




Mariya’s POV


"Are you even listening to me, Mariya?"

Of course I had been listening. Her voice was the only thing I could listen to for the past hour. And what had I been listening to my best friend drone on and on about? The usual.

"I’m listening, Isis." I mumbled. My reply was met with another loud groan of disapproval. "So, since you "hear me" come out with me tonight! You too good to hang out with your bestie now that you spoken for?" Isis retorted, a playful grinned etched on her face.


A small smile came to my face at the mention of my love life. We hadn’t been together for long, but I was content with their relationship. For some reason me and relationships didn’t seem to mix. I didn’t know what it was. Maybe it was my indifference towards everything that caused them to fail. Or maybe I just wasn’t capable of love? To be honest I really didn’t give a fuck. Less stress for me.


My thoughts traveled back to her current predicament. A small sigh escaped my lips. “Alright, where to?” I chuckled a bit as she watched Isis jump up and dance around. Same old Isis. Just as excitable from when we were kids. Some things never changed and our friendship was of the things that stood the test of time.

Best friends since diaper days, our friendship had always been an enigma to all. Me and Isis were polar opposites. No question about that. I was night and Isis was day. Isis was the Sun and I was the Moon. We were an odd pair, but we fit. And that was good enough for the two of us.


"Hurry up, Mariya! Go take a shower so I can do your make up!" Isis gushed, pulling me off the bed in the process. "I want to be out of here by 10!" Pressing my lips together, I started my short trek to the bathroom. Yeah. Excitable as ever.

"Yeah, yeah." I responded, a hint of amusement in my voice. "I hear you."


August’s POV


"Bruh, I wasn’t even trying to party tonight."

Leaning against the hood of my homeboy’s car, a look of aggravation was etched on my face. Being out tonight was not on my agenda, but myso called homeboy had other plans. 

"Nigga, stop bitching. Yo ass need to get out the house anyway." 

"For what? To see the same old shit I always see?"


An exasperated sigh left Tremaine’s lips. “You always get cranky when you ain’t getting no pussy.” 

To my dismay a small chuckle left my lips. “Nigga, shut the fuck up.” I transitioned my weight from his car to my feet, I looked toward Trey. “I get it when I need it and I don’t need it now. All these females on that cuffin’ shit and I ain’t with it.” Being in a committed relationship was the last thing on my mind right now.

I adjusted my snapback as me and Trey walked silently to the entrance of the club. Trey dapped up the bouncer and I gave him a nod. We were regulars at the club, getting in was never a problem for them.


The beat of Used 2 greeted us as soon as we walked through the door. Looking around I took in my surroundings. Same old shit. Same girls trying to look for a nigga to take home for the night. Same niggas cheating on they girl with a random knob. Yeah. Same old shit.

I nodded at Trey as one of his “friends” pulled him to the dance floor. I shook his head a bit as he made his way to his usual spot at the bar. Tremaine always had a chick waiting for him on the dance floor. It never failed. 


Nodding my head at the bartender to get my regular drink, I let my eyes fall around my current surroundings. Most of the women were on the dance floor, a few lingered by the bathrooms, and a handful were at the bar. I locked eyes with a curvaceous blonde across the bar. She smiled, I nodded and left it at that. Pussy was the last thing on my mind right now.

The sound of my drink being sat down in front of me brought him out of my daze. I thanked the woman and brought the drink to my lips. After this I was gone. Trey wouldn’t even notice I was gone, especially not with his latest “friend.”


"Come on! You promised me!"

Surprisingly over the loud music I could hear a female’s voice. Looking over next to me, I noticed two females. The one sitting down had her back turned to me while her friend was attempting to pull her up. I watched as the woman tugged on her friend a bit more before finally giving up. At least I wasn’t the only one who didn’t want to be there.


He was about to turn back around until the woman turned to face him.

"Damn." She was fucking gorgeous. She had flawless brown skin and some cute ass pouty lips. My eyes immediately traveled down to her body which was covered by a short, black form fitting dress. Black heels adorned her feet and the whole outfit fit her perfectly. She was the definition of beautiful. 


Quickly downing my Amaretto Ciroc, I got up making his short stride to the beauty. She didn’t even glance at me when I sat down next to her. Her eyes stayed glued to the silver iPhone 5s in her hands. I kept his eyes glued to her face as he began to speak. “Wassup, ma?”

Keeping her eyes glued to her phone, I received a response I definitely wasn’t expecting. 


"I’m good, you don’t need to buy me a drink, you can’t have my name or my number, and I don’t plan on going home with anyone other than my best friend. Goodbye."


Damn. I only said two words and I got shutdown. Rejection wasn’t something I was used to, but I did enjoy a challenge. A smirk fell on my lips as I tilted my head back. “How you knew I was gonna ask all that, ma?” She scoffed, her eyes finally left the phone and fell on mine. “What else would you be asking me at a club?” She twisted her body so she was facing me. “How Wall Street is doing? Or maybe you wanted to chat about quantum physics? Please.” 


I bit down on my bottom lip. Shawty had a slick ass mouth. Oh, well. I could fix that. Deciding on bolder tactics,I placed my hand on her upper thigh and leaned in closer to her. “Why you so feisty?” My lips were now dangerously close to her ear. “You talk all that shit in bed, ma?”


I was pleasantly surprised when she placed her hand over mine. I was even more surprised when I felt her warm breath tickle my ear. “Would you like to find out, love?” Got her. "Is what I would say if I actually wanted you." August watched as she leaned back, a playful smile on her face. "Gotcha."

Cheeks slightly flush from embarrassment, I leaned back but kept my hand on her thigh. “You can’t be playing with nigga’s emotions like that.” Ol’ girl was definitely a challenge. Fast and furious obviously wasn’t the best approach for her. Time to change tactics.


"Can I at least get your name and number?"

"I’m afraid my other half wouldn’t approve of that." She replied. Other half? So, that’s what it was. The reason she was playing so hard to get. She had a nigga waiting for her at home. "He ain’t gotta know." I surprised himself with that line. Going in on someone else’s territory wasn’t my thing, but I could make an exception. She was just that bad.

She chuckled. “She would skin you alive for even hitting on me.”

Wait. She?

I arched my brow in confusion. “Excuse me?”

She chuckled again.

"She. As in a female. My girlfriend."

Shawty had a girlfriend?


And that was all I could say.






"So, let me make sure I got this shit right." 

I brought the blunt to his lips as he watched the game. I was over Trey’s just chilling, doing what niggas did. We  were just sitting around his place smoking and playing video games. The usual. For whatever reason, I decided to tell his dumb ass about what transpired at the club a few days ago.

"You met a fine ass female at the club?"

I nodded, exhaling smoke from my lips.

"You tried to get at her and she shut yo ass down?"

I nodded again.

"And her reason for shutting you down was that she had a girlfriend?"

"Correct." I replied.

In a matter of seconds, I was heard Trey’s loud, obnoxious laugh. Sucking his teeth,I put out the blunt in the ashtray. “Nigga, that shit ain’t funny.”

"It is. You know she was lying her ass off, right?"

"She wasn’t lying."

Trey shook his head. “And how the fuck you know that?” 

"Shit, Iono even know." 

"If she as bad as you say she is, then she can get any nigga she want. Why would she be dating another female?" I  shrugged. "Exactly. She played yo ass and you believed it."

"Naw, bruh. Shawty wasn’t lying." I shook his head as if trying to convince myself instead of Trey. I didn’t even know ol’ girl’s name and I was defending her.

"And how you know that? You said it yourself she had a slick mouth." Trey chuckled a bit before turning his attention to his phone. "Just face it, my nigga."

"Face what?"

"You got beat at your own game."






"Babe, gimme a kiss." 

My request was met with a giggle and a poke on the nose. Oh, did Mariya love to play.

"Naw, you good. You don’t deserve a kiss anyway."


"Mari, I always deserve your affection." I pouted my lips out for emphasis as I always did. "My lips are always craving that beautiful skin of yours."

Despite her earthy, brown complexion I could still see a trace of blush on Mariya’s cheeks. A giggle escaped my lips as she wrapped my around my flushed girlfriend. “Got you, babe.” I murmured, tightening her grip around her. “You know better than to deny me, Mariya.”


"Whatever, Adri." She shuffled a bit in my arms. "Let go. I have to finish this paper." I sighed, releasing Mariya from my hold. Mariya wasn’t big on PDA and that was often hard for Adriana to deal with. In her opinion PDA was the best part of being a relationship. The cuddling, holding hands, kissing in public and all the other mushy shit. 


At first I thought it was the fact she was embarrassed to be dating another woman. In fact, that was actually what our first argument was about. Hell, the whole argument was a big blur now that I think about it. It was over as soon as it started. A few heated words were shared then before I knew it Mariya’s lips were on mine and our heated argument turned into a heated kiss.


I was snapped out of her thoughts by Mariya’s soft voice. “I’m sorry, what’d you say?” 

She huffed a bit and I rolled my eyes. “You know I don’t like repeating myself, Adriana.”

"Well, you’ll have to today, Mariya." I replied, my eyes falling on her face. That beautiful face…

She rolled her eyes and squinted at me. “Do you want to go get some lunch after I finish?” I smiled, taking my hand in hers.

Mariya wasn’t always easy to deal with, but she was mine.






I checked my phone for what seemed like the hundredth time. Only a minute had passed. “Two o’ clock needs to come sooner.” I mumbled, locking my phone back. I spend all day and night working on that damn report and my professor decides to postpone class at the last minute. College was so aggravating at times.

At least Georgia State had a beautiful campus. It wasn’t too hot and wasn’t too cold today. It was perfect. Well, weather wise anyway. My eyes fell from the cloudy sky to the vibrating phone on my lap. Adriana’s name flashed on the screen and a small smile instantly appeared on my face.


It was just a simple text. Good afternoon. Hope you’re having a good day. I sent a quick reply wishing her the same. It was the little things she did that made me appreciate our relationship. Although I’d never thought I see myself in a relationship with another woman. Well, as they say never say never.

I found myself looking up at the sky again. The sun was starting to peek out from the clouds. Before I had the chance to continue my cloud watching a bright light reflected in my eyes. The light came from a sleek black car that just parked in the lot across from her. Nice taste. I could appreciate a nice car when I saw one. Even though I hadn’t been attending GSU for long, I was still familiar with most of the cars that were around during my class times. I wasn’t familiar with this one.


The windows were tinted, which kept me from identifying the driver any sooner. My eyes kept a steady gaze on the car as I waited for the driver to exit. A tall, lanky tattooed figure emerged from the car in a matter of minutes. He looked familiar. Really familiar… And then it clicked. “The guy from the club last week.” I mumbled, still looking in his direction.

Isis would have given me hell for even forgetting the guy. I cringed slightly, remembering the lecture I


received after the encounter. Isis wasn’t against my relationship with Adriana, but she wasn’t a big fan either. She always kept it respectful though, never over stepping her bounds.

I didn’t realize my eyes had fell until I looked back up. And what a sight I was looking into. My eyes ending up locking with my.. well, what could I call him? Admirer? Yeah, lets go with that. Our eyes locked if only for a second. He kept his gaze fixed on my face, that same cocky smirk etched on his lips. Within a few short minutes he was towering over me, that damn smirk still on his face.


"Wassup, ma?" 

"My name isn’t "ma". I said, pursing my lips. I didn’t hear it that night, but he had a strong New Orleans accent. I thought it was sexy as fuck, but I wasn’t going to let him know that.

He shrugged, seeming unnerved. “Well, I would call you by your name, but you wasn’t letting a nigga have it.”

"Even Tramp introduced himself to Lady before he whisked her away into the city."

His eyebrows arched at my comment. “You comparing me to a dog?” I shrugged. “If the shoe fits.” He had to be offended. Most of the men that approached her were by now. He’d be calling me a bitch and saying how he didn’t want me anyway in a few seconds. Nothing new.


To my surprise he did neither. He gave a completely different reaction from what I expected. He chuckled. “Well, I can’t even lie and say I’ve been a perfect gentleman my whole life.” He replied, digging his hands in his pockets. “I’ve been called worse.”

"At least you’re honest." 

"Thanks, ma. Now you gonna tell me you’re name or nah?"

"Nah." I answered, smirking a little. "You good."


He didn’t answer at first. Instead he tilted his head a bit and looked beside me. I was confused until he spoke again. “Why you so apprehensive, Ms.Owens?” I was about to ask how, but then I remembered. My student ID was hanging off my bag, looking over at said bag I noticed my first name was hidden by a strap.

Looking back to him, I noticed that same annoying ass smirk on his face. Against my own wishes, I let out a small chuckle. “I guess you win this round.”


He only smiled in return. “Guess I do, Ms.Owens.”

"Mariya. My first name is Mariya." I shook my head. "Being called by my last name makes me feel old." 

"Beautiful name for a beautiful woman." I couldn’t help but to roll my eyes. "I’m August Alsina, it’s nice to officially meet you." He smiled and I could see why women were probably enamored by him. He was tall, easily six feet and lanky, but not too skinny. Tattoos of different sizes covered his arms and she could see one peeking out the collar of his shirt. I tilted my head to get a better look at him. A cluster of curls adorned the top of his head and his skin was gorgeous. And his lips were so plump and looked so smooth. August was a gorgeous man and I couldn’t deny that.


"Like what you see?" He questioned, a hint of amusement in his voice. Had I really been staring that long? I felt my face flush a bit before I got my excuse ready. "I always inspect my surroundings, Mr. Alsina. That includes settings and people."


He smirked for the umpteenth time. “Sure, Ms.Owens.” He shook his head a bit. “Whatever you say.” 

I opened my mouth to reply, but before I could my alarm went off. It was two already? Time sure does fly. I gathered my bag and my phone before standing up. I could feel August’s eyes on me the entire time. “Unfortunately, our little chat will have to end here. Class is calling.” I nodded my head and turned to walk. 


"So, I can’t get your number?" He called out. "Nope, that’s not appropriate considering my situation." I replied, stopping in my tra



I stood there watching her walk away for a moment. She was definitely something. Women were usually ripping my clothes off the moment I spoke to them. Mariya barely blinked in my presence. She seemed like the aloof type to me. She was strong and blunt, something I wasn’t used to in a woman. Well, excluding my mother of course.


I had to remember to thank Professor Hawkins. If it wasn’t for him contacting me for this special assignment he was doing, I wouldn’t have even got this chance to meet with her. Sure she only gave me her name and a lil more attitude, but at least he had the good fortune of knowing they attended the same school. I pulled my black iPhone 5s out my pocket and checked the time. He had to get a move on and make this class.


The business section of the school wasn’t a far and I made it there in a few minutes. I greeted a few of my fellow peers as I made my way to the front of the class. The Professor turned around to nod his head at me and I returned the gesture.


Professor Hawkins was not your usually professor. He was a jovial man that made lectures feel like an adventure. I guess that’s one of the reasons I didn’t mind sittin’ through a two hour class. The other reason? The nigga was real as fuck. All the other Professors taught you the bullshit straight out the book. My nigga Hawkins told you the raw shit, what he experienced in life. I had a deep respect for that man.

Said man had begun speaking and announcing his new project to the class. I listened halfheartedly since he already told his group about the project earlier. Somewhat bored I found myself looking forward at the class. I noticed a few faces in the first row, mostly female. My eyes stopped when I reached the middle seat of the second row.


Out of all the people to be sitting on front of him. Mariya. I watched her scribble down something in a notebook and then she looked up. Their eyes met for the second time that day. I flashed her a toothy smile. She only rolled her eyes and went back to whatever she was writing. That damn attitude. Shit was sexy as fuck to me, but also annoying as fuck. Oh, well. He’d fuck it out of her sooner or later.


"So, with that being said it’s time to announce who’s partnered with who." Finally. I was eager to see who’d I have to deal with for a semester. Hawkins project was a good idea tho. An undergraduate student would be partnered with a graduate student and shadow them at their place of business. Let them get a feel for a management position and all that good shit.


"Melanie Sanders and Alicia Johnson."

And the winners to the raffle were being announced.

"Adrian Jones and Taylor Maloney."

"Mariya Owens and August Alsina." Hawkins went on to say to the other names, but I blocked him out.


Our eyes immediately locked at the sounds of our respective names being called. I studied her face. She kept a steady gaze on me, no sign of dread or aggravation. I figured she was cursing her luck for getting stuck with me in her head. I smiled at her again, which she didn’t return.


That was fine. I was too busy thanking my nigga Hawkins in my head for this shit. He really came through for a nigga.

cks. Adriana would have a fit and I didn’t have time for her temper. "I just wanna get to know you." I scoffed. "You want to get to know my pussy, not me. I’m not stupid." He bit down on his lip, still staring at me. "I won’t deny that."

I smiled a bit. I did appreciate his honesty. “See you around, Mr.Alsina.”

"See you, Ms. Owens."








"Is being stuck with me really that bad?"

"I never said it was, Mr. Alsina."

"You ova’ there pouting like it is, Ms. Owens."

As soon as I arrived and picked Mariya up from GSU’s parking lot, she’d been pouting. All he got was a simple “hello” and then nothing. She was sitting in the passenger seat, glued to her phone for the majority of the ride.

She sighed, turning her head to look at me. “Why can’t you just call me by my first name?”

"Why can’t you just call me by mine, ma?" I retorted. She shrugged. "I like calling you by your last name." I smiled slightly. "So, you like me?"


"Not in a million years." She said. "You hurting a nigga heart." I said, mock hurt in my voice. "Eh. I think you’ll be okay." I glanced at her out of the corner of my eye. She finally put her phone down. Shawty had a beautiful side profile, but then again she was beautiful all around. Even with that slick ass mouth.

"Are you going to tell me where were going now?" Shit, I almost forgot. Ain’t even get the pussy yet and she got me trippin’. "My barbershop."

"How old are you?" She questioned. "24. How old are you?"

"Why do you have to answer my question with a question?"

"Why you always gotta be difficult with me?" She rolled her eyes and sighed. "21. Aren’t you kinda young to have your own barbershop?"


"I inherited it from my uncle. It’s actually still in his name, but I’ve been running it under his supervision for the past two years." She nodded. "So, that’s why you’re a business major?" She was sharp too. "Yeah. The shop came with a requirement. I could only inherit it if I went to school."


"You didn’t want to go before?" I shrugged, pulling into my reserved parking space at the shop. "Not really. Looking back on it now, I’m glad I made the decision to go." She nodded again, falling quiet. "Come on, ma."

I waited for her to gather her belongings and motioned for her to follow me. From the cars in the lot, I could tell it was the usual group. I held the door opened for Mariya and as soon as we entered we were met with stares. I was surprised when Mariya shrunk back a bit and hid behind me. Shawty ain’t strike me as the type to be shy in a group setting. I thought that shit was cute tho.  Before I had the chance to tell them niggas to stop staring, a voice interrupted. 


"Nigga, how the fuck you pull her?" Trey exclaimed. 

I was about to reply, but Mariya beat me to it. “Excuse me, but he didn’t pull shit.” At her response, a collection of laughs were heard around my shop. I see that shyness ain’t last long. She was right back to her usual self. I chuckled a bit as Trey’s facial expression. Nigga ain’t know how to reply. I stepped forward and patted her lower back. “Can you go wait for me in my office? I’ll be back there in a minute.” She only nodded and made her way back to my office.


After she left, Trey immediately came over me. “Is that the chick from the club?” I nodded. “She bad as fuck, but she rude as fuck too.” I shrugged. “I know. Imma fuck that attitude right out of her.” Trey only shook his head and chuckled. “She gonna cut yo’ dick off, man. I’m telling you.”

A long time friend of my uncle interjected into our conversation. “August, you still out here being a playa?” I shook my head a bit. “Something like that, Ace.” He stared at me a moment before turning his attention back to his paper. “You’re getting older, Aug. Maybe you should start thinking about settling down.”

I heard what he was sayin’. I really did, but I didn’t have an interest in settling down.



I had been sitting in his office for five minutes. I hoped whatever he was talking about was important. I decided to check Instagram while I was waiting. Going through my notifications, I was still processing the fact he was my partner. Out of all the people I could have gotten paired with it had to be him. I sighed, liking a few photos and scrolling past others. The sound of the office door opening caused me to look up.


I was about to give August a piece of my mind, but instead of him I was greeted by another female. She was about my height, light skinned with blonde hair and an array of tattoos covering her left arm. She smiled at me and I returned it with one of my own. “Hello.” I said.


"Hey. You must be Mariya." She said, smile still on her face.

I raised my brow at her. “How do you know my name?” She chuckled and made her way to the chair next to me. “I’m Reina, but call me Rei. And August told me about you.” I sighed, wondering what August could have told her. “Don’t worry, love. He only had the nicest of things to say about you.”


"I’m sure." I replied. "Are you waiting for him?"

"Naw, not really. I just came to pick up my money." She replied, standing up.

"Money? You work for him?"

"Kinda sorta. I’m a tattoo artist and whenever I get new clients i direct them here. I’m kind of like a referral service, if you will." I watched her walk over and open the top drawer of my admirer’s desk. She pulled out a small clip of money and shoved it in her pocket. "I told him he didn’t have to pay me, but he insists." She shook her head. "Aug has trouble taking no for an answer."


"I know. Trust me." Reyna only giggled at my remark. "Well, it’s time for me to take my leave, but it was an honor meeting you, Mariya." 


"It was nice meeting you too, Rey." I said, smiling slightly. "See you around?"

"Definitely!" She gave me a small wave before heading towards the door. As soon as she left, August came in. "I see you met Rey."

"And I see you decided to grace me with your presence."

He only gave me that same cocky smirk I was used to. “My bad. Had to handle some shit.” He walked past me and I caught of whiff of his cologne. Old spice. I loved Old Spice. “Is there anything you want to go over first?” He questioned.


I shook my head. “No. Just do whatever you usually do. You don’t need to change up your routine for my benefit.” I replied, storing my phone in my purse. “Aight, ma. Just stop me when you got a question.”

For the next two hours I observed August in his work setting. He seemed..different. More focused, more serious. Sometimes I had to remind myself he was employed. He did have different sides to him, not just the flirtatious, cocky side I usually saw. 


Before I knew it, I was right back in the passenger seat in his car. “So, how was it?” 

"How was what?"


"Our first lil’ shadowing or whatever you call this shit." He replied, scrunching up his face. I giggled, though I wish I hadn’t. "It was nice. Even my talk with your lil’ friend." Tremaine was certainly a character. August chuckled a bit. "Yeah, Trey a dumb ass, but that’s my roun’. Been knowing that nigga for years now." I smiled a bit at his words. "That’s how me and Isis are. She’s..special, but I love her all the same."


I heard August mumble as he pulled into GSU’s parking lot. “Iono know bout’ that love shit, but that’s my nigga.” He leaned back in his seat, turning his head to face me. I twisted my body to look at him and flashed that intoxicating smile. “Why you still sittin’ here, ma?”

"Excuse me?"

"I don’t mean it like that. I just thought you would have dipped the second I parked."

"You say that like I curse your existence."

"I feel that way sometimes."

"You do?" I asked, frowning. I knew I was rude, but I didn’t think it was that bad. "I’m sorry, August."

I frowned even more as I watched him shrug it off. “Can I make it up to you?”


"Let me take you out to dinner?" He asked, a cheeky grin on his face. And that’s when I realized I’d been tricked. I pursed my lips and sent him a small glare. "You catfished me." As soon as those words left my lips, he burst out into a fit of laughter. 

"Iono think it was that severe for you to call me a catfish." 

"It really was. Made me feel like shit for a moment." I admitted. 

"My bad, ma. I was just teasing you a lil bit. You so serious. Lighten up a bit."

"You sound just like Isis." I shook my head. "You two would get along." He only smiled and the car was left with a comfortable silence. 




"I really do appreciate this. I know I’m not the easiest person to deal with." I admitted, locking my eyes with his. "So..thanks." He stayed quiet and for a moment all he did was stare at me. His gaze was intense and after a few seconds I averted my gaze. He smiled at me and I could see his bottom golds peeking out. "You’re welcome, Mariya. And like I told you before, I’ve heard worse."

"Mhm." I grabbed my bag and my phone before getting out his car. Holding it open, I gave him a small smile. "Bye, August. And thanks again."

"Bye, Mariya. Be safe, ma."

And with that, I shut his door and I was off.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 24.11.2014

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