



"Damn where this nigga at "? Laila spat as she waited outside of Max's unisex hair salon for her "Man"

She looked at her phone, 3:30 he's 30 minutes late as He was every Sunday when they did this little drop off pick up routine. Laila straighten her long floral maxi dress as she spotted him pull up in his 2013 black escalade truck with tinted windows. He rolled the window down & stared at her face as she pouted but couldn't help but smirk at how pretty she grew up Laila she was a 5 foot 5beauty the color of brown sugar with size 40 c breast, thick thighs and barely a stomach. You would think she was mixed the way her long now silky hair draped over her shoulders, and her brown almond shaped eyes sparkled with every blink, the only problem was that she was once his step sister and his Biological Sister Ebony had no idea.

She opened the car door and hoped inside, her plump ass made noise as it hit the leather. He laughed

"What's funny, Michael? You late as always! It's 70 degrees first week of May you think I want to stand outside waiting for your ass like that? Damn" she pouted some more

"Relax Laila, we do this every time and don't call me Michael baby you know I don't like that shit" he said sternly.

The way men got mad turned Laila on and almost right after she got turned on she felt embarrassed that she was Fucking Ebony's older Brother. But after all she was 25 which made her way past grown meaning she could fuck anybody she wanted. Michael was only 32 his looks made up for the 6 year age difference. He was a 5'9 dark chocolate black, who was the street's Bootleg Tyrese Baldy included. His smile so white it made all the girls when they were younger blushes as hard as they could. He had the swag of a Grown ass man but in the inside he was still a gangsta even with his new addiction to drugs.

"Micheal take me home I need to get freshened up before Mama finish cooking the family dinner ,you know she likes me to be there before Ebony and Tasha and them get there"

He said nothing. His eye brow raised and his jaw clenched as he took a charp turn into a Dunkin Donuts parking lot .

" I know you not stopping to get no damn coffee, it's going on 4 mama will have a fit if we late" Laila informed pulling her hair around her ear.

" La, what I say about calling me Michael. You just don't listen do you ? Now I'm not driving this car unless you come here" Mikey spoke seriously patting the middle of his pants

Laila looked down and laughed nervously .

"this ain't no fuck exchange nigga, drive . Mama aint going to curse me out because of you"

He didn't budge. She knew he wasn't going to move, his Stubbornness made her panties moisten . Mikey had a thing for fucking in public , although Laila wasn't into it.

" I'm not driving until you do what the fuck I said. Fuck being late, I could deal with your mother"

She bit her lip to the feeling of her Clit harden to his tone. She turned the ac

On full blast to avoid her hair sweating out after all she just got it done. Mikey inclined his seat all the way back and leaned as far as he could as be helped Laila climb on top of him , he lifted up her dress and gripped her Fat round ass he loved so much.

" you Gona do what I like La" he asked licking his lips

Calling her La, and squeezing her ass like that drove her wild and He knew it. She nodded her head in failure to speak she was so wet. She unzipped his pants and rolled her eyes because to be honest she was tired of Mikey’s lil dick but she was horny so pulled her panties to the side and slid it in, Simontaneously they grunted to how good it felt. She began to thrust her hips on his erection , With her hands on his buff chest. " there you go baby, do that shit" he moaned hard, he loved to see Laila ride his Dick because she did it better than anyone he's ever had sex with. She turned to look at the clock in betwen twirly her lips around his dick, it was 4:30

"Damn baby we gon be late" she reminded as she let out a hard long moan, the air from the ac slid between her thighs as she released his dick from her pussy

" No La, come on dont do that to a nigga. You know better ! Finish ! You'll make it to your Mother" he slapped her ass and grabbed her waist back down to him. Laila threw her hair to one side and speaded 1 leg over his arm rest so all of him could enter her. Thank god her Mother put her through Ballet or that position would have hurt. He grew bigger to her tricks, now so deep in her Laila could taste it. Her sex drive grew with every bounce.

" Damn this shit good daddy " she moan . Her juices ran down his penis. She sped up the pace . Mikey gripped her waist and pumped back , his Nut rushed to his tip but he didn't stop, and neither did Laila, she began wildly lifting her ass on and off his lap& all the windows began to fog and the car rocked. The thought of getting caught excited her more and She would come any moment .

"Ohhhhh yessss" she let out as her juices rained down on her. She rested on him at first before getting back in the passenger seat. He kissed her cheek as he fixed himself and drove off.

They arrived at Laila’s 4 bed room House in Upper East NY, where Laila moved to after turning 20 and opened a business near by.she got out the car and ran towards the door as Mikey drove off Sunday dinners was the family ritual since she could remember and her Mother would have a fit if she was late . Inside Laila threw her clothes off and jumped in the shower and washed off the scent of Mikey. In the shower she hummed the lyrics to Beyonce's "crazy in love" she shook her ass to the beat and tried to remember when Her and Michael started fucking around, She was 20 just entering her now very successful business job in Real Estate .

She always liked Ebony's brother since they met at Charmaine’s and Ebony’s father Cornel wedding when she was 15 Because he was always extra Nice to Her for some Particular reason, giving her candy when she was good in school and Introducing her to his friends as his “Gorgeous sister in law” , He pushed up on her One day and although Laila wasn’t into having sex then it didn’t stop Mikey, At first it was wrong ( and back then Laila didn’t know that it was actually rape )but Mikey told her he loved her and Laila was getting all the attention her mother no longer gave her from Mikey and they immediately started fucking behind the new family’s back and Laila She knew her mother was so in love with his father’s black ass back that her and Mikey would be together forever when she got old enough . When they got Divorced Laila was confused at what went wrong . Charmaine had explained Cornel was Cheating and wasn’t Man enough to take her on.Her mother was Stupid Laila thought growing up to have Let Him Go after one little mistake after all he was The Cornel Hausley a Lawyer from Atlanta and Rich, Mikey following his footsteps Laila thought he’d be the perfect husband. Laila gave her mother fake sympathy as their divorce took it's course and never told anybody what happened with Mikey putting it all behind her

It was After not seeing him for quite some time she spotted Mikey at club Envy for the first time in 5 years . He admired how grown up she was and quickly fell for her charm basically throwing himself at her. Laila was hesitant to be having this affair because of how close her and Ebony was but Micheal assure her it was only a few times , plus she was loose back then and didnt care how spur of the moment they had reconnected or why. Lately Laila reminded him that a Few times were beginning to be too many now 5 years later but the 20,000 he was paying her almost every month to continue this affair had her hooked. She didn't need his Money , for 1 she made about 90,000 a year but for 2 it did nothing for her lavish lifestyle . Mikey often threatened to tell everyone about their secret affair and ruin her Career completely and Laila couldn't let that Happen, she worked too hard for what she had! Fucking Micheal was getting old though, his dick wasnt even that good and the recent Drug problem he adapted threw her plan to drop his ass into over drive .

Dressed in a one sleeve royal blue body con Armani dress, Laila threw on her Blue 6 inch heels and grabbed her Gucci Bag on her way out the door, her hair still intact as she looked in the mirror of her new Red Mersadies Car checking herself and drove off.


"Hey Mama Char" Tasha chimmed as she walked through the doors of her spacious brooklyn Home.

She smelled the food with every step. Tasha was already drunk coming from her day time Stripping Job down at Bottoms up in Harlem But with every Click of her black Knee high boots she held her composure . Hopefully nobody notices her outfit, booty Shorts and a tank top cause She didn't have time to go to her apartment then drive back to Brooklyn to Char's

Mama Char had her back turned towards Tasha as she came in but she could smell the Alcohol from Tasha as she walked closer.

"Child you better not sit at my table with that smell leaking from your pours, I think I hear Laila coming in get her to fix you up" She spoke looking out the kitchen window to the drive way.

" Sorry Char" Tasha pleaded with her head in her hands, she was more drunk than she realized.

" Heyyyy Mama, sorry I'm late Traffic is crazy" Laila kissed her mother on the cheek.

"yeah okay fix your Sister up before everyone else gets here" she told her pointing to Tasha now slummed over in the kitchen chair

Laila shook her head in Disgust. She grabbed Tasha's hand and guided her up Her mother's Spiral stair case. Upstairs Laila gave Tasha some water , 2 Tylenols and tried to Get her out her clothes

"Tasha come on , I can't dress you myself" Laila now out of breathe

Tasha leaned over and helped her. She undressed , Showered and got re-dressed in the clothes Laala got out of Char's closet before 6 had crept up on the clock.

Tasha was a "high yellow Girl" a nickname her childhood friends gave her. She had freckles that popped across her cheeks that she hid under makeup, and chinky eyes the color of tar, Her Mother Died when she was 8 of cancer and her Father stayed somewhere in Washington after Him and Char’s divorce leaving Tasha behind when she turned 18 to take care of herself.Tasha has been a stripper since she was 18, now at 24 her life was stripping . Her burgandy weave tickled down her ass but today she rocked two French braids. She was pretty except for the minor Gap between her teeth she hated so much. She had a slim body that made going up and down a pole real easy . Dressed in designer jean shorts and a white blouse , Laila handed her a pair of tennis shoes and motioned for her to hurry and she walked back down stairs .

A long the Last supper looking table stretched across the living room with every food you can imagine .. Collard greens, mac-n-cheese, turkey, Ham, Pot roast, Stuffing , Baked Potatoes and a million other Black folk foods filled 1 half. The other a bunch of Desert choices . Mama Char's Dinners was always on point ,and Laila’s stomach growled to the sight of all the delicious food.

So many people filled the house , like they did every Sunday no matter where they was from Aunts, Uncles, & Cousins all ready to throw down and already picking their seats. Just as Mama Char took her seat Laila spotted Ebony in the kitchen on the phone

She walked over and Mouthed Hey while washing her hands in the Sink.

"Damn she looks worse from last week" Laila thought to herself .

Ebony had to be going on 230 pounds, she hasn't reached sloppy yet but she was a bite away. She always was a chubby girl since Grade school and her weight only spiraled from there. Ebony had a Son Yasin and a step Son Malcome from her baby Father she so dearly Loved. Ebony was the same color as her Father, Dark. she wore a short cut like Rihannas Her cheeks were thick and her eyes were as big as the Sea. Cute for a Chubby girl like they would say all her life but she always was Fly and her outfits colors always matched from head to toe today the color Pink she rocked a hot Pink Maxi skirt and light pink Crop Tank with her Pink flip flops and pink eye makeup .

"Hey sister" Ebony hugged Laila

They chatted on their way to the table where now Tasha , the family and Ebony's brother Sat.

Charmaine didn't talk to Laila’s Father who lived somewhere in Ohio, or Tasha's father who wanted nothing to do with her after the nasty Divorce. The only one She was still good friends with was Mikey and Laila to this day was confused by their friendship because of the way his Father and Char’s Marriage ended but brushed it off.

Everyone filled their plates and stuffed their mouths

"So Laila Ali" Uncle Ronnie spoke across the table , He's been calling her that since Birth

Laila nodded taking another bite of Mac-and-cheese

"When you going to settle down and Marry missy" He continued

Laila nearly choked when Mikey kicked her from under the table .

She swallowed hard and replied

" Now Ronnie you know I'm in No rush but hopefully soon I'm actually seeing somebody " Laila kicked back

Mikey nearly chocked this time

" Thats good, get to them babies Laila Ali " Ronnie chuckled

Laila nooded and smiled . The thought of babies scared her, since Her mother had her at 15 Laila did all she could not to be the next to give birth at such a sensitive age. She'd been having sex since she was 18 using all the percaustions in between years . The dinner went on and everybody talked until they were too full to speak. On the way out As Tasha and Ebony and Laila were talking and catching up Laila saw Mikey and Her mom slip away from the crowd together . She knew for sure she'd confront him on it later .

Everybody else stayed to help clean up as Char ordered and left close to midnight.



"What is his code" Ebony spit out sitting at the edge of her bed while the Boys played in the next room.

She was going through a lot with Her Boyfriend Charles and he'd been sleeping out too many night lately at a Friends house. Last night after Mama Char's dinner she came home to his clothes on the bathroom floor and as she picked them up off the floor a used condom fell out his pants pocket, and all hell broke loose. Ebony cursed him out into the next day and accused him of a million things but got nowhere on the accusations . But this Monday Morning she was Sure as hell going to get to the bottom of this! She tried her hardest to pry open the password to his Voicemail , she already checked his email and got nowhere .

"Mommy can I have some juice" Yasin whined from the kitchen

His sweet voice broke her concentration , she remembered how Charles loved his family but these days didn't feel like it. She felt horrible and didn't want to continue this relationship if he was going to be cuttin up like this .

"Yes baby " Ebony yelled from the bedroom.

Here she was 23 years old with a 5 year old Son and a step son who she didn't even sign up for . She was in love with Charles since she was 15 he was her first so when he got her pregnant and she was Married to him she knew her life would be set. But when Charles lost his job as a police officer in Queens , 4 months ago everything went down hill from there. Lately he sleeps at his friend Reggie's apartment near his old job because he "can't deal with Ebony" but even Ebony knows that's a lie because she hasn't did shit to his Sneaky ass!

After several Attempts Ebony gave up and layed down on her Queen size bed. She had a nice little apartment in Brooklyn that was color coordinated , She quit her job as a Teacher when Charles told her she didn't have to work. Now A days they were living off of his unemployment check and it wasn't much . Interrupting her thoughts, a phone rang . She jerked up and not understand where it was

" I know that ain't his phone or my house shit so where the fuck is it" Ebony said Face down ass up in Charles closet. As she searched she realized it was coming from inside Charles bathroom closet since he insisted they have separate ones. There it was a silver flip phone ringing in a basket full of other shit in the top right corner of the closet.

"What the Fuck" Ebony thought

She flipped the phone open and the name "Regina" popped up . Instantly her eye brow raised, she opened the message & read " we still on for tonight leaving that Wifey shit at home" followed by a winky face. Ebony furiously yelled "I fucking knew it, I knew that son of a bitch was cheating . Block head ass! Ohhh I can't wait to beat "Regina's" ass ol' dumb bitch I got your "Leave wifey at home" Ebony threw the phone back in the basket and paced across the floor.

she needed a plan, better yet she needed someone to roll with to catch this motherfucker in the act . She knew exactly who to call .. Tasha



"Ms. Morgan you have a call on line 1" a voice called from outside Laila’s office. It was Samantha , Laila’s White girl assistant . She'd been saying that same line for an hour. Laila knew who it had to be .. Mikey. He's the only 1 who she allowed to call line 1 if it was important. She was getting annoyed and took the call It was the end of May and Mikey’s drug habit had turned out of control, He became needy and very ugly quick

"I'm sorry I thought I told you to only call Emergencies, this better be good" Laila spoke sternly

"Baby .. b-b-baby i miss you when you gettin off work " His voice was low barely words she could make out

Laila knew he was high and was no longer beat for his shit!

"Micheal get a fucking life. Y'know the drugs are making you sound a bit crazy . This isn't a emergency . Lets cut to the chase, what were you and My mother talking about when y'all stepped out the other day at dinner"

"Bitch! What did I tell you about calling me Micheal. You bitches never listen . What me a-a-nd your mama talked about is My business! Stay In your place"

His tone pissed her off, her anger rised to the tip of her tongue .

"Motherfucker call me another bitch and I'm done with your crack head ass. My place? Was I in my place when I was riding your dick? No! So fuck you & don't call my job again " Laila slammed the phone on the hook. She sat in her big Business chair, and put her hands in her head

Why was she still fucking with this nigga? He wasn't shit anyways, no job but a drug habit out of this world . He's burnt out and old looking now and she wasn't about to let him disrespect her for no damn 20,000$ even if that was extra spending money! Laila pulled out her mirror and fixed her makeup . Today a smokey eye and light shimmery pink lip gloss, her face was beat. She wore a tight Black pencil skirt with white button up tucked tightly in not buttoned to the neck to show off her cleavage With the Fitted blazer to match . Her Silver toed 7 inch Heels gave the Business look spunk . Her hair was pulled back in a tight bun showing off her 20 carat earrings she brought herself last Christmas .

Laila applied an extra coat of lipgloss as the knock on her door made her Concediate session end. It was the day she was taking meetings for new Workers she needed in order to get her Real Estate business all around the word . She stood by her desk

" Ms. Morgan this is the first Person meeting with you today" Samantha stated handing her the paper work as the young woman sat down .

Her resume was hit and nearly empty . Before she could even speak Laila thanked her for her time and sent her on her way.

That process went on for a hour, a bunch of nobodies that couldn't benefit Her company in any way. She had given up when A Young Man walked through the door

"The Meet and Greet is over" Laila declared before raising her head to look at whoever it was.

Suddenly Samantha came rushing through the door

"Ms. Morgan I-Im so sorry! He got pass security and insisted on seeing you"

Laila looked up to what looked like the handsomest man she had ever fucking seen. Baffled Laila spoke with a smile "it's fine Samantha, I can take 1 more" the Man shook Her hand and sat down

He Had to be 6 feet tall, dressed in what looked like a designer Suit His creamy tan skin glistened and he Resemble the Rapper the Game a whole hell of a lot . His short cut had waves and his goldtee on his chin was well shapped . He had hazelbrown eyes and a crooked devilish smile .

"Damn he fine" Laila thought sitting in her chair.

He sat in front of her desk in 1 of the 2 chairs she had available and waited . Laila looked over his résumé , He graduated College in Business , it says He played basket ball for a while then became a person trainer for about 6 months. He was never unemployed and from what she read he never been to jail . He was the total package . Almost too good to be true!

" So Mr. Johnson, what brings you to My office" she smirked

He starred at her before answering he admired how drop dead gorgeous she was to him as well

"Lets cut to the chase Ms. Morgan , and call me Eli please . You need me and I need you . With the type of Resume I have I know I would push this business to the right direction"

His cockiness made shivers go down her spine .

“Well, I don't do first name bases with my Employees. So Mr. Johnson it is. Your Resume is Good, I must admit but I don't need anybody I want them" she stated handing his papers back to him

" Well then Ms.Morgan, I want you and You want me" Elijah spoke in a Sensual Tone .

Laila was turned on by his smart mouth and batted her eyes. She hired his ass and called it a day

"I'm telling you now. 1 fuck up and your gone.. I" before she could continue He put his hand up and spoke with Sincerity

"I'm a grown Ass man, I don't need a Warning. I said what I had to say. You either take my word or fire me now"

Laila nodded in agreement and as he walked out she threw her hands above her head and said

"Thank you God" This man was too good to be true for sure!






"So let me get this straight Eb.. You want me to do what? Girl you know I have to Work . What time?" Tasha said in between popping the bubble gum in her mouth.

Ebony explained it once more, how she wanted Tasha to ride with her to follow Charles to wherever he was going tonight and then help her beat "Regina's" ass

"come on T, please I wouldn't ask if it wasn't important . I'm tired of this mother fucker!" Ebony pleaded

" Igh! Later later on , Im busy until 11 "

"That's perfect! Thanks Sis"

They hung up and Tasha went back to work . It was Gentlemen’s night at the Club she stripped at , which meant Extra money . All the girls would be trying to dress to impress beating each others asses for every dollar thrown . Tonight was Tasha's game night , she made the most money always! She Lotioned her body up with some Vicky Secret Glittery strawberry scented Shit slipped into her see through baby doll Nighty that barely passed her ass and nothing else , her Burgundy hair wand curled down to the very end her makeup on point , Laila always taught her how to make herself look Glamorous .

She was due to go up next as she stood up in her vanity mirror and starred at herself

"I wish I could stop this shit" she said to herself the way she did every night.

But even she knew that wasn't possible .. She was 24 with no college degree like Laala or a man who could provide for her like Ebony. She had to get money 1 way or another and She wasn't going to go asking for sympathy checks from her father or mother either.

Tasha sucked it up and went out on stage, Men instantly Stood up and went wild

"Coming to you next is Cream, She's known to live up to her name and work the pole like no other" The announcer spoke up the excitement

Tasha Bounced her Ass slowly to the beginning of Juveniles Back that ass up . She twearked her ass and grip the poke with two hands before taking off. Tasha was a pro so just slidding up and down the pole was beneath her . At the top she put both feet on the pole still holding on And began vibrating her ass cheeks, she was feeling her self . The men through hundreds of dollars down below , She slid down fast into a split then did what look like backflips on the pole before coming off and doing a bunch of ass shaking on stage. She bent over and bounced her Right ass cheek at the men and their eyes popped their heads. The music slowed and Tasha Collected all her money before going backstage .

It was time for personals , where the girls go out on the floor and get as many private dances they could . Tasha hated those because the men would ask for too much without tryna pay and she wasn't up for not getting paid.

As she sat at her Vanity counting her money She spotted Nicole, the Prettiest stripper besides herself. Nicole was 5'5 a little thang just a tad bit shorter than Tasha with a Fat ass and some pretty titties to match. Her low cut didn't mean shit because she was A gorgeous exotic looking bitch same color as amber Rose. For some reason Tasha had been starring at her extra hard these days, coming to the conclusion it was a simple girl crush . Nicole sat on Tasha's Station desk and talk to the rest of the girls . Tasha pretended not to give a damn but in the inside she was damn near about to bust.

When the que for the girls to come out went off the girls scattered like roaches . Tasha put her money in her desk draw and locked it before getting up when she noticed Nicole still standing there .

"Oh hey nicki" Tasha broke the silence

Nicole got up and whispered in her ear

"You can pretend you wasn't starring if you want"

Tasha laughed "girl bye, I wasn't looking at you" she played trying to brush it off

She couldn't let business mix with pleasure and let a crush fuck up her money. She walked out to join the rest of the girls


Ebony sent The boys over to Mama Char's before going to pick up Tasha. She drove and bopped her head to the music when she pulled up to Tasha's one bed room apartment .

" Wassup " Tasha spoke hoping into the car . She was tired but already told Ebony she'd ride with her .

" Hey bitch, igh look we gon drive to Reggie's and see wtf is up "

Tasha Nodded . She couldn't help but think of Nicole and how sexy her tone was in her ear earlier . Did She know Tasha had a thing for her ? Or was she just fucking around? Tasha knew 1 thing for sure, she wanted Nicole .

Both Sisters drove to Reggie's in Queens, where they found out Charles wasnt there. it was almost 2 am and Ebony was starting to loose hope when Tasha spotted him at a red light getting in the Car with some Tall Woman .

"There that bitch go right there!" Ebony yelled loud enough for only Tasha to hear .

Both Charles and this Woman got into a car

"Follow them, but keep your cool" Tasha instructed ..

Ebony hit every turn they did , not missing a beat but still cars behind .

The Blue Toyota stopped in front of a house . Charles and the Woman began to Talk, minutes later They started to kiss and Ebony watched in tears . Tasha insured her that they were going to Get Charles ass soon enough just not now and the two drove back to the house in silence with all the proof Ebony needed to leave Charles cheating ass



Laila had been arguing with Mikey for too damn long but meanwhile at Her Job, Elijah was making up for Mikey's bullshit throughout May and straight into June He did everything without being Told and didn't hit on Laila not once .

That Friday late afternoon Laila announced great news to her firm

“Alright everyone, I'll be seeing you on Monday. Have everything in order because a selected few will be flying out with me to Puerto Rico in another week for the Property we're going to invest in" Laila spoke over the intercom, She always had the company visit out of the country Places in the summer because business was Booming when the weather was Hot .The building floor went crazy at the sound of beautiful Puerto Rico.

As she Was heading to the Elevator Elijah followed her .

“Well well well if it isn't Ms.Morgan" he laughed

"That's my name, don't wear it out" she spat back

"I'm not going to respond to that smart mouth . You hungry ?"

"Excuse me? My mouth is not smart & I could eat but if that's your way of asking me out forget it" she twisted her neck with each word

Elijah wanted Laila in his fingertips to touch and feel on the dangerous curves she had but if it's one thing he isn't about is Drama. Yeah Laila was a Beautiful Sucessful Fly Woman , but he also noticed her Arguing with a man from line 1 from time to time and wasn't up for the challenge .

“Never mind then" He said stepping out of the Elevator and existing the building.

"Damn La, your smart mouth just fucked up what could have been some good dick" Laila thought to herself

She wasn't beat for chasing after a nigga but this Man was something else . She shuffled to the door and called out


He turned around before getting into his Range Rover

"We on first name Basis now? Ms. I don't call my Employees by their first name"

" Look I'm sorry for being so snappy, I've been stressed lately and.. I can eat .. I mean I am hungry"

Elijah smiled at her effort

"To late. Lost my appetite" he looked at her from head to toe before getting in his car and driving off

"That motherfucca! " Laila cursed herself out the whole way home feeling stupid for apologizing in the first place


Saturday rolled around and it was Girls Night out. Tasha, Ebony and Laila always went out to Brooklyn hottest club to bless them with their different flavors , NY clubs were alright but everybody knows Brooklyn's is where its at. It was Midnight When the girls got together in their best attire , Ebony in red High waist shorts Red scoop neck blouse and red pumps to match, Tasha rocked leather pants and a Lace Green Halter top that came just above her pierced navel and some Black strappy Wedges , and Last But not least Laila wore a Tight white pencil skin and white cropped blouse that dipped into the long V .she Accompanied the dress in Her All white chanel pumps and Had soft curls in her Hair. Laila did all their makeup dramatically when they had Girls night out like this because other bitches were Gona think they were Hot and these 3 sister had to prove them otherwise .

Ebony drove of course , she'd been there designated driver since she had Yasin even though she loved to drink with the girls she loved her son even more so she vowed never to drink and drive . She could smoke though!

They arrived at a Club called Bartellos and from there the night went on .

The 3 always sat at a booth never a Bar because Bar's was for whores Mama Char always said . The Club was off the chain tonight ! The Dance floor was packed with people from Latinos to Blacks and everything in between . The DJ was fucking it up playing all the Latest and Greatest Hits . It was always dim in club Bartellos but the spotlights of various colors were flashing in every direction . The Bar was filled with Bitches who Looked as if in a video shoot barely wearing anything, the Booths filled with all groups and couples. Everybody was partying

"Girlllllllllll this club is Hotttttt tonight" Tasha yelled over the music and between sips of her Long Island Ice tea.

Ebony and Laila both agreed

" Lets dance, I need to shake this damn stress away" Ebony declared

" what the fuck you stressed about Eb, you got a family and you don't have to work a day in your life" Laila spoke up

" Bitch bye , Charles is cheating on me not sleeping at home nor taking care of me and Ya-ya the way he use to . Girl me and T followed his ass to Queens and caught him kissing on this tall Bitch"

Laila’s eyes widened and she almost choked on her Apple Martini , she had no Idea about Ebony's situation since she was more into her Work than her sister's lives these days .

" Yeah! Who Ms. Can't be stressed now, damn sure not my ass & My Brother making it no better with His Drug issues . I swear that Man is getting thinner day by day" Ebony shook her head in embarrassment

" What drug issue ? " Tasha Asked completely stop sipping on her drink

" You haven't noticed? Well he's been on that stuff for Quite some time, I keep Telling Mama Char stop doing that shit with him but They grown and I was taught to stay out of grown folk business. Besides My Brother immature ass ain't gon listen to nobody"

Laila almost fainted. She wanted to faint . Did she hear Ebony correctly? Her own mother sharing the drugs he's addicted to? That would explain their little Secret meet and greet every time Char had a family dinner. But why would Mama Char do that? It was one thing to be doing drugs by yourself, but to be doing drugs with your Ex husband Son ? Something wasn't right. Laila was confused as hell and she knew it read all over her face when Tasha asked

" girl you ok? You look like you swallowed a bug! "

But Laila was in a daze , she got up excused herself telling the girls she felt sick . She basically ran to the bathroom. Inside she starred at herself in the mirror , her Makeup still intact her hair still as beautiful as she did it but her face was puzzled. She was confused by what her life was playing out to be, and what Ebony had just said made it no better. There she was as Beautiful as they come but she wasn't getting no younger at 24 she did want a family and to be married . But with Mikey it wasn't going to happen , hell Laila didn't want it to. She was fed up with his ass, they barely had sex anymore and when they did it was always in his nasty ass car. He wasn't doing her any good and his Drug problem was out of control . Laila couldn't believe her Mother and him was doing Drugs after all this time, Instantly she got furious to the thought and pulled out her phone to call Mikey .

" La, Wassup you calling to ride this dick" he spoke clearly

" Excuse me? I'm not a hoe and I won't be fucking your dirty ass ever again. When was you going to inform me that you and my Mother was drug buddies?" She yelled as loud as she could causing all the other girls to walk out the bathroom

" Bitch what I tell you about being nosey. For your damn information your mother and I do business, you know the ol' pay off reward thing " Mikey laughed from over the phone

" I swear to God if you call me another Bitch ima fuck your ass up! What the fuck you talking about pay off reward thing? The hell you doing giving her drugs?" She Spat sending spit out her mouth she was talking so fast

Mikey laughed for a while then managed to get out

" Ask your damn Mama" and hung up the phone

" Ugghhh I can't stand his ass" Laila said stuffing her phone back into her White clutch and hurrying through the bathroom double doors . As she walked pass she bumped someone and before she could turn to say excuse me the Voice said

"Excuse yourself Ms. Morgan"

Immediately , Laila knew who it was . She was smiling before she even turned around to reply

" My apologies Mr. Johnson , I wasn't paying attention. What brings you here tonight" ?

He put his drink on a coaster a waitress was walking around with and walked closer to her

" I can't have a life besides that office of yours can I "? He Jokingly Questioned.

" Shutup. I meant why all the way out here in Brooklyn"?

" Well besides the fact that this is the Hottest club on Saturday nights, my Girlfriend actually suggested we come" Elijah Coughed and pointed to a woman at the bar

From what Laila saw, she had nothing on her looking like she stepped right out of Nelly's Hot in here video but she calmly nodded to his gesture .

" Your Girlfriend huh? You'll have to Excuse me, tell her I said Hi please , I have to get back to my Friends bye Mr. Johnson see you Monday" Laila waved and sashayed away as gracefully as she could trying to hide the fact that him having a girlfriend made her upset.

She returned to the table only to see she was alone . Both Ebony and Tasha were hugged up on some men on the dance floor . So she sat & ordered another Martini and another and another until her body felt free.she got up from the table and escorted herself to the dance floor After her 7th one . The DJ was playing lil Kim's Lighter up and this was Laila’s jam!

The crowd went wild when Laila started popping her ass and moving her hips in a way that made her look like the song was made for her. Ebony & Tasha both yelled in encouragement "You goooo La" they waved they hands and rapped along to Queen bee.

The DJ switched the song to Keri Hilson's make love and the couples matched up accordingly when the DJ said it was for The lovers only

" Im sitting down, this ain't where it's at" Tasha complained and headed for their booth as Ebony went in the opposition to the bar , but Laila was feeling whatever song due to how many drinks she had . She began moving her hips from side to side and twirled to the slow sensual beat. She felt hands on her waist and someone pull her closer she turned and saw it was Elijah, she eyed him from head to toe. She didn't notice his attire before but this nigga was Fly . He had on all black, from his Black Button up that he had rolled up to his elbows, black Cargos that Laila could tell was right out of the Gucci store and Black Gucci sneakers to match . His Black on Black Rolex on his wrist complimented his wardrobe well

Laila licked her lips and smiled, she wanted to ask where his tore up girlfriend was but instead she took the chance to dance .

He got behind her and let her take control , The song was very sexy and he was excited to see what moves Laila had now since he'd been watching her from across the club after she walked off

Laila rotated her ass in the center of his jeans to the sexual beat, she grab the back of his neck for support and grinded into him as if they really were having sex .

" Relax Ms. Morgan" he warned as he spun her around now face to face they started moving pelvis to pelvis moving their feet only am inch and their hips into eachother .Laila was getting turned on by how good he smelled . It was almost overwhelming , but very pleasant . She inhaled as he backed her up for her solo , she dip down then slowly wiggled back up rubbing on her curves while looking into his eyes . Elijah couldn't help but bite his lip, she was so damn Sexy and he couldn't help but try to imagine what the rest of her body looked like .

The song was over and They both laughed it off as if nothing ever happened

" Thanks for the dance Ms. Morgan" He said in her ear as they hugged for goodbyes

" Thankyou . Shouldn't you be getting back to your Girlfriend I'm sure she's done Bar hopping" she said in a Slur

They both gave each other a smile.

Laila didn't know what it meant but on the other hand Elijah liked her smart mouth low key.


Ebony kept further investigations to herself and failed to mention to her sisters that She'd been following Charles to Hotels and restaurants for the past 4 days since Saturday when the girls all went out. She had alot of free time since Yasin and malcome were at Ebony's mothers house for the week and Sunday dinner was canceled because Mama Char was sick with food poisoning . Ebony didn't wanna bother Laila with her bullshit knowing Laila was busy packing and getting ready for her business trip this Thursday or Tasha who was always spending her days and nights at the Stip club . It was something Ebony had to do on her own, it was embarrassing enough having her man cheat on her she didn't need pitty. It was 2 pm when Ebony watched Charles sleep beside her . Her house was silent.She wanted to ring Charles damn neck as he breathed peacefully next to her as if nothing was wrong . But she had to go about it as if all was well, Her Mother Always taught her Never to React on feelings because your actions will be sloppy and Ebony wanted her plan to leave his ass in order. She got up from the bed and went into her bathroom , Her tile floors were cold just the way Ebony liked , she turned on the shower and was startled by a ringing phone .she wrapped herself in a near by towel and tip toed to where the ringing was coming from . Charles's bathroom closet once again, in the same basket layed the phone she had found the last time . Another message popped on the screen when she flipped it open .

" Change of plans baby . Come to my crib , the one on 43rd in Queens not my rental can't wait to see you " followed by a kissy face

Ebony was furious! The address looked familiar but thought nothing of it. Her feelings flew to her lips , she threw the phone back into the basket and proceeded to bedroom where Charles was .

"Who the fuck was the bitch I seen you with, Huh Charles who the fuck was that" she yelled hitting him with a pillow while trying to hold up her towel

Charles woke up rubbing his eyes confused and startled

" Don't you see I'm tryna sleep Ebony go some fucking where with that bullshit " he yelled back still groggy

" Ima go somewhere all right! Fuck you trying to rest . Was you trying to rest while you was with that bitch you spend so much time with" Ebony yelled kicked and scream her towel now dropped

She was fed up . She knew her Husband was cheating . He knew he was cheating . Ebony just wanted him to Admit it and get it over with

" Bitch stop hitting me. Are you fucking crazy ? I'm a grown ass man I can go where I want, and do what I want . I pay the bills in this bitch Get the fuck off me" He mushed her causing her to fall over .

Charles was 300+ but built and Cocky something Ebony liked but now it was a sudden hate.

" Nigga Put your hands on me again and did you just call me a Bitch? CHARLES IM YOUR WIFE Ima call my Brother to beat your ass . You a grown man? Nigga I can't tell you don't take care of your wife or your son like 1 let alone Fuck me like a Man shittttt you don't fuck me at all. I know you cheating so just tell the truth " Ebony argued still on the floor

Charles got up and stood over here

"Your Brother? You mean that Crackhead? I'll break his ass in two so try me . You living off my Employment check don't forget . So don't complain now and Fuck you? Is that a Joke Maybe if you lose some weight I'd want to touch you. Ebony YEAH RIGHT WIFE HUH Who know if that Boy is really mines you know How Young bitches are. Now Get the Fuck out my face" Charles stormed out still in the clothes Ebony saw him in the night before.

She sat on there carpeted bed room in tears . She was so hurt . Charles knew how she felt about her Brother and didn't expect for him to throw it in her face . And He knew she gained weight after having Yasin but didn't know he was disgusted by her and She was baffled by his accusations of Their son not being his , Charles was her first and she never had sex with another man. She checked on her son in the next room who was still sound asleep then cried her eyes out for hours , the sound of the shower water still on. How could the man she loved be so cold.


Charles drove fast in his Lexus . He knew everything he said Hurt Ebony to the core after all she had been the best Wife but he couldn't have his cover blown after all Ebony knew he was with some bitch as she claimed . He drove towards Queens like he'd do every day ,there was 1 place he knew he could unwhined.. Reggie's house



" Your done for tonight Cream you can go" The strip club Manager told Tasha .

She's been working all week and was dead ass tired of dancing . On her way back to the dressing room , she took off her 10 inch hooker heals. Her feet was screaming . The rest of the girls were rushing towards the exit . It had to be midnight when Tasha Finish counting

Her money and gathering her stuff. She realized she didn't have a ride home, she frantically called Ebony but got no answer and when she called Laila she got her away voicemail .

"Damn" Tasha sighed fist pounding her station area

" You okay Tasha" a voice called from behind

Tasha knew that soft sexy voice from anywhere . It was Nicole

"I can't catch a ride home" Tasha explained

"I was just leaving , you can catch a ride with me " Nicole smiled as she walked towards the exsist door

" I don't want to inconvenience anyone really " Tasha Hesitated even though she wanted alone time with Nicole

"Girl come on, it's too damn late to leave you here alone I won't bite I promise" Nicole made a biting sound and Motioned Tasha to come on

Nicole drove a Burgundy Honda Accord with leather seats . As she turned corners she sang to just about everything that came on . Tasha sat in silence after giving Nicole the address to her house . But by the looks of the scenery they wasn't headed there

" Uh-uh where you taking me! This ain't the way to my house"

" Relax baby girl , I have to stop at my house real Quick" Nicole spoke without turning to her

They arrived somewhere in lower Manhattan, New York at a nice Condo. Nicole told Tasha she should come upstairs for a few while she looked for what she needed and promised it would be quick and Tasha agreed since it was the least she could do for the ride.

When They entered the Condo, Tasha was amazed. For a stripper Nicole's spot was the bomb, not really fancy but you can tell she paid a penny for all her things . It wasn't big at all but it was just right , from the Animal fur carpet on the floor , leather couches and a kitchen that had Burgundy colored counters and drapes . There was a single drop light in the middle that gave the kitchen spice .

Nicole ran to the back where her room was as Tasha sat on the couch and watched a 40 inch flat screen TV that was mounted on the wall.

She began to get sleepy when she heard the shower water running and fog coming from under Nicole's bathroom door .

" Nicki"?

Tasha called from the living room . When Nicole didn't answer Tasha got up and tip-toed towards the door . As she got closer she heard light moaning, when she got to where the sound was coming from she pushed the bathroom door open and between all the Fog Nicole's ass was pressed against the sheer glass shower door .

Tasha watched as Nicole played with herself in aww, Nicole's head was thrown back and her leg slightly up and her hand between her legs , with every Hand movement her But cheeks bounced a little in rhythm .

Nicole moaning got louder and Tasha's thong began to moisten. The sight of another Woman Pleasuring herself never made her horny but Nicole sure was . She closed her eyes to the thought of Herself touching Nicole and allowed a moan to slip from her lips . Tasha's eyes opened and she felt embarrassed so she quickly turned to leave but before she could Nicole's sweet voice filled the air

" Join me "

Tasha could have denied the offer but who the hell was she kidding it was something about Nicole that fulfilled her Lesbian Fantasies .

Nicole opened the shower door as Tasha undressed and walked over .

As she stepped in Nicole spoke

" it's about time, I was tired of you just starring "

Tasha's nipples rised with every word. The hot water stung and felt good at the same time , it was Just what she needed after a long week of work . Nicole Kissed and sucked at Tasha's neck , as Tasha enjoyed Nicole ran her fingers down her stomach and made her way to her Pussy . Tasha's eyes widened when Nicole slide two fingers in and began stroking her clit Simontaneously . It felt soo good Tasha didn't want her to stop . Nicole moved her mouth to Tasha's breast and licked around her nipples

" Mhmmm" Tasha moaned in Enjoyment as Nicole sped up the pace on her clit .

Nicole knew Tasha would cum if she continued so she stopped and told Tasha to get out the shower and follow her as she exited .

The two entered Nicole's bedroom and Nicole layed Tasha down .

Tasha never did anything with a girl before so this experience was nerve racking . Nicole kissed all over her necked body and licked around her navel slowly before starting to spred Tasha's legs and eat her pussy . She sucked wildly at her clit sending Tasha on a trip . Nicole's tongue was Hot thick and Wet and Tasha loved it so much she couldn't figure out why she didn't fuck her sooner .

" you like that baby" Nicole came up for air and said

Speechless all Tasha could do was Moan. She began throwing her hips to Nicole's mouth . It all was surreal

Nicole slipped her tongue in and our Tasha's wet Pussy while using her own hand to finger her own now soaking wet Vagina .

" Ohmygod Nicki yess" Tasha moaned loudly Cumming all over Nicole's tongue

" you ready for this" Nicki Asked already holding the 9 inch Thick strap she had .

Tasha was hesitant , she never got fucked with one of those but for Nicki she'd try everything .

She nodded her head and licked her lips

" Show me what you got" she said playfully as she turned her body around giving Nicole full advantage to fuck her from behind .

Nicole laughed lightly and entered Tasha's pussy . Instantly Tasha's juices started running . She never felt such pleasure as Nicki Long stroked her deep and slow .

Nicole pulled Tasha's long Burgandy weave back by the ends sending Tasha in overdrive . She rotated her hips to match Nicki's movement . At any moment she knew she was going to cum again

" uhhhh Yesss damn baby I'm bout to cum " Tasha yelled in estacy

Nicki pumped faster allowing Tasha to cum over and over again..



It was Thursday already, May 29th and it was time for Laila’s business trip she'd been planning all week. She went shopping earlier in the week for bathing suits and the cutest sandals for this 5 day get away. Laila decided to take 5 Employees that for the past month did the best work , Samantha and Of course Elijah. After the Club Incident they haven't really spoken but He was doing so great at the office she couldn’t take the risk of not having him go. Plus Laila decided to fall back since he informed her about his Girlfriend. The plane arrived in Puerto Rico later that night , They got rooms in the best hotel The beautiful Island had to offer right in front of the beach . They all their own hotel rooms that the company paid for and all they had to do was pay for all amenities they wanted and used.

" Alright, we'll meet bright and early to look at the property we'll be buying so set your alarms for 8:30 no later than 9" Laila spoke sternly to her crowd of people before they departed to their rooms.

The hotel was beautifully decked out with Tropical colors and flowers and paintings, and the Rooms were breathtaking . Laila’s suite had a ocean View, and a Big King Size bed with 600 thread count white sheets , the Bathroom had everything you needed Shampoo, Hairdryer, Tampons you name it they had it and it came with a Full Tub too!

Laala loved business trips out of the country because it allowed her to die-down and have real relaxation . As she unpacked her suit case she heard a knock at the door

" Room Service" the male Voice said

She was familiar with the tone .

Opening the door she Joked " You are Not a California cheeseburger with Fries"

Elijah Laughed sarcastically

" Sorry to bother you, but these Ricans fucked up my room . They booked me a Twin size bed knowing damn well I'm a Grown ass man and I can't even lay my head on that tiny shit so I figured I could Kick it withchu' until my new one was ready"

Laila thought about his girlfriend

" Look maybe you should go kick it with some other male Employee, like Sean , Andrew or Chris Your girlfriend might feel more comfortable knowing you were with one of them instead of me" Laila rolled her eyes

" Look Since we out on this beautiful trip ima be honest with yo ass, besides you not about to be giving me the cold shoulder but be all in these other niggas faces"

Was he Jelous Laila thought?

Elijah went on

" I don't have a Girlfriend . That broad at the bar, I don't even know besides the fact that she tried to holla right before you bumped me. Now can I come in?"

"Let me make something Clear, I hate Liars. So if your such a Grown ass man I trust you won't be doing that again and Secondly You may only if you buy me dinner I wasn't kidding about what I wanted, Deal"? Laila Questioned holding her hand out for him to shake she was happy about his faux girlfriend but kept her serious tone

Elijah took her up on her offer. Got his Bags and moved into Her room.

He threw his stuff down and plopped right on her Bed

" Damn this shit soft as hell"

"Don't get to comfortable. You a Temporary roommate" Laila replied from the bathroom

She was taking off her business clothes when she got a call from Mikey


Laila was Disgusted

" Stop fucking calling me You fucking Junkie! I'm tired of your no good ass"

" Let me tell you something? You keep ignoring me and I'll kill your ass. You understand ?" he whispered in suspense

Laila hung up her cell. She'd been ignoring Micheal all week and had been getting threatening calls like this one all week as well . She bowed her head in sorrow, This had to stop. She was scared that Her secret affair with Ebony's Brother would get out soon And that her life was in danger. She Began to cry

Suddenly Elijah walked in

" Ms. morgan wasssup with" he stopped mid sentences to the tears running down her face

" Are you igh? " He asked with care

Laila didn't speak she just shook her head .

"Your boyfriend again?" He Questioned some more

Laila looked up in shock whipping the tear from her eye what boyfriend was he talking about?

" I don't have one. And please call me Laila for God sake we are on a Trip"

" Well Laila , the Nigga that has been calling your Line 1 for two weeks"Elijah Informed

" H-H-How did you know that"?

"Samantha isn't a hard nut to crack. I asked and when she didn't tell me so I Bribed her and she Did"

Laila was going to fire that Bitch! Telling her Business like it was her job knowing it wasn't!

" He's not my boyfriend! And Why you in my Business" Laila defended herself

" I was worried honestly. You'd been walking around the building looking stressed and your always checking out your Office window as if someone's out to get you. You stopped wearing that Pink gloss shit too I knew something wasn't right witchu"

Laila was surprised by his Observations and knew she couldn't deny any of them.

" Im just going through some things, okay? Thanks for noticing I've been looking Hit this week I don't need anyone pointing out the Ugly in me"

Elijah chuckled

" Your Beautiful Ma, Relax. I Just noticed you looked a lil lifeless like you unhappy or some shit, sorry If I'm more of a Nigga than Mr. Line 1 is to give a fuck wheither you smile or not"

Laila half smiled. It was nice seeing someone care the way Elijah tried to.

" Thankyou.. I'm just not myself lately… y'know off"

Elijah nodded in understanding and handed Laila a tissue to wipe her now running Mascara .

" I promised you dinner right. Get yourself cleaned up, I'll be back around 11:30 we'll kick it igh" Elijah ensured walking towards Laila’s Hotel door

"I thought you lost your room" Laila Puzzled

" I make almost the same amount you do a year . You think they'd really give me just a Twin bed room" Elijah smirked and walked out

Laila smiled to the Humor side of Mr. Johnson and Went on to Getting herself together .



Ebony woke up after a Long day's nap something she'd been doing all week after Charles went crazy on her. He hasn't been home and she didn't bother calling him either. She requested Mama Char to watch both Yasin and Malcome when she got over being sick just for another week while she went through this depressed state. She looked a Mess , hair not did, pajamas on and her makeup wasn't done. She felt like shit but tonight she wasn't Beat , She was going to get up and get Herself togetherif it was the last thing she did and Go out to Beat Either Charles or Regina's ass once she was done. She was on a " I don't give a fuck " strike

Ebony got up Showered, did her Hair and Dressed in Sweats . She passed on her makeup since tonight was The night she Stopped feeling sorry for herself and Confront Charles for his wrongs. She made 1 last call to Tasha before she left but she didn't answer. Knowing Tasha she was somewhere on the pole so Ebony didn't press her sisters Where-a-bouts . She grabbed her car keys and headed to Queens. The whole ride Ebony sung along to 50 cents " Many men" getting herself into Character . If it's one thing her Father taught her growing up was to Fight, and She was Determined to Beat Regina's ass once and for all. She parked outside of the address she remembered the Sideline hoe had texted Charles earlier that Week. Charles's car was in the drive way . Ebony got out and crepted to the door, she had one plan only ! Bust the Windows , Beat Regina's ass and Leave! She peeped inside the Pink sheer windows and Saw Charles sitting on a Cream Leather Couch sipping wine . There before her eyes A Woman with dirty Blonde weave and a mini Dress reached over Charles and Kissed his face , and then his lips . With every Glimpse Ebony grew more anxious .she was seeing Red

She moved over 1 window to get a better Look. Charles had his head back as the Woman began to Stroke his Dick . She looked very Muscular from the Window which made Ebony eyes tighten. Is this why Charles felt the need to cheat? Because she was Tone ?

The Woman now standing turned toward the window where Ebony was , For sure Ebony thought she spotted her so she quickly ducked down. But when she peeped back up she realized the Woman was turning up the radio that stood infront of the Window.

Ebony watched in rage. In a minute she was going to bust threw this window and Claim what was rightfully her's but she wanted to catch Charles in the Act itself!

Ebony watched as Charles spoke and then The Blonde started dancing sexually in front of Him.As the woman danced Ebony noticed the cut on her Calf the same one Reggie Had explained to her he Had last time they met after Hoping the gate when he was 12. Ebony felt sick but brushed it off as a Coincidence

But when the woman turned toward the Window to show Charles more of what she was working with Ebony was sure her Heart stopped . It was Reggie Dressed as a woman, Blonde Wig and heavy makeup . Her assumption was confirmed and Right then apart of her died. Charles was Gay . Ebony's chest began to chave in and she suddenly couldn't breathe! The Father of her child was Fucking another Man? She was being Cheated on with a Tranny? God must have been playing a trick on her but instead of taking a second look she turned to Run. She ran to her Car and screamed as loud as she could and screamed some more. This was not happening . Without buckling her seat belt she Sped off down the road.

" I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS SHIT, OH GOD PLEASE TAKE THIS BACK" Ebony cried in Pain making a quick Left

She was feeling around the floor of her car for her cell to call somebody, hell anybody who would listen When she Crashed into A tree sending her Body through the Glass of her Car, and Ebony to Black out.



Tasha was chilling with Nicole all day with her phone off . They'd been fucking everywhere in Nicole's Condo and she loved every minute of it .

" Hand me my phone Babygirl , I need to make a call" Tasha instructed

Once she had it she checked her missed calls, 1 from Ebony . Half Worried Tasha tried to reach her but got no answer .

" What's wrong"? Nicole asked when she saw the Disturbing look on Tasha's face .

" I haven't spoken to my sister in days, she called but when I tried to reach her no answer . Sorry babygirl I gotta go" Tasha quickly informed in a worried tone . She threw on her clothes and hurried out the door to a cab to Ebony's.



The clock struck 11:30 when Laila heard a Knock at the door. She was Showered, Shaved and Ready before time changing her outfit a million times before deciding on wearing a black maxi dress from Neiman Marcus. It hugged her Ass just the way she liked and she knew it would have Elijah amazed as well. She rocked her hair pinned up since she didn't go get her usual Sunday doobies while avoiding Mikey for so long. Her make up was Excellent she wore light pink gloss to Give her self a soft look. On her feet 4 inch black slip ons , she wore her drop earring for glamour and her black mini clutch for Sass. Laila opened the door for Elijah and almost fainted to his Attire. He rocked the hell out of a pair of Diesel double cuffed jeans and a thin Mint green V-Neck.On his feet some Jays that he Wore gracefully . His aroma filled the air

" You look like yourself" Elijah spoke twirling Laila around to get a better look and almost chocking at the sight of her Round ass poking out her dress

" ThankYou Mr.Johnson. You clean up nicely yourself" Laila complimented with a smile

" Lets go, and While We headed out Call me Elijah okay since We on a Trip for God's sake "

Laila agreed and they left the hotel. Outside their hotel a shiny black limo awaited . Elijah opened the door for Laila as she approached it and they drove down by the beach. When they got there Laila was amazed there on the Beach was a dinner table With two chairs underneath a Hut and A Mariachi band playing music. She was surprised Elijah would go the extra mile for someone he barely knew

" Just a little something, to Show you your better than What that Other nigga Treats you like" Elijah spoke taking her hand as they walked on the beach

" You might want to take your Heels off too this sand crazy" he joked

Laila did as instructed and tied up her dress to mid-Thigh . She was still shocked

The two Sat down to a Table full of food . It was Exactly what Laila said she wanted California Burger and Fries, and Steak and Rice For Elijah . There on the table was Apple Martinis . Laila’s heart jumped

" How'd you know that's my favorite drink?" She Questioned

" I pay attention Ma, now Eat" Elijah motioned his finger to her plate

They ate and drank for a while without conversation before Laila broke the silence

" So, Eli you do this for all your Bosses"?

Swallowing his food he was chewing he replied

"Nah, just You. I'm just being a Good friend igh relax"

The word Friend made Laila kinda upset. What she wanted more than ever was a Man

" Oh.. Friend huh. Well that's Cool. Thanks Friend" She said taking a bite more of her burger . The food was incredibly good for it to not be Puerto Rican.

" Your welcome Friend, I figured you could use that right now .Don't get me wrong , I think you the shit but after seeing you cry I just want to Kick it for now" Elijah explained .

He was right. With everything going on that's exactly what she really needed. And she was more than grateful it was Him.

" so tell me about this man" Elijah said in between bites

" there's nothing to tell" Laila shot back taking 3 sips of her drink

She was nervous.

" Look. If you can't be honest with me I guess your not as much of a Grown woman I thought you was" he snapped

Laila knew she had no choice. Here he was being a Gentlemen to her, Caring and treating her nicely the least she could do was give it to him straight up . She downed the rest of her drink before speaking . Right there in that very moment she Told him everything, How she had a affair with her Mother's Ex-husband’s Son , she told him About His drug habit he was sharing with her mother and his recent threats and About Tasha and Ebony. She told him how many times she'd had sex with Micheal and how much she wanted to Just Stop knowing him Completly if it wasn't for the 20,000 he was paying her. She talked so much she began to cry historically. As she cried Elijah tried to consul her

"Damn Laila, you fucked up. I knew it was some shit with you but I didn't know how much. You in deep Ma"

" I know.. I know" Laila said sobbing

" I don't want this life , all I ever wanted was to be Married with Kids and rich . I can't believe I let my life turn into something so ugly . Please don't tell anybody , I'll die if this gets out please I'll pay.." But before Laila could continue Elijah cut her off

" You don't have to pay me shit! Like I said I'm a grown ass man , I'm not going to go around trying to ruin what's already broke . You good Ma, I said Im feeling you and I was since I walked into your office. I hate to see a Woman like yourself fucking with a Lame like ol' boy when it's niggas like Me who can do you better. You belittling yourself , doing shit you have no business doing as pretty as you are. You can trust me like I said but I ain't fucking wit yo lifestyle" Elijah Explained strongly . He wanted nothing more than to get with Laila but her situation would just fuck everything up .

Laila sat in silence in disbelief . She told him everything and he has yet to run for cover Which made Her look at him in a whole other way.

"It’s getting late . We should get you back to the rooms.We have business in the morning " Laila stood

" Wait.. Dance with me" Elijah said noticing the sad expression on her face. The Band changed tunes

She smiled and took his hand . Together they danced the night away




Ebony woke up in A white room in a small bed sounded by white walls and medical informational pictures hanging around. It was Obvious she was in a hospital. She couldn't remember a thing , except leaving Reggie's house and the rest was a blur. Why was she there ? Why was she here in the hospital . She tried to get up but her Neck was In a brace and her head was throbbing. She looked down to her arm That had Screws and a cast all over it. She was in so much pain . Her eyes widened to A Man in a White coat entering the room

" Ms. Smith how are you feeling?" He asked

"I-Im fine where is My son?" Ebony spoke in slow motion .

The room began to spin

"Ms.Smith you were in a horrible car accident you flew through your front glass window, The glass tore ligaments in your neck and you broke your arm bone in 4 different places . You have a severe concussion and a few minor cuts and scrapes . You have to stay here at our facilities for a while ,your very lucky to be alive let alone be awake and aware We failed to get in touch with any family members but Your Husband is here" The doctor informed pointing to a man Ebony Recognized . It was Charles

And that's when Ebony remembered . She caught Charles cheating with Regina, who turned out to be Reggie dressed in drag . Her Man was Gay , and she must have sped off after witnessing him and hit something . It was foggy but her memory was there And Seeing his face brought back it all

"This man is not my husband" Ebony exclaimed in a angry tone

The Doctor looked confused and turned to Charles

"Doctor it's okay , she probably doesn't remember but I am let me speak with her for a few minutes and be on my way" Charles said

The Doctor walked out in Agreement

"Ebony , Oh Ebony I'm so sorry. I cant believe you got into a car accident . What the fuck were you doing in Queens anyway? At that time of night? You never been a good fast driver E" Charles spoke sitting at her bedside

Ebony closed her eyes . Picturing Charles with Reggie sending tears down her fluffy cheeks. She opened her eyes and spoke through her tears

" How long were you fucking Reggie"

Charles could have died right then and there . Her words stung , and he couldn't believe she Knew what he'd been trying to hide for quite some time. He couldn't deny it any longer now that she was in the hospital so vulnerable .

" Ebony I can explain"

But before he could finish ebony repeated the Question

"How long were you fucking Reggie"

Charles put his head in his hands and spoke

" 4 months.. Eb I swear I"

Once again Ebony cut him off her voice now raspy

"Why ..Charles.. Why did you do it"

Charles went on by explaining it was an accident after he lost his Job 4 months ago, that very day he went to the bar and got pissy drunk , A tall skinny Woman came up to him and he went back to her place . Only find out waking up it was Reggie, dressed as Regina and they had slept together . Although Charles was devastated he liked the touch of another Man in all actually but He couldn't face his Son like that knowing he rather sleep with another man than His mother..His wife . He was ashamed but allowed his secret life to continue .

Ebony's Chest began to cave in

She had heard enough. The room became blurry and she suddenly couldn't Breathe . Everything went black and last thing she heard was Charles screaming her name .

Charles watched as Doctors ran to Ebony's bedside . She was flatlining

" Oh god, Ohhhhh no God I killed Ebony" Charles cried in Agony.



Tasha rolled around Brooklyn and couldn't find Ebony or Reach her on her cell for 3 days She was worried and began to panic , the last person she wanted to call was Charles but after all this time she had no choice . She dialed his number on her way out to her apartment door that Monday afternoon and prayed for the best



Puerto Rico was beautiful. The Team landed the property they were trying to invest. Laila and Elijah spent everyday there together , Laying on the beach together, Trying to surf , shopping at the little boutiques The island had and eating all the Wonderful foods. Laila loved every minute with Elijah and while with him she turned her phone completely off to give him all her attention.

" So , when we go back to Work this is all over right" Laila asked walking on the beach the last day of the trip in her yellow bikini feeling the ridge Sand in between her toes .

Elijah was Enjoying the view of her Happy but couldn't help but not want to further their Relationship because of her Situation. These 3 days that passed really made him want her so much more but he wasn't about to fall for a broad in such a mess

" I told you already. I can't do your drama, when you done with that lame lifestyle maybe we could kick of when We go back to work all business igh" Elijah spoke grabbing her hand

“So you that type of nigga huh? Just pretend to care then act like nothing ever happened. When we get back don't even talk to me, just do your job and kick it somewhere else . You just like the Rest" Laila spoke in anger snatching her hand back

Elijah caught an attitude and grabbed her by her waist pulling her in

" Shut the Fuck up, you really don't see a Good thing when It's in your face do you? If you want Me to stop talking to your ass I will! The ball in your Court. I'm just a Player like that other old nigga in the Game"

Elijah snapped and walked off leaving Laila on the Beach. She stood there taking what Elijah said in, he was right again. She was scared of letting someone into her Heart and allowing them to really love her. She was so caught up in her Web of bullshit that she didn't realize Elijah was only trying to Protect himself and her. He didn't want to Be competing with another nigga, trying to win her heart nor get her in more shit than she already was .Laila had no choice but to walk back to the hotel alone .

The team was Packing up headed back to NY later on that day and was back Early that next Tuesday Morning. The employees talked amongst their selves about the trip back at the office but Laila didnt want to stay and look at Elijah any longer, she grabbed her things and headed home. As Laila finally pulled into Her Home driveway and Saw Mikey banging on her door in rage

" What the hell is your problem ? " She yelled closing her car door and running over to him.

He swung wildly causing one of his fist to catch her Cheek . Laila went crazy

" You motherfucker! I'm going to Kill you! I hate you! Put your hands on me again and ima call the Cops on your Junkie Ass" Her hands beating up his back

He turned and snatched her by her pony tail causing her head to jerk back

"Tell your Mama To give me my damn Money bitch, This arrangement ain't cutting it you ain't Giving up no more Pussy! Fuck this shit" Mikey Angrily laughed

Laila was confused. What the fuck was going on

"Nigga I don't know what your talking bout' what my Pussy got to do with Your Money" she Yelled back

Mikey wrapped his arm around her neck and Squeezed causing Laila to gasp for air

"You always been dumb and into yourself since you was younger, You never paid attention to the shit that was Really going On…. While Me and Ebony sat around and got treated like shit You and your Mother got treated like Royalty, Ebony was too damn fat stuffing her face with shit to realize but I wasn’t having it I let my Father in on our little secret way back then Blacked mailed him too, “Cornel Hausley’s Son the Rapest in Affair with his Wife’s 15 year old daughter” Haha.. DON’T SOUND TOO GOOD DOES IT. My father loved his fortune too much so In exchanged for me to keep my mouth shut I needed a piece of Char’s daughters sweet virgin Pussy… and Your mother oh bitch your mother always had a drug problem ive been feeding her this shit for years She basically threw you at me when My father explained our little transation all he had to say was “Millions” and that bitch jumped for Joy " Mikey spoke in a fast pace

“Until They got divorced cus your mother went to heavy on the drugs Cornel was smart enough not to let her ruin our image. When your Mother contacted me 5 years ago with an Even better Bribe, You all grown up with lots of money in the bank ..Money she’d been taking from your ass for a while she payed me, I gave her the drugs and I fucked you we’re all HAPPY baby! BUT THAT BITCH GOT GREEDY STARTED SLACKING OFF SO NOW IMA KILL YOUR ASS”! Mikey screamed at the top of his lungs swinging his arms wildly

Laila couldn't believe her ears. Now that she thought about it, it all seemed true, All her life her mother would turn down money Laila would give on birthdays, Mother’s day and Holiday’s and now she knew why, Char was stealing from her this whole time and cleverly because she knew Laila didn’t keep up with her bank account .What the fuck was her life really about? Her own mother sold her out for a Lavish lifestyle . How could she do such a thing? Mikey let her go and she fell against her Glass front door gasping for breathe

" Fuck Youuuuu! Don't ever come near me again! I DON’T BELIEVE SHIT YOU SAY " she manage to get out trying to pretend this whole thing wasn’t happening

Mikey kicked her against her ribs and watched her clutch her side in pain " Your Mine little Girl! You always been & you Always will be for as Long as your Mother keeps giving me that money and I keep her supply full ! " He stormed away and hopped in his Truck

Laila cried at her doorstep In agony. Elijah was right . Her drama was something nobody could handle not even herself. Her own mother was selling her daughter for her own satisfaction and Happiness . She couldn't deal with this anymore! Every emotion ran through her body at once . She was hurt, angry, ashamed and nieve . Laila reached into her denim pocket for her phone she was going to dial Elijah's number but before she could Tasha's call came through with the worst possible news she'd ever heard



Tasha Flew through traffic in Fear. After calling Charles she has heard what happened to Ebony and how she went into Cardiac arrest and started Flatlining before Doctors rushed in and saved her and was in a dying rush to get to her Sister's bedside . She called Laila, Mama Char, Mikey and even Nicole not Ebony's mother because she didn't want to Worry the Kids

" Omg E, I'm so sorry " Tasha cried rushing into her sister's hospital room on the 4th floor .

Ebony layed there with tubes connecting to what looked like entire body. Monitors Beeped and made crazy noise throughout the whole room . Tasha placed her hand on Ebony's face and gently rubbed, she couldn't believe she was Having Sex with a Girl instead of Taking her Sisters call! Her heart was heavy and she felt a heap of sympathy for Ebony . Minutes later Ebony's hospital room was filled with everyone that Tasha called . They sat around as nurses flew in and out checking on Ebony's monitors very other second .

" What happened to My Sister" Tasha yelled at Charles when he walked in holding a get well soon Balloon and Card .

" I think it's better if you heard it from her when she wakes up , I-I rather not talk about it here around all these people" He nudged his head to everyone Siting behind Tasha

She said nothing else by returned to her sister's bedside in Confusion and Tears

Laila sat in the hospital room in silence wondering if she covered the bruise Mikey gave her across her cheek well enough before walking into the hospital . She eyed her mother in Hatred , She wanted to kill her where she sat but knew it wasn't the place to do so . She had to wait , but if it was the last thing she did she was going to confront her!

" Laila, go get Mikey some water" Mama Char interrupted her thoughts

Laila felt as if she was going to hop across the hospital room and rip her throat out but instead she shot back

"I bet you would like that , Anything else you want me to do for Mikey so that you wouldn't have to get off your Fat ass"

The room grew silence , Tasha and Nicole shot each other a look and both got up and walked out . As they exited Mikey Spoke first

“Don’t speak to your Mama like that Little girl"

Laila laughed at every word. These two were as sick as they came. Sitting here pretending they lives was all that it's cracked up to be

"Excuse me Step BROTHER Was I a little Girl when you were Fucking Me? Or when you told me how Good my Pussy was everytime you was in it"

Laila snapped . Char's eyes widened with everything she had heard

"I guess the secret is out of the closet huh. You selfish bitch!"


"How could I? Do you know how it feels to have three failed marriages drugs was the ONLY thing I had shit I was at Rock Bottom I needed it and Look at you Miss prissy all wealthy shit your Mother wanted that too !!”Mama char turned to Mikey who was pacing back and fourth

Laila had enough! She was two seconds away from Beating Her mother's ass.


Laila’s body shook with every word , She threw herself on her Mother swinging her arms wildly and hitting her as hard as she could. She wanted to kill her! She wished it was Char in that hospital Bed and Not Ebony! She wish she could go back in time and Change her life and the way it was turning out.

Hair went flying and blood was drawn, as Mikey struggled to pry Laila and Char off each other .

Just then Tasha and Nicole walked back in holding McDonald's bags for everyone there. She threw the Food against the leather mini sofa Ebony's

hospital room Had and Joined Mikey to break up the feud

" Are Y'all Crazy fighting in a hospital Room in Ebony's Condition? Have some Respect Laila that's your Mother, Mama Char that's your Child" Tasha spat turning her head to both Laila and Char now on separate sides of the Room

"That ain't My child Selfish Bitch Let her Fuck Mikey Fuck her !" char yelled reaching her hands over as if she were to hit Laila again

Tasha's eyes popped out her head at the accusation

"And You damn sure aint My mother allowing Your Man’s SON to Fuck your daughter while you lived the life you wanted so damn Bad STEALING FROM ME WHILE YOU STAYED HIGH, FUCK YOU TOO" Laila Shouted Grabbing her Bags and hurrying out the Room


Weeks went by and July arrived .Tasha stayed at the Hospital faithfully while Nicole covered her shift at Bottoms Up. Char and Mikey never showed up after the crazy feud but called every chance they Got. Laila stayed home, not attending work or attending the office's big 4th of july party she didnt even leave the house but making sure she Ordered Flowers, Ballons& Teddy bears to the Hospital for her sister. Ebony has yet to awaken but Doctors say she's recovering at a good pace and should make it . Charles visited a few hours a day with Yasin and Malcome who cried the whole time they were there . It so much going on Nobody could make anything of it all.


Laila layed in her bed day by day for 2 weeks. Only getting up to Eat, Shit and drink something . Her hair wasn't done, she hasn't done her makeup in days and she hasn't showered either. All she could do was Cry. Her life had fell Apart. She had Nobody not even Elijah who didn't bother to call not once after their trip. Laila have special Instructions to Samantha to tell everyone she was taking a few days off for personal issues, and that they should continue on with work as if she was there. If it's one thing Laila still had was her Career and she wasn't going to let that go to waste. She couldn't believe she was going through all this shit at once, Ebony's accident , her Mother's Secrets or even her own. She just couldn't do any of it anymore. She just wanted to start over .

Laila rose from her bed and Went to her bathroom . She starred inside her 40 inch mirror with Both hands on her sink . She looked Disgusting . Rings around her eyes, her hair so out of place and the bruise Mikey had given her that had turned purple and blue and brown as it healed .She reached into her medicine cabinet for the sleeping pills she's been taking to go through the motions when she heard her door bell ring . she dragged herself to the door in her Silk pastel Pajamas

" Who is it dammit" she said in a groggy tone

" Room Service" the Voice said and Instantly her heart stopped

It was Elijah.

Laila opened the door and rested her hand on her hip

"What the Fuck is Going on with you" Elijah's smile whipped off his face

"Nothing" Laila put her head down in lies

Elijah pushed pass her and walked in her house

" Yo Ma, what's the Deal? You ain't been to Work in forever its like the 3rd week of JUNE ! Im holding it down at the office but Samantha and the rest isn’t buying my “Laila has food posining from Puerto rico” Act You look like shit not to mention you smell like it to. That ol' nigga gave you that bruise on your face?" He said pointing to her cheek

Laila shook her head in response .

" So what ? You can't talk to me Anymore? That nigga got you like that? Wassup? Tell me What the Fuck is going on"

Laila broke down into tears, and told him everything once again at this point her business didn't matter .

When she finished He took a deep breathe and said

"I told you My Dilemma , but I would be wrong if I just walk away like I did on the Beach.I cant believe all this shit is happening to you, you in too deep yo.."

Before he could continue Laila cut him off

" I know I know, you ain't got time for my Drama! Look you don't have to be there for me for 5 minutes then not the next I don't need that shit right now . So just Leave . Obviously the time we spent meant nothing so get the fuck out!"

Elijah stood there and watched her make a fool of herself before asking

"Where's Yo bathroom"

Laila rolled her eyes and Instructed it was Upstairs last door down the hall and without warning he picked her up and headed for that exact way. Laila kicked and screamed for him to let her down the whole ride but he didn't say a word until they got to the bathroom door, he Put her down and dared her to move . He Reached in her Spacious Glass shower and Turned it on. The Steam Instantly danced across the room

"Get in " he said Strongly

Laila didn't refuse him. She could use a shower, so she undressed and slipped her naked body in. As she tried to close the Shower Door, Elijah blocked it with his hand Stepping in Shoeless but Fully Clothed. Laila’s heart jumped as he Grabbed the Soap from compartment the shower came with and began rubbing it against her body . Laila watched the Water Drench his white Tee and stick to his Muscled body exposing his 8 pack , and His now soaking wet Basket Ball shorts suck to his Thighs making the Print of his Dick Show. The view Turned Laila on Tremendously

Elijah washed Laila up as she layed her head on his chest and allowed the Water to slide down her back. He watched the Soap run down her spine and in between her Naked Ass, His dick began to Harden. This is the first time He had saw her Naked and quite Honestly never knew something was so perfect . She wasn't Skinny but defiantly not fat , to Him Perfect. She had Curves to die for and a Nice Round Ass to complete her frame . He allowed his hands to rub on her sensually sending his hormones in a frenzy .

Laila closed her eyes and allowed sweet sighs past her lips . Elijah spoke first

" You were right I don't need to be here for you then suddenly don't. So I won't ever do it again, your Drama may not be Wassup but You are. And if You ready to leave all this shit behind Honestly and Truthfully I got You Ma, I wont hurt you like your crazy ass mother or that nigga Mikey" his words were Music to Laila’s Soul and she cried tears of closure

"I'm ready .. I am"

That was all the confirmation Elijah needed before Kissing her sweet juicy Lips making Laila’s knees Weak.

" Elijah Fuck me please " she spoke unable to catch her breathe Everything felt so good

He kissed her neck allowing the hot water slide between them and whispered

"Let me make Love to you first"

Laila took off his shirt and he slipped off his pants, they kissed passionately . He grabbed her legs around his waist throwing her back against the Wall, holding her up catching his balance he Slipped his erected Dick in Her pussy and Laila let out a Hard Moan. It was the best thing she felt in a while . She grabbed the back of his head with one hand while the other wrapped around his neck while he Slowly but deeply pleasured her. His strokes were Strong and Passionate , and Laila was loving it all. Elijah released her from the wall and Turned her around , Laila Slid down on her Knees back towards the shower Head and Grabbed his Dick with her hands. It was the Biggest dick she'd ever seen,Thick and Mouth Watering. She closed her eyes and Allowed it to fill her mouth giving it Long and Hard Sucks. Laila never sucked dick before so it was all new to her, still she licked and Slurped it like it was her Job. It tasted so good

Elijah moaned in Enjoyment, putting one hand in back of Laila’s head for her to swallow him whole. He couldn't believe Laila’s head game matched how Bomb her pussy was

Laila jerked her head wildly on the tip of his dick causing Elijah to cum In her mouth

"Damn Baby"

Elijah whispered catching his breathe before turning Laila around to enter her pussy from the back . He let his head go in first cause Her to arch her back for more, she had both hands pressed against the glass ready for the rest of his 10 inches to Enter her Pussy Elijah started off slow, grinding as deeply as he could while watching her Fat ass bounce up and down.

"UHHHH MHMMM COME ON BABY GO DEEPER" Laila moaned now loudly

Elijah grabbed her waste shoving Himself so deep in her that her ass was sounds his waist. Laila moaned in both pleasure and pain. She never had Dick so good and not even Mikey's old 6 inch dick could do what Elijah's 10 inch could . She grew Excited and bent over touching her toes still shaking her ass in Unison to Elijah's movements , a Trick Tasha taught her when she started Stripping.

Elijah watched in amazement at the things she was doing and felt his nut build up once more. He was pounding her now, causing her ass to clap wildly and the water from the shower to Fly off the both .Laila’s pussy oozed out juices as it came over and over again as she Felt Elijah's Hot sticking cum full her Vagina. They has Sex 4 times more each very different before getting out the shower. This was the best Laila had felt not to mention she hasn’t had any since she stopped fucking Mikey she thought as they both layed naked and drifted to sleep in her King size Master Bed.



When she opened her Eyes she didn't know what day it was or what had happened once again. All Ebony knew was the pain she once felt was gone and she now felt as if she floating on air. Her neck brace was gone and so was her Throbbing headache .Her vision got more clear as she blinked to a room of empty life but full of balloons , cards , and teddy bears. She smiled to the gesture

"Aw, Mrs. Smith Welcome back. How are we feeling" Her Doctor wide eyed asked her

Her throat was dry but she managed to talk

"I'm fine. Where's my sisters.. my son..Charles? "

"Your Son is with your husband they come visit when they can. As for the large party you had days ago didn't show back up, they got into a bit of a nasty fight.. Only the slim light skin one is here faithfully except for today of course it's a no visiting day for our hospital we try to give Our patients a break. You went into Cardiac arrest and were in a coma for quite some time. It's August Mrs. Smith do you know that? You've been in a coma for a month or so. You'll be leaving soon now that your awake and doing much better this second time around" The Doctor cheerfully said before checking her vitals and leaving the room

Ebony was in shock. She just came out of a coma she'd been in for weeks and missed the whole summer basically with her Son and Her Sisters. She had full Memory of what happened and thanked God for keeping her on this earth . Since it was no visitors day she sat up in bed using her still castes arm and grabbed the phone with the other, she had a few calls to make and the first was Charles .


It was Tasha's first day back at work since she had been spending the last Month cooped up at the hospital with Ebony. She wasn't beat for Sliding the pole today but she had missed like 4 weeks worth of money and her bills were past due anyday now. As she entered the Strip club she thought about Laila and Mama char and all the shit that went down between them weeks before, She too was confused but didn't want to anymore bad news after Ebony's.

It was Ladies day that earlier that Wednesday August afternoon meaning every Mother, Daughter, Auntie and Grandmama would be in the strip club . Tasha didn't really like these particular days because they didn't pay much but it was something so she sucked it up. BackStaged she lotioned her body , and applied her makeup cover ever freckle on her face, she slipped into a Multicolored Thong onesie with the stomach exposed completely and a thin line of fabric connecting to where her Boobs would Go. Her Burgundy Weave Swaying all down her back . She zipped up her thigh high Leather boots and went out for Lap dances. Tasha eyed the crowd, Woman of all color shape and age throwing cash and screaming at dances they were getting while some at the dancer shaking her ass to R Kelly's Bump and Grind.

Tasha looked through the crowd once more Spying Nicole Flirting and whispering in this Woman's ear. Instantly Tasha caught feelings as Nicole slipped her what looked like her number and proceed to kiss her lips. The woman smiled and sat back to Nicole's ass in her Lap. Don't get Tasha wrong the Woman was pretty from what she could see, Rocking a shoulder length cut , Booty Shorts and a See through lace Tank showing off her double D's , but Tasha wasn't impressed she may not have a Fat ass or Big titties but Nicole didn't complain about the little round Butt or the B cups she did have when they had sex weeks ago. Nicole had been giving Tasha the cold shoulder, Keeping short conversation.

Tasha walked over to Nicole and the Woman .

" You have to pay Extra for Feeling up the Strippers and getting their number" Tasha let the words rolled off her tongue in attitude

Nicole didn't stop dancing and the Woman didn’t seem to pay her any mind so Tasha raised her Voice

"How about yall take this Freak show Home, This a strip Club not a fucking Porno"

Nicole Stopped gave the woman a thanks and turned towards Tasha Snatching her hand and Walking Her to the back. While back stage Nicole started yelling first

"Are you stupid? Fucking up my money like that? Why you Trippin"

Tasha raised her eye brow

"I ain't Trippin, You are . We fuck and you ignore me after like it's nothing! Hoe ass. If you wanted someone else that's cool just don't throw it in my face "

Nicole brushed her hand over her low cut and rolled her eyes .

" I was giving you space , after what happened to your sister damn. And besides dont act like you a Lesbian now you too pussy to fuck with me. I ain't got time "

Tasha was upset at the last comment. Nicole was right as much as she hated to admit it , she wasn't a Lesbian was she ? Was it just a girl crush? It had to be more because the way Nicole touched her no man ever made her feel that way and she didn't want up loose that

" Nicki I like you a lot . You right I'm not a lesbian , all I ever fucked with was niggas but My feelings for you ain't going no fucking where I am scared true of getting my heart broke but not of fucking with you! I'm grown but if you can't get with that then step" Tasha said stomping her foot

Nicole didn't respond instead she pulled Tasha face quickly in kissing her strongly. With both hands she threw them around Tasha's waist pulling her towards a near by Station propping her up on the Table . With 1 hand she Slipped into Tasha's thong playing with her Clit softly . Tasha gripped the sides of the table in pleasure . Nicole Licked and sucked Tasha's now hard nipples before kissing down her stomach, making her way down to her Pussy. While down there Tasha let out a moan followed by

"Nicki stop babygirl we're going to get caught, Uhh oh my god"

Nicole didn't stop but between sucks she said "Nah you not scared right, who gives a Fuck" she Continued eating Tasha's pussy like it was the best thing she ever eaten sending Tasha in a Wild moaning trance.

There was footsteps coming toward the back room but neither Tasha or Nicole stopped. Voices of the other dancers grew closer and Tasha became nervous , she didn't want to loose her job because of this but didn't want Nicki to stop her from Cumin as many times as she was

Just before The others Moved the Black thick Curtains entering the back room where Tasha and Nicole were , Nicole jumped up and stood in front of Tasha .

" What y'all bitches doing" Chocolate Summer one of the Darkest strippers said in a crowd of other dancers

Nicole smiled and said

" Oh Tasha was just greasing my damn Scalp you know I'm tired of being Baled boo"

The girls laughed and while they did Tasha came as hard as she could so they wouldn't notice and put her hands on Nicole's head Playing along with the lie. It was the most thrilling Nut she ever bust and made up her mind right then and there she was going to be a Lesbian.


Laila woke up to an Empty bed, and rubbed her eyes and smiled . A whole month with Elijah has been so wonderful, she went back to work and was back to her old self. Laila rolled over to nothing but empty sheets and panicked, Elijah is never up before her and right when she was about to scream her nose caught the waft of something. She smelled something delicious and her stomach began to Growl. Still Ass naked she stepped out of bed and grabbed her Silk Robe hanging in her Walk in Closet and tip toed down stairs . The cold Stainless floors sent shivers up her spine as she walked towards the kitchen , only to find Elijah With a Towel wrapped around his waist and flipping Pancakes on her Flat top stove

"You taking this room service joke too far " she Joked causing Elijah to spin around startled

Laila laughed at his scare .

"I didn't know you were up , I was going to bring this to you. A woman's gotta eat right" He said showing off his white teeth

Laila was impressed . Was it anything this nigga didn't do? Was she dreaming?

"It's fine, thankyou . I can just eat here it's no Big deal. I'm starving "

Elijah nodded cracking eggs in a pan and setting sausages in another .

Minutes later , he Set a full plate of Pancakes, an Omelette, sausages and cut strawberries on her high island kitchen table.He made his self a plate and poured them Both Orange juice from her Silver Fridge. Laila stuffed her face in amazement , it all tasted so good .

"Who taught you how to Cook"? Laila asked swallowing down a gulp of her orange Juice.

Swallowing a chunk of Pancakes Elijah let out a sigh before saying

"My Father actually , my Mother was too into Drugs to teach Me or my siblings any thing"

Laila felt terrible for even asking the question and Quickly Apologized

" I’m so sorry, I have a big mouth , I need to learn to Mind my own damn business"

Elijah laughed

" Relax Ma, Your entitled to your big mouth. And it's cool, Im not sensitive to the subject . I'm over it"

Laila nodded her head, they wasn’t so different after all but changed the subject

" So what's your Story , Your résumé is tight for a brother in Ny no offense . Wassup?"

Elijah almost fell out from laughing so hard

" And So is your House but I ain't say shit. Nah Ma forreal though I struggled just like You. I work Hard for the success I have "

He went on by explaining to Laila that he too was a Street nigga growing up selling drugs to the neighborhood trying to raise money for his siblings and father. He came from a full family , of 5 including himself but when his mother got hooked on drugs when he was entering his teens and stopped taking care of his younger sister and brother then 9 and 6 he knew selling drugs weren't going to cut it. He started going to school faithfully and got a job mowing lawns until he was old enough to get a real Job. Elijah went on to College and graduated in hopes of starting his own business but when His father passed days after his graduation he wasn't up for the challenge and ending up playing ball and becoming a personal trainer for a while to keep busy. He told her everything from his mother neglected her family for days at a time leaving them dirty and hungry to her almost overdosing when he turned 18 and how he worked to make sure his little sister and brother had the World before he sending them to move with his Father side of his family and moved on with his real hopes and dreams. Elijah didn't have the heart to move out of Newyork since his whole life was there and started working in and out of Sucessful businesses all over the 5 burrows now working for Laila

" You turned out great Elijah really, I know your father would have been proud you did an amazing job with yourself despite the circumstances" Laila said looking into his eyes after he finished .

" I did okay. I had to do what was best for all of us. We were all we had but now I just want a family of my own and to get the fuck out of the NY y'know a fresh start. I'm 27 and damn sure aint getting any younger! I'm getting tired of fucking with the same broads who ain't worth shit when all I want Is a Wife and a little girl. I ain't 18 nomore I want something Real, feel me" Elijah spoke lightly brushing his hand under Laila’s chin. She smirked at his touch

" Yeah I feel you. Your an Good man Eli , a Good head on your shoulders and got Talent out the Ass. You could scoop anything! Believe me these Hoes looking, you just gotta know how to pick em"

The expression on his face changed now more serious and his jaw stiffened .

" See that's the shit I'm talking about. Damn Laala, I'm telling you What I want and you start giving me ultimatums about other Bitches. I ain't feeling that especially considering I'm in Yo kitchen cooking for Yo ass. Like I said You never see what good you have in front of you cause' you too busy on your pedestal not thinking with your damn Head and stop being so damn scared of letting somebody take care of you" his voice Now raised

Laila was confused . What the fuck was he getting at? Nobody ever talked to her like that before so she didn't know whether to be Insulted or Hurt

" Excuse the fuck outta me! You don't know what the fuck my life has been like having Different men running in and out my life cause my Hoe ass mother couldn't Pick one.I was the only child, I grew up lonely and the only sisters I had didn't even fully belong to me and even behind their back I treated them like shit! Keeping all this shit from them when really they were all I Had! Excuse me for being Scared.. To trust .. To love shit to even be happy! I wanted a family! I wanted Kids! But your right I'm too high on my pedestal to settle for any Nigga! " tears now rolling down her face

Elijah walked around and began to hold her. He knew she was broken but was willing to fix everything in a matter of time.

" Lay listen . I want to do everything I can to turn your life around , but you gotta trust me. I ain't your mother nor that fucked up ass nigga you was creepin with. If We do this, you gotta let go of your fears and let me know if I'm what you really want. You too pretty for bullshit" He said brushing her wild hair from her face

She sucked it up and Spoke

" I never had A real relationship before so it's new. But i promise to Try with You. Just don't Hurt me Nigga, With how I'm feeling I could Kill the Next person who betrays me"

Elijah laughed

" I gotchu I gotchu. But you need to kill yourself first for letting your hair get this nappy Ma, Go get yourself dressed I'll be back to Scoop you"

Laila hit his chest at his joke and went with his instructions.



"Look I'm not tryna argue with you. I'm done with this shit. I don't hate you shit you wasn't fucking me so to each his own , I hope you feel as disgusting to me as you do in the eyes of your son. I'm not mad, just Disappointed you were my first we were together since I was Younger. You could have let me know Wassup but instead you had a baby on me and cheated on me with a nigga all along saying said Fuck me in the process. So now it's Fuck you . I filled for DIVORCE and Me and my Son will be moving out! I hope your happy with your choices in life Charles" Ebony talked into the phone

Charles pleaded his case and apologized millions of times but Ebony didn't budge. She no longer cared for being the Other woman .

She hung up the phone in Confidence and went on with her list of people to Call. She called Tasha and Laila first letting them know she was awake and coming home soon , then proceed to tell Her Mother and Father the same as well as Mama Char. Everyone seemed as she left them. After her Calls Ebony Rested and watched TV and thought about how her life would go from here on out. She wanted to go back to school become a Fashion designer, and maybe own a home but needed the money for that and quickly became discouraged . She loved her son too much to give up now and was going to do whatever it takes to get her life back on track .



Laila was so happy when Ebony called The next day , they spoke briefly about her welll being and that she was coming home and then she had to go. Laila was still in her towel when Elijah sent her a text saying he would be there soon, they were going out.While she slipped on her matching Victoria secret lace bra and panty set her phone ranged . It was Mikey. Laila hasn't spoken to him in Months after the incident with her mother and sure as hell wasn't up for speaking to his ass now

" What do you Want Now" She answered anyways

The sound of Mikey's voice made her regret answering the phone

" So you got a new nigga huh? You think because of that fight you and your mother Had a few months back we're through . I want some pussy"

Laila was hesitant but replied

" W-what new nigga? You crazy. I told you to stop calling My ass! You ain't getting shit from me!"

" So you want to play stupid huh . That nigga in the White Range rover that left your house an hour ago, You fucking him Now Huh? What I tell you , you belong to me! Don't get it fucked up your little Career will be ended if I show up at your Job with what I'm bout to Throw at your ass. You wanna be grown right ?! Ima show you grown!" Mikey grunted

" FUCK YOU"! Laila screamed into the phone .

Mikey was all talk and she knew that so his threats wasn't going to get to her this time.

She threw her phone at her bed and finished getting dressed. Laila blew her freshly washed hair out before putting it in a pony tail leaving her long bang to swoop to one side. It was still early so she didn't wanna look too high class today. She slipped on her Grey Juicy Couture sweatsuit perfect for this upcoming September weather , Her Jays on feet made her feel more down to earth than she had felt in a while . She didn't have on her expensive diamond earrings on today instead just regular hoops. Laila applied foundation to her face, since her bags Weren't completed gone . Her eye shadow wasn't dramatic and her Mac Hourglass lip gloss looked as sexy as it made her feel . Laila took one last look in the mirror before spraying her self with her Beyonce Heat perfume, grabbing her phone ,bag and heading downstairs to leave. As she walked out the front door Elijah was already out in front leaning against his Range Rover holding his phone in hand dressed in Dark jeans , a Green and blue plaid button up with a Darker green opened vest

" I was just about to call, You look Different" Elijah said eyeing her from head to toe. He never seen her so dressed down but he loved it.

Laila put her hand on her hip rethinking her outfit

" What you mean? I could go up and changed if Im under dressed? I look crazy don't I" She Questioned

Elijah assured her she looked Good although he's never seen her dress that way before but it fit her well. He opened the door and allowed her to step inside then got in the car himself. Inside the two Listened to music before Laala spoke

" Eli, um Mikey called me before I came out and threatened me again . I wanted to be honest with you y'know in case he really tries something"

Elijah's jaw clenched . Something Laila noticed he did when he was upset.

" I appreciate your honesty , now give me your phone" stopping at a red light and holding his hand out

Laila didn't even question what he had told her to do. She placed phone in his hand and watched in fear as he rolled down the window and launched it out the car. It cracked into pieces

"I'll get you a new one. This nigga ain't getting near you now that your Mines. I ain't got time for games"

Laila was flattered by the him calling her his girlfriend but also shaken at the fact that he just threw her phone the way he did.

He took her shopping at all her favorite stores, to a movie and just before the sun set out by the peer to watch the sun go down

" Thankyou .. For this For everything Eli you really don't know how much this means to me" Laila spoke in his arms

He squeezed her closer in flexing all his muscles around her in security

" No problem. It's one thing I need you to do before we really do the dame thing"

Laila lifted her head under his chin

"Anything, Wassup?"

"I need you to tell your Sister the truth about you and her Brother. It ain't right holding on to baggage and your Mother too "

The thought of telling the truth devastated Laila, Ebony would hate her for sure and she just couldn't have that happen. She didn't say a word, instead she held on to Elijah as hard as she could.




" So , i was thinking you could stay over here for a while" Nicole stated plopping on the couch next to Tasha in her condo

Tasha elbow deep in a bag of Doritos stopped searching for a chip, laughed and questioned

" What you mean ? Like move in? Why the hell would I do that"

" Yeah heffa actually thought it would be nice for us to really give this relationship a shot. I mean we have been fucking like crazy Besides now that your sister is coming home and giving all that she's going through maybe she could stay at your apartment until she gets through all this come on you gotta admit it sounds good"

Tasha thought real fast. It did sound good , Ebony was going through so much and needed a break from everything . She could stay at Nicki's and enjoy her Lesbian Lover for a whiles and good Eb the space she needed.

" I would love to wake up to your pretty ass everyday plus your right Eb really can use some peace and quiet, just let me give her a call"

Nicole kissed her after her response and dug into the bag of Doritos as well.



Ebony was released from the hospital finally just as September began and she allowed Charles to take Yasin to his first day of school, but it was the only thing she let him do. Tasha had called about her proposal and Ebony was so thankful God had answered her prayers. That's exactly what she needed after all this bullshit. While Yasin was away from 8 to 4 she took a cab home to get some of her shit since her car was fucked up. She left Her and Charles apartment with just a few clothes for her and Yasin to have at their stay at Tasha's . Ebony was happy for Tasha's new found relationship and interest in girls when she told her, she always knew Tasha would go down that route not having a man all this time. She was finally at peace with herself and away from Charles. The only person she'd hadn't heard from was Laila, and she started to get annoyed. Ebony even Questioned Tasha about her where-abouts but even she said she rather her hear it from Laila herself. Ebony wanted to get to the bottom of her Mysterious Questions.


Laila and Elijah spent everyday and all day with eachother besides work doing all the things they could imagine, and fucking everywhere . Laila’s life was doing better than ever even Samantha noticed how happy she was. She kept taps on both sisters with the new phone her new man had brought her But from a distance. She explained to her sisters she needed some time to herself failing to have yet tell Ebony the truth. Tasha was still staying at Nicole's and the two were more in love than ever both still working at the strip club, Ebony enjoyed life on her on with her son and even Got her old Teaching job back, never speaking to Charles or telling anyone about what really was the cause of her accident. No one heard from Mama char or even cared to they were each so caught up in there lives, and Mikey was still trying to get at Laila if it was the last thing he did.


September came and Went , October was here and just when things started to get good they got worse.


Laila was in bed stuffing her face with Dominios cheese and sausage pizza when Elijah came her bed room door . She had given him keys to her house and he was using full advantage of it .

" Don't eat your fingers kid" He laughed plopping on the bed next to her and grabbing a slice .

He noticed lately her face was getting plum and new it had to be from all the food she was eating lately.

" Boy shutup. I'm starving"

Elijah bit into his slice of pizza cracking up

" Look I was thinking about Calling Ebony y'know telling her the truth about her Brother "Laila said moving the box of pizza aside and laying back on her bed full of pillows

" Go see her Instead, you could use the activity" Elijah joked

Laila gave him a neck roll and a slap on the arm

" You tryna say I'm getting Fat nigga" she snarled

"La shutup. It ain't even like that, Im just saying face-to-face is more respectable ok Fatty" Elijah let out a snort

Laila shrugged off the comment standing up and looking into her full length mirror. Her stomach was getting a pudge and as much as she hated to admit it, Elijah had a point on her needing activity and decided to go see Ebony once and for all



I wonder what she wanna talk about? Ebony thought to herself after getting a serious call from Laila . Nervous she called Tasha to fill her in

"Girl Ms. mia wants to come over and talk all of a sudden " she spoke into the cordless phone

" It's probably nothing bitch relax! But look ima get Nicki to Drop me over there. I wanna see Ms. Top model myself I miss y'all!" Tasha nervously laughed pondering on what Laila could want to talk about knowing it could most likely be about what had happened in the Hospital Room a Month ago. She wanted to be present on the drama if it unfolded.

" I ain't beat. She hasn't been there for me since I got out the hospital giving me bullshit ass excuses but that's Laila for you. I'll see you when you get here she on her way now" Ebony hung up the phone and waited for them both.


Laila arrived at Ebony's then Tasha. Ebony set out some refreshments and made the girls some homemade Jerk Chicken and rice something her Mother taught her as a child. The three sat on Ebony's new couch her teaching Job landed her along with a bunch of other furniture

"Girl Why you in Tasha joint" Laila spoke in between licking the jerk sauce off her fingers

" Well if you been around then you'd know but FYI me and Charles are done and I needed a place for me and Ya-Ya to crash , since T went gay and had been staying at Nicki's she said I could have her spot for a while" Ebony informed

It was more information than Laila thought she'd missed

" Wait.. wait You turn down the other street and didn't Let me know" Laila turned to Tasha who had a mouth full of rice

Tasha swallowed

" Whatever ho, yeah I did. And I love it" she said licking her lips and bouncin twice on the couch

" You need to come around more, you been neglecting us too much Wassup with that" Tasha went on

" About that.." Laila sighed putting her plate in the mini glass table in front if her " Im really sorry y'all , I was stressed the fuck out but I'm better now, my job and Relationship with Elijah are going well. I promise to be more in the loop"

Ebony nearly choked on her chicken.

" You got a Man"?

Laila nodded

" Well damn that's why you been distance bitch you dick struck I ain't mad at you shit Charles was too at least you getting some . His ass was giving my shit to another Nigga" Ebony laughed hysterically . This was the first she's spoke of Charles's Infidelity and realized how crazy it sounded

The room filled with silence

"What the fuck you say.. Charles did what" Tasha spit out

Ebony explained the whole thing laughing in the process. It was about time she told somebody this stupid shit

" Oh Ebony I'm so sorry, How could he do that to you.. To Yasin .. To Malcome. You should have said somehing" Laila sympathized

Tasha in agreement to her every word

" Girl it's fine! He wasn't fucking me so his ass got it from somewhere else, he been stopped taking care of home. I ain't mad, everything happens for a reason. God knows best. And besides I feel better than ever. Got my groove and Job back" Ebony assured the girls

Instantly Laila felt horrible about why she was there in the first place. Seeing Ebony smiled and laugh the way she was made her regret telling her the truth about her secret life but new it had to be done

" Ebony.. I .. I had sex with your Brother.. ive been having sex with your Brother" Laala slipped out

Tasha's eyes widened with shock and Ebony stopped laughing completely

" Girl for a moment I thought you said you fucked my Brother" Ebony sarcastically blurted

" Ebony.. I.. He manipulated me , he raped me when I was 15 and since then its been crazy. I was stupid and young fresh out of college just starting my dreams! I.. I'm sorry Eb I really am. My mother allowed him to do this while the whole time Her and Cornel was together because Mikey was blackmailing him. He felt like your father did more for me and char then you and him, Cornel …He knew too, and probably still does while she lived her Luxurious life style I was paying the price ..She’s on drugs and Mikey has been her supplier for years , stealing my money out the bank while Mikey used me in every way possible . He's been harassing me every since I stopped us from seeing eachother you have to talk to him " Laila said as fast as she could as Ebony remained quiet

Silence broke ass Ebony rised and slapped Laila so hard spit flew From her mouth . Laila screamed In pain


Tasha tried her best to sub stain her as Laila cried out pleading her case

" Ebony I never meant to hurt you! I had to protect myself first , I had everything going for myself before your BROTHER Stepped in and ruined my life ! I'm wrong yes I admit it and that's why I been stopped the shit! I cared about you! I didn't want this shit to go on, your my sister Ebony you had every right to know the sick shit that was going on all this time, I was scared when was younger but I learned now .. he Damn sure wasn't going to come clean"

Ebony thought about everything Laila had said. She couldn't believe more shit was happening to her but also wasn't shocked. She remembered both her Father and Brother always treated Laila better than her, buying her whatever she wanted and complimenting her every move,she even asked him if he too had a thing for her but got her ass handed to her in return everytime . Ebony began to cry, Her Brother was a Sick bastard and she knew it

" La Im really sorry you had to go through this shit, I can't imagine my step Brother tryna fuck me and my Mama letting him but you dead wrong girl. Ebony has been through too much to for this, you got your perfect life ebony tryna find hers . You fucked up forreal " Tasha bashed now trying to console Ebony

Laila knew it could possibly be the end of her Relationship with either sister and felt sick to her stomach. She hated herself for her selfish upbringing.

" JUST LEAVEEEEE! Get the fuck out ! " Ebony shouted and Laila did just that



" This some crazy shit yo" Tasha thought to herself on the way to Nicki's after the reveal of all Laila’s secrets . Ebony kicked her out too shortly after claiming she needed to be alone. She didn't want shit else with the drama either and agreed to go.

" Hey baby" Nicole greeted Tasha at the door with a kiss

" Not now Nicki, I'm too stressed" Tasha said putting her hand in between their lips

" What's your problem? Hey lets go out for ice cream and skip work today I don't like you this way "

" Nah I'm good. Fuck that ice cream. I could use something else " Licking her lips Tasha guided Nicki to the Bed room. Only Sex would get her mind off of all the bullshit that just took place.



" You sure you okay Ms. Morgan, you look a little pale" Samantha, Laila’s assistant spoke in her office door way. Laila was standing by her large glass Windows looking as if she'd faint

"I'm just feeling Sick today . I'm sure it's nothing, but maybe I should go home the rest of the day" Laila nodded in agreement

She haven't been feeling her 100% best after Last weeks big fight with Ebony. she'd been calling her none stop getting no reply, and gave up hope she'd ever speak to her again.

" Yeah that would be best. Just go, I don't want the rest of us sick anyways" Samantha laughed flipping her blonde hair back and leaving the room

Laila packed up her things and went on her way. On the way home she left Elijah a message but didn't want to bother calling because today was his day off at work and she knew he had other business to take of.

Home Laila undressed out her usual business look , slid on a big T-shirt and laid in bed.

" I feel like shit" She whispered to herself drifting to sleep

Hours later she was awoken by a nauseous feeling. Laila ran to the bathroom clutching her stomach

Quickly Face deep in her toilet with one arm on the seat throwing up what felt like her insides. She sat on the bathroom floor as she finished still weak from hurling, and thought about what could have made her sick, she and Elijah tried a new sushi Restaurant in Manhattan days ago and instantly figured she had food poising. Laila was digging through her medicine cabinet for her sleeping pills and proceeded to drag herself into Bed. As the pills kicked in and Laila finally got comfortable the doorbell ringed

" Oh God please let that be Eli" she said whipping sweat from her forehead, rising up and pacing herself towards her stairs


" Im going to kill this Bitch. I swear I am" Mikey furiously thought to his self outside of Laila’s house ringing the door bell.

His now thin body was Dressed in all black, as his face was covered by a ski mask . He stood there anxious from His Ultimate high, holding a bouquet of flowers . It was Sun down, He knew Laila was home alone because he sat at the edge of her block all day and watched Elijah leave in the morning and stayed until she got off of work.He watched her drag her feet as she walked to the front door from the window and Quickly put the flowers in the peep hole

" Who is it" Laila said in a frail tone putting an eye into the peep hole of her door.

Before the visitor replied, she saw the beautiful flowers and knew it had to be Elijah . Thrilled she opened the door and Mikey Slapped the Flowers in her face as hard as they would go and watched her tumble over. Once in side he close the door behind himself and stomped over to where Laila had fallen

You Stupid Bitch! I told you I was going to Get your Ass!" Mikey yelled hitting her with blows to the side, back and chest.

Laila cried in pain

" Eli, W- What are you doing! Stop baby! What I do wrong?" She cried throwing her hands in front of her for protection

" Eli"?! Mikey questioned

" BITCH I AIN'T YOUR PRINCE CHARMING" He yelled Snatching off his Black ski mask

He watched Laila’s eyes widen to the sight of him as she crawled to get up. He was sick looking, his feautures has sunken in ,the drugs had did him no justice.

Mikey knew she was Scared and laughed watching her plead and cry for him to Leave

" Whyyy you Doing this to me Mikey! We are Through! I don't Belong to You anymore you sick Bastard" Laila now screaming back


Mikey kicked her with every word. He made Sure she felt what he had felt. Ebony was his Bestfriend growing up,they were all they had after being neglected by their father over Laila and Mama Char’s presence , his nephew is the love of his life. When she called Days ago Claiming she knew what he had done to Laila cursing him out calling him all types of sick names, he was So hurt. She said he'll never see her again and his hate for Laila grew like wild flower . Yes, after he started fucking with Laila blackmainling his father he became obsessed and evil and eventually he Ebony less than what she deserved, as if she wasn’t even alive not hanging out with her nor making sure she was good . But he never thought he wouldn't have her in his life . And if He couldn't ? Laila wouldn't have a life. It was that simple

Mikey Dragged Laila by her hair as he walked upstairs , Her body thumping against each stair. He reached her room and He threw her body on her bed and began snatching off her clothes

" STOPPPP! OH GOD NO MIKEY DONT DO THIS" Laila shouted as if he'd already started killing her

" SHUT THE FUCK UP BITCH! I TOLD YOU I WANT SOME PUSSY! AND YOU GON GIVE IT TO ME! IT'S YOUR FUNERAL DAY BABY GO OUT IN STYLE" He evilly laughed Pulling down her panties with one hand and Holding on to Her neck

He watched Laila closed her eyes tightly as he Pulled down his own pants and lifting up her shirt

He stopped in his tracks when he saw her stomach. It was rounding at the bottom like it never was before. Mikey began to lose it


Laila’s eyes popped open.

" WHAT .. WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT M-Mikey I'm not pregnant! I JUST couldn't Fuck you anymore! For God sake your My Mothers Ex Husband SON! WE CAN NEVER BE TOGEHER. LOOK AT WHAT YOU DID TO MY FAMILY, TO ME AND EBONY!!!!!!you disgust me! I HATE YOUR ASS" She yelled holding her side

Mikey's eyes now filled with Tears as he pulled up his pants up. He truly loved Laila In some sick and twisted way, Now more than ever he realized she didn’t feel the same, all these years allowing Mama Char to steal money from Her, to him giving her all those drugs, and even him giving Laila 20,00$ out of the cut he was getting to keep her around. All Laila cared about was the money this whole time too, But he COULDN’T LET HER GO! He never could ever since he Met Charmaine and she became his new step mother . Laila’s smile , her personality and her Womanly Curves was something he never could get out his mind even after Cornel’s divorce .Seeing her now Pregnant once again in her happy perfect little life he hated her so much . She always had it good while others suffered just like her Damn Mother! Now she was having a baby and everyone else's life was crumbling apart . He couldnt let her get away with it

" Laila I Loved you! I really did If you could have went along with what we started that could be my baby" Mikey began to Pace back and fourth

" You were my Step brother! I WAS 15 I DIDN’T KNOW ALL THAT TIME IT WAS REALLY RAPE I WAS TOO YOUNG, YOU USED ME !How could you love me? Your sick Michael You ruined my life and I admit I was greedy that 20,000 every other month was good but now that I know what you did, to me , to my mother, to ebony I will never be with you!" Laala spoke still from the floor eyeing Mikey's every moment

Mikey had heard her last testimony, and quickly drew the Gun he had tucked in his Pants pocket and aimed it for Laila’s body

" You never loved me?!! How could I be so stupid Your just like Your mother!!!!!! Ebony is gone! Yasin is Gone! And Bitch Your going to be Gone too ! " Mikey cried

Laila balled tears and put her hands In the air begging God not to let her die! Her eyes were so heavy She fought to keep them open

" Mikey Please Don't do this! I'm sorry Im Sooo Sorry maybe we could start over please I could Love you I could I just need time! MIKEY DONT PLEASE . Oh God Please don't let him Kill me" Laila now on her knees begging

Mikey didn't care . Her tears meant nothing to the pain he was dealing with , he was hysterical and shaking at this point . Mikey stopped pacing , pointed the Gun at her closed his eyes and Pulled the trigger. When he heard her gasp for air he opened his eyes in shock of what he had really done

" OH GOD OOh GOD Laila look what you've done ! At what you made me do . Oh God Ebony forgive Me! God Forgive me"

Mikey was a Wreck. He ran down the stairs to Laila’s kitchen still holding his Gun. He couldn’t let anybody know it was him the last thing he wanted was to go to jail. He was so frantic searching her kitchen drawls for Matches. When he found them He dropped the gun and Began searching for Anything flammable to catch a fire. He got a hold on gasoline for her Grill she kept in her bottom kitchen draw and went crazy with it

He poured it through the kitchen, Her livingroom , even her front hall where the flowers he had hit her with still layed . He ran through the house throwing the fuel everywhere even getting upstairs in the Master bed room where Laila’s body was . Mikey lit the matches and threw them in Various places before fleeing the crime scene in hopes that shit burned down with Laila still inside



Laila eyes slowly closed as the smell of smoke Pushed past her lungs . Her blood ran slow and her body began to feel lifeless . she allowed her eyes to shut and felt herself drift far far away , it was Really the End .


" Breaking News here In Upper Ny this cool October afternoon a Woman's home located on 34 &West 88th , was Severely burnt down with her inside The woman identified to be 24 year old Laila Morgan a Successful Real estate Broker here in New York, with her own business office not to far from Her residence. She was badly beaten,suffered a gun shot wound and minor burns before neighbors called the police and fire department who arrived minutes later. Right now there are no suspects in custody but investigations states the Weapon, and evidence starting the fire were found inside the home and also recovered Zaleplon in the young woman's system but are still ruling it a Homiside for now Calling it an Act of Tainted Love.The Young woman is now being held in New York University Medical Center and is critical but stable. The Community is calling it true A miracle .Any leads on this unfortunate incident please call the number below" ALL the news channels Simultaneously went over Laila’s near death experience repeatedly


Tasha, Mama Char, Elijah and Even Ebony and her son rushed to the hospital with heavy hearts, each getting the news at just about the same time.

At the Hospital, in the waiting room the broken family waited in silence


"Ok everyone, Hi I'm doctor Michelle Stevens. I'm on Ms. Morgan's case and will be taking care of her while for the rest of her time here. I see she has a lot of family and support but I'm afraid all of you can't see her at this time. If you can agree on going maybe two at a time that would work, and as the rest stay in the waiting room I ask that you respect the level of sound this is a hospital, She’s in room B1325" The Slender Red head with dark blue scrubs and a white coat spoke to the crowd


" Thank you Doctor, we'll talk Among ourselves and then decide who will go first" Mama Char nodding her head and the Doctor turned to return to Laila’s room

"Y'all can go I just came to see if she's alive or not" Ebony turned to the rest of them leaning out her Teal waiting room chair

"Ebony, cut it out How can you be so cruel at a time like this" Tasha cried

Ebony rolled her eyes

" Easy! She didn't come see me in the hospital after my accident so the fact that I'm here she should be lucky"

“SHE DID SO EB, COME ON NOW YOU KNOW SHE WAS GOING THROUGH IT” Tasha stepped in to her defense

Mama Char sucked her teeth annoyed

" Just like your father thinking of yourself! God doesn't like ugly. I came didn't I so put a smile on your face and pretend you wanna be here"

Ebony wanted to spit on her. Who the fuck did she think she was sitting there in her short trench coat and dark eye glasses looking like she was auditioning for a movie role pretending she gave a fuck about Laila at all.

" Your one to talk! Don't act like you wanna be here either! I Know all about what you did to Her , to Us all these years you evil self-centered BITCH don't tell me what to do when you have Sins of your own" Ebony shouted


Tasha raised her head out her own lap and shouted surprised at how she was talking to Char

"Yo forreal . Laila laying up in that hospital bed lucky to be Alive after what the fuck just happened to her and y'all sitting here's arguing like fucking dogs. Y'all suppose to be her family right cause' I can't tell . Any drama y'all got leave that shit somewhere else , this shit is serious she don't need this shit!!!!"

Elijah hissed in his seat . He had heard enough

" Who the fuck are you anyway" Mama char Asked pulling down her shades to peek at him

"Mama Char that's Laila’s Boyfriend" Tasha answered

" I'm the ONLY person who obviously give a fuck more about her.. especially more than you do if it wasn’t for you she wouldn't even be in the predicament she's in now" Elijah spat with intensity

" Young Man stay in your place! You don't know a damn thing. My daughter is in this situation because of her own" Char replied raises her nose in the opposite direction

" Who you fooling ? Damn sure not me. Or anyone else here, We all know the truth just admit it that’s the least you can do ..” Elijah argued

" And you do?" Char laughed so hard almost knocking her glasses off

" Your just the new Dick she riding you ain't shit to her like the rest of us here. Laila is a grown as woman whatever made the person who did this I'm sure had a reason. She got what she deserved" Char continued now waving her finger.

" Mama char ! That's Enough . We all have our own opinions about Laila but damn don't do her like that! She don't deserve this shit. OR the shit you put her through have some sympathy!" Tasha finally let out

" Tasha right . Look at us sitting here arguing in the waiting room while Laila lays there in bed alone. Lets put aside whatever problems and Be there for her! She did for me I would be wrong if I didn't return the favor"Ebony giving her two cents

.The waiting room got quite and Elijah stood up and started heading down the long Hospital hall way to Laila’s room . He didn't wait for the rest of the company to respond he felt terrible sitting there instead of being with Laila

As He entered the room his eyes filled with tears. Laila laid there eyes closed with tubes attached to her chest, gauges where she had gotten shot and an arm sling attached to her right arm. A short Caucasian nurse was changing her bandages and putting ointment on her burns.

" I-I-Is she okay? Did she lose an arm? Is she paralyzed? Can she talk "He Studderd nervously

The nurse turned & smiled

"Oh god No she fine she fine, VERY LUCKY Miss Morgan can talk she just really out of it Poor thing almost lost her baby.I cleaned her burns for her and they should heal just fine. "

Elijah almost fell out hearing the word “Baby” What was this woman talking about. As Doctor Stevens came in as the nurse left out

" Hi, which family member are you? I have information about Ms. Morgan I'm afraid only either Blood relatives such as Her Mother or Husband can be told" She said holding her hand out

Giving her his right hand out of his sweat pants pocket Elijah and lied

"I'm her Husband"

He didn't mean to but he wanted to know what was up.

" Ok well as you know she only suffered minor burns to her arms, and legs thanks to her neighbors Calling 911 when they did. The Sleeping pills in her system we flushed and treated her with lots of pain medicine and Anti biotic. As for The bullet it grazed her right arm we think she tried to block it and then proceeded to hit her her chest. It missed her heart by 2 inches , tearing only muscle in her chest and breast cavity , we operated immediately retrieved the bullet and stitched her up, She also lost quite a bit of blood and we gave her a blood transfusion for that.As for the baby, He or she was in distress causing the heart rate to drop because of blood lost but the blood transfusion we gave did wonders. Honestly your Wife is lucky to be alive"

Elijah couldn't believe his ears. Laila was pregnant and he had no idea. Was it his? Is that why she's been scared of that Mikey nigga? He thought quickly before answering the Doctor

"Thank you for saving her life , I honestly didn't know she was pregnant and I don't think she did either we work alot . How many months is she"

"About 2 months and I understand about having busy work schedules me and my Husband do as well. But Congrats and the Police will be here a little later to further Questions"

“2 months… that baby has to be mines Ive been with Her non stop” Elijah thought to his self in relief

Doctor Stevens left the room and finally Elijah was left alone with Laila. He sat in a hospital chair and put both hands on her as she laid there peacefully with her eyes placed shut her chest caving in and out her body all bruised Elijah felt so bad.

"Damn Laila… baby Im so sorry I couldn’t protect you.." He whispered.

She coughed a few times before talking

"Elijah"? She questioned his authorities .

Shocked she was away ,He clasped her hand into his smiling to the fact that his was always bigger than hers .

"Im here Laila, are you okay ?i thought I lost you kid" He spoke looking into his eyes

" Mikey did this to me.." Laila’s words barely make-out-able

"What you say Ma"?

"… Mikey shot me.. m-MIKEY SHOT ME" Laila’s tone now shaken up as she spoke out every syllable still in Shock

Elijah heard it that time. Immediately Anger Flew through his veins and his jaw clenched. He kissed her forehead and rushed out the room, He knew exactly Who did this shit to his Girl, and He made a promise to himself and his unborn child.. To Kill that Nigga.


The Rest of the Group went in one by one and shortly after Elijah left the left police came and Questioned them. Neither Tasha, Mama Char, or Ebony Honestly knew who could have done this to her and to the Police it made Laila’s case very difficult to figure out.



Elijah reassured the office of Laila’s conditions and although they all seemed so sympathetic He ignored any Questions and went on with the Work he had planned for himself


"Yo, I need a Favor My nigga you got me or what"? Elijah spoke discreetly in a black hoop-tie with the seat Declined

" E my man Wassup anything for you nigga! Always had my back" the other person over the phone enthusiastically

"I need some Heat for this Wack Ass nigga, He did some shit to fam and gotta get the knocked fuck off. I ain't lookin for no big Shit just something To get the job done with No loud Bang bangs Ight"

"Damn E I heard , I gotchu tho come to the spot "

The two hung up and Elijah pulled off driving to the location they would meet

He arrived at a small beat up House, got out and quickly made his way to the door and Inside.

A Bulky dark skin Man with Dreads approached him in the hall way holding a gun inside a black plastic bag

"This perfect. Good looks" Elijah thanked holding The Medium size Gun in his hand after his Boy Tah gave it to him.

He had known Tah since he was slinging drugs and had his back one day when Tah got into some shit with some niggas older than him. After that He'd been doing any favors Elijah asked .

"No prob my nigga. Go handle yours. Stay good no Bullshit igh" Tah and Elijah exchanged abrotherly hug

Back in the Car, Elijah placed the Gun inside the Glove department and drove to where he knew Mikey was.. Inside The projects trying to stay low after what he did to Laila, High and paranoid with some Junkie friends. Elijah had asked a couple niggas around if they knew him earlier that week after What happened to Laila shit he even beat a nigga ass for information on Mikey

The black hooptie turned into Brooklyn projects. Elijah was dressed in all black, black Pullover sweater, Black Baggy Sweat pants Black Tim's , Black gloves and Black skully . He retrieved the gun from the glove department and the bag of coke he got from some lil niggas and hopped out the car.

Elijah walked with Structure Keeping his eyes out for any cops and Mikey.

He walked through the project complex hallways making sure to cover each peephole as he walked pass each apartment and finally reached Apartment 340 the last apartment in that dirty ass building

He knocked twice .

"YO somebody at the door" a Male voice screamed from inside

"Fuck you telling me for, go open it!" Another voice screamed

The chain on the door came off and the door slid open

"WHO YOU" a large Man with a beard asked eye'ing Elijah up and down.

Playing it cool Elijah responded

"I got Some Work for Mikey, from DJ" Elijah lied using a nigga from the hood's name.

"Yo Mikey, This nigga Said He got some Work for You" the Man turned over his shoulder to say

" Let his Ass in then! Shit right on time ! " Mikey Dry Coughed

“This nigga really on the shits bad” Elijah thought to himself

The Large man moved aside and him stepped in.

The little apartment was filthy, and smelled of Sweat , Ass and Smoke. It was cigarette Buds everywhere and nothing but a Couch in living room . A real hole in the wall

" Sit Youngin, Mi Casa es Tu Casa" Mikey declared pointing to couch lighting a cigarette

Elijah sat eyeing him. He was Thin with deflated muscles , ashy skin and a face full of bones. A Real live crackhead just like the Nigga described . Instantly Elijah's anger grew

" So Let me see what you Workin with " Mike pressured

" Dang nigga no conversation first. Lets Kick it. We might be doing more business soon anyways lets get Acquainted" Elijah reassured smirking . He had no plan

Mikey Laughed and nodded

The three talked for a while before Mikey set out lines for himself to hit.

He snorted Hard inhaling all the white candy and sat back while it kicked in. Elijah knew it was his chance

"Yo, y'all heard about that Bitch Laila. Some Nigga Blew her shit off" Elijah spoke cluelessly as if he didn't know her .

"Mikey Know Her very Well ain't that right Mike" The fat one Finally said chuckling at the end

Mikey lifted up a little in seat.

" Thats right! Stupid Bitch got what was coming for Her"

" Word! You know who did it?" Elijah nervously let out

"Know? Youngin I am who did it" Mikey's tone sounded to confident

Elijah wanted to peel his cap right there but needed to hear more

"Nahhhh nigga you lying! They got a suspect I heard" He lied some more . He knew as high as Mikey just got he would say anything

" I did that Shit! And I'd do it Again.. That Bitch was my Step Sister, Ha I fell for that bitch & I Hit that a few times thanks to her Fucked up ass Mama. I payed that bitch 20 grand to stay with my ass sick I know mannnn that was some good pussy…. I even shared My drugs with Ha moms! But Laila , that bitch Fucked up rotation ya feel me started not fuckin wit me! Found a new Man and wasn't giving me None! Don't that bitch know She was Mine!" Mikey slurred

"Tell him Mike" The Fat one interrupted

"Nigga I'm telling ! Shut the Fuck up, Anyway she had to learn a lesson she couldn’t leave ME IM MICHEAL HAUSLEY CORNEL IS MY FUCKING FATHER I WASN’T RAISED TO LET NO BITCH CALL THE SHOTS That Bitch told my sister Ebony everything, and it really…fucked me up she wouldn’t let me see my nephew anymore so Laila’s prissy ass…h-h-had to pay Hell Yeah I did that shit! Went in That Bitch House, Beat her Ass , Tried Rapin her before I saw her dirty Hoe ass was having that nigga baby , I lost it Beat her some More then Shot that bitch. I lit that Motha fucca up then bounced. Ha! You should have Seen that bitch beg dumb Ass bitch. I still pulled the Trigger. Anyways, I heard From Around Her new Nigga was Erin, Edward, or Some E shit" Mikey informed

Hearing that sent Elijah to his Breaking Point . He couldn't take it anymore

"Elijah" He called his own name

"Yeah That's It" Mikey Confirmed "How you know Youngin"


Elijah began Swinging his arms to the side snatching the Gun from his Pocket and Letting off 4 in The Fat nigga that answered the Door who was sitting in the corner causing him to Die Instantly

Mikey's eyes flew open and he jumped up reaching for his Gun

" You Move & I'll Blow your Fucking Head straight off" Elijah barked

Mikey didn't move a muscle

" You Fucking Dumb! You ain't getting Away with this shit ! Watch Ima Kill you Like I Killed that bitch" Mikey yelled back frozen in action

Elijah laughed

" You on Too much Crack . You ain't getting out of hear Alive to tell any fucking body! My bitch ain't Dead you Fien MothaFucca!Obviously your broke ass doesn’t own a Tv to know that But SURPRISE You Tried to Kill her and my Child! Now its your chance to Go" Elijah's spit flew from his mouth

Mikey looked like he was Gona shit his pants

" SEEE! You ain't built For this life you goofy Ass nigga! You left your gun at the scene , They gon know it was you when she tell em exactly How she told me. You really Think you was Gona Walk free? AI got news for you!" Elijah inched closer with every word and he aimed the Gun right in his face

Mikey began to shake. The drugs had full effect now. He started pleading for forgiveness but that didn't mean a damn thing to Elijah

He Cocked the Gun back and suddenly stopped in his tracks when the vision of Laila appeared in his mind.

She was pregnant She needed him and so did his baby, If he killed both men he was sure to go away for life and he couldn't do that to Laila After all he was in Love with what they had become. What example ass he setting for his unborn? Elijah Lowered the gun.. He couldn't do it

" FUCK!" He shouted knocking the gun against his forehead

" Oh! You can't do it huh Young Blood? You Soft I knew it! You going down for my home boy ricky here" Mikey announced laughing it off

" I Could Kill you y'know but I got Laila and now a baby I have to think about. I already won, Killing you won't do me any good . "

“FUCK THAT BABY, AND FUCK YOUR BITCH” Mikey spat sending spit flying out his mouth

Elijah was In rage, No this nigga didn’t speak so ill towards his new family, He through the gun into Mikey’s hand before attacking

As Mikey fumbled to catch it , Elijah Threw a Hard left hook sending Mikey down . Elijah began to Beat His Ass like he's never beaten anyone in his life. Blood from Mikey's mouth , nose , and everywhere else went flying. Elijah beat him until his Knuckles were bloody inside his gloves , he was so angry

Mikey's body layed limp although Elijah knew he wasn't dead

"You ain't bragging now nigga!" Elijah kicked the final blow into Mikey's stomach and he coughed up blood.

Back in the car Elijah thought about what he had done and felt disgusted with himself. He never wanted to go back to his old Hoodish ways but Laila meant everything to her, he couldn't let Mikey get away with anything. He made a vow to himself never to Act in that manner again before flipping his phone and making a call

"911 emergency” the operator answered



Weeks went by as Laila’s body recovered and November just arrived and the Doctors let her know She was going home today. Laila was blessed and so happy to be alive but she no longer had a home and that was no way to raise a child. She wanted to stay safe in that Hospital room with her Pregnant belly away from the media, her Job, and Most importantly Mikey.

"I see your doing better"

Ebony clapped stepping into Laila’s room wearing Wide Legged Pants and a pea coat. She was procrastinating coming to see Laila for quite some time after Laila’s incident but this Tuesday Afternoon she got off of work ,dropped Yasin to Charles and made her to her sister anyways

She could tell Laila was surprised to see her

"Girl get that look off your face. I ain't a Ghost , it's the real Ebony Smith boo" Ebony joked

"You so crazy. I'm just surprised to see you but I'm more than thankful you did I was meaning to talk to you"

Laila sat up in bed and fluffed her pillows making sure to keep her stomach covered. After finding out she was pregnant her belly had grown more.

"Yeah well let me go first okay I need to say something" Ebony let her know pulling a hospital chair closer to her bed

"Laila, I'm so sorry. Don't get me wrong I tried to hate yo ass after you dropped that bomb on me but when this happened I couldn't do it anymore. You hurt me so much I resented you but after they arrest my Brother and the truth came out on the news, and TV I realized my Brother had hurt you so I could no longer be upset. I'm so sorry all this time I had no idea what he was capable of, your my Sister regardless marriage or not we made a Bond bitch" Ebony went on

"I understand , I just couldn't figure out when was the right time to tell you I guess there wasn't a right time. I really wish I could have told you earlier and maybe this would have never happened.. But God knows better. I'm just Happy to be here to do better this time around, for me and my Baby. But wait.. Did you say they caught your Brother?!" Laila instantly thrilled

"Girl Yeah, that Bastard was found beaten the fuck up in Brooklyn Heights projects He shot some nigga up and the news say when he was arrested they found the gun he killed the nigga with so y'know he couldn't deny it his finger prints was all on it and he Confessed to everything he did to you, why and all that . He got sentenced to life , and I don't feel bad he did so much to us all it's only right! And I know you ain't say nothing bout no baby!" Ebony exclaimed jumping up to Laila’s bed side

"GOD is Good. And Yeah I had no idea but After what Mikey did the Doctor's told me. I was in disbelief but it's true and honestly I'm thankful I never wanted to be a mother so soon but this all is in God’s Plans" Laila confidently stated removing her hospital cover

Ebony's eyes filled with tears of joy

Laila’s stomach was in a small basketball form

She placed her hands on Laila’s belly

"Congrats Bitch! I can't believe you having a baby, you better be having it too"

"She Is" Elijah's voice snuck in the room

He walked over to them both holding a bouquet of flowers

"I'm guessing you the Baby Father huh, Congrats forreal I don't know you very well but this is my Sister before anything you hurt her and ima show up to ya residence" Ebony let him know

"Girl cut it out, he's the Best thing that has ever happened to me. He's the reason I stopped dealing with your Brother and told you the truth. He's nothing but Good. Excuse Ebony she's protective" Laila but in

"Well in that case I see your in good hands. Ima let y'all chat I gotta go get my Son. La when you get home holla" Ebony smiled and headed towards the door

"Eb"? Laila called after her

"Yeah"? Ebony answered

"I love you girl . And I'm so sorry about Charles you deserve the best" Laila sincerely announced

"I love you too La, it's all good babe a babyyyy" Ebony nodded Quoting Rapper B.I.G and left

Elijah kissed Laila’s face and placed the Flowers on a near by Counter top. They talked a little about her Job and how everything was going before Elijah shot up ready to leave

"Okay we Leaving I came to take you home since they think I'm Your husband They called me to discharge you, so lets go I want to take you somewhere”

Laila laughed and nodded rising from the bed in baggy sweats

They Drove in his Range rover, windows up and the Heat on. It was getting colder by the day in Ny. Laila had no idea where they was going, but she wish she was still in the hospital. She thought she was too ugly to be outside at that moment, her arm sling was removed but the 5 inch line going across her chest where the doctor had did surgery on her looked like the stitching on a football. Her bruises were going away so they were all a purple brownish color. She felt hideous but said nothing the whole ride.

Elijah drove to Bernards township in Somerset, NJ and arrived at the biggest house Laila had ever seen. It wasn't a mansion but it was way bigger than her 4 bed room residence . It had big glass windows , a stone patio, and a spacious front lawn. The house was already painted in a nice even cream with a Brown roof and shutters . Elijah parked in the drive way and escorted Laila out the car

"Elijah come on now i just came home from the hospital I smell like old ass people and I look nasty the last thing I need is for people to see me" Laila pouted

He took her hand anyways leading her to the door

"It'll be quick Lay I promise" He replied using his new nick name for her knowing she would smile

and she did .

They went inside and Laila was sure she had died and gone to heaven

The floors were shiny Italian wood and it had two rows of stairs , one on each side as if the house were a grand entrance with a gold chandelier in between . To the left Laila could see the kitchen and Dinning room that's was as equally beautiful as the house decked out with some of the Furniture Laila had seen before in the best furniture stores in NY. She was in Aw but confused at why they were there

"Elijah what are we doing here , who's house is this ? And why did we just walk into these people house like this ? Are they even home" Laila’s mouth was going a mile a minute

Elijah still holding hand faced her and let his heart speak for the first time in his life

"Lay, I have to be honest with you . When I met you had no intentions of falling in love with you I really thought you and your shit was out of my Lead. Where I grew up all I ever seen was the ugly but these two months you've shown me nothing but beauty not just your looks but your personality and all. I love you and will never let another man hurt you, disrespect you or degrade you ever again or My child either. After what happened I woke up and realized YOU are all I want and You deserve this…. This is Our house"

Laila began to cry hard. She never heard anybody say the things he had said and was speechless as hell

"Shit don't cry Lay, what I say wrong? You don't like the Crib"? Elijah nervously said kissing her

"Nothing babe everything you said was music to my ears. The house Is beautiful Elijah it really is but I feel bad I don't have nothing to give you " Laila projected

"You gave me enough having my baby real shit all I ever wanted was a family but the streets and my fathers death fucked me up . I never been in love before but I'ma try you feel me. The Doctor told me you was pregnant when I told her I was your Husband, and at the moment I knew what I had to do" Elijah reassured

" I never been either. Mikey fucked my head up along with a bunch of other niggas growing up. I don't know how to love but I do know I love you Elijah I'm just scared that Mikey.."

Laila put her head down not wanting to finish her sentence

"You don't have to worry about him , I took care of that didn't I, now gimme kiss" Elijah smiled that crooked smile sending Laila’s heart into over drive

She knew what Elijah meant by taking care of something so she didn't bother to ask. All she knew is that her life was finally turning around. She looked into his Hazel eyes and planted a big kiss on his nice full lips


Tasha ,Ebony and Laila were all on the phone chatting like they use to when they were younger. Tasha gossiped about Nicole and how she loved their relationship, Ebony and Yasin was doing much better without Charles now that the divorce was finalized and Ebony realized she no longer wanted a relation in general all she had was her Son, Niggas ain't do shit for her and that's how she wanted to keep it. Laila explained how she and Elijah were doing sooo good in their new 7 bed room house , Elijah commuted to Ny for work and she'd stay home like he insisted and wanted to Focus on their family they were about to have.


Before everyone knew it the end of Laila’s pregnancy ,she was now 9 months pregnant and Ebony and Tasha Planned her a big baby shower

"Okay everybody get into place" Tasha yelled at the crowd of people crouched down in Laila’s new house

Elijah sent Her on a food run just to keep her out the house so he could allow everyone to get here and she had made her way back

The door made a click Clack sound as the Key entered it and Laila walked through it

Her house was dark

"Babe, I couldn't find Cheeseburger Heaven , I don’t even think they have one of those over here I got tired and came home! I could make you a cheese burger boy I don't know why you wanted that shit in the first place" Laila’s voiced muffled through the house

She walked to her Dinning room and flicked on a light

"SURPRISE"!!!!!!!!! The crowd jumped out and screamed

The whole Dinning room Was decorated with every type of baby shower decoration there was pink and blue everything! Streamers, balloons, baby bottles, pampers and clothes cut ours were on the walls, And confetti was everywhere.

"You Guys are cleaning this shit up" Laila laughed wobbling into the crowd

Everybody was there! Ebony, Yasin, Tasha, Nicole, ChildHood friends , Her Ex-Co workers, Samantha, Elijah of course and even Mama Char!

Thankyou's flew freely in the room like cigarette smoke.

"Look at the big belly you are a beautiful pregnant lady" Mama Char approached reaching her hand out and rubbing her oversized stomach

"Hi Mama, Im surprised to see you here"

"I know Child. But life is too short to hold on to wrongs when you could be doing so much right. I was wrong, I admit that I cant believe what I had done to you, or to our family But hey I'm only 40 I have alot to learn my damn self, your my First and Only child the Harm I put you in is unforgivable but I still love you. I've been clean for a while and Going to Church "Char talked with fun attitude

Laila was more than happy to have her mother back in her life and didn’t care about anything else now that her baby was on its way, she really Did grow up

"I love you too Ma, and I forgive you I have a child of my own to worry about I can't hold on to nomore pain"

"God Bless you" Char gave her blessings and continued to enjoy the party.

Laila moved through the crowd towards her sisters

"I'm ready to drop this Load" Laila exhaled

"We Know" Both Ebony and Tasha said Simultaneously

"Y'all bitches so annoying. But thank Y'all for throwing this party forreal a bitch was given up all hope of y'all remembering this. Y'all got Everybody in here " Laila thanked

"Auntie Auntie When you throwing up my cousin" Yasin Ebony's son came flying pass people came over with his hands out towards Laila’s stomach

The three laughed

"Ya-ya I can't throw him up. I wish but soon baby soon. You got names ready" Laila teased

"Yeahhhhh a whole list" Yasin elated and went on and on about all the names he had picked

"Alright alright shut up boy before you talk Auntie Laila into Labor" Ebony laughed covering her son's mouth

"Anyways you welcome Boo! I'm God mother Alright don't try no bullshit" Tasha joked with a serious look on her face

"The Hell you are! I'm God mother lean Back" Ebony Fought

"Fat joe your career is over" Tasha shot back

Laila started cracking up

"Shut the hell up T, Ima decide when it's time . But my Bitch ain't Fat no more Look at her" Laila pointed towards Ebony who clearly lost like 35 pounds. Ebony spun around with her hands on her hip

"Tell her Ass! Okay! These a size 16 boo"

Ebony complimented herself

"Y'all are crazy lets Eat please" Tasha cut in

The party went on and everybody ate and played all the baby shower games , pin the tale on the diaper, what chocolate is this?, Spin the Bottle and more. The food was great but the cake that Elijah brought was impeccable. It was 4 layers of butter cream goodness, baby shower style . It had a Bootie shapped Finish and was colored yellow with their Names Embedded in the front of the cake

"I want to give a Special thanks to Ebony and Tasha for pulling this together I really was new to this. And everybody That came out for Laila, I Appreciated it" Elijah Preached and began cutting the cake


The party ended later on that night and Laila was exhausted

"I didn't get to Kick it witchu all day" Laila whispered in Elijah's ear as he washed the dishes.

He spun around hands still wet putting them around the pink tank top she had on

"I know, I wanted you to enjoy yourself " he said kissing her forehead

" I did thankyou, but stop those dishes you can finish in the morning . I want baby daddy time now" Laila laughed pulling her hair behind her ear

Elijah smiled and followed her orders.

He picked her up and carried her all the way up stairs to their Master Bath. It had Mirrors Covering the walls and A jacuzzi Bath and A Shower fit for a group .

"You tired"? Elijah asked

"Tired of being in the air boy put me down " Laila snorted

"You always had a smart mouth" He said putting her down

She walked over to the mirrors, lifting up her shirt looking at the baby kick pass her flesh. Elijah watched in amazement Laila was so beautiful pregnant and he grew to love her even more. He walked over to the Jacuzzi tub and turned the warm water on. He threw in some if her favorite bubble bath the Vanilla cupcake kind. The bubbles rise to the top. Elijah began taking off his V neck, walking over to Laila doing the same. He slid off her bra, unbuttons her jeans and took down her panties. Laila stood there naked before Elijah took her hand and allowed her to step in the tub.

The water was warm and smooth against Laila’s skin. She closed her eyes in relaxation.

Elijah removed the rest of his clothes and joined her. He washed her back with the water and rubbing her big belly.

"So, how long imam is your baby daddy" Elijah asked in kissing her neck

Laila’s head went back and tingles were sent up her spine. She hasn't had sex in months because she was scared it could make her go into labor earlier than expect or it could harm the baby even though all the Doctor appointments she had said otherwise

"Mm, just until I have this baby then you go back to Elijah" Laila smiled at her own smart remark

He turned around to face him and pulled her on his lap.

"Lay, you never want to get married” Elijah asked once again rubbing his strong hands through her now wet hair

She couldn’t take it, for some reason she was getting more in the mood with every word he said and every time he touched her.

"Elijah" Laila let out

He moved one hand under the water and found her pussy. Elijah massaged her clit and flicking it against the water. Laila wrapped her arms around his neck carefully leaving space for her big stomach

"Laila, why can't you marry me" Elijah whispered in her ear

She felt her nut building up but what he was saying brought her to a different place. She moved her clit on his fingers a little faster allowing her to cum on his fingers and the water to saturate her pussy.

"Baby put it in" She begged

"Laila you know that's not going to happen while my baby in there"

Laila caught an attitude. She really thought dick was in her near future but she guessed not.

"You get on my nerves, teasing me like that but whatever you owe me" Laila snapped

Elijah got out the tub and helped her out.

"And you owe me an answer"

He handed her a towel, wrapped himself into one and let the water out the tub.

They both got in the Bed, and fell straight to sleep.


Two days later Tasha was yelling into the phone trying to wake Ebony's ass up "Girl Get up Laila’s gone have the baby"

"Bitch its 7 is why the hell is Laila trine push a damn baby out” Ebony’s voice still sleep

"Her water broke ASSHOLE, Just get your ass up and meet us at NYUMC”

The two Hung up

Laila was screaming in the car of pain, the contractions were killing her now 5 minutes apart. Her water broke that morning in her kitchen when she was making something to eat, she bent down to get a pan and noticed on the floor was a puddle she screamed out for Elijah and went into instant panic.

"You got to Relax Lay; I'm driving as fast as I can" Elijah voice shook

He dodged cars, and swerved between lanes on the high way since Laila insisted they drive all the way back to NY to have the baby because it was closer to everybody else

"It hurtssssssss" Laila whined twisting her body up in her seat

Elijah drove as fast as he could it felt like forever before they finally reached the hospital

“Someone help her please she's In Labor" Elijah waved anxiously as he held Laila’s hand in the emergency room

Nurses came instantly with a wheel chair and a lot of questions. They quickly rushed her to the back for a room, Laila was terrified. She Squeezed Elijah's hand and thought about how quickly her life was about to change....



To be continued ….




Tag der Veröffentlichung: 24.06.2014

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