

This e-book has been written for information purposes only. Every effort has been made to make this ebook as complete and accurate as possible. However, there may be mistakes in typography or content. Also, this e-book provides information only up to the publishing date. Therefore, this ebook should be used as a guide - not as the ultimate source.


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© 2016 – Noah Daniels




When you have a website, the most important factor in whether or not you are successful – whether your website is trying to sell something or simply trying to get followers and readership – is how much traffic you have.


Traffic is important because it helps you to rank higher in search engines, it helps you to gain expertise in the topic or industry that you’re in, it allows you to establish influence and of course, to give you the ability to earn money through affiliate sales, direct sales or even advertising on your website if your traffic is great enough.


But getting traffic these days is tricky. There are millions of competing websites out there and some of them of been around since the dawn of the Internet. In fact, NetCraft announced in late 2014 that there are now over 1 billion websites on the Internet. Without a budget of massive proportions, how do you get traffic to come to your site? SmartInsights says that there are a little less than 3 billion people that are going to be surfing the Internet this year, which is half the world, so how can you get your own little piece of that traffic without having to spend a fortune? In fact, how can you get your own little piece of that traffic without spending a dime? That’s exactly what this book is about.


What You’ll Learn in This E-Book


The first thing you’ll learn is the number one thing that you have to do before you take a single step towards getting traffic to your website. This thing must be accomplished or else all the traffic in the world won’t do any good.

  • You will learn a killer blogging technique that will allow you to get traffic by blogging a very specific way, and how you can make your readership numbers blow up.

  • You’ll learn how YouTube works and how it can help you to bring traffic to your website by researching how you’re going to label your YouTube videos. You’ll also learn some YouTube video creation techniques that will help you specifically with getting views on your YouTube videos and then funneling them towards your website.

  • You’ll learn a method for posting a link to your website multiple times a day where could potentially be seen by thousands or even tens of thousands of people, and it won’t cost you a single dime.

  • You’ll be able to see example emails that will help you approach people so that you can get traffic to your site from other, more popular websites.

  • You’ll learn how iTunes can help you turn your trickling website traffic into a huge flowing river of traffic by doing something regularly that is both fun and valuable for people in the same industry as you are.

  • By the end of this book, you will know how to approach another website or blog and get them to allow you to write a guest post and then put it on their website, in front of all of their visitors, with a link to your website as to drive traffic that way.

  • You’ll learn a method that will allow you to teach a large group of people many of whom will want to visit your website when you’re all finished.

  • You’ll learn something new that you may not have known about social media and how you can take advantage of this particular feature so that you can establish yourself as an expert in your industry and be able to gain not only traffic to your website but also a huge amount of social media followers across multiple platforms.

  • You’ll learn what the name dropping method is – a revolutionary new method for getting some of the most influential people on the Internet to link directly to your website without even asking for a link, or anything else for that matter, in return.

  • You’ll also learn how to create a guide or report and make it go viral and then have it drive traffic directly back to your website without you spending a single dime. In fact, other people will distribute this report for you, all leading back to driving traffic to your website for free.

It All Starts With Your Website



Before you do any traffic generation whatsoever, you first need to make sure that your website is as good as you can possibly make it. This is actually a pretty common mistake.


People spend a great deal of time and money getting traffic to their website without realizing that their conversion rate or bounce rate is all dependent upon how good the website looks. In this chapter, we’ll go over some specific tips that will allow you to improve your website and get your numbers where you want them to be.


The Platform


Everything that you’ll be doing to improve the look and functionality of your website is based upon the platform that it is running on. WordPress is a very popular platform that offers great functionality, good looking themes and easy-to-use backend.


Some of the other platforms that people use to build their websites upon include SquareSpace, Wix and Weebly. Of course, how will you are able to improve the look and usability of your website will depend upon your expertise with the platform that you’re using or your access to experts that know how to change the design.


That being said, there are lots of ways that even an amateur at WordPress or another website building platform can improve their site using third-party plug-ins and tools. We’ll go over some of those in a moment but before you begin you need to ask yourself what you’re trying to accomplish in the first place.


What is your goal with your website? Are you trying to convert the casual reader into a paying customer? Are you trying to entice someone to come back and read your blog posts again and again? Whatever your goal is, you need to decide upon it and keep it in mind while you are improving the look of your site.


If your goal is to get your readers to become customers – which means they actually spend money at your site – you are going to need a really great looking site with all of the right trust symbols and the most professional design possible. However, even if you are just trying to attract a new follower the more professional that your site looks more willing


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Texte: Noah Daniels
Bildmaterialien: wolfmedia2000
Lektorat: Wolfgang Buschek
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 08.04.2016
ISBN: 978-3-7396-4764-7

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