
Chapter One

Davy was my best friend since I remember myself. We grew up together, and our lives were 'cloned'.


We went to play school, then primary, and there wasn't a day I didn't see him, unless one of us was sick or the weather prevented us from leaving our houses.


There were other kids around us, for we had lots of friends, but Davy and I were a unit.


When we went to Junior High and I became a 'girl' and he was a 'boy' we had some  'segregation'   where it was girls only over here, boys only lover there,  but there were times we were together.


During weekends we'd see each other, go places, but always with other kids so it wasn't just me and Davy.  We knew our parents were watching us every second, so that eight kids going to the movies got less attention than would me and Davy.  


In my final year of Junior High I met Marjie. She and her family had just moved to town.  I became her 'tour guide' and then Best Friends. We spent so much time together, at school and after school and Davy was often there.  Davy and Charley and Fiona and Debbie,  on and on, for I grew up in a friendly, happy neighbourhood where everyone knew everyone else.


I went to the  Junior High  Prom with Davy.


It wasn't like a date, it was supposed to be. For Davy and I would get married. Since I know myself I had assumed Davy and I would marry.


We'd  graduate High School and get married.

Chapter Two

Davy and I returned to our closeness that summer before High School. Marjie joined us as did a few other kids.   It was rarely just me and Davy although it was often just me and Marjie.


We went through  High School.   And finally,  Senior Year. 


It was Easter,  Easter of our Senior Year.  Davy and I were on the phone  discussing  last night's episode of a television show when he said;


"You think Marjie will say yes if I ask her to go with me to the Prom?"


And me, the stupidest person on Earth; "The three of us?"


"No, I was thinking of taking Marjie...why?


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Tag der Veröffentlichung: 17.06.2021
ISBN: 978-3-7487-8587-3

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