
Chapter 1 :)

As Jenny hears the whistle of the train, she looks
down at her orange high skinny pumps and
red-orange dress, and then she felt her head for
her hot pink wig. The train ride to her Aunt
Melanie's village in France was an awkward road
trip. Whenever she looked up she saw a startled
passenger look at her like she was a ghost-which is
why she came.
Jenny is a psychic investigator. She
became a psychic investigator when she found a
wonderful series about a teenage psychic
investigator who's outrageous clothes and psychic
skills also got her stared at and marked as weird.
The Gilda Joyce series is where Jenny gets her just-as-outrageous-as-Gilda's clothes
Jenny's role model is Gilda Joyce for many
reasons. One is because she is odd and stubborn.
She will not leave a case just because she thinks
that there are real ghosts involved. Neither will
Finally the train stops at a quaint little village
that Jenny's Aunt Melanie calls home. "Wow! This
is small!" She exclaims as a man stares at her with
a disgusted look. She looks herself up and down.
As she does she thinks about how lucky she is to
be in France. She is practically in Paris! One of the
shopping capitals of the world!
'Oh no!' Thought Jenny. 'I left my bags inside!'
The train whistle blasts her ears once again as she
hears the clickety-clack of the train starting up.She rushes through the open gray, dull doors and
to her seat.
Jenny lets out a sigh of relief while
walking slowly to the closed train doors.
"EEP!" Jenny shrieks "Help! The doors are closed! I'm
She rips open her purse and pulls out her
psychic crowbar(yes, its psychic, sorta). Jenny pushes the crowbar into
the small gap between the two sliding doors and
lets out a grunt as she pulls to one side and,
pushes on the other side. The doors reluctantly
slide open and jenny realizes the train has been
sliding swiftly along for ten minutes and is at the
perimeter of the town. Jenny spots a large
cushion- like bush and... Jumps!
"OOMPH!" Jenny lands with a thud. Right in
Aunt Melanie's back yard. She circles around front
wondering if this is spirit activity. Jenny reaches
into her pocket and jingles the keys her aunt gave her wondering
if she should barge in or not when Aunt Melanie
comes to the door trailed by a pig. "Look Porkers!
Look who's here!"
Jenny reaches down and ruffles the pig's ears
sending them flying this way and that.
"Hi aunty!" Jenny exclaims.
"Come in! Let me help you with your-" She stops.
"Where are your bags silly child?" Jenny looks
behind herself and groans. After all her work
going back in the train and jumping
everything-except her purse, of course-is gone.
"Well, I'm supposed to go shopping and get a job here to buy
my own clothes." Jenny lied. Really the money is
supposed to be for emergencies and food, but
jenny's mom forced her to get a job already so she
has one waiting, plus instead of payment with cash Jenny's aunt could
pay with food.
"Okay, lets go to your room. I hope you don't
mind but since you will be investigating the
ghoolies I put you in the room with lots of
happenings and such. Flying chairs, rattling beds,
my guests have been scared out of their panties!
Not to mention me. I've been wanting, no needing
to go to work. I ask my boss to let me have
overtime-even if it has to be without pay. Please
Jenny lets go shopping. Soon."
Jenny thought for a moment, just torturing
her aunt as if she wanted to stay here and said "I
don't have much money." Although she feels bad
about manipulating her aunt, she really does need
the cash and her aunt has it.
"It's okay, I'm fine with paying, but first I need to pick up a package." A mysterious smile twitches at her lips.
Jenny and her aunt walk to the door and open it. Just as they were about to leave, the door swings shut and locks, trapping them inside.

Chapter 2 :0

"Omigosh!" Jenny and Aunt Melanie exclaim in unison. They look at each other and giggle. Jenny sobers up and her aunt is in hystarics. Tears drip down her face and her meniacle laughs turn to shaking sobs.
"It's okay, sweet, we'll be okay!" She squeaks, gasping for breath.
"I know. The spirit isn't violent, just lonely!" Jenny smiles at Aunt Melanie and she reveals her teeth in a weak smile-grimace.
Jenny shakes the knob with no luck.
"Please..." She whispers, "We'll be back." With a click, the lock on the door is released and the door opens.
"Come back." Someone breathes in her ear as Melanie dashes out the door. She shivers, but walks swiftly away.


The world whizzes by her window as Jenny stares, head back, neck exposed, at the changing scenery. Above the beach, waves crashing against the shore, muted clouds roll by. Her aunt turns into an unknown parking lot and she cranes her neck to see where they're at. The door to the passenger side opens and she hears someone sit down with a soft release of breath.
"Hello, Kelly, dear." Aunt Melanie says in an excited stage whisper. Jenny squeals and unbuckles her seatbelt as her aunt started the car. She climbes onto the space next to Kelly on the passenger seat and hugs her best friend.
"Ooh, I missed you!" She sighs, content with a new ghost, old friend, and awesome, eccentric aunt.



Tag der Veröffentlichung: 12.05.2011

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To my best friends and family.

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