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© 2015 Noah Daniels




Hello and welcome to the last training course you’ll ever need on list building. If your goal is to build a long-term business that is profitable, lean and provides steady income for years to come, you’ve come to the right place.


List building is the lifeblood of business success for anyone who is building a business online. It allows you to build relationships with your clients, learn about the problems they’re experiencing, and accumulate repeat sales over time.


The problem is that list building is also the area that most people struggle with the most.




Personally, I think people just make it WAY too complicated.


Confucius once said “Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.” The same can be as of business- even the “easy road” of building a business online.


When it comes down to it, building a list has just a few main steps:


1) Pick your niche


2) Set up a squeeze page


3) Offer a free gift


4) Set up a sales funnel


That’s it!


But before we get to those steps, let’s talk about a few misconceptions about what successful list builders really do. If you’ve been around for a while and heard a bunch of junk on forums, you may be surprised at what actually works.

Proper List Building 101

“ Trust is the glue of life. It’s the most essential ingredient in effective com-munication. It’s the foundational principle that holds all relationships.”


(- Stephen -)


Anyone (with a bit of practice) can master the art of throwing up a WordPress blog, creating products or even writing sales copy. But building a list? That requires all of these efforts as well as some creative thinking and courage.


Besides that, a lot of people don’t understand what makes for a good email list. Everybody wants a “big” list, and focuses only on getting more subscribers onto their list. But that’s not necessarily the best kind of list to look for in a long term business.


So what do you think a big, successful email list actually looks like?


Is it:


a) A list of 100,000 people?


b) How about a list of 20,000 people?


c) Maybe 500 people?


d) Or do you think the size of the list doesn’t matter?


If you picked “d” you’re already ahead of the game!


That’s right - at the end of the day, the size of your list doesn’t matter all that much.


Some marketers out there with lists of 5,000 and 10,000 subscribers will consistently get tons of sales from each email, whereas others with lists of well over 100,000 subscribers can barely make enough sales to cover their rent!


Doesn’t make sense, does it?


But here’s the deal. Successful list builders understand “big lists” differently than the people with 100,000 subscribers. They’ve learned that a successful list is all about having a good relationship with the people on their list. They focus on influence, not numbers. Influence is the real marker of success.


When we talk about influence as a business owner, what we mean is:


1) Your subscribers open most, if not all of your emails


2) Your subscribers actually read the emails- they don’t open it up just to delete it!


3) They act on what you recommend or teach them


4) They buy stuff from you (or products you recommend as an affiliate)


5) They beg you to put out more products that they can buy


6) They help you learn the market by telling you what they need when you ask questions


If you have influence with your subscribers, a list of 500 people who are “true fans” can be more successful than that 100,000 subscriber guy who simply hammers


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Texte: Noah Daniels
Bildmaterialien: wolfmedia2000
Lektorat: Wolfgang Buschek
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 01.11.2015
ISBN: 978-3-7396-2118-0

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