



Monika brown & sally jones













About the book


Do you want to quickly prepare delicious and healthy food for the whole family, start the day fit and healthy and do something good for the world at the same time?

Then grab this handy recipe book.

Our recipes help you to conjure up great and healthy vegan dishes with little effort and all without spending a lot of time.

In this book you will find 33 vegan recipes. Some have always been vegan, others have been veganized, so to speak.


"A cookbook that made me discover Asian cuisine. There is something for every taste.” Melanie Sauder


"The recipes are simple and well explained and simply taste wonderfully aromatic." Sylvia L.


Information about vegan nutrition


Are you brand new to the vegan world? No problem, we have put together some interesting information about vegan nutrition for you here.


Are you a long-established vegan and know your way around? Then feel free to jump straight to the recipes and get started.




The following information is intended to provide initial information and an insight into vegan nutrition. We do not want to educate or convert anyone, but rather provide information for interested newcomers to the vegan world.

Is the information complete and does it cover all topics related to vegan nutrition? No, probably not. In this recipe book we concentrate on the recipes themselves and only give some background information. In order to dive even deeper into the topic, we recommend proven specialist literature from experts.


What does it mean to be vegan?


Since many people are already vegetarian, i.e. without meat, there are more and more people who go one step further and eat vegan. A vegan diet means avoiding any animal products. In addition to meat, animal products such as milk, eggs or honey are also avoided.

Where does this trend come from?


In addition to protecting animals, there are also many benefits for the environment. Avoiding animal products can reduce emissions of greenhouse gases, over-fertilization of the soil and clearing of valuable natural areas. In addition, factory farming is influenced by the lower demand for meat.

With changes in food manufacturing and industry, there is an increased incidence of allergic reactions to certain foods among consumers. This often leads to a change in the eating habits and food consumption of those affected. Switching to a vegan diet is the first step in most cases.

The food industry has also reacted quickly to the trend and is constantly presenting new substitute products on the market. In the meantime, the products can no longer only be bought in health food stores or organic shops, but have already arrived in discounters.

How healthy is a vegan diet?


Here, too, it is important to eat a balanced diet and to make sure that you do not slip into malnutrition just because you want to do without certain foods as a vegan. The vegan diet usually increases the intake of the nutrients beta-carotene, vitamin C and folic acid. Iron, calcium and fatty acids, however, less. Vegan substitutes aren't always healthy just because they're vegan. These often contain high levels of fat, salt and flavorings.

It is important to pay attention to the ingredients and to take in the important nutrients, to listen to the body and to consult a specialist in the event of any complaints. The switch to a vegan diet should not be successful from one day to the next to prevent malnutrition.


Important NOTE:

This book is a cookbook and not a nutrition guide. It is not a substitute for individual medical advice and should not be relied upon as such. For detailed questions about vegan nutrition for children and adults, please consult a qualified doctor or specialist and seek advice.



How can I replace foods?


Meat is often replaced with soy products like tofu and tempeh. Other examples include seitan, lupins, grains, beans, lentils, and jackfruit.

Any plant-based milk can be substituted for cow's milk. There are already many variants, such as nut milk (almond, hazelnut, cashew), oat milk or pea milk. These alternatives can also be found in the vegan yoghurt alternatives.

In our opinion, cheese is the hardest thing to replace so far. There are few products that can match the actual taste of cheese. The industry is also still trying out vegan cheese alternatives. In our recipe book you will find some cheese variants that you can easily make.

All Rights reserved


All of the advice in this book has been carefully considered and considered by the author. However, no guarantee can be given. The author is therefore not liable for any personal injury, property damage or financial loss.

All rights, in particular the right to reproduce and distribute the translation, are reserved. No part of the work may be reproduced in any form (by photocopy, microfilm or any other method) or stored, processed, duplicated or processed using electronic systems without the written permission of the author.


Note on recipes


  • At best, vegetables should always be bought in organic quality, if the wallet allows it
  • The vegetables should always be washed thoroughly before cooking
  • Vegan margarine can be used at any time instead of vegan butter
  • Xylitol or cane sugar can be used as an alternative to sugar
  • All recipes can be modified and refined according to


    Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

    Tag der Veröffentlichung: 04.05.2023
    ISBN: 978-3-7554-4116-8

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