
1. Catalina

Hi, My name is Catalina but everyone calls me Cat. I’m 18 years old. I live in L.A. I have long dark hair. I have light brown eyes and tanned skin. I have an hourglass figure that boys are usually drawn to. But I usually take no notice.

“I can’t believe you.” Anna said with a wicked grin on her face.

“What?” I asked though I had already knew what she was going to say. She had been on my ass since last night when I told her that Nick wasn’t my first boyfriend.

“Why hadn’t you told me about this mystery guy before? You’d think us being best friends, that you would have told me about him.” She said while stuffing her face with cupcakes.

I would have told her about.. Him but I wasn’t exactly sure I was ready to go back to the past, especially since he was my first love.

“If you really want  to know I’ll tell you but you have to promise not to EVER bring this up again.”

“I swear on my life I won’t tell a soul, beside it’s not like anyone would actually care if I told them, and it’s not like you still have feelings for him.” She looked in my  eyes then held out her pinky. She was right, no one would care but I did still have feelings for him.

“His name was Jason.” My voice seemed shakier than ever.

“We were dumb in love, since we were young we didn’t know what love was but we were  a 100% sure we felt it.” I didn’t know why I had my eyes closed as I told her but it made all the feelings wash over my body.

“What does he look like?.” She giggled, still eating those damn cupcakes.

“He’s tall with pretty brown eyes and has the most beautiful brown hair, I swear he had the worlds best smile..” I was smiling the whole time I was talking barely noticing I was drifting off into a daze.

“Woah...Cat was in love with a Mic~Hottie.” She said winking at me.

“Anyways we were out one day on this hill watching the sun set.”


“Have you ever seen anything more beautiful than this?”  I said watching the sun move slowly down.

“Yeah, I see you every morning don’t I.” He said staring in my eyes.

His big brown eyes made me melt. Smiling, he slowly  leaned forward and kissed me. His warm lips on mine his soft hands on my cheek. He picks me up, both hands grabbing my ass firmly. Gently he puts me on the hood of his car and continues kissing my neck. I’m breathless, my eyes closed as his kisses go lower and lower. He noticed me starting to moan a bit, he looks up smiling at me. I’m  pulling on his hair, while he unbuttons my blue jeans I moan a bit louder. I can’t help but pull on his shirt while he’s slowly undressing me. He stops and slowly pulls his shirt off then throws it on the ground. Holy Shit, He bites me playfully on the ear then whispers “I want you.”

Only thing on my mind is Shit, This feels good. His words are so damn seductive. His lips go down where my pantie line is, he’s kissing it pulling my underwear with his teeth. I guide his hand to my breast, he looks up with a straight face. Shit what did I do? He leans in, his lips barely touching mine.

He whispers “you’re already wet for me babe. I can’t wait to lick that up for you.” My heart dropped to my stomach.

“Do you mind?” His voice sounds so sexy.

“N-no um go ahead.” Meanwhile I sound scared to death. He seductively runs his fingertips up my back and undoes my bra. Obviously pleased, smiling he gently bit my nipple, I moan so damn loud I swear you could hear me from space. I manage to undo his belt I can see he’s hard, I reached out and grabbed it gently. Slowly I heard him moan. He started kissing down my stomach stopping at the top of my lace black panties.

He looked up smiling “Sexy” he said seductively. He leans down and puts his open mouth over the front of my panties, hot breath seeped through as he puffed out.

“ Shit” I breathlessly spoke   

~FlashBack Paused~

“So did you guys have sex?” She asked but I’m pretty sure she knew the answer.“No,I wish we would have” I felt kind of pissed. “Then what the hell happened that night?”She said putting her dark hair in a ponytail. I giggled. “Let me finish the story.”

~FlashBack Continued~

Beep Beep Beep my phone went off inside the car, we both stopped. He grabbed his coat and wrapped it around me then I  grabbed my phone. My dad, great. “Cat Where the hell are you this late? Get your ass home now!” My dad said, I barely understood what he said I was more focused on Jason rubbing my upper thigh. “Ok dad i’ll be home shortly.” My face  lit up red once I came to my senses. Jason laughs “Way to kill the mood.” He laughs  “Tell me about it, dad of the year ladies and gentlemen.” I managed to say before his lips were pressed to mine in a heavy kiss. He pulled away leaving me breathless he leaned down and whispered in my ear “To be continued.” God his voice is so sexy.

~FlashBack Ended~

“ But then his dad got a new job and I haven’t seen him since” I said sadly. “I’m so sorry Cat because the way you were looking in a distance while you were telling me the story it seemed like you really liked him” She said teasing me. “Shut up but yeah I did” I said with more sadness than I intended.

2. Jason


Hey, my name is Jason Smith  I’m 19 years old. I live In Palm Beach where the only thing hotter than the sun are the girls. I guess you can kind of say I’m your typical bad boy. I have brown eyes,  I’m super tan but not like an orange or anything. My hair is like a hazel brown hair and kind of shoots up to the left. Most girls say the only thing hotter than my  smile are my abs. I don’t know how many guys have a  sexy 8 pack rock hard abs with a sick ass V-line but I do.


“Jason , do you love me?” Ellie asked me with a serious tone. “Sure I do.” I’m a guy of course I was going to say it to get what I wanted.

“ Prove it.” She said smiling at me.

“..ok” I gently whispered then pressed my lips against hers. I stop leaving her breathless, She looks into my eyes, my hand finds it’s way to her cheek while I lean forward again this time gently pushing her to the bed. She’s pulling tightly on my shirt I smile at her. I quickly sit up and slowly pull my shirt off. She slides her hands all over my body making it her mission to touch every inch of me. She playfully bites my lower lip. Oh shit. This feels so damn good I can’t stop, I don’t want to stop. At this point I don’t know if I can stop. Slowly I bring my lips to her neck kissing on it. As she’s Moaning my name in my ear.

“..Jason..” Her words so seductive, she’s my motivation as I start to unbutton her shirt. She continues saying my name, each time she says it I  get harder.  

She’s tightly gripping the sheets as my kisses go lower and lower. I guess you can say I like kissing girls down low. While I slowly unbuttoned her shirt she pulled on my pants. I know what she wants and at this point it's safe to say me and her want the same thing. She pulls my hands, gliding them inside her panties. Damn. I’m going to have her soaking wet. My lips slowly seductively start to kiss her neck.

“Give it to me..” She softly whispers. I know she’s ready but I just want to take my time. I managed to get the rest of her clothes off till she’s standing in front of me naked. I sat there. Watching her every move as she teased me.

“How do you want me babe?” I stood up grabbing her by her ass putting her body against the wall. Her hands undo my pants. I take her from the wall and put her on the bed. She laid there watching me slowly pull my Calvin Klein boxers off. Her eyes widen when she caught a glimpse at my 9in dick. Tonight I was going to be deep inside her pussy. I got on top of her firmly grabbing her boobs. I start to rub the tip of my dick on her cunt playing with her pussy before I push this monster dick inside her. She dug her nails in my back. Imma beat her pussy till it’s blue. I slowly push my head inside her. She moans louder and grabs me tighter. I playfully bite her ear. I quickly push the rest of my dick inside her. Damn she’s so tight, and the faces she’s making makes me want to go harder. I slowly take my dick out, then I push in her hard.

After we finished messing around, I went home, and my dad sat me down and told me he missed L.A. As he said L.A. The picture of my very first love wandered into my mind, Catalina. Her physique, her hair, her beautiful eyes, I even remember the way she smelled but I  mostly remember  that night on the hood of my car. I instantly felt guilty about what me and Ellie just did. If her dad wouldn’t have fucked things up I would have been the one to take her virginity. But as beautiful as she is someone probably already has. I asked my dad “Are we moving back?” and he said “ Yes I already bought us a house there so what do you think?” I was filled with mixed emotions I was happy because I was going to see Catalina again but kind of bummed because I needed to tell Ellie that I’m moving back. “I couldn’t be happier” I said with a huge smile on my face.

I called Ellie the next night. Someone answered after the 2nd ring. But it wasn’t Ellie it was a dude. I heard Ellie in the background breathless. But not like she was choking but breathless like she was being pleasured. I pushed my anger to the back of my mind because I knew there was a girl in L.A waiting for me. I said with a smile on my face “Tell Ellie this is Jason, and I’m moving so this relationship is over and she can enjoy the rest of her night.”  

3. Catalina


“I am so happy I can’t control myself” I said to Anna jumping up & down.  “Are you high because you look like it” Anna said looking worry-eyed. I was still jumping up and down. I couldn’t stop smiling. My day got ten times better when I got the text this morning.


When I got up this morning around 9:00. I automatically checked my phone and I saw I had a text from an unknown number. I opened the text and it read “Hey Cat this is Jason I wanted to let u know I’m moving back to L.A this weekend, I was wondering if we could meet up at our regular hilltop spot tonight at 6 hopefully u don’t have a curfew anymore haha I can’t wait to see u bye.”  I couldn't help but scream my ass off.

I called Anna right away and I told her to meet me at the park. After I had finished explaining why I was so happy Anna was jumping up and down with me. “What are you going to wear? How are you going to style your hair? Are you going to finally have sex with him? Come on I need details NOW!!!!!” Anna said with a psychopathic look in her eyes. I could barely keep up with her. I was not going to dress all fancy for Jason we’ve known each other for years and he knows that’s not my thing.

“I’m just wearing some skinny jeans and a T-shirt.” I said trying to calm down Anna. Anna looked at me like I was stupid and said “Really that’s it Cat I mean come on you haven’t seen this guy for like a year and you’re in love with him you have to dress up a little.” “No he’ll be fine with me the way I am. He always has and he always will.” I knew that for certain. Jason was never the person to judge and he always told me he loved how where ever we went I was never dressing up and just being me. And I loved that about him he loved me for me and that’s all I could ask for in a guy.

4. Jason

I was really excited to see Cat again so as I saw her walking up the hill my eyes trailed down her body. Slowly I took my time gazing at her curves and the way her jeans fit so perfectly to her sexy body.”Hey Cat” I said “Hi” She said in her shy soft tone.  We had been talking and laughing for hours about random stuff and it felt like old times. It was sunset and we were sitting next to each other, our legs brushing, under the tree. I couldn’t help myself. I put my hand on her thigh squeezing gently. She sucked in a breath through her teeth as she glanced at me, her eyes full of lust and vulnerability. I noticed it when she came but now it’s more obvious.  I love that look.  

Somehow we were standing up and I lifted her by her ass and she wrapped her legs around me. I knew she could feel my boner rub against her as she started rubbing my dick. I moaned and carried her to my car and opened the door to the back seat. I layed her down and started kissing down her body neck, boobs, stomach and panty line. She whimpered as I took off her shirt and pants. She was wearing the same lace panties but this time they were red and her bra matched. She looked so sexy.

I unclasped her bra revealing her beautiful boobs, she was breathing so heavy. I climbed up her body leaving a heavy kiss to her mouth. I whispered in her ear “I’ve missed you so much Cat and I’ve been waiting so long to do this.” I placed a lingering kiss on her cheek before moving back down to my previous position. She moaned lightly as I traced the patterns on her panties. “Holy shit I want to taste you the right way, beautiful” I said seductively. I slowly pulled her sexy lace underwear down. I licked up her center she moaned loudly. I flicked the end of my toungue to her cilt. I sucked on her most sensitive spot and her body jolted with the new sensation. She shrieked in pleasure as my tongue darted out in her entrance. She tasted so good. She whimpered as I zig-zagged my tongue down her core.

It was getting to about 10:15 when Cat had her messy orgasm in the backseat. I dressed her and she laid there in the backseat,  exhaustion taking over her body. It was 10:30 when I got her home. She was still exhausted so I carried her inside. I watched her undress, she went into the bathroom and came out still in her bra and underwear. I was about to leave until her soft voice spoke “Will you spend the night with me please?” I asked “Will your parents be ok with that?” Even though I really didn’t give a fuck about what her parents would say. She said sleepily “They’re on vacation they won’t be back for another few weeks or maybe months.” So I took off my shirt, and my pants and she made room for me. I put an arm around  her waist and pulling her body closer to mine. I loved the way she felt against my body. I kissed the back of her neck and rubbed her smooth stomach as I felt her slowly drift off to sleep in my arms.


5. Catalina


I jolted awake by the sound of thunder. I felt something warm and smooth beside me. I recognized his skin.  Jason. The images of last night rushing to my mind the way his tongue and mouth worked together to have me moaning and whimpering his name in the back seat of his car.  I turned and he quietly groaned as my knee accidentally brushed against his dick. I looked over him to see the clock. It was 3:30am, I pushed back some of his hair from his face and smiled.

I thought to myself “ I’ve really missed him, I’ve missed his laugh, his eyes, his full lips, his personality, I’ve missed everything about him. I truly do love him.” I heard him moan my name and then he grabbed my ass and squeezed gently. His eyes were closed but I knew he was awake. He slowly opened his beautiful eyes and stared into my brown ones. His sexy voice spoke “ What are you doing awake?” I could hear the humor in his voice “ I could ask you the same thing Mr. Smith.”  I pressed a kiss to his mouth. I intended for it to be a little kiss but it turned into more. Our tongues met and curled around each other. I heard him moan as I slid my hand down his body, palming him through his underwear. His hands rubbed up and down my body. We pulled away breathless. We were still close enough for our lips to brush.

Jason looked into my eyes and said “ I love you so much Cat and I’ve missed you. I’m so happy my dad decided to move back here. I never want you out of my life and I will never lose you again. ”. The intensity in his eyes took my breath away. “ I love you to and you never lost me and you never will.” I said. He kissed me I gently pushed on his shoulder so he was laying on his back. I layed on his hard chest. He put his arm around my back .It felt like we were laying there for hours. It felt so good, my head against his hard chest and his arms wrapped around my waist. Nothing in the world could stop the feelings I have for Jason.

6. Jason

All I wanted was to stay in bed with Cat wrapped in my arms. I knew I had to leave but I didn’t want to. My dad texted and said he had a surprise for me and I needed to come quickly. Honestly unless the surprise had something to do with Cat I didn’t care but I didn’t say that. Before I left, I laid a note beside her letting her know I wanted to take her out tonight and I would pick her up at 9 and to wear a dress for me. I kissed her on the lips thinking she was asleep until she wrapped her arms around my neck tugging me into her gently. I picked her up by her ass and rubbed her smooth legs and said “I’ll see you tonight Baby I love you.” I kissed her again and left. I was super annoyed when I got to my car. What the fuck did my dad want I was in bed with the most beautiful girl in the world and he just had to text me. When I got to my dad’s house I noticed there was a new 2014 Gray Corvette Stingray. I got in the house and asked “Whose car’s outside?” My dad said “Yours and these..” he said holding up a pair of house keys with the car keys also “are your new car keys and house keys”. I could barely contain my excitement.”Thank you so much Dad I love you” I said hugging him “I love you too Jace” ***I took Cat to a club. As we walked up to the club I couldn’t stop looking at her body. She looked amazing in that dress I wanted her in so many ways right now. I was getting excited just thinking about it. We entered the club the heavy bass vibrating through my chest. We went to the bar where the barmaid tried to flirt with me. I shot her down which noticeably took her by surprise but I didn’t care my interest was to Cat and Cat only. I noticed Cat had consumed 2 drinks in less than 3 mins. I pulled her stool closer to mine. My hand grazed her back stopping just above her ass. Tugging her body closer to mine I nipped at her neck as her scent overwhelmed my senses. I kissed up her neck till I got to her ear I whispered “ Dance for me Beautiful.” She looked at me seductively knowing I would find pleasure in seeing her amazing body move in front of me. As she got up she rubbed my dick. I moaned quietly, god I wanted her so bad right now. She stopped a few feet away right in front of me. I could barely control myself watching her slide her hands down her body biting her lip and teasing me. I couldn’t take it anymore, I slowly got up. I smiled as she shifted backwards. I saw in her eyes she was in a playful teasing mood. She wanted a chase.

I gave her a playful look winking at her. She bit her lip, turned and ran the other direction. She kept teasing me and I was growing impatient I was pushing everyone out of the way to get to her. I noticed she was heading near the corner of the club. Before she could turn around and run back through the crowd I grabbed her from behind. “ Where are you going, Beautiful” I whispered. I forced her hips back, her ass firmly pressed to my dick. I leaned down whispering “ Can you feel that?” She whimpered quietly. “That’s how much I want you right now” She whimpered my name in short puffs of air” Jason” I started grinding not being able to restrain myself anymore. Breathlessly she said “ No please not here but I’m more than willing anywhere else.” Lucky for me my dad just bought me a condo less than 10 mins away. I grabbed her hand we stopped at the bar again before we got there I noticed the barmaid did something to Cat’s drink but I didn’t say anything. Cat took three to the head in less than 2 mins.

The car ride was full of lingering glances between the two of us. Cat knew I was really horny. So when she put her hand on my knee I shuffled in my seat trying to calm myself down. She slowly rubbed my leg higher to my thigh. My breathing increased. We stopped at a stoplight. I was trying so hard to concentrate on the road. When she skimmed over my dick my foot hit the gas and we jerked forward I hit the brake before we got to the road. We both laughed “ Maybe you should keep your wandering hands to yourself while I’m driving.” I licked a hot stripe up her neck and whispered “But trust me when we get to my condo my hands are going to be all over you.”

We pulled into my driveway. Neither of us wasted anytime getting out of the car, getting in the bedroom and stripping off. She was standing by the door in just her bra and underwear. I slowly took in every curve of her beautiful body. I kneeled in front of her. I caressed the skin of her left thigh kissing and nibbling on her thigh her skin was so soft. I flicked my head signaling for her to go to the bed. She was on the bed kneeling facing away from me. I knelt behind her my arm wrapped around her waist pulling her closer into my body. I cupped her boob gently squeezing as my touch went down. I skimmed my hand through the inside of her thigh. She whimpered as I traced the patterns on her underwear. As I was doing this I was whispering dirty things in her ear. By the way her eyes bulged, she was shocked by all the things I wanted to do to her.

“Jason” She moaned. I groaned then slipped my fingers into her underwear. She cried out in surprise it was obvious no one had touched her like this before. My thumb gently rubbing cirlces in her cilt making her whimper. I kissed down her neck. “Up” I instructed. She complied still breathless. I caught hold of her thighs spreading them so they hung on both sides of my lap. She turned to look at me the same time I sucked on my fingers hungrily then licking my lips savouring her taste. I slipped my fingers into her underwear again teasing her entrance. I pushed in deeper, she screamed my name. Her body flinched as I swirled my finger around, pushed in and and pulled out then pushed back in. My knees parted her legs wider. “Does that feel good?” From the way she was clinging to my body she was weak. She shook her head lazily. Her breathing suddenly increased and I knew she was close. I sped up the pace having her whimpering. I felt the white warm substance squirt out onto my hand. She said breathlessly “Shit”. Her body slumped against mine she said “Jason?” Then blacked out. “Cat???!!!!” I said worriedly.


7. Catalina


I woke up that morning feeling a little light headed. My eyesight was little blurry, but once I came to my senses I realized that this wasn’t my room. The room had white walls, there was an all white sofa there. Two giant doors lead to the balcony, where a boyish looking man stood there shirtless with a pair of black Calvin Klein boxers. He held a glass of red wine, drinking it as he stared off in a distance. A brief chill ran down my spine as I looked down to see what I was wearing. I was in a pair of black panites and black lace bra with a man’s white button down shirt.

“I didn’t mean to wake you.” His gentle voice says while a smile lights up his face. “N-No you didn’t wake me.. um not to seem rude but where am I?” I asked looking puzzled. He tilted his head to the right and smiled. Damn he’s gorgeous. His ocean blue eyes stared deep into mine, he bites his lower lip. “You don’t remember anything huh?” He giggled as if I had robbed a bank.“Sorry I don’t recall anything that happened last night.” I look at him as he leans against the wall. Oh my god he’s an angel. He has a solid hard chest filled with muscle and an incredible V-line.

“Well I’m Jason, Jason Smith. we were out last night at the club-” He talked to me as if I should know this.  “oh.. Club Neon I remember going there.” I rudely interrupted. “Haha yeah that club, um I took you there.  Then we had a couple drinks, had some fun for a little bit then you said you wanted to come over so I brought you here last night. And not going into serious detail but me and you had some serious fun last night.”He said winking at me.  Funny none of this rings a bell. I tried my best to put the pieces together but I just could not bring myself to recall anything.

“I’m going to assume you’d like me to drive you home?” He asked but the tone in his voice said differently. “Would you think I was crazy if I decided to stay?” I grinned at him. “I’d think you were crazy if you wanted to leave. You want something to drink Cat?” He chuckled. “No thanks I’d prefer to remember what happened this morning.” I said. “Good because i’d prefer you remember what I do to you now.” He said coming towards me. “Wha-.” I tried to say something but his lips were pressed against mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck. He firmly grabs my ass and picks me up, then slowly sits me on the table. His kisses go down lower from my lips down to my neck. I manage to pull off his white button shirt I was wearing. He slides his hand under my back and undoes my bra. He slowly backs up and sits on the bed watching me. Like a lost puppy I follow him. Getting on top of him, kissing him while my hand gently squeezes his balls. He lets out a low moan. “mhmm you like being a bad girl huh?” His tone seemed playfully, but i'm too focused on touching his body. He aggressively pushes me onto the bed and kisses below my waist. I moan. He playfully tugs on my panties with his teeth, I chuckled.

“Haha what’s wrong?” He asked. “I still barely know you, but yet it feels like we’ve been together forever..” He stops, and stood looking at me as if I had knew him. “You really don’t remember me?” He seemed disappointed. “Um no sorry… Should I??” I felt like shit now.“We dated in 4th grade, and 5th….umm you called me cookie cream pie.” He laughed. “Really?? …Wait haha you called me strawberry bubblegum.” I started to remember our good and bad times. He rolls over and laughs. “Haha, Yeah that was me. You know the guy with the nerdy glasses.” He laid there looking at me. We laid there, looking each other in the eyes. “ We’re actually dating now” He said. My jaw dropped thinking how the fuck did I manage to get his sexy ass?? Every bone in my body was in a fiery urge to kiss him and touch him. I couldn’t wait any longer. I climbed on top of him and kissed him. “I…...we should……...fuck it” He tried to get out but my  lips were pressed against his lips desperately.

8. Jason


My heart ached knowing the girl I loved didn’t remember me, what happened last night, or anything really that happened between the two of us. I tried to think about what could have happened last night for her to forget everything between the two of us. At first I thought the intensity of my fingers inside her was too much but I don’t think that could happen. So I thought further back into last night. Then I remembered the barmaid had put something in Cat’s drink last night. I hoped the barmaid didn’t do that just because I was too interested into Cat to pay her any attention. I don’t realize why she would do that I didn’t even know her. At least I don’t think I know her I didn’t look at her at all. But I remember she did know my name. I thought the manager told her my name because I come so often. Anyway I’m going to get to the bottom of this I don’t care how long it takes me.

I bought Cat with me back to the club. It was kind of hard because she still didn’t know who I was so she had some restraint. But all I  had to do was kiss her and she followed. At least my spell over her hadn’t worn off. It was around the time we came yesterday. We walked in and went to the bar. “Hey sexy nice to see you came back” A girl voice behind the counter said. Now that I was actually paying attention I noticed who the girl was. My ex girlfriend Ellie. What the fuck was she doing her I thought I left her in Miami and how the hell did she get a job here so fast?

“What the hell are you doing here?” I asked furious and ready to just punch her hard but I don’t hit girls I’ve wanted to before but I don’t. She touched my cheek and said “ Aww Babe don’t act like you're not happy to see me.” I caught her by the wrist and squeezed tightly. Enraged I said “ I’m not happy to see you” I shoved her wrist back into her. She rubbed her wrist from where I implanted a red mark on her skin. I got even more furious when I saw a smile on her face. “ God I’ve always loved when you were rough with me.” She said winking at me. In unison me and Cat let out a disgusted noise.  

The smile fell from Ellie’s face when she saw Cat behind me. “I thought you got rid of her” Ellie said rolling her eyes and pointing at Cat. “Why would I do that Ellie?” I asked sarcasm in my tone. “Because she doesn’t remember you and you deserve a girl who’s going to remember the pleasing moments of your tongue, your fingers, and last but definitely not least that amazing 10in dick in your pants.” She said sliding her hand down my body and palming me through my jeans. Usually when that happens I moan and I’m ready for sex but right now I was too furious. I took her wrist and twisted it. Shoving her body into the back of the counter. I was trying so hard to restrain myself from choking the hell out of her right now. “What did you put in her drink and why?” She was whimpering but not in pleasure in pain. “I just put some stuff for her to forget whoever she is with at that time. And I did it because you didn’t pay any attention to me last night when you and her were here. I’ve known you longer and I love you and you love me too.” She said squirming, trying to free herself from my stronghold. I released her.

“First of all I’ve known her longer she was my first girlfriend ever in 4 grade and I dated her in 5th grade also, and we were dating until I moved. Which is when I met you. Second of all get one thing through your hard head you were just a rebound to get over her. I never loved you I just said that so I could what I wanted. Which is why i’m so pissed you would do something so stupid but honestly it doesn’t surprise me because you’re used to doing stupid shit! I’ll drop charges if you tell me how to fix her and never come near me or her again” I was so angry my fists were clenched so hard my knuckles were turning white. Obviously Ellie was frightened and heart broken, her body trembling but I didn’t care all I cared about right now was getting the girl I loved back to normal.

Ellie said her voice shaking “You can’t just get her memory of you back just like that you have to show her things and tell her things that will jog her memory back. Everyone has that one thing that they care about so much it will bring back memories no doubt.” “ Thanks” I said sarcastically, but still mad as hell. I grabbed Cat’s hand and we left. The whole car ride back I tried to think of somethings of me and her that will jog back memories. Because I have to have Cat back. I need Cat back like I need air. I can’t live without her. Now Ellie’s in love with me and after Cat. I mumbled under breath “Holy shit what have I got myself and Cat into?”

9. Catalina


Even though I had no idea who this guy was, I felt protected with him. Especially the way he was questioning that girl in the club about me. He loved me I could see it in his face. The hurt his eyes held when I told him I didn’t know who he was. I didn’t mean to be rude but I didn’t know. He was so beautiful. His ocean blue eyes. I loved how his perfect hazel brown hair shot up to the right. A feeling washed over me as I stared at him. Somewhere deep in me had feelings for him but I didn’t know who he was. But it felt like we’ve been together forever. He took my hand and looked deep in my eyes and said “ Please remember me Cat I love you I need you to remember” I wanted to say I do remember because the sadness in his eyes was heartbreaking but I couldn’t lie to him “ I’m sorry I want to say I know you but I don’t.” He pressed his lips to mine I should have pushed him away but I didn’t. I liked the way his lips felt they were soft and warm.  

“Please remember me baby” It sounded like he was crying. My heart ached. I wrapped my arms around him in a tight hug. His face nuzzled into my neck. I could feel his teardrops on my neck. I kissed him on the cheek. “I’m so sorry” He mumbled in my neck “It’s ok there’s nothing you can do, it wasn’t your fault”.I said trying to help him feel better. “It just hurts knowing you don’t remember our love and mostly…” He stopped lifted his head and a smile spread across his face. He instantly grabbed my hand and took me to the car. I had no idea where we were going. I just kept hearing him murmur “Of course, there’s no way she could forget this.” I was confused and honestly kind of scared but I trusted him. I didn’t know why but I did. We finally parked after a 10-15 min drive. We walked up a hilltop where the sunset was so beautiful it was breathtaking. I asked wide-eyed “Have you ever seen anything more beautiful than this?” He said with a gorgeous smile on his face “ Yeah I see you every day don’t I?” I stared into his eyes the first thing that came to my mind was the first time I heard those words. I said kind of dizzy “Jason?”

His amazing ocean blue eyes lit up “Cat, you remember me?” I looked at him like he was stupid. “Why the fuck wouldn’t I remember you babe?” He picked me up by my waist and spun me around. “ Oh my god Cat, I thought I lost you” I was so confused “Jason what are you talking about?” I asked while trying to get him to put me down. “ It’s a long story I don’t really want to talk about baby. I’m just happy I got you back.” “Jason I have no idea what happened but whatever happens you will never lose me.” I kissed him. He wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me closer into his body. My arms wrapped around his neck. Our tongues met and circled around each other. It was an urgent kiss, desperate to feel each other. His hands gently squeezed my ass. I moaned,  going deeper into the kiss. We pulled away breathless, our lips continued to brush. Jason looked into my eyes and said “ I love you” I kissed him lightly “ I love you too.” I wanted him in so many ways right now but I didn’t want him to pleasure me I wanted to pleasure him. I bit his ear and said seductively “ Take me back to your place. I have a surprise for you.” He looked me up and down. His eyes full of lust. His eyes reminded me of a predator stalking his prey and could pounce at any time. We walked back to the car.

I didn’t waste anytime in tugging him into the bedroom and taking off my shirt. When he noticed what I was doing he took his shirt off also showing off his amazing 6 pack. His jeans hung low showing the top of his black underwear. I roughly pushed him on the bed. I got on top of him a knee either side of his waist. I pressed a heavy kiss to his mouth before moving lower. I kissed down his body till I got to his stomach. The end of my tongue licked through the defined lines on his hard abs. I kept going down till I got to his V-line. I looked up at him, his breathing heavy. I unbuttoned his jeans and slowly pulled them down until they were around his ankles. I tugged on his boxers with my teeth. I hooked my index finger to the band of his boxers. Pulling them down slowly to reveal the place I wanted to see the most. His breathing increased as his underwear joined his jeans around his ankles. I shifted further down the bed. I licked the underside of his 9in dick. I put my hand around his throbbing erection. I started pumping slowly at first but my pace gradually quickened.

I started rubbing circles into his swollen head. His breathing picked up unexpectedly. His chest rising and falling quickly. He grabbed my wrist and smiled “ I don’t want to cum yet babe” I looked at him with a smile “ But that’s the best part” I said then winked. I grabbed the head with my tongue bringing it to my mouth and sucking lightly. “Shit...Fuck” He said breathless. His hips shifted on the bed. I could tell he was desperate for more contact but I wanted to take my time. He moaned in pleasure, that’s my favorite sound. My lips made a popping sound as I drew back releasing his swollen head and swallowing desperately.

I didn’t give him time to catch his breath. I swirled my tongue around what I could fit in my mouth. Strained moans fell from his beautiful soft lips. I sucked hard. Hearing him whimper was my motivation to keep going with my pleasuring actions he was obviously pleased with. My left hand caught hold of his balls, I gently squeezed. I recognised the look on his face, he was close. I pulled away still holding on to his balls. I licked all over his dick like it was lollipop.  A sticky white substance squirted out onto my chest. I’m glad I decided to take off my shirt. I took my index and middle finger and scooped up some of his cum. I sucked on my fingers with the substance desperately. It tasted salty but in a good way, it was kind of funny how his cum even tasted amazing. “Oh my god Cat, that was awesome” He said breathless. It was obvious that exhaustion was taking over his body. I went over to his drawer pulling him out some new underwear.



That was amazing. Cat’s lips around me was something that brought another wave of pleasure tingle through my body. She said “I’m going to have a shower I got most of your excitement off me but there’s still some left be right back” This was supposed to be my surprise but little did she know I had a surprise for her too. I’m coming at her full throttle. I waited until I heard her turn on the water. I couldn’t wait because I’m not the only one that was going to have a release tonight.

I climbed into the shower with her after stripping off. She turned around surprised. “Hey Beautiful.” I said. I grabbed the shower gel. I wanted to wash her, feel her soft skin under my fingers. “Turn around for me baby” I instructed after leaving a kiss to her soft lips. I caressed her body. She whimpered as I massaged her boobs. My thumbs rubbing her taut nipples. I massaged her boobs much longer than someone just trying to wash her. Honestly that’s what I was going for. My touch skimmed down her sides. Taking my time to delicately rub over her stomach, her hips, and mostly her ass. She gasped as I cupped her ass, kneading at the cheeks. I gently squeezed before I wrapped my arm around her waist. We stood under the steamy water as I allowed the water to wash away the soap. My fingertips trailed from the back of her thigh to the front. Gently spreading her legs, my fingers teased her entrance. Her head rolled back onto my shoulder as I pushed my fingers in. She was so tight.

I started to get horny as I felt her walls clench around my fingers. I ceased to pump my fingers instead I swirled them around her most sensitive spot inside her. She cried out, then moaned. “Jason Oh my god Jason” I loved the sound of my name from her lips. She started to feel weak which meant she was close to what I’ve been waiting for. I pumped fast and her breathing increased. “Shit” She said then she released her orgasm. I caught some in my hand but the rest went down the drain. I put her delicious orgasm in my mouth letting it slowly slide down my throat. “Holy Shit” She said, exhaustion taking over her body. I dried her off and dressed her. I carried her to the bed bridal style and whispered “Let’s go to bed beautiful” I kissed her goodnight. We both slowly drifted into a deep sleep.

11. Catalina


I woke up smelling bacon. My favorite scent other than Jason’s scent. I went downstairs to the kitchen. The music was booming and Jason was shirtless cooking. He didn’t hear me come in so he jumped when I wrapped my arms around him from behind. “ OH SHIT!!!!” He said turning around. I laughed. “ Did I scare you babe?” I said still laughing. “Yeah a lil anyway Good Morning beautiful” “Good Morning” I said. I kissed him lightly. “Well since you made me burn the bacon where do you want to go for breakfast?” “We could go anywhere in the world but nothing tastes better than you” I said biting my lip. “Really? You wake up Horny?” I couldn't help but laugh. “ I guess so”

We went to this beautiful diner for breakfast the food was great. A question kept replaying in my head “What was Jason talking about when he said you came back to me” I wanted to know. But every time I brought it up he said “nothing don’t worry about it”, but I was worried about it. I looked Jason deep in the eyes and asked “Jason what happened?” He obviously knew what I was talking about because he face instantly went serious. “I honestly think it’s best you don’t know.” I was getting impatient. “Jason I asked you to tell me so I think it would be best if you just tell me.” “Fine that night we went to the club I didn’t know but the barmaid that was flirting with me was my ex girlfriend from Miami. She drugged your  drink so you forgot who I was. I think she thought by doing that I would go back to her but obviously that didn’t happen.” My face drained. Why didn’t he tell me I thought we told each other everything. Especially if it had something to do with one of our exes. “Why wouldn’t you tell me? I mean honestly I got drugged I should have known as soon as possible. And how the fuck did your ex even get here and get a job so fast cuz you’ve only been here for like 2-3 weeks now.

Jason could see I was upset. “I’m sorry babe at the time I thought it would be best if I didn’t say anything.” “Does it seem like the right thing now? Now I have your crazy ex girlfriend after me. Thanks for the heads up” I walked away. I hated being mad at him but I couldn’t help it. He ran after me and wrapped his arm around my waist from behind. He whispered in my ear “I’m so sorry baby please forgive me.” His words clenched at my heart I wanted to hug him and say I’m not mad but I would be lying to him. I twisted my self out of his hold and kept walking without looking back. It later dawned on me I didn’t even know what the girl looked like or her name. I walked to my house. When I got home there was a pretty girl with red hair  sitting on my porch.

“Um Hello may I help you?” I asked the girl. “Hi I’m Ellie I just moved into the neighborhood I just wanted to meet some of the people here and I heard a teenage girl lived here” She said with a huge smile. She seemed nice and she was very pretty. “Well hi I’m Catilina but everyone calls me Cat and welcome to the neighborhood.” “ Thanks I don’t want you to think i’m stalkerish or anything it’s just I came here and no one was home so I kind of just sat there.” “It’s cool. Do you want to come inside it’s hot out here.” “Yeah thanks”

We came inside and went to the kitchen. I poured her some lemonade and we just talked. “So where are your parents? Again not trying to be stalkerish.” I laughed. “They’re on vacation I talked to them last night and they said they don’t know when they’re coming home. But I told them they should take their time.” “Oh Ok that’s cool my parents would never leave me home alone they think I’ll have a party and get pregnant.” We laughed. I liked her she seemed so nice and very funny. Talking to her took my mind off Jason, and his crazy ex that drugged me. “You wanna go up to my room and watch some T.V?” “Sure” We left our glasses of lemonade on the counter and went upstairs.

“Who’s this?” She said picking up a picture of Jason beside my bed. “Oh that’s my boyfriend Jason” “He’s cute you did a good job girl”  She said still staring at the picture. “Um thanks” I said trying to pry the picture from her hands. I succeeded and set the picture back where it was. “So how long have you guys been dating” Obviously interested, she asked scooting closer to me. “Um well we’ve been dating for a long time but then he moved like a year ago and we just picked up from where we left off when he came back” “Do you really like him?” “Yeah honestly I can’t live without him. But enough about me where did you move here from?” She looked mad “I’m sorry I gotta go home but It was nice meeting you.” She said through gritted teeth. “Um ok bye and nice meeting you to.” That was weird. I wondered why she was so interested in me and Jason’s relationship but whatever.

I wanted to call Jason and apologize for what happened today I shouldn’t have gotten mad at him. He must have read my mind or something because he texted me. “Babe I’m so sorry please forgive me. Meet me at my place I have a surprise for you.” That made my heart flutter. All he had to do was call me babe and it erupted butterflies in my stomach. I texted back “ kk I’ll be there in 5 mins.”

12. Jason

I was so happy when Cat said she was coming. I was scared she would say no. It was heartbreaking to think the girl I loved was mad at me. I saw how upset she was when we talked earlier. A knock at the door broke me out of my thoughts. I opened the door. My eyes trailed down her body before I met her gaze. “ Hello Beautiful.” “ Hi” She said in her soft, shy tone. “I’m glad you came” I said grabbing her hand “ I’m really really sorry I don’t want you to be mad at me.” She gave me a small smile “ I forgive you but I need to apologize too I shouldn’t have gotten upset with you. I know your intentions were good.” “Yeah I just thought I was protecting you but I guess you can take care of yourself.” “Jason thank you for trying to protect me but I have changed over the past year. I want you to do things with me not for me.” At this point she was looking me directly in the eyes. “I know babe I’m sorry I just love you so much, I don’t want anything to happen to you.” She said smiling “I know baby”. She leaned in and kissed me. When her lips caught mine I sucked her bottom lip. I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her closer into me. I ran my fingers up her spine slowly and she whimpered. We pulled away breathless. “I love you so much Cat” “I love you too”

Cat was laying on my chest in my bed when there was a knock on my door. I thought she was asleep until she asked “Are you expecting someone?” Nope” I kissed her on the forehead then walked to the front door. I opened the door to find a very unpleasant surprise. “Ellie what the fuck are you doing here and how did you find out where I lived?” I asked with disgust in my tone. She said with a smile on her face “I followed your pretty little girlfriend. She has a lovely home.” Cat walked up and put her arms around my waist. “Oh hey aren’t you the girl that was at my house earlier?” Cat asked in her sweet tone. I looked at Ellie furious and asked “What the fuck were you doing at her house?” “How do you two know each other?” Cat asked looking from me to Ellie who was smiling. Ellie said “It sounds like you two are busy so I’ll come back later bye Jason” She said placing a kiss on my cheek. I quickly pushed her away. “Ellie get the fuck off my property before I call the cops” I yelled. I was heated. “Ok Mr. Feisty I’ll see you later hopefully” She winked and walked away.

Cat walked back into the room and was putting on her shoes by the time I got in there. “Cat where are you going?” I asked worried. “To be honest I don’t know because I’m very confused and that girl knows where I live so I can’t go home but do not follow me Jason. I need time to think by myself.” She walked past me and left. I was speechless and super pissed. Just when I had the girl I loved back I lose her again because of Ellie. I wish I never met her. Cat is the best thing that has ever happened to me and now I’ve lost her twice because of my crazy ex. I understand Cat enough to know when she needs space it’s desperate and she strictly does not want to be bothered. So I went to find Ellie because this is bullshit and she needs to know she can’t try to fuck up my life because she still loves me and she can not mess with Cat. If anything I’d rather her mess with me than the girl I love more than life itself. When I got in my car I saw a note on my passenger seat from Cat. It read Jason I want you with me so we can sort this out together. Here’s the address to the hotel I went to. I’m in room 502. Please hurry I love you. ~Cat. To be honest this did seem a little weird to me but I’m desperate to see her and hold her. I drove to the hotel she went to. I went to room 502 and Ellie opened the door next thing I know everything’s black.


13. Catalina

I didn’t know where I was going but I had to get away from Jason and whoever that girl was. All of this was too much and I was so confused. I had the bluetooth in the car so when  I got a text my car made a weird buzzing noise. It showed I got a text from Jason saying he wanted to talk about everything that happened and explain himself. He wanted me to meet him at a hotel and he’s in room 502. At first I didn’t want to go because right now it seemed better if I wasn’t talking to him but I hate to be away from him especially when we’re having a disagreement. I texted him saying I’d be there in a few mins. I made a U-turn and went to the hotel. I saw his car and went to room 502. I knocked on the door and the girl from my house opened the door. “What the fuck are you doing here?” I asked pissed. She looked at me and smiled “Oh hey um Cat right yeah Jason called me and told me to come over and can I just say you are one lucky girl his tongue is magical” Then she winked and left buttoning her shirt.  I looked inside and Jason was on the bed sleeping with nothing on except his boxers.

I couldn’t control the tears that were falling from my eyes. There was beer bottles everywhere and a box of half eaten pizza. I heard Jason moan my name but that made me even more pissed because he had the nerve to think about me after he just fucked that other chick. He turned and looked at me,  he was rubbing his head. “Cat? Is that you? Where am I?” I walked over to him and slapped him hard. His head turned from the impact. “Don’t you dare play that bullshit with me Jason! How could you do this to me all this shit about you loving me was a lie. I fucking hate you and I never want to see or talk to you ever again!!!” I was crying again. My throat hurt from how hard I was yelling at him. I cried even harder when he didn’t say anything. He just had this confused look on his face. I turned to walk away but he grabbed my hand and turned me to face him. “Cat please don’t leave I honestly have no idea what happened you have to believe me” Jason said while rubbing the tears from my face with his thumb. “Jason I can’t believe you how else would you be here. In nothing but your underwear and that girl was here..” “What girl was here?” Jason interrupted me asking. “Whoever that girl is that was at your house earlier. I knew there was something between you two when she came to my house and kept asking questions about me and you. Jason I’m going to ask you one more time who is that girl?” I asked with tear on the brim of my eyes.

Jason sighed and put his arm around my waist and looked me in my eyes. “She’s my ex girlfriend from Miami. Her name’s Ellie. I actually slept with her before I came back to L.A. She said she loved me but I only started dating her to get over you. Thinking back on it I was kind of a jerk to her.” “Yea you were I think you should apologize to her but that doesn’t give her the right to try and ruin my relationship with you.” This didn’t make sense to me how did she manage to get Jason here without him knowing and get me here thinking she was Jason. This chick could be a fucking serial killer because she planned this well. “How the fuck did your ex get you here without you knowing it was her?” “She left a note in my car because I was going out to find her so I could put her in her place. The note she left made it seem like it was you and you know I can’t leave you behind so I came as fast as possible. How did she get you here?” “I got a text from you or your phone saying you wanted me to meet you here.” Out of nowhere Jason grabbed my hand and pulled me into his chest and kissed me. It was to fast for me to react. “Cat I need you to believe I would never cheat on you” He told me breathless. I was breathless too. “I know Jason but at the time I did think it was true but now that I know all the details about the situation I do believe you would never cheat on me. He whispered in my ear “I love you so much Cat. Let me show you how much you mean to me.” His words made a shiver run up my back. He turned me around so quick my head was spinning in a good way. I felt his boner against my ass. He rubbed up my thigh squeezing gently and I whimpered. I heard Jason moan in my ear. “I love that sound you make. Do it again for me baby” He said seductively and licked my ear. He pressed his finger against my cilt through my jeans making me whimper again. Jason moaned louder this time “God, Cat I need you now” He growled in my ear.


14. Jason


I didn’t know what came over me but I automatically got super horny when Cat was mad when she thought I had sex with Ellie. But seeing her so mad and fired up made her look incredibly sexy. This was going to be the first time me and Cat have sex together and I was ready for it. I picked her up kissing her. I layed her down on the bed taking off all her clothes. I couldn’t wait to feel her sweet flesh wrapped around me. I started kissing her down her neck taking my time to suck and lick every piece of her body. She tasted and smelt so good. I wanted to fuck her brains out but this was her first time so I had to control myself. She moaned my name which made me harder. She took off my shirt and fumbled with my belt. She took my pants off and palmed me though my underwear. My underwear were actually pissing me off right now because I was getting harder and they were restraining my dick. I quickly took them off so I could breathe. I sucked a breath in with the new freedom my dick had discovered. Cat moaned at the sight of my dick and I made that motivation to hear her make that sound again.

“Cat are you ready because if you’re not then I don’t want to make you do something you're not ready for” Cat looked me in the eyes and said in a soft tone “Jason I love you more than anything in the world. If I could choose who took my virginity I would pick you. Yes I’m ready.” I couldn’t control myself any longer so I kissed her desperately rubbing every part of her body. She whimpered and asked “Jason do you have a condom?” I actually laughed a little. “Cat I’ve been waiting to do this with you from the moment I laid eyes on you of course I have one.” She smiled “Good because I want to put it on you” She whispered seductively. I stifled a laugh “If that’s what you want” I said smiling. I kissed down her body, her neck, in between her boobs, down her stomach, her belly button, and licked a stripe under her belly button. I licked up her center and darted my tongue into her entrance moving it at a fast pace to have her moaning and whimpering my name. “Oh my god Jason. Take me now” She whimpered. I sucked her cilt hard and she jolted. “Ok babe whatever you say” I said straightening up and smiling. I took that time to study her body. She was so beautiful everything about her was beautiful inside and out. She looked up at me and smiled and said “It’s funny how you’re just looking at me with a hard-on” and I laughed.

I pulled a condom out of my wallet and give it to Cat. “Here you go my lady” I said to her in a medieval voice. Her eyes got dark with lust and opened the packet with her teeth and said “Come here baby” very seductively. I got in front of her on the bed on my knees. I thought she was going to put the condom on but when she licked the tip of my dick I sucked in a breath in between my teeth. She grabbed my dick and rolled her tongue around it “Fuck” I moaned. She took me in deeper and I felt her throat close around my dick. “Holy shit” I whimpered. “Cat...I’ cum” I staggered breathless. Then she stopped “No no not yet babe” She said. She rolled the condom on and whispered “Give it to me now and hard” I smiled and winked at her and leaned in whispering in her ear “My pleasure” then licked her ear lobe. “Lay down for me babe” I said. I intertwined our fingers and brushed my head against her entrance. She whimpered I slowly pushed in so she could get used to my size. She cried out and that got me worried “Cat are you okay did I hurt you?” She said “No please keep going” I pushed in deeper and she moaned louder than ever. She felt so good around me. It was so hard to keep myself under control. I wanted to fuck the hell out of her but she was so sweet and innocent I couldn’t take advantage of her like that. I loved her too much. “Jason” She whimpered “I can tell you’re restraining yourself. I want this to be pleasurable for both of us. Fuck me the way you want to. Please” I looked in her eyes to see if there was any denial. When I  found none I said “Ok but tell me if I hurt you. I’m serious I don’t want to hurt you” She looked at me and shook her head ok. I grabbed the headboard and pushed deep into her.

She grabbed my bicep and squeezed it. “Fuck, faster Jason please” She whimpered. I tightened the headboard and came in and out fast and she whimpered and moaned loud. I couldn’t stop and I didn’t want to. She’s so much tighter than I thought she would be. It felt so good. I’ve fucked a lot of girls in my lifetime but with Cat it felt inappropriate to call it fucking or even having sex. I’d heard people say that sex isn’t better than making love and I didn’t believe in it. But I knew that Cat and I weren’t having sex we were making love. Cat arched her back and climaxed and then I did. “That was amazing” I whispered in Cat’s ear as I pulled out and she whimpered. “Jason, I love you so much. Thank you for the best first time” “Thank You for the best time ever” I kissed her. Then threw away the condom.

15. Catalina

Oh my gosh I can’t believe Jason just took my virginity. It really just sunk in but I don’t regret it. I don’t regret one minute of it. It was great.  I mean I never pictured my first time in a crummy hotel surrounded by beer bottles and pizza boxes but just because it was with Jason it was perfect. We have been laying on this bed for what felt like hours but I didn’t care because nothing felt better than laying with Jason. I heard my phone buzzed but I didn’t want to move because I was scared I would wake Jason. I slowly slipped from under Jason, grabbed my phone, and went to the bathroom to check my appearance. I looked at who texted me and my jaw dropped. It was my ex boyfriend Nick. The text read “Hey Cat I haven’t talked to u in awhile. We should meet up let me know when a good day is for you.” My mind was racing. I kind of missed Nick. I did just kick him to the curb when I heard Jason was back in town. I haven’t talked to him since, I felt bad. I texted him back saying “Hey Nick, it''s good to hear from you. But we should definetly meet up one day soon." Nick replied immediatly "Most def, Just let me know when <3"

I forgot all about Nick. I felt bad for how i just dumped Nick as soon as I heard Jason was back in town. I had feelings for Nick just not as strong like they were for Jason. It’ll be nice to hang out with Nick again. I remember how sweet and funny he was. He helped me try to forget Jason and lose the heartache so I should thank him correctly. I heard Jason groan from the bed. I checked my appearance again and walked out of the bathroom. He must’ve not heard me walk out because when he turned he jumped. “Holy shit Cat. Don’t ever do that again” I giggled quietly it is so funny to see Jason caught off guard. After he regained his breath he looked at me and showed me one of those “million dollar Jason smiles” I never get tired of that smile. “Come here babe” He said holding his arms out. I walked over to him and sat on the edge of the bed in between his legs my back to his chest. He wrapped his arms around me, I layed my head on his shoulder while his head rested in the . “How are you feeling?” He asked me worriedly. I said quietly “I’m good just a little sore.” “I’m sorry babe.” He said with a worried look on his face. “I’m fine Jace. I’m just going to go take a hot hot shower.” “He looked at me with a seductive grin on his face “Do you want me to join you?” I kissed him hard and tugged his hair earning a moan from his lips then I pulled back and smiled “No thanks I’m good” I said winking at him and making my way to the bathroom. He slapped my ass while I was walking. “Cat you’re such a tease” I looked back at him ,before stepping foot in the bathroom. I bit my lip and winked at him. He ran towards me and I ran to the bathroom and locked the door before he could get me.

I couldn’t get Nick off my mind. I guess I didn’t realise how much he really meant to me until I heard from him again. After Jason left I thought I would never date someone again. But Nick proved me wrong he was so sweet and a good listener. He let me go on and on about missing Jason and how sad I was. I mean what guy just listens to their girlfriend talk about her ex boyfriend. I must have been zoned out because I didn’t hear Jason yelling my name until he pounded his fist onto the door. “CAT?!!!” I heard him saying. “What?” I yelled back “You’ve been in the shower for almost an hour. Save me some water Damn!” I giggled softly “Sorry babe I’m coming” “Damn Cat. Do you have any come left in you after what I did to you?” He asked me. I could tell he had a smile on his face. “Ew Jace you’re gross” I said laughing. “I’m just kidding. But seriously babe hurry up” He said laughing.

After Jason and I showered we went back to my place. I hadn’t heard from my parents in a while. I was starting to get worried. I called my mom but she didn’t answer so I called my dad but he didn’t answer either. “Babe i’m sure they're fine. They're  probably just out having some fun on the cruise. You have nothing to worry about”. Jason said kissing my forehead. I looked up at him and smiled “I’m so lucky to have you. You’re right they’re probably just out having fun.” “Yeah don’t worry about it babe” He said then kissed me. Before I unlocked the door Jason’s phone buzzed. He looked confused and mad “Um babe is it okay if I drop you off and call you later. I have to take care of something” I was kind of concerned but I chose not to ask him about it “Yeah sure. Is everything okay?” “Yeah it’s fine” He said with a reassuring smile. He kissed me and smiled “I’ll call you later. Text me if you need anything or if Ellie comes around okay. I love you.” “ I love you too bye” I said with a small smile. 


16. Jason

I hated having to leave Cat but this was serious. I got a text from the person that could ruin my relationship with Cat for good and I had to make sure she never knew about it. I responded to my stupid brother Chris. “What the fuck do you want?” He texted back “Well hello to you to. Aye why didn’t you tell me that you and Dad moved back?” I scoffed at the text “Um maybe because I didn’t want you to know” I responded. I had just got home and I noticed my brother’s black and yellow Camaro. He was leaning against the back looking down at his phone when I was pulling in. I pulled into my garage and got out of the car. “How did you find out where I lived” I asked him pissed. “Dad gave me your address he said he wanted us to have some quality brother time” He said with a grin. “Well he can forget that. He knows I can’t stand you” “What did I ever do to you Jason except for be the perfect big brother. If you think about it if it wasn’t for me you wouldn’t be with that beautiful goddess Catalina” He said then winked at me. I lunged at him but restrained myself from breaking his jaw. “If It wasn’t for you I wouldn’t have to hide things from her.”


( 3 YEARS AGO. Jason’s 16th birthday party )

I was high as shit. I was completely numb like everywhere. I couldn’t even feel this chicks ass that she was putting on me. She needed some serious twerking lessons. Everything was starting to look blurry. “Aye birthday boy come on we’re about to play truth or dare” I heard my older brother Chris say. I followed Chris upstairs.  I barely knew anyone at my party but I met a lot of new people and have already been laid twice and it’s only 1:30 am. When we got to the Chris’ room it was full of smoke and smelt like weed. I was passed one and I inhaled deeply letting the weed completely take over my body. I puffed out each in small rings. I love to do that. There were five people in the circle. Me, Chris, this chick named Ashley that kept winking at me, This dude named Joe and he was higher than me. His eyes were red and he kept laughing, and last but not least this beautiful girl named Catilina. She didn’t smoke anything. She was a goody two shoes I could tell. She looked amazing but I couldn’t see myself with her but maybe I could get the freaky side out of her. I winked at her and she smiled. She looked so familiar but I couldn’t tell who she was, maybe because I’m high as fuck right now but whatever. She left when they started doing drugs and getting high.

My brother noticed I kept looking at her when she was here.  So he asked me “Truth or Dare Jace?” He made a challenging face at me. My brother knows I always take dares “Dare” I said. My brother looked over at his friend and said with a smirk “ You remember the girl that was in here a second ago? I dare you to get her drunk tonight and blindfold her. Then get her horny as hell and take pictures.” I knew it was dick move but I was high, drunk and having a great time so I said “Okay. This is going to be easy”


17. Catalina


*Still Jason’s b-day 3 years ago*

I couldn’t believe I was at Jason Smith’s birthday party. I couldn’t even believe he remembered me from like elementary school. I really wasn’t having the best time. I’m not into weed and drinking like everyone else. Just as I was about to leave someone grabbed my arm and pulled me towards them. I looked up into Jason’s eyes. “Hey Beautiful” He said smiling. I could tell he was still high. His eyes were red and he could barely keep them open but the were still beautiful. I looked down blushing. He tilted my chin up and said “Do you want to dance?” Before I could answer he pulled me to the middle of the floor. He turned me around so my back was on his chest and he started grinding to the music. He noticed I was hesitant so he whispered in my ear “We need to loosen you up. Come on”


He grabbed my hand and led me to the kitchen that was filled with alcohol. He said “What’s your favorite flavor?” and I said “ I don’t drink so I don’t know”. He smiled and said “Okay I’ll surprise you” I was really nervous I never had alcohol before so I didn’t know how my body would react to it.  He handed me a glass with clear liquid in it. Just as I was about to ask what it was he said “ Don’t ask just drink up” I thought about it for a sec and said “ What the Hell!” and drank the whole glass in one huge gulp. It burned going down my throat but my body loosened up and I was hyper. “Come on let’s dance” I said grabbing Jason’s hand and dragging him to the dance floor.


I felt the music vibrate through my chest and I was hype. I kept grinding my ass to Jason’s manhood. By the hardness I felt on my ass he was enjoying it. His hands were on my waist. Our bodies were grinding and moving together perfectly. It was like my body was made perfectly for his. He started rubbing my thighs and squeezing them he made me tingle everywhere. Then his hands traveled up rubbing my waist and my stomach then he started caressing my boobs. I did a little moan then turned around so I was facing Jason.


His eyes weren’t red anymore they were just dark with lust. But there was something behind the lust it looked like sadness. When I was about to ask what’s wrong he kissed me hard. His lips felt so perfect, soft and warm. He licked my bottom lip asking for access which I gave him willingly. Our tongues danced with each other. Moaning and exploring each other’s mouths, I felt like we were the only two in the room. The alcohol was still in my system and I was horny. I tried to deepen the kiss but Jason pushed me away. He said “ I can’t do this” and walked away. I was standing there confused, drunk and horny, then everything went black.  

18. Jason

***Still Jason’s b-day***


I thought I could do the dare and be fine but dancing with Catalina, I realized I couldn't do that to her. She was so sweet and innocent but she made me hard as a rock. After I left her I went into my room and took off my jeans and boxers, laid down and started pumping my cock fast and hard. I was so hard from kissing Cat and touching her. Oh my Gosh her ass felt so amazing rubbing against my dick when she was dancing. I was thinking  about Cat’s wet, tight, warm pussy wrapped around my dick.  Her tits jumping every time I thrust into her hard. Hearing her moan and whimper. Then feel her walls clench around me when she’s about to cum.  

I shot a load all over myself. I was breathing heavy still thinking about Cat. I started to get hard again. I had to get her out of my head so I put on my jeans still shirtless and went downstairs and I looked around the room for the blonde that was dancing on me before I went upstairs to play truth or dare. She was dancing on some dude who was too drunk to realize she was an awful dancer. She noticed me looking at her from the staircase and I winked at her. I motioned for her to come here and licked my lips. She whispered something in the dude’s ear and started walking up the stairs. I knew what I was about to do was wrong but I needed to get Cat out of my head. The girl was really pretty, long blonde hair that fell in loose

waves down to her waist and blue eyes. But she was lean and skinny. Nothing in comparison with Cat’s long brown hair and curvy body.


When she was close enough for me to feel her breathing I leaned in and nibbled on her ear. A noticeable shiver ran down her back. I whispered in her ear “I want you” then licked her neck.  I wrapped my arm around her waist leading her to my bedroom. When we got into my room and I closed the door she kissed me hard. Plunging her tongue into my mouth. That was a turnoff but I was still hard from thinking bout Cat so I just imagined I was kissing her soft pink lips. I grabbed her butt and she moaned. As I was about to start taking her shirt off I heard another moan but it sounded distant. The blonde girl said “I guess someone else is getting some too.” She leaned in to kiss me again but I heard another moan and the girl moaning sounded familiar. I started walking towards my door to hear it better. When I heard her moan/scream I recognized who it was. I ran out the room screaming Cat’s name. Her moans were coming from Chris’ room. I busted through the door to see Cat blindfolded, naked and tied to the bed. With Chris and three of his friends Jake, Simon, and Hunter standing over her. Jake and Simon both had a sex toy in hand and Hunter was filming on his video camera. Chris was fucking her with a huge dildo stretching her.  


I closed the door and pushed Chris away from her. “What the fuck are you doing to her?!! I yelled at Chris. “We’re just having some fun with your sexy friend” Chris said smirking and high fiving all his friends. “Why would you do that to her?” Chris looked at me and said “I wanted to see her naked some kind of way tonight. So when you pussied out I took matters into my own hands. I had friends who wanted to see and lick that pretty little pussy of hers” He smirked at me. When he saw that I was pissed. He said “Why the fuck do you even care. Why are you getting all mushy for a girl you don’t even know” As I let his words process in my mind I thought to myself he’s right why am I getting all protective over a chick I didn’t even know. I should be having fun for my sixteenth birthday. Chris passed me a blunt and I inhaled deeply. I looked over at Chris and I said “Fine. But I want to be the first to lick her.” Chris started laughing and said “You are the birthday boy” I looked up to see Cat was passed out but her body was still very responsive to our touches. She was literally dripping. I started licking and slurping her sweet juices. She tasted amazing and I started fingering.

We fucked the hell out of Cat. In the moment it felt so good but now here I am sitting in the floor just looking at her body, still passed out on the bed, feeling like a complete jerk. I walked over to her body and kissed her forehead. I whispered in her ear “Cat i’m so so sorry. I hope you can find a way to forgive me. I don’t know what I was thinking. I think I was trying to make myself believe that I wasn’t falling in love with you but I am. I know now that i’m in love with you.” She stirred moaning. I jumped back scared thinking she was going to beat the  shit out of me. She looked up at me and started crying. I pulled her to me but she cried out in pain. My heart ached knowing that I caused this pain she’s feeling right now.  

I heard the door creak open and the blonde girl who I left in my room came in. “So you left me for this bitch are you kidding me?!” Cat stirred in her sleep with how loud she was. I looked at her and whisper shouted  “Can you please shut the fuck up! Can’t you see she’s asleep. Damn!” She looked at me like I had just killed her puppy. “Doesn’t matter anyway because your brother was a better fuck anyway. Happy Birthday you dick!” She said holding back tears. I looked at her in disbelief. I thought to myself is this bitch really about to cry over what was gonna be a one night stand like what the fuck. Cat stirred against my chest and woke up.  She looked up at me and winced. She whispered “Jason?”

19. Catalina

***Present Day****


    I was very cuious about why Jason was so freaked out when he left. But I was more concerned about my parents. It's been almost 8 weeks and I haven't heard anything from them. I've tried calling them a million times but no answer. As soon as I was about to try again another call came through from Nick. A small smile crept on my face as I saw his name on my screen. I answered "Hey Nick" "Hey Beautiful how have you been" Nick asked happily. "I've been better honestly but i'm alright" I answered. "Hey what's wrong? You don't sound like the normal joyful Cat I know" He asked worriedly. I answered "So my parents went on a cruise awhile ago and I havent heard anything from them and I'm getting kind of worried." Nick answered "Oh i understand where your concern comes from. But I'm sure they're all good kitty cat." I laughed a little hearing my nickname. "I haven't heard that name since our last date Nick." "Oh yeah, I remember our last date. I took you ice skating and then we went to a drive in Movie with burgers and shakes from my dad's restaurant" Nick said. "Yeah that was a really fun night. I didn't get back home until 5 am. I haven't had a carefree night like that in awhile." "Well why don't we do it again tonight? It'll help get your mind off your parents. I mean I know we're supposed to meet up tomorrow but we could hangout tonight too right?" He said sounding hopeful. I quickly weighed out the pros and cons of this. Would it be wrong for me to hangout with my ex. I mean I don't see the big deal I'll just text Jason and let him know whats going on. "Sure why not? Do you remember where I live?" "Yeah I remember! This is gonna be awesome can you be ready in 15?" He said excitedly. "Yeah that sounds good. I'll see you in a little bit. I hung up the phone and headed upstsirs to take a shower and get ready. 


 Nick and I were having the best time. Instead of going ice skating we went to the aquraiam. I loved seeing all the amazing fish and sharks it was beautiful and Nick was being so hilarious while we were there. Then we went and got burgers from Pop's then drove to the top of a hill and stared at the stars as we listened to music. We had been playing an on going game of 21 questions since I got in the car. "Okay so if you had to choose would you rather lose your pinky toe or left thumb" I asked Nick. "Hmm, that's a good one. I think I'd rather lose my pinky toe. Only because then I wouldn't hit that little shit on every peice of furniture I have in damn house" Nick said. I start laughing hysterically. I honestly forgot how much fun we used to have together. He was naturally a hilarious guy that kept me laughing. It was one of the many reasons I started liking him. 


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 25.03.2015

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