
Mysteries and Suspense Short Stories Collection

My Passion for Fiction Writing Mysteries/Suspense

   My name is Tamikio L. Reardon fiction novelist/writer/ self publisher of Mysteries and Suspense Short Stories Collection. I am currently a student at Southern New Hampshire University majoring in Creative Writing/ Arts and English for my 1st bachelor’s degree. My goal after graduation is to become a fictional novelist writing/ self publishing my own eBook novels. If you have a strong interest and passion for reading and writing come and enjoy some of my mysteries/suspense stories on my website at

    I was born and raised in Detroit, Michigan currently residing in Farmington Hills Michigan.  I am a proud mother of a 4 year old baby boy and I am currently engaged to Dennis Dooley.  I graduated from Henry Ford High School in 1994, continued onto Goodwill Industries Greater Detroit in 1994-1995.  During that time I achieved a certificate in Data Entry and worked my first Data Entry job in 1995.  In 2001 I went to Henry Ford Community College and obtained my associates degree in Computer Applications. Afterwards I decided to take a break from college and just enjoy life. In 2010 I went back to college, I attended Devry University and found out later on in the semester that I was expecting my first child.  On to another break again, I settle down from college and raised my son up until 3 years of age. Now I am back in college majoring in Creative Writing/Art and English for my 1st bachelor’s degree.  I decide to come up with my own website/novels/cookbooks before I finished my major to start writing/ self publishing my eBook novels.  I hope each and every one of my readers who chose to visit my website and read my novels will enjoy some of my short stories and full novels as I am just a beginner starting on my journey as a fictional novelist.











Tamikio L. Reardon Fiction Novelist Mysteries and Suspense


Tamikio L. Reardon Fiction Novelist Mysteries and Suspense

Mysteries and Suspense Fiction Short Stories Collections were written by Tamikio L. Reardon. This supernatural, mysteries and suspense collection was created for the reading enjoyment of readers who have a passion for reading mystery and suspense novels. A collection of short stories were put together to create different views of imagination and to spice up excitement in each reader’s mind. There will be more short stories collections in Octobers 2015 – January 2016.






Table of Content:


Boys Will Be Boys: Sometimes They Come Back… 1

Kelly Jane: Best Friends Forever… 9

Marley’s Department Store: Lucy Lovely… 20

The House at The End of the Block: Ghost Territory… 24

The Ocean, Sand and The Mist: Silent Whisper… 29

The Shadow: A Man’s Worst Enemy… 31

The Reject Society: Dying To Fit In… 34

The Tree House: Come Out and Play with Death… 41

Writers Block: Out of Mind … 46

The Bloodline Cult: Suicidal Death … 49

Double Homicide: A Reflection of Death… 60

Dead Gang: Parkway Children’s Asylum… 66



Fictional World: A World Beyond


There is a world beyond human imagination. Our minds can go farther than what we allow it too. Some do not have the gift to insert their minds into another world due to fear and exhaustion. While others are not afraid to step into that realm and let their minds go….wander. Fictional world is a very deep and creative pathway where phantoms exist; clouds of dust are formed and vanish without a trace with nowhere to be found. Allow your mind you go into that extraordinary exists……




Boys Will Be Boys….Sometimes They Come Back








Boys Will Be Boys….

Chapter 1

By Tamikio L. Reardon


The day was very long at college and the class was a little bit disruptive. Very few had done their homework assignments so it was easier for me to sit at my desk and grade their papers giving them back to the students the same day. There were very few students in the class as the second semester was just getting started. I have been an English profession for the past nine years and sometimes dread going to work. I thought about going to Sanders to have a cup of coffee but thought different of it the traffic was already enough hassle to make me want to hurry home. Class was over at 4:15 I didn’t make it home until after 5:30 boy was I beat. Fridays seems to always go much slower than the rest of the days of the week but it are my job and I have to make that paycheck. As I approached the driveway I could hear Leigh blasting that awful music from her bedroom upstairs. Great this was all I need for this Friday evening I would let her barrow the car to get her out of the house. Hopefully this will be long Friday evening where I can catch up on some rest.


Early that Saturday morning I had to teach Saturday class at the college. Not many students took Saturday class of course it was the weekend. Maybe Leigh would go to college this is her last year in high school as a senior she has already been accepted into two colleges hopefully she will pick one of them. It is hard for her to function around the house since her mom died only a year and a half ago due to having a stroke. Linda often took on way to much in life it sent her into depression and finally she could no longer accept life anymore. It just was not fair to me and Leigh but well that’s life. Pulling up into the college parking lot it was very empty and there were only six of us professors who taught college courses on Saturday mornings. Walking into the class I glanced around and saw there were only seven students in class today and there were a total of ten students who took Saturday class. This was going to be an easy day.


The seven students all smiled at me today and I smiled back….ah my favorite group of the week. Well to be precise there were only six students who smiled at me the seventh student I never seen before. The student had a grave look on his face and stared at me as if I were not human. The student looked a bit pale and pasty like he had sickle cell he looked as if he was in the need of food and energy. I smiled slightly at the young boy he continued to start at me with that grave unearthly look. I sat in my chair still looking at the boy and decided to catch the class attention. “Well good morning class glad you could make it today.” “Before we start today’s assignment let’s take the time to welcome the new student?” I



looked towards the boy in regards to his name and introduction to the class. The boy stood up slowly still looking at me with that grave look on his face. I stared at him very uneasy to make direct eye contact the boy looked so…..strange. “Your name please?” “The boy took his time to answer me now looking at me with hatred and hostility. “Timothy”. “The boy said his name as he sat back down into the desk still looking at me. “Well it’s nice to meet you timothy welcome to English 115 Saturday course where are you from?” The boy just continued to start at me without answering I figured it was time for me to finally start teaching class. When class was over Timothy quickly got up from his seat and left the room brutally. I got up out of my seat and rushed to the hallway to try to catch up with him. “Excuse me young man?” “I never got your last name?” “He stopped and turned around slowly making direct eye contact with me. “Timothy Casada.” He turned and vanished into the crowed hallways.


Monday morning was a fresh new day and start of the week. Mondays were always my favorite and I was looking forwarded to teaching my class today. Pulling up into reserved parking space I could see the college felt the same way I did today, students were excited in a hurry to get to their classes. I taught at Mary grove University Los Angeles and out of all my nine years of teaching I hardly had a bad day teaching my class. I entered my classroom and sat my briefcase on my desk the class was full today and I noticed other new students with us …..Along with Timothy Casada. “Good morning class and let’s begin by acknowledging our new classmates today.” “The second new classmate has the same grave and distant look at me as Timothy Casada did on his first day of class Saturday morning. What is wrong with these kids this day are all of them on crack? I dismissed the thought and asked the new student to please stand up and introduce himself. He looked over at Timothy and then back at me and slowly stood up still staring at me. Again I felt that uncomfortable and uneasy stare of hatred and hostility as I did from Timothy. “Name please?” This time the boy smirked at me and shook his head in disbelief. “Carlos Casada.” I looked at the boy strange is this some kind of joke? “You have the same last name as Timothy?” The boy looked at me shaking his head up and down. “What a coincidence but well ok welcome to English 115 have a seat please”. Neither of the boys had material to work in class and I didn’t bother to ask either of them anymore questions they were both weird young boys.


Coming into the house after the class I could smell something delicious as I closed the living room front door. As I headed around the dining room door there was early dinner sitting on the table. It was 7:30pm and I got home kind of late today. I peaked around the corner into the kitchen and saw Leigh preparing to put the rest of dinner on a on a platter. I smiled and looked at her sideways. “So what do you want?” She looked at me with a burst of laughter and shook her head. “Well…..I do want something now that you asked.” “What is it honey.” “ Well I know I have school tomorrow and it’s a weekday….Felicia is having a little party with some visitors coming from out of town….can I please go


daddy can I please?!” “Sure Leigh but you must promise me two things, one is that you will finish dinner with me first and two is that you will home by 12 midnight on the spot.” “Yes daddy thank you!” Wow I got a hug this time but since her mother died I try to keep her occupied I don’t want to see her fall into depression like her mom did. During dinner she went on and on about school and Felicia’s party, I love to see my daughter when she is very happy. After dinner I told Leigh I would put the dished away and she could go dressed and be on her way it was already 8pm.

The day was Tuesday and time to head off and teach class. Feeling a bit dread I really didn’t want to have to go into class and deal with the two new weird students. To my surprise the class was full again and head beat me. The class settled down as I walked into the room and sat my briefcase looking up at the class with a smile my smile dropped as I saw…..a third new boy in class. I have to make a mental note to go the university office nobody mentioned anything to me about new students in my class in the first place. I sat down watching all three of the boys while they were watching me. All three had the same grave, hostile, angry look on their faces. Trying to hide my nervousness I sat down at the desk chair and looked at the boys. “Well class it seems we have another new student….would you stand up and introduce you to the class please?” The third boy stood up still staring at me this time I stared back. “Name please?” “Ricky Casada.” Frowning my nose I stood up and excused myself from class I think it’s time I went to the university and deans office something is not adding up here. “Excuse me class please take a five or ten minute recession I have to make a run please. The class started to get a bit disruptive chatting with their friends, the three boys continued to stare at me as I walked out the classroom door.


I stood at the dean’s office and lightly knocked on the office door. Mr. Boycott had his head down looking at the paper. He looked up with a smile and recognition on his face. “Why hello Mr. Mennard please come in and has a seat.” “What seems to bring you in today?” “I am concerned about the three new students I have in my class…no one mentioned that I had any new students attending the course this week?” Mr. Boycott looked at me as if he was lost. “New students? We have new students? I was not informed of this either.” I looked at Mr. Boycott something was very wrong here and I will find out what it is. “What are their names? Girl or boy?” “Three boys, Timothy, Carlos and Rickey …but the strange thing is that all three boys have the same last name Casada.” “Mr. Boycott looked up at me with wide eyes….that last name sounds very familiar but I can’t put my finger on it. “Is there something wrong?” “Well no not really I thought it was odd to have three new students in one week with the same last name and plus they all had no materials for class I am not sure if they are some kind of gang or pranksters. “Mr. Boycott stood up and came around his deck standing in front of me. “You go back to class and teach the course is almost up for the day I will go to the university office and check on this.” I nodded my head and started towards the door. When I entered class again I found that the three Casada boys were gone.




Driving up in the driveway I was hoping that Leigh was home I really need someone to talk to. I unlocked the front door dropping my briefcase onto the floor. Leigh came out of the kitchen. “Hi daddy sorry but I made sandwiched today I have a lot of homework to get started on.” I sat at the dining room table and looked at the wall. Leigh sat across from me. “Daddy is something wrong?” I looked up and rubbed my eyes with an irritating look on my face. “I must admit there might be…..I have had three new students into my class this week all three are boys and they are really weird and creepy. Leigh looked and me and laughed. “What are so creepy about three new boy students?” “They all have the same last name Casada and neither of the three is related. Leigh dropped her smile and looked wide eye at me she jumped up from the table and screamed “Daddy how could you!” she ran off up the hallway stairs and slammed the door to her bedroom. I sat at the dining room table stunned and in shock. This is going to be more trouble than I thought.


Wednesday was another dreaded day to go to the college university to teach. Again the class was all settled in and I was the last one to enter the room. I had to get my thoughts together fearing I would see fourth boy in the room today. As I put my briefcase on my desk I looked up slowly at the class. The three boys were not in class at all. Kind of relieved I let out a breath of fresh air and sat at my desk getting ready to teach class. There was a knock on the classroom door it was Mr. Boycott mentioning for me to met him outside the classroom door. I excused myself from class and quietly went outside the door. “Sorry to bother you now Mr. Menards but I thought you might want to know the information on the three new boy students in your class?” “Oh yes I certainly would.” “ Well I checked in with the university registration and records its seem there is no recognition or registration of any three new boys in your course this term, in fact there is not registration of any new students at all to the university this term.”” I slightly feel up against the wall and buried my face into it. “Are you sure there were three new boy students in your class Mr. Mennard?” “Yes sir I am positive.” Mr. Boycott looked at me shaking his head. “Mr. Mennard I think you should take some time off from teaching and rest up you have not had time off since your wife died a year ago.” I looked at Mr. Boycott and totally agree with him this time. I do need to be away from this classroom I don’t want to be in the space with the three weird young boys for awhile. “I will get a substitute to fill in for you for a week, is a week enough time for you?” “Yes sir and thank you.” He patted me on the back and told me to go home we would just send the students home for the remainder of the day.


Waking up from my nap that afternoon I thought I heard Leigh come inside the house. She had not spoken to me since the talk about the three boys yesterday I was too distracted to talk to her about it. Why has she stormed off screaming like that? I got up and went downstairs the house was dark and gloomy. I thought I heard Leigh come in why didn’t she turn on any light in the house? Entering the kitchen I turned on the light to find the refrigerator door wide open with a carton of milk spilled all over the floor. Baffled, I went to the paper towel rack and grabbed a hand full of paper towel. As I began to


kneel down and wipe up the contents of the mess off the floor I heard footsteps in the living room. Wiping up the spilled milk and throwing away the nasty paper towel, I grabbed the biggest knife from the knife rack on the counter. If this was Leigh in the house she would have been in the kitchen door by now with a lot of noise. I slow and caution made my way to the living room. The tree branches were blowing vigorously against the glass picture window in the front room. It was mid July and a bit warm inside the house. I heard the footsteps going toward the stairwell so I circled back through the kitchen and stood at the bottoms of the stairs. Looking up into the stairwell I saw a shadow turn towards the bedrooms in the hall. I started to go up the stairs quietly taking each step with a pause. As I came around the corner of the hall I saw the shadow go into Leigh’s room and slammed the bedroom door. I jumped startled losing the knife to the floor. I picked up the knife and started slowly again towards her room. Hand tightly around the door knob I pushed opens the door to find a dark empty room. I went for the light switch but it seem the light were out. The wind howled loudly outside of the bedroom window. As I looked towards Leigh’s bed there was somebody in the bed. I walked towards the bed….”Leigh?” There was no answer or movement from the figure in her bed. Sweating, I drew back a deep breath and pulled back the bed sheets. “Holy shit!” I jumped back dropping the knife to the floor once again what I saw could not be real. There was a dead boy laying Leigh’s bed. The boy was beaten beyond recognition and shot at least 10 times in the head. I screamed and the lights came on inside the room. “Daddy! What are you doing in here?” I turned with a wild look on my face to find Leigh standing in the bedroom door. I gasp for air and looked at Leigh she was very angry at me I guess for coming into her room without her permission. I pointed towards the bed and yelled for her to look. When I turned around there was no one in her bed the bed was empty and still made up neatly.


Sitting at the table having breakfast I was glad I didn’t have to teach today. This break would do me some good. Leigh left for school this morning still not specking to me. I will have to talk to her today once and for all after she gets home. I will have to find something to occupy my time while I am on leave of absence from teaching. I watched the news with no interest drinking the drop of my coffee. I knew what I could do today and it needs to be done anyway….I needed do cleaning in the attic and get rid of the rest of Linda’s stuff it has to be done its over a year and half now. Making my way up to the attic, I closed the door behind me this would take a while I do have time. I had not noticed there was a lot of stuff in the attic that needs to be thrown away. Now I am figuring out where should I start? Leigh would not be home early today she is going over to a friend’s house I will be up to talk to her later. I sat on the small stool in front of the small attic window. I looked to my left and saw a large box of old newspapers and paper clippings that could have been about three or four years old. I would get rid of them first; I still had to muster up the courage to even touch Linda’s things. I grabbed the box of newspapers and clipping and decide to go through them before I throw them away. At the bottom of the stack of newspapers there was a folded up piece of newspapers clipping. I opened up the paper and read the headlines…..



Mary grove, Los Angeles Newspapers

June 10, 1994


The Casada Murders


Three young boys were found beating beyond recognition; all three were shot in the head multiple times with gunshot wounds. All three were identifies as the Casada Brothers. 16 year old Timothy Casada, 17 year old Carlos Casada and 18 year old Ricky Casada who lived on East 5th st. All three brothers were accused of raping a 16 year girl multiple times putting her in critical condition. During the 1994 trial all three young boys were found not guilty. Still more to come on the murders of all three Casada Boys.

Dropping the clipping to the floor in disbelief I jumped from the stool and fell against the floor falling up against the attic wall. A half hour later I woke up to still find myself on the floor in the attic. I stood up and it was dark. I pulled the string to the light switch up on the ceiling and the room burst into bright light hurting my eyes. I sat down on the stool to gain my strength and try to remember why I was up here in the first place then I remember the clipping on the Casada brothers I read earlier. This can’t be….those three boys were in classroom all week…..but they are ….dead? Suddenly I didn’t feel like cleaning out the attic anymore it was late I had to see if Leigh was home we had to talk. As I made my way downstairs I remembered how upset Leigh was that day after I mentioned the Casada boys. The three boys were brothers. Leigh was in the living room watching television as I came around the corner she quickly turned her back to me. I slowly went over to the couch and sat next to her putting my hand on her shoulder. She turned slightly towards me with tears in her eyes. “Leigh?” “Is there something you want to tell me?” She looked at me with those ice grey eyes just like her mother use to have. She looked at me and was stunned. “Daddy don’t your remember?” “Remember what Leigh?” “The Casada Brothers?” “No I don’t, I just can’t remember.” “What is going on Leigh?” she started sobbing again this time recklessly. “Daddy the Casada brothers rapped me four years ago and you don’t remember!” standing up from the couch I put my hands over my mouth and looked at my daughter with a flow of tears coming through her eyes. I could not belief I could not remember this that happened to my daughter….”Leigh…honey I am sorry ….” “Why should you be? They all paid for what they did to me I am just hurt because you didn’t remember!” I was speechless there was nothing I could say to my daughter at this point. There was knock on the front door. Leigh and I both looked towards window. Slowly approaching the front door as I opened it there were two uniformed police officers standing at my door. “Mr. John Mennard?” I looked at both officer baffled while glancing at the police car in the back ground with flashing red and blue siren light. “Yes I am John Mennard what seems to be the problem.” “Mr. Mennard you have the right to remain silent anything you say can and will be held


against in the court of law….. As one of the officers slowly turned me around to hand cuff me in shock I asked “What is going on here!” “You are being arrested for the 1994 murders of the Casada Brothers.”
























Kelly Jane: Best Friends Forever














Kelly Jane

Chapter 1

By Tamikio L. Reardon


Haven’t seen Kelly Jane in over seven years my classmates said she move away, but we have been friends for ten years. Nobody ever knew what Kelly Jane and I did the last day I saw her, I never told anyone what we did that day and I haven’t seen her since. I was the last person to see her and then I wasn’t. “Hay Delilah!” looking up from the wind chill against my pale face, I saw Misty running towards my house from the front porch. She was out of breath within the short distance she ran to my house she only lived a block away. “Hay girl what’s up?” she stopped at the bottom step to catch her breath looked up at me and laughed. She rolled her eyes at me and sat on the bottom step. “So what you up too?” I sat back down on the top of the steps and shook my head burying it into the sleeves of my jacket. Misty came up and sat beside me hugging me tightly. “Don’t worry they will find her.” I looked up from the sleeve of my jacket. “It’s been seven years and there is no sign of her yet.” Misty stood up and looked down at me with a look of dismay. “Do you want to go out for a bit or do something useful?” I stood up on the top step next to her. “Sure why not.”


We decided to take a walk down to Tony’s Burger Joint even thou it was chilly and windy outside, I didn’t mind walking today. Both of us had a car, but there was something about walking on a windy day that interests me. Also… was a windy day the last time I saw Kelly Jane…..I don’t know if telling someone what happened that day would have helped found her. We were not supposed to be in that place that day we would have gotten in a lot of trouble if anyone knew. Not even Misty knew where we were that day. Tony’s was packed on this windy chilly day. This was the most popular place in the neighborhood it’s a good thing he was not open twenty four hours a day seven days a week. The line was out the door and we saw Jeannette and Brittanie sitting at both in the corner of the restaurant. They saw Misty and me as we entered the front door. “Hay there is Jeanette and Brittanie let’s go over and sit with them.” “Don’t you want to order something first?” “Yea I guess your right comes on!” Misty




pulled me up to the counter to order. I ordered a cheese burger, fries and coke. We sat with the others at the table and the evening was fun.


I decided I would walk back home alone at least that’s what I told Misty. I wonder if I should go to the police with what I know about the disappearance of Kelly Jane. Maybe just maybe I could have helped her I gotta tell someone now and after seven years? It was getting late I would go back to that place tomorrow I just know it’s something there.


The next morning Misty called at 10am to check on me to see if I was ok. I had to tell her where we were on the day of October 31 2000. Halloween day was not a good time to be in that place. As a matter of fact, Halloween was next Saturday and we all were supposed to go to Steven Keller’s Halloween party up on haunted hill. Steven Keller was the most popular jock in senior high and weirdly the nicest guy I ever met. He gave a new meaning to the word “Jock”. I had plans to go back to the place alone today and I would come back tell Misty the whole story. I don’t want her to try and talk me out of what I have to do. I got dressed and was happy I didn’t have to explain to mom where I was going this early in the morning. School was closed due to a power outage from the strong winds that were going on this week. These were the same winds we had on the day Kelly Jane disappeared and for the last seven years around this time Halloween, for some reason the winds got stronger and stronger. This time I dressed warm and decided again to walk I didn’t want anyone to see me going near that place. The place was thirteen blocks away in a deserted and spooky area Milway Lane. There were not many houses in this area of the neighborhood so not many people traveled around here. A lot choose to stay away from this area there was nothing to be afraid of at least that what Kelly Jane and I thought seven years ago. I remember us both walking on this same street it was getting dark late in the afternoon around 6. We were supposed to go to Steven Keller’s Halloween party that night also, but we never made it. I have not been in this area in seven years since the day Kelly Jane went missing. It seems a lot has changed since the last time I was here. Not only was the area deserted in that place, but it seems the whole area of Milway Lane was now deserted. The houses were run down some were boarded up I would say there were about four houses in this area that were occupied. I had to work up enough guts to even step foot back in this territory much less how can anyone human resident here? We were all often told to stay away from this place that it was haunted and people often came up……missing


here. Kelly Jane and I never believe the stories that were told about this place, but know I’m a living witness. I lied about our whereabouts that day. I told people that we were at Tony’s getting ready to leave for Steven Keller’s Party. Kelly Jane said she had to go to the bathroom, well she did and she never came back. The truth was we were at this place….they would all kill us if they knew the truth. The place loomed bigger than ever in front of me. I stood frightened as I looked up at the property hovering dark and eerie in front of me.


The story was told back in 1970, there were two brothers who lived here at this property. Two twin brothers. Harry and Henry Parker they were identical twins, but people could still tell them apart. Even though they were identical, the twins both had permanent features that made it easy for people to tell them apart. Harry was really nice and easy going. Henry on the other hand was just totally the opposite. Harry was terrified of his brother and whatever he said that’s how things were going to be. Our history teacher told the class the story of this place I don’t know if he was trying to prove a point of history or if he was just talking out of his ass. Most of us didn’t believe this story one bit about this place more less the people that did stayed away from here. Looking around the deserted area I could see that more people now were staring to believe this story this area looked as if something wiped out the whole residence. Did it scare me one bit that I was the one only human being stirring around out here accept for the gust of the wind that blew newspapers and leaves down the spooky avenue? All I could think about was trying to find Kelly Jane or something that would tie me to her disappearance. This place was called “The Mausoleum Cemetery” and it was not only a cemetery it was the home of the people who owned it……Harry and Henry Parker. In front of the property there was a big huge three story stone looking house and out back was the cemetery that they owned. It was only the Parker twins and their father Vincent B. Parker who lived and owned the cemetery. Harry didn’t like owning this place not one bit, but Henry and Mr. Parker took way too much pride in running this place. The story was also told that after thirty years no one ever knew what happened to the Parker twins, but Mr. Parker died in 1980. After the death of their father the Parker twins had to run the cemetery alone and harry dreaded it every day of his life. People say they never did hang around or interact with the Parker twins they kept to themselves and refused to talk to anyone. Most strangely, the boys never attended school of any kind around this area; in fact, some say believed the twins never even went to school at all. They stayed to themselves and this property day and night as if this was their only living and breathing source. No one ever knew of the twin’s mother she was never mentioned at all in any shape, form or fashion it’s as if she never existed. One day the Parker twins never came out of this place that was in 1990 ten years after the death of their father and that’s the last anyone


has ever seen or heard of them. Until this day the Mausoleum Cemetery still remains an unsolved mystery, but a never ending story.


I met Kelly Jane in 1990 and we had been friends for ten years. Much like the Parker twins, Kelly Jane kept to herself also it seems I was her only friend and she too went to a different school. I’m too embarrassed to tell anyone that in all the ten years I have been friends with her I have never been to her house…..much less ever seen where the girl had ever lived. She claims that her dad was very abusive and it was not a good idea for her friends to come over to her house. Stupidly, being friends with someone for ten years and not being able to go to their house? At the time I felt it was not important we had fun at Tony’s and my house all the time anyways. Misty, Jeanette and Brittanie didn’t really like her they thought she was very creepy and often wondered why I hung out with the girl. So I kept my two set of friends separate……there was just something about Kelly Jane. Not only I was literate to where she lived, but I never knew the girl’s last name or if she had any brothers or sisters who lived in her home. She would never let me walk her home much less drive her home in my car she always preferred to walk, but she always made it home safe and at night. Finally coming out of my deep mind meditation, I opened the gates to the big huge cemetery. The Parker boys were last seen in 1990 nobody ever saw them come out of this place, but as the last ten years went by the place started to deteriorate. The lawn started going unkempt, the pavement started to crack more around the walk way, the structure of the house started to crack also with darken age of only ten years. Residence said no one even saw them bring Mr. Parker out of the house much less attend to his funeral, but people knew his was dead. The Parkers hated people no one was allowed to come to Mr. Parker’s funeral much less be around his boys they were very private and void. Nobody really cared all they knew was that they wanted to stay as far away from these people as possible and they did. It seems nobody saw me approach the residence and there was no need for me knock on the door nobody lived here and Kelly Jane and I was a witness to this the night we came here on Halloween. I opened the screen door and it creaked on its edges. What I could not understand is how could this place age so bad and old when it has only been ten years? This place looks as if it’s been vacant for thirty or forty years. There is one thing that Kelly Jane and I never did get a chance to take a look at that day we were in this place and that is the cemetery out back of the house. This place was so big on the inside we stayed attached to each other the whole time, we planned on having a story to tell after we left this place and we wanted to prove to people whatever the outcome was. We wanted to be the one who said we were brave enough to go inside this place. After what happened here, I never tell anyone we were ever here at all. The door was still unlocked to the house of course it


would be we probably were the last ones to ever set foot in this place in ten years. It seemed that the Parkers did not take care of this place after their father died much less not doing the yard work. Now they didn’t even lock up the place, put up for sale or market. They just left it and they vanished without trace. Too bad the Parkers didn’t have any friends there was no onto check up on them or to see how they were doing. People were just that afraid of them and wanted to keep their distance. Suddenly I felt someone’s hands on my shoulder. I spun around to find a creepy looking man staring me in the face with hot breath. I screamed and jumped back knocking his hand off my shoulder. He stepped closer looking me in the eyes “You must get away from him here now!? Screaming even louder, I dodged the old creepy man and ran out of the gates to the end of the block. As I reached the end of the block, I stopped to bend over to catch my breath and my heart from pounding recklessly against my chest. I looked back at the Cemetery and the man was gone.


It was Saturday night Halloween. Misty, Jeannette, Brittanie and I were going to Steven Keller’s Halloween party up on haunted hill. I really didn’t feel like going with them I still had plans to go back to the cemetery. Now I definitely knew for sure there was something I need to find out. The old creepy man didn’t want me near the place. I had to get rid of the girls for a couple of hours until I go back into that place I needed to go alone. Misty called at 5:00 that evening to see what time I would be ready for the party we were meeting Jeannette and Brittanie there and Misty was picking me up. There was no way were walking anywhere on Halloween. I decide to answer my phone and talked to Misty. “Hello?” “Hay what you doing?” “Hay, I’m looking for a something to wear I’m not sure if I should wear a costume or just wear regular clothes.””You know everyone is going to wear costumes, but of course you never showed for the party to even know this that night.””Yea whatever listen, I’m not going to be ready to leave when you are so I will met your there I’m diving my own car.” Misty got quiet on the other end of the phone. She sighed, “Delilah what’s going on?” “Misty I’m a grown woman I don’t have to explain anything to anyone when I make a decision it would be nice if you of all people would respect this.””Okay, okay I will see you there.” She hung up the phone without giving a chance to say anything else. I didn’t care all I wanted to do was get rid of her until after I go back to the cemetery that was it. I decided again to walk to the cemetery I still didn’t want anyone to see my car or see me anywhere around the place. I’m pretty sure that old man is nowhere near the cemetery and he won’t be on Halloween late at night. I plan on going there at 9 the same time Kelly Jane and I went seven years ago. I was just obsessed with finding out what happened to her I believe that if I go back to that place I could find some kind of clues as to what might have happened to her. I have gone seven years holding this inside of me and I


can’t wait any longer. I told mom I was leaving to over to Misty’s early for the party she was ok with it and plus she had a date tonight herself as well a party at the office with her co workers. Again I dressed warm as I left out my front door heading the same route as I did on Halloween night on October 31, 1994.



Midway Lane was even spookier at 9:00pm and it was first dark. All I could do was get my mind off of how I was alone going to the cemetery at night, the same place my friend came up missing seven year ago. I finally made it to the front of the gates looking around the property I wanted to make sure there was no one around. Of course no one was going to come trick or treating around this area not even some of the dumb jocks at school who loved to play pranks on other kids. I entered the cemetery closing the gates behind me they also made a rusted noise. Holding myself against the chilly strong winds, I quickly walked up to front stoop opened the screen door and turned the knob to the front red oak wood door. To my surprise the door was still unlocked. This time I quickly opened the door, went inside closed and locked the door behind me. I wanted to make sure nobody came inside behind me. The house was so cold on the inside dressing warm for the outside did no good. I turned to look at the huge living room of the house there was a fireplace and big picture mirror engraved above it. The house still had the furniture with the white sheets over it none of the furniture in the house was ever move out, but someone did take the time to throw some sheets over it. There was a stairwell over to the right that lead up to the four bedrooms they had in the place, a guest room, dining room, back patio and a garden. This was once a nice house except for the cemetery out back which had dead people in them at one time. Kelly Jane and I never made it beyond this living room she for some reason wanted to go right upstairs and explore that area first before going out back. I never got to see what the cemetery looked like behind the house. Tonight I would search this place from top to bottom even though it’s a very huge place I would make sure I got the most important parts of the house first. I was going to cemetery I will not get another given chance to miss that area again. As I walked past the stairs I stopped at the bottom and looked up……I do remember Kelly Jane and I going up these very stairs that where it all happened and she never came down. Directing my attention back to the kitchen where I proceeded to out toward the cemetery, there were still chairs and table furniture in the dining room and small furniture in the nook. It was strange how the Parkers just up and left this place. I guess the twins didn’t know what to do with it after their father died, but for them to just up and leave it is too farfetched. Another thing I don’t understand, Henry was so obsessed with this place like his dad if anyone else could have handled this place it would have been him why didn’t he take


care of the place? Standing in front of the back door I had finally made it to the grounds of the cemetery. I began to open the back door and stopped in front of it. Getting a good look at my surroundings I gasped, there were still headstones in the back of this house along with the cemetery! They didn’t have not moved the bodies out of the cemetery much less the furniture out of the house! I stepped back into the kitchen and closed the door terrified. Were these people crazy! How could they just leave this house and everything like it was? My mind was racing and I had to get myself together I had came this far. It was now 10:00 and fully dark. I knew this that’s why I brought a flash light with me. I reached into my pocked and pulled out the mini flash light I went to the kitchen sink and shinned the small light out of the back kitchen window. Sure enough there were still graves out back in the cemetery. I could still see the names engrave on the headstones I swear it seems this place is still in the living. I went back to the door I will go out and look at the graves and headstones maybe they moved the bodies and I could see why they would not move the head stones. There was a strong cold gust of wind hitting me in my face as I opened the back door. “Delilah” I spin around I hear someone calling me….as I looked behind me to see who it was this time I saw no one behind me. I expected to see the old creepy man from last week telling me to stay away from here, but it sounded more like a woman’s voice calling my name. I was so terrified my imagination was starting to get the best of me now. I could not turn back now. I continued with the flash light towards the graves and headstones. There were eight rows and six graves in each of the eight rows. I went to the first row of grave and shinned my flash light over the name of the first one. “ Katherine S. Parker”…..I started to read all the names of the six graves in the first row……no there were only five graves, but then I saw a six one off farther to the end of the first row. The next grave read “Vincent B. Parker” I gasped and stood back away from the graves. So they buried Mr. Parker out here? No wonder why they didn’t have a funeral or nobody seen them take him out of the house. I took a deep breath went to the next grave “Henry C. Parker” so Henry died and was buried here too that would explain why nobody say these people come outside of this house. Katherine S. Parker must have been their mom, but how long as she been dead? Over to the next grave was the fourth one…….oh no……the fourth name on the grave “Kelly Jane Parker” Kelly Jane! Kelly Jane was one of the Parkers! I started to back away from the graves as I turned to run away, a woman’s voice called my name again and this time it was coming from one of the graves. The fifth grave on the end that stood farther away from the others I took a step closer towards it. I shinned my light over the name of the grave…..”Delilah K. Turner” Oh my god! Screaming I turned and ran towards the back kitchen door into the house. Frantically finding my way through the dark kitchen, I stopped in front of the entrance going into the dining room. Finding my way I ran towards the living room area to the front door. I was getting out of this place as I did, a man stood in front of me. Screaming, I stumbled back into one of the couches with the white sheet over it. I focused finally and got a good look at the man


standing in front of me. It was the creepy old man I saw yesterday who told me to stay away from this place. Standing up on my feet the man came closer to me. “Who the hell are you?” I asked him. ”The man came closer to me with a tortured look on his face. Then it hit me! There were only five graves out back in the first row, Mr. and Mrs. Parker, Henry, and Kelly Jane who apparently is Henry and Harry sister….the last grave had my name on it….what happened to Harry Parker? I looked at the man standing in front of me, now I knew what happened to happened to Harry Parker and why this house is still left the same. It seems that the Parkers never left this house at all they are still here. The old man smiled an eerie smile at me. I continued to back away from him. “So you’re Harry Parker?” The old man dropped the smile and still continued to look at me. “Yes I’m I guess you heard the stories about my family and I?” I could see he was harmless for now I started to relax. “Yea I heard quite a bit” “So Kelly Jane is your sister?””Yes she was.” Nobody ever mentioned that the Parker twins ever had another sibling this explains why she never told me her last name and why she never would let me come over to her house. Shaking my head in disbelief I looked at Harry. He was stilling looking at me waiting for me to say something else. “Katherine was your mother?””Yes she was.”How come the story was never told about Katherine being your mom and Kelly Jane being your sister?” Harry went over to the couch and sat on it relaxing with a sigh. He looked up at me. “Did you get a good look at Katherine and Kelly Jane’s graves?”” I looked at Harry not understanding what he meant. He stood up and walked towards the kitchen. “Please follow me.” I slowly turned around to follow him I could see he was taking me back to the graves in the cemetery. I stopped at the back door. He turned around and saw I was not coming he mentioned for me to come to Katherine’s grave first. Walking over to the grave, he shinned the flash light over her name. “Read all the information on my mother’s grave.” He shinned the light directly over the grave it seems that Katherine died in 1975 which would explain why no one knew her and the Parkers kept to themselves so of course they were not going to talk about her to others. He mentioned again for me follow him to Kelly Jane’s grave……my eyes widened looking up at Harry….”oh no this can’t be right this can’t be!” Harry just stared at me with a blank look. Kelly Jane die in the same year as their mother….I looked at Harry and he smiled at me. “My mother died during child birth having my sister neither one of them made it” Backing completely away from the graves again I had enough it was time to get out of here! I turned to run for the door this time and knew no one was stopping me. “I could hear Harry’s voice behind me calling my name “You can’t leave now! Kelly Jane misses and she needs you back!” blindly I ran through the kitchen into the front door this time I would get out! As I grabbed the door know I stopped suddenly I heard a creaking noise behind me. I turned to look and the sound was coming from the stairwell. Frozen in fear there she was…..Kelly Jane coming down the stairs stopping in front of middle stair she turned toward me looking at me from over the banister. Kelly Jane and her mother died on October 31 1975, Halloween day. So today was the death and birthday of Kelly


Jane Parker. I just didn’t know what to do or what to say. Finally after seven long years I realize that I was just dealing with a ghost who was long dead before my time. The disappearance of Kelly Jane has finally come to a rest. She stood staring at me from the stairwell all dressed in white with the ghostly figure she really was. She smiled at me with her arm stretched for me to come to her. I started crying and dropped my head I was still in frozen fear unable to move and run out the door. Kelly Jane never said a word to me all I could see was tears running down her eyes she was sad now. All these years I had missed and wondered what happened to my friend now I have finally found her and I missed her so much. I started walking towards the stairwell she grabbed my hand and they were ice cold just as they always had been. We both went upstairs and never came down again.


October 31, 2007, “I don’t think I feel like going to Steven Keller’s Party this year””Misty looked at Jeannette and Brittanie they all decided that none of them wanted to go. “This reminds me so much of Delilah I just don’t feel like celebrating Halloween anymore. Misty starting crying uncontrollably and they all hugged each other. Halloween was a tough time of the year for all of them. Seven years from today Delilah K. Turner had disappeared without a trace and nobody has seen or heard from her since. Linda Turner died in 2000 from depression of her missing daughter she would never be here to see Delilah if was to come home. I just knew something was not right when she told me she would met me at the party I knew she was not coming just like the time she went with Kelly Jane and didn’t show up at the party…..all three of the girl looked at one another and stopped crying. “Isn’t strange how Delilah vanished just like Kelly Jane and both within a seven year period?”


Harry Parker stood in front of the graves out back in the cemetery. He had thought about how he had to bury his dad and his brother. It was the least he could do he was just returning a favor from what they had did to him. Harry was not in with his dad and his brother at all with this whole ordeal over this house and cemetery. They were both evil and had caused the deaths of his mother and sister. They were both furious that their mother had Kelly Jane by another man. The argument got so heated over the situation that Henry strangled Harry and pushed him down the stairs. Harry threatened to tell what they had done to their mother and sister. He knew this would happen that’s why he did what I did to make myself stronger before they killed and buried him. Harry’s grave is the last one in the eighth row of the back of the cemetery. He knew he had to return a favor to the both of them. Before leaving the cemetery, he walked over to the fifth one and read the headstone. “Delilah K. Turner October 31, 2000 in loving


memory of a dear and close friend.” As he proceeded to pass the living room to go into the dining room there sat on the couch in front of a warm fire two best friends for ever Kelly Jane and Delilah.























Marley’s Department Store: Lucy Lovely











Marley’s Department Store

Chapter 1

By Tamikio L. Reardon


“How can I help you?” The woman standing at the cashier register asked as I gazed off into the streets of the department store. “Oh yes sorry I would like to purchase these items please?” The cashier politely grabbed the items and began to ring them up on the cash register. The mall was very crowded that day and busy for a Friday afternoon everyone was just about off work and ready to spend their paychecks. I am really hungry and realized I haven’t had breakfast this morning it was already after noon. Having to pick up something to retain my strength to finish my shopping, I thought I would stop at the stand and pick up a pretzel with cheese and a small coke. As I approached the stand I passed a register it was number 9 and I noticed the cashier at the register. I could not take my eyes off of her. She was very beautiful and very neatly dressed. Marley’s was very crowded as well as the mall and it was hard for me to maintain direct eye contact with her. I felt I had to meet her today before I left the mall.

After picking up the pretzel and coke I decided to visit the bookstore at the end of the mall going towards the exit. Maybe I would get a very good book tonight to read and relax. As I headed for the bookstore I saw the beautiful cashier heading to beverage stand perhaps to get a coke or maybe even a diet coke as well. She stood about 5 feet 7 inches, long creamy white legs, red silky hair middle back length and kind of smooth chubby finger with purple nail polish on them. She was wearing a black skirt a little above the knee length and white blouse with her name on a name tag that read “Lucy”. I stood in front of the bookstore and watched her as she purchased….ah yes a diet coke. As she turned to walk away from the stand she headed toward the bookstore. I began to panic in alarm and retreated back into the bookstore isle 10. I pretended to be interested in looking at a book as she sleekly made her way down isle 7 I watched in anticipation with a big smile on my face.


I placed the book back on the shelf and started towards isle 7 on the opposite side of where she was standing. She was standing in the middle of the isle looking through a magazine. I stood two racks away pretending to look through a magazine as well. I glanced at her sideways …..” this looks like a nice magazine but I don’t want to waste my time spending money on it if it is not interested….” She looked up at me from the magazine and smiled. I went back to pretending to read the magazine a little hurt because she didn’t respond. “Well I have read it I have just about every magazine in this isle” I looked up from my magazine shocked with a light cough….” Oh really? You must be a magazine fan?” “Yes I am pretty much I’m not really into books that much unless it’s a trashy novel”. She looked at me blushed and laughed. I was nervous and laughed too dripping with perspiration I could have flooded the whole


bookstore. I finally extended my hand “Robert Clampton and yours?” She extended her hand as well “Lucy, Lucille Lovely”. “Nice to meet you Lucy, if you don’t mind me calling you that?” “No not at all”. “So you work in Marley’s right?” “Yes I am a cashier I have been working at the department for 8 years now.” “Really? This is my first time ever seeing you in the store I noticed you as I was leaving the store.”” I have been there maybe we just have missed each other I see you all the time in the store.” I don’t know how this is possible I have never seen her in the store and I have been going to Marley’s over fifteen years plus. Well it’s a very big store that is constantly crowded its possible for us to have missed each other quite a bit. “Well I must be heading back to work my break is up now it was nice meeting you Robert.” As she turned to leave I grabbed her by the shoulder she turned startled and I dropped my hand from her shoulder. “Sorry I didn’t mean to startle you it’s just that I can’t let you get away this time without asking for your number?” she smiled and began to call out the number I wrote it down on a torn piece of magazine. I will definitely call her later.


I had to make some other stops before I headed home it was around 8pm as I pulled up in the drive way of my condo and into my two car garage. I owned both a truck and a car and rarely used the truck unless I had something heavy to pick up. I could not wait to get into the house to call Lucy I had been thinking of her all day. I entered the house with my bags from the department store got undressed and comfortable with a glass of red wine and relaxed into my recliner. I picked up my home phone and began to dial Lucy she should have been home from work by now. My figures were trembling as I dialed her number slick with sweat. I must get myself together before I talk to her or I will sound like a total idiot. It ranged on the other end five times with no pick up. Maybe she had not made it home I will give her about another hour I don’t want to call her too late. It was now 9:30 and I could not go to bed without specking to Lucy on the phone that night. I called her number again…….this time it said the number is not in service.


I woke up the next morning with no plans for the day as I had the day off of work. I dialed Lucy’s number again and got the same message saying her number was not in service. I guess she has given me the wrong number to brush me off my heart begun to ache just thinking about it. I would get dressed and go to Marley’s to see if I could find her. It was around 10am when I left my home this time taking my truck I figured I would go shopping again today for something larger. Marley’s was not that crowded today for a Saturday everyone had done their shopping for the weekend probably broke by now. All the cash registers were full today at the checkout lines and there was no sign of Lucy. There





was a man putting a display of mannequins in the department store window. There were five mannequins in the window well at least five spots but there was a mannequin missing in the middle. I guess they had to dress her and bring her out later. I got into the line of the cashier who had the fewer customers and approached her nervously. “Hello can you tell me if Lucy is working today?” The cashier looked at me strangely and said “Lucy?” “Yes Lucy, Lucy Lovely she is a cashier here in the department store is she off today or on break?” “The woman looked at me again with a slight smile on her face “There is no one who works here by that name”. “ Are you sure?” “Yes sir I am positive.”

Later on that night I could not sleep and did not sleep very well at all. I could not get Lucy off of my mind and could not understand why she lied to me. If she was not interested she could have told me so. Woman never I could understand them which are why I stayed single after my wife died five years ago. The next day which was Sunday I had to go back to the department store and find Lucy I would not let this rest without at least knowing why she had lied to me. The department store was even emptier and I knew I could get some answer as to how to find Lucy. Today there only three cash registers open with only three cashier none of them was Lucy. I see finally they had the fifth middle mannequin put up in the middle all wearing the new designer clothing the store had just came up with a week ago. I noticed the mannequin in the middle had on the same skirt and blouse Lucy was wearing Friday afternoon that must be the new line of clothing in the department store this week. I got a second glance at the mannequin in the middle and something else I noticed about her….she had the same purple nail polish on her hand that Lucy had worn Friday also. By her working as a cashier in the store she got discounts on all the new brand of clothing that came in every week. Again I went to another register that was less crowed as they all were of course for a Sunday. I asked a different cashier about Lucy. “Hi can you tell if a Lucy Lovely is working today or is she off for the day.” “The cashier gave me the same look and said there is no one named Lucy Lovely that works here.”” I began to get real irritated with the same kind of news it seems Lucy has gone through a great deal to avoid me. First she gives me a wrong number then she has co workers lying about her whereabouts I guess will have to leave it alone.


I got back into my truck too disturbed to continue my shopping as I drove out of the parking lot I pulled in front of the department store window to the stop light. I guess I will take this way home today. As I sat at the red light waiting for it turn green I glanced at the window of Marley’s department with a gasping shock…..finally I had found Lucy….Lucy was the mannequin in the middle of Marley’s department store wearing the brand name clothing for the week in the store called “Lucy Lovely”.






The House at the End of the Block: Ghost Territory











The House at the End of the Block

Chapter 1

By Tamikio L. Reardon


Walking home from work I always seem to notice the lonely house at the end of LongRidge st. I just moved here about two weeks ago and had not met any neighbors yet. My next door neighbor stay out of town on business very often I haven’t got to met him either. As I passed the house, there was a pair of long woman’s fingers with bright red nail polish pulling back the grey dingy blinds on the window. I began to slowly pass the walk way as I have not seen any activity around the house since I moved here. The fingers quickly retreated back into the house and I never got to see the face of the woman who was in the window.


It was late October afternoon, fall has just begun to set in and it was getting dark as I quickly approached the front steps of my small brick house. It was warm inside my home I could not wait to get out of my clothes and into a pair of cozy slippers and house robe. I had the day off of work tomorrow maybe I would go out and do some shopping at the mall in the shopping outlet around the corner. The wind whistled and howled outside the living room window making it rattle. Tonight would be a good night to watch a horror movie with a small plate of snacks. Meanwhile, undressing in my bedroom to get into my robe and slippers a pair of bright headlights shined through my bedroom window. It was my next door neighbor coming in from out of town from his business trip. It is not too late I will go over and introduce myself before he leaves out of town again.

My next door neighbor was just getting out of his car when I approached the front door and stepped out on to my porch. He looked up and smiled getting his briefcase out of the back seat of his car. “Hello my name Gilbert Sheldon and I just moved here about two weeks ago.” “Ah well hello my name is Gary Cusack nice to meet you and welcome to the neighborhood. “Sorry I didn’t get around to meeting you sooner my work schedule are really busy.” “That’s ok I understand….this seems like a nice quiet neighborhood.” “Yes it is pretty much I have been living here for nearly fourteen years haven’t had any trouble so far”. I glanced around the streets watching the leaves blow recklessly up against the trees. I looked at Gary….” Umm I work 10 blocks away at the convenient store and I walk home from work five days a week, if you don’t mind me asking does anyone live in that house at the end of the block?” Gary swiftly turned his head toward me; I was startled and stepped back. “Sorry did I say something wrong?”

“Umm no…why do you ask?” “Well I never seen any activity around the house and it looks kind of weird.” “It just does not feel like it belongs on this block, but earlier today I saw a woman’s hand open the blinds but I could not see her face”. Gary quickly recovered from himself and smiled slightly at me. “Well it was nice meeting you Gilbert please do keep in touch.” Gary walked away without looking back


at me and hurried into the house. Well neighbors being not so nice maybe he just didn’t want to talk about the house. There was an old lady who lived across the streets from me I turned to notice her and she smiled and waved. Turning to go back into her house she did not give me time to wave back.


Walking home from work the next day was even more stressful. The day had begun to get chillier and I had only three more blocks to go before I got to my street. When I finally reached my street I slowed down to get a better look at the house on the end of the block. I stood in front of the gate and stared at the house. There was just something about that house that was unsettling to me this place just did not fit here. I just don’t know why I have this feeling every day since I moved here and walked past this house. As I turned to walk away the door to the house opened slightly. I stopped in my footsteps and walked back to the front of the gate. A woman stood at the front of the screen door staring at me with a blank eerie stare. “Hello my name is Gilbert Sheldon and I just moved here about two weeks ago……” The woman continued to start at me with no reaction to my statement. I felt very uneasy and begin to walk away, as I did I heard this whispering hissing sound coming from the woman standing at the front door. She beckoned me to the front of the porch inviting me inside the house. I paused undecided if I should go in, but I had been wondering what the house was like on the inside as I was so fascinated by it. I slowly walked up the porch and went inside with the strange woman.


The next morning I was not feeling so well and went to the front door to check the mail. It was 9:00 am Saturday morning and the mailman ran early that day. Getting mail out of my mail box, I noticed it was bright and sunny for a fall October day. I smiled and proceeded to take my mail in the house when I looked up and saw my neighbor from across the street. Again she smiled and waved and gave me time to wave back. She mentioned me to open my screen door. I opened the front screen door and smiled at the older woman. “Hello how are you didn’t mean to bother you this early in the morning, but I have tea at 12 noon would you like to come over for a bit!” “Yes I would love to and you are not bothering me!” I screamed back in the gust of wind. It seems like it is always more windy on this particular street than any other I have traveled on in the last past two weeks. I turned to go back into my house with my mail and sat down to get go through it. Well it seems that I will get to know most of my neighbors after all even though it took two weeks. The only person I know so far is Gary and he was pretty weird and…I never got the name of the woman I met yesterday in the house at the end of the block. I guess I just forgot I will ask the woman across the street during tea time at noon.


It was noon and I was dressed to go met the older woman for tea. Leaving my house I made sure the doors were locked and a light was left on in case I came back into the house late. As I approached the walk way and up to the porch the older woman came to the door and greeted me with a smile. She extended her hand “Hello my name is Shelley, Shelley Johnson and thank you for meeting me for tea.”


“The pleasure is all mines thank you for having me, my name is Gilbert Sheldon.” The woman smiled at me strangely and nodded her head yes….you was always such a polite young man….. I ignored the statement and let her lead me into her house. As like the woman across the street at the house at the of the block it felt familiar like I had been in both houses before. She invited me to site at her dining room table. The place was nice and cozy that of an older person who has lived here about twenty, thirty years plus. She sat at the table in the chair next to me still carrying that eye to eye smile on her face. She sat the tea in front of me and patted my left hand. “I noticed you moved here about two weeks ago?” “Yes that’s right I am kind of disappointed that I did not get to meet any of my neighbors on my first day of moving in.” “Most of us like to give new neighbors time to settle before we met them”. “Oh I see….” Do you mind if I ask you a question?” “Why yes go ahead”. “I met one of the neighbors yesterday next door to me; Gary Cusack and I met the woman who lives in the house at the end of the block. “Yesterday she invited me in and I have no knowledge of what her name was I just forgot….do you know her?” The older woman smiling at me and shook her head. “Yes that’s Eva Gally”. Finally a name to the strange woman in that house how could I forget I just don’t recall ever knowing her name from yesterday. The older woman scooted her chair closer to me and I felt quite uncomfortable. “You really don’t remember do you?” I looked at the older woman she was still wearing that strange smile on her face. “Remember what?” She sat back in the chair with both her hands placed in her lap. “Since your new to the neighborhood and everyone here is always busy I can tell you most about the neighborhood if you have time?” “Sure I do”. “Well ok….let’s see….where should I start…..” “Ah yes, so you have met Gary Eva and Me these are all the neighbors you really need to know around here”. I just looked at the older woman speechless; I think it’s time for me to be heading back to my home. As I started to stand up with an excuse to leave here she looked up at me and told me sit down. So I sat down always obeying my elders I really did not want to be rude to my neighbors on the first couple of days. “Let me tell you a story which is a true story about this neighborhood. The house at the end of the block was owned by a woman named Eva Abigail Gally. She was married to a man named Walter Gally. Walter died about fourteen years ago and Eva was left in the house alone. They had no children it was just the two of them and Walter worked long hard hours he was hardly ever home with Eva. One day Eva woke up late and noticed her husband’s car was still in the driveway at ten o clock in the morning. Walter normally left at 7am for work but it was really odd that his car was still in the driveway at that time. Eva checked the house and found Walter in his studies. When she walked into the studies Walter was sitting in his office chair with the back of the chair facing the office room door. Eva slowly walked over to the chair calling Walter name as he did not answer her. She slowly turned the chair around and found Walter…..dead apparently he had died of a heart attack that night in his studies. Eva was not right after that and she often had meetings at her home to communicate with the dead and she thought she could bring Walter back. Even though Walter was hardly at home with her due to work Eva still somehow stayed occupied and happy. One night Eva had a meeting in her house with three other people including her. They were going to communicate with Walter and try to bring him back. Something went terribly wrong that night with her and the other three people in that house. The next day someone in the neighborhood reported something strange about the house and the police came out to check on the house. It was reported that Eva and the other three people were……found dead


inside the home. The police officer need more back up and had to report back to the station. For some strange reason the police did not return to the house until the next day. This time they found the house burned down beyond recognition. That house an along with Eva Abigail Gally has been burned down for fourteen years.”

I sat stunned beyond belief listing to this story. I could not believe what this woman was telling me. I looked at her with my mouth wide open….”but I was just in the house with the woman yesterday!” “What you’re telling me can’t be true!” “Do you know who the other three people in the house were with Eva Gally that night?” “Of course I don’t!” “How could I!” The old woman looked at me with that smile but now agonizing. “Eva had things to keep her happy while her husband was away…..but she really did love Walter very much. I am afraid he could not take her cheating and neither could she. Later on after the autopsy was performed on all five including Walter, the police had learned that Walter did not die of a heart attack he died from poisoning. Walter was poisoned. The other three people who were in the house that night were Gary Cusack, Shelley Johnson and…..Gilbert Sheldon”. I jumped up from the table knocking it over along with the tea to the floor. I had heard enough this could not be true! I turned to run to the door but the older woman stood in front me blocking my way. “Gilbert….you were a very nice decent man but I could never understand why you cheated with Eva Gally and you knew she was married to your boss Walter Gally!” I paused in front of the woman and still could not believe my ears. I stood in front of the big picture window in Mrs. Johnson’s living room. To catch my breath glanced out of it looking at the house at the end of the block. Only to find there was no house at the end of the block, in fact there was nothing there but a big vacant lot. I turned to look at Mrs. Johnson….she was gone and so was the surroundings in the entire house as if no one ever lived here in nearly fourteen years. I had just come to the realization that there never was a house at the end of the block in all the two weeks I have been in this neighborhood.












The Ocean, Sand and the Mist: Silent Whisper












The Ocean, Sand and the Mist

Chapter 1

By Tamikio l. Reardon


The beach was kind of chilly outside the back of my house; the wind was light, but yet very fierce. I enjoyed feeling the grainy sand between my toes and hearing the rush of water further out into the ocean. It was getting half past dark and I refuse to go inside to the warmth of the house. Each time I came out to enjoy the ocean and the sand I knew I was not alone out here. There was a lunch patio, a garden, a pool on the other side and small area where people could sit and watch the ocean. I enjoyed neither of those I just loved to dance in the sand and hear the ocean. The ocean belonged to someone else which is why I never felt alone out alone out here. Finally I decided to side down in the area and watch the ocean as I have never sat here before. I could feel the mist beside me as I always have when I would dance in front of the ocean with the sand between my toes. It was getting even more chiller inside the sitting area I turned left and begin to stare at myself as I did I burst into tears. “How could I let this happen?”” I could have done more”. Weeping mournfully, I got up from the area as I could feel the cold mist leaving with me. The sobbing became loudly as if there was someone else beside me crying. Still I just refuse to go inside the house I could just live out here beside the ocean. I had no reason to be inside with the warm and comfort of my home. Walking over to the garden it was early November and all contents of the garden was dead. On the other side of the garden as it has always been for the last two years there sat the implanted homemade cross planted there. Kneeling down beside it I can still see the name engraved on the cross. “Elizabeth Anne Hadley” on the other side of the cross next to it was another cross….that has never been there before. I moved over closer to read engraving on that cross, “Eliza Marie Hadley”. I stood quickly from both of the crosses and looked out into the ocean. As I stood I could feel the mist standing beside me again I looked at myself and smiled sadly. I come to realization that my twin sister and I will never leave the ocean and the sand as we have died here two years ago.









The Shadow: A Man’s Worst Enemy








The Shadow

Chapter 1

By Tamikio L. Reardon


I had kind of a long walk home and I had all time in the world. It was a dark, windy night and the wind was howling, I was not scared at all. The streets were empty very little people out on a Monday night it’s usually that way. It was time for me to get off work and go home, but I really didn’t feel like going there tonight I hate going home to a lonesome apartment and room. What did proceed to bother me was how quite the streets were that’s another thing I hated. The wind continued to whistle and howl against the steel of the night, old newspapers and cans rattled against rackety garbage cans in the alley. Suddenly the lights from the sidewalk became inviting to me as I started to enter the alley, but I had to take this way home was the quickest route.


After a few steps entering into the alley, I could feel someone following me. I was not going to stop nor turn around to see who it was I was just going to continue part way into the alley. I held my breath as I walked to try to listen to the steady pace of the person walking behind me. It seems this person had the same exact pace I did which was more frightening. I began to walk faster into the alley as I didn’t like the person behind me following me. Finally I came to an intersection to cross the street from the alley there was light I then would turn around to see to see who was following me. As I approached the sidewalk where there was light, cars and pedestrians, I turned swiftly to see the person following me. With my mouth wide open I stood there in shock…….and saw nobody behind me. Feeling relived I turned to walk towards the other half of the alley this time even faster I really wanted to get home now.

Half way across the alley again I started to hear the person walking behind me. I was getting really scared. Of course they would not let me see them following me in the light of the intersection of busy streets and cars. Drawing in a deep breath, I stopped and turned around…”Hay who’s there?” Again I saw nobody. Boy was this person fast and quick to get away out of sight, but how can this be? I heard no noise, no footsteps, no stumbling to hide behind garbage cans or anything it’s like the person is a ghost. Again I turned and started walking to the other end of the alley I had to hurry and get home this person following me was getting more annoying by the minute. I started a faster pace and so did the person behind me.


I started jogging and then I begin to run. Unbelievable the person following me still kept up pace following me this person seems to be a real nutcase I knew then it was time for me to get home and fast! I ran even faster and this time ignoring the person behind me I felt my life was in danger now. What was even stranger was that the person following was so quite I could still hear a pin drop I could not even hear them breathing. Just two more blocks and I would be to my apartment and room. Again it was time for me to cross the lights, cars and pedestrians. I stopped at the end of the alley where there was light still no vision of the person following me. I didn’t even know if it was a man or woman. I was too tired to keep running the one last block through the alley I just walked a faster pace……and another thing I noticed that was weird about the person following me? No matter what pace I choose to take they never did catch up with me, say a word or even touched me! This was getting scarier with each block I got too! Finally I had one more block passing the last intersection at the end of the alley.


This time I had enough strength to run the rest of the way to my apartment and room. The person was still following me as if they had nowhere else to be. Finally I made it to the big huge apartment building where I lived and went to the back door leading from the alley. I ran inside peeking back through the window making sure the person did not follow me into the building. Still I saw no sign of anyone. Someone put their and on my shoulder, startled I turned and jumped back. “Mr. Almery where have you been we have been looking all over for you” I was speechless didn’t know what to say….”I hope you were not outside in the alley again you know you are not supposed to leave this building without our permission”. I looked at the man dressed in white doctors uniform not understand what he meant. I turned again and pointed my finger to the window “But there was someone following me five blocks I could not find or see the person I was afraid.” The man in the doctor’s uniform had already turned grabbing my hand to lead me down a very clean and shiny white hallway. As he walked and grabbed my hand leading down the hallway he said “Mr. Almery are we talking about your shadow again?” This time I turned to look behind me I could hear and see the person now following me in the building. It was my very own shadow. “We forgot to give you your medication for today, but we could not find you earlier”. As I passed a blackboard with some writing and names on it I read the title listed about the names on the blackboard. The title read “Grandham Asylum” and my name Gerald Almery was the 29th patient on the list.





The Reject Society: Dying To Fit In











The Reject Society

Chapter 1

By Tamikio L. Reardon


Being in Capers Valley for almost a year now I still have not met all the other students yet in high school. This was my last year as a senior to graduate I feel I should have known over half the school by now. It seems I have finally gotten over my suicidal depression and I’m fit to live with the society. I have been dating Francetta Jackson for over a year now and I’m starting to fall in love with her. I grabbed my back pack and left school this morning early as it is Friday and I’m happy about the weekend. I plan on having a good day.


Parking my car in the back of the school parking lot, I looked up and saw Francetta coming towards me. We had already made plans to skip fifth hour today and go Joe’s Pizza Hut for a slice of pizza and a coke. Joe’s Pizza Hut was the most popular place in town an all the high school kids hung out there skipping school on whatever period of class they hated. Francetta came up to me and gave me a big bear hug and I kissed her back on the lips. As leaned over in the car to grab my back pack, looking through passenger window on the other side of my car, I saw the weird group of teenagers standing over by the football field against the light pole staring Francetta and I. Getting nervous as I always did when I saw them, I quickly grabbed back pack avoiding eye contact with them and walked Francetta to her class.

Getting ready to leave for fifth period I can’t believe that I avoided them for over year. Francetta and her twin sister was very much serious about me not getting involve with that group, but now that I think about it Francetta is kind of bossy I’m new here and I do want to meet as many of the others as I can. I just decided there has been a change of plans with Francetta and me for the day. Suddenly I was not feeling so well. I waited for Francetta in front of the school front door. I could see her bouncing towards me in the crowded hall way. She came up and grabbed me around my waist with another deep kiss of the day. “Francetta, there has been a change of plans….I’m not really feeling good right now it started around the middle of third period. I didn’t want to just leave and go home without telling you.” She looked at me concern with a pouty sad face. “Well ok do you have time to drop me off home?” “Yea sure of course.” We walked to my car holding hands and again I saw the creep group standing in the same place. This time I started at them with no hesitation. Francetta followed my gaze and roughly pulled me into the car. “Hay girl wait!” Francetta’s best friend Joslyn marched up the


Passenger’s side of my car and leaned over the window in Francetta’s face. “Now where are you going?” Francetta looked her in the face back. “Minding my business and….?” they both laughed into one another’s face. “I thought you were going with me to Jackie’s house today for the fashion rehearsal?””Oh yea! That’s right I totally forgot!” Francetta got out of the car a looked over at me with a sad a face. “It’s ok I’m not feeling well anyways and you still get a ride home I’ll call you later.” She jumped out of the car and ran off with her best friend. Before I got into the car I stood and watched Francetta leave waving goodbye. I turned to look over at the gang of misfits….today I would make my move. I threw my back pack into the passenger side of my car and locked the door. I started to walk over the towards the gang one of them looked up and saw me coming toward them they began straighten up waiting for me come over. “Hay gang how it going?” Everyone just stood there looking at me like I stole something. I came up to the group and stood in front of them looking awkward. Finally Tony coming towards me began to speck. “It’s been good.” I stood a short distance away from them not sure if I made the right decision to approach these people not only did they look weird they acted weird too. They all continued to stare at me. I looked away for a while into the football field they had practice today and the fields were busy. “So what brings you over here? Asked Linda. I looked at her with a challenging defiant look on my face. “Is there a problem that I came over?” She looked back at me giving the same challenging look. “No not at all I’m just surprised your girlfriend let you get away.” The whole group turned and looked towards Linda and they all laughed. Nervously I laughed also while being embarrassed. I have always had the feeling that people felt and noticed how Francetta pulls the strings in our relationship now I have full proof. That’s why I lied said I was sick and wanted to go home. I’m a grown man I have to make my own decisions now. “Well I told her I had other plans.”Meghan stepped up in next to Linda. “So do you have any?” “Well no not really that’s why I came over here, what you guys have up for today?” they all looked at each other with a thrilled mysterious look. “Does it matter what you do today” asked Ricky. “Naw I’m gamed for whatever you guys wanna do.” Dinky looked at Tony, “I know just actually what we can do today….Tony you feel me?” Tony smiled and looked at Dinky nodding his head. Tony looked back at me with the same smile…..did I just see his face transform into something domestic? I slowly stepped back with a panic. “Is there something wrong Donovan?” Meghan asked. I looked at Meghan quickly recovering from my reaction, didn’t think she had noticed. “No I’m cool let’s roll.” Stepping back to let the group lead the way, I followed them not sure what we were going to do today. Since I moved here a year ago I have not meet or interacted with any dudes at school, Francetta, her sister and her best friend are the only three I know personally. If I’m going to fully recover from my suicidal depression I’m going to have to start mingling with more different people. In fact, Francetta has her sister, her best friends and a couple of other girls not to mention guys too she hangs out with whoever she wants. I better jump on the bandwagon too! I followed them to a black van which


resembles Scooby doo mystery machine, but only it was black with some weird strange writings and carving on them. Pulling back the middle door of the van, Linda mentioned for me to go inside first. Watching my step, I looked inside the van to get a better look before I went in. Everything in the van was black. There were black curtains on the van small oval windows, black thick carpet, and a round table in the middle of the floor and black vinyl leather seats. This van was cool and so neat inside, but both at the same time, I felt a creepy feeling as I stepped farther inside to sit down. I sat in the corner over by the window, Meghan sat next to me and then Lynda sat next to Meghan. Tony turned to look at me from the front of the van; he was the driver of the van. Ricky sat on the passenger side and Dinky sat on the floor of the van by the small round table in the middle. As we drove leaving the school grounds, I looked out the small oval window to my left, I could see people looking and staring weirdly at me getting into the van. Some people had a look of pure horror on; some had the look of disgust while others just stared. I just don’t get why people are making such a big deal over this group? Yea, sure they looked weird, but we all have our own individual personalities. I can kind of see why they named the group “The Reject Society” my guess is that they don’t fit in with society pretty much keeping to themselves. I know the feeling which is why I developed the sense to try and kill myself several times. Suddenly I was glad to be leaving the school with all the dirty looks they were giving us. I also noticed that I never see anyone else in school hang out with these people and Francetta just insists I stay away from them. She is just bossy and controlling I’ve got to break this habit now it’s been a year. Looking at my surrounds, I could see that we were leaving the really nice area….we were now heading towards another part of town. This area looked just as creepy and spooky as the gang I was riding along with in this creepy van. They mean to keep a straight up creepy image don’t they? The clouds begin to build and get darker it seems there is storm coming in this part of town. I hope we get somewhere safe before it starts. We turned down a street called “Mansingfield” there were run down boarded up house, some rackety, some vacant. Some spots where homes use to be now had empty lots. This place was nowhere near decent like my home area was. Everything was so dark and creepy hear too. I wonder where we are going. Most importantly, I’m starting to wonder if this was such a good ideas coming with these guys. They are not your typical high school kids. Do they even have a class schedule much less belong to the school? I’ve only seen them outside the school or near front entrance only after classes was over. I started feeling very uneasy as we finally came to a stop in front of what looked to be a vacant house down at the end of a ……dead end street. Looking at Meghan beside me, I began to speck as nobody else did the whole entire time we were coming here. “ummmm where is this place?” She turned to look at me as if she was noticing me for the first time. “Hay relax honey you will see.” Regretting, turned back to stare out the window, the house was vacant with boards against the windows and it was run down. Looking between the boards of the big picture window, I could now see a light burning in the


living room… it looked like a candle. It was dark in this area of town and was about to rain a heavy storm. Ricky got out of the van first letting us out the back, when I finally got out; I stood in front of the house. I really did not want to spend the rest of my day in a rundown vacant house on a rundown creepy street. These guys are totally off the weird end of the chain. Tony can around the side of the van stepping on the sidewalk next to me. “Donovan, this is our secret hideout where we come to get away from others who do not accept us. We have finally come to a conclusion that we will accept ourselves to be different and not force others to accept us. We don’t belong to this world, but we belong to another.” They all turned to look at me now, all had this dark menacing looks on their faces, evil and grotesque. Lynda grabbed my hand and led me up to the front door of the porch. As Linda guided me inside they all followed behind me. There were candles lit in the front living room in a circle on the floor and on tables against the walls. The group all had these eerie, satisfied smiles on their faces looking at the candles lit around the living room. There was no other furniture in the house just the candles and…….a weird round pendant looking symbol drawn on the floor with a dark black heaving marker. Meghan slightly pushed me over to side farther into the house. I was terrified, but tried not to show it……what the hell was going on here? I could see there were six candles on the floor all in a circle around the pendant marking. Each of them went and sat in from of a candle…..I stood there watching them. Tony reached out his hand…..”Wont you come and join us?” stunned, as I continue to search the floor I noticed the sixth candle had an empty space for…..was this space for me? How could they have known? I looked at Tony unable to move frozen in horror. Tony dropped his hand with a sign and made direct eye contact with me. I could feel his stare burning into me like hell. “Donovan, you must not be afraid, this is your destiny and know this don’t you?” Looking back at Tony,” What are you talking about”? Tony stood up from the floor and walked towards me. “Many times we have all wanted to escape this world because we don’t fit in. We cannot function in this world and in this time of life, in order for us to live we have to transit into another place in which we call reality where we can function more properly. Let me tell you a few things about yourself Donovan. This is not what you think we know, but it’s what we know about you. You have tried to transit into that world dozens of times, This Is the same world that we ourselves belong too. For some reason you have failed to enter this world maybe because at some point you became afraid which stopped your entrance. Today you will enter this world finally with us. Meghan stood up walking towards Tony and stood next to him. “Donovan, you’re a depressed suicidal aren’t you?” Looking at Meghan my mouth dropped opened. “How did you know this? did you talk to my sister? She is the only one in school who know s this about me did she tell you……”No Donovan we don’t even know who your sister is much less knowing that you had one” “You have tried to enter this world several times and we saw you trying to get in. It seems you can’t make up your mind at the very end when you are trying entering……” Tony said. Suddenly, a flash back come


into my head of the last time I tried to commits suicide. It was year and half ago before my family and I moved here to Capers Valley. Sitting in my room at my computer desk, I had already slit my right wrist three times horizontal markings on the left wrist I had only done two, when I proceeded to do the third marking something stopped me and suddenly I was not ready to die. I did not make the third of the sixth marking on my left arm. Looking back at “The Reject Society” I know understood what this all meant and who these people were. These people are not real or human beings. These people are the ones who have come to take me away to the other world in which I fit in…..the suicidal world of the…..dead. Tony and Meghan could now sense that I had understood all this. They both went back to take their rightful place which was in front of each candle. The six candle was for me just liked the sixth marking on my wrist which I did not complete. Looking at my wrist I still had the scars from the five slit markings……to my horror I could now see the sixth marking visibly being carved into my wrist! Looking at the group in horror, they all did not have the faces of human beings anymore their face had changed to evil, creature like monsters with sharp teeth and blood dripping from the tips! Backing away from all five of the monsters demons on the floors, they all each made a ghostly hissing sounds grabbing for me. I looked back at my wrist again and saw the full carving of the sixth slit engraved deeply into my wrist. I was not ready to die now; I was not ready to die anymore. Tony looked at me now with red glowing eyes and a demon domestic face with sharp long teeth covered in blood. He hissed at me and I jumped back inching closer to the front door which had now disappeared. Turning to look at the rest of the living room all forms of escape had disappeared. There were no windows and no front or back doors. I knew this time I was not getting out of this suicidal attempt again. They all stood up and surrounded me. Tony had the sixth candle in his hand and finally handed it to me. “You can’t turn back now Donovan too many chances this is the last chance.” I grabbed the candle, they began to chant surrounding me………


Two weeks later, I guess school committee decided to all get together to clean up the rundown block of Mansingfield. The town suggested that they could not go any longer with the street looking the way it did plus there were some large real estate companies wanting buy and build house on this street it would be cheaper for them. Mansingfield would get a whole new makeover and rejuvenation. A group of students went into the house with the big picture window that was boarded up in the front. One of the students claimed she saw a lighted candle in the living room of the house from outside while approaching its walkway. Opening the front door of the house to enter the living room, the group of student gasps….there was burned out candle on the floor and on the tables surrounding the walls. There was also a round pendant


drawn on the floor with a black marker. There was one candle lying in the center of the pendant. There was a strange rotting odor coming from one of the back rooms. It smelled to me be of …..Dead flesh or something that had died inside the house. As the group entered the last room in the back, with a gruesome scream the female student ran out of the house. The other four students stood in the doorway unable to believe what they were seeing. There was a deck in the room up against the wall in front of the window which pointed to the back of the house. At the desk slumber over sitting in the chairs was the body of Donovan Westbrook; he had slit his wrist committing suicide.




















The Tree House: Come Out and Play With Death












The Tree House

Chapter 1

By Tamikio L Reardon

Looking out the window of the big yellow school bus, I knew it was going to take some time for me to get use to my new neighborhood. Nobody sat next me to on the bus I was kind of hurt and kind of relived. This was my third day of school and I had not made any new friends yet. The bus let me off at my stop on the corner of St. Melrose st. I was the last stop of the day and I was glad to be alone on the bus with just me and the bus driver. Before I stepped off the bus, I looked back at the bus drive to wave goodbye. He smiled and waved goodbye back to me. I stood at the corner and watched the bus drive away. Turning to walk down the street to go home I started to count the blocks of the sidewalk to see how many blocks it would take me to get to my house. Stopping at number 12 block of the sidewalk, I thought I heard someone talking. I stopped walking and counting blocks and looks up from the ground. I heard a tiny voice coming from somewhere, but I could not find out where it was coming from. "Hay over here!" I finally found the source of the voice and strained my eyes to look into the backyard of an old run down house. The address was 2662 St. Melrose St. I just had three more blocked before I got to my house I guess I had never paid any attention to this house while coming home from the school the last two days. "Hay come here” There was a boy who stepped from behind a tree in the backyard of the old run down house. He came closer to the gate and mentioned for me to meet him in front of it. I hesitated the boy looked kind of rough of dirty. I came part way to the edge of the gate, but not close enough to where I could come into direct contact with the boy. The boy did the same thing stopping a little ways from the front of the gate. We both stared at each other in silence for a minute I did not know what to say to the boy. He smiled an eerie lopsided smile at me and I begin to step back and started to walk away. "Hay please doesn’t go want to play?" I stopped and looked at the boy his smile now looked somewhat normal I guess he was harmless after all. I finally stepped up to the gate closer to the boy he did the same and put his hand on the gate. "Hi my name is Timmy what's yours?" “Hello my name is Charles...." "Nice to meet you Charles is you new around here I have never seen you before?" "Yes I am new here." Timmy looked at me stranger and neither of us could not figure out what to say. "Want to come in the backyard to play in my tree house?" I looked in the backyard and I did not see any tree house. "What tree house?" "My tree house in the back come I'll show it to you." I hesitated and looked at Timmy he seemed so eagered to get me in his backyard.


I decided to follow Timmy in his backyard as I got closer to the big tree; I could now see the large tree house up in the tree. It was starting to get late the air was chilly and I could hear the leaves crunching under my gym shoes it was the month of October Halloween was just around the corner. I followed Timmy closer to the tree house there was a ladder that lead up to the top



of tree. Timmy got halfway up the ladder and turned to look back at me. "Aren't ya coming?" I looked back at the streets it really was getting dark I should be heading home. "Timmy I really should be heading home my mom will be worried maybe I can come back tomorrow?" Timmy turned to look down at me very sad and nodded his head. I turned around and started to run home.


The next day I got off the bus and started to walk faster towards home past Timmy's old run down house I really did not want to go up in the tree house, but I didn't like the sad look he gave me when I said no yesterday. Maybe I would go into the tree house with him today if he is out when I walk past. As I got closer to Timmy's house I did not see any sign of him. Staring straight ahead I continued to walk past his house. "Hay Charles!" I turned and there was Timmy standing beside his backyard gate. "Hello Timmy I didn't think you were out today." "Yes I was and I was waiting for you!" I turned to walk closer to the gate and smiled at him. I would get this over with he seemed so lonely and egared for some company. I told my mom I might be going over a friend’s house after school down the block and I showed her Timmy's house. I followed Timmy in the backyard and this time we both headed up to his tree house. I had to admit he had a really big tree house, but I felt a little uncomfortable going into it yesterday. Timmy made it into the tree house while I was still climbing up it was hard to climb up the ladder with a backpack on my back. I finally reached the door of the tree house and found Timmy sitting inside on a nice comfortable rug. My eyes were wide with shock at the looks of this tree house from the inside. I stood at the door paused unable to move as the inside of the tree house was awesome! Timmy had a big smile on his face and told me to come on inside and sit down. I came inside of the tree house and dropped my backpack on the floor sitting next to Timmy. Amazed, I still continued to look around the tree house.

Mom told me to be home at 6 it was now 5:50. I was not ready to go I was really having fun in Timmy's tree house. I am glad I finally came up here. Timmy is really a fun person to play with I think I will be coming here every day to play with him as I have not met any new friends since I started school or moved in the neighborhood. I started to notice that Timmy didn't look so good he looked like he might be sick or coming down with something. He looked at me and stopped playing with his action figures. "What’s wrong? Why are you looking at me like that?" "Sorry didn't mean to be rude....are you feeling ok? You don't look so good right now." "I m ok I have sickle cell and sometime I don’t feel well, but I will be ok." I looked down at the floor and nodded. Suddenly I felt sorry for Timmy he was such a nice friend. I really hated to leave him, but it was getting late. "Timmy I have to go home now I promised my mom I would be home by 6." Timmy looked at me now with what I saw to be blood shot eyes. He looked so healthy and fine when we first started to play in the tree house earlier. I stood up grabbed my backpack and started to walk out of the door. I looked back at Timmy and gasped! He looked really sick his whole face started to change into something torturous! "Ummm I'll be back tomorrow Timmy


don’t be upset." He looked down at his toys and nodded his head again. As I climbed down from the ladder of the tree house I got one last look at Timmy he never did look up at me again.


Today was Friday and I was glad for the weekend. I was ready to get back to Timmy's tree house and play with him today mom let me stay out later today I had to be home by 8. Timmy would be so happy! As I approached the Timmy's house I could see him standing at the gate waiting for me. I pulled my backpack off my back so I could run faster to the gate. Timmy had a big smile on his face looking so vibrate and fresh today. Maybe he felt better from yesterday I could tell he was sick from the sickle cell disease he has. "Come on!" I followed him to the tree house again and we both scrambled up the ladder. As I entered the tree house I could see Timmy ha some new toys and action figures to play with today. Wow this was going to be an even awesome evening and plus I could stay two extra hours later today. It was now 7:30 almost time for me to leave. Timmy was into paying with his action figures and talked rapidly none stop the whole time we played. I never looked up at Timmy one time I loved playing with the games on his tablet. It was time for me to start packing up and I noticed that Timmy stopped talking thirty minutes ago. I finally looked up again at him and I was stunned just the same as yesterday.....Timmy was beginning to get sick again with the same blood shot eyes. This has made twice Timmy has begin to get sick it was yesterday to around 6. I hated leaving and this was going to be more difficult the more I played with him. "Well Timmy it’s almost know the rules I got to go home." He looked at me with that sick pale face I hope he would go inside and take his medication to make him better soon. "Tomorrow is Saturday I can come over early and we will have much more time tomorrow to play ok?" Timmy never looked up at me and said word as I left the tree house.


No school today and I was eagared to get to Timmy's tree house early. I got up got dressed and had breakfast with my mom. She was so happy I had finally made a friend to play with. Today was much warmer outside I didn’t really need a jacket. I walked down to Timmy's house excited and ready to play all day long. I stepped to the front of Timmy's gate and I didn't see him anywhere. It was Saturday he may not be up yet it was normally after 3 when he is up in the tree house Timmy never invites another person to play or neither dose any of the other neighborhood kids come over to play with him. I stood by the gate waiting for Timmy to come running from the tree house. It was after a minute or so and I realize he was not out here yet. I decided to go up to the front door and ask his parents if he could come out and play today. I stepped up to the front door and knocked on the screen. There was a woman peeking out of the old rusty curtains. It was amazing how Timmy had such awesome tree house and the house he lived in was such a dirty rackety mess. The woman slowly opened the door. She looked rough haggard like she has been drinking or depressed. " Timmy home?" The woman's eyes got wide and big with fright she opened the door wider with a panic. "What?" I begin to step back. "Is Timmy home? Can he come out and play today?" The woman looked even more


frantic. "In God's name what are you talking about?" She screamed and yelled through the screen door. I stepped closer to the end of the porch what was wrong with this lady? "Are you Timmy's mother?" "Yes I am Timmy's mother!" "Well can he come outside and play today? I’ ve been playing with him all week I promised I would come back and play with him today can he come out or not?" The woman held her head with a painful look on her face. "Timmy died a year ago from today at 6pm .....We found him dead in his tree house he died from sickle cell."























Writers Block: Out of Mind












Writers Block

Chapter 1

By Tamikio L. Reardon


It was pretty warm and cozy inside the townhouse cabin up at the lakes. Sitting in my office in front of my fireplace with a hot blazing fire going, I still could not come up with a topic to save my life. I was due for another new book as being one of the bestselling authors I still had trouble coming up with a topic for each new book I had to begin. Staring at my laptop sitting at my office desk all I could see was a blank paper computer screen. The glass of brandy cool, chilling and delightful had not been touched in nearly an hour. With my son being away for college and my husband being dead over a year and a half, I still enjoy the comfort of being alone at times in my townhouse. What keeps me occupied most of the times is the soft footsteps pacing redwood hard floor in the hall way. I could feel the restlessness, tension and the impatience of the soft footsteps pacing the hall, I then knew at some point I had to hurry and find a topic for my new book or call it a night. My son had not called all day but I still knew he was doing well away in college. This was going to a very long night.


A distant pounding in the hall is what had awaken me, startled I knocked over my glass of brandy that sat to the right side of my laptop, both now empty my computer screen and glass of brandy. With sigh I stood up to close my laptop and clean up the mess of the contents that lies on my desk. Closing my robe I quietly made my way to every room in the townhouse checking things out before I went to bed. The soft footsteps in the hall had stop pacing I knew what that meant for me now. The townhouse was cold and chilly causing me to pull my robe much closer to my smooth sleek body. I always love to sleep with my bedroom closed even though I am the only human being vacating in my home. Sitting down slowly on my bed I turned to look towards the closed bedroom door and suddenly heard the soft footsteps coming towards it. I proceeded to get comfortable on the bed dropping my silk red robe and slippers into the floor. Suddenly the room became warm as the soft footsteps entered the room I smiled and lay my head on my pillow.


“Sorry I took so long as usual I have writers block”. “I hope you are not upset you know things still take time” I could feel the soft footstep come to a stop on the left side of my bed. Feeling the pressing of my bed sinking on left side I could tell things were not acceptable, but later they begin to cool down as the lamp on the left side of my bed went off. I rolled over to cut the lamp off on my side of the bed as well, closed my eyes to rest them when I felt the warmth embrace me from behind. I now could tell that everything was going to be alright. I whispered to the darkness and the warm that embrace me. “I still



have writers block with no knowledge of what I will write about for my next new book” the warm embrace me harder caressing with a soft a gentle kiss from the neck, down to the shoulders to the lower part of my back. I closed my eyes to rest as I fell asleep and slept the night away. The next morning I awake to a fresh and bright sunny day. As I stepped into the kitchen I warmed a nice pot of coffee with sugar and vanilla cream. Suddenly I had this flaming energy to come up with a topic for my new book. Entering my office I sat in my chair and proceeded to open my laptop to start my new book. As I clicked on my files to open my book layout I have saved I noticed there was a title listed in my files for my new book. How can this be? I never did come up with a title or topic at all last night. I put on my glasses to read the title that was imprinted on my files. The title read “Writer’s Block”.





















The Bloodline Cult: Suicidal Blood











Bloodline Cult

Chapter 1

By Tamikio L. Readon

Up in the hills of Capers Valley, in a small cemetery occupied by six graves, the contents of the cemetery was very small and did not represent an actual town’s cemetery. This cemetery was specially created for the dead and not every soul was free to rest here. Thomas Acker was the head cemetery owner and made sure everything was kept in order. He lived in the house at the end of a dead end street called Mansingfield. He came up here daily sometime three to four times a week to check on things up here in the cemetery. Sometimes kids like to come here to the cemetery, fool around and pull dirty pranks. One day the cemetery was going to claim them if they kept making fun of the dead. The cemetery was only of six graves, but they were special graves…..not every one of the dead could be buried here.

Sitting in my room listening to my favorite jam on my headphones, I enjoyed relaxing my legs on my computer desk. I was done with my homework so I really needed a rewarding break. Mom and dad were gone out for the night and I was at home on a Friday night without a date. I kind of enjoyed being alone tonight as I got several calls from my girl friends to come for a sleep over at Sarah’s, but I felt I really need some alone time tonight. Donovan was stopping by for while I would let him come over. I will make popcorn and we can watch a movie for the night. Mom loved Donovan, but daddy….it was whole different story. Dad claims there is something creepy and not right about Donovan, but he is my dad all dads do not think any guy is good enough for their daughters. Donovan would be over about 8 so I better freshen up before he gets here. I have been dating Donovan Westbrook for only three months now. He has been living here in Capers Valley for almost three years and the first year and half he was dating Francetta Jackson. He says he had to break up with her because she was too bossy. Francetta moved away last spring she no longer lives in Capers Valley. Drying my hair from getting out of the shower, I heard the door bell ringing it must be Donovan it was a little after 8 now. Slipping on a pair of jeans and a tee shirt, I ran downstairs taking them two at a time to see who was at the door. Looking out the window sure enough it was Donovan. Answering the door he stood there with a big smile on his face along with a bag of popcorn and a movie. Pulling him inside the house we both jumped on the couch playfully tugging at one another. “Wait I forgot to get the sodas what would you like?” “A coke is fine.” Going to kitchen to grab us some cokes, I turned to look at Donovan in the living room and dropped both the cokes on the floor. Donovan was gone and no longer sitting on the couch in the living room in front of


the TV. Going into the living room around the couch he was there sitting in the same spot I left him to go get a coke. He stood up in front of me. “What was that noise? Where are the cokes?” I looked him in the face puzzled and amused. He dropped his warning expression and looked at me with irritation. “Let me guess you thought I was gone again and didn’t see me right?” “Yes I did….and no Donovan I don’t need glass!” He dropped back down on the couch and looked at me even more annoyed now. “This has made the fourth time Julie you said you didn’t see me on four different occasions are you sure you don’t need glasses?” I turned on my heels rolling my eyes and going into the kitchen. He followed me now with a serious look. “Julie, I’m serious, don’t you think you need to go get your eyes examined?” Standing up from cleaning potion of the cokes off the floor I angrily looked at him. “Now Donovan I do not need glasses so stop sweating me?” He started to back away from me defensively and headed back to the couch. With a sigh, I placed the dirty towel drenched with cokes on the counter and walked over to him. “Donovan I swear on my grandmother’s grave I do not see at times it’s like you disappear and fade way for minutes I know for a fact it has nothing to do with me needing glasses.” He sat on the edge of the couch looking at me. “Your going to do one of the two things for me….you’re going to go get your eyes examined or you’re going to stop scaring the hell out of me every time you think you don’t see me do we have a deal?” Shaking my head at him disgust I got off the couch. “Okay.” I will just stop saying I don’t see him I refuse to go get my eyes examined.


The next following night, I decided it was time for me to start asking Donovan about going to his house. I know he was the new kid and all, but if I’m his girlfriend he should have had the decently to at least take me over to his house at least once. What man does that? Every time I speak to him about it he just tells me "when the time is right" well when is the right time will ask him about it again today at school. When I try to talk to him about at school he is always around that creepy group called “The Reject Society”. Nobody likes them much less go anywhere near them. I will see him tomorrow at school.








Pulling up into the parking lot next to the side of the school building, just I as I knew, he was with the creep group. There use to be five of them now it’s six including Donovan. They all looked up stopped talking and started at me as I parked the car. Donovan said something to them and I heard him say he would catch with them later. They all gave him a grave nod and started to walk off in the opposite direction of the football field. Shaking my head in disgust, I tried not to let Donovan see how irritated I was. He grabbed me with a big hug which always felt cold clammy. For the three months I’ve been dating Donovan I have not gotten use to his touch yet it didn’t seem or feel right to me, but I loved Donovan’s personality, charm and wits. Twisting to get out of his grip I looked up at him. I must get this off my chest before I back down. “Donovan we need to talk.” He dropped his grip and stepped back looking at me now with a serious look. “Is something wrong?” “Yes it is” He continued to stare at me with those cold dead blank eye…..I really should be considering why I’m really with this dude? “We have been dating for three months now and I still have not been to your house what am going on with that?” With as sigh he stepped even father back and sat on the hood of my car. “I was going to wait until the right time, but I guess I can speed up the process….since it’s Friday your welcome to come to tonight if you like?” With spark of recognition I smiled at him and hugged him. “Yes I would love to come tonight!” “Well okay, but first I have to make a stop before we go to my house I will met you at your house then we can use your car to drive to the stop and then my place is that ok?” “Yea sure what time?” “I will be there by 7.” “Aright that’s cool!”


I made it home from school by 5 I didn’t see Donovan or his creepy friends anywhere after school. I was so excited about finally going to his house. I don’t know how long I could keep him coming to my house without my parents knowing this. They don’t mind him coming over, but my daddy really doesn’t like him at all. Mom loves him, but again mom loves everyone. Yea I agree he is extremely creepy by look, feel and touch, but for some strange reason he is very intriguing to me I enjoy his company. I will be ready by 7 tonight for sure.








Thomas Acker knew he had to be up in the cemetery on Fridays nights. The kids love to come up here get drunk or get drunk before they come here to make fun of the six graves in the small cemetery. He had always command the dead in this cemetery to stay put “until the time was right”. Thomas Acker had all means of control over this cemetery no visitors were allowed here in fact not many people in Capers Valley knew about this place. The most special thing about this cemetery was that all six of the victims died from suicide. They felt they no longer fit into the world’s society and didn’t bother trying. Their souls only rest as it didn’t rest in the human world; they all have one thing in common here and its death. Tonight would be an even more special night, tonight for the first time in four years we have a visitor coming…….




Donovan was here right on time at 7. Bouncing down the stairs taking two at a time, I ran to the front door to let him in. I told him to have a set while I use the restroom before we go. For some reason I had this funny feeling that I would not be in this bathroom again. Freshening up to get ready for my date, I ran downstairs and stopped suddenly on the last bottom step……again Donovan was not in the living room. Taking a deep breath here we go again and I promised I would not mention anything about not seeing him. I turned to go back upstairs I need to go back anyways to cut off all the lights upstairs before I left. Not even a minute later I returned to the living room and there was Donovan sitting on the couch smiling at me. The way my living room was set up there was no way I could miss Donovan being in another room I was sure he had disappeared on me again. Putting on fake a smile, I grabbed his hand pulling him out of the house locking the front door behind me. Letting Donovan drive my car, I sat in the passenger’s seat and stared at my house one last time. I then begin to wonder how Donovan gets to my house if he does not have a car.








Sitting back ready to see my new surroundings I noticed that Donovan was heading towards the hills on Mansingfield st. I begin to get a little uncomfortable. He said he had to make a stop before we went to his house. I turned to look at him in the shadow streetlights as we passed them driving up towards the hills. Donavan’s skin had become pasty and sweaty it looked as if he was starting to melt. Trying to hide my horror I laughed nervously and touched his knee. He was ice cold and clammy. “Donovan? Where are we going?” He turns to look at me with his death cold eyes and smiled at me. “It’s ok I just have to make this one stop and visit some friends and we will be on our way to my house.” “Visit some friends? I hope it’s not the reject society is it?” His expression turned serious as he looked at me again. “No Julie it’s not I have a friend here who I come visit every Friday, now promise your will sit back and be quiet.” Looking at him in shook his face began to look very tortured and painful I could tell he was getting upset with all the questions I was asking, but I had the right too this was my car and I had the right to know where he was going with me in it. “Donovan, this is the hills up in Capers Valley, the cemetery of old man Thomas Acker lives up here on Mansingfield at the house at the end and he owns that small creepy cemetery why are you heading this way? This is the only thing that leads to this direction.” Again he looked me, but this time he looked fresh and normal. “Julie, I have a friend who is buried up here in the cemetery. He committed suicide about two and half years ago. I always come to visit him on Friday night after I leave your house. You see this is where I go after I leave your house on Fridays night to visit him, but you’re so anxious to get to my house. Now you need to sit back and be quite and enjoy the ride on my time if you wanna go to my house.” Staring at him agitated now, he did have a point. Donovan has never invited me to his house in the three months we have been dated he has only come my house or we see each other at school. I sat back still terrified of his actions and the place we were going. Everyone in town knew about the old man Thomas Acker story. Some say the man has been dead for years, but how can that be? He is very well alive and takes care of this cemetery up in the hills. He never comes to town he always stays in that cemetery and that house on the dead end street of Mansingfield. Finally we made it up in the hills driving up the long dark dirt road path to get to the cemetery. I have always known Donovan was creepy, but now I know for sure. Who would in their right mind would want to hang out at a cemetery with a dead friend on a Friday night when they had a girlfriend? We drove up to the small gates of the cemetery. Thomas Acker came to the gates and opened the door to let us drive the car in through the pathway. Looking out of my rearview mirror I could see Thomas Acker closing and locking the cemetery gates behind him. Sinking down into the car seat, I was scared to death of graves. We got to the spot where the six graves were Donovan turned off the car engine putting my car keys inside his jean pockets and getting out the car. I sat staring in disbelief now refusing to get out of the car. He was acting really weird now. He stood in front of the car and angry mentioned for me to get out now. As I did, I could see old man Thomas Acker coming up the


dirt road after locking the cemetery gates. It’s clear now that I’m not getting out of here tonight what am I gonna do? I guess I had to cooperate and wean my way out this mess. I got out of the car with a force smile, walked up to Donovan and grabbed his hand. “Let’s go honey.” He smiled back now dropping the anger grabbed my hand tightly and we started up to the cemetery. Thomas Acker stayed a few feet walking back behind us watching us as we went up the dirt road. What did he think we were going to do steal a body or something? Donovan never looked at Acker once since we got here. It was like they had some kind of inner personal connection. We finally made it up to the six graves in the very small cemetery. No wait……there was seventh grave now…..freshly dig as a matter of fact. Donovan turned to look at me dropping my hand. “It seem Acker has been busy up here I hope he don’t mind me visiting my friend for while then he can finish his work. He usually let me come up here every Friday and sit with his grave I won’t stay too long…..” turning to walk over to one of the graves he stood in front of it almost looking transparent. Thomas Acker was now nowhere to be found. Donovan stood in front of the friend’s grave murmuring something from under his breath or what that chanting I hear? Stepping back slowly I know that something is very wrong here. I slowly begin to walk over to Donovan chanting over the friend’s grave as I got there to get a better look and read the information on the headstone…….I grasped in shock holding my hand to my mouth. The grave description read “Donovan P Westbrook, death March 11, 1994, in loving memory”. But how can this be? It was 1996! Is he dead? Donovan finally stopped chanting and turned to look at me now he had a sad painful look on his face, there three slits on both sides of his wrist a total of 6 cut wounds. Oddly there was total of six graves here with seventh one just added…..Donovan started to face me. Now he became invisible and I could not see him. Falling to the ground in front of the grave, I now knew why at time I could not see Donovan, I was not crazy there is something really wrong with this guy.


“Welcome” I turned to see Thomas Acker standing over me with his hand out stretched to help me get up. I backed away from him on the ground crawling away from him. “Get away from me!” Donovan still stood at his grave now I could see him fully with blood dripping from his cut wounds on his wrist. He committed suicide. Thomas Acker still proceed to come towards me finally I managed to get up off the ground backing in the direction furthers from the seven graves. Acker stood in the middle next of the seven graves while Donovan still stood in front of his grave now with glowing white eye balls and a wide black whole which was his mouth and blood still dripping from the cut wounds on his wrist. His voice was screaming to death from beyond. Thomas Acker continues to walk towards me and then stopped a few feet from me.” Let me tell you a story…”


Donovan had settled down and now was looking at me through white hollow eye sockets. Donovan Westbrook was not real, he was not even alive.


“Many years ago I was teacher at Capers Valley High. It was back in the 1970’s I used to be a history teacher there. For all my fifteen years of teacher I had commonly watched students and I saw a lot of students who were misfits depressants. I watched bullies pick and taunt them, I’ve seen them get suspended from school from the wrong reason and worst I’ve seen them commit suicide. I myself was bullied as a child and at the time I could not do anything about it or defend myself. I felt I could help these students fit into another world that would accept them like it had accepted me. I was a very young teacher I had more feelings for the depressants than I did teaching my history class. One day I started this secret group for students who were bullied, mistreated, suicidal we all could relate and comfort one another. I gathered a group of about five students who were very deep depressants and I held a secret class after school one day. Once they all got familiar with what they were supposed to do those that choose to be in the secret society group had their choice no one was ever forced into the group. All five of the student wanted in and had agreed to make the sacrifice. We then started having meeting at my house on Mansingfield st. the last house on the dead end street at the end of the block. One night was the final sacrifice and they all made it through, no one hesitated or chicken out nobody at that time did. Donovan here was the only one we had trouble with, but this was years later on down the line after he moved here. You see Donovan had tried to enter our world many time before and he had always chicken out once he moved her to Capers Valley it was our big chance to bring in once and for all. He still has some big transforming to do.”

Now stunned and paralyzed, all I could do was stand there and listen to this maniac’s story. Forcing myself to move out of this death freeze I was suddenly in, Donovan was still standing there looking at me with white hollow blank eyes. Thomas Acker walked over to the first of the six graves still telling his story.


“One night inside my home was the last sacrifice for the whole group that would change our whole world and life. We had as meeting where all five of the student sat on the floor forming a big huge circle. Within this circle, there was a pentagon shaped diagram drawn with a heavy black marker. Around each angle of this pentagon there were six lit candles at the end of each point. At the time all we need was five Donovan would later claim that sixth candle as you can see he did. Each of the five students took the sacrifice by each cutting their wrist. Since Donovan was the hardest with hesitation of the group we made him the sixth victim the one to


hold all our wounds that is why you see a total of six slits on his body three on both wrists. All of the students committed suicide that night selling their souls to the devil to possess the greatest power in the earth. You see Julie that was the problem with depressants and bullied students they felt powerless and promising them power for their souls is just what they fell into. Each of the five students died in my house that night in 1985. Now that Donovan here possesses all the groups marks we must start all over again with a new victim due to his body not being able to possess anymore marking for the group.”


Still listening to all this I had no choice I was trapped inside this cemetery and nobody had the slight idea where I could be. I was not going to make it out of here alive. Acker now turned towards the first grave.


“This first resting place belongs to one of the students this is Tony Riegle.” Gasping, my eyes widen with more fright as I began to recognize one of the boys from “The Reject Society” group from school that Donovan hangs out with! Tony started to rise from the grave wearing the same white hollow eyed look that Donovan seems to still be wearing. These are the dead victims of a suicidal rampage they are dead and under a spell where the devil is using their souls. Tony rose up and floated several feet from his grave staring at me with hatred and anger. Next Acker walked over to the second grave. “This here is Linda Simone.” Another member of the reject society from school. Acker continued to introduce the rest of “The Reject Society”. There was Meghan Owens, Robert (Dinky) Anderson and Randy Dawson. These were all the victims of “The Reject Society” and now I know why they all hung out together at school and why they are all so weird and creepy. They are all dead at least over twenty years. All six of the victims stood in front of their own graves clothing flying in the evil domestic mist around them. There was a strong stench coming for each other bodies it was to horrific to tolerate. Their eyes were nothing but empty white sockets in which the humans can look right through into their devilish souls. Each had one cut wound on the left side of their wrist all accept Donovan he carried three on both side of his wrist. It seems he is the master of the evil power. All seven victims stood before me bewailing in the wind of the small domestic grave yard. Something came to mind? What happened to Thomas Acker? If they all entered into this hellish world what happened to him? Reading my mind, Acker stepped forwards with a crimson smile protruding from rotted yellow teeth. “I committed suicide as well before I formed the group. I was able to build my own power to come back as human and claim victims. I hung myself from my living room Chandelier late one night. I do not possess any cut marks I’m the highest and


there is one before me…..the devil.” Thomas Acker turned towards Donovan; finally Donovan came out of the spell recovering all accept the blood dripping wounds. He came walking towards me with an outstretched hand. “I love you so much Julie and I know you love me. You will be the next newest victim to start another chapter of this group.” He pointed to the seventh grave next to his. “You will be the queen to take possession of more wounds for new victims.” Linda brought me the seventh lit candle and told me told it. They all stood around me chanting walking in circles. Meghan gave me the sharp knife to commit suicide and cut my left wrist. In my eye sight the whole entire world was out now.




















The next day Saturday morning. “It’s really nice and warm enough to go for a drive early in the day later it going to get hotter.” Said Melanie Warbanks. “Yea thanks for coming to get me babe I love your new car.” Said her boyfriend Mark Scott. They started traveling up the hills on Mansingfield st. where the small cemetery rested. “Hay where are you going you little devil?” Melanie smile wickedly at her boyfriend and continued to drive up to the hills of the cemetery. “I have a friend buried up here and Mr. Acker let me go visit her sometimes do you mind?” they both looked at each and laughed.





















Double Homicide: A Reflection of Death


Double Homicide

Chapter 1

By Tamikio L. Reardon


“They brought the FBI in on the case this must be pretty serious”. I walked up approaching the scene standing next to detective Wilson. I could see he was standing far back away from the scene and I was wondering why. Detective Wilson turned to look at me I could see the tortured look on his face in the dark faded lights of the police car. “Why are you standing back here? Why aren’t you up there examining the case?” “Well sir they would not let me come any closer much less view the body of the person under sheets they said they would let me know the information on the case when they were done.” I looked back to the crowd of people and blurring noise from the police sirens. This case looks pretty big must be a mess even if they will not let us see the body. “Well do you have any kind of information so far about what’s going on?” “No sir nothing at all.” This was rather unusual and rare the only time they would bring in the FBI is when one of our commanders, detectives or deputies was killed. To keep us off the premises and information on hand? I didn’t like this at all. I would have a word with Commander Jones and find out why we were not allowed to view the body. “Is Commander Jones anywhere around?” Detective Wilson sighed stepping a little ways back away from me to a better look at my face. “The last time I saw him he was standing over the body.” Eyeing my way through the crowd there was Commander Jones coming this way towards us. He mentioned for Detective Wilson to meet him over in the corner by the police car. I stood there watching the both of them as Detective Wilson excused him and met Commander Jones over by the police car. It was as if I was invisible or something Commander Jones didn’t even see or notice me standing next to Detective Wilson. I was going find out what was going on.


Later on back at the office, I sat down to get relive myself. This had already been a stressful day before I got to the crime scene. Having to deal with rude people all day it seems everyone was ignoring me accept for Detective Wilson. Maybe he will come and let me know some information about the case. I’m the second head official here if anything Commander Jones should have called me first to the scene and not Wilson. Kicking up my legs on the desk and resting back in the chair I suddenly had a quick flashback in my head of bright red and blue police siren lights and the loud noise of the walling sirens. Jumping up from the chair and desk knocking over my coffee, I struggled to regain my balance. Leaning over the desk, my head


started to throb with pain and I begin to scream and yell. Barging into my office Detective Wilson came in startled. “Hay Chief is you ok?” Dropping down into the chair I was still holding my head as the noise and flashing lights went away. Detective Wilson leaned over the desk into my face. “Sir is everything ok?” I finally opened up my eyes to try and focus on Detective Wilson standing over me in my face. “Yes I’m ok now sorry…..” “What happened?” “I’m not sure I think I had some kind flashback or something.” Looking up at Detective Wilson my eyes was very blurring and I could see several faces of Detective Wilson. Again closing my eyes I just could not focus right now. “Could you please leave me alone for while I need to get my bearings together?” “Sure Chief if you need anything just hollers I’m right outside if you need me.” Wagging my hand at him rushing him to leave me alone in the room, I was terrified of what just happened to me. Finally my vision began to clear and I could see my surroundings again. I think I better leave the office and go home it was after 11 and it was late. I will just hear about the homicide tomorrow from someone in the office. Driving home it was late and the traffic lights were out. I was glad for this that way I didn’t have to stop at any lights I just wanted to get home just in case one of the those flashbacks started again. In all the 17 years of my police work I have never had flashback like that before. Maybe they were starting to catch up with me I may have to have an early retirement. Driving across Burlington Lane I looked to the left of the passenger’s side of my car just in time to see another car crashing into my passenger’s door. Now all lights were out……

I woke up in bed the next morning with a head wrecking headache. Events of last night I could not remember right now all I remember was blacking out. My head hurt too bad to try to recall the events of what happened last night I would not force it. Getting up out of bed I need a cup of coffee. Passing my bedroom window I quickly drew the curtain closed the sun was so bright outside I could not stand to look out the window. What were going on with me were worst then a hangover. Fixing a nice cup of coffee I knew I had to stay home for the day. I did not feel like going into the office. I would call in to let someone I know I was not coming in today. Picking up the phone to make the call I dialed the main office and Detective Wilson answered the phone. “Hello Wilson it’s me.” “Ah chief how are you feeling today?” “Not so well Wilson not so well.” “I take it you’re not coming in today ha?” “No I’m not will you please let commander Jones know?” “Yea I sure will don’t worry your all covered” “Ok thanks have a good day Wilson.” Hanging up the phone I cradled the warm cup of coffee in my hand. It was hot of about 88 today outside the last thing I want to do was tackle that vicious heat as well as the bright sun. The pain in my head begin to subside and I could see and focus more clearly now. Grabbing the remote I sat down on the sofa getting comfy to watch something on TV I surly had to find something to occupy my day. I realized I forgot to ask Wilson did he ever get any information about the homicide last night. I just don’t get why Commander Jones did not get


with me about this case. Getting up to go back to the phone to call the office again, I passed the hallway leading to one of the bedrooms downstairs. Something caught my eye and I turned quickly looking at the menacing shadow that crossed from my bedroom into the guest room. Stopping clear of the hallway I turned to walk back to the kitchen grabbing my gun out of my holster which was sitting on my dining room table. Was someone inside my condo and this early? Slowly and cautiously I made my way down the hall feeling the soft thick white carpet glide under my bear feet. My steps were silent on the carpet so I knew the intruder could not hear me approaching. I got to the doorway of the guest room and slowly peeked around the corner. Drawing my gun I jumped in the middle of the door way…..stop put your hands up! Lowering my gun I saw there was nobody in the room, but peeks of sunlight gleaming through the white blinds. Dropping my gun down beside me I shook my head in disgust and turned to walk back to the kitchen. Putting my gun down on the dining room table I proceed to call the main office back asking for Commander Jones. I let the phone ring ten times still no one answered it. I would try back later. Passing the hallway again, I saw the shadow walk back across to the bedroom. Stopping again to get a better look I know for a fact I just someone walking from my guest room back to my bedroom, going back to my dining room table to grab my guy this time I made my way speedily to my bedroom. I was not going to spend the rest of my day in head pain watching shadows go back and forth across my hallway. Again positioning myself next to my bedroom frame I jump out in front of my bedroom door …..To find no one again. Dropping my gun back down to my side I decided to go inside my bedroom and check around anyways. Maybe I better go to a doctor this killer head thing has me seeing shadows. After finding the room empty I sat on my bed. Maybe I would lie down and rest and watch TV in my room. Moments later I feel asleep.


It was a deep dream there was the flashing red and blue police lights and loud walling sirens of the police car. There was a bunch of people standing around and it was a lot of commotion. I could see Commander Jones and Detective Wilson standing in front of something. I walked up behind them and looked over their shoulders. It was the crime scene from last night with the dead body still lying under the sheets on the ground. There was yellow police tape, police cars, officers and pedestrians standing all around. There was a lot going on. I tried to open my mouth, but nothing came out. I still need to get some information on this case. As I started to put my hand on Commander Jones shoulder to get his attention I woke up from my dream. Brutally sitting up from the events of the dream, I was soaking and wet with sweat. I sat up on the side of the bed to catch my breath while looking at my clock on my desk. It read 9:45 pm. It was completely dark. I tried to find my way groping for the lamp switch as I did I felt


tightening pressure around my neck. Struggling for air I realized someone was straggling me! Fighting for my life trying to see who the intruder was, I gagged to suck air as I could slowly feel my life starting to drain from me. With more effort of a fight suddenly the intruder let me go. Getting up quickly to turn on my lamp burst of light illumined the bedroom. Frantically looking around ready to protect myself there was nobody inside my room. Am I losing my mind? Someone is trying to kill me and he is in my home! Grabbing the phone I called the office and Wilson answered it. “Wilson!” “Chief hay how is you?” “I’m not good Wilson, are all you guys still down at the station?” “Why yea what’s wrong?” “I will tell you when I get down there.” “Ok I’ll see you then.” Hanging up the phone I freshened up and got dressed. I had to get out of this house. Someone was trying to kill me and then the person just disappeared. I could not live in my home like this. Driving to the station traffic was light for almost 10pm. Passing Burlington Lane again this time I looked to the right of the passenger’s side of my door and saw another car came crashing into me….again all lights were out….


I woke up in my car in the parking lot of the police station. Getting out of the car my had still had that groggy feeling and was pounding with pain, but it was bearable. The parking lot was empty accept for four cars and I did not see Detective Wilson’s car. He knew I was coming up here why would he leave? I need to talk to him. Entering the police station there were two deputies sitting at the front desk, Montana and Gregory. Neither of them looked up at me as I entered the office. What is this ignore me week? I sat down on the bench in the hallway next to the water fountain. As I looked up from messaging my head, I saw two orderlies coming down the hall. They were pushing a bed with what looked like to be a dead body on it. They were taking the body to morgue to be identified; this must be the body from the homicide yesterday. Maybe now I could get my chance to see who the victim was is. Waiting until the orderlies pass me by they too didn’t notice me sitting here on the bench this time I was grateful for this. I got up to follow the orderlies to the morgue and I hid behind the door. Montana and Gregory both followed the orderlies inside the morgues as well. I could get a clear view and clear hearing on the information about this homicide case finally. “This is so sad and so unfortunate for this to happen to such a good honorable person.” They all dropped their heads to mourn in silence. “What happened?” one of the orderlies asked. “Well he was coming home from work a last night it was around 11:30 or 12 midnight. Someone hit his car coming from the other side of the intersection on Burlington Lane. He was dead before police arrived. Standing listening to the information on the victim……my eyes widened and my mouth dropped opened. This sounds familiar where did I hear this story before…….the first orderly pulled back the white sheet from the dead victim…..oh my god nooooo! The dead victim was me lying on


the table under the white sheet! Events of the last night started to come back. The car crash from the passenger’s side, the red, blue lights from the police car and the yellow tape with the dead body lying on the ground. I put my face in my hands. I was the dead victim in the car cash on Burlington Lane. Another sad tragic event here at the police station before the chief accident. Detective Barney Wilson died in a drive by shooting sitting in his police car one night three weeks prior to the chief. Falling back a few feet away from the door I felt myself bumping up against someone. Turning around to see who it was it was dark shadow from my home and living room. Backing away in the opposite direction still staring at the shadow, it started to transform into a recognizable shape and face. It was Detective Barney Wilson. I was frozen in disbelief my muscles were paralyzed I could not move in fear. He looked at me with an eerie deathly smile on his rotting face. “Hay chief how are you doing? Are you ready to come with me now?”


















Dead Gang: Parkway Children’s Asylum












Dead Gang

Chapter 1

By Tamikio L. Reardon


The town is totally rundown someday I would escape this mud hole. This was all I could afford right now for my family and myself. I should have made wise choices before I got married, but Kellie and I already had a child on the way my daughter would be due in another month….in this hell hole. I loved Kellie so much I just could not risk losing her. We lived in an old rundown apartment on Ridge Lake and it was the best looking apartments in the whole entire town. Living in the ghetto is what one might call it black or white it really doesn’t matter. Kellie keeps saying that’s alright something better will come along I hate to really tell her that I can’t see this happening for us anytime soon. I do believe we are going to have to put our daughter up for adoption to make a better home for her…..I just can’t raise my child here in this dump. It’s going to hurt Kellie, but we have to do what is best for the little baby. We were newlyweds and both eighteen our parents didn’t approve of what we did so we ran away together two months ago found this place and we have been here ever since. I thought I could make this work, but with no jobs and being on assistance it’s not enough for the three of us. I refuse to go back home and live with my parents and they don’t approve of my baby and my wife. Kellie was asleep right now she was not feeling well earlier she need all the rest she could get. When she awakes I have to tell her we have to give up this place and the baby for a while until we can get up on our feet. There was rustling sounds coming from the bedroom. This dump only had one bedroom, a bath, living room and a dining room. I heard more noises coming from the bedroom this time I heard moaning. Getting up from the dining room table, I found my way through the thick darkness of the hallway that lead to the back room and flicked on the over head light switch. Dull dim light exploded from the bulb and it took some time to adjust. Kellie was sitting up on the edge of the bed she was in pain. I went over and sat down quickly besides her grabbing her hand. She looked up acknowledging it was me and put her head on my shoulder. “Honey what wrong?” I asked her. She was pale in the dim light and






looked very weak. “I’m not feeling well I think I may have to go to the ER.” Dreading with a sigh, I would have to go across the hall and ask our neighbor to drive us to the ER. Kellie was to have the baby in another month maybe the baby would be here earlier. I got up and guided her to the front door of the apartment. We went across the hall to see if our neighbor was home. There was no answer at their door. I turned in panic to see her pains getting worse; I was sure now that the baby was on the way. I guided her back into our apartment and packed a few things we would have to walk to the hospital it was really five blocks away, but it was in the middle of dead winter. As we headed out the door, first early dark was just beginning to set in. It was freezing cold of about 15 degrees, but we had only five blocks to walk. Kellie was doubling over in tremendous pain now I had to take it easy with her as well as hurrying up to get to the ER with first dark falling and freezing cold. Ten minutes later, Kellie and I made it to the front entrance of the ER a nurse saw us and hurried out to met us with a wheelchair. I mentioned that Kellie was having a baby and she need help fast. I went up to the front desk to sign Kellie in and I had to wait in the waiting room for further assistance. Agonizing, I sat and watched the clock for thirteen to seventeen hours that day. Finally a nurse came out into the waiting room and led me into the back to where Kellie was. No, she led me to a big picture window …..there I saw my little baby girl sleeping soundlessly in the nursery. The nurse looked at me and smiled congratulated me on the arrival of my daughter. She was very chubby with rosy cheeks almost ten lbs. and seven oz. I turned to the nurse asking how was Kellie she smiled at me said she needed to rest and that they need to keep her for observation for at least two more days. I had to go home and spend two days wondering about my daughter and wife. After seventeen long hours in the hospital I started to walk home in the earliest parts of the morning. At least Kellie and the baby were warm and safe. It was still dark outside of about 4am in the morning I shoved my cold hands into my coat pocket and kicked at the snow which was about two inches high. Hurdling my head inside the collar of my coat I thought I heard footsteps behind me. I stopped to listen and then I turned around and saw no one behind me. Turning to walk again this time I speeded up my pace and again I heard footsteps behind me this time I heard several of them. I slowed my pace and started to turn around looking to catch who was behind me. There was a group of five teenagers walking a space distance. They all wore hoodies of black and grey and had their heads buried in their hoods. I could not see their faces it was if their faces were completely void empty of space hidden in their hoods. I begin to feel a wave of panic wash over me. Were they going to rob me? Hurt me or something worst? This was the roughest part of the neighborhood and also the only way to the hospital. I could hear the crunch of snow under their sneakers all different paces which sounded in all different directions. I continued to walk and this time faster I was not going to turn around again to look at them I had to get home and fast! Finally only a footstep away from the apartment complex I turned to look behind me again and they were gone.


Day two it was 7pm in the afternoon the hospital called to tell me Kellie and the baby could come home. I had to walk again and pick up my wife and daughter. It was cold of about twenty five degree I dreaded having to walk home with my three day old daughter and wife in the cold. I have not heard or seen our neighbor in about five days all week I hope they were ok. Arriving at the hospital in twenty minutes which was still too long for any human to be outside in this cold weather, I quickly rushed to the front desk to sign in to go pick up my wife and daughter. As I entered the room Kellie and the baby were sitting on the bed ready to go. Kellie turned saw me walking into room and a big smile was planted on her face. I walked over to her gave her a big bear hug and looked down at my daughter who was sleeping soundly. Kellie looked at me and grabbed my hand. “The doctors were nice enough to give us a car seat, some warm clothing and food for the baby this should hold us for the week.” I looked at my wife with pain in my face. I had to tell her when we got home that we had to give up the apartment and the baby for while I just can’t do this. We begin to leave the hospital walking out into the sharp biting cold that hit us dead in the face. Stumbling back to catch our breaths, Kellie was knocked off balance and I quickly grabbed her to hold her up. She was weak from having the baby and did not need to be out in this cold after giving birth two days earlier. We hurry home against the battling winds, but we were now three blocks away. The baby was still sleeping and thank god she was warm. As we entered the steps of our apartment complex I heard a rustling noise behind us. Letting Kellie go inside first I turned again to see what was behind us……I recoiled in horror as I saw the group of five teenagers coming up behind us in a rage of speed. I quickly pushed Kellie inside the entrance of the apartment still holding on the car seat with my daughter in it. As I pushed my way inside through the entrance doors one of the teenage boys grabbed the hood of my coat and began to yank me backwards outside the doors. I dropped my daughter and her car seat at the front of the entrance struggling with the teenager boy who had the hood of my coat. I yelled for Kellie to pick up the baby and run inside the apartment locking the door. Stunned not knowing what was happening Kellie ran back to the entrance grabbed the baby and the car seat. As she ran for the apartment door I realized I had the keys in my coat pocket there was no way her and the baby could get in safe unless I locked the door. One of the teenagers ran past me while I continue to struggle with the one who had the hood of my coat. Strangely the guy was strong. The other teenage boy ran into the apartment and grabbed the car seat out of Kellie’s hand. Yelling with all my strength and still struggling to fight off the teenage boy, I heard Kellie gasping for air as she helplessly fought the teenage boy. My daughter was sitting on the ground in the car seat while I watched helplessly the teenager boy brutally stabbed my wife in the mid sections five times. Screaming her lifeless body dropped to the floor with a dark red pool of blood. Nooooooo! The teenage boy turned and looked at me still I could not see his face in the dark void shadow of the black hood. He picked up my daughter and finally the teenager boy who had my hood in such a strong grip let go. The five teenagers ran off with my daughter and I dropped to my knees in the frozen snow.



When I came to the realization that my wife was laying in front of our apartment door dead in a pool of blood, I ran over to her and cradled her in my arms. All I could do was yell and scream until my voice became ravished. There was not a single soul out here to help me or my dead wife. Now I would never have to tell my wife we could not keep our daughter or this apartment.


Finally someone came into the apartment complex I was shaken and awaken by a man and three police officers. They helped me up away from my wife who was now cold as ice. How long had I been out? One, two or three hours? I stood up to find myself covered in cold blood …….. my wife’s blood. I unlocked the door to our apartment and sat at the dining room table. I then remembered that the gang of teenagers had taken my daughter! Standing up in panic I headed towards the front door I had to go out and find my daughter. “Hay wait a minute where are you going!” One of the cops stood in front of me while the other one grabbed my arm. “Let me go! I have to find my daughter!” “Not until you sit down and tell us what happened.” One of the cops growled. I turned to look at the three cops and the man who called them. “A gang of teenagers killed my wife and took my daughter!” I yelled in raged at all four of them. Now I noticed the third cop was a woman I looked at her as it was my first time seeing her as they all got here. She took me gently and sat me back down at the dining room table. She sat down in front of me while the other two cops stood along with the man. “Can you tell us what happened here?” she asked. I took a deep breath still unable to console my rage and anger. I looked at the woman cop straight in the eyes. “I had just gotten home with my wife and new born baby girl when a gang group of teenagers attacked us at the front entrance of our apartment complex. They stabbed my wife five times and took my daughter.” I dropped my head unto the dining room table and sobbed uncontrollably. My wife was dead and my daughter was missing she is only three days old. The woman cop took my statement after one hour they all gathered and left the apartment. I sat at the dining room table in unbelievable shock realizing I was now alone. What was I going to do? Then it finally hit me. Here I am living in the ghetto no one not even the cops were going to do anything about my dead wife and missing daughter. There was nothing I could do about Kellie, but I had to go out and find my daughter. Going into the bedroom to find more warm clothing I got dressed took what I could use as a weapon and went out to find my daughter. Kellie was dead and now I had no choice to but to go back home with my parents and raise my daughter.






It was now eight fifteen in the evening and it was dark. I roamed the first three blocks looking for any sign of the gang and my daughter. What in the hell would five teenagers want with a two day old baby? What in god’s name was wrong with people these days? If they hurt my daughter so help me! I will go to jail! I desperately lurked the neighborhood looking for any kind of recognition of the gang or anything that would lead me to them. Over five blocks away not too far from the hospital there was old rundown vacant building. The building was boarded up in some apartments, but I could see light and fires going on in some of them. This means the vacant apartment building was useful. The gang could not have gone far with my daughter. Smiling looking up at the eight story high apartment building I just had the gut feeling that’s where they have taken my daughter. I will kill them all stone dead. Walking faster up to the apartment building I could tell there were squatters there. Running from around the side of the vacant building I spotted one of the teenagers who took my daughter. There three of them wearing black hoodies and the other two wore grey. Now that I could think clearly as I remembered them running away with my daughter there were three teenage boys and two girls. The guys must be the ones wearing the black hoodies as they were much taller than the two wearing the grey ones. The teenager ran into the front entrance of the vacant apartment building looking back at me and closed the door. Picking up more speed struggling to run through the snow, I forced my way up to the double doors of the apartment building. The building was a big building, but at least I knew where my daughter was now. I hope they did not hurt her and she is still alive. Clutching the big butcher knife I had planted into my coat pocket, I ran inside the building. Standing in the dark depths of the long hallway I could tell that this building was set on fire. From the looks of it outside there was no way to tell that the building had any kind of fire damage. Standing in the middle of the hallway my eyes opened in horror as I watched the halls turn into ghostly charred dimensions. This was no ordinary vacant apartment building. Down on the first floor there were ten rooms farther down the hall away from the front desk. Five on both sides of the hallway. As I proceeded down the hall, I could hear agonizing torturous wailing sounds coming from all the room on the first floor. Terrified I stopped to look in through the square shaped window in front of the doors to find there were people in these rooms…..


I stood in front of the first door looking inside as I watched a woman; she was standing in front of something. There was nobody else in the room besides her and whatever she was standing in front of. The woman stopped what she was doing and slowly turned to face me looking inside through the glass in the middle of the door. I scramble back in horror as I got a good look at the woman’s face. Her face was butchered and mutilated with sharp rotted teeth agape from a large wide whole in the center of her face which turned out to be her mouth. She was screaming, hissing at me in rage and anger. I stood there in horror forcing myself to continue to look inside


the room through the glass window and she continued to hiss at me. I could now get a good look at what she was standing in front of … was a baby crib with a dead rotted baby lying inside. The woman was coming for the door I turned and ran down the hallway as fast as I could with sweat pouring down the side of my face. As I got to the end of the hall I stopped and looked back to the first door in which I had ran from. I did not see the woman coming out of the room neither did I see her vengeful face or hear her evil hissing. Catching my breath as I rounded the corner I came to rest at a group of elevators that lead up to the second floor. This was a huge building, but it seems that its rooms were not apartments they were…..asylum rooms. This was not an apartment building this was asylum! I took the elevator up to the second floor. The elevators went to the second floor opened with a rumble I got out and stood in front of them as they closed nosily behind me. Staring down the dark hallway there was cold chill that swept along its panels. Undecided what to do, I took a good long look at my surroundings. There were ten rooms on the second floor also five on both sides. As I started to take steps down the hallway of the second floor I begin to hear crying that of a baby. Gasping and taking hold of my knife which still lies inside my coat pocket, I stopped to listen to where the baby crying could be coming from. It seems it was coming from the fifth room on the left side of the hallway at the end of the hall. What if that was my daughter? Running down the hall to the fifth room on the left I looked in the window of that room. This time there were three people inside of this room. There was furniture. There was a bed, a television, two dresser drawers, a rocking chair and a baby crib. There was a man sitting in the rocking and he was holding something…..was it a baby? Leaning closer to get a better look into the ghostly pale illuminated room, I gripped my mouth in horror refusing to let at scream escape my throat. I stood there watching in horror as I saw the man in the rocking chair holding a baby had its head was missing. There was also a woman. The woman was lying on the bed in a rest in peace position she was wearing a white night gown……and her head was missing too. Finally I let out a horrific scream and I backed up a little from the glass window and the door. The man in the rocking chair stopped rocking. No wait, it was one of the teenagers with the black hoodie still I could not see the face of the boy. Now I could see the woman’s dissembled head lying on the other side in the bed next to her and the baby’s head was lying inside the crib! Oh my hell! Again I took off running down the end of the hall only to come to another set of elevators these were leading to the third floor. What will I find this time up here? Christ I had to find my daughter! I got on the elevators leading up to the third floor. All thoughts started to run through my head now. This place was an asylum and it was asylum for children! Those group of horrible gang members brought my daughter here to a children’s asylum! What were they going to do here with her? Kill her just like all the others kids I’ve seen here so far? What happened in this place? Were all the children killed and murdered here? The elevators to the third floor opened and again I found myself standing in the middle of the hallway. This floor looked different from the first and second floors. This floor was the floor for all records that were being held on the children here at the asylum. This was where all the doctors, nurse and head people took care of business on the asylum. There were no children



rooms up here on this floor. How long had this place been vacant? What happened here? I walked down the hall still gripping the knife in my coat pocket reading the signs on the front doors of the room. There was the nurses’ station off the right where people were supposed to sign in when they were admitted. There were old computers, desks and chairs still placed in the nurses’ station section. It seems this place was just left vacant and not shut down. There was still equipment left inside the building and the door had not even been locked when I came in. I bet nobody has even bothered to look in on this place in years. The first door on the left was the record room. This was the room where they kept all the children’s record and information. I had to see if I could get inside maybe there was something in there that could help me find my daughter. I have to save her and fast. The door was unlocked of course. Slowly slipping into the room I locked the door behind me. There were eleven rows of sections were records were being stored. To my horror the records were still inside this room! Something terrible happened in this place. This place was not shut down it seem for some reason people just up and left this place and everything in it! There was a table and chair hidden over in the farther corner of the room. It was old and dusted with cobwebs. The table and chair was so discolored no human being could tell what color it had once been. The eleven rows of record were labeled and sectioned from A to Z. There was a sign on the wall in the first row of records. The sign read “Parkway Children’s Asylum” yes just as I thought this was an asylum for children meaning they were crazy or just orphans. They also had the ages of the children who occupied the asylum as well as their names from A to Z. The ages ran from one month to seventeen years old. What happened to the children once they reached eighteen? I grabbed one set of records from the A section of the group. As I reached for the record I saw another box in front of the A group of the records. Taking both the A group and the first box to the old table and chair I placed both boxes on the old table after cleaning it off. Wiping off the dusted cobweb chair also I sat down grabbing the first information from the first box. Turning the box over on the opposite side there was as white piece of paper taped to the front of the box. The titled read “Introduction of Parkway Children’s Asylum.” Reading the first file, I took this to be the introduction on this place, the full introduction that is. The paper was almost a yellow crumbled file, but it was still readable.








Parkway Children’s Asylum: January 1, 1888

The Robert Lee Files

Documentary Journalism Report


(In my own words) This place is a mad house. I stayed here and did my journal research for over a year and a half to two years. How did I manage to stay here is beyond me. This place was so unrealistic I didn’t have time to sit and write a real journal on this. February 13, 1886, I worked here as a journalist for nearly a year and a half to two years. After only being here a year I began to witness some of the most unspeakable things that has been going on here involving the children. There were new born, infants, toddlers and teenagers who vacant this place. Out of all the children in the asylum there were only five teenagers…..three boys and two girls. But, there was something terribly wrong with this place and it got to the children. It has said to have happened here in the 1800’s that this place was haunted. Many people died here including children and the spirits seem to inhabit them to do bad things to others here in this place. There was a secret group ….. a secret group who practiced voodoo cult in the basement walls of this asylum. They were said to sacrifice children to possess powerful domestic spirits to take over god know what. Later on in 1820’s this group finally reached its plan sacrificing children who vacated here and later on they all committee suicide to take on a higher power. Now the secret cult group haunted the walls of this asylum and they started inhabiting the children……


After reading the journal of Robert Lee it seems he never did finish this documentary.










Dropping the files onto the floor I suddenly felt sick and realized that I could not read anymore of this. I did not want to go through the names of the children who vacated this place. Still there is a mystery to how long this place has been left vacant and abandon. My guess is that the secret group got so strong here they ran out or killed every single soul in this building and now this place is left as it is. Not one single person dared to come near this place after all that has happened they just …..left it here. I have gotten myself into real horrified dangers by taking my wife and daughter to move into this town now my wife is dead and my daughter is missing somewhere inside this place subjected to what was done to these children back in the 1800’s. I stopped to think……there are two things I just noticed. One, what happened to my wife? After I awaken from cradling her in my arms in her pool of blood I never saw my wife’s body again? And two, Robert Lee documentary mentioned five teenagers, three boys and two girls? Could they been the gang who killed my wife and took my daughter? A dead gang? Had these teenagers been dead for over several decades? And they still vacate this building? They died here in the 1800’s subjected to the evil of the secret cult group their souls never left this building along with many others I have go find my baby and fast! Dropping the files into the floor and table I ran out of the record room and down the end of the third floor to the next set of elevators which I now knew would take me to the fourth floor. This time pulling the knife out of my pocket I now knew what I was up against and of course this knife was not going to work. How will I get those evil spirits out of the group of dead teenagers? That will be the only way I can defeat them and get my daughter back if it’s not too late. Silently watching the elevators open to the fourth floor I slowly stepped out and stood in front them. Listening to the rummaging sound of the closing elevator doors I now knew how to retain my fear. I was now dealing with the supernatural in a rundown town that seems to vacate one haunted building that has been haunted for nearly decades. Still standing in front of the now quiet elevator closed doors, I stared down the dark and gloomy hallways of the asylum. I had this strong feeling that this floor was where my daughter was. I could hear the ghost of infants crying. How could they have had the hearts to kill infants? There was just no explanation for strong pure evil. Griping the knife insight now I held it firmly in front of me. As I got farther into the hallways I stopped to get a good clear look at what I saw in front of me at the end of the hall. I could see my knuckles turning white from the tight grip hold of the big butcher knife. Looking back up at what was in front of me I knew the knife would not work it just felt it would at the time. I looked at them with mincing rage and hatred. There they were standing in front of me a distance down the hall at the end with what I knew to be another set of elevators to the fifth floor. I knew for sure I was not getting to the fifth floor there was no need to. I spoke out loud to myself “Timothy, you have to be strong and save your daughter your all she’s got.” I stared at the five teenagers unable to hold the fear that I was really standing in front of a bunch of ghost. No, wait, there not five of them… there were six. Robert Lee documentary never said there were six teenagers who died in this



building. Where did the sixth teenager come from? As if reading my mind right on queue the sixth teenager stepped out of the group and stood in the middle of the five. They wore a grey hoodie. I then knew that the sixths teenager was a girl. Dropping the knife I now knew what happened to my wife’s body. The sixth teenager pulled off her hoodie. It was indeed Kellie. She had wide proclaimed white eye balls with the black missing. Her face was pale and domestic with all missing teeth and a hollow void hole which has once been her mouth. She had deep cuts and scratches on her face as I could not see what here body looked beneath here jeans and the oversize grey hoodie. She looked so frail and malnourished I closed my eyes and looked away. This thing standing in front of me was not my wife. The other five teenagers never did take off their hoodies I continued to stare into white holes of voids that had no faces. These teenagers were so engrossed in evil they were long gone dead since the 1800’s. Kellie continued to stare at me with no remorse or emotion. She opened her mouth and strong stink stench came from it. Covering my nose I turned away from the horrid smell. They killed and took my wife’s body to add her to the horror that took place in this building. Did they kill my daughter too? I gathered the strength once more to look into the face of the thing that had once been my wife. This was indeed the body of my wife they had just taken her and made her one of them. Looking her in the face I began to ask her what she had done with my daughter. “Kellie…..where is my daughter!” The thing just looked at me now with agonizing smirk on its face. “Is my daughter dead? Where is she!” I could feel the anger surging through me now, but I knew I had to calm down it was not these kids fault that they turned out the way they were. The thing that had once been my wife stepped closer towards me. I stood my ground I was ready to defeat. She came closer and then she stopped. She started to whimper. “Timothy, I’m so sorry I didn’t mean too…… looking away from her tears started to stream down my face for her and my daughter. “Kellie I’m sorry too, I sorry I brought you and my child to this awful forsaken place” I stepped closer to her and asked her again this time kindly where was my daughter. Before she could open that horrid mouth of hers I heard the cry of a baby. My head snapped in the direction of the last room on the left side of the hallway. Was that the cry of a live or dead baby? I had to find out. Picking up the knife I held it again in my hands out in front of me and charged straight for Kellie and the others. As I did, the knife and I both went right through the pack of teenagers. Stunned I stopped and turned around. They all turned slowly towards me and started to come for me. Kellie stayed behind them now looking at me with anger and hatred. She was gone now nothing could save her. I ran into the last room on the left and closed the door locking it behind me. I went back to the door and looked out the square glass window and they were gone. The room was dark accept for a dim lighted lamp over in the corner on a small table. There was a bed and a baby crib in this room also. I still heard the crying and there was something totally different from this cry, it was real and human. It was coming from the crib. Slowly I walked over to the crib and looked inside of it. With a loud gasp there lying inside the crib was real human baby crying and it was



my daughter! She was still alive! Dropping the knife to the floor again I reached down and picked up my daughter holding her close to my pounding heart. My daughter was real and alive. As I held my daughter close I heard a hissing sound behind me. Opening my eyes slowly to turn around I saw Kellie standing there in front of the door. She was as beautiful as ever. I cradled the baby in my arms while looking at her mother. Tears began to flow down my face as I could not believe this was happening to me and my family.

She smiled at me and reached out her hand. “Come with me Timothy we can have a wonderful life together just you, me and our daughter.” I smiled at her and I also knew that this was not my wife. I could not touch her hand she would pull me and my daughter into the world in which she lived in now with the rest of the children. I had to save my daughter and myself. There was nothing I could do for Kellie. I stepped back farther towards the crib saying the Lord’s Prayer holding my daughter very tightly. Kellie’s expression started to turn to anger and she screamed fading away until the darkness of the night. Then everything went black.

















“He seems to be coming around now.” Said the man standing over me in a white uniform. I opened my eyes wider to better focus on the people surrounding me. I could see now I was in a hospital room. Struggling to sit up in bed the doctor came over urging me to continue to lie down and take it easy. I looked around the room to see the three officers and the doctor standing over me. I looked at the officers. “How did I get here?” where is my daughter?” The woman officer came towards me sitting in the chair next to my bed. She pulled the chair closer to me. “Mr. Tanner the apartment building owner called the police. He said he came in and saw you and your wife slumber over in front of your apartment door covered in blood. We came out and got you guys to the hospital in time.” I looked over at the officer very puzzled. “You guys?” “Yes you guys, when we got there, we found you, your wife and your daughter in front of the door. It was a miracle you were still breathing we were able to get you all to the hospital in time.” With amazement I looked at the woman officer again. “My wife is alive? And you found my daughter?” The officers looked at each other confused. “Mr. Austin, your daughter was never missing and yes your wife survived she is in the other room and your daughter is in the nursery.” I started to laugh insanely looking from the doctor to the officers. The doctor stepped closer to my bed. “Mr. Austin it seems you have been in a coma for three days.” I stopped laughing and looked at the doctor this time. “It seems that someone tried to rob you and your wife and she survived five stab wounds, lucky they were not in threatening places she will be just fine”. Your daughter was very well unharmed.” Said one of the men officers. I started to cry and could not believe what I was hearing. I looked at the woman officer. “How did you guy find me inside the Parkway Children’s Asylum?” Everyone in the room gasped and looked at one another with disbelief. They were quiet for several minutes. “Well is anyone going to answer me? How did you find me?” “Mr. Austin we found you and your family in front of your apartment door. You have been in this hospital for three days since we found you. And…Parkway Children’s Asylum has been burned down since the early 1900’s.”









Mysteries and Suspense

Short Stories Collection


Mysteries and Suspense Short Stories Collection is a based upon short stories of the supernatural. Fictional supernatural short stories that will soon have a beginning and ending for full novels. This collection was not only put together for readers enjoyment, but it was also put together to share a sample of some of my novels that will be written/self published by January 2017. One will never tap into another one’s imagination, but each reader has their own scenery of how a story is protrude in real life. Although, none of these short stories are real, the world of fiction is just as inviting as the world of non-fiction. My short stories is just an entrance to keep readers wondering what will happened next…..there is a full story to each and every fictional element that has been written in my short story collection. For the first full version of my fiction novel that will be written/ self published April 1, 2015 “Jack and Jill” readers will then experience the beginning, middle and the end of the full story. Until then a life of fiction goes on……..





















Tag der Veröffentlichung: 05.03.2015

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

My Passion Writing Fiction Writing Mysteries/Suspense Welcome to Tamikio L. Reardon Novelist Mysteries/Suspense. This book was created for individuals who love to read and write mysteries/suspense. My name is Tamikio L. Reardon and I am currently a student at Southern New Hampshire University. I am currently majoring in Creative Writing/ Arts and English for my 1st bachelors degree. My goal after graduation is to become a fictional novelist writing/publishing my own novels. If you have a strong interest and passion for reading and writing come and enjoy some of my mysteries/suspense stories collection.

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