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Copyright © 2015 Noah Daniels


All the material contained in this book is provided for educational and informational purposes only. No responsibility can be taken for any results or outcomes resulting from the use of this material. While every attempt has been made to provide information that is both accurate and effective, the author does not assume any responsibility for the accuracy or use/misuse of this information.


Six day a week gym sessions lifting weights lasting nearly two hours followed by marathon cardio. Complicated split training programs, twice a day training, Olympic lifts, German Volume Training. I've had the pleasure (and sometimes the misfortune) of trying them all in my quest for the perfect workout plan.


What if I told you against tradition and what may seem like common sense, that the best way to get big fast is to actually train much, much less, but with total effort and focus?


That this method has been developed and followed since the late 1960's, is more akin to a science than an art form and some of the top bodybuilders of all time have been its advocates?


That the results when followed heroically are mind blowing?


It's all true. Welcome to Mass Muscle Building In Minutes.


By the time you're done you'll be able to use these principles to quickly get huge - all while spending a ridiculously short amount of time in the gym.


If you have what it takes to put in the hardcore work HIT demands that is!


Into High Intensity Training


HIT was first introduced to the bodybuilding and fitness world in 1971 by genius super eccentric training guru Art Jones. Jones was a real maverick. The brains behind the first brand of weight lifting machines that weren't garbage, Nautilus (his son also developed Hammer Strength), Jones was a man possessed with the idea of finding the perfect training program.


Armed with desire, a formidable I.Q. and a near limitless bank account to fund studies and pay athletes Jones eventually came up with the HIT principles. To say these were groundbreaking in those early days of bodybuilding is very much an understatement!


Later on HIT was really expanded and perfected by Jones's star pupil one of the best bodybuilders who has ever lived Mike Mentzer. Mike was as intelligent and opinionated as he was talented and dedicated. I'd suggest taking a good look at Mike in his prime if you have any doubts what this sort of training is capable of.


Make sure you check out Dorian Yates, Casey Viator and the immortal Clarence Bass too.


Oh, before I forget are you curious what gave Jones his initial inspiration to move in the direction of HIT? Watching his PET gorilla (who weighed over 200kgs) doing one armed pull ups for fun. Jones figured if his gorilla didn't need high rep workouts to be massively powerful, why should anyone else! I told you he was eccentric, didn't I?


What Makes HIT - HIT!


Here's the foundation of High Intensity Training in a nutshell. We'll give more details as we go deeper into our Guide...


* Training Must Be Intense. For this type of training to work its magic, training must be as intense as possible.


This means total exertion until you absolutely can't do any more work. Training to failure is the rule with HIT, not the exception!


* Training Sessions Must Be Short. Training as intensely as HIT demands makes it necessary that your training sessions are short. If you can spend an hour or two in the gym you are not coming close to training intensely enough for HIT. Your workouts


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Texte: Noah Daniels
Bildmaterialien: wolfmedia2000
Lektorat: Wolfgang Buschek
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 28.08.2015
ISBN: 978-3-7396-1118-1

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