
New York




It's not easy to settle down in a new country and specially if you don't know anyone. Oh sorry, so stupid of me that I forgot to present myself. Hi, my name is Angel and I'm 15 years old. I came to New York 6 months ago, I study at Queen School in 9th grade. I have a best friend named Jenny. Jenny knows all about me and soon you'll too. My life until now is that I have been in love with a boy named Zack. We loved each other a lot, but because of my fathers work I had to shift to New York. Our parents found out that we love each other and we were not allowed to contact each other. Zack and I still tried but it wasn't enough. Zack and I decided to give up. But who says that I really did. I just made some goals. And one of them is to meet him. I am very sure that I'll meet him in the future.

'' What are you doing?'' Jenny asked, standing by my door.

'' Nothing, just writing about my life'' I answered.

'' Oh cool, but you can do that later, now we have to go out for shopping'' she said

'' But I'm not sure if I can, you know how my parents are?'' I said with my sad voice.

'' Chill bro, I'm your best friend I have said to your mother that we are going to the library to get some books'' she said with her smily face,

'' You are just so great'' I said

'' That I know'' she answered.


'' have you settled well in New York?''

'' Not really, trying my best. But I miss my friends so much and specially Zack.''

'' Don't worry, you have made goals for future and I am pretty sure that you will achieve your goals. When are you going to meet Zack then?''

'' I'll meet him in 2025, 10 years from now''

'' Are you serious? You must be joking 10 years from now''

'' Yupp, I very sure, believe me''

'' ok, Angel'' she said with her unsure face.

I know that nobody will believe me right now, but when it happens all will.

'' How did you just get the idea  of making goals for the future?''

'' I didn't get the idea it was my best friend in London who started to make some goals and from her I learned it too. I really miss her today, because there isn't many who believe in us''

'' don't worry I do''



10th of May

''Hey pie! why are you so upset''  Jenny asked

'' Nothing, it's Zack's  birthday today the 10th of May and I can't even wish him. Last year I did.'' tears began to run down my cheek.

'' Don't cry, come lets go out to cheer you a bit''

'' What are we going to say to mom today, then''

''Don't worry I'll handle it''


'' Stop being upset and lets have some ice-cream''

Just as we were crossing the road a car came in full speed and hit us.


I opened my eyes, I saw mom and dad. The first I asked was:

'' Where is Jenny?''

Mom began to cry and I saw that Jenny's parents were in my room too. I got with difficulties out of the bed and asked them too.

'' Why are you quite? answer me''

Then the nurse and doctor came in, I asked them the same. And the doctor said:

''We wouldn't keep it as a secret, but the truth is that Jenny is in coma. We don't know when she'll open her eyes, it can take days, months, even years and maybe her whole life''

It all scared me a lot. Jenny is my best friend the others aren't like her. In the school we are all different except Jenny and I. All is just going so poorly today, first his birthday and now this accident.


I recovered in a bit of time, but Jenny were still in coma. I vistied her in the hospital everyday after school.



2 months later

I was sitting beside Jenny. It have been 2 months now and she is still in coma. But suddently I saw her hand moving. I ran out of the door and shouted for a doctor. The doctor came running and when we came into Jenny's room, she had opened her eyes too. The doctor were really happy, because Jenny was alright now. She will be discharged tomorrow. I couldn't be more happy than that. I was feeling really low without her. I promised myself that I'll not think so much about Zack any longer. Now I should focus on my bestie.

'' How was it without me?''

'' Don't be silly, you don't know how hard these 2 months have been for me. And you were just slepping like if nothing happened.''

'' Ok, tell me how is it going with your goals for the future specially with Zack?''

'' Cool, that you'll be discharged tomorrow. Then we'll have a lot of fun'' I said trying to avoide the topic with Zack. But I guess  she knows me too good.

'' What are you trying to avoid? You loved to talk about Zack and now I'm trying to talk about him and you are avoiding it''

'' Nothing darling, it's just.....

''Jenny, my child'' Jenny's parent came and saved me. I just don't want to talk about him right now. My best friend has been in coma for 2 months, so I should focus on her rather then him.


-Finally vacation-:

It was our last school day yesterday. Now our summer vacations has finally started. We all had worked a lot, specially for the exams, and I had to help Jenny too, to catch up. But all is finally finsihed.

'' We are going to enjoy this vacation a lot!!''

'' Yupp, I know.''

''Angel, we are going to stay in my farm house for 2 weeks, what do you say?''

''Jenny, I like the idea, cool.''




New Start

The vacation were awesome. But from tommorow it's going to be a new day. I'm going to join college from tomorrow. That means that the vacations are finished. But I'm excited, it'll be a new start. I'll meet new people, have new friends and teachers. Jenny is going to take 10th class, so it won't be the same as it was in the school. But that doesn't matter. We live just by each other, so it will be the same somehow.

- New start-:

'' how has your first day been?'' I asked Jenny.

'' It was cool, but not as in school. It felt so weird.''

'' yeah, I know me too. May be everything will be fine in some weeks.''

'' I hope so. But I must say the student in my class are pretty nice and I like their style of being.''

'' In mine class there are more nerd type of people.''

'' Trust me Angel, years will pass away and we won't even realise it.''

'' Yeah.''


I must say my best friend is right. I have started my last year in University and Jenny is soon finished with her designer course. Then she'll be a designer and I'm going to be a doctor for children. Time will pass away and we won't realise it, so true.

Jenny calling:

'' Hey Angel, long time. What's up?''

'' Nothing special, what about you?''

'' I am fine. I wanted to ask when is it your last day in university?''

'' This Friday when is it yours?''

''Mine is on Thursday.''

'' Fine, then I'll come to your place on Tuesday evening, after my exam.''

'' That's a nice plan, see you then.''

'' yeah, see you.''

Jenny and I promised each other that we'll come to each others last day in University. Actually Jenny and I don't live near each other anymore. It has been five years now that we have shifed from the town we lived, we live in New Jersey now. Because I got into a University in New Jersey, my parent shifted. Jenny too moved away. They wanted a bigger house, so they don't leave at the same place too. But Jenny and I promised that we'll always be there for each other. I personally didn't realise how the time ust ran away. We haven't met for 5 years now.I have been very busy with my studies and Jenny had a lot of courses to attend. So we only called or texted to each other. But it was only the first year we really went crazy to text or talk to each other. As time passed away we stop to contact each other only when we had birthday or for special time like Christmas etc. But we told each other that no matter what we are going to come to the last day.

I have already got a job, so after the last day on Friday, from one week from than I'm going to start going on job.



 '' Hey sweetie, long time you haven't even had time to contact me.''

'' No Jenny, it's not like you think. I have just been soo busy with my studies.''

'' cool, now drop the topic about school and tell me about your goals. It's 2025 and you said you'll meet Zack this year.''

'' I know but I haven't met him yet. But don't worry, I'll meet him soon. I know that half of the year has passed. But I'm sure.

'' I am sure too.''

'' Jenny, tell me about yourself, you haven't got time either to call me. Busy and all.''

'' Nothing, have happened in my life. Only one thing, guess what?''

'' You have got a boyfriend?'' I know Jenny very good. I could see it from her eyes.

'' How do you know?''

''I know a lot of things''

'' I'm impressed.'' she said

'' Jenny, I want to meet him. Let me see my friends choice.''

'' You can meet him tomorrow.''


'' Hey sweetheart'' I heard someone saying, then I guessed it must be Jenny's boyfriend. I went downstairs to see who it was and I am not that dumb I was right.

Jenny introduced us to each other. Justin was his name and he looked nice too.

'' so what do you have to say about my Justin?'' Jenny asked

'' I must say, nice and gentle boyfriend you have got''

'' So you haven't had any boyfriend since you left Zack?''

'' Nope. not a single boy was able to take the place I have for Zack.''

'' I must say, if I was you. I would have given up long time ago.''

''I know but boys doesn't mean anything for me. For me only one is valuable and it's Zack.


I can not believe it-2025


Jenny's last day went nice. The party was awesome too. We are on the way to my home, because tomorrow it's my special day. The party is organised in the big hall and you can take your friends with too. 

Finally the day has arrived. Five years of hard work and now I can finally get off from the chair of being a student and be a real adult.


-My day-:

The graduation went pretty good. The party is held in the evening. So Jenny and I were getting ready for the party. I must say we both looked very beautiful, it's not often that I feel that I'm beautiful. I was standing infront of the mirror and saw that I was wearing a long purple dress, it went all the way down to my feet, it had a bit of silver beads on the side. I liked my jewelry too.

'' Shall we go?'' Jenny interrupted my little beauty dream

'' yeah, I am ready''


-At the party-:

There were many other people at the party. I didn't knew half of them, they are probably family member of some, or their friends.

'' Hey sweetheart, you look awesome'' Jason said.

'' Hey Jason, thanks and same to you, anyway meet my best friend Jenny.'' I introduced them to each other. And for your kind information let me tell about Jason. He became my best friend here in University. He had been kind with me since we started our first year in University.

'' Did you come alone?'' I asked Jason

'' Oh no, I have my best friend with too. I can't find him right now but I'll for sure introduce you to him. By the way his name is....''

'' Hey sweetie, you look sooo beautiful'' Jasmine said and beside her Amanda was standig. They were my close friends too. 

The party went on and all of us enjoyed a lot. There was a lot of danceing and my friends and I said nice goodbye to each other.

'' Come over to me'' Jason said.

'' Ok''

Jenny was enjoying with some other girls, so I went over to Jason.

'' I have to introduce you to my best friend''

Jason's friend was talking to someone else so we went over to him. Jason put his hand on his friends shoulder. And his friend turned around.

'' This is Zack. And Zack this is Angel.'' Jason said.

I couldn't believe it. It was Zack, my Zack. Jason went away to some other friends, so Zack and I was standing all alone. Zack was shocked just like me. I still couldn't believe it. Tears began to run down my cheek then he hugged me. I got the same feeling hugging him as it was 10 years before.

'' Long time'' I said to break the silence.

'' yeah, how r u?'' he asked

how do u think I am- I said inside myself. '' Fine''

Then Zack took my hand and began to go, I went after him. My legs felt like jelly, and I still felt that very soon I am going to wake up from the dream. We went outside in the garden.


My moment. :)

 I didn't knew how to understand all what just happened. Suddenly Zack took me in his arms and kissed me. Now I didn't want to understand any thing, just feel this moment. Everything felt the same, his hug and kiss, so warm as always.

'' U don't know how I have been without u!'' he said.

'' I also had a hard time without u'' I said.

I felt that there was so much to tell him about, specially the goals. But I didn't wanted to rush, just take it easy.

'' Angel, I always had a feeling that we'll meet one day but I didn't knew that it will be like this'' He said

'' Zack, u won't believe it, but I knew that we were gonna meet each other in 2025''

'' How did u knew that?''

'' I didn't knew it, I just made a goal , about ten years before that we'll meet and see here we are''

'' I tried to contact u, but couldn't get hold of u''

'' I tried too, but our parents r smarter than us.''

'' yeah they really r'' he said with a smile.

I finally told him everything wha happened in the last 10  years and the same with him. He was still the same, one thing I liked more with him, was that he is more mature now. We told each other all what we had to tell.

'' Angel???!!'' Jenny came shouting

'' I am here'' I said

''What r u doing here?, and with who r u?''

'' Jenny, u wouldn't believe it. It's Zack, my Zack''

'' I really don't believe that ur goal came true!!'' she said with a shocked face.

'' Jenny, is my best friend she's the only one I have told about my goals, the other thinks that I have gone mad or something.'' I said

'' I shouldn't interrupt u, carry on. I just came to say that I'm not feeling well, so I am going home. I'll meet u at home Angel.'' Jenny said

'' ok, r u sure u can go home alone?''

''No I can't?. Of course I can my dear I am not a little child, mom'' Jenny said

''Ok see u at home'' I said.

Zack and I sat at the bench and talked on. We decided to meet again tomorrow.

Back again-special moment

Jenny went back today, because she had to go on a date  with Justin. Beside that we had talked nearly whole night about Zack, and all what happened. I have promised her to tell her whole, whats happening.

After Jenny went I began to get ready and suddently mom came into my room.

''Why r u getting ready, where r u going?'' she began to ask.

'' Mom chill. I am just going out to meet some friends.''

'' come back soon, u know ur father he's an angry man''

'' Yeah, that I already know since I got born'' I answered.


-Out for lunch-:

It felt quite weird and pretty akward to talk to Zack about all the stuff that happened with us. I just couldn't come over, how it was 10 years before. I just felt that it was all back again. He could feel that I weren't comfortable, but I must say. He still knows me pretty good, he told some jokes  and I began to feel better. We had talked a lot and there wasn't anything that we didn't knew about each other any longer. We walked around in the park. Suddenly he asked:

'' What r ur plans for the future?''

'' I don't know yet, I am soon starting work in the hospital and I haven't planned more than that, what about u?''

'' Don't know, I am also working, (he's an engineer), but I have planned something?''


He  went down on his knees and took a ring out of his pocket.

'' Will u marry me'' He said

I was shocked, didn't knew how to react and weren't able to understand it.

''  Yes'' I said.

Everyone around in the park clapped. I somewhere knew that Zack is the right guy for me, I mean I never fell in love with anyone else after Zack and the feeling I get when I'm with him. I must say he's very fast. I never imagined that he'll already propose me.

'' But how about our parents?'' I asked

'' Don't worry we'll  try to figure out.''

Zack and I, we r from different countries and have different religion whih means a lot for our parents.

'' try, to go home and talk about it and I'll explain to my parents too'' he said

'' ok''


Never expected.

'' Hey mom, I'm home'' I said coming in the door.

'' Good, now go upstairs and I have chossen some clothes for u to wear. My friend is here, with her family so go upstairs and change quickly.''

''ok, mom''

I liked my dress, it was quite nice. My mother came over to me and said:

'' Come, let me take u over to my friend and introduce her for .''

''  This is my daughter''

I greeted them well

'' and this is their son'' my mom said.

'' We all think that u can't find a better boy then him as ur lifepartner.''

I was shocked, so all this drama about me changing clothes and my mom introducing me was for this.

''what?'' I said, nearly shouted

'' Aunty, I can't get married to ur son'' I said to my mother's friend.

'' But, why not?''

'' That's my personal matter'' I said

The family seemed to be very angry and went.

''What was all that drama u just created?'' dad asked

'' U don't have the right to decide to whom I should get married with''

''We for sure have the right, but that's not the answer to my question. Why couldn't u get married to that boy?''

'' Because ...'' I wasn't able to say anything about Zack

''Have u found someone by yourself?'' mom asked.

I didn't wanted to keep it as a secret and said it.

'' Mom- Dad, I have found someone and it's someone u know. It's Za.. Zack. He's back in my life. ''

I told all what happened from the last day of uni-party till now.


Dad and Mom looked towards each other. I knew what they were gonna say.

They both seemed very disappointing.

Mom said '' We didn't expect you to say yes to a guy without even asking us?''

'' Yeah, but mom... I can't just always ask if you are fine with it... I mean it's my life, you have decided everything for me and I never complained. In addition, I am the one who has to spend my life with that a guy, so shouldn't i be the one deciding?'' It wasn't easy for me to say all those words, but i wanted to say it since a long time and now its out.

'' Well...'' Dad said, '' we can at least meet the guy at least once, let's see if he is the right one''.

''Oh Dad, I love you'' I said and hugged him. My dad and I are usually not that close and he was the last person I expected could be nice towards me, but yeah I guess that how life is. 



The Meeting...

 I  called Zack as soon as I went to my room and told him that my family wanna meet him etc. He was excited and said that his fmaily wanted to meet me too so we planned to meet in a restaurant the next day.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 28.06.2015

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