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Copyright © 2013 by Noah Daniels
Berries have been demonstrated to be some of the healthiest foods on the planet. Each month or so it seems fresh research is being brought out and new berries are being exposed and analyzed for their health giving attributes.
Extremely high in antioxidants, berries rank amidst my favorite foods. So here is my list of different varieties of berries that are extremely high health benefits. (In no particular order).
Berry Boosters
Acai, Maqui And Many Other Popular Berries That Will Change Your Life And Health.
While people all over are busy looking for ‘health foods’ and pumping their bodies with various so-called health supplements, they are sadly forgetting one of nature’s biggest bounties that they have such easy access to.
We are talking here of berries. There is a vast assortment of berries that nature provides us with, and rarely is a berry found that does not have extraordinary nutritional value.
Just by including the right kinds of berries in our regular diet, we are able to improve our health and our life itself by a very significant degree.
It is quite important for us to know our berries well. This initial chapter is an attempt at that… we are going to tell you of the seven most important berries that you should definitely include in your daily diet.
7 Berries You Should Eat Everyday
Nature has furnished us with a host of goodies. Health experts have always advocated the use of natural foods for maintaining good health. According to most health experts, the reason for the denigration of human health in recent times is that our diet has become more ‘synthetic’ than ever. As such, one of the most effective ways to maintain the best health and fitness level is to go back to nature.
Among the various goodies that nature has given us so abundantly are included hundreds of different species of berries. These tiny, colorful fruits are packed with an amazing level of nutritional goodness. Berries are known for their high antioxidant values—some of these products have the highest antioxidant value of all fruits—and it is this nutritional asset present in them that makes them lead the health brigade.
In the course of this e-Book, we are going to see various such berries that nature has given us in its bounty and which have a great level of nutritional content in some form of the other. Here, as we are getting started, is a list of the top 7 berries that nature has to offer, berries that must be part of our everyday diet.
The list of 7 berries follows.
Acai Berry
The acai berry is a relatively new discovery to most parts of the world, including USA, but this berry has been in use for centuries. A native of the Brazilian rainforest region, the berry is naturally grown only in that part of the world. Due to its short shelf life, there are difficulties in preserving and transporting the berry to different parts of the world, where there is a huge demand currently for it.
Acai berries are known to be the highest natural source of antioxidants present in nature, even more than red wine, which was considered the number one food for fighting against free radicals. It is these free radicals that can cause a very high amount of damage to the human system. Acai berries work by eliminating free radicals and thus improving the body on the whole.
Acai berries are great for various aspects of human health and fitness. They are highly rated for their effectiveness in weight management. Apart from that, they are also known for their role in anti-aging, improving stamina, improving mental health, controlling diabetes, enhancing heart function, controlling blood pressure and so on.
All acai available in countries outside the rainforest is in some or the other preserved form due to its short shelf life. Commonly available acai products are in the form of pulps, freeze-dried powders, syrups and squashes, etc.
Maqui Berry
While the acai berry enjoys its position as the number one healthy berry available in nature, the maqui berry comes a close second. This
Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG
Texte: Noah Daniels
Bildmaterialien: wolfmedia2000
Lektorat: Wolfgang Buschek
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 27.09.2013
ISBN: 978-3-7309-5173-6
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