
Chapter One

When the Hurricane hit, I thought I was gonna die.  I started praying, begging forgiveness for things I'd done.


The Hurricane passed,  I didn't die.


It took over a week for light to came back, just on time for the Match. I was with my friends at the bar,  watching.  During half time we spoke about the Hurricane. I told them I got so  scared I was making confession, which made them laugh.


Then it hit me; I never asked forgiveness for murdering Hen.


As I thought that, the match resumed and I was into the game.


Later that night, when I was outside, smoking a cigarette I heard a gal up the road shouting at her boyfriend.  That's when I remembered how Fat Hen used to bark at me.


And I remembered that last bark.


I never was suspected or questioned about her murder. I left town right after.


I came here to the district where I was born and grew.  I had no reason to go back to town, so I didn't.  I lived my life, never thought about Hen. Not even when the storm came and I thought I was gonna die and was begging forgiveness, did I think about her.


As I stand,  smoking my cigarette, looking at the stars, I remembered the studio where I met Hen. The studio, not Hen.


Chapter Two

I used to go to Wildman Studio and hang out.  I'd meet entertainers, maybe do back up or help with a lyric, but mostly, run errands.


  Everyone had  a stage name and someone gave me 'Go Buy' because mostly that's what they said to me...

"Go Buy me some weed..."
     "Go Buy me a water..."


Go Buy turned into Gobi.


One day this fat older woman came into the studio dressed in this crazy outfit and asked for "Rankin". They told her he wasn't there.


"He's supposed to meet me here!" she barked 


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Tag der Veröffentlichung: 03.07.2021
ISBN: 978-3-7487-8720-4

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