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Copyright © 2014 by Noah Daniels
The golfing craze continues to grow, bringing with it an odd variety of keen new golfers eager to learn the ropes of golf.
Whereas golf was formerly a male dominated sport and viewed as one aimed for the old, the boring or the rich, we are now seeing a change in the way golf is perceived, with people of all ages, genders, nationalities and social status joining in the fun.
Ensuring a successful and satisfactory game of golf is as simple as following the steps laid out in this book.
This book provides a basic outline of the rules and etiquette on the field and provides outlines of how to achieve and attain the elements important to playing and enjoying golf.
The game of golf involves the striking of a ball from an initial location (the teeing ground) with the objective being to play the ball into a hole located in a final allocated area (known as the putting green).
A game of golf can last for any amount of time and is dependent on the number of people playing, their experience and ability with the game, and the availability of the course. A lone golfer playing on a course that is not busy may be able to complete a game in less than three hours, while a group of four playing on a crowded course may take over five hours to complete a game.
Golf involves two types of play, typically known as ‘match play’ and ‘stroke play.’
Match play is characterized by an outcome decided through the number of holes won and lost, whereas stroke play is characterized by an outcome decided by the total number of strokes a player makes during a game.
Stroke play (also known as the par system) is the most common form of play. The par system indicates the amount of strokes a player requires to sink the ball. If a hole indicates a par of three, this is the amount of strokes a player should take to sink a ball in. If the player sinks the ball in 2 strokes, they are under par. If a player sinks a ball in 3 strokes they are on par. If the player sinks the ball after 3 strokes they are above par.
The object of the game is to have the smallest score possible. The player with the
Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG
Texte: Noah Daniels
Bildmaterialien: wolfmedia2000
Lektorat: Wolfgang Buschek
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 28.07.2014
ISBN: 978-3-7368-2822-3
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