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Copyright © 2013 by Noah Daniels



Dance may have been created for enjoyment, aesthetic expression, and socialization; but these days, it is considered one of the most effective ways of exercising for fat loss. In this course „Dancing your Fats Away“ you will learn some of the things that make dance or dancing an excellent method of getting fit and healthy. Get all the info you need here.

Dancing Your Fats Away

Things You Can Learn From Dancing Classes





By reading through this course consisting of 10 short chapters, you will learn why dancing is a good workout for weight loss and what specific types of dances, dance moves and steps contribute to realization of that objective. You will read a case study (chapter 10) that sums up the lessons you can get from dancing as a method of losing weight.


Course Preview


Gaining weight is easy; you eat a lot of calorie-rich foods, neglect exercises and that’s it. The problem is that it is easy to get used to foods that induce weight gain and resting on the couch while watching your favorite program on TV. That is the reason why engaging in activities promoting fat loss requires a lot of willpower specially when the program you have chosen involves enduring low calorie diets and strenuous workouts. Of course, you probably do not know that there is an easier and more enjoyable way of working out; and that’s dancing.


There are various kinds of dancing, some are slow and involves precise movements, and others are faster seemingly putting greater demands on the body. You would say that the faster dances are better for exercise, but it actually depends on the kinds of position a dance would require you to do. The more challenging the position, the more you get a proper workout.


Choosing The Right Dance


In case you are into a type that’s fast, you can try hip-hop or salsa. If prefer slow dance, you can try ballet steps. Around 20 minutes every day of the dance of your choice should do wonders in getting you slimmer.


Select the type that will not put a lot of stress on your body especially if you


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Texte: Noah Daniels
Bildmaterialien: wolfmedia2000
Lektorat: Wolfgang Buschek
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 19.12.2013
ISBN: 978-3-7309-7039-3

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