
Chapter 1 : Meeting The arrogant stranger

As salamu alaikum, this is my first novel and I hope you people enjoy the story. I have not edited the story so please do ignore the typing errors and enjoy the story.



Sila's POV

It is a beautiful sunny morning here in Bangalore. The day looked so beautiful, like the sky was welcoming the glory of the sunlight from the clouds. I was admiring the beauty of the nature from the window of my apartment and sipping on my coffee.

I slipped the coffee mug from my hand is when I heard my mom calling for me, Sila are you not getting late for college. I came back to reality from my thoughts and checked the time on the clock which showed 8:00 am. I am going to be late to college; I immediately cleaned the coffee stains and rushed to get ready to college.

I dressed up quickly and decided on a long purple top with blue leggings and a blue hijab. When I rushed down stairs and greeted my parents, "as-salamu alaikum ammi and abba".

My ammi (Zarina Ahmed) is a housewife, she had always put in her best effort in keeping our small and lovely family happy and in giving me and my elder brother Faizan good taleem* in deen* and the worldly affairs.

My abba (Yousuf Ahmed) is a business man. He owns a construction company named Yousuf and Son's Construction Corporation (YCC). My abba have always been a busy man as he has to be travelling frequently for his business, but he made sure he also spent some quality time with me and Faizan bhai. Since I am the youngest kid I have always been pampered by ammi abba and Faizan bhai.

Faizan bhai is presently doing his masters in civil engineering from Brunel University London. It's been one and half year since Faizan bhai left to London for his studies. Faizan bhai being my elder brother was very protective about me. Even in school days if any boy/girl in our school would bully me for my overweight Faizan bhai would make sure that boy/girl would apologise to me and never repeat the same again.

I loved and missed bhai a lot when I used to feel depressed because of my overweight problem and peoples comments on it.

"Walikum as Salam Silah, what took you so long, are you not keeping well"??

"I am Alhamdulillah doing good ammi; I don't know how I missed checking on the time today. I will head to college now and first will be going to Ayesha's place and from there we shall head to college".

Ayesha is my BFF*, we have been knowing each other since our 6th grade in school and since then we took up the same course in PUC* and our graduation. Ayesha is a bold, beautiful, charming and sensible girl. She has always been there during my tough times.

I grabbed a paratha* from the kitchen and rushed towards the door, "ok ammi I am leaving Allah hafiz", and then I rush toward Ayesha's house. Ayesha's house is just 10 minutes walk from mine. On the way I was still admiring the beauty of Bangalore city, it is a beautiful day out here and something looks different today. I was not able to figure out what was exactly the difference, but there was something which I could feel in me.

I was in my deep thoughts is when I rushed into a man who was carrying a bouquet of white lilies, "oh Allah, I am so sorry, I am so sorry, it's my fault" I started to collect the flowers that were on the footpath now.

"Are you blind, can't you look ahead and walk". These were the words that came from his mouth and I was shocked to hear him being so rude. "I....I... said..... I am sorry", I started to stammer once I heard his bold and manly voice.

"Whatever you ruined those beautiful flowers and my day too". I was shocked to hear him telling I ruined his day. I agree I ruined those flowers but his day??

I lifted my head from the ground and met his eyes. I was stunned to see the man in front of me. He was smart, tall, well built; he had those amazing blue coloured eyes which were looking at me with anger in them. He cleared his throat and I came back to my senses and reality and stood up as I picked those flowers.

I handed him those flowers and apologized again, "I am really sorry for ruining the flowers". He was staring at me from top to bottom and I was feeling a little awkward, and then he spoke again

"You have already ruined them so your sorry is not helpful". I was getting irritated by his behaviour now, though he was smart handsome, he had a lot of arrogance in him. I was not able to tolerate any more false words from him mouth, so I just handed him those flowers and headed towards Ayesha's house.

On my way I was only thinking about this arrogant smart guy, wait did I tell him smart.... Of course he was smart but filled with lots of arrogance and disrespect.

I rang the doorbell of Ayesha's house, and her younger brother Hameed opened the door. Hameed is in his 8th grade and is a very smart kid and good at cricket, I always felt like he is my younger brother. "As salamu alaikum Hameed where is Ayesha?", "Walaikum as Salam Sila didi, Ayesha appi is in her room, come in". On my way to Ayesha's room I greeted Ayesha's mom Sumaiya aunty and her dad Zubair uncle.

Zubair uncle and my abba had been childhood friends, me and Ayesha got to know each other only from our 6th grade when Ayesha joined my school, till then we were only hi-bye friends as we used to meet only in few occasions.

I knocked on Ayesha's room door and waited for few minutes and then she opened the door. "As salamu alaikum Ayesha, why are you not yet ready for college??"

"Walikum as Salam Sila, I am in no mood to go to college today, because I haven't completed Miss. Anny's assignment yet and I don't want to face her today". "Oh Ayesha u being so silly now, only for her assignment you want to miss our design seminar today and you know I have been waiting for this seminar from past a month". I have a keen interest in designing and our college have organized a two day design seminar which was to be conducted by the young and talented architect named Saad Malik.

Saad Malik was twenty five years and is a famous architect who have designed many famous buildings in Chicago, Florida, Texas and in middle east cities. I have read few things about his life like he owns his own architectural firm in Texas named "Malik Architects and Engineers". I tried a lot to browse more about his personal life and just got information about his schooling and college and read that he had won the youngest architect award.

I also tried to get a look at his picture; unfortunately there were no photos of this man. I was little exited to meet this person and learn more from him.

"Now come on get ready in less than ten minutes and meet me down stairs and don't worry about the assignment I have your assignment completed", I tell this and wink at her and she is surprised by my words. "What when did u do my assignment Sila, you know you are such a sweetheart and I owe you a treat for this", she tells this and jumps over me for a hug. "Ok ok Ayesha we are already late so get ready fast".

I walk downstairs where Hameed and Sumaiya aunty (Ayesha's mom) where having their breakfast in the dining hall. I walk towards them and Sumaiya aunty tells me to join them for breakfast, "Sila beta come have breakfast with us, I have prepared your favourite dahi vada".

"Thanks aunty I just had my breakfast and I am already filled". I actually regretted for not having those yummy dahi vada and Sumaiya aunty prepares the world best dahi vada's.

I was talking to Hameed about his upcoming cricket tournament in his school, where his team was playing for state level and he was the captain of his cricket team and I must tell you he is an all-rounder in cricket.

I was having small talks with Sumaiya aunty about our upcoming placements in our college. "So Sila beta what have you thought about your future like after finishing your college studies", "aunty I wanted to become an interior designer and want to do a crash course in interior designing and simultaneous work under a good architectural firm".

"Sila beta have you even thought about getting married and settling down, because you and Ayesha are already twenty two years and I and your ammi think it is the right age to get married".

I get so obsessed and pissed with the topic of marriage, I don't know if it is because of my overweight or because of the responsibility that comes with the marriage. I think it's my overweight problem, where in people think young girls who are overweight are not suitable for marriage. I had few proposals earlier where the guy's family declined the proposal due to my overweight problem.

Since then I had no interest in getting married because I believe no other creature of Allah have the rights to disrespect his creature. I at times even wondered if Allah is really made some one for me, as they tell marriages are made in heaven, who would accept me the way I am and admire my inner beauty and not my appearance.

"Aunty I am not ready for marriage as of now and I also told ammi the same". I was wondering what's taking Ayesha so long, and I just wanted to run away from this conversation, because I know Sumaiya aunty would not drop this topic so easily.

"Sila i am ready lets go". Uffff thanks Allah that Ayesha came in on the right time. "Ayesha have your breakfast and then we can leave, I can wait till then".

"Thanks Sila i was craving to have those dahi vada". Once Ayesha finishes her breakfast we greet Hameed and Sumaiya aunty Allah hafiz and head toward college in Ayesha's activa bike.


Taleem - It is a Urdu word which means education and training in english.

Deen - It is a Arabic word commonly related to Islam.

BFF - Stands for Best Friends Forever.

PUC - Stands for Pre -University College. It is a two years cousrse in India taken after 10th grade.

Paratha - It is an Indian bread which is a thick piece of unleavened bread fried on a griddle.


Hi there I hope you people liked it. This is gonna be my first novel and would require your love and support........please do comment, share and vote.

Your opinions are always welcomed........lots of love.

Naziatarannum ^^ :-)


Chapter 2: The most awaited seminar


Sila's POV

We reached college in about fifteen minutes. We had missed our first hour class which was Mrs. Sumitha mam's class who was also our class in charge.

Mrs. Sumitha mam gave me and Archana the responsibility of organizing the seminar event, which included the registration of the students and providing them the required materials for the seminar.

Archana, Tina and Mariyam were my other friends in college and we were a group of five friends including me and Ayesha. We had named our group as 'Fab Five'.

Ayesha parked her bike in the parking area and we headed to attend our class. On the way I was still thinking about that arrogant stranger, his sparkling blue eye had something strange in them.

I had a feeling that I had seen him earlier, but was not able to figure out where I had seen him earlier.

I was above to slip a step on the stirs is when Ayesha caught me from falling. "Are you goanna tell me what exactly is going on in your mind or you want to play the guessing game again".

Ayesha is the one who figures out if something is wrong with me and I can never hide things from her, she usually plays the guessing game where she makes three attempts to figure out what is troubling me.

"How do you even get to know if there is something wrong with me?" "It's so obvious Sila, you start playing with your hijab vail and you're walking style changes".

I narrated the whole story that happened this morning and also told here that I must have seen him somewhere.

"Oh Sila don't tell me you fell for this guy, and those blue eyes of him captured your heart", she tells this and winks at me with an amusing smile on her face.

"Come on Ayesha you know me so well, I don't fall for guys so easily and specially for the one with the arrogance". I had my bad experience with guys earlier during my schooling days.

Due to my overweight issue, no guys used to speak to me and usually bullied me for the same and since then I never liked guys. I once had an arrogant guy in my class and he made friends with me just to get my notes, the one I usually prepared during my exams.

I had very good grades in my school, and hence all the teachers had very good relationship with me. They used to give me the responsibilities of any upcoming seminar events and made me the class representative.

Ayesha was the only one I relied on, as I was a shy person and hated crowd and attention from people. I had to convince Ayesha to help me organize things and communicate with the people for organizing the events.

A lot had changed since the schooling days to my present days in college. Now I was a bit confident person and could manage the events and communicate with people. But still I hated the attention part and Ayesha made her best effort to overcome this fear of mine.

We finally reached to our class and the next lecturer had not yet arrived to the class. Me and Ayesha went to our usually place where rest of the Fab Five were seated.

"As salamu alaikum, what took you people so long, and Sila Mrs. Sumitha mam wanted to speak to you and Archana about the seminar so she wants you both at her office at 12:15 pm".

"Walikum as Salam Mariyam, it's a long story for why we are late, anyways will tell you people in the lunch hour, and thanks for informing".

Me and Ayesha greeted our other friends and were having small talks about our plan of going shopping the coming weekend.

The rest of the morning was as usual, we had classes till 12:00pm, for the lunch we all headed to the cafeteria where we met our other few friends from a different class.

At 12:15, me and Archana where in Mrs. Sumitha mam's cabin and she was going through few paper works in front of her.

We greeted her," oh you girls are here, right on time. I wanted you both to check all the arrangements for the seminar which will get started by 2:00 pm and the registration is going to start by 1:00 pm". She pulls out few papers from her table drawer and hands it over to me.

"Sila I want you to prepare this welcome speech for the guest and you will be giving him that bouquet of fresh white lilies". I just agreed on whatever was told to me, and took those flowers from Sumitha mam and joined the Fab Five for lunch.

We checked for all the arrangements and those white lilies reminded me of this morning incident. I quickly cleared those thoughts from my head and was busy with the registration. There where students too from other college who had registered for this design seminar.

Me, Mariyam and Ayesha went to the 4th floor of college building to offer our Zohar Salah*. This place was neat and had no much students roaming around; hence we decided to usually offer our Zohar Salah in this place.

I prepared for the welcome speech and before receiving the guest I went to the ladies rest room to fix my hijab. While fixing the hijab I overheard few girls' conversation. "You know this Saad Malik is such a handsome guy and I have read on some site that he is the most eligible bachelor, I wonder if he had any past relationship or any present girlfriend".

I was in a hurry so did not think more over those girls conversation. On my way to the Seminar hall I was mentally rehearsing for the welcome speech, I was a bit nervous to as the crowd was huge.

We all were settled in the seminar hall and were waiting for the guest. I was told by Mrs. Sumitha mam that the guest would arrive in 5 minutes and I have to be ready with that bouquet of lilies.

Finally our college principal and the guest Saad Malik arrived and the moment I took a look at the guest, my eyes were almost popped out in shock and I felt my heart skip a beat, "Ya Allah am I dreaming, please let it not be him please........please.......please". I was making silent prayer to Allah is when Archana gave a pat on my back.

"Sila what are you thinking about, go give the bouquet to the guest, he's waiting there". I cleared my thoughts and my nervousness had been doubled now and I was shaken mentally.

I was taking small steps towards him, and Mr. Saad Malik was busy speaking with the other faculty. I was standing right in front of him now and he turned his face to look at me. He had this fake smile on his face and that reminded me of his arrogance attitude.

"Welcome to our college Mr. Saad Malik, we are honoured to have you here".

I told him these words with full confidence and handed him the bouquet, he took a look at those lilies and his smile that was fake was almost gone now.

I wondered if that reminded him of this morning's incidence. "Thank you", this was the reply I got from Mr. Arrogant.

I went back to my place and I started with the welcome speech. The seminar had started where Saad Malik had prepared a presentation of his work along with his present work.

I went back where Fab Five were seated. "Sila are you alright, why are you sweating so much".

"Ayesha you would not believe incident that had happened this morning?"

"Ya Sila I do remember, now what about it?". "You know the person I ran into this morning is none other than Saad Malik". I reveal this to her and hide my face with my hands.

"Ya Allah Sila, are you serious, that it's Saad Malik?"

"Ya I am so sure its him"

All of sudden Ayesha burst out in laugh and rest of the Fab Five joined her. I was feeling so nervous and my friends where not helping me in this matter.

"Oh Sila, there is nothing to get tensed about, he is not a ghost who would eat you up, just take deep breath and relax".

I did as Ayesha told me and I was feeling better now. We all were concentrating on what Saad Malik was presenting on. I must tell you this man has a creative mind and have created beautiful designs and works apart from his arrogant attitude.

My mind drifted to this man's personality and the conversation I heard in the washroom. He is got the perfect physic and the way he carry himself and present is perfect. To be precised he is a tall handsome guy, who can win over any girls heart just by his looks.

Oh.........ho wait, why am I even thinking about him in this way, I am sure he must have had past relationships and might be having one present too.

The seminar got over by 4:30 pm and then Saad Malik had an urgent meeting to attend so he had to leave early.

Before he left he was speaking to Mrs. Sumitha and handed her few papers. Me and Archana was standing right behind Mrs. Sumitha, and I was trying to hide myself from him.

Once he finished with his conversation with the other faculty, he turned towards me and Archana. He's eyes stopped at me and he took few steps towards me. He was looking right into my eyes now.

"Thanks once again for those lilies Miss. Sila"

He tells this to me and turns to speak to Archana and the other students who wanted to speak to him, especially the girls.

My heart beat was so fast that I was scared, he might hear it. Later like after 5 minutes he leaves with his assistant.

I was trying to register the words he just spoke to me. I just wanted to run away from this place. Oh.....wait how did he get to know my name?

I was busy in my thoughts is when Mrs. Sumitha called me to meet her in her cabin after the seminar. I told Ayesha to wait for me and I started to walk towards Mrs. Sumitha mam's cabin.


Salah : It is a Urdu word which basic meaning is worship or prayer


please do vote and u lots.......

Naziatarannum ^^ :-)


Chapter 3 : The Unexpected Offer


Sila's POV

I had almost reached Mrs. Sumitha mam's cabin now and was waiting for her to arrive. Many things were running in my brains at this moment, like why did she call me to meet her after she immediately spoke to Saad Malik. Does it have to do something with the conversation she was having with him?

I was busy fighting with my interpretations and getting nervous. My cell vibrated indicating a message, immediately took out my phone from my bag and there was a WhatsApp message from Ayesha.

"Sila I will have to leave now immediately as Hameed fractured his right leg while practicing, sorry dear I will see you in evening"

I was worried for Hameed now as he had his tournament starting in few weeks and now he has his fracture to deal with, poor guy. I immediately replied to her message.

"It's ok Ayesha, Hameed needs you, and Inshallah he will be fine. Don't worry about me I will meet you in evening".

I put my phone back into my bag and gave a light knock on Mrs. Sumitha mam's cabin door.

"Yes come in please"

"Mam you wanted to meet me"

"Yes Sila come in, I was waiting for you"

She pointed on a chair opposite to her table for me to be seated. I took over the seat and was waiting for her to speak.

"So Sila I have a offer for you, and this offer can boost up your career too"

I was so excited to hear this from her, but also was confused as what the offer can be. Is it something related to Mr. Arrogant?

I was waiting for her to continue. She handed over few papers and told me to go through them.

When I took a look at the papers the first thing I noticed was "Malik Architects and Engineers", and then I get another shock for the day.

I knew there is something not good in these papers. My hands were almost shivering and I did not like this.

I then went through the first paper and it had my name in it.

It says that I was offered the job of Design Assistant of Mr. Saad Malik for the upcoming project in Bangalore and I have to be working for his firm under the contract for a year.

After I went through the papers, I had mixed emotions running in my brain. I was confused if I have to thank Allah for giving me this opportunity or ask Allah to protect me from Mr. Arrogant.

I knew this have to do something with what had happened this morning.

I was busy fighting with my thoughts and flipping the papers in my hand.

"So Sila, have you gone through those papers? I think it's a good opportunity that you should not miss"

"Yes mam, but I need some time to think over it".

"Yah sure Sila, you have almost a week's time to get back with your decision on it and you can directly contact Mr. Malik, this is his business card."

She hands over Mr. Arrogant's business card and I accept it.

I keep those papers and the business card in my bag and leave Mrs. Sumitha mam's cabin.

As Ayesha had to leave early, I decided to take bus ride back home. It was almost 6:00pm till the time I reached home as the traffic here in Bangalore is unpredictable and ammi had called me like five times as to ask when will I reach home.

Ammi was worried since I rarely travel by bus; it's always Ayesha who drops me back home.

"As salamu alaikum ammi"

"Walikum as salam beta, what took so long for you to reach home, and how is Hameed now, had you been to Ayesha's house to see him?"

"No ammi, I will first freshen up offer Salah and then we can go to meet Hameed"

I rush upstairs to my room, freshen up and offer my Salah and later join ammi downstairs.

Ammi was busy in kitchen preparing dinner and was packing yummy jalebis* for Hameed. I and Hameed used to have competition over jalebi like who can eat most of the jalebis in a minute. As always I used to win the competition as I love jalebis and I am a foody person as my personality shows up.

Ammi and I leave home like after ten minutes and are on the way to Ayesha's house. My mind was not stable since I read those papers, and I had to speak about this with Ayesha, ammi and abba.

Ayesha is always been very supportive and I choose to tell her first and later tell ammi and abba.

We reached Ayesha's house and knock and the door, Ayesha opens the door for us.

"As salamu alaikum Aunty, Sila please come in"

"Walikum as Salam beta, how is Hameed now and where is your mother"

"Walikum as Salam Ayesha"

We enter the house and find Sumaiya aunty lecturing Hameed for being cautious while practicing.

"As salamu alaikum Sumaiya, and stop lecturing this poor kid, he is already in so much pain, Hameed beta you to have to listen to your mother she tells for your good. I hope the jelabis I got for you would make you happy"

"Walikum as salam Zarina aunty and thanks for getting those jelabis. It's been a while since me and Sila didi had competition over them"

"Oh Hameed you need to take rest, we can have jelabi competition next time"

I was in no mood to have jelabi competition and thanks to Mr. Arrogant's offer; it had put me in deep thoughts.

Me, ammi, Ayesha, Hameed and Sumaiya aunty was have small talks and munching on few snacks. I was waiting to talk to Ayesha so I signal her towards her room and she catches me right. We excuse ourselves and walk towards Ayesha's room.

I take a seat on Ayesha's bed and Ayesha pulls over a chair and sits opposite to me.

"So Sila what is that bothering you so much, is it something to do with your Mr. Malik.....ha ha ha ha ha....."

"Ayesha stop laughing, this is something serious"

"oh did Zarina aunty bring up the topic of marriage again or is that you got a marriage proposal?"

"Ayesha it's not what you thing........ I don't know where to start from?.....ahhh when I went to meet Mrs. Sumitha mam later after the seminar, she handed me few papers and those papers where from "Malik Architects and Engineers",.....and....and.... it was a contract paper of a year to work as Design Assistant of Saad Malik"

"what...........Sila are you serious?", Ayesha jumps up in surprise from her seat and gives me a astonished look.

"I know it's hard to believe...but it's true, I wanted to tell you first about this and later to ammi and abba. They have given a week's time to decide over this contract."

"Sila it is such a good opportunity and you still thinking over it? I think you should go ahead with the offer."

"I do agree it's a good opportunity Ayesha, but what makes me think so much over it is that I have to face Mr. Arrogant most of the time and deal with his attitude and you know me I get so offended being around such people"

"Come on Sila you have to build up your confidence and I am sure that Mr. Malik must have not chosen you for this offer just like that. He must have seen your work and then decided. And if you still have any doubts over it, you can do istikhara* and then decide"

"Oh yah why did I not think about istekhara before. Oh Ayesha you are simply great and I love you for this"

I was feeling better now after speaking to Ayesha about this and decided to do istekhara and then decide over this offer.

Ayesha and I speak about our weekend plan of going shopping with Fab Five and Sumaiya aunty calls us down for dinner.

I was hungry now after stressing my brain so much. I actually eat a lot when I am stressed or if there is something bothering me. I tried my best to cut down this habit but never succeeded and I believe this is one of the reasons for me being overweight.

Sumaiya aunty had prepared Chicken for dinner and there was yummy jelabis for dessert. We finish our dinner and later at around 9:30pm me and ammi leave for home.


Jelabi : An Indian sweet made of coil of batter, fried and steeped in sugar syrup

Istikhara : It means to seek goodness from Allah . Meaning when one intend to do an important task, they do istikhara before the task.


please do vote and u lots.......

Naziatarannum ^^ :-)


Chapter 4 : The Encounter


Sila's POV

I was sitting on a large, leather chair. It has arms, but it is not an arm chair, it swivels a bit like a computer desk chair, yet it is not really like one of those either. I look around and see flashing of computer screens and lot of people running around, dressed in what looks like office formals.

My heart is pounding!

"What is taking so long for you to get a work done on time, I hate people who don't follow my instructions"

I was getting nervous and feeling dehydrated. I ran my tongue around my bottom lip and was thinking of getting away from this situation.

My heart continues to pound. I suddenly feel a hand on my shoulder and I turned around to look who was adding up to my worries.

There was standing a woman who seemed to look like in her late 50's, she had a generous smile posted on her face which brightened her wrinkled face. She looks at the direction of the man who was shouting at me a minute ago.

"Is that how you talk to your employee's? Look at that poor girl, you making her nervous. Sila you may leave now."

I thanked Allah for saving me again from this terrible person and was wondering who this woman is and she had got so much of authority over this man.

I was so curious to know about this woman, so I was trying to overhear there conversation. Once I left the room, I place my ear on the half closed door to know what the conversation that was taking place.

I was only able to hear a beep noise coming outside the room, which was really irritating my ears. I all of a sudden feel a jerk and the door get opened and I land directly on the floor.

I open my eyes and try to get up from the floor and for my surprise I realize that I am in my own bedroom and had fallen from my bed.

The beep noise was nothing but my alarm set for fajar. I off my alarm clock and try to recall what had just happened, was that a dream I just had?

Oh Allah was I dreaming about Mr. Arrogant. What does the dream actually mean, and who was that man shouting at me and the woman who saved me from him?

I was really confused and was trying to figure out the puzzle and recall what happened once I left Ayesha's place last night.

I and ammi left Ayesha's place after dinner and as Ayesha had suggested to do istikhara, I had decided to do it the same night.

I offered my isha Salah and did istikhara and went to sleep.........and then I think I had this dream.

Does that mean it has to do something with the offer of Saad Malik?

I pushed away these thoughts and went to the washroom, made wudu* and offered my fajar Salah and asked Allah's guidance to help me out with this situation.

By the time I offered my Salah, it was showing 6:30 am. For some reason I was not willing to go to college, but I had no choice but attend the college, just to attend the seminar.

I opened my WhatsApp to check if there are any messages. I texted Ayesha telling her to pick me up from my house to college.

My thoughts again drift to the offer and decide to read the papers that Mrs. Sumitha mam had given me the other day. I take out those papers form my college bag and run my hand on the company's name.

"Why is that he chose me for this job? Does it have to do something with that incident? He was actually pissed when those flowers where almost destroyed".

"Why would someone get so mad just for few flowers? I am sure they must have been for someone special".

I check on the clock and it was time to get ready for the college. I opened my wardrobe and glance on all my dresses. Since my overweight problem, I had no much freedom to choose over variety of dresses.

I always loved getting dressed since my childhood. I decided on a black legging and a royal blue top which had lace work on it and black hijab. My wardrobe was filed most with black and blue as these are my favourite colours.

I get ready for college and rush downstairs to help ammi in preparing breakfast.

"As salamu alaikum ammi, what is for breakfast today I am starving".

Ammi's mobile started ringing and she told me to get her phone form the living room.

"Walikum as Salam beta, I am preparing paneer butter masala with roti, and I want you to prepare those roti's while I answer the call'.

To be frank I am not a good cook, I manage to prepare good coffee and tea but roti's are never round shape. I try to roll a proper roti n it takes an irregular shape.

"Ya Allah Sila, when will you even learn to make a perfect roti beta. In your age I was already married to your abba and look at you now, you are struggling to prepare a simple roti".

I hated this type of conversation with ammi, because I knew it would take a different direction and stop to the point of my marriage. Just to divert the topic I ask ammi as who had given her a call this early morning and if everything was alright.

"Your Sidhra phuphu* had called and was asking to come over her house as today the groom's family is coming to fix the wedding date of Anam and Aamer".

Anam is my first cousin and she had got engaged a month ago. Aamer is her fiancée who is working in an MNC in Dammam in Saudi Arabia. I am really happy for Anam and was looking forward for her wedding.

I and Anam were close buddies since our childhood and Anam is like a year and a half elder to me. Anam met Ayesha when she had come over to our house once and since then she was close to her as well.

"Oh that's good to know ammi, what time are they expected to come and if you are going to be late home I will stay back at Ayesha's place"

"They are expected to come for lunch and yah you can stay back with Ayesha and I will pick you up on the way".

I quickly finish my breakfast and text Ayesha and ask where she is. I was busy with my phone and the doorbell rings. I rush towards the door and open the door and greet Ayesha.

Since we were getting late I pick up my college bag and say ammi Allah hafiz and leave for the college.

"So Sila what have you decided about the offer and did you do istikhara?"

I tell Ayesha about the dream I had last night and she has this crooked smile on her face.

"So Sila it is an indication from Allah for you to accept the offer and you should go ahead with it".

We reach college and Ayesha parks her bike in her usual parking place. Today was the second day of the seminar and I was looking forward to learn more from this seminar and somewhere inside there I was feeling nervous to see Saad Malik.

The morning classes where as usual and I had told Fab Five about the offer I received. They were all excited and happy for me.

Later after the lunch I was passing by Mrs. Sumitha mam's cabin and I overheard my name from a male's voice. My heart started to pound loudly and for some reason I had these butterflies doing somersault inside my stomach as I discovered it was Saad Malik who was talking about me.

I was curious to know what the conversation all about was. So I take small steps toward the cabin and lean a bit over the door and pretend as I was just waiting for someone as there were other students passing by.

"Mr. Malik I do understand that this project is a big investment of your company and I am sure the decision you have made by choosing Sila is worth it. She has been excellent in her academics and the requirements that you are looking for all matches with her".

"I do agree with you Mrs. Sumitha, and I have seen her work when I had been for a NASA* (National Association of Student of Architecture) even held in Delhi and since then I wanted to meet her and learnt about her from the other judges who had been judging this event based on it I decided her for this offer from your college and I hope she full fills all the requirements"

This was the first time I heard this man tell something good about me....and wait........did he tell he saw my earlier designs?

I was trying to reconstruct my thoughts and was unaware when the cabin door opened. My feet all off sudden lost its balance and was above to fall on the ground.

I felt strong arms holding me in mid-air and I open my eyes to see those amazing blue eyes again. He was staring right into my eyes and I started to feel uncomfortable. It seemed as if I had stopped breathing, my heart was beating at a higher rate and was scared that he would hear them. I had these butterflies back in my stomach doing samba now.

He clears his throat and helps me stand on my feet. I try not to look at him and try to fix my hijab.

" just lost my balance..." I lowered my gaze and in my stammering tone apologised him.

"You have to be careful about your surroundings Miss. Sila and I hope you don't run into me again later someday". He tells this looking towards me with a straight look on his face where he looked annoyed for the second time because of me.

"Ya Allah what is wrong with me, why do I always meet this person in these situations". I make silent prayers and when I lift my gaze up, he was already walking towards other direction.


Wudu : Ritual washing to be performed in preparation for prayer and worship.

Phuphu : Father's sister is referred as phuphu.

NASA : It stands for National Association of Student of Architecture


Hey readers thanks for the lovely comments and votes, they matter a lot. I am trying my best to put in more twist in the story and will be adding up few more characters in the upcoming chapter. Any suggestions for the name of the character are always welcomed.

Do not forget to comment and vote...............lots of love... ;-) ;-)

Naziatarannum ^^ :-)


Chapter 5: Vacation Time


Saad's POV

"As salamu alaikum Saad beta wake up you getting late for your meeting, your secretary have been trying to reach you on your phone", I hear my ammi calling for me and I am still on my bed trying to get some more sleep,tired of a long meetings and work from past a week.

"Walikum as salam ammi I will be down in a while for breakfast". I check the time on my watch and it shows seven am and my meeting with the Dubai clients was scheduled at 9:00. I immediately drop a text to my secretary to prepare for the meeting and I will join them by 8:45 sharp.

I rush to the washroom and get freshen up and offer my prayers and get dressed in my suite and go downstairs.

I was craving for mom made aloo paratha which have been my favourite dish since I was a child. I don't get much time to spend with my family as I have to be travelling all over the world for my business and I miss mom made food.

I am blessed with a very caring and loving family, my abba Jamal Malik who is a well-known business man in Texas and have chain of hotels in Middle East countries, and my ammi Shahida Malik is a simple and beautiful woman who is also a famous interior designer.

My little sister Sehar Malik, is perusing her bachelors in medicine from one of the best universities in Texas. She was always interested in medicine, whereas my family is mainly into construction and designing. I have always been a protective brother and make sure that no one hurts my little sister.

Ammi was preparing aloo paratha in the kitchen and I join her there. "Ammi I am really getting late can you please serve me the breakfast". "Saad beta you are always in a hurry, why don't you plan for a family holiday, and even Sehar vacations are starting from next month".

"In-Sha-Allah* ammi I will think over it because I have a tight schedule for next few months". I have my breakfast and wish Allah Hafiz to ammi and leave to office as I was getting late for the meeting.

I park my car and greet the guards on my way to my office which is on the 13th floor of the building. I enter my office and I see my secretary waiting for me with files in his hand.

"Good morning sir, the Dubai clients are going to be late for other two hours as their flight timing got delayed".

"That is fine John; I too need some time to go through the details of the project before they arrive here. Do you have the papers I have asked you for?"

"Yes Mr. Malik, the papers are on your desk, and I wanted to inform you that you have been receiving invitation to one of the events in India to be the judge of the design competition and the organization is been waiting for your reply".

"I will go through the details of the event later john, just mail me the details of it".

John has been working as my personal assistant from past seven years and he has been working well so far.He has been like a brother to me in my tough times and he is been like a family. John is in him mid-thirties and has been married to Kate and has two very cute children's.

John leaves the cabin and I do my final check on the project details. I check my mail and I find the invitation details for one of the event in India which is held for the upcoming architects by NASA.

Few hours later I was in the conference room discussing the details of the Dubai project with Mr. Sheik and his fellow members. I just finished my presentation and the details of the upcoming project.

"So Mr. Sheik do you want me to add any details to the project?"

"Mr. Malik I have been working with your firm since a long time and this one have been the best design from your end, but I need to add up some more details to it and I need an Indian touch to the design. I want this hotel to represent the Indian culture".

"I will work on it Mr. Sheik and I need some time for it. I will fix our next meeting once I am ready with the design. I would want you to join me for the lunch so that we can discuss on our other projects as well."

Mr. Sheikh and his team join me for lunch and we finish the lunch around 3pm. I get busy with the work and my phone starts to ring, I answer the phone without seeing the caller name as my eyes were fixed on my laptop screen.

"As salamu alaikum bhaiya"

"Walikum as salam Sehar, how you been and is everything fine?"

"Allahmdullilah bhaiya everything is fine, I am waiting for you bhaiya, you were supposed to pick me up today and I have been waiting for you from past an hour".

"Ya Allah, I am so sorry Sehar I have been busy and picking u up was out of my mind. Give me other half an hour I will be there, Allah hafiz"

"Allah hafiz bhaiya"

I immediately finish my work and in less than ten minutes I leave the office and inform john to inform me if any important work comes up.

I reach Sehar's university and pick her up. We make small talks on the way home like her studies and Sehar had made her plans for her vacations and wanted to go with ammi and me.

I was in a delima whether to go on a vacation with my family or stay back n concentrate on the project. I actually needed a break from my work since of has been a while I have been on a vacation.

I remember it was in the end of my masters studies I had been on vacation with my college buddies and since then was stuck up with my work....

We reach out home at around six in the evening and mom sees Sehar back home and feels happy.

"Ammi you please convince bhiya so that we can go on a vacation for a month, and I have cancelled all my plans with my friends so that I can spend my time with my family"

"Saad beta I am not telling you to take vacation for a month, but try to keep your self away from work for at least two weeks. I am sure John can manage your work when you on vacation."

" In Shaa Allah ammi I will think over it....and you know I have many projects coming up and I am tied up with work."

I speak to Sehar and ammi for quite a while and I get a call from john, so I get up from the conversation and answer the phone.

"Hi john, anything important?"

"Yes Mr.Mr. Saad, the Dubai clients had just mailed their requirements and I have forwarded to ur mail, and they wanted the design in a span of two months as they wanted to start this on early basis."

"Thanks for informing john, I will go through the details. Is there any thing else you wanted to tell?"

"Yes Mr. Saad, I have also sent you the invitation details we had received from NASA, and they wanted your reply by tomorrow."

"Oh, ya the invitation from NASA, thanks John for going me a reminder, I will go through e details and revert them."

"I just had to remind it to you Mr. Saad, its part of my job. If something comes up for the day I will keep you informed. Good day Mr. Saad."

"Good day John".

I finish the call and go to my room to fresh-up and I had few mails to check. I have a quick shower and change myself into casuals and turn on my laptop to check my mails.

I was going through the invitation that I had received from NASA, to be the judge for a design event that is to be held in one of architecture school in Delhi.

I was busy checking my mails, later there was knock on the door, few seconds later there was Sehar holding her phone ion her hand with a big smile posted on her face, that smile of her had a devilish look which means there's something fishy.

"Bhaiya I just decided the place where I wanna go for my vacations, and this is the best place I would love to go, and ammi told you are also coming with us"

"Sehar I have piles of work to do and I am sorry my little sisI am not coming."

Me and Sehar were having a small bit sweet fight, as she was trying to convince me to come along with them, and I was trying to explain her my work issue, as Abba also is gone to Dubai on a business meet, the work load had increased.

Ammi enter into the room with speaking over her phone to Shameem khala*, who's is ammi's elder sister. She cuts the call saying In Shaa Allah and Allah Hafiz.

"So Saad beta what have you decided about the vacation?"

"Ammi I had received call from John, and theclients want their design as early as possible, so r me it's not possible to join you both"

"I just spoke to Shameem aapa and they are planning to keep Aamer's wedding next month In Shaa Allah and she want us all to attend all the wedding ceremonies, and Saad since Aamer is your cousin brother, they would be really happy if you there for his wedding."

"In Shaa Allah ammi I will schedule my work accordingly and confirm you by tomorrow morning."

Ammi and Sehar were really exited about Aamer's wedding, and I did not want to ruin der happiness. After thinking about my schedule I finally decided to accept the invitation I had received from NASA. I immediately replied to their mail and asked for the details of the event.

Since the time was nearing for Ishaan salah, I decide to go to nearby mosque to offer my salah. I decide to take a walk till the mosque as it was few streets away.

I was thinking about the schedule I had to plan during my stay in India, as I had no much time to complete my designs for the upcoming projects.

I reach masjid in about ten minutes and offer my salah. Once i was done with my salah, I was walking through the busy streets of Texas city.

I was sensing something very familiar around me, like someone was watching me, I immediately turn around to see if there was some one, and for my surprise the street all of sudden looked empty which was few minutes back a busy street.

Then my brain froze for fraction of seconds and I was not able to register as what had just happened.

I smell something good few stores away from where I was standing, so I started walking in the same direction from where this fragrance was coming from.

For my surprise I stop myself in front of a flower store and find these beautiful white lilies which catch my attention and realize that the fragrance was from these flowers.

I decide to buy few of them, though I am not a person who loves flowers. But there was something different about them.

I purchased few of them and head back home. I reach home and greet Sehar and ammi my salaam and they were, setting the table for dinner and I join them too.

"Saad beta who gave you these flowers, they seem to be so beautiful"

"Ammi I too found them good so thought of setting them in my room"

"But bhaiya, you are not a person who loves flowers; this thing in you sounds strange to me".

"I know Sehar; it's just that I liked their fragrance so just bought them home. Now I am starving for that yummy chicken, so can we have the dinner now?"

"Yes sure bhaiya, hehehehehehe"


In-Shaa Allah: "God-wiling" or "god is willing" .

Khala: Maternal aunt is called as khala in Urdu.


As salamu alaikum to my readers, I am sorry that I took lot of time to upload this chapter, as i was busy with my schedule and studies that I had no time to write it. In-Shaa Allah i will upload my next chapter early. Please do not forget to vote and comment.


Naziatarannum ^^ :-)




Chapter 6: Fragrance of the flowers

Chapter 6: Fragrance of the flowers


Saad's POV


I could hear some faint noise from a room, and it sounded like a female's voice who was reciting Quran*, which was sounding good to my ears, so I decided to see who was it.

I take small steps towards the room on my left, which was a room away from mine and when I reach there, I slowly unlock the knob of the door. It was dark which only had the moonlight entering the room and a dim light which was coming from the lamp placed at the corner of the room.

I enter the room further and the women stops reciting the Quran. She was sitting on the floor with Quran in her hand and was covered with a hijab which had pink and orange flowers in it.

"As salamu alaikum, I did not mean to disturb you; I just wanted to tell you that you recite Quran in a beautiful way, allahmdullilah".

There was silence for few minutes. Her back was facing me, so I could not see her face. I started to analyse the room I was in, which I had never seen earlier. I was in my deep thoughts; I heard her replying for my salaam.

"Walikum as salaam"

Then my attention goes back to her, and her back was still facing me. I got furious and suspicious and I wanted to know who she was. I see her getting up from the floor and she places the Quran on the side table and she slowly starts turning her face towards me.

The only thing I could see was a flash of light hitting my face with full force and I cover my eyes with my hands.

When I take away my hands, what I see astonishes me and keeps me numb and speechless. I find myself on my bed and hear my morning alarm ringing. I was sweating, I immediately turn off the alarm and I see my laptop is still on my bed and it's not turned off.

I recall as to what had happened last night before I went off to bed.

After dinner I came back to my room and placed those white lilies in my room, and then I started working on few designs on my laptop and fell asleep.


I stop thinking about the dream I had and make my morning dua and get up from my bed. I check on the time it was half past seven; I get ready in other twenty minutes and start cleaning my room. I had a habit of cleaning my room myself and keeping it clean.

I could still smell the freshness from the flowers which made me feel good for some reason. When I was cleaning my room, I found something really strange and I froze in my place.

I saw the same Quran placed on the side table in my room. I was not able to register as what had happened. I pick the Quran and recite few ayats*.

I finish reading Quran and place it in my shelf. I felt much better after reading Quran. I change myself into business formals and go down stairs and greet my salaam to ammi and Sehar.

"As salamu alaikum ammi, I wanted to tell you that I will be coming along with you and Sehar to India. So let me know the dates we will be flying there, so that I can book the tickets and plan my schedule."

"Walikum as salaam beta, I am happy that you finally agreed to come along with us, your Shameem Khala will be happy to hear this. I will have to speak to your abba first and let him know that we all will be going to India so that he can also plan his schedule and join us there."

"Sure ammi, and I might get late today so do not wait for me for dinner."

I finish my breakfast and Sehar was already planning the things she gonna do in India like shopping, side seeing and visiting some beautiful tourist spots in India. She also wanted me to come along with her for some shopping before we leave to India, she wanted to buy some gifts for all our cousins and aunts. I had piles of paper works to finish and instruct John to handle the work once I am not in city. I some how convince Sehar to go shopping with ammi and I will send my driver to pick them up once they done with it.

I quickly finish my breakfast and leave for work. I pick up my car keys, my laptop bag and my phone and walk towards my car. I unlock my car door and as I enter, I smell something different, something which makes my mind still for fraction of seconds. I look around and find few white Lillie's kept on the back seat of my car, which seem to look fresh.

I was astonished to see them, and was thinking who would have placed them here. I try to ignore the presence of the flowers and start driving. On the way to office I try looking for the flowers from the rare mirror in front of me, I apply a sudden break and my car comes to a stop. I clear my thoughts n try to look in the mirror for the flowers but they were not to be seen, i turn back immediately and find the flowers in the same place as they were before.

I again turn around to see in the mirror i find nothing on the back seat. I get stunned and furious as to what was happening with me since last night. I make dua and start my car and drive towards my office.

I reach the office parking area and park my car. I leave the flowers untouched and lock my car and take the lift. I reach my cabin and check for the mails and get busy with the work.

It was time for lunch and I was working on a design. I get a mail from NASA regarding the event details and date for the event was mentioned as seventh of April. There were three more weeks left for the event to take place so I had decided to visit Bangalore before I would fly to Delhi.

Since my company was a well known architectural firm, we also had many other events organised by Alex Jones, who was the head of event management in my company. Alex was currently working on the event which was a charity fund for orphan kids. I decided to have a talk with Alex before I leave to Delhi.

I informed John to drop a message to Alex to come over to my cabin. It was time for Zohar salah, so I make wudu and offer my salah in my office, where i had made a separate place only for my prayers. Once I was done with my salah, my phone started ringing, I get up and look for the caller, it was a call from abba.

"As salaamu alaikum abba, how have you been saab khairiyath (is everything fine)?"

"Walikum as salaam beta, allahmdullilah everything is goin on good. I had received a call from your ammi and she was telling me about her plans of going to India. I wanted you to finish the quotation of the dubai project and mail me before you people leaving to India. Once i am done with the work over here, I will land directly to Bangalore after a week."

"In-shaa Allah abba, I was working on their project itself, I will mail you the details by tomorrow. Regarding our trip to India, ammi have to decide on the date as to when we will be flying there. Once the date is confirmed, I can plan my schedule in India, as we also have our firm in Bangalore."

"Aacha beta, I have to attend a meeting now, will talk to you later In-shaa Allah, Allah Hafiz".

"Allah Hafiz abba".

Once i was done with speaking to abba i went back to my desk and there was a knock on the door, I instruct to come in. "Good afternoon Mr. Malik, I was informed that you wanted to meet me and discuss about some upcoming events".

"Good afternoon Alex, please be seated, I wanted all the event details with the list of sponsors for the events so that we can plan the schedule accordingly."

I finish discussing the details with Alex for other twenty minutes and get back to the paper works i had to finish and mail the details of the Dubai project to abba.


Ammi and Sehar had done with their shopping and ammi had planned to leave to bangalore by end of March, that was like after a week.

The days passed, with me spending a lot of my time in office and return home late night and work at night and fall asleep.

I used to dream about the same girl wearing same pink and orange flower hijab reciting Quran. I used to wake up at night and think about the dream, later I recite few duas and get back to bed. I finally decided I would do istikhara and seek Allah's help.

I had booked the tickets to Bangalore on 27th of march which was on Friday, and I had two more days to finish my work here. I plan my schedule and give all the details and instruction to john.

Ammi and Sehar were busy packing the gifts. I must tel Ammi and Sehar had good sense of shopping and they had picked the gifts according to my aunts and my cousins choice.

"Hey Sehar do you need some help in packing the gifts"

"Bhaiya are you not keeping well today? you really wanna help me in packing the gifts?"

"Come on Sehar you acting weird, I do help ammi and you at times"

"Ya right bhaiya that happens only when you want something from me or ammi"

"Come on Sehar stop irritating your brother, and finish the packing soon, we have other works to finish before we go to bed".

I join ammi and Sehar and we finally pack all the gifts and I enjoyed these little fights I have with Sehar. We have our flight at 7.30 am tomorrow so I wanted  to have a good amount of sleep as i don't feel sleepy while I travel.

Next day we get up early and leave for the airport, the journey was for almost 24 hours and we reached Bangalore on Saturday morning around 9 am. Shameem phuphu and few of my cousins had come to receive us. 

I felt overwhelmed by the  love i received from all my aunts and cousins as i was meeting them after 10 years. I got lots of comments like "Saad beta you have grown up to become such a smart guy, I think you should get married". Marriage was something i was not thinking about for another few years as i wanted to make my firm in the top list of the top most architectural firms. Allahmdullilah by the grace of Allah our company was in top five companies, but i wanted to make it to the top three companies.

My days in Bangalore were busy as I was looking into the projects that were handled by our firm in Bangalore. Weekends my cousins and aunts would plan for get-together in either of their places. I must tell all my aunts including my ammi are great cooks and i get to taste different dishes.

I was also in touch with the NASA team as they were expecting me to be in Delhi a day before the main event, as the coordinators of the events wanted to discuss few things.

I Used to get those dreams frequently, I wanted to see her but each time she turns to face me I wake up in fear. This made me more and more curious to find out what was wrong with me.


Quran :  The Islamic sacred book, believed to be the word of God as dictated to Prophet Muhammad by the archangel Gabriel and written down in Arabic.

  Ayats  : In the context of Islam's principal scripture, the Quran, ayah is used to mean "verse"


Sorry for late update........will try to update my further chapters not forget to vote and comment and do let me knw if you ppl liked the suspense in this chapter......... lots of love.

  Naziatarannum ^^ :-)  


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 23.11.2015

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