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Have you ever wondered who you really are?
What your life purpose is?
What are you really meant to do on this Earth, in this lifetime?
Do you feel that there is more to you and what you can offer?
If you are stillsearching for these answers, then you have come to the right place. The journey of self-discovery requires a lot of groundwork and can be daunting at times, as it involves revisiting a lot of your past experiences, choices and emotions.
Therefore, this book will guide you through all the intricate details you require in your journey to unravel your true self. This includes identifying your personality, awakening your spiritual dimension, learning to love yourself as well as embracing the change that comes.
It will no doubt trigger confusion, doubt, and misunderstandings, which will force you to make decisions that will affect your life. However you need to trust the process as it is worth taking and you will turn out to be an entirely different person from where you started off. There is more to you than you think.
Let go of your past and focus on what is about to come. Give permission to yourself to go through this journey and allow yourself to be vulnerable. When you open up yourself to all the possibilities this journey will bring, you will realize how rewarding it is at the end.
You will discover the most important element of all: YOURSELF.
Conducting A Self-Assessment For Self-Discovery
“There is no greater journey than the one that you must take to discover all of the mysteries that lie within you”
Michelle Sandlin
To a very large extent, many of us tend to see the wrong in others without taking into account or having a close look on ourselves.
We subconsciously judge others and not ourselves. Taking a self-assessment is important in realizing and shaping us to becoming the best version of ourselves. You also need someone who is very honest to help you in your self-assessment.
Usually the person who is able to help you is someone whom you can trust. It can be your significant other or a best friend. Also, there are a number of self-assessment tests that you can take for self-discovery.
Self-assessment involves looking deep into you for an INSIGHT.
Self-assessment does not meansyou are taking some time to reflect upon yourself and get to learn about the person you see every time you look in the mirror.
The first step to a definite self-assessment is to be HONEST about you. Take a good look in the mirror and take the time to study the person you see.
Describe the person you see in the mirror using up to a total of 25adjectives. Consider using both positive and negative adjectives. This exercise is important because you are being honest with yourself. Dig deep. Allow for self-discovery.
The next step is to consider your likes and dislikes. This is important to allow yourself to identify the root of your likes and dislikes.
Write down the activities you love doing.
Which books do you enjoy reading?
What kind of people do you surround yourself with?
What are the activities you enjoy during your free time?
For all the answers that you give, provide an explanation.
Explore the explanations in depth.
The next exercise is to start writing a journal. For a whole week, write down all your emotions, actions and thoughts that you might have.
Write down what you feel most comfortable doing without much effort but is also very rewarding to you.
How To Know The Real You
“Anyone can appear beautiful from afar. The real test of character is how you are to those nearest to you. Good character means that the closer someone comes to you, the more beautiful you are”
Yasmin Mogahed
Discovering your real self can be scary sometimes. It demands an understanding of your personal aspirations, emotions and even spiritual values. It also involves knowing how best to fulfill the requirements you want in life. If you come to an understanding of all these aspects of life, then you are on the right path to self-discovery.
What we usually focus on in our lives is to make a living, chasing money and we tend to forget the spiritual part of our lives. We neglect the fact that we need to strike a balance between our physical, emotional and spiritual being.
You need to look inside your soul and search for what it needs. It is important to note that we are not just a vessel but rather we have an inner self comprising of the soul which also yearns for satisfaction.
We need to be connected with ourselves and draw attention or move away from distractions from outside. In most cases, our focus is tuned into meeting our external desires.
There will never be a sense of fulfillment if we keep looking at the outside. In most instances, we are busy with the desire to meet the needs of the physical and this causes one to lose him or herself. Take time to meditate. It will help you realize and know yourselves better.
Another way to help you discover your real self is by improving your relationship with others. It helps you to place your focus less on material gains and more on intangible values like love and honesty.
We will feel more content when we improve our connection with others by making the people around us happy and helping out where we can. This gives us more of a spiritual satisfaction.
The Value Of Spiritual Self-Discovery
“To make the right choices in life, you have to get in touch with your soul. To do this, you need to experience solitude, which most people are afraid of, because in the silence you hear the truth and know the solutions.”
Deepak Chopra
When people embark on a journey of self-discovery, they tend to focus on the physical and emotional side of their personality.
People rarely take into account the importance of spiritual self-discovery. Take some time to explore the spiritual aspect of ourselves. As a result, we will discover a unique and different aspect to our personality we may not even have realized existed.
We are made up of physical, spiritual, intellectual and emotional dimensions. We experience the universe through the individual and collective lenses of these dimensions.
This is not something entirely new.
We know that humanity has always considered these dimensions. We have been informed through Roman and Greek mythology, Roman astrology and ancient religion how spirituality has played an important role in human development.
We perhaps can relate best with moments like witnessing a sunrise or an amazing act of nature that leaves us in a state of awe and wonder, admitting there are things in our life that are beyond our ability to explain and control. We may consciously or unconsciously acknowledge the desire to discover this power and it is what we can term “spirituality”.
When we talk about spiritual well being, we inevitably think of God. Whoever or whatever we conceive “him” to be. Some consider him a supreme being and others consider him as “the man upstairs” a father figure. Some may reject the concept of any sort of being, and find their spirituality elements through earth, or in Mother Nature.
So how do we discover the spiritual side of our personalities?
There are various ways in discovering the spiritual side of our personalities. Some people seek spirituality by embracing formal religion; others discover it through yoga or some other form of meditation that enables them to focus on themselves. Others go on a journey of self-discovery and call this a religious experience.
Some have compared this spiritual awakening with a heightened sense of experiencing. As we consciously allow our inner selves to experience life at a deeper level as compared to what seems obvious around us, we begin to relate to things in a different way.
On the other hand, some of us subconsciously or consciously seek help and shelter from a higher being or some of us may refer to as “god” when we find ourselves in a dire position. For many people, this moment is also considered a spiritual awakening.
In order to embrace our spiritual side, we need to acknowledge it exists. As we embark on a journey of spiritual self-discovery, we often discover aspects of our personality and our character we have not come across before. Most of us find that it awakens our inner elements and fills a void in our lives.
Some people perceive having faith or spiritual awareness is like following something blindly without proof, as it is intangible. This is common in the early stages of spiritual awakening, where for many people it is an uncomfortable place to be in. But by the end of the day most of us come to accept there are many things in our lives we accept without proof.
When we discover the spiritual aspect of ourselves, we also discover our place in the universe. We often ask ourselves, “Why am I here” and “Where am I heading.” Whatever we call our spiritual reality; these are two fundamental questions we ask ourselves. Spirituality helps us discover the answers to these questions. Spiritual self-discovery can be a journey that fills us with a sense of personal “completion” and contentment.
Self-Discovery – The Key to a Happier Life
“Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you do, you will be successful.”
Albert Schweitzer
The term “Self-discovery” means identifying yourself and your needs. Self-discovery is very important. If you do not discover yourself, and know exactly what you want from life, you have no idea what you are living for.
A step to self-discovery is identifying your needs. Most people are clueless of what they want. To identify your needs, you first need to take a step back and think thoroughly.
Then, when you are in a relaxed state of mind, meditate and focus on your thoughts.
Ask yourself questions like what makes you happy, what makes you sad and so on. Along with the question of what, also ask why it makes you feel certain emotions. Seek a deep and strong reason behind it, not a common or general answer.
When you have identified what makes you happy and sad, you can focus on the things that make you happy and stay away from moments that make you sad.
After you have the answer to all of your questions, write them down on a piece of paper so it will be easier for you to view it whenever you need to.
We Are Responsible For Our Own Happiness
“Don’t ever feel bad for making a decision that upsets other people. You are not responsible for their happiness. You are responsible for your happiness”
Dr. Isaiah Hankel
We spend a lot of time looking outside of ourselves in search of happiness. We might feel the happiest when we are under the influence of alcohol or other substances. We might need our family or friends around us to feel happy or we might even think that losing weight or becoming fit is the way to achieve happiness.
Whilst these things may contribute to our happiness, our true happiness lies within us and as we find ourselves, accept ourselves and embrace ourselves only then can we find true happiness that is not dependent on external substances or factors.
This can be one of the most liberating thoughts of all self-discoveries.
Once we learn this fundamental lesson, we determine how we react when things are not going the way we plan. Until that moment, our happiness is mostly dependent on other factors rather than ourselves.
Many people perceive happiness as positive emotions. We associate happiness with feelings or emotions that can range from contentment to pure joy. A lot of us tend to put a lot of expectations on external factors to make us feel those positive emotions.
Until we can come to terms that we are our own source of happiness, it’s likely our relationships will never live up to our expectations. They may add to our happiness, but they can never be the source of it. Henry Miller said, “I have no money, no resources and no hopes, but I am the happiest man alive.”
How do we search for our own happiness?
Happiness is, more about the state of mind as a response to it. To seek happiness within, we first need to change our attitude. We must adopt the mindset that happiness exists within, despite external circumstances.
Perspective is the creator of happiness and it may also be the destroyer of it. Training ourselves to remain positive and content is an important life skill. Once learned, it will help us maintain healthy emotional responses to every situation we face. Alain-Rene Lasage once said, “I am happy and content because I think I am.”
Meditating For Self-Discovery“
Meditation means the recognition or the discovery of one’s own true self”
Sri Chinmoy
Meditating can be a good way of tapping into the subconscious to understand your inner self. It will help you to answer questions you have related to life.
Meditation is important in making or deciding the path in which your life should take. However, you should not be discouraged if you do not seem to get the right answers straight away.
Keep on practicing and in the end, you will finally get the answers. When you are meditating, the
Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG
Texte: Noah Daniels
Bildmaterialien: Noah Daniels
Cover: Noah Daniels
Lektorat: Wolfgang Buschek
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 27.01.2020
ISBN: 978-3-7487-2756-9
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