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Copyright 2013 by Noah Daniels
The whole world is going the diet way today. Either people are already on some or the other diet or are planning one. There are many reasons for this popularity of diets. Firstly, there is a definite paucity of nutritional content in the routine diet that we consume today. This is caused due to our hectic lifestyles which cause us to falter on our mealtimes and makes us resort to junk foods. Also, there is the fact that the food quality itself has degenerated due to the use of synthetic fertilizers, pesticides and other chemicals. But, most importantly, there is a gross ignorance about nutrition. Most people just do not know what it means to eat well.
Thus, there are a lot of reasons why our food quality has gone abysmally down. And, there is no respite in sight. We are not going to become regular with our mealtimes, our lifestyle has changed too drastically to go back now, and we are not going to see fruits and vegetables of impeccable qualities like they were obtained previously.
That is the reason people are resorting to some or the other dietary pattern. They may do this because they want to keep their weight in check, or they want to get adequate amounts of a particular nutrient or simply because they believe in the diet and know that it will benefit their bodies more than their routine meals.
This eBook is written with a specific purpose in mind. We are all for diets, but at the same time, we are aware that people need to be educated about them. Not all diets are the same. They are all different in principle. One diet cannot do what the other can do. For this reason, one person may find a particular diet more suitable to them than others. That is why, when you are choosing a diet for your own body, you have to be very careful. Diets are not bad, at least they aren’t so usually. They can be misused if the person consuming the diet is ignorant about how the diet can benefit them. If people do not know the concept behind a particular diet, it is not going to be of any avail to them.
This situation is much more poignant in the 21st Century. Today, there are so many diets floating around and a lot of people are considering them seriously. The diet industry has increased by leaps and bounds. The medical fraternity, the nutritionists and the assorted fitness professionals have started recommending them. Diets are a mainstay of the guidance that is given out in gyms. People are looking to diets as an important part of their lifestyle.
As such, it becomes very important to know what these diets can do for our body. Though there is proliferation in the market of so many different kinds of diets, at the same time, it is leading to the confusion as well. Due to that, a lot of people are not able to unleash the best potential of these diets on themselves.
That is why this eBook has taken it upon itself to educate you on the different kinds of diets that are popular today and how they can benefit you.
We have handpicked 8 different kinds of diets that you can use. These are the recommendations from most health and nutrition professionals today. Chances are that you have already read about these diets and
Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG
Texte: Noah Daniels
Bildmaterialien: wolfmedia2000
Lektorat: Wolfgang Buschek
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 29.09.2013
ISBN: 978-3-7309-5205-4
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