

The Beginning

"Watch where you're going nerd!" Someone said knocking me down, while sending my books flying.

I let out a sigh as I crouched down, collecting my books from the floor. Once I got up I saw the person who called me nerd a few seconds ago was standing in front of me wearing a smug expression.

"What's wrong nerd? Cat got your tongue?"

I looked around the hallway noticing that we've drawn a crowd.

"What are you mute?"

I rolled my eyes as I began to walk away only to be pulled back, slamming against the lockers. I heard a few gasps coming from our audience.

He seemed like a jerk, and judging by what he had just done, I was right. However, he was extremely good looking I had to give him that. With dark brown hair seemed sticking out in all directions and dark brown eyes.

"Listen nerd, I don't know who you think you are but no one walks away from me when I talk to them. Got it?" He hissed at me.

I let out a chuckle, this guy was unbelievable. "You don't own me. So I suggest you let go of me before I do something that you will regret." I said in a bored tone.

His brown eyes narrowed at me, as he let out what seems to be a forced out laugh. "Oh, so the nerd does talk."

I heard a few people snickering as he let go of my arm. "I am going to let you go, nerd. But, trust me this isn't over." He whispered into my ear.

Chapter One: A Taste Of Freedom

"Puh-lease. Taylor Lautner is so much hotter than Channing Tatum any day," Said my best and really only friend Holly.

I rose my eyebrows in disbelief, "Do you even hear yourself right now?" I said letting out a snort.

"Whatever," She said grumbling to herself about marrying Taylor Lautner one day.

Yeah that dream was going to come true…

We were currently in my room watching The Vow. Call us girly girls, but this was one of my favorite movies ever made. We were tearing up one minute then arguing the next, but that is how we both were, like a pregnant lady on her mood swings.

When the credits started rolling in, I was too consumed in my thoughts until I heard Holly getting up from the floor.

"Where you going?" I asked confusion, evident in my voice.

"Home. I have school tomorrow and trust me I am not looking forward to it." She said putting an emphasis on the not.

"Well at least you are able to go to school!" I exclaimed a little pissed off that she doesn’t like school. "Half the time I am not able to leave this house and if I do leave I have to go with a body guard.” I grumbled crossing my arms over my chest and snuggling back into my blankets.

Holly's expression softened, as she looked at me with pity. Confused? Well let me start from the beginning.

My name is Alice Montclair and my father is the man who runs the country. Yep, that's right folks my dad is The President of the United States. Seven years ago, my dad came home grumbling about work. I was only ten years old but I remember the day very well, how could I forget it was the day my whole life was turned upside down.


"Dad!" I yelled running into my dad's awaiting arms as he walked through the front door.

He kissed the top of my head. "How was your day, pumpkin?" He asked as I began to ramble about my day.

I was only ten years old but I was smart enough to know something was off about him. "That's great honey." He said paying no attention. Putting me down and walking into the kitchen where my mother was trying to set up for dinner while trying to calm a wailing Thomas.

My dad set down his briefcase and grabbing Thomas out of my mothers' arms.

"So how was your day?" She asked my dad.

"Terrible," He said, going off about today’s generation and everything that is wrong with the world. “Like if I was President, maybe things would be different and I would pay attention to the little things that matter.”

She sighed holding a now calm Thomas. "Well how about you do something about it, Evan." My mom spoke.

"Maybe I will, elections are coming up and maybe I can run."

"Run for what daddy? A marathon?" I asked, jokingly.

"Run for President of course." He said proudly. "After all, after this term the President will be stepping down as the Party Leader and I believe I can win." I looked at my father confused, why would he want to run for President? He had a seat in the Democartic Party of the United States, wasn't that enough?

I was interrupted from my thoughts, when I saw water being sprayed across the table, with my mother's jaw hanging open, as she coughed repeatedly spitting out water, causing Thomas to start howling once again.

End of Flashback*

"I don't really get why you're not allowed to even go to school, like homeschooling really? Even prisoners have more freedom then you." Holly said, in a joking matter.

"Wow thanks, you really brightened my spirits." I muttered, sarcastically as pulled the blankets off myself, staring at Holly whose eyes suddenly widened. I looked at her curiously, "Whatever your thinking the answer is no."

"Oh come on," She whined. "Trust me you'll like this idea.”

I snorted. "I doubt that."

"Alice Elizabeth Montclair." I winced as she said my full name. "You have no social life, you've never experienced your teenage years. So, what I don't understand is what the heck you’re waiting for! A formal invitation?" She added, sarcastically.

I let out a sigh, "I know am going to regret asking this but, what do you have in mind?"

She squealed dragging me towards my closet, "Well I happen to know that there is this awesome party going on and I saw the cutest outfit in your-"

I ripped my arm out of Holly’s grip, "No, Holly! I can’t go to a party, my dad would kill me. And in case you haven’t noticed but this house is crawling with secret service men!"

She gave me the puppy dog look, "Pwease?" She said, jutting out her bottom lip and batting her eyelashes furiously.

I shook my head, "No. Dad would have my head." I hissed, at her.

"Come on Alice! You aren't getting any younger. Would you rather go and experience it and maybe get caught or would you want to mope around here for the rest of your life wondering about what would happen if you went to your first high school party?"

I thought about what Holly had just said, "I have always wondered how a high school party would be like." I said, honestly.

"Then what are you waiting for?"

I looked back at Holly, slowly a smile made its way on my face. "Let's go and get our party on.” I grinned, as she smiled back at me, chuckling at my sudden change of mind.


"I think I look pretty good." I said, staring at my reflection in the mirror.

My brown hair was curled to perfection, bobby pins holding the stray away hairs from my face. While Holly did a smoky eye effect for my makeup. She suggested, I wear a strapless dark blue dress, which I didn’t even know I had. It was fitted the top showing of my curves flowing from the waist, stopping mid-thigh. To finish of the look, I was in a pair of black wedges. I spun myself around, admiring the way I looked in the mirror.

Holly completely transformed me, and I doubted anyone would recognize me now. I turned to Holly pulling her in for a tight hug, "Thank you so much." I whispered.

"No problem." She said, glancing at herself in the mirror once more. "So, how are we sneaking out of here?"

"I guess we can try the back door,” I suggested. “It’s the one that goes through the kitchen and out the back, where the garden is.” She nodded her head, at my plan.

Holly was in a pair of black ripped skinny jeans and a white off the shoulder top, pairing the whole outfit with some bracelets and a pair of lace up boots. I lent Holly basically the whole outfit, considering she was my cousin and basically my blood we shared clothes all the time.

"Ready?" She asked, I nodded my head. I was beyond nervous. "You're nervous aren't you?"  She asked, reading my thoughts.

I nodded my head, to her question. I looked down at my fingers fumbling with them, “You have nothing to be afraid of, I will be right there.” She said, softly. "And besides, if you are worried about anyone finding out who you are. Don't. Because everyone is too drunk to notice anything."

“Thanks,” I said, grateful to have a cousin like Holly.

"Ready to go, now? We have to get home by midnight." She said, looking at her wristwatch.

I nodded, walking over to my door pulling it open. As soon as I opened my door, I quickly slammed it shut, noticing a bodyguard patrolling the hallways. “We have to figure out another way out. Or we can't go."

"What about the window?" Holly suggested, pointing to the window.

"Are you insane? We are two floors up!" I said, incredulously.

"Well do you have a better idea?" She said, smugly. When I didn’t answer she spoke. “I thought so," She said, in victory.

We walked over to my window, Holly pulling up the window and proceeding to climb out. There was a tree by my window, so we were lucky, or else we would have to go past all the body guards walking up and down the hallway.

Holly continued to climb down the tree, I watched as she made it safely to the ground below. I looked down at her, I was a bit hesitant to climb the tree, especially in heels. Holly was flaring her arms at me, motioning for me to come down. I ran over to my closet switching my heels in exchange for a pair of converse. I then ran back to the widow, climbing out.

Once I made it safely to the ground below. We walked over to Holly’s car, which was parked on the east side of the driveway. I was thankful that she didn’t park it inside. 

I turned to Holly, as I pulled the door open to the passenger seat climbing in, "I hope you realize you just ruined the outfit." Her eyes looking down at my black converse in distaste.

I rolled my eyes, ignoring her. “How are we going to pass through the gates?"

“Just sink down in your seat,” She said, starting up her car. “There’s a blanket at the back, grab it and cover yourself. They know it's only me so they will have to let me through." Pressing on the gas causing the car to jolt forward.

"Hello. How's your afternoon going?" I heard, Holly ask one of the guards.

"Good. Thanks for asking, now where you headed?" The guard, replied.

"Home," She simply, said.

"Well okay then, I'll just open up the gates."

I held my breath, silently praying that he will let us through. I felt the car lurch forward, "Thanks!" Holly yelled.

A waited a few seconds, then pulled off the blanket I had over me. "Oh my god!" I said, breathlessly, as we pulled away from the gates. "I cannot believe I just did that! I snuck out!"

"Wow, Alice. I never thought I would ever see a goody two shoes like yourself living on the wild side." She said, proudly, "How does it feel having a taste of freedom?"

I smiled, never in a million years, would I have ever thought that I would sneak out of a house that had one of the high tech advanced security in the country. "Holls, how are high school parties like?" I asked, curiously.

"Loud, crazy and tons of fun." She replied, indicating the turn signal and turning left.

I nodded my head, keeping quiet and staring at the window as the scenery passed by in a blur. Ten minutes later I heard a faint beat of music, that’s when I knew that we were getting closer to the party. I felt nervous jitters run through my body. Thoughts consumed my brain as I began to panic.

Holly parked the car looking at me in confusion, "Don't worry, no one will recognize you, Alice. And if they do, leave it to me I'll have their heads." I nodded, my head at my cousin’s threat, managing to give her a small smile, even though I knew that Holly would not be able to live up to it.

We got out of the car as we made our way towards the party. I saw a few people passed out on the lawn, it was a typical high school party.

They are probably drunk out of their minds.

Holly pushed open the door, of the front house. It was a nice house, you could definitely tell that the host of this party was rich. Britney Spears and Will.I.Am- Scream and Shout, was blasting through the speakers. I winced at the scene displayed before me, teenagers grinding on each other, as the stench of sweat and alcohol filled my nostrils.

"Let's go dance!" Holly yelled, over the music.

I nodded, my head as I grabbed Holly’s hand as we squeezed our way through the packed bodies and towards the dance floor. Or what was left of it, the song quickly changed as I moved to the beat of the unknown song that was playing.

After a couple of more songs and a lot more dances, I had to say I was enjoying myself. "I am just going to go get a drink." I yelled, over the music to Holly.

However, I doubted she was even paying attention to me, she was too busy making flirty eyes at the guy across the room.

I rolled my eyes and made my way towards the bar. Once I was seated the boy, who was serving people came up to me.

I couldn't recognize all of his facial feaures do to the poor lighting in the room, but right away I could tell he was handsome. With brown hair that was matted to his forehead, probably due to sweat.

"So what is a pretty lady like you doing all alone?" He asked, in a flirty tone. I chuckled at the boy, but did not respond. "Well then what can I get you?" He asked again, yet I still didn't answer him. He tilted his head to examine me, propping his head on to his hands as he leaned on the table, searching my eyes for some sort of response. "Not much of a talker, are you?"

I shook my head and smiled. "I'll just get a glass of water, please."

He raised his eyebrows and moved away from me, humor evident in his eyes. "So she speaks!" He said, throwing his hands in the air.

I let out a few chuckles, I have never been a person to socialize with the opposite gender so I was a tad nervous. "The name's James, Ben James."

I held my hand out for him to shake, "Clair, Ali Clair." I blurted out, saying the first thing that came to mind. I gave him a small smile, shaking his hand. We stared at each other for a few seconds, before bursting into fits of chuckles.

Once we sobered up, he spoke up again. He smiled at me tilting his head and examining my face. "What?" I said, nervously, as I rubbed my face hoping there wasn't anything on it.  He kept staring as I looked away hoping he wouldn't recognize me.

"You're not from here, are you?" I shook my head, "Who are you here with? A boyfriend, perhaps?"

"No, I am here with Holly Richards. Do you know her?" I questioned.

Ben’s eyes seemed to have suddenly darkened, his eyes narrowing and jaw clenching. "No. I do not know her, sorry." He said, forcing a smile on his face.

I gave him a small smile, "I'll grab your glass of water." He muttered, turning around to grab my water.

I made a mental note to question Holly about Ben later on, he seemed to know her by the way he reacted.

Ben returned shortly, placing my water on the counter. I thanked him hopping off the stool I was previously sitting on and walking out of the bar area to search for Holly. Squeezing my way through all the dancing bodies, clutching the cup of water in my hand trying not to let it spill. I reached the spot that I previously left Holly to go and grab a drink, but the only difference was that Holly was no longer there. 

I took a deep breath, trying not to panic.

Okay, don't panic Alice.

I took a sip of my water trying to calm my nerves, it was probably best if I go and search for her rather than wait here all alone. I walked down the hall where it led to all the downstairs rooms. I opened each one of them, but most of them were occupied if you know what I mean.

"Come on, Holly. Where did you go?" I muttered, heading towards the stairs, ignoring all the couples making out.

Once I reached the top I looked down both sides of the hallway, it looked to be about six rooms. The first three rooms I checked were empty. I continued walking down the hall as I noticed a couple making out at the end of the hall, I felt puke rising up in my mouth. I saw enough, kissing and grinding to last me a lifetime.

I glanced at the couple one more time, the girl had light brown hair. The same color as Holly, she also had the same clothes Holly was wearing earlier today. And that’s when I realized that was Holly.

"Holly!" I screamed, running over to her and the boy she was previously making out with. Holly pulled away from the boy, as she looked down the hall in search of the person who just called her name.

"Alice?" She called out, her eyes widening. "Oh my lord, I am so sorry I left you." She said, hugging me, "Are you okay? Are you hurt?" She asked, worried.

I shook my head, "No I am fine, Holls. Besides the fact that you left me alone. I am fine, I just think it is time to go. It's passed midnight." I said, pulling out the phone from my dress and showing her the time on my phone.

The person who she was making out with a couple of minutes ago, let out a groan. "Really, Holly?" Don’t be a party pooper, just stay for a couple of minutes and I promise to show you a good time." The person said, smirking swaying back and forth he seemed drunk and confused out of his mind.

I rolled my eyes at Holly's taste in guys, she then turned to me, smiling sheepishly. "I'll be in the car," I mumbled, grabbing the keys out of her hand walking down the hall. I stopped in my tracks when I realized something, I turned back to Holly and the guy, “You have three minutes!" I yelled, out to Holly, who was already making out with the drunken guy.

I rolled my eyes, as I walked towards the stairs, I didn't want to watch my own cousin lip lock with some stranger I doubt she even knew. Once I made it safely downstairs I began to push through sweaty bodies as I tried to make it to the front door. Once I made it outside safely, I walked towards Holly’s car, ignoring the people who were still passed out on the lawn, and others who were outside giggling to each other.

I opened Holly’s car pulling open the door and buckling myself in the passenger's seat. Besides all the grinding, making out and watching Holly make out with some random stranger. It was a pretty fun party, but I did kind of feel guilty for sneaking out.

A few minutes later the car door opened to reveal a frazzle looking Holly. "What's wrong?"

She let out a forced laugh as she shook her head. "Nothing's wrong, don’t worry about it."

I looked at her curiously but nevertheless dropped it. I really had no more strength to fight with Holly. I just sat quietly in the car, the only sound of the radio that was filling the silence.

Once we pulled up my street, I turned to Holly, "So what's the plan this time?" I said, speaking the first time during the entire car ride.

"Well I guess, I can just say I forgot something and they will let me through. Just cover yourself with the blanket again," I nodded, and did what I was told, as I felt the car move forward towards the gates.

"Hi." I heard Holly speak.

"Um, hello? May I help you?" The guard said, unsure.

"Yes, can you just do me a favor and open up these gates. I kind of forgot something in my cousin Alice's room and my mother told me I had to go back and get it." She said, in a pouty voice.

"Well I am sorry Miss, but no one is allowed back through the gates. Especially at this time," The guard replied, he obviously wasn't the same guard as before.

I muttered a few curse words. How does Holly expect me to get back into my own house, now?

"Please. How about we kind of talk this through, after all she is my cousin and the President is my uncle. You wouldn't want me to tell him that a guard won't let me in? Would you?"

"Um, of course not, Miss." The guard said, his voice sounding scared. "I'll open the gates up right now.”

If Holly could get through, we definitely needed to tighten up security around here.

I felt the car stop once more, as I uncovered myself from under the blanket. "Thanks cuz," I said, to Holly unbuckling my seatbelt and hopping out of the car.

She smirked. "No problem,” She said, before as I closed the door. I walked over towards the tree that led up to my room as I noticed as her car began to back away from the driveway making her way towards the gate for the third time today.

I began to climb the tree that led to my room, knowing that Holly was probably already out of the gates and heading home by now. I pulled open my window as I pushed myself inside, thanking God that I didn’t fall as I climbed up the tree.

I shut my window turning around to find my parents sitting on my bed. Worry and disappointment etched on their faces, once they realized my presence my dad stood up from my bed, he looked tired.

Well how could he not be, he must have been worried sick. "Alice, Where were you?" He asked, rather calmly.

I looked at my mom her expression looked neutral, "I went out with Holly." I said, quietly looking down at my feet.

"Without any guards or notifying you mother and I?" My dad questioned. "What were you thinking Alice? Anything could have happened out there."

"Alice, we are both very disappointed in you." My mother said softly. "What in the right mind would give you the idea to sneak out in the first place?"

I walked over to my bed where my parents were sitting, looking my parents in the eye. "I never have any freedom it is always school, going out to boring dinners, traveling to places I don’t want to go and do things I don’t like doing, so I asked Holly to take me out." I said, lying in order to protect Holly from my dad's wrath. "All I want to do is be able to go to school have friends and enjoy my teenage years, but it seems like I can't do that because your my father and I know you think that you're protecting me but you’re not." I said, softly.

My father jumped from my bed, slammed his hand down on my desk. "I am just doing what's best for you!" He roared.

"Best for me or for you?" I asked, chuckling in disbelief. Normally I would never talk to my father like this but if I did not say what was on my mind now I never would later on.

"You know what. What is this really all about? School? Because if that’s what you want, that is what you will get.” 

I looked at my dad in confusion, "What are you talking about?"

"I am talking about you sneaking out. You think I am holding you hostage, so starting Monday I am enrolling you in Holly's school," My dad stated, looking at my mother in approval.

I smiled, "Really?" I squealed. He nodded his head, his expression blank. "Thank you, daddy." I said, rushing over to give him a hug. I then did the same to my mom, "I am sorry for sneaking out, it won't happen again. I promise." I promised.

"Good to hear that, well goodnight." He said, walking out my room.

A few seconds later, he stuck his head back in. "Oh, I forgot to mention one little detail." He said, chuckling to himself. "You're grounded," With that he left my room with mom following in tow.

Chapter Two: A Makeover

"Morning,” I said, walking into the dining room for breakfast.

I got a chorus of Good Morning's back, except from my younger brother, Thomas, who was too busy stuffing his face with pancakes. I rolled my eyes at his disgusting etiquette and took a seat in my spot.

"So sweetheart," My mother began as I sat down. "Since you’re going back to school, we decided it would be best to give you a makeover."

My jaw dropped, as I coughed out the milk that I had choked on, upon hearing my mother’s suggestion. "What? Why?" I heard Thomas snort, so I gave him my evil eye before looking back at my mother.

"Would you rather have a makeover or a bodyguard? Your choice," She asked, leaning back in her chair.

"Makeover it is," I grumbled.

It wasn't that I had anything against makeovers, in fact I was quite use to it, from all of the times that I had had to get pampered for dinners and balls, that we had to go to as a family. It was just that sometimes my mother could go to extreme measures, and I had a feeling she was looking for an excuse to dress me up as a Barbie doll.

A couple of minutes later a plate of fresh pancakes were placed in front of me. I licked my lips in hunger. I would love to just devour them like a pig, like how Thomas was, but I had better manners than that. So instead, I just began to drench my pancakes in syrup, and that was when my father spoke up.

"Alice, adding on to what your mother said about you getting a makeover, it does also seem like a good idea however, to get you a bodyguard. Someone to watch over you during school and class, make sure you’re safe and all.” My dad said, his eyes glued to today’s paper.

I spit out my pancake, "Excuse me? But mom just said that if I get this stupid makeover-" He glared at me for my word choice, "I mean this interesting makeover, that I wouldn't need a bodyguard. And anyways it’s not like I am the President, no one cares about me enough to kidnap me.”

My dad gave me a look, "This particular bodyguard is still in high school-"

"You hired a guy who's still in high school?” I blurted out.

"If you would let me finish," He said, now glaring at me. "The boy’s parents actually work for me, so I talked to the parents, and they said that he would be happy to do it. And since his parents work here, they are bringing him over later on so you can meet him,” My dad said in a calm voice.

“You’re acting like you guys are setting me up for a play date,” I grumbled to my parents cutting up my pancakes and shoving them into my mouth.

I took a few more bites of my food, before I decided I wasn’t so hungry anymore. It didn’t really look that appetizing anymore, "I am not so hungry anymore." I muttered, pushing my plate out in front of me.

"I'll have it!" Exclaimed Thomas, grabbing my pancakes, piling them onto his already stacked plate and stuffing them in his mouth. I really do wonder about him and what goes on in that ten-year-old mind of his.

"You’re eating like a pig." I said to him, wiping my mouth on my napkin.

“Well,” Thomas said, swallowing his food before speaking. “I’ll have you know that the pig is the sixth smartest animal on the planet.” He said to me, grinning.

“Well, I’ll have you know that I really don’t care.” I said smirking back at my brother. I then quickly got up from the table, walking out of the kitchen before I could be lectured by my parents.

I walked down the hall, nodding my head in acknowledgement to the guards as I walked past them, towards the stairs. Once I arrived into my room, I flopped down on my bed, grabbed my phone from my side table and called Holly to tell her the news.

My eyes scanned my room, it was a fairly big room, with white walls and a queen sized bed located in the middle of the room. It was nice and simple, just like how I liked it. My dressers were off to the side of the room, but most of them were empty, since I basically had a closet big enough to store another queen sized bed.

After two rings, Holly picked up, "How bad did they punish you?" She asked, not bothering to say hello.

"Not too bad-" I stopped mid-sentence, as I realized something. "Wait a minute, how did you know I was punished?" I questioned, raising my eyebrows.

"Oh come on Ali, we snuck away from the White House and there are cameras located on every inch of it. I knew from the beginning that we were going to get caught. I just wanted you to start living a normal life." She said.

"So you knew I was going to get caught, yet you still forced me out of the house?” I asked her, “Well thanks to you, I am grounded for a month." I said, rolling my eyes.

"Well, some good must've come out of sneaking out."

"Yeah something good did, and you’re going to be excited for this.” I said, to Holly.

“What? Is it food related?” She asked.

I chuckled, “If saying I finally get to go to school, is food related than yes, it is.” I said sarcastically

I heard a scream come from the other end, and as I pulled the phone away from my ear, I heard a thud, assuming Holly dropped her phone. "No way! You’re coming back to school? Or are you just messing with me? Cause I did hear some sarcasm in your voice."

"No Holls, I am dead serious. I spoke with my dad, and I think it is time I finally get to be a normal teenager for once in my life, so mom is taking me to get some stupid makeover."

I heard another scream on the other end of the line. I pulled the phone away from my ear. If Holly keeps screaming like this, I am bound to start going deaf. "A makeover? I'll be over in ten," With that she hung up, leaving me with only a dial tone.

I let out a sigh, burying my head in my pillow and wondered if school was how movies and books portrayed it to be.

What if I don’t fit in?

"No Alice don't think about that. You'll do fine." I said, trying to convince myself. After eight years of not going to school you start to forget what normal is. My thoughts were then interrupted when I heard the intercom in my room buzz. I got up from my bed, walking over to it. As I held the talk button, my mom’s voice rang out of the speakers.

"Alice, will you please make your way downstairs. Your new bodyguard is here."

I groaned, smoothing out the plaid skirt I was wearing, making my way out of the door and towards the stairs. Once I reached the bottom, I did not see my parents or my new bodyguard so I assumed they were still at the front door and made my way over there.

I was looking at my feet when I arrived at the front door. I was silently praying that my bodyguard was cute or nice, but mostly cute.

"Alice, this is your new bodyguard. His name is-" I heard my mom speak, but I cut her off when I realized who he was.

“You!" We shouted at the same time. It was the guy that I had met at the bar. Even though it was a little bit dark at the bar, I clearly remembered his voice. He was the same person who kind of flirted with me, and who had basically shut me out when I asked about Holly.

"Do you guys know each other?" My mom asked, clearly amused.

"Yeah," I heard Ben mutter.

"And how do you guys know each other?" My dad asked, raising his eyebrows.

"Oh, I met Ben at the bar." I said, looking over at my parents whose eyes were widened at what I said. "No, Ben just made my drink." My parent’s jaws dropped as I continued to talk. I looked over at Ben who seemed to be watching me in amusement, "Wait! No, not a drink. A drink of water.” I said, trying to explain myself. I let out a few swear words under my breath as I felt my cheeks flush.

I was no good under pressure.

"Um, okay.” My mom said, looking confused. “Since you, guys already know each other. I'll leave you two alone." My mother said, grabbing my dad’s arm and walking away, leaving me and Ben to socialize, but all I did was glare at him.

We stared at each other for a couple of minutes, until the front door swung open, hitting Ben in the process. I stifled a laugh as the person at the door open there mouth to apologize. “Sor-“ The person began, but stopped as Holly stared at Ben in shock.

Holly’s face then turned white, as if she was seeing a ghost, "What are you doing here?" They said, simultaneously.

Wow is Ben in sync with everyone.

They then turned to me, anger evident in their expressions, ”What is that doing here?" They said, once again, simultaneously pointing to one another.

I smirked, crossing my arms over my chest. "So... Do you want to tell me how you two know each other?"

"No," Grumbled Holly. "I would like to know why he is in my presence instead."

"Holly, meet my new bodyguard Ben." At first, I was against this whole bodyguard thing, but considering the pissed off looks they were both giving me, it somewhat amused me.

"And Ben, this is Holly my best friend and cousin.” I said to Ben, who didn’t even glance at Holly. “So get use to each other because you'll be seeing each other a lot."

"Whatever," Holly said. "Can we just go to your room, I am allergic to idiots."

"So you’re allergic to yourself?" Ben retorted.

Ben’s reply caused Holly to leap on him, but I grabbed her before she could have the chance to claw his eyes out.  "You’re just as crazy as I remember." I heard Ben mutter, Holly must have heard because she huffed, stomping her foot and marching down the hall, most probably heading to my room.

I glared at Ben, "Don't think I am done with you. Now thanks to you, Holly is in a bad mood and no one likes when she is in a bad mood." I said, pointing my finger in his face. I then ran down the hall and back upstairs to search for Holly.

When I got to my room Holly's head was buried in my pillow, I heard her quietly sobbing. I closed the door walking towards her. "Hey, what happened back there?" I asked, her softly.

"I don't want to about it," She croaked out.

"Okay," I said, rubbing her back trying to comfort her, I knew it had something to do with Ben, and I intended to find out.


"I look like a rainbow threw up on me," I said, looking in the mirror of the store we were currently in.

"I think you look fine, stop complaining,” My mother said.

Stop complaining? I looked ridiculous.

"Who even wears this much pink anyways?” I grumbled to my mother, who was too busy grabbing a bunch of clothes of the racks. I was literally in pink shorts, top and shoes.

"Hey, I don't remember you being named America’s number one fashion designer." She pointed out, "Plus, this is what all the kids are wearing."

I let out a groan of annoyance. If only I had a normal mother… or a normal family in my case.

"She's not wrong," Holly said, appearing out of nowhere. She was holding a bunch of clothes in her arms. "A lot of stuck up girls wear that much pink, except with way more cleavage showing." She said shuddering, "Anyways, here you go." She said, dumping all the clothes she had in her hands to me.

"What the heck am I supposed to do with all of these?" I asked.

"Try them on? Duh." She stated, shooing me off to the changing room, I inspected the clothes that Holly chose for me. They were a lot better than the ones my mother chose.

I grabbed a pair of white skinny jeans and a grey muscle tee out of the pile of clothes. I also grabbed a black leather jacket and pulled it over my grey top. I scanned myself in the mirror. I liked the clothes that Holly chose, and I had to say they made me look pretty darn good. I then came out of the changing room to show Holly and my mom, who were sitting on the chairs talking amongst each other.

When I walked out of the changing room, both of their heads snapped to me. They both squealed. "I take it that this looks good?" They both nodded their heads, with big smiles etched on their faces. After trying on and modeling a few more outfits, we paid for them and left.

"Um... Thanks... For um shopping, Miss First Lady." The employee said, stuttering. I looked over at her name tag, it read Jesse. She looked awfully young. She was most probably fifteen or sixteen.

"No problem. Thanks for closing down the store for us, Jesse." Said my mom, smiling politely.

Jesse looked surprised. "Um no problem... Come again." She said, managing to give us a small smile. 

We then left the store to make it to my 5:30 hair appointment. After endless battling with my mom, Holly and the lady who was doing my hair. I finally agreed to get it cut, to at least shoulder length and dye it a darker shade than it already was.

They weren't kidding when they said they were giving me a makeover.

"Okay we’re done sweetheart," She said, turning me around on my chair. "What do you think?"

I let out a gasp. My dull brown hair was now a darker shade, looking to be almost black. It was cut above my shoulders, thankfully not looking like a bob cut. The salon lady also gave me side bangs, which I absolutely adored because it framed my face perfectly.

"I take it you like it?" She asked, smiling. I nodded my head, unable to speak. "Don't worry sweetheart, you came to the best," She said proudly. "No one will be able to recognize you now." She said, smiling, then leaving the room probably to go call my mother and Holly. I really did look different, but it was a good kind of different.

She came back minutes later with Holly and my mom. They started to squeal once again, complimenting me on my hair.

As soon as I got home, I started to hang all of my clothes in my closet with the help of Holly. School was in a couple of days, so Holly was staying overnight, to help me prepare. "So anything I should know about school?" I asked, sitting next to her on my bed.

She nodded her head. "Our school is very superficial. There are the jocks, cheerleaders, nerds and drama geeks. Don't draw attention to yourself, and whatever you do, stay away from Ashley Rome and Gavin Storm."

I could have sworn when she mentioned this guy Gavin's name, her eyes darkened. "Why?"

"Ashley is the schools head cheerleader, she gets whatever she wants and doesn't care who she steps on." Holly replied, her eyes glued to the magazine in her hand.

I nodded, "Got it."

"Good." She said, looking back at her magazine.

"Um Holls, what about this Gavin guy?" She cringed, at the sound of his name. I looked down and saw her clenching her hand.

I stared at her for a couple of minutes. "Holly, what happened between you and Gavin?"

Her eyes got glassy, she looked to be on the verge of tears, "Ben." She croaked out. "W-we use to go out." She said, stuttering.

I knew that there was something to do with Ben, but it still didn’t make sense why she was telling me this about Gavin.

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to." I whispered, to her.

She shook her head. "No, I have to tell you. I really need to get this off of my chest," I nodded for her to continue. "We started dating junior year, Ben and I. We really liked each other. We did everything together. I told you about him, remember?” She asked. I nodded my head.

I remember her telling me about her boyfriend, last year. I had just never met him. Holly talked about him a lot. But when they did break up, Holly came to me crying. It took a good month for her to finally get over him, and even then she wasn’t as functional as she used to be.

“I really liked Ben. He meant everything to me, and everyone knew that. But, there was a problem, Gavin.” Holly’s eyes darkened as she said his name. “Gavin was Ben’s best friend, and our schools biggest playboy. He flirted with any girl, including me. But I never gave in, I was one hundred percent committed to Ben. Gavin played girls. He got them to fall in love with him, sleep with him and then he would dump them. The typical player boy that you read about in books and watch in movies.” Holly said, sniffling. "And that's what he did to me, you would think that since I was his best friend’s girlfriend, I would be off limits. But I wasn’t. I was only part of a stupid bet.”

I did not want to hear this anymore. I didn’t want to know what Holly had had to go through. I’ve always wanted to know the story that broke Holly, but I realized that I was wrong. I didn’t want to know, anymore. "Holly, you really don't have to tell me."

"I don't have to, I want to. Anyways, we were at a party and I was drunk to the max. Ben's friends came over and asked him to play some guy game. He didn't want to leave me, but I kept telling him to go. Long story short, the next day I found myself in bed with Gavin and I had no idea how I had gotten there. To this day, I still don’t know. But the news spread like wildfire, and Ben broke up with me. He's hated me ever since and after a bit, I started hating him as well." She said, finishing her story and beginning to cry once more.

I felt my heart shatter, as I finally realized what had happened, and the story behind it. "Holly it wasn't your fault, don't ever blame yourself." I said, wrapping my cousin in a tight hug.

She gave me a small smile, "You are the only one I've ever told." She said, as she wiped the tears of her face. “I am going to clean up,” She said, getting off my bed and wiping her face with her hands as she walked towards my bathroom. She turned around briefly, giving me a small smile. “Thanks, Alice.”

I laid myself on my bed as I stared up at the ceiling. I heard the sound of water running coming from my bathroom. I felt bad for what Holly had went through. No one deserved that, no matter who you are. I closed my eyes trying to digest all the information.

My heart broke for her and what she had went through. Maybe high school is not what I thought it was, maybe it was hell. I just wouldn’t know until I go to school myself.

One thought played itself in my mind over and over again. To stay away from Gavin Storm and I was going to do whatever it takes.

Chapter Three: First Day, Bad Impression

"Miss Alice, it is time to get up," I heard someone say, shaking me.

I groaned, "What time is it?" I said, my voice coming out hoarse.

"It's time to get up Miss Alice. You don't want to be late for your first day of school, do you?" I heard Melinda my house cleaner say.

"Do I have to?" I said, my words muffled by my pillow.

"Yes. Now let us go. Your mother and father both left for Russia this morning, so that means that I am in charge of you and Thomas, and I don't want to make a bad impression." She stated.

"All I heard was that mom and dad are gone and Alice is allowed to sleep."

She yanked the covers off of my now cold body. "I did not say that, and I don't think I was the one who was begging my parents to go to school," She said, glaring at me.

"If I knew that I would have to get up this early, I wouldn't have asked to go." I said, swinging my legs off of my bed and walking towards the bathroom.

As soon as I got in there, I looked into the mirror and my hair looked like a crow’s nest. I sighed as I tried to tame it, and when that did not work out, I gave up and proceeded to brush my teeth. When I came out of the bathroom Melinda was standing by my closet holding clothes in her arms.

I raised my eyebrows at her, "Holly called and told me exactly what to lay out for you to wear. She also wanted me to tell you ‘If you don't wear these clothes, I will personally rip your limbs off part by part, and dress you myself.’"

My eyes widened, "She said that?" I exclaimed.

Melinda chuckled. "No, I just wanted to see your reaction. She said, ‘you better wear these clothes...or else.’" She smiled amused, at my reaction and then left my room.

I stared at her retreating body. Melinda was like fifty years old, but had the brains of a teenager. I shook my head at the thought of Holly ripping my limbs apart. I then picked up the clothes Holly picked out for me to wear. It was a pair of blue skinny jeans and a white muscle tank with the infinity sign on it.

I smiled at the outfit, she had picked out. It was casual, yet cute. I quickly began to put my clothes on, as I tried to multitask and braid my hair.

I really wish my parents were here for my first day of school.

"Alice! You have ten seconds to get downstairs! Ben is here!" I heard, Melinda scream from down the hall.

Did I forget to mention that Ben is not only my bodyguard, but my driver as well?

"I am coming!" I screamed, back.

If mom and dad found out that we were screaming, they would have had our heads. One of the rules of the house was that there was no screaming allowed. If you needed someone or had a question, you were go to the person directly. You were not to be lazy and just yell. But, since the parents weren’t in the country and Thomas and I were now with Vice President Robert, or Uncle Robbie, as Thomas and I called him the rules were different.

When I arrived in the dining room for breakfast, Uncle Robbie was in his bathrobe, eating a bowl of cereal. I stopped dead in my tracks and slapped my hands over my eyes, "My eyes!" I yelled, sarcastically.

I heard him chuckle. "Ha-ha you’re a comedian, Alice," He said, his mouth full of cereal.

“And you eat worse than Thomas,” I said, shuddering, as he opened his mouth to show me his chewed up food.

“Nobody eats worse than Thomas.” Uncle Robbie said, visibly shuddering as well.

I walked over to the kitchen, grabbing the lunch that our chef, Marco was holding out to me. I thanked him, as I was walking over to pour myself a glass of orange juice. "You know, if dad ever saw you dressed like that he would have your head."

He smiled, "Yeah I know. That's why it's our little secret." He said, pointing to his lips.

I rolled my eyes. "What about the guards?" I asked, waving my hands over to them, as they were standing all around the kitchen, just casually watching us. Usually someone would be creeped out by this, but to me this was normal.

"Aren't you supposed to be heading to school?" He asked, switching the topic.

"Ben!" I screamed, remembering that he was supposed to be the one taking me to school.

Shoot I was running late, why had Ben not come to get me?

When I got to the front door where Ben was supposed to be waiting for me, he wasn't there. I then heard laughter from down the hall. It was coming from the west side of the house. I rarely ever went there because that was where all of the offices were located.

"Ben?" I called out to him, as I noticed that he was talking with two other guards, who were laughing and smiling at him. But once they noticed me, they straightened up, with all of the amusement that was once on their faces, gone in a second. "We have to leave or we’re going to be late." I said, quietly.

"Sure princess," He mumbled to me, waving a quick goodbye to the guards, and then leaving the scene.

As I began to walk towards the front door, I heard the sound of Ben’s feet, as he followed me closely. I pulled open the door and walked out, waiting for Ben to come up next to me. Once he did, we walked towards his red Honda Civic together.

“Nice car,” I said to him, but truth be told I knew nothing about cars.

“Thanks.” He muttered to me, getting inside the car.

I buckled my seatbelt, turning to Ben as he started the engine and proceeded to drive towards the gates.

"Good Morning, Miss Alice." The guard who was opening up the gate said to me, completely ignoring Ben.

"Morning, how are you?" I said, smiling at the guard.

"I am good thanks for asking, so where-"

"For the love of God! Can you open up the damn gates, we have somewhere we've got to be." Ben said, angrily.

The guard looked somewhat frightened by Ben, and shocked by his outburst. "Um, sure," He said, signaling for the two guys opening the gate to hurry up. Once the gate was fully open, Ben pressed on the gas causing the car to lurch forward, as I grabbed onto my seat belt.

I looked at Ben, whose eyes were focused on the road ahead of us. "You know you didn't have to be so rude," I saw his grip on the steering wheel tighten. "Someone’s got their panties in a twist,” I mumbled, looking out of the window.

I felt Ben's eyes on me as he let out a sigh, "I am sorry. Things have just been hectic lately."

I nodded, not feeling the need to answer back. The rest of the drive was quiet, with only the sound of the radio filling our awkward silence.

When we pulled up to the school’s parking lot and Ben parked the car, I began to get nervous the same nerves as the day Holly took me to my first ever High school party. I rubbed my clammy and sweaty hands on my jeans, as I breathed in and out, trying to calm my nerves.

"Don't be nervous, don't draw attention to yourself and you'll be fine." Ben spoke in a monotone, opening the car door getting out of the car not bothering to wait for me.

I quickly got out of the car, rushing to catch up with the boy who was just a few feet ahead of me.

Must he always walk ahead of me?

"Who's she?"

"Is she Ben's girlfriend?"

"She looks like a whore."

Ouch, that one hurt…

I stopped in my tracks as I looked back at the crowd of people watching us, trying to find the source of the person who called me a whore. I suddenly felt someone's hand resting on my lower back, "Just ignore them, they’re jealous." Ben said, whispering to me in my ear and guiding me inside the school.

I knitted my eyebrows in confusion, "What are they jealous off?"

"You," He stated. "After all, you are with the hottest guy in school." He said, cockily.

I rolled my eyes at Ben’s ego, slapping his arm. "Ha- Ha, you’re hilarious!" I said, sarcastically, as I did a quick scan of Ben, my eyes trailing his body head to toe. Ben just rose his eyebrows at me in return, “Trust me when I say that I’ve seen better.”

He smiled at me, his facial expression amused. “Whatever," He said, flipping his non-existent shoulder length hair over his shoulder.

I chuckled at Ben. He was a pretty funny person when he wasn’t snapping at people. We continued to walk and make small talk all the way to the main office to get my schedule.

"Hey, Miss Kuch." Ben said, to the lady at the front desk.

"Hello Ben, who have you brought with you?" She said, looking at me with a small smile.

"This is our new student her name is..." Ben said, knitting his eyebrows in confusion as he looked at me to finish his sentence.

"Ali Clair," I said, sticking out my hand for her to shake, which she took.

"Hello, Ali." She said, smiling and shaking my hand. “I knew there was going to be a new student, but they usually come with a file from their old school or any sort of school. However, I didn't receive anything from you." She said, curiously.

"I was homeschooled for most of my life, and my parents recently thought about putting me to school so that I can experience it before I go off to university." I said, honestly.

"However, I usually I get some sort of background check or any medical forms as well. But, I never received anything from you. Also, your parent’s never signed the forms." She said, looking at me unsurely.

"Well, that's my parents for you, very forgetful." I said, in a joking matter.

"But, even if you’re home schooled, you still should have some medical-"

"Okay," Ben said, interrupting Mrs. Kuch, before she could question me again. "The bell has already rung for first period and we don’t want to be late.”

I raised my eyebrows at Ben. That was his excuse? We were already late as it is, what’s a few minutes more going to do?

 I opened up my mouth to speak, but he sent me a glare, basically telling me to go along with it.

"Um sure, I'll write you two a late pass as well." She said, scribbling her signature on two slips and handing them to Ben and me. She then grabbed my schedule off of the printer and handed it to me.

"Thank you," I said to the secretary.

She smiled at me, her eyes filled with curiosity. "No problem. Be sure to come back if you have any questions, or just ask Ben. I am sure he will be glad to help! Anyways, have a great first day!" She said, waving to us.

We both thanked her, quickly leaving her office and walking down the empty halls. "Let me see your schedule." Ben said, grabbing it out of my hand before I even had a chance to say anything. "You have third period with me, second and fourth with Holly, as well as lunch with the both of us."

I raised my eyebrows at him, "How do you know what classes Holly has?"

"Um, it's a small school." He said, his hazel eyes darting around the hall, refusing to meet mine.

"Uh huh." I told him, unconvinced as I began to continue to walk down the hall in search of my first period class.

"Hey, where are you going?" I heard Ben yell from down the hall.

"Away from you!" I shouted back, sarcastically.

I heard him snort, "Like you know where you’re going."

"Whatever," I muttered under my breath, waving my hand dismally not bothering to turn around.

"Okay," I said to myself, leaning against a locker. "Where the hell am I going?" I muttered, looking down at my schedule for the first time.

8:10-8:20 Announcements

8:20-9:35 Drama- A. Moore (115)

9:40-10:55 Chemistry- J. Kelly (200)

11:00-12:00 Lunch

12:05- 1:20 Math- E. Jennings (101)

1:25-2:35 Physical Education- S. Angel (Gym)

I let out a sigh, as I looked down at my schedule and then up at the empty hall. I had no idea where I was, or how to get to room 115.

After ten minutes of walking around, I eventually did find my first period class, it was the first room when you came up by one of the staircases. I didn’t quite understand how I missed it, but I did.

I stood in front of the door for a brief second, taking in a deep breath. Slowly twisting the knob pushing open the door, I watched as students eyes one by one, settled at me- the stranger standing by the door.

"Acting is how many people are famous today. For example-“ The lady said, speaking as she slowly came to a stop, when she noticed her students eyes being directed elsewhere.

She looked to be in her mid-thirties, she looked at me with curious eyes like the secretary did earlier. "Hello there. And how may I help you?"

I smiled shyly, trying to ignore my classmate’s stares. "Hi, my names Ali Clair, and I am new." I said, fidgeting with my wristband.

"Oh, why didn't you say so, instead of standing there awkwardly? Come on in, don't be shy." She said, waving me over to her. "I am Mrs. Moore your drama teacher for the rest of the semester and I like to get to know my students before I scare them away." She said, laughing lightly. "Why don’t we start by you telling us a little bit about yourself?" She said, sitting on her chair and propping her feet on the desk.

"What do you want to know?" I asked.

Mrs. Moore shrugged, "It doesn't matter."

"Okay, hello." I said, turning towards the class, waving awkwardly. "My name is Ali Clair-"

"We already know that." I heard a guy shout from the back, causing the class to erupt in laughter.

I ignored the person’s outburst and continued. "I have one younger brother, my favorite color is purple and this is my first high school I've ever been too, due to being home schooled." I finished, not knowing what else to say.

"That's it?" Mrs. Moore questioned. I nodded my head, "You sure you don't want to add anything else?" I shook my head, "Alright, nice to meet you Ali. You can go ahead and sit beside Sarah Rose please." She said, pointing to a red head that was raising her hand.

As I was walking to the back where Sarah Rose happened to be sitting, the guy who called out during my introduction stuck his foot out, which made me trip, causing the whole class to burst out laughing once more. I looked back at Mrs. Moore who had her back turned for a brief second, not aware of the guy who just tripped me.

I felt my face get extremely hot from embarrassment. I quickly got up and took my seat next to Sarah Rose, ignoring the stares and soft snickers from people.

I turned to look at Sarah Rose. She had dyed red hair and dark brown eyes, she was scribbling some words down on a paper and kept tapping her pencil on the desk in concentration. My stare must have been noticeable because she turned to me and smiled.

I smiled back and rested my head on the desk, trying focus on what Mrs. Moore was talking to us about. But I couldn’t stay focused.

My mind just kept thinking about how Ben knew Holly’s schedule and why he was acting all weird when I asked him how he knew. My thoughts were then interrupted by the bell. As the class stood up to get to their second period class, I felt someone call me before I could make it to the door.

“Ali!” I turned around to see a blob of red hair coming towards me, “Do you want me to show you where your second period class is?” Sarah Rose asked me, a little out of breath.

I smiled at the short little red head, “I would like that.” I said, nodding my head.

She beamed at me, taking my schedule, her eyes scanning it. “Cool, we have the same second period class. Mr. Kelly is a thirty year old teacher, and he’s really chill, so you’ll like him.” She said, dragging my arm towards the staircase.

When we got there, I noticed Holly sitting on a desk, on her phone, most probably texting, while the teacher was sitting on a chair and looked to be grading some papers. I went up to him, handing him my slip informing him that I was a new student.

He looked up, and let me to tell you, he was definitely good looking for an old man, with short blonde hair and bright blue eyes. “Welcome Miss Clair, you can take a seat anywhere,” He said, giving me a smile.

I smiled, telling him thank you and walking back to where Sarah Rose was sitting. “You didn’t tell me he was cute for an old man.” I said, playfully bumping hips with her as if we’ve known each other our whole life.

She chuckled, “Oops?” She said, bumping hips with me. I waved goodbye to her as I headed over to sit next to Holly. Sarah nodded her head understandingly, as she went back to writing in her notebook, just like in first period. I felt bad that I had ditched her and made a mental note to ask her to sit with us, next time.

I plopped myself down next to Holly who was just staring at me, “What?”

“Why were you talking to Sarah Rose? She’s an outcast, and unless you want to be too, I suggest you stay away from her.”

My eyes literally popped out of my socket when Holly said that. When did she become so harsh? “What’s your deal? She was just showing me to second and she seems like a really cool girl!” I said angrily to Holly, upset with her for even saying that.

“Listen Ali,” She said, rubbing her face with her hand. “I told you, our school is very superficial, so don’t get all mad with me. I am just stating a fact.”

“Whatever,” I mumbled to her.

Who even made all these rules anyway?

For the rest of the period, I did not say anything to Holly. I was upset with her and I knew she was annoyed by me, so it was probably best if we did not talk to each other.

The bell rang for the third time today and Holly and I made our way to lunch silently, when she finally decided to speak up. “I’m sorry I said that. It was rude and uncalled for,” She muttered to me. “I just don’t want you to be part of the rumor mill like I was in junior year.”

I gave Holly a quick hug. “Thanks for looking out for me cuz, but I’ll be just fine.” She gave me a small smile in return as we headed towards the cafeteria for lunch. I kept my eyes trained on the ground, not really looking where I was going, and when I finally looked up it was too late. I had already bumped into someone.

"Watch where you’re going nerd!" Someone said, knocking me down and sending my books flying.

I let out a sigh as I crouched down, collecting my books from the floor. Once I got up I saw that the person who had called me nerd a few seconds ago was standing in front of me, wearing a smug expression.

"What's wrong nerd? Cat got your tongue?"

I looked around the hallway, noticing that we’d drawn a crowd.

"What? Are you mute?"

I rolled my eyes as I began to walk away, only to be pulled back and slammed against the lockers. I heard a few gasps coming from our audience.

He seemed like a jerk, and judging by what he had just done, I was right. However, he was extremely good looking, I had to give him that, with dark brown hair seeming to stick out in all directions and dark brown eyes.

"Listen nerd, I don't know who you think you are, but no one walks away from me when I talk to them. Got it?" He hissed at me.

I let out a chuckle. This guy was unbelievable. "You don't own me, so I suggest you let go of me, before I do something that you will regret." I said in a bored tone.

His brown eyes narrowed at me, as he let out what seemed to be a forced laugh. "Oh, so the nerd does talk."

I heard a few people snickering as he let go of my arm. "I am going to let you go, nerd. But trust me, this isn't over." He whispered into my ear.

I watched as the boy and few other people who looked to be his friends, following him like lost dogs, walked into the cafeteria doors. I looked at Holly who looked to be in a state of shock, “Holls, what’s wrong?” I asked her, confused.

“D- Do you know who that was?” She asked, stuttering.

By now the crowd had gone back to their business. I looked back at where the boy had gone. “No. Am I supposed to know who he is?”

She nodded her head furiously. “That was Gavin Storm.” I felt my breath hitch in my throat. “And when he said, ‘trust me this isn’t over.’” She said, quoting what Gavin had just told me and looking me dead in the eye. “He meant that he will basically make your high school life hell and possibly crush you in the process too.” She finished.

My hand automatically flew to my mouth.

What have I just done?

Chapter Four: Troublemaker

I stared at Holly for the longest amount of time. "You’re lying," I blurted out.

She rose her eyebrows in disbelief. "Really?" She said, crossing her arms over her chest.

I shrugged. "Well that's the only thing I could think of at a time like this."

"Okay look let's just go in there and everything will be fine, okay?" She said, trying to convince me.

I nodded. "Okay," I said linking my arms with Holly as we headed towards the doors of the cafeteria. When I suddenly stopped.

"What's the matter?"

I kept my eyes trained on my feet. "Holls, is there any way you are mistaken?"

"What do you mean?" She asked confused.

I shrugged my eyes meeting hers. "Will he really crush me? He doesn’t even know me! It was an accident, I never intended to bump into him.”

She sighed. "I am so sorry." She said, nodding her head. "But I did tell you to stay-"

I waved my hand interrupting her. "Do not say ‘I told you so’ at a time like this." I said, menacingly.

She shrugged, not bothering to say anything else.

I let out a sigh. I was really hoping for a different answer, rather than the one I had gotten.

"Well we are talking about Gavin Storm. He’s full of surprises so, good luck cuz." She said, looking quite amused.

I gave her a look. "Why do you seem amused about all of this?”

"Well for one I was right and you were wrong and two if there was anyone who could tame Gavin or even resist his player ways. It would be you." She said, seriously.

"Thanks. But I am not as strong as you think."

She shrugged. "Stop underestimating yourself Alice. Now I don't know about you but I am hungry and my stomach seems to keep making dying whale sounds." She said, sticking out her flat belly and patting it.

I nodded and together we made our way inside of the cafeteria. We were walking towards an empty table, when they were people whispering and staring at us, well mostly me.

"I feel so bad for her."

"She's not even that pretty, why would Gavin pick her?"

"Hey, isn't she Ben's girlfriend?"

I felt Holly's arm tighten at the mention of me being Ben's girlfriend. We finally made it to the empty cafeteria table. I took out my lunch from my book bag.

It was a grilled cheese sandwich, I dug deeper into my lunch bag, but there was nothing else.

"Where are you going?" I heard her call, but I ignored her and kept walking towards the lunch line.

I grabbed a water bottle and paid for it. The lunch lady looked at me weirdly, it was either because she has never seen me before, or she also heard the news about the encounter with Gavin. And judging by the way everybody is looking at me, I was not surprised. I soon began to make my way back over to where Holly was sitting.

I heard laughter from the table I was passing by, turning my head, I noticed how the table was filled with students wearing uniform. It was either a football one or a cheerleader outfit. But, what stood out the most was the boy who was wearing ordinary clothes but had a cheerleader on his lap. 

Must be the popular table.

My eyes wandered as I looked at the boy more clearly. It took me a few seconds but I finally realized it was the same person I ran into the halls, Gavin. I quickly turned around, because his head snapped in my direction, probably noticing my stares.

“Of course he's looking at me. After all, he did just threaten me for smack talking him in the hallway a couple of minutes ago.” I muttered, under my breath.

I looked back at Gavin who was too busy sucking the face of the blonde on his lap not paying attention to the world around him. I rolled my eyes as I walked back to Holly, who was sitting alone.

"You do know I was calling you? But you ignored me, great cousin I got there." She said, sarcastically. I shrugged taking a bite out of my sandwich, "How is your first day of school in nearly eight years going?" Holly asked changing the subject.

"Okay I guess considering I got that playboy on my tail, but it'll blow off soon."

"Who's the playboy?" A voice said, dumping there tray and taking a seat next to me.

My head snapped at the source of the voice. I looked up to see Ben, "Your friend Gavin, here is apparently out to get me.” I said, between bites.

"Wait, that was you?" He exclaimed.

I raised my eyebrows, "What was me?"

"There's this rumor going around the school that some girl stood up to Gavin." I shrugged, not knowing how to respond to that.

I turned to Holly who was very quiet ever since Ben arrived. "Well it looks like I am now the topic of the rumor mill. Woop dee doo." I said, sarcastically.

I looked at Holly with curiosity, her face seemed pale and her eyes seemed trained on something behind me. Her hazel eyes widened she opened her mouth to say something but it was too late. I felt a warm substance being poured on top of my head.

I let out a shriek, jumping up from my seat. I knew I had a murderous expression on my face, slowly turning around about to strangle the person behind me, but when I saw who it was it only made me more mad.

"Oops," He said, shrugging. "My bad."

My jaw dropped at what Gavin had just done. I clenched my jaw trying to control my anger that was going to burst at any moment.

He started to walk away happily. I turned around grabbing the spaghetti that was on Ben's plate with my bare hands, "Hey, I was eating-"

"Gavin," I called him sweetly. When he turned around very slowly I took that chance to throw spaghetti at his face, I let out chuckles as his jaw was dropped open.

I smiled as he started wiping the spaghetti off, "Oops." I said, mimicking him, "My bad."

He was now glaring at me, "No one messes with me and I really thought I made that clear to you, nerd." He said, through his clenched teeth.

I looked around the cafeteria I saw some of his many worshipers sending me death glares. I swear they way there were glaring at me I am surprised I am not six feet under right now. I looked back at Gavin who had some food in his hand, he aimed it at me, but I ducked before it could hit me.

"What the heck," I heard someone say. "Who threw that?"

I was about to speak up but someone beat me to it, "Food fight!" My eyes widened in frighten.

What the hell did I just do?

Sounds of chair scrapping against the floor, shrills of screams from the girls as they got pelted with food. I ran over to Ben and Holly grabbing both their arms pulling them under the cafeteria table. "We've got to get out of here, I said.

"You do realize you are part of the cause why the entire school is throwing food at each other, don't you?" Ben asked.

"It sounds cliché when you kind of think about it." I told him, truthfully.

Holly and Ben nodded their heads in agreement, "So what are we going to do?" Holly asked changing the topic.

"Why are you looking at me?"

"Well you did cause this so you fix this." She said, simply.

"I am not fixing this," I asked bewildered by her idea. "Why don't we just get out of here?" 

"No Alice, you do realize you can get suspended? So just fix this problem while I get Holly and myself out of here."

I raised my eyebrows at him suspiciously. "You’re supposed to be guarding me not Holly. Is there something I should know about, Benjamin?" Ben looked a little uncomfortable by my question, while Holly's face went red with embarrassment. 

"Just go, Alice," Holly said glaring at me, probably for embarrassing her and Ben. I shrugged and began to crawl out from under the table.

Once I got out from under the table, I looked around and it looked like a full out war zone, but instead of guns and tanks it was food and instead of dead bodies lying around people were slipping and sliding.

I got pelted with food as I tried to make my way out the door, however Gavin came In front of me before I could make my great escape.

"Going somewhere, nerd?" He said, holding some gross combination of food in his hand.

"Yeah, away from jerks like you!" I said, trying to dodge as much food was coming my way. "Now would you excuse me I do not enjoy your presence."

"Okay I'll let you go but let me just leave you with a gift."

"What the heck are-"

He smirked taking the gross food and dumping it on my head for the second time today.

"You inconsiderate jerk!" I shrieked.

All he did was smirk, “Hair is very important to girls so why not go for the hair?"

I narrowed my eyes at him. I was beyond furious right now. My white shirt was now filled with a bunch of stains, my jeans were just gross and don't even get me started on my hair.

He looked pleased with himself, "Oh that's it." I said, lunging at him.

However, due to the mess on the floor, Gavin lost balance and fell down causing me to go down with him. In other terms, it looked like I was straddling him.

"You know a quite like this position. Maybe we can try some other positions in bed," He said, winking at me.

I took the food on the floor and started shoving it on his face and down his shirt. "You inconsiderate jerk. I will freaking kill you!" I said, hitting him all over his face and body.

Gavin opened up to say something but there was a piercing scream cutting him off, "Stop!" I heard a man's voice boom throughout the cafeteria.

My head whipped to the source of the scream. Soon students froze dropping their food they were holding. The small bald man eyes scanned the cafeteria.

"You two," The small bald man came charging at Gavin and me. "My office. Now!" He shouted, I silently got off Gavin and followed behind the chubby old man. I heard footsteps behind me so I assumed Gavin was following. I ignored all the stares that we seemed to be getting and kept my eyes trained on the floor in front of me.

The chubby old man walked us into the office. I was pretty sure we were leaving a trail of food behind us. After all we just had a food fight. We walked into the principal’s office and the chubby old man went behind the desk and sat down.

Oh so he’s the principal.

He pointed his chubby finger at us then the chair. I was going to go and sit down but Gavin pulled me back. I looked at him with a mixture off annoyed and curiosity.

"What?" I asked, him angrily.

"That's my chair," He said, pointing to the chair I was about to sit in.

"Who said?"

"Me," He said simply, grabbing my arm and pushing me out of the way so he could sit.

I was about to retort when Mr. Chubby here slammed his fist onto his desk. "Will you two just take a seat?" His face was growing red with anger.

Instead of arguing with Gavin, I took a seat in the other chair finding no point in arguing with this beast anymore.

Mr. Chubby rubbed his temples closing his eyes. "Oh lord help me," I heard him mutter.

He opened his eyes caustically as if he was praying for a wish that never came true. "I could suspend you two if I wanted but I won't and you want to know why?" He asked, questioning us. "Because I am a good person, so I will only give you troublemakers two weeks of detention."

My eyes widened as I jumped from my seat. "Two weeks?" I exclaimed, "It wasn't even me who started the food fight, it was this manwhore." I said, accusing Gavin.

Mr. Chubby looked baffled at my outburst, "Miss Clair, I would watch you language if I was you."

"I would watch my language but even you know it's true." I muttered to him.

I am not sure if he heard what I said but if he did he chose to ignore it, "So what will it be?" He asked, us.

"I would rather you suspend us." I heard, Gavin mutter.

My head snapped to him. "What do you mean us? I would rather do the two weeks, maybe because I have common sense." I said, in annoyance.

"I do have common sense nerd and you want to know why? Because I don't want to spend two weeks with a psycho."

"I am the psycho? Says the one who loves to pour soup on innocent bystanders."

"There's nothing innocent about you, you’re the one who wanted to run your big mouth by bumping into me!" He said, sharply.

"That's enough you two," Mr. Chubby said, his face growing red once again. "What will it be?"

"Detention." I said, the same time Gavin said suspension. I sighed sinking into my seat.

"Since you two can't agree on anything, I will choose for the both of you. You’ll each get two weeks of cafeteria duty which means cleaning the cafeteria every day after school. Do I make myself clear?"

"I still don't understand why you can't just suspend us?" Gavin mumbled.

"Well, I could but your file or should I say files is already big enough Mr. Storm, and if you don't believe me why don't we take a look?" He said, getting up from behind his desk and making his way towards the filing cabinet. He brought out a file that seemed to be overflowing with papers, he then went back and got another file.

"What on earth is that?" I wondered aloud.

"That Miss Clair is two of Mr. Storm's files, everything from kindergarten until now."

I looked at Gavin who seemed proud of his overflowing files, "Shall we take a look?" Mr. Chubby asked.

He cleared his throat. "December 5, 2007 Mr. Storm released frogs from the since lab into his sixth grade classroom. January 11, 2005, Mr. Storm loosened the bolts of his teachers chair causing her to fall down and break her neck. March 12, 2002 Mr. Storm glued one of his classmates onto his seat. Now that is only a few of the things Mr. Storm has done, I doubt you want me to go on. Because frankly, it would take a good year to get through all this." He said, putting the papers he was reading off, back into the files. "But to add to his record, January 31 2013, Mr. Storm and Miss Clair." Mr. Chubby said turning to me, "Started a food fight, on Miss Clair's first day of school."

"Were you raised with wolves as a child? What on earth is wrong with you?" I exclaimed.

Gavin shrugged in response, "You learn to try new things."

Mr. Chubby put both files back into the filing cabinets and took a seat down on his desk. "And that is some of the things we know about. Since there is less than two hours of school left, you two can go ahead and get started on your cafeteria duties." Mr. Chubby said, dismissing us.

We got up and headed towards the door. As soon as I closed the door behind me, we walked out of the office and Gavin suddenly turned to me and pinned me against the wall. "You will regret ever stepping foot in to this school," His dark brown eyes piercing into my brown ones.

"The only thing I regret is allowing you to come to close to me, I can smell your nasty breath." I said, trying to push him off me. "Did your mom ever raise you with manners? Get off me!" I told him fiercely.

He smirked, a dark look flashing through his eyes. "Awe, does this make you uncomfortable, nerd?"

"Actually it does, now I am giving you three seconds to get off me." I said, angrily.

It only made him push himself even closer to me, I was frankly getting annoyed by his close proximity. Then remembered what Holly told me. 'If there is anyone who could tame Gavin and his player ways it would be you.'

I smirked thinking of a devious plan, I wrapped my arms around his neck, and he seemed surprised with my action but went along with it by putting his hands on my waist.

If only he knew.

I tugged on his neck bringing his lips closer to mine. When his lips were inches away from mine, I whipped my head towards his ear. "Never mess with a girl's hair," I whispered. 

When I pulled away, he looked confused by my message. I smirked raising my knee up and kneed him where the sun don't shine. He took a sharp intake of breath and went down clutching his family jewels.

I smiled at my work. My dad always told me 'always kick a man where the sun don't shine, and next time he'll think twice.'

I squatted and went next to Gavin who was now curled up in a ball swearing like a sailor. "Let this be a lesson to you I heard what you do, and let us get it straight now, I am not or ever will be one of your girls, and don't even think of trying to get me, because I doubt you want to be in the same position." I said patting his head and leaving the scene. I knew the bell would ring any moment and people will start pouring out of their classrooms and if one of Gavin's worshipers saw this I doubt all they would do was glare at me.

Before I left, I heard Gavin say one thing that I would forever regret. "You never kick a man in the balls, because nerd you just started war and I don't play to get even I play to win and I never lose."

For the second time today I thought.

What have I just done?

Chapter Five: A Day with Sarah

"Ow!" I said for the hundredth time today. "Ow! Mother would you tell her to stop poking me?"

"After almost getting suspended on your first day?" She asked in disbelief, "You’re very lucky that it was me who answered that call instead of your father or else he would have pulled you out of school faster than you could blink."

I rolled eyes. It's been a week since I got stuck with cafeteria duty and during that week Gavin didn't bother to show up. "Ow!" I looked at Sonya who was just poking me for fun now. "I swear poke me one more time and I'll take those sowing needles and poke your eyes out." I said quietly so my mother wouldn't hear, "Am I understood?" I looked at a now pale Sonya who seemed frightened by my threat, "Good."

Apparently my mother’s stay in Russia inspired her to create a new clothing line, and instead of using a mannequin to make her dress she was using me as my punishment. "Okay I think we are done for today," My mother said looking up from her phone. "You are free to go now, Alice."

"Thank the Lord." I muttered. There was nothing I hated more than helping my mother with her clothing line.

"Well, next time try not to start a food fight." She told me seriously.

I nodded. "Trust me it wasn't as much fun for me either," I mumbled walking out of the room.

"Um, nice dress." Someone said behind me.

I turned around to see Ben looking at my unfinished dress in amusement. "Oh shut up!" I said, turning around and walking away from him.

"So what exactly are you doing?" He said, catching up to me.

"It's my punishment because my mom knows I hate it." I said, my mind somewhere else. We made it to my room I didn't miss the weird glances the guards gave me when I pass them. I went into my closet to change out of this unfinished dress, while Ben took a seat on my bed. 

I stripped out of the blue dress and put on a skirt and blouse my usual evening wear. Running my fingers through my knotted hair I turned back towards Ben. "So what exactly are you doing here?"

"Boredom." He said, getting comfortable on my bed.

"It's Saturday and you have nothing to do?" I asked, curious. He nodded, "Wow someone doesn't have many friends." I told him.

"I have friends I just can't stand them." He said, honesty.

"So you can't stand me?" I said, joking.

He looked me dead in the eye. "Who said we were friends?"

"If we aren't friends, then why don't have a stranger in my room, you could be rapist for all I care."

He smirked at me, "So what does the calendar have planned for us today?"

"What do you mean us?"

"Well I am your bodyguard after all." He said amused, by my discomfort.

"Um, what do you want to do?"

"Doesn't matter." He said, shrugging. It was quiet for a couple of minutes when Ben spoke up. "I could give you a tour around DC, if you want cause I doubt you really know your way around the city let alone your own house."

"I so do," I argued back. He raised his eyebrows at me, "At least I know it better than you." I muttered.

He rolled his eyes. He then opened his mouth to say a comeback but my phone ringing cut him off.

I looked at the caller ID and saw it was Sarah. I mouthed sorry to Ben and answer the phone.

"Hey Sarah!" I chirped, over the last week, Sarah and I have gotten really close she even started sitting with Holly, Ben and I at lunch.

"Hey, Ali I was wondering if you wanted to come over today, that is if you’re not under house arrest." She said, jokingly.

I let out a laugh. "Sure I'll be over in ten," We then said our goodbyes, hanging up.

"So, that's a no for today isn't it?" I heard Ben say.

"Oh," I said totally forgetting about our plans we made just a couple of minutes ago. "I'll call her back and cancel," I told him honestly and was about to start dialing Sarah's number.

He grabbed the phone away from my hands I looked at him confused. "Nah its fine, we'll get lost in DC another time."

I raised an eyebrow at him. "I thought you said you know your way around?"

"I lied." He said, bluntly. "Just like how I lied and said that was a nice dress."

My jaw dropped and I smacked him on the chest, "You fat liar."

He shrugged getting up from my bed. "It wasn't really a lie when you think of it. It was more of a feeling savor," He replied, grabbing my arm and dragging me out of my room.

I snorted. "Feeling savor? The dress wasn't even finished yet and you’re calling it ugly."

He just gave me a look that said really? As we made our way out the front door. "So you’re going to drop me at Sarah's house?" I asked him.

He nodded getting into his truck. "Yeah, I got nothing to do and I am your driver." He muttered.

I strapped my seat-belt in and turned to Ben as we started driving towards the gates. "Being my driver isn't that bad," I told him.

"Really?" He said shocked. "We were late twice last week, because someone forgot to set her alarm, then you demanded I take you to the local bakery so you can grab your so called 'precious coffee' cause you forgot to eat breakfast." He said, as we waited for the gates to open.

I huffed as Ben waved to one of the guards who opened the gate as we passed through. "You should have offered like a gentlemen, plus have you tried there coffee? I swear it is like heaven in a cup, I say they just turn that place into a coffee store."

"Offered? We were running late!" He exclaimed, ignoring everything I said about the bakery store.

I ignored him and turned up the radio. One direction 'kiss you' was playing. Normally I didn't really listen to boy bands or the music today cause it was all garbage. But, I saw how Ben winced as he heard the song playing, making me turn it up.

"Oh I just wanna take you anywhere that you like, we can go out any day any night, Baby I'll take you there take you there, Baby I'll take you there, there." I sang along out of tune to annoy Ben even more.

He then started to grip the steering wheel causing his knuckles to turn white. "Can you please turn it off?"

I smirked singing even louder. "So tell me girl if every time we, Touch, You get this kinda rush, Let me say yea a yeah a yeah yeah a yeah." I started whipping my hair back and forth getting odd looks from people in their cars.

"Okay, that's enough one direction for today!" Ben exclaimed, turning the radio off as we pulled up in front of Sarah's house.

"Awe, Ben that was my jam and I could tell you were just getting into it," I said, grinning at him.

"Yeah, yeah get out of my car." He said, waving his hand at me.

I did as I was told and walked to the front door. I rang the doorbell, I heard pounding feet coming from the other side of the door and it opened to reveal a frantic looking Sarah.

"Hey Sar." I said.

"Hey, come in." She said, opening the door to usher me in. I turned around and gave a wave to Ben who nodded and drove away. "So is Ben your boyfriend?" I heard Sarah ask from behind me.

I turned around to look at her my eyes wide as saucers I then started laughing. "Ha. Good one Sar, Ben my boyfriend that's a classic."

Sarah looked at me weirdly. "Um, I wasn't joking."

I quickly sobered up and shook my head. "No Ben's not my boyfriend."

"Then why did he drive you here?" She asked, curiously.

Her question caught me off guard. "Um, he was visiting my..." I said, trying to come up with something. "My parents." I said, quickly. "Yep, he was actually at my house when you called, we were going to hang out but then you called and I accepted your invitation and he offered to drive me here.” I said, rambling.

Sarah knitted her eyebrows in confusion. "Well, um okay but next time I'll try not to ruin your plans with your boyfriend." She said, winking.

"He's not my boyfriend!" I exclaimed.

"Uh huh." She said, nodding her head in disbelief. "Whatever helps you sleep at night."

"Knowing that Ben isn't my boyfriend helps me sleep at night." I muttered, under my breath.

I sniffed as I smelled a burning stench, fill my nostrils. "Um, Sarah I think something's burning."

"My cookies!" She screamed, grabbing some oven mitts and taking out some burned cookies. "Argh, not again," She muttered.

I started chuckling but Sarah's head snapped towards me giving me a dirty look so I quickly tried covering my laughter with some coughs. "Got something stuck in my throat," I said, forcing myself to cough.

"Uh huh, go ahead laugh it up.” She said, grabbing a burnt cookie and hitting it against the counter.

"Did Sarah burn something again?" A voice said.

My head turned to the door of the kitchen where the voice seemed to be coming from. But instead of one person standing there, they were two blonde identical looking boys.

"Shut it Jake." Sarah said to one of the boys. "And, just for that comment you aren't getting any." She huffed, turning off the oven.

"Trust me, I didn't want any in the first place." I think it was Jake who said that.

"No one would want any." Muttered the other boy.

"Whatever." Sarah said.

They boys then turned to me, "Who's she?" The said in sync with one another.

"This is Ali, she's my friend so don't scare her away." She told the boys, seriously.

"We won't." Said the boy whose name I did not know.

"Considering she's your only friend since Ashley dumped you." Said Jake.

"Ashley?" The name sounded familiar. "Hey, I've heard of her Holly told me she is a bad person and I shouldn't mess with her." I said, not wanting to use a swear word in front of two twelve year old's. "Wait you two were friends?" I asked Sarah.

"Um, yeah we were." She said quietly.

"Yeah, then Ashley became popular and ditched Sarah." Said Jake who was smirking.

I gave them a look. "Don't you guys have video games you can play with?"

"No." Said the other boy. "We are good." They said taking a seat on the table.

"Whatever." I muttered to them, I then turned to Sarah who was seemed very quiet. "So Sarah what do you want to do?" I asked changing the subject.

"Doesn't matter," She murmured picking on her nails.

"Okay how about we go and watch a movie in your room," I said, grabbing her arm and pulling her out of the kitchen.

"I can't," She said quietly. "I have to watch my brothers."

"We are twelve years old, not five we are capable of watching ourselves, after all we are in high school."

I looked at the boys confused. "You two are in high school?"

"The twins are some sort of brainy prodigy's so they go to this smart school, for brainy people like them, they skipped a few grades so they are freshmen's in a private school nearby.” Sarah muttered.

"Oh." I found myself saying.

"Hey, now that I think of it you look really familiar." I think it was Jake who said it. "Doesn't she Justin?" He said elbowing his twin.

"Yeah, you do. I think we might've seen you on television or something. Have you ever been on television before?" Justin asked, curiously.

I gave them a shy smile, trying to remain calm on the outside but on the inside I was cursing. "Um, not that I know of." I said, giving them a nervous chuckle.

“Were twelve not stupid, and that laugh means you’re hiding something and we will find out.” Justin said, pointing his finger to my face.

“Good luck with that because I have nothing to hide,” I told the boys.

Sarah finally snapped out of her trance. “Um, yeah let’s go watch a movie,” She said, walking out of the kitchen and up the stairs.

Before I left I saw the boys stare at me with curiosity as I was leaving the room. I gave them a look and ran to catch up with Sarah. “I am sorry for my brothers, they can be a real pain sometimes.”

“Oh, that’s fine I know how it feels, I have a younger brother there as well.”  I told her.

“Is your brother a prodigy? Whose parents always compare you to them?” She questioned.

I was taken aback by her question, “Um, no.”

She then sighed running her hands through her red hair. “Sorry.” She muttered. “I am just kind of upset after the boys spilled to you about Ashley.”

“You have nothing to be sorry about.” I told her honestly as we entered her room.

“Thanks, Ali you’re the only real friend I’ve made in years after Ashley dumped me to be popular, I guess I was kind of hurt and made no effort to make any new friends and to tell the truth no one even talked to me until you came along, I’m an outcast.” Her eyes brimming with tears.

I sat next to her on the bed. “Sarah Rose, look at me!” I demanded. “You are not an outcast and it’s their lost, cause you are an amazing person okay?”

She gave me a weak smile. “Thanks,” She whispered hugging me.

I was surprised by her hug, but nevertheless returned it. My eye caught something in the corner of the room it was a guitar. “You play guitar?” I asked her pulling away from the hug.

Her head turned to the guitar, “Um, yeah.

“For how long?” I asked her picking up the guitar.

“Ever since I was four,” She said standing next to me. “It’s the only place where I feel myself.”

I smiled, thinking of the idea that just popped in my brain. “Hey Sarah?”

She looked at me curiously, “Yeah?”

“Well you’ve probably heard of the spring talent show coming up, right?”

She nodded her head, “Yeah I’ve heard of it. What about it?

“Well, have you ever thought maybe you should audition?”

Her brown eyes went wide. “No, no, no not happening in a million years. Ali, I have terrible stage fright.”

“Come on you should totally audition,” I told her truthfully.

She grabbed the guitar out of my hands. “Not many people know I play, let alone sing. What if I get booed on stage?”

“That’s not going to happen you know why?” She shook her head. “Because I’ll be there so will Ben and Holly and I’ll help you every step of the way.” I told her truthfully. “So what do you say?”

She smiled at me, keeping quiet for a couple of minutes before nodding her head. “I’ll do it, if it means that you guys will be there in the audience supporting me.”

I gave her a big smile, wrapping her in a hug, “Well then we’ve got a lot of work to do.


A few hours later I was sitting in the passenger seat of Ben’s car as he drove me back home. “So you had fun?” He asked me.

I nodded. “I convinced Sarah to audition for the talent show coming up.”

“You did what?” He exclaimed, stepping on the brakes making me hit my head on the dashboard.

“Ow,” I muttered, rubbing my head. “Next time warn me when you’re going to stop like that. “ I told him.

“Next time warn me when you’re going to do something stupid.”

I tilted my head at him. “What do you mean stupid? I am not the one who stepped on the brakes, did I?” I told him.

“No, not that. I meant making Sarah tryout for the talent show those things are rigged.” He said, nonchalantly.

“What do you mean?”

“I mean that the talent show is run by the popular group and every year Ashley Rome wins, no matter how good Sarah is she doesn’t stand a chance.”

I saw my house pull up to view. “Well then you have never heard Sarah sing before because she is amazing and we all are going to be there to support her. Understood?”  I told him seriously.

He nodded his head. “But, don’t come crying to me when she doesn’t win.”

“Don’t worry I won’t.” I told him honestly.

We pulled up to the gates, when the guard saw us he let us through not before giving Ben a wave.

How come Ben knows all these people?

“Because my parents have been working for yours for a very long time, I sometimes came with them to work, when I was little.” He admitted.

“Oh,” I said, as he stopped the car. I didn’t make any move to leave. “Well thanks for the ride.” I said turning to Ben, who seemed to be deep in thought.

When he didn’t answer me back I opened the car and was about to get out when Ben called my name. “Alice?”

“Hmm.” I mumbled.

He looked at me deep in thought. “I wanted to ask you…” He trailed off.

I stared at him confused, my eyes urging him to go on. “Yes?”

He just kept staring at me, like he was trying to figure out a puzzle. “Never mind,” He said, shaking his head.

I tilted my head trying to guess what he was thinking but his face was blank and held no sort of answer. “Um, okay then see you tomorrow.”

He gave me a brief nod. “Yeah see you tomorrow,” He whispered.

I gave him a small smile and got out of the car as I watched him drive away. I couldn’t help but think what did he want to ask me?

Chapter Six: New Everything

By now, Ben's car was long gone. I just stood out in the cold wondering what he wanted to ask me. A few seconds I felt someone's hand on my shoulder, I turned my head to the side and saw it was a guard. "I think it's time to go in now Miss Alice." He spoke in a soft tone.

I reluctantly nodded looking back once more where Ben's car was moments ago, I sighed turning back and following the guard inside the house.

I turned to the guard who brought me inside, "Where's my father?"

He gave me a small smile, "He's in his office."

I whispered small thanks and made my way towards the oval office. I turned down the hall way and saw that they were two more guards standing outside my father's door.

I sighed walking up to the door when one of the two guards stopped me, "You can't go I there Miss." He said looking down upon me.

"Why is that?" I asked annoyed.

"Your father is in a meeting right now." The other guard spoke.

I stepped away from the two guards and placed my hands on my hips trying to look intimidating, when that did not work. I stared at the guards who were now standing in front of the door blocking my access to go inside. I sighed, "Can't I just go ask him something and I promise I'll be on my merry way."

The guards looked at each other than back at me and shook their heads in unison. I ran my fingers through my brown hair desperate time's call for desperate measures. "Well then I'll just go but for the record there's someone down the hall touching the priceless furniture." I whispered.

They both looked at each other and in seconds, they both took off down the hallway. "Suckers," I muttered laughing.

I opened the door to the office and my dad's back was facing me but what caught my eye was the person on the screen of my father's laptop. My father must have noticed the person's gaze on the screen was directed behind him because when he turned he looked surprised.

"Alice? What are you doing here?" My father said in a hard tone. However, I knew that was not what he meant he really wanted to say was 'Alice I am on a business call who in the world allowed you in here?'

I smiled politely at my father. "I am sorry but I wanted to ask you a quick question but I can see you're busy at the moment so I'll come back later."

The person on the screen eyes were darting back and forth from my father and I. My dad noticed my attention was somewhere else because he spoke up. "Alice this is the Prime Minister of China."

My eyes widened in embarrassment. I then bowed to the screen and spoke in Chinese a quick apology and hello, and then directed my attention back to my dad.

"We will talk about this later." He said in a strict tone.

I sighed nevertheless nodded. I headed to the door when two frazzled security guards burst through, "We are so sorry Mr. President we don't know how she even got in here"

"But, we will find the two idiot guards who allowed her in and report back to you immediately." Added the other guard.

"Can you please all just leave I am on an important meeting at the moment." My father said through his gritted teeth.

"Right away Sir, our sincerest apologies."

I snorted, "Kiss ups."

They both glared at me grabbing one of my arms and hauling me out the door. When they closed the door they both turned to me an angry expression evident on both of their faces.

"Do you guys mind? You’re kind of leaving a bruise." I said looking in the direction of where they were both gripping my arms forcefully.

Reluctantly they let go of my arms. "You almost got us fired," One of them yelled in a whisper tone.

I looked at them more closely they both seemed to be in there thirties. "Well I am sorry but I really needed to talk to my dad."

"We don't care, because you almost got us fired," He repeated in a duh tone.

"It's not my fault you two are gullible," I said chuckling. They glared at me in return. "Fine I am sorry."

"What did you have to ask him that was so important that you almost-"

I cut him off. "Yeah, I know almost getting you two fired you only mentioned it a gazillion times." They crossed their arms over there chest giving me a look.

"So what did you want to tell him?"

"I don't see how it is your problem." I spat at the two guards, their eyes widened at my harsh tone. I sighed running my hands through my brown hair. "It was a boy problem.”

"Ah, boy problems tell Uncle Ricky." He said leaning against the wall.

I raised my eyebrows at his sudden change of mood, "Uncle Ricky?" I questioned.

He gave me a small smile. "My name's Ricky and this is Anthony." He said nodding his head to his partner. "We both have daughters your age and they never come to us for advice so maybe we can actually help."

I stared at them Ricky had black hair and a dark complexion, while Anthony was already bald. "Well you know Ben James?"

Anthony nodded his head. "Yeah, isn't he your bodyguard or something?"

I nodded. "Well he picked me up from a friend's house and he honestly seemed like he wanted to tell me something but I didn't know what he wanted to say because he changed his mind before he could say anything."

Ricky and Anthony both looked at each other giving each other knowing looks. "What did he say exactly?" Ricky asked. I sighed explaining the odd looks Ben gave me, then his sudden change of mind then how he took off.

Anthony gave me a small smile, "It means he wanted to ask you out."

My jaw dropped I stared at Anthony and Ricky in disbelief. "Ha-ha." I burst out in uncontrollable laughter’s. "You guys crack me up." I said between laughs.

"We weren't joking," Ricky said slowly.

"It honestly does mean that Ben wants to ask you out."

"But he can't." I told them panicking. "He's my best friends ex and if she finds out that he likes me we might as well call me the worst cousin and best friend ever." I said rambling. "I don't even like Ben that way, he's more of a brother a good one he could be annoying at times but not as much as Thomas." I said rambling.

"Hey, don't stress yourself out. It was just a suggestion." Anthony said. "You're going hysterical," He added.

I breathed in deeply. "I am just going to head off to bed." I said turning around. "Thanks guys and sorry I almost got you fired." I added walking down the hall.

I ran my both my hands through my hair yanking on my brown locks trying to digest the information Anthony and Ricky had told me. Once I entered my room, I stripped from my evening clothes into a pair of long sleeve pajama top and bottom. It was the beginning of February and the weather was transitioning from winter to spring, so it was still a little chilly outside.

I headed to the bathroom putting my hair into a messy bun and brushing my teeth once I finished I made my way over to my bed and laid down trying to fall asleep.

"Ahh," I said sitting up on my bed. It's been half an hour and I still could not fall asleep, not after what the guards had told me downstairs it overwhelmed me to think that Ben my only guy friend likes me more than a friend.

I sighed, laying my head back down onto my pillow. My dad always told me when I was younger when I could not fall asleep to empty my head and think of nothing. My eyes started to close and soon I was out like a light.


"Most people consider Shakespeare as one of the greatest play writers and poem artists to ever walk this earth." Mrs. Moore said. "Due to his famous play Romeo and Juliet, seeing to it that this is drama class we will be studying the art of this play."

My head was rested on my desk as I tried to keep my eyes open, my eyelids were getting heavier by the minute.

"Miss Clair, am I putting you to sleep?" My eyes snapped open as I saw the entire class looking my way.

I quickly shook my head sitting up. "No sir. I mean ma'am." I quickly corrected myself, ignoring the snickers and muffled laughs from my classmates.

"Well since you can't seem to tell whether I am a lady or man." She said. "Why don't you take a walk to clear your head." She said handing me a hall pass.

I slowly got up from my desk and made my way to the front of the class where Mrs. Moore was patiently waiting. "Thanks," I told her walking out of the room.

Last night I woke up twice and my mind kept leading back to what Ben wanted to ask me, what the guards had told me resulting in me staying up half the night.

My thoughts were interrupted when I heard soft screams coming out of the janitor closet.

"What the heck?" I muttered my hand reaching out to the doorknob to see what is going on in there.

'Are you crazy?' A voice in my head said. 'Why the hell would you want to see what going on in there?'

'Maybe someone is getting hurt?' Another voice said.

I nodded listening to the second voice. "I guess there's only one way to find out." I muttered trusting my instincts and opening the door.

My hazel eyes widened at the scene before me. I shrieked dropping my hall pass onto the floor and slapping my hands over my now scarred eyes.

"Don't you knock?" The girl screamed.

"Oh, I am sorry I didn't know that I had to knock to be able to enter the janitor's closet?" I told her sarcastically.

"Nerd? What the fuck are you doing here?" Another voice said. There was only one person in this whole school who called me nerd.

I slowly dropped my hands from my eyes praying silently that there were both dressed. I sighed when I realized that they both had their clothes on. I looked at the person who called me nerd a few seconds ago and my guess was correct it was Gavin.

"I thought someone was getting hurt, due to Blondie's screams, but when I opened the door I realized she was screaming willingly." I spoke sarcastically.

"Oh, bitch please. You're just jealous," She said flipping her blonde hair over her shoulder.

I snorted. "Yeah I am so jealous, of someone who wears clothes way too small for her." I said addressing her outfit, which consisted of a tight strapless crop top that made her boobs were falling out and high waisted jeans. The outfit was screaming 'slut.’

She scoffed ignoring my comment. "We'll continue this later, okay babe?" She purred to Gavin running her fake manicured nails on his chest.

"I don't know Ash, maybe nerd wants to join us for a little three some?" He said wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.

"No, thanks I'll pass on the opportunity." I told him honestly. I then looked at Blondie who was glaring at me, "Well I can take a hint when I am not wanted, I'll just go." I said closing the janitor's closet and making my way back to drama class.

When I opened the door, Mrs. Moore turned to me. "I hope that walk woke you up Miss Clair," She said looking at me.

"Oh it woke me up all right." I shuddered thinking about Gavin and Blondie doing it in the closet.

Once I sat down in my chair, Sarah turned to me. "Why do you look like your about to puke?"

"Because I do want to puke." I told her. "I saw Gavin and this blonde girl basically raping each other in the janitor's closet." I said trying to contain my breakfast coming up my throat.

"Yeah, I did not need to know that." She said turning back to doodle in her notebook.

I shrugged turning my attention back to Mrs. Moore. "Tomorrow we will be in the theatre helping set up for this year's talent show, and I expect everyone to help." At that moment, the bell rang, "Class dismissed."

I collected my books shoving them down my backpack waiting for Sarah. "So what song are you going to sing for the talent show?" I asked her, both of us walking to chemistry.

"I have to pick two songs not just one." She said her eyes scanning the hallway.

"Is it like a backup if something happens?" I asked.

"No, there two rounds the finalists who make it past the first round are entered to compete in the talent show." She said.

I made an 'oh' sound with my mouth. "So what songs are you planning to sing?" I asked entering our second period class together.

"Well I already chose one which is Love the way you lie by Rihanna." She said taking a seat next to Holly while I took the two empty seats in front of them.

"I just don't know about the second one the only person who's ever heard me sing was you know who, so I doubt I will make it past the second round." She said grabbing her chemistry stuff out of her bag.

"Whose you know who?" Holly intervened propping her chin onto her hands. "And what are you two talking about anyways?" She asked her eyebrows knotted in confusion.

Sarah looked at me with a pleading expression she obviously forgot about Holly sitting next to her. "Oh, you know her family." I told Holly. I heard Sarah take a deep breath of relief, she looked at me with a thanking expression. I nodded turning around in my chair.

"Is this seat taken?" I heard a deep voice ask.

I looked up at the voice who happened to be Gavin smirking down upon me. "Yes, yes it is," I said grabbing my bag from the floor and plopping it to the seat next to me so Gavin would seat somewhere else.

"I didn't hear a no," He said grabbing my bag and dropping it on the floor and taking his seat next to me.

I narrowed my eyes turning to him. "I thought the kick in the balls was a warning to stay away from me." I told him.

"And I thought starting a food fight was a warning to not mess with me," He said smugly.

I sighed ignoring his comment and turning my attention to Mr. Jennings who opened up his mouth to start the lesson.

Half way through the lesson, I was about ready to pull my hair out in frustration Gavin was annoying the crap out of me by whispering dirty perverted jokes every five seconds, running his hand up and down my leg and by poking me when I would ignore him when he asked me a question.

"Nerd," He said poking me for the thousandth time today. "Nerd," He said poking me once again. "Ner-"

I grabbed his finger bending it backwards seeing the pained expression in his eyes. "Poke me one more time and I swear to you Gavin Storm I will break off that finger of yours." I said threateningly, "Am I understood?” I said bending his finger back even more.

He quickly nodded his head as I smiled in satisfactory letting go of his finger. "Jeez, nerd you didn't need to break my finger I need it." He said clutching his finger.

I rolled my eyes. I about to fire a comeback when Mr. Kelly interrupted us. "Ali and Gavin is there a problem?" He asked eyeing the two of us suspiciously.

"Your name is Ali?" Gavin asked me.

I slapped my hand onto my forehead. "What did you think my name was, nerd?" I asked incredulously.

He shrugged, "Yes."

I dropped my head onto my desk and groaned.

This boy was a complete idiot.

The bell rang for lunch when I heard the scraps from my classmate’s chairs getting up from their desks. I lifted my head to find Gavin already gone. I picked up my bag from the floor and joined Holly and Sarah who were waiting for me by the door.

"Gavin is sure something," Sarah said humorously.

"Not in a good way, that's for sure." I muttered.

"Well what do you expect?" Holly asked, "He's a player he's trying to get your attention."

"Why so he can play me?"

Holly and Sarah gave each other knowing looks as we entered the cafeteria making our way to our usual table. "Pretty much." Holly said.

I sighed grabbing my lunch from my book bag. I had too much on my plate and I wasn't talking about the food.

"Hey guys," Ben said taking a seat beside me.

We muttered hey back including Holly who was actually getting along better with Ben. She told me since it looked like he was going to be sticking with us for while they learned to put their differences aside for now apparently.

"Look who it is? The desperate nerd trying to get into Gavin's pants." Some voice said.

"What do you want Ashley?" I heard Holly ask, I looked up and saw it was Blondie.

Wait a minute, Blondie’s real name was Ashley?

"I just wanted to remind your little friend that Gavin is mine, so to back off." Ashley AKA Blondie spat.

I snorted standing up and walking in front of her. Due to her heels she towered me by an inch, "I want nothing to do with your manwhore. So don't worry I won't be a problem." I told her annoyed.

She smiled pleased with the outcome. "Good, I am glad we see things my way."

She looked at the girls who were behind her glaring at me. "Come on girls we are done here," She said walking turning around and walking away.

I sighed sitting back down on my chair, "What was that about?" Holly asked me.

I rubbed my temples and then started explaining the story to them. The whole time Sarah kept quiet and I think we all knew why.

"You get yourself stuck in the worst situations. You know that right?" Holly said taking a bite of her salad.

I shrugged, "Not my fault."

"Okay then," Ben spoke changing the topic.

By the end of lunch I was in a pretty good mood. I managed to tell Holly about Sarah entering the talent show which really shocked her. When the bell rang we all parted our separate ways to our third period class.

"Come on, we've got to head to class you know how Mr. Jennings gets when someone is late." He said in a joking matter. I nodded following Ben to Algebra.

I felt someone's gaze on me. I turned my head and saw Ben looking at me with a confused expression. "Is there something on my face?" I asked wiping cheek furiously.

He shook his head. "Why are you so quiet today? You seem like your hiding something." He said suspiciously.

I was taken aback by his question. I shook my head. "No, nothing's wrong." I said ignoring the fact that I really wanted to ask Ben what he wanted to ask me yesterday.

He shrugged looking at me curiously. "Um, okay if there's nothing wrong." He said about to enter Algebra class when I pulled him back.

"Ben!" I said grabbing his muscular upper arm with my small hands. "There actually is something on my mind." I said in a tired voice. "And it's been killing me."

He nodded unsure of what I wanted to ask him. "Okay, what was it that you wanted to ask me?"

I took a deep breath and looked Ben in the eyes. "Yesterday when you dropped me off, were you about to ask me out?"

Chapter Seven: We Have a Deal

Ben's POV

I stared at Alice for the longest amount of time. I was lost for words; I honestly did not know how to answer her question.

"Ben?" She whispered, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Your question," I said fumbled my words.

I shifted my bag on my shoulder, my eyes refusing to meet hers. "If this is making you uncomfortable, then you don't have to answer it. Forget I even said anything." She murmured looking down at her shoes.

"No. No." I blurted out a little too quickly. "Um, no it's doesn't make me feel uncomfortable."

Alice nodded her head a slowly a confused expression evident on her facial expression. "So," She said shifting her balancing form one foot to another.

"So," I repeated.

'What the heck man? You're making this awkward as it already is answer, the damn question!' A voice said.

'What am I supposed to tell her?' I answered.

'The truth?' The voice said in a duh tone.

I was too busy consumed in my thoughts I did not realize Alice had already gone inside. 'Nice going Ben you just let her go like that.'

I sighed making a mental note to catch Alice after class and explain to her. Once I walked inside of class, everyone's heads turned to me. "You're late Mr. James," Mr. Jennings said in a strict voice.

I muttered a quick apology taking a seat next to this random girl. My eyes scanned the classroom looking for Alice who was seated in the front of the class, I tried to get her attention by whispering her name I even went as far as to throw pieces of eraser bits, and yet she refused to meet acknowledge me.

"I definitely screwed up," I said to myself.

"Pardon?" The girl sitting next to me asked.

"Did I say that aloud?" I asked her.

She nodded her head slowly. "Yes. Yes you did," My eyes trailed over to Alice, who was working on the class work that Mr. Kelly assigned to us.

I couldn't like Alice could I?

"You know you space out a lot." The girl said.

I turned my head to her. "No I don't," I said even though I knew it was true.

She then looked over to Alice; the girls whose name I did not know of looked back at me. "And you're confused," She told me honestly.

"I beg your pardon?" I asked puzzled.

"By the way you're looking at that girl over there." She said nodding her head over to Alice's direction. "Means that you're conflicted, she may have asked you a personal question, or you have to make a big choice and your emotions are all over the place."

"How did you know that?" I asked, a little scared to know the answer.

She smiled showing of her braces. "The name’s X," She said sticking her hand out for me to shake.

I cautiously shook her hand. "Your name is X?" I asked in disbelief.

She nodded. "Its short for Xenia, but no one has to know." She leaned over whispering to me.

I gave her a small smile. "The names-"

She waved her hand stopping me. "I know your name, it's Ben James. I know everything about everybody."

My eyes grew wide. "What do you mean everything?"

"Your name is Benjamin William James; you're born August 26, 1996. Your parents work for the government you are an only child, and in junior year, you use to date Holly Richards however, broke up because of a nasty rumor that spread involving Holly and Gavin Storm sleeping together. No one really knows but you and Gavin were best friends throughout elementary up until the whole Holly fiasco causing you to become sworn enemies." She finished smiling.

My jaw literally dropped at the information X, just told me. It kind of scared me that someone could know so much about me.

How the hell does this girl know so much about me?

She gave me a small smile. "Does that answer your question?"

I looked at her as if she grew four heads, "You're a stalker!" I spluttered.

"I am not a stalker just a very observant person."

"Observant, my ass." I muttered. "You freaking know my middle name and what my parents do for a living, call me crazy but that's called stalking, how could you of all people know that?"

"I am very observ-" She said about to speak but I cut her off.

"Don't you dare say that, you are an observant person because you and I both know that it isn't true." I warned her.

"Fine call me a stalker, but however there's something off about you and that Ali girl, you're both keeping something and I intend to find out." She said determined.

I leaned back into my chair knowing she was onto Alice and I couldn't let that happen. "You don't find that a little creepy?" I asked her, "I could report you."

She shrugged. "I want to be a journalist when I grow up to figure out the truth and nothing but the truth."

I opened my mouth to speak, but the school bell rang cutting me off.

Class is over already?

I looked back over at Xenia who seemed to be stuffing her books into her bag. I got up doing the same, I then turned back to Xenia who was watching me with a curious expression. "Good luck with that," I told her hiking up my bag.

I was making my way out the door when I made eye contact with Alice. I opened up my mouth to call her but she ran out the door before I had the chance.

Why did she run away from me? Girls you can never understand them.

I made my way down the hall for the final class of the day gym class. I pushed open the door to the boy's changing room. There were a few boys here and there changing into our school's gym uniform, which consisted of blue running shorts and a gray t-shirt.

"Hey, Benji." I heard a smug voice say as I just finished putting on my shirt.

There was only one person in the whole world that called me Benij besides my mother. I turned my head and came face to face with my former best friend Gavin. I gritted my teeth in annoyance, "What do you want?"

"Well Benji, I just came over here and give you some news from the source itself before you hear the rumors."

I snorted glancing at the two boys who were standing behind Gavin. "Well get on with it."

He smirked leaning against the lockers. "I noticed that you spend a lot of time with that nerd, Ali." He said.

"That hot nerd." Called out one of the boys who seemed to be listening in to our conversation, causing the rest of the boy's to whoop in agreement.

I clenched my jaw in annoyance trying to contain beating the boy to pulp for talking about Alice in such a way. "So what about her?" I said ignoring what the boy had previously said.

He pushed himself off the locker and brought his face towards mine. "Remember what happened junior year?"

How could I forget? I lost two of the most important people in my life that day.

"Well," He said breaking me out of my thoughts. "What happened last year is happening to you again. I am going to get Ali." He said determined, "If it's the last thing I do."

I narrowed my eyes at him. How was I ever friends with this jerk? Clenching my fists staring at my former best friend, "I won't let that happen."

He smirked, "Why Benji?" He said.

I rolled my eyes at his childish nickname. "She's not like other girls, how will you know she will even give in to you."

"Holly wasn't like other girls yet she gave into me." Gavin said making a point.

"Well it's not going to happen this time," I said determined.

"Why Benji?" He said provoking me, "Have feelings for her?"

"No," I blurted out a little too quickly.

Gavin raised his eyebrows in disbelief, "You always go for the loser's don't you Benji?"

"At least I don't go for sluts," I retorted.

He chuckled humorously. "Is that all you got Benjamin?" He asked, "I can bet you that I will get Ali in my bed by the end of the year."

I heard a few guys whistle in appreciation. "I don't buy that Ali is too smart to fall for your charms."

He laughed, "Do we have a deal?" Gavin said extending his hand out to mine.

I looked at his hand for a couple of seconds. "We have a deal," I said grasping Gavin's hand.

Chapter Eight: Paint-balling?

"But that's alright because I love the way you lie, I love the way you lie, I love the way you lie." Sarah sang finishing the last line of the song. We were currently practicing for the talent show, which was tomorrow, and Sarah was beyond nervous. “So how did I do?” She asked twiddling with her fingers.

I smiled giving her a hug, “You did great.” I said squeezing her for reassurance.

“Really?” She asked unsure.

I nodded my head. “Really, and I know you will kick that bitch Ashley to the curb.” I told her honestly, “Come on, lunch ends in ten minutes.”  I said grabbing her hand and dragging her out of the music room.  Mr. Crow the music teacher let us use the room for Sarah to practice. He was also the teacher who is organizes the talent show every year and let me tell you he was beyond surprised when we asked if Sarah could rehearse in here or even the fact that Sarah signed up for the show.

We were walking down the hallway when a couple of girls ran in between us ramming their shoulders into ours causing me to stumble. Once I regained my balance I saw as the girls were running towards the crowd of girls holding hearts and some valentine stuff in their hands.

I looked over at Sarah who had a horrified expression on her face. “What’s going on over there?” I asked, curious.

“You don’t see who everyone’s crowding around?” She asked amused.

I shook my head, “Who are they crowding around?”  I asked suspiciously trying to see over the girl’s heads.

She smirked crossing her arms over her chest. “Take a guess, who is the most popular guy in the school, a well-known bad boy, who liked to annoy a certain brunette.”

“Well I don’t know who the girl is.” I said sarcastically. “However, I do happen to know that the guy is Gavin.”  I said watching as the girls tried to fight for Gavin’s attention. “Why are they fighting for the attention of the manwhore?”

I heard a chuckle escape Sarah’s mouth. “Every year on Valentine’s Day Gavin accepts a rose, card or even a box of chocolate and whoever’s gift he likes best he takes them out on a date.”

I snorted, “That’s a little shallow don’t you think?”

She shook her head, “Nothing’s to shallow for Gavin.”

I chuckled at the chaos of desperate girl’s fighting to give Gavin their valentines.  I turned my head feeling someone’s gaze on me, my eyes searched the crowd and came in contact with a smirking Gavin, which seemed to be his trademark.

I raised an eyebrow at him gesturing at the girl’s around him. He grinned at me looking like someone who won the lottery ticket.

We must’ve been staring at each other for a while because I when I turned my head to ask Sarah a question she was gone. I sighed rolling my eyes making a mental note to corner her later for leaving me. I glanced at Gavin one last time before making a quick stop at my locker then heading to Algebra class.

It was the one class I had with Ben and after that whole ‘do you want to ask me out?’ It was more awkward as usual. They were some points in the car ride when it was an uncomfortable silence and neither one of us dared to speak.

I entered class one minute before the bell rang, I thought about going to sit next to Ben when I saw he was already sitting beside a girl who had really curly red hair and big glasses covering her small face. I shrugged taking a seat in the front of the class.

An hour and fifteen minutes later the bell rung for last period, which was gym and for the people who had no athletic ability at all it was the worst class and it was even worse if you had Miss Angel as teacher and let me tell you, she was the complete opposite of her name.

Once I arrived in the locker room I changed into the required gray t-shirt and blue running shorts or as Holly and I like to call them booty shorts due to its shortness I am surprised my butt doesn’t hang out.

“Let’s go ladies! My grandma walks faster than that and she’s eighty years old.” Miss Angel screamed from the track blowing on her whistle.

I sighed jogging to the track along standing with the other girls waiting for Ms. Angel to give instructions.  “Okay girls we will be working on getting some of you girls fit, so we will be doing laps for the period. So get your lazy asses moving.” She screamed blowing on her whistle.

A few girls including holly and I groaned at Ms. Angel’s orders.  “I can’t believe she is making us run,” Holly groaned running beside me.

“I know it hasn’t been a minute and I am already panting.” I wheezed out.

“Well I am going to run ahead before she starts barking at me, talk to your later Ali.” She said running ahead.

I nodded trying to catch my breath without passing out. I heard a familiar whistle blow followed by screaming, “Let’s go ladies!”


I sighed dragging myself out towards the school doors, I don’t think I have ever been more exhausted in my life.

“Hey, nerd!” I heard someone scream from down the hall. I sighed and kept walking, “Nerd!” The same person screamed again. But, I still ignored whoever it was calling me. “Hey,” Someone said grabbing my arm and turning me around to face him or her. “Didn’t you hear me calling you?” Gavin asked annoyed.

“Oh, I heard you don’t worry I am pretty sure everyone heard you but unlike them I chose to ignore you so, good day.” I said snatching my arm from his grasp and stalking around him.

The past few days he’s became even more annoying than usual, he hasn’t left me alone and I think he has this thing with pickup lines.

“Hey, I just wanted to ask you something nerd.” I heard his footsteps behind me, which meant that he was following me.

“I don’t have time for your pickup lines,” I told him re-tightening my ponytail.

“Nerd, I swear it’s not a pickup line.” He said snatching my arm and looking me dead in the eye.

I groaned. “Fine, what do you want?”

“Go out with me.”  He said bluntly.

My eyes widened at his forwardness. I stared at him for a couple of seconds trying to digest what he just asked me. Slowly I couldn’t contain the laughter seeping out of my mouth as I burst out laughing. “Y-you want me t-to go out w-with you?” I said trying to contain my laughs.

He looked shocked at my outburst. “Yes…” He said slowly.

I quickly straightened up, looking at him confused. “I don’t think so.”

“What why?”

“Do you really think I am that stupid?” I asked him. “Just at lunch you were surrounded by girls who wanted you to take them out, why would you choose me? Last time I checked we don’t like each other.” I said brusquely.

Yes, I do realize it might’ve been a little mean but the boy had an ego the size of Canada. And someone around here had to tone it down.

“Maybe I changed,” Gavin said shrugging.

“Changed and you don’t work together like a panda and a chicken leg.”

He tilted his head to examine me. “Panda? Chicken leg? That doesn’t even make any sense!”  He exclaimed.

“Okay look, I don’t have no time for this, I’ve got to get home.” Since it was Valentine’s Day my parents usually get everyone who works around the Whitehouse for a diner with their spouse. Thomas and I voted to be locked up in our room for the dinner but sadly we were outnumbered.

“Well don’t say I didn’t ask nicely,” He said fiercely.

“What are you-“ I stopped mid-sentence as I watched Gavin bend down wrapping his arms above my knees and tossing me over his shoulder. “What the heck? Gavin I demand you put me down this instance.” I screeched pounding my fists into his back.

“Well I was trying to be a gentlemen but you left me no choice.”

I snorted, “Like I said before about the chicken leg-“

“Yeah, I know something about changed.” He said dismissively.

I grunted ignoring the looks of the girls who were glaring at me, over the weeks I’ve been here I’ve grown accustomed to it. The glares the girls give me when I am trying to tolerate Gavin don’t faze me anymore.

I felt Gavin stop suddenly causing my dangling body slam into his toned back. “Hey, watch it ever had someone dangling off your shoulder before?” I said rubbing my sore nose.

He chuckled. “Sorry nerd, can’t say I have.” I felt as he started lowering me to the ground.

“You know I have a name.” I said placing my hands on my hips glaring up at him.

“We all have names except the homeless.” He said opening the door to the passenger seat and shoving me into his car.

I slumped down in the seat as Gavin opened the driver’s door and got in. I watched him as he started up the engine. “And people say chivalry is dead.” He said turning to me as we drove away from the school.

“People say chivalry is dead because you killed it.” I retorted staring out the window.

I’ve never really had been outside of the house, so I’ve never seen this place of DC before. It was mostly trees and grungy looking buildings. I snapped my head to Gavin as a thought popped in my head, “You’re not planning to kill me are you?” I asked worriedly.

Gavin’s eyes slowly turned to me as he roared with laughter causing the car to swerve. “Keep your eyes on the road,” I screamed clutching my seat belt for my dear life.

“Y-you think I am going to kill you?” He said panting out.

I shrugged, “Maybe, maybe not.”  He chuckled keeping his eyes trained on the road. “So where are you taking me, or should I say where you going to dump my body?”

Gavin clutched his heart pretending to look hurt. “I love how much faith you have in me, Ali.”  I broke out into a smile, I was pretty sure I was smiling like a Cheshire cat. “What?” He asked confused.

“You called me by my name and not nerd for once.” I told him happily.


“It means that we are actually getting somewhere.”

He rolled his eyes. “Whatever nerd, come on we are here.” He said opening his door and getting out.

I sighed opening the door. “Well it looks like we are back to square one,” I muttered to myself climbing out of the truck.

I ran to catch up with Gavin as he was walking ahead of me and he wondered why chivalry was dead.  “So what is this place?” I asked as he pulled the door open.

“This my little nerd, is one of my favorite things to do.” He said walking up to the front desk. “And that my nerd, is paintballing.”

“Paintballing?” I screeched, “Why the hell would you take me here?”

“Where else would I take you?” He asked utterly confused.

I raised my eyebrow at him. “Where do you take all your bimbos?”

“My room, but if you prefer there I can always take you there.” He said smirking.

“I’ll pass on the opportunity, thanks.” I said turning away from him.

“Gavin!” I heard someone say. We turned our heads and saw a guy who seemed to be in his twenties walk up to us, he had black hair and bright blue eyes and a faint stubble growing. “Who is this pretty lad?”

I heard Gavin snort beside me. “This over here is nerd, and she is nothing but-“ I elbowed him in his rib before he could finish that sentence.

“Awe, Gavvy and I just thought we were making progress?” I said in a pouty voice pinching his check causing him to slap my hand away. I then turned to the man who seemed to be looking at us in amusement. “Hello, I’m Ali.” I said sticking my hand out for him to shake.

He let out a chuckle. “I’m Donald but call me Donny.” He said shaking my hand. “I’m glad Gavin here, finally found a girl to keep him in check.”

I let out a snort. “Sorry, but I was brought here against my own will, I don’t think Gavin will ever find a girl he goes through them more then I go through tissues watching A walk to remember.”

 “Ah young love, I remember that.” He said smiling at us. “Well I don’t think you come here to here for me talk about your love life so let me just gear you two up and you’ll be on you merry way.” He said walking to the back room waving at us to follow him.

My eyes wandered around the room it was a dark room it had a few paint ball guns hanging on the walls and some paintball suits hanging on the hooks. I watched as Gavin slipped on camouflage suit with ease, then as he started to lace up the army boots that Donny lent to him.

“Here you go Ali.” He said handing me the same suit that Gavin was wearing.

“Thanks.” I said slipping on the suit.

I finished buttoning up the last few buttons on the suit when Gavin spoke up. “It looks a bit big on her don’t you think?” He said gesturing to the suit that went past my hands and looked too baggy on my small body.

“It is a bit big but that the smallest one we had, I am sorry your girlfriend has such a small body.”

“What part of she’s not my girlfriend don’t you understand?” Gavin said seeming a little bit annoyed.

“Oh, I know she’s not your girlfriend you hadn’t had one since forever.” Donny said causing Gavin to keep quiet and glare at him.

Gavin and Donny both seemed to be communicating silently with their eyes. “Um, guys?” I said feeling the awkward tension.

Donny turned to me giving me a small smile. “Here are you goggles, have fun!” He said exiting the room quickly not before tossing the goggles at us.

“So?” I said turning to Gavin who seemed to be in his own thoughts.

“Huh? What?” He said looking at me.

“Shall we go start?” I asked him uncertain.

“Yeah, sure get ready to get you nerdy little ass beaten.” He said.

I rolled my eyes at his sudden mood change, it looks like old Gavin was back. “Sure whatever,” I said following him out of the room and into another.

This room seemed to be the paintball one, it had obstacles and the lighting seemed to be dimmed making it hard for you to see you opponents. “Here’s your gun, nerd,” He said it to handing me.

I mumbled thanks as he began to explain what to do. “Got it?”

“Yeah sure run, and try not to get hit. It seems pretty self-explanatory.” I told him truthfully.

“Okay Miss I know everything on the count of three.” Gavin said. “One, Two-“

“Three!” I screamed shooting him taking off to the other side of the room, “Sucker!” I screamed chuckling.

“Cheater!” I heard him scream from behind me.

I laughed running to a section of a room where I can take cover. I ducked behind what seemed to be a barrel as I snuck a quick peak trying to locate the enemy in which was Gavin.

“Oh Ali, come out to play.” He mimicked in a high pitch voice.

I stuck my head out from behind my hiding spot as I saw Gavin’s back towards me. I jumped out as I aimed my gun towards him and started to fire paint.

“What the fuck?” He screamed turning around and aiming his gun at me.

He fired his gun at me aiming for my body. I shot him a few more times as I started to take off around the corner, I heard footsteps behind me so I assumed Gavin was hot on my tail. “Ow!” I screamed as I felt something wet hit at the back of my head.

I turned around and narrowed my eyes at Gavin. “Got yeah.” He said smirking.

We both stood a few feet away from each other glaring we had our guns aimed at each other but neither one of us made I move to fire.

“Never mess with a bad boy, nerd because you might get paintballed.” He said.

“That doesn’t even make any se-“ Gavin shooting paint at me cut me off. “Oh that’s it.” I said as we started to shoot each other with paint.


“Thanks Donny, It was loads of fun especially when Mr. Bad Boy here got his butt whooped.” I said chuckling.

“The only reason you won was because you cheated.” Gavin muttered handing his suit back to Donny.

“You say potato I say tomato.” I said waving him off.

“Whatever, see you soon Donny.” He said hugging Donny in this weird bromance hug.

I quickly waved at Donny and yelled a quick thank you, before following Gavin back to his truck. “So did you have fun?” Gavin asked bumping shoulders with mine.

“Considering I was kidnapped, it turned out to be a pretty good Valentine’s Day.” I told him honestly.

“Well I try,” He said jokingly opening my door.                                                    

“Thank you.” I said smiling up at him.

“You’re welcome my lady.” He said shutting it and walking towards the driver’s seat. I was about to correct to him but he had already shut my door.

Gavin started up the engine as we pulled out of the parking lot and onto the deserted street. Ten minutes into the drive Gavin finally spoke up. “Where do you live?” He asked keeping his eyes trained on the road ahead of him.

“What?” I asked confused.

“I need to drop you home, and to do that I need to know where you live.” He said in duh tone.

“Where I live?” I asked sounding nervous. How were you supposed to tell someone you live in the Whitehouse?

“Oh hey Gavin, yeah can you drop me off at the Whitehouse? You must know where it is since the most important man in the world lived there.” I said imagining in my head.  “Oh did I forget to mention, my names not actually Ali its Alice and I am the president’s daughter.”

I snorted, yeah if it was only that easy. “So where should I drop you?” Gavin asked breaking my thoughts.

“Um, you know Pennsylvania Avenue?” I asked Gavin who seemed to be nodding his head. “Yeah I live somewhere on that street so can you just drop me off there?”

“It’s eleven o’clock at night and you want me to drop you on the street?” He asked in disbelief.

“Um, yeah?”

“Okay.” He said not having a care in the world why he was dropping me off in the middle of the street.

“You’re not going to ask why?” I said cautiously.

Gavin ran his hands through his brown hair causing his hand to get covered in paint. “It’s your life not mine and if you say that’s where you want me to drop you so be it.”  My eyes widened at his bluntness,  “It doesn’t concern me it’s your business and I should stay out of it.”

“Oh.” I said clearing my throat and staring back out the window. “Thanks.”

Five minutes later we arrived on Pennsylvania Avenue. Gavin stopped the car as I climbed out, “Thanks, see you at school tomorrow.” I said shutting the door. He nodded his head gave me a quick wave and continued to drive his old rusty truck down the road.

I watched until I couldn’t see his car anymore and started to make my way home. I had a good time but there was something in my gut telling me there was more to Gavin then he led on I thought as I made my way towards the front gate.

“Alice?” I heard someone say.

I turned around to see Ricky. “Oh hey, Ricky.”

“Where the heck have you been?” He exploded as he started to open the gates for me to enter through.

“I was out with a friend, why?” I asked confused.

“Today was the Valentine’s dinner, don’t you remember the one you were so desperately trying to get out of.” He said.

My eyes widened. How could I forget? My parents were going to kill me. “Here I’ll walk you in, and I’ll let your parents know that you arrived home safely. They were panicking so much I was surprised they didn’t set the secret service out to search for you.”

I chuckled, “Thanks Ricky.” I said as we walked into the house getting odd looks from the guards as we passed by.

“No problem, I hope you had a fun time with that boy.”

I stopped about to climb the stairs to my room. “How did you know it was a boy?”

“It’s written on your face.” He pointed out, “But don’t worry your secrets safe with me.”

I sighed, “Thanks.”

“Oh by the way you might want to clean your shoes your leaving a paint trail, maybe that’s why everyone was looking at you weirdly or the fact you hair is splattered with different kinds of paint, good luck getting that out. Goodnight.”

My jaw dropped as I watched Ricky’s retreating body walk around the corner. “Great,” I muttered climbing up the stairs to go and face the reality of how to get paint out of my hair.

Chapter Nine: The Talent Show

How could you?

We expected more from you Alice.

My father's words echoed in my brain, repeating itself over and over again. After getting most of the paint out of my hair, I was called to my dad’s office after everyone had left where my parents lectured me.

“Are you okay?” Ben asked me snapping me from my thoughts. “You’re spacing out, I’ve been calling you for the last five minutes.”

I shook my head, “I am fine.”

“Are you thinking about yesterday?” He said reading my mind.

I sighed nevertheless nodded, “My parents lectured me, they even threatened to pull me out of school if something like this happens again.”

It was quiet for a couple of minutes so I turned to Ben who hadn’t uttered a single word, his eyes trained on the road ahead. “Why aren’t you saying anything?”

I heard him sigh, “What’s there to say?”

I blinked. “What do you mean ‘what’s there to say?’ You are supposed to agree with me and tell me my parents are overreacting!” I exclaimed.

“Agree with you?” He said in disbelief, “You ran off with Gavin, without telling me! How do you think it looked on me explaining to your parents that I have no idea where you went? You could’ve been kidnapped and I would’ve had no clue about it!” He yelled.

I flinched at his harsh tone. “I don’t have to tell you where I go every second of every minute,” I screamed back.

“Yes you do, you have a bodyguard for a reason.”

“That’s so stupid. It’s not like I am the president no one is going to come out of the bushes and kidnap me.”

“You’re not the President but you’re his daughter and you never know who’s out there.” He said in an annoyed voice.

I grunted sinking into my seat looking out the window as we pulled into a parking space in front of the school I heard Ben sigh next to me. “I am sorry,” He said in a tired voice.

I turned looking him dead in the eyes. “Apology not accepted,” With that I quickly opened the car door slamming it shut, storming into the school.

I was fuming how dare he take my parents side? I am seventeen for the love of God; they’re treating me like a five year old.

‘Well, you haven’t been the best daughter…’ A voice in my head said.

“Oh shut up,” I muttered.

My eyes scanned the hallway landing on Holly who was leaning against my locker an angry look evident on her face. I slowly approached her, her hazel eyes snapped to mine. “Hey Holls, what sup?”  I said turning the dial of my locker opening it.

“What sup? Is that all you can say after you’ve been ignoring my calls and texts?” She shrieked getting the attention of some students.

“Holly calm down.” I said trying to calm her, “What’s the matter? You seem angry.”

She snorted, “Of course I am angry, I can’t believe you Ali. After all the warnings I gave you.”

I knitted my eyebrows in confusion. “What are you talking about?”

“Don’t act confused Ali, everyone knows you slept with Gavin.” She exclaimed gesturing at everyone watching how I will react.

“You think I slept with that manwhore?” I screeched. She narrowed her eyes at me nodding her head. “Wow I can’t believe you, I thought we were best friends.”

“Me too,” She whispered.

I gave her one last look; I then looked at the crowd watching us. “I never slept with Gavin, never did and never will.” I looked back at Holly whose face fell, I quickly turned my heel walking away.

I felt a few tears slip. I couldn’t believe Holly thought I slept with Gavin, I brushed the tears away heading around the corner in search for the ladies room.

Once I made into to the bathroom I locked myself in the handicapped stall and let myself slip to the ground my vision blurry from tears.

After a few minutes of crying I suddenly heard the bathroom door open, I held my breath. The sounds of heels clacking against the tiled floor echoed throughout the room. “Did you see how she just ran out of there, she’s so pathetic.”

“Um, Ashley?” I heard someone say.

My eyes widened, it was Ashley talking to one of her followers.

“What?” She snapped.

“Um, why did you even spread that rumor for all we know Ali might’ve never even slept with Gavin?”

My jaw dropped as I scrabbled from the floor peeking through the crook of the door. Ashley was the one who spread the rumor about me?

“Well Angie,” Ashley snarled. “I warned that bitch to stay away from Gavin, but apparently she couldn’t do that so someone had to put her in her place.”

Angie looked really scared keeping her head down, her strawberry hair drawing as curtain hiding her face. “Sorry Ashley,” She whispered.

Ashley smiled in triumph looking at the mirror applying some red lipstick. “Whatever, come on we have a show to prepare for.” She said flipping her dyed bleach blonde hair over her shoulder and strutting out of the bathroom.

My eyes widened. Oh my God Sarah! I promised her to be there with her at the talent show and here I am crying. I opened the stall door walking over to the sink splashing cold water onto my face I stared at my reflection in the mirror.

My brown hair was in a messy bun, I still had a few splashes of paint in my hair that refused to come out so I decided to conceal it by putting it in a bun. The girl in the mirror didn’t look as happy as she was eight years ago.

I sighed tucking the stray hairs behind my ear and away from my face as I exited the ladies room, heading towards the auditorium.

As soon as I pushed open the doors heads snapped in my direction, I shook my head heading backstage to find a worried looking Sarah pacing back in forth. “Sarah?”

She spun around, her brown eyes snapping to mines. “Ali? Where were you?” She asked frantically.

“It doesn’t matter I’ll explain later what’s important now is why you’re pacing back and forth, and why do you look green?”

“I look green because I am freaking out!” Sarah snapped at me. “Oh God I think I am going to puke.” She said holding the chair next to her to steady herself.

“Sarah!” I said grabbing her shoulders in order to face me. “Stop panicking! Now we have to go we have less than twenty minutes to do your hair and makeup, so quit your whining and let’s go.” I said frustrated and proceeded to drag her towards hair and makeup.


“Up next we have Sarah Rose?” Andy our announcer said confused, whispers were heard among the crowd.

I looked at Sarah who was clutching the microphone as she walked onto the middle of the stage. He red hair was now in tights curls with a white bow pining the stray hairs away from her face.  After endless arguing on how her hair should be styled we decided to put in half up half down. Sarah’s outfit consisted of a light pink dress and white flats.

"Are you going to sing or what?" Someone yelled among the crowd.

I looked back at Sarah who was now frozen, whispers were now getting louder. I got up from my chair doing what any good friend would've done in my place. I walked onto stage towards a frozen Sarah.

"Sarah?" I whispered ignoring the fact everyone was probably watching us, she snapped out of her trance turning to me. "We've practiced this song millions of times, I know you know it backwards, frontwards and probably even in Italian." I said letting out a chuckle. "But it’s time for you to show everyone else that you know it to. Don’t you remember what we talked about like ten minutes ago?” I said recalling the conversation when she was close to start hyperventilating.

She nodded her head slowly. "Thanks, Ali you’re a good friend and if it makes you feel any better I know you didn't sleep with Gavin."

I chuckled. "Thanks,” I said rolling my eyes at her randomness. “Good luck," I said giving her quick thumbs up and getting off the stage.

The music started up again, Sarah moved around the stage bobbing her head at the tune as she opened her mouth to start singing.

"Just gonna stand and watch me burn, but that alright because I like the way it hurts, just going to stand there and hear me cry, but that's alright because I love the way you lie, I love the way you lie." Sarah sang perfectly on tune.

A smile made its way onto my face as she continued to sing the rest of the song hitting all the high notes and jumping around on stage enjoying herself.

I smiled as she finished the last verse. "I love the way you lie..." I jumped out of my seat as the crowd started to clap. “Way to go Sarah!” I screamed clapping along with everyone else.

Her eyes now filled with tears as she brought the microphone to her mouth. “Thanks!” Her eyes meeting mine, as she took a quick bow heading backstage.

I made my way backstage as I saw Sarah. "Oh my God I can't believe you just did that." I said opening my arms and giving her a bear hug.

"I can't believe I did that too." She whispered. "Thank you so much Ali."

I gave her a tired smile. "Stop thanking me! You did amazing," She laughed humorously.

“Yeah, she did amazing! If she was doing the impersonation of a dying cat.” Someone spoke from behind us.

I turned around to see Ashley and Angie, but what surprised me was who was also standing beside her their hands entwined with one another.

I must’ve been staring at Ashley and Gavin’s entwined hands for a while because Ashley spoke up. “I am sorry but Gavin doesn’t do sluts.” She spoke glaring at me.

“So why is he dating you?” I blurted out before I had a second to process what I was saying.

“Excuse me?” She snarled at me.

I heard a chuckle escape Gavin’s mouth as my eyes connected with his a small smile making its way onto my lips. I looked back at now angry Ashley, a devious smile made its way onto her face as she turned to Gavin grabbing his face and planting a sloppy kiss onto his mouth.

My jaw dropped as so did my stomach. I turned my head away not wanting to watch the guy who took me out for my first Valentine’s Day kiss another girl or a slut in my perspective. "Let’s go watch the rest of the acts." I said turning to Sarah who was glaring at the back of Ashley’s fake head. I grabbed her arm and bringing her to where I was seated minutes ago.

Once we were seated Sarah turned to me. "Where's Holly?" She asked her eyebrows knitted in confusion.

"Um, I don't know." I said casually trying to forget about the two fights I had earlier this morning one with Ben and another with who I thought was my best friend.

She shrugged drawing her attention at the juggler who was currently on stage. A few more acts later we were down to the last performer. "Okay, guys what you all have been waiting for, she's been our winner for the past three years let’s give a huge welcome to Ashley Rome!"

“Wow, I wonder who he is rooting for.”  I muttered sarcastically clapping along with everyone else.

Ashley walked on stage proudly wearing a big smile on her painted red lips. My eyes widened scarred at the outfit she was performing in which consisted of a black leather bando, and a red bikini bottom pairing the whole outfit with knee high riding boots.

I heard whistles coming from the crowd of perverted boys. “Thanks guys! You don’t know how good it is to be here!” She said in a nasally voice throwing a wink to the crowd. “I will be singing dirrty by Christina Aguilera.” She said taking her place in the middle of the stage.

“Ah dirrty, filthy, nasty, you nasty.” She started to sing, well tried to. I winced at the sound of her voice and how people were actually enjoying this.

She’s up on stage basically wearing nothing! How will the boys not enjoy this?

 I felt puke rising up my throat as her and the dancers were doing these very sexual poses on stage getting the boys to whistle and cat call.

I turned my head to look at Sarah who looked just as horrified as me. How she is even allowed to compete looking like a tramp? I thought.

As Ashley finished the line of her horrific dancing and painful singing, people stood and clapped for her. I sighed as she took a bow exposing her boobs to the boys making them call out. She threw them a quick wink as she exited the stage not before swishing her hips for a dramatic affect.

“Well that sure was something!” Andy chuckled into the microphone. “Now can we get all performers up on stage please?”

I turned to Sarah who got up making her way onto the stage along with the other performers. Andy now stood alongside Ashley and her dancers and another act that I did not know the name off.

“In my hand I have the top five performers who move on to compete next Friday for the finals and a chance to win a five hundred dollars in prize money. Our finalists are…” He said opening the card. “Electric,” A boys dance group stepped forward giving each other brotherly hugs. I clapped as I silently prayed for Sarah’s name to be called.

“We are now down to our last two spots available.” Andy spoke trying to savor for the suspense. “Sarah Rose!” He spoke enthusiastically.

I jumped from my chair not caring the odd looks I was getting from the people beside me. Sarah had made it! Our eyes connected as I gave her a huge smile as she stepped forward along with the other acts.

“And our last spot goes to our three time champion and probably our forth, Miss Ashley Rome!” He said happily.

I rolled my eyes clapping along with everyone else as they exited the stage. A few minutes later I heard a screech. “I can’t believe I made it!” Sarah spoke enthusiastically as we exited the auditorium together.

“Sarah of course you were going to make it! We have to go and celebrate.” I told her excitedly.

“Yeah sure can we go-“ She stopped mid-sentence, looking as if she just realized something.

“What’s wrong?” I asked her confused.

“Where are Holly and Ben? I thought they were going to be here?”

“Oh they were, they just seated at the back.” I said lying.

She looked at me curiously as if she didn’t believe it. “Okay. Let’s go and celebrate.” She said dropping the subject and entwining our arms together as we headed outdoors. “Thanks for everything Ali! You are truly a great best friend anyone could ask for.”

I felt my stomach drop for the second time today as I glanced at Sarah who was beaming with happiness, I felt bad for lying to her and not only for saying that Holly and Ben were there for her performance for all I know the might’ve not even been there but for also lying to her about who I am. As I opened the car door to Sarah’s car, I could only think how bad this is going to end up.

Chapter Ten: Second Biggest Shock

“Are you sure you don’t want to give you a ride home?” Sarah asked for the billionth time today.

“Its fine mother,” I said in a joking matter. “I’ll have one of my parents pick me up, and anyways I left my bag in my locker.”

“Okay Miss Sarcastic, I’ll see you Monday!” Sarah said.

I nodded closing the door. As she drove her Red Toyota Corolla and drove out of the schools parking lot. I waved as her car sped off.

After we had celebrated her making it to the top five in the talent show we went to Cold Stone for ice cream to celebrate afterwards she wanted to drive me home but I told her I needed to get my bag from my locker and anyways I couldn’t let her drive me home anyways.

I hummed to myself quietly as I made my way down the deserted hallway. I spun the dial of my locker quickly opening it and grabbing my book bag.

I dug inside my bag to retrieve my phone. I flipped through the contacts to search for my mother’s number. I clicked call button as I patiently waited for her to answer the phone.

“Hello?”  I heard my mom’s voice from the other end.

“Hey mom, I am at school could you send someone to pick me up?” I would’ve asked her but my mom doesn’t drive anymore, a lot changed when my dad became President.

“Um, sure honey I’ll send one of the bodyguards. Where are you at the moment?”

“School,” I answered back.

“Okay, they’ll be there shortly. Love you be safe.” I heard her say from the other end. I responded with a quick love you too not before hanging up the phone.

“Nerd?” I spun around to see Gavin walking towards me, “What are you still doing here?” He asked his eyebrows knitted in confusion.

“I forgot my bag in my locker,” I said holding up my bag. “What are you doing here?”

He shrugged, “Wasting time, I didn’t feel like going home.”

“Oh,” I said not knowing how to respond.

“Yeah,” He said stuffing his hands into his pocket. “So who were you on the phone with?”

“Were you eavesdropping?” I asked in disbelief.

“No, I was silently listening from a far and anyways it’s not my fault you talk so loud.” He said.

I grumbled profanities under my breath praying that Gavin didn’t hear the whole conversation. I continued walking towards the exit silently when Gavin spoke up. “The little red head chick did well in the talent show.”

“The red head’s name is Sarah,” I snapped.

He raised his hand in surrender. “I am sorry if I don’t know everyone’s name.”

I sighed keeping quiet. Today hasn’t been the best day for me and Gavin is just making it even worse. “Why are you here?” I asked opening the door and stepping outside, taking in the February weather.

“I told you that already,” He pointed out.

I rolled my eyes. “No, why are you here with me if I remember correctly you have a girlfriend.” I said distastefully.

“Ashley’s not my girlfriend she is just someone I play around with.” He said his brown eyes gazing up at the blue sky.

“Wow,” I told him in disbelief.

Gavin’s head snapped to look at me. “What?”

“You’re making her sound like a toy that’s what.” I said snapping at him, “Is that what you do with all your girlfriends play around with them until you get bored?” Normally I would have never thought in a million years I would be standing up for Ashley, but even she deserved better than this.

“You have no right to tell me what I can and can’t do.”  He said snapping right back at me.

“I am only telling you this to put you in your place because someone around here has to do it!” I said my anger flaring.

“Why do you even care?” He said throwing his hands up in frustration.

“I don’t care!” I screamed at him, “But I do care about all the girls you leave heartbroken, all the people you take advantage of, all the people who follow you like lost puppies but you barely give them a second glance.” I stated jamming my finger into his hard chest for emphasis. “You are a terrible person Gavin Storm,” I said looking him directly in the eye.

Gavin’s eyes suddenly darkened as he started clenching his jaw, my eyes trailed down to his hands as I saw he was clenching them in fists. “You can call me a lot of things Ali.” He spat, “But, you can’t call me a terrible person.”

I snorted. “I can’t call you a terrible person really?” I said searching his eyes for an answer. “Nice people say excuse me when they bump into someone, nice people don’t start food fights to get someone back and then ditch them when they get detention for two weeks and then not bothering to show up even once to help, nice people don’t screw people’s best friends then ditch them the next day!” I screamed.

I looked Gavin directly in the eyes we were both winded up due to our screaming fest. I sighed taking a step back from him and running my hands through my hair. I heard a car horn beep as I opened my eyes and saw a black car with the windows tinted as the driver started to roll down his window.

As the window rolled down I saw Ricky sitting in the driver’s seat waving for me to get in the car. I readjusted the strap as my eyes trailed to the ground silently making my way into the car.

I suddenly stopped remembering what I wanted to say before Ricky pulled up. “You might not think you are a terrible person.” I said his eyes boring into mine. “But you sure do act like one,” I whispered.

I spun my heel around stalking to the car, opening the door to the passenger’s seat and buckling myself in as Ricky proceeded to drive. “If I say something about the boy will you explode?”

I turned my head to Ricky. “No, why would you think that?”

“Maybe it is because when you were talking wait excuse me screaming at that boy, you looked ready to kill. He’s lucky I honked the horn or he would’ve been six feet under by now.” He said in amusement.

I rolled my eyes, “I wasn’t going to kill him.”

“It didn’t look like that to me.” He said stopping at the red light and turning to face me. “So why were you going to kill him, give me all the deats.” He said trying to imitate a girl, “Why are you staring at me like that?” He asked confused.

“Please don’t ever say that again,” I said shivering. He rolled his eyes as he pressed the gas to continue to drive home. “So why did you pick me up anyways?”

“Your mom caught me in the hall and asked if I could pick you up from school.” He said. “And anyways it’s only one o’clock why am I picking you up so early?”

“Today was the talent show so it was a half day, and anyways I forgot my bag in my locker and I needed a ride home.” I explained.

“Why couldn’t you have just asked Ben?”

“We aren’t at speaking terms at the moment.” I said quietly.

“What about Holly?”

“Yeah we aren’t at speaking terms either.”

“What the heck did you do that got everyone so mad?” He asked bewildered as we pulled up in front of the gates.

“Me? Holly and Ben were being jerks.” I grumbled crossing my arms over my chest.

“Maybe they had a good reason?” He suggested.

“If you call assuming that I slept with someone and not backing me up a good reason then they had fantastic reasons.” I said sarcastically.

“You slept with someone?” He screamed making me jump.

“What the heck? Who in the right mind told you that?” I asked puzzled.

“Well that’s what you said.” Ricky said shrugging as he put the car in halt. “Don’t blame me if whatever comes out of your mouth sounds sarcastic, it’s not my fault the only language you know is sarcasm.” He said stepping out of the car.

I unbuckled my seat belt as I opened the door, following him into the house. “That doesn’t even make any sense.”

He shrugged walking away. I sighed as I trudged upstairs, once I made it to the second floor I preceded to the end of the hallway. I was walking by Thomas’ room when I saw him on his bed reading a book.

I knocked on his door as his eyes snapped to mine. “Hey, how was school?” I asked stepping in.

Before I started going to regular school Thomas and I were home schooled together by one teacher who taught Thomas and I. “It was good but Ms. Janet gave me this stupid book to read and I have to write a book report about it, and then next week we will start writing essays.” He grumbled.

I felt bad for Thomas, kids who were in public school don’t start writing essays until ninth grade and he was only in the fifth grade. “Have you ever thought that you might want to go to regular school?” I asked him softly.

Thomas closed his book and moved to sit next to me on the edge of his bed. “No, not really. But after you started going and I saw how much fun you are having, I want to ask mom and dad but I am scared.” He admitted shyly.

I chuckled usually Thomas is loud and kind of crazy but sometimes he would get all quiet and the truth comes out, just like at this very moment. “Well I think you should tell them, because no offense but no fifth grade kid wears that.” I said gesturing to his outfit, which consisted of a blue button up shirt, black dress pants and shoes.

He rolled his eyes. “Yeah, cause you don’t dress this formal around the house,” He said sarcastically.

I smiled this was the longest regular discussion Thomas and I ever had. I ruffled his hair and stood up to leave the room. “Oh by the way, I saw Holly and Ben going to your room ten minutes before you came.” He said opening up his book again.

Holly and Ben are here? And they are in my room together?

I told Thomas quick thanks and exited his room closing the door behind me making my way towards my room located at the end of the hall.

I pressed my ear against the door trying to hear if they were saying anything. After a few seconds it was pretty quiet. “Maybe they left and Thomas didn’t see them leave?” I muttered softly, under my breath.

I twisted the doorknob pushing the door open to reveal the second biggest shock of my life.

Chapter Eleven: Make Outs & Run Away's

My eyes darted back and forth from Holly and Ben who were silently moving away from each other, acting like I didn’t just walk into them making out in my room. "What on earth is going on?" I wanted to scream but it only came out as a whisper.

Ben let out a cough trying to fill the awkwardness that was lingering in my room. I looked over at Holly whose eyes were trained on the floor shamefully while her cheeks were flushed pink. Ben on the other hand also had flushed cheeks and his eyes were darting everywhere in the room refusing to meet mine.

I opened my mouth to speak but no words came out. They were no words to describe what I was feeling at the moment.

"I did not just walk into my room and see my two best friends making out with each other." I whispered finally voicing my thoughts.

"It’s not what it looks like." I heard Holly whisper.

I snorted in disbelief, "Don't give me that crap Holly." I hissed at her, "First you accuse me of being a slut when really you are the slut in this friendship."

Holly's eyes widened as hurt came across her face, seconds later she burst into tears. I felt my stomach drop due to knowing that I was the cause of my best friend crying before my very eyes. I shook my head trying to process everything, drawing my attention to Ben who had his face buried in his hands. "You have no right to talk to Holly or myself like that, Alice." I heard him whisper.

"Excuse me? What do you mean I have no right if you saw me and Gavin making out like that what would you do?" I waited for a response but all I got was a blank and defeated look. "Exactly,” I said in triumph.

I looked back over at Holly, who seemed to be crying her eyes out. Every second that I stared at her it took all my will power not to go and console her and stop her from crying. I felt a pair of eyes on me as I looked back at Ben who was watching me with a blank expression.

"I think it would be best for you two if you just leave," I whispered closing my eyes and pointing to the door.

I heard Ben get up from my bed and heard his footsteps walk past me as he escorted a sobbing Holly and himself out of the room.

I heard the door shut as I finally opened my eyes. My vision started to get glassy due to the tears I was holding back. 

"Don't cry," I repeated to myself over and over. "You've cried enough for a day."

I slowly sank to the floor bursting into tears as I cried. What felt like hours later I finally had the strength to get up and lay down onto my bed, trying to sleep ignoring the fact the I had my two former best friends make out on this very bed not hours ago.

"It was for the best." I told myself letting sleep overcome the best of me.


"Alice?" I heard someone say.

I yawned, burying my face back into my pillow. I heard the same person’s throat clear as I lifted my head as my eyes darted for the source of the voice that woke me up. My eyes landed to my mother who was tapping her feet impatiently.

"Do you know what time it is?" My mother questioned.

"Morning." I drawled.

"No." She answered back no trace of amusement on her face. "It's eight o'clock," I groaned in return. “Shall I repeat myself Alice? It is eight o’clock on a Monday morning.”

My eyes widened as my head snapped over to my alarm clock resting on the side table beside me. “Why didn’t you wake me?” I questioned frantically.

In return my mother rolled her eyes. “You’re not going to school,” She stated. “And anyways you refused to get out of bed all weekend.”

Well that part was true, all weekend I’ve been in bed refusing to get out. Mom and dad were out of town for the weekend but it didn’t surprise me that she knew, mom knows everything. Melinda stopped by my room to see if I needed anything but I was too busy grieving in guilt to what I said to my best friends to eat, talk and do almost about anything that involved leaving my bed.

“Have you been crying?” My mother asked curiously snapping me out of my thoughts.

"No," I said a little too quickly.

My mother’s face softened, "Honey, what happened?"

I shook my head drawing my attention elsewhere. "I wasn't crying," I insisted.

She sighed coming over and sitting next to me. "Alice, I know I haven't been the best mother-“ I let out a  scoff. My mother’s eyes quickly narrowed to slits as she carried on not before glaring. “However I do know when my own daughter has been crying. Plus your eyes are red and puffy so that was a big giveaway."

I sighed in defeat, "Okay I have been crying but when I am ready to open up and talk to someone I will." I told her softly.

She nodded thankfully not pushing the subject any further. "Okay I came in here for a reason," She said snapping her fingers as if it would help her remember. "Yes now I remember, since you refused to come out of bed all weekend and the day you missed the Valentine’s Day ball and dinner you are required to attend the dinner that is happening tonight.”

I opened up my mouth to protest but my mother raised up her hand to stop me. “There is no way you are getting out of this one and anyways it would be good for you to get some fresh air it smells like something died in here.” She said holding her nose for emphasis.

“There’s no way I am getting out of this? Are you sure?” I asked.

“You’ll get out of this once pigs start to fly. Ever since you started school you hadn’t been fulfilling your duties-“

I let out a snort at the word duties. Yes I was chuckling for no reason but I could sometimes be a little immature.

My mother cleared her throat. “As I was saying, you haven’t been doing your job so you have ten minutes exact to take a shower and put on fresh clean appropriate clothes for breakfast.”

I let out a groan burying my head into my pillow. “Can this week get any worse?” I mumbled into my pillow hearing the door close, assuming my mother has left.

I sighed swinging my legs off my bed and trudging into my bathroom. Once I got into the bathroom I quickly stripped out of my clothes and hopped into the shower. I then proceeded to wash my hair with my favorite peach soap shampoo. After ten minutes I was washed from head to toe. I grabbed my towel that was hanging on the rack and wrapped my naked body.

Five minutes later I was dressed in a white skater skirt, clear tights due to it being a little chilly outside and black blouse; I paired the outfit with a pair blue wedged boots. I then quickly put my hair up in a messy bun and headed downstairs for breakfast.

As I walked down the hall I nodded at the guards who were patrolling the hallways. The nodded back at me and some even mumbled a good morning. Once I reached the breakfast room I took a seat at my usual spot as our cook Marco placed a fresh steaming plate of eggs, toast and tater tots with apple juice on the side. I mumbled thanks and proceeded to eat.

Once I finished my breakfast I noticed something unusual going on. I was eerily quiet on the table, I become aware of how my dad seemed to be glaring at Thomas who stared at his plate of pancakes in shame. While my mom ate her omelet like dad glaring was a normal thing.

“What’s going on?” I spoke breaking the silence.

 “Why don’t you tell Alice what’s going on, Thomas.”  My dad spoke answering my question without even looking at me.

I turned to Thomas and motioned for him to speak. “I asked dad what I told you, how I wanted to go to school.” He muttered looking down at his plate.

“So what is the problem because I clearly do not see it.” I answered leaning back into my chair crossing my arms over my chest.

“The problem is that your brother wants to go to school, why would he want that when he can learn easily at home. It’s not safe out there.” My dad said in his business like tone.

“Why are you talking like outside is a world of catastrophe!” I asked him, jumping out of my chair causing it to go down with a loud boom. “You’re treating us like babies, what are you so afraid of?”

“You don’t understand what is out there,” He said in a strict tone.

“And you do?” I retorted. “How do you expect us to do things on our own, if you keep doing it for us? How are we supposed to learn on our own?”

“Alice!” My mom said loudly finally intervening, “Don’t talk to your father that way.”

I ignored my mother’s command looking my dad dead in the eye. “You might be the President of the United States but I think you’re forgetting that before that you are also my father. And you were a great one before all of this.” I whispered turning on my heel not before storming out of the breakfast room.

Walking down the hall I ignored all the looks the guards were giving me. Sympathy, remorse, and confusion were all the looks I got before entering my room.

“This weekend keeps getting worse and worse,” I mumbled lying down on my bed looking at my ceiling.

First Gavin kidnaps me, I rumor goes around I am a slut, my best friend accuses me of being one, I find two the most important people in my life making out on this very bed and now I get in a fight with my own father.

My thoughts were interrupted by a knock on my door, it opens to reveal Thomas. “Hey,” He muttered walking in and closing the door behind him. “I just wanted to say thanks for you know, standing up for me and all.” He said shifting his balance to each foot.

I smiled, “Thanks, I am glad someone thinks I am not a total monster.”

“I don’t think you’re a monster.” Thomas said. “But I do think you’re annoying, weird, stupid, ugly, fat, did I mention weird?” He said tapping his finger on his chin as if he was thinking.

“Ha-ha Thomas you’re hilarious.” I drawled sarcastically, “So what are you doing here?”

“Oh, I got you this.” He said handing me a bag.

“What am I supposed to do with this bag?”

“Run away.”

“Really?” I asked him dead serious.

“Yes. I am not stupid maybe you are but I am not. Even I can tell you upset so why don’t you go to the park like old times.” He said smiling slightly at me. “Get your mind off things.”

“Yeah those were good times,” I said recalling the memory when I was eight and I pushed Thomas off the slide, I was an abusive eight year old. “I would love to Thomas but mum would freak out, I already skipped two dinners I can’t afford another.”

“Alice, don’t make me regret this, just go I will cover for you okay?” He said brushing his bangs out of his face, so he could see more clearly.


“No problem, but remember this is one time thing. Don’t expect me to be this kind all the time.” He said waving to me not before closing the door. I chuckled, that is the Thomas I know and love.

“It looks like I am going to the park.” I mumbled staring at the bag pack, Thomas had given me hiking it up on my shoulder and exiting the bedroom.


I arrived at the park by noon. I got Ricky to drop me off, he was a little reluctant at first but once I convinced him that he wasn’t going to get fired he eventually caved and drove me. We argued the ride to the park about how he should stay since Ben wasn’t here. I disagreed until we decided to let fate choose whether he could stay or not, let’s just say that Ricky is a sore loser when it comes to rock paper scissors.

I walked towards an empty bench and sat down; grabbing the bag that Thomas had given me opening it up to reveal the contents of food that he had packed. I grabbed a grilled cheese sandwich and apple juice, I ate watching the beautiful scenery in front of me.

I watched as how parents swung their children on the swings, dog owners playing with their dogs and couples holding hands staring lovingly into each other’s eyes.

I smiled as I watched an old couple walk past me; they were holding each other’s hands but seemed to be bickering with each other. I chuckled as I saw the old woman slap the back of the man’s head, I think I understood where the term ‘you fight like an old married couple’ cause those two were literally fighting like an old married couple.

“Kingston!” My thoughts were interrupted when I heard someone scream as I saw a dog fast approaching me. It stopped right in front of me whiffing me and licking my sandwich in my hand.

I chuckled as I gave the dog the rest of my sandwich. “It looks like I am done,” I said as the dog finished eating the last bit of my sandwich. I patted the dog’s head as I saw two figures from the corner of my eye approaching me.


My head whipped to the source of the voice. Standing in front of me masking a blank look was Gavin, behind him was a little boy who seemed to be around the age of four. “Yes,” I answered back hesitantly. The dog whose leash I was currently holding started barking running to Gavin. “I guess this is your dog,” I said handing him the leash.

“Yeah, thanks.” Gavin muttered grabbing the leash from me.

“My dog.” The little boy spoke for the first time.

I smiled looking down at him I nodded. “Yes that is your dog,” I loved pets but we weren’t allowed any animals in the Whitehouse, due to not actually being our home only for the next four years.

He nodded coming from behind Gavin’s legs and to me. “My name is Garrett! It’s spelt with two R’s and two T’s! And I am four years old!” He said giggling holding up four fingers. His other arm looked to be wrapped in a cast, it was a blue and it only had one signature it was Gavin’s name sprawled in messy handwriting.

I smiled looking back at the boy. “My name is Ali and I am seventeen years old.” I told him honestly. I looked back at his arm and spoke, “What happened to your arm?” 

“My daddy pushed me down the stairs.” He said looking down at his feet.

My eyes widened as I looked at Gavin, who had a darkened look on his face. I was about to question him when I felt something nudge my leg I looked down to see the dog, Kingston I believe was his name snuggle in between my legs. “You have a real cute dog,” I said to the Garrett scratching behind his ears.

“Thanks! Gavy was mad because I let Kingston’s leash go, but I swear it was an accident!” The little boy spoke pouting.

“Well we all make mistakes, right?” I asked the little boy.

“We all make mistakes.” I heard Gavin speak he looked lost in thought. Gavin must’ve noticed me staring because he grabbed Garrett’s hand. “We’ve got somewhere to be.” He then started trudging away dragging a waving Garrett behind him.

“Bye!” I heard Garrett shout not before turning back around with his brother. I waved back not before saying bye, I then proceeded to pack my bag and head home. I pulled out my phone to text Ricky to pick me up where he dropped me.

As I was waiting for Ricky to show up I wondered what Garrett had said to me. How his dad pushed him down the stairs? And how Gavin’s face darkened something told me that Gavin was hiding something and I was itching to find out.

Chapter Twelve: Confessions & Dinners

"Where were you?” Was the first thing my mom asked when I entered the house.

“Out.” I replied, brushing past her and heading for the stairs.

“Out?” She repeated.

“Yes mother, outside as in away from this prison.” I muttered, under my breath.

“Alice, you do realize that the dinner is today and you aren’t even close to being ready.” She yelled throwing her arms up in frustration.

I opened my mouth to speak, but the corner of my eye detected a small figure trying to see around the corner. “Thomas!” I yelled out.

He came out of the corner shyly facing me his face flushed with embarrassment. “I thought you were going to cover for me!”  I exclaimed, exasperated.

“I said, I was going to cover for you. I never said, I was going to do a good job.”

I scowled in return at my brothers smart antics. “Both of you, enough!”  My mother exclaimed rubbing her temples. “Thomas, upstairs and take a shower.” Thomas opened his mouth to complain but my mother shot her a ‘don’t mess with me face.' He let out a sigh, trudging upstairs to take the shower.

She then turned to me and pointed her finger. “You. Are coming with me we have less than three hours and you don’t even look half presentable.” She spoke grabbing my wrist and hailing me up the stairs.


Three hours, six minutes and God knows how many seconds but after a whole lot of arguing, screaming, snack breaks and a whole lot of hair pulling I looked completely transformed.

“Woah.” I said, completely breathless as I stared at myself in the full length mirror. I ran my hand through my brown hair was curled and pinned to the left side of my head. “Don’t touch.” My mother said swatting my hand away from my hair.

I tilted my head to the side as I saw not a seventeen year old girl in the mirror but an eight year old me staring back. I smiled as I saw all the times I dressed up as a princess as a little girl flash before my eyes.

I then ran my hands over my strapless ball gown, it was silver and had many sparkles and when it reached my waist it flowed down to my feet a nice light blue color. “Ready to make our big entrance?” My mother whispered breaking me from my thoughts.

I nodded turning around to face her. My mom had on a strapless purple ball gown with her hair put in a neat bun, she smiled lovingly at me.

“Oh before I forget.” She said, turning around and grabbing a necklace out of a blue satin box. “I wanted to give this to you.” She said, holding out a silver necklace with a key in the middle. A big smile made its way onto my face as I started chuckling.

“What?” She asked, confused. “Don’t you like it?”

I shook my head. “Of course, I love it! But it’s so cheesy.” I said, chuckling once more. “But thank you so much.” I told her, my laughter dying out wrapping my mom in a hug.

“No problem, sweetie. Now we better get going we are already as late as it is.”

I quickly put on the necklace my mother gave me giving myself one last look in the mirror before following her outside. We walked to the stairs my mom leading as I followed her silently behind. Once we made it downstairs we went down the west hall towards the dinner room.

It was a huge room that had a lot of empty space and a room that led to the kitchen. It was usually only held for balls and dinners.

Once we entered the ball/dinner room my eyes roamed at all the couples dancing and mingling with each other. “You look beautiful sweetheart.” I heard, someone say.

I turned my head to see my dad giving my mom a quick peck. I faked gagged in my mouth as my mom started to blush. “Thanks pumpkin.” She said, giggling like a fifteen year old school girl.

I let out a fake cough trying to grab there attention. My dad’s eyes finally left my mom noticing me standing awkwardly to the side.

“You look beautiful, Alice.” He said, looking at me for a quick second then his eyes returning to my mother.

They were acting like love-sick teenagers. I let out an inwardly groan inside my head. I was about to walk away when my father called me back. “Alice I want you too meet a few people.” He told me, finally looking at me. He gave my mom another quick peck on the lips before nodding to me, to follow him.

“Mr. President.” A few people said acknowelding my father as we walked over to them.

“Oh President Montclair, didn’t see you there.” An old lady said, faking a laugh trying to fill in the awkward air.

“Lucielle.” My dad said, “I would like you and everyone else to meet my daughter Alice.”

They waved hello at me as Lucielle spoke looking directly at me in distaste. “Alice you look lovely, a little bit too much skin showing don’t you think?” She asked, cocking an eyebrow.

I was taken aback by her question. “I am jut saying Alice, boys are only after one thing and you are showing it to them.” She replied simply taking a sip of her wine.

My jaw dropped at Lucielle's attitude. My mouth opened and closed repeatedly as I held back from attacking the old woman. I turned my head over to my dad who seemed deep in conversation with an old Chinese man. I then looked back at Lucielle who seemed pleased with herself.

“Luceille?” I spoke up, gaining her attention. “I am sorry if you think I am that kind of girl, but I will most definitely take your opinion into consideration.” I said, through my gritted teeth. “It was nice meeting you but I really have to go.” I said, lying through my clenched teeth.

“Nonsense! I want you to meet my grandson, before you leave.” I opened my mouth to protest but she already waved at a boy who looked my age making his way over to us.

“Yes Grandma?” The boy said in a polite manner.

“Jonathan, I would like you to meet the first daughter Alice.” Lucielle spoke. “I am sure she would enjoy your company.”

“It’s alright, I was actually going to-" I was cut of my Jonathan grabbing my hand and kissing it.

“It is nice too meet you Alice.” He spoke is a smooth voice. “My name is Jonathan Freda.”

“Um...” I began to stutter to the good looking boy, he had black hair that was slicked back and blue eyes that seemed to stand out. “It is nice too meet you, Jonathan.” I said, retrieving my hand from his grasp.

“Well it looks like you both are well acquainted, so it looks like I will be on my way.” Linda said walking away.

I turned to Jonathan. “Well it is really nice meeting you and all but I have to get back to my brother-" I said, Jonathan cutting me off by putting his arm around me. “Um, can you please get your hand off?” I said, trying to shrug of his arm that was draped around my shoulders.

“Aw, don’t be like that Alice.” Jonathan said, tugging me over one of the vacant tables.

“Jonathan get your hands of me.” I spoke, through my clenched teeth. My biggest pet peeve was when people touched me.

“Come on Alice loosen up.” He replied.

“I believe she said to get your arm of her. And if I was you I would before I do something that you will regret.” I heard a voice speak. We turned around to come face to face with Ben.

“Mind you own business dude, the lady was just joking around.” Jonathan replied, hugging me even closer to him.

“I am giving you five seconds to get your hands off her.” Ben spoke, menacingly. “Five… four… three… two….”

“Jonathan, just get your hands off me.” I spoke, quickly trying to refrain from a fight breaking out in less than a second.

“I am not scared of him.” Jonathan chuckled, humorously.

“One.” I heard, Ben growl, watching him as he grabbed the collar of Jonathan’s shirt and pinned him against the wall.

“Ben!” I said, letting out a shriek, as I wrapped my arms around his triceps. I pulled him away from Jonathan who seemed to be breathing heavily. “What is wrong with you?”

“Me? I was helping trying to help you!” Ben huffed, as he sent dirty looks to Jonathan.

I turned to look at Jonathan who seemed to be looking at Ben in amusement. “Maybe it would be best if you just leave.” I said, to Jonathan.

“Whatever, it’s no fun here anymore.” He muttered to himself, as he walked away disappearing into the crowd of people.

“What the heck is wrong with you?” I yelled, becoming frustrated. “This is a ball room not cage fighting arena.”

Ben tilted his head at me, examining me. “I’m sorry.”

I wanted to scream at him for doing something stupid but instead I just nodded casting my gaze onto the floor. “It’s okay.” I whispered, the memories of him and Holly appeared making me feel stupid and a bit queasy.

“No Alice, I am not apologizing for almost beating Jonathan to pulp.” He said, sincerity in his eyes. “But, I am apologizing for the whole thing with Holly and for not being a caring friend and for everything I’ve done. I was stupid and it has been killing me and Holly having you mad at us. “ Ben said, casting his hazel eyes to the ground. “All I am asking for is for you to forgive me.” He told me, his big hazel eyes looking at me through his bangs.

“I don’t know Ben.” I said, quietly. “I want to forgive you, I really do. B-but I can't not right now.” I told, him. “I'm sorry.” I added, quietly.

I felt caught in the middle between wanting to forgive him but at the same time something was telling me not to.

He was quiet for a few seconds probably processing my answer then nodding shoving his hands into his tuxedo pockets. “I understand if I was in your place I wouldn’t forgive myself to easily as well.”

I gave him a small smile. “Thanks Ben, now if you would excuse me I have a family to go and bore.” I said, trying to lighten up the mood.

He chuckled. “Yeah, I should get back to my parents as well.” He said, looking at the people who were now being seated at there tables. “But, Alice before can I ask you something? It’s kind of important.”

I nodded. “Sure.”

He took a deep breath. “Remember when I wanted to ask you something but then I didn’t, and you asked me if I was going to ask you out?” He rushed, out.

I nodded my head, trying to process his words. “Yeah.” I began, slowly remembering the scene. It was awkward for the rest of the week because I never actually got my answer. “Wait, why are you asking me this now?”

He took a deep breath looking me dead in the eye. “Because Alice. I like you, I like you a lot.”

I felt my breath hitch in my throat. “Ben.” I whispered. “Y-you can’t like me, just the other day you were kissing Holly! Remember her?” I spluttered, out.

“Of course I do! But I also know that I like you! Not Holly, you Alice. Why is that so hard to believe?” Ben asked, looking confused.

“Don’t bullshit me Ben.” I said, swearing. “If you liked me you would have never made out with my best friend behind my back! On my bed, and in my room!” I said, my voice rising.

“I was confused!” He said, trying to defend himself.

I shook my head in disbelief. “Don’t give me that. If you really liked me then you would’ve told me when I asked you if you wanted to ask me out, don’t play that with me because I am too smart for that.” I spat. “And I am too smart for your lies.”

I watched as Ben’s face fall. “Alice I swear-"

I raised my head cutting him off. “Please Ben, don’t. You had your chance and you blew it, so if you can please excuse me I have to go.” I said, giving him one last look not before hiking up my dress and walking towards where my family was sitting.

“Alice! Where were you?” My mother asked, as I took a seat next to her.

“I was talking to Ben.” I spoke, hoping that they wouldn’t hear the sadness in my voice.

“Oh Ben’s here? Why don’t we invite him to sit with us? He’s been showing me this-"

“No!” I exclaimed, a little too loudly, cutting Thomas off. “I mean no, because he is sitting with his parents.” I said, trying to play it off cool.

“Um, okay?” Thomas said, dropping the subject, but looking at me with a confused expression.

For the next few minutes it was quiet with only the chatter of the other tables nearby. My gaze went over to Thomas who was quietly eating his mashed potatoes on his plate looking around the room in silence. My gaze then wandered to my mother who was chatting with the ladies next to her. I didn’t bother looking at my dad’s seat because he was too busy at other tables greeting others, instead of with us.

I looked back at my mashed potatoes, feeling complete sadness about Ben and how he liked me. He can’t like me. Can he?

I lifted my eyes from my food, my gaze wandering the area of the ballroom, looking for Ben. When I finally located him, he must have noticed my gaze, because in a matter of seconds he was staring back at me with a sad expression.

I continued to stare back when I heard a glass clicking gaining my attention. “Excuse me!” A voice called, out. Trying to gain everybody's attention. “Can we have your attention ladies and gentlemen?” I heard, the same voice call once more as I saw my father standing in the middle of the room with a smile on his face. 

“I would just like to thank everyone for being here on such a memorable occasion.” My dad said, smiling. “I still can't believe, seven years ago. I would be elected for President, twice. However, this being my last year in office, I would like to thank you all for being here for me. You have all supported me through this journey and I cannot thank you, enough for believing in me and helping me with my campaign. Thank you and enjoy the rest of your dinner!" My dad said, finishing off with a smile as he walked over to us.

The crowd clapped at my dad’s short speech as the chatter resumed. “Great speech, honey.” My mother said. to my dad as he sat down next to me.

“Thank you.” He said, rolling up the sleeves to his tuxedo just a bit, as he dug into his mashed potatoes.

My eyes wandered off to Ben who was sitting at a table not to far from me talking to two adults who looked to be his parents.

I stared at his mom who had her hair in curls and was wearing a long plain black gown. I then looked over to his father,  he was basically just an older version of Ben but with less hair. He was also seemed more built and you could tell because of how his tuxedo fit him prefectly.

Ben must've noticed my gaze because he started looking at me. He then got up from his chair, saying something quick to his parents, probably excusing himself. As he began to walk over here, I began to panic, as I looked around the room frantically looking for somewhere to go. I just didn’t want to face him again.

“What’s wrong Alice?” My mother said, directing her attention at me, in concern.

“Um.” I said, trying to come up with something as I saw that Ben had been stopped by someone and was now talking to the person but it clearly showed he is coming this way. “I am not feeling so well.” I blurted. “I think I am just going to call it a night.”

“Do you want me to come with you maybe get your some Tylenol?” My mother asked, growing concerned at my fake illness.

“No.” I said, loudly. “I just need to lie down.” I told her, getting up from the table and mumbling quick goodbye, before rushing out the room.

Truth be told I just didn’t want to face Ben, not right now anyways. Walking down the hall to the stairs that led to my bedroom. I felt a pang of guilt as I saw flashes of myself rejecting Ben and refusing his apology then running out on him.

I stripped out of my dress, hanging it in the closet, and pulling on some pajamas, before walking into the bathroom and removing all the makeup, I had on my face. Letting my hair out, from it's curls I ran my hands through my short hair.

“One can only hope that tomorrow, will be better than the rest.” I mumbled, to myself before falling into deep sleep.

Chapter Thirteen: Making Things Right

"Twenty-seven, six and three." I mumbled, to myself as I spun the dial of my locker opening it, proceeding to exchange my bag for my books.

"Hey Ali.” I turned, my head to see Sarah smiling brightly at me. I looked at her curiously, she seemed happy but her eyes seemed sad, something I couldn't really decipher.

 “Hey, Sarah.” I said, hesitantly.

“How are you?” She asked, still looking at me with an unreadable expression.

“Good.” I replied, grabbing my books for drama class.

“So where were you yesterday?” She asked, firing another question.

“I was out sick.”

“Yeah, just like Holly and Ben.” She explained, raising her eyebrows.

I nodded. “O-okay?" I was starting to get confused, "Sarah what’s this about?” I questioned, shutting my locker door and turning to her.

“If you didn’t want to be my friend, you could’ve just told me instead of playing the pity card.” She said, looking hurt.

“We didn’t ditch you.” I told her, disbelief clear in my voice.

“So where were you yesterday?”

“You’re not my mother you don’t have to know where I am every freakin’ minute of everyday!” I spluttered.

Sarah’s eyes widened her eyes glistened with tears. “No, Sarah. I didn’t mean that.” I said,  guilt overcoming me. “It- it’s just that, I got into a fight with Holly.” I whispered, my eyes casting down to the floor. “And Ben.” I added, under my breath.

“Unbelievable.” She muttered.

My eyes widened at her harsh response. “What is that suppose to mean?” I demanded.

“It all makes sense now, why Ben and Holly are ignoring each other, why you didn’t come to school and why they didn’t even show up to watch me perform even though you all said you were.” She said, looking hurt.

I wanted to tell her that I didn’t miss school to ignore Ben and Holly. But I knew I couldn’t so instead I just kept quiet. “I’m sorry.” I whispered.

She shook her head. “No Ali, until you get your head screwed on right. It’s best if you leave me alone.”

“Sarah.” I tugged on sleeve, but she walked away.

“Forget it.” I heard her mutter, her red curls bouncing as she walked.

“But what about the talent show?” I called, out to her.

“It’s less than three days away, there is no point anymore.” She said, looking at me directly in the eyes, turning around and continuing to walk into the crowd of people swarming the halls.

I let out a sigh, as I watched Sarah fade into the crowd of people. I had to do something, but I just had no ida to what.


By the time lunch had rolled around, I had been able to steer clear of Ben, Holly and Sarah. Even with Sarah and Holly in my second period class I managed to get by, with keeping my head in my textbook with the occasional staring up at the board when the teacher called upon me.

I trudged towards the library to have lunch. I didn’t want to face anyone especially Ben knowing that he would be looking for me. After his confession, I didn’t feel the same about him and the fact I declined his apology didn’t make the awkward situation any better.

“Ow.” I said, walking into the person who was seemed to be walking in a fast pace towards me down the hall. “Sorry.” I muttered, looking up at the person I bumped into.

He was wearing a blue sweater with a hood covering his face, leaving only his mouth to show. He nodded trying to walk around me to leave. But I quickly moved blocking his way. “Aren’t you going to apologize?” I questioned, the masked person. “After all you bumped into me, as well.” I added.

The person just stood there not saying a word. I did assume however behind his hood he was glaring at me. “Sorry, nerd.” He spoke, trying once again to walk around me.

My eyes widened in recognition, there was only one person in this school who calls me that. “Hey!’ I turned around grabbing the back of his sweater, causing him stop and his hood to fall off revealing his bruised face.

“Oh my God.” I said, to Gavin whose eyes trailed to the ground as his jaw clenched. “What happened?”

“It doesn’t matter.” He spat. “And stop acting like you care.”

I was taken aback at his harsh response. “I am not acting.” I mumbled, hopefully not loud enough for him to hear.

He sighed, rubbing his jaw and looking at me with regret. “Sorry.”

I nodded. “It’s okay. You don’t have to tell me what happened to your face, it’s not my problem it yours.” I said, trying to be considerate.

“Thanks.” He told me, managing to give me a small smile. “I wouldn’t even ask why you are heading to the library, even though you are supposed to be heading that way.” He said pointing towards the direction of the cafeteria.

“I should, but I am not in the mood to deal with backstabbing friends.” I said, referring to Ben and Holly.

A small chuckle, as he rolled his eyes. “So, how is Garrett?” I asked, changing the topic.

“You remember him?” He asked, a little shocked that I could remember the cutest four year old, I have ever laid eyes on.

I nodded my head. “I just met him yesterday and I don’t think I have short term memory loss, so of course I remember him! He’s adorable, so how can I not?”

“He’s doing well. Believe it or not he really likes you, which is shocking because he doesn’t adjust well to new people.”

I nodded., "l I like him too.”

Gavin simply just nodded as he stared down at his old beat up trainers. A comfortable silence fell upon us, while he stared at his shoes like it was the most fascinating thing in the world.

I stared at his face, feeling something at the bottom of my gut as I stared at him. His left eye now had a black eye which seemed to be throbbing, his lips was busted open and he had a deep scar at the top of his right eyebrow. The rest of his face was mainly scratches that would go away in time.

Gavin looked up from his shoes his brown eyes looking back at mines. A sigh escaped his lips. “I bet you want to know, why I am all bruised and battered.” I opened up my mouth to protest but we both knew it was true. So I simply just nodded. “I got into a fight- with my father.”

My jaw dropped as Gavin’s eyes filled with hatred. How could someone do this to him? “I am sorry. It wasn’t my business.” I said, quickly feeling regret as I saw as he looked uncomfortably at me.

He simply nodded. “It’s okay, but for the record if you tell anyone I will simply deny it nerd.” He said, giving me his signature smirk.

I rolled my eyes. It now looked like the old Gavin was back. “Whatever.”

He laughed as the bell rang signaling the end of lunch. “Well I got to get going nerd, see you around.” He turned around and walking the other way as the hallways started to pile with students heading to there third period class.

“Gavin?” I called out to him.

He turned around a questionable look on his face. “Yeah?”

“I am sorry and not for your face, for that day in the parking lot.” I said, staring into his eyes hoping that he would forgive me.

“It’s fine.” He said, “I am sorry too.”

I gave him a small smile. After what he seemed to be going through at the moment I felt that I needed to apologize and not out of pity but from the bottom of my gut. I looked at him one last time as he pulled his hood back up and disappeared into the crowd of people.

I sighed as I looked at my uneaten tuna fish sandwich in my hand. I was never a big fan of tuna, so I was thankful that something came up or I would have no choice but to eat it.

I kept walking down the hall heading to my locker and then to Algebra when I saw a familiar red head walking down the hall. I automatically knew it was Sarah due to her being the only one in the school with bright red dyed hair.

I ran up to catch up with her as she turned around the corner. I wanted to make things up with my friends just like I did with Gavin even though technically he isn’t really my friend. “Sarah!” I called as I saw her stop. I quickly jogged over to her as she looked at me with an annoyed look.

“Yes?” She asked, impatiently. “Could you please make this quick I have to get to music.”

“Listen, Sarah.” I said, ignoring the tone she used with me a few seconds ago. “I am sorry, that I lied and wasn’t honest with you and if you forgive me I can promise that I will be honest.”

A smile broke out on her face. “I was going to forgive you sooner or later. But I am glad I picked sooner and if it is any consolation I am really sorry too I was acting like a real bitch.”

I let out a chuckle. “Its fine, I would react the same way. Well I kind of am with the whole Ben and Holly thing.”

“What happened between you guys anyways?” Sarah questioned, I was quiet for a few moments; Sarah must’ve noticed that I didn’t want to talk about it. “I am sorry, I am prying. It’s none of my business.”

I only nodded having nothing really to say. “But, if you do have any questions feel free to ask me. Alright?”

“Okay, I have one.” She spoke.

I knitted my eyebrows in confusion. “Already?”

She nodded. “Why does Ben always follow you around and drive you around everywhere? Is he like your bodyguard or something?”

My eyes widened. For a short little girl she really did pay attention to her surroundings. I gulped, not knowing how I would answer her question- honestly.

Chapter Fourteen: Bonds & Apologies

I looked at Sarah who was staring at me with wide eyes.

Should I tell her?

A part of me said yes, because Sarah would eventually find out my secet and she would be mad that I kept a big thing from here. But on the other hand, there wasn't really a big chance that she would find out.

“Ben’s parents are close friends with mine. I don’t know how to drive so he takes me places.” I lied, straight between my teeth.

Sarah nodded her head. “Oh, that explains it! But, I still don’t get why he is so overprotective of you.”

I shrugged in response to her question. She thought Ben was overprotective of me? “I don’t know it’s because we are close so you know the whole he’s like a big brother thing.”

“Oh, well that answers my questions. I got to get going I am late for music.” She said, turning towards the direction she was once headed in.

I nodded. “Yeah me too, I am late for Algebra.”

“See you later Ali!” Sarah said, as she proceeded to walk away. “I am sorry for doubting you!” She called out.

I let out a chuckle. ‘It’s fine.” I muttered, softly as I watched her turn the corner.

I sighed trudging my way to Algebra. “Bad boy, bad boy; what you gonna to do? What you gonna do when he comes for you?” I sang remembering the previous conversation with Gavin, when I ran into him down this very hall.

I was a few meters from the classroom door when I heard someone call my name, my real name. “Alice?” I heard, a soft voice say.

I dropped my hand from the door handle and turned around to come face to face with Holly. She was staring at me with red puffy eyes, she was wearing sweat pants and a worn out hoodie and her hair was put into a sloppy bun. She looked terrible considering Holly always puts thought into her outfit everyday.

“Yes?” I answered, impatiently, kind of the way Sarah talked to me a few minutes ago.

“Um, can we talk?” She questioned, fidgeting with her fingers refusing to look me in the eye. “It’s kind of important.”

I let out a sigh, nodding my head. “I’ll meet you in the parking lot after school. I need a ride home.”

Holly perked up after hearing that I’d agree to talk with her. Truth is I wanted to sort this whole thing out. “Great, I’ll see you there.” She said, giving me a small smile and turning around and walking away.

I shrugged as I watched Holly turn around and walk away. I then turned back around opening the door and heading into the classroom.

“Miss Clair, so nice of you to join us.” I heard, Mr. Jennings say sarcastically.

“Sorry, I am late. It won’t happen again.” I told him, truthfully.

I faced the class as I looked for an empty seat to sit in. The only available seat left was next to Ben.

“Miss Clair, can you please take a seat? You are already late, now you are just being disruptive.” Mr. Jennings said from behind me.

I nodded, my eyes scanned the class again, magically wishing that an empty seat would be thrown from the havens and I wouldn't have to sit beside Ben.

I would have to face him sooner or later, but I preferred to pick the latter option. I trudged towards my seat to Ben taking a seat and opening up my notebook.

“Alice. You are going to have to talk to me eventually.”

I rolled my eyes. “Please be quiet Ben. I am trying to focus.” I said, to him turning to face the front, as Mr. Jennings began to speak to the class about balancing equations.

“Listen Ali. I like you and you might not feel the same way about me, but you have to believe me.”

“Ben.” I hissed, “You made out with not only my best friend, but Holly is my cousin too. I am sorry but I don’t like you.” The kid was really starting to piss me off.

“James, Clair!” Mr. Jennings called out, snapping at us. “Stop talking and face the front.”

We both muttered a quick apology under our breath and faced the front. Luckily after that Ben stopped trying to talk to me as I tried to pay attention to what was left of this class.


I was standing outside the school doors five minutes after the bell rang waiting for Holly. We both had Gym last period but Holly told me to go wait outside, due to having to go pick up some assignment for English.

“Ready?” I heard as Holly came up beside me. I nodded as we both walked towards her car in silence.

Once we entered he car and I was seated with my seat belt was on, Holly turned to me as if asking me if I was ready to leave. I nodded my head and she put the car in drive and pulled out of the school parking lot.

We arrived at the gates of the Whitehouse, Holly parked the car. I made no move to get out, knowing that we had to sort out whatever was going on between us.

“My parents are getting a divorce.” She blurted out, looking at her hands that were placed in her lap.

“What?” I whispered.

“My parents are getting a divorce.” She repeated, slowly. “That’s why when you entered your room, you caught Ben and I making out.” She said, with a small smile on her face.

“Oh.” Was the only thing that seemed to be appropriate to say. Yes, my favorite aunt and uncle were getting a divorce, but I didn't really find that a logical excuse to go and make out with my bodyguard and friend, on my bed.

“I was crying, and Ben was the only one there to consult me and it just happened.”

I nodded my head slightly. I felt a guilt ash over me as I remembered what Ben had told me about him liking me. “Do you like him?”

She nodded her head, a small smile appeared on her face. “I do. I never stopped liking him, even when he did.” She spoke, softly a dazed looked appearing on her face.

I managed to give her a small smile. “I am happy for you.” I said, feeling even more guilty, that Ben is refusing to give up on me.

“Alice, I am really sorry if I hurt you in anyway. You know the whole making out on your bed and how I accused you slept with Gavin. It was wrong of me to assume, and invade your private life.” She said looking at me with sincere apology in her eyes. “I am really sorry.”

I gave her a small smile, “I am sorry too. I should have let you explain, instead of kicking you out of my room before you even had a chance.”

Holly let out a small chuckle. “Thanks, I am just glad things will finally be able to go back to normal.”

I nodded my head. “I should get going the guards have been looking at the car for the last five minutes, like it’s from another planet.” I said, motioning my head to the two guards who were by the main entrance staring at the car.

She nodded understanding “I better get going too. I’ll see you tomorrow Ali-Cat!” Holly said as I got out of the car.

I laughed at her childish nickname she made for me, when we were seven. “Aright see you tomorrow Holly-Bear!” I said, chuckling. I was about to close the door, when I suddenly remembered something.

“Holly? Who else knew about the divorce?” I asked, unsure of her answer.

“If you are trying to ask me if your parents knew, then yes. They were the first people to know.” She answered.

“Exactly how long ago?”

“A week or two.” She said, shrugging her shoulders.

I raised my eyebrows, my parents had known for a week that Aunt Teddy and Uncle Jerry were getting divorced, why didn't they mention it to me?

“Thanks Holls, see you tomorrow!” I said, finally shutting the door and making my way to the front entrance.

I waved as Holly backed out and drove toward the gates. She honked a couple of times, when she finally crossed the gates, I opened the front door on a search to find my parents.

“Afternoon Miss Alice," A guard spoke, looking at me as I approached him.

“Afternoon.” I replied, “Do you happen to know where my parents are?”

He nodded his head, “They both went into the Oval Office a few minutes ago.”

I nodded my head in gratitude. “Thanks.”

“I am sorry Miss Alice, but you can’t go in there.” Spoke someone from behind me.

“I’ll be quick I promise.” I responded to the guard standing a few meters away from me. I didn't give him a chance to respond because I had already opened the door and entered.

“Alice?” I heard someone say. I looked up from my shoes to see my mom looking at me with confused eyes. “Why are you here?”

“I had something to ask you.” I replied, glancing at my dad who was seated on one of the couches in his office. His eyes fixated on his computer.

“What is it sweetheart? Did something happen to you?” She asked, worriedly.

I shook my head. “No mom, nothing happened to me. But, something did happen to Holly.”

“You found out about the divorce, didn't you?"

I nodded. “Why didn't you tell me?”

“I- we thought that you knew already.”

“Well, I do now.” I muttered.

“I honestly think we should stay out of this, after all it’s there family problem to deal with anyways.” My dad spoke, for the first time since I arrived.

My eyes widened. How could he say something like that? We are family, aren't we supposed to stick together when the going gets tough? 

“Dad, it’s your sister! How could you say such a thing?” I questioned, my voice beginning to rise.

“Alice. Don’t raise your voice at me.” My dad warned, “I am in charge of a country. I have many duties Alice and Aunt Teddy isn't one of them anymore, she is a grown woman."

“So if I ever get a divorce is this how you are going to act? Like a country is more important than your own blood?” I questioned.

“Alice.” He warned. “You are not going to get a divorce because you will marry, a well respected man who will take care of you in the future.” He said looking back at his laptop.

“I am not five, dad. I can take care of my self. I don’t need a rich snob ‘taking care of me’” I said throwing his words back at him.

I looked at my dad waiting for him to reply, to what I said but he didn't he just stared at his laptop like me talking back to him, did not even affect him in the slightest bit.

“Honey, why don’t you go take your brother out to the park or for a treat or something” My mom suggested, cutting into the conversation, probably because she didn't want it to start into a yelling match in a few minutes or something.

I nodded only because if I didn't I knew this conversation with my dad would end up even worse than it already was. “Alright.” I agreed, looking straight at my father who paid no attention.

“Remember to take one of the guards with you and be home by six, Thomas should be in his room.” She said, taking a seat next to my father and rubbing her hand on his leg, probably to comfort him or something.

I nodded my head, walking out of the room. “Have fun!” I heard, my mom shout as I closed the door.

I let out a sigh, as I leaned against the door. It seemed lately, I was picking a fight with everyone, Ben, Holly, Sarah, Gavin and now my own father.

I made my way down the hallway as I picked up the bag I threw on the floor when I arrived home. I made my way towards the stairs in search of Thomas. Once I arrived at his room door, I knocked waiting for his reply.

“Come in.”

I pushed the door open, walking in. Normally,  I wouldn't knock on his door but I wanted to stop acting like a bitch to everyone and this was a start.

“Do you need something?” Thomas asked, looking up from his book.

I cocked an eyebrow at him. “You’re reading?”

He nodded his head slowly. “Yeah, what does it look like I am doing building a moose?”

“Well, then.” I replied. “It’s just that kids your age would be playing video games or running around in mud.” I told him truthfully, taking a seat on his bed.

He moved over and came and sat next to me. “I think we both established that we are not normal kids.” He replied.

I rolled my eyes. “At least I am trying to be normal, I am going to school.”

Thomas chucked, groaning into his pillow. “Shut up.” He muttered.

“Anyways I came here for a purpose, get dressed we are going to the park then for some ice cream.” I said patting his knee and getting up from his bed.

“What’s wrong with the clothes I have on now?” He asked.

“You are wearing dress pants and shoes, as well as a tie. What isn't wrong with it? Ten year old's these days, don't really consider that as things they would wear to the park. A funeral, maybe?" Thomas glared, at me in return. "Just change into some jeans or something and a hoodie and meet me downstairs in two.” I told him, walking out of his room.

I quickly went into my room and changed into something more appropriate to going to the park. I changed into a pair of blue dark washed jeans, a T-Shirt that said J’adore, on top of that I wore a black zip up sweater and paired the whole outfit together with my favorite black converse.

I then quickly braided the front section of my hair, until it reached my ear pinning it off with a bobby pin. My hair still wasn't long enough to pull in a pony tail, so braids would just have to do for now.

By the time I got down the stairs I saw Thomas and Ricky waiting by the door for me. Thomas took my suggestion and put on a pair of light blue jeans and a green hoodie, he was wearing a light jacket on top, due to being almost the end of February it was getting warmer but it was still a little chilly outside.

“Ready?” Ricky asked, us.

“What are you doing here?” I questioned, him as he opened the door for us, ushering us outside.

“I heard something about going to the park, and wanted to come along. Besides I need a little fresh air.” He said, getting into the driver’s seat of a small black car.

“It seems to me you hear about a lot of things.” I muttered, to no one in general.

Thomas and I took a seat at the back. It was a quiet ride to the park, with the only sounds coming from Ricky as he tried speaking in different accents. Don’t ask, because I don’t even know myself.

“We are here your majesties!” Ricky said, his version of a British accent.

Thomas and I both got out of the car as we made our way towards the playground with a bunch of kids running around.

“I’ll be over there.” Ricky said, pointing to one of the benches were parents sit to watch there child play and interact. “I’ll leave you two to bond.” He said, walking away.

I turned to Thomas. “So what do you want to do?” I asked.

He shrugged. “I don’t know, because If I remember correctly. You are the one who dragged me out of the house.”

“You were reading a book! You should be thankful.” I said, looking around the park for something to do.

I was scanning the playground for something we both could do. “Hey, how about some soccer?” I asked him pointing to a couple of kids playing on what looked to be a soccer field.

“We can’t just go up to them and ask if we could join!” Thomas argued.

I shrugged ignoring my little brother as I started to make my way to the boys. “Excuse me?” I called trying to get there attention.

Two boys turned around to face me, they looked to be eleven or twelve years old. “Do you mind if we join you?”

The two boys turned to each other and shrugged. “Sure. The more the merrier.” One of the boys said. “Oh by the way, the name’s Sam.” He said, pointing to himself. “And that’s Mark.” He said, pointing to the blonde kid who was now talking to the other kids pointing at me and Thomas. He was probably telling them about us.

“I am Ali and this is my brother Thomas. I said to the brunette kid, pointing at Thomas who was standing a few feet away from me.

“Cool.” Sam replied, smiling at us.

At that moment Mark came up from behind him with a soccer ball in hand. “Ready?” He asked, looking at Thomas and I.

I nodded my head,  “Ready as I’ll ever be.” I replied, following the boys while dragging an unwilling Thomas behind me.

Chapter Fifteen: Lost Children & Trips

"You have exactly five seconds to get you lazy ass out of bed before I get the jug."

There could only be one person in the entire world who would say something like that to me. Holly. I groaned turning around and burying my head into my pillow.

“Okay, you asked for it.” I heard, her retreating footsteps as she walked into my bathroom turning on the tap. A few moments later she returned. “Okay Alice, don’t complain saying I didn't warn you…” She said, ripping my blanket off me.

She wouldn't...Would she?

I gasped. Feeling cold water down my neck and seeping through my pajamas and down the back of my shirt. I shot up from my bed, only to have my legs tangled with my sheets landing on the floor with a big thud.

“Holly? What the fuck?” I hissed.

I hardly swear and when I did, it meant I was pissed. And I was big time.

“What? I told you not to blame me! You knew I was getting the jug!”

“I knew that! But I didn't actually think you would have the guts to actually pour cold water on me at…” I looked at the digital clock resting on my bedside. “Seven o’clock in the morning!” I growled.

She shrugged. “Alice after seventeen years of knowing me, were you really surprised that I spilled water on you? You from all people should know better than that.”

I narrowed my eyes at her. “Why are you here?” I said, my teeth clattering together, due to the cold water down my backside. 

“Get dressed we have to pick up Sarah then we’re heading to the mall, it was a while since our last girls night out.”

I groaned. “Do we have to? It’s the middle of the week! And If I do remember clearly we have school.”  I said, standing up and picking up the sheets that were on the floor after my fall out of bed.

“I do remember.” She retorted back at me. “I also remember that Sarah is the final round of the talent show. That means we need to get her a brand new outfit, we have to outshine that slut.” She said, referring to Ashley.

“Do we have to?” I whined, stomping my feet childishly.

Holly nodded her head. “You have ten minutes to get dressed and meet me downstairs. I am going to try to get Marco to make me some food.” She said, turning around and walking towards the door.

“Holly?” I called out, to her.

“Yes?” She said, turning around to face me before she left the room.

“There’s a little flaw in your plan. It’s a Wednesday, my parents will never let me miss a day of school considering I already missed Monday.” I told her smirking.

“I am one step ahead of you my dear cousin. I already asked your mom and she said sure, she even gave me her debit card and told me to go crazy.” She said, giving me a quick wink before sauntering out of the room.

I let out a groan. “Thanks a lot mother.” I muttered, to myself and walking into the bathroom to get out of these wet clothes.


“This is so good Marco.” I walked into the kitchen to the sounds of moaning.

That sounded so wrong.

My eyes scanned the dining room, where my whole family and Holly were sitting and eating. “Slow down there, you’re like a human vacuum cleaner.” I joked to Holly who in return glared at me.

The table sat eight people. I took a seat across from Holly, my mom and dad at the end of the table and Thomas sitting to the left of me.

“Your food.” A lady said, coming up from behind and me and placing a plate that had my breakfast on it which was an omelet in front of me.

I grimaced. I wasn't a big fan of eggs or vegetables, so whoever decided to pair the two together must have been on some type of drugs.

I grabbed the lady’s arm before she could go back to the kitchen. “Um, could you please get me a plate of cookies and chocolate milk?” I asked, hopefully.

The lady smiled in return, she looked to be in her mid fourties. “Sure, Miss Alice.” She said, grabbing the plate she put in front of me a few seconds ago and walked back into the kitchen.

“Cookies and milk is not breakfast.” My head snapped, to my father whose eyes were glued to the newspaper.

“It might not be breakfast, but at least it’s something that I would enjoy.” I muttered.

I looked at Holly who was eating the food on her plate like her life depended on it. “You might want to slow down there Holls.”

She glanced up at me giving me a flat look. “I am sorry, but this food is really good.” She said, her eyes glancing to Thomas and me.

Her eyes stopped at Thomas. “What?” She asked.

I looked over at Thomas; he shrugged his cheeks turning a pink tinted color.

Looks like someone has a little crush…

I smirked, it was a little gross. But, my brother hardly got out I can't really blame him. Holly looked at us in curiosity, she opened her mouth to speak but a plate of cookies and chocolate milk were placed in front of me as I ignored whatever she was going to say, shocing my version of breakfast down my throat.

“So what are you guys planning to do at the mall?” My mother asked, wiping her mouth on the napkin, looking at me and Holly.

“You know go shopping and hang out, the usual.” Holly replied, bringing the cup of orange juice to her lips.

“You get to miss a day of school to go shopping?” Thomas spluttered, looking at us like we were insane. “That’s not fair, I want to go!” He whined, slamming his hand on the table.

“You want to go shopping?” I asked in disbelief. “Yeah, you are definitely not a normal ten year old boy.” I told him, finishing off my cookies and gulping down my cup of milk and rising from my seat.

“Have fun girls.” My mom spoke giving me a genuine smile. “I wish I could go, but your dad and I are flying to England in a couple of hours so I won’t be home when you get back. Stay safe and you, Alice are really lucky Alice that Holly convinced us not to let you guys go without any guards.” She said, looking over at Holly who was talking to one of the maids.

I nodded. “Thanks mom.” I said, walking over to her and giving her a hug and a quick kiss on the cheek. “Stay safe, love you.” I told her, grabbing Holly from her chair and yanking her up.

“We have to get going. Don’t you remember we have to pick up a certain red head?” I asked her.

Her brown eyes widened in realization. “Sarah!” She yelled, quickly saying goodbye to my mom and dad not before sprinting out of the dining room.

I let out a chuckle and looked over to my dad. “Bye dad, see you Friday.” I wanted, to at least say goodbye, even if I was still mad at him.

He looked up from his newspaper glancing at me before looking back at the paper. “Goodbye Alice, have fun.”

I looked at him for a couple of minutes before saying one last goodbye to my mom and exiting the kitchen trying to hold back the tears that were welling up in my eyes.

I expected him to say something more than that, even an I love you, but he didn't. I might have not said it, but it didn't mean he couldn't have said it.

I walked out of the house, thanking the guards for holding the door, walking to Holly’s car were she was waiting patiently inside for me. I opened the back sear as I got in as she started up the engine and drove towards the gates.

“Why are you sitting back there?” She asked, looking at me from the review mirror.

I shrugged, “So, that way Sarah can sit in the front.”

She nodded her head as she stopped the car waiting for the guards to open up the gates to let her through. My eyes wandered to the tourists standing on the sidewalk outside the gates and on the main road. They were taking pictures of the Whitehouse.

They were a lot of them today, probably waiting for my dad’s car to leave so they can get a picture of him before he flies out to England for the next couple of days.

Did everyone know about my parents leaving but me?

The car lurched forward as the car started moving again onto the busy streets of DC, on our way to Sarah’s house and then a dreadful girl’s night out at the mall.


“No.” I said, for the fifth time.

Holly and Sarah looked at me with puppy dog eyes. “Please, Ali.” Holly begged, grabbing my arm. “We use to come to Build-A-Bear all the time when we were younger; you love this shop!”

“Come one Ali.” Sarah spoke up, grabbing my other arm. “We will be in there for five minutes the latest and after that we promise we will go somewhere you want to go.”

“Fine.” I huffed, giving in. The girls let out a squeal running into the shop like they were five again. “Children.” I muttered, to myself following the girls into the store.

My arms felt like they were about to fall off due to all the shopping bags I was carrying. It wasn't only my arms that felt like they were about to fall off but also my feet due to all the walking we've done.

Holly and Sarah dragged me to every store known to man. They also made me try on a bunch of clothes, to be honest I thought this whole thing was a waste of time considering I already have enough clothes in my closet to last me a very long time. 

I walked into the shop, the sounds of children screaming and the feet hitting the floor as they ran around the store in search of the things they need to build there bear. I chuckled, at the memory of how my dad and I use to come here all the time when I was younger.

My eyes scanned the shop for Holly and Sarah. I let out a sigh in relief as I saw them at the stuffing station excitement clear in there eyes. I began to walk over there when a lady stepped in front of me.

“Let me guess you lost your child?” The lady spoke.

She looked in her mid twenties, her blonde hair tied up in a messy bun on the top of her head. Her blue eyes looked at me in annoyance.  I looked over at her name tag, it read her name. Hazel.

“Excuse me Ms?” She asked interrupting me from my thoughts.


She just nodded in return. “So Miss how does your child look? Age? Name? Hair color? Anything that can give us a clue to find him or her. “

I looked at Hazel in bewilderment. “I am not looking for my child! I don’t even have one, I am seventeen for the love of God!”

Hazel shrugged in return. “Sorry, it’s just that so many teenage girls are becoming teenage moms I thought that could be the only reason your in here.” She said, truthfully.

I gave her a look in disbelief. “I am not a mother.”

“Hey! I don’t get paid to judge just to help!” She said, waving her hands up in surrender and began to walk away.

I ran my hands through my hair in frustration. I can’t believe she thought I was a mother! Just because someone is in a store that is targeted to kids and not teenagers doesn't mean that they have a kid.

I walked over to Holly and Sarah who were now at the dress up station. “Where have you been?” Sarah asked, looking over at me.

“I've been around.”

Holly looked at me with a questioning gaze. “Are you going to build a bear?”

I shook my head. “I don’t know.”

“Well you should, make a memory just like you should build a bear.” She said, chuckling at her version of a joke.

I looked around the store, children running around with a new found teddy bear in there hands. I turned back at Holly and Sarah. “You know what maybe I will build a bear.” I told them.

Sarah chuckled trying to put on a red dress on her bear. “Good for you!”

I smiled dropping the bags that I had onto the floor, knowing that they are going to be at the dress up station for a while considering Sarah is having a hard time putting clothes on her bear. Turning around and walking over to wear the bears were laid out for the children. I picked up one of the bears and made my way over to the stuffing machine.

I took the tube that held the stuffing and placed it into my teddy bear. Turning on the switch causing stuffing to blow into my flat teddy bear.

Once it looked stuffed enough I turned off the stuffing machine and was closing the zipper at the back of the bear where it held the stuffing. I was closing up the zipper when I felt someone ram into my legs. I looked down and saw a blue eyed little boy holding a flat teddy bear.

“Sorry.” The boy said looking up at me.

I nodded my head squatting down to his level. “It’s okay.” I told the boy smiling at him, he looked so familiar. “Where are your mom and dad?” I asked him.

“My brother said I shouldn't talk to strangers.” He spoke clutching his flat bear.

“Oh, where is your brother?” I asked him.

The boy shrugged in return.

“Okay, how about we fill your bear with stuffing then we go and look for your brother? How does that sound?” I asked the boy.

He nodded his head enthusiastically. He then held out his flat bear to me, I took it from his hands and walked back over to the stuffing machine switching it on as it began to blow stuffing into the little boys bear.

A few minutes later once it was done, I gave it to the little boy who was patiently waiting behind me his big blue eyes staring at the stuffing machine in wonder.

“Thank you.” The boy said, smiling at me.

“Your welcome, now let’s go find you brother.” I said, holding my hand out for him.

He grabbed my hand and I began to pull him towards the entrance of the store. Now I understand why Hazel asked if I lost my child, who knew so many children got lost in a build-a-bear workshop?

“Garrett?” A voice said, in relief.

I turned around and came face to face with Gavin.

What’s he doing here?

I felt the little boys hand let go of mine’s as he ran over to Gavin. No wonder he looked so familiar, he was basically an exact copy of Gavin except for the eyes. Gavin had brown eyes while Garrett had blue.

Wow I feel pretty stupid! I remember meeting Garrett at the park, but the only difference was that he had a cast.

He must’ve gotten his cast removed.

I smiled at the siblings.  I watched as Gavin picked up Garrett hugging him to his chest. Gavin really loved his brother, he must have been worried, once he realized Garrett was gone missing.

“I turn around for one second and you’re gone! I thought I told you to stay put?” Gavin asked, his little brother.

“Sorry.” Garrett said, paying no attention to Gavin and staring at his bear in awe.

I laughed at the sight of the two. Gavin’s eyes snapped towards me, his eyes held fury but when my eyes drifted to Garrett then back to him. Gavin’s eyes suddenly softened looking at me in gratitude.

“Thanks for finding him and stuff.” Gavin said, his eyes casting towards the ground.

“You suck at showing thanks to people you know that?” I asked, the bad boy.

“You should be lucky I even said thanks.” Gavin retorted, placing Garrett onto the floor and back on his feet.

“You should be lucky I am the one who found Garrett in the first place!” I told him, pointing at the kid.

“Whatever.” He shrugged, grabbing his little brothers’ hand so he wouldn’t run away again.

“So what are you doing here in the first place?”

“Shouldn’t I be asking you that? I thought I was pretty obvious why I was in here?” He said, tilting his head to Garrett.

I shrugged. “It’s not my place to judge, after all maybe you wanted to make yourself a teddy bear for you to cuddle with but didn’t want to be caught in a build-a-bear workshop so you brought a little kid with you so no one would question it.”

Gavin raised his eyebrows at me, and then spoke. “Trust me that is not the case. So why are you here? Making yourself a teddy?”

I nodded my head. “Actually I am.”

Gavin knitted his eyebrows in confusion. “I was just teasing but alright.”

I opened up my mouth to speak but Garrett cut me off. “I remember you! You are the girl who we met at the park! You are the one who caught Kingston!” The little boy said, looking up at me.

I nodded my head smiling at the kid. “You remember!”

He nodded his head, vigorously. “Yeah, are you Gavy’s girlfriend? Because you’re pretty.”

I blushed turning my head. “U-um, no.” I said, stuttering slightly. “I am not Gavin’s girlfriend.”

“Oh, well you should be! Your nice not like Gavin’s other friends that I meet. There mean and all they do is try to kiss him. The little boy said scrunching up his face in distaste. "Sometimes, I think they are trying to eat his face off."

I let out a snort, looking at Gavin who was now glaring at his little brother. “Oh, look at that your brother has better taste than you!” I said, laughing.

Gavin glared at me. I smirked at him in return, sticking my tongue out at him. “Real mature.” He said, rubbing his fading back eye.

I stared at his back eye. How he told me his dad punched him and when Garrett told me his dad pushed him down the stairs that caused him to get a cast.

There dad abuses them. He had too, there was no way that Gavin's cut up fcae, and Garrett's broken arm was from play fighting. Besides, Gavin was way too old for that.

I shook my head, not wanting to even think about that. His dad can’t abuse them Gavin is big and had muscles. But, his father, however had to be much bigger than him.

I looked back at Gavin who was looking at me, well more like studying me. “What?” I asked him, feeling self conscious of how he was staring at me.

He shook his head, like he was coming out of some sort of trance. “Nothing.” He replied.

I shrugged in return, “Well I better get going.”

“Yeah, me too.” He said, still staring at me weirdly.

“Um, Gavin?” I spoke, realizing something.

“Yeah?” He asked, slowly.

“I don’t want to alarm you or anything, but where’s Garrett?” I asked, looking at the empty spot which once stood a bright eyed, four year old little boy.

Gavin looked beside him and quickly turned around, his eyes scanning for his little brother, he turned to me his eyes widening in realization. “Shit.”

Chapter Sixteen: Blackmails & Scoldings

“Ali!” I heard someone shout my name I turned around as I saw Holly and Sarah in the distance running over to me; both there hands filled with shopping bags. “Where the hell have you been?” Sarah asked, slightly out of breath.

“I’ve been around.” I told them, truthfully.

“Around?” Holly hissed at me, her eyes narrowed. “I thought you were kidnapped or something!” She screeched, grabbing the attention of near by shoppers.

“Oh, come on Holly let’s be rationale.” I said humorously, however, In return she glared at me. “I was in the build-a-bear workshop the whole time; where were you two?” I questioned.

“Looking for you!” She yelled, I raised my hands in surrender trying to calm my overdramatic cousin.

“Whatever.” She muttered, dropping the subject. “Just don’t do that again.” She warned, handing me some of the shopping bags I left on the floor of the workshop.

After Gavin had lost Garrett again, we went over to the front desk of the build-a-bear workshop to find someone to help us find Garrett. The person who helped us was Hazel, yup the lady who thought I was a teen mother. She looked at me weirdly when we asked her if anyone had seen or reported a blue eyed, brown haired four year old boy. I am pretty sure she thought I was the mother of Garrett and was just lying earlier about not being a teen mom.

In the end we found Garrett at the dress up station, pissed was an understatement to what Gavin was. I am pretty sure he is considering getting Garrett a dog leash. But, we all know how that turned out when he lost his dog Kingston. So, a leash would be no help due to Gavin losing everything from dogs to children.

“So, where to next?” Sarah asked, interrupting my thoughts.

Just then my stomach grumbled. Holly and Sarah raised there eyebrows at me, I sheepishly shrugged. “How about the food court?”


Once we were done eating we called it a day and Holly drove Sarah and I back home. “You are coming tomorrow? Right?” Holly asked, putting the car in park.

I nodded grabbing my shopping bags and getting out of the car. “Yeah of course, tomorrow is the semi-finals I want to see Ashley’s butt get whooped.” I said, shutting the door.

She smiled, replying with a wave putting her car in drive and driving towards the gates. I looked at the house and noticed Thomas standing by the window. His eyes widening knowing that I had caught him staring he quickly disappeared away from the window closing the curtains.

“Need any help Miss?” A guard said, coming towards me.

I nodded my head handing him my shopping bags. “Yes, that would be great, thanks. If you don't mind taking it to my room?” He nodded, another guard opening the front door for us as we made our way in.

I thanked him once again turning the other way in search of Thomas. I wanted to know why he was staring at me or well Holly’s car in particular.

A few minutes later I found him in the kitchen where I assumed he would be. He was talking to Uncle Robbie who happens to be the Vice President. He and his wife Diane or Aunt Diane as Thomas and I called her also live in the Whitehouse with us, but sadly they had no kids.

“Alice!” He beckoned, patting to the seat next to him.

I smiled, taking a seat next to him. “Hey.” I said giving him a kiss on the cheek and a quick hug.

“How was your shopping trip?” He asked, taking a sip of his tea.

I nodded. “Good.”

“Good. I was just talking to Mr. Thomas over here about his duties.” He said, looking at a slouching Thomas. He was drawing lines with his finger on the counter looking bored out of his mind.

“Duties?” I asked him, confused.

“Yes. Since your parents are gone for the next couple of days I am in charge of you two. And your mother gave me strict orders for you especially.”

Uncle Robbie wasn’t actually needed to go for this trip since him and Aunt Diane already went a few weeks ago to see the Queen they found no real reason of having to go again. So my parents decided that he would be the one to watch us while they were gone and when Uncle Robbie and my parents were gone it’s our cook Marco and maid Melinda who would usually watch us.

“Why me? What about Thomas?” I said, pointing to my little brother.

He shrugged. “All she said was to make sure Thomas doesn’t eat any sweets. Apparently he tends to go over the roof when he gets too much sugar.”

“When I was six.” He said, in annoyance.

I rolled my eyes. “So, back to me?”

“Well first, you aren’t allowed to leave the house without any guards except for school. You have Benjamin apparently.” I nodded my head at that; it seemed pretty rationale. “Next, you have to take care of Thomas make sure he stays out of trouble and third the guards’ families kids are coming over they aren’t many kids so you are in charge of seeing over them.”


“Your mom forgot to tell you when you left this morning with your friends. She was actually the one who was going to see over these kids but since they had to fly over to England for some meeting with the Queen it was too late to cancel.” He said, looking over at the paper where it had all the instructions my mom must have left for him.

I sighed, resting my head on the counter. It was such a late notice, and call me a freak but I liked things planned ahead of time. I didn’t really like when people sprung things on me. “Okay what time will they be here?” I asked, Uncle Robbie.


It was three thirty now, so it gave me half an hour before all the kids started arriving. “Why did my mom even plan this to begin with?”

“The guards’ work hard and are not always around to take care of their spouses and kids so she wanted to help them out a little.”

“But it really makes no sense to why-"

Uncle Robbie’s phone ringing cut me off. He pulled out his phone from his trousers holding his finger out to me, meaning one minute. “I better take this.” He said, looking at his phone. “It’s the wife.” He said, pressing the answer button.

“The wife is upstairs.” Spoke Thomas, for the first time in a while. For a second I actually forgot he was here. Uncle Robbie in return ignored him getting up from his stool he was previously sitting on walking out of the kitchen to probably go and talk to the 'wife.'

“I hope you know that you’re helping me take care of these kids.” I said, turning to Thomas.

“No I am not.” He replied, standing up and walking out of the kitchen.

“Yes you are or else I’ll tell Holly about your little crush on her.” I said, proudly following him.

Thomas stopped his body stiffening as he turned around to face me. “Who said I like Holly?” He asked, crossing his arms over his chest.

I rolled my eyes. “It is so obvious! You were practically gawking at her during breakfast this morning.”

“Doesn’t mean I like her.” He muttered.

“Whatever. But I think it is kind of gross liking your own cousin.” I said, shivering at the thought.

“I don’t like her!” He said, trhough his clenched teeth. 

“Yeah, and I am an alien.” I said sarcastically. “Look, help me take care of the kids and I promise I won’t tell her.”

“Fine.” He replied, sticking out his hand for me to shake, which I shook.

“To be honest I don’t even know why you like her. She’s seven years older than you anyways.” I muttered, as he turned around and kept walking.

“Whatever.” He grumbled, turning the corner and towards the stairs.


“Jenna you’re not allowed to leave this room, I promised your daddy.” I told the five year old, slowly barricading the door with my body.

“But I am bored and you’re mean.” The little girl said pouting.

I sighed; it was like this for the last hour. The guards who were fathers for these kids dropped them off an hour ago and since then it has been nothing but hectic. We weren’t allowed to let the kids out of this room being the private sitting room, so it was pretty much empty with minimal furniture which we moved to the side of the walls to let the kids run freely.

“Well I am sorry Jenna but rules are rules. Why don’t you go play with the other kids?” I asked, hopefully.

For the last fifteen minutes Jenna has been trying to leave. Where? I have no idea, all I know is that she wasn’t allowed and I didn’t want to be the cause of her interrupting whatever the parents of these kids were doing.

“Can I have something to eat then?” She asked, her green eyes perking up.

I nodded my head reluctantly grabbing the little girls’ hand. “Okay, let’s go.” She grabbed my hand as I quickly made my way to Thomas who was under a dog pile of kids.

“Thomas?” I said squatting.

“What?” He asked, harshly.

“I am going to take little Jenna to get a snack, your in charge for the time being.”

“What? Who’s Jenna?” He said, his head poking out from all the bodies on top of him. “You can’t just leave me here with these monsters!”

“It’ll only be five minutes I promise, and then I will come get you out.” I said, patting his head and tightening my grip on Jenna’s hand. I didn’t want to lose her like how Gavin lost Garrett.

Once we were outside the door I made sure to close it, hoping that no kids saw us go out. There were no guards inside the room besides Thomas and I. As well as no guards outside the door, once in a while one of them would come and check on their kids but other than that, it would be pretty much it.

Once I got into the kitchen, I picked up Jenna placing her on one of the high chairs. “So what do you want to eat?” I asked her standing on the other side of the counter.

Marco and Melinda were both with the other guards and there families. So I had no one to make for Jenna food but me. I knew the basics of cooking like eggs and pancakes, but ask me to make you some sort of pasta dish I’m clueless.

“Can I have some cookies?” She asked, giggling.

I nodded walking into the pantry were we held all the perishable foods that didn’t need to be frozen or refrigerated. I grabbed a packet of chocolate chip cookies. “Do you want milk…?” I asked, Jenna walking out of the pantry who was trying to get of the high chair but was too short to reach the floor.

“Jenna!” I exclaimed, rushing over to her to make sure she wouldn’t fall. I grabbed her small little body in my arms, placing her onto the floor. “You could’ve fallen!” I scolded. I sounded like a mother scolding her child for doing something wrong.

“I am sorry.” She said, I nodded my head noticing her two front teeth seemed to be missing as she smiled.

“It’s okay.” I said, ruffling her blonde curls.

“Let’s just get going back before someone catches us wandering around, okay?”

She nodded her head vigorously reaching for my hand. I grasped her small hand into mine as we walked back into the private room where all the kids were. They were around ten to fifteen kids in there; three of them being Ricky’s kids.

I pushed the door opening as I heard squeals and screams from the other kids as they ran around. Jenna grabbed the cookie packet from my hand as she entered the room.

A smile made its way onto my face as I watched her munch on the chocolate chip cookies. My eyes wandered over to a pile of kids jumping on someone.

I noticed a mop of brown hair as the boy was continually getting abused by the other kids jumping on top of him. “Thomas?” I said, finally realizing I left him with a pile of kids on top of him now they were just jumping on him.

I shut the door behind me making sure they were no kids around to escape then rushing over to a beat up Thomas. “Are you okay?” I said, trying to hold in my laughs as I pulled him upright.

He ripped his arm from my grasp, glaring up at me. His hand went over to his brown hair trying to fix it due to it sticking up in all directions kind of like Gavin’s.

“Okay?” He asked, hissing at me.

“I was continually harassed by these demons you call kids.” He said pointing to the kids who were all looking at us with wide eyes.

“Oh, come on Thomas. You always wanted a younger sibling!”

“Yeah, one not fifty of them!” He yelled, throwing his hand up in the air in frustration.

I shrugged, his shirt was crooked half of it being tucked the other not. He was also missing his left shoe and sock.

“So, there is no chance of you helping me ever again?” I questioned.

“Again? I am not helping you now.” He said, letting out a sarcastic laugh. “Good luck Alice; I am leaving and you’re on your own for this one.”

“Thomas.” I whined, following him to the door. He didn’t respond he just opened the door walking out not before shutting it behind him.

I huffed turning around as I watched how all the kids of eyes were on me. “What are we doing now?” I heard, one of them ask.

I let out a sigh. They were about fifteen kids the oldest probably being the same age of Thomas. They looked at me with curiosity in there eyes.

I have absolutely no idea…

Chapter Seventeen: Lost Winners

“I am wet, cold, hungry and I am pretty sure there is something in my shoe.” I complained, wrapping my arms around myself in order to keep myself warm.

I heard Gavin grunt, “Could you please shut up? I am trying to concentrate.”

I sighed, falling onto the floor beside his beside his truck. Confused? Well let me start from the beginning.

*Thirteen hours ago.

“Oh, would you look at that Medusa has finally woken.” Thomas said, looking at me in amusement.

I ignored him, taking a seat down across from him. “Shut up.”

“Well excuse me for speaking the truth.” He grumbled, taking a bite from his cereal.

“Well I wouldn't have looked like this if someone hadn't left me with fifteen kids yesterday,” I muttered.

“There was a reason why I did. And anyways, it wasn't so bad.”

“Wasn't so bad?” I asked, letting out a humorous laugh. “It was terrible, you didn't see what I went through! Those kids, there animals!” I exclaimed, pounding my fist on the table.

“I think you mean demons.” Thomas corrected.

I rolled my eyes, keeping quiet. I had a headache and if I kept arguing with Thomas I knew it was just going to get worse.

“You’re a terrible brother,” I murmured, under my breath.

After Thomas had left me with those kids yesterday I swear to God they just got more hyper. They were running around, fighting with one another and some even tried to leave. But, thank God I got to them before then or else it could have been even more chaotic than it already was. Once I finally got the kids calmed down and it took a good twenty minutes to do so. I suggested reading a fun book or even taking a nap, but the kids automatically turned that idea down.

After relentless arguing with the kids, we finally came to conclusion to play a game. One of the older kids suggested to play hide n’ seek and all the kids agreed. I let the kids out of the room to go and hide we did have a few ground rules but thankfully all the kids abided by them and listened. In the end I found all the kids and by the time we were done hide n’ seek, all the kids were worn out and passed out, myself included.

 “Wow, you look terrible.” Uncle Robbie said, walking into the kitchen his eyes widened.

“So I have been told.” I muttered, stuffing a spoonful of Frosted Flakes into my mouth.

“So, did you have fun yesterday?” Uncle Robbie said taking a sip of his coffee.

“Loads,” I said, sarcastically.

“Well, I am glad you had fun, we should do it again. This time when you’re parents are here.” I rolled my eyes, it seemed Uncle Robbie didn't catch onto my sarcasm.

It was quiet for a few minutes, until I decided to speak up. “Well, I am done.” I said wiping my mouth with the back of my hand.

“Have fun at school,” Uncle Robbie said, his eyes glued to the paper.

I nodded getting up from my chair and giving a quick kiss to his cheek and ruffling Thomas’ hair. “Watch it,” Thomas barked at me, his hands going over to fix his hair.

I waved goodbye heading towards the front door, were I left my bag and shoes. Today was the last round of the talent show, Sarah was in the last round and I was kind of excited. I didn't know what song she was singing because she claimed that it was a surprise.

I sent a quick text to Holly asking where she was. It was already seven forty five and school started at eight. I didn't like getting late to class my drama teacher hated that.

“Need a ride?” Someone spoke from behind me.

I turned around coming face to face with Ben? My eyes widened, I haven’t seen him for a long time and if I remember correctly it was kind of awkward between us now.

I cleared my throat, there was an awkward air filled between us. “I am good thanks, I’ll just have one of the other guards take me.”

“Come on, Alice. You’re just giving more work to the guards. We are going the same way, it’s the least I could do.” Ben spoke softly.

I sighed it was almost eight. I looked back at Ben and saw as he was giving me a pouty face. I sighed, “Fine.” I muttered, reaching down and slipping my feet into my grey converse. “Let’s go.”

“Yes.” Ben said, happily reaching down on the floor and picking up my bag pack. He walked over to the door pulling it open and gesturing me to go first.

I nodded and gave him a small smile and walking out the door and towards his black Toyota. It wasn't like I hated Ben for confessing that he liked me. It was just that I felt bad for how Holly told me she still had feelings for Ben, and after all we went through I would hate for her to get mad at me again or even worse get heartbroken.

Once I got in, I buckled my seat belt looking out the window. I was tired and I am pretty sure I had bags under my eyes and an awkward conversation with Ben was something I didn't need or want at the moment.

“So, how have you been?” Ben spoke up.

I looked at Ben, his eyes were glued to the road. “Good. You?”

“Good,” He responded, taking a quick glance at me, then back to the road.

It was quiet for a couple of minutes until Ben decided to speak up, “Have you been avoiding me.”



“I am not lying,” I told him, lying. But, Ben didn't need to know that.

“You are giving me one worded answers and you keep looking out the window like talking to me is worse than having yourself flattened by a cow.” Ben said, stopping at the red light and turning to face me.

I raised my eyebrows, “Flattened by a cow?” I asked.

“It is eight in the morning my brain is not fully functioning,” He protested.

I shrugged, waving my hands in the air. “I am not judging.”

“Anyways are you going to tell me why you have been avoiding me?” Ben asked, pressing on the gas.

“I am not going to tell you, because I haven’t been avoiding you.”

“Listen Alice, if you don’t like me than it doesn't matter. Okay?” Ben said softly.

“Ben, it’s not that I don’t like you it’s just that I can’t like you.” I mumbled, under my breath hoping that he wouldn't hear.

“What do you mean?” He asked, turning into the schools parking lot and parking his car.

“It doesn't matter,” I said opening the door and stepping out. The bell has just rung and everyone was now making their way inside the school.

“Alice!” Ben said, running behind me. I automatically stopped turning around to face me.

“It’s Ali- not Alice.” I hissed, I didn't want people wondering why he called me Alice. But, thankfully no one was outside the school, so no one heard Ben’s slip up since everyone was probably making their way to their first period classes.

“Shit, sorry.” He said, apologetically.

“Ben, I can’t do this right now. I am going to be late for class and Mrs. Moore hates when I am late.” I murmured, turning around and quickly jogging towards the school ignoring the calls from Ben.


“Abc, easy as 123, or simple as do re mi; abc, 123, baby you and me girl!” I sang, while curling the ends of Sarah’s hair.

“Are you going to stop singing?” Sarah said, looking at me from the mirror.

“Depends are you going to groan every time I sing the high notes?” I asked, raising my eyebrows.

“This is a Michael Jackson song! There isn't any high notes.” Sarah said, in protest.

“What are you talking about? It's a Michael Jackson song! All there is, is high notes!" I argued.

“Please don’t....”

I rolled my eyes finishing curling the last strand of Sarah’s hair. “So you excited?” I asked, turning around the chair so that Sarah could face me.

She shrugged, pinning her bangs back with a bobby clip, “More like anxious, I just want to get over with it.”

“But, you never know maybe you could win?”

“I highly doubt that Ashley has won three years in a row. If she doesn't win then someone better has too.” Sarah said, looking at me her brown eyes filled with sadness.

“Yeah, someone better will win.” I said agreeing with her, “You.”

Sarah rolled her eyes, “Let’s just get me into something to wear, if you haven’t noticed I look like a hobo.” She said, gesturing to her hoodie and sweatpants.

I nodded, “I've noticed. I just didn't want to be rude and say anything.”

Sarah sent me a glare, “You don’t look any better.” She said, nudging me playfully and walking over to her bag and pulling out a dress and some nude color heels.

She held them out to me. “How do they look?”

I nodded my head, “that’s a really cute dress.” Sarah held out to me a red and white dress. The top part of the dress was red, and then when it reached under her chest the dress was white with red splats.

“Thanks,” She chirped. “I am going to get changed.”

I nodded my head, “I’ll be in the audience with Ben and Holly.” She nodded her head, “Good luck!” I said, giving her a thumbs up and walking towards the curtain that led to the front of the theater.

Unlike the first part of the talent show, we just had to go to school to watch the acts and that was if we wanted to go. But, today it was done a little differently. We had our first two classes then had lunch and now for the rest of the day the whole school packed into the theater to watch the acts. Today was judging day, and I was really excited. Sarah refused to tell me the song that she picked, but however she did say it was a song she had wrote herself. So that made me even more excited to hear her sing.

“But, you promised.” I heard someone whine.

“I promise a lot of things, yours was one of them.” I heard a deep voice, reply back.

I noticed Gavin and Ashley standing in front of the exit doors, Ashley had her arm latched around Gavin’s however he kept trying to shrug her arm off.

“I have to go, Ash.” He said, looking slightly annoyed.

She stomped her foot childishly. I let out a bark of laughter, her head snapped to me. As she sent a glare my way, Gavin finally noticed my present and when he did, he looked surprised.

“Did you know eavesdropping is rude?” Ashley asked, her blue eyes narrowing at me.

“Did you know that wearing clothes too tight and too small for you can cut off blood circulation?” I replied.

“At least it shows off my curves.” She said, scoffing.

“Oh, it shows of something. Curves aren't one of them.” I muttered, looking away.

I heard someone laugh and my brown eyes wandered over to Gavin who was clutching his stomach his face going red. A smile soon appeared on my face.

“You find this funny?” Ashley asked, annoyance clear in her voice.

Gavin nodded his head, his laughs fading. “A little.”

“Well if you find this so funny, then we are over.” Ashley said, flipping her dyed blonde hair and stomping away.

“We were never together to begin with!” He shouted, after her.

Ashley walked past me, purposely bumping into me glaring at me. “Sorry,” She said, sarcastically giving me a sarcastic smile.

I rolled my eyes as she walked into one of the room purposely slamming the door. I looked back at Gavin, “Want to explain what just happened?”

He shook his head, “I’ll past on the opportunity, thanks.”

I shrugged, I really couldn't care less what just happened between him and that bimbo. I was just asking and trying to be polite. “Whatever,” I muttered walking towards Gavin brushing past him and out the door. The talent show started in a few minutes and if I wanted a good spot I had to get there quick knowing there already all filled up.

“Hey, where are you going, nerd?” He asked, coming behind me and falling into step with me.

“We are back to that name again?” I asked, a little bit annoyed.

“We were always with that name.” Gavin asked, a smirk on his face

I rolled my eyes, he is so annoying. “To answer your question I am going to go and watch and support one of my friends.”

“You have friends?” He asked, shocked.

“No, I have acquaintances.” I muttered, sarcastically pulling the doors open to the theater and walking in. I was expecting for Gavin to turn around and walk the other way maybe go sit with someone else but once I found a spot to sit, he came and sat next to me.

I let out a groan, “Could you please go and sit elsewhere? Perhaps with one of your idiotic friends?”

“Nah, I am too cool to have friends.” He said, sinking into the seat and opening his legs, so that right knee was touching my thigh.

I pushed his knee away from mine. “Don’t touch me,” I warned.

He opened his mouth to answer back but the host of the talent show appeared on stage and everybody burst into claps.

“Thank you!” He spoke into the microphone his voice booming through the room. “I don’t know if many of you remember me? But I am this year’s host for this year’s talent show. My name is Andy Monte and I am very excited to be here in front of you all!”

Once again the audience burst into claps. I heard Gavin mutter something but I couldn't quite catch it.

“Anyways, I am sure you all didn't come here to hear me go on and on, you came here to watch our amazing talents! So without further adieu I give you Electric!”

A dance group consisting of four boys made their way onto stage, they were all quite handsome. But, I've never seen them before in my life. They were doing tricks in the air, and were all in sync with one another, they were really good. A few minutes later the audience burst to claps standing up giving them a standing ovation myself included.

Once I sat down, I looked back at Gavin who had his eyes shut. He honestly couldn't be sleeping with all this noise. Can he?

I poked Gavin on the cheek, when he didn't move I poked him again this time getting some sort of reaction out of him.  His eyes quickly opening in alarm, shooting up from his seat grabbing my arm and twisting it, in some sort of way that it kind of hurt.

I let out a yelp. When Gavin finally noticed where he was and how he was holding me and the pain in my eyes. He quickly let go of my arm sitting down. “Sorry,” He said looking a little bit worried.

I looked at Gavin my eyes widened in shock, why the hell did he do that? I searched Gavin’s eyes for any answers but he just looked away turning the other way. I wanted to ask him why did he do that, but I didn't want to. I didn't want to take the chance of him trying to break my finger again.

I turned back to the stage, Andy was up on stage a bright smile on his face. “Well come on, let's give them another round of claps for Electric!” He said, his hand gesturing to the four boys with bright smiles on their face waving to the crowd.

“Up next we have Sarah Rose singing an original song she wrote.” Andy said, motioning us to clap which we did.

A smile appeared on my face as I watched Sarah make her way to the microphone that was set up on the middle of the stage. Her nude colored heels clacking against the floor, a smile on her face.

“Hey, everyone!” Sarah spoke into the mic, “This is a song I wrote, it’s called Popular Song. Enjoy”

The song started up, Sarah hit her hand on the mic in a beat, waving her head in the beat of the music. “La, la, la, la. You were the popular one, the popular chick. It is what it is, now I’m the popular-ish.” Sarah sang into the microphone her hips moving to the beat of the song.

“My problem, I never was a model, I never was a scholar, but you were always popular. You were singing all the songs I don’t know, now you’re in the front row, cause my song is popular.” As Sarah sang more and more into the song I began to realize what this song was about.

Sarah was telling her life story in a form of her song, it was the day that she confessed to me about everything that happened with Ashley. The day I was helping her prep for her first song she was singing, everything that she went through she was telling her feelings through the form of a song. And you would realize if you paid close attention to the lyrics.

“Popular, I know about popular. It’s not about who you are or your fancy car, you’re only ever who you were, Popular, I know about popular, And all that you have to do, is be true to you. That's all you ever need to know, all you ever need to know.” Sarah sang the last verse of the song.

The audience was quiet for a few seconds, I looked around and saw a few of them gawking at Sarah their jaws hanging open in shock. Another second later we heard a clap and slowly everyone in the theater was clapping a few of them were up on their feet and soon everyone else was too.

“Go Sarah!” She smiled brightly, giving the audience a few kisses and waves not before running off stage. I sat back down on my seat turning to Gavin who was also on his feet.

“That friend of yours was pretty good.” He said, sitting back down.

“She was? Wasn't she?”

I smiled, that song Sarah sang was really good. Who knew that she write or own songs let alone sing? All I know for now is that Sarah will be a big hit in the upcoming years, if she is actually serious about singing.

Andy appeared back on stage, clapping his hands. “That was good!” He said, enthusiastically. “Who knew someone could write a song that good! Let alone sing as well!” Andy said, he was beaming.

“Next up we have our third act she was our winner for the last three years in the row. And is also a crowd pleaser, especially for the males. Give it up for Ashley Rome!” He said, clapping and then disappearing off stage.

Ashley came up on stage wearing tight black leather pants and a leather jacket under the jacket was a white tube top. Her blonde hair was pulled into a tight high ponytail at the top of her head.

She walked over and grabbed the microphone from the stand. “Hello, fellow classmates! And today I’ve decided to sing a song called by Alicia Keys it’s called No one, enjoy!”

My eyes widened, that song was mostly high notes. And with Ashley’s screeching abilities I doubt she would be able to pull that off.

“I just want you close, so you can stay forever…” She sang, but it sounded a little pitchy.

I winced as she kept singing, she had her signature red lips as she smiled brightly showing off her pearly white teeth. I looked over at Gavin who had his hands covering his ears.

I copied him as she got to the chorus, “No one, No one will ever get what I am feeling for you…”

I looked around the room, if she wasn’t wearing such inappropriate clothes I doubted anyone would want to hear her sing.

A few minutes later this was over and I was thankful as I clapped for her, I was only doing it to be polite. I looked over at Gavin his face was blank. “That sure was something…” I said, he looked at me his brown eyes blank.

“I am just glad that it’s over.” Gavin replied, looking back towards the stage.

Ashley was standing and bowing to the audience, I doubt she was doing it for cause she had too more like cause she wanted to show off her boobs, she gave the audience a few kisses before Andy appeared on stage.

He quickly introduced another act which was a girl doing some weird traditional dance, it was pretty good but she was pretty young. Most probably a freshmen. Once she was done, a boy probably in his sophomore year strummed the guitar, singing I’m Yours by Jason Mraz. The two acts were pretty decent but, I knew they had no chance of winning- no offense.

“Well that was all the final acts for this year, and let me say they were all outstanding I have no idea how the judges will choose this year’s winner.” He said, chuckling, “Well let’s get all our performers up on stage please.”

The boy group Electric, the freshmen girl, the boy with the guitar and Sarah all appeared on stage; following Ashley who walked out first, Sarah took a spot next to Ashely with her being in the middle.

“Well I have the results of this year’s winner in my hand.” Andy said waving the card that a girl just gave him a few minutes ago. “Now before we announce this year’s winner let’s hear it for the acts.” He said motioning for us to clap which we did.

I watched as Ashley whispered something to Sarah her face paling. Her jaw soon began clenching which made me wonder why Ashley had such a smug smile on her face and what did she whisper to Sarah.

“Well, I don’t want to leave you waiting for so long. So in third place we have….”Andy said looking down at his card. “Electric!” The boys huddled together hugging one another giving each other slaps on the back.

The audience began to clap for the boys- they were very talented dancers and I knew they were going to go far. “Now I have this year’s winner.” He said, looking down at the card, “Wow.” Andy whispered, “This girl surprised everyone, no wonder…” He muttered into the microphone. He then looked back to the audience, “Our 2014 winner, for this year’s talent show is… drum roll please…. Sarah Rose!” He spoke enthusiastically into the mic. 

Ashley stepped forward waving her hands in the air, once she realized that her name wasn’t called but Sarah’s her head snapped to Andy. “What? I didn’t win?” She screeched, storming over to Andy.

I chuckled, as she grabbed the card that held the winners name. “This has to be some sort of joke or even prank. There is no way that loser could beat me.” She said, stomping her foot.

“Well she did now get over it.” Andy said, grabbing the card from Ashley’s hand and walking over to Sarah, he grabbed her hand entwining it with his own and pulling her into the middle of the stage. He whispered something in her ear which caused Sarah to go red which made me curious to what he said.

“Let’s give it up for Sarah Rose!” He said, holding up her hand in the air.

The crowd began clapping as Sarah accepted the trophy that the girl was presenting to her, “Thank you, so much! It means the absolute world.” Sarah spoke into the microphone, she took from Andy.

“Go Sarah!” I yelled clapping for her, it was honestly amazing that she won. Who knew that a girl who always had her head buried in a book could win something as big as this? Even if it was just an ordinary high school talent show.

Sarah then waved to the audience one last time before disappearing off stage.


“Congratulations Sarah!” I said, giving her a hug, “I am so proud of you!”

“Thanks, Ali. It’s all thanks to you.” She said, tears forming in her brown eyes.

“So want to go celebrate?” I asked, as we walked outside together, Sarah holding her trophy in hand.

She shook her head, “I would but I can’t I have to go babysit the twins.”

“Well maybe next time,” I suggested, walking over to where her car was parked.

“Do you need a ride?” She asked, opening the passenger’s car and placing her stuff inside.

I shook my head, “I am good I’ll probably get Ben to take me home or something.”

“Okay, I’ll see you Monday.” She said getting into her car and taking off. I waved as she exited the schools parking lot. Holly had to get home as soon as the talent show was over, so she couldn’t take me home. So my only option was Ben, but I hadn’t seen him all morning.

“Lost?” Someone spoke up from behind me.

I turned around to come face to face with Gavin, “Nah, I am looking for Ben. Have you seen him?” I questioned, he shook his head. “Well he’s my ride home.”

Gavin’s jaw clenched, “I can take you if you want?” He asked.

I rose my eyebrows, “Nah, I am good.”

“Come on nerd,” He said, grabbing my arm and hauling me over to his car. “It’ll be fun!” He said, opening up the car door and pushing me in.

And that was all it took for us to get stranded in the middle of Washington.

*Present time

“It’ll be fun you said. Come on nerd.” I said, mimicking Gavin, “Yeah it is a real party getting stranded in the middle of nowhere.” I barked at him.

Gavin had his car hood open. He was trying to get his engine for his old rusty car to start up again. “Well, you came willingly.” He said, grunting.

“Yeah, came willingly that I pushed myself into your car and drove myself to the middle of nowhere.” I exclaimed.

“Look, arguing isn’t going to get the car to start up again, so if you would just shut up and start walking we can try to get home. Okay?” Gavin said, pulling down the trunk of his car.

I let out a sigh, picking myself up from the floor. “Do you even know which was is home?” I asked, him suspiciously.

Gavin shrugged, “We will just go the way we came.”

“You don’t even know which way we came!”

He shrugged pulling on his hood and started walking, I ran after him so I wouldn’t fall behind or get myself lost. We had no cell service and Gavin didn’t own a map so we really had no way of getting back to the city.

I looked at Gavin, studying him. His black eye was now gone, but he did have oil all over his face from trying to get the car to work again. “Gavin?” I asked him softly.

His head turned to look at me, “If you are going to start complaining or be even more annoying than you already are nerd. I don’t want to hear it.”

“No, it’s not that. I just wanted to know why you looked so panicked when you woke up.” I blurted out, before I could even process what I was saying.

Chapter Eighteen: Panics & Softies

Gavin suddenly stopped causing me to run into his muscular back. “Ow?” I muttered, rubbing my nose. He turned around to face me rolling his eyes at what is probably my clumsiness.

“Man up, or in your case nerd up.” He muttered, turning around and continued walking.

“Rude, much?” I muttered, and jogged up after him so I wouldn’t fall behind. “You didn’t answer my question,” I told him, my eyebrows rose in curiosity.

“What question?”

I rolled my eyes, “Why did you look so panicked when I poked you in the theatre? And why did you almost break of my finger?” I asked, questioningly.

“That’s two questions, I believed you said one.” Gavin stated, a smirk on his face.

I let out a groan, “God dammit answer the question you nimrod!” I said, exasperated.

“Fine,” He grunted out. I heard him mumble something under his breath but I didn’t quite catch it. “I didn’t look panicked, I don’t know what you saw but it was definitely not panicking. I don’t get panicked.”

I knitted my eyebrows in confusion, the nimrod wasn’t making any sense. Everyone panics, it’s called being human. “Um, yeah you did.”

“Well even if I did it doesn’t concern you.” He spat, picking up his pace.

I let out a sigh, “Why are you like this?” I asked him, jogging up to him.

“Like what?”

“Like this; you can be an annoying nimrod and manwhore at one point then at another point you could be this conceited jerk that is like the devil spawn himself.” I told him truthfully.

Gavin then stopped, whirling around to face me his eyes filled with fury. “Well I am sorry that I am not perfect, I am sorry that the only person I actually love is my little brother, I am sorry that when I wake up I feel tense and panicked, I am fucking sorry Ali that I can never do anything right.” He spat.

It looks like I hit a sore spot…

My brown eye bored into Gavin’s. “I am not asking for your life story Gavin, all I wanted was some answers.” I said, jokingly trying to ease the awkward atmosphere.

His stiff shoulders, suddenly began to relax. “Not funny.” He said, turning back around to continue walking.

I sighed dropping the subject as I followed him to wherever he was going, I didn’t want the risk of him going crazy on my ass again. I wrapped my sweater around me tighter, the wind was beginning to pick up and I was really starting to regret not bringing an extra coat or any coat for that matter. But how was I supposed to know that he was going to bring me to the middle of nowhere?

It was quiet for a few minutes the only sounds of our feet as it hit the pavement, “You cold?” Gavin suddenly asked, all thoughts of him yelling at me a few minutes ago disappearing. He lifted his hood from his face so I could see his eyes clearer.

I nodded my head slightly, “Um, y-yeah.” I said stammering slightly.

“Well there’s a gas station up ahead, we should be there in about twenty minutes so make the most of it until we get there.” He said his head turning around to face straight ahead.

My jaw dropped, I actually thought he was going to give me his coat like a good gentleman. But, no the boy says just hang tight we will be there soon.

Well it is Gavin, what do you expect?

I expected actually a kind gentlemen but that was all thrown out the window the day Gavin opened up his mouth. Like honestly if you are going to ask a girl if you are cold, she expects you to give you her your sweater or even try to warm her up in anyway. It honestly makes me wonder what girls see in him. Yes, he is a bad boy. Yes, he is good looking but that is basically it.

“You were home schooled right?” Gavin asked, startling me from my thoughts.


“I said ‘you were home schooled right?” He repeated once more, this time more slowly.

I nodded my head, “Yeah…”

“Why did you decide to come to school all of a sudden? Like there’s nothing really great about it, all there is drama, teachers yelling at you when you didn’t do your homework, friends who aren’t really your friends. If I was you, I would’ve chose to continue homeschooling.” He rambled.

I looked at Gavin in confusion, he’d rather become home schooled? Maybe I would too if I actually had a good teacher instead of one who is always on your tail for late assignments. “Well, I’ve always wanted to see how the high school life is, is it really the way they portray in movies and books? Can the nerd actually find her true love? Can the jock actually be the nice guy? Can the bad boy be all soft inside?” I said speaking my thoughts.

He let out a low whistle, “Either you have a very active imagination or you read way too much.”

I let out a chuckle, “Shut up, because it can really happen. One of them already came true.”

Gavin’s eyebrows knitted in confusion, “What do you mean?”

“Well, the bad boy he is a real softie inside.”

“Who’s this bad boy?” He asked, looking very confused.

“You.” I stated.

That caused Gavin to let out a bark of laughter, “Me? That’s a real good one nerd.”

“Well I am not lying, you are a huge softy with Garrett.” I said, smiling, remembering the day in the build a bear workshop when Gavin finally found him, he was hugging him to his chest like a kid and his teddy bear.

“Well excuse me for being afraid of my mother. If she found out I lost Garrett again, I don’t know what she would do to me.” Gavin said looking slightly scared as he recalled the memory.

“Your afraid of you mom?” I said, chuckling.

“Hey!” He whined, “Don’t judge you would be too, if you met my mother!”

I rolled my eyes, who knew the big bad boy was afraid of his own mother. It was quite hilarious if you think about it, especially since almost everyone at school is afraid of him.

“Hey look!” Gavin spoke pointing. I followed his finger to where he was pointing and noticed the gas station, the same one Gavin was talking about earlier. “We are finally here.” He said, breaking out in a jog towards the station.

I quickly began to follow his actions as I caught up to him, I wasn’t really the running type but I didn’t want Gavin to start barking at me or making fun of me because I couldn’t run or something. Gavin finally stopped at the entrance of the station, looking behind him like he was waiting for me.

It looked like a pretty old station, there were no cars beside the old beat up red one parked near the back of the station. “Do you think this is safe?” I asked warily, the lights were flickering. 

“This is our only choice, nerd. So man up, stay close and follow me.” Gavin spoke, pulling the door open of the gross station and walking inside.

Not wanting to be left alone where a kidnapper could come up behind me and easily take me, I followed Gavin. I swear, he just kept leaving me behind.

“Excuse me?” Gavin asked, walking up to the old man who was smoking a cigarette and flipping a magazine looking bored out of his mind. “Do you have a phone book laying around here?” He asked, the old man who looked at us warily.

The man turned around grabbing the old phone book from behind him placing it on the counter handing it to Gavin. The old man then looked at me, finally realizing my presence. “She your girlfriend?” The old man said, in a raspy voice.

Gavin looked at were the old man was pointing looking up from the phone book and looking at me. “Sure.” Gavin answered simply, looking back at the phone book.

I stared at the old man ignoring the fact the Gavin just basically implied to a random man that I was his girlfriend. He was probably in his fifties his black hair starting to go grey. He seemed to be a Spanish decedent, tanned skin and dark eyes kind of like Gavin.

The old man continued to stare at me, and I only did the same and continued to stare back. He was kind of creepy looking. I then focused my attention back at Gavin who now fished out his phone and was typing something.

“Do you have a phone I could use?” Gavin asked.

The old man nodded his head once more pointing to the phone near the back. Gavin nodded his head and turned around walking towards the back of the station. “Is it just me or do you think the guy looked really creepy too?” I asked.

Gavin shrugged in return, “I’ll be a right back, I need to go take a piss.” Gavin said, walking towards the doors that were most probably the bathroom.

My eyes widened as grabbed his arm, before he could leave. “You are leaving me alone with an intoxicated man?” I said, my eyes wandering over to the old man who was behind the counter staring at me and Gavin.

“Well if you want to join me in that piss or something more…” He trailed off.

I felt my face get hot at the thought of me joining Gavin in something as perverted as that, I slapped his arm, “Just go take your piss.” I said, in an annoyed tone.

Gavin let out a chuckle, probably at my red face. “Don’t miss me too much!” Gavin called out before disappearing to the back room.

I glanced at the old man who was still behind the counter who was now looking at me. I wrapped my arms around my small frame as I walked towards where they held drinks and snacks. I really shouldn’t be eating probably from some nasty gas station but you would too if you hadn’t eaten anything since morning, and anyways Gavin probably had some money on him to feed my rumbling stomach?

My eyes scanned all the drinks, but the only ones that really caught my eye was the soda. My parents never really allowed me to have those kind of drinks, or even beer and alcohol. I pulled open the fridge and grabbed a diet coke. I was now really hoping Gavin had some money on him.

My thoughts were interrupted when I felt someone’s presence behind me. It was probably Gavin, coming back from taking his piss. I rolled my eyes, why couldn’t he just say I needed to go to the bathroom? Why did he have to use the word piss? I felt Gavin press himself on my back.

“Do you mind?” I said, not bothering to turn around, as my eyes scanned the coke bottle for the expiration date. Did soda even have expiration dates? I felt Gavin press himself onto me even more. Now he was just being a perverted idiot. “What in the world are you-" I said, turning around coming face to face with the intoxicated man from earlier.

“Hey chica.” He spoke his words slightly slurred. “Why don’t you ditch that phony and I can give you the ride of your life?” The old man asked suggestively.

My eyes widened, was a fifty year old guy actually hitting on me? “N-no thanks.” I said stammering slightly due to him pushing himself on to me, it reminded me on my first day of school when Gavin did the exact same thing to me. The only difference was that Gavin didn’t reek nor was he intoxicated.

“Why not?” He whined his nasty breath fanning my face.

I swallowed down the urge to gag he smelt like beer and cigarettes. “No thanks.” I said, trying to push him away from me, but he didn’t budge. It was really starting to make me wonder how long it takes Gavin to pee.

“You are real beautiful you know that?” He said his hands going and gripping my cheek. “It’s a shame if something were outta happen to you…” The man said hiccuping.

I was beginning to get scared, was this what Ben meant when he said you don’t know who is out there? What was this old man going to do to me? I was beginning to get even more scared as the time ticked, I had a full life ahead of me. “L-let me go.” I spoke trying to sound threatening. My father gave me lessons to what to do, if something like this ever happened. But, I was in too much of a shock to do something.

“Why?” The man asked his hands wandering down the side of my body stopping below my butt.

I felt tears prickle the corner of my eyes. As I shut my eyes, was this how I was going to lose my first kiss? At a nasty old gas station? Let alone, my virginity? “Let me go.” I said, giving the old man a push, with everything that I could muster.

I heard a throat clear, “You heard the girl let her go.” I heard someone say in a threatening manner, as I felt the old man being ripped off me.

I closed my eyes as the can of soda fell out of my hand as I slid to the ground wrapping my arms around my knees. I wanted to cry so badly but I didn’t I couldn’t. I opened my eyes to see the old man on the floor his face pooled with blood. But what shocked me was Gavin who was straddling the man punching the man repeatedly even though he looked to already be passed out.

“Gavin!” I called crawling over to him wrapping my hands on his fist where he was about to hit the man again. I wrapped my hands around his fist, “Stop!” I croaked out.

He slowly looked at me, his eyes softening as he got off the man and wrapped his arms around me. “I am so sorry mom.” He said, softly.

I wrapped my arms around Gavin’s tense body as I melted in the warmth that his body was radiating. Not in a million years would I have ever thought that I would be on the floor of a gas station hugging a bipolar bad boy who just saved me from almost getting me raped.

I took a deep breath trying to blink away the tears that were threatening to come. I wanted to blame somebody, Gavin especially. But, I couldn’t not after what he did for me.

“Thank you,” I whispered, into Gavin’s chest.

“Anything for you mom,” He choked out. “I am sorry.”

I knitted my eyebrows in confusion. Did he just call me mom?

Chapter Nineteen: I Loved Her

“That is not fair,” I said, to the screen in front of me.

“Well you should have thought about how it would affect you before you decided to run off with some boy, again.” My dad said, a tired look plastered onto his face.

“So I ran off again without permission, are you honestly going to ground me?” I asked, crossing my arms and leaning back on my chair. “You can’t ground someone, when you aren’t even in the country let alone the continent.”

My father gave me a warning look, “Don’t start with me Alice.”

I sighed, “Come on, dad. You basically kept me locked up the last eight years of my life I was expected to rebel sometime.”

My dad let out a long sigh. My parents decided to stay in England for another week, and apparently the word got out that I disappeared off again so my dad decided to Skype call me.

“I am just trying to do what is good for you, Alice.” He said, tiredly.

“Good for me or for you?” I challenged.

From the corner of my eye I saw Ricky giving me a warning look he was waving his hands up in the air. “That’s it, Alice. You are now officially grounded.” He said, in a threatening tone.

“Didn’t we already establish that I was grounded?” I asked, confused. “And anyways grounding someone isn’t going to do you any good. Don’t you remember how well it worked out last time?”

My dad let out a long tired sigh, “This conversation is over, Alice.”

I rolled my eyes, clicking the button to end the call with my father. “I hate you,” I muttered to no one directly.

I stood up from the chair I was previously sitting on, there were about four guards in the room while I was talking to my dad. One of them being Ricky.

“If you were my daughter I would disown you.” Ricky said, following me out of the room.

I rolled my eyes, “If you were my dad. I would kill myself.” I replied heading towards the stairs.

When we finally got some gas to get out of that old gas station, we called a taxi to drop us home. I was dropped off first being dropped off the same place Gavin dropped me off on Valentine’s Day on Pennsylvania Avenue, no questions asked. I still didn’t know why he took me out on a date or whatever we call it, in the first place. But it was Gavin, one of the most bipolar teenagers I’ve ever met.

But, thinking of Gavin and the whole gas station incident. I remember him calling me mom, which kind of confused me. Did I look like his mom? But what I really wanted to know was that did something similar happened to his mom? But, why would something happen to his mom if he told me he was afriad of her?

My thoughts led me to my room as I stripped out of my clothes. Ricky was no longer following me, I didn’t actually notice until I got into my room. I was too consumed by my thoughts. I tossed my clothes into the hamper leaving myself only in my undergarments.

I walked into my bathroom, turning on the water. I removed my hair from its bun, taking all the bobby clips out that I used to hold up all the stray pieces, letting my hair flow freely down my back.

I stared at my reflection in the mirror. I didn’t look much different from the makeover my mom and Holly made me get when I was starting school. The only difference was that I cut my hair, and it was dyed a darker shade then it was. Looking to be almost black.

I ran my fingers through my hair. As I hopped into the shower, most people would kill to be the President’s daughter, but I despise every bit of it. Like what’s the point if all you do, is work and get in trouble. Because trust me it isn’t as glamorous as it seems.


“So let me get this straight, you got grounded again, because you ran off with Gavin and didn’t notify anyone?” Holly asked.

I nodded my head, “Yup that seems about right.”

She rolled her eyes, “So what did you guys do?”

I explained to her the whole story about how he was taking me somewhere, I still didn’t know where, due to the fact the idiot got us lost. You expect someone who has lived in DC probably for most of his life to know the way around but no, he doesn’t.

Holly let out a chuckle, “He got you lost?” She said, in between laughs.

I nodded my head, “That’s Gavin for you.”

She let out another chuckle, “So what’s up?”

“Nothing, really. How is it going with you and your parents?” I questioned, leaning on my bed.

She shrugged, “They are just getting the divorce papers finalized. And then we will see who will get custody of me.” She said, sighing.

“Are they going to stay in DC?” I questioned, wanting to know the answer that’s been on my mind since Holly told me about the divorce.

She shrugged, “I don’t know, it depends who has custody of me.” She repeated.

I nodded my head, Holly was an only child. So the parent who got the custody of Holly would be a challenge, she had the right to choose which one, but Holly didn’t want to do that. She’d rather have someone else do it for her.

“Enough, about all this sappy, sad stuff.” Holly said, smiling. “Let’s go do something!” She said, getting up from my bed and motioning for me to follow her.

I rose my eyebrows at her. “If you don’t recall, I am on lockdown.”

“So, let’s sneak out. We did it before!”

I rolled my eyes, “Holly if you don’t remember or if you might’ve hit your head to hard when you fell. There are two guards outside my door at this very moment. They aren’t letting me leave.”

Holly groaned, “Can we at least get some food? I am hungry.” She said, patting her flat stomach.

I nodded my head rising from my unmade bed. Usually Melinda my maid would come and make my bed, but considering it was Saturday. And I haven’t left my room all morning, she didn’t bother coming in.

“I’ll be right back,” I said, opening the door. “Don’t touch anything.” I said, pointing my finger at her.

She raised her hands in surrender, her green eyes widened. “Don’t worry, I won’t” She said, flopping down on my bed.

I walked out of my room only to walk right into the guard standing outside. “Um, do you mind?” I asked, as they turned around looking down at me.

“I am sorry Miss Alice, but we are given strict instructions not to let you out of the room.”

I sighed, trying to walk around them. If only life were to come with instructions. “I just have to get some snacks for Holly. I won’t sneak off, I promise.” I said, placing my right hand on my heart.

The guards looked at each other briefly before moving away from each other to let me through, “Thank you.” I muttered, heading towards the stairs and to the kitchen.

“Aren’t you supposed to be in lockdown?” I heard someone, say.

I turned around coming face to face with Ben. It seems like he is everywhere these days. I nodded my head, “Yeah, but Holly was hungry so she sent me to go and get us some food.” I replied, turning my heel and continuing my journey to the kitchen.

“Well, get some peanut butter and crackers, oh and some chips.” He said, following me.

“Why?” I asked, opening the door to the pantry and getting all the items that he said.

“Because,” He replied licking his lips. “Those are all Holly’s favorites.”

I rose my eyebrows at him dumping all the food down on the counter, “How do you know that?” I asked, him suspiciously.

He shrugged, “Whenever, Holly would come over she would always ask for that.”

I looked at Ben in shock, “And you remember that?”

He nodded his head, “I loved her.” He said, softly.

My eyes widened at his confession, I stared at Ben in shock. He loved Holly? “O-oh, well that’s good to know.” I said, stammering slightly.

He nodded his head, running his hands through his brown hair. “You’re not going to tell her right?” He asked, looking frustrated.

I nodded my head, confused. “Yeah, sure.” I said, grabbing all the snacks and scooping them in my arms.

“No, really. Don’t.” He said.

“Don’t worry Ben, you’re secret is safe with me.” I muttered, walking out of the kitchen and towards the stairs. If I didn’t get these snacks to Holly soon, she was sure to get mad.

I let out a sigh as I trudged up the stairs and towards my room, if only Ben liked Holly instead of me. But, he did say he loved her, so it has to count for something. Right?

Chapter Twenty: Dances & Partners

“Everybody’s looking at me now, like ‘who’s that chick with rockin’ kicks?’ She’s gotta be from out of town. So hard with my girl not around me. It’s definitely not a Nashville party. Cause all I see are stilettoes, I guess I never got the memo.” I belted on the top of my lungs dancing into the dining room for breakfast.

It was currently seven in the morning, and I was currently in the best mood. Even though it was a school day, and a Monday. It might seem like I had no reason to be happy, but I was.

I ignored the looks from the guards as I danced past them. I live in the Whitehouse for almost eight years, they should be used to it by now.

“Someone is in a good mood.” Marco our head cook said to me as I took a seat in my chair, across from Thomas.

“I am in a very good mood.” I said, nodding my head, “Mom and Dad are coming home today.”

Marco’s eyebrows knitted in confusion, “You are grounded. Why would you be happy?” He questioned.

“Because,” I spoke, swallowing the food in my mouth. “Mom is always chill about groundings, so she will talk to dad and my grounding will be over.” I said, smiling.

“It still doesn’t explain why you are in a good mood. Considering you basically snapped at your father last time.”

It was now my turn to look at him confused, “You knew about that?” I asked.

He nodded his head, drying his hands on the cloth that was perched on his shoulder. “News travels fast, around here.”

I shrugged, looking back at the eggs on my plate. It didn’t really bug me, I wasn’t one to care about what people thought about me.

When I didn’t reply to Marco, he took that as his cue to leave walking out of the dining room and back into the kitchen. Probably going to go prepare for my parents arrival.

I quickly finished off my breakfast, getting up from the table and walking out of the dining room. Thomas was awfully quiet today, all he did was stare at his breakfast. And considering he had pancakes on his plate- his favorite meal, he didn’t look very happy. I was going to question him, but I’d rather not talk to Thomas when he is in a bad mood. He tends to snap.

I walked up to my room which was still being guarded by the two guards who were there on Saturday, I don’t think they moved, they were there all weekend. I guess they took their job seriously unlike Ricky.

“Morning guys.” I said, smiling at them.

They only nodded in return, shuffling aside to let me through. I ignored there no replies, walking into my room to get ready for school.

I quickly stripped out of my pajama shorts and long sleeved shirt, grabbing undergarments from my drawers and walking into the bathroom. I didn’t really have time to take a shower, due to the fact that Ben was probably somewhere downstairs waiting for me so we could go to school.

We decided it was best for him to take me to school, since he usually just drops his mom of here around this time. And it would save Holly the gas to come and pick me up.

I quickly brushed my teeth once again, then running a brush through my hair trying to get all the knots out. My dyed brown hair was beginning to fade back to its light state. I made a mental note, to tell my mom that I needed to re dye it. We wouldn’t want anyone making any sort of connections.

Once I was done combing my hair, I threw my hair into a low pony tail. I didn’t really have time to make myself look presentable, but this would have to do for now.

I walked back into my room grabbing a pair of black skinny jeans and a white top, I quickly scanned myself in the mirror. “This would have to do.” I muttered, to myself grabbing my school bag from the chair and walking out of my room.


“For today’s lesson we will be learning how to perform in front of an audience in a different way.” My drama teacher Mrs. Moore said to the class.

We were currently in our schools theatre, there was about twenty minutes left of first period, and I was counting down the minutes.

“Many actors and actresses we know these days somehow end up on Broadway, preforming their talents through singing and dancing.” Mrs. Moore spoke, her voice booming through the theatre.

I slouched down in my seat, I was really bored. I looked down at my nails, as I picked on the nail polish that seemed to be chipping off. I tuned out Mrs. Moore, she wasn’t a boring teacher it just that I wasn’t really a fan of getting up on stage considering I really have no unique talents.

“So today, we will be doing something a little different…” She said smiling at the class, “I know it will be a huge leap for some of us, but by the end of this you will all love it!”

I looked at Mrs. Moore, with a bored expression. I had absolutely no idea where she was going with this and I didn’t want to know.

“We will all be put in pairs, and you will have to create a dance!” Mrs. Moore said excitedly clapping her hands.

My eyes widened as I looked at the lady in shock, okay make me memorize a few lines that’s alright but you want me to dance, with people I don’t even know. That is not happening.

“Yes, Mr. Wilson,” Mrs. Moore said, directing her attention at the boy who was seated behind me.

“I signed up for drama class not dance class.” He grumbled.

Mrs. Moore shrugged, “I am well aware of that, Mr. Wilson. However, I am the teacher and you are the student, and I could change up the course if I wanted too, which I am.”

Whispers and groans arose from my classmates, as they spoke to one another. I just sat there as I watched my classmates groan in annoyance. I didn’t want to dance either, but seeming I had no choice.

“Settle down!” Mrs. Moore yelled, trying to quiet us down, but we ignored her as classmates continued to whisper to one another.

The door of the theater swung open shutting with a loud thud. I turned my head to see who walked in, the person’s figure was noticeable as it took a seat at the back of the theater.

The class was now silent as we all stared at the dark figure at the back of the classroom. Mrs. Moore wanted us all to fill up the first two rows of the theater, not wanting us to be scattered around the room.

“Can I help you?” Mrs. Moore yelled, probably to the person sitting at the back.

The dark figure got up, walking down the aisle and towards our class, I kept my eyes trained on the person as the light was now hitting the person’s face look more noticeable.

The person walked down the aisle stopping at the end of my row, looking at my teacher, “I’ve been transferred to this class.” He spoke, pulling down his hood.

My eyes widened as I took in the person’s face, it was of course Gavin. I rolled my eyes, as my classmate’s then began to whisper to one another once again.

“What brings you here Mr. Storm?” She asked, walking down the steps of the stage and towards Gavin.

“As I mentioned before.” He said, “I was sent to this class.”

“And why is that?” She asked taking the slip of paper from his hand, her eyes scanning whatever it said.

“Because I need an art credit to graduate, and this was the only other art elective I could take.” He said, in an annoyed tone.

“What class were you in before?”  Mrs. Moore asked.


“Then, why are you here? You already had a credit.” She said, looking somewhat confused.

“I got kicked out,” Gavin said simply, taking a seat at the end of the aisle, next to some blonde girl looking like she was just about to pass out.

“And why was that?” Mrs. Moore asked, placing her hand on her hip.

“They were some problems that the teacher had with me.” He said, trying to make it sound like he wasn’t just kicked out of a class.

Mrs. Moore let out a sigh, “Fine but we better not have any problems in this class or I won’t hesitate to kick you out, as well. Am I understood?” She asked, Gavin.

He waved his head dismal, looking at the blonde girl next to him.

Mrs. Moore nodded, walking back towards the front of the class, “As I was saying we will be doing a dance, I will be pairing you up. So no complaints, am I understood?”

The class let out a yes, as Mrs. Moore then began to read out the list of names, “Jenna and Michael, Elizabeth and Jessie, Donald and Victoria, Hailey and Adrianna…” I tuned her out after that, patiently waiting for her to call my name.

“And lastly, Sarah and Ali,” She said, smiling at me.

I silently thanked her I wasn’t going to end up being with Gavin for this project; I didn’t even think I heard his name being called out.

“Excuse me?” Gavin called out, “You didn’t announce my name…” He said.

“Oh, yeah I am sorry.” Mrs. Moore said chuckling. “Since you’re new I guess I forgot to put you in a group.” She said looking at the list, by now everyone was already with there partner.

Since Sarah wasn’t here today, I just stayed in my seat. “I guess I will put you with Ali, considering her partner is absent for today. You guys will be in a group of three.” She said looking at me.

I knitted my eyebrows in confusion, I am with Gavin for this project? I looked at Gavin who had a shocked expression on his face, I made no movement to go and sit next to him considering there was only five minutes left of class.

I glanced at Gavin from the corner of my eye, he seemed to have a smug look on his face. I shrugged, waiting in my seat for the bell to dismiss us from class.

When it finally did, I got up from my seat like everyone else, walking towards the theaters door. “I guess we are partners…” Someone spoke next to me.

I turned my head, looking up to see Gavin, “What do you want?” I asked, groaning.

Ever since, the whole getting lost thing and him calling me mom. Which I still hadn’t questioned him about, I was trying to stay clear of him. It was pretty embarrassing seeing myself so weak and pathetic in a situation like that. Considering, my dad made me take self-defence classes if something like that were to ever happen to me.

“Nothing, I just want to know when you’re free.” He said, walking with me towards my locker.

“I am not going out with you,” I muttered, grabbing my chemistry books, and shutting my locker.

“Relax, I wasn’t asking you out on a date, but if you want to just let me know.” He said winking at me, “I wanted to know when you’re free to work on the dance.” He explained, following me.

I shrugged, “I don’t know. We will talk about it when Sarah comes tomorrow, okay?”

“Who?” He asked, confused.

“Sarah, the red head who is in our group…”

“There’s another person in our group?” Gavin asked, shocked by the news.

I mentally groaned, I had enough of Gavin for one day. “Let’s just talk about this tomorrow,” I said to him, not giving him a chance to respond and quickly walking away.

I passed by students as the bustled past me, as we all tried to get to our second period class. I felt someone’s presence next to me as I turned my head, and noticed Gavin beside me.

I stopped causing him to run into me, “Why are you following me?” I asked, annoyed.

“I am not following you,” He said, a smirk playing on his lips.

“Yes, you are.” I stated.

“No, I am not.” He protested.






“No-“He began but I cut him off with a glare.

“Could you just go, to like class or something?” I asked, in a pleading tone.

“I am going to class, we have chemistry together.” He said.

“We do?” I said, shocked by the news, as I tried to remember if I ever saw him in that class. My eyes widened as I recalled, seeing Gavin in that class. He was a pain in the arse, in that class. Even more so than usual, how could I forget?

I continued walking as I just ignored him, as he tried to make conversation. The science hall was in a whole different wing of the school, so it took a few minutes to get there, but with Gavin it felt like a life time.

When we finally entered the classroom, I went over and took a seat next to Holly while Gavin went towards the back of the class where all the delinquents-as I call them, were.

As I walked towards Holly, but Gavin grabbed my sleeve pulling me back and whispering something into my ear, “I can’t wait for third period, partner.” He said, smirking at me as I pulled away.

“What do you mean by that?”

“I mean, we now have all classes together, nerd. And I plan to make lots of new memories together.” He said giving me a smug smile as he sauntered to the back of the class.

I groaned making my way towards Holly who was giving me a weird look, kind of like the rest of the class was. I now have Gavin in all my classes?

“Well there goes my good mood…” I muttered, taking a seat next to Holly as Mr. Kelly began to speak starting today’s lesson.

Chapter Twenty-One: No Artistic Vision

“So whose house are we going to?” Gavin asked, taking a seat on the yoga mat that was placed on the floor.

“Why would we need to go to anyone’s house? All we have to do is get it done here, and then we wouldn’t need to go to anyone’s house.” I said, taking a seat across from him on the floor.

“Fine, whatever floats your boat.” Gavin said, laying back on the floor causing his shirt to ride up a little showing his tanned muscular stomach.

Why must all jerks be so toned and muscular?

“So where is little red?” Gavin asked, interrupting my thoughts.

I shrugged, pulling out my phone to check the time. “She said she is running a bit late but she should be here soon.” I said, scrolling through my messages looking over what Sarah texted me ten minutes ago.

We were currently in our school’s dance room. Mrs. Moore separated all groups, into different rooms so we could go ahead and get started on our dance, it was due after Spring Break. Which was two weeks away and we haven’t even started yet.

“What kind of dance do you want to do?” Gavin asked, interrupting my thoughts, “There’s lyrical, contemporary, hip hop, jazz-“

I waved my hand cutting him off, “How do you know the types of dances?” I questioned, curiously.

“Lucky guess?”

“The genres of dance isn’t something someone would guess, so either you did dance when you were younger or you are so smart about the dance world.” I said, giving him some suggestions of what I thought, “However, considering you are you I am going to go ahead and guess that the big bad Gavin did dance when he was younger.”

 “No I didn’t.” He said, lying.

“Yes you did!” I said grinning, “And considering you cheeks are flushed red, I know you are lying.”

“Fine I did dance,” He said, through his gritted teeth, “Happy?”

I nodded my head grinning at him, “Very.”

It was quiet for a few minutes, as I thought about Gavin’s little confession. I never knew someone like him would do such a thing. It didn’t seem like something he would do, but considering from my knowledge; Gavin did no extracurricular’s or sports, and he was in pretty good shape for someone who does nothing. So he probably does dance, but is embarrassed to admit it.

“The elf finally got her pot of gold,” I heard Gavin mutter.

“Elf’s work for Santa, I am pretty sure you mean leprechauns.” I said, correcting  him.

Gavin sat up from the yoga mat, directing a glare towards me, “Whatever.” He said, getting up.

I smiled at him, showing him my white teeth. “What are you doing?” I asked, as I watched him get up and stretch.

“Little Red is still not here, we have to start or else we would need to someone’s house to practice, and my house is definitely not an option.” He said stretching.

“Why?” I asked, getting up from the floor and copying his actions.

“It doesn’t matter, let’s just get this done with.” Gavin said, not pushing the topic any further.

I shrugged, dropping the topic. It seemed that he didn’t want to talk about it, and I just had to learn how to respect that. “Well, my house isn’t an option either.”


“It just isn’t okay?” I said, snapping at him.

Gavin let out a low whistle, “Someone is on their period.”

I ignored him and continued to stretch out my limbs. I wouldn’t want to pull a muscle. I continued to stretch in silence for the next few minutes, the awkwardness and silence thick in the air.

“Okay, you all stretched out?” Gavin asked me, I nodded my head in confirmation. “Okay, well we will start of basic. Follow me.” He said, and I nodded my head once again.

Gavin started of doing a shuffle, something that looked easy. But as he added more moves it began to look more and more difficult. As I tried to watch him trying to keep up with him as I began to copy the moves.

“Got it?” He asked, wiping his forehead.

“No.” I said, honestly.

“No?” He asked, confused.


“Yes?” He said, repeating what I said.

“No!” I said.

Gavin began to wave his hands in the air. “What are you saying? Do you get the moves, yes or no?” He asked.

“No, I do not get the moves.” I said tired, even though I barely did anything.

“Then why did you say yes?”

“I didn’t say yes.” I told him, confused.

“Yes, you did.”

“No, I didn’t.” I protested.

“Yes you-" He began but then cut himself off, “You know what, forget it. We will just start working tomorrow so I can teach both of you instead of teaching someone who is incapable.”

“I am not incapable.” I said, huffing and crossing my arms over my chest, sending Gavin a glare.

“You kind of are,” He said walking over to his bag that he dumped in the corner earlier and taking out a water bottle.

“Fine whatever, I am incapable of dancing. At least I don’t get kicked out of class.” I pointed out.

“It’s not my fault that the art teacher had no artistic vision!” Gavin protested.

“What do you mean?”

“I mean that Mr. Whatever-His-Name-Is should not be an art teacher! I was basically teaching myself in that class.” Gavin said, frustrated.

“What did you do?” I asked, getting right to the point.

“I did not do anything.” Gavin said, honestly. But, I knew he was lying.

“Yes you are.”

“No, I am not.” He said, lying once more. “Why do you think that anyways?”

“Because, you said you were teaching yourself in that class.” I said, repeating what he said earlier. “You never teach anyone, let alone yourself! You rely on your looks and your threats to pass high school.”

Gavin let out a sigh, “Fine, you’re right. But, you don’t know what I did to get kicked out of that class anyways.” He said, running a hand through his brown hair causing it to stick out even more.

“Yeah, what did you do?”

“I drew a picture of a penis.” He said, proudly.

I began to cough violently. “You did what?” I spluttered out.

“I drew a picture of a pe-“He began slowly, but I cut him off.

“I heard you the first time.” I snapped at him, “Why the hell would you do such a thing?” I questioned.

He shrugged, “He said to draw something that inspires you.”

“So you drew that?”

Gavin smirked at me, “Little Gavin not only inspires me but also all the girls I fu-“

I waved my hands in the air, stopping him from talking. “Just stop, I had enough Gavin for one day.” I said, getting up from the floor and heading to the door.

“Where are you going?” Gavin called out to me.

I turned to look at him, “Away from you!” I shouted to him not before slamming the door shut.


“He did what?” Sarah asked, a shocked look evident on her face.

“He drew a picture of his balls.” I said, shuddering.

“Well that does sound like something Gavin would do.” Holly said, taking a bite out of her sandwich.

“Still, I knew he was perverted but I didn’t know he was that perverted.”

We were currently sitting at our usual table at lunch, Sarah ended up coming to school. But, she came during the middle of second period. One of her brothers were sick, and apparently it was Sarah’s job to look after them while her parents were at work. I wasn’t sure which twin she said was sick Jake or Justin, but all I remember her saying was how one of them threw up on her when she was serving him food.

“Anyways, where’s Ben?” Holly asked, changing the topic.

I shrugged my shoulders, “I do not know, I haven’t seen him since he dropped me off this morning.” I said, honestly.

“Is it me or do you think Ben has been avoiding us?” Holly asked, unsure.

“What do you mean?” Sarah questioned.

“Well I rarely see him, he doesn’t join us for lunch anymore, claiming he has other friends. But truth be told I haven’t seen him with anyone else.” She said, looking genuinely confused. “You don’t think I am the one he has been avoiding do you?”

I shook my head, “I doubt that. Why would he want to avoid you?”

“You didn’t tell him that I like him, did you?” Holly rushed out.

“No!” I said, honestly, “Why would I say that to him?”

She shrugged, “Well the only person he talks to is you.”

“What are you implying, Holly?”

“Nothing.” She said, taking another bite out of her sandwich.


“I am not lying.” She said in denial.

“Then, tell me what you are thinking!”

“Do you really want to know?” She asked putting her sandwich down and looking me dead in the eye.

“Yes!” I said, exasperated.

“Fine, I think the only reason Ben talks to you really is because he likes you. Not me, you.”

Chapter Twenty-Two: Meet the Parents

I looked at Holly in disbelief. Was it that obvious? Because I didn’t really realize that Ben wasn’t sitting with us until she told me a few seconds ago.

“Well?” Holly asked, impatiently. “Are you going to answer the question or not?”

“Holly, I doubt Ben likes me.” I told her, lying. “We are just friends that’s all.”

Holly looked at me suspiciously, “Are you sure?”

I nodded my head, taking a sip of my water. “A hundred percent sure.”

“Okay,” Holly said dropping the subject.

“And, if Ben even did like Ali, don’t you think she would have told us, Holly?” Sarah said speaking up for the first time. “She wouldn’t want you to get hurt.”

“Alright,” Holly said a little more convincing this time. “I believe you, Ali.”

I gave her a small smile, I hated lying to Holly. Because one way or another she would figure the truth out, and when she does, all I know is that hell is going to break loose.


“I am home!” I yelled, tossing my bag to one of the guards who caught it with ease. “Can, you take it upstairs?” I asked, the guard who was holding my bag. He nodded his head, making his way towards the staircase.

“No yelling in the house, Alice.” My dad said walking past me and to God knows where.

“Sorry daddy,” I said faking a smile and following him. “So what are you doing?”

“I am not lifting your grounding.” My dad said in a serious tone.

“What?” I said faking a shock, “I would have never asked you, that. Is it wrong of me to ask my favorite dad about his day?”

My dad narrowed his eyes at me, “Favorite dad? Alice, I am your only dad.” He said walking towards his office where to guards were patiently waiting outside the doors.

“You know what I mean,” I grumbled crossing my arms over my chest and entering his office behind him.

“What do you want, Alice?” He questioned taking a seat at his desk.

I walked over to his desk plopping down on the seat in front of it. “Nothing.”

“Well then can you please go, I have some work I need to do.” My dad said looking down at a file he had opened up.

“Fine, can you lift my grounding?” I asked, getting right to the point.


“Why not?” I whined, childishly.

“Are you really going to ask me that, Alice?” My dad asked in disbelief, “You snuck, out.”

“I did not sneak out, I simply went somewhere without permission.”

“You snuck out. End of discussion.” My dad said, his eyes trained at the papers he was reading.

I rolled my eyes, “Fine I will go speak to the boss of the house.”

“You are speaking to him,” My dad spoke.

“I was talking about mom.”

“She’s out of the country, she’s in France working on her clothing line.” My dad said slipping on his reading glasses.

I scratched my head, “She is?” I asked, trying to remember my mom telling me that she was leaving.

I heard my dad let out a sigh, “Roy?” I heard him say. I turned to look at him, and saw him on the phone. “Can you please come in here?” A few seconds later my dad shut the phone off.

“Who were you talking to?”

“Roy,” My dad replied getting up from his chair and walking towards the door where someone happened to be knocking. He pulled open the door to reveal a man.

I looked at the man suspiciously, he looked familiar but I couldn’t quite put my finger on it. He short cropped brown hair and a pair of blue eyes, there was also some stubble on his face to show that he probably hasn’t shaved in a few days.

“Alice, this is Roy James. He is Ben’s father.” My dad said introducing the two of us.

I nodded my head at the man, he did quite look like Ben. It was just that he was an older version. “Nice to meet you, sir.” I said to Roy.

He nodded his head back at me, “Likewise.” He then turned to my dad. “So why did you call me in here, sir.”

“Can you please take, Alice somewhere? I have some work to do.” My dad said going back behind his desk and taking a seat.

“No, problem.” Roy replied, waving his hand out to me, and motioning for me to come along. 

“If I leave will you lift my grounding by a week?”

“If you leave I won’t add a week,” My dad replied staring down upon his files.

“So what I am hearing is you will think about it?” I said grinning at my dad. “Thanks!” I chirped, walking towards where Roy was standing by the door. I walked quickly to the door, closing it shut behind me. 

“So what did you do to get grounded so easily?” Roy asked, startling me from my thoughts.

I tilted my head at him, “I thought you knew? Marco said gossip travels fast.”

Roy let out a chuckle, “It does. But it’s just gossip I know I shouldn’t listen to it, without getting the facts straight from the horse’s mouth itself.”

I knitted my eyebrows in confusion, “Did you just call me a horse?”

Roy shrugged, “Maybe, maybe not…”

I let out a soft chuckle. I was expecting Ben’s dad to be some strict parent who takes his job here at the Whitehouse to be a serious father, who doesn’t laugh or joke around. I was mistaken.

“So what do you want to do?” I asked. I was honestly so bored, I had a boring life and I didn’t really feel like doing my homework.

“Well I was just going over to the kitchen to ask Barbra if she needed any help, do you want to come along?” He asked me, as we headed the direction of the kitchen.

I nodded my head, “Sure. But one question, who is Barbra?”

“Oh, sorry. I forgot to mention, she’s my wife. Also known as Ben’s mother.”

I nodded my head, keeping quiet as we made our way to the kitchen. Once we entered, I took a seat on the stool as Roy made his way to the back of the kitchen. Moments later he emerged with a short brunette woman, she was wiping her hands on her apron that was already caked with other substances.

I smiled at the lady, which she returned. “Hello, there.” She spoke.

“Hi,” I replied shyly. I was always somewhat shy meeting new people, but once you get to know me a little better, I can be the most annoying person you had ever met.

“I am Barbra, it’s nice to finally meet you Alice.” She said smiling at me, and sticking her hand out to shake which I gladly shook.

“It’s nice to meet you too.” I replied drawing my hand back and staring at Ben’s parents.

Compared to his mom, Ben looked a little bit of both of them in some way. He had the brown hair of both his parents and the athletic built of his dad and the eye color of his mom which was a hazel color.

“How about we break the awkward tension, with some cookies?” Barbra suggested.

I nodded my head eagerly, “You had me at cookies.”


I let out a bark of laughter, “Did he actually do that?” I said in between laughs.

Barbra nodded her head, “He actually did that, I don’t know where he got the idea to attempt to put a leash around a goose, but he did. Let’s just say he ended up being chased by the goose out of the park.”

I let out a chuckle, “He seemed like a real smart kid.” I said grinning at Barbra and Roy.

Barbra nodded her head in agreement, wiping her hands down on the towel. “He and Gavin, two of the brightest kids that I have ever met.” She said sarcastically.

“Gavin?” I asked my ears perking up at the sound of the bad boy’s name.

“Yeah, he and Ben were best friends since they were in diapers. Do you know Gavin?” Barbra questioned.

I nodded my head, “Yeah he is in three of my classes, we are also paired up in a drama assignment.”

“Well then you must know what happened to his family, if he had ever told you.”

I shook my head, “I am sorry but he has never did. But, out of curiosity what did happen?”

“I am sorry, sweetheart. But it’s not my story to tell.” Barbra said, giving me a small smile.

“Its fine, but I should really get going. It’s getting late…” I said standing up from the stool. “It was nice meeting you two.” I said smiling at Roy and Barbra. “And thanks for the delicious cookies!” I said to Barbra.

“It was nice meeting you two, Alice.” Roy spoke for the first time in a long time, he was pretty occupied by his phone.

“Well, I hope to see you guys around!” I said turning around giving them a wave, and proceeding to walk out of the kitchen.

“Alice?” I heard Ben’s mom call after me, I turned around looking her dead in the eye. “Yes?”

“I know what is going on with you and Ben, he never told me personally. But by the way he talks about you, I could tell he really likes you.” She said smiling at me, “Just promise me one thing?”

I nodded my head, managing to give her a small smile. “Sure, what is it?”

“Please, just don’t go breaking his heart.”

I slowly nodded my head, “I promise.” I choked out, but the truth was I knew someone was going to end up heartbroken, Holly, Ben or me. I just didn’t know how I could prevent it…

Chapter Twenty-Three: Coffee & Rainbows

“From the top you two,” Sarah instructed to Gavin and I.

I let out a sigh, walking over to where Gavin was standing. “Can we please take a break? My feet are killing me,” I said complaining.

“Not until you two, get this part down. What is so hard, that you can’t do a simple eight count?” Sarah questioned looking at me.

“If it so easy how come I have to do it?” I retorted crossing my arms over my chest and huffing.

I know I sounded like I was a whiny baby, and I probably am. But, we’ve been at the same part for the last half an hour and I was becoming restless.

“Do you want to sing?” Sarah asked interrupting me from my thoughts.

“No,” I grumbled crossing my arms over my chest.

Since we were a group of three, we decided to do something a little different and giving the whole dance assignment our own touch on it. Sarah suggested that since it was an odd number that we would have two of us dancing while the other one sang. I was against that whole idea, at first cause I knew I would end up dancing with the bad boy himself. However, I was outnumbered.

“Good. From the top, please.” She said pointing at Gavin to get up from his position and the floor.

I stood next to Gavin placing one hand on my waist and the other hand on top of my head, as the beat of Paramore’s Ain’t it Fun blasted through the speakers.

As the song progressed I continued to do the dance moves that Sarah and Gavin had choreographed together. I tried to take part in it, but apparently I can’t dance and my ideas are lame- words of Gavin. So they decided to leave me out of it. I was a bit pissed off at first then I realized it meant less work for me.

“Where you’re from,” The singer’s voice blasted from the speakers. “You might be the one who’s running things,” I did the routine as I was told running up to Gavin and pushing on his chest. As he backed away once, then grabbing my hand and spinning me around. “Well you can ring anybody’s bell to get what you want.” The next verse was sang, as I pulled away from Gavin trying to escape from his embrace.

The story of the dance was basically about a boy- AKA Gavin, who only thought about himself. He was self-centred, selfish and impatient. He then on meets this girl AKA me, who basically gives him a reality check soon enough, he falls for her and wants her but she is giving him a run for his money and giving him a tough time. When Sarah first pitched the story to us, we thought we would be playing different roles but when she told us what Gavin’s role was, in the dance. I made a joke how he didn’t have to play a role for this dance, in return he gave me the finger.

“So what are you going to do when nobody wants to fool with you?” The next verse of the song rang out from the speakers.

“Cut!” Sarah said over the music waving her right hand up, her eyes directed at her phone, she then went over to the speakers turning off the music.

“What now?” Gavin asked, breathlessly. “I think that was the best one so far, considering Miss Two Left Feet, here didn’t fall once.”

I directed a glare at Gavin, “The other two weren’t my fault.”

Gavin raised his eyebrows at me, “Really? So you just happened to step on me three times, fall on me twice, and hit me in the face about a gazillion times.”

I let out a snort, “You are overreacting.” I said waving my hands dismissingly.

“And you are an accident waiting to happen, oh wait it already has.” Gavin retorted smugly.

“I might be an accident, but at least I am not a mistake.” I said to him, smiling sweetly.

In return Gavin just narrowed his eyes at me, he opened up his mouth to speak but Sarah cut him off.

“Look, you two. I have to go and babysit my brothers so please work on the dance.” Sarah told us, as she grabbed her bag from the floor hoisting it up to her shoulders.

“Yeah, that’s not happening.” I stated.

“I, for once agree with this nerd, I can’t be seen with her. It will ruin my reputation.” Gavin whispered.

I rolled my eyes, “Reputation, my ass.” I muttered.

“Look, Gavin. I know you have gone out with Ali a couple of times. So please, just go and get some coffee or something.” Sarah said her eyes darting to the two of us.

“Why?” I said speaking up.

“Because you guys need to work on your chemistry together. You guys have it, but it’s buried underneath all that annoyance and hatred with each other.”

“I know we have chemistry,” Gavin said smirking a little. “We have it every day together second period with Mr. Kelly.”

Sarah just rolled her eyes at his lame joke, “Whatever. I will see you guys tomorrow.” She said waving at the two of us and heading out the door of the dance studio.

I sighed impatiently as I watched the door of the dance studio shut. I then looked at Gavin who was staring at me with a weird look on his face. However I ignored it, grabbing my bag from the corner of the room and proceeding to walk out. There was no way I was going to waste my Saturday having a coffee or doing anything that related Gavin and I alone. If I remember correctly the last time we went out somewhere together I was almost raped, and considering my dad made me take martial arts when I was younger it was quite embarrassing.

“Where do you think you’re going?” Gavin asked me.

“Home,” I stated. “Sarah is nuts if she thinks I am going to be hanging out with you willingly. The last two times we hung out I was forced. Not this time, buddy.” I said to Gavin who was watching me with amused eyes.

“It’s just coffee, what’s the harm?” Gavin questioned me grabbing his own bag and walking towards me.

“The harm? If I remember correctly but you were against hanging out with me two seconds ago. Remember apparently you have a reputation to keep.”

“I do,” Gavin said nodding his head. “I will just say that I am hanging out with you, cause of a project or something.”

I let out a sigh, “You’re ridiculous and rude.”

“I know I am. It’s all part of the charm,” Gavin said smirking at me giving me a quick wink. I let out a chuckle, rolling my eyes at the boy’s attempt to flirt. “So, Ali would you be a gem and do the pleasure of saying yes to agree to go on a coffee date with me?”

I raised my eyebrows at Gavin, “Sarah said all we have to do is get coffee she said nothing about us dating. Or even going for a coffee date. It is merely just two people getting some coffee and seeing if they have chemistry.”

Gavin’s face crunched up in confusion, “That’s a date…” He spoke slowly.

“No it’s not.” I stated.

“Yes it is.”

“No it’s not.”

“Yes it is.”

“Look I could stay here all day and argue with you, but I have to get home.” I spoke, opening the door of the dance studio and walking out leaving Gavin even more confused than he already was.


“So let me get this straight, Gavin asked you on a date and you rejected?” Holly asked confused.

I nodded my head slowly, my eyes focused on my phone. “Yup. Pretty much.”

“Why?” Holly asked, her tone of voice confused.

“What do you mean?” I said, my fingers tapping on my phone screen.

“Why didn’t you say yes?” She asked, as I felt her grab another piece of my hair.

I shrugged my shoulders, “God dammit.” I swore as the game ended with my bird dying. I swear the creators of flappy bird are stupid, they make the tunnels that the bird has to go through so small. No wonder I always end up dying.

“Well, if I was you I would call Gavin back up and agree to go out with him.”

“Why?” I said turning off my phone and giving up on the game, giving my full attention to Holly. “Weren’t you the one who told me to stay away from him? Why the sudden change?” I questioned, curiously.

“Well maybe Gavin is changing for the best…”

I let out a snort, “I doubt it. It’s so cliché why would a guy just change for a girl. It’s stupid and shallow.”

“Look if you don’t call him, I will. And I will tell him that you agreed to go on a date with him.” Holly said putting the curling wand down and grabbing her phone from her back pocket.

I rolled my eyes as I stared at Holly through the mirror. I watched as she scrolled through her phone, when she found what she was looking at her she gave me a quick wink before placing the phone to her ear.

I put the curling wand down as I turned the chair around to face Holly, she had a grin on her face. “Holly what are you doing?”

She shushed me as her brown eyes darted around the room, “Hello?” She said speaking to the phone, she waited for the response before she spoke up again. “It’s Holly,” She said. “Well the reason I was calling cause Ali, was too shy to call you, and wanted me to tell you that she would love to go out with you.” Holly said smirking at me.

I let out a bark of laughter as I stood up from the chair clapping, “Bravo, Holls. You really fooled me there, like I am honestly going to believe that is Gavin on the phone.” I said sarcastically walking over and grabbing the phone from her.

Holly’s eyebrows knitted in confusion as I took the phone away from her, “Ali what are you talking about that is Gavin…”

“Yeah, and I am Santa Claus.” I said sarcastically. “Hello?” I said into the phone.

“Isn’t Santa Claus supposed to be fat, have a white beard and smell like cookies? Cause I would have remembered if you smelled like cookies, nerd.” The person spoke from the other line.

“Gavin?” I asked incredulously.

“The one and only, babe.”

“What do you want?” I whined, into the phone.

“A date and I am not taking no for an answer.”

“Well, it’s a no. Goodbye.” I said, getting annoyed.

“You can’t say no since Holly already agreed to it, I will see you at the Starbucks on Jarrett Street in twenty, babe. See you then.” With that Gavin hung up the phone.

I stared at the phone in my hand in disbelief. I then looked at Holly in annoyance. “Why do you want me to go out with him so badly? It doesn’t make sense.” I said chucking her phone to her.

“I am just trying to help you find someone.”

I titled my head at her, either Holly was very bipolar or she was lying. And for a fact of knowing her all my life, I knew she was lying. But, instead of calling her out on it I simply let it go.

“Fine, I will go. If it makes you happy.”

“Good, now come on. I will drive you there,” Holly said tossing me my wallet and opening the door. “It’s a good thing, I did your hair.”

I rolled my eyes following her to wherever the hell she was going. To be honest I didn’t really want to go out with Gavin, or even hang out with him. Due to the last couple of times, was it wrong not to feel safe around him. He was a somewhat good person, a little conceited, weird and annoying. But he was still however a good person and he showed me that side of him with his younger brother Garrett.

We made it downstairs as we walked towards the front door, Holly a little bit ahead of me. I bent down to pick up my converse and pulling them on.

“Where do you think you’re going?” I looked up as I got up from the floor, finishing tying my laces.

“Hey Ben,” I said managing to give him a small smile.

“Aren’t you grounded?” He asked crossing his arms over his chest, his brown eyes narrowed at me.

“I am.”

“So, then what are you doing leaving?” He questioned.

“She’s got a date with Gavin,” Holly said cutting into the conversation.

I inhaled deeply, trying to control not yelling at Holly, for saying that in front of Ben. “You what?” Ben asked incredulously.

“It’s not a date, it’s simply two people going out for coffee to see if they have chemistry.” I stated in a clam voice.

“That’s a date.”

“Well then if you guys think that’s a date then I suppose we have different meaning of the term date. Now if you would excuse me I have somewhere to be.” I said, turning around and grabbing Holly’s arm and hauling her out of the house and towards her car.

“What the fuck was that for?” I seethed at her.

“What are you talking about?” She asked innocently, starting up the engine of her car.

I buckled myself in, turning to her as she pressed on the gas pedal driving towards the gates where the guards have now opened it up. “Holly, I honestly don’t know what you are doing, but you are beginning to act like a bitch.” I stated.

“Look, it’s not my fault you have two guys going after you.” She said her hands clutching the steering wheel.

I let out a sigh, “Is this what this is all about? Ben?” I asked her, “Cause if you want him and I know you do, you can have him. I have no interest in him.”

“I am not talking about Ben,” She said in a tired voice.

“Than what are you talking about…?” I asked confused.

“Look, it doesn’t matter.” She said stopping at a red light, turning to me.

“Than if it doesn’t matter tell me!”

“I will tell you when I am ready, okay?” She said glancing at me from the corner of her eyes as she pressed on the gas causing the car to lurch forward. “We are already late as it is.”

I shrugged, “Fine, whatever.”

“I am sorry.” She spoke up quietly.

But instead I didn’t reply I just stared out the window as I watched the scenery before me. A few minutes later we pulled up to the local Starbucks. Holly parked the car in one of the open spaces as I made no movement to get out of the car, from the corner of my eye I noticed a red truck. Right away I knew it was Gavin’s due the time he took me from school to go paintballing, or what I called kidnapped me from school on Valentine’s Day. I never really admitted it, but it was fun and I kind of did enjoy myself. I always did when I was with Gavin, which was kind of odd.

“You should go, you’re already late and Gavin might be wondering where you are.” Holly said speaking to me.

I nodded my head, I hated when we fought. It was always awkward and weird afterwards and I didn’t like it. “I’ll call you if I need a ride or anything, alright?”

She nodded her head in return, I took that as my cue to leave. I opened the car door, walking towards the Starbucks as I watched Holly’s small Red Toyota Civic drive out of the parking lot.

I honestly couldn’t believe she was making me do this, she hated Gavin. I am pretty sure she even loathed him, why the heck would she want me to go on a date with him. When I arrived home from the dance session, I took a quick shower calling Holly to come over. There I explained to her what happened between Gavin and me.

My eyes scanned inside the small coffee shop for a certain annoying bad boy by the name of Gavin. “Of course,” I muttered under my breath when I finally saw him. He was sitting at a table with a blonde girl sitting across from him, leaning across the table giving him her full attention.

I turned around to leave, I didn’t want to be here in the first place. When I heard Gavin call me, but not by my name. “Nerd!” He shouted, “Nerd,” He said running up to me and turning me around to face him. “When somebody calls you, they usually turn around knowing the person wants to talk to them.”

“Wouldn’t you rather go sit beside that blonde girl who is glaring at me as we speak?” I suggested, looking around him at the girl whose eyes were narrowed at me.

“Nah, I’d rather talk to you,” He said giving me a quick wink.

I rolled my eyes, his signature dark leather jacket was replaced with a blue hoodie and he also had on a pair of dark washed jeans. As I scanned him up and down, when I looked back to meet his eyes he was smirking at me. “You were checking me out.”

I pretended to make gagging noises, “I’d rather claw my eyes out with a fork.”

“Say what you want nerd, you want some of this.” He said gesturing to his body.

“Whatever, can we just find a seat?” I asked changing the topic.

Gavin motioned for me to follow him to the back of the room. There was a table, at the corner of the room I took a seat across from Gavin where he remained standing. “I am going to go ahead and order something, anything you want?”

I looked at the menu before me, but it didn’t really help. I never tried any of these things before in my life, “Um, no thanks.” I said closing up the menu and looking up at Gavin.

“Oh come on, Ali. Please tell me you aren’t one of those girls who watch everything they eat.” He said with a roll of his eyes.

“I am not, one of those girls. It’s just that I have never been to Starbucks or tried any of these things before, alright?” I admitted.

Gavin’s jaw dropped open, “You never had Starbucks? Oh dear Lord, please tell me you’ve tasted coffee before?”

“What would you do if I said no…?” I said shyly.

“I would slap you, which I minutes away from.” Gavin must have noticed the horrified look on my face, because he started chuckling. “I am joking I don’t hit girls, plus this is a new experience so we are just going to try everything.” Gavin said rubbing his hands together in an evil manner.

“We aren’t doing that.” I told him, chuckling.

“Why not? As your date for the evening, I am entitled to do everything it takes to make this a memorable evening, so Miss Clair, shall we?” He said bowing his hand and holding his hand out to me.

I let out a laughed at his dorkiness, “We shall Mr. Storm.”


“I can’t believe you got us kicked out,” I said incredulously as Gavin started up his engine for his truck as he pulled out of the Starbucks.

“Well it wasn’t my fault.” He said turning onto the road.

“Wasn’t you fault?” I blurted out in disbelief, “You got into a fight with a fifteen year old!”

“Hey!” Gavin called out, “That kid was not fifteen. He looked old enough to get into a strippers club.”

“He was freaking fifteen, plus he didn’t even do anything to you anyways!” I said crossing my arms over my chest.

“He was basically undressing you with his eyes!” Gavin exclaimed.

“Look, Gavin. That’s sweet that you did that, but next time can you not punch the poor kid, you’re lucky they didn’t press charges.”

“And there lucky that they had people strong enough to pull me of him.” He muttered under his breath.

I rolled my eyes leaning back against my chair, as I played the nights memories in my head. When we ordered enough food, some things that Gavin himself haven’t even tasted we began to eat. As the night progressed we began to get to know each other better, and I learned under all that Gavin there was actually a good person. Up until he punched a fifteen year old. After that all hell broke loose and we were kicked out from Starbucks, I am pretty sure we were even banned but I didn’t want to go back to make sure.

“You’re not mad at me are you?” Gavin asked quietly.

I looked at him, as he was glancing at me from the corner of his eye. I shook my head, “No. You had your reason and I understand that. I think I should be thanking you, I had a fun night and it was pretty memorable.”

Gavin smiled at me, it was genuine and it made me feel giddy. “I had fun too.”

He stopped the car to look at me, as he took the key out of the engine. “Maybe we can do this again sometime?”

I smirked at him, “Maybe.”

“I told you I wasn’t so bad, if I had to say so myself I think I am pretty awesome.”

“Yeah you keep telling yourself that,” I said as it just finally processed in my brain that he stopped the car. “Why’d you stop?”

“Because remember last time? You wanted me to drop you off at Pennsylvania Avenue, so I did.”

“You remember?” I said clearly shocked that even someone like him, could remember something so small.

“Yup, I think it’s only because it’s odd that I am dropping you off on the street. But, if this is what you want than alright. However, I am in no way responsible to what happens when you step out of this truck.” He said in a serious matter.

I rolled my eyes, “Whatever, I will see you at school, rainbow.”

“Rainbow?” He asked confused.

“Yup, that’s my new nickname for you.” I said smirking at him, “Since you call me nerd, which I am not. I think it is only fair that I give you a nickname.”

“But why rainbow?”

“Because your last name is Storm, and after every storm there is a rainbow.” Gavin’s mouth made an ‘o’ sound as he finally realized. “Well, see you tomorrow Rainbow.” I said smiling and shutting the door as I waited for him to start up the engine to his truck as I watched him drive away.

I honestly did enjoy myself, even if it was with Gavin. He wasn’t so bad…

Chapter Twenty-Four: Thomas Sweet

“Maybe he likes you?” Sarah spoke.

I shrugged my shoulders, even though she couldn’t see me. “I don’t know, it’s Gavin he hardly ever develops feelings for someone, remember?”

“You never know, by what you told me it sounds like you both had fun.”

I let out a chuckle, “That’s true. But I don’t know if I could like him.” I said clutching my phone a little tighter in my hands. “We are so different.”

“Haven’t you ever heard that saying?” Sarah said, “Opposites attract.”

“I don’t know Sarah,” I said still a little unsure.

“Well, all the signs are in front of your face-“ Sarah said stopping mid-sentence, as I heard a loud crash.

“Sarah?” I asked, confused to what was going on in the other end.

“I will have to call you back Ali, I think my brothers just broke one of my mom’s priceless antiques.” Sarah said in a rush, a few seconds later I heard her call her brothers names. “Sorry Ali, I really have to go. Talk to you later!” And with that Sarah hung up.

I stared at my phone in confusion. How much does an antique, actually cost? I shrugged my shoulders, as I began to think about what really was an antique we had a lot of priceless antique and furniture around the house. However, they were strictly off limits, we weren’t allowed to touch. Last time I did, I got in so much hell with my father about touching things that aren’t yours, I still didn’t understand what he meant by that. But I just ignored him and carried on.

I trudged up the stairs as I was looking forward to a good night sleep. When Gavin dropped me off on the street, from there I walked home. When I arrived I called Sarah telling her all about the date, I even told her how Gavin punched a fifteen year old for me for apparently ‘undressing me with his eyes.’

I thought what Gavin did was kind of stupid, like how does one especially a fifteen year old undress you with his eyes? But according to Sarah it was a romantic thing to do from Gavin. I was originally going to call up Holly and tell her what happened on the date but after how she told Ben how I was going on a date with Gavin, I decided otherwise. Like who knows what she would tell Ben later on?

I nodded to the bodyguards who were patrolling up and down the hallway, saying a quick good night. I walked towards the door to my bedroom pushing it open. I couldn’t wait to sleep even though tomorrow we would be rehearsing for our dance, I love Sarah but sometimes she could be a bit too demanding.

“Nice to see your home in one piece,” A voice spoke causing me to shriek dropping my phone on the floor and clutching my racing heart.

“Thomas?” I said looking at my brother confused, “What the hell? You almost gave me a heart attack, wait scratch that you gave me a heart attack!”

Thomas rolled his eyes, getting off my bed. “Stop being over dramatic, Alice.”

I glared at my brother in annoyance, “What do you want?”

“A favor,” He said grinning at me.

“Why would I give you a favor after you gave me a heart attack, and entered my room without permission?” I said picking up my phone from the floor and crossing my arms over my chest.

“Because you wouldn’t want me to tell our dear father that you went out with a boy without his permission, or that you didn’t go without any bodyguards?”

I gave Thomas a flat look, “How do you know I went out with a boy?”

Thomas let out a snort, “I know everything.”

This time it was my turn to snort, “Please you know nothing, and you’re probably just bluffing.”

“Really? Then how do I know that Holly told Ben that you were going out with this dude named Gavin?” Thomas said in a challenging voice.

I just stared at Thomas, I didn’t know how he knew that. However, I didn’t want him telling dad so I had to keep him quiet even if it meant letting him win. “Okay what do you want?”

Thomas smirked at me, “Glad that you see it my way.”

I narrowed my eyes at him, “Just get on with it.”

“I want you to take me to Thomas Sweet.” He stated.

“Thomas what?” I asked confused.

“Thomas Sweet,” He repeated. “It’s an ice cream store.”

“Why can’t you ask mom or dad to take you? Or even go with one of the guards?” I said confused to why he wants me to go with him, from all people.

“Because dad would draw to much attention, mom is somewhere that only God knows and its weird going somewhere with the guards all they do is stare at you.”

I let out a sigh, “Fine. What time are we leaving?”

“I’ll tell you tomorrow,” Thomas said walking past me and towards the door. He pulled open the door, to turn around at me briefly. “Thanks, Alice. It means a lot to me.” With that Thomas pulled open the door, shutting it softly on his way out.

I sighed as I ran my hands through my fading brown hair. When mom comes back, I really need to go to the salon my hair was starting to come back to its original color. I walked into my bathroom, pondering on the thought to why no one had recognized me yet. I hadn’t really changed up my look much then cutting my hair and dying it a darker shade, but even though people from school hadn’t noticed, I made sure to stay away from paparazzi at all times. But, it wasn’t a big deal anyways there were more focused on my parents then they were on me and Thomas.

I let out a yawn, I didn’t really want to think about anything anymore. All I really wanted was a good night’s sleep, and judging by today’s hectic day, hopefully I would have a good one.


“I still don’t understand why? Like from all ice cream parlors you choose this one?” I questioned my younger brother strapping my seatbelt in.

“What’s wrong with the place that I have chosen?” Thomas asked, buckling himself in.

“Nothing. It’s just weird going across town to go and get some ice cream, like you could’ve asked Marco and he would have made you some.” I said sinking into my seat and placing the sunglasses on my face to cover my hideous bags after a restless night. I didn’t know why but I had this odd feeling that something bad was going to happen I don’t know what, but it was something.

“Thomas Sweet isn’t across town, it’s a five minute drive from here. Plus, who wouldn’t want to go somewhere that has the same name after you?”

“I wouldn’t,” I muttered under my breath.

“I would,” Piped Ricky from the front. “But what would be cooler if it was named Ricky Sweet,” Thomas than began to argue with Ricky about how that is a lame name for an ice cream parlor.

“Oh pipe down, you two.” I said trying to get in a comfortable position for what was left of this five minute drive. I pulled out my phone checking if Sarah had replied to my message. I texted her earlier this morning telling her I wouldn’t be able to make it to today’s rehearsal, due to the fact that a brown eyed little monster is making blackmailing me. But of course I didn’t tell her that. Instead I told her that there was a family emergency and I wouldn’t be able to make it. She texted me back saying okay and that she would pass the message onto Gavin, now I was just waiting for her to reply to the message that I sent her asking her if Gavin had responded yet.

“Ignore her Ricky, she’s just mad that I woke her up so early.” Thomas said but the comment was directed to me. 

“No,” I interjected. “I am mad cause your definition of waking someone up is yelling in there ear until they go deaf.”

“Well, you didn’t get up the first time I called your name…” Thomas retorted.

“Yelling in there ear, is not the answer.”

“Enough you two!” Ricky said, cutting into our little argument. “Alice, stop being so grumpy. And Thomas yelling at someone to get up isn’t nice, so enough arguing and can we please just get some ice cream?”

I didn’t notice that we arrived, until Ricky unbuckled his seatbelt and had his body faced to us. I nodded my head willingly as Thomas did the same. We then both unbuckled our seatbelt and climbing out the car.

My eyes scanned the parking lot, there were a few cars here and there but otherwise it was deserted. “Why is it so empty?” Thomas asked, as if he was reading my thoughts.

“Because having ice cream at eleven in the morning isn’t something that most Americans do.” I said smoothing down the skirt I was wearing and fixing up my hair.

“Well they should, after all Americans are one of the best people in the world.”

I looked at Thomas questioningly, “What does that have to do with anything?”

“Nothing, I just thought you should know.”

I rolled my eyes as I followed my brother to the entrance of the door where Ricky was waiting patiently, “That is a matter of an opinion.” I muttered under my breath.

Ricky pulled open the door for us as he ushered us inside. The ice cream parlor was a cute place, it had this homey feeling to it. They were a few people enjoying their ice cream or even just sitting down and having a cup of coffee. We made our way up to the front of the parlor.

“So what do you guys want?” Ricky said turning to us, and pulling out his wallet from his back pocket.

“Just a vanilla ice cream,” I said to him.

“You’re so plain,” Thomas said to me his eyes trained at the ice creams displayed in the case. “I want a chocolate ice cream, with caramel, topped with whip cream and sprinkles, please.” Thomas announced licking his lips at the thought of it.

“And you will be diabetic.” I said to Thomas, who paid no attention to me whatsoever.

I looked over to Ricky who was telling the lady behind the register what we wanted. My eyes scanned the parlor, there were a few customers looking at us weirdly. Well, who wouldn’t? Ricky was in a tux and I had sunglasses on even though we were inside.

They soon began to whisper amongst themselves. I knew this would happen, they probably noticed Thomas who was just wearing his regular clothes. I shrugged it off, as long as they didn’t take any pictures I was fine with it. This was normal in my daily life.

“I am going to head off to the bathroom,” I told them.

Ricky nodded his head and Thomas just watched as the old lady behind the counter make his ice cream. As I made my way to the bathroom I heard my phone buzz, I pulled my phone out of my pocket getting a text from Sarah. I opened up the message looking down at my phone and not where I was going.

Sarah: Gavin was fine with it, why do I have to be the messenger? Why can’t you guys just exchange numbers? After all you went on a date! ;)

I let out a chuckle, as I began to text my reply. But I was soon interrupted as I crashed into someone, causing me to fall as well as my sunglasses in the process.

“I am so sorry,” I said picking up my glasses and picking myself up, then looking at the person I crashed into apologetically.

“Watch where your-“ The person said mid-sentence as they finally had a look of recognition on their face. “Look, what the cat dragged in…” The person said causing my eyes to widen in the process.

There was only one word that was going through my mind, “Fuck.”

Chapter Twenty-Five: The Secret is Out

So many thoughts were going through my mind, should I run? Hide? Make up some lame excuse? However, nothing could compare to the emotions I was feeling.

I held my sunglasses in my hands, gripping them a little tighter. I had no words and it looked to me that neither did she. We stared at each other for a few minutes none of us saying a word. I was quite thankful, to be honest.

“I usually try not to associate myself with people like you,” She said looking me up and down. “But, maybe this might work in my favor.” She said smirking.

I knitted my eyebrows in confusion, should I be offended? “What is that supposed to mean?”

“It means, that I always knew you were weird, a little secretive. Now I finally know what you have been hiding this whole time… Little miss I am America’s First Daughter.”

I tilted my head at her, “That doesn’t make sense.”

“Oh you know what I mean,” She snapped at me.

I sighed, out of all people Ashley was the one to find out my secret. The blonde slut, with no morals. This day keeps getting better and better. “Look what do you want?”

“Nothing, yet…” Ashley said grinning at me.

“What does it cost for your silence?” I asked impatiently, I didn’t want to do this, but it seemed that she left me with no choice. I really do regret coming here with Thomas but if I didn’t, he would tell mom and dad I went out with Gavin.

Ashley let out a snort, “You’re stupid if you think you can buy me for my silence. My dad is loaded, I don’t need your money even if you are America’s First Daughter.”

“If your dad is so called ‘loaded’ then how come you’re working at an ice cream parlour?” I said crossing my arms over my chest.

“It is none of your business,” Ashley said snapping once more at me. “Look, if I was you I would keep my mouth shut, after all your secret is on the line.”

I complied, doing as told. I didn’t want to make Ashley even madder, after all what she just said was true. “So if you aren’t going to tell me what you want? Does this mean you are going to keep my secret?” I asked, she was taking way too long to make a decision. “Because I am pretty sure my ice cream is beginning to melt.”

Ashley ignored my question as she just stared at me, her big blue eyes caked with mascara and eyeliner beginning to widen. “I will keep your secret, but you have to do two things stay away from Gavin,” She announced.

I nodded my head, “Okay fair, I am not really interested in him.”

“You don’t have to lie, I know you are, but he would never like someone like you.” Ashley told me her face scrunching up.

I rolled my eyes, “And the second thing?” I asked beginning to get impatient.

“You have to do whatever, I tell you.” She said smirking at me.

“You said two things!” I exclaimed.

“That is two,” She said grinning at me evilly. “Do we have a deal?” She said sticking her tanned manicured hand to me.

I grasped my hands in hers, “We have a deal.” I mumbled under my breath.


“She what?” Holly whisper/yelled to me. “Please tell me my ears are playing tricks on me.”

“There not Holls,”

“How?” Holly asked, slamming her locker door shut and following me.

“I really don’t know,” I muttered. “She ran into me in the ice cream parlour, I guess she might’ve saw Thomas and finally connected the dots. She’s smarter than most people give her credit for.”

“Where is that slut? I am going to kill her,” Holly said her eyes narrowing.

I shook my head, “I appreciate it Holls, but I’d rather you not do that. I don’t want her spilling to the whole school.”

“Fine,” Holly sighed. “Only because you told me not too.”

I rolled my eyes, “Thanks, Holls.”

“So, did you tell Ben or your dad that someone knows your secret?” Holly questioned.

I shook my head, “No. Because Ben might tell my dad and that’s really the last thing I need.”

“So what do you want to do?” Holly asked.

“Nothing,” I said. “Nothing at all.”

“Okay, if you wish. I am going to get to class the bell is about to ring in a few minutes.” Holly said turning around and walking away towards the Art hall where she had Art first period while I had drama. I turned around to go the other way towards the schools theatre.

I still couldn’t wrap my head around that out of all people in the whole wide world Ashley found out. It was quite shocking to be honest, but I really shouldn’t be surprised even if another person finds out. I didn’t change much, and now knowing that I am at risk for someone else to find out and even blackmail me, is making me think twice if going to school was really a good idea.

I was up all night thinking of what I should do about the whole Ashley situation, nothing came to mind. I didn’t understand how she figured out there, she sees me at school all the time. Why did she figure out how I looked when we were alone, maybe she saw Thomas, Ricky and I come in and finally connect the dots?

I ran my hands through my hair, frustrated that I wasn’t getting an answer. When I finally reached the theatre I pulled the door open, the bell had rung already and people were finally starting to make their way to class.

I noticed Sarah, due to her red hair sitting in the front seat of the theatre. I went up to her taking a seat, “Hey.” I said greeting her.

“Hey, Ali. How was your weekend?” I opened my mouth to speak but Sarah cut me off, “It was good, maybe even great because of your fantastic coffee date with Mr. Storm.” She said wiggling her eyebrows at me.

I chuckled, giving her a light shove. “Why did you ask, if you were going to answer your own question?”

Sarah shrugged her shoulders, “I don’t know.”

I opened my mouth to speak but I felt someone’s presence next to me. I turned my head to see Gavin sitting next to me sipping on a drink. “You’re not allowed to have drinks in the theatre, one of Mrs. Moore’s many rules.” I told him.

“Morning to you too, nerd.” He replied his voice sounding a little groggy.

“Are you okay?” I asked getting a little worried, he sounded like he was getting sick.

“It’s a Monday morning, of course I am alright.” He said his voice filled with sarcasm.

“Well aren’t you a ball of sunshine,” I mumbled turning my attention to Mrs. Moore who was standing on the stage waiting for everyone to quiet down and begin the lesson.

I watched as Mrs. Moore’s eyes scanned across the classroom, her eyes stopping at me. Her eyes then shifted to Gavin, “Mr. Storm!” She yelled in a loud manner causing everyone to quiet down almost immediately. “I hope that isn’t a drink I see in your hand!” Her voice booming across the room.

I heard Gavin sigh, as he got up. “I’ll see you guys later,” He said to me and Sarah, walking out of the theatre.


“Food, nothing can be better than food, it fills you up, and fattens you too! Nothing can compare to food, you buffoon!” Holly sang to herself as Ben, Holly and made our way to the cafeteria for lunch.

“I want to say that makes no sense, but it does at the same time, somewhat.” Ben said confused, “I want to ask but at the same time I don’t, but what I will ask is why are you in such a good mood? It’s Monday…”

“Because, I am hungry and we are half way through the day! And plus this is our last week until Spring Break!” Holly said excitedly.

Ben looked at me confused then he already was, “Just ignore her Ben, that’s what I have been doing for the last five minutes.”

“Hey!” Holly said smacking me on the arm, “Rude much?”

“Weird much?” I retorted.

Holly narrowed her eyes at me, flicking her light brown hair over her shoulder and walking away. I let out a chuckle, at how childish Holly was being.

“Aren’t you going to chase after her?” Ben asked, looking at where Holly disappeared off too, in the sea of people.

“I would but I have to go and buy my lunch, I am tired of Marco cooking me the same thing over and over.”

“I’ll come with,” Ben said making a move to follow me.

“No, it’s fine. I will see you at the table in a few,” I told Ben giving him a smile and turning around walking towards the line of people waiting to buy their lunch.

Things were still a little tense with Ben after Holly told him I went out with Gavin. I should be mad at Holly but she is my cousin, I had to forgive her eventually, plus I don’t like when we fight, it becomes awkward for a couple of days afterwards.

I suddenly felt someone reach out grabbing my right arm forcing me to stop, I turned around coming face to face with the slut herself. “Just the person I wanted to see.” Ashley said to me, “I didn’t really want to see you it is just an expression.” She explained to me like I was a five year old.

“I get it,” I told her slowly.

“Just making sure,” She said. “Well since you’re going to buy your lunch, buy mine too.” She said handing me a few bills in my hand. “Get me a salad with croutons and a diet coke.” She ordered to me like I was her maid.

“What why? I am not your maid,” I said handing her money back over to her. “Get one of your friends to do it,” I said looking at the small blonde girl standing behind Ashley.

“You remember our deal don’t you?” She asked, and I nodded my head. “Now go get me my lunch and bring it back to my table.”

I let out a sigh, grabbing the money back from Ashley and walking towards the lunch line. I quickly grabbed Ashley’s food as well as some pizza for me, paying the lunch lady and walking back over to where Ashley was sitting with here friends.

“Here,” I said dropping the food in front of Ashley.

“Nerd?” Someone said, my head snapped up as I locked eyes with Gavin. “Why did you get Ashley her food?”

I opened my mouth to speak but the slut cut me off, “She insisted.” Ashley said giggling wrapping her hand around Gavin’s arm.

“She insisted?” Gavin repeated, “Is that true Ali?”

I forced a smile, “Yup.”

“Well I find that hard to believe, last time I asked you for a pencil you told me to fuck off,” Gavin said, causing the people watching us to erupt in snickers and laughs.

“People change,” I forced out.

“People, yes. You not so much.”

I rolled my eyes, “Whatever.” I said turning around and storming off, by now I really had no energy to sit with Holly and Ben, Sarah had some test to make up so she wasn’t with us at lunch. So instead I went outside, wanting to eat my greasy pizza alone.

I went over to a tree and taking a seat under it, not many people were outside. Closing my eyes and taking a deep breath, it was quite peaceful, no drama and definitely no Ashley.

“So, are you going to tell me the real reason why you got Ashley her lunch?” I opened my eyes to find Gavin sitting in front of me crossed legged.

“What are you doing here?”

“Waiting for you to answer my question.”

I narrowed my eyes at him, does he not understand that I want to be alone? “I am going to tell you the same thing I said when you asked me for a pencil. Fuck off.”

“I will as soon as you answer my question.” Gavin replied making no movement to leave.

“Well if you aren’t going to leave, I will.” I said grabbing my pizza and getting up.

“Nerd, are you really just going to run away from me?”

“Yes, rainbow. I will.” I said in a mocking tone.

“Why can’t you just tell me?” He asked softly.

I looked into Gavin’s dark brown eyes, “I am sorry. I can’t.”

“You can’t or you won’t?”

I took a deep breath, as I recalled Ashley’s words running through my brain. “Gavin, please just stay away from me.”


“It’s a long story.”

“I got time,” He said standing up and crossing his arms over his chest. “Why can’t you just tell me?” He said prying, “What are you afraid of?”

I opened my mouth to speak when I noticed a blonde girl, as I looked a little closer I noticed it was Ashley, she was scanning the area most probably looking for Gavin.

I turned back to Gavin, “Please just stay away from me.” I said softly, turning around and walking away. I couldn’t risk Ashley seeing me talk to Gavin when she specifically told me to stay away.

I ignored the warm feeling I had in the bottom of my stomach, as I realized that Gavin actually chased after me. It made me realize that he actually cares for me, and I didn’t want to lose that…

Chapter Twenty-Six: Thomas the Creep

“Gavin, can you just stand next to Ali? You are being unreasonable!” Sarah said frustrated with the lack of progress our group was making. We only had a few more days until Spring Break and Sarah was going away with her family and knowing mine we would probably go somewhere to visit someone famous or something, so it was really one of our last few days to work on our dance.

“I can’t because she told me to keep my distance,” Gavin said standing at least a few feet away from me, leaning up against the wall.

“Look, Gavin just because I told you to stay away from me doesn’t mean we can’t get this dance done, I want a good grade you know.”

“And I want some answers,” He retorted.

I sighed massaging my temple with my fingers, it really wasn’t that easy telling someone the real reason why you had to stay away from them. Sure my dad could easily deal with the whole Ashley situation with the snap of a finger, but I don’t want him to know that I screwed up-again.

“Look, you two.” Sarah spoke. “This is between you guys not me, so unless you guys want to work get your problems figured out because I am out of here.” Sarah said, her tone filled with annoyance.

“Where are you going?” I asked confused.

“Somewhere, you two aren’t.” Sarah said slamming the door shut on her way out.

“What? She can’t do that, we are in the middle of class.” I said walking over to the door and pulling it open. I stuck my head out in the deserted halls, there was no sign of her. I let out a sigh turning back to Gavin, “She can’t do that can she?” I questioned.

He shrugged, “I don’t know and I frankly do not care.” Gavin said simply picking up his backpack and making his way towards me.

He walked around me, pulling the door open and stalking out. “Where do you think you’re going?” I called out to him.

“So now you care?” Gavin called back, not bothering to turn around.

I watched as his silhouette got smaller and smaller as he continued to walk down the hall, “I’ve always cared.” I muttered under my breath, closing the door and sliding my back against it and sinking down to the floor.


By the time I got home, I was exhausted even though it was only Tuesday I felt like my brain was emotionally and physically drained.

“How was school, Alice?” A voice said causing me to look up from untying my shoes.

“Draining,” I said kicking of my shoes. It seemed that I really haven’t seen my own mother in ages, I know she has been out of the country for a few weeks but it was good to have her back home. “How was your trip?” I said walking over to her and wrapping her in a hug, my mother’s body tensed under my arms. She was most definitely not expecting a hug.

“It was good-“ She said cutting herself off, obviously startled by my hug. “Is everything okay, honey?”

“Peachy!” I said pulling out of the hug to face my mother, “Why?”

“You’re not usually a touchy person, unless you’ve had a bad day. So tell me what’s wrong?” She said sympathetically dropping her hands that contained mail to her sides.

I gave her a small smile, “I am good mom, trust me.”

She gave me a small smile in return, “That’s what I am afraid of.”

I rolled my eyes, as I picked up my bag from the floor. “Hardy-har-har. You’re hilarious,” I replied dryly. “I think I am just going to head upstairs, is Thomas in his room?” I asked my mom, as she looked through the mail in her hands.

She nodded her head, “Okay, thanks!” I said giving her a kiss on the cheek and heading up the stairs in search of my ten year old brother.

“Okay, Alice! Now I definitely know something is wrong!” I heard my mom call.

I chuckled to myself as I raced upstairs, I said hello’s as I passed by the guards walking over to Thomas room. I stood outside his closed door, pending on whether I should knock or not.

“Eh, whatever,” I mumbled under my breath, twisting the door knob and pushing it open. “Thomas,” I called out to my younger brother walking into his room.

Thomas’ head snapped up from his computer looking at me in shock. “Alice! What the hell? You are supposed to knock, when you want permission to enter my room.” He said annoyed, quickly shutting of his computer screen and looking at me with narrowed eyes.

I looked at his computer screen briefly, before he turned it off I saw some kind of video. It looked like the house, “Thomas what are you hiding?”

He looked at me crossing his arms over his chest, “What I’m hiding is none of your business, so just learn to knock or get out.” He said standing up from his chair and walking over to me.

Thomas grabbed me by the arm, hauling me over to the door. “Thomas, I came in here for a reason. I need to ask you something.”

“You can ask me when you learn to knock on my door,” He stated opening the door and pushing me out.

“Since when do you care so much about me knocking on your door? You’re being unreasonable.”

“I don’t care,” He responded slamming the door in my face.

I stood outside his closed door, shocked that he actually had the guts to do that too my face. “Rude much?” I said crossing my arms and glaring at the door. I then turned my head to some of the guards who were just walking up and down the hall.

“Does he do this to everyone?” I asked. But like always they responded with a shrug there faces stone faced and neutral. “You know what, forget knocking.”

I turned the doorknob again pushing open the door and storming inside. Thomas’ head snapped toward the door his face comforting to an annoyed look.

“Alice,” He growled out.

“Thomas,” I said mocking him in the same tone.

“What do you want now?” He said blocking his computer screen with his body, turning off the monitor and then turning around to face me.

“Nothing, just wanting to know how my only brother is doing.” I said in a sarcastic tone.

“Sure you do, now get to the point? I am kind of busy,” Thomas said, tapping his feet impatiently.

“Well since someone is on their man period I will make this quick,” I said sarcastically. Thomas’ face turning into a look of discomfort. “Someone at school knows my secret,”

“That you pick your nose?” Thomas questioned, “That really wasn’t a secret we all knew that.”

“Yes- wait no, I don’t pick my nose!” I exclaimed, looking at my younger brother in disgust. “Who told you that?”

“No one, we’ve all seen you done it.” Thomas said shuddering.

“Well I don’t.” I said snapping at my brother, “If someone in the family does pick their nose it’s you. Now listen, someone at school knows who I am. And she threatened to tell everyone if I don’t do what I am told and if I don’t stay away from Gavin, now listen-“

“Who’s Gavin?” Thomas questioned, cutting me off.


“You said that this person told you to stay away from Gavin, now who is he?”

“None of your damn business,” I said snapping at him, once more.

“Aww someone has a crush,” Thomas cooed walking over to me and pinching my cheek.

I slapped his head away, narrowing my eyes at my brother. “Can we just please stay on topic please?” I asked, “Is that honestly so hard?” Thomas shrugged in response, “Now listen and don’t interrupt me. She knows who I am, but I looked the exact same, how come she knew all of a sudden? I doubt she saw you when we came in or maybe she did. I don’t know but it honestly makes no sense to me.”

“Well first nothing makes sense to you, second I think dad called in to warn them we were coming, you know for safety reasons. I also told him before we left so maybe that’s how she knew. And third you still didn’t answer my question about Gavin, and you didn’t deny when I said you had a crush on him so it is true…” Thomas said smirking.

“Wait, he called in?” I said my brain trying to process the words Thomas just said. “And I do not have a crush on Gavin!” I said denying the fact that he could even think such a thing.

“I do believe I just said that and yes, yes you do.”

I rolled my eyes, ignoring the crush theory, “So that’s how she found out, there was no way Ashley was smart enough to figure out who I was, call me rude but she was Ashley after all.”

“So, since everything is good now can you please leave? I have work to do,” Thomas said sounding somewhat like dad.

“Sure, but first.” I said quickly walking over to Thomas’ computer.

“Hey! What are you doing, ever heard of privacy?” Thomas said trying to pull me away from his computer. I was dying to know what he was hiding ever since I entered his room.

I turned on the monitor as the screen turned on, showing me small screens around seven of them showing me live videos of around the house.

I slowly backed away from the computer looking at my younger brother in shock, “Thomas…” I said slowly, “How did you get this footage?”

“Okay I know what you are thinking, and no I am not a creep. Just a smart ten year old, who is really good with hacking and computers.”

“You hacked into our security system?” I asked bewildered that he can even do such a thing.

“It wasn’t that hard.”

“Thomas our security system is one of the best in the entire country, how did you get this?” I asked, demanding to know how he got his hands on such a thing.

“I am not telling you,” He said scoffing. “Now get out.”

“You will tell me or else I will tell mom and dad. And I don’t think they would be so happy that there ten year old son is creeping on people.”

“You wouldn’t.” He said his eyes narrowing at me.

“Try me,” I said challenging him.

He let out a sigh. “Fine, I’ll tell you. I was bored one day, and ended up wandering around the house, I found myself at the tech room, you know the one with all the cameras?” He asked and I nodded my head. “Well, there was only one person there I think his name was Jason or something I don’t remember. He showed me all the cameras that were placed in and outside the house, he also showed me how it worked and I found myself staying and talking to Jason for hours. It was so cool, so once I left I came back to my room and I decided to see if I could use the skills he taught me to see if I could hack into the system, I could and I did.”

I looked at brother in shock, “Thomas you are a creep!”

“I am not a creep.” He stated, “I am just a very smart ten year old.”

“You hacked into our system so you could stalk people. Yeah, that’s not creepy at all!”

“Okay, look I told, now get out.” He said grabbing my arm and pulling me toward the door. He pushed me outside, and was making the move to slam the door when I called out.

“Wait, Thomas. I won’t tell anyone, just wait.”

“What?” He asked impatiently.

“You know my friend Sarah, right?”

“Heard of her, why?”

“She has two younger brothers that go to this prodigy school, maybe since you can hack into our security system and such you can get into the program as well. You know as a computer geek,” I explained to him. “Since you want to go to school, maybe I can convince mom and dad.”

“But that means, you will tell them that I hacked into the security system! No way, I do not want them finding out about that.” He said in a hushed tone, not wanting any of the guards to hear us.

“I won’t tell them, I promise. You just have to trust me okay?”

“Fine, but I swear to God, Alice. Tell them-“

“And blah blah, feel the wrath of Thomas Henry Montclair. Got it,” I said waving my hand in dismissal and walking away. Who knew even my little brother had secrets, disturbing ones. But nevertheless secrets, it made me wonder what else Thomas knew about.

I looked up at the ceiling noticing the small cameras, which were placed on the ceiling. “Thomas the creep.” I wondered out loud. “It has a nice ring to it.”

Chapter Twenty-Seven: Tell Me a Story

“I have gathered you both here today-“ My mom began speaking, not long before Thomas had interrupted her.

“What are we? At a funeral?” Thomas interjected.

I turned my head to face Thomas, who was seated beside me at the breakfast table. I gave him a confused look, however did not comment. I looked back at my mother who was giving Thomas the same look, she just carried on speaking.

“Anyways, your father wanted me to talk to you both about the trip that we are taking to Europe over the Spring Break, we will be visiting Netherlands, Belgium and Italy for the week and I expect you both to be on your best behavior.” My mother said in a strict tone, she then looked at Thomas giving him a look.

“Why are you looking at me like that?”

“Remember the last time? Our trip to China?” I asked him.

“To be fair, I was nine and a little immature. You can’t blame me. The jug that the tour guide let us hold, was slippery! How was I supposed to know that it Ancient Chinese Warriors drank from the exact same jug? I was doing them a favor by dropping it, do you know how old that jug must be?”

I let out a snort, “Yeah, centuries old.”

“Well let’s just try to make sure that something like that doesn’t happen again? And let’s just make sure for the sake of everyone that we don’t give Thomas a priceless artifact to hold.” My mom spoke interrupting our bickering.

“Fair enough.” I said.

“So if we are done here, can I go?” Thomas asked.

My mom gave my brother a glare, waving her hands. “You have permission, just remember to start packing.”

Thomas nodded getting up from his seat, and walking out of the breakfast room. “You think he will really go and start packing?” I asked my mom.

“I want to say yes, but we all know that’s not true.”

I chuckled, “Well I am going to get going, I am pretty sure that Ben is outside waiting to take me to school.”

“Okay, but when you get back from school I want you to start packing. Do I make myself clear?” She asked giving me the same look she gave Thomas earlier.

I rolled my eyes, “Yes mom.”

“Have a great day. Love you!”

I smiled, walking out of the breakfast room. “Love you too!”


“God dammit,” Gavin hissed at me. “That was the sixth time you stepped on me! Now you are just doing it for fun.”

“You know after the fourth time I thought you would catch on by now,” I said to him, in a mocking tone.

“You know what I don’t have to take this,” Gavin said getting up from the floor, where he was previously- clutching his foot.

“You are not leaving are you?” No matter how many times I stepped on him, I didn’t think I would cause him to leave. Sarah wasn’t here and we were even more dysfunctional than before.

“I am not leaving, last time I ditched the bald eagle also known as our principal Mr. Adams caught me, and warned me if I skipped again I would be getting a suspension.”

“And you care because…?” I asked him, I didn’t really think that he would care since he was known to be as what we would call a ‘bad boy.’

“I care because I actually want to graduate from this shithole. Believe it or not I actually want to have a career when I get older not like my disappointment of a dad.” He muttered under his breath.

“I doubt he is a disappointment,” I said walking over to where he was standing and taking a seat on the floor, leaning against the mirror behind me.

“Trust me he is,” Gavin replied sitting down next to me.

“Then tell me.”

“Tell you what?”

“How your father is such a disappointment,” I said quoting his words.

“Okay, I will tell you. But you have to tell me why you are doing what the she devil asks you to do. And why you are becoming her slave all of a sudden, I thought you hated her.”

“I do.” I really did hate Ashley after blackmailing me, why wouldn’t someone hate someone who did something like that to you? 

“Then I tell you my story, and you tell me yours.” Gavin said.

I shook my head, looking straight into his dark brown eyes, “It’s kind of complicated.”

“Then un-complicate it.”

“I can’t,” I replied.

“That’s another word for no, isn’t it?” He asked, I didn’t respond. My eyes darting elsewhere, a few seconds later we both realized the answer to that question.

“Can we talk about something else, please?” I asked, pleadingly.

“Sure, like what?” He questioned, dropping the subject.

“Tell me about yourself,” I asked stretching out my legs.

“Well I was born on April 30, 1996-“ Gavin began before I cut him off. “What?” He asked confused, to why I was laughing.

“You were born on the day Hitler committed suicide.” I said trying to control my chuckles.

Gavin glared at me, “Only you would know that.” He said letting out a chuckle before carrying on with his story. “As I was saying I was born April 30, 1996, I have one younger brother you met him Garrett, I have a dog named Kingston and when I get older I want to become an engineer.” Gavin told, finishing off his story.

“Boring!” I announced.


“That was boring, I was looking forward to embarrassing moments, funny stories. You know?”

“No I don’t.” Gavin replied, “That’s what you get take it or leave it.”

I rolled my eyes at him, “I’ll take it, but I’ll have you know you are one of the worst story tellers ever.”

“I can live with that, now tell me your story.”

“Well I was born January 9-“ I began before Gavin cut me off.


“No, what?”

“No don’t give me that crap. Tell me your real story.” He told me sitting up and looking me dead in the eye.

I looked at him curiously, “Did you just quote The Fault in our Stars?”

“No.” Gavin denied quickly.

“Yes you did!” I exclaimed, “Please don’t tell me you read the book.” When Gavin didn’t answer, I began to chuckle causing his cheeks to go pink. “You did, didn’t you?” That caused me to laugh even more. “Please don’t tell me you cried.”  Gavin stayed silent looking elsewhere, but I noticed his pink tainted cheeks become red.

“You know what, I don’t have to take this.” Gavin said standing up.

I got up as well, trying to control my laughter’s. “No Gavin, wait! I think it is cute that you read the book and cried.” I said trying to die down my laughs.

“You are just saying that to make me feel better aren’t you?” Gavin asked holding the door knob.

“No,” I quickly replied.

“Liar,” Gavin said to me opening the door and walking out.

“Gavin!” I called getting up from the floor where I was previously sprawled across. “Gavin!” I called out to him, who was already making his way down the hallway.

“What? Are you going to apologize?”

“No, I was going to tell you that if you ditched you are going to get suspended.” I told him honestly, trying to contain my smirk.

Gavin replied by turning around and walking down the hall, a few seconds later he lifted his hand giving me the middle finger and storming off.


“I can’t believe you are going to Europe, God please take me with you.” Holly groaned burying her head in her hands.

I took a bite out of my apple, munching on it before replying. “I would if I could, how do you think I feel being stuck on a plane with Thomas for eight hours?”

“Well the plane ride might be hell, but at least you get to meet some cute boys. Please bring me back one.” Holly said grabbing on to my arm, pleading.

I gave her look, “I am not bringing you back a boy, maybe a souvenir but not a boy.”

“Can my souvenir be a boy?” Holly asked.

“Holly!” I warned.

“I’m done,” She replied waving her hands up in surrender.

I gave her a flat look, continuing to munch on my apple. “I hope you were kidding.”

“I was, relax your tits woman!”

I was about to reply when I heard books slam, causing my head to turn to the source of the noise. “Hey, guys.” Ben muttered taking a seat next to me.

“Hey,” Holly replied cheerfully.

“What’s this?” I said skipping hellos and getting straight to the point.

“This is all my work I am going to miss going to Europe with you and your family.” Ben said opening up a textbook and burying his head into it.

“What do you mean, miss?”

“What do you mean, Europe?”

“We are going for a week and a half,” Ben said lifting his head and removing his hair from his eyes.

“You are going to Europe too?” Holly asked, letting out a cry. “Why does everyone leave me?”

I ignored Holly turning back to Ben, “My mom said we are only going for the Spring Break. I can’t go any more than that I have a drama dance due, the Tuesday we come back and Mrs. Moore won’t move dates, she is very big on performances.”

“Did you tell her that you have a drama dance?” Ben questioned. I nodded my head, “Well that’s probably why. She didn’t want to tell you until we were on the trip.”

I groaned, “Gavin and Sarah are both going to murder me, and don’t get me started on Mrs. Moore she will kill me for skipping.”

“You aren’t technically skipping,” Holly pointed out.

“Whatever, I am going to go find Gavin and deliver the news to him. Be right back,” I said getting up and walking to where Gavin was seated.

As I got closer to the table, I noticed Ashley had her arm wrapped around Gavin’s. When I got close to the table I stopped causing all conversations happening prior to my arrival to stop, “Hey, may I borrow Gavin for a minute?”

“No you may not,” Ashley said snapping at me.

I sighed opening my mouth to speak, but Gavin had beat me to it. “Relax, I can answer for myself.” He told her, looking back at me. “I hope you are here to apologize for what you said in the morning.”

“What did she say?” Ashley asked, glaring at me.

I just rose my eyebrows, looking at Gavin with a blank look. “No, I am not here to apologize, I didn’t even do anything wrong.” I told him, to be honest I didn’t do anything, I did try to apologize but who am I kidding? If it was you in the conversation you would probably act the same why I did.

“I just wanted to tell you that I am not here, on Monday or Tuesday that we get back from Spring Break, so you have to work with Sarah on the dance.”

“Why are you telling me this now? Why not tomorrow?” He asked shrugging his arm off Ashley as she tried to hold it again.

“Cause after the situation we had earlier, I didn’t think you would show up.”

“Makes sense, just text me later on.” He said waving his hands dismissively.

“She has your number?” Ashley shrieked.

“Yeah, is that a problem?” Gavin asked, looking at Ashley as if she was challenging him.

She shook her head in response to his question. “You know what,” I said speaking up. “This conversation is between a and b, I am just going to ‘c’ myself out.” I said in a joking matter, I let out a chuckle as everyone at the table stared at me with confused and blank looks.

“I am just going to go,” I said turning around and walking away. “Well that wasn’t embarrassing at all…” I muttered under my breath.

Chapter Twenty-Eight: Belgium Swimming

“Do you have some peanuts?” Thomas asked the flight attendant, as we were getting ready for lift off.

“Yes we do, would you like some?” The flight attendant asked, Thomas.

He nodded his head in reply, the flight attendant walked away most probably getting the peanuts Thomas had just asked for. “Why do you want peanuts? Last time I checked you hated them,” I asked Thomas closing the magazine I had in my hand and giving him my full attention.

“Well, what was I supposed to order?” He asked, buckling himself in.

“Anything, else.” I said, in a duh tone.

He shrugged, “It’s too late now. She already went to get my peanuts.”

I rolled my eyes, looking back at the magazine I was reading. But I wasn’t really reading it, or even looking at the pictures. Instead my mind was somewhere else, and if your guess is Gavin, then you are right. After the whole situation, at the lunch table. The next day Gavin showed up to Drama class, so did Sarah. We taught her the dance, and actually got the whole thing completed. I just kind of wished that I was the one doing the dance with Gavin, not Sarah.

“First stop, Belgium!” I heard someone announce, I looked up and saw Ben and his parents coming aboard the plane. “Hello, Alice, Thomas.” Ben’s father said to us.

“Hello,” Thomas said. It looked like the flight attendant had already returned with Thomas’ peanuts because he was already stuffing a bunch into his mouth.

“Hey, Alice.” Ben said coming and seating next to me, “You don’t mind if I sit, here do you?” He said directing his attention to the empty seat next to me.

I shook my head, “No it’s fine. But, if you do start chewing and eating like Thomas is at the moment.” I said looking at my younger brother in disgust. “I might just have to ask you to sit elsewhere…”

Ben let out a chuckle, “Trust me. I won’t.” He said looking at Thomas, crinkling his nose, most probably in disgust. “I thought he hated peanuts.” Ben said to me.

“Trust me, I did too.”

“Attention passengers, we will be taking off in the next two minutes. Please fasten your seatbelts and enjoy the ride.” Said a lady over the announcement, it was most probably the same lady who gave Thomas his peanuts.

“Here,” Ben said handing me over a piece of gum.

“Is this your way of telling me my breath stinks?” I said in a joking mater.

Ben, laughed but shook his head. “I thought you might want it for the lift off.”

I shook my head, denying the piece of gum. “No, thanks. I’ve been on a plane many times I am use to it by now.”

Ben shrugged, “Suit yourself.” He then popped the piece of gum in his mouth, taking out his headphones and placing them over his ear.

I shortly did the same, I was in no mood for talking or hearing Thomas’ voice for the next eight hours, soon the sound of John Legends’ All of me, blasted through my ears, sending me into true bliss.


“Can I wake her?” I heard a voice ring through my ears.

“It depends on your definition of wake her.” I heard a second voice say.

I snuggled into my seat trying to block the sound of the two voices speaking. Like can’t they see that someone is trying to sleep?

“Well can one of you just wake her up, already? We will be landing in the next five minutes and Thomas you have to be seated in your seat.” I heard a new voice say, it sounded feminine it was most probably my mother.

My eyes fluttered opened, as I rubbed my hands on my eyes, I felt drowsy. “Ugh, she’s awake.” Thomas said grumbling walking back to his seat.

“Good evening to you too, Thomas.” I mumbled, stretching in my chair.

“Actually it is two in the morning in Brussels, and it is eight in the evening in Washington.” Ben said, “The time difference between the two is six hours,” Ben explained.

“So it’s morning?” I said sitting up straighter in my chair. He nodded his head, “Were you up this whole flight?” I asked changing the topic.

He nodded his head, “Yeah, you passed out a few minutes into the flight and Thomas passed out a couple of hours into it. Sally gave him some ice cream, and I guess it knocked him out sooner than we all expected.”

“Who?” I asked, I had no idea who this Sally chick was.

“The flight attendant, her name is Sally.”

“Oh,” I said nodding my head. I was still feeling the after effects of the sleep, my back was hurting due to the position I fell asleep in.

“Attention passengers, we will be arriving in Brussels Airport in the next few minutes please fasten your seatbelts and I hope you enjoyed your flight on Air force one.” I heard the same lady, Sally say over the intercom.

I felt the plane begin to descend as I grabbed my elbow rest gripping it. I always hated the feeling when the plane begins to land, I always got butterflies in my stomach and it did kind of scared me.

When I felt the plane touch the ground, my nerves began to calm down a little. I knew it was a matter of seconds when the plane would finally come to a stop and we would be off this death trap, as some people would say.

“Thank you for flying with us on Air force one, I hope you enjoyed your flight and have a great stay!”

I unbuckled my seatbelt grabbing my luggage that was placed above me, pulling it down and making my way of the plane.

I smoothed out my skirt, fixing my hair before I left the plane, usually they would be paparazzi outside waiting for my father’s arrival but since it was two in the morning in Brussels I didn’t know. “How do I look?” I asked turning to Ben.

“What?” He asked confused.

“Is my hair alright, I don’t have drool on my face either, do I?”

He shook his head, “No you don’t have any drool and your face looks fine, you look beautiful.” I heard him say quietly.

My eyes widened, I wasn’t expecting that. “Um, thanks.” I said quietly, giving him a small smile, trying to shrug of the fact that he called me beautiful like it wasn’t a big thing.

He nodded his head, as I turned around making my way of the plane. I passed by Thomas who was talking to Barbra, Ben’s mom. “I am just saying, if I was the one in charge I would make sure that, there is a variety of food.”

I rolled my eyes ignoring him, I didn’t want to know.

“Alice,” I heard someone say. I turned my neck around to notice my dad coming out of the bathroom. “I expect you to be on your best behavior, am I clear?” He asked me in a strict tone.

I nodded my head, “Of course. But shouldn’t you be telling Thomas that? After all he was the one who broke the priceless artifact back in China.”

“No, I know you won’t break anything. Or I hope. I was just saying, Ben is a seventeen year old boy and you are a seventeen year old girl, I don’t want to expect any surprises on this trip…”

My eyes widened in horror. “Dad!” I exclaimed, “Gross!” I said shuddering, turning around to make sure that Ben nor did his parents here what my dad implied.

“I am just saying, Alice. I think you both are good kids, but I don’t want to be a grandpa anytime soon.” He replied, as Sally finally got the door open to the plane, my dad thanking her than walking off leaving me in shock.


“Can we go to the pool?” Thomas asked me for the sixth time today.

“No, mom said we can’t leave the room, and I’d rather not feel the wrath of momzilla.”


“I just told you why,” I said closing my laptop and giving him my undivided attention.

“You are honestly no fun,” Thomas grumbled jumping onto his bed and groaning into his pillow.

My parents went out for some tour of Brussels with the Prime Minister of Belgium, they were accompanied by Ben’s parents and Ben was most probably in his room or something, he was supposed to be watching us but ten minutes, sitting on the couch and listening to Thomas complain he left.

“Tell you what,” I said calling out to Thomas. “I’ll take you to the pool, under one condition.”

Thomas’ head slowly rose up turning to me to look at me in suspicion, “What?”

“You don’t annoy me for the rest of the week,” I said to him. “After all considering we will be roomies for the next week, you have already begun to get on my nerves. So I will take you the pool as long as you agree not to irritate me for the rest of the week.”

Thomas let out a snort, “How stupid do you think I am?” He said incredulously. “I will just go ask Ben,” Thomas said getting up from his bed.

“You are pretty stupid if you think, Ben will allow you to go.” I said opening up my laptop and re focusing my attention back on to tumblr.

“Fine, you have a deal. I am going to get ready.” Thomas said walking into the closet where we had already unpacked looking for his swimming trunks.

The room plan was like this, mom and dad would share one room, Thomas and I in another and Ben and his parents in the third room. I suggested that Ben and Thomas room together and I get my own room, but my mom quickly dismissed the idea saying it was a chance for me and Thomas to bond.

“Ready,” Thomas announced coming out of the closet. With his swimming trunks on and a towel wrapped around his pale skinny body.

“You need to tan,” I said aloud.

“That’s unhealthy for your skin. Excuse me for caring but I’d rather not get skin cancer.” Thomas stated.

I rolled my eyes, “Whatever let’s go.” I said getting up from my chair and placing my laptop on the side table next to me. I then grabbed my keys and motioning for Thomas to follow me.

But when I pulled open the door, he just stood there in the same spot with the same blank expression. “Don’t you want to go? You’ve only annoyed the crap out of me for the last twenty minutes.”

“Of course I want to go.”

“Then what are you waiting for?”

“I just,” Thomas began letting out a sigh. “I don’t want to go alone.”

“You aren’t going to be alone, I am there.” I said.

“No, it’s just that nobody has time for me anymore, everyone is always busy. Dad is always working, mom is working on her clothing line and you are busy with school and friends.” He admitted.

“Thomas, what are you saying?” I asked softly.

“I am saying, I am glad mom put us in the same room. Because, believe it or not I finally get to spend time with you.” He said looking down at the floor in embarrassment.

I smiled, I didn’t know what made Thomas want to say any of this. But I am glad he did, “How about this?” I said getting an idea in my head. “I change and we can go to the pool together?”

Thomas smiled to me, “Sure. You got two minutes.” He announced, turning around and walking to the television set. He turned the television on then turned to look at me briefly, “What are you still doing standing there? Hurry up and change!”

I rolled my eyes, “And he is back…”


I let out a bark of laughter as I watched Thomas’ arms wave around before landing in the pool with a splash. “Not funny, Alice.” Thomas growled at me as his head came out from under water.

“It’s pretty funny, you got to admit.” I said in amusement. Since we’ve arrived at the pool we have been pushing each other in and splashing each other with water.

It’s been pretty funny, and amusing when I would push Thomas into the water and a girly scream would come out of his mouth as he fell in. Thankfully there was no one in the pool, besides us and it has been pretty fun, because if there was someone else I am pretty sure we would be kicked out of here in no time.

“You know what’s pretty funny?” Thomas asked as he pulled himself out of the pool.

“Your girly scream?” I asked.

He shook his head as he stalked closer to me, “No. This.” I watched as Thomas ran at me grabbing me by the legs and tackling me into the pool.

I let out a scream as I felt my body slap against the cold water, I quickly rose to the surface of the water spluttering out water. I did not except Thomas to do that, especially since he was the size of a midget. “What the hell was that for?” I yelled at him.

“It’s called payback, look it up, sister.” Thomas said then swimming all the way to the other side of the pool.

I rolled my eyes as I laid back against the water, floating. It was quite peaceful, as I felt the water wave my body around I took deep breaths.

“Alice? Thomas? What the heck are you two doing here?” I heard someone say. I stopped floating to look up and see Ben, standing by the door he had a towel thrown over his shoulder but his six pack was still in view. “I thought you two were in your room.” He said, walking towards the edge of the pool.

“Well we aren’t,” I said in a duh tone.

“Well I know that now,” He said annoyed. “Why didn’t you tell me you were going to the pool, if your parents came back and I didn’t know where you two were do you know how bad that would look on me?”

“You would’ve said no,” Thomas said swimming over to where I was.

“How do you know that?”

“It’s common knowledge,” I said.

“Well next time ask and not make accusations,” Ben spat at us, I am pretty sure he was getting just a tad angry.

“Fine, will do.” I said going back to my previous position of floating.

“Uh, what are you doing?” Ben asked.

“What does it look like I am doing? I am floating.”

“Well stop it and get out,” Ben demanded.

I shook my head, “Nah I am good. And anyways, you brought your towel and swim trunks I am pretty sure you came to swim too, so just carry on like we aren’t even here.”

“Well now, I know you are here.” Ben said, “And I am telling you both to get out, I have to get you to your rooms before our parents get back.”

“If you want me out so badly, come get me.” I said standing up, and looking Ben in the eye, challenging him.

He just narrowed his eyes at me, “Fine.” Ben said tossing his towel to the side then jumping into the pool with a splash. Once he came above surface he pushed his hair back his eyes looking straight at me.

I let out a shriek as I watched him swim towards me, I began to swim quickly to the other side, “You’ll never catch me.” I said screaming.

I then felt a hand grab my left leg from under water pulling me back. I attempted to wriggle my left leg free but Ben’s hand had a strong grip on my leg. “Got you,” Ben whispered in my ear, his hands gripping my waist and his bare chest pressed against my back.

“That’s not fair,” I said out of breath. I turned around to face Ben, “You’re in shape.” I said smacking his stomach.

I felt his hands grip my waist even tighter, but I didn’t flinch, “And you’re not.” Ben said smacking my stomach right back.

My jaw dropped open, “Excuse me? This-“ I said holding my bare stomach, “Is in shape. Don’t you see the faint outline of my abs?”

“Hmm,” Ben said. “I can’t see from this far,” he then put his face closer to my stomach.

I quickly swatted his head away, pushing it away from my stomach, he was a little too close to my chest area and considering I was wearing a bikini it didn’t help my situation.

“If you think you are in shape, I guess I will just have to find out.” Ben said smirking slightly.

“Find out? What do you-“ I stopped mid-sentence as he went under water, a few seconds later I felt his arms wrap around my legs, tossing me over his shoulder. “Benjamin William James put me down!” It reminded me of when Gavin did this to me, when he took me out for Valentine Day, and it might sound a little weird but I felt like I was betraying him somehow.

I looked up from where I was dangling off Ben’s back and noticed Thomas’ floating on the water, “Thomas!” I called out to him.

“What?” He yelled back.

“Um, help?” I said to him. I felt Ben shift causing my body to get closer to the water, “Ben!” I yelled, my face was now inches away from the water. “Thomas!” I shrieked.

“Fine, I am coming.” I looked up and saw that he was swimming towards us. When he finally reached us, I noticed that he was treading water. His feet probably didn’t touch the ground, “Ben put her down.”

Ben looked over to Thomas, staring at him with a blank expression. “Well you asked for it.” Thomas said, a few seconds later I felt him jump onto Ben his legs wrapping tightly around his torso.

“How is this helping?” I asked the same time Ben said to Thomas.

“Thomas, get off me.”

“Will you put her down?” Thomas asked ignoring both of us.

We all then began to argue, I wanted Ben to put me down, Thomas was attempting to help and Ben just wanted Thomas to get off him. I am pretty sure it was due to the extra weight of Thomas. “What the?” We heard someone say.

I turned my head and noticed my father standing at the door to the pool, “Alice!” My dad yelled out in a loud manner.

“Dad! I can explain.” I said as I felt Ben’s grip loosing on me, I was expecting him to put me down but instead he the opposite, chucking me back into the pool…

Chapter Twenty-Nine: Roaming the Streets

“Alice, I am very disappointed in you.” My dad said in a stern voice. I wanted to role my eyes, but I knew if I did I would get hell for doing so. “I thought we made it very clear that you weren’t supposed to leave this room?”

I opened my mouth to speak, “Dad I am sorry, okay?”

He looked at me with a stern expression, “Sometimes sorry isn’t enough.”

I let out a sigh, “What do you want me to say?” I was dripping wet. Once Ben pulled me out of the pool, I wanted to change but my dad didn’t allow me instead he brought me and Ben into his room and began lecturing us.

“Alice, you’re going off to College next year. When will you learn to grow up and stop making these childish mistakes?” My dad asked.

My eyes widened, I would never in a million years think that my dad would say that to me. “I am sorry dad, when I decide to ‘grow up’ I will give you a call, okay?” I said standing up from my chair and wrapping the towel around my body a little tighter. I then went over to the door, “Oh and dad, I am also sorry for being such a disappointment.”

I looked over to Ben, my mom and Ben’s parents who were all staring at me with their eyes widened. They must’ve never thought I would speak to my dad like that, I wouldn’t have. If he hadn’t said what he said. I slammed the door, and began to walk back to my room.

I walked back to my room knocking on the door, knowing that I left my room key in the room. And anyways I knew Thomas was in there, doing what? God knows.

A few seconds later Thomas answered the door, he had already changed and was in a pair of trousers and button up shirt. “Why are you so dressed up?” I asked him walking around him and heading straight to my closet.

“Mom, told me to get dressed she said that the Prime Minister invited us to dinner with his family.” He said following me as I began to rummage through my suitcase.

“Well you can count me out, I am going into the shower than to bed. Trying to erase this whole day out of my mind,” I said grabbing a pair of sweatpants and old t-shirt.

Thomas didn’t reply instead he went back to where he was previously, watching television. I shrugged walking into the bathroom and locking it, I really didn’t feel like having any surprises.


“Yeah because you are a lying scum!” I said throwing the popcorn at the television. I sighed, “Look at me. I am a seventeen year old girl, no social life and throwing popcorn at the television, as if they could magically hear me. I am pathetic,” I said to myself groaning. “Oh and I am talking to myself too.”

I sighed, I had nothing to do. Thomas and everyone left when I was in the shower. My mom left me a note, basically saying that if I leave this room, I will be in some deep shit. And sometimes, there is a boundary you don’t cross with your mom, this was one of those times.

I was interrupted from my thoughts when I heard my phone ringing, I looked around for it trying to find where the ringing was coming from. I lifted up my blanket to find my phone, “Gavin? What the heck is he doing calling me at midnight?” It wasn’t necessarily midnight here but it was midnight back in Washington. “Hello?” I said answering the phone a little hesitant.

“Ali?” I heard Gavin say.

“Gavin?” It was really him, why the heck was he calling me at this hour, unless he was. “Are you drunk?”

“Drunk?” He asked, shocked I even used those words to begin with. “No, why would you think that?”

“Well that’s the only explanation I could think of, explaining to why you are calling me at midnight.” I told him grabbing the remote that was placed beside me and putting the television on mute. “So why are you calling me?”

“To be honest, I don’t know.” I heard him say, sighing on the other end.

I didn’t know what to say, but I was kind of glad that my dad had got me international calling for the week, now I could talk to him without racking up my phone bill. “Do you want to talk about it?”

“No,” Gavin said. I imagined him as if he was shaking his head running his fingers through that brown hair of his.

“Isn’t that what people do? You know call people to talk, because I doubt you called me to hear me breathe.” I said smiling.

He let out a chuckle, “No I didn’t call you to hear you breathe, but if you want we could have…”

“No!” I said exclaiming too loudly, “No we aren’t doing that.”

“How do you even know what I was going to say?” He asked, sounding bewildered.

“I have basically all of my classes with you, I’ve picked on the things you do, what you say and how you act.”

“So you’ve been stalking me?” I could see his grinning face from here.

“No, and stop smirking or grinning or whatever you’re doing. I am not stalking you, trust me you would be the last person I would stalk.”

“Okay, fine you don’t stalk me but I will say you observe me from a distance, okay, nerd?”

“Whatever floats your boat, rainbow.” I said right back.

I heard him groan from the other end, “Can you please stop calling me that? It’s so girly.”

“Will you stop calling me nerd?” I asked.


“Well then, I won’t stop calling you rainbow,” I declared.

“Fine, fair enough.” He said grumbling. It was quiet on the phone for a second, the only sound of our breathing. “Ali…”

“Yeah?” I whispered.

“D-do you think that God has made us for a reason?” He said stuttered a little in the beginning.

“What do you mean?” I questioned.

“I mean do you think like God has made us a plan for the future, like why he placed me into this family or why he sent me to this school or why I even met you in the first place?”

“Maybe,” I said thinking about his question for a few seconds before answering. “I think he did make us for a reason, and I think he did make us become friends for a reason.”

“I never asked why God, made us friends. I never said we were friends in the first place!” Gavin exclaimed.

“If we weren’t friends then how come you called me from all people? When you could’ve called any boy or girl you wanted.” I asked curiously. I then heard him mumble something on the other end, “What did you say? “ I asked a small smile on my face.

“I said!” Gavin said loudly mumbling the rest of his sentence.

“I am sorry I couldn’t quite catch that,” I knew it was something he didn’t want to admit to me if he was mumbling it.

“I said we are friends okay? I said that you don’t annoy me as much as you used too and that I am glad I met you, got it?” Gavin said quickly, I could imagine him blushing. I’ve seen him blush before and it was quite a cute scene.

I smiled, “I am glad I met you too, rainbow.” He let out a sigh, it sounded like it was a sigh of relief. “However, for some odd reason I feel like I am going to regret saying that.”

“You will never regret meeting me.” He said cockily.

“Trust me I am already beginning too.” I said with a smile on my face.


Gavin and I ended up talking for two more hours, we talked about the weirdest things, most of the conversation was arguing but I got too see a side of Gavin that I never actually seen, and I mean it quite literally since I was on the phone with him and not talking face to face.

“I am telling you it is possible to fall sixty feet and only break a hip, you are just being stubborn and not realizing that I am right and you are wrong.” Gavin said protesting.

“Buddy, where did you get this information from?” I asked, there was no way someone could fall that far down and only break a hip.

“Have you ever heard of that show ‘I shouldn’t be alive’?”

I shook my head, “No I haven’t.”

“Well that’s the reason, it’s an amazing show, it shows people how have survived terrifying things you can only imagine like surviving a shark infested ocean, a grizzly bear attack and being stuck in a canyon for twenty days with extreme heat conditions.”

“Why would you watch such a thing?”

“Why wouldn’t you?” He answered back.

I opened my mouth to speak when I heard a scream followed by a loud clash, “Gavin? Is everything alright?”

“Shit, Ali I have to go,” I heard another scream. “I am sorry, bye.” I looked at my phone, he hung up on me leaving me on dial tone.

I stared out my phone for a couple of seconds before chucking it to the side, “Well that was odd.” I reached for the remote un muting the television. I wanted to call him back, I was worried but I knew it was none of my business.

I stared at the television screen, I noticed as Fresh Prince of Bel air was on. It was an American show, odd that it was being shown in a European country but nevertheless I continued to watch. A few minutes into the show, I heard a knock on my door.

“Who is it?” I asked, God knows who it was on the other side. I looked through the peephole of the door, I still felt obliged to ask even though I could clearly see who was behind the door.

“It’s me Ben,” I saw him staring at the ground, his head looked up at the door looking directly at the peephole. “You can clearly see, Alice. Open the door.”

I pulled open the door allowing Ben to come through, “Thank you.” He walked into my room, going straight to the bed.

“What are you doing here?” I said walking over to him and taking a seat next to him.

“The dinner was boring, and asked my parents to let me go back to the hotel, you know hang out with you.” He said loosening his tie.

“So were you bored or wanted to hang out with me?”

“Both,” He said running his hand through his brown hair.

It was quiet for a couple of minutes, the only sounds of our breathing and Will Smith’s voice from the television. “Well, unless you find watching reruns of The Fresh Prince of Bel Air, fun. Well, then you are free to join me

“How about we do something?” Ben suggested.

I groaned, I was changed into a pair of pajama shorts and an old t-shirt I was quite comfortable and I really didn’t feel like changing. “Do we have to? I am not allowed to leave the room.”

“I asked your mom, she said I could take you to the local bakery down the street, what do you say?” He said standing up.

“I say no because there is no way on earth I am leaving my beautiful bed.” I announced, crossing my arms and narrowing my eyes at Ben.


“I can’t believe you dragged me out here,” I said mumbling it was quarter to nine and Ben insisted that we should go get something to eat. I suggested room service but he quickly dismissed that idea saying we should go out, get some exercise. “Like what was the point of exercise if we were just going to get some ice cream?”

“Oh stop complaining, it’s so beautiful out here and it’s called gelato.” He said scooping some of his chocolate ice cream or in this case gelato into his mouth. “Want some?”

I shook my head, “No thanks.” I said scooping some of my vanilla gelato into my mouth.

“So what were you up to, when we left?” Ben asked changing the subject.

“Nothing really, just watching some television.” I said lying. I didn’t want to tell him about my chat with Gavin, it felt personal and Ben and Gavin didn’t really seem to be on good terms.

“That’s nice.”

I nodded giving him a smile before scooping some more gelato into my mouth, “Darn it.” I swore as I felt the gelato start to seep through my white dress.

“Smooth going, Alice.” Ben said chuckling.

I rolled my eyes, grabbing my tissues and trying to get as much gelato as I could off my white dress. “See what happens? And this was a cute dress too.” I muttered the last part under my breath.

“Here, take a seat on the bench.” He said directing me towards the bench that was facing the small pond. We took a seat on the bench as Ben used the remainder of his tissues trying to get the ice cream off my dress.

“It’s fine, after all its just ice cream.” I said smiling at Ben. “Thanks, anyways.”

“If it helps, you still look beautiful. You know under the moon light, with the wind in your hair.” He said bumping his shoulder into mine, a playful smile on his face.

I began to giggle uncontrollably, “That was so utterly cliché.”

Ben began to chuckle with me, “But it made you smile didn’t it?”

I rolled my eyes, “I was smiling before,” I said standing up. “Come on, let’s head back to the hotel our parents and Thomas should be there soon.”

We began to walk back, I opened my mouth to speak but I was cut off by the sounds of two loud bangs. The woman who was walking this way screamed turning around, as if she was fleeing.

I turned around and saw a person in a mask standing at least ten feet away from us, with a gun pointing straight at me, I saw as his finger pulled the trigger, “Alice!” I heard Ben scream, pushing me to the side and into the alley.

I heard as two more gun shots rang out, as I watched in terror as it hit Ben in the chest as he fell down, his ice cream splattering off to the side. “Ben!” I screamed, running towards him. I turned my head and watched as the shooter, ran off leaving a bleeding Ben and a distraught me. “Ben…” I whispered as I watched his eyes close, “Ben!” I said louder as I felt tears beginning to flow. I pressed on the two gun wounds, “Help, somebody please help!” I said screaming at the top of my lungs as I watched Ben start to bleed to death.

Chapter Thirty: Breaking News

“Here,” Ben’s father said placing a cup of coffee in front of me.

“Thank you,” I muttered grabbing the hot cup, in my shaking hands.

He just nodded his head in return, as I sipped on the coffee. None of us uttering a word, lost in our own thoughts. “You know what happened to Ben, isn’t your fault.” Ben’s father whispered.

“That’s what people say, in order to make the other person feel better,” I told him honestly. I didn’t want him lying, we all knew it was my fault that Ben jumped in front of me.

“So it is your fault that man was following you? It’s your fault that Ben wanted to go outside and get some ice cream?” He asked incredulously. I stayed silent, I didn’t know how to react. “Alice, it isn’t your fault.” He whispered softly.

“So it’s Ben’s fault?” I asked in disbelief. “He’s your son,” I whispered. “How could you say that?” I searched his eyes for some sort of answer, he soon broke eye contact getting up from his chair.

Ben’s father took a deep breath, “I am going to get some air.” He muttered, walking down the hall.

I sighed running my hands through my hair. It’s been two days, two days of waiting for Ben to wake up, two days of waiting to know if the police had caught the bastard who did this to him.

I propped my head on my arm, I was tired and even coffee couldn’t keep me up. “Alice?” I turned my head and noticed Ben’s mom looking at me with tired eyes, her brown hair was put in a messy pony tail and like everyone else she looked exhausted.

“Yeah?” I asked sitting up, a little straighter.

“Maybe you should go back to the hotel, and get some rest.” She suggested coming towards me and extending her hand.

“But,” I said in denial, I didn’t want to leave in case Ben woke up.

“I promise if he does wake up, which he will. You will be the first one, I call.” She said honestly.

I nodded, grasping her hand in mine and getting up. “Thank you,” I whispered softly.

Ben’s mom Barbra gave me a small smile in return, I then went over to Thomas and my mom and shook them awake. “Mom, I am going to head back to the hotel.” She nodded.

My mom was here majority of the time as well, she hasn’t slept here but Thomas had for one night. Unlike my dad who dropped in basically whenever he felt like. Considering his best bodyguard’s son was in a coma, it’s nice to know he cares.

“Alice?” My mom said sitting up, “Take Thomas with you, he needs a goodnight sleep.” She said waking Thomas up, he stirred in his seat, until finally waking up looking at us with squinted eyes.

“What’s wrong?” He said looking at us, he then noticed his surroundings. “Is Ben awake yet?” He said sitting up.

I gave him a tight smile, as I felt my heart sink. I shook my head, “No, no he is not.” Thomas nodded, he looked sad, but why wouldn’t he be?


By the time we reached our hotel room, Thomas headed straight for his bed. None of us uttering a single word our ride back to the hotel. It’s been tense, and all I really wanted right now was a good sleep. However, I also wanted to be the first person to see Ben when he woke up, if he woke up.

I walked over to the television and turning it on, I then reduced the volume so I wouldn’t wake Thomas up. I was about to change the channel, but when I noticed my dad on television. My eyes widened, “What the heck?” I muttered, turning the volume higher.

“It has been with great sadness, to inform you all about a tragic event that took place two days ago.” My dad began looking down at his paper. “A bodyguard, and I will not name his name, asked by his family.” He said looking at the camera. “Has been shot multiple times, protecting my daughter.” My dad said choking up a little.

I narrowed my eyes, “That faker.”

“Prayers from the Whitehouse and here in Brussels are with the family, during their time of difficulty.” My dad said once more looking back at his paper. “However, as a friends and family. We will strive our best to do whatever we can to catch this man who did this, to us- as a family. We are asking anyone with information on the shooting to please contact police or leave an anonymous tip.” My dad was looking directly at the camera this time. “Thank you.” He said waving, then shuffling off stage with a bunch of bodyguards and police men in tow. They were yells from the audience, but nothing more was said by my dad.

The news soon cut to commercial, causing me to turn of the television. “Why didn’t he tell us?” I mumbled. I could tell this news broadcast was replayed over and over again, but considering I haven’t left the hospital I would understand. It seemed that the broadcast station cut majority of my dad’s speech. But the one thing I couldn’t understand was why wouldn’t he tell us that he was taking it to the public? I was confused, but it was probably because he thought that was the only way to get the information he needed.

I yawned as I got up getting ready for bed, I wanted to take a shower considering the last shower I took was the day Ben was injured but I couldn’t be bothered, I’ve been managing on twelve hours of sleep. I stripped out of my white dress, and yes to answer your question I haven’t changed my clothes for two days, I am pretty sure you would be the same if your friend was in a coma.

I threw the dress into the hamper, it had a yellowish stain, due to the ice cream that I spilled on it. I then pulled on my t-shirt and shorts, walking into the bathroom brushing my teeth, tying my hair into a messy bun, as I got into bed I realized something.

“The broadcast was international…” I remembered, as I replied my dad’s words in my head. How prayers from Washington and such. That means that Holly must have found out, about the shooting. I reached for my phone, unlocking it and calling Holly. “Pray to God, she doesn’t know who was shot.” Because an angry Holly was a Holly I didn’t want to deal with.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” She speaks into the phone, answering it after the second ring.

“Why didn’t you call?” I fire back.

I heard her sigh, “So not telling me that Ben was shot was something you didn’t find necessary?”

“I am sorry calling you was the last thing that was on my mind, considering my mind was on Ben. He is in a coma, Holls. And they don’t know when he is going to wake up.” I said softly, I didn’t want to wake up Thomas.

“It still doesn’t make sense, if he was shot, why would he go into a coma?” She asked, sounding generally confused.

“He lost a lot of blood, the doctors put him in an induced coma to stabilize him.”

“Can’t they just stabilize him or whatever with anesthesia?”

I shrugged, but she couldn’t see me. “I don’t know Holls, I honestly don’t know.”

It was quiet for a good thirty seconds before Holly spoke, “You will call me when he wakes up, right?” She asked quietly.

I nodded my head, “Of course why wouldn’t I?”

“Um, I don’t know? Most probably cause you didn’t call me in like a week?” She said sarcastically.

I chuckled, “Hey what time is it over there?”

“Two a.m. Why?”

“Go to bed, because you shouldn’t be up.”

“I was up, worrying about Ben, and plus its Spring Break.”

“He’s going to be just fine,” I told her honestly. “I promise.” I knew Ben was going to make it, because if he didn’t I honestly don’t know what I’d do…


I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing, I groaned turning over trying to locate it. “Could you turn the freaking thing off?” I heard Thomas yell.

I grabbed my phone, not bothering to look who it is, before answering it. “Hello?” I spoke, groggily.

“Alice?” I heard my mother’s voice from the other end. “It’s Ben,” She said quickly.

My eyes snapped open, as I sat up straighter on the bed, “What happened? Is everything okay?”

I heard her breathing quicker, she sounded frantic. “Just get over here as soon as possible, okay?” She said not before hanging up.

I stared at the phone for a couple of seconds, as I tried to wrap my mind on what had just happened. I pulled the sheets off my body, running over to Thomas’ bed and ripping the sheets of him.

“Hey, what the hell?” He asked sitting up. “What gives?”

Ignoring him, I grabbed his hand pulling him of bed. “We have to leave now.” I said, running frantically into the bathroom to brush my teeth.

“Why?” He asked yawning.

I spit, not before rinsing and running over to my suitcase. “It’s Ben, something is wrong.”

“What’s wrong?”

“If I knew, I would tell you. Now please hurry up,” I said wanting to get to the hospital as soon as possible. I wanted to find out his condition, and if I just called my mom back again, knowing her she would just ask me to get over here as soon as possible.

Ten minutes later, we were in the car minutes away from the hospital. Ben’s father had picked us up from the hotel, when we asked what is wrong with Ben he just shook his head telling us we will find out when we get there.

I prayed to God the whole way there, hoping that Ben was alright. I didn’t know why I was so concerned, maybe it was because I was his friend and because I cared for him. But I knew that if he did die, I would feel responsible, mainly because I was responsible.

I didn’t wait for Ben’s father to put the car in park, I opened the door hopping out running towards the hospital doors ignoring the odd looks I got from visitors as I ran past them, and towards the elevator. “Come on, come on.” Clicking the elevator button multiple times hoping it would speed up the process.

When the doors finally opened I rushed in clicking the sixth floor, where Ben was staying in the private section of the ICU. I tapped my feet nervously, “Does these elevators go any faster?” I muttered.

“If it did, I wouldn’t be here for the last two minutes trying to get to the eight floor. Now would I?” I heard a woman say, I turned around and saw a woman sitting in a wheelchair she looked to be in her late seventies, with white hair, and bright blue eyes.

“Sorry,” I said quietly.

She smiled at me, “Its fine dear.” I smiled back at her looking at the doors waiting for it to open, “Are you here to see your boyfriend?” She asked.

I shook my head, “No.” I said shaking my head. “Ben. He is just a friend,” I said with a small smile.

“You are the girl whose daddy is the President, huh? And this Ben fella, is the one who took the bullet for you? Cliché don’t ya think?” The old lady said.

I chuckled, “How do you know about that?”

“News travels fast around here.” She replied.

I shook my head, thinking my thoughts aloud. “He shouldn’t have done that, he shouldn’t have taken the bullet.”

“You know sometimes, people are willing to take a bullet for the person that they love.” The old lady said.

I opened my mouth to speak, but the doors had finally opened. I looked back at the old lady but she was looking back at me with a smile on her face. “What are you doing standing here for? Don’t you want to go and check if your fella is alright?” She asked snapping at me, but with a smile on her face.

I nodded my head, rushing out the doors and down the hall, towards Ben’s room. “That was literally the longest elevator ride of my life.” I muttered.

A few seconds later, I was in front of Ben’s room. I took a deep breath, “Oh please Lord. Please let him be okay…” I silently prayed, pushing open the door.

The first thing I noticed when I opened the door was my mother who was standing just a few steps away from the door, my eyes then wandered to the boy on the bed who was sitting up smiling and laughing with his mother. “Ben!” I exclaimed.

I looked to my mother in confusion, “But y-you said.” I mumbled in confusion.

“I didn’t want to tell you he was awake, because knowing you, you would take five hundred years to get changed and get over here.” My mother said with a smile on her face.

I wrapped her in a hug, “That’s not me who takes years to get dressed it’s you.” I muttered as I heard her chuckle.

I then released myself from the hug, walking over to Ben’s bed where his mom got up from the seat she was sitting to make room for me. “You’re awake,” I whispered.

“Indeed, I am, Alice.” He said softly.

I made my way over to his bed, and wrapping him in a hug. He quickly hugged back with his right arm, due to his left arm being in a cast. “I am so glad you are okay.” I mumbled against his skin, where my face was buried in the crook of his neck.

“I am glad too,” He whispered stroking his hand in my hair.

“I swear to God, next time you decide you want to die on me I will make sure that happens.” I said angrily. “Don’t ever do that again,” I said softly, squeezing him.

“I promise I won’t.” He muttered.

“You know what, I think we are just going to go…” I heard my mom say from behind me. But I didn’t bother to turn around, I didn’t want to let go of Ben-just yet.

I heard them shuffling, and a few seconds later I heard the door close. Ben and I were left in each other’s arms, “Why did you do that? Why did you take a bullet for me?” I asked pulling away from him, and looking into his hazel eyes.

I saw his Adam’s apple bob, he patted with his left hand, gesturing for me to take a seat on his bed. He shuffled to the right in order to make room for me. “I would always take a bullet for you,” He said softly.

“Yeah, but why?” I asked my hands still wrapped around his neck.

His eyes darted to his lap, then looking back at me with a determined look in his eyes. “Because I will always take a bullet for you, if it means protecting someone I love.” He whispered.

I looked at Ben, in wide eyes. “Y-you love me?”

Ben slowly nodded, grabbing the side of my face in his hand pulling me closer to him. “More than you can ever imagine…” He said slowly.

I noticed as Ben’s eyes began to close, my eyes slowly fluttering shut. I felt his hit breath, fanning my lips. “Alice? Can I ask you a question?” He said softly.

I nodded my head, “Yeah?” I whispered.

“Can I kiss you?” He said not waiting for my answer before bringing my lips even closer to his.

Chapter Thirty-One: Sour Kiss

Can I kiss you? Ben’s words repeated in my head as his lips got closer, soon I found my eyes fluttering shut as well. His hand was gripping the left side of my face, as our lips brushed before I heard a beeping sound coming from a monitor.

“Sorry,” Ben whispered.

I opened my eyes and saw his cheeks tinted pink, I looked over at the monitor and noticed that beeping noise was his heart rate. I chuckled, “Its fine.”

He nodded his head, “Is it too late for me to kiss you or did my heart ruin the mood?”

I snorted as I shifted on the bed, “No it didn’t ruin the mood. But if you want you can still kiss me…” I said my attempt of trying to be causal yet flirty.

Ben’s eyebrows raised as he tried this again, leaning over and grabbing my face with his good hand, “Alice?”

“Yeah?” I said quietly, looking into his hazel eyes.

“Can I kiss you?” He asked his eyes focused on my lips.

Once again I heard the sound of the monitor, I ignored it. I looked at Ben’s hazel eyes which were pleading for me to say yes, “Just kiss me already.” I said grabbing his face and crushing his lips onto mine.

Ben must’ve seen surprised because he didn’t react as quickly as I thought. I moved my lips against his, as he began to do the same. So many thoughts were running through my head, but I pushed them aside as I let Ben’s warm lips move with mine. It was my first kiss, and it felt weird that I was doing this with my best friends ex. I felt guilty as I tried to push the last thought away from my mind, but I couldn’t.

“Ben!” I heard someone scream, the sound of the door opening. “Ew, gross.” We pulled away as we looked at the door to see a horrified Thomas hands clamped over his eyes, behind him was Ben’s father.

I got up from the bed, dusting the imaginary dirt of my skirt as my eyes darted all around the room, it was silent for a few moments before we heard the sound of Ben’s heart monitor.

I blushed furiously, “Well it looks like someone is getting better.” Ben’s father said.

“Y-yea,” Ben said clearing his throat. “Yeah, I am feeling a lot better.”

“I wonder why,” He said looking at the two of us, smug.

“Are they done?” Thomas asked looking behind him even though his hands were still covering his eyes.

“Yes, you can stop doing that now,” I said snapping at him.

What was the big deal like it wasn’t that he walked into something even worse. “Well I am sorry if I didn’t want to see my sister and her friend locking lips. No ten year old wants to see that,” Thomas said shuddering.

“And no one wants to see you use the bathroom with the door wide open, but I guess we all have to see things we don’t want to see.” I retorted back at him.

The room was silent, we soon heard chuckles coming from Ben’s father we all looked at him in confusion. “What? Can’t blame me for finding this just a tad funny?”

I rolled my eyes, as I brushed past Thomas who was narrowing his eyes at me and Ben’s father, walking out of the room. I wanted to get as far away from this hospital as possible.


“Could you quit glaring at me?” I snapped at Thomas.

He huffed, giving me one last glare before looking out the window.

“Dad I am seventeen not five,” I said getting a little annoyed.

“Let her go Evan,” I heard my mom say, we both turned to face my mom who was looking at me with a small smile on her face.

“Victoria-“ My dad began to say but my mom cut her off.

“Let her go Evan, she will be fine, it’s not like that man followed us all the way from Belgium?” She said defending me. A smile broke out on my face, “Get Ben and we will drop you off at the park on our way home.” I smiled as I thanked my mom turning around and walking towards Ben.


“It’s nice outside don’t you think?” I asked trying to fill the silence that was in the air.

“Yeah,” Ben said agreeing with me. “It kind of makes me not want to go back to school.”

I nodded my head, school was in two days, if you counted today and I wasn’t at all ready to go back, I haven’t had a normal relaxing Spring Break like most teenagers do.

“So did you enjoy Brussels?” Ben asked.

I nodded, “Yeah it was beautiful and where you took me to get gelato-which was amazing by the way, was also beautiful.”

“Yeah I remember that day, even though I did lose quarter of my blood supply I remember that day clearly. You looked beautiful, how could I not?” He said bumping shoulders with me.

I chuckled, I honestly thought he was going to bring up the shooting. “You are such a flirt,” I stated.

“Only to you...” Ben said grinning at me, stopping and facing me.

I smiled, “So what did you want to talk about?” I asked getting straight to the point. I knew he wanted to talk about the kiss, I kind of wanted too as well.

“The kiss.”

“Okay, what about it?” I asked tilting my head.

“Did you enjoy it?” he asked, getting straight to the point. “Because I sure did,” He said sounding a little over confident.

I laughed either way, “I don’t know, it was my first kiss.” I told him honestly.

I didn’t know how your first kiss was supposed to be like, because my kiss with Ben was bland. I didn’t feel butterflies in my stomach, I didn’t feel my lips burning from the touch of his. Was that all real, or was that only in books and movies?

“Well maybe we should try again, to see if you did enjoy it because I know you did.”

I rolled my eyes, I was about to say a smart remark when I felt something tugging on my jeans.

I looked down, to meet bright blue eyes staring up at me. “Garrett?” I asked confused. “What are you doing here?” I asked squatting down at the boy, I knew those eyes anywhere.

“What happened to your arm?” Garrett asked ignoring my question and looking at Ben who was looking at the boy confused.

“This is Gavin’s brother,” Ben stated, looking at me.

“How do you know that?” I asked confused.

“Because I remember him,” He said staring at the boy.

I then looked back at Garrett who was looking at Ben and I in confusion, I got up from my previous position when I noticed a figure running towards us.

As the figure got closer and closer I noticed that it was Gavin, his eyes were trained on Garrett but when he finally reached us, he looked at Ben then locking eyes with me, his eyes widened.

“Ali?” He asked looking confused, “What are you doing here with him?” He said looking at Ben in narrowed eyes.

I opened my mouth to answer, but I honestly had no idea how to answer this as the three boys, including Garrett were all looking at me waiting for an answer. But the only thing that could come out of my mouth at a time like this was, “Oh shit.”

My thoughts of what I was planning to do the whole weekend was interrupted as I heard the sounds of two voices arguing. “Mom, its fine I got this.” I turned to look at Ben who was talking to his mother, he said trying to grab a suitcase that his mother was holding.

“Ben, please let me help you,” She said trying to grab the suitcase away from him.

“Mom, I love you but you have to quit babying me.” He said seriously.

She smiled sadly at him, “I know honey I just don’t want you to get hurt anymore, you’re my little boy.” She said wrapping her arms around Ben who hugged her back with his one good arm.

I watched the two silently, I wished that my parents were like that with me. Ben might not enjoy his parents babying him, but at least it showed his parents truly did care for him.

Ben must’ve have known I was watching him because he because he turned to look at me, whispering something to his mom before making his way over to me. The situation felt too familiar as I began to panic, I turned around walking over to the car my family was waiting in.

“Alice, wait!” Ben shouted. I picked up my pace, my suitcase rolling behind me. “Alice!” Ben said finally catching up to me. “Stop,” He said grabbing my arm and making me turn to look at him.

“Yes?” I asked him.

“Stop.” He stated.

“Stop what?” I asked, a little confused.

“Stop running, whenever something doesn’t go your way or if you are embarrassed you always end up running away from me, and to be honest it is annoying.”

I sighed, “Fine I am sorry.”

“Pretending that the kiss didn’t happen isn’t going to solve anything,” He continued ignoring my apology.

“Yeah you are right,” I said. I honestly had no idea where he was going with this.

“You want to go for a walk?” Ben asked randomly.

“Yeah I know-“ I cut myself off, I replayed the words he said in my head once again. “Pardon?”

“A walk, let’s go.”

I shook my head, “No thanks. Remember the last time you wanted to go somewhere?” I said looking at his arm that was in a cast but he was wearing a sling in order to elevate it.

“Come on,” He said urging me.

I rolled my eyes, “Fine. I am just going to go tell my parents first,” Ben nodded pumping his fist in the air before going back to where his parents were standing, probably to go inform them on our plans.

I chuckled, as I walked to the car where my dad was now standing outside waiting for me. I sighed, as I made my way over to him. God I had no idea how I was going to tell him that I was going out.

“What were you two talking about?” He asked as I loaded my suitcase into the car.

“Nothing,” I said shrugging.

“It didn’t seem like nothing,” My dad inquired.

I rolled my eyes, why was he being so nosey. “Can Ben and I go to the park?”


“Can Ben and I to the park?” I repeated once more.


“Why not?”

“I am sorry but we still haven’t caught the guy who had shot Ben and there is no way I am allowing you two to leave my sight,” He stated making no room for argument.

“Alice, stop bullying your brother.” My mom said not taking her eyes of her laptop.

“Bullying?” I asked incredulously. “I am not bullying him! He’s the one who doesn’t know how to keep his mouth shut.”

“I do know how to keep my mouth shut.” Thomas said, “However, it is a free country and you can’t stop me from expressing my opinions.”

“So you admit of having a mouth on you?”

“It’s called having opinions sister, look it up.” Thomas said crossing his arms and looking back out the window.

“Why are you being like that?”

“Like what?” He asked faking confusion.

“You know what I mean, stop acting dumb!” I snapped.

“Oh I am sorry, I forgot that was your game.” Thomas fired back.

My mouth gaped open, “Mom!” I yelled calling out the big guns, I realized that I was being a snitch but did she just not hear what he called me.

“Thomas stop being rude to your sister,” My mom said.

“Really? You aren’t going to do anything?” I questioned, when my mother didn’t respond Thomas looked at me smugly. I honestly didn’t know what was up his butt.

I looked away, directing my attention elsewhere. We were currently on our way back to the Airport to get on a plane and head back to Washington, my dad had the rest of the trip cancelled the day that Ben got shot.

At least we know he stills has a heart.

When the car had finally come to a stop, I opened the door on my side as Thomas and my mother waited for the driver to come and open there door. I rolled my eyes, going to school had taught me one thing. That I’ve come to learn that I had become way too spoiled.

I pulled out my suitcase not bothering to wait for Thomas or my mom as I made my way over to the stairs that led to the plane. I am pretty sure that Thomas was upset that I kissed Ben, even though it had nothing to do with him, I honestly had no clue why he cared so much. He’s been giving me the cold shoulder ever since yesterday, when we got back from the hospital.

I handed my suitcase over to the luggage carrier as I began to climb up the stairs, as I entered the plane I went over and sat where I was seated last time.

A few minutes later Ben and his parents were entering the plane, with Thomas and my mom in tow. Ben looked at me, then the seat next to me. He quickly turned away looking to be seated elsewhere. Thomas brushed past him walking over to seat by himself.

I watched as Thomas looked at Ben then I in narrowed eyes, it seemed like the kiss wasn’t only affecting me but Thomas as well, I didn’t understand nor know why but I intended to get to the bottom of it.


I let out a yawn as I made my way towards the car. The last eight hours on the plane was the longest eight hours of my life. Thomas kept glaring at us, the whole eight hours, up until he fell asleep which lasted a good five hours before he woke up again and continued to be in his sour mood.

I on the other hand got at least three hours of sleep on the plane, and I still felt tired which was probably due to the lack of sleep I had when I was at the hospital waiting for Ben to wake up.

I stretched out my arms as I looked up at the sky, it felt good to be back in Washington and considering it was only ten a.m. on a Saturday I had the whole weekend to look forward to now that I was back home.

Chapter Thirty-Two: Hickeys & Bruises

“Where is she?” I asked, looking down at my Garrett whose hand I was tightly holding. He had a habit of running off from me, and even though it got annoying at times, I really couldn’t figure a way to stop him from doing it.

Garrett shrugged his small shoulders, “I don’t know.” He said putting his hand in his mouth.

I squatted removing his hand from his mouth, “First rule.” I said to my brother who was looking at me with wide eyes. “If you ever want this girl to be your girlfriend, don’t stick your hand in your mouth.”

Garrett looked at me, his face scrunching up in distaste. “I don’t want her to be my girlfriend, girls have cuties.” He said stomping his foot.

I stood up, “Fine but don’t tell me I didn’t warn you.” I said muttering under my breath.

I brought Garrett to the park to meet one of his ‘friends’ but in my opinion it was really his girlfriend. He just did not know it yet, every week Garrett would come home asking me to take him to the park to meet his ‘friends’. However it got to the point where I began to realize it was a different girl every week. I swear, I think he was catching on to my habits because very soon he will be breaking hearts everywhere he goes. Not that he wasn’t doing it now.

“Garrett, do you think that’s her over there?” I said pointing to the little blonde girl holding a ladies hand, they were scoping the park and my best guess was that it was Garrett’s ‘friend’.

I looked to my left and saw the spot empty next to me, “Shit. Shit. Shit,” I swore spinning looking for my brother, “I swear to fucking God Garrett,” I muttered, scanning the area for a bright blue eyes four almost five year old. When I didn’t see him panic began to rise within me, as I broke into a slow jog.

I continued to jog through the park as I scanned the area. I stopped running for a moment when I noticed a little boy, talking to two people. As I got closer I realized that it was Garrett, I began to jog quicker this time.

“Garrett,” I muttered under my breath as I caught up to him. I let out a sigh, opening my mouth to thank the two strangers for not running off with him. “Ali?” I said confused, “What are you doing here,” I then looked over at the person next to her. “With him?” I said in distaste.

Ali looked in confusion as she looked at all three of us who was waiting patiently for an answer, “Oh shit.” I heard her mutter.

“That’s a bad word,” My brother said, speaking up.

I crossed my arms, ignoring Garrett. “Aren’t you going to answer my question?”

She ran her fingers through her brown locks as she looked at all of us in frustration. She seemed to be having an inner battle within her, “I-I don’t.” She began.

“She doesn’t have to answer to you,” I heard Ben mutter who was glaring at me.

A small smirk began to form on my face. I knew that look anywhere, he always use to give me that look whenever I interrupted something important. “Did I interrupt something Benji?”

He narrowed his eyes at me, “Actually you did.” He said to me taking a step towards me.

I chuckled, He was trying to act tough around Ali but I knew he was actually a real pussy. I noticed his arm was in a sling I looked back at Ben, “Let me guess?” I said nodding to his broken arm, “You fell down the stairs?” I said chuckling. “You always were the clumsy, pudgy kid growing up.”

Ben turned around his face growing red. I smirked, knowing that I embarrassed him in front of his crush. I knew he had a crush on Ali it was so obvious the way he followed her around everywhere. I looked at Ali, who was staring at me with a blank look. “What?” I said, confused to why she was staring at me.


“What?” I questioned.

“Apologize,” She repeated once more.

“Why?” I asked confused.

“Because you have no right judging people like that,” Ali said her brown eyes narrowing at me. “Now I am not going to ask you again, but apologize now.”

A smirk began forming on my face it might sound weird but she was kind of turning me on the way she was acting all bossy and such. I turned to look at Ben who was silently glaring at me, “Fine. I am sorry Benji.” I mocked.

He rolled his eyes at me, “Piss off.”

I shrugged my shoulders not caring, “Fine. Whatever,” I said then turning to my little brother who was sticking his hand in his mouth looking at us in wonder. “Let’s go Garrett,” I said pulling his hand out of his mouth. “And what did I tell you?”

Garrett said nothing just looking up at me in silence, I began to drag him away when Ali called me back. “Gavin?” She said looking at something in concentration, “What’s that on your neck?”

I shrugged trying to see what she was talking about, however it was impossible. “I don’t know, probably a hickey or something.”

“What’s a hic- eee?” Garrett said his face scrunching up.

I clamped my hand over Garrett’s mouth, “Don’t say that.” I said warning him. The last thing I really needed is him bringing it up on the dinner table.

“That’s what you said last time,” He said whining and stomping his foot. “When I said fook.”

“It’s fuck,” Ben said walking towards us, smirking at me.

“Why the fuck would you tell him?” I hissed at Ben glaring at him. I suddenly felt pain in my right leg, as I realized someone just kicked me in the shin. “Ow! What the fu-“ I felt the same pain this time on my other leg, I fell down clutching my leg. I looked up and saw Ali glaring at me, “What the heck did you do that for?” I said hissing at her this time.

“You tell Garrett not to swear yet you do it right in front of him?” She whispered to me.

“It’s not my fault, he.” I said directing my anger towards Ben. “Started it.”

“Oh, that reminds me.” Ali said walking over to Ben kicking him in the shin as well.

“Ow, what did I do?” Ben yelled clutching his right leg with his good arm.

“Don’t play dumb, with me.” She said harshly. “You know exactly what you did.” She said to him.

“You know for someone who took a bullet for you, you don’t seem very thankful.” Ben retorted.

My ears perked up, bullet? He took a bullet for her? I looked at the two in wonder, I shook my head it was most probably a metaphor or something.

“Look,” Ali said standing beside my brother and grabbing his hand. “When you two or done being sissies, you can come join us for ice cream or not. It doesn’t really matter to me.”

“Yeah call us sissies when you just kicked us in the shin,” I heard Ben grumble.

I got up from the floor, as I looked at Ben. He hasn’t really much changed his shaggy hair was still the same-just longer and his attitude didn’t change much either, still the controlling goody two shoes.

Chapter Thirty-Three: James vs. Storm

“What?” I said touching my cheek, “Is there something on my face?”

“What?” Garrett asked looking confused.


“Pardon?” He said repeating after me.

“Are you copying me?” I asked crossing my arms and narrowing my eyes at the little boy, a small smile on my face.

“Are you copying me?” He repeated, smiling showing off his two front missing teeth.

“What happened to your teeth?” I asked leaning across the table and looking at the four year old in wonder.

“What happened to your teeth?”

I let out sigh. I hope this doesn’t continue because I am definitely not in the mood to deal with this the whole time. “How about this, if you stop copying me I will buy you the all you can eat pancakes. Does that sound like a deal?” I asked the little boy.

He crossed his arms, a small pout appearing on his face. “Can I get some syrup?”

I nodded my head, smiling. For a four year old boy he was smart I had to give him that, maybe it was because he was siblings with Gavin. Nevertheless, this boy knew how to get his way and it was pretty adorable in my opinion.

I opened up my menu, scanning the items to see what drinks we could order. “Excuse me,” I said raising my hand and calling the boy who just walked past me. “Waiter?” I said calling upon him again.

He turned around looking straight at me, then coming towards me. “Yes?” He asked.

“Can we order?” I asked politely closing my menu and grabbing the one that was placed in front of Garrett and placing them in a pile.

The boy nodded his head, he looked around my age. He had short blonde hair and green eyes that stood out, he was pretty cute in my opinion but wasn’t really my type.

“What would you like to order?” He asked looking down at his notepad and back at me.

“We will take two all you can eat pancakes and two large chocolate milks.” I wasn’t sure if Garrett was going to finish the food or the large chocolate milk I got him. But if worse comes to worse, I could just finish it.

“Sure is that all?” He asked placing his notepad and pen back into his pocket.

I nodded my head, looking at Garrett who had his fingers in his mouth and attention was out the window. “Yeah, that would be all. Thanks.”

He nodded his head, looking at me curiously. “Is there something on my face or something?” I said feeling my face to see if there was any dirt or anything.

The blonde boy chuckled, shaking his head. “You’re that new kid. The one Gavin and Ben are fighting for.”

I knitted my eyebrows in confusion. “Pardon, me?”

He shook his head, “Never mind. I will be back with your meal shortly.” He said nodding his head at me and walking away.

“Hey!” I called out to him, but it looked like he didn’t hear me because he kept walking. I made a mental note when the boy came back with our food to ask him what he meant by that.

“Ali?” I heard someone say, “Oh, thank God.” I turned around and saw Gavin looking at me, in relief. He came up to me shoving me towards the wall of the booth as he made room for himself beside me.

“What are you doing here?” I asked him, ignoring the urge to strangle him for shoving me like that. I told him that Garrett and I were going out for ice cream, this was the last place I thought he was to look.

“This place means a lot to you, doesn’t it?”

He nodded, “My mom was actually the one who enrolled me in dance classes. She was a dancer herself, I was pretty sure she wanted a girl not a boy. Or else she wouldn’t have put me in dance in the first place.”

I chuckled, “What happened to her?”

“What do you mean?”

“You’re talking about your mom, in past tense.”

He shook his head, “Nothing happened. Let’s just get working okay?”

I nodded my head as I dropped the subject, “There’s some of my dance clothes in the closet.”

“You sure there isn’t like a bug on it or anything?” I asked grabbing the clothes from the closet. “Why the hell is it in here if this place is going to be demolished?”

“I want to keep something of me, so when the building goes down I will know that there was always a piece of me going down with it.”

“That doesn’t make any sense.”

“You don’t make any sense. Now, just put on the clothes and let us get working.”

“I can’t.” I said, refusing to put on the clothes.

“Why?” His eyebrows knitting in confusion.

“Because, there’s two boys in the room. Why can’t I just where the clothes I am wearing now?”

“As much as I would like that, I wouldn’t think you would like it if you kept flashing me.” He said pointing to the skirt I was wearing.

I rolled my eyes, “Fine close your eyes and turn around.”

He waved his hands up in the air, in surrender. Gavin then walked over to Garrett who was amusing himself with his reflection, telling him to place his hands over his eyes, after that was done he did the same as well. I quickly pulled down my skirt, then shrugging over the large baggy sweatpants that Gavin gave to me.

“I’m done.” Gavin turned around wearing a smirk, “What?”

“I think you forgot that there is tons of mirrors in the room,” I visibly paled. “Nice undies.” He said winking at me.

I groaned, “I told you to close your eyes.”

“Am I guy, you really think that I listened?”

I narrowed my eyes at him, “Garrett’s a guy.”

“He’s a child.”

“I am not a child, I am a man.” Garrett spoke up protesting.

“You know what? Can we just get this over and done with? These pants are beginning to slip off.” I said grabbing the waist band and holding them up so I wouldn’t flash Gavin once more.

“Here,” He said walking over to me and grabbing the ends of my shirt, pulling it up.

“W-what are you doing?” I stuttered, my face flushing pink.

“I am going to tie it, don’t worry I won’t try anything with my brother in the room.” Gavin replied winking. I muttered profanities under my breath, as Gavin let out a chuckle his breath fanning my face.

I felt his fingers brush my stomach, I felt goose bumps. I looked down at him as he was pulling on the waist band as a string came out from its holes. He then quickly tied it, as I let go of the pants. I felt his fingers wrap under my shirt as he pulled me towards him.

“All done,” He said whispering in my ear.

He pulled away looking me in the eyes, we stood there silently staring at each other in the eyes. I felt like he was trying to say something but I had no idea what it was. His hands were still wrapped around my stomach as his fingers brushed against my skin, as I felt my skin burn, just like my face.

Gavin broke eye contact as his eyes twitching as he looked behind me, “Garrett? What are you doing?”

I turned around looking at Garrett who was holding my skirt that was on the floor. “What’s the buzzing noise?” Garrett asked his eyebrows crinkling in confusion.

I moved away from Gavin walking over to Garrett and grabbing my skirt, “It’s my phone. Someone is calling.” I told them, as I pulled out my phone from the skirts pocket as I saw Ben’s name flashing on the screen.

My eyes widened as I realized I left him at the park. “Hello?”

“Alice,” Ben replied sounding breathless.

“Ben? Is everything okay?”

“No, everything is not okay.”

“I am sorry for leaving you at the park,” I rushed out, knowing that my parents will probably waiting at home with knives and guns to kill me for leaving Ben once again.

“Yes and no, but that’s not the reason.”

“Ben, you are not making much sense. What’s wrong?”

“You have to choose.”

“Pardon, me?”

“I am tired of waiting around, for you. You are constantly leaving me in the dust whenever Gavin comes around, now I am going to let you choose. It’s either Gavin or me, because I am done waiting for you.”

Chapter Thirty-Four: Trust In You

“Morning, Alice.” My mother said, greeting me as I walked into the kitchen.

I nodded, rubbing my tired eyes. “Morning.”

I took a seat in front of her as our cook Marco set a bowl of oatmeal in front of me. I licked my lips, in hunger. I wasn’t the biggest fan of oatmeal but once in a while, I would eat it. This was one of those times. “Where’s dad and Thomas?” I asked, taking a bite of my breakfast.

“Your dad is in his office and Thomas, I don’t know. I woke him up for breakfast, I know he got dressed but he didn’t come down to eat.” She said, looking up from her laptop for a brief minute.

“Where do you think he is?”

“Probably in the library, you could check there.” I nodded getting up from my chair, “Oh and Alice. Ben called he said Holly will be picking you up to take you to school.”

I grimaced when I heard Ben’s name, “Okay.” I muttered softly walking out of the breakfast room, I made my way down the hallway nodding to the guards and saying a quick good mornings.

When I reached the library I pushed the door open, walking in. I noticed Thomas sitting at the desk with his head buried in a book, he didn’t hear me come in so I softly closed the door behind me.

I slowly started to make my way towards Thomas, he still hasn’t noticed my presence. He was too engrossed in the book he was reading, “Thomas?” I called out to him.

His head snapped towards me, his eyes narrowing. He was definitely still mad at me, for what? I have no idea, but I was about to know in a minute. “What do you want?” He asked, harshly.

“You’re missing breakfast.”

“So?” He questioned, closing the book he was reading.

“So… breakfast is your favorite meal, come on. You’re missing oatmeal.”

“I hate oatmeal,” He replied, crossing his arms over his chest.

“Well it is good for your cholesterol, so let’s go.”

“No. You are not the boss of me, so I am staying. Now, just leave.” He spat at me turning around on his chair and opening his book up once more.

“Okay that’s it,” I sighed. “I don’t know what I did to get you so mad at me, but I am sorry. If I hurt you in any way it was never my intentions, you’re my brother I love you.”

“You still don’t know what you did,” Thomas asked, his eyes looking upset.

I shook my head, “No. But please can you tell me?”

“You kissed Ben!” Thomas exclaimed.

My eyes widened, “Thomas… You’re not gay are you?” I asked, kind of afraid of the answer.

He looked at me his eyes wide in fear, “What? Why in the world would you think that?”

“Why else would you have a problem with me kissing Ben?” I asked, raising my voice.

“Because!” He said, also raising his voice. “Ben is like an older brother to me. If you date, and you guys break up. He’s going to leave, and then I won’t have an older sibling around.”

“What do you mean? You have me as an older sibling.” I told him, I honestly didn’t know where Thomas was going with this.

“Alice,” He muttered. “Y-you don’t really act like my older sister.”

I let out a snort, “When did you get so deep?”

“Nerd, I was always this deep.” He smirked, at me.

I rolled my eyes as I continued to stretch. “You guys ready?” Mrs. Moore popped up from behind the curtains.

Gavin and I nodded our heads, “Alright. Get in positions and I will count you in.”

I walked to the middle of the stage as Gavin followed closely behind me. I turned around as Gavin placed his hand on my shoulder as my back was facing him.

“You ready?” Gavin asked whispering in my ear.

“Ready as I’ll ever be,” I muttered as Mrs. Moore began to count us in.

“Five, four, three, two, one.” She counted down.

Soon enough I heard the beat of the music blast out of the stereo, as Sarah’s voice came out from the speakers.” I don’t mind, letting you down easy but just give it time, if you don’t hurt now then just wait, just wait a while, you’re not the big fish in the pond no more, you are wait they’re feeding on.” Sarah sang as Gavin and I danced to the beat of the music.

I followed Gavin closely, trying to remember all the steps. We had choreographed this dance to be a mixture of hip hop and contemporary.

They were lifts in the dance, but we had practiced them I was pretty sure that Gavin had them down. “So what are you going to do when the world don’t orbit around you...”

Gavin nodded at me, basically telling me that this was the part of the lift. He wrapped his arms around me as he carried me, spinning me around twice. I felt Gavin’s hands become loose on my waist as I slowly, felt myself slip out of his grasp.

I shrieked as Gavin dropped me on the floor, I landed on the stage with a thud as I winced in pain. “Ali,” I heard Mrs. Moore call out to me as I heard her footsteps as she ran on stage. “Are you okay?” She said approaching me.

I paid no attention to her as I watched Gavin who was staring out on stage with a distant look on his face. He looked like he saw a ghost. “Gavin.” I whispered to him, trying to get his attention.

By now the Sarah had stopped singing and the music has stopped, everyone was staring at Gavin in confusion. While I was staring at him in shock, we’ve practiced the dance many times. Maybe not as much as we should have, but I didn’t think that he would have dropped me.

His eyes finally began to blink, as he seemed to come out of his trance. “Gavin,” I whispered once again. His eyes were scanning the theater, finally stopping at me.

He bent down slowly, reaching out to me. I-I am so sorry,” He said softly as he grabbed the side of my face with his hands, “I didn’t mean to drop you.”

I looked deeply into his eyes, it showed that he was truly sorry for his actions. “It’s okay.” I said giving him a small smile, his dark brown eyes read remorse, and I didn’t know why he dropped me but I intended to find out.

“Well I am glad you are okay, Ali.” Mrs. Moore said, helping me up. “Let’s just get you to the nurse’s office just to be sure.”

I shook my head, “I just fell on my rear end, the worse that happened was that I got a bruise.” I said giving her a small smile, showing her that I am okay. “I don’t need to go to the nurse.”

She looked at me curiously, “Okay. But, we will talk about this and your group mark later.”

I nodded, turning around and beginning to walk off stage when I tripped over my two feet. As I shut my eyes waiting for the impact when I felt arms go around me as they stopped me from falling yet once again. I opened my eyes to see Gavin’s arms wrapped around my waist. “Are you okay?” I nodded my head, silently.

“Why don’t you two just go and take a seat,” Mrs. Moore said to us.

Gavin wrapped his arms around me tightly, probably making sure that I wouldn’t trip over again. We headed down the stairs as we found a seat towards the back of where the class was sitting. Sarah on the other hand took a seat next to Andy.

Gavin and I sat beside each other silently, as we watched the other group make their way on stage. They were performing a hip hop routine to the music of Monster by Eminem featuring Rhianna. “I am sorry for dropping you,” I turned my head to see Gavin staring at me intently, “You put your trust in me and I let you down, I let you down just like I let everyone.”

I shook my head, “You didn’t let me down. Yeah, you might have dropped me, but I know you didn’t mean it. So don’t be so hard on yourself. I think we were doing pretty well up until, the accident. But, believe it or not you were fun to work with.”

He nodded his head at me turning his head back towards the stage, not before giving me a small and genuine smile. I stared at his face-call me creepy but I noticed a scar on his neck, it was just like the bruise I saw on his neck when we were at the park.

Soon enough I found myself leaning over and touching the scar on his neck, Gavin’s head snapped towards me as his eyes wandered to where I was touching. “I trust you Gavin,” I told him softly. “B-but why do you have such a hard time trusting me?” I asked, stuttering slightly.

“Who said I don’t trust you?”

“No one told me, it is the way you act towards me and everyone else. You have a hard time trusting people and I think I have a clue to why.”

“And what clue is that, nerd?” He asked, his face coming closer towards mine.

“Call me crazy, but I think you are getting abused. Not by a brother, because from what I know the only brother you have is thirteen years younger than you. But, I think you are getting abused from an older person, perhaps a father, uncle, or even grandparent. Now I might not know all the details, but I don’t think you do anything to stop it, judging by the scars and bruises I could see, the abuse is a constant thing.”

“Why are you telling me this?” Gavin asked, bitterly.

“Because, I trust you. I want you to be able to do the same.” He just stared at me, a blank look on his face. “Now, please just trust me and answer this question honestly. Are you getting abused?”

Gavin looked down at his lap not answering my question, when he didn’t respond. We both knew the answer to my question and I kept quiet placing my hand on top of Gavin and giving him a small smile. I knew I had to do something about this but I had no idea what.

“What were you thinking about?”

I shook my head, “Nothing.”

Thomas just stared at me, a knowing look on his face. “You were thinking about that Gavin boy weren’t you?”

“No, I wasn’t, now drop it and stop being nosey.” I said, grabbing his arm and pulling him towards the door.

“So, you were thinking of Ben?” Thomas, inquired.

“No!” I snapped.

Thomas’ eyes widened, “I am sorry.” I whispered. “Just please drop it, okay?” He nodded his head slowly in response. I don’t know what had come over me, but I guess being caught between two guys is hard and it really begins to take a toll on you.

I pulled open the door to find Holly standing behind it, “Holly?” I asked my eyes widening, “How much did you hear?”

She shook her head, her eyes darting to the ceiling. “I didn’t hear anything, I just came.”

I looked at her-skeptical. I prayed that she didn’t hear Thomas’ and I’s conversation. “O-okay… So what are you doing here?”

“Your mom told me you are in here. I came to look for you because if we don’t leave now, we will be late for school.” She turned around walking away.

I turned to Thomas, ruffling his hair and bidding him a goodbye. I ran to catch up with Holly as she turned the corner, “Hey Holls!” I yelled stopping her, “You sure you didn’t hear anything?”

She nodded her head, “Why? Is there something you want to tell me?”

I shook my head quickly, “N-no it’s nothing.”

She shook her head, as she quickly began walking away. I stared at her, as she walked away. She didn’t ask me about my trip or how Ben was doing. As I watched her exit the house, I realized that I think she heard more of Thomas and I’s conversation then what she was letting on.


“Excited?” Gavin asked, jumping up and down on your spot.

“I am over the moon,” I muttered, continuing my stretches. “I still don’t understand why you volunteered us to go first.” I muttered.

“Because, once you go first. You get the nerves out, and you can sit and relax for the rest of the performance.” He explained.

“Well you might want to go explain that to Sarah, over there.” I said pointing my thumb towards a hyperventilating Sarah. “Because she is beginning to turn white.”

“Don’t worry Andy’s got her.”

I turned around and saw Andy who was trying to calm Sarah down, by telling her to breathe in and out. “Does Andy like her or something?”

“Yeah I am pretty sure, why?” He asked ruffling his brown hair making it look even messier than before.

“Because, I think Sarah likes him back.”

“Please don’t tell me you want to set them up,” Gavin asked, groaning.

“Well I wasn’t.” I replied, as Gavin let out a sigh of relief. “But, I am going to now.” I said, smirking.

“Didn’t anyone tell you not to get meddle in other people’s relationships?”

I shook my head, thinking of what he just said. “No.”

“Well I am telling you now, don’t meddle in other people’s relationships.”


“Because you can’t force love, you have to let it come to you.”

I looked at Thomas in shock, I felt tears prickling the corners of my eyes, “W-what do you mean?”

“I have to ask to spend time with you, but in reality you don’t want to spend time with me.” He said softly, turning around his back facing me as he stared at the wall behind him.

I bit my lip, I did not know what to say. I never meant for any of this to happen, if I knew kissing Ben would bring this much drama in my life, I realized that I made a big mistake. “I don’t know what to say, Thomas. But, I do know I am sorry.” I said walking towards him.

“I know,” He whispered, to me not turning around.

“If you want we could spend all day together?” I asked, trying to reason with him.

He shook his head, “No. You have that drama dance with that boy you like.”

“W-what boy?” I asked, stuttering slightly.

“Gavin, I know you like him.” Thomas said, turning around and facing me.

“How do you know about Gavin?” I asked, kind of afraid to know the answer.

“I know about a lot of things, I shouldn’t know.”

I rolled my eyes, “Yeah I’ve come to realize.” I said, shuddering, Thomas in return jabbed my side with his elbow. “So, are we good? I questioned, glaring at him.

He smirked, “We are good.”

I opened my arms, and Thomas wrapped his arms around me as I did the same. “Oh, and just for the record me dating Ben… I don’t think it will be a problem.”

“Why?” He questioned, pulling away from me.

“Let’s just say…” I began, trying to figure the right way to put this, “Ben and I won’t be dating for a while… or even ever.” I said grimacing as I thought back to our previous phone call.


“You heard me Alice, it’s either Gavin or me. You choose.”

“You honestly can’t be making me choose.” I asked, in shock.

“I am and I will.” He said, angrily.

“Can we talk about this when I get home?”

“No. Why is it always your way? It’s my way now, so you tell me, now who do you pick.”

“Ben…” I whispered, as I noticed Gavin and Garrett both looking at me with curious eyes. “If you really ‘loved’ me you wouldn’t do this, not now.” I whispered, softly trying to make sure that the oldest Storm brother wouldn’t hear.

“I am doing this because I love you,” Ben said.

I shook my head, “I am not going to pick.”

“Well then I guess I am done, there’s no point waiting around anymore.”

“Okay,” I whispered.

“Okay,” He replied.

“Ben, one more thing.” I asked curiously, “Why now? Why do you want to know the answer to a question that I don’t even know myself?”

“Because, a little birdy finally opened up my eyes and made me realize that I deserved way better,” He answered, ending the call leaving me on dial tone.

“Alice?” Thomas called me, interrupting my thoughts.

“Yeah?” I asked, blinking a couple of times.

Chapter Thirty-Five: Sleepovers

“Dad?” I asked, knocking the door to his oval office. When I didn’t hear him reply after a few moments I pushed the door open finding no reason to knock in the first place.

“I understand, but that isn’t going to solve the growing problem in Ukraine.” I stood patiently at the door waiting for him to finish with the phone call.

I haven’t really talked to my dad since the whole Ben getting shot thing. I also haven’t talked to Ben since the whole I don’t like you like that sort of way, thing. Normally, I wouldn’t really come to my dad’s office unless it was serious, just like last time when I wanted to ask him how you know when a guy likes you. But, Ricky and the other guy threw me out, before my dad could properly chase me out.

“Yes the United Nations is doing their very best, and I will come in contact with their President to see what we could do with the growing concern of the attacks from Russia.” My dad nodded his head, his eyes coming to contact with mine. “Thank you, and goodbye.” With that my dad hung up the phone, looking back at me. “What do you want Alice?”

I narrowed my eyes at my father as his eyes were focused on the papers in front of him. “Nice to see you too,” I huffed, silently. “The reason I am here is because I have a favor to ask you.”

“I am the President, I do not do favors,” My father, replied.

“But, you are however my father, and as a father you should do things for your only daughter.”

My dad let out a sigh, “What do you want, Alice?”

“Do you have access to see what demolition projects take place?”

My dad raised his eyebrows at me, “Companies are in charge of their demolitions. Not necessary the government unless it involves us of course. Like if they want to set up a new shop or something, and an old building is standing in the way of their plans they could buy the land and whatever happens to be on the land and have access to demolish it, but with the city’s consent of course.” He explained, “Why may you ask?”

“Well a friend of mine, use to dance at the building it’s called Linda’s dance Academy, and he-“

“It’s a boy?” My dad asked, looking up from his papers and at me. “You have a boyfriend?”

“I didn’t say he was a boy, I said he was a friend.” I pointed out.

“But he is a boy, and is your friend.” My dad, replied. “Alice, I do not know how I feel about you dating someone your mom and I never met…”

I rolled my eyes, my dad was always jumping to conclusions. “Did I not just say he was just a friend?” I asked, bewildered. He was beginning to act like Thomas, only older and having a lot more grey hair than a ten year old boy should ever have.

He let out a chuckle, just staring at me silently. As if he was in deep thought, “I will find out who bought the land which had the dance academy, I will see what I could do. But, I don’t however make any promises,” I nodded my head at his rule. “Good, now have something I want to tell you…”

I tilted my head to examine him, my dad rarely asked for me to do favors and when he did. It kind of worried me, “What is it…?” I asked, slowly.

His light eyes stared at me silently, “It’s kind of an apology sort of thing.”

“What?” I asked, getting a little bit confused to what he was beginning to say.

He let out a sigh, running his hands through his almost bald head. “Look, Alice. I love you, I know you know that. But, sometimes I do realize I could be a little overprotected and harsh. But, you are my only daughter and I don’t want to lose you…”

“Well you are a rainbow with an attitude, so suck it up.” I responded, looking out the window.

Gavin just glanced at me from the corner of his eye. Ignoring me as he continued to sing softly with the music and occasionally drum his fingers on the steering wheel.

I closed my eyes for a few brief seconds but when I opened it I noticed an entire different scenery out my window. “Where are we going?” I asked, as I noticed there becoming more trees instead of city life.

“I want to show you something, I found.” He responded.

I just kept quiet as I continued to stare out the window. A few minutes later, the truck came to a halt as Gavin parked the car getting out of it.

I quickly did the same following his as he climbed up the trunk of his car, as he set up some blankets that were there. “What are you doing? Planning to have a sleepover?” I asked, kind of sarcastically.

He nodded his head, “That is exactly what I am doing. Thanks for using your brains for once, nerd.”

I watched as Gavin pulled down the blankets as he made a somewhat bed, then when he finally decided it looked comfortable and good enough to sleep on. He proceeded to lie down with his arms behind his head.

“What on earth are you doing?”

“What does it look like I am doing? I am watching the stars.”

I tilted my head up, noticing all the beautiful stars that were scattered across the dark sky like a bunch of really small seeds on a kitchen floor. “Wow,” I said, slightly out of breath.

“Wow is right, isn’t it beautiful?” Gavin, asked.

I nodded my head, “really is.”

“Come here, I made some room for you to lie down.” He said, moving over giving me some space.

“Why should I lie down, when you don’t trust me?” I blurted out, before I could process what I had just said.

I heard Gavin groan to himself. “Are we really going to start this? I just forgot about it and now you are bringing it up?”

“Sorry,” I said, muttering.

As I sat down on the trunk of the hood as my feet dangled of the side. “It’s fine. Now just come here and let’s watch the stars a little bit before the clocks strikes twelve and Cinderella has to get home.”

I rolled my eyes, crawling to lay beside him. However, I didn’t move too near him, there was about a few centimeters of space between us.

I felt Gavin shift over closer to me, I didn’t however feel the need to move over. “So want to tell me what was so important that I had to leave the comfort of my own bed to spend time with you?” Gavin asked, whispering in my ear.

“I just wanted to tell you that I talked to someone about the dance academy and how it is being taken down for demolition.”

“Who is this person that you talked to?”

“Well, let us just say he is very high up in the government-“

Gavin spoke cutting me off, “How high up?”

I shook my head, “That doesn’t matter. What matters is that, they will see what they could do about the demolition project and see if it could be stopped.”

Gavin sat up from his lying position as he turned to me a small smile on his face, “Please tell me you are kidding? Cause getting someone’s hopes up like this is cruel.”

I chuckled, shaking my head. “No, I am not joking.”

Gavin opened his arms out to me, wrapping his arms around my small body. I felt him squeeze me, “Thank you.” He whispered in my ear.

I smiled, as I wrapped my arms around him. “You’re welcome.”

He pulled away, “No. I actually do mean it. Thanks, Ali.” He said, moving his head towards mine pressing his lips on my cheek.

He let his lips linger on my cheek for a few seconds before pulling away. “Thank you, Ali." He whispered once more, before lying down and looking back at the sky.

I touched my cheek as I felt my face flush, I nodded my head. Moving to go and lie back down next to Gavin, but this time instead of moving away from him. I laid my head on his chest. He didn’t seem to mind, because he wrapped an arm around my body as the sounds of crickets and other noises filled the quiet night.

I quickly crossed the street, walking over to where Gavin was sitting patiently in his truck. Once I reached his truck, I quickly opened the passenger door getting inside.

“What took you so long?”

“Sorry, got a tad bit distracted.” I said, pulling on my seatbelt.

“You are ten minutes late.” Gavin replied, starting up the engine as he merged on with oncoming traffic. “You are ten minutes late, so you are definitely not a tad bit late.”

I rolled my eyes, “So where are we going? Or are you going to be one of those bad boys I read about in books and refuse to tell the girl where we are going?”

“You read?” Gavin asked, shocked.

“Yes…” I said slowly, “Don’t you?”

He nodded his head, “Yeah, I read to Garrett every night. He enjoys when I read to him.”

I looked at him kind of confused, I had no idea what he had just said had anything to do with what I asked but nevertheless I went along with it by nodding my head.

“So are you going to tell me where we are going or are you going to change the topic once more?”

“I want to say change the topic, but you will just get agitated.” Gavin responded.

I smirked, “You know me so well.”

“So, to answer your question Miss Clair. We are going to Garrett and I’s favorite café in the whole world. Well, all of DC. We usually go there for breakfast on special occasions, since the place is sort of expensive.”

My eyes widened in shock, “Then why the hell are you taking me there?”

“Because, I am craving some good chocolate and you are paying for yourself.”

I ran my fingers through my hair, looking out the window. “I should’ve known….” I muttered, to myself.

If Gavin heard me he didn’t choose to respond, which I was kind of grateful for. I didn’t have a comeback to when Gavin made his intelligent remark.


“Be honest, wasn’t that the best milkshake you have ever tasted?”

I nodded my head, as I licked my lips trying to taste the chocolate milkshake that Gavin had ordered for me. “I want to say no, but anyone with excellent taste would know I was lying. That was amazing.”

Gavin nodded in agreement as we walked towards his truck. “It really was, Garrett and I usually order that, or we order the vanilla fudge shake.”

I let out a quiet moan, when Gavin said the word vanilla, “Normally whenever I would go out with my brother. Which is rare, he would usually get this combination of weird things mostly chocolate. I am not really a big fan of chocolate but you my friend have introduced me to the light side.”

“I am glad, I could be of service.” Gavin replied, chuckling. We got back into his truck for the ride back home.

I got in, putting on my seatbelt, as Gavin started up the engine turning on the radio this time. Some country song blasted from the radio as I heard Gavin mumble the words as the singer sang.

“I never pegged you as guy to listen to country music.” I said voicing my thoughts aloud.

“I never pegged you as an annoying nerd, boy was I wrong.” Gavin replied.

“Why are you so sassy?”

“Don’t call me that,” He said wincing. “The word sassy is something that people use for girls with attitudes.”

I let out a chuckle, trying to stifle my laughs. “Hey!” Thomas complained.

My mom, however ignored him moving on. “And second, who is this Gavin fellow?”

I looked back at Thomas, “Do you want to answer this?”

Thomas looked at my mother quickly than back at me, “Nah. I am good, I’ll take the next one.”

I looked at him confused, “There is no ‘next one!’ She is asking both of us.”

Thomas and I just stared at each other in return, I didn’t know what to tell my mother. How I met Gavin? Or who he was? Or what he was known for in my school? All that I really know is that no matter what I say about Gavin, my mom wouldn’t find him a good kid.

I noticed as Thomas opened up his mouth to speak, “Gavin is Alice’s-“

I quickly cut him off spewing random facts on Thomas the same time he was telling my mother who Gavin was. As we both began to talk at the same time, a few moments later we both stopped at the same time.

My mom just looked at us confused, “O-okay?”

I nodded my head, “Well I will best be going now, see you. Love you, don’t wait up!” I said, adding a remark I once heard on television as I ran out of the red room and towards the front door. I don’t think she gave me permission to go hang out with Gavin but she didn’t try to stop me so this was probably her way of saying yes.

As I was walking to the front door, I heard someone call out my name. “Alice?”

I turned my head and saw Ricky one of the bodyguards. “Ricky!” I called out, running towards him and giving him a hug. “Where have you been?”

“My wife just gave birth to our fourth child. So I was on leave to help around, until she gets back on her feet.”

I smiled, “I didn’t know your wife was expecting a baby? Is it a boy or girl?”

“It’s a girl, her name is Kayla Ginny Taylor. After my mother and my wife’s mother.”

I beamed, “That’s a nice name! Congratulations!”

“Thanks, kid. Where are you heading off to?”

I raised my eyebrows at him, “Now, I am kid?” I asked, and in return Ricky just chuckled. “Well I am off to meet a friend, and I am actually running late…” I said, pulling out my phone to check the time, there were three messages from Gavin repeating the same message of ‘where are you?’

“Do you want me to drop you off?” He asked.

I nodded my head in return “That would be awesome, thanks!” He nodded his head in return as we walked towards the front door together silently.

Once we got outside we got into his black SUV and took off towards the gates. The three minute drive to where Gavin usually drops me off was silent. When we were on Pennsylvania Avenue, a minute into out drive I noticed Gavin’s rusty truck parked on the curb.

“There he is!” I said pointing to the truck. Ricky nodded his head pulling over to the side, and stopping the car. “Thanks so much!” I said, unbuckling my seatbelt and opening the door.

“No problem, just do me one favor, Alice.”

“Yeah, sure what is it?”

“Get your drivers license. I am bodyguard not a taxi.” He said in a somewhat serious matter. Nevertheless, I nodded my head closing the door waving as Ricky did a U-turn driving back towards the house.

I rolled my eyes at his remark, “Whatever.” I muttered turning off my phone and shoving it into my back pocket. I looked down at the clothes I was wearing, a pair of skinny jeans and a loose white and blue striped jersey, I didn’t play any sports but I found this when Holly and I went shopping and thought it looked cute.

My dark brown hair was beginning to fade and it was starting to grow longer. I made a mental note to remind my mother to take me back to get a haircut. Once my hair is grown out, it usually goes back to its usual waviness and not its straightness when it is short.

Grabbing my handbag from the chair, walking out of my bedroom, I headed down the stairs. I ran my fingers through my hair a couple of times. I at least wanted to look presentable, and it wasn’t because I liked him, it’s because I’d rather not go outside looking like I don’t know how to brush my hair.

“Hey do you happen to know where my mother is?” I asked, one of the guards stopping him just as he was about to pass me.

He pointed to the direction of the red room, it was called that because of its color. I didn’t really understand to why we couldn’t have just called it a living or dining room, like my bedroom is painted white. Does that make it named the white room?

I walked into the red room, as I saw my mom sitting on the couch with a bunch of sketches of clothes scattered all over the table. My eyes then wandered over to Thomas who was on my mother’s laptop, just because we were the President’s kids doesn’t mean we were allowed to get all the fancy electronics. Thomas has a computer in his room, but it was so old, I don’t understand how he uses it.

“Hey mom?” I called out, to her.

She looked up briefly, looking me in the eyes before looking back down. “Hmm?”

“Can I go out with one of my friends?”

“In the middle of the week? On a school night?”

I sighed, I kind of knew this was going to happen. “Please? It will only be for a couple of hours.”

“Who are you going out with Ben? Holly?”

“Um,” I said, scratching my head. “It’s actually another friend, you don’t know him.”

“Him?” She asked, looking up from her sketches giving me her full attention. “Who’s this him?”

I groaned, taking a seat on the chair. “You’re beginning to act like dad, minus the part where you actually seem excited that I am hanging out with a boy.”

“Stop avoiding the subject, Alice!” She said, looking generally interested. “What is his name?”

“His name is Gavin Storm.” Piped Thomas, his eyes trained to the laptop.

“How do you know his name?” I asked, kind of shocked.

“I do my research, plus I already knew his first name so finding out his last name wasn’t that hard.” Thomas, replied looking up from the laptop.

“That’s not what I asked,” I told him, getting kind of peeved off.

“Well deal with it, because that’s all I am telling you.”

“Tell me where you got this research, or else I tell mom about your interesting hobbies.” I seethed, to him.

His light eyes narrowed at me, “You wouldn’t?”

“Try me.” Thomas, challenged.

We heard a throat clearing as Thomas and I broke of eye contact looking back at our mother who was looking at us confused. She had her hand raised, “Um excuse me? But I would like to know two things.” My mother stated, “First, I would like to know what Thomas’ interesting habits is, besides the usual eating like a pig and being gross.”

“Why are you apologizing?”

“Because, I realized that you are growing older. And you are wise and mature enough to make your own decisions, besides even when you do make bad decisions, and they do happen regularly. I will just have to learn to accept that they are your decisions and I should stick by you, no matter what.”

I crossed my arms over my chest, “Mom made you apologize to me, didn’t she?”

“What? You don’t believe that I actually have a heart and can apologize? Alice I raised you!”

I rolled my eyes, “Mom gave you the lecture on how she was always right and you were wrong, didn’t she?”

He nodded solemnly, “She also said if I didn’t fix the problem with you I will be sleeping in the rose bushes.”

I let out a chuckle that was such a mom thing to say. “Okay, and I am sorry to you too.”

“Now, that we got all that out of the way, could you please leave? I have a country to run.” My dad said, sitting back down on his chair, beginning to go through the piles of work papers he had scattered on his desk.

I rolled my eyes walking out of the room, “And he’s back…” I muttered, under my breath walking towards the door and closing it softly behind me.


Can you meet me in twenty minutes?-A

I texted on my phone to Gavin. I wanted to tell him about the news about the demolition project my dad is looking at. Of course I won’t tell him who my father is but if he does ask, I won’t really tell him anything.


A few minutes later Gavin responded with that, I guess he was still kind of cold to me since the whole drama dance.

I want to tell you something.-A

A few minutes later Gavin’s reply lit up my phone.

Fine, where do you want to meet?-G

How about the Starbucks?-A

A few minutes later his response vibrated my phone.

I think you are forgetting that we are banned from there…-G

“Oh,” I muttered, realizing my stupidity. I didn’t know where to meet at, the park was way too overrated anyways we’ve met their way too many times to count and it was starting to get old.

How about I pick you up? I know a perfect place to go.-G

I narrowed my eyes at the screen, I was kind of wary about Gavin’s definition of a perfect place.

It’s not a somewhere illegal is it?-A

A few moments late his respond vibrated through my phone.

No… Why would you think that?-G

I quickly texted my response to Gavin.

Well… it’s you… so I am just trying to take precautions and not come home in pieces.-A

When Gavin didn’t respond his usual time which was less than a minute, is when he would usually respond back to me. I began to get worried, I hope what I had said wasn’t too mean…

Nerd, if you were in pieces you wouldn’t be able to even walk, let alone get home. I’ll meet you where I usually drop you off in twenty.-G

Chapter Thirty-Six: Family Secret

“Could you please shut up?” I moaned, rolling over in my bed and cuddling into the warm hard object on my bed. I woke up the next day groaning and complaining. It wasn’t really anything new since I would usually wake up like this.

I snuggled in closer to the object the sounds of a bird chirping, getting me even more agitated. “Please could you shut it off, Melinda? Only five more minutes, I promise.”

When the alarm didn’t shut off or when I didn’t hear our housecleaner say anything in response, I opened up my eyes, as I found myself looking at Gavin’s sleeping face. “What the heck?”

I got up from my position, yesterday’s memories hitting me like a ton of bricks. I jammed my elbow into Gavin’s stomach hoping, by doing this it would get him awake.

When I got no response, I leaned over him climbing on top of him. As if I was straddling him, when I leaned over cupping my hands together, over his ears I opened my mouth, screaming at the top of my lungs.

Gavin jumped awake, pushing me off him as I landed on the hard cold floor of the back of the truck with a thud. “Ow…” I muttered.

I looked over at Gavin whose eyes were darting everywhere. “Why the heck would you wake someone up like that?” He asked, angrily.

“Seemed like the best idea considering you sleep like a rock.”

He narrowed his eyes at me, “I do not sleep like a rock.”

“Fine do you prefer a stone? Or better yet, do you prefer the comparison to Patrick the starfish?”

Gavin’s face scrunched up as he stood up, “Do you mean that pink idiot on SpongeBob?”

I gasped, “Who are you calling an idiot? Patrick is one of kind.”

Gavin nodded his head, “Yup. Definitely, one of a kind.” He muttered. “Kind of like another idiot I know.” He mumbled, to himself.

I narrowed my eyes at him, sticking out my tongue childishly.” I hope you are talking about yourself.”

Gavin just stared at me blankly, “I really need to find you a better nickname rather than nerd.”


“Because a) you don’t mind the name; b) you read and c) I was wrong you are nowhere near a nerd.” He said, grabbing the pillows and blankets and placing them back in the truck.

I raised my eyebrows, confused, “I hope you realize you just contradicted yourself with b and c, and reading doesn’t make someone a nerd.”

“Yeah, big glasses, braces and weird clothes do.” He responded, clearing off all the materials we used for yesterday.

“You are a judgemental asshole,” I muttered, to myself. Even though I said it, I did not want him to hear it because he will just pick a fight with me, and that isn’t something I needed at the moment.

I slid off the truck, pulling out my phone from my pocket as I unlocked it, looking through the ten text messages from my father asking my whereabouts, and one message from my mother saying be safe, adding a winky face at the end of the message.

I rolled my eyes, I found my mom so happy when I asked to hang out with a boy. She always seemed to hand me off immediately or fire questions at me, but because she was generally interested in my non-existent love life. But it wasn’t like I was going out with Ben or Gavin, considering those are the only two guys I actually went somewhere with alone…

I had no idea what he was doing here. Yes, his parents worked here but I didn’t know why he was here… We haven’t talked since the phone call and I doubted he wanted to talk to me.

Once Ben’s car pulled thought the gates, I quickly picked up my pace as I waved to the guards who quickly allowed me in once they noticed it was me running, instead of a mad woman. I didn’t get too close as Ben’s car parked, as he got out from the passenger’s seat of his car.

I did not want him to see me so I walked over to the plants near the middle of the driveway that forms a circle so cars can pick up or drop of whomever and drive back to the gates without causing traffic. I watched as someone opened the driver’s door getting out, but when I realized who it was, I felt my heart crash.

“Holly?” I whispered, as she walked over to Ben and began talking to him.

“Thanks, for driving me here.” He said, giving her a small smile.

She shook his head, “It was no problem. After all, you aren’t the reason, why you have your arm in a sling.”

I rolled my eyes feeling guilty, “Yeah.” He said, the conversation falling short.

“Look Ben. I am just going to get straight to the point, I know I haven’t been the most honest or easiest person to talk too.” She began.

He shook his head, “You are a lot easier to talk to then most people.” He replied.

She just nodded her head, continuing on with whatever she wanted to say. “Yeah, but I didn’t want to be the reason why you and Gavin are no longer friends, or the problem to why your friendship failed.”

Ben’s eyes widened, “You aren’t the reason our friendship failed! The reason it failed was because Gavin is a douchebag.”

“That douchebag, was your best friend.” Holly replied.

Ben shook his head, “Keyword being was.”

Holly just chuckled, “I hope we can… you know start over. For Alice’s sake.”

Ben nodded his head, “Yeah. For Alice’s sake.” He said, bitterly.

I winced, I knew he was still mad at me. I took a deep breath as Holly and Ben began to talk once more, I knew it was wrong for me to eavesdrop but when it had something to do with someone else and not me, I know it sounds wrong but I can’t help but get a little curious.

When Ben and Holly bid their goodbyes, I watched Holly get in Ben’s car and began to drive back towards the gates. I quickly followed Ben into the house, hoping and praying that Holly didn’t see me as she drove. Once I entered the house, Ben was nowhere to be seen.

I shrugged, walking towards the kitchen. Even though I desperately wanted to get out of these clothes, I wanted to have a real breakfast since Gavin and I only stopped for coffee in the morning.

Once I grabbed some food munching on it, as I took some extra food with me back upstairs. Mom didn’t really like when we took food upstairs, but I did not feel like sitting on the table being the only one as some of the guards watched me eat.

Once I reached the second floor, I was heading towards my room when I passed by Thomas’ room. The door was open, which was rare for Thomas since he liked his door closed. Another thing that was rare was the loud voices coming from his room.

I placed my food on the floor of the hallway, I couldn’t risk getting caught with food upstairs and I doubted that the guards would snitch on me, for bringing food upstairs. Curiosity soon got the best of me, walking into the room, I watched my mother pace back and forth as Thomas was sitting on his bed, sulking.

“I know, I will be sorry that I asked. But, what’s wrong?”

My mother didn’t respond instead she sent one of those silent glares she did towards the direction of my brother. “Is on creeping people in the house, what you meant about being one of your brothers interesting hobbies?” She asked, bewildered.

“So you found out, huh?” I asked, taking a seat on his chair.

“Why didn’t you tell me your brother was spying on people?” She asked, pointing her finger at me.

“Why are you yelling at me? I am not the one who did it.”

“Yes, but you did know about it. Yet, you never did anything about it.” My mom, pointed out. I rolled my eyes as she began to rant. “Thomas, I honestly do not even know where to start.” She started, “How could you hack into our surveillance system and spy on people? That is privacy!”

“Then how come the people downstairs are allowed to do it?”

“That is there job!”

“If that is there job, then I want a job like that too.” I let out a loud snort, as I watched the argument begin to escalate. “I don’t know why you’re laughing. Mom knows about Gavin.”

“What do you mean she knows about Gavin?” I asked, getting up from my chair and walking slowly towards my brother, menacingly. “What did you do?”

“I did not do anything,” Thomas said, “What mom knows…? Well, I might have had something to do with it.”

My head snapped towards my mom, “Mother…? What do you know?”

“Well I am not going to name any names, but somebody-“

“Thomas,” I interjected.

She ignored me carrying on, “Accidentally showed me something interesting about Gavin.”

I looked at her curiously, “I’ve come to realize that in this household, interesting is just another word for bad.” Thomas nodded his head agreeing with me, and I knew my mom agreed with me as well. “So what did you find out?”

“We learned something about the Storm family,” Thomas, said getting up and walking towards his computer.

“I know that, now are you going to tell me? Because I am not getting any younger.”

Thomas just looked at my mom, who did not look very happy to tell me whatever it is they wanted to say. They looked at each other curiously, like they were unsure what the next few words were going to come out of their mouth.

As I watched my brother and mom silently communicate to each other, it just made me so much more curious to what they know about the Storm family and to why it seems so bad…


Hello Lovelies,

I told you I will update! What do you think Gavin’s family secret is? Can anyone guess? Hmmm anyone? Well I will be looking for your guesses in the comment section!

So I told you I will update and I did! Also being my birthday, I wanted to update midnight Canadian time-which is where I live for all you asking! I also said they will be drama between Holly and Ben and Alice, but I couldn’t quite find it, so I just left it how it is. What do you think of this chapter?

I wanted to announce the winners of the One-shot today, but since I didn’t have the time to find a winner, since they were all amazing, I will try my best to announce them in the next update or something.

PS: I like doing this but comment down your birthdays, as a gift to me! <3 Thanks!

This is dedicated to @mkmimlitz She ships Thomas and Ben… that is interesting? LOL thanks! <3

To win a dedication; whoever can guess the family secret, I’ll give you a hint it has something to do with Gavin all his issues and abuseness, like secret as in why is he always so cold, did something happen to him? To cause him to be this way? If so what was it?

Please Remember: Vote, Comment, Share and Fan!



I shook my head, “No. Of course not,” I said, quietly.

Gavin didn’t respond instead he just looked out the window, watching as the cars passed by in a blur. I had no idea what to say, I knew if I didn’t tell him the truth he would continue to pry. Even though what I said did hurt him, I had no idea what to say to make him feel better.

“Look Gavin,” I started out. “I am sorry, what I said was rude and I hope you can forgive me.”

Gavin turned his head, just staring at me. “Fine, I forgive you. It is in the past.” He mumbled.

“The past was two seconds ago but-“

“Do you want me to forgive you or not?” He asked, cutting me off.

I nodded my head, “Of course I do!”

“Then shut up,” He replied. I just nodded my head, it was quiet for a few moments when Gavin spoke once more, “Just tell me one thing, Ali.”

“Last time you said something along the lines to that, we ended up arguing.”

“All old married couples fight.” He replied.

I knitted my eyebrows in confusion, “Last time I checked, I wasn’t old. We weren’t a couple nor are we married…”

“You’re seventeen that is pretty old…” He said, in amusement.

I rolled my eyes, “Get to the point.”

He nodded his head, “Oh yeah. Why do you let Ben drop you home then?”

“How do you know Ben drops me home?”

“I see you guys sometimes.”

I shook my head, “No you stalk me.”

He just narrowed his eyes at me. “Answer the question.”

“Our parents are, as you would say pretty close.” I said, trying to find the right word to fit the relationship between my parents and the James family. “So, since I don’t really know how to drive, my parents thought it would be best if Ben picks me up and takes me.”

Gavin just nodded his head in understanding, “Oh alright.”

“Well, yeah. So thanks for the sleepover or camping trip or whatever you want to call it.”

“That wasn’t camping.”

“Well, that is the closest I will ever go to camping.” I responded, with a toothy smile.

Gavin chuckled, running his hands through his hair. I grin appearing on his face, “Goodbye Ali.”

I smiled opening the door and stepping out. “Bye, rainbow.”

“Oh and Ali,” He said, getting my attention once more. “In order to get in a relationship, the two people must have the trust in one another.”

I raised my eyebrows, “I doubt I will be getting in a relationship, anytime soon…”

“Just a thought,” He responded, turning on the engine. I closed the door as I waved bye to him as I watched him, drive off.

I stood there for a couple of minute’s reminiscing Gavin’s rusty red truck and the odd sounds that it made. “Weird that a typical bad boy such as himself doesn’t own a motorcycle.” I mumbled, to myself. Isn’t that what all bad boys drive when you read those cliché books?

I began to walk home as I mumbled to myself a tune that I made up. I usually do that when I am bored, plus it keeps me company and my mind elsewhere. As I approached towards the gates, I noticed Ben’s car pull to the gates. I slowed down, as I began to walk slowly.

“Do you want to grab some coffee than I can drop you off? It is already almost noon and there isn’t really a point of going to school for only two more periods.”

I nodded my head, “Yeah that is most defiantly fine with me.”

Gavin nodded his head, hopping in his truck. I slipped my phone into my jeans pocket doing the same. I felt my stomach rumble loudly, Gavin just looked at me in return before putting the car in drive before driving back to the main road with an amused smile on his face.


“So here we are…” Gavin said, turning off the engine of his truck and looking at me.

I nodded my head slowly, “Yup. Thanks for the ride.” I said, opening the door and beginning to get out.

“Ali! Wait.” Gavin called, out to me.

I stopped turning around looking at him, “Yes?”

“I want to ask you something,” He stated.

I perused my lips, looking at him weirdly. “Even if I did say no, I am pretty sure you would ask me anyways.” Gavin just chuckled in return, “So what do you want to tell me?” I asked, closing the door to his truck and giving him my full attention.

“Yes or no, did you say you trusted me.”

I rolled my eyes, “I thought you didn’t want to talk about this whole trust thing. I don’t think I am wrong, but last time when I asked you about your trust issues you snapped at me.”

“Well, you are wrong. I did not snap, I simply yelled.” Gavin said, clarifying.

I shook my head, “That is not making the situation any better…”

“Whatever, now answer my question. Did you say you trusted me?”

I nodded my head, “Yes, I said I trusted you.”

“Do you actually, or are you just spewing out lies?” Gavin questioned, his dark brown eyes going wide and his face getting closer to mines.

I pushed his face away from mine, “For God’s sake can you please get to the point?”

“Okay, I am going to be completely honest with you.” He began, looking at me now with a serious face. “You told me you trusted me, but If you really do trust me. Why do you make me drop you off at the side of the road? Why don’t you want me to drop you home?”

“I like walking, plus I am fine with it,” I sated.

“And I am fine with driving you,” He argued back.

I rolled my eyes, “What is the big deal? My house isn’t that far, plus walking is good exercise.”

“If it isn’t that far, than why don’t I drive you?” He said, turning on the engine.

“No.” I said, reaching over to the ignition and turning it off.

“Why are you so against me driving you home? A-are you embarrassed of me?” He asked, sounding offended.

“What? Why would you think that?” I asked, bewildered.

“Then why don’t you want me to drop you home?”

“Because,” I responded, running out of ideas. I couldn’t exactly tell him the truth.

“Because what?”

“Because Gavin,” I began, finally giving up. “I do not want you to know where I live. Happy?”

Gavin just looked at me, his eyes refusing to meet mine. “What? Afraid I will egg your house or something?” He asked, bitterly.

Chapter Thirty-Seven: Realizing the Truth

“W-what is it?” I asked, hesitantly as I approached my brother’s computer.

“Why don’t you see for yourself?” Thomas said, motioning for me to come closer.

I walked to his computer, as I read the article that was displayed on the screen. “What’s this article about?” I asked, Thomas turning my head from the screen to look at Thomas.

“Maybe, you should just read it for yourself,” My mom suggested.

I nodded my head, turning my attention back onto the computer screen.

Mother of two Commits Suicide days after giving Birth

A young mother has committed suicide by driving into a beam pole, just after 7:30 p.m. just days after she gave birth to a baby boy. Washington D.C Authorities say, that the mother Millie Storm, 30, has been unhappy or depressed with her life causing her to commit suicide leaving behind a thirteen year old boy and a new baby boy. The boy was born prematurely and is now in Intensive Care, there is no word from the family as Officers search deeper into this investigation.

My jaw dropped open as I felt tears prickling the corners of my eyes. There was a lot more to the article, but I didn’t want to read on. I would much rather hear it from Gavin himself than an article that might have not got all its facts right and I speak from experience.

“Why’d you stop?” I heard Thomas ask, breaking me from my trance.

“Because, it doesn’t feel right.” I said, softly.

“You would much rather ask the boy himself, won’t you?” My mom asked.

I nodded my head, “How did you know?”

“You were mumbling your thoughts aloud,” She stated.

I rolled my eyes, “Of course I was.”

“Do you want to see a picture of his mom?” Thomas asked.

I shook my head. “Thanks but no thanks. I would much rather hear the story and listen to Gavin as he explains his story, rather than my younger brother who is a creep.” I stated, “Gathering his information from the internet.”

“What else is the internet for? All people really do now a days is creep on others and ask google for every possible answer. What else do you think I do with my time?”

I looked back at my mother waiting for her to reply to what Thomas had just said. But, instead of paying attention to Thomas and realizing the way his brain works-differently.

She was staring at me. “What?”

“You really like the boy, enough to be patient and wait for him rather than have your brother spill all the details.” My mother stated.

I shrugged my shoulders in return, “So what if I do?”

“Then, I trust you and this boy.”

“You already trusted me with him, you basically handed me off. Might as well sign me off to him now, mother.” I said sarcastically.

My mother rolled her eyes, “My job is done.” She said, getting up from her seat and walking outside towards the door. A few seconds later we heard her shout, “Whose food is this in the hall?”

“Shit…” I muttered, under my breath.


The next day I found myself slouching in my seat as Ms. Angel explained to us the female and male human body. We were doing a unit on Health and let me say, there was things I never knew, that I know now, enough to make me sick.

I watched as Gavin stiffen, “You know nothing about me, nerd. Now stop acting like you do.”

With that he brushed past me, knocking my shoulder with his chest as he pushed open the door walking out the door with no other words. The situation felt too familiar.

“You shouldn’t have done said that,” Ben said, interrupting my thoughts.

I jumped, forgetting that Ben was standing next to me. “What?”

“What happened to his mother is a touchy subject for him.”

“That would have been useful information, before I ran my mouth.”

“It’s not my fault you don’t know how to control that mouth of yours,” Ben muttered. I rolled my eyes, as I stared at the doors that Gavin just went through. “Can I ask you a question?” He asked,

“You just did.”

Ben rolled his eyes, ignoring me. “Do you like Gavin?”


“Do you like Gavin?” He repeated.

“Why are you asking me that?”

“Do you like Gavin?” He asked, once more.

“What does it matter?” I said, switching the subject.

“Do you like Gavin?”

“Are you going to keep repeating the same stupid question until I answer you?” I asked.

“Do you like Gavin?” He asked, for the fifth time.

I let out a sigh, “I will take that as a yes.”

“So do you like Gavin?” Ben pressed.

I ran my hands through my hair, “If I say yes will you stop?”

“I will stop if you give me an honest answer.”

I looked at Ben for a second, pondering on his question. I know I didn’t like Ben, he was more of a friend and brother. And besides my father, Ricky and Uncle Robbie, Gavin was the only male person in my life. Sure, Gavin was reckless and stupid. But it is what made him, him and even with all his stubborn and bipolar moments, it was his qualities and that’s what made him, Gavin.

“I-I think I do…” I muttered, quietly. Realizing that I was beginning to fall for this stupid, annoying, secretive, bad boy. Call it cliché if you will.

“Then what are you doing standing here?” Ben asked, appalled. “Go after him!” He urged.

I raised my eyebrows, “Since when did you become supportive?”

“Since five minutes ago, I realized that I need to get over you.”

I snorted, “Okay. But, how do you even know he is still out there?”

“He’s not.”

“Then why are you telling me to chase after him?”

“He’s not in the parking lot. But he is walking home.” Ben said, explaining it further.

“How do you know he is walking home?” I questioned.

“Since, someone punctured his tires this morning.” Ben said, grinning.

“Do I even want to ask?”

Ben shook his head, “No. Now go after him!”

I rolled my eyes, pushing open the front doors of the school and sprinting. Chasing after a certain brown eyed, messy haired bad boy. Whoever said, boys usually do the chasing, it was the complete opposite in this situation.

Chapter Thirty-Eight: Your Last Chance

My feet hit the floor in a continuous beat as I sprinted trying to catch up with Gavin. When I noticed his messy brown hair just a few feet away from me I called out his name, he turned around looking at me in confusion.

“Gavin!” I said, breathlessly as I slowed down trying to catch my breath.

“Ali?” He replied, confused.

“J-just give me a minute to catch my breath,” I huffed, grabbing Gavin’s arm for support as I tried to get my heart rate to go back to its normal beat.

“Wow,” He said, after a while. “You are seriously unfit.”

When I finally caught my breath I gave him a glare. “Excuse me, but I am fit.” I argued, “I have abs.”

“Where? Under your stomach fat?” Gavin asked, a smirk on his face.

I narrowed my eyes at him. “You’re an asshole you know that?”

“Yeah, I am asshole that you are out of breath for.”

I breathed in deeply trying to stop the urge from strangling him. “I am out of breath because I might be a little out of shape…”

“So you admit it?”

I groaned, “Look, me being unfit is not the point.”

“Then what is the point?” He asked, his brown eyes narrowing.

“If you shut up and let me explain maybe I will tell you.” I spat, he kept quiet, staring at me with a blank look on his face. “I’m sorry, I know there is a chance you might never forgive me. But, at least I realize what I said was wrong.”

Gavin stared at me, looking at me thoughtfully. “Give me one good reason why I should accept it?”

“Because I am adorable and your best friend?” I asked, trying to lighten the mood. Gavin just stared at me, his expression of a blank look, didn’t change. I let out a sigh, “You should forgive me because I am not a heartless bitch.”

“You could’ve fooled me,” Gavin muttered, under his breath. I clenched my jaw ignoring him. I never expected him from all people to say that to my face, but I should’ve known. “If you are done with your pity apology, I will go. Because if you haven’t forgotten, I am mad at you.” Gavin spat.

“You don’t look that mad.”

Gavin’s expressionless face was quickly replaced with a scowl that seemed to be permanently etched onto his face. “Okay you are mad. Look, I get it. And I am sorry but I want to fix whatever this is.”

“Fine, you got one minute to say what you want,” He stated.

“What? That’s not fair!”

“Fifty-nine, fifty-eight, fifty-seven…” He began counting down.

I raised my hands in surrender, “Okay! Okay! Look, as I mentioned before, I am sorry about what I said back in health class… You know that! I could apologize a million times, but I know that you don’t want to forgive me. Which I totally understand, but under all those scowls and scariness, you are a really great guy.”

“Forty-six, forty-five…”

I ran my hands through my hair, frustrated. “Look! Yes, I know what happened to your mother. I found an article that was dated five years ago, I knew from the start that I shouldn’t have pried but I had too! You are a closed book, all you ever do is push people away! Like what am I supposed to do?”

“Yeah sure, it’s getting late anyways. So I will just see you tomorrow!” She told me.

I nodded, “Thanks! Bye!” I hung up the phone with Holly, answering the other call waiting for me on the other line.

“Hello?” I spoke unsurely, into the phone.

“Alice.” The person from the other end, responded.

My eyebrows crinkled in concentration, I knew that nasally voice anywhere. “Ashley?” I asked, kind of shocked to why she was calling me. “What the heck are you doing calling me?”

“Trust me, talking to you is the last thing I wanted to do. But, it seemed that I had to,” She replied.

“So you just had to call me at ten in the evening? What you don’t enjoy hearing my voice?” I asked, sarcastically.

She scoffed, “Hearing your voice is the last thing I want. Now listen I called your pathetic little ass for a reason.”

“And what reason is this to have blessed me with this wonderful phone call?” I questioned, trying to be as sarcastic as possible.

“Look quit the sarcastic shit and listen. I saw you with Gavin today and I didn’t like it one bit.” She spat.

“You saw me? Are you stalking me?” I shrieked.

“N-no! Of course not, why would I waste time stalking someone like you?” Ashley asked, stammering a little bit in the beginning. “Look, I am going to give you one last chance stay away from Gavin or else your secret will be the top story in every news station in the country.”

I let out a snort, “I always thought you were stupid. But I never knew you were actually this stupid to blackmail the first daughter.”

I could just imagine Ashley’s blue eyes narrowing at me, “You and I both know that you will not run to your daddy.”

“How do you know?”

“I know you. You aren’t going to take that chance, now Alice. This is your final warning stay away from Gavin Storm because I am not someone you want to mess with. This is your final chance.” She seethed, not before hanging up on me.

I let out groan as I fell backwards onto my bed. Ashley was right, I didn’t want to take that chance by going to my dad to fix it. I would much rather do as she says, plus even if I did tell my dad I am pretty sure his way of fixing it would be pulling me out of school. And even though any normal person would jump at the chance to be pulled out of school, I wanted to stay and it was not just because of a certain brown haired bed-head.

I felt my phone vibrate from my hand, it was a text message from the same number Ashley called me on. I opened the text message to find a picture of Gavin and I.

It was when I was mad at Gavin for calling me a bitch, he was holding me in his arms. As he had his hand on my face, from the angle it was taken it looked like we were staring at each other lovingly in each other’s eyes.

Another message soon appeared on my phone.  

Ashley: Stay away…

I rolled my eyes, didn’t the girl understand that I knew she didn’t want me near Gavin? How many times does she have to tell me?

I shut off my phone, placing it on my side table and getting ready for bed. If staying away from Gavin was the only way for me to stay in the same school with him. Then I had no choice but to listen. And this time I was going to do whatever it takes to stay away from Gavin Storm.


Hello Lovelies,

So Ashley is back in the picture? And Gavin forgave Alice, so all is right in the world… or is it? Holly is also back and will have some problems of her own!

I just wanted to say thank you so much for the six million reads it so awesome! As well as all the lovely messages you guys leave for me in the comments, PM me and on my message board. I reply to those messages and I love hearing your responses! Ps: Hope everyone had a great first day of school if you the first day was Tuesday and if not hope you do!

Now for the one-shot winners, I know a few of you guys have been waiting for this for a long time! And I am so glad to have the honour of announcing them. They were all amazing and thanks so much for entering, and even if you didn’t win thanks so much for taking the time in writing these they were all amazing and that is one of the reasons to why it took so long to decide. *cue drum roll

In third place we have… @Fight4Midnight It was amazing and it was Alice telling Holly about the kiss with Ben and I loved it, the whole thing was amazing simple and to the point.

Second place we have… @the_moonlight_love It was in the POV of the President, and the ending automatically killed me and me laugh so hard. It was different, and it was so emotional to me, I loved everything about it!

And in first place we have… @Shaky_Shake It had a scene with his mother, and with Ben at the bus stop that I loved cause it showed how close they were before the whole fall out.

Thanks so much once again and I will be PM all the winners fort here prizes, thanks once again I love you and hopefully we can do this again but maybe a graphic contest or something when the book ends!

This is dedicated to @natsand what’s she least looks forward too is breaking up with her bed, lol that was funny. Don’t worry guys I broke up with mine too, we are all good now!

Please remember: Vote, Comment, Share and Fan!



“You know about that?”

Gavin let out a snort, “I saw him leaving my driveway this morning.”

I chuckled, Ben isn’t the most careful or thought out guy out there. “Do you mind if I come with?”

Gavin nodded his head, “Sure. Garrett will be happy to see you.”

I smiled, “I will be pretty happy to see him too. He’s just so darn cute.”

“Just like someone else you know, right?”

I raised my eyebrows, “Sorry. Who are you referring to?”

Gavin scowled, “Ha-ha you are too funny!”

I kept quiet, this was the Gavin I liked. The Gavin who loved playing with his brother, the Gavin whose eyes lightened up whenever he talked about something he enjoyed, the Gavin who could make you laugh after you just got into a fight, the Gavin who could make you feel like your own the moon just by a simple touch. Because, believe it or not, I did have feelings for Gavin and I didn’t regret it one bit.

“So… Are we good?” I asked, looking at Gavin who was staring straight ahead.

He nodded his head, turning to me. “Yeah we are good.”


“After we picked up his brother he wanted to walk me home, but I refused and then he asked me if we I wanted to go out for ice cream or something, I wanted to say yes. But, I couldn’t cause-"

“Alice?” Holly called out, interrupting me.


“Do you think this is a good idea?” She asked, thoughtfully.

“Think what, is a good idea?”

“The whole you liking Gavin thing.” She replied.

I clutched the phone in my hand, speaking into it. “I never said I liked him.”

“You’ve been blabbering about him for the last ten minutes, anyone with a brain can see you like him.”

“Oh,” I muttered, not realizing I was rambling. “Sorry.”

“It’s okay, but be careful okay?” Holly whispered, from the other end.

I nodded my head even though she couldn’t see me, “Okay. So how are you?” I questioned, changing the topic.

“Okay.” She said, “Dad moved out a week ago,” She muttered, sadly.

My eyes widened, I had no idea he moved out. “I am so sorry, Holls.”

I could imagine her smiling sadly, “It’s okay. It was for the best, before dad moved out he and mom were fighting nonstop. So it was the best, besides the whole divorce papers and the trial on who has custody of me will be coming up in a few weeks, so It was a good thing my dad moved out. Even if I wasn’t on board the whole thing.”

“Holls?” I spoke, into the phone.


“I know I haven’t really been there for you the last couple of weeks, with the whole shooting and now Gavin. But, I promise you, when the trial does come up. I will be there with you through every single step of the way.”

I could imagine her smiling on the other side, “Thanks. Alice, I am sorry for you know being kind of distant the last few days too.”

“It’s fine.” I said, smiling. Glad that we resolved this issue. “So do you want to-“ I was cut off when I heard beeping coming from my phone. I removed my phone from my ear to notice an unknown caller flashing on my screen. “Hey, Holls? I will call you back, someone is on the other line.”

Gavin looked at me in shock, “Um… Ask? Like any normal person would have.”

“I did!” I yelled, “And I got the same response, nothing.”

“Well what the heck am I supposed to do?”

“Tell me!”

“It’s not that easy!” He argued, back.

“Why? I didn’t think it was so hard since all you ever are is cold hearted.” I shrieked, becoming furious with him.

Gavin raised his eyebrows at me, “Cold hearted? How the fuck am I cold hearted?”

“You called me a bitch!” I yelled.

“It is because you are one!” Gavin roared, his eyes narrowing at me.

I felt my face drop, as well as my heart. The first time he said it, I shrugged it off. Now it really began to sting, “Well I am sorry, that this bitch cared so much.” I muttered, turning around and beginning to walk away.

“Wait! Ali.” He yelled, calling out to me grabbing my arm and pulling me back to him. “I-I didn’t mean it like-"

I narrowed my eyes at him, “Like what, Gavin? You called me a bitch, so what? We all have opinions,” I said, ripping my arm out of his grip.

“No, I didn’t mean it like that.” He said, looking frustrated as he ran his hands through his brown hair. “Look, Ali. I was just frustrated I never meant to call you a bitch, it slipped out.”

“So it slipped out twice?” I spat, at him.

He shook his head, “No, Ali. Wait!” He called out, as I began to walk away.

Yes it was wrong for me to ask about his mother like that. But, I never meant for it to turn out like this and escalate this far.

“Ali,” Gavin whispered, into my ear. I felt his arms wrap around my waist from behind me as I froze from his touch. “Can we work this out? Please?” He asked, begging.

He slowly turned me around, as I faced him. I looked into his brown eyes as I saw it held regret, “Shit. Are you crying?” He asked, shocked.

“N-no,” I muttered, my fingers feeling my cheeks for the wetness of my tears. When I felt them, I knew I was crying but I didn’t mean to.

“If my mom was here and she found out I made a girl cry, I would be where she is now.” Gavin said, softly. As his thumb stroked away my tears.

“So your mother is really dead?” I asked, softly. I didn’t want him snapping at me once more.

He nodded his head sadly, as his eyes looked away from mines. I wiped all my tears away that were flowing down my cheeks as I grabbed the bottom of Gavin’s chin, making him look directly at me.

We stared at each other for a while before Gavin spoke, “Why didn’t you say I am sorry for your loss?”

“Because I’ve read enough cheesy romance books to know that you will reply back with it’s not your fault.”

A small chuckle escaped Gavin’s lips. “You are really something, Ali.”

I smiled, Gavin still had his arms wrapped around my waist but I made no movement to remove it. “D-do you want to talk about it?” I asked, hesitantly.

He shook his head, “No. It’s too long of a story.”

“I’ve got time.”

Gavin rolled his eyes, “I don’t. I have to pick up Garrett from school, it’s a fifteen minute walk. I would have gotten there sooner if that bastard Ben didn’t slash my tires.”

Chapter Thirty-Nine: Together & Forever

It has been three weeks since I last spoke to Gavin.

Three freaking weeks, at first I am pretty sure he thought I was just keeping my distance. You know after our whole argument, but by the second week he started to get suspicious. Whenever he tried to talk to me, I would be like Lightening McQueen and bolt the other way.

He was attached to the hip with Ashley, and wherever he went so did she. Yes, I know that I could do whatever the heck I want and not let Ashley torment me like this, but I don’t want to run to my dad when things get tough. Plus, if he ever found out that someone knows my secret, pray for me because I am pretty sure I would be on the next plane out to Honolulu.

I turned the corner to head to Chemistry class. I would have been there sooner, but Mrs. Moore wanted to talk to me about the whole catastrophe that was our dance. I didn’t understand why she wanted to talk to me alone, not Gavin and Sarah but I didn’t question it.

“I d-don’t know why she’s acting weird…” I heard, a familiar voice say.

I peeked my head from behind the locker, I was hiding behind to see Sarah at her locker, but what shocked me was who was standing next to her.

“That is why, I need you to find out for me.” Gavin explained.

“Why can’t you just ask her yourself?” Sarah asked, slamming the locker door shut.

“Have you not been listening? The girl avoids me!” Gavin exclaimed, exasperated.

“Why do you even care?” Sarah asked, softly. “Do you like her?” She asked, raising her eyebrows.

Gavin looked at her, appalled. “Me? L-like Ali?” He let out a snort, “There is no way in hell I would ever like that nerd.”

I felt my heart drop, he didn’t like me. I breathed in deeply, ignoring my heart shattering to millions of pieces. Turning around I accidentally hit one of the lockers, behind me. “Did you hear that?” I heard Gavin ask Sarah.

“Shit,” I muttered, trying to stay frozen hopefully they wouldn’t hear anything.

“Yeah, it came from behind the lockers.”

I rolled my eyes, holding my breath. “Way to state the obvious, Sherlock.” I muttered, under my breath.

I heard the sounds of their feet hitting the floor as they walked closer towards the lockers I was hiding behind. I closed my eyes tightly, praying that they wouldn’t see me.

“Ali?” I heard Sarah, in a shocked tone.

“H-hey guys,” I muttered, opening my eyes and giving them a wave.

“Were you eavesdropping?” She asked, incredulously.

I shook my head, “O-of course no, I was admiring the lockers.” I blurted out, but Gavin just looked at me a smirk playing at the corners of his lips. “Yup, admiring these rusty grey lockers. I was thinking of painting my room the same color.” I blabbered.

“Really?” Sarah asked, her eyebrows raised.

I nodded my head, “Yup. Now if you would excuse me, we both are late to chemistry.” I said, grabbing the Sarah’s sleeve and pulling her with me.

“Ali?” Sarah called out, stopping me from moving. I looked at her curious to why she stopped. “Gavin is in that class too.”

My eyes widened, “Oh.” I muttered, not realizing my blonde moment or what Thomas liked to call ‘Alice moments.’

Sarah shook her head, “Look. You two have a lot of issues, we all know that.” She said, getting straight to the point. “But, anyone could realize you two like each other and are supposed to be together.”

“I don’t like Gavin,” I denied. “That is preposterous.”

“Yeah! And didn’t you hear me earlier? I don’t like Ali, I don’t do nerds.” Gavin said, crossing his arms over his chest.

“Oh shut it, both of you. If you didn’t like Ali then you wouldn’t care if she is mad at you,” Sarah explained to Gavin. “And if you didn’t like Gavin then you would be dating Ben because we all know he has a thing for you.” She said, to me. “Now, I am going to chemistry class and you two will stay here and work out the kinks to this thing you have with each other.”

Sarah began to walk away when Gavin spoke up. “What if we don’t work it out?”

Sarah whipped around, her red hair flying. “You better hope, Gavin that you do. Cause you honestly do not want to see the bad side of me.” She said, threating us.

My eyes widened, I never saw this side of Sarah and quite frankly I was becoming a tad scared. As I watched Sarah walk away I turned to Gavin, rocking on my heels.

“Well, it was nice conversing with you. See you around!” I said, waving and turning to walk away.

“W-what?” Gavin exclaimed, grabbing my hand and pulling me back. “Did you not hear the small red chick? We are going to fix whatever this is.” He said, hauling me as walked down the hall.

I yanked my hand out of Gavin’s grasp. He turned around to look at me, his eyes held confusion. “What is this?” I asked, “Is there something between us?” I asked.

Gavin shrugged, his shoulders. “I don’t know.” He said, causing me to let out a sigh. “But, I do know that I want something between us.” Gavin added softly, grabbing my hand and entwining it with his.

I looked at our entwined hands. “Really?”

“Really.” He repeated.

I squeezed Gavin’s hand as I smiled at him. I don’t know if Gavin liked me, but something told me he was beginning to warm up to me. I was kind of doubting that my heart could be broken. But, I was willing to take the chance with Gavin.


“Thomas!” I yelled, banging my fist on his door.

As soon as I got home from school I came straight up to Thomas’ room. I had to ask him something and being the little creepy hacker that he is, I knew he was the perfect person to come to.

A few seconds later the door swung open, Thomas was looking at me in annoyance. “Couldn’t you just knocked? There was really no need to bang your fist repeatedly on my door.” He muttered, turning around and walking back into his room.

“Actually, there is a reason.” I said, closing the door behind me. “I need another favor.” I explained.

Thomas gestured for me to take a seat, as he went behind his computer desk. “Sure, but this one is going to cost you.”

“How much?”

“I don’t want your money.”

“Then what do you want?” I questioned, warily.

“I want a favor.”

“A favor?” I repeated.

“Yes, a favor.”

I rolled my eyes, “What do you want?”

“I want to meet him?”

“Him? Whose him?” I asked, crossing my arms over my chest and looking at my brother with my eyebrows raised.

“I want to meet Gavin.” He said, taking his eyes of his computer screen.

My brown eyes widened, “Why?”

“Because I want to meet my future brother in law.” Thomas explained.

I got up from my chair, “Your future what in law?” I asked, shocked.

“How many times will I have to repeat things to you? Because, frankly it is getting annoying.” My brother said, getting up from his chair and walking around his desk. “I want to meet Gavin, now you either take it or leave it.”

“I will leave it,” I said. “There is no way I am letting you anywhere near him?”

Thomas cocked his head to the side, studying me for a brief second. “Why?”

“Because, Gavin doesn’t know who I am. I am not taking any chances if he figures out who you are. Because, if you haven’t noticed you have quite a mouth.”

“If Gavin doesn’t recognize who you are. What makes you think he will realize who I am?”

“I don’t know, but I am not taking any chances.” I said, turning around and walking out of Thomas’ room.

“Well then,” he began. “Too bad… I could have really helped you in whatever pickle you’ve gotten yourself in.” Thomas said, sadly.

I stopped in my tracks. I honestly hated when he was right, I thought about all the good things that could come from this situation. When I realized there was a lot worse than there is good, I gave in to my brother’s proposal.

“Fine,” I said, sighing. “I will let you meet Gavin.”

Thomas’s face broke into a smile, “Great! Now, what do you want?”

I rolled my eyes, “I need you to gather all the information on this girl. Her name is Ashley Rome,” I explained as Thomas just looked at me in curiosity.

“Why do I have to do that?”

“Hey!” I said, pointing my finger at him. “You got what you wanted, now stop asking questions and work your magic.”

“Fine,” He said. “I will get all the information you want by tomorrow.”

I nodded my head, “Good. And tomorrow I will let you meet Gavin. It’s better to get it over with as soon as possible.”

Thomas just nodded his head in reply, his light eyes glued to his computer. When he didn’t respond, I took that as my cue to leave.

I shut his door softly behind me, as my thoughts started to wander about what lied ahead for me tomorrow. I also just fully come to realization, on how creepy my little brother is.

Chapter Forty: Gavin "The Idiot" Storm

“So I was thinking even though we didn’t have a proper family vacation, like we were supposed to during the Spring Break. I am thinking that we should have one, even though it wasn’t a break since your father was working during the holidays.” My mother explained.

“The President never takes a holiday, I have a country to run after all.” My dad answered.

We were currently having breakfast before I would head off to school. Things were starting to go back to normal and Ben was back into his usual routine of picking me up, since his sling was now removed and his arm that was shot was now doing a lot better.

“Good morning, parents!” I lifted my head from my froot loops cereal, as my brother skipped into the kitchen a huge smile on his face.

“Good morning Thomas…” My mom replied, slowly. Her brown eyes did a quick scan of Thomas head to toe, “Are you feeling alright?” She asked, sounding worried.

“I am feeling fine. Why you may ask?” Thomas questioned, taking a seat next to me.

I looked at Thomas curiously, “O-okay…”

Thomas just nodded his head, turning to face me. “Good morning my dear older sister. How are you this morning?” He asked, his light eyes looking at me in happiness.

“Good…” I said, slowly. Thomas was never this happy and it was starting to worry me, because Thomas was not a morning person. Much like the rest of the country who prefers to sleep in, he was usually cranky. So Thomas being happy was weird, for all of us.

“Okay Mr.” My dad said, closing his newspaper and setting it down next to his plate of eggs. “I want to know what antique you broke and how.”

“I didn’t break anything,” Thomas said, lifting up his spoon and digging into his Honey Nut Cheerios.

“Then why are you so happy?” I questioned.

“Because, today I get to meet Alice’s boyfriend.” He said, beaming.

I choked onto my cereal that was in my mouth, coughing. My dad’s eyes just widened in shock. “Alice’s what?” He asked, flabbergasted. “You have a boyfriend?” My father questioned, the same time my mom let out a squeal.

“Oh God, this is so exciting! When did he ask you out? How did he ask you out? Oh my God, I am going to be a grandmother and have beautiful grand babies.” My mom said, a bright smile on her face.

I just looked at my mother in shock, my mouth opening and closing repeatedly. “W-what? I am not dating anyone,” I said, turning my attention to my father who let a sigh of relief. “And that’s gross mom.” I said, to my mom shuddering.

My mom just rolled her eyes, “You are bound to start a family one day, Alice.”

I faked gagged, I then turned to Thomas who seemed to be enjoying his breakfast even though it was only a bowl of cereal. “I think I am finished with my cereal.” I said, getting up from my chair. “And I think Thomas is done with his too.”

“I am not done with my cereal, Alice. What are you talking-" He started off, before I grabbed his arm, yanking him out of his chair and pulling him out of the breakfast room.

I ignored the protests coming from my younger brother as I ignored his pleas to let him go. A few moments he settled down muttering under his breath, about how breakfast was the most important meal of the day.

I rolled my eyes, passing the guards who were just looking at us strangely. More so than usual.

“Hey, Danny! Will, how you doing? Jamie, did you get a haircut?” Was all the questions Thomas asked, the guards as we passed them. As we passed more guards on the way upstairs he kept saying hi to each one of them, as well as knowing each of their names of each guard that we passed.

“What are you thinking about?” Gavin asked, snapping me out of my thoughts of how to murder my two best friends.

“Plans on how to get away with murder.”

“Do I want to know?” He asked.

I shook my head, “Probably not.”

It was quiet for a few minutes when I finally decided to speak up. “Gavin? Can I ask you a question?”

His face turned to face mines, “You just did.”

I rolled my eyes, even though I doubt he could see me. “D-do you want to hang out later?” I asked, not knowing how to put it.

“Why Ali, are you asking me on a date?” He said, in a weird tone.

“N-no, I am just asking if you want to hang out, as friends.” I said, putting an emphasis on friends.

“As friends huh?” Gavin said, his hand landing on my left thigh.

“Yes, now do you want to hang out or not?” I said, hissing at him, removing his hand that was leaving tingly feelings as it made its way up my leg without my consent.

“Sure,” He replied, “Where do you have in mind?”

“I shrugged my shoulders, “I don’t know.”

“You ask me on a date, yet you don’t know where you want to take me?” Gavin said, in a girly tone. “What kind of date are you?”

I snorted, trying to hide my laughs. “The only reason I am asking is because my brother wants to meet you.”

“You talk about me with your siblings?” Gavin asked, trying to hide the shock in his voice.

I nodded my head, “I always talk about my friends.”

Gavin moved closer to me, causing out legs to touch. “How old is he?”

“He’s ten.”

“Then, I would love to meet him. Do you mind if I bring Garrett along?” He asked.

I nodded my head, “Sure. I love that boy.”

“Just like you love his older sibling?” Gavin asked, hitting me with his elbow.

I shook my head, “No. Just no.”

Gavin just let out a sigh as his head turned to face the other way. I rolled my eyes, sometimes he was very bipolar. “So how are we getting out of here?” I asked, changing the subject.

When he didn’t reply, I took that as my cue to brainstorm on how to get us out of here. I left my phone in my locker because our school had strict rules on using your phones in class, although it was hardly ever enforced.

“Gavin, do you by any chance have your phone on you?”

Gavin’s head snapped towards me, as he let out a string of profanities, fishing through his pocket. Pulling out a cracked phone.

“You’ve got to be kidding me? You had your phone on you, all this time?”

He shrugged his shoulders, “Sorry.” He muttered, unlocking his phone and searching through his contacts.

I ran my hands through my hair, frustrated. “Gavin ‘The Idiot’ Storm. Has a nice ring to it, don’t you think?” I said, sarcastically.

The light from his cracked phone, hit his face. “Whatever, nerd.”


Hello Lovelies,

Over 3000 words and one of my favorite moments between the two. This was actually going to be written all at once and everything with the whole meeting Thomas was supposed to happen, but decided to split it into two parts. So please tell me your favorite part! I loved writing about the whole chasing scene with Thomas, I was laughing as I was writing…. xD

Oh and where do you guys think Gavin, Ali, Thomas and Garrett will go for there for there “date?”

So for updating, I decided that I will stick to weekends, weekdays are way too hard for me. So I am sorry I couldn’t update on Wednesday, hope this longer chapter makes up for it.

This is dedicated to @Transparent_Lines for the lovely banner on the side or on the top. I absolutely adore it, Thanks a bunches, Emma!If you guys do make banners for my book please email (located on my profile) it to me or PM the link!

Please remember: Vote, Comment, Share and Fan!



I approached the janitor closet, but stopped dead in my tracks when I heard noises come from behind the door. I pressed my ear up against the wall, when I heard someone talking.

I turned the door handle, as I felt someone leaning behind it causing me to push harder to open the door. When I finally did, I saw a figure leaning against the door.

“Thank God, you came. Took a while, so this better be worth it.” The person said, getting up from the floor and approaching me.

The door closed softly as the person came closer to me. I let out a squeal as I took the mop smacking the person in the chest with it.

“Ow, what the fuck?” The person, grunted.

“W-who are you?” It was too dark to see and frankly I was getting scared.

“What do you mean? You texted me, to meet you here.”

“No I didn’t,” I protested. “For all I know you can be a pervert.” I said, backing up, holding the mop in the air, preventing the idiot from coming any closer to me. “Wait…” I said, the wheels in my head turning. “Gavin?”

“No shit,” Gavin replied.

I put the mop and bucket down approaching him, with caution. I stood in front of him, as he looked down at me. He still didn’t know it was me and I wasn’t a hundred percent sure it was him.

My fingers made its way to his face as I felt his face, making sure it was my Gavin. When I felt his long eyelashes, I knew it was him. Plus, he had a slight scar under his right eye. It was hardly visible unless you get really close to his face.

“What the fuck are you doing?” Gavin spluttered, removing my hands from his face.

“You really don’t know who I am?”

He shook his head, “God. I wish the lights were working…” He muttered, “Now, are we going to do a quick fuck because I am honestly getting tired of waiting.”

“It’s me, Ali you pervert.” I said, slapping him on the shoulder.

“Ali?” He said, his face lowering to mine.

“Yes, you idiot. Now, why the hell are you in here?”

“I told you, I got a text, telling me to meet me here for a quicky. If I knew it was you, I probably wouldn’t have shown up.” He said, leaning against the wall.

“God… You are an idiot.” I said, running my hands through my hair. “Where is the light switch?” I said, looking along the walls for it.

“Are you deaf? Because if you haven’t heard, it isn’t working.” Gavin replied, rather rudely.

I let out a sigh. “Well, I am going.” I said, feeling the walls for the door handle.

Gavin shuffled to the side to let me find it. When I did, I tugged on it, but it wouldn’t open. I tugged on it once more and it still didn’t open. “Please, please open.” I said, jiggling the doorknob and yanking on the door.

“You might as well give up. You can yell, scream and bang the door repeatedly, but no one will hear you. Everyone is at lunch and plus no one hardly comes down this hall.” Gavin said, as he was now positioned on the floor, his legs scrawled before him.

“What do we do?” I asked, going over to sit next to him.

“Wait.” He replied.

I pulled my knees to my chest resting my head on it. So, this was what Holly and Sarah were giggling about? Oh, when I get my hands on them I will murder them, then dump their bodies in the river.

“Fine,” I muttered, walking in the direction of where my bag was located.

If Thomas thought he could get away with this, then he honestly thought wrong.


This was a homework question...

I stared at the comment Mr. Kelly had wrote on my test. Since when was it a homework question. I looked at the chemical equation once more, if it was a question from the homework. He should’ve at least taken it up with the class, if he knew that it was going to be on the test.

I kept flipping through the rest of the test. I had scored an eighty percent, which was the usual mark I got in his class. I was currently at an average of eight two percent, but I knew I had to do a lot better even if it meant to start doing the homework he assigns to us.

Holly and Sarah, who were both in my chemistry class. But, left as soon as the bell rung not bothering to wait up for me. I didn’t take it personally, but I knew something was off about them, because they were giggling all through class.

I slowly began to make my way towards my locker, once I turned the corner I noticed Holly and Sarah standing there, talking to each other. Devious looks plastered onto their faces.

I rose my eyebrows, “Hey guys…” I began, hesitant.

“Hey Ali,” They replied, in unison.

“So, not to be rude or anything, but why are you guys here? We usually just meet up in the cafeteria.” I said, opening my locker and dumping my books in.

“Is it wrong if we wanted to change up the schedule?” Holly asked.

I shook my head, “No… But it’s you guys. So, are you going to tell me what you two did?”

“We didn’t do anything,” Sarah replied, innocently.

I shrugged my shoulders. It wasn’t worth trying to get it out of then, because in the end it usually ended up with a fight or a silly argument, so I let the subject drop for now.

I shut my locker, turning to face the two. “So want to head to lunch now?”

They nodded their heads, “Sure. But can you do me a favor?”

I nodded my head, “Depends on what it is.” I said, to Sarah.

“I need to return some things to Mr. Beckman, our janitor.” Sarah said, I knitted my eyebrows in confusion. “Well to start from the very beginning, yesterday Andy spilled his coffee in music class and my music teacher Mrs. Roberts sent me to get some mops from Mr. Beckman. However, I didn’t get to return them, so I was wondering if you can do it for me.”

I raised my eyebrows, in suspicion. “Why can’t you do it yourself?”

“Please, Ali?” Sarah asked, pleading.

I looked at her, warily. I knew they were up to something, why couldn’t she have asked Holly or Andy? She is perfectly capable of doing it herself, but I knew there was something that they were hiding. And the only way to find out what, was to go along with whatever they were hiding.

“Fine.” I said, sighing. “Where are the mops?”

“Right here,” She said, turning around and grabbing the mop and the bucket that were leaning against the locker behind her. “The janitor closet is across from room 200, it is labeled janitor closet, so I doubt you will miss it.” She replied, handing me the stuff.

Once I took the stuff out of Sarah’s hand, she and Holly basically ran down the hallway leaving me to find the janitor closet all on my own.

I gripped the bucket in my hand and turned the other way. It took a few minutes to find the janitor closet, due to the fact that it was located at the end of the hall, where it looked to be that no one hardly came down.

Once we finally reached the top of the stairs, I grabbed Thomas by his collar pushing him into his room.

“What gives?” He asked, fixing his collar and sitting on his bed.

“Was that really necessary?” He just stared at me, confusion written all over his face. “Did you have to tell mom and dad I had a boyfriend? When we both clearly know that I don’t have one.”

“Yet,” Thomas piped in. I let out a growl at him and he put his hands up in surrender. “Alright. Alright!”

I ran my hands through my hair, frustrated. “So, did you do what I told you?”

He nodded his head getting up from his bed and walking over to his computer desk. “Yup.” He said, grabbing a folder from his desk. “All the information you need is in this folder.”

“Great!” I said, reaching for the folder, but Thomas pulled it before I could grasp it in my hands.

“I am not giving this to you yet…”

My eyebrows crinkled in confusion, “What do you mean? We had a deal!”

“Indeed we did sister,” He began walking around to his desk and taking a seat. I sighed, it felt like I was starring in my own movie that seemed to be going downhill. “You just have to hold your end of the deal and I will hold mine.”

I raised my eyebrows, “I always hold my end of the deal. Now give me that folder,” I said making a move to get it, but Thomas scrambled up from his chair.

“Thomas…” I said, in my warning voice.

“Alice…” He said, in the same tone, but I knew he was just doing it to mock me.

“Give me that folder!” I screamed, lunging to grab the folder out of my ten year old brother’s hands. But, it seemed even with having gym, I couldn’t even run after a ten year old boy who rarely got out of the house.

I ran around the desk as Thomas ran the other way, running towards the door. I sprinted after him, as I heard his chuckles as he headed for the stairs.

I kept my speed, as I whisked past the guards who made no move to stop Thomas and I from running in the house. When I finally reached the bottom of the stairs, I took a sharp turn to the left, but instead I ran into someone knocking us both of our feet.

I let out a groan, as I fell on top of the person who caught me. “Sorry,” I muttered, opening my eyes. Looking into a familiar pair of hazel eyes staring back at me.

“B-Ben?” I whispered, “Ben!” I said, scrambling to get off him.

Once I did I held out a hand to him. Once he grabbed my hand, I used all the strength that I could muster to pull Ben up. “Thanks,” He muttered, to me.

I nodded my head, “No problem. Now if you would excuse me I got a demon to chase after.” I said, quoting Thomas’ words that he used for other children.

When I made move to go around Ben, he just grabbed my waist pulling me back. “What do you think you are doing? You aren’t going after Thomas, we have school.”

“But, I just need something and I swear I will return.” I said, complaining.

Ben let out a snort, “Heck no. I am not willing to be late to biology, Mr. Page is scary as fuck when I am late. So grab your bag and let’s go.” Ben instructed, talking to me as if I was five.

I rolled my eyes, turning in the direction to grab my bag. The same direction which Thomas disappeared off to a few minutes ago.

Ben grabbed my arm before I could go any further. “You are real stupid if you think, that’s where you left your bag. It’s in the dining room.” He said, turning me around and giving me a slight push towards the dining room, which was the opposite of where I was going.

Chapter Forty-One: Fair Kisses

“Do you think my hair looks okay?” I asked, looking in the review mirror- also known as the mirror to block the sun. “You guys sure, it looks fine?” I said, asking once more not even giving them a chance to answer. I was just too nervous for my date with Gavin, I am pretty sure it was our first kind of official first date and I honestly didn’t want Thomas screwing it up for me.

“How long until, we get to wherever we are going? Because I honestly don’t think I survive in this car much longer with Miss Freaking Out.” Thomas said, directing his attention to Ben who behind the wheel.

“That makes two of us,” He said, to Thomas. “But, to answer your question, not much longer. We should be arriving at the place in two minutes.”

I heard Thomas let out a sigh, “Good. Because I am pretty sure my IQ is lowering, with all the perfume and hair spray that you put on. Like I can smell you from here.”

“Well aren’t you the greatest brother, anyone could have?” I said, sarcastically. “I am sorry that I am a bit nervous for my first date.”

“I am quite shocked that you even got a date in the first place,” I heard Thomas mutter from the back seat.

My jaw dropped as I turned around, “Thomas…” I began slowly. “I might be your older sister, but I am willing to push you out of this car if you do not stop with the insults. Am I understood?” I asked, but in return Thomas just rolled his eyes looking out the window.

“Glad we have come to an understanding,” I muttered, turning around in my seat.

My fingers soon found its way to the bottom of my skirt as I began to fiddle with the ends of it. I was beyond nervous for this date and I may have gone overboard with the perfume and hair spray.

Holly helped me pick my outfit. She was just as excited as I was for this date, mostly because apparently if they didn’t come up with this genius plan of locking us in the closet, we would have never been going on a date in the first place.

Holly came over and did my hair and makeup. It only took an hour and a half so I wasn’t complaining. Plus, it didn’t turn out bad, so I was satisfied on the way I looked. She curled my hair, giving it this beachy look. The only makeup that she did was lip gloss, eyeliner and mascara. I wasn’t too big on the other stuff so it was quick and easy. For the outfit she picked out a black skater skirt and black and a plain white blouse that I tucked into my skirt. Over that I had a red and black plaid shirt, because apparently to her, plaid was very trendy right now.

“You excited for this date?” Ben asked, as his eyes stayed glued to the road.

I nodded my head, “Yeah. How was Gavin when you talked to him about where the date was being held?” I asked, the question that has been on my mind ever since.

Gavin wanted to pick Thomas and I from my house then we would go to the date, since he wanted it to be a surprise. But, I refused telling him he should just tell me so I could meet him there. However, Gavin being the stubborn boy that he is, settled for telling Ben where we were going so that he could drop us off. I know he was a bit wary about letting Ben take me to our date. Nevertheless, at least we’ve came to an agreement.

“He gave me weird looks. Like he thought I was going to spill the beans to you.”

“But, you didn’t. So I think you should be pretty proud of yourself, considering it is hard to resist this.” I said, pointing to myself.

“Oh please, someone barf me.” I heard Thomas, groan.

I rolled my eyes as I looked out the window. I noticed trees and lots of land, there was also a lot of cars in front and behind us as they all seemed to be going the same way.

“Really? They are sleeping, what they don’t know can’t hurt them.”

“It can’t hurt them, but it can scar them. Why am I saying can? It has already scarred me!” I heard a voice say. I turned around to notice Thomas who was awake watching us with a disgusted look on his face.

I looked at Thomas in pure shock, “You were awake this whole time?” He nodded his head slowly. “Why didn’t you say anything?” I asked, flabbergasted.

“What am I supposed to say? Hey guys can you quit flirting, it’s making me want to gauge my eyes out.”

My eyes widened. “Yeah, something along those lines.”

Thomas rolled his eyes, “I am gone.” He said, unbuckling himself and opening the door.

I watched as he walked around the car and proceeded to walk home. I noticed that he swayed when he walked as if he was drunk. I knew I had to catch up with him or he would end up being hit by a car, considering the chicken had to cross the road in order to get home.

“I have to go.” I said, opening the door and getting out.

“So, no goodbye kiss?”

I shook my head, “No goodbye kiss.” I repeated.

“But, can I at least do this?” Gavin said, leaning over to me. I stood still as his lips came in contact with my skin. I felt tingles from the spot that he just kissed. “Just wanted to return the favour, from earlier.” He said, whispering. “Night.”

A goofy grin made its way onto my face, as I finally got out of his truck. “Night.” I replied, softly.

Once Gavin’s truck pulled out of the curb I ran towards my brother who didn’t make it so far, since he was still in sight. I jogged over to him as he looked to have a hard time standing still or even standing for that matter.

“What’s wrong with you?” I asked, grabbing a hold of him.

I felt Thomas tense as I came in contact with him. “Nothing. What’s wrong with you?”

“Nothing.” I murmured, as we both crossed the almost deserted street. It was almost around midnight and things even in a busy city like DC were starting to settle down.

It was a silent walk back to the house. Once we made it to the gates the guards let us in without asking any questions. I am pretty sure my mom told them we would be back this late, since I texted her during the fair to let her know.

As we made our way down the drive way, I turned to Thomas. “Did you have fun?”

He nodded his head, his eyes droopy. “Yeah. I actually did.”

“I’m glad.” I said, softly. “What do you think of him?”

“Honestly… I think he is the perfect person for you. And I would be kind of bummed if something were to go wrong between the two of you.”

“That would make two of us.”

Thomas didn’t reply as we made our way inside the house. We didn’t say anything more as I watched Thomas head for the stairs.

“Thomas!” I called out, stopping him from making another step. He turned to look at me, a questioning look on his face. “Do you mind if you can give me the file now?”

He didn’t say anything as he removed his hand from the railing and jumping down from the stair that he was on. He then walked over to a bench, I watched as he opened it pulling out the file I was chasing after him this morning for.

“That’s where you put it?”

“How did you even know about that?”

“I have a lot of free time.” He replied, “Night.” And with that, he disappeared up the stairs.

I opened the file, slowly. Curious to why Thomas was so wary on giving it to me. But, as soon as I read the first couple of sentences I knew the reason why. And honestly, I couldn’t help but feel shocked because now I think I finally knew the reason to why you don’t judge a book but its cover. Because Ashley was living proof to that question.


 Hello Lovelies,

So this chapter is nine pages on word and over 5000 words… Sooo no one better not complain about the shortness cause as Thomas or Tommy if you prefer I will gauge your eyes out. What did you think of this? And Thomas and Garrett and the whole meeting of the two? I want to read your comments so write them below, because it is almost midnight and I stayed up writing this for you all!

So guys I love you all and I just want to let you know that but, guys I do have a life of my own and sometimes updating is not my number one priority. I have field hockey, homework, a social life and I am planning a huge event for the grade nines so it is honestly taking up most of my time. Because guys try organizing over 300 people into groups… it is not easy. I love you and I am so thankful for you all sticking with me this far! If I cannot update I do let you know, I don’t just disappear because honestly I don’t think it would be fair to you.

PS: THANKS SO MUCH FOR OVER 8 MILLION READS AND 10K FANS… If you are following me thanks and I loooove you! <3 if you aren’t you should, but I still love you! <3

This is dedicated to @iStoleUrCookiesxx for the lovely banner on the side or top! :)

Please Remember: Vote, Comment, Share and Fan! 



“Do what?” I asked, a little unsure to hear an answer.

“You know tell you about certain things that can happen between you and me.” Gavin replied, smirking.

“Could you stop that?” I said, hissing. “We have one innocent child in the car and a demon. And I am not talking about Tommy.” I said, slowly.

Gavin turned to me a small smile on his face. “It’s so easy getting you riled up. It fills the empty hole in my heart.”

I raised my eyebrows, “You have an empty hole in your heart?”

Gavin nodded his head, “Yeah. Don’t you?”

“No…” I answered, slowly.

“I am pretty sure you do. You just don’t know it yet.”

“You aren’t making any sense. Why would I have a hole in my heart?” I asked, not before realizing something. “Wait you don’t me literally, right?”

“Of course I don’t mean literally. Are you stupid? I am pretty sure if you had an actual hole you would be dead… but don’t quote me on it, I am no doctor.”

I ran my hands through my hair, tangling my fingers in them. “I honestly, cannot believe I am having this conversation.” I said, aloud.

Gavin rolled his eyes at me, “I meant to say that everybody has a hole in there heart that is supposed to be filled by the person that they love and who truly loves them.”

I opened and closed my mouth repeatedly, not knowing what to say. “A-are you okay?”

“Yeah, I am fine. Why wouldn’t I be?”

“Because you were just a cocky, annoying jerk and now you are this sweet, sentimental jerk.”

He glanced at me from the corner of his eyes, slowly stopping the car and turning off the engine. “Glad to know that I will always be a jerk in your eyes.”

I smiled, sweetly at him. I took my eyes off Gavin for a second to notice that he had stopped the car at our usual spot where he would drop me off.

I unbuckled my seatbelt, grabbing the door handle. “Thanks for the ride.” I said, before getting out. “I had a lot of fun on our date.” I said, smiling.

“Me too.” He replied, with a small smile on his face.

“See you tomorrow.” I said, about to open the door.

“Wait!” Gavin called out, “You are forgetting something.”

I knitted my eyebrows in confusion as I felt my pocket for my phone. “I think I have everything. The only thing I brought was my phone and some money. Which you refused me to use.”

“I wasn’t going to let you pay. Boys always pay for their dates.”

“That’s sexist.”

“That’s reality.” He replied.

I rolled my eyes, “What am I forgetting?” I asked, giving up on whatever game he was playing.

“A goodnight kiss, it’s usually the best thing to end a wonderful day. So pucker up, buttercup.” He said, puckering his lips.

I raised my eyebrows at him. Yes, I will admit I wouldn’t mind kissing him at this moment. But, even though it wouldn’t be my first kiss. I wanted it to be something special, especially since I actually liked the idiot.

“Not happening.”

“Why not?” Gavin asked, doing this pouty thing with his lips.

“Because I’d rather not kiss you in front of our younger brothers.”


“My stomach… It hurts…” Thomas complained, as I tightened my grip under his armpits to help steady him as we walked towards the parking lot.

“That is what you get after you eat three hotdogs, drink two slushies’ and devour a boat load of candy.” I muttered, as my brother just groaned in response.

“It’s not my fault, Gavin said that I was going to be fine.” Thomas complained, his voice sounding hoarse.

“And you really believe him? This is coming from a guy who ate five hotdogs himself.” I retorted, rubbing my forehead on my arm. “Mom and dad are going to kill me when they see you like this.” I muttered, to myself quietly. But, not quiet enough that Thomas heard me.

“Well this is your fault now,” Thomas said, as we approached Gavin’s rusty red truck.

I sighed, waiting for Gavin to unlock the car. When he did I opened up the door for the back seat, helping Thomas climb inside. Once he did, I quickly helped him with his seatbelt as I noticed Gavin doing the same strapping a sleeping Garrett into his car seat.

Thomas closed his eyes as he rested his head on his shoulder. I shut the door, opening the front seat and climbing in. I had no idea how I was going to explain Thomas’ food sickness to them.

I strapped myself into the car as I waited for Gavin to do the same and start the engine. “He’s going to be fine. You are worrying too much.” Gavin said softly, his eyes glued to the road in front of him.

“I am not worried about Thom-" I said, before correcting myself. “Tommy, I am worried about me! What am I supposed to tell my parents?”

Gavin let out an unattractive snort, “You are an amazing, sister.” He said, sarcastically.

“And he-" I said, referring to Thomas. “Is an amazing brother. Did you know he had to blackmail me in order to allow him to meet you?”

“I hope when Garrett gets older he isn’t going to blackmail me like that…” He muttered, looking at the review mirror, checking on his brother.

“They are always so cute and innocent when they are young. Then they grow up to hack into the security system, just to spy on people.”

“What?” Gavin asked, confused.

“What?” I repeated.

He turned his head to look at me for a brief second, before his eyes turned back to the road. “You are honestly something else Miss Clair.”

“I’ll take that as a compliment,” I said, smirking.

He rolled his gorgeous dark brown eyes, as a chuckle escaped his soft pink lips. My eyes widened in shock as I just realized the thoughts I had for Gavin swarming in my head. Did I honestly just think that?

I looked over at Gavin and saw his lips move, but didn’t hear anything come out. I blinked a couple of times, bringing myself back to reality. “Pardon? Did you say something?”

He gave me a confused look, “Are you okay? I was called you three times…”

I nodded my head, “Sorry. I was just thinking.”

“What were you thinking about?”

“You.” I blurted, before I had a chance to think before I spoke.

A smirk made its way onto Gavin’s face, as I felt my cheeks become hot. “You were thinking about me? Are you having sexual fantasies about me, Miss Clair?”

My eyes narrowed into slits, “No. I wasn’t having that about you.” I said, not wanting to repeat such a word.

“Then what were you thinking about? And you better tell me because I can do this all day…”

Once he gave me the stuffed snake I handed it over to Garrett who was looking up at me in wide eyes. He was blabbering the whole time about wanting a stuffed snake. Don’t ask me why, because honestly I don’t even know.

Garrett let out hissing noises as he put the head of the snake towards Thomas’ face. “It’s gonna eat you!” Garrett yelled, as Thomas just looked at the young boy weirdly.

“Snakes don’t eat people.” Thomas said.

“Yeah but they do bite.” I said, pointing out.

“The snake is gonna bite you…” Garrett said, as he chased after Thomas who looked at the boy in wide eyes, taking off the other way.

I let out a chuckle, as I watched Garrett chase Thomas around people who were caught in the middle of their game.

“That was a really nice thing for you to do.” Gavin said, coming up from behind me and wrapping his arms around my waist.

I stiffened at his touch, but once I knew it was him. I relaxed into his hold.

“It’s not a big deal, I knew how much he wanted a snake after he threw away the teddy bear you gave him.” I said, chuckling at the memory.

“Yeah… That wasn’t very nice.”

I snorted, “I wonder where he gets it from.”

Gavin didn’t respond as I felt his chin rest on my shoulder. We watched silently as I leaned back on Gavin’s chest as we watched Thomas run over to us.

“Please, make him stop…” He said, pointing to Garrett, slightly breathless.

I rolled my eyes, Thomas didn’t really like little children and it showed because he wasn’t really bonding with Garrett like I hoped, for.

I felt as Gavin release his arms from me as he walked over to Thomas. “How about you and I have a little talk?”

I raised my eyebrows at him. I didn’t know what Gavin wanted to say to Thomas but I wasn’t going to lie I was a little bit curious.

Thomas shrugged his shoulders as him and Gavin walked over to an empty bench. I was out of hearing range, but I just watched the two closely as Thomas stood on the bench so he was the same height as Gavin.

I watched as my younger brother pointed his finger in front of Gavin’s face. As Gavin just stared back at Thomas nodding his head to whatever he was saying, an amused look was plastered on his face.

A few minutes later I could tell they were done there conversation because Thomas held out his hand for Gavin to shake jumping off the bench running over to where Garrett and I were standing.

“Come on Garrett, why don’t we go play that game over there.” Thomas said, his mood suddenly changing all of a sudden as he led the four year old towards one of the whack the mole games.

Gavin slowly approached me a suspicious look on his face. “I don’t know what you said to him, but thank you.”

“I didn’t say anything. I actually barely got a word in.”

“Then what was that all about?”

“Don’t worry about it.” Gavin said, shoving his hands into his pockets.

I smiled, as I leaned over and planted a small kiss on Gavin’s cheek. Once I pulled away I couldn’t help but reveal the goofy look on my face.

“What was that for?” He asked, looking shocked that I was bold enough to do that.

I shook my head, “Don’t worry about it.” I replied, walking over to where Thomas and Garrett were, ignoring the stare digging into my back, leaving behind a confused Gavin.

Gavin just stared at us with a blank look on his face. “O-okay,” He said, finally speaking. “How about we get our tickets and then we can start?”

I nodded my head, grabbing Thomas’ arm. “You can go ahead and grab the tickets, I am just going to have a word with Tom for a minute.” I explained.

Gavin nodded his head, grabbing Garrett’s hand and walking towards the line of people waiting to purchase their tickets to enter the fair.

Once they were out of view, I turned my head to face my brother with the big mouth. “Do you want him to know I am lying?” I asked, throwing my hands up in frustration.

Thomas let out a snort, “Is it really my fault that you are a bad liar? Like honestly, out of all names you pick Tommy? What kind of name is that?”

I narrowed my eyes at him, “A name that just so happens to be yours.”

He rolled those light eyes of his, “Okay fine. Tommy it is.”

“Good. Because I swear one more screw up, the deal is off.” I told him, seriously.

He shrugged his shoulders, “If you knew what was in that file. I doubt you would have wanted to call of the deal, because trust me, knowing what is in that file is worth putting up with me.”

I gave my brother a look, “Whatever. Just don’t mess up, okay?”

“No promises.” He muttered, walking towards the same direction Gavin and Garrett had just walked off too.

I let out a sigh, pulling down my black skater skirt, as the wind nipped my skin. I began to walk over to the long line of people waiting.

I passed by the bunch of people as I looked for my brother and the two other dark brown haired boys. Once I saw them, I began to pick up my pace, walking over to them.

They were at the front of the line, as I noticed Gavin crouching over putting the wrist band in order to enter the fair, on my brother.

Once he was done he turned his attention to me. I gave him a small smile, “Is everything alright?” Gavin asked, me. His brown eyes looking over at me in worry.

I nodded my head, holding out my wrist for him to place the band over it. “Everything is just fine.” I said, smiling.

“Alright if you say so…” He said, clasping the band onto my wrist. He then turned his attention towards the boys, “Which ride do you guys want to go on?”

“The swings!” Thomas, exclaimed.

“Alright, let’s get going shall we?” I said, making a move to follow Thomas and Garrett who were running off towards the ride.

As I made a move, I felt Gavin grab my arm pulling me backwards. “I forgot to tell you,” Gavin whispered to me, pulling me towards his chest. “You look beautiful. I was going to say hot, but I doubted you wanted to be compared to a temperature.” He said, as I let out a snort.

I felt my cheeks get hot, as Gavin entwined his hands with mine. “Come on, let’s get going, before we lose them.” He said, as we walked hand in hand in the direction our brothers headed of in.


“Yes….” I said, shouting as I filled up my balloon faster than Gavin.

“Congrats,” Gavin muttered, sourly. Probably upset that I beat him the second time.

“Thanks.” I said, smirking.

“Which one would you like?” The owner of the booth asked. I pointed to a stuffed snake as he gave me a weird look. He probably thought I was going to go for the unicorn or something.

I gave my brother a look, “Of course I know what Easter is!”

He was talking to me as if I was the younger sibling.

“Well, since Easter is only a week and a half away usually there would be a fair in town. It only lasts a couple of days, but it’s this year they wanted to do something different and make the fair a little bit earlier.”

“Why can’t they just have the fair on Easter?”

Thomas shrugged his shoulders, “How am I supposed to know? I am not some type of mind reader.”

“But you are a hacker.”

He narrowed his eyes at me, before directing his attention to something behind me. “Oh, look there’s your lover.”

I wanted to say something, but I thought against it. Considering what I was going to say would probably just get me in trouble, since Thomas had a mouth on him.

I turned around and saw Gavin with Garrett as his eyes scanned the people. His eyes slowly came to a stop as it landed on me. A smile slowly started to make its way onto my face as he approached me with Garrett in tow.

He slowly came to a halt as he stood before me and Thomas, as I gave him a small smile. He was wearing a grey hoody and black jeans that were fitted on his waist. I was glad he wasn’t low-riding like most boys my age, because honestly that was a major pet-peeve of mine.


“Hey,” He replied back.

I know it was awkward when I didn’t say anything, like how are you? But, I was already nervous with the whole meeting of the Thomas.

“Ali!” I heard, Garrett squeal my name as he wrapped his arms around my leg.

“Hey, Garrett!” I said, picking him up and propping him on my waist. “How are you?”

He nodded his head, excitedly. “Good. I lost a tooth yesterday.” He said, putting his finger in his mouth showing me the empty spot where his tooth once was.

“That’s neat. Did the tooth fairy come?”

He shook his head, the smile on his face dropping. “No. But Gavy said that the tooth fairy probably got lost or something. So she should visit tonight.”

I nodded my head, “Yeah she probably did get lost.”

Garrett nodded his head his brown hair falling in his eyes. “Yeah. So I am gonna stay up all night and wait for her.”

“I bet you are,” I replied, chuckling placing Garrett on his feet, because he kept squirming in my hold.

“You still believe in the tooth fairy? Kid, you do realize that it is all fa-"

I elbowed Thomas in the arm, telling him to shut up. He couldn’t spoil the kids dream. He was only four and if I was Garrett’s age I wouldn’t want to know that there was no such thing as the tooth fairy.

Thomas just glared at me in return as I gave him a pointed look to shut his trap. I heard a chuckle as I directed my attention to Gavin.

“So, I am guessing this is the brother who wants to meet me.” Gavin said, directing his attention to Thomas, who was just staring at Gavin with narrowed eyes.

I nodded my head, “This is my brother Thom-" I stopped mid-sentence when I realized I didn’t want tell Gavin my brothers full name. “This is Tommy. Tom for short.” I said, nodding head.

I felt a pair of eyes on me, when I turned to my head to Thomas. “Really Tommy? That is the best you can do?” He asked, his eyebrows raised.

I elbowed him to the arm, basically trying to refrain him for opening that big mouth of his.

The first thing I saw when the trees started disappearing was a Ferris wheel. I soon then started to see a lot of other rides and that is when I realized where we are.

“Gavin is taking me to the fair?”

“He is actually taking you, Thomas, and most probably Garrett. But, yeah you are going to the fair.”

I let out a small squeal. The last time I went to the fair was when I was Thomas’ age. So excuse me if I was a little excited.

Ben’s car came into a slow halt as he stopped the car, turning of the engine. I watched as people on all ages walked towards the entrance of the fair.

“Do you want me to pick you up, later?” Ben asked, as Thomas and I got out of the car.

I shook my head, “Nah its fine. I will probably get Gavin to drop us back home or something.”

Ben nodded his head, “Okay. But, if anything happens. Call me.”

“What’s the worst that could happen? A meteor comes out of nowhere and strikes Alice and I?” Thomas questioned, coming over to stand next to me.

“You know what? Maybe it is best if I just hang out with you guys and Gavin.” Ben said, moving his hand to take off his seatbelt.

I shook my head, “No. Ben,” I began, softly. “You have to learn to trust us, well me. And you have to learn to ignore Thomas.”

“I ignore you all the time, you ignoring me doesn’t bother me.” My brother said, walking away from the car and towards the entrance of the fair.

“But it’s my job, Alice. You once told me that I wasn’t doing my job as a bodyguard.”

“That was a long time ago.” I defended.

“That was the first day of school.” He replied.

“Look, your father trusts me. Please, if anything happens you will call me. Got it?”

I nodded my head, closing the door of his car. “Got it, Ben.”

He nodded, “Good. Now have fun.”

I smiled, as he began to roll up the passenger seat window. I took a few steps away from the car, as Ben started up the engine.

I liked Ben. But, I did not like like him, like how I did with Gavin. Sure, I wasn’t going to lie. If I was a normal girl and didn’t think of Ben as a brother and as my cousin’s ex. I am pretty sure I would fall for him.

“So are we going to just stand here all day or are we going to go find your lover?” Thomas asked interrupting my thoughts.

“I thought you went to the entrance, why are you back?”

“Because it would be awkward if I just went up to your lover and started talking to him.” He replied.

“He’s not my lover.”

“Sorry, I meant your boyfriend.” Thomas said, correcting himself with a satisfied grin on his face.

“I am one minute away from hurting you.”

“And I am one comment away from sending you over the edge.” He replied, as I narrowed my eyes at him. “Never mind. I can see I already drove you over the edge.”

“Let’s go,” I said, tugging Thomas’ sleeve as we walked towards the line of people waiting to get in. “Why is there a fair in the middle of the week, anyways? Let alone in April.”

“It’s Tuesday. It’s not the middle of the week, yet.” Thomas said, correcting me. “And it’s because it is the month of Easter! You know what Easter is, do you?”

Chapter Forty-Two: Connecting the Dots

“You made us wait all day, now you better spill about your date or I am just going to ask Gavin himself.” Holly said, taking a seat.

“Why does it matter how the date went? I had fun, Thomas had fun. Nothing else needs to be said.” I told her honestly, unscrewing the cap of my water bottle.

“Because Holly and I helped you get the date in the first place. The least you can do is tell us about it.” Sarah argued, “Like if I went on a date with Andy I would have told you.”

I rose my eyebrows to that, “Did you go on a date with Andy?” I questioned.

“T-this isn’t about me. It is about you,” She said, stuttering.

My jaw dropped open as I looked at Sarah with wide eyes. “Oh my God, you went on a date with Andy? And you didn’t even bother to tell us?”

“This isn’t about me!” Sarah argued.

“It is now,” Holly stated. “When were you going to tell us, you and Andy were a thing?”

Sarah let out a groan, tangling her fingers through her red hair, pulling at it. “We aren’t a thing and even if we were I would have told you.”

“Just like how you told us he asked you on a date?” I said, my voice laced in amusement.

“How about this, you tell us about your date with Gavin and I will do the same.” Sarah said, purposing a fair enough agreement.

I nodded my head, “That seems fair.”

“So are you going to tell us? Or are you going to keep stalling because lunch is almost over.”

I rolled my eyes at Holly then launched into my date with Gavin. I started right from the beginning to where I made the first move and kissed him- on the cheek, obviously. Which the girls groaned about… Then to the winning of the snake for Garrett to the end of the date where he gave me a goodnight’s kiss, but expected a little bit more.

I went into detail about the date, but I didn’t tell them about how I wished that I kissed him on the lips instead of the cheek. But, I wanted my first kiss with him to be special and even if I had to wait for it, I would. For the special moment with the idiot.

“That is honestly, one of the cutest things I’ve ever heard.” Holly said, sighing.

I rolled my eyes, “Well I am glad you think so.”

Sarah opened her mouth to say something, but her brown eyes directed their attention to the top of my head. I slowly turned around to see Gavin walking this way.

I wrinkled my eyebrows in confusion, he would usually sit with Ashley and them. Why was he coming this way?

My head snapped back to face the girls, “Why is he coming this way?” I blurted out, voicing my thoughts.

Holly scratched her head, looking at me in confusion. “To sit with you?” She said, like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

I was about to say something else when Gavin’s presence interrupted me. “Hey, Nerd.” He said, plopping his lunch down on the table and taking a seat next to me.

I turned my head, rolling my eyes. I thought we were done with that name, “Hey Rainbow.”

He let out an amused chuckle, bringing his chair close to mine. “So…?” He said, as if he was trying to hint something at me.

“So…?” I mimicked back.

“How was your day?” He asked, trying to make small talk.

I gave a sarcastic smile, “Pretty good, until you showed up.”

“He looks at you differently than any other girl that he has ever been with, including me.”

“How does he look at me?”

“With love.”

I scratched the top of my head, not knowing how to answer that. “I don’t know what to say.”

“Then don’t say anything,” Ashley replied, wiping away her tears.

I listened to her, not saying anything for a few minutes when I realized something.

“I know Gavin is not the reason why you dislike me so much.”

“No, he is the only reason.” She said, trying to be honest. But, I knew she was lying.

I shook my head, “No. Gavin is just a link between you and your father.”

I watched as her blue eyes widened. “W-what are you talking about? You know nothing about me and my family. So stop fucking acting like you do.”

I raised my eyebrows at her, “Ashley. I am sorry about what happened to your dad. Everyone is.”

“I don’t care, he was a rapist.”

“He was still your father.”

She turned to look at me, tucking a strand of her dyed blonde hair behind her ear. “Who told you about my father?”

“No one.”

“That’s bull.” She said, snapping.

“Okay. Someone, but trust me. I am the only one who knows.”

“You and the rest of the world.” She said, sarcastically.

“They don’t know the whole story.” I said, honestly.

“But they know a story.”


“No. You listen, just stay out of my way and I will stay out of yours. Because honestly you are dead to me.” She snarled, narrowing her blue eyes at me.

“You honestly can’t be blaming me for my father winning the election? So what? They voted him for President instead of your dad. Ashley it was seven years ago, let it go.”

“You don’t understand. If my dad had won to be President instead of yours, maybe he wouldn’t be six feet under.” 

“You are not blaming me for your father’s actions?”

“I am not blaming Oprah, am I?” She yelled loudly, sarcastically.

“Look, Ashley. I am sorry, what part do you not get?” I asked, raising my voice. “What happened to your dad is honestly heartbreaking and I do not know how you are still standing here today. But, you can’t blame me and my family for your father’s actions. I am sorry you had to see him do what he did to Gavin’s mother and many other women. But, he wasn’t going to be a good President in the first place. Anyone with eyes could see through him, he was a sick man. God only knows how he became leader of his party.” I said, my voice starting to quiver. “I am not blaming you at all, but your father left two wonderful boys without a mother. He drove Gavin’s mom to suicide.”

“How’d you know that?” She asked, tears streaming down her face.

“I connected the dots.”

“My dad was in love with Gavin’s mom.” Ashley whispered, her head resting on her bare knees.

“But, she wasn’t in love with him.” I said, finishing her sentence.

I watched as Ashley closed her eyes, “I am sorry.” I heard her whisper. “I am so sorry, Alice.”

I nodded my head, even though she wasn’t looking at me. I don’t know if I can forgive her, but maybe she can learn to let go.

“I know you might think that you and Gavin only have each other, because you guys are links to your parents. But, you aren’t. I am sorry that your dad had also committed suicide, that’s not easy for someone to deal with when they are thirteen years old. But, Ashley there are loads of people willing to help you overcome what you went through. Even me.”

I got up from the floor, as I watched her look at me with said teary eyes. “I am sorry.” I turned around unlocking the bathroom stall door.

It was not easy walking away from Ashley when she was like this. But, I knew she wanted to be left alone with her thoughts.

I felt a tear roll down my cheek. As I quickly wiped it away. I was crying not only for Ashley’s father and Gavin’s mother. But, for what Ashley, Gavin and even little Garrett had to go through when they needed there family the most.


Hello Lovelies,

THE SECRET IS FINALLY OUT! I hope everyone got it! No one guessed what Ashley’s big secret was. And if you did not understand it was that Ashley’s father was also running for President seven years ago. The same time Alice’s dad had run. Big shock, Alice’s dad had won and Ashley’s father had turn into a sick man… He continually assaulted Gavin’s mom- finally driving her to suicide, causing Ashley’s dad to take his own life as well. It was really hard for me to write because this chapter was very touchy and sad on rape and suicide and breaks my heart whenever I hear about these topics… So basically most of my heart is all over this chapter.

So… I know I haven’t updated in like 22 days, almost a month… But guys before you go inboxing me when I am going to update CHECK MY MESSAGE BOARD I SEND OUT MESSAGES. I told you guys it is not my number one priority and that October has been really hectic. So hope for updates on weekends and if I don’t do one, there is so many other wonderful books out there! Most of the reason I did not update was rude people- which there was a lot. And school. Thank you to all the people who stood up for me- I LOVE YOU! <3

This is dedicated to @EFFAT8982 for the lovely banner on the side or top!

Please Remember: Vote, Comment, Share and Fan!



My eyes widened. Never in a million years would I have thought somebody would talk to me like that, besides Ashley. Nevertheless, I was not going to let a freshmen sass me.

“Listen here blondie.” I said, getting her attention. “You have five seconds to leave this bathroom, before I make your life living hell. Got that?” Repeating the words that Ashley had said to try to scare me off one time.

I was not in the mood to deal with this girl’s shit and it wasn’t just because I was on my time of the month, but also because I was tired of being pushed around.

“Whatever,” She said, closing her makeup case as she walked out of the bathroom with a red head chick in tow.

I rolled my eyes, the situation felt too familiar.

I turned around knocking on the door of the bathroom where Ashley’s sniffling had now started to become less frequent. “I know you are in there.”

I heard her sniffle, “If it is the person who caused me to cry my eyes out. I would rather not talk to them.” She said, snapping.

“You aren’t going to scare me off.” I told her honestly. I wanted to fix this situation with her, there was only three months left of school left and I wanted to make my last few months of high school memorable. Not, picking a fight with everyone who crossed me.

“Like how you scared those freshmen off?”

“You heard that?”

“I am not deaf.” She said, in a duh tone.

I let out a sigh, running my hands through my brown hair. “Look? Are you going to let me in or not?”

“What do you think?”

I took a step back from the bathroom stall. Ashley was in the handicapped stall, so it had more than enough room for me to crawl under, since she wasn’t planning on letting me in. I mentally shuddered, trying not to think of how dirty the floor is.

“This better be worth it,” I said, getting on all fours and crawling under the door.

I heard Ashley shriek, as I got up from the floor dusting of the imaginary dust off my jeans. Once I was done, I noticed Ashley against the wall of the bathroom, her mascara staining her cheeks.

“You probably didn’t hear me before, but I didn’t want you to come.”

“I heard you, but I ignored you.”

She clenched her teeth. “So why are you here? To rub it in my face that you finally got Gavin? Well congratulations, you stole the one guy I truly cared about.”

I tilted my head, walking over to her and taking a seat beside her, leaning my back against the wall. “You care about him?”

She looked at me, annoyed. “Didn’t you hear me? Of course I care about Gavin. I love him.”

I sucked in a deep breath. I did not expect her to say that from all things...

It was quiet and tense for a few minutes after Ashley’s confession, “Sorry.” I muttered.

“Whatever, I guess he just didn’t love me, like how I love him. Even though, I gave him everything.” She said, bitterly.

I turned my head to look at Ashley, “You know… Sometimes everything isn’t what the person is looking for.”

“Of course you can say that. After all, Gavin is head over heels in love with you.”

“How would you know that?” I asked, interested to know what she means.

“Then don’t give them the satisfaction,” He said, his eyes scanning the cafeteria.

I nodded my head, not wanting to look at the people who were whispering about us. I knew that Gavin and I were going to be the talk of the school, even though we aren’t necessarily dating.

“You ready to go?” Gavin asked, plopping his last of his fries into his mouth and getting up from his seat. I nodded my head doing the same.

I shook off Gavin’s hand grabbing my empty water bottle and the remainder of the plastics walking over to the trash can and tossing them in.

The bell to third period rang in fifteen minutes and I wanted to get away from the whispers and stares as fast as I can. Once I tossed all the garbage away, I turned back to look for Gavin who along with others were staring at me.

“Are coming or not?” I asked, walking back over to him where he hasn’t moved.

His brown eyes scanned my face looking for some sort of answer. “Are you embarrassed to be seen with me?” He asked, quietly.

My eyes widened at his question, “Of course not!” I said, appalled.

“Then, don’t ever let go.” He said, grabbing my hand and entwining it in his. “Because honestly, I don’t plan to.” He said, a small smile appearing on his handsome face.

I grin made its way onto my face. It took all my might not to break out into a girly scream and a goofy dance for snagging up someone who was supposed to be a real butthole.

Hand in hand, Gavin and I walked towards the doors of the cafeteria. Not caring at the looks we were getting ever since Gavin came to sit with me instead of his usual group.

I turned my head slightly and caught eyes with someone I didn’t really expect or want to see at the moment. However, instead of glaring at me like the rest of the female population at this school. She was doing quite the opposite. Yes, she was staring at me, but with sad eyes.

“Wait,” I said, stopping Gavin in his tracks as I watched Ashley get up from her chair and run out of the west side cafeteria doors, I knew she was crying because before she turned around to flee I could’ve sworn I saw a tear.

“What are you looking at?” Gavin asked, whispering into my ear.

“A broken girl and most probably a broken heart.” I mumbled, not really wanting him to hear what I had just said. “I will catch up with you in Algebra. I’ve got to go do something,” I said, apologetically to Gavin. Shaking off his hand from mine and running towards the same doors Ashley had run out of a few minutes ago.

Once I was out of the cafeteria doors. I ran towards the closest bathroom, the same place where I knew any girl would go even if they weren’t crying their eyes out.

I pushed open the doors to the bathroom, automatically hearing sniffling coming from one of the stalls. I also noticed two small girls who were most probably freshmen doing there makeup in the mirrors.

“Do you guys mind?” I asked, walking over to the door to where Ashley was behind.

“No we don’t mind.” A blonde girl answered back, not bothering to look at me because she was too busy applying some mascara.

I wrinkled my eyebrows in confusion, “I meant do you guys mind to leave?”

The blonde girl turned to look at me a nasty look on her face as she glanced at me head to toe. “This is a bathroom not a crying facility. So you can do the hell you want and I will do what the hell I want.” She hissed at me.

He rolled his eyes, “I didn’t even insult you.” He said, opening up his lunch container and taking out a few fries, plopping it into his mouth.

“Were you going to?” I questioned.

He nodded his head, “Yeah. Most probably.”

I shook my head, “Well bud, I beat yeah to it.” I said, immaturely sticking out my tongue.

Gavin brought his head close to mine, resting his forehead on mine. “If I was you, I would put that tongue back into your mouth before it goes into mine.” He whispered, staring at my lips.

I gulped staring into Gavin’s dark brown eyes, ignoring the tingles running up and down my body.

“Alright!” Holly said, loudly causing Gavin and I to break apart. “I thought I was going to be able to handle on this cuteness. But, I just ate a salad. It was hard enough to get it down and I doubt anyone wants to see it coming back up.” She said, looking at the two of us with a look in her eyes that I couldn’t really decipher. “I don’t know about Sarah, but I am out of here.” She said, collecting her things and getting up from her chair, towards the exit of the cafeteria.

All three of us watched as Holly walked away, soon Sarah began collecting her lunch things too. “Your leaving too?” I asked, confused.

She nodded her head, “Yeah. I love you Ali, but I honestly don’t want to be a third wheel.”

“You’re not a third wheel!” I said, defensively.

“That’s what people say to others to make them feel like they aren’t third wheeling when they are.” Sarah said, with a smile on her face. “I’ll see you two love birds around.” She said, getting up from her chair and walking to the same way Holly disappeared off to moments ago.

“Well that wasn’t awkward at all.” Gavin said, trying to fill the awkward silence that was hanging in the air.

I shrugged, going back to eating my lunch. “So where were you during first and second?” I asked, taking a sip of my water.

“Garrett got sick, so I had to take care of him for the duration of the morning, then dropped him off at a close friend of mine who usually watches Garrett when I can’t. Considering the bastard of a father doesn’t care about us.” Gavin grumbled, staring at his fries.

I grimaced, it wasn’t something I wanted to hear. I stared at Gavin who was staring blankly at his food. I took a deep breath, reaching out and grabbing his hand, entwining it with mine. Gavin’s head slowly turned to look at his hand now entwined with mine, he turned to look at me a grateful look in his eyes.

I gave his hand a squeeze, turning back to finish up the last few bites of my bagel with the hand that wasn’t connected with Gavin’s.

Once I was done, I looked up my eyes scanning the cafeteria. I was finally soaking in all the people staring at Gavin and I. They whispered amongst their friends as they kept turning back to look at us, like we were on an art display.

When I made eye contact with a few students they turned around so fast as if they didn’t want to get caught staring. But, too bad I already noticed all the whispers and looks we were getting, which was starting to annoy me.

“Just ignore them,” I heard Gavin say, snapping me out of my thoughts. “They are just being nosey.”

“But, it’s kind of hard when you have so many people looking at you and you know that they are judging you.”

“I know what you mean. But, wherever you go people are going to judge you. It’s up to you if you want them to get to you or not.”

“But, I don’t want them to get to me.”

Chapter Forty-Three: Progress Relations

“She looks like she’s dead,” I heard someone whisper. I didn’t feel like moving and snapping at the person, due to my sleepy state.

“I would say she’s dead, but she has a little bit of drool on the corner of her mouth.” I heard the one person who would insult me no matter the state I am in.

I let out a groan, rolling over to my side. “Go away,” I muttered into my pillow.

“It’s one in the afternoon, Alice.” Thomas said, yanking the covers off me. “I think it is time to get up.”

I let out a tired sigh, sitting up from my bed and rubbing my tired eyes. “It might be one in the afternoon but it gives you no right to wake me up.” I then turned to the other person next to Thomas. “Ben? What are you doing here?” I asked, confused. We made no plans together and it was weird for him to show up without a purpose.

“I was thinking of having an Alice and Ben Day. You know because you are always spending time with Gavin I kind of wanted to spend some time with you.” He said, rubbing the back of his neck.

I nodded my head, “Yeah. Sure, that would be fine. Just give me ten minutes and I will meet you downstairs for breakfast.” I said, throwing my legs over the side of my bed and getting up.

“Don’t you mean lunch?” Thomas asked.

I rolled my eyes not bothering to respond to my little brother, walking towards the bathroom. Ben was one of the only people who I felt comfortable letting me see me in my early troll like state.

Once I was finished with the bathroom, I headed straight to my closet to change out of my shorts and t-shirt that I slept in. I quickly changed into a pair of black and white tights and a light white sweater, it was almost the end of April and even though the weather was beginning to warm up. I still liked wearing sweaters no matter the season.

Once I was done changing I headed for the stairs making my way towards the kitchen for breakfast. It was Saturday and that meant it was grocery day for Marco, so I would have to fend for making myself breakfast this morning.

Usually when Marco wasn’t around another kitchen staff would make my meal, yeah you probably think I am spoiled and everything but it wasn’t that I didn’t know how to make myself meals, I did. It’s just that my mom didn’t really like me to use the kitchen after the food fight I had at school.

She thought that I would lose my temper or something. However, when I assured her I didn’t have any anger management issues she allowed me to use the kitchen if I had a responsible adult with me.

“Are you going to stand there all day or are you going to make us lunch?” I heard my annoying brother’s voice say.

“I am making myself breakfast. You can wait for Marco to come home and then he can satisfy your hunger for food.” I said, opening the cabinets and grabbing a bowl.

“But, I’m hungry.”

“Thomas, you ate an hour ago.” Ben said, looking at my brother with wide eyes.

“You’ve been here for an hour? Why didn’t you wake me up?” I asked, feeling a little bit bad for leaving him in the company of Thomas for such a while.

“I’ve actually been here for two. I watched Thomas here, have breakfast then what he likes to call his ‘after breakfast meal.’”

I snorted, “Even Ben knows what a pig you are.”

“At least I don’t have anger management issues.” Thomas said, swinging off his char and walking out of the kitchen with his head held high.

“Had dibs on me? What am I the last piece of a pizza slice? I am a human being, you can’t just call dibs on me.” I said, a little annoyed.

Gavin just rolled his eyes, turning around. “Whatever. I am just going to let you two be. This is not worth it,” He said, shaking his head.

I grabbed his arm, before he could move any further. “Are you saying I am not worth it?” I asked, a little hurt by his comment. “G-Gavin… Do you possibly have feelings for me?” I whispered.

“No.” He blurted out, “Why would I have feelings for you.”

I swallowed the spit that was lodged in my throat, a numbness feeling overtaking my whole body. “I-I just thought you would after our dates and you holding my hand and saying all these sweet things about me.” I said, shaking my head. “I was so stupid,” I muttered under my breath, turning around and walking away.

I closed my eyes for a brief second to contain the tears threatening to spill. I know it was stupid to cry over a guy, I used to laugh at girls in books who did that. But, the feeling you have is the worst feeling anyone could possibly have. Rejection.

I sniffled, walking closer to the café. “Wait! Ali!” I heard Gavin’s voice call me back, as I heard the sound of his feet hitting the pavement as he drew closer towards me.

He grabbed my arm, spinning me around so that I would face him. “I didn’t mean that. Honest to God, sometimes I just say stupid things because I am stupid. But, in particular I am stupid about you.” He whispered, grabbing my hand in his and taking his other hand to tilt my chin up to look him in the eyes.

I pulled my hand back from his grasp, “You can’t just hurt me then say some cheesy thing in order to get me to forgive you.”

“But, I thought all girls like cheesy.” He said, protesting.

“Gavin, believe me when I say I am not like any other girl.”

“And Ali, I am not like any other guy. I carry a lot of baggage, but what is different with me is that I am willing to share that with you.” He said, a sincere look in his eyes. “I am sorry, but I do crazy and stupid things because, Ali your more than just an annoying nerd to me, you are my annoying nerd.”

“What are you saying?” I said, looking in his eyes for the right answer.

“I am saying, stay on this crazy train for a while longer and see where it takes you.” He said, a smirk on his face. “Because as long as you are on that train, I would go to the moon and back with you.”

I let out a chuckle, “A train can’t take you to the moon.”

“And that is why you are my nerd.” He said, holding out his arms for me.

I ran into his arms eagerly as I wrapped my arms around his torso. “I am not a nerd. I just have more common sense then you do.” I said, jokingly.

I could imagine him rolling his eyes. “Yeah, whatever.” He muttered, as I felt his chin rest on the top of my head. We stayed wrapped in each other’s arms for a few more minutes when Gavin decided to finally break the comfortable silence.

“Hey Ali?” He said, “You don’t plan on going anywhere in the next month, do you?”

I knitted my eyebrows in confusion, “No. Why?”

“Because I want to take my girlfriend to prom.” He said, amusement clear in his voice.

“I don’t remember agreeing to be your girlfriend.” I said, sarcastically.

“Not yet,” He said, pulling away from me and looking me in the eyes. “But, you will. They always do.”


Hello Lovelies,

It is short, I am aware and it is filled with cheesiness isn’t it? So you got to know more about Ben and Holly’s relationship… What do you think is going on? *wink wink also will Ali and Gavin end up going to prom? Will the end up dating? When will Ali reveal to Gavin who she really is? A lot is still left unanswered… So stay tuned!

I have submitted this to the Watty’s for 2014 and if you guys can vote, comment, share with your friends it will be greatly appreciated because I want to win more than anything and the only way is with my lovely fans! So please support me and I may start updating a lot faster, if you know what I mean! *wink wink

So the last part is kind of personal for me. A lot of you message me wanting to know a bit more about me and I do write some personal encounters with some certain people but I just never tell you all about it. Until now, the whole prom scenario with Gavin and Ali happened to me. A guy told me don’t go anywhere next year Kade, and I am like why? Cause I want to take you to prom… I did what any normal teenage girl would do. I ran… because I was not planning on going to Prom…

This is dedicated to @tanushah for the lovely banner on the side or top!

Please remember to support me in #Wattys2014: Vote, Comment, Share and Fan!



Too bad no one was there to warn me

I thought tracing the scar I had on my arm after the last incident with Thomas and a scorching hot plate of food. The thought still clear in my mind even after all these years. 


I watched silently as Ben sipped his coffee, looking around the room with a thoughtful expression plastered on his face. I wasn’t going to lie, it was hard reading Ben. Because he was always so secretive, maybe that is what drew Holy towards him in the first place. He was a mysterious guy.

We’ve been at the café for just about over an hour. And I was having a great time, we talked about a whole bunch of things. I even laughed so hard that I snorted, I was glad because I never really got to bond with Ben and I was pleased that I did.

He and Holly suited each other and I couldn’t wait to tell her.

I was interrupted by my thoughts when I felt buzzing coming from my left pocket. I scrunched up my nose, as I pulled out my phone. I always made a weird face when I was confused, don’t know why I just do.

“Hello?” I answered unsurely, Ben just raised his eyebrows at me.

“I see you.” The person on the other end replied. I knitted my eyebrows in confusion pulling my phone away from my ear for a brief second to notice it was Gavin who called me.

I rolled my eyes, “Yeah that’s not creepy at all.”

“Why are you with him?” Gavin asked, once more.

“Why are you spying?” I questioned, “Where are you anyways?” I said, looking around the room for a sign of the brown haired bad boy who had a constant habit of appearing in my in my life.

“Look out the window.” He replied, as I turned my head slowly. Noticing Gavin leaning against his rusty red pickup truck that was parked out in the lot.

“So my next question is probably one you already know. What the heck are you doing here?” Ben just looked at me in confusion as I mouthed an apology.

I gave him the sign of one minute and he nodded his head. But, I didn’t miss the hurt look he had that flashed in his eyes for a brief second. I felt like the biggest jerk.

I got up from my seat, hanging up the phone with Gavin. Heading straight out the door and towards the pickup truck where Gavin now had a neutral expression instead of the annoyed one he had before.

“Usually when you hang up the phone the person should say bye before they end the call.” He drawled at me, rolling his brown eyes.

“I wouldn’t have to do that if you didn’t interrupt Ben and I’s-“

“Date?” He said, finishing a sentence that I wasn’t going to say.

“No. Outing.” I replied.

He raised his eyebrows at me, “Outing? Who the hell says outing? What are you fifty?”

I just rubbed my forehead, trying to ignore everything that was coming out of his mouth.

“Before, I spaz at you. Answer this, why are you here?”

“I was doing a few errands and was going for a quick coffee run. I didn’t expect to see you and Mr. Perfect to be here.” He said, scowling.

“What are you jealous?” I said, guessing.

“No,” He said, letting out an unattractive snort. “If anyone should be jealous it should be Ben. I had dibs on you first,” He said, waving his hand at me dismissively.

I resisted the urge to shout something insulting to my brother as he walked out of the kitchen with a smile on his face. I turned to Ben who was looking at me amused, “I am sorry. But, next time do us both a favor and wake me up?”

Ben nodded his head, causing his bangs to fall in his eyes. “Noted,” He said, removing his hair away from his eyes.

“And also get a haircut, you are starting to look like Harry Styles.” I said, shuddering ever so slightly.

“Please, I am way better looking than that British singer.”

“I might not be a one direction fan, but I am sorry dude’s got you beat.” I said, letting out a chuckle.

“Well at least Holly thinks so.” Ben grumbled, to himself.

My ears perked up at the sound of Holly’s name. “You talk to Holly?”

Ben shrugged, as if it was no big deal. “Occasionally.”

“Why didn’t you tell me?” I asked, curious.

“You never asked.”

I stayed quiet for a few minutes. “What else do you guys talk about?”

“Food, school, our relationship, sometimes we even talk about current events. I know call us old and everything-"

“Wait,” I said, cutting Ben off. “You talk about your relationship? That’s a good thing! Maybe you guys will even get back together.”

“I am not getting back with her. Even though our friend relationship is progressing that doesn’t mean I am getting back together with her. After all, she slept with Gavin.”

I rolled my eyes, “How do you know she slept with him? Did you see them?”

“No, but-"

“But nothing!” I said, cutting him off for a second time. “You can’t believe what people tell you unless you really hear it from the source itself.”

“Alright mom,” He said, rolling his eyes. “So how is your progressing relationship with the bastard going?”

I shook my head, “He is not a that. He is actually a sweet guy and you would know if you guys got along.”

Ben let out a bark of laughter, “Yeah. Not happening.”

“Fine. But, for your information it’s actually going pretty well. I really like him,” I said, my lips twitching upwards.

“Well I am happy for you,” Ben said, honestly. “If he treats you well then I am glad.”

“Thanks, Ben. For everything, it really does mean a lot.”

“Don’t mention it. You guys suit a lot better than you and I would have.”

I smiled, “So what do you have planned? Because I doubt you want to hear me talk all day about Gavin.”

“Well there is this new café that opened up a few months ago. I have been meaning to try it, but I never got around to doing it. Would you want to go with me?”

“Didn’t you already eat breakfast?”

He shook his head, “I was planning to but after I saw your brother eating. I kind of lost my appetite.”

I let out a snort, “He eats like a vacuum.”

“A very messy vacuum,” Ben chuckled, agreeing with me.

“Just a tip. Don’t get in the middle of him and a plate of food, it always ends up badly. For the other person.”

Ben nodded his head, furiously. “Noted.” He said, a scared look in his eyes.

Chapter Forty-Four: Soon to be Eighteen

“It is not possible. I am telling you that is some sort of Photoshop, nobody can bend there leg that way.” I argued, looking at the video Holly was currently showing Sarah and I.

It was a video of a teenage girl- fifteen or sixteen, bending her right leg over her head and pulling it close to her waist. First off, the only way somebody could do that is if they had no bones. And if the girl, did not have any bones than she would probably not even be standing.

“So what you are telling me is that she photo shopped the video?” Holly asked, “Isn’t Photoshop only for photos, anyways?” She questioned, confused.

I shrugged, while Sarah had her attention elsewhere. I followed her eyes as I watched her stare at a bunch of people decorating a locker.

“What are they doing?” I asked, stating the obvious. But, I wanted to know the reason behind it.

“Haven’t you heard? It’s Gavin’s birthday on Wednesday.” Holly said.

“Well that is stupid.” I muttered, “Are those people even his friends?” I said, my hand waving to the people decorating his locker.

Sarah shook her head, “The only friend he probably talks to is Andy.”

“So then why isn’t Andy the one decorating his locker?”

“Have you met Andy? The only way you get him to do something is if it is forced or some sort of punishment. Why else do you think Andy and Gavin get along so well?” Sarah spluttered.

“But, what I don’t understand is why they are decorating his locker so early anyways? It is Monday.” I questioned, as we watched silently as the people continued their work.

“Gavin has a habit of not showing up on his birthday. So, his admirers as we like to call them, decorate his locker two days in advance in case he decides not to show up tomorrow.”

I nodded my head, finally understanding. I do recall Gavin telling me when his birthday was, I just forgot that it was this week or well the end of April.

“So are you planning on doing something for him?” Sarah asked, as the bell for first period rang.

“What do you mean me?”

“Well aren’t you guys on the brink of being boyfriend and girlfriend?” Holly questioned.

I shrugged as the warning bell for first period rang through the halls. “He called me his girlfriend, but I honestly don’t know what to think.”

“Well if a guy calls you his girlfriend, you are his girlfriend.” Holly explained, slowly.

I let out a huff, “No I mean like he tells you ‘hey do you want to be my girlfriend?’ not ‘I want to take my girlfriend to prom,’ even though he didn’t technically ask me to be his girlfriend. You get me?” I asked, them.

Holly and Sarah looked at each other with confused looks on their faces. “He asked you to prom?” They said, simultaneously.

I nodded my head slowly as the let out squeals.

“That is amazing.” Holly gushed. “I thought I was going to have to tie you down against your will in order to make you go to prom. Now I don’t have too!” She said, squealing.

“You were going to tie me down if I refused to go to prom?” I asked, a little shocked.

She nodded her head, “Don’t give me that look. You should be happy, now that I don’t have to do that anymore.”

“This is your fault,” Gavin whispered in my ear.

“How in the world is this my fault?” I questioned.

He shrugged, “It is not my fault you are distracting me from my studies.”

I rolled my eyes, not bothering to respond to his comment. But, instead write down the equation that was on the board.

“Do you know it is my birthday in two days?” He said, randomly.

“I am aware of that. I saw some of your admirers decorating your locker this morning.”

“That’s who decorate my locker?” He asked, looking shocked. “All these years I always thought it was Andy.”

I turned my head to him giving him a flat look. “Yeah, Andy is the one who decorates your locker in red and pink hearts.” I said, sarcastically.

“Now that I think of it, that’s gay even for Andy.” He muttered.

“Sometimes I wonder how you made it this far in life and school.” I muttered, to myself.

Gavin let out a snort, grabbing the attention from the people nearby. “If anyone should be worried it is me, for you.”

I just waved my hand dismissively as I attempted to focus on what was coming out of Mr. Kelly’s mouth.

“So anyways, back to the topic about my birthday. I wanted to know if you wanted to skip the day with me and hang out.”

I raised my eyebrows, “Gavin there is no way in hell I am skipping school.”

“But, it’s my birthday. Consider it a gift.”

“Consider it a no,” I shot back.

“I know you skipped school once, before.”

“That was family related.”

“Well consider this family related now.”

My shoulders dropped, “What is going to get you to shut up?”

“Spend the day with me on my birthday and I promise you won’t hear from me until the end of the day.”

“How about we change that deal to I never hear from you again?” I suggested.

He rolled his dark brown eyes, “You will miss me too much. So now what do you say Ms. Clair. You up for having the time of your life this Wednesday?”

“Something tells me I am going to regret this.” I muttered.

“When do you ever regret spending time with me?” He asked, cockily. I opened my mouth to answer his question but he waved his hand cutting me off. “You know what don’t answer that. Just say yes.”

I sighed, looking him dead in the eyes. I knew I was going to regret this, but that was what risks were for. “Okay.”

“Okay?” He repeated.

“Okay?” I repeated, nodding my head.

“Stop quoting John Green.”

I let out a snort, “You know you make it real easy to make fun of you. Sometimes, I wonder if you are a thirteen year old girl inside a seventeen year olds body. Because, most of what you say, sounds like a love struck thirteen year old.”

He responded with narrowing his brown eyes at me. “Shut up.”

“Okay.” I responded, just to mock him.


Hello Lovelies,

Told you I will update earlier if I get more votes and comments, it was five days since my last update and I honestly do think I am improving considering it is the start to the weekend. What do you guys think of the chapter? Where do you think they will go for to celebrate Gavin’s birthday? What do you think will happen at prom? What will happen with Ben and Holly? Or Sarah and Andy? This is the calm before the Storm…

Also I mentioned a Harry Styles reverence and everyone kind of went bizark… Kind of scared me, so just going to say this now. I don’t mean to offend anyone, sorry if it did, but it really shouldn’t have. If you were offended I do not know why it wasn’t like I said anything bad, Holly did. Also yes, I am aware that I have small typos and character details but I AM EDITING THE BOOK SO GIVE ME TIME. Writing a book is harder to remember if you are reading it.

This is dedicated to @strangelikeme for the lovely cover on the top or side!

Please remember to support me in the Wattys 2014: Vote, Comment, Share and Fan!



“I don’t think none of us have to worry about acid raining occurring anytime soon though.” Mr. Kelly said, chuckling out himself. “Because the only way it could occur is due to a chemical reaction-"

Mr. Kelly was cut off by the sounds of the door opening, we all turned attention to the person who waltzed in looking a bit flustered.

“Mr. Storm, so nice of you to join us.” Mr. Kelly said, sarcastically.

Gavin just nodded his head as he dropped his late note on Mr. Kelly’s desk as he made his way towards me. Plopping to the seat next to me, I got a good look of Gavin’s face which had a little bit of oil on it.

“What happened to you?” I whispered, as Mr. Kelly continued on with the lesson.

“I had to drop Garrett off at school and on my way here my car ran out of gas,” He replied, rubbing his face.

“You forgot to put gas in your car?” I asked, shocked that he could do something that stupid.

“Well, if you are too busy being a mother and father to a four year old you would probably forget some things too.” Gavin snapped, at me.

My eyes widened, as sympathy took over my expression. I forgot about everything he does for Garrett.

“Sorry,” I whispered to him turning back to face the teacher.

“You caught me on a bad day.”

“When are you ever on a good day?” I asked, jokingly.

“You are seriously, hanging on a thin line Ms. Clair.” He mocked.

I let out a soft chuckle, “When was I not hanging from that line?”

A smile soon took over his oiled face. It was moments like this that made it worthwhile to put up with Gavin and all his bioplarness.

Even when he ruins perfect moments by adding in his cockiness it was what made him, Gavin and you couldn’t change that. 

“Hey,” I whispered elbowing Gavin in the stomach. “You never did tell me who they were?” I asked, referring to when he interrupted my outing with Ben out of jealousy.

“They is no one.”

“Then why did you bring it up?”

“To get a reaction out of you. I don’t like being the only one who is jealous. Besides you wear it better than I ever did.” He replied, smirking.

I let out an unattractive snort, “I was not jealous. Why would I be after all the ‘they’ you are referring to is most probably one of your many girls.”

“Something tells me you are jealous.” Gavin smirked, throwing his right arm over my shoulders.

“I am not jealous.” I growled, out.

“Mr. Storm and Ms. Clair!” Mr. Kelly yelled, interrupting our conversation. “Why is it every time you two are sitting beside each other there always happens to be whispering and touching involved?” He said, pointing to Gavin’s arm which was around my shoulders.

I quickly grabbed his arm removing it from me as I heard the class let out snickers and whispers amongst themselves and friends. 

“I found it easier when Mr. Storm sat in the back of the class not talking to anyone. Yes, I am aware he didn’t pay attention before but now it is a two in one combo.” Mr. Kelly said, a devious look plastered onto his face.

“In the future Ms. Clair, do us all a favor and try not to distract him. Instead get to pay more attention to the lesson, I know it is not as exciting as talking to you, but keep this up and you both will earn a trip to the principal’s office.” He said, giving us both a final warning before turning around and finishing up the chemistry question he was writing before he called us out.

I rolled my eyes, “My hero.” I drawled, sarcastically.

Holly rolled her eyes, while Sarah just gave her a flat look. “Whatever. But, now I have an excuse to go shopping.”

“You are going to prom without a date?” Sarah asked.

Holly shook her head. “Of course not. Gavin is taking Ali and Andy is obviously going to ask you.” Holly said, with a roll of her eyes while Sarah went red in embarrassment. “And Ben is probably going to end up taking me. We talked about this.”

“You talked about going to prom with Ben?” I questioned, warningly.

“Y-yeah?” She said, but it came out more like a question.

“When were you ever going to tell us that you are passed the talking stage with Ben?”

“I wouldn’t say we are passed the talking stage. I would say we are on the let us start fresh stage.” Holly replied.

“You said he was cuter than Harry Styles. I think you are passed both stages.”

“You think he is cuter than Harry Styles?” Sarah asked, shocked.

“Well yeah, Ben can’t sing but when it comes to the looks he is pretty damn cute.” Holly replied.

“Bud, nobody is cuter than Harry Styles or any One Direction member. Don’t you forget that.” Sarah warned.

I ran my hands through my hair as Sarah and Holly began to argue about boys and there cuteness factor. Whatever, that meant.

“Guys!” I said, interrupting there fight, as the late bell rang. “If you haven’t noticed everybody is in class.” I said, gesturing to the empty hallway.

“You know what? We are going to settle this like mature women.” Holly said, pointing her finger in front of Sarah’s face.

“Please Holly, maturity isn’t in your vocabulary.” Sarah said, jokingly as I stifled my laughter.

“You will see,” Holly grumbled as she turned around and walked down the hall to her first period class- which was English, for her.

We watched as Holly’s figure get smaller and smaller as she continued to walk down the hall. “Do you think she is hiding something?” I asked, Sarah.

“It’s Holly. I know she is hiding something.” She murmured, as we stared at Holly’s retreating figure.


“As we move onto our next unit which is Acids, Bases and Salts. How many of you know what the effects of acid rain are?” Mr. Kelly asked, us.

I stared at him with a blank look on my face. I looked around as so did the rest of the class, I guess no one knew the answer to his question.

“Is this how it is going to be for the rest of the semester? Because I am sick and tired of only three people answering the questions.”

I lifted my head from my desk, raising my hand.

“Yes, Ms. Clair?”

“Some of the effects of acid rain are destroying of buildings, the killings of fish and trees, toxic materials from the soil and it also causes health problems.”

A grin made its way onto my teacher’s face. “Thank you.” He said, sincerely.

I smiled nodding, I would have the same look of relief if I was in his position. Especially if you were teaching a class no one really paid attention too. I only knew that question because my homeschool teacher taught it to me last year and the reason I remember it is because the tutor my dad got for Thomas and I was crazy. And none of us was dumb enough to cross him. Not even Thomas.

Chapter Forty-Five: Meet My ...

“Should I go for cute and flirty or I like you but I don’t want to try too hard?” I asked, myself holding up two outfits in hand as I inspected them closely.

“What am I doing?” I mumbled, throwing both outfits on my bed. “I am starting to act like a lovesick teenager!” I said, then throwing myself on to my bed. “Great, now I am going insane and talking to myself.”

“I completely agree with yourself on the whole insane thing. I would have called you psychotic but we will work our way there. Don’t worry, sis.” Thomas said, appearing outside my room.

“Don’t you have somewhere to be? Preferably where someone would actually enjoy your presence?” I asked, my little brother sarcastically.

“Can I come in?” He asked, strolling into my room before I could even respond.

“Go ahead you are already in anyways,” I muttered, sitting up on my bed. “So, care to explain why you are up but not fully awake?”

“I heard a few of the guards talking outside my door about you and how you were talking to yourself. I wanted to see the truth for myself.” He said, rubbing his tired eyes.

“Well, I am glad that I am the topic for the guards’ discussion. But, the reason I was mumbling to myself was because today’s Gavin’s birthday and he wants to take me out for the day.”

“It’s his birthday and he wants to take you out? Isn’t it the other way around?” He asked, obviously.

I just threw my hands in there air giving my brother an ‘I don’t know’ action. It was quarter to seven and Gavin had texted me the night before that he was going to be at the normal stop at 7:15. Which gave me an half an hour to get myself presentable.

I stayed on my bed for a few seconds before I decided to get up, having the outfit I wanted to wear in mind. I stood up from my bed, noticing Thomas staring at the picture frame I had perched on my desk.

Walking over to him slowly, I spoke up. “What are you thinking about?”

“How things use to be somewhat normal before dad became president.”

I stared at the picture frame he had in his hand. It was a picture of all four of us, sitting at our old house before we moved here. I was ten and Thomas was three, he was perched in mom’s lap while I was in my dad’s. We were smiling at the camera, with big grins on our face while Thomas just looked confused.

I crinkled my eyebrows in confusion as I finally realized something. “You were three, how do you know what normal was?”

Thomas turned to look at me with a flat look. “I might have been three, but even I am smart enough to know that this is not a strong and proper family.”

I just nodded my solemnly, as I turned around to leave Thomas in his thoughts. I headed over to my closet closing the door and grabbing the outfit that I thought was perfect to wear.

Grabbing a striped black and white blouse from the hanger, pairing it with blue ripped skinny jeans. I threw it on, not before throwing my pajamas in the hamper that I placed in my closet. I also had a mirror in my closet, since it was a walk in closet and big enough for me to move and walk around in.

I ran my hands through my hair a few times, trying to get rid of all the knots and make it look a little bit more than my previous bed head hair. Once I was done with my hair I quickly applied some mascara to my eyelashes and some lip gloss.

I puffed out my cheeks as I stared at myself in the mirror. Tilting my head to the left and right, I stared at my reflection in the mirror. I was more interested in what Gavin had thought of me rather than what I had thought of myself. Call it stupid, but wasn’t that really what any girl thought?

Gavin came round to join me, flowers in his hand as together we walked towards the cemetery. I was quite oblivious to not notice the flowers before.

It was a silent walk in the cemetery. Gavin went straight for an oak tree near the back of the cemetery, my steps slowed down as I watched Gavin slow down himself as he stopped in front of a tombstone.

Placing the flowers to the ground he reached out placing his hand on the tombstone. His back was turned to me, so I couldn’t see his expression.

“Hey mom,” He spoke, his voice cracking. “Hope you are doing well. I know I am, I haven’t gotten any detentions this week. But, it is the middle of the week so I will probably get one by Friday.” He said, attempting at a joke. “Garrett’s doing well, I know that he is still keen on wanting to see you. I just don’t know how to quite explain this whole thing to him but when I finally do, I promise to bring him next time round. Dad still the same old.” He said, speaking about his dad briefly. “But, don’t worry I am keeping Garrett safe with all my heart. I know that was what you asked for.”

I stood silently as I watched Gavin interact with his mother as if she was there. I was doing my best to hold my tears but I let out a sob, causing Gavin to turn around to face me with startled eyes.

“Oh mom, remember that girl I was telling you about? Well I decided to bring you too meet her. I remember how you told me that if I ever got a girlfriend you wanted to be the first to meet her. But, I am sorry she isn’t quite my girlfriend. Well, not yet anyways.” He said, letting out a forced chuckle.

Turning around Gavin turned to face me. “Come here Ali, I want you to meet my mom.” He said, waving me over.

I felt a tear roll down my cheek as my brain finally gave a message to my feet to start moving as I made my way towards Gavin. I sat down beside him as I stared at the tombstone silently.

Millicent Eileen Storm

June 2, 1980 – August 28, 2010

Loving Friend, Daughter but most of all Mother.

I swallowed the spit that was indulged in my throat as I found the courage to speak. “Hey Mrs. Storm.” I said, my voice becoming scratchy. “I am so honored to have finally have met you. Gavin hasn’t really told me much about you, but I am pretty sure he will start too.” I said, turning to look at Gavin whose eyes were red indicating he was crying.

“I am sure he’s told you all our encounters, but let me tell you whatever he told you was not true. Unless he told you how amazing I was then yes it is true.” I said, cockily.

“And you say I am cocky?” Gavin spluttered.

I smiled, “Looks like somebody is rubbing off on me.” I said, elbowing him slightly.

I turned back to face the tombstone, I met Gavin on my first day of school. I ran into him by accident and he responded by slamming me into the wall-harshly I may add.”

“Oh stop being over dramatic I didn’t slam you into the wall so hard like when you kneed me in my prized jewels.” Gavin scoffed.

I rolled my eyes, continuing on. “Well anyways, I am not going to lie he did make my first day of school memorable. I ended up with two weeks’ worth of detention and let me tell you it isn’t easy cleaning up the cafeteria after a food fight started by yours truly.”

“I hope you are talking about yourself.”

“I hope you didn’t hit your head too hard when you slipped on the food that day because you are the one who started the food fight.” I retaliated.

He rolled his eyes as I continued. “Well, thanks Mrs. Storm for raising your son the way you did. He might be a pain at some points but how can you hate someone who read The Fault in our Stars? And cried too!” I let out a soft chuckle as I heard a curse word coming from Gavin’s mouth as I carried on. “I really do wish I had the chance to have properly met you because if I did. I would give you a big hug for giving birth to an amazing boy. And before Gavin says something stupid, I was talking about Garrett. He’s a wonderful kid and don’t worry Gavin is doing everything right to raise him just like you would have.”

“You really think I am doing a good job with Garrett?” Gavin asked, his hands playing with the grass below him.

I rested my hand on top of his. “I know you are.”

It was quiet for a few minutes when Gavin spoke up. “You ready to go?”

I nodded my head, getting up from the grass when Gavin held his hand out to me like a gentlemen, pulling me up and onto my feet.

I wiped my hands on my jeans as I looked back at the tombstone. “It was really nice meeting you Mrs. Storm. I hope this isn’t the last time I see you.”

Gavin just watched me silently as he held his hand for me to grab which I did as we walked silently out of the graveyard together.

Once we were out, Gavin stopped me before we could get into his truck. “What?”


I crinkled my eyebrows in confusion, “For what exactly?”

A sad smile appeared on his face, “For talking to my mom like she was there.”

I smiled, giving his hand a squeeze. “No problem.” He just smiled in return, pulling me towards him for a hug. “Where are we going next birthday boy?”

“Why you asking? You scared?” He questioned, his chin resting on top of my head.

I didn’t know how even with wedges how he could still manage to rest his chin on top of my head. Either he was taller than I expected or he had a really long neck.

“No.” I finally said, rolling my eyes.

“Well you should be… Because Ali, I am just the calm before the storm.”


Hello Lovelies,

What do you think of this chapter? That is part one of their birthday date! And the second part is just even more emotional and hectic… So BEWARE! I am sorry for the wait I had like a million things to do! So please forgive me! And comment your opinions on this chapter I loved writing it and I want to hear what you all think!

I got some PM’s asking me to address the One Direction comments… So guys please if you honestly have NOTHING GOOD TO SAY ABOUT THEM. Don’t say anything because it does offend people and causes a riot then my inbox gets even more cluttered. So I know expressing your opinion is good and all, but just be careful in what you say!

Also I send out MESSAGES WHEN I CANNOT UPDATE So please check my message board if you want to know when I am updating because that is the best way or follow me so you can get all my weird but important messages… o.0

Also any New Yorkers reading this book? Or Canadians? Comment the country you guys are from… I am from Canada for all you wondering.

This is dedicated to @rifal (Please send me your username…) for the lovely cover on the side. Thank you! <3

Please remember to support me in the Watty’s 2014: Vote, Comment, Share and Fan!



Ten minutes soon passed when Gavin came to a stop In front a two story. It was a small white house the lawn was kept neat and tidy and you could tell because it was better than most houses you see now a days.

“Alright Garrett, say bye to Ali and let’s go.”

Garrett turned his head to me pushing himself on the chair in more of a standing position as he gave me a sloppy kiss on the cheek. “Bye Ali!” He said, giving me a toothy smile before he scooted out of the car with Gavin close behind him as he ran towards the house excitedly.

A few seconds later an old lady came out the door as she grabbed Garrett’s backpack from Gavin’s hand she continued to talk to Gavin kissing him on the cheek briefly.

I watched from the car silently as I kind of felt like a creepy person staring at someone from the car. The old lady must’ve noticed my stare because her eyes locked with mine. We held our stare for a few moments before her eyes shifted to Gavin telling him something as he turned to look at me.

Right then and there I knew they were talking about me.

A few minutes later Gavin was back in the car buckling himself in.

“Who was that?”

“She took care of my mom when she was younger. So, now she takes care of Garrett when I can’t.”

“So she takes him to school and such?”

He nodded his head, turning on the engine. “And picks him up and even lets him sleep over when it’s not quite safe for him at my house.”

I nodded my head not pressing any further. I didn’t want to seem too nosey even though I was probably the nosiest person alive.

“So where is the next stop Birthday Boy?” I asked, changing the topic.

“Well we are first going to visit someone.” He said, taking a sip of his coffee his eyes focused on the road ahead of him.

I looked at him in confusion, “Who are we going to visit?”

“You will see when we get there. So get comfortable because it is a fifty minute drive.”

My eyes widened as I looked at him in shock, “Fifty minutes?” He just nodded his head in response, “This person better be important if you are taking me that far.” I mumbled, under my breath making sure that he didn’t hear of an ounce of what I had just said.


“Ali?” I heard, someone whisper shaking me awake. “You are not dead are you?”

My eyes fluttered open as I was surprised with Gavin’s face inches away from mine. “Is this how you wake all of your guests?” I questioned, groggily.

He laughed, shaking his head. “Only my special ones.” He said, giving me a cheeky smile.

“So I am guessing were here?” I asked, pulling myself up from my sleeping position. I turned my head to face the window to notice that we were outside a cemetery. The John Wesley Cemetery.

My breath hitched as it finally sunk in who we were coming to visit. The corners of my lips twitched upwards as I finally begun to realize that he trusted me enough to let me meet his mother.

“Thank you.” I said, softly.

Gavin’s eyes knitted in confusion, “For what?”

“For trusting me enough to let me meet your mother.”

I saw his Adams apple bob as he swallowed, “No problem. I know she is thrilled to meet you, I told her all about you.” He said, attempting to give me a smile. “Shall we?” He said, opening his door as I nodded doing the same and stepping out of the vehicle.

Ben just raised his eyebrows, obviously shocked. “Do your parents know?”

I scratched behind my ear, “Depends…. What do you want to hear?”

“Alice…” He said, in a warning tone.

“Okay, look. For all you know, you never saw me. Kapeesh?”

“And what happens if something happens to you while you are out with Gavin? What am I supposed to tell you parents? Sorry, I couldn’t keep track of your daughter even though that is my only job.” Ben said, sarcastically.

“Stop looking on the bad side and live a little. I will be back before eight, you have my word. If my parents ask me where I am tell them I am out with Holls or something. They will believe me.”

“You want me to lie to your parents?”

“Not lie… Just twist the truth.”

“Alice I can’t-"

“Thanks Ben! I so owe you for this one!” I said, loudly cutting him off on purpose. “Goodbye now.” I said, opening the door and walking out as fast as I could with these wedges before he could chase after me.

“Alice!” I heard his voice, yell from behind but I didn’t bother turning around. I waved as I continued to walk away, there wasn’t much he could do now.

It was close to a ten minute walk to where Gavin normally picks me up and by the time I got there I noticed him staring out the window drinking his coffee.

I approached his car as I noticed a small figure in the front seat with him as I got closer I noticed that small figure was Garrett, he was sipping on his chocolate milk when I opened the front seat getting in.

“It’s about time,” Gavin muttered, turning to face me. “I thought you flew to Finland or something.” He said, starting up the car.

“Relax bud, I just had to take care of certain things before I could leave. Besides, you didn’t tell me if we were stopping for breakfast. A girl can’t function on an empty stomach.”

Gavin just rolled his eyes in respond as I buckled myself in.

I turned to the small boy who was seated in the middle of us staring at me with curious eyes. “Hey Garrett,” I said, smiling at the little boy.

“Hi Ali!” He responded, giving me a toothy smile. “Did you know it’s Gavy’s birthday?” He said, his blue eyes widening.

I nodded my head, “Yes, I do.” I said, tuning to Gavin. “Happy birthday, rainbow.”

I watched as a small smile appeared on his face as he turned to face me for a brief second. “Thanks, nerd.”

I smiled as I continued to chatter with the four year old who was sitting next to me. I listened to the little boy as he told me about the car set Gavin had promised to get him on his birthday which was coming up next month.

“Do you want anything else for your birthday?” I questioned.

He nodded, “I want daddy to stop being mad all the time and yelling at Gavin and I want mommy to come home but Gavin says mommy is in a better place.” He said, pouting slightly.

My mouth opened and closed like a gaping fish not knowing how to respond to that. “Mom’s in a better place now.” Gavin said, to his younger brother.

“But, why can’t be with us and be in a better place?” Garrett asked, whining.

Gavin didn’t respond as he continued to stare at the road ahead of him. I noticed his grip on the wheel tightening and his knuckles beginning to turn white so I steered clear of the whole parental conversation.

Grabbing my black wedges from my shoe rack, I opened my closet door walking out. Noticing the lack of Thomas in my room.

I walked over to where he was standing once before, lifting up the frame as I stared at it for a couple of seconds. Placing it properly in its place, than what Thomas had left it in.

“I miss this,” I whispered, softly to myself, as I stared at the frame one last time before walking over to my desk and grabbing my phone that I left charging.

I grabbed a couple of bucks from my wallet, stuffing it into my pocket, walking out of the room and towards the staircase. It was now, 7:05 and I wasn’t a hundred percent sure if we were going to grab breakfast on the way to where the hell we were going.

Making my way towards the kitchen, I said my good mornings to a few guards who were milling up and down the hallway.

“Morning,” I muttered, to my parents who were in there usual seats for breakfast.

I sat down on my chair as I waited for Marco to bring me my breakfast, like he did very morning.

My father nodded his head at my direction while he continued to sip his coffee, “Alice. Hun, why are you up so early? I don’t expect you downstairs for another half an hour…” My mother trailed, off.

“You know early bird gets the worm.” I chirped, putting on a fake smile.

She just raised her eyebrows in suspicion, “Since when were you ever a morning person?” She questioned, “Now, that I notice… You are a little dressed up for school don’t you think?” She asked, looking at my outfit in suspicion.

I rolled my eyes, “Mom, I doubt it’s a crime for me to try to look decent for school?

“Just asking. But, to be sure you are going to school are you?”

I gulped, “Of course. Where else would I be going? The moon?” I questioned, sarcastically. Knowing that I was lying between my teeth to my own mother.

She shrugged her shoulders, as she continued to drink her tea. “Alright, but just don’t call me from jail to bail you out or something.” She said, in a joking matter.

I forced out a laugh, jail was the last place I expect myself to end up.

Marco placed a plate in front of me that included bagel with crème cheese and a glass of milk. I gulped the milk down in a few seconds as I took a few bites out of my sandwich.

Once I was done half of it, I realized the time and I was running late.

“Alice… You don’t have to leave for school for another forty minutes. Where are you going?” My father asked, placing his mug down and giving me his undivided attention.

“A friend is actually going to pick me up.”

He tiled his head, “Do I know this certain friend?”

“No?” I replied, making it sound more like a question.

“No?” My father repeated.

I shook my head, “Dad, you don’t need to worry about it. I have to go,” I said, taking a last bite out of my bagel. “Love you.” I said, kissing my mom on the cheek before I left the room.

I ran my hands through my hair as I realized I was running ten minutes late, when I noticed Ben coming through the front doors.

“Hi Ben,” I muttered, trying to walk past him and out the doors. “Bye Ben.”

He grabbed my arm pulling me back before I could leave. “Where do you think you are going? We still have time until we have to leave.”

“Oh, I forgot to tell you I am not going to school. I am spending the day with Gavin because it is his birthday…”

Chapter Forty-Six: Resisting You

“You’re gonna miss me by my hair, you’re gonna miss me everywhere, you’re gonna miss me when I am gone… When-"

I scratched my head as I listened carefully to the words that had just played before Gavin shut of the radio. It was kind of a coincidence this certain song played.

I quickly glanced at Gavin from the corner of my eye as he just stared at the endless road ahead of him. No talking or nothing, just focusing on the road.

“So where are we heading?” I asked, turning to face him.

“The beach. It is five minutes away from here and it’s a place that is really close to my heart.”

I nodded my head. I was glad that Gavin was now beginning to open up to me, maybe this relationship or whatever we were was going somewhere and maybe it was time for me to start opening up to him and tell him who I really am… You know before it is too late.

“Gavin…?” I whispered, softly.

He turned his head to look at me as the car approached a red light. “Yeah?”

“Why did you decide to open up to me?”

He looked at me with a hard expression, “Because I trust you.”

I swallowed the spit that was indulged in my throat. It wasn’t the answer I was expecting nor was it something I wanted to hear. “Oh.”

“Do you trust me?”

I nodded my head, “Of course.” But, I think we both knew I was lying judging by the skeptical look he was giving me.

“Then if you really trust me you would tell me what is going on in that head of yours. Because if you haven’t realized I am no mind reader.” He said, drawing his attention back onto the road and pressing on the gas.

“But, it’s something big and I honestly do not know how you are going to take it.”

“My secret was pretty big too. My mother committed suicide, I am sorry but that isn’t something you normally bring up in a conversation.”

I breathed in deeply. “But, it’s going to change things.”

He shrugged his shoulders, “It might. But it can also make us stronger.” He said, glancing at me briefly. “So Ali, will you please tell me what is bugging you?”

I looked down at my lap. It was now or never and I slightly starting to lean towards the never side of things.

The car approached a stop when I looked up to see the beach in front of us.

“I know I am kind of pressuring you to tell me. But, tell me when you are ready. You didn’t pressure me and I would sure like to do the same to you.” He spoke, completely changing his mind.

I smiled, as I leaned over and gave him a peck on the cheek. I knew it was hard for him to tell me something he really wanted to know. But, when I was ready to tell him I have been lying to him the whole time about who I was. I will… and hopefully the outcome wouldn’t be so bad.

“Ready to hit the beach?” He asked, changing the topic.

I nodded my head, opening the side door and stepping out.

My eyes scanned the beach as I watched a few people here and there. I knew it wouldn’t be so busy because it was a school day and the only people who would be here is the older generation.

Gavin came around to join me with a picnic basket in hand. “Let’s go, nerd.” He said, beginning to walk towards the open sand as I followed in close pursuit behind him.

Instead of going where the majority of people are Gavin walked towards the other side of the beach.

“Where are you going?” I called out to Gavin, who kept walking towards the other deserted side of the beach.

“That way,” He replied, not bothering to look back.

I narrowed my eyes as I quickly ran after him. “I know that. I mean where are you going? There is nothing over there.” I said, as we walked further down the west coast of the beach.

“Well if you would shut up and follow me. I am pretty sure you would be pretty excited to where we are going.” He said, leaving no room for an argument as I followed his instructions and continued going to wherever he seemed to be taking me.

As we began to get to the more secluded part of the beach alarm bells were beginning to ring in my head.

“Watch your step, there’s some rocks and such.” Gavin called out, as he led the way to this path that led up to a cliff.

“Are you sure we are allowed to be here?” I questioned, looking up at the cliff we were about to climb.

“Of course, my mother always brought me here when I was younger. Come on Ali, have a little faith in me. Won’t you?” He said, looking back at me holding out his hand for me to grasp.

“Fine. But, it kind of seems like this isn’t part of the beach but someone’s property.”

I didn’t see his face but I could imagine him rolling his eyes. “Yes Ali. It is someone’s property. The beaches.”

I shrugged as together we continued hand in hand up the path that led us to the top of the cliff. “So, do you know how your mom found this place?”

“My grandparents always brought her to this beach. She always use to tell me stories of how she went exploring and one day she stumbled across here.”

“Where are your grandparents?” I questioned, before I could realize what I had asked.

“I don’t know. After my mother’s funeral they kind of disappeared from Garrett’s and I’s life.”

I tilted my head as I looked up at him. “I am sorry.”

He shrugged, together we continued silently up the path.

When we finally reached the top I was a little out of breath and by a little… I mean a lot.

Gavin just turned to me with raised eyebrows. “For someone who looks fit,” He said, scanning me up and down. “You sure aren’t.” He said, letting go of my hand and walking over to the near edge of the cliff.

I walked towards him taking a few deep breaths in order to control my heavy breathing. I looked down at the beautiful view below us as I was now breathless for words.

My eyes scanned the water below us as I smiled to myself. This was so worth the journey up that hill.

“What do you think?” Gavin whispered into my ear, as I felt his head rest on top of mine.

“I think… next time I am going to wear sneakers. And ask you where we are going because my feet are killing me.” I said, lifting up my foot for dramatization.

“I am talking about the view, nimrod.” He said, nudging me slightly.

I let out a chuckle, “It’s beautiful. But, kind of cheesy. You know a bad boy taking a good girl to a cliff to make her swoon then you make your move on her. Kind of predictable don’t you think?”

Chapter Forty-Seven: Lying & Betraying

“In my defense, I don’t think we did anything wrong here.” I heard someone say, causing me to slowly open up my eyes.

I let out a groan as I clutched my head in my hands. Why did it hurt more than it should?

“Ali?” I looked up to see Gavin staring down at me, with a solemn expression. “How you feeling?”

“Well, you know. Besides fainting and getting arrested I am doing pretty well, you?” I questioned, sarcastically.

“Meow.” I heard someone say, causing me to turn my pounding head. “Isn’t she sassy?”

I narrowed my eyes at the brown headed officer who was staring at me with amused eyes. “Who are you?”

He raised his eyebrows at me, “Well if you haven’t noticed I am a police officer.” He said, showing me his badge.

“No you nimrod, what is your name.” I said, becoming annoyed with him.

“I wouldn’t call me a nimrod if I was you. After all, I am the one who has you behind bars.” The officer said, smirking at me.

I gritted my teeth in annoyance. “You know you are very immature for a police officer.”

The officer just shrugged, propping his feet onto the desk and pulling out his phone. He didn’t bother responding to my comment, because he was too fixated with his phone.

I looked back at Gavin who was looking at me with tired eyes. “Why are you in another cell?” I asked, moving closer to his cell.

“Because boys and girls aren’t allowed to be in the same cell.” The officer said, aloud.

“Says who?”

“Says me.”

I opened up my mouth to say something when Gavin cut me off before I even had a chance to start. “Ali, don’t anger the guy. He can keep us here as long as he wants.” Gavin said, whispering to me. “Trust me on this. I speak from experience.”

I nodded my head, if I didn’t feel like a truck just run over me. I would have said something, but right now. I was in no mood to argue.

“What happened after I fainted?” I questioned.

“Well, the two officers locked me in handcuffs then they both dragged you towards their car.” Gavin explained, waving his hands around that were still cuffed together.

“Why didn’t they just carry me?”

“Those wimps were too weak.”

I rolled my eyes, “Of course they were.”

“Hey! At least I didn’t smack her head twice on the door.” The officer said, giving Gavin the evil eye.

“Is that why my head feels like I was run over?”

“What? No.” Gavin said, scoffing his eyes looking elsewhere.

I opened my mouth to protest when the blonde headed officer walked in.

“Darrell? Get your nasty feet of my desk.” The blonde officer said, smacking Darrell’s feet of his desk.

“You’re no fun…” Darrell said, whining childishly.

“I am really starting to question who on earth gave you this job.” I muttered, aloud.

I heard Gavin snicker as he gave me a grin. I smiled, looking back at the two officers who were now bickering with each other.

I let out a chuckle, “Of course it is.”

It was quiet for a few minutes before Gavin spoke up, “You know, I am really sorry for getting you here in the first place.”

I nodded my head, forgiving him. “Well, I am really sorry for not trying harder to stop you.”

Gavin smiled in returned and soon it was back to the quiet air, in the matter of minutes.

“Do you hear that?” Gavin asked, getting up and walking over to the door of the cell.

I focused on what Gavin was trying to get me to hear rather than my thoughts that I was previously consuming my brain. It sounded like arguing, but the noise started to become closer and closer before the door burst opened.

My eyes widened as I saw the last person I wanted to see walk in here.

“Sir, I am terribly sorry for all the press outside. Trust me, my men and I are on it to clear it as soon as possible. Could you just please explain to me why you are here?” Officer Parker asked, my father.

I watched as Parker tried to keep his cool in front of my father when we both knew that he was freaking out on the inside as I was. It was now starting to make sense to where he and Darrell had disappeared off too. I thought they just left us here because he was starting to become annoyed with us. But, I guess that wasn’t the case.

My father just ignored Parker looking straight at me.

I gulped, he was beyond mad. I knew that because even when I had snuck out with Holly to a party on that cold January night, he didn’t look as mad as he was now.

“I knew I was bad, but I never knew I was this bad that you guys had to get the President of the United States involved.” Gavin said, looking at my dad with wide eyes.

My dad’s furious eyes snapped to Gavin. “I am not here for you,” He spat. “I am here for her.” He said, causing Parker and Gavin’s eyes to focus on me.

“Ali? Your uncle is the President?” He asked, whispering.

I shook my head, all the lies I told to Gavin was going to come out sooner than I had anticipated.

“I am not her Uncle I am her father.” My dad said, looking back at Parker who was looking at me in shock. “Now could you please release her.”

Parker stared at me for a couple of seconds before walking over to my cell with his keys and opening the door. I walked out with my head down, I didn’t want to meet Gavin’s eyes.

I walked to my father who looked at me with annoyance. I just stood beside him not uttering a single word.

“Ali?” Gavin called out softly, to me.

I turned around to meet Gavin’s eyes.

He was slowly shaking his head. “You lied to me,” He whispered, his eyes saying one thing and his expression saying another.

I tried to hold back the tears that were welling up in my eyes. Knowing that was exactly what I had done to him- I had betrayed and lied to him and there was nothing I could do about it now…

I took a deep breath, dialing the person I knew was going to help me get me out.

After four rings his voice spoke from the other end. “Hello?”

“Ricky?” I spluttered, relieved to hear his voice.

“Alice? Where the heck are you? Your parents are starting to become worried…”

“What do you mean? I told Ben to cover for me.”

“Well your parents phoned him, he said he hasn’t seen you all morning.”

My eyes widened, “That little piece of shit.” I whispered, swearing.

I gritted my teeth in annoyance, it looked like Gavin was finally beginning to rub off on me.

“Don’t swear. Now where are you?” Ricky said, seriously.

“You wouldn’t believe me if I told you.”

I could imagine him raising his eyebrows, “Try me.”

“Well, funny story. Trust me you are going to laugh. But, I am in jail.” I said, forcing out a few chuckles.

“You know what? In all honesty, that doesn’t really surprise me.”

I rolled my eyes, “Look, I just need you to come and get me. And please don’t tell my parents, they will ground me forever.”

Ricky snorted, “Don’t tell your parents? Alice, are you insane? If I don’t tell them they will probably fire me. You do realize I have four children to feed?”

“Ricky, please…” I said begging. “Imagine if I was your daughter, you would probably kill me. So, please come and get me.”

From the corner of my eye I noticed Darrell tapping his watch, motioning to me that time was up.

I quickly told Ricky the address of the jail, courtesy of Darrell. Making Ricky, promise that he wasn’t going to tell my parents because I knew they would have my head.

Once I had hung up, I walked back over to my cell. Going over to the other side of the cell and taking a seat leaning my back against the wall. It was a waiting game now, as I watched Darrell walk over to Gavin’s cell to allow him to get out and make his phone call.

I fiddled with my fingers, all I could really do now was wait and pray.


“What would your parents say once they come and see you in jail?”

“Well, my parents aren’t the one’s coming to pick me up.”

“Who is then?” Gavin questioned.

“My… Uncle.” I said, trying to find the right word to describe Ricky.

“Oh okay. But, where are your parents?”

I gulped, “Out of the country?” I said, but it came out more of a question.

“What would they say if they were the one who was coming to get you?”

I shrugged, “They would probably skin me alive. What about your dad? What would he say?”

He shrugged, “I don’t know. It was a different reaction every time.”

“Every time?”

“You honestly don’t think it is my first time here?”

“This is at least my second or third time. How else do you think Darrell knows what time I was born?”

“What do you think is going to happen with us?” I questioned, Gavin.

He shrugged, “For once in my life, I don’t know.”

We both turned back to watch both officers continue to bicker with each other. Before, Darrell raised his hand cutting of the brown haired officer.

“Come on, Parker. You might have been here longer than I have but it still doesn’t give you the right to boss me around like that.”

“All I asked you to do is to get your feet off my desk.”

“Well, next time maybe try to ask and be nicer and I wouldn’t have the urge to throttle you right now.” Darrell barked, right back.

I rolled my eyes. “If anyone wants to throttle anyone. It is me to you.” Gavin muttered, loud enough for the officers to hear him.

Darrell’s head snapped towards us, “Shut it. If you haven’t noticed we aren’t the ones behind bars, you filthy trespassers.”

“But, it’s so stupid.” I yelled out, grabbing the attention of the officers. “You honestly can’t be arresting us for trespassing? We didn’t know!”

“Yeah right, we heard you say it. You knew it was private property yet still kept going with this little law breaker.” Darrell exclaimed, pointing his finger at Gavin.

“Darrell, sit you ass down and stop provoking them.” Parker said, “Look. I had a talk with the owners and they have agreed not to press charges. They also have agreed to get bigger signs reading that is private property and there is no trespassing allowed. So, we will be letting you guys go.”

I heard Gavin let out a sigh of relief, “Thank God.”

“I am not done. We will let you guys go, but we have to call your parents.”

“What?” Gavin and I exclaimed simultaneously. “You can’t be calling my parents! You just said you are letting as go!”

“We are. But, you both are minors so technically we can’t let you out without an adult’s consent.”

“What do you mean I’m a minor? I am eighteen for the love of God.” Gavin said, throwing his hands up in frustration. “I am allowed to leave, because if you two bozos haven’t noticed I am an adult.”

“Technically you aren’t.” Darrell said, speaking up.

“What the shit are you blubbering about?”

“You were born 11 p.m. April 30, 1996. It might be your birthday but you are still seventeen considering it is only eight p.m.”

Gavin took a deep breath, giving Darrell a murderous look. “You are so lucky I am handcuffed and behind bars. Because oh God when I get out of here, I am going to beat the living shit out of you.”

I looked back at Gavin with wide eyes, “Gavin don’t provoke the guy.” I said, mimicking what he had told me earlier.

Gavin just rolled his eyes, walking to the corner of his cell and sitting down. He looked beyond pissed off, I looked away because if I kept looking at him for any longer he probably would have noticed and would have gave me an even dirtier look then he gave Darrell.

“Can I make that phone call now?” I asked, Darrell who was now sitting on his own desk as he stared at me not bothering to hide it.

He shrugged, getting up from his chair and walking over to my cell. “You have three minutes.” He said, unlocking my cell.

“Three minutes? That’s probably how long it is going to take to get through to my father.”

He shrugged, pointing to over to where the phone was.

Chapter Forty-Eight: Loneliness

“I didn’t lie to you.”

“Really?” Gavin questioned, he looked really hurt. “So, when I was telling you everything about my parents. It never crossed your mind that I was spilling out all my secrets to you, but you didn’t even bother trusting me?”

“Okay, so I didn’t trust you. But, I didn’t lie to you.”

“Ali!” Gavin yelled, his hands gripping the cell bars tightly. “Oh, wait that isn’t even your real name?” Gavin laughed, but it sounded forced. “Was Tommy even really your brother?”

I looked down at my hands. “He is my brother, but his real name is Thomas.”

“You’re pathetic.” Gavin spat at me, his eyes raged.

“Gavin…” I called out, walking over to him.

He shook his head, looking at the ceiling. “I can’t believe I did this for a bet.”

I gulped, stopping in my tracks. “A what?”

“A bet, Ali! It was a bet to get with you in my bed before the end of the year and I lost. And I have never been so happy in my damn life that I lost a bet because all you are is a desperate pathetic loser, who doesn’t give a fucking damn about anyone else but herself.” Gavin yelled, out. His eyes looking at nothing but my teary ones, “At first I did this whole thing. Getting to know you, because I wanted to win. But, then I began to really know you. I fell for you harder than I have ever fell for someone in my entire life. But, little did I know while I was falling for you, all you were doing was playing with my already broken heart.”

I choked out a sob. “I might have lied to you. But, at least I didn’t try to get to know someone to fuck them.”

“Alice.” My dad called out, in a warning tone. He looked at me with sad eyes, “I think it is best if we just go. Leave this deranged boy to himself.” He said, looking at Gavin in disgust.

I turned around, shaking my head. “I have to do this dad or else I might not ever have the chance.”

I turned back to Gavin taking a few steps towards him. “Even before I came to this school. I heard things about you, bad things. People told me to stay away from you, not to engage with you. But, I was so stupid I didn’t listen. I saw the good in you while others saw the bad.” I shook my head, “I saw so many good and remarkable things in you, which hardly anyone ever gets to see. Believe it or not, it touched me. How you could practically raise Garrett on your own, showing him all the good still left in the world and shielding him from the bad. I fell for that Gavin, not the one standing here and accusing me, not even bothering to let me explain.”

He raised his eyebrows at me, “Explain? Explain what, Alice?” He said, spitting out my name like it was poison in his mouth.

“Explain myself, explain why I did this all.” I pleaded.

He shook his head, taking steps away from the cell. “Well, there is a difference now because I don’t want to hear it.”

I took a few steps towards his cell, but my father’s arm pulled me back. “It’s time to go, Alice.” He said, in a strict tone.

I looked back at Gavin one last time, letting out a forced laugh as I finally realized something. “Weren’t you the one, who told me that you weren’t going to pressure me into telling you my big secret? Well, you didn’t. So why are you pressuring me now?” Gavin looked kind of shocked for words.

“Do you really think I meant that? Of course I didn’t, I wanted you to tell me but I also wanted to fuck you. So whatever, it doesn’t really matter anymore.”

Holly didn’t say anything for a couple of moments, probably due to me groaning in annoyance into my pillow. But, when she did say something… it was probably the last thing I wanted to hear.

“Gavin came back to school today.”

“Did you talk to him?”

“No…” Holly said, squinting her eyes, “How do I put this..? Well, he’s been kind of avoiding me lately.”


“I am not too sure, but I am pretty sure it has something to do with you.” I sighed, deeply. “I am not going to lie though, I am pretty glad that he has been avoiding me.”

“Why do you say that?” I asked, a little hesitant to know the answer.

“Gavin’s kind of looking a little roughed up around the edges…” She said, trying to figure out the right words to say.

“How roughed up?”

“Like he has been to and from hell twice and met the devil on his way that he got the living daylights beaten out of him.” Holly said, truthfully.

I placed my hands on my face, “This is all my fault.”

“What did exactly happen between you two?” Holly questioned.

“We had a huge this huge blow out, he said some things. I said some things.” I rested my head on my hand. “Did you know that the only reason that he even began talking to me was for a stupid bet? Like I knew there had to be a reason why Ben tried to have warned me by kissing me, like why else would he do it?”

“Ben kissed you?” Holly exclaimed.

My eyes widened as I realized what I had said. Holly looked at me, as she waited for an answer. The word no, was on the tip of my tongue. But, lying was what had brought me into this mess in the first place and it wasn’t going to get me out.

I nodded my head, “Yeah. Ben kissed me.”

“When?” Holly asked, bitterly as a hurt expression flashed through her eyes.

I swallowed the spit that was indulged in my throat, “When we went off to Europe for Spring Break. He ended up in the hospital after he was shot and he confessed he had feelings for me and then he kissed me.”

“What kind of feelings?” Holly asked, her voice cracking.

“He said, he loved me.”

Holly got up from my bed as she turned around. I heard her trying to mask up her sniffles, as if she wasn’t crying. “Holls.” I said, getting up from my bed and walking over to her.

She flinched at my touch, “You had over a month to tell me you kissed the boy I loved. And you didn’t, what kind of cousin does that?” She asked, whipping around to look at me in the eyes.

I stayed silent, I was already too numb to say anything.

“If this is what Gavin did to you.” She said, gesturing at me up and down. “I have never been so happy in my entire life because Ali, you deserve to feel this way. Go rot in hell Alice, because that is where scumbag like you belong.” Holly spat, at me, before she opened the door of my room before running out.

All I could do was stare at her retreating body as she turned the hall. Just when I thought I had already cried all tears out… a few more just had to slip out.

I wrapped my arms around my body as I walked towards my bed. Is this what loneliness felt like? Because it was a pretty damn lonely feeling.


Hello Lovelies,

Fun Fact, I finished this chapter the day after I uploaded chapter 47. I was just being cruel and not wanting to update. I know you all want to kill me. But, I am sorry. You still got to love me… right? Anyways THE TRUTH COMES OUT. CAN YOU BELIEVE IT? Of course no one would want to know you are part of a bet like that… but things happen.

This is dedicated to MY FIRST PLACE ONE- SHOT WINNER THE LOVELY @ShakyShake PLEASE DO CHECK OUT HER BOOK Relish. It is amazing trust me. And if you do check out her book… you will make both our days because she is a fantastic writer and an awesome person. So check it out, for me? It’s in the external link.

PLEASE REMEMBER TO SUPPORT ME IN THE WATTY AWARDS OF 2014 AND VOTE, COMMENT, SHARE AND FAN! If we can get this chapter once again up to 2k comments and 5k votes. Next update should be up ASAP.

Also guys, new rule. You can pester me to update FOUR DAYS. After the last one, not the second after I updated. Cause I got waaay too many messages. Most of them sweet ones though so it balanced out. PS: The chapters ARE SUPPOSED TO BE SHORT. SO DON’T YOU COMPLAIN! Because what is the point of writing long chapters with unnecessary info, which isn’t even part of the story. You know who you guys are.



“Alice?” I soft voice, called out to me.

I turned my head to notice my mom looking at me with disappointed eyes. She opened her mouth to say something but I cut her off before she even had the chance.

“I know. I lied to you, I am sorry.” I said, rubbing my still but not as much pounding head.

“That’s… How did you know I was going to say that?” She questioned.

“Because it’s seems that I am apparently lying to everybody.” I said, sighing. “Look, I know I lied to you. But, please can we do this in the morning or something? Because I am honestly in no mood.”

My mom didn’t even bother to argue with me as she turned the other way. I was glad that she didn’t try to pressure me into saying something. She wasn’t like other people, I thought I knew.


“You really shouldn’t go in there, Holly. She isn’t in the best state at the moment.” I heard Thomas say, as my door opened.

“It’s okay. I got this, I think I need to talk some sense into her.” I heard Holly reply, as I heard footsteps retreating as the door softly closed.

“Alice?” Holly called out, softly to me.

I just buried my head further deeper into my pillow. It has been days since I have left my room. All I have been doing was laying on my bed and sobbing into my teddy bears. Melinda would usually bring some food up to my room and I was too depressed to watch the news knowing that I was on it.

I was probably making headlines around the world. ‘The President’s Daughter… Gets arrested?’ 

Holly began to approach closer to my bed, when she spoke up. “Oh God… What died in here?” She said, as I heard her gagging.

“Well, if you must know it was my life.” I said, sarcastically sitting up on my bed to face my cousin.

She sat at the edge of my bed, probably didn’t want to get any closer to me because I probably reeked worse than Thomas after taco night.

“How are you feeling?” She questioned, looking genuinely concerned.

I shrugged, “Do you really want to know?”

“I asked, didn’t I?”

“Well, I am feeling lonely.” I muttered, smoothing my hair over because it was too tangled to run my fingers through it.

“I would hug you and say I am there for you. But, you kind of reek, so… I am just going to say, I am there for you, Ali.”

I rolled my eyes, changing the topic. “How’s school?”

She raised one eyebrow at me, “Do you really want to know?”

“I asked, didn’t I?” I said, mimicking her.

“Well, I am not going to lie. It has been hectic. Everybody has been gossiping about you, there are some pap’s still lingering around outside of the school in case you know, you show up.”

“They never took an interest in me before, so why now?”

“Well, you are the daughter of the President of the United States and you got arrested. Correct me if I am wrong, but don’t you think that sound news worthy to you?”

“I don’t even know what news is worthy anymore! I don’t know what is up or what is down… like I am just so annoyed at the world.” I said, grabbing my pillow and bringing it up to my face.

I looked away from him, knowing if I made eye contact with him a new batch of tears would start spilling out. “You’re a hypocrite.”

“So, I’ve been told.” He said, a disgusted look on his face.

“Bye Gavin, if I ever see you again. It would be too soon.”

“Feelings mutual, Alice.”

My heart began to feel heavy and my chest, congested. I felt my father’s arm on mine as he pulled me around as he silently walked me out of the room.

As soon as I left the room, they were three guards outside waiting for my father and I. Turning my head to the left to see a guard standing next to me, as soon as my eyes fell upon him. I could feel my already broken heart breaking to even smaller pieces.

My father was standing in front of me talking to the two unfamiliar guards, as I stared at Ricky in disgust.

He reached out to me, but I flinched. “Don’t touch me.”

“Alice.” He whispered, softly.

“Don’t you Alice, me! You honestly couldn’t have done that? For me?”

“I couldn’t lie to your father.”

“But, lying to his daughter and breaking a promise is okay?” I spat at him.

He looked a loss for words. He just turned away, hopefully he was feeling as shitty as I was right now.

“Alice, they are paparazzi outside. The three guards are going to surround you and I as we walk to the car where your mother is patiently waiting. You are to keep your head down at all times and not say anything to the paparazzi even if they say anything to you. Do I make myself clear?”

I nodded my head, knowing as soon as I get into that car. I was going to be killed by my very own mother.

“Wipe those tears of your face.” My dad ordered, “You are already going to be a headline. You crying is probably just going to make it worse.” He said, fixing his tie.

I ignored the stabbing feeling in my chest as I tried to focus on the task ahead of me.

Almost immediately, when my father had opened the doors of the jail I was blinded by the flashes of the camera lights as the paparazzi yelled out to my father and I.

“Mr. President, what do you have to say about your daughter getting arrested?”

“Do you think this is going to take a toll on your reputation as President?”

“Alice, care to make any statements to why you have gotten arrested?”

“Where you driving under the influence of drugs?” Another paparazzi yelled out. I leaned against Ricky as we tried to make our way through the crowd of people my dad was following closely behind Ricky and I, with two other guards behind my father.

When we had finally reached the black SUV, Ricky quickly pulled open the door pushing me inside. My father went towards the passenger seat, getting in.

I took in a deep breath, watching the blinding lights as the cameras still flashed the tinted SUV windows.

Never in my whole life, have I experience something like that before. Yes, during some vacations where we go they are paparazzi but they are usually held back and not in my face.

“Parker said his men was controlling the paps, if by his men he meant Darrell. I am not quite surprised of the outcome.” I muttered, to myself as the car lurched forward.

Chapter Forty-Nine: Forgive, Not Forget

“Don’t people ever get tired of the same colors of froot loops?” I mumbled, to myself. Swirling around the four remaining froot loops in my bowl. “Honestly, change it up a bit.” I sighed, finishing up my last few bites and drinking the remaining milk left in my bowl. 

“Hey Alice,” I looked up from my bowl to see Thomas stroll into the breakfast room. “How you feeling?”

I shrugged, lately Thomas has been really concerned with my feelings. It has been three weeks since I left the house and every single day he would ask me how I was doing. He was also being strangely nice to me, like I was a ticking time bomb waiting to explode.

“You know you don’t have to ask me every single day how I am doing.” I said, to him. “I am feeling a lot better now. Honest, to God.” I said, raising up my right hand and placing it over my heart.

“Alright, whatever you say sis.” He muttered, not believing me.

I shook my head, “No. I am serious, I am even thinking of going back to school and getting some knowledge implanted in this brain of mine.”

“You’re actually going to go back? That’s great!” He said, looking genuinely happy for me.

“Yeah. But, not the school you are thinking of. I am coming back to homeschooling.”

“What? Why wouldn’t you just go back to school? Real school, the place where you can socialize with other human beings.” Thomas said, not looking very happy with my decision now.

“Thomas,” I began. “I socialize enough here, why would I want to go and socialize out there? In the real world?”

My brother just slapped his hand on his forehead in return. “Something is really wrong with this generation.” He muttered, to himself.

“Look Thomas, if you think that I am actually going back to where Ben, Holly and Gavin are. Than for a smart kid you are pretty stupid because there is no way in hell that I am stepping foot in that school ever again.”

Marco came into the breakfast room, placing Thomas’ orange juice and eggs in front of him. Not saying a word as he left the room with his head down.

Thomas turned back to look at me, “Did you know that statistics show that around 72 million kids are not in school?”

“Okay?” I responded, not knowing where he was going with this.

“Don’t you realize that some children dream of going to school? They would kill to be in your position and have the opportunity that you have.” Thomas continued on. “Don’t you ever stop and realize that I am one of those children too?”

My eyes widened, slightly. “Thomas,” I called out to him, as he just got up from his chair taking his breakfast with him and walking out of the room without a backwards glance.

I just stared at the spot my brother once sat, looking at it for a couple of minutes. I think I knew what I had to do.


“Dad?” I asked, knocking on the door to the oval office.

The situation felt all too familiar.

“Yeah, that is fine. No, no. you just do your job and I will do mine and I will get it sorted it as soon as possible.” My dad looked, at me as he continued to speak on the phone. “Yes, I will be meeting with him in the next few days so don’t worry about it.” He nodded his head, “Alright thank you. Alright, goodbye now.” My father said, hanging up the phone.

I raised my eyebrows, “When did you become so wise?”

“I learned it from you.”

I smiled, holding my arms out to her. She walked into them, wrapping her hands around my body as we both hugged each other. I hugged her as if I haven’t seen her in years, even though it has only been three weeks.

“I am so sorry, Sarah. I never meant to hurt you or anyone for that matter.” I whispered, burying my face into her shoulder.

“It’s okay. Because in reality, I know I will forgive you but however that doesn’t necessarily mean I will forget.” She whispered. A smile made its way on my face as I didn’t let go of her.

“Hey Ali?”

I nodded my head, “You can call me Alice if you want.” I said, thinking that was what she wanted to tell me.

She shook her head, “No. it’s not that… It’s that there is a big black haired man who looks like he can eat me, making his way over here.” The fear clear in her voice.

I laughed, releasing her turning around to face Ricky who was making his way down the hall rather quickly. “That’s Ricky.” I said, as Ricky grabbed my arm pulling me beside him as he glared at Sarah.

“Ricky this is Sarah.” I said, removing his hand off my arm. “Don’t worry she isn’t a threat or anything, the girl is scared of spiders.”

“The damn thing has eight legs. Who has eight legs?” Sarah said, looking at me with frightened eyes.

I rolled my eyes, “Sarah, Ricky is my bodyguard. And Ricky, Sarah is one of my best friends.” I said, introducing the two as Sarah gave Ricky a shy wave. I could still tell she was scared of him.

Ricky nodded his head at Sarah, his way of greeting a person without making a conversation. He then turned back around, walking back towards the spot where I left him before.

“One of?” Sarah questioned me, as I turned back to look at Sarah.

“What do you mean, one of?” I asked, a tad confused.

“It means, that you still consider Holly a friend.”

I sighed deeply, “What are you talking about best friends for?” I asked, repeating her words. “And how do you know what happened between me and Holly?”

“She might have, accidentally told me.” Sarah said, grimacing.

“She told you all of it?” I asked, hesitant to know the answer.

I took a deep breath. It wasn’t that I was mad with Sarah that she knows what happened between me and Holly, the one thing that I have learned is that the truth comes out eventually, one way or another.

“You do know why she was so upset in the first place, right?”

I crinkled my eyebrows in confusion, “I thought she was mad at me.”

Sarah shook her head, “That was after your whole fight.” Sarah explained. “You honestly don’t know, your parents didn’t tell you?”

I shook my head, Sarah knew Holly and I were cousins. And that my dad was Holly’s mom’s sister that was one thing we didn’t keep from her.

“The day before your whole fight was the last day of the trial against Holly’s parents and who has custody of her. That was the reason why she was coming to your house in the first place.”

The wheels began to churn in my head as I finally began to understand what she was telling me. I knew Holly’s dad had moved out of the house because they were having problems, but I didn’t know it was this bad. Yes, I was aware that there was going to be a trial but judging on the look on Sarah’s face, I knew it wasn’t going to be a good answer.

“So, who won?”

“Well, Holly’s mom won the right to keep the house.”

“That’s great, see Holly is staying.” I said, faking my enthusiasm, for Sarah’s sake. Even though she was my cousin I was still mad at her, nevertheless.

“You didn’t let me finish. Holly’s mom might have won the house, but her dad won Holly.”

I looked at Sarah with a confused expression. “What are you trying to tell me?”

“Holly’s moving away.” She said, finally coming out with it. “For good.”


I rolled my eyes, “Don’t worry I get it. And you wouldn’t have to worry about me signing any autographs, I am pretty sure I am labeled as the school’s liar. So, I doubt I have to worry about anyone fan girling over me.”

My mom just looked at me with sympathetic eyes, “Honey…” She began, but I cut her off with a wave of my hand.

I shook my head, “Let’s just get this over with.” I said, signalling to Ricky to follow me.

I knew it was lunch time, so most of the students would be in the cafeteria eating lunch. So I didn’t have to worry about a mob attacking me or anything to do with that. It was also pretty quiet outside, so my guess was that the paparazzi finally got the hint that I wasn’t coming back to school or well that’s really what they assume. Little did they know I still had some personal items I needed to clear out.

I had to beg my mom to let me go to school myself to clear out my locker. She was originally going to send Ricky and a few other guards to do it. But, I begged and pleaded with her until she let me go. I was thankful dad was in a meeting or else he would have forbidden me to go anywhere even if I did have my mother’s consent.

“Stay here.” I said, to Ricky. My locker was just a few sets down from where Ricky was standing, there was a clear view to my locker. However, I didn’t want the attention I could get if someone walked down this hall and saw Ricky in all his black clothing glory.

“Don’t you want me to go with you?” He questioned, making a move to follow me.

I shook my head, blocking his way. “You have a clear view of me. No one is going to attack me, trust me. I think these people are more civilized than that. And if someone does happen to come towards me or speak to me. You can just intervene, happy?”

Ricky nodded his head as I walked over to my locker. My locker was at a secluded part of the school where the Arts wing was and the only people who usually walked here, were the drama, music and art students and teachers. And considering there wasn’t a lot of them, I am pretty sure I would be more than fine.

Once my locker was opened I proceeded to dump all of my contents into my former school bag.

“Ali?” I heard, a soft voice call out to me. I turned my head to see Sarah standing beside me, looking at me with wide eyes. “What are you doing here?”

I just stared at Sarah, with a blank expression. She didn’t scream, yell or curse at me and considering that was the reaction I was mostly getting from others. To say it was expected that Sarah would act to me so calmly, is an understatement. 

“I’m cleaning out my locker,” I said, grabbing a few more books out.

“Oh,” She said, continuing to stare at me.

It was quiet for a few moments when I finally decided to speak up. From the corner of my eye I could see Sarah staring down at her shoes. I knew she was just as flabbergasted on what to say like me. “A-are you mad?” I questioned, getting right to the point.

She tilted her head at me, scanning my face for an answer. “Not anymore, at first yes. I thought you were my friend, after all you befriended me, when really it should have been the other way around considering you were the new girl.” She said, looking down at her shoes once more.

“But, as days went on my anger diminished and I began to understand why you did this whole thing in the first place. In my opinion, I don’t think you should have gone so far with keeping it from your friends that you are the daughter of the man who runs this country. But, what can you do know? The past can’t be erased, changed or forgotten it can only be accepted.” She said, giving me a small smile.

He looked down at his desk, writing something on his paper. “What do you need Alice, because I am terribly busy at the moment.” He spoke, not bothering to look up at me.

“I was talking to Thomas and he said some things that really made me open up my eyes.” I said, walking over to the chair in front of my dad’s desk and taking a seat.

“Yes, Thomas does have that effect on people.”

“Well, yeah. But, I was kind of wondering what would you say if I asked you that I wanted to go back to school again?” I asked, scratching the back of my neck.

“I would say you are crazy, then say no.”

“But, why not?” I questioned.

“Alice, did you not see what happened three weeks ago? You were in your room for the last two weeks moping around and refusing to come out. And when you finally do, you want to go back to school? I am sorry, but that is not happening.” My dad said, in his final tone.

“But, I have rights. You out of all people should know that.”

“Alice, you are not going back to school and my decision is final.” My dad said, leaving no room for argument. But, knowing me I just had to say something in order to get him to understand my situation a little better.

“You and mom, taught me from a young age never to give up on my dreams.”

“So, now going to school is a dream for you? I can make that happen, there is still homeschooling available.”

“No, dad you aren’t listening.” I complained, “School is a dream for 72 million children worldwide and believe it or not Thomas made me realize.” My dad looked genuinely surprised, I nodded my head. “I know. The boy who thought the sun was a planet, made me realize that I was wrong.”

“Alice, I just don’t think it is a good idea or a good time. I am in the middle of so many projects-“

“Dad?” I whispered, cutting him off. “I am finally getting back on my feet after three weeks and here you are trying to tear me back down. Aren’t father’s supposed to help the child rise up, above and beyond?”

“You are not listening to me, Alice.”

“And you aren’t listening to me either, dad.”

Just then the phone started ringing. “I think you should just go.” He said, making a move to pick up the phone.

I let out a snort, “And you wonder why I get arrested? Or why Thomas spies on the security cameras in this house for a living.”

“You’re brother does what?” He asked, as if he didn't hear me the first time, stopping himself before he could answer the phone.

I shook my head. “Forget it.” I said, turning around and walking out of the room.

“Alice!” He called out, calling me over. I turned back around, crossing my arms over my chest and began to tap my foot, repeatedly. “I was supposed to give this to you a week ago, but things came up.” He said, opening his drawer and fishing through some papers before he held an envelope out to me.

I took it, cautiously. As I looked down at the title of the envelope. I let out sigh, stuffing the envelope into my back pocket knowing there was nothing more in this moment, I would like to do than rip the envelope into a million of pieces. But, sadly I couldn’t find it in my heart to even come close to doing that.


“You got ten minutes. No more, no less.” My mother instructed, glancing at her watch. “You are not to sign any autographs, chitchat with anybody or whatever you teenage girls do now a days.” My mom said, “Do you understand or do we have to go through it twice, like your brother?”

Chapter Fifty: Menstrual Cycles

“So how long will you be gone for?” Thomas asked, my parents as they shrugged on a light coat.

“A week at the most, we will be back next Sunday and I expect nothing to be broken.” She said, looking at Thomas. I stifled a laugh, but she soon turned to me with a glare. “And no one in this house making world headlines or trending on twitter.”

Thomas let out a snort, “You were trending for two days, with the hashtag ‘Alice gets arrested.’”

I rolled my eyes, “At least people know me.”

“Not in a good way.”

“Look, just listen to Melinda and Robert and nothing will go wrong.” My mother, said trying to assure herself rather than us.

“You are not allowed to leave the house under any circumstances. You got me kids?” My father said, looking at me in particular.

I just shrugged, it was like I was in lock down. The last day I left the house was Friday and that was only to clear out my locker from school.

“What if there is an emergency?” Thomas asked, suddenly.

“Like what?” My father asked, Thomas narrowing his eyes.

“Like someone might have possibly hacked into some confidential records and the FBI is tracking the hacker as we speak?” Thomas mumbled, looking down at his shoes to avoid eye contact.

I widened my eyes, as my mother let out a shriek. “You did what? Thomas Justine Montclair, what on earth did you do?”

My brother let out a groan, as he tilted his head back. “You honestly couldn’t have given me a boy’s middle name?”

I stifled my laugh, as I looked away knowing if I made eye contact with Thomas I was going to burst out laughing.

“Your mother and I were expecting another girl. And your mother really loved the name Justine.” My father explained, trying to explain the rationale of picking Thomas’ middle name.

He nodded his head, “Because that makes so much sense.”

“I will be calling Ricky when I am on the plane to let him know that all of your electronics including your computer is confiscated while we are gone. We will be having a serious chat about this hacking business you have going on because frankly it is unacceptable.” My father told Thomas in a strict tone.

I let out a few chuckles, “What is unacceptable is that a ten year old can hack into confidential records and that doesn’t scare you guys at all? Knowing that if he could do it, then anyone can.”

“There is no way he could get into them without leaving a trace.” My father said.

I shrugged, as my mother came around to give Thomas both and I hugs and a kiss on the cheeks. “Be good.” She said, to the both of us.

I shrugged, grabbing the dress in my hands. “It’s nice. But, I don’t think I am going to prom. Considering the whole population of the school thinks I am a liar.”

Sarah sighed, her hands clutching her light pink dress as she admired it in the mirror. “I knew you were going to say that.” She said, turning to face me. “But, don’t you think maybe you should go. You have never been to a school dance and isn’t prom like ever girls dream? I know it is mine.”

I glanced at the dress in my hand. “But, my parents.”

Sarah rolled her eyes. “Screw what your parents think. They aren’t always going to be there to shelter you every single step of the way, are they?” I shook my head, no. “Exactly. So get your ass into that dressing room and try the dress on this instant.”

My eyes widened, I have never heard Sarah swear before. And when it came out of her mouth it sounded so foreign.

I listened to her, nevertheless. Stripping my clothes off and pulling the white dress over my head. When I had put it on, I walked out of the changing room unzipped.

“Hey could you zip me up?” I asked, Sarah. Who was still admiring her pink dress in the mirror. She walked over to me, as I pulled my hair up to let her zip me.

Ever since the last time I had cut my hair, it has grown significantly. My dark brown hair was now past my shoulders and I could finally tie it into a proper ponytail.

Once she was done, I turned to face Sarah. “So what do you think?” I asked, twirling around.

She gasped. “It looks beautiful.” She said, softly.

I smiled as I walked to the mirror. The dress had fit me perfectly, it was beautiful and hugged all the curves of my body. It also had a small train which I admired.

“You have to get it.” Sarah said, grabbing my hair from the back and placing it all on one side. “And you have to go to prom. Gavin won’t be able to take his eyes of you.” She let out a slight snort, “What am I saying? Gavin always had his eyes for you and only you.”

I didn’t know what to say. I wanted to go to prom, but I didn’t want to be in more trouble with my parents that I am in now.

“I’ll take it.” I said, as I continued to look myself in the mirror.

I heard Sarah let out a squeal from behind me. “Great! I will let the sales lady know.” Sarah said, disappearing of to the front of the store, still in her prom dress.

“This is for you Gavin,” I whispered. “And only you.”

I wanted to make things right with Gavin. I know he hated me for lying when he was being honest with me, yes he did just use me for a stupid bet which I am still pissed off about. But, knowing that he and the rest of the school peg me as a liar and most probably a scamp. Is something I don’t want to be known for and by going to prom to make everything right is what it takes. Then God dammit, I am going to prom and there is nothing my parents can or do that will change my mind.

He let out a snort, as his attention went back to the screen. “I am good, thanks.”

“How about this? You get to spend a day with two prodigies that go to that brainy school in central DC.” I said, remembering the conversation I had when I first met Sarah and she told me about her two brothers. I am aware that they were two years older than Thomas but something told me that they were going to get along just fine.

“You mean Worthington? The Worthington?” Thomas asked, his jaw dropping open and his eyes wide with shock.

I tilted my head, “I think so.”

“You are aware that it is one of the toughest prodigy schools in the entire country. To get in you are might as well be the next Einstein.” Thomas said, still clearly in shock.

“Okay. Look, will you accompany me or not? Because we need to get moving, my friend.” I said, glancing at the time on my phone.

“Okay. But, how in the world are you going to change Ricky’s mind. He knows that we aren’t allowed to leave.”

I waved my hand in dismissal, “Don’t worry. I got this.” I said, as we left Thomas’ room.

“That’s what I am afraid off.” I heard Thomas mutter, from behind me.


“Thanks for coming with me again, Alice.” Sarah said, rummaging through dresses.

“No problem. Ricky was persistent on letting me leave the house when he heard my excuse.”

Sarah stopped rummaging through dresses when she looked at me with raised eyebrows. “What’d you do?” She asked, hesitantly.

“I told him I leaked through my mattress.” I said, smirking. “Told him it was the time of the month and I was out of tampons and pads so he insisted that he drives me to the local mall to get whatever I needed.”

“He didn’t think of driving you to the drugstore or something?” Sarah questioned.

I shrugged, “I don’t think so. He seemed kind of in a panic when I told him what happened.”

“Then how did you get your brother out of the house?” She questioned.

“Well, at first I was going to make up another stupid excuse for Thomas. But, as I was leaving the house Thomas followed and when I had asked if he could come with, Ricky didn’t even bat an eyelash. He was just too frantic to get both of us out of the house as fast as possible. I am pretty sure he thinks that I was going to die of a menstrual cycle.”

Sarah chuckled, “That was very cruel of you.”

“Don’t even go there, you are the one who needed me.”

She rolled her brown eyes, “It doesn’t even matter at this point. As long as the twins and Thomas remain at that tech shop by the front we could shop for hours. Jake and Justin love that store, something about the latest models and gadgets.”

I snorted, knowing that Thomas was going to now make that store home. Just like he did with the pantry at home, he labeled all of the foods or well the ones that he liked his. And if there was anything missing that had his name on it. Trust me, when I say Thomas will know. Sometimes I think that he had installed a secret camera in there, I am just not a hundred percent sure where considering the pantry was very large.

“Why don’t you try on this?” Sarah asked, holding out a white chiffon dress out to me. It was a pretty dress and had a V-neck cut out something that I usually wouldn’t wear, because my father deemed anything that had a V-neck as inappropriate.

“Sorry, I am still under lockdown.”

“You’re kidding me? Will this lockdown continue into prom?”


I could imagine her nodding her head, “Yeah. Why else do you think I want to go shopping? I hate it, the only reason I am going is because Andy asked me to prom and I have absolutely nothing to wear.”

Shopping wasn’t exactly my thing and I doubt my parents would even let me go to prom. “I am sorry Sar, but I don’t think I can go. My parents just left and I doubt anyone would let me go.”

“Please?” Sarah begged.

I sighed, “Why can’t you just ask Holly or something?”

“Holly’s not going either.”

“Why’s that?” I questioned, curious.

“That’s the weekend she is packing up for Montana. She is leaving with her dad the following week.” Sarah explained.

I bit my lip, I still didn’t understand why she is moving with her father. Didn’t she have a choice in the matter?

“Sarah how come her dad won the right to keep Holly? Nothing is wrong with her mother, she is perfectly fit and capable to care for Holly.”

Last time I checked, Aunt Teddy was a very successful Business Woman. I didn’t understand it wasn’t like she was unable to care for Holly, she was. She has been for the last seventeen years.

“Holly’s parents are both fit to care for her. Her dad had decided he wanted to move back to his hometown in Montana and wanted Holly to come with her, while her mother was planning on staying here in DC. The judge allowed her to choose who he wanted to pick, because she is over the limit.”

“And she picked her dad.” I mumbled.

“Yeah,” Sarah said.

“Why?” I questioned, “There is only a month left a school anyways.”

“She wanted to escape everything.”

“And by everything you mean, me.” I told Sarah.

I could imagine her giving me a pitiful look, “I am sorry Ali.”

“It’s okay.”

It was quiet for a few minutes, I was too consumed in my thoughts to say anything. I couldn’t believe Holly would leave the place she grew up just because of one stupid fight. Over a stupid boy. Okay, Ben wasn’t stupid but you get me.

“I will go shopping with you.” I said, not caring that my parents grounded me. This was important to Sarah, it was important to me. Plus she was the only one who wasn’t mad at me.

“You will?” Sarah asked, excitement clear in her voice.

I nodded, “But, we might have some company with us.” I said, glancing at Thomas’ direction a smirk on my face as the wheels began to churn. “Meet me at the mall in an hour, I will meet you by the entrance.”

I heard Sarah shriek, “Thanks. I love you.” She said, not before hanging up.

I glanced in Thomas’ direction as I placed my phone down. Thomas noticed the look I was giving him and he gave me dirty look in return. “Whatever you want the answer is no.”

“I doubt you want to say no to me. Trust me.”

“And why is that my dear sister?” Thomas asked, mockingly.

I shrugged, “You get something in return.” Thomas raised his eyebrows, waiting for me to continue. “You get to spend time with me.” I said, enthusiastically.

I nodded my head, “Mom. You left as thousands of times before why are you so worried about us now?” I questioned.

My mother just raised her perfectly sculpted eyebrows, “Do I need to repeat myself about your brother’s hobbies and you trending?”

I just chuckled nervously, “I am good.”

My mother just rolled her eyes, “Be good. I love you.”

One of the guards opened the front door for my parents as they were ushered outside. They were flying to England for the week for some political business that I paid no attention to whatsoever.

We waved as they shut the door behind themselves. I stared at the door for a couple of minutes before I turned to Thomas. “What do you want to do while-" I cut myself off when I noticed my brother was no longer there.

I sighed, knowing exactly where he disappeared off to.


“That is not fair.” I said, exasperated. “You can’t have beaten me, you know nothing about cars.”

Thomas just scoffed, “What does Mario Kart have to do anything with the knowledge of cars? I beat you in a stroller.” He said, amusement in his voice.

I rolled my eyes chucking my controller on the couch as I took a seat. After Thomas has disappeared back into the cave he calls his room, Melinda and Ricky came up to confiscate all of his electronics. It took a lot of yelling and prying to remove Thomas off his computer. He held onto that thing as if it was his baby and it was being taken away by the government or something. But I could imagine that’s exactly how he felt at that very moment.

“What do you want to do now?” Thomas questioned, taking a seat next to me.

I shrugged as my phone began to ring. My phone was the one thing that my parents didn’t take away from me, they took my laptop but didn’t bother with my phone because unless they needed me or if I wanted to sneak away they could easily track me. Which I found stupid because where could I possibly go?

“Hello?” I said, into the phone waiting for a response.

“Get out of here you morons!” I heard Sarah yell from the other end.

“But, we want to ask her something!” I heard someone respond.

“Yeah, Jake and I knew there was something different about that girl. We just want to ask her things regarding security about the Whitehouse.”

I heard as she let out a groan, “I swear to God. If you guys don’t get out of here I can promise you that there will be one less missing twin in this house.”

I chuckled, as I heard a door shut loudly. “Hello?” I repeated into the line.

“Hey Ali!” Sarah said, “Sorry you had to hear that. But, the twins-“

“They wanted to talk to me.” I said, filling in the rest of her sentence.

I could imagine her smiling on the other end. “Yeah. They saw all the headlines and everything and when they finally connected the dots like the rest of the world they keep pestering me to invite you over so they can attack you with their questions.”

I smiled, Sarah’s brother’s reminded me a lot of Thomas and I could imagine that they both would get along great. I looked at Thomas who was just looking at me confused to who I was talking to.

“So, what’s up?” I asked, changing the topic.

“I was wondering if you wanted to go shopping with me.”

Chapter Fifty-One: Prom Kisses & Disses

"She's in here." I heard the voice of Melinda say, as my light switch was turned on. I wasn't fully awake nor was I fully asleep, however I was conscious enough to hear if someone opened up my bedroom door.

"Thanks." I heard who I believed to be Sarah's voice.

I turned over to my side, letting out a slight groan. "Go away," I muttered.

A few seconds I felt someone rip the covers of me as I sat up in bed. Turning to look at my culprit who had the guts to disrupt my sleep.

When my tired eyes landed on Sarah, no offense but I felt even more annoyed. I love the girl, but waking me up at eight in the morning is cruel.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, rubbing my eyes.

"I told you, I am coming over to get ready for prom tonight."

I let out a yawn, "Yes. But you said you were coming at twelve not eight in the morning."

She narrowed her dark eyes at me, "Ali. It is twelve. Well, twelve thirty. See I was even nice enough to give you half an hour more of sleep. Your welcome, now get your butt out of bed and hop into the shower."

I ran my hands through my hair, "Why?" I whined, "The dance starts at seven not three. Why on earth do we have to start getting ready now?"

I said, knowing that I was honestly only going to take me a half an hour at the most to do my hair and makeup. So I honestly did not understand why we needed five hours to get ready.

"Because I booked us an appointment with Olga."

I gave her a skeptical look. I was kind of scared to as her who was Olga because it sounded Russian and already her name sounded scary.

Sarah must have noticed the look I was giving her because she spoke up. "Olga was the one who dyed my hair red. I trust her enough to do your hair and trust me it will look better than whoever dyed your hair because your roots are already beginning to show."

I narrowed my eyes at Sarah, touching the top of my hair. "Well you have ugly shoes."

Sarah raised her eyebrows at me. "I am not wearing any shoes," She said, looking down at her feet.

"Yeah, because they are ugly." I said, childishly.

"Just get in the shower," Sarah said, her voice showing signs of frustration.

I rolled my eyes, swinging my legs off my bed and walked over to my bathroom. I opened the door and was about to shut it when I remembered something.

"I might not like your shoes, but I like you." I said, giving her a cheeky smile. "And I know you love me too." I said, "But, maybe not as much as you love Andy."

"Could you just go take a shower?"

I rolled my eyes, as I slammed the bathroom door behind me. I love how she didn't even deny when I said Andy loves her because I am pretty sure she felt the same way.


"I am still not a hundred percent sure why this is all necessary?" I muttered, as Thomas, the twins, Ricky and Melinda were standing with us as we took prom pictures.

"Like, is this supposed to be some kind of magical night or something?" I asked, as Melinda snapped some more pictures of Andy and Sarah.

"Shut it, Ali before I shut it for you." She muttered, to me as she continued to pose for the camera.

I rolled my eyes, "Can we just go already? I think I could already feel the makeup dripping off due to the hot mess in the room." I uttered, sarcastically.

"I have eggs and I know where you live. Don't provoke me." Sarah said, giving me a sarcastic smile.

"Well, I have a Thomas and more than a hundred security cameras."

Sarah just glared at me in return.

"Ali, stop provoking her." Andy said, directing his attention to me.

I rolled my eyes, as we did a few more group shots before we were allowed to leave. Sarah and I had invited Andy over, since he was Sarah's date we decided it would be best if he just came over so we could go by limo to prom rather than the limo going to pick him up. Mainly because we were already late as it was.

"Alight kiddos, have fun. Don't do anything stupid," Melinda said, giving me a smile.

I nodded my head, as I noticed everyone's eyes on me. "Hey! If anyone were to do anything stupid it would be Thomas."

"I don't do stupid things." Thomas denied.

I gave him a flat look, "Really? Do you want me to tell them about the time when you-"

"Hey guys, how about we go and check out the security room?" He said, to the twins as he ushered them out hearing range.

"Just be safe? I shouldn't be letting you go but I know it wouldn't be fair to let a girl not go to their prom." Ricky said, giving me a small smile.

I nodded my head, giving him a tight lipped smile. I was itching to yell out how I didn't want to go in the first place but I knew if I did Sarah would have my head.

"Alright, we better be going and don't worry we will have the first daughter back before midnight." Andy said, shaking Ricky's hand as he ushered Sarah and I out the door.

Sarah and Andy walked together toward the limo hand in hand while I trailed behind them like a major third wheel.

I muttered a thank you to the driver of the limo who was holding the door open for me as I made my way inside, seating as far from the lovey couple as possible.

Resting my head against the seat I closed my eyes, tuning out Sarah and Andy as they continued to complement each other on how they look.

My thoughts began to wander on how hungry I was. Since the last time I had gotten the chance to eat was a slice of bread because Sarah rushed me out of the house before I had the chance to eat a proper breakfast. Which I was kind of disappointed about since Saturday was Pancake Day.

We went to the hair appointment where Olga had touched up my roots dying my hair back to its somewhat normal color also curling my hair pinning it away from my face.

She had also done my makeup doing it light which I was thankful for. I didn't want heavy makeup because knowing that it was going to be a room full of hot sweaty dancing teenagers it was a good thing everything was kept light.

Sarah's makeup however, was done like 1950's inspired. With bold red lips and big curls that were pulled to one side I am not surprised that Andy is having a hard time keeping his hands off her.

My eyes began to feel heavy as I started to feel sleepy. Which was odd because I slept until noon, but considering I was up until three in the morning I wasn't surprised.


"Can we get all the nominees for king and queen up on stage please?" Andy asked, speaking through the microphone.

I yawned as I watched as some boys and girls got up on stage. The only people I actually recognized from the crowd of six was Ashley.

After my nap in the limo, Andy and Sarah kept teasing me about how I snored and my stomach kept growling as I slept. And the only one that I believed was the story about my stomach because if you have been surviving on a slice of bread your stomach would be making whale sounds too.

I felt a nudge on my bare arm as I turned my head, "Yeah?"

"What are you waiting for? Aren't you going to go?" Sarah questioned, nudging her head to the direction of the stage.

I raised my eyebrows, "If you haven't noticed I am trying not to draw attention to myself." I said, gesturing my hands to the tons of people who were whispering and staring. "And anyways why should be going on stage? It wasn't like I was nominated."

I heard Sarah let out a weird sound. "Oh, did I know tell you?"

I turned back to face her slowly. "Tell me what exactly?"

"That you were nominated for queen," Sarah said, gently.

"I was what?"

"You were nominated-"

"I know what you said!" I snapped, "Why didn't you tell me?" I asked, frustrated.

"Well I knew if I told you, you wouldn't want to go because of all the attention it might bring to you."

I opened up my mouth to speak when I was cut off by Andy's voice booming through the banquet room. "Is Ali Clair or Gavin Storm in the building? Or should I say Alice Montclair." Andy said, chuckling into the microphone.

Everyone was now turned around facing me, there was a circle of people around me and Sarah just staring at us-well mostly me.

I was debating on whether to book it or not and judging by the shoes I decided to wear I was pretty sure that I would not have gotten far.

"I know you both are in the building because I saw you. So, now you have five seconds to make your little asses to the stage or you deal with me."

"Go Ali," Sarah whispered, into my ear. "You don't want to deal with Andy when he is mad." She said, giving me a gentle push towards the stage.

The crowd of people soon made a gap, a walkway leading up to the stage stairs. Right then and there, I felt like I was in a re-enactment of the Mean Girls Movie. The scene when Cady was nominated for queen and everyone made a walkway for her leading up to the stage.

In this case I was Cady, but instead my parents weren't here looking for me. Instead they were on entirely different continent most probably have tea with the queen.

Once my feet finally remembered how to move, I quickly walked towards the stage. Keeping my head down and trying not to look at all the eyes that were silently judging me.

Once I made it on stage it was clear that I was the center of attention.

"Thanks for finally making you way up here to join the rest of us commoners Alice." Andy said, joking.

I pressed my lips into a thin line ignoring all the laughs and chuckles he had gotten from the audience.

"Now all we wait for is Mr. Gavin Storm." Andy said, "Gavin you there?"

My eyes searched the crowd but I couldn't see that far. I had seen Gavin walk in with Ashley around his arm, I don't know what compelled him to come here but he did and I was kind of glad. I made sure that he wouldn't see me so I hid behind the crowd of people who watched the come in.

He was in a black suit and had a black tie that matched Ashley's dress. So it was positive that they came to prom together, he didn't bother combing his hair because he was still rocking the bed hair look which I loved on him.

My eyes widened, as I began to realize what was going through my brain.

"Just announce who won, already!" A guy from the crowd yelled, interrupting my thoughts about Gavin. Followed with multiple agreements, "We want to go back to dancing for the love of God!"

"I know that was you West and your definition of dancing is grinding on some poor girl. And trust me when I say nobody wants to see that." Andy said, firing back at this West character.

There was laughs and cheers from the audience, it was probably because they agreed with Andy. "Now, you all have voted and you picked one girl-" Andy said, stopping midsentence to gesture at us girls. "And one guy-" He said, gesturing at the boys. "As your king and queen. It was a tight race. Oh who am I kidding? It was a landslide victory for the boys. Because you have chosen as your prom king the only one who isn't on this stage. Gavin Storm." He said, stuffing the card that held the names into his pocket.

"Now for the girls. It was a tough one, this girl won only by a few votes compared to her opponent. You have chosen as your prom queen Ashley Rome!" He said, his voice booming throughout the room as applauds also began to fill up.

I clapped for her too as Ashley stepped towards the girl who was holding out a tiara.

Rolling my eyes, I began to head to the stairs leading up to the stage with the rest of the nominees. What I didn't understand is why Andy would force me up here if I didn't win.

"Now, I know I shouldn't be doing this but Alice can you come over here?" I heard, Andy's voice call out to me. I stopped midway, my back was turned to him and I was kind of afraid to what was going to happen if I went over there. "Please?"

I slowly turned my body around as I made my way to him. Everyone else was off the stage including Ashley who I expected to make her big thank you speech for being crowned.

Andy was exactly like Sarah he wouldn't do something he didn't mean and especially if it hurt someone in the process.

"A lot of you know Alice as Ali. She was talked about constantly and not only for the fact that she started school in January. But, because she was known to lie about who she really was. But, that is not the case. Alice didn't lie about anything other than her name, and in my opinion is completely understandable if your dad was in charge of running one of the most powerful countries in the world." Andy spoke, into the mic as I debating in my head on whether to thank him or throttle him.

"Many of you are either talking shit about her or praising her for leaving. But, it honestly should stop because I don't blame her for leaving the way she did. You all heard rumors or read articles or even saw the trending hashtag on twitter. But, none of you even bothered to think what her side of the story was and what made her do what she did." Andy said, looking at me. "And I for one want to hear her story, Alice?" He said, softly stepping aside and gesturing me towards the microphone.

I was hesitant on whether or not to speak to my fellow classmates but when Andy nodded his head toward me I knew that what he said was coming from the heart and that Sarah was God damn lucky to have someone as great as he was.

"Hi." I said, into the mic. "I don't think I need to introduce myself judging by the way you all are staring at me or well the ones that I can see." I said, I couldn't see the people farther back due to the spotlights.

"I don't know what to say other than sorry. I know I wasn't as close to all of you other than my own group of friends but I do know that you all deserve an apology. I am sorry for a lot of things but I am not sorry for why I did it. I did it for my safety and when you have a father who is wanted dead sometimes it is hard to say that I am not scared and that I do not care about my safety because I do." Nobody uttered a word, everyone's eyes were on me not saying anything.

"Three out of the six people I actually conversed with only knew my secret. Two of them were family and one of them found out on her own." I said, my eyes searching for Ashley. "The other two took the news gently and understood why I did it and did not judge me. The last one refuses to be even in the same room as me or well the same stage as me." I said, knowing that Gavin was somewhere in the crowd and even though I couldn't see him I knew he was listening.

"Gavin I know you are listening and I know that you're a pissed at me. But, don't act like you are the angel in this situation. You are just as wrong as I am. The only difference is that I am willing to admit my mistake, you aren't. Everything that you told me and shared with me, I didn't once take for granted. I cherished those moments and I would do anything to have those moments with you once more." I said, pouring out my feelings to the entire senior class. "I am sorry and I love you." I admitted, as hushed whispers filled up the room. "Thank you." I said, turning away from the crowd and walking off the stage.

A few seconds later the music was back up and running and everyone was having a good time again.

"Hey Alice?" I heard someone call out to me. I turned my head and saw my face looking at a bunch of boys, right away I knew they were the jocks of the school just because how built they were. "Nice speech out there and I am sorry for tripping you on the first day. But, if it doesn't work out with Storm you know who to call." A blonde guy said, to me winking.

I gave him a tight smile as I walked away, shuddering. I knew he looked familiar, the boy who tripped me with the big mouth was what I called him because I hadn't bothered remembering his name.

I pushed myself through groups of people dancing. A lot of people stopped me to say that they forgave me and how they wanted me to come back to school. Some even said, I had nothing to apologize for because if they were me they would have done the exact same thing. Which I was thankful for.

When I finally reached Sarah she was dancing with Andy. They were an adorable couple but there dancing was something else.

"Hey guys," I said, tapping on Sarah's shoulder.

"Ali!" She said, throwing her arms over my shoulder.

I hugged her back, "That was a great speech you did out there. I am glad Andy forced you to do it."

"I didn't force her, you forced me to force her." Andy said, pointing the finger at Sarah. "You said, if I didn't rig the box with nominations for queen with Ali's name you would never kiss me again."

I raised my eyebrows, as the truth spilled out. "You did what?"

"I got Andy to get you nominated for queen so you can be right with the world again," Sarah said, with wide eyes as she waited for the impact of my frustration.

I looked at her with sincere eyes, "Thanks. Because someone had to help me."

She smiled, "No problem. Now all you have to do is fix your relationship with Gavin, Ashley, Ben and Holly and you are all good."

I knitted my eyebrows in confusion, "If anyone has to fix a relationship with Ashley it is you."

She rolled her eyes at me, looking back at Andy. "Where's Gavin?"

Andy tilted his head to the door, "After your speech he booked it out of those doors. He wouldn't have gotten far so I am pretty sure you can still catch up to him."

I nodded my head, thanking Andy and heading towards the doors that Gavin went through just a few minutes ago.

I knew Gavin like the back of my hand. The only place he would go to be alone is somewhere no one could find him and considering the banquet hall didn't have any spare rooms, I knew that he would be heading outside. Specifically the parking lot.

Once outside my eyes scanned the entire parking lot for a messy brunette in a very handsome tuxedo. I shrugged the image I had of Gavin out of my head.

There was barely any cars in the lot. The only cars that were there were probably the staff cars because everyone had come in style.

I kept walking when I saw a silhouette of a person sitting down on the curve. The person's back was facing me but I knew right then and there it was Gavin.

I felt my pulse begin to quicken as my feet suddenly forgot how to move. I was only a few steps away from him but I knew that he notice my presence or hear the beat of my pounding heart which I thought was loud enough for him to hear.


He turned around, he looked surprised to see me. "W-what are you doing here?" He questioned, sounding defeated.

"I wanted to talk." I said, my feet finally remembering how to move as I walked closer towards him.

"You seem to be doing that a lot lately?" He said, turning back around.

"And you haven't been doing enough talking, lately." I replied, "Can I take a seat?"

He shrugged, "Even if I were to say no. You would do it anyways."

I ignored him, taking a seat next to him. I knew sitting on a dirty curb was probably going to make my dress muddy but I honestly couldn't care less.

"So, how are you?" I said, trying to start a conversation.

"Why do you love me?" Gavin blurted out, getting right to the point.

"What do you mean?" I said, not expecting him to say this.

"I am rude, stubborn, manipulative, a liar. Why would you like someone like me?" He asked, his voice strained.

"You might see yourself like that, but I don't." I said, trying to reassure him.

"Really? Because last time I checked I used you. I lied to you and had no reason for it. You had a reason and yeah sure I am not okay with it but it was still a better reason than I had. All I wanted was to get you in bed to prove everyone that I am still a player and nobody can change that." He said, blurting out all that he has been containing in ever since I announced to the school that I loved him. "How could you love somebody like that?"

I looked down at my painted red nails, "I don't know."

Gavin didn't say anything else as we just sat there in silence.

A few minutes had passed when Gavin finally spoke up. "Were you ever going to tell me who you were?"

"No." I admitted.

"Wow, so all I was to you was a puppet on a string?" He asked, his tone of voice harsh.

"No, because the person who I was when I was with you was really me. I never once lied to you, because Tommy is a nickname for Thomas. I used to call him that when he was a little baby because I found Thomas to be such a mouthful."

Gavin just stared at me, his expression was blank. "The only thing I kept from you was who my parents were. And last time I checked, my parents weren't my personality."

"Why should I forgive you? I am not like the rest of the idiots in there. My judgement of you can't just change because you are good with words."

"Because you love me just as much as I love you." I admitted, just throwing the most dangerous word that I knew out there.

"And how could you prove that?" He asked, looking at me skeptically.

"Like this." I said, grabbing his face in my hands and bringing his lips towards mine as I moved my lips against his.

He didn't respond for a couple of seconds before he responded finally grasping what I was doing. I was in charge of the kiss but it didn't last very long before Gavin took over, his mouth was hot against mine as the kiss began to get more intense. He tasted like peppermint and alcohol.

He pulled away resting his forehead on mine. "Is that all you got?" Gavin questioned, breathlessly.

I shook my head, "You've seen nothing yet." I muttered, closing the gap between us and placing my eager lips onto his once more. My hands made its way into his hair as his hands were roaming my body, he didn't place his hands so far down due to because were sitting down but he respected the privacy which I was thankful for.

Half my body was now leaning on Gavin as he pulled my body closer to his. His lips licked the bottom of my lips for entrance, I was hesitant for a few seconds before he bit down on my lip causing me to open up my mouth in surprise. Our tongues mingled and I could swear right then and there, that this kiss with Gavin could beat anyone's kiss even a kiss with Leonardo DiCaprio in his teen age.

Gavin was the first to pull away, when his eyes got wide. He looked at me with same wide eyes as I just stared at him. Unsure to why he broke the kiss.

He pushed me off him, as he stood up. Pacing back and forth, he seemed to have a lot going on. When he finally stopped walking back and forth he looked at me with a regretful look.

"That shouldn't have happened," He said.


"I am only eighteen. The only person I have ever loved was Garrett and my mom. And look what happened to her? She left." He said, sounding hysterical. "I can't love you because all you are going to do is take it and run and I refuse to let that happen to me again."

I didn't know what to say. I was speechless.

I stared at Gavin with no words, my mouth was slightly agape.

"I-I have to go." Gavin said, turning around and walking away. As more pieces of my already fragile heart was breaking more so.

Saying that I saw standing in an empty parking lot as I watched Gavin's figure walk away is a lie.

Not only I am now hurt even more than I ever should be. But, I also do know that getting Gavin to speak what about what just happened a few seconds ago is going to be harder than I ever wanted it to be.

I rubbed the goose bumps starting to appear on my arm as I folded my arms over my chest as I tear made its way down my cheek.

I wasn't stupid and I knew that whatever just happened with Gavin and his panic attack. I knew it had something to do with our kiss and it kind of freaked me out that he unable and scared to love somebody other than Garrett.

I looked up to the sky as I felt a few raindrops starting to fall down. "Why does everything bad have to happen to me?" I muttered, staring up at the sky.

Chapter Fifty-Two: Lost Boys

“Imagine if that happened here,” Thomas whispered, both our eyes glued to the screen in front of us.

I watched as we watched the dome of the United States Capitol exploded into pieces. “They would be mayhem everywhere.” I whispered back, shoving some more popcorn into my mouth.

Today was the day mom and dad came back from England, so Thomas and I are taking the last few hours we have of peace to watch White House Down.

Thomas suggested it, the only reason being he wanted to see all the explosions that the movie contained. I on the other hand, agreed only because it had Channing Tatum and no girl could say no to that.

We were in the screening room, designated for movies or to let Thomas play his video games.

The only sounds that were heard was coming from our mouths as we chewed and from the television as sounds of the ambulances and fire trucks filled the room.

There was a knock on the door, causing Thomas to let out a groan. If there was anything Thomas hated more than vegetables was being interrupted when he was watching a movie.

I stopped the movie as Ricky came in. “Hey guys.” He said, coming over to us.

Thomas glared at Ricky. “Can we help you with something or did you just interrupt us for no reason at all?” Thomas questioned.

Ricky narrowed his dark eyes at Thomas, “Watch it bud. You aren’t even allowed to be watching television in the first place.”

Thomas turned his head back to the screen, muttering to himself as he slouched down in his seat.

I ignored my brother’s rudeness, giving my full attention to Ricky. “So, is there a reason you interrupted us?”

Ricky scratched the back of his head as he looked at me awkwardly. “There’s something or well someone that I think is here for you.” 

“O-okay?” I wasn’t quite sure where this conversation was going.

“Just come with me.” He said, waving his hand to follow him as he walked out of the screening room without any other words.

I got up from my seat to catch up with Ricky, but before I left I turned back to Thomas remembering something. “Don’t you dare continue the movie without me.” I warned, I hated when he did that because then he would refuse to go back to the parts that I had missed.

Thomas just let out another groan as he waved his hand at me, not making any more comments. I heard him muttering to himself but he didn’t say anything more.

I ignored him, leaving the screening room and walking down the hall in search of Ricky. I walked past the front door when I heard some voices coming from the kitchen.

Once I entered the kitchen my eyes automatically went to Melinda. She was talking to a little boy, but his back was faced towards me so I couldn’t get a look at his face.

“Where are your parents?”

The boy didn’t respond, he just shook his head.

“What’s going on?” I questioned, walking over towards Melinda.

“The guards found this boy outside the gates wandering. They asked him where his parents were but he didn’t say anything.”

“Did you guys call the police?”

“We were going to, but then the boy gave us this letter.” She said, handing me a letter.

I grasped the letter in my shaking hands as I noticed my name written on top of the envelope in messy handwriting.

I opened up the letter, curious to what was inside of it.


I just needed sometime alone. I know you won’t understand- no one will. Please just take good care of him, it’s only for an hour or so. I know I don’t deserve this after what I did to you. But, please do it for me. I am sorry.


I read the letter twice kind of shocked what he had done. I looked up to the boy who was seated on the chair, facing Melinda.

I couldn’t see his face, but I knew right then and there it was Garrett.


He had turned around, looking at me with a blank face. “Hi Ali!” He said, giving me a small smile.

“How long were you out there?” I asked him, taking a seat next to him.

“I don’t know but Gavy said to give you the note when I saw you.”

I nodded my head, looking down at the letter in my hands. “Hey Melinda, can you grab him something to eat?”

She nodded, quickly dispersing from the scene.

“How long was he out there?” I asked, Ricky who was staring at Garrett with confused eyes.

“The boys say that they noticed him an hour ago. They said they saw him wandering with tourists but there was no adult with him so that was when they approached him.”

I nodded my head, not comprehending why Gavin would dump Garrett like that at my door. Well not literally, my gates.

Was Gavin stupid? Garrett could have seriously been injured or kidnapped if it wasn’t for the guards. Garrett wasn’t a puppy or a stray cat, he couldn’t just leave him outside like that.

Melinda came back with some cookies and milk, she set it in front of Garrett who immediately dove in.

“Garrett, did Gavin tell you where he was going?”

Garrett nodded his head, “he said he wanted to see mom.”

I immediately stood up from my chair, turning to Ricky. “Once he is done with his plate of cookies, bring him to the car. We are going for a little ride.”

Ricky nodded his head, not asking saying anything more.

I was going to visit Gavin and I was going to sure give him a piece of my mind.


“Are you sure you want us to stay here?” Ricky asked, as he stepped out of the car. “We could come with you all, if you want?”

I shook my head, grabbing Garrett’s hand. “No. This is something we have to do. Right Garrett?” I asked, looking down at the little boy.

Garrett just nodded his head in return. One of his hands was entwined with mine and the other one was holding a bouquet of flowers.

“We won’t take long.” I told Ricky and Melinda who nodded their heads.

“Okay we will be here waiting, give us a call if you need anything.” Ricky said, going back to the front of the car. Melinda waved at us, blowing a kiss towards Garrett who did the same back. On the ride here it was pretty noticeable that Melinda had grew quite found of Garrett.

We walked in silence towards where the boy’s mother was laid to rest. On the way here, I noticed Gavin’s car was parked in the parking lot. So I was not wrong to know that what Garrett had told me was correct.

As we got closer, I pulled Garrett behind a large oak tree. There mother’s tombstone was a few steps away from it and I didn’t want Gavin to see us.

We quietly watched Gavin talk to his mother. I know this was considered creepy, watching the guy you love talk to his mother. But, a girl’s gotta do what she gotta do.

“I-I just don’t know what to do anymore, ma. She told me she loved me,” Gavin said, his voice cracking slightly and indication that he was crying. “No one has ever told me that before, only you and Garrett.”

I felt a tug on my shirt as I looked down at Garrett. “Yeah?”

“Who’s he talking to?” Garrett asked, looking at his brother with confused eyes.

I gave him a small smile. “Your mom.”

“Where is she?” Garrett asked, still looking at me with confusion.

“Heaven.” I said, crouching down to become eye level with the four year old. “Why don’t you go and talk to her?” I said, encouraging him.

“Will she hear me?” Garrett asked.

I nodded my head, handing him the bouquet that he had placed on the floor. “Every single word.”

Garrett nodded his head at me as he walked over to where his brother was sitting. Hunched over with his head in his hands as his body shook violently.

I watched as Garrett approached him cautiously, tapping him on the shoulder. Gavin jumped, startled as he turned around with wide eyes as he saw his brother standing before him.

“Garrett? What are you doing here?” Shocked, clear in his voice.

“Ali, brought me here.” I winced when I heard Garrett say that, I didn’t want him to know that I was the one who brought him here. But, truth was who else would have brought him.

“Where is she?” Gavin asked, once more.

I hid behind the tree, hoping and praying that Garrett would not give up my location to Gavin.

“She’s behind that tree.”

I let out a groan, knowing that my prayer weren’t answered.

A few seconds had passed and there wasn’t anything coming out of either of the boys mouths. So I took that as my cue to check what was happening.

I let out a shriek when Gavin’s face appeared from the other side of the tree. “Fuck,” I said, letting out a curse, clutching my beating heart.

“What was that for?”

“Oh would you stop being overdramatic. I wasn’t trying to scare you,” He said, rolling his eyes.

I ignored him, noticing from the corner of me eye Garrett stroking the tombstone of his mother. Gavin must have noticed the stare that wasn’t directed to him.

“Why’d you bring him here?”

I looked back at Gavin whose eyes were red and the tear stains were clearly visible. “Why did you leave him at the gates of my house? You basically just abandoned him. And you didn’t even call or text me to let me know, he isn’t a puppy Gavin he is a human being.”

“But, I knew that you would find him.”

“But, what If I didn’t? What if some creep was walking by and kidnapped him. What would you do then?” I asked, a little annoyed that he would do that to his own brother.

“You still didn’t answer my question.”

“And you still didn’t answer mine.”

Gavin didn’t brother responding to me, he just stared at me with blank eyes. I ran my hands through my hair, “Look he is now in your capable hands. I am just going to go now.” I said, turning around to walk away.

“Wait, Ali!” Gavin called out, to me.

I stopped in my tracks I wanted to turn around but after yesterday I didn’t have the will too.

I felt his hand on my shoulder as he turned me around so I could face him. “What?”

“I am a jerk.” He said, sounding defeated.

I raised my eyebrows, “You realize that now?”

He shook his head, “No. I realized that a long time ago. I didn’t just hurt you once, I hurt you so many times and walking away from you yesterday as you stood there crying your eyes out-“

“How did you know I was crying?” I asked, shocked.

He scratched his head, “I heard you.”

My eyes widened, “You heard me and you didn’t even bother to turn around?” I asked, appalled.

“No, Ali-"

“Goodbye Gavin,” I said, taking a few steps back from him. “J-just stay out of my way or better yet out of my life.” I said, not wanting anything to do with him anymore.

I turned around and walked away. When I heard him say something I never thought I would ever hear him say.

“What?” I said, stopping in my tracks once more. “What did you say to me?” I asked, looking at Gavin who was staring at me with the most sincere and apologetic eyes.

“I love you, Alice Elizabeth Montclair. I never stopped loving you after the day I woke up with you in my arms when we fell asleep on my truck, I knew right then and there I was crazy in love with this girl. I was just too scared to admit it.”

My heart was thumping so loudly in my chest, I wanted nothing more than to run into his arms and kiss the daylights out of him but I had to have more dignity than that.

“You can hurt me with the fucking truth, but don’t you dare try to comfort me with a stinkin’ lie.”

“I am not lying,” He protested.

I let out a bitter laugh, “Really because I find that hard to believe.”

“I am not the same person I was back then,” he said, walking towards me.

I raised my eyebrows, “You mean a day ago?”

I know I was acting a bit rude and dare even say it- a bitch. But, could you honestly blame me? I wasn’t just going to run into his arms forgiving him just like that. I was going to make him work for it.

“You love me I love you. What are you so afraid of?”

“Being hurt again.” I said, truthfully. “Especially by someone you care so deeply about.”

“I will never hurt you, again.” He said, pleading.

“How’d you know?”

He took a few cautious steps towards me. “I don’t,” Gavin whispered, his breath fanning my face. “But, I can promise that I will try not to.”

He grabbed my face, stroking his thumb on my cheek. “Believe me, please.”

I looked down, not wanting to see those broken eyes anymore. “Don’t say you love me unless you really mean it, because I might do something crazy and actually start to believe it.”

I took step back from him, knowing that if I continued to make eye contact I was going to run right back towards him. “Goodbye Gavin.” I whispered.

But, I guess he didn’t take that as his cue to stop fighting because the next few words that came out of his mouth really touched my heart.

“The last few things my mother said to me before she died was something I will carry in my heart forever. Do you want to know what it is?” He asked me, but I didn’t respond.

“When a girl leaves, don’t let her walk away. You run the fuck after her and pour your heart out on the pavement. You tell her all the reasons why you love her and you better mean every word of it. Because she is your world, fight for her, protect her and don’t let her go because once she walks out on you there will be nothing left you can do.”

I didn’t say anything as I let the words that Gavin just uttered to me, soak in.

“If you think this is over, you are sadly mistaken. You forgave me once, Ali. And I could make that happen again.”

I shook my head, “Nothing hurts more than being hurt by the person you never thought would hurt you.”

“It was an accident,” I heard him say.

I shook my head, letting out a pathetic laugh. “Twice?” When Gavin didn’t say anything else I took that as my cue to leave, but before I could do that I had to leave him with something to think about.

“You aren’t sorry that you did it, you are sorry that I found out and Gavin that’s what hurts the most.”

Chapter Fifty-Three: Protests for Love

“How was your week, electronically free?” My father asked, Thomas.

Thomas shrugged, looking down at his pasta. “It was good.”

“What about you, Alice? How is homeschooling treating you, again?” He asked, taking a mouthful of pasta.

“It was good.” I said, repeating my brother’s words.

My dad nodded his head in return, not asking anymore questions. The only sounds of our forks hitting the plate as we ate our pasta in silence.

My parents had arrived from England quarter to midnight yesterday. Ricky said that they were going to arrive home around eight. But, he was wrong so we had rushed home for no reason.

They wanted to have a family dinner, considering they haven’t seen us all week. My mom thought it would be a good idea for us to catch up. But, there was nothing more I wanted right now to go back to my room and creep boys on boys on twitter.

Our quiet dinner was interrupted when a guard rushed into the room looking a little frazzled. “I am so sorry for interrupting your dinner Sir.” He said, addressing my father. “But, there seems to be protests happening outside the gates.”

My father had stood up from his seat, looking at the guard quite confused. “Protests about what, exactly?” My father, asked.

The guard shook his head, “Not about what. About whom.”

“Can you explain further, Richard?” My mother asking, becoming interested with the situation.

“There’s a young boy outside, probably around the age of eighteen or nineteen. He is leading a protest with a group of teenagers outside. However, the protests are not of threat. They are quite the opposite actually.”

“What do you mean?”

“Well Sir, the protests are for your daughter.”

My eyes widened, as I almost choked on my pasta. All eyes in the room were now on me, “The protests are for me?”

“Why don’t you all come take a look?” The guard said, motioning for us to follow him.

My father quickly walked after him. Thomas and I looked at each other before quickly getting up and running after our father and the guard, with are mother in tow.

The guard led us to the living room window. It had a good view of the gates, he held the curtains away from the window to give us a good look.

My father went first, as Thomas and I quickly went beside him looking out the window as well. I saw exactly what Richard had described.

The protesters were holding up signs a few of them said protests for love. Others carried pictures of my face or either hearts which were broken.

“Alice do you know those people?’ My father asked, sounding quite agitated.

I shook my head, my eyes on the boy with the bullhorn. “Yeah.” I whispered, “That’s Gavin.”

I heard my mother let out a squeal from beside me. “The same Gavin who you have feelings for?”

“She has feelings for whom?” My father asked, but I ignored him staring at the boy who captured my heart.

I heard my father and mother mumble some things to each other. But, I had paid no attention, my eyes focusing only on Gavin.

“I will be right back,” I muttered turning away from the window and walking out of the room.

I heard sounds of feet hitting the floor, knowing that my parents were close behind me. “Where do you think you are going?” My father demanded.

I shook my head, grabbing my shoes of the rack and putting it on. “I am going outside.” I said, stating the obvious.

“If you think I am going to allow you to go outside and be with a boy who got you arrested you are slightly mistaken.” My father said, taking steps towards me.

I let out a snort, “Whose going to stop me? Because it is not going to be you.” I pulled open the door before my father had a chance to say anything as I ran outside.

“Alice!” He yelled at me.

I ignored him, as I continued to run for the gates. When I got there, I yanked on the gates.

I turned towards the guards, “Can you please open them?” I asked, desperate.

I heard my father’s voice once more. “Don’t let her out!”

The guards looked at me with sad eyes, “I am sorry.” One of them said to me. “We can’t, orders from your father.”

I turned back around to see my father making his way quickly with a few other guards and my mother behind him. He looked beyond mad, but it still doesn’t compare to the day I got arrested.

I let out a sigh, as I yanked on the gates once more.

I noticed Gavin in the middle of the crowd, talking to them through a bullhorn.

“Who do we want?” He yelled, into the bullhorn.

“Alice!” The crowd yelled back.

“And when do we want her?” Gavin asked, the crowd.

“Now!” The yelled once more.

A smile made its way onto my face once more. It was an amazing feeling to think he was doing this all for me. It showed that he really, truly, deeply cared about me and he was doing all of this to show me.

I was an idiot if I was going to let him out of my grasp once more.

I felt a tap on my shoulder as my dad was now behind me with my mother by his side. “What do you think you are doing?”

“Running after the guy I love. What else do you think I am doing?” I asked, sarcastically.

My dad raised his eyebrows, looking appalled. “Excuse me? The guy you love?”

“Yes, the guy I love. Now, let them open those gates now or trust me when I say I will never speak to you again.” I said, seriously.

Yes, I was aware that it was rude for me to do that to my father. Or even to speak to him like that in the first place, but when he was basically holding me as prison inside my own home. You are bound to have some sort of rebellion sooner or later. It was just that I was still in the process of my rebellion.

My dad opened his mouth to speak, “Evan.” My mother said, resting her hand on my father’s shoulder. “Let her go. She is almost eighteen and is wise enough to make her own choices.”

My father let out a snort, “Wise? She got arrested!”

I rolled my eyes, “Are we still onto that? Its in the past.”

“Evan, do you really want me to bring up the time you got-" My mother spoke, not before getting cut off by my father.

“Victoria, you promised that you would not speak of that again.” My father said, serious. He then turned to me, “Do you really love him or is this just infatuation?”

I looked back at the crowd who was still protesting a few feet away from us. I knew they could see us, however they couldn’t hear us. Giving them just another reason to yell louder.

“I wouldn’t lust after a guy I end up in prison with. After all, you know what they say ‘cell mates for life.’”

My dad just stared at me, no trace of amusement in his face. He looked back at the guards, “Open up the gates and let her out.” He said, signaling to them to open them up.

A grin made its way onto my face. All the rudeness that I gave my father a few minutes ago has now disappeared into thin air. I ran into him with my arms held out open, “Thank you.”

My father seemed shocked by my sudden move of affection, his hands wavered along my back before he wrapped them around me. “You know everything that I do is because I love you.”

I smiled, hugging him tighter. “I know, daddy. I know.”

Once I untangled myself from him, I walked outside of the gates. The protestors were protesting on the right side, considering the gates opened on the driveway.

A few people began to notice me as I made my way through the crowd in search of Gavin. The crowd started to quiet down as more people took notice of me.

A few seconds later, there was only one guy still making noise. The guy with the bullhorn, I smirked as I walked up to him tapping him on the shoulder.

“Why are you all-" Gavin asked, into the bullhorn before turning around coming face to face with me.

His eyes widened, as he looked at me in shock. “Alice?” He asked me, still speaking through the horn. “You actually came out?”

I cocked my eyebrow, “You expect me not to come out when you organized a protest for me?”

He shrugged, “I was winging it.”

I smiled, lowering the bullhorn. “You don’t need to speak through that. I am right here.”

Gavin gave me a sheepish smile, “Sorry.”

I smiled back at him, as I gave him a hug. He wrapped his arms around me, planting a kiss on my forehead. I heard the crowd as they awed.

“It feels so good to have you back in my arms.” Gavin said, whispering in my ear.

I smiled, “I feel the exact same way.”

We hugged for a couple of minutes. However, once I pulled away I was only to be pulled back with a kiss on the lips by my one true love.

I kissed back, before pulling away. The crowd awed once more, as I found myself buried in Gavin’s shirt. Embarrassed to say the least.

I felt a tap on my shoulder as I pulled away from Gavin, “Holly? Ben?” I questioned, shocked that they were here, nevertheless holding up signs like the rest of the crowd. “What are you guys doing here?”

“Helping a bud, out.” Ben replied, giving a nod in Gavin’s direction.

I raised my eyebrows, “Bud? When did this happen?” I asked, looking at the two boys.

“When Gavin came over to my house groveling about how you didn’t forgive him and how he needs help to get you to forgive him.” Ben smirked, amusement clear on his face.

I looked back at Gavin, “You sacrificed your ego, for me?”

Gavin touched my cheek, “I would sacrifice my life for you.” He said, smiling.

I heard a few forced coughs come from behind me, as I turned back around. I made eye contact with Holly, my first instinct was to question her to what she was doing here.

“Hey Alice.”

I stared at her with a blank look, “Hi.”

She didn’t say anything else and honestly it couldn’t have gotten anymore awkward than it already was.

“Hey Gavin, how about I introduce you to some of the guards?” Ben said, nodding his head towards the direction of the gates as him and Gavin swiftly left, leaving me alone with my cousin.

“What are you doing here? Aren’t you supposed to be in Montana?” I asked, wasting no time to get to the point.

She scratched her nose, giving me a sheepish smile. “I am. But, I came back when Gavin called me up asking if I could come back to do this for you. He really loves you, you know?”

I nodded my head, my eyes drifting to Gavin. “I know.”

“But, that is not the only reason I came back.” Holly said, “Ali, you are my cousin. You’re family and to think that we are fighting over a stupid boy is crazy. If I was to recall you were the one who helped me with everything school, family troubles and even boy troubles. You are not only my cousin but you are my sister and I would not want to lose you. Especially for something so stupid. I am sorry and I hope you can forgive me one day.” Holly finished, giving me a small smile as she began to walk away.

I looked down at my wrist. I was wearing the charm bracelet that she gave me when we were ten years old. I knew that she noticed it because during her apology, she looked down at my hand.

She gave it to me when my father won the election. “Holly, wait!” I called out to her, chasing after her.

She turned around, lowering her sign. “I am so sorry,” I said, a tear slipping out from my right eye. A cue that there was only more to come. “You are the only one who I could completely trust and to think that we were so mad at each other I basically chased you out of the state, the feeling is horrendous.” I wiped my eyes, more tears spilling out.

Holly gave me a smile, as she opened her arms as I ran into them. We were both crying know, as we held each other tightly. I wasn’t just crying because we were now good with each other, but because she is no longer ten minutes away from me. She is a states away from me and there was no way she was coming back.

We let each other go as we both wiped our eyes, letting out chuckles. “Just to be clear. We are friends again right?”

I smiled, holding my hand out to her. “We are more than friends, we are sisters.” I said, as she grasped my hand tightly in hers.

She smiled as we walked back towards the boys.

For the first time in forever, things were finally beginning to look up and I was more than glad.

Chapter Fifty-Four: Grad Celebrations


Gavin protests his love for Alice outside the gates of the Whitehouse, Holly comes back and things are finally beginning to look up for the broken cousin relationship, Ben and Gavin also seem to have fixed there previous issues with one another and Mr. President learns to accept that his daughter will not give up her fight, for the boy that she's in love with.


"When I was picked to be this year's valedictorian, I was beyond overwhelmed. I had no idea what to say, but then I watched a show of Ellen and the ideas started flowing in." I let out a few laughs, along with the crowd. Her red hair was styled into a bob, showing off her strong jawline.

Xenia or X, as she introduced herself was beginning to wrap up her speech. I remember her from my Math class, she was the one who was seated next to Ben. I never really talked to her, but hearing her talk now. Made me realize why she was picked to be valedictorian, she is obviously smart, but she has a certain spark in her eyes.

Kind of similar to the one I see in Thomas' eyes when he beats his old record of how many pancakes he could consume.

"Ellen DeGeneres once said; follow your passion, stay true to yourself and never follow someone else's path. Unless you're in the woods and you're lost and you see a path. By all means, you should follow that." I smiled, I enjoyed hearing her talk. "Congratulations class of 2014." X said, waving to the crowd, heading off stage as she concluded her speech.

"Is it done yet?" Thomas whispered, from beside me.

I rolled my eyes, this was like his fifth time asking me. I turned to him, grabbing his iPod out of his hand, "If you were to watch what was going on maybe you would know."

Thomas glared at me in return, as I pocketed his device. I wasn't quite sure why he came to Gavin's graduation, however as we entered the auditorium I noticed how Thomas was eyeing the foods table and it was now starting to make sense.

"Why can't you just be like Garrett?" I muttered, my arms wrapped around the four year old who was seated on my lap.

"Because I am not four and I don't get amused by shiny things." Thomas fired back, eyeing my bracelet Garrett was playing with.

"Could you two quit your bickering?" Ricky asked, shushing us. "People are beginning to stare."

They were already staring the moment we arrived onto the football field, where this year's graduation was taking place- due to the amount of people that attended. They couldn't fit everyone into the school's gym, plus they were too cheap to rent out a good place. Holly and Sarah's words.

I tried my best to ignore the stares and flashes of camera's as people directed them toward us. We weren't anything important we are just kids of The President. It's not like we are the Royal Family.

I fiddled with my hands, I kind of did wish my parents were here instead off touring in Australia, because than it would take most of the attention off Thomas and I.

I turned my attention towards the podium where they now began to call students up one by one, alphabetically to receive there diploma's.

It wasn't long until the principal announced on the microphone one of the five people whom I was actually here for, "Benjamin James," Thomas and I clapped and even hollered as Ben got up on the podium to receive his diploma. "Andrew Perkins..." I laughed along with the audience when Andy began to do some weird dance, which mainly consisted of shaking his 'booty' to the audience.

"That's enough Mr. Perkins, thank you." Ms. Kuch, the school's secretary said, as Andy shook our principal's hand, taking a bow before heading off stage.

Ms. Kuch carried on with the list of names, "Holly Richards... Sarah Rose." We did the same as Holly and Sarah got up to receive their diplomas.

As for the whole Holly situation, considering that there was only a month left of school, it made more sense for her to graduate here rather than in Montana. So, for the last month of school she has been going back and forth to Montana every two weeks on weekends to see her dad and on weekdays she would stay in DC.

However, she did end up applying to the University of Montana getting into the department of psychology. So, after graduation she was planning on moving down there for good. Which to be honest, was a little hard on me. Considering we just kind of made up with each other, not too long ago.

While Sarah and Andy both applied to the University of California. Sarah for the program of theater, dance and performing studies and Andy for film studies. Both renting out an apartment nearby together leaving a week or two before school starts, in order for all of us to spend the summer together, minus Holly.

As for Ben, he's staying here in DC. Applying to the Metropolitan Police Academy, in order to become a police officer. He starts training a week or two after school is in session.

I tuned back in as, Gavin was next in line to receive his diploma. "Gavin Storm..." I clapped and hollered, louder than I did for anyone even my own cousin as Gavin got on stage.

Yes, a lot of the graduating class did whisper amongst themselves and peers. Who wouldn't? Everyone was shocked that Gavin was graduating to begin with. But, I was just happy that he pulled his grade up passing his exams and actually graduating with his year.

"Go Gavy!" Garrett yelled, but I doubted Gavin could hear him from where we were seated.

I smiled, when Gavin shook Mr. Chubby's hand. The relief on both of their faces looking into each other's eyes for the last time. All Gavin did to our principal was cause him agony and misery.

However, if I was in Mr. Chubby's place, it would take all my will not to break down in a happy dance while Gavin walked off stage.

As for Gavin and I? I had no idea where we were going to end up. I applied to all the same universities that Gavin had, completing my diploma through homeschooling. To be honest I didn't even know what programs he applied to, I never asked and neither did he. We hardly ever talked about our future, which did worry me.

We soon got to the end of the list, as Ms. Kuch said the final vows of congratulations.

"Congratulations, to the class of 2014." Ms. Kuch and Mr. Chubby said, at the exact same time. As students threw their caps in the air. Family, relatives and friends clapped for their loved ones.

Few minutes later the crowd began to disperse, looking for their new graduate.

"I am going to find Gavin," I said, handing off Garrett over to Ricky. "Don't lose him." I said, pointing to Garrett. "And make sure he," I said, pointing to Thomas. "Doesn't break, hurt or finish anything or anyone."

Ricky rolled his eyes as he waved his hand in dismissal heading in the direction of the foods table with the boys.

I pushed my way towards the crowd, some people stopping to say hello as I congratulated them not before quickly excusing myself. Half of the people or well most of them I didn't know, but they knew me.

"Gavin!" I called out, to him. His cap and gown in hand as he lifted his head up, making eye contact with me. I ran straight towards him, his arms wide open. The moment felt at all, too familiar. "Congratulations," I whispered, softly. My legs dangling from the ground as he swayed me back and forth.

"Thanks, nerd." He said, kissing me on my cheek as he let me down.

"Where's Garrett?" He asked, looking a little worried.

"He's with Thomas." I replied, as he gave me a troubled look. "Don't give me that look, Thomas is with Ricky."

Gavin raised his eyebrows at me in response, "is that supposed to make me feel better?"

I chuckled. Ever since, Gavin showed up outside the Whitehouse gates with a bunch of protesters confessing his love for me as I like to call it.

Things finally began to light up in my anything but boring life.

I still don't know where I stood with Gavin or what to call him for that matter, but it was a good feeling. My mom was right, my dad finally warmed up to the idea of Gavin.

It was hard on all of us, when I invited Gavin over for the first time to have dinner with my family. Awkward wasn't a term I would use to describe the atmosphere surrounding the dinner table, it was much worse than that.

However, even after that disastrous night. Gavin was still by my side and I doubt he was going anywhere, his words not mine.

He entwined his free hand with mine as we walked toward the direction where I had left the three boys last.

"Thanks for coming." He said, throwing his gown over his shoulder, pulling me closer towards him.

"I wouldn't miss you graduating for anything." I said, sincerely. "After all, you graduating is a shock to everyone. No one thought that you would be able to do it. With that non-existent brain of yours, did you see the look when Mr. Chubby handed you your diploma, he never looked so relieved in his life." I teased.

He casted his eyes to the ground, the mood changing quite quickly. Guiltiness for making fun of him, quickly washed over me.

"Gav?" I whispered, "You know I was joking, right?"

"Yeah. I know you were, it's just that..." He sighed, frustration evident in his tone.

"You're thinking about your mom, aren't you?"

It was moments like these, I felt helpless. I don't know what it's like to lose someone you love so much, the only person that I have ever lost to death was my grandmother on my mother's side and even then, I didn't know her that well.

He let go of my hand, running his hand through his hair. "I just miss her so much."

"I know you do."

Letting out a defeated sigh, looking at me with tired eyes. "Is it bad that after all these years I still hope this is all one big dream and that she's still alive?"

"She's proud of you, remember that."

Gavin just nodded his head in return, saying nothing more.

He looked more miserable than Thomas, when he found out that dad was the one who was exchanging his lost tooth for money. Trust me when I tell you, I have never seen a six year old cry harder than Thomas did when he found out the truth, he was sad and mopey for the next two weeks.

I felt the gift I had in my back pocket for Gavin. I reached for gift, making sure that it was still there.

"So... Cake?" Gavin asked, nodding at the foods table.

"Cake." I repeated, as we headed towards the line of people waiting for their turn in the food line.

What's supposed to be the happiest day of his life, is turning out to be one of his saddest days. I stared at the blank look casted upon his face.

I knew that I was going to do something to change it. Of course with a little help from my special gift.


I slammed the truck door, hopping out of the passenger seat.

I didn't give much of a choice to Gavin when I asked him to drive me here. It wasn't for me anyways, it was more for him. You know, at least attempt to get him out of this slump that he seemed to put himself in.

Before we left I made sure that Ricky took the boys back to the Whitehouse, Garrett included.

"Why are we here?" Gavin asked, as he approached me.

"Because..." I started out, "you need to learn how to face your fears."

"And how is coming to the place I used to dance, supposed to help me in anyway?" He questioned, with a cock of his eyebrow.

I gave him an exasperated look.

"Fine," he said, frustrated. "What fears?"

"Fear of change." I stated, "Fear of letting go." Gavin just stared at me with a blank look upon his face. I grabbed his hand, entwining it with my own. "I know the death of your mother is something most people don't ever recover from. But, if I have ever learned anything about you is that you aren't like most people. You're stupid, careless, reckless, you have this weird habit of-"

"Your point?" Gavin interrupted, glaring at me.

"The point is, that you have a good heart." I whispered, softly. "And I am so proud to call you my boyfriend." I said, sincerely looking into those deep brown eyes that I truly loved so much.

"If I remember correctly, which I do. I don't recall, anyone asking anyone to be their girlfriend or boyfriend. If you want to put labels on our relationship." He said, serious.

I looked down, "I-I just thought that you know after everything that has happened between us that you would have wanted to be my boyfriend."

"So you assumed?" A smirk appearing on his face.

"Well, yeah..." I muttered.

Gavin let out a chuckle, "you know what I love? After everything that has happened between us, that I could still make you just as flustered as I did the first day that I met you."

"I am not flustered," I protested.

"Really?" He questioned, cocking his eyebrow, "because it looks to me that someone is having a hard time expressing their undying love for me."

I narrowed my eyes at him, "you're having fun aren't you?"

He grinned at me, placing his forehead against mine. "More than you could ever imagine."

I took a step back, two could play at this game.

"Okay. Since I am not your girlfriend. I am pretty sure friends don't hold hands, kiss or even touch each other like you seem to have a hard time learning not to do." I said, ripping my hand away from his as he was quick to reach out to me.

He took a giant step towards me, grabbing my hand and bringing them to his lips. Blowing on my hand, "is the option to be friends with benefits, still on the table?"

I let out a snort, "goodbye Gavin." I said, with a roll of my eyes turning around as I began to walk away.

I heard him let out a snicker, as I counted down from three in my head. By the time I got to one, I felt arms circle around my waist as Gavin's mouth found its way to my ear.

"Just to be clear, if I do ask you to be my girlfriend will I be able to do this?" He asked, as he began to nibble on my left ear.

I began to wriggle in his arms as his mouth found its way down my neck.

"Or how about this?" As his teeth sunk it to my neck, causing myself to let out a slight moan. My eyes began to flutter close as I ignored the occasional car pass by and the fact that we were outside in public.

I felt as he begun to suck on my neck as he began to pave the way to create a hickey.

A few moments later, I began to come to my senses when Gavin licked my ear dragging his tongue towards my cheek. He rested his head on my neck, beginning to nuzzle me.

The fog that was occupying my brain a few moments ago finally began to clear up, when I finally took senses of what was going on.

I made a move in order to pull away from him. However, Gavin must have knew this was coming because he tightened his grip around my waist.

"Gavin stop," I said, trying to sound serious but it came out hazy.

"What did you say?" He asked, in between kissing all over my neck.

"Gavin, were in public." I muttered, trying to pull away.

"We could take this to my car?" He suggested.

I narrowed my eyes, but he wasn't facing me. "I hope you realize I am mad at you."

I felt him smile, his mouth pressed on my neck. "I know, nerd. I know."

He stopped kissing me, his face just buried in my neck, once again. None of us saying a word, it was kind of nice, besides the fact my neck and face was burning up due to my non-boyfriends touch.

"So, why did you make me drive here?" He whispered, his hot breath fanning my skin.

"I was going to give my boyfriend a graduation gift, but I don't seem to have one." I said, in a sarcastic tone.

I felt his head move away from my neck, as he lifted his head up. His hand quick to find its way to my back pocket, I let out a shriek as I felt his hand pull out the envelope I stuck in earlier.

I pulled myself away from his grasp as he looked at the envelope in speculation.

"What is this?" He questioned, looking at me with curious eyes.

"Hey! Give it back!" I said, making a move towards it but he was quick to raise his arm in the air away from my grasp.

"So, this is my gift?" He said, clearly enjoying himself.

"Did you not hear me? The gift was for my boyfriend."

"Which I am." He stated, shaking the envelope. "What's in here?" He questioned, shaking the envelope.

"First you kiss me without my permission, than you violate my privacy, now you take things that aren't yours." I muttered, crossing my arms over my chest.

He nodded his head, "yeah. Because, the envelope doesn't say Gavin Storm on it." He said, giving me his famous signature look as I stared at his name that I sprawled on the front earlier.

I knew I should have worn a sundress or something.

"And anyways, I violated your privacy when I kissed you."

"I could call my dad on you," I muttered.

"But, you wouldn't because no matter how much you despise me right now, you still love me." He said, making kissy noises, something that Thomas would most probably do.

I didn't say anything because even though I would much rather take the envelope and beat his sorry no good of an ass, however, we both knew what he said was true.

I kept quiet as he ripped open the letter that I worked so ever hard to put together. Note the sarcasm.

The rattling object inside the envelope, fell to the ground as Gavin ripped it open.

He looked down at the keys as he stared back up at me.

"You bought me a car?" He asked, looking at me in dismay as he bent down to pick up the keys.

He looked at the keys more carefully and I could have sworn I heard the wheels in his brain churning.

"You bought me a house?" He asked, shock evident in his tone.

I rolled my eyes, I was losing brain cells listening to him speak.

"You know that building over there." I said, pointing to the rundown building with the name- Linda's Dance Academy dangling from the top.

I watched as the name, swung softly in the cool breeze. That was most definitely a danger hazard, no wonder the whole area is off limits to the public.

"You mean the dance studio?"

"Look inside the envelope." I stated, as he did what he was told.

He pulled out a letter opening it. I watched as his eyes concentrated on the words as realization began to appear on his face.

"You bought me the dance studio?" He whispered, looking at me in shock.

"I didn't buy it, my dad just, you know." I said, hoping he knew terms that did not include the word buying or bought.

"Know what?"

"Never mind."

"So, the studio." He began, "is mine, again?"

Originally, the Dance studio belonged to Linda- hence the name of the academy. However, when she passed away and her daughter moved away. The academy was placed in Gavin's hands, after all he was a close friend to Linda and her family.

Gavin never told me the real reason to why the building was shut down. I learned from my father and he said that considering there were no classes taking place and Gavin couldn't keep up with the rent and plus the fact he was way too young to be owning one in the first place.

I shook my head. "Not yours. Ours." I stated, "After all, you're going to need a gorgeous secretary to help keep things running."

Gavin rolled his eyes, approaching me.

"I don't need a gorgeous secretary. What I need is a gorgeous girlfriend." He said, placing his forehead on mine as he stared not only into my eyes but my heart as well. "Do you know anyone who is up for that job?"

I shrugged, my hands finding their way up his torso and tanging my fingers into his hair.

"I have an amazing girl in mind." I said, with a slight smirk on my face.

He smiled, "you do?"

I nodded my head, "but it all depends. How much is the pay?"

"It's unlimited."

"On how much she gets paid?"

"Yes. If she doesn't mind getting paid in kisses."

I let out a snort, "I prefer the good stuff."

"The good stuff?" He repeated, bringing my body closer to his. "Like what?"

"Like money." I said, stepping on my tippy toes, as I grabbed his tie, tugging his lips towards mine.

"Well, Gavin Storm's kisses are much more valuable than money." He said, his eyes staring at my lips.

"Who says?"

His eyes flickered to mine for a brief second, "me."

I opened my mouth to deny that but even I couldn't when I felt his lips on mine. Both of our mouths moving in an incredibly fast rate, as if our lives depended on it.

I enjoyed kissing Gavin more than I loved skittles and even being compared to something as awesome as skittles, Gavin should be touched to say the least.

I pulled away from him when I heard a familiar sound coming from Gavin. His eyes widened, as he looked at me. His cheeks turning the same shade as his lips.

"D-did you just fart?" I said, in between giggles.

Gavin's face dropped as he looked at me with narrowed eyes. His lips were beyond red and swollen and I am pretty sure I looked the exact same.

"I didn't fart!" He whined.

"So, something just came out of your other end that had the exact same sound to it?" I questioned, trying to contain my laughs by biting my lip.

"It came from my mouth or well the back of my throat to be exact." He explained, looking embarrassed. "I guess you found my soft spot."

I was kissing his neck when he made that sound.

However, I wasn't quite sure I believed him.

"Really?" I said, my lips finding that exact same spot as I began to suck on it.

I heard as he began to pant his nails digging into my waist. A few seconds later I heard the exact same sound come out of Gavin that resembled a fart.

I began my second round of giggles as Gavin rolled his eyes keeping a tight grip on me as I laughed.

"Why do you make that noise?" I asked, my laughs finally beginning to subside.

He shrugged, "how am I supposed to know? I have never made that noise in my life."

I nodded my head, "okay. Whatever helps you sleep at night." I said, patting his chest with my hand.

Gavin opened his mouth to say something, however the sound of someone honking cut him off.

"Hey!" I heard a man shout, as we both turned to look at the man yelling to us from his car. "This is a public place, if you guys are going to have dry sex at least do it in your car."

My cheeks flushed in embarrassment, as the man drove away.

Gavin just shrugged, grabbing my hand and leading me towards his truck. "Come on, you heard the man. We will continue this in the car, girlfriend."

Stopped in my tracks, "what did you call me?"

Gavin looked at me weirdly, "girlfriend?" He asked, looking lost.

I smiled, even though he didn't directly ask me full out to be his girlfriend. I knew that he considered me to be his girlfriend and to be honest I found our whole argument pretty pointless, now.

I didn't need Gavin to be my boyfriend to know how much he loves me or how much I enjoy kissing him. Calling each other boyfriend and girlfriend is just a label.

"Gavin?" I called out to him, his head turning to face me. "I love you and your farting noise."

He chuckled, "I love you too and not only because you're The President's Daughter."

I raised my eyebrows, "what?"

He shook his head, "nothing." He said, throwing his arm over my shoulder and planting a kiss on my forehead.

I wrapped my arms around his waist as we walked towards the truck in silence.

"Gavin?" I called out to him, stopping him from moving any further.

He raised his eyebrows at me, "What's wrong?"

I took a deep breath, "I can't promise you a perfect relationship without arguments over our differences and trust issues. However I can promise that as long as you're trying, I am staying." I blurted out before I could stop myself.

"Where is all of this coming from?" He asked, looking a tad confused but also amused.

"The bottom of my heart." I said, giving him a small smile.

He pulled me towards him, kissing the top of my head, "this is just one of a billion reasons on why I love you."


"Gavin," I hissed, "can you please stop for like five seconds?"

He gave me a smirk, his face inches away from mine. "One... Two... Three..."

I narrowed my eyes, "I didn't mean it literally, moron." I muttered, shoving his face away from mine.

He chuckled, as he began to draw circles on my thigh. I guess it was a lot better than having him feel up my leg.

I grabbed his hand, entwining his with my very own. "You're a loser, you know that right?" I said, softly staring at his face.

He gave me a smile in return, "one of us has to be the loser in this relationship."

I let out a chuckle, after four years with this loser. There isn't a day where it would pass by without having Gavin making me laugh or smile.

I watched silently, as he interacted with Thomas. Both of them laughing at something one of them had said.

I bit my red nails as I stared around the room. We were at the inaugural luncheon that happened when a new president was welcomed into office.

Believe it or not after the eight years were up for my father and he couldn't run anymore. The next four years in office is believe it or not Uncle Robbie. Yeah, the one who was my father's VP when he was in term. Well, he decided to run and surprisingly he won. So he decided to run again in the 2018 election and I guess people still liked him so he is still in office for the next four years.

And yes, we are thinking about the same guy who used to come downstairs dressed in a bathrobe and ate frootloops and chatted with Thomas about the latest cartoon show. I'll bet you one million dollars that he still does the same thing, minus the Thomas part.

As for my father he decided to settle down, kind of.

Instead of running for VP, he ran for Governor. My father couldn't go very long without running for some kind of political election. So he was now the Governor of Virginia.

My mom was still the same, running her fashion line. While Thomas now fourteen years old was in ninth grade, he attended the local public school and surprisingly he wasn't a big deal. He actually was a big nerd, but I think we all saw that one coming.

As for Ricky he was now the bodyguard of Uncle Robbie. His position hasn't changed and neither has his personality.

As for Gavin and I, we were still the same. I ended up going to the University of Virginia gaining a degree in Social Work. It was kind of last minute in what I wanted to do, but my mother helped me pick. And since I loved working with children, opposite to Thomas. We both found that this was a career that I would enjoy.

Gavin did two years of business school gaining a degree, in order to help him manage the dance studio he is working on. It's in the works of repairs and will be opened to the public in two months.


I turned to face Gavin, giving him my undivided attention.

"Want to go dance?" he said, jerking his head to the dance floor.

There wasn't many people on it, so I complied standing up and making my way towards the dance floor hand in hand.

We didn't say much, our arms finding their way to the respected dance position.

My stomach was in knots, not just because I watched my brother eat a six pound steak. But, it was because I was keeping something from Gavin. And to be honest, I just didn't know how to tell him.

"Is everything okay?" I heard him whisper in my ear, causing me to snap out of my daydream.

I nodded my head, "why wouldn't it be?"

"You just kind of seem out of it."

"It's just been a long day. You know with the hair, makeup, managing Garrett." I said, with a shrug.

Gavin looked at me with sincere eyes, "if it was too much trouble leaving Garrett at your house you should have told me."

I gave him a small smile, "No. No, it was fine. Besides, Thomas was with him the entire time."

I rested my hand on his cheek. He hasn't changed, his hair was still the same messy bed head and his brown eyes still had that same mischievous spark.

We both swayed to the music not saying a word. Just listening to the lyrics and staring into each other's eyes.

"Charge!" I heard my brother and Garrett yell, seconds before Gavin was ripped away from me.

It all happened so fast, I watched as Gavin was now on the floor with Thomas and Garrett on top of him.

My eyes widened and so did everyone else in the room.

"Guys, get off him." I said, snapping as I shooed them off.

"This is not how we planned it Thomas." I heard Gavin groan.

Both boys got up and walked back to their seats as they left Gavin on the floor.

"Are you okay?" I asked, concerned.

He nodded sitting up. "Yeah I am fine, my head just smacked on the floor. But, everything is good as daises."

"Are you sure-" I stopped mid-sentence as I watched Gavin fidget with something in his pocket.

"I-is that-"

My jaw dropped as I saw him pull out a ring box.

You know that feeling when you were just about to go up a rollercoaster? Well that was my stomach as if now.

"Ali. I knew you were special the minute you poured food on my head when we started a food fight in the cafeteria. You've become one of the two most important people in my life and I love you. And I want to spend the rest of my life with you."

I gulped, biting my nails.

"Will you marry me?"

I didn't know what to say. Well I did but I just couldn't find it in my voice to say yes. So I nodded my head, tears beginning to pour down my face. He placed the ring on my finger wrapping me in a hug, kissing the top of my head as everyone clapped.

I was shaking and I didn't know if it was a good thing or bad.

"Way to steal my thunder, Storm!" I heard Uncle Robbie yell. While people laughed, "let's go back to celebrating why we are here. Right everyone?" People cheered, but it was all in good nature.

"I need to talk to you." I said, my eyes still glossy with tears.

"Can't it wait? Your mom is calling you over here," he said, as I turned around to face my mom. She was waving me over, wearing gigantic smile on her face.

"No, it can't." I said, exasperated.

I grabbed his hand as I led him outside of the banquet hall. When we were coming in I noticed a gazebo outside and I knew it would be the perfect place to talk.

"Alice, what's wrong?" Gavin asked, but I didn't say anything. "If this is about the proposal and it being too sudden let me know, because you're worrying me." He said, coming up behind me.

"UNICEF called me." I blurted out, "they offered me the job."

His eyes widened, "you got the Social Work job? Congrats!" He exclaimed, wrapping me in a hug.

I smiled, but I don't think he was getting it.

"Gavin, the job I applied to was originally in DC. But, something changed and now they are offering the job in Africa. Kenya to be exact."

"You're moving to Africa?" He asked, hurt.

"No Gav-"

"How many people knew about this?" He questioned, sounding exasperated.

I gulped the spit that was indulged in my throat. "Well there was Ben, Holly, Sarah, Andy, my parents, Thomas-"

"Thomas knew about this?" He shouted, "So you told everyone, but me. Is what I am getting."

"I didn't tell everyone, Garrett didn't know."

"Garrett is nine, he is at the stage where he thinks girls have cooties and blabs everything to everyone. I wouldn't even tell Garrett."

I let out a sigh, this wasn't going as how I planned it to be.

Gavin just let out a huff, as he took a seat beside me. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"I would be gone for six months to a year, that's a long time, Gavin. I didn't know if I wanted to take it or not."

"How could you not? It was has been your dream since the start of university."

I didn't say anything, I just stared at my finger. Fumbling with the ring that was now placed on my ring finger.

"How long did you know?" He asked, quietly.

"Two weeks," I muttered out.

"Two weeks? Alice, you have been keeping this from me for two weeks?"

"When you think about it, those two weeks really flew by, huh?" I said, trying to change the topic.

"If you knew I was going to propose why wouldn't you tell me?"

My eyes widened, "knew you were going to propose? How the heck was I supposed to know? Last time I checked I can't read minds."

"Really? So you didn't get those subtle hints when I asked you for your ring size or when I asked you to describe me your perfect engagement ring?"

"You got it perfect by the way. It's beautiful." I said, smiling down at the ring.


"Look, remember that night we ended up in jail?"

Gavin muttered something incoherent under his breath but I couldn't quite catch it.

"And remember how we worked it out?

Gavin didn't say anything, continuing to mutter things I couldn't catch under his breath.

"Four years later and we still have trust issues. But, that is what makes us unique. Because in the end we kiss and make up and everything is right once again in Alvin world."

He raised his eyebrows at me, "Alvin world?"

"Do you prefer Galice world?"

"I prefer Gavin and Ali."

"But, we aren't separate we are together. And in one or two years you aren't going to be my fiancée anymore. You will be my husband and even if it means that I will regret marrying you every single day of the rest of our lives together. Doesn't mean I will ever stop loving you, even if I am half way across the world."

Gavin chuckled, wrapping his arms around my waist as he pulled me closer to him. "Your full of sentimental stuff today, aren't you?"

I looked up at him, giving him a toothy smile. "One of us has to be."

We sat quietly our arms wrapped together not saying a word.

"So, do you still want to marry me or should we call this whole thing off?" I asked, seriously. "Because I am pretty sure that if you do call it off, you're going to have some pretty mad Alvin fans."

"I am not going to call of our engagement. I knew I wanted to marry you ever since graduation day."

"That's not long enough, I knew you at least six months prior to when we got together."

"Would you rather me say that I knew I wanted to fuck you ever since I laid eyes on you?"

"No." I mumbled, my cheeks becoming hot.

"Then can it, and let me continue my sentimental speech." He said, causing me to roll my eyes. "As I was saying, even though you are a good fuck-"

"That wasn't what you were saying," I said, narrowing my eyes at him, pulling myself away from him.

"-you are also a bunch of other cute things that I'd rather not go into. You're also a girl I want to make babies with, I even thought about what I wanted to name them."


"Yeah, our babies. If we have a girl I want to name her Winter and if we have a boy I want to name him Thunder."

I mentally face palmed as I stared at Gavin in horror. "You want to name our future children Winter and Thunder Storm."

He nodded his head, seeming proud of his name choices.

"How long did it take you to think of that?"

"Not very long."

"I am not surprised."

"When do you leave?" Gavin asked, out of the blue.

"Well, last time I spoke with one of the representatives. I leave for Kenya in a month."

"So, we have a month to try for babies?" Gavin asked, is voice perking up.

I let out a chuckle, shoving him away from me. "Nice try, rainbow."

"Rainbow, I haven't heard that nickname for a while, my lovely nerd." He whispered, burying his face into my hair.

"I haven't heard the nickname nerd for a while."

"Because I realized how stupid you really are."

My jaw dropped open, "says the one who wants to name our children after weather. It's like you're asking for a death wish by two future teenagers."

"They will think their names are cool."

"Yeah, when they are toddlers and they don't know any better."

He began playing with my ring. "I am going to miss you."

"Gavin, I am still here."

"I already miss you." He continued, saying.

"Gavin, I am right next to you."

"I know. It's just that your stupidity is rubbing off on me."

I scoffed, elbowing him in the side. Gaining a sharp intake of air.

"At least I don't have to worry about any African guys trying to sweep you off your feet."

"Because no one wants a girl like you."

I gave him a look, "okay I am done with you." I said, getting up from the chair and making my way back towards the banquet hall.

"Wait, Alice come back! I meant no one would want you because you have a ring on your finger, it means your taken. If you're confused. "

I turned around, tucking my curled hair behind my ear, nodding my head as if I believed the shit he was feeding me. "Are you going to continue insulting me or should I just throw the ring back to you and storm of like all main characters do in books and movies."

He rested his arms on my shoulder playing with my hair. "If anyone is the main character in a book it's me."

"I don't think so, my life was always more interesting than yours."

He cocked his head to the side, a smirk playing on his lips. "Is that so?"

I nodded my head, "Yeah. And the book would be titled The President's Daughter and it would be about a seventeen year old girl who finally gets the chance to go back to school. She encounters a bad boy, or what he thinks of himself as a bad boy but really he's a huge softy on the inside, who wants to sleep with the girl. But, soon falls for her beauty and intelligence. The girl then begins to navigate her way around the real world with the help of her friends and soon to be lover."

"Soon to be lover? Softy? Ali this is not some John Green book."

I nodded my head, a smile playing on my lips. "I know. It's better than a John Green book."

"I am going to miss your stupidity." He said, softly, wrapping me in a hug.

"Don't worry, we have a month. I will try to be as stupid as possible, just for you."

"I honestly don't know how I fell in love with someone like you."

I shrugged, "technically you didn't fall in love with me. You fell in love with the President's Daughter." I clarified.

"Please just stop talking. Your making me lose brain cells," he whispered, his lips centimeters away from mine.

"You do that on your own," I scoffed. "Winter Storm, who comes up-"

I was cut off when Gavin pressed his lips onto mine. He probably did that so he could save the little dignity he had left for himself.

We were both twenty two and the feeling of Gavin's lips pressed with mine was still the same feeling when he first kissed me, five years ago.

The feeling of his lips were enough to drive me over the edge and send sparks flying throughout my entire body.

I pulled away, "we need to get back." I said, slightly out of breath.

Gavin nodded his head, his eyes closed. "I know, I know. Just one more kiss." He said, pulling me back in for another kiss.

I know even though I am leaving for Kenya in a month. We were going to get through this, we always did, with whatever obstacle came our way. With Gavin in DC managing his dance studio and being the legal guardian of Garrett, he was doing it on his own before, now he just has a dance studio to care for.

Because in the end things were going to be okay. Maybe not today, and maybe not tomorrow, but eventually it will all be okay.

Because that was the story of Alvin or Galice or whatever you want to call us. We weren't perfect but we were always and forever going to be okay.

And that's the beauty of once being The President's Daughter.

T H E   E N D


Texte: David Dower
Lektorat: David Dower
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 01.02.2016

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