
Chapter One




I had been practicing my speech in my cabin. I wanted to be the one making the announcement. I neeeded to prove I was the Captain. Not totally a fraud; a fraud who could be fact. I had decided to use the 'Caucus Room', a meeting cum bar, suitable for a small cocktail party, or what I was about to do.


I couldn't gather twelve humans, I didn't trust twelve, settled on the nine I semi-trusted. I imagined them entering the Caucus room, I bidding them to be seated, and looking from one to another--(I was standing in front of the mirror, practicing this), trying to get a stern confident expression.


I'd look at Stacy, whom I could truely trust, she was married to eJovic, and as much or more 'Zershy' than I was. Cymbal, , who had fancied herself 'in love' with a ZeSha (and learned the hard way he'd only played her), Crya Savimbi (Daktoy's girlfriend), Clint and Gef, who shouldn't give any trouble, Bjorn, (Sharon's appointee), who had been Captain of this ship,  Arlo, the engineer (Sharon's pal),  and Gerry, who'd not been a problem, and Marie, chosen for no apparent reason.


Looking into the mirror, imaging them before me:


"We are about to embark upon a mission." I announce in a breaking voice, my mother's shyness is probably hereditary.


I wondered about the word 'mission', it sounded so important, anyway, let me push on. Taking a breath, in a stronger voice:  "We are going to pretend to be TSF officers, confront a vessel that has been out for over twelve years so has no idea what has happened. You are not to tell them."


I'd put in a pause, let them think, then:"The vessel we meet has been able to incorporate the five ZerShaz Observors into their crew. This had caused them to gain a level of trust among ZerShaz, if you people don't destroy it."


Maybe I should leave out the 'if' clause? Hmmmm.


" All I want from you is that you say nothing which could jeopardise our position. If you do so, I promise..."


Do I have the authority to promise this? Maybe. Hmmm.


"You may gain a place on the Odin if you desire, the respect of the ZerShaz, and maybe somehow we, and those people, will encourage the ZerShaz to treat us differently. If you ruin it--" I shook my head.


I was sounding forced, looking comical.


Considering the mission, all I could say was that Stacy, eDapktchoy and myself would give no problem. I couldn't certify the others. Well, maybe Gef and Clint.


I know there should be other ways to gauge honesty or integrity, and perhaps, years ago, when I was a Lieutenant in the TSF, or a ' dip-shit ship's doctor ' (as Sharon put it) I knew those other ways. Now, all I could do was make it either do what I say or eat dirt.


I went to the Bridge, saw imKoldi and his 'girlfriend'. I was not particularly amused. Daktoy, possibly aware of my sentiment, logged off.  Then an oTay informed me 'oRain imKoldi' was waiting for me at the Re-An Unit.


Belatedly, I recalled I was supposed to do surgery on his left hand. I reached the Unit. He was there, waiting, a bland look on his face.


"Please place your left hand on the rest." I said, "and avert your eyes."


I took a microscan of his left hand, then rose.


"I need to compare this with my emulations." I told him and entered the lab, vaguely wondering where Sharon was. Getting the distinct impression all was not right in Wonderland.


However, I had too much to consider to delve into that minefield.

Chapter Two




I could see the Odin through the window, so enormous the erssavis looked like humming birds. I made contact, entered via the top hangar, taxied through the locks towards the 'spool'. When environment high enough, I came out of my


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Tag der Veröffentlichung: 02.02.2022
ISBN: 978-3-7554-0683-9

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