
I was in pain, all I could hear were silent whispers, silent tears. Blood trickled from my face. All I could see was darkness, My Mom was killed and I couldn’t save her, my sister was slaughtered and I couldn’t protect her. I screamed in agony my wounds burned like fire was seeping through my skin. Suddenly I heard footsteps. I got my sword ready to attack. Anger ran through my mind. I wanted to avenge my loved ones for the sake of my clan. I couldn’t bear anymore, I charged to the sound of the killer’s footsteps. I caught a glimpse of a figure in front of me. I swung my blade like how my father showed me when I was younger. When I reached my target I stopped. I felt his sword go through my body. I disgorged blood that told me he pierced my inner organs. He had a laugh so cold a laugh that would make anybody tremble in fear. “Your the heir of the clan? He asked. I was to hurt, to mad to have a merciful answer knowing that he could have finished me off where I stood for being disrespectful. “I may not have the power to defeat you but I have the honor and power to stay alive”! He scowled then made an evil grin. “You are your father’s daughter, weak and on your knees but still have the courage to stand up for yourself, so I shall spare you and your dignity, letting you live knowing that you have nothing to love anymore, that will be enough pain for you.” I felt his weapon slide out of my stomach slowly as if he wanted me to be in pain. I fell to the floor crying and bleeding. I had the strength to sit up. I was numb and I turned to him and yelled “I will avenge my clan, I will sacrifice anything just to bring you down, I’ll kill you with all the hate I have.” He did a side glance at me and did his signature grin. “Sorry dear, but your soul will have to wait.” Then he suddenly vanished in the shadows. In my mind his voice was repeating over, and, over, again. I Found a roll of gauge in a drawer next to me. I wrapped it around my wounds. I got up and limped to the door. I felt the knob it was cold so I knew it was snowing outside. I walked outside to leave blood stained snow. I started to sing the song of someone who will never be seen again.

I awoke in cold sweat, realizing that it had been a dream of the past. I walked to the river to splash water in my face. I looked up to see beautiful fields covered in snow and a pure white grey sky. All that I remember is that I nearly almost bled to death other than that I don’t know how I got here. “So I see your awake eh?” I looked up to see two boys standing in front of me. They wore capes to keep them from freezing in the snow. “Um yeah I think so.” I said and suddenly blushed. “Thats good to know your ok.” Said one of the boys. He had eyes that were dark like he wanted to take vengeance on something, he had pale white skin and black hair, he seemed that he would hardly smile. Then the other boy turned and he looked exactly like...Me! Then I realized it was Shishimaru, one of my servants that was born to serve my family. “Malady are you okay?” I got up and slapped him and watched his face turn red. I was furious. Where was he when my family was being slaughtered! “ Do I look okay!” I yelled he was about to cry but I suddenly wrapped my arms around his neck. He blushed. Then I started to cry, I fell to my knees with my arms still around him so he knelt down with me. “ Malady this is my friend his name is Hanatoro.” I looked at him with wide eyes and burst into laughter. Hanatoro’s face turned red but only across his nose. “You know where I come from Hanatoro means flower?” I said while trying not to laugh. He turned his back to me. “ Come Shishimaru, and feel free to bring your friend.” “But I don’t think she can walk through the snow she doesn’t have any shoes!” said Shishimaru. Suddenly Hanatoro just vanished. Then I was suddenly being lifted. I realized I was on his back. I turned bright red. “Your going to carry me?” I asked surprised that he was willing to help me after I just insulted him. “Your welcome” he said in a sarcastic voice. Thats were the story begins!
We walked for what seemed like days we talked about our lives but I kept quiet about the sad parts to keep me from crying. “So your the heir of the Aizen Clan eh?” said Hanatoro. “Don’t think I’m gonna get on my knees and worship you cause I won’t” “ I didn’t ask you to do that” I snapped back. “But you can if you want to.” “I can drop you right now.” “Oh yeah, well nobody asked you to carry me” “You guys stop arguing, It’s really annoying.” Said Shishimaru. “Anyway we’re here.” I looked up to find something familiar, something that brought sorrowful memories, It was a large mansion with a large crest with the Japanese kana for “5.” Thats when I realized, This is the palace of the Aizen clan! “ Malady, I think it be best if you find us some food and you a pair of clothes before you freeze.” Demanded Shishimaru. I did exactly what he asked. I walked in through the door and scanned the room it looked exactly how it was left. I stopped, rushing through my mind were the bone chilling memories of my clans death. It seemed like I could still hear my mother’s screams. I clapped my hands on my ears to keep it out. “STAY OUT OF MY HEAD!” I yelled. I opened my eyes and let out a waterfall of tears. “Are you ok Malady?” Shishimaru asked worried as ever. I couldn’t speak, I couldn’t even open my mouth to form something I ran up to what used to be my room. I looked over to see the blade I used to fight off the murderer who attacked my family, and shut the door behind me. About three minutes later I walked down the stairs to find Shishimaru and Hanatoro sitting on the couch in the dinning room. “You ready?” asked Hanatoro. Shishimaru was standing beside the couch holding a knapsack. I had my katana in my hand and a picture of my clan. My eyes filled with tears, as I saw how big my younger sister’s smile was. She seemed happy as though her life ahead of her was going to be innocent and wonderful. In my head I heard her scream. I felt horrible inside. I was supposed to protect her, and I failed. I remembered the chant the sang when she was born, The dear child born in the autumn, blessed with the name that represents the leaf that falls. Born with beautiful brown eyes that are almost orange, Senna the fourth child of the Aizen clan!

I tied my hair with my favorite ribbon. I thought to my self “No more crying!” I walked ahead of Shishimaru and Hanatoro. “Malady where shall we go?” asked Shishimaru. Thats when it came to me Shishimaru was only a servant, he wasn’t like me nor Hanatoro. He vowed to protect me, but with what power? Can I felt safe around him?
“I don’t know.” I said. I gave them both a sly smile. “ Where ever the road takes us!”

We walked for days and nights, I was getting tired. We stopped for breaks so we could rest, or set up a camp because the snow fell to hard, but days past and I couldn’t take it anymore. “Ahhh I can’t take this anymore where are we going?” I yelled hoping one of them would hear me. Hanatoro turned to me and said, “Where ever the road takes us.” He started to laugh “ this road goes on forever what makes you think it’s going to take us anywhere special?” He was really getting on my nerves I was about to hit him but he tackled me before I could touch him. I started to yell but I stopped. I saw two figures each in black cloaks. They pulled down their hoods, One was a girl with curly ponytails and purple tear drop shapes printed on her face, her lips curled into an evil grin. The other was a boy, he had a scar run down his eye, he had long silver hair, he didn’t smile. “Well, look what we have here, an old partner.” Said the girl. I wondered who she was talking about. “You know now we have to kill you Hanatoro, betraying the dark master was a bad idea.” Said the silver haired one. Rage shot up through my blood. “ What is he talking about?” I asked. “ My family was forced to work for the man who killed your clan.” Hanatoro replied. Before I could take out my blade to fight, I felt something cold slash through my body. My senses fully came to me, I had been cut! I closed my eyes my memories replayed from the beginning to the end. I opened my eyes and saw that Shishimaru was holding me. His body covered in blood. He saved me. “Why did you do that Shishi?” I asked painfully. “ Because it is my job to protect you, I am the servant, you are the princess, destiny divided, pitiful twins and for you to live, I must die. He fell in the cold snow motionless. I looked over to Hanatoro He was dead to. I stood up, my eyes filled with water. I looked around and I couldn’t see anything but white everything was white... I was confused, was it snow? I was hurt, and I felt dead. I looked ahead and a light flashed in front of me. It was forming into something, it changed colors and started to create an image. It finally took its form and what it changed into something I couldn’t take, It was my sister? Her orange eyes seemed to shine, she had the same smile that she had in the picture, I couldn’t believe it but it was as if I was staring at a version of myself I didn’t even recognize! “ You know your safe now” said Senna. “But, your not ready to come with us.” “What are you talking about Senna?” I asked. Her smile seemed to get bigger like it always does when she had learned something. “ A star falls in the grief of someone who will never be seen again.” She said. “Your soul is still pure but... She didn’t finish her sentence. “You still have a dream, you hold a regret, and you made a promise.” She said. “What are you talking about, I’m done living, I don’t want to live knowing that everything I loved is now gone!” I cried. “ Our souls can’t rest until you reach your goal, You have to avenge us like you said, You kept your word!” Senna said as her eyes seemed to fill with tears. It came to me. I gave her a light smile. “Yes, I did, didn’t I?” I said. “For my name is Yoshimaru Aizen, The last remaining Heir!” “Thats it Yoshi!” Senna yelled.
Reality came back to me and in my head I remembered why my soul still roams the earth. “Well looks like one is still alive.” Said the girl with tear drop paint. She ran over to attack but I got the best of her and swayed my blade across her stomach. Her eyes got wide and she fell to the ground. I parried my blood soaked katana waiting for the silver haired one to make his move. He charged me and I pierced his chest will full power.

Morning came and I was as happy as ever. Spring had finally rose and I was about to start a journey that would change my life forever, that will open Heaven’s gates for me. I was about to avenge my family. I sat at the river bank with the guitar that was given to me on my seventh birthday and happily sang the song of someone who will never be seen again! “On this guitar I play the melody of someone who has passed on!” “If given strength anyone can rampage as much as they want!” “Akatsuki no kuruma.”


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 09.06.2011

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