
Chapter one: worship


I was in jail listening to a song. My jail mates made the lyrics. Is the money is all I got, repeat I got rap myself out this energy about to bring to the ring. To knockyou are that who-fuck out around the world I go I'm coming backto take you out! I'm not stepping on any toes, but although I lost I'm turning the sorrow in for the belt because, I got nothingto lose I'm about to kill you, in the ring. Seen your eyes as it gets blankout because, I took your world from you. Your spinning! Spinning! know what it's likeyou know what it's like, and we were watching the fight in jail while rapping. Then, the cops got involve and tackle down both jail mates that are fighting. My jail mate said, Tyre! why don't you fight in the leagues? I told him because you forgot? The cops block me from fighting in the leagues because, I kill my boss and people. My jail mate said, so? You can kick almost all our ass's in here! Fight for the leagues fuck! What the cops say. I smile said Oh yeah! Your right fuck what the cops say. Then, my jail mate give me a trophy. I had a strange look on my face. I said what's this? My jail mate said, I fight for the leagues. I have given you my trophy. So, when your style is in the world remember me! So, I can join your gym. I laughed said, thank you. My jail mate said, I'm not laughing! I'm serious remember me. I looked at him hold on his trophy. Then, the cops call me! I got out. The jail cell handcuffed. The jail is going wild! They yelled yes! Tyre! your getting out now? Cost some trouble. I'm looking back at the hold jail. Remembering their


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Tag der Veröffentlichung: 01.02.2018
ISBN: 978-3-7438-5379-9

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

Tyre offer to train a boxer. To get money. To open his new martial arts style gym. Seem that he lost all his money paying for Maya in the hospital.

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