked both of them. Once we pulled away, the math teacher walked into the classroom and Jake took his seat.


[Hope you like the book so far. Please heart and/or comment and I'll continue! :) ]

Updated: 11/02/14



Sorry guys, i actually had a few chapters written for the next part and can't find them anymore. I wrote it about a month ago and don't remember much. Gonna start re-writing and will update as soon as i can. (01/17/15)



Tag der Veröffentlichung: 06.07.2014

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