
Chapter 1 Welcome to the U.S

I stood in a long line with my mom at the airport.We were having our passports checked. You see we are immagrants from Haiti. My mom knew the goverment was bad and the ecnonmy was falling apart. She wants a better life for me to be in a safe place. It's hard. I have to leave my country,friends,family,and our good food. I snapped right back to my daze. We were next. I opened my passport and my mom and I got our tickets. We boarded the plane. My mom sat across from me.


Then a handsome young figure plopped on the seat next to me. He was a white hottie, with dirty blonde hair, blue sexy eyes, a gray shirt, blue jeans, bulging muscles, and a georgeous smile. He looked at me and then pointed to my chin. Shit! I was drooling. Fuck him! I heard his sexy laugh. " My name is Alex and you?" he said. " Nicole," I replied.


After a while of talking the plane landed, and he gave me his number. My mom and I grabbed our bags and heaeded  to our new house in the taxi.




Chapter 2 Home Sweet Home

 My cousin's parents had bought the house for us. Also filling it with furniture and food.  I setteled into m lavender room. It was just a casual  looking room for a sixteen year old. It  has  gray carpeting, a wooden desk with a laptop, drawers with good looking clothes, queen size bed, my favorite boy band posters, and afan on the cieling.



I loved my room a lot.  I setteled myself in, I skipped dinner, and I went to sleep after, well almost to sleep. I heard my mom's voice. "Nicole, you awake," "Yeah mom what?"  " Who were you talking to on the plane today?" Busted! See my mom doesn't like white people cause a white man who my dad worked for always overworked him. He gave him none to little pay. My dad would always come backw with bruised ankles and cut up hands . He died of a stroke when I was three. Mom says it's all the stress and work he did.  " Mom! Quit worrying so much,"" She sighed. "Remember what I told you about those white people," and she left.


I cried  myself to sleep. I missed my dad a lot. I wish he was here. 




Alex's POV


I met a really sexy girl on the plane. I just wanted to get her in me. I think she felt the same cause she was looking at me drooling.  I could tell she needed me just like I needed her. Sure I slept with more than 3 girls but she was different. Her curvy body, big breasts, cocoa skin, and cheasnut eyes just turned me on but I had to dial back.


I hope she goes to Overdale High School. Then I decided to strike a conversation. Nicole as her name. Well I just met Nicole for 2 minutes and she's mine.

Chapter 3 He's back

 Nicole POV


" Meep Meep Meep!" I pounded my hand on the alarm clock.  I trudged my way out of bed. I showered, dressed, and applied make-up.  I grabbed my tote bag.  The school I was going to was very preppy. So I had to be on my best look. M mom started her new job as a nurse assitaint today. I slipped on my Sperrys thinking about my new school. I've been to school, but not a so elegant one. 


I  made my way to the kitchen and grabbed something called a Pop Tart. I followed the directions and ate it. It was sooooo good!!! " If this is American food, then this place must have tons more of it." I said. My mom was in the door frame laughing in her nurse suit. " Go get  going or your going to be late, here are the house keys." " I might be late,but I will be home." She said kissing my head. I love my mom.



 I hurried out the door. Two minutes later. I saw red car. In it that person looked familiar.  It was Alex! And he was wearing a uniform. I think he regconnized me to cause he stopped the car. 



Alex POV



I was driving to school, when I saw a girl in the Overdale girl uniform. She looked familiar. It was Nicole! I stopped my car. " Hi Nicole," " Oh hi," " So you go to Overdale?" she asked. " Uh yeah, It's a pretty good school it's really big too." I said  " So do you like need a ride?" She looked up at me in shock. Then she looked around sorta making sure no one was watching and hopped in. Seeing her and her sex body made my dick hard. 


Not here not now  I reminded myself.  This time she struck up the conversation. " So... are there any clubs at the school?"  " There are actually to many to count." She laughed. " Like what?" " You have football, drama,science, cheerleading,accapela,selfie, sewing,basketball,cooking, photography, new paper,and baseball." I  said. " What are you in?" she asked " Football and news ," " News Paper!" she said schocked. " Football okay but, the news paper?" " Why you have a problem with it?" I reached out and tickled her her laughing made me laugh.



We reached school in 8 minutes. By the time we reached there  I introduced her to my friends. Galvin,Jack,Cody,Drake, Melissa,April, Courtney,and Tania. They included her right away. She,Courtney, and Tania had their lockers next to each other. The bell rang and we all left for our classes. 

Chapter 4 The School

 Hi guys! I will edit the book later enjoy now and wait for more!!! I hope u all like it so far. :) :)!!!!!!!! 



I took my seat in home room, listened to the morning anoucements, and got to work. History P.E., English, Math, Reading, Religion,lunch,and French class. I liked  lunch the best.  I was putting my rligion book in my locker when Alex shut my door. Courtney was next to me.' Alex do us a solid favor and jump off a cliff," she said. I only laughed. " Oh Alex I forgot to ask you, Why were you visiting Haiti?" I asked. " Cause I work with the kids there, donatating missionary work ya know," he replied.  " Awww," "That's sweet," Courtney said. " All right well Court I think it's time for lunch," I said


We walked to the cafeteria. OMG it was huge like a mall food court!  I took a tray and put berries , something called waffle fries, hamburger, and a red velevet cupcake. I sat with Alex's friends  which were also my friends.

Alex walked over to the table with a girl who had on a short  short skirt, bra, and  the school jacket. I prayed she wasn't his girlfriend.


Then Tania brought up the conversation aboutr a party tonight at her place. " Nicole  you need to come your apart of our family now!" Melissa said. " I mean I finished my homework in class so I guess," I replied. " Girl there is no guess!" Galvin said in a rachet girl voice.We all laughed. I asked Tania if she wanted her waffle fries. She gave them to me. I was really hungry. The blond girl Alex brought with him muttered this " That fat bitch,"


I was so angry. Melissa heard the fucking blond too. I got up  faced the 'girl and slapped her and pulled her hair. I was about to do more but Cody  held me off. Galvin got up and held her back the blond. " Alex look what she did to me baby let's go she a  fucking freak," But Alex stayed  behind and raised his arms up in a defense position.


She was so mad and about to cry too.  I crossed my arms and smirked. I could tell he was on my side. She held the middle finger and gave it to all of us. Lunch was over we all walked together laughing about it. " Wait why did you slap her?" Jack asked. " Cause she called me a fat bitch," I said. he guys hooted while us girls laughed.I went in my locker grabbed my books and headed for French class. Did I mention I'm an expert at French?

Chapter 5 Last Class and to the Party


I walked in the only seat that was empty was the one next to Alex. I sat myself down. I tried to focus on the lesson about dialog,direct adress, and more than one shit but Alex was starring at me. I finally looked at him in his eyes and smiled. His eyes were filled with lust just looking at me. I blushed so hard. He passed a note to me.


Hey Nicole, I hope your coming to the party. Anyway that girl from lunch she was my girlfriend but no longer.

So back to the topic of the party, change of plans it's at my place see you there! ;)


My heart sank when I read girlfriend but  lifted up when  I read they broke up.



Hi guys I will edit more. I promise. 29 veiws Whoo hoo!!!! Just plz leave a commet tho and like.


 French class let out. Tania, Courtney, and Melissa. Took me to Melissa's house. The drive was so much fun. We sang Holy Grail and Sweet Dreams. " Okay so what am I going to wear?" I asked. Courtney pulled out a short black dress, very sexy, no straps, and it looked like a two piece but it wasn't. " OMG Nicole you need to wear that dress if you want to impress," said Tania. They all nodded. I went to the bathroom and put it on. Damn! I look good I thought. I came in the room they all were dressed but I think I looked bettter. " Good but remove your bra and wear cups." said Courtney. I trusted her so I did.



The ride to the party was so much fun. I almost forgot to call my mom she said it was fine since it was a Friday night. When we pulled up in the driveway the house was huge. Like a mansion. We walked I my breath was take away. We walked on the dance floor and danced. At one point I twerked and so did Melissa.


" OMG you guys I need a drink," said Courtney " Same, I just wanna get drunk  tonight," said Tania. We walked over to a huge bar. I     ordered  a beer. " Ohhh you guys there's a pool in the back yard,"said Drake. By this point the place was so croweded. I pulled Tania aside. " I don"t have a swimsuit," I told her. "Come with me," She lead me to the car and in the back was a Forever 21 bag. She pulled out a a white two piece. I loved it so much.



She pulled out a rosegold swimsuit for her. I nodded my head. After puttig on my swimsuit I noticed how skinny I was. I slipped in the pool.Jack and Cody were smiling at me. I came up to them. " Hi guys," "Hey Nicole, nice suit," Jack slugged me in the arm when he said that. I smiled. Melissa jumped into the pool splashing water everywhere. After like what felt like a hour in the pool, I finally asked," Hey where's Alex?" "Downstairs playing video games." Cody replied.  I got up from the pool Drake followed me. " Hey wanna get a drink?" he asked. After 1 cup of Kruzsk I wanted more. I agreed.


" Can I get a Barcadi 151 please?" I asked the bar tender. Drake just looked at me  shocked. I laughed. " I never knew you drank heavy stuff!" I punched him and he lauhed. " Better next time baby doll, oh can I get an Everclear, please" He asked. " And you say I drink too much.," At that point Drake got red and pretended to be angry. I ran around the place laughing and screaming at the same time. He got me turned me over a smacked my ass.We both were laughing.


We went back to the bar. I sipped on mine,it was soooo good. I then ordered a beer, wine, more vodka,and the Alamba Slammer shot 2 of them. Then everything  was a blurr. I remember asking for sex with Drake.he took me to a room and closed the door.We passionately kissed. I bit his bottom lip and I heard a moan. I explored his mouth. He then queazed my butt I groaned. Suddenly the door opened. Shit he didin't lock it I thought.


It was Alex in the doorway. He suddenly told Drake to leave. " What  I'm not your sex toy," I said to Alex. I hit him and tried to run to Drake. He caught me and locked the door. I laughed at him.


Alex POV


She laughed at me. Then she came close to me and said " Well since were all alone tell me about yourself," She tried to sit on my bed but slipped,fell and laughed. I laughed too. Then she came close to me pulled on my shirt and kissed me. I suddenly grabbed her waist. She bit my lip and I moaned. I explored her mouth.She grabbed a fistful of my hair and wrapped her legs around my waist. I laid her on my bed and she took off  my shirt.  squeazed her butt. She groaned. Then I  spit my drool all oer her chest. She suddenly stopped and took off her bathingsuit. Fully naked. Her breast were huge and she was so skinny. " Your turn," Boy she turned me on.  I slipped off my pants smiling. " All your clothes," she said  all teacher naughty like. I ran at her fully naked and kissed . I laid her on my bed.


I then began to suck on her nipples. She moaned. She grabbed my dick and took her hand soothing it. I groaned and kissed her. She told me to taste her. I laughed and did it." Nicole you taste soo sweet," I replied. She grabbed my head and pulled it closer to her vagina. I got up and pulled a condom off my dresser she nodded her head. I slipped it on she readied herself saying" Come on baby make me yours," I growled and eneter my dick in her anal.


She moaned. We came to the beat of me thrusting back and forth. The pace quickened from there Then I said"Cum for me and only me baby," She did then the condom broke. I told her but she didn't care. We fell both on the bed and went to sleep.What a night!

Chapter 6 Aftermath




Nicole's POV


I'm in bed in my room it's  Monday afternoon and I'm sick. Alex visited me secrectly last night and stayed for a few minutes giving me a get better card, flowers, teddy bear,and a kiss. Alex and I have been dating for 2 whole months. All our friends know except my mom. She hates white people so if she found out, I'd be dead.  I sunddenly hear my mom. " Nicole get dressed your going to your doctor," I groaned. I got up and put on some loose grey sweatpants  flip flops and a hoodie. Suddenly my phone dinged. It was Tania.


Tania: Hey! feeling better?

Nicole:No, threw upat least 3 times last night and I gained 4 more pounds.

How crazy is that?

Tania: Really crazy! Anyway school is soooo boring. Like I'd rather watch paint dry then hear Mr.Davenport talk


Nicole:LOL. Oh one missing detail. Alex secrectly visited me last night.

Tania: Ohhhh! You two are the perf couple!:)

Nicole: I know!!!

Tania: I'm coming over later with the girls kk?

Nicole: KK. TTYL and LYLAS.

Tania: (Love ya like a sister too!!) LYLAS.


I put my phone in my pocket and made my way downstairs. I grabbed my Micheal Kors bag and a bottle of water and made my way to the car. My mom started the car. " Nicole I don't know why your sick oneday our fine the next day you aren't." " I hope you haven't been taking drugs or whatever," she said. " Mom quit saying that shit! I am 16 years old." I yelled " Young lady don't you dare talk to me like that! Your attitude is enough!"  I rolled my eyes.


At the doctors they had weighed me,run tests,take shots,my blood preasure, heartbeat and stuff like that. He came back with a blank face. " Nicole your tests are... in good shape it's just that your pregnant." I was shocked and baffled. It came upon me I had sex with Alex he wasn't wearing a condomn. I looked over at my mom she was shocked and about to cry.


" How much is abortion?" she asked. " About $8,000 dolllars with tax fees contracts etc.," " Nicole I almost forgot we have to leave. I have to pick up your dad from the airport. Let's go." I silently left the room. I knew mom was mad at me cause on the drive home she didn't say a single word.


I was in my room watching netflix when my mom came into my room. " Honey I"m sorry for acting rude and uncivalized at the doctors. Here I made you tea." I accepted it. " Thanks mom," " Get some rest sweetheart. After drinking the tea I fell asleep..... a deep sleep.

Chapter 7 Abused

I woke up to be tied on my bed. Duct tape was over my mouth. Half of my hair was gone.On one side of the room were tools for a sex slave chains,rope,whip,belt, hot candle wax,a bandana, and needles. My room windows were shutoff with a blanket and wood. My room was dark and cold. Suddenly 3 guys and female walked in. The female was my MOM! " Aww sweetie your up. Well I should tell you was going on. Your pregant so why not get you pregant again you clumsy bitch!" She slapped my face. " Have at her boys. She's your toy." She walked out of the room.One guy started to untie me.

Another came up to me and tore off my clothes. I was crying so hard. My mom betrayed me . Themen tied tighter on my bed. They spoke in a language I didn't understand. One started entering his penis in me.Another just pulled on my boobs and put my head at his penis. I screamed for help no one answered. I suddenly passed out for a minute. A sharp pain blistering me. They were using the whip over and over. I was punched, bruised,kicked,and sexually abused. I cried soo hard. Then I really passedout.


A moment later I was in our basement bleeding really bad. I felt like I had been ran over by a car over and over again. The basement was wet, dark, and cold. If you were to make a sound no one could here you. There  was a wood door that led you down way below, from there it was colder.The place had mice and the wall paper was torn, there was also a window. It was blocked with 2 wood boards.



I was on the fist level of the basement. We didn't have much` just some boxes, iron and iron board, detergent, blakets, and the wall phone. THE WALL PHONE! It still worked,when I first moved in I tried it and it worked. I dragged myself over to the phone. I putit to my ear. I could call for help. Tears came down my face. I decided to call Alex.



Alex's POV




I was in my room studying when my phone rang






" Must be Hollywood calling,"I smiled to myself.




her: omg (sobbing) alex help me


me:alex are you okay?


her: no i'm hurt and bruised


me: who the hell hurt you!?


her: my mom. listen to me carefully

i need u to come to my house 678 Richmond Dr dont go to the door

go throught the back iron gate ur gonna see a window covered with wood

bring a crowbar and a sweater and sweatpants


her: alex whatever you dont go to the front door just dont please dont make noise and be careful


me: nicole! im coming for you just hang on im gonna slap that bitch

her: NO ALEX!

me: okay im coming for you babe









 i grabbed her some clothes,a first aid, the crowbar, and my jacket. I jumped into my car and drove as fast as i could she was in danger and i had to help her. when i enetered into the to the town the houses became smaller and came into poor condition. i jumped out of my car and left her clothes in my car i searched under my seat for my gun i slammed my door and walked towards the gate


Chapter 8 Saved

Nicole's POV



The phone stopped carrying his voice. My mom she cut the wire from the box outside. I stood still crying. i was out, i lost. I lay back down on the cold hard floor sobbing. Soon I heard wood creaking. ALEX! He found me.  I ran toward the window. I ran so fast and clumsily fell over a borad. One board was already off. I could see himi the rain. I couldn't tell if he was crying or not.


( hey guys it's anne so now im very tired of writing so well so no more quotation marks commas etc hope you guys likethe book so far) :)


ALEX! HELP ME i screamed he took down the last board i was so close to freedom i opened the window NICOLE LOOK OUT! alex screamed then i felt a hard item hit my head i heard fighting and then a gunshot. NICOLE GET UP WE HAVE TO GO! alex picked up my naked body bridal style and we got out of the room i saw one of the men raping me dead in his own shit. we ran to the car alex put me down in the back of the car. We drove as fast as we could outside of this shitty town and to a diner.


do you want to get into some clothes? i nodded. we walked towards the bathroom of the diner.



Alex's POV



 We walked towards the bathroom she was really silent when we walked into the bathroom she put her head on my chest and cried i hugged her and cried. " why me?!" i hugged her tighter and kissed her busted cheeks the girl i loved was feeling like shit 'it's not your fault nicole okay?" she looked up at and said " Thank you alex im so sorry" " Sorry for what?" " Im preganat with your baby"I looked at  her. " nicole babe just clean yourself off okay,"i layed out paper towels on the floor and took out the first aid kit. I washed her skin with warm water and put on some Neosporin and bandages. She winced with the alchol wipes. I washed her hair with hand soap and water and combed it out. I dressed her than I dressed myself.  



we walked into the diner i ordered her fries, hamburger, milkshake ,eggs, sausage,and milk. she ate everything i sat there sipping on my coffee. boy was she hungry she finished her last bit of eggs and looked up at not saing a word      why were you abused? I finally asked she looked up startled yet annoyed  so I went to the doctors cause you know I wasn't feeling well and I got the results they said I was pregnant my mom was shocked so quickly I screwed up here anyway she gave me a tea and I fell asleep then it's when it's all happened


Like all mom's in the Caribbean she's strict look I need to go home Alex

Nicole ur not going anywhere your not safe she's gonna find me wait for me after an before school I don't care I'm gonna make this work for us this is my family Nicole I love you I will protect you at all costs

She started crying and she kissed me and cried in my chest I hugged her  I paid for the food and gave her a blanket from the trunk she wrapped herself up and lowered my front seat she fell asleep


I drove to my place and packed my clothes and 200,000 dollars cash and 4 credit cards and got her some clothes got back in the car and started driving to the airport 




Chapter 9 Welcome to the sunshine state

 Nicole's POV


Wake up sleepy head. Said Alex where are we I asked no questions Alex I opened my eyes they adjusted to the sunlight.  He placed his pink lush lips on my forehead morning something was off we weren't driving anymore now I was awake Alex I'm in a house he laffed welcome to our casa 

She's up ! I recognized a murmering voice TANIA!! NICOLE!  I sprung up from the couch. She hugged me crying. OML we were so worried about you." I sighed ' i'm ok just a little torn and bent over.' All of my friends came into the room, except Drake and Melissa." OMG what happened babes?" asked Courtney. I sat up. Everyone was looking disshelved. Just like me. " So we heard you're prego and we are gonna help you out." Galvin said. I looked up at him. 'No No No you have school and to worry about me no it's to much.' April spoke up "look we came on a late night plane. We are all gonna live together get jobs do everything we can we are a family."I started to cry. " Hey your ok." cody said. "Where's drake and melissa?" " they're upstairs getting their grind and fuck on. 


we all burst out laughing. ' Guys a moment with alex alone please?" 'OFC' jack says. I looked at alex " this is all so much a baby house what about school? Jobs? Their parents? my mom' a tear slid down my cheek i looked into those beautiful eyes of his. ' look their parents know melissa and jack graduated early. my parents know and are gonna help my dad is the C.E.O of the NFL my mom is a CNN anchor so they have good money. not to mention my dad is also the C.E.O of nike. I have buisnesses of my own we will be fine i promise. and we are gonna sue ur mom u shouldnt have been treated like that.nicole i promise to love and take care of you." I smiled. " I'm starving what's for breakfast. Alex smiled and picked me up bridal style and carried me downstairs we laughed the house was GIGANTIC!!!!!!!!!!!! We walked into a huge kitchen with a chandelier above it was all granite under the sink the sink cabinet has mirror doors above the stove was a shelf with white marble pitchers.


the fridge was grey with the screen to see inside and camera on the inside on one grey granite counter were coconut breeze candles on the other counter were a white bowl of  pears and eggs, toast, muffins, bacon, sausage,french toast, fruit,pancakes, apple cider champenge, goat cheese,and coffee. 



Alex came up behind me "hope you like all of this." " You are soo extra." He just smirked. I piled my plate and joined everyone in the dining room. it had white walls, with a glass table and gold vases, another chandiler . " sooo" courtney said " Welll we should go shopping today, perferably for the baby." We all laughed. Drake and melissa entered the room, looking like a mess. Drake's hair was all over and Melissa's pants were on backwards. Great trying hide the facts your tongues were sloshing around each others guys!

 Melissa grabbed creamer and a plastic coffee mug with a straw. Drake just sat on the counter.  " You guys  are highly mistaken if you think we don't know." Galvin said laughing. " We heard the bed creaking all fucking night!!!" Cody half yelled. Courtney covered his mouth trying to stifle whatever else he was gonna say while she was red as a beet. Tania, Alex, Galvin, and i burst out laughing. Melissa wasss sooo emberassed, but Drake had no shame. He went over to Melissa kissing her again.

 I smiled. They are too cute. Melissa just blushed.

 " Well how's our little sweet pea in there!??" Courtney asked . " OMG NICOLE WE NEED TO MAKE BABY PLANS!!!!!!!!!!!!" screamed Tania. " I call godfather!" called Drake.


" God mother!" called melissa and courtney. ' ook fine i will be midwife and close to the baby," said melissa.  " Awwwww we're like one big family." called galvin. " Ok come on shopping please!!!!???" tania said.  " all right evryone be down here in 30 minutes." Im driving the jeep"cody called. " I call lamborghini truck," I said. " Ok then sooo girls with Nicole guys in Galvin's car!!!!" said. " You all do realize i smell and look like shit right? And none of us are dressed we are all wearing pjs and whatnot." Tania said. " Girl has a point." said Courtney. Okay well three of the guys use the downstairs showers, two use the one on this level, and girls use each of the bedroom bathrooms." said Alex.  Everyone agreed and Galvin and Melissa came to my aid to help me reach the elevator. " Okay nicole just stay here get undressed and stay in the tub." said galvin. As i was undressing i lookedinto the mirror. My body was bruised and purple. My hair still cut short after the incident. Then i noticed my belly got a little bigger. " Guess its just you and me little guy. I stepped into the tub, ran the water, and reached for a loofa and bodywash. I carefully removed my bandages which revealed scars and scabs. Then Courtney came in, she had just finished showering and wore a bathrobe. " How you feeling?" " Honestly, confused, hurt, scared, betrayed, somewhat excited. I replied back.



'Nicole i know this all happening super fast, but trust me we are all here for you and the little bundle of joy. And you need to testify. The sooner the better cause if you go back into your mom's care i don't what alex would do to himself or what our group will do.' A tear slipped down from my eye. Courtney hugged me. After getting cleaned up i went into what was me and alex's room and opened the ginormous walkin closet and grabbed ripped jeans yellow vans and a white tee with a distressed denim jacket. My hair was now shoulder length so i let my beach waves fall and  i grabbed my valentino bag and went down the stairs. "Cody help me find the office." " sure thing he said. I passed by a huge hallway and paintings with huge windows and chandeliers on the ceiling.  He led me into a huge office with a painting above the desk and fireplace, flat screen tv, and an animal skin rug. " Thanks babes," I replied as cody left. 


I would need a lot of items for the baby and items for me so i made a list
















3 jugs of detergent 

teeth rings



changing table 




nail clipper 


 Things for me






Detox teas



ice cream

 What to expect When Your expecting 

What to expect in the first year



After making the list I headed back to the Foye wher i saw almost everyone waiting for me. " What took you so long?" asked Jack. 'I had to make a list for things for me and the baby." I replied " NICOLE THATS MY JOB !!!!!' screamed Tania.  coming down the stairs. 



Tag der Veröffentlichung: 13.03.2017

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