


Who would have thought an angel could get kicked out of the Heavens? It happened to me. That is because I broke the biggest rule of all. Having feelings for a human was a big no, no. Falling in love with her was prohibited and there must be immediate consequences. The rules were very simple and must not be disobeyed for any reason whatsoever. Rule number one, make no contact with humans and never reveal who you are under any circumstances. Guess I didn’t get that memo.

Now I’ve lost my wings and got tossed out of the heavens, literally. There is no way of getting it back. I’ve watched the girl I love grow up have a few kids and die of old age there was no possible future for us.

Being an angel or a fallen means I cannot feel and taste, anything physically only mentally process stuff. I have a perception of things. I could never feel a touch, taste fruits, nothing a human can do. We are immortals we cannot die no matter what we do but we do have a weak spot.

 Everything began when I broke the rules that I noted above.

 “You have broken each and every set of laws since you have been here, but you have broken the most illicit one of all,” a long pause. “You have acquainted with a human your chastisement should be the chains of hell, but I have mercy on you my child, so I am going to forbid you from the heavens. I banish you from coming back here so as long as your days shall never end. Wanting and needing a human body shall never be. You will live the life of a human, however, you will not have human characteristics,” he deports me.

 I passed out from the loss of my wings, it was being torn off my back, and I passed out without any face expression of grief they detached my wings from my back and tossed me out of the heavens. I will be scarred for life as a walking corpse, sort of.

 I was dropping from the heavens at an impossible speed hitting the earth with an explosive sound. I didn’t die because my body was immortal but the bones were set sprawling in gruesome positions that peculiarly placed. No human would have dearly survived this fall.

 Logan found me and took me in took care of my wounds and gave me a job at his fast food joint. He’s also a fallen angel who is looking out for me. For weeks I couldn’t move because the removal of my wings and my bones would take a while to set back into position.


Chapter One

Ethan’s mind was somewhere else when Logan’s voice snapped him back to reality. The atmosphere of the bustling restaurant felt distant to him, lost in his thoughts. He had been contemplating his next move, another meaningless encounter with a girl to distract him from his current state of detachment. But the job called, and Logan’s jest about firing him forced him back to his task.

Ethan’s charm, as usual, was ready to be deployed. Walking over to a table filled with teenage girls, their flirtatious energy met him head-on. His eyes were already set on one in particular Ava, the girl with the streaks of black in her blond hair, the one who captured his interest from the moment he saw her. But this wasn’t just a passing attraction; there was something about Ava that stirred a deeper curiosity in him, and maybe even danger.

As Ethan interacted with the group, it was clear the girls were entranced, feeding off his confidence and smooth demeanor. Sofia, the girl with almond eyes and cinnamon curls, teased him openly, but it was Ava’s reactions that mattered most to him. She seemed distant, distracted, perhaps weighed down by something personal something Ethan was dying to know more about.

When Ethan delivered their food, the mood shifted. Brad, Ava’s ex, showed up, his imposing presence filling the space with tension. The typical varsity jacket-wearing jock, Brad was all muscle, little substance, and Ethan could sense the brewing conflict from the start. Brad’s attempts to assert dominance over the group, especially over Ava, felt forced and desperate. Ethan watched the exchange carefully, sizing Brad up while keeping a low profile.

As Brad insulted Sofia, Ethan’s muscles tensed. The back-and-forth escalated, but it was Ava’s response that hit the hardest. She wasn’t just irritated she was hurt. Her words about mailing Brad's things back and wishing she could erase the memories were filled with an underlying sadness. Ethan could see through her tough exterior; she was struggling, and Brad’s presence only made things worse.

Ethan returned to the counter, sitting quietly and gazing out the window. The world outside seemed so peaceful compared to the turmoil inside the restaurant, especially between Ava and Brad. There was something about her that he couldn’t shake a feeling that drew him closer, making him want to unravel the layers of her life, even if it meant putting himself in the middle of her complicated past.

The breeze outside gently stirred the leaves into mini-whirlwinds, a stark contrast to the emotional storm brewing within the restaurant. Ethan knew this wasn't the last time he’d be caught in the middle of Ava’s world, and part of him was more than ready for it.

Chapter Two

After leaving LOGAN FAST FOOD JOINT I knew Brad would make up some lie to tell my dad of what went down today. So I would take him back and start all over again, but not this time I refuse to do so I will not take  him back not in this life time or the other one after this. He’s a liar, cheater, abuser, and a womanizer. I notice over the table as Brad left Sara was staring at me with her blackish brown eyes and a staidly face filled with animosity. I really didn’t let it bug me I just pack up and pay the waiter and left heading home.

  When I got home my older sister by a year mouthed, “Be careful he’s mad.”

  At school she was not allow to talk or communicate with me but I didn’t care she’s my sister my blood I will never turn my back on her. He started mistreating her when he found out his perfect daughter was dating a guy that wasn’t in our class, a guy like Ethan. He wasn’t in our class, he wasn’t in school at all and he rides a motorcycle. My mom found an excuse of becoming a traveling nurse and stay out of his space leaving us to take his demands.

   One day he pounded on Morgan until she was swollen from head to toes I called the police, but because he was cool with them and knows the sheriff, he got away. I cried the whole night holding my big sister in my arms, waking up with bloodshot eyes the next morning.

    The only person who knows about my family is Chloe my best friend. She’s a very composed person but has a temper that can explode at any moment.

    “Ava I know you’re home gets yourself in the kitchen right this very minute,” Dad clamored.

     “Coming sir,” I said hurrying pass Morgan.

     “Why Brad begging to have your forgiveness?” he asked.

     “Dad I cannot be with him he’s, a cheater and a liar,” I told him.

    “Man make stupid mistakes, do you know how much mistakes I have made and your mother forgiven me?” he asked.

    “But I’m not mom I’m Ava. I have a mind of my own and my mind already made up, I don’t want him in my life dad,” I said firmly.

    “Look you either get with it or else you start living in poverty my dear or I will send your sister away,” he said flatly. “You want to be successful you have to think high and that boy going to be something in life and rich, so go for it,” he advice me, no he command me.

     I shook my head and said in a disgust tone, “No matter the causes.” “Yes sir,” I said walking out the kitchen going to my room and cry.

     When I couldn’t bear it anymore I called Chloe to talk to.

    "He wants me to go back to that no good violent tempered bastard, Chloe. I don’t want to; this man in this house is making me go insane since I’ve been here in this house. I cannot tell when I ever felt happy or know what happiness is. I want my sister out of here; the cops don’t even care what he does to us. I’m tired of see her in suffocation I need to get her out of this fast she’s about to slip and commit murder soon. I just… don’t know… what to do,” I sniffled.

     “Okay I’m coming over right now,” Chloe said furiously.

     “No!” I said ghastly. “No, don’t, I’ll be fine talk to you later.”

     “Please I’m begging you to let my brothers kill him and do both of us a favor,” she said.

     “No, I cannot do that I don’t want any blood on my hands or yours so stop thinking about it, later Chloe.”

    I hang up before I change my mind and take that offer and make her come over. I rather run away from home than kill the guy; I couldn’t live with myself knowing I killed him.

    A soft knock came to my door and Morgan came in and sat beside me on my bed brushing my hair.

    “You going to be okay,” she assured me.

    “No I’m not I want you out of here and as soon as I get the chance you’re leaving,” I told her wiping my eyes gently.

    “As soon as you turn eighteen we are leaving him and his house,” she told me.

    “Okay and wear anything you want out my closet,” I said with a yawn falling asleep.


“Ava comes on. We going to be late for school,” Morgan said.

     “I’m coming,” I said running from the kitchen with a muffin in my mouth going into my car.

     As I drove to Wick Field High School I while eating my muffin. I pulled up into the parking lot and she headed for her friends and I called out to her.

    “See you at lunch,” I said meeting up with Chloe, Sofia, Sara, and Jill.

    But they were staring behind me at something so I stopped and look at what caught their eyes.

    It was Ethan taking off his black helmet for ride a 2005 Suzuki Boulevard First Ride. He was dress in plain black and as he was taking off his helmet I thought he was moving in slow motion. He goes to our school? He was coming our way.

    “Hey Ethan,” said the girls excitedly.

    “Morning ladies,” he said giving us a charming smile and he wink at me.

    Probably one he uses to manipulate a girl heart I implied. 

    “Did he just wink at you Ava?” Sofia asked with a smiled.

    “He did, I think he has a thing for you,” Jill bump me playfully.

    “He does not?” I said feeling annoyed.

   “Why you so quick to deny it are afraid daddy will get mad and lose high expectation on his pride and joy angel?” Sara said trying to make me feel dismay.

    “Why don’t you go blow Brad and get the hell out of her life, she gave up Brad go for it. We all know you the girl on the side and if you look at Ava like you want to insolent her I’ll take care of you myself. You know Ava treat us like her sisters and you went behind her back and you did that to her. You’re not a good friend and I would appreciate if you dismiss yourself before you really make me lose it,” Chloe said fanning her away with distraught.

    “It doesn’t matter I never like him anyway and I’m glad I have more reason to dump him,” I said to her. “Here comes Jacob.”

     He hugged and kissed Chloe and hugs me, Sofia, and Jill.

    “Hey honey, Sofia, Ava, and Jill,” he said putting his arm around Chloe shoulder. “Thanks for dumping that cheating bastard we knows he don’t deserve you. You need someone that will not take advantage of you.”

     I don’t know why he seems like an angel to me but he always there to help me out.

    “Thanks Jacob you a sweetheart, I need to get that recorded to make my dad hear it,” I smiled and had a feeling someone was coming up to us.

     “Ethan,” Jacob said in a surprise tone.

     “Jacob,” Ethan said in the same surprise tone.

     “God took your wings I see, same as my situation I see,” Jacob said.

     “Similar,” he said.

     “Why are you here?” Jacob asked.

     “This was where he dropped me,” Ethan told him.

     “So you are stuck?”

     “Yep, no way out as of now,” he said in a sadly tone. “Hello again ladies, Ava is it right?”

     I nodded.

    “I just saw a girl that look identical as you only thing is different is that you have dimples,” he said and Jacob gave him a warning look.

    “Oh there goes the bell, later babes,” Chloe said kissing Jacob and walked me to class Sofia was already in her class.

    “Want me to walk you,” he calls out to her.

    “Not today honey we have girl stuff to talk about,” she blows him an air kiss. “Ethan likes you and if he knows Jacob so he’s in the twelfth. Brad is nothing he’s not worth your time or your kisses. We are too young to let life pass us by, enjoy life and if your dad dares to put a hand on you let me know. I’ll make his death clean and not sloppy, free of charge,” she promised.

    “Sometime you scare me,” I laughed.

    “Jacob is having a party at his beach house and everybody going to be there. I mean the entire school; you can sneak Morgan out and come if you need a distraction I’ll be there.”

     “Just stop talking about meeting somebody and I’ll be there,” I told her.

    "It’s been four months now put yourself out there would you. Fine someone to cherish you and by you material things and give you love,” she said.

     “Girl, not everybody that lucky to find someone likes Jacob,” I smiled at her.

     “Don’t worry you will,” she assured me.

     “Go to class,” I told her.

     My classes weren’t so bad I had fun during class while the class clowns fool around and after school we met up by the big tree in the middle of the school yard.


Chapter Three


I woke up from a dream seeing Elite my ex-girlfriend who said she will be paying me a visit soon. I’ve told her so many times we are over, but she’s kind loco and has psychological problems.

I   looked at the time which says its nine o’clock on a Friday which is Jacob party. I took a shower and got ready hopped on my Suzuki motorcycle and drove to his beach house. Everybody was sitting by blazing bonfire while the party was in his house. As I walked over there the first eyes that saw me was Ava the sexy blond with black streaks in her hair.

 “Oh, you made it and you brought Logan,” Jacob said with a nod.

 “Oh, I came to relax and stare at the sky beside a campfire,” he said sarcastically sitting down and take up a bottle of Jiannachun and pour him some.

 “Morgan if you keep shaking like that I might as well take you home,” Ava whispered to her sister.

 “What if he finds out you’ll get in trouble,” Morgan looking horrified.

 “We won’t get caught as long as you took the key and your room door is closed. Stop worrying and enjoy yourself that’s why I brought you out here, to meet someone or just to mingle,” she told her.

 “Then you come live with me?” she asked with hope in her voice.

 “Yes, I’ll come with you,” she smiles at her.

 “Man her sister is cute,” Logan said in my ear.

 “I think there dad scaring them,” I told him.

 “Doesn’t he know never to put his hands on a lady?” Logan said.

 “Stay out of it, talk to the girl if you want, but stay out of their family affairs,” I warned him.

 “Ok let’s play a game,” Sara suggested. “Truth or Dear and if you refuse to answer you have to drink from the bottle. First up is Chloe, truth or dear.”

 “Truth,” she said.                     

 “Is it true your dad’s a drug don?” Sara asked obviously to set off Chloe the time bomb.

 “That’s none of your business and don’t make me make you accidently break something on your way home,” She promised Sara and turn the bottle to her head. “My turn this for you Sara, truth or dear?” she said drinking from the bottle.

 “Truth,” Sara answered.

 “This is too easy,” Chloe grins. “Was it in Brad car you did it in or behind the bleacher at school?” Chloe asked.

 Ava spit out the beer she was sipping and pull up Chloe who was laughing she went out of view.

 “I’m not playing,” Morgan put in.

 “Who said you playing,” Sara mumbled.       

 After she finished yelling at Chloe she came back and sat beside her sister.

 “Ava how could you be friends with this backstabbing whore who would give a head for a quarter. Ever since you were younger she been jealous of you because your teachers and friends preferred you than her and no matter how good you treat all your friends like equals.  She never understands that because her heart is black as tar,” Morgan said getting upset.

 Ava mouth dropped open as she heard her sister speak that way. Nobody notice that Morgan pulled Sara away until we heard a screamed.

 “Hey! Morgan don’t drown it, that’s too good of a death,” Chloe shouted with a laugh.

 “Oh my god Morgan what are you doing?!” Ava shouted terrified.

 “I’m doing a baptism on this slut!” she shouted back.

 “Aw! You are pulling my hair!” Sara yelled in agony.

 “Damn it!” I said running over there.

 “I’m calling the cops on you psycho bitch!” Sara called to Morgan.

 “Go right ahead you’ll be doing me a favor,” she said trying to get free of Logan hand. “Dude let me go!”

 “Not until you calm down,” Logan said.

 “Where’s my sister?” she screamed out to the fire side.

 “Where did she go?” Chloe started to panic twisting and turning around.



Chapter Four


Why everybody just stop worrying about me? I had no feeling for the dude I just let him in because of my father in the first place. I just want this stress and frustration to go away and show me what happiness feels and looks like. I looked at the bottle and down it to my head. I was running in to the dark woods hearing strange noises. I was far enough from the commotion I brace myself on a huge oak tree root and slid down on it and I saw a shadow moved in the darkness.

            “This isn’t funny,” I said and the shadow move once more. The iniquity present disappeared and Ethan came in to clear view I stood up to run but he moved so fast in front of me and I stumbled into him.

            “Was it you in the woods trying to scare me?” I asked.

            “No, I just catch up to you, your sister worried about you; plus you have a bottle you might be drunk and seeing things,” he said.

            “I only took a sip,” I lied.

            He lifted his eyebrows and looked at me.

            “Okay so drank some want to join me?” I asked him.

            “Well aren’t you going to get in trouble if you’re drunk?” he asked.

            “So? Who cares I’m tired of life and my father, anyway,” I said turning the bottle to my head.

            “Wait stop,” he said taking the bottle.

            “Hey!” I said whining.

            “That will not make your problems go away,” he said to me.

            “For now it will,” I pointed out. “Is it me or the world spinning, wait I’m getting dizzy,” I said falling and he caught me before I had fallen. “You strong no wonder my friends have a thing for you,” I laughed knowing the liquor will start to take over my brain.

            “So you don’t have a thing for me?” he smiled as he sat me back down back on the tree.

            “I’m half drunk not fully drunk I know what I’m saying, I think,” I laughed.

            “Okay you caught me there,” he admitted.

            “Why you moved here to Wickfield it’s so boring here?” I asked looking at the ocean breeze slightly tousling the branches of the trees and it rustled in the cool wind signaling summer is gone and fall was approaching.

            “Actually you made me want to stay here the first time I met you I needed to know you, I changed my mind of leaving this place,” he said. “I wouldn’t mind getting a tour from you of the town,” he smiles playfully.

            Did he say because of me? No he’s just press my button trying to woo me or something I might be half drunk but I didn’t lose my senses.

            “Me?” I asked confused. “Like a guy would feel like that for any girl at all,” I roll my eyes.

            “I’m serious it’s because of you I stayed here and that was all you heard me say?” he asked.

            “Yea sure,” I said taking a deep breathes. “How could someone be so cruel to somebody who shows you nothing but love and compassion throughout life? Even though I never like Brad, but still I was faithful to him. Why would she betrayed me like that I treat her like a sister and I would never do that to a friend, ever. I deserve happiness don’t I?” I change the topic.

            “Everybody deserves happiness no matter what,” he answered slowly.

            “Have you ever been in love?”

            “Once,” he laughed running his hand through his thick black hair and his black eyes gilts in the moonlight. “Well I thought I was, not so sure about it now.”

          “No way,” I said in disbelief. “I never been in love never knew how it feels to have such strong emotions.”

            “Okay let’s get you back to the others you are drunk you won’t remember anything,” he said.

            “That is why we should talk,” I told him.

            “No more talking you need to sleep and let that alcohol wears off,” he insisted.

            “Fine let’s go,” I said trying to stand but my feet failed me. “I can’t get up,” I laughed.

            “I was going to help you, anyway,” he said slipping his hands around my waist and helping me up.

            “You are strong,” I giggled as we walked. “You know I can walk right I just couldn’t get up.”

            He let go of me making sure I was walking stead. As we walk back to the camp fire everybody was looking my way and I notice Sara had left.

            “For the last time Morgan and Chloe stay out my love life would you,” I told both of them who just rolled their eyes. “What’s the time?”

            “Ten,” Chloe said.

            “No way I’m going to sleep so early I have to get rid of this sleepiness,” I said running to the water. “Join me if you want,” I called out to them.

            “Ava waits!” Chloe called out running to me. “What is wrong with you?”

            “I’m taking your advice of feeling freedom, don’t worry I know not to take off my bra and panties I’m not that drunk,” I told her with a smile.

            “What the hell I might as well join you, anybody else wants to take a dip!” she called out.

Few minute later everybody join in and we were splashing and jumping on the guys back and I notice Morgan was getting familiar with Logan. After a while floating on my back something brush me toes.

            “What that!” I said going in a standing position looking at nothing but the moon reflected on the water.

            It brushes on my legs this time and made me still. Please God do not let it be a shark, please, I said begging in my mind.

            Then something popped up and said, “Boo” and I screamed and started laughing holding my heart knowing it was just Ethan.

            “Oh man you scared me I thought it was a shark,” I splashed him. “Oh man I’m tired and a bit chilly,” I said getting out the water and putting my clothing on.

            I can tell Ethan was watching me with his gullible soft black eyes when he saw I was shivering he put his leather jacket over me and it smell of lemons.

       “That was fun and the most fun I had in my years of being a teen so far,” I said laid back on the sand. “I want to see the world meet new people have a life time of experience. Meet a husband that would like to see the world with me, I would give him the world,” I whispered looking at the luminous stars tonight.

            “You really believe in that stuff you saying?” he asked.

            “Sadly no, I don’t think there’s any hope left in me of surviving this harsh punishment that god had laid upon me I just want my sister out,” I said and tears almost flow.

            “You two are getting along well,” Chloe said sitting on my stomach.

            “Get off me! You stopping the air from flowing in my lungs,” I laughed pushing her off.  “Well he listens to what I have to say,” I told her sitting up to look at him.

            I heard a slow dance came on and everybody grab a partner which left me and Ethan.

            “May I have this dance Ma lady,” he out stretched his right hand and the left behind him and bend slightly to take my hands.

            “Yes you may you kind sir,” and he smiled when I said that.

            That smile had so many secrets to it. He was great at this at the ball room dancing.

            “You’re pretty good at this,” I told him.

            “Well where I came from this was required to learn as you can tell it’s not really my thing. You have to dress and talk elegant, that is why they kick me out because I never follow the rules,” he said

            “What did you do? Wait don’t tell me I know it’s something I don’t want to hear so what you have to do to go back?” I asked out of curiosity.

            “Save someone who desperately in need of living,” he said.

            “Who’s life?” I asked.

            “That’s the part I’ve been trying to figure out,” he dip me.  

            “There isn’t enough violence in Wick Field so good luck,” I told him. “Are you trying to woo me over with your ball room dancing techniques?” I asked him with a smile.

            “Maybe,” he smiled and it made my stomach have butterflies.

            “Well it’s not working try harder,” I whispered in his ears.

            “Oh, bummer, so you going to be a tough shell to crack,” he laughed.

            “Yes I am, I am demanding, commanding, and well organize can you handle that?” I asked him.

            “Is this a challenge, better for me I don’t mind going an extra mile for you and I’ll be looking forward to this,” he laughed.

            “Good night Ethan,” I pulled away.

            “Consider my offer, let me take you on a date,” he said.

            “Night Ethan,” I said walking to Morgan. “Morgan time to go I’ll take you to see him again tomorrow,” I whispered to her.

            “He is so cute and sweet I never thought somebody would look my way,” she said in a whisper.

            “Don’t you ever listen to dad you’re hot and beautiful I got my looks from you,” I smiled at her and she smiled back.

            “I think he really likes me and he asked me out, but I haven’t answered yet,” she said playing with her fingers.

            “I’ll sneak you out any time you want me to,” I told her. “Oh man I forgot to give him his jacket back.”

            “Why not give him a chance I know danger is written all over him but trust me that’s where all the excitement come from,” she assured me.

            “Well dad of course, but I would date him on the down low until I’m eight and leave his house or until he finds out and kick me out,” I laughed.

            “That’s why I’m about to do mines publicly and that’s when he will kick me out and I’ve been saving and I know his safe code so I’ll empty that and runaway with you,” she told me. “I’m sick and tired of my life being on hold.”

            We drove home right in time we had twenty minutes to spare.




Chapter Five


So who would have thought I would actually have feeling for a mortal girl. She seems to being living for her sister only and not for herself. It’s been a month since I’ve been looking for a sign of what to do to get back up there. I was following her for a while and that led me into the library and she was sitting in a carrel reading a book about fallen angel, why?

            “Are you following me,” she asked without looking up from the book.

            “Nope came to checkout a book,” I lied and she looks up at me with an irresistible smile.

            “You at a library checking out a book would be a miracle,” she said reading her book again.

            “You considered the date, yet I’ve waited a month before bring it up,” I told her. “I have a lot of things in store for you,” I whispered in her ear.

            “Yep, I have,” she said turning a page ignoring my flirtatious tone.

            “So it’s a yes?’ I asked her.

            “Nope, it’s a maybe,” she said.          

            “Maybe in my vocabulary is yes,” I told her.

            “Take it anyway you want it,” she said. “Oh here’s your jacket I forgot to give it back.”

            “It’s been a month now, I bet you were cuddling with it,” I joked with her.

            “Oh you wish,” she said closing her book to look at me now.

            “Oh you can keep it looks better on you anyway,” I told her and she started to pack up her book bag. “Do I have to beg you because I’m going to sound desperate?”

            “Okay, yes give me the address,” she told me.

            “Why can’t I pick you up?” I asked with a frown.

            “My dad don’t want me dating unless it’s Brad and we know that’s not going to happen,” she told me and I wrote it down.

            “Friday,” I told her.

            “That’s tomorrow,” she said with a smile.



Friday I decided not cook anything too fancy, because she’s use to that so I decide to cook spaghetti and meat balls. I heard a knock on the door and I walk from the kitchen to the door to see Ava in a mini skirt and a pink top that was showing a little cleavage and a flat stomach and matching shoes.

            “Can I come in?” she smiled knowing I was look scrutinizing her.

            “Oh sorry I was just admiring your outfit,” I said and she blushed.

            “Well thanks,” she said walking pass me. “So what’s you cooking I drop my sister off at Logan next door,” she said walking around looking at pictures and stop at a picture of me and Elite which was turned downward. “Why you turn this picture down is she your use to be girlfriend or still girlfriend?”

            “Yes she’s my ex- girlfriend,” I said from the kitchen.

            She walked to my liquor cabinet and came in the kitchen with a Hennessy Ellipse.             “OH NOOOO,” I said taking it from her.

            “Why?” she asked.

            “That’s not for you,” I told her.

            “You have all those my dad got, you must be rich or a con artist,” she said coming beside as I stir the spaghetti and meatballs. “Hmm? Smells great can’t tell when I had this,” she said talking a spoon out the draw and took a taste. “Perfect,” she said smile at me

            “Glad you like it,” I told her and turn around and face her.

            “So why you dump the Brad?” I asked.

            She swallowed and said, “He was a cheater, too angry, liar, and a bastard that will be going to hell,” she said sitting down. “I don’t know how guys can be so doggish all they want is sex and if you don’t give it up they force you or have sex with one of your friends,” she said almost in tears.

            “Hey look at me,” I lift her head lightly to look at her face that was so beautiful now filling with tears. “Not every guy like that; don’t let one guy ruin your chances, there are guys out there who would love to have you as theirs,” I told her softly.

            She looked away and I went back to cooking and empty the spaghetti in a clear bowl and brought it to the table. She went back to the liquor cabinet and brought out a bottle of Casa Dragones.

            “Okay we can drink it but you have to take sips not gulps sips,” I told her.

            “Yes dad,” she said rolling her eyes. “I know it’s strong.”

            “Don’t past out,” I smiled at her.

            “If I do what will happen?” she looked at me.

            “Oh nothing but me touching on you,” I joked.

            “You pervert,” she laughed I mean really laughed. “So tell me about your claim to be ex- girl friend,” she said as I share a plate of spaghetti for her.

            “Well I loved her once until she got obsessively stalking and have psychologically problems,” I told her calmly.

            “Whoa, that’s creepy don’t worry there’s always an angel watching over you,” she told me as she put spoonful in her.

            I looked at her and raise my eyebrow at her in shock.

          “I know fallen angels are sinners but, they did it for a reason GOD can’t forgive them but if they disobeyed him more than once there will be no other chance for them, unless you fine a loophole and become a Harper angel. Some sin because some want to be equal to GOD they thinking the impossible GOD would not allow someone he made to be up to his level. Maybe they disobey him by falling in love with a mortal and breaking the rules and talking to him or her. Or they just killing mortal for fun,” she said looking at me observantly.

            “You so right, you name most of the possibilities,” I told her running my hands through my hair.

            “So you found out who you have to save to go back to where you from yet?” she asked.

            “I think I have a clue who it might be,” I looked her in those aqua waves’ eyes of hers.

            “Well good luck,” she said taking sips of Casa Dragones.     She was trying to find out something but it really didn’t matter if she asks me straight out I will surely answer her.

            She got up and walked to the kitchen thinking what to do next. She was at the sink washing her dish and I move up behind her and she jumped I can hear her heart speed up. She was breathing hard.

            “What are you doing?” she asked me turning around to face me.

            “I liked you the first time I saw you at Logan’s, your smile that brighten up my day and the way you sways your hips without even trying, every time I see you a smile comes to my face and I just want to kiss you,” I said softly breathing on her neck and I sense her body shivers.

            “Stop,” she breathes.

            “Do you really want me to?” I kissed her neck.

           “No, but please stop,” she said losing her footing and I caught her and lift her up and place her on the counter. “Oh my god what am I doing,” she whispered to herself.

            “Do you want me?” I lift her chin so she can look in my eyes.

            “Yes, I do but I can’t,” she shook her head. “I don’t want to hurt anymore and I don’t want my dad to fine out he will kill me and I don’t want to leave my sister,” she said panicking. 

            She wiggled off the sink and move away from me heading for the door. I didn’t call her I just moved in front of her in speed and she froze. Why can I feel her touch and her thoughts? I thought I couldn’t feel physically why?  



Chapter Six


I want him so bad but I refuse to feel this way so I walked away to the living  room and he move in front of me like speed of light. I walked right into him and I backed away from him feeling a bit troubled.

            “Last time do you want me?” he asked.

            “Stop,” I told him backing away.

            “Stay with me tonight,” he told me.

            I back up in a wall.

            “No, I can’t, my dad,” I told him finding an excused.

            “Stay with me tonight he won’t know,” he said closing in on me and I back in the wall.

            He presses his body against mines and braces my hands on the wall. Why does it feel so good and why do I want him so much? I have this feeling he’s not human he’s immortal for the past few months I’ve been having these uneasiness feelings. He lean his head in and press his lips lightly on mines and my body shivers with pleasure. I kissed back, it felt like a real kiss, no it was a real kiss I wanted more of him and he wanted more of me. He let go of my hands and move them to my waist and my hands slip around his neck and I kissed him deeper and he groan in his throat and his grip gotten tighter. Oh I didn’t want this to stop he eased me up to him and my legs wrapped around his waist. But I feel so threaten by him, yet again why do I feel this way? Isn’t he the one was stalking me that day at the beach. No, because I sense him as he came and after he came the evil present disappeared.

            Fine a bedroom, I said in my head and I felt his feet moving and he walked upstairs and opens a door and closed it behind us. So this is how I’m going to lose it. It’s kind of romantic come to think of it. He lay on top of me not even separating our lips for a second it was getting hard for me to breath.

            I felt him release my lips so I can take a breath and I felt my chest heaved and he kissed on my neck. His hands were creeping up my stomach and were brushing under my breast moving in a circular motion. My hands tighten on the sheet and my feet were rooted in the sheet tightly, moaning and breathing hard.

            “Oh God! Oh God! Oh God!” I was saying. “Wait what’s happening to me,” I look up to see he was smiling down at me my heart was sped up and my body had this weird feeling of tangibly pleasure.

            He was kissing me then stops and got off me and rolls over to my left and we were on the move again. It was in this room and his image was shadowy and the bed lamp was laminating a red glow. I can feel his blazing eyes staring at me. I know for sure I was flushed. Oh My Gosh I think I just had an orgasm I turn my back feeling embarrassed. He moves up behind me so close I can feel his body swarm mine and his body heat.

            Yep that was an orgasm for sure my felt slack and at ease after the tightness I had just experience.

            “It’s nothing you should be abashed about I did it purposely, because I want you drown in the pleasure I can bring,” he said to me.

            I pushed him away and turn to face him and said, “Don’t do that it felt… weird.”             “It felt good to I can feel it that you loved it and you felt so alive,” he whispered kissing my cheeks.

            I though today would be the big when I lose it, bummer but it was a perfect day and he promises me more than just touching my breast.

          “Don’t worry today was just a test drive,” he said to me as he ran his hands up and down my arms slowly.

            “Will you hold me please?” I asked him and he looked in my eyes and pulls me to his chest closely and kisses my forehead.



I woke up into Ethan arms and he was staring at down at me with a brilliant smile. The front door there was a knock and I got up in a rush and hurried in to the bathroom took a quick shower and rush downstairs to see Morgan with a smile on her face and Logan was there too. They only knew each other for a month but they were perfectly in love. She had a happy glow to her and was excited.

            “Morning sis,” she said to me and looked Ethan way and then turn to me with a look that say did you do it?

            I shook my head.

            My phone buzz and it was Chloe.

            “Hello, hey Chloe what’s up?” I asked.

            “Your dumbass dad that’s what up? He came by looking for you and my mother had to tell him you weren’t here,” she said. “I’m sorry Ava I just wanted to kill him my brothers had tied me up literal so I wouldn’t kill him.”

            “It’s okay I can handle him I’ll call you later,” I told her.

            “I love you girl if there’s any trouble call me,” she said hanging up.

            “You okay,” Ethan asked me.

            “I’m fine,” I gave him a smile.

            “You lying,” he said frown at me.

            “I am, but don’t worry,” I told him looking at Morgan who nodded to me.

            “Are you okay?” Logan brushes her honey blond hair from her face.

            “Everything is fine,” she told him.

            “If something is wrong Ava you would tell me right?” Ethan asked.

            “We have to go come on Morgan,” I said hurrying out the door to my car so no more questioning.

            We drove home and dad was waiting for us in the living room. He called us and we held our heads high and walked to him.

            “Where have you two been?” he asked.

            “At a friend house,” I answered.

            “Don’t play games with me I checked all your friends they haven’t heard from you since yesterday after school,” he pointed out.

            “Well you didn’t check all of them,” I told him. 

            “Don’t be a smart mouth young lady where have you two been? I heard you two been hanging out with the two guys who works at Logan’s is that true?” he asked standing up roaring rage in his eyes.

            I push my sister back and stood in front him ready for any sudden moves.

            “We were with a friend as I said dad,” I said in a calm tone.

            “You’re lying to me you want to be like your sister I see. Maybe if she leaves you’ll know how to behave like a lady and fine a real gentleman than a thug,” he pushed me out the way with such force to the ground I hit my head on the floor and started to see spots in my vision.

            I can hear my sister screams as he dragged her by the hair and pull her out the house and I heard footsteps going upstairs. My eyes were slowly shutting down when I heard the footsteps coming down and then I passed out hearing a loud thud on the door.



Chapter Seven


I haven’t heard from Ava since last Friday, she hasn’t been to school for a week now I have to see her. I need to know she’s okay that same day her sister came to Logan crying and said she’s worried about her sister who is now with her dad alone in the house and he might hurt her. Every time I try to get in the house he’s there.

            “Ethan you heard from Ava she’s not returning my calls I’m really worried about her she never ignore my calls or been absent this much days much a day,” Chloe said crying.

            “I’m going to check on her later don’t cry,” I told her.

            “Please because if I don’t hear from her soon somebody about to die,” she said walking over to Jacob.


I drove home and asked her sister where the extra key she hid is. She said under the pottery in the back of the house. I waited until night falls I went over there. The night seems so silent and still. I look through the pottery and found the silver key and open the back door and walked not caring to be quiet just wanting to find her. Tensely walking up flight of stairs to the last room to the left and knock on the door no answer. But luckily it was open; I open it and saw a little figure coming towards me with a baseball bat. I grip the bat and threw it in a corner and grab her holding her in place.

            “Let go of me!” she yelled.

            “Ava stay clam it’s me Ethan,” I told her and she went still and turn to me.

            “Oh my god it’s you,” she said happily and jump on me kissing my face. “I miss you SOOOOOOOO much,” she repeat as she kissed me.

            “What happen why haven’t you been to school?” I asked as I place her back on her feet.

            “He kicked my sister out is she okay tell me she’s okay?” she said in a panicking tone.

            “Look at me she’s fine are you okay? Did he touch you?” I switch on her lights checking over her body.

            “I was too worried about my sister to go to school and he locked me in here without any food,” she said crying.

            “Get dress and pack, we are leaving,” I told her.

            “I can’t he’ll find a way to ruin everything for both me and my sister, he’ll try to hurt you and Logan!” she screamed pulling away from me.

            “Look at me it will be fine I promise you that, now get packing I will not see you live in the house anymore you had Chloe and Morgan worried. Definitely me, now get packing I don’t want to sit and watch you suffered,” I told her and she hurried to the closet and took everything out I meant that walk in clothes was empty now.

            She had five suitcases going down the stairs and to my car.

            “Really was all of these necessary?” I asked her.

            “You told me to pack,” she said with a smile on her face.

            When we got in the car we saw her dad pass us in the car and we drove off and left the place. She was dazed and relief at the same time. I pull up on the complex and parked and went inside the house with her suitcases meanwhile her and her sister and friends hug and cried. I brought her suit case to an empty bedroom and spread the bed.

            An hour later she showered and went to her room and I sat by the window thinking.

            If I save her I’ll become a Harper angel and then I’ll I have to leave her? My shirt was off and I was wearing only my black jeans and not remembering to take leash off there was a soft knock and I told the person to come in.

            She pushed her head in first then came in a mini nightgown and play with her fingers as she rocks back and forth on her heels. She close the door and looked at me, she seems so young and pale.

            “I’m sorry if I interrupted you but I couldn’t sleep if you want me to go I’ll go,” she said holding onto the door knob but I moved quickly and grip her hand gently.

            “No stay,” I said turning her around. “You look beautiful right now and always in my eyes.”

            “I wore this just for you to see me in it,” she said a little embarrassed and she blushed.

            “I love it when you redden,” I kissed her.

            She move her hands up on my back and touch my scars that were exposing now all of a sudden, our eyes locked, then I knew my mistake I couldn’t escape her touch that show compassion not scorned. She gentle move up and down the V on my back and now she knows a weakness of mines. As she touches me she kissed me and my body vibrated with desire that she was feeling from this particular kiss as well.



Chapter Eight

I touch his body and I felt him absorbing what I was feeling, from his kisses and soupçon how it makes every molecule vibrates in my body from the inclination and satisfaction. I was thinking how a person can have such scars and still be alive by the feeling of it. As I asked myself that question I was floating through clouds in another dimension having my lips succumbed to his dominating ones. It was beautiful at the place I landed, I was on clouds that looked like cotton candy and there was a giant gold gate awaits me. The clouds were soft beneath my feet and I heard a whispering as I walk through the gate. I was like a ghost I went right through it.

            I follow the voices and I heard a female and a male voice and I walked out to see who they were. The girl I recognize as Ethan ex-girlfriend. She had long mahogany hair and dark brown eyes and white beautiful wings and an exotic body no wonder her loved her once or still do. The guy was really huge and his wings were too small for his body.

            “Muse didn’t I tell you it would get him kick from the heavens if you told on him,” she said with warning tone.

            “I did it for us,” Muse said.                                                                                       

            “There is no us I told you I belong to Ethan only what had happen that night between us it was a mistake I was depressed that he dumped me and angry that it was all for a mortal girl, I told you to make him shaken a bit so he‘ll run to me,” she said in disgusted.

            “Well it’s too late they already tossed him out that’s his punishment,” Muse said satisfied.

            I heard a shout and I ran toward it so did Muse and Elite I think that’s her name. It was a huge like sanctuary with a big throne for a big person and that big person too hard to describe he was a giant and beside his foot lays Ethan panting and his back bleeding from the wound that made the V shape in his back… the elimination of his wings. All I saw was terror on his face and disbelief.

            All I knew was I was swirling back into my body and Ethan separated us and looked at me anxiously.

            “What happen?” he asked calmly.

            “You know what I saw,” I pulled away from him. “Why you didn’t tell me,” I push him but he didn’t move an inch.

            “I was waiting for you to ask me,” he said. “If you asked I would have told you,” he said.

            “You’re a fallen Angel, why?” I asked tensely.

            “It was because of a human girl I fell and I talked to her about us and THEY found out and took my wings,” he explained in the short version.

            “So I’m kissing a fallen angel okay, so why you really here with me now?”

            “Because I…” he paused and took a breath and looked at me with a straight face. “Because I have falling in love with you more than any girl I’ve been with,” he stepped closer to me and I didn’t back away. “Believe me,” he took my hands in his.

            “Why should I?”

            “Want to give you this,” he reached in his pocket he took out a silver wing with a pendant that shows an angel wing that shaped as a heart and he hand it to me.

            “Why?” I asked him.

            “My Mom told me to give it to the right girl when I fine her and it’s you,” he said softly holding his head down.

            “Why would you go and do this how can I be angry with you now?” I asked him.

            He shrugged and walked to his bed.

            I stood there staring at it and realize that I can open it up. And saw something carved in saying:    

You will always be beneath my wings no matter what; you’ll always make my heart sing.


            “That’s so beautiful,” I whispered to myself and I walked over to him so he can put it around my neck. I came in front of him and he look as if he didn’t recognized me.

            I took his hands, I know he might be confused but he followed anyway. I led him under the sheets and made him lay on top of me gently now he figured out what was going on his eyes open wide a bit. I kissed him to tell him it was okay and he can lead the way. Osculating him softly as I caressing him even more franticly just to display how much I wanted this. I was feeling stimulation and I was taking off his pants and my body fiery from thinking about all that was about to happen. From his smooches I felt so beatitude and it overwhelmed my body. He slid off my nightgown leaving me in only panty and bra and he in his boxers he unhooked my bra leaving me alone in just panty. His chest against mines and he was kissing on my neck and then the real actions begins.




The next morning I roll over and felt an empty space beside me and open my eyes and sat up with the sheet over my chest. I was feeling a bit betrayed not seeing him when I woke. I had this feeling of crying, he’s just like the rest of guys they get what they want and just leave. Slipping out of bed I hurried to my room for a shower crying getting dressed.

            My eyes were puffy and red and my sink seems much paler as I stare at myself in horror. He probably disappeared and never wants to see me again. See you had high hopes for nothing you gave him the most important thing you could offer and this is what happens.

            I heard a knock on the door I didn’t say anything and I notice it was Ethan watching as I lotion my legs. He walked over to me as I put my leg down and took my arms in his stopping me from moving.

            “What’s wrong with you? Why are you crying?” his eyes narrowed.

            “You going to treat me different aren’t you?” I asked and he had a brilliantly confused look on his face.

            “Treat you different like how? Oh never, why would you think that? Should I treat you differently?” He asked.

            “It’s because I woke up and you weren’t there? I thought you left me alone,” I said to him.

            “Never, I just went downstairs to make you breakfast and give it to you in bed. You thought I was just going to treat you like you nothing,” he said disappointed in me.

            “I’m sorry I’m just really insecure,” I told him going into my suit case and packing my clothes in the closet and getting dress.

            “Don’t ever feel insecure about yourself, you are the most beautiful and intelligent girl I’ve ever met,” he said kissing me.

            I turned back to the closet and frown at the lack of space.

            “It can’t hold all my clothes it’s too small,” I told him.

            “Don’t worry I’ll give you my closet instead it’s much bigger and it’s a walk in,” he told me.

            “Why you wear only black? I’ve been meaning to ask you that.”

            “It just fits my mood all the time,” he smiled and it made chills run up my spine.

            Remembering what he done to me making my body goes up in heated pleasure.

            I laughed a bit and felt pain in my lower body and he sat me down on the bed.

            “It looks like you were in pain, did I hurt you”” he asked concern.

            “No, just little cramps I’ll be fine.” I told him and blushed about last night.   

            “You really need some rest I can sense you’re weak and lacking concentration.”

            “But I don’t want to,” I said childishly.

            “I’ll stay with you,” he said.

            I agreed and he places me under the sheets then he joined me as we snuggling.

            “Wait I forgot to tell you something, see when I was touching and kissing you I saw some guy named Muse and he was talking about you to Elite,” I added.



Chapter Nine

I looked at her like how she knew his name and what she’s going to tell me about them.

            “What about them?” I asked her calmly.

            “Well I think it’s their fault you lost your wings. I overheard them when I went into your unconscious or something. She told Muse to get you in trouble enough so you run to her for help, but Muse did the opposite and made THEM remove your wing, I’m sorry,” she said touching my face.

            I got up and walked out feeling betrayed and angry and invaded for a moment I know I shouldn’t leave her alone here like this, but I need to get out of here to clear my head because if I see any of them I would find a way to kill them.

            “Ethan! Where are you going?!” she yell from upstairs. “You promise me you wouldn’t leave,” she said below a whisper.

            She slammed the door and started crying it kills me to leave her but I need to get in contact with Jacob. As I drove to his house I looked to her bed room window she was looking down at me and turn away showing me her back

             I’m sorry.

             As I reach the beach house I could hear glass scattering on the floor things breaking inside and a lot of yelling going on.

            “You son-of-a-bitch why you didn’t tell me, was it that hard to come up to me and said you a frigging Fallen Angel!” she looked to me and threw a vase at me and I had to duck.

            “Would you calm down Chloe, please,” Jacob said in a begging tone.

            “No I will not calm down, I can’t believe this. I bet he’s one too hey Ethan welcome to the party,” she threw some else at me. “Where is Ava?” she asked angrily.

            “She at the house,” I told her.                                                                       

            “What you really left her there alone in that condition, you idiot,” she threw a knife at me and I caught it.

            “Chloe stop it,” Jacob said getting frustrated.

            “Whatever, I’m leaving I’m going to take Ava,” she said leaving and grabbing her car keys and slam the door.

            “You finally told her?” I asked.

            “No, I took my shirt off and she saw my scars and put one plus one together, and started throwing stuff at me,” he said sitting down. “I usual held her arms above head when we are intimate,” he sigh rubbing his face.

            “Just give her time, buy a gift mortals girls love gifts,” I advice him.

            “Anyway, what’s up?”

            “Well I found out who got my wings taken,” I said sitting from across him.

            “Who is it?”

            “Elite and Muse and I want to know there next move.”

            “With Elite she’s going to hit you where it hurts more and I think she knows that by now who you with and Chloe is going over there now,” he said slowly.

            “Damn it we have to go now,” I told him hurrying out to my motorcycle.



Chapter Ten


It was getting dark and he haven’t return home yet I was in my room when I heard a soft knock and I hurried to open it to look up into Elite face. I know that long mahogany hair and dark brown eyes and white beautiful wings and an exotic body stand on the other side with somber smile on her face. I looked behind to see Chloe mouth was covered by Muse and tears were falling from her eyes. Before I could say anything she got a grip of my neck shutting off my oxygen. She was that evil present I felt in the forest its pouring of her now.

            “Hello, Ava is it? I gave you so much chance to stay away from Ethan, but you didn’t take that opportunity,” she said and I was fighting to get air in my lungs but she was incredible strong. She pulled me downstairs by the hair and I was yelling and screaming.

            “Let go of me!” I screamed.

            “Shut up!” she said tying my hands and feet and told me to stay on my knees. “I can’t believe he fell for a mortal again,” she said with that same disgust tone as in Ethan memory.

            “You think this going to make him take you back by killing me. He’s going to hate you for life if you kill me and THEM going to take your wings,” I laughed and she slaps me and made me spit blood.

            “Shut up you pest!” she snarled.

            I saw Chloe wiggling in Muse hands looking at me. Elite took out a sharp gold blade out her pocket and run it down Chloe’s cheek making blood leak out.

            “You mortal so easy to be damage we are immortals can’t bleed or die and get hurt like mortals,  but we can hit each where it hurts and to hit where it hurts him is you,” she said lifting my chin and made me stared in her bottomless eyes.

            “You call yourself an angel,” I said to her as I heard the front door flew open.

            “Oh here comes you’re princes charming,” she said putting the knife at my throat.

            I saw Ethan walked in and saw me and saw guilt and regret went across his face and he looked away from me to Elite.

            “Elite what is wrong with you what if THEY found out what you are doing it will cost you your wings or your immortality? I told you one thing and you going to do this, you know THEY can see what you’re doing. This planet is his creation and if you kill them you know you’ll lose your immortality or be chained in hell so put down the knife and quit being stupid,” he said and my dad came up behind him with a rifle gun.

            Elite Stab me in the stomach and runaway and my dad aim the rifle at me while I held my wound and look at my hands with my blood dazed and traumatized didn’t heard the rifle fire and something covered me and I looked up to see it was Ethan.

            I started to hyperventilate and he fell to his knees and then he whispered ‘I’m sorry’ and moved off and I saw Jacob tackled my dad and knock him out and then knock out Muse who was holding Chloe who was screaming and I look at my hands again and pass out by loss of blood or the sight of it.


Woke to see Morgan my sister and Chloe in Jacob arms and there was no sign of Ethan anywhere. Then everything came together he had to save someone in need of saving and that person was me. He saved me now he’s gone forever away from me. I felt tears slip out my eyes and I felt someone touched my face and I looked up to see it was Jacob.

            “He told me to tell you he loves never forget what you and him shared,” he said holding my hands.

            “Why he had to go now? I don’t think I can get through without him I never even get to tell I loved him,” I closed my eye and slowly started to sob.

            “When can I leave the hospital?” I asked.

            “Tomorrow evening and you have to be careful not to rip open your stitches,” he said.

            “Who cares anyway,” I mumbled.

            “I do and so do Ethan, just because he’s not going to be next to you doesn’t mean he’s not worried about you or watching over you,” he said.

            “Why you did go with him?” I asked.

            He looked at Chloe sleeping and smiled and said, “I did and came back I’m her guardian angel not a Harper,” he said with a bright smile.


The following morning Jacob helped me to my room and told me not to move around so much. Now Ethan a Harper angel I was just looking through my window looking at the winter breeze rustling the trees and how the evening looked. How could he just walked away from me and I just let him walk out. Take a look at me you can only see an empty soul without him. As night fall I feel so empty and shallow without his touch and assurance that he’ll never leave me. Shame on me for believing those words from your tender lips and touch. As I said that I saw a heavenly bright light by the door way and I turn in amazement and saw a feet stepped. Then I saw that familiar figure smiling at me with his black hair all over his face but still looked sexy and he was just wearing a black pants with a belt with many iron holes in it and he was shirtless he looked like a dark angel with that leash he like so much.

            I ran toward the angelic figure and jumped on to him sobbing and he was kissing all over my neck holding me closer and closer.

            “I missed you so much,” he said kissing me with tears in my eyes. “Sorry for leaving you,” he said taking in my scent.

            “I’m happy for you. You got what you wanted,” I said dressing back and watching him frown at me.

 Then something out stretched from his back and wrap around me it feels so soft I rub my cheeks on them. It was his wings and they were black big feathers and beautiful it pulls me towards him and he pulls me back into an embrace with his arms and wings around me.

            “I’m not leaving you I’m staying with you tonight and forever,” he whispered to me.

            “How? You an angel you’ll lose your wings,” I told him.

            “No, the THEY gave me an assignment down on earth,” he kissed me slow and tenderly on my neck.

            “What… kind… of… assignment,” I asked losing breath and he chuckle a bit at my breathless sounds.

            He’s doing this purposely I said to myself and he pulls my blouse strap from my shoulders down my arms and kiss all over it.

            “I have to take care of the fallen and stay down at earth and make sure that they all go back to hell,” he laid me down on my bed.

            He took off my skirt and then my blouse and then we were under the sheets naked and he put away his wings and my hands run up and down his back and I realize that his scars were gone only smoothness on his back.

“Your scar they have vanished,” I said looking into his black eyes that seem brighter all of a sudden.

            “Because I got my wings back,” he said he grins.

            “So when you say gets rid of them you mean?” I asked him as he ran a finger up my thigh. “Didn’t the bible say any sex before marriage?”

            “Who told you I was a saint,” he kissed me. “I was already with you before I got my wings back,” he looked at me.

            “That’s why you came over here to seduce me because you like what you saw and didn’t want to touch her,” I accused.

            “You are the girl I have to look over and just want to seduced, you didn’t even let me finish before you just to conclusion,” he said sounding annoyed by my childish reaction. “See you still feeling insecure what can I do for you to believe that I’m not like that anymore do I have to marry you I will,” he said turning to me and I turned my head away.

            “Whatever,” I mumbled.

            “Come on tell me do you want me to marry you and make you bare my children anything you desire I must fulfill,” he said turning me to him.

            “Just stop it!” I yelled at him crying. “You guys are fertile?” I asked curiously.

            What is wrong with me all I’m doing is pushing him away. I did push him away, because he got dress and left my room. I went to the bathroom took a warm shower and the water over my skin felt like his caressing arms wraps around me. I put on a clean pair of underwear and a bra and I found his jacket and it smelt like lemons I put on the leather jacket and wrapped my arms around myself and I walked downstairs knowing he didn’t left. He was in the kitchen and fixing something for me to eat. I pulled him to me and kissed him and I realize he had on a shirt. He had a big spoon in one hand and the other one holding and kissing me. He was trying to say something but he couldn’t separate from the kiss.

            Until I heard Morgan come into the kitchen saying, “Ethan where’s my sister?”

            She paused as I yelped and went behind Ethan. He ran his hand through his hair taking deep breaths.

            “I was trying to tell you that we had company over,” Logan laughed.

            “Hey baby sister nice to see you okay and like the jacket it looks great with your bra and panty,” she laughed leaving the kitchen.

            “Thanks for the heads up,” I hit him playfully and he took off his shirt and gave it to me.

            “No problem,” he smiling at me.

            “Sorry for earlier I was just being-”

            He cut me.

            “Jealous for no reason yea I forgive you,” he kissed me.           

            “Okay fine I was, so what you cooking?”

            “Well I’m baking stuff chicken and white rice.”

            “Yum,” I said opening oven forgetting that I had no shorts on.

            “I’m like this view,” he said and I jump and pull down the shirt.

            “Stop you pervert,” I laughed.

            “Okay you being a very hot distraction right now so go out there with the others,” he kissed me and twirled me out the kitchen.

            “Ah come on,” I said to him.

            I walked to the living room to see Chloe, Jacob, Logan, and Morgan.

            “Hey,” Chloe smiled. “You okay I see.”

            “Yea, I’m good,” I said and heard a knock on the door. “I’ll be back,” I told them.

            I open the door and slam it back and walked back to the living room.

            “Who was that?” Morgan asked.

            “Nobody important,” I said sitting down.

            Then the door knocks again and Jacob answered this time and walked in with my mother you can’t miss her. She had honey hair like me and Morgan and that waves azure eyes she looked young and innocent right now. I was shaking my foot violently and arms fold over my chest.

            “Oh hell no! I’m leaving,” Morgan said getting up and I sat there staring at her.

            “Morgan calm down,” Logan said to her.

            “No, she and I have the right to be angry with this woman. What brought you here? Oh you heard dad is in jail and you finally decide to show your face around here after all these years of abuse,” I said standing.

            “I heard one of my daughters was in the hospital I came to check on you,” she said.

            “Bullshit,” Chloe said and Jacob gave an eye that say stay out.

            Everybody left me and Morgan in the living room and went into the kitchen.

            “What’s the point of coming back we don’t need you in our lives,” Morgan said to her. “Or you here for the money out the safe? Too late Mom,” Morgan spattered.

            “I can see that. I know I haven’t been here for you two, but I just had to get away, you know how your father is,” she said.

            “No shit we didn’t notice for seventeen and eighteen years of our life in hell, we just sit there purposely and take the abuse,” Morgan said sarcastically.

            “You two are my daughter and I know you still love me inside,” she said.

            “No mother my love vanish the day you vanish without us, what mother left their daughters with an abusive father you lost the title of being my mother how about you Morgan?”

            “Oh she lost that title so you may go and live your happy life on the road,” Morgan said dismissing her.

            “I understand I brought this for you two,” she said putting a black suitcase down and walked to the door. “I love you two and sorry for not showing it.”

            Then she just left and I took a breath and drop in the couch head down in my hands and Chloe came beside me and hug me.

            “You going to be okay?” she asked.

            “I think so, let’s see how I feel when I finish eating,” I said to her and she laughed.

            After dinner I decided to turn on the stereo and we dance until we got tired and everybody went home and see what await tomorrow as we went upstairs and snuggle up in each other promising arms.      



Tag der Veröffentlichung: 03.04.2011

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