

Welcome to the first chapter of "Affiliate Marketing - An Overview". In each chapter of this book you will learn valuable information on how you can become a successful affiliate marketer and earning a nice income promoting products online.


Affiliate marketing is a great way to make income from home. Affiliate Marketers can set their own hours and also how many hours they wish to put aside for this endeavor. There are and infinite number of possibilities on the web today, so you can pick and choose your niche. Once you find your niche you need to implement some effective tactics to begin making commissions.


A note of caution, while it is true that you can make virtually unlimited commissions with affiliate marketing, please don’t fall for the scams that tell you that you won’t have to do any work and that you can be making a six figure income in 30 days; this is absolutely absurd. While affiliate marketing is an easy business to learn and run successfully, it will take some hard work and time to get your business to the point you want it to be.


There are several things you can do to increase your commissions, but one of the best, and most simple, things you can do to earn higher commissions is: build an opt-in email list; this isn’t spam because they voluntarily choose to opt in or out.


Most people don’t realize that up to 96% of the people who visit a website not only won’t make a purchase, but most of them won’t ever come back. In order to convert more of your visitors into customers you need multiple contacts with them. Having multiple contacts with them can lead them to trust you and feel more comfortable about spending money with you.


But how do you know that 96% don’t buy?


Simple, you build an email list. You can do this on autopilot simply by signing up for an auto responder service. When you set up an account you can pre-load a series of emails into the auto responder and they will go out over a period of time, whatever you choose to set up. That way you can not only be building trust by providing the people on your list with valuable information, you can also, subtly, remind them that the product you are selling can help them achieve the results they are looking for.


When you have an auto responder you will need to get your visitors to opt-in to your email list. By doing this they are giving you permission to contact them by email so you avoid any spam complaints. But how do you get them to opt-in? Well, one of the most common practices is to bribe them, sounds funny but not in a legal sense! You simply offer them something of value in return for them signing up for your email list.


So whatever niche you choose you could offer a free e-book or a special report about your chosen niche. Make sure your free gift is valuable to them and helpful so they will trust you and feel more inclined to not only sign up for your list, but purchase products from you also.


One very common mistake people will make with their list is to make every email nothing but a sales pitch. If you do that they will unsubscribe and you will have lost a potential customer. Instead, give them valuable hints and or tips in every email they receive from you and only occasionally pitch a product to them. This technique will work much better than if you are always asking them to dig into their pockets.


There is money to be made in affiliate marketing all you need to do offer products or services that people want and the best way to do this is an opt-in email list to gain clients and a good reputation.

Simple Tips and Tricks for Profitable Affiliate Marketing

You can literally make thousands of dollars each month if you apply yourself and learn the ins and outs of affiliate marketing. In order to succeed in the affiliate marketing business, you need to be aware of some affiliate scams that you don’t want to fall prey to and the most effective marketing methods to use.


Here is an important item to note about using trackers. Trackers can be significant to let you understand the condition of your affiliate site. Advanced trackers can show the complete path of a visitor through your site and even, strangely, after leaving your site. This is especially ideal if you promote affiliate programs.


Build the relationship you have with your network to increase affiliate marketing sales. If you spend time talking to the people who like you on Facebook or read your newsletters, you will find their loyalty builds to a level where they want to


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Texte: Noah Daniels
Bildmaterialien: wolfmedia2000
Lektorat: Wolfgang Buschek
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 16.05.2014
ISBN: 978-3-7368-1212-3

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