
Vol. 1










Words Felt from My Mind, Written from My Heart




By: Denard Wright







Tap into my HEART, Listen to my Words and get a glimpse of my THOUGHTS. 




Why do you treat me like no one

Why are you always putting me down

Why do you say such mean things about me

Why, Why, Why?

What’s the reason for all this hate.

Why do you steal from me

Why do you hate me so much

Tell me, What did I do? know what,

I am not going to trip

I am bigger than that

But I will say this…

Why are you so ungrateful

Why are you so foolish

Why are you so untruthful

Why, Why and more Whys?

Broken Heart (Broken Love)


Broken Heart (Broken love)


When I first saw you I knew I was in love

You look like an angel from above

I hope we’ll never part

I hope this love will always feel like a new start

We will be together forever…

But forever ends today,

Today you say you are leaving.

Without you my life has no meaning

When I see you I have this feeling

My soul feels like it is slowly peeling

So far now our love grow apart,

Until that one day we will be back together.


Spoken Word #10

Spoken Word #10


When I Look at you I see sorrow,

Like you just don’t want to live to see tomorrow

I see the pain that you’re going through,

And sorry for the rough times you have been through.

Wipe those tears and look up to the sky

And tell your pain good bye.

Know that there’s more out there,

And more love to be shared.

Never give in to the pain,

It needs no more to gain.

Love you,

And be true…

Stop crying those misty blues.

It gets better in time,

Hey you can’t have Sprite without the lime.

These words were written from the mind,

With encouragement written between the lines


Spoken Word #198


Spoken Word #198


Are these old tears of frustration,

Or new tears of protection.

My heart remains shielded,

Because it is still wounded.

I know I lash out,

And sometimes I may even pout.

I have so much love to give,

But I’m so afraid to just live.

When I look at you, you send me chills

When I touch you ...Oh when I touch you

I know that what I feel is true

When I taste those lips

It sends my soul on several trips.

You are bae,

From the very first day.

I Hate Y.O.U

I Hate You


I hate you

I can’t stand you

I hate going to school and seeing your face

I hate looking at you

I hate sitting next to you

I hate riding the same bus as you

I hate everything about you

I hate the thought of being around you

I hate the day we met

I wish you never came here

I wish I never saw you

Some days I just wish you’ll go AWAY

Still to this day I hate you

I hate talking to you

I hate you talking to me

I hate when you pretend to like me

Just leave me the HELL ALONE..

Give me my space and I’ll give you yours

So Confused

So Confused


You act as if you don’t know me

You treat me as if you hate me

When I say hi,

You act as if you don’t see me.


When you’re not around your friends,

You act as if you like me

When I have money

You act as if you want me

All I can say is that I am so confused

I just do not know what to do

So until you know what to do,

I do not want to hang with you

I just …

I think I am …

Wait I know I am …


The Cheater

The Cheater & the I’m Sorry’s


Baby..I’m sorry for the things that I have done

Please forgive me for that one night

I promise I’ll never lie again

Just let me back in

I’m sorry for cheating and sorry for sneaking

Please take me back,

Yes..I know I did wrong

I can’t live without you,

I need you with me

I need you touching me

I need you loving me

Baby...I’m sorry

Give me that one chance to prove my innocence,

Let me beg to you my many promises.

I’m so sorry...I will change my ways

I promise you better days.

I’m sorry…

Forgive me,

For I am nothing if you send me off to be free…



Not Quite The Perfect Soul


I strive to do my best

Even when it turns out to be my worst

I don’t like to stress

Even when my days are full of mess

I do so much for others

As if I am their big brother

I go about my days trying to do the right thing

Even when it always blows up and up being the wrong thing

I take two steps forward,

And I always get knocked five steps backwards

Lord! I need you help

I can not do this by myself

I want to be perfect

But...I am nowhere near

I try not to hurt anyone,

But I need someone to

The not so quite perfect soul

Mixed Emotions


Mixed Emotions


Who can I run to

When no one seems to trust you

Where do you go when all around you is nothing but sorrow

Sometimes I don’t even look forward to tomorrow

I ask my Father above,

Where is the love??

I know I have a family that cares

But lately all they’ve given me is tears

They say I’m a follower

When I know I am a leader

I have put up these emotional walls

Even though I really want them to fall

At the end of my road it says “Caution”

This road is covered with potholes

Of Mixed Emotions!

Night of Trouble


One night (the argument that lead to trouble)


I know you have a man and you know I have a bae,

But we can not resist this temptation,

I need your love sensation.

Let’s stop all this talking and just get to touching

All I need is this one night

So let me do you just right

Let me put you in a position that you’ll never forget.

So you’ll want to come back and get

Let me taste your goodies,

While moving down to your …

Let me lick all over your body

While you’re caressing mines

Before I put it on, let me put a guard on my …

After I’m done with you,

I have to go home to my baby boo

We both know what we doing is wrong

But we seem to can’t do right

All I needed was this one night to remember

On this late night of september

This is my goodbye for now

Until we meet again somehow

I wish this can last forever

But I can’t go on any further

Goodnight and goodbye to my one night stand man

Who made this night feel grand!

Spoken Word #30


Spoken Word #30


That feeling you get when your heart bleeds for one,

You reach out and realize they’ll never come.

You wake up

And look for that text…

Or miss call?

But then you remember that there is no one

You hope for their kisses and hugs

And those annoying rude shrugs

These words were spoken from my mind,

With hurt written between these lines.

Sibling Jealousy


Jealous (He has everything)


He has everything,

And I have nothing.

You bought his first car,

And don’t even want me to go far.

You bought him his first three laptops,

Shit! It seems I will never be at the top.

You paid for his prom,

When mine came around I was like, hmm where is my mom?

You always compare me to him,

And made me feel so slim.

You paid for him to go to GradNite,

When I asked, all I received was a might.

You have done a lot for my brother,

Sometimes I ask myself why even bother.

I don’t say anything because I don’t want to sound ungrateful,

But it hurt I have endured is so painful.

I know you say you love us equally,

But I all have to show is jealousy …

Spoken Word #301


Spoken Word #301


Ever get to that point,

Where you go beyond rage

And you are past the point of hate

When all of your sadness,

Turns into pure madness.

That’s when you just …

Don’t give a Fuck

All you know is hate, pain, rage and carelessness

You become so negative,

That it scares you?

When that moment,

You have simply had enough!!

These words were spoken from my mind,

With frustration written between these lines.

Just Listen


Just Listen


When you come to me for advice,

I’m always there like white on rice.

But when I’m down,

You never seem to be around.

The times when I want to be with you,

You want to act all brand new.

Sometimes I get so sick of your shit,

Always accusing me of being with some other bitch

All you want to do is argue and yell

You’re worse than bills coming through the mail

I love you and I do not want to lose you

But lately all I want to do is flee

It’s like I have to ask your permission

For you to just shut the fuck up and listen.

I’m tired of the stress

And all of your mess

Pack up your shit,

And just get

Because you’re never going to listen

Cry No More


Cry No More


As I sit along this beach shore,

I yell out I don’t want to cry no more

As these tears flow down my face

I pray for God’s amazing grace

My heart is in a million pieces, And my mind is in a billion places

I just want to be happy, I’m not trying to change your personality

I don’t want to sound to emotional

But my heart is breaking down like waves at the intercoastal

I want you to understand how I feel

I wish you let me in like you did your last meal

My arms are open, Like words being spoken

I promise I will never hurt you, I love you like I love the color blue

You’re just so damn opinionated,

Which makes me so damn frustrated

I wonder what our future has in store,

As I shout out I don’t want want to cry no more

Trust Issues


Trust Issues


I never thought I’d be here

Standing in a hall full of my fears

I never thought it’ll be you

That can make me feel so blue

I never thought I’ll have these issues

That will bring me to grab a box of tissues

I wonder if there will ever be trust

Or will we always just fuss

I wonder how you feel about me

And will I ever get the chance to see?

I wonder if you know that you’ve been shady

Hell I thought I was you one and only baby

I wonder if you see how much I’m hurting

Or am I just overreacting?

I sit in my room and start thinking

Do you know how it feels when your heart begins sinking

I’m not trying to rush you into being with me

So why do I feel that you want to just leave

Yes. I’ll admit I have these trust issues

Damn, where is my box of tissues…

I’m nothing like your ex,

So stop treating me like you’re ready to be on to the next.


Spoken Word #34


Spoken Word #34


Tonight I cried tears of pain,

Which so happens to be the night there was rain.

If you can look inside my heart,

You would see how torn apart …

It is…

Trying to put it back together is like doing a math quiz

No one can seem to understand me,

All just seem to give up on me…

If you will just take the time out to understand my words,

You’ll see my love is as tough as crosswords

I may be a bit broken, but my heart still very much out spoken

Confused and Abused


Confused Heart (Abused Mind)


My heart tells me you care,

But my mind tells me you don’t want to share.

It brings me to tears,

And I can do is frightening fears.

That things are not what they use to be,

I just want you to be honest with me!!

You send chills down my spine,

Like honestly, you want to be mine??

My heart bleeds for you,

Lately my world has been so blue.

Now you want to act as if you want to be gone

But I just want us to continue on…

It scares me …

That you refuse to open up to me.

You have all these walls up,

And just refuse to let them down.

You give me these mixed emotions,

I feel like I’m lost in the ocean

My heart is so confused

You don’t even care to know,

That you ...yes you, make me feel so misused

My soul is beginning to be so bruised.

I’m just so tired of feeling like I’m drowning in a damn pool

You have my heart all confused,

And my mind...oh, oh my mind is so abused!





When I see you

I see hope

I no longer feel hurt

I no longer want to live in my past

But to reside in our future

When I see you

I see love

Happiness and True

The day you walked into my life

Was the day you made everything

My whole being, just right

You healed me, 

You complete me. 

J. Smith you are my #012716

Miss You


Missing You


I will miss you

I will miss the way you talk

I will miss the way you walk

I will miss your beautiful smile

Like a new mother, misses her newborn child

Even though you’re moving away,

Your spirit will always be here to brighten up my day.

The thought of you leaving bring tears to my eyes,

It feels like apart of me just died

I know that you must go,

But I just want to scream out NO!

You will always be apart of my life forever and more,

Like seaweed crashing against the sandy beach shore.


Spoken Word #3


Spoken Word #3


Ever get to that point,

Where you go beyond rage

You are past the point of hate.

When your sadness turns into madness.

That’s when you just don’t

Give a fuck.

All you know is hate and rage,

You become so negative

It scares even YOU.

That moment when, you have had ENOUGH.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 18.10.2017

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

I would like to dedicate this book to everyone that’s going through hard times and feel alone. This book is for you, never feel like you’re the only one going through what you’re going through. We might not feel the same in the end but we all go through the samethings. Enjoy this book and my truth, my life written in words.

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