
Chapter 1

I finally finished my breakfast and headed back upstairs to get ready for work. I took a quick shower, put my bath robe on, then went into my room to pick an outfit out. I put on some sweat pants and a white tank top, with a white V-neck over it. I blow dried my hair, curled it and then put on some make up. I'm not so much a make up girl. Eye liner and mascara works for me. I finally got done with getting ready. I quickly put my white Nike shoes on, after I headed out the door. I drove towards my work building. I then pulled up to the parking lot and went inside the dance studio.

"Ha, look ! Sara isn't late this time." My friend Teddy said.

"Shut up. Cole woke me up early today." I said then laughed.

"Haha, your lame. He's barely two and yet you have him wake you up." My other friend Richard said.

"Shut up. Where is the rest of the crew?" I asked.

"Oh they went upstairs to talk to Joey." Teddy answered "But aye, hows that song coming?" He asked.

"It's going okay, probably record it some time next week." I answer.

Mixed Movements is my crew. We started the crew up in elementary school 5th grade year. I was about 10 years old. I have an uncle who owns part of YG in South Korea. He got us a studio that looks like an apartment building, that has two stories. Also it's our hang out spot. Downstairs is where the dance studio is and upstairs is where the bed rooms are along with my music studio. I got signed in Seattle and our studio is a block away from where we work at. We use our studio to teach classes and what not. We go to the other studio to practice our dance moves. Our boss Joey ordered us to do that. Also my uncle did too. I just listen to them. Joey is my boss/manger along with my Uncle Kit. The both of them are best friends. They both grew up together and they are both over protective with the crew, especially with us girls.

"Aye." I hear Itha from behind me say.

"What up?" I respond back.

"Nothing, but we gotta perform at school next week for the assembly." She said.

"Damn, another show to work on. We just gonna do the same songs as the one in Cali." I said.

"Ight." Every one said in unison.

We all got to working and finished at 8 like usual. I then get a text from a friend from the West side.

"Aye, you coming or what?" Cindy texted..

"Idk yet. I'm still at work." I texted back.

"Damn Sara, You is always working, hang loose, come drink with us."

"Ight, I will be there soon."

It's been two years since I moved to the East side. I haven't went back to the West side since then. My brother doesn't want me back there. My parents are divorced and I haven't seen him since I moved. I miss him. He would come by and see me, but I never went back, but tonight I will be back there. I remember getting into fights and drinking all night long. Now that I live on the East side, it's different, I can control my drinking and my temper. I want to let the West side to know that the crew and I haven't betrayed them. We are from there and tonight I'm goin to get the crew to come with me.

"Aye, so ya'll want to go to the West side to party with them others?" I asked.

Every one just shrugged like they don't care.

"So then lets go get ready then. Meet at the hang out spot in an hour." I said.

"Leggo!" Timothy yelled out.

So we all went home to get ready. It was a windy night. I took another shower, curled my hair and put on some warm clothes. I put on a plain black tank top, a purple and white varsity jacket. I slipped into my skinny jeans, put my jewelries on. Finally I put my purple and white Jordans on.

(Jacket : Shoes:

I'm always the kind of girl that has to match and have swag, but I'm not the kind that is mean and bitchy. That's how people see me as, but really I'm nice and kind. I can be bitchy and mean if you head onto my bad side. I was always a fighter, I never gave up. Whatever happens tonight happens, that's why I have to keep myself in control.


It took about thirty minutes to get to the party. When we arrived a whole bunch of people greeted us. The crew and I just separated. I head into the kitchen and found Cindy with some other guys.

She turns around "Oh hey girl you came!" She said excitingly.

"Yeah." I said nodding.

I hear one of the guys behind her whisper "Damn who is that fine ass girl?"

I ignored it and walked off with Cindy. We went to the back where their was a little bit of people. It was a little chilly, but she wanted to talk.

"So how's the East side?" She asked.

"It's not so bad, it's way different then here." I answered.

"Ha. I hear. Damn girl, we need catching up to do."

"I know, but work and shit has been stopping me from doin anything."

"Damn, but hey I have to yell you something." She said .

"What is it?" I ask with a smile.

"So you know how I have a step brother right?" She asked. I nodded. "Well he came last week and he's goin to live with us, cause his mom kicked him out. So yeah, just thought I would share that."

I giggled a little " Wow, that's so you. You would come out and tell me this, but where is he now then?"

"He's out with his crew, oh did I also mention he is in a gang?" She said.

"Well, you already know how I can't stand guys in gangs and crew?" I asked.

"Yeah, it's call Art of Movement, but for short it's AOM. They're pretty good. I saw them practice once."

Jay park is his name, he's 17 years old. He's in a crew and a gang, that's pretty much I know. I don't know what he looks like, but I also know that he used to live in South Korea, until his mom kicked him out. He's in a gang called "The Crips." He was born here in Seattle, moved to South Korea with his mom when he was 12 years old and at the age of 11 was when he joined the Crips. My brother use to be in the Crips, until his son was born and he wanted to start a new life.

I hear someone yell Cindy's name. I turn my head to my right following the voice. I find a cute guy with a mohawk coming towards us.

"That's him" She said.

"Who?" I asked, like I didn't know who she was talking about.

"Shut up, you know who I'm talking about, Jay, my step brother." She said.

"That's him." I said not surprised.

He was cute. He had on a white V-neck, you can see a tattoo on his right lower neck. He had on baggy jeans and white nike's on. I find his swag attracting, but I couldn't. I can't fall for a good looking guy like that.

"Hey Cindy, where's mom and dad?" He asked.

"They already left to Minnesota." She answered.

"Good, and who's this?" He said with a smile on his face.

"Oh this is my good friend Sara." She said.

"Oh hi there, I'm Jay." He said with a smirk.

"Hi" I said back.

Chapter 2

I came back to the house to hang with the crew, but when I got there, Cindy was having a party. Which means her mom and my dad is gone to Minnesota. That's fine with me, AOM and I walk into the house finding people staring us down, like we was goin to blow the house down. I walked around looking for Cindy. I see girls looking at me and whispering how "cute" and how "sexy" I am. I hear that a lot. I continue looking for Cindy, I walk into the kitchen finding her outside talking to a hot girl. The way she looked made me want her.She had great body, the way her jeans flow with her curves. She got swag, I think she would like it in my bed tonight. I then walked outside calling for Cindy's name.

I had nothing to say but, "Hey Cindy, where's mom and dad?"

"They already left to Minnesota." She answered.

"Good, and who's this?" I asked, with a smile.

"Oh this is my good friend Sara." She said.

"Oh hi there, I'm Jay." I said, with a smirk on my face, knowing that she will be easy to get with.

"Hi." She said back

"So how about we go up to my room?" I said a little demandingly.

"How about not." She said with a fake smile.

"Com'on you know you want to." I said with a smirk.

"No, I really don't, I have to go now." She rolled her eyes and walked off.

She's hard to get, that's how I like my ladies. Soon she will give in to me, but for now I'm goin to look for some fine ass girls here. I walk around looking for some girls, suddenly I spot a girl. She was gesturing me to go over to her. I walk up to her and I knew she wanted to be in my bed tonight.

"What up girl?" I said.

"Nothing much." She said smirking.

"Damn, you is fine, how about we head up to my room?" I said.

She shrugged then smiled "Okay!" with excitement.

I rolled my eyes and walked away from him. I went up to Teddy and the guys. He gave me a "What's wrong" look when he saw me. That's why I love him, like family he always know what's wrong when he see it.

"Ha, Ma. I haven't seen you in awhile. How's the East side?" Jordan, one of my friend said.

"It's not much like home. The neighborhood is so preppy." I said.

"That's why you gotta come here to kick it with us once in a while." He said.

"Well I'm here now." I said with a smile.

He shakes his head smiling like no other. He was always another big brother to me. Him and my brother are good friends, but they barely hang now. Cause they both are so busy, well mostly my brother. He's always so over protective with me, but I can't blame him. I look around still standing with the guys, from out of nowhere my eyes spotted on Jay and some girl. I knew he was a player. I'm so glad I walked away from him. I see him talking to her and his arms next to her face, leaning his arms on the wall. Suddenly he turned and saw me staring, he put a evil grin on his face and turned back to her. I rolled my eyes and continued with the group. I got bored, so I walked off and went to find the other girls. I saw Kanha walking up to me.

"Hey, you look bored." She said.

"Ha, Yeah, but where did Itha go?" I asked.

"Oh she went upstairs with Cindy to her make up." She answered.

"Oh, well I'mma head up there, I guess, I'mma find you later."


I walk upstairs looking for Itha. I ended up in the bathroom instead. When I finished I get a text from my brother asking me where I was, while walking out the restroom and texting I bumped into something hard, it made me fall down to the ground.

"Oh my bad." A familiar voice said.

I look up finding Jay standing in front of me, he had that evil grin on his face again. He then held out his hand "Here let me help you."

"No I'm find." Giving him attitude.

"Hey you bumped into me remember that." He said.

"Well I'm sorry okay." Finally get up off the ground.

"It's okay, now if you excuse me I have someone waiting for me in my room." He said pointing where his room was.

I look over finding the girl smiling and twirling her hair. It was ugly. He walks towards her, while I just started walking towards Cindy's room. I find it sad that some girls have low self esteem. I can't stand them, they are always thinking of themselves.

I walk into Cindy's room, I found Itha looking at herself in the mirror.

"Hey." I said.

"Oh hey." She replied

"Ugh ! Dude ! I can't stand Cindy's step brother. He's so ignorant."

"Wait. Jay?" She said confused.

"Yeah him. He's gonna hit on me, but out of the blue he now has a girl in his bed."

"Really !? He looks nice to me and cute."

" Yes really and I can find better looking."

"Girl please. He is sexy, but too bad my heart goes to Joey." She said.

"Why won't you guys just go out already?"

"Cause I'm too scared to ask."

"OMG! I can't stand it when two perfect couples are stalling to be with each other."

"Hey ! I'm not stalling.........I'm just waiting for him to ask me instead." She said cheesing.
I go upstairs telling Lina the girl I was going to hook up tonight where my room was, so I can use the restroom. She went into my room, I then walked towards the restroom when the door opens and the person coming out bumps into me. She bumped into me so hard she fell onto the ground.

I quickly said "Oh my Bad" She looks up and I found who bumped into me, it was Sara. I put a grin on my face, I held out my hand " Here let me help you."

"No I'm find." She says with an attitude.

"Hey you bumped into me remember that." I said.

"Well I'm sorry okay." She said, getting up off the ground

"It's okay, now if you excuse me I have someone waiting for me in my room." I said pointing to my room.

Lina was at the door twirling her hair waiting for me to go to her. Sara just walked off towards Cindy's room. I went into my room, Lina starts kissing me. She was horrible, I had to stop her. I told her I couldn't do it. She wanted too, but she sucks at turning me on. Sara turns me on. The way she acts, how she has a great body and man she is just damn sexy.

"Hello" Lina said, waving her hand close to my face.

"Oh huh?" I said, coming back to reality.

"Really?! Don't you wanna sex me?" She said with an fake voice of hers.

"No. Now just leave." I said right at her.

She then walks off, slamming the door behind her. After an hour I didn't here anyone downstairs, I just take my shirt off and lay on my bed. I doze off to sleep.

Chapter 3

I wake up at 9, realizing it was Sunday. I got up, grabbed a towel and headed into the bathroom. I took a nice relaxing shower, until I hear my nephew Cole knocking on the door so he can poop. I yelled for him to use the one downstairs, but he said he couldn't make it. I then put my hand out searching for my robe. I grabbed it and wrapped it around me. I open the door for Cole and he ran to the toilet.

"I almost poop my pants auntie." He said.

"I'm sorry." I said giggling.

He is my world. I can never be mad at him, if I do, he would find a way to cheer me up. It would always work. His mom left him and my brother, three days after he was born. I was so pissed off, I wanted to look for her to kick her ass, but my brother told me it's not worth it, because he can find better and that Cole, my mom and I are his world. He said we are the ones that keeps his head up high and he can never collapse. It was very touching and it still is. He's was always the one to keep this family together. I wouldn't be able to live without him.

I finally finished taking a showing, after Cole got done pooping. I put on my illest crew neck shirt and my sweatpants. I walk downstairs into the kitchen. I made breakfast for Cole and I, before I did that, I went looking for my brother. He wasn't in his room or anywhere in the house. I walk back into the kitchen and sitting on the chair was Cole.

"Cole where's daddy?" I asked.

"He gone." He answers.


"I don know."

I smiled and he just started laughing. It was cute, I couldn't wait to have my own family one day. I grab my cell phone to call my brother T.K. It ringed once.....twice.....three and still no answer. I hung up and continued to cook breakfast for Cole and I. When I finished breakfast, I called him again. On the third ring he picked up.

"What you want?" He said straight.

"Where you at? I gotta go somewhere." I said

"I'm at work, I told Cole to tell you."

"Oh, he said he didn't know, but what time will you be back?"

"At 1 in the morning. Watch Cole for me."


"But what?" He interrupts me, before I can finish what I was going to say.

"Nvm, I'll take him with me." I said

"Where you goin anyways." He asked.

"Uhmmmm." I said still figuring out what to say. My plan was to go to Cindy's house, but I couldn't let him know, so I quickly say "Uhm, to the mall."

"Ight, keep a good eye on him."

"Okay." I said.

We then hung up. I took Cole upstairs to take a bath. I put his illest long sleeves and a purple beanie with Jordans on him. He was the kid. I love dressing him up.


I go into my room change into my skinny jeans. Kept my black illest crewneck shirt on, put on my black beanie hat, put on my nerd glasses, put in three pairs of diamond stud earrings, I also grabbed my black and white "I Love Boobies" Bracelets. The two last thing I added on to my outfit was my "Illest lanyard" and my black and white Jordan shoes. My nephew and I matched from head to toes.

(Shirt is in black instead of grey. Outfit--->

We walk downstairs and out the door. Thirty minutes later, we get to Cindy's house. We walk up the front door, I knock on door, when the door opens, I find Jay standing there.

"Well, Well,Well. I see you have come back to see me." He said.

"Uh, No. I came to see Cindy, is she home yet?"

"No, but come in."

"No, we'll wait in the car."

"Come on. I was joking with you, come in. I don't want the kid freezing." He said with a innocent voice.

I give in and walk inside pass him, with Cole holding my hand. We both walk to the couch to sit down. Jay walks after us and sit on the single chair next to the big couch.

"Sooooo? What are you and my sister gonna do?"

"Why do you sound all innocent, when you not?" I said meanly.

"Why you being mean?"

"Are you serious? I want an answer."

"Ha! Cause I am." He answers.

"No, your not. I know you aren't."

"Why are you judging." He said firing back.

"Because, I don't know, but I know I don't really wanna speak to you."

"Why is that?"

"Cause, guys in gangs? They aren't my thing."

"How you know I'm in one?"

"Cause-" I said being interrupted by Cindy coming in the house.

She stops and looks at me and my nephew. "Oh hey, Sorry I took so long, but wanna go now?"

I get up with Cole. "Yeah let's go."

Before we Cole and I started walking "Hey! Where you guys going?" Jay ask.

"Oh to the mall, then to Sara's and her crews studio." Cindy answers.

"I barely know the place, where's my invite." He says.

"Up your ass." I mumble.

"What was that Sara?" He ask.

"Oh nothing, But would you like to go?" I said through my teeths.

"Why yes, I would love to go." He says.


I walk out the door with Sara, Cindy and a little kid Sara brought, still not knowing who he was, but she had swag, like his aunt. She was looking fine. She had a black crewneck shirt with a beanie hat on. The way her skinny jeans traced her lower body was sexy. I haven't felt like this before.

When we walked up the drive way, "I call Shot gun!" I yelled.

"Uh No, Your sitting in the back." Sara say.

"No, it's okay, I wanna sit with Cole." Cindy said.

She began to sigh and went in to the driver's seat. I went into the car, looked at her and smirked. She rolled her eyes and turned the car on.

"Cole you have your seat belt on?" She ask.

"Yes auntie." He answered.

"Aunt huh?" I said, looking at her.

"Yes." She replied, her eyes on the road not looking at me.

It was too quiet, I reached to turn on the radio, when she says "What are you doing?" Still keeping her eyes on the road.

"Putting some music on, it's too quiet. Is that okay?"

"Fine." She said.

I turned on the radio, but it went straight to the CD. The person sounded like her. She quickly took the CD out and turned it to 107.5.

"Sara, is that album new?" Cindy asks.

"Yeah, I'm still working on it. Boss still wants me to listen to the other beats."

"So you sing?" I ask.

"Uhm, yeah." She said, not wanting to talk to me.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 09.11.2011

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