
Chapter I



It was early and I couldn’t sleep, I sat on the edge of the window and looked down at the dark street. The moon was big and lit up the cloudy and starless sky, I don’t know what it was, but the calmness of the night soothed me. The street lights buzzed and the wind whipped through the palm trees. I put my head back and finally closed my eyes. **BEEP BEEP BEEP** I jumped from my awkward slumber; the alarm on my phone was going crazy. “Ugh, it’s way too early” I grumbled. Without moving I looked out the window again, the clouds had separated and the sun was starting to peek over the mountains, I looked down at the street to see the morning joggers taking their daily route. ”I wish it would snow” I thought while I stretched and peeled off my over sized pj’s. I looked down at my phone **6:45 Tuesday November 25th** I quickly got in the shower and sat for a few minutes before washing myself and exiting with a sigh. I stopped and looked in the mirror, my heart shaped face dripped wet. My long eyelashes fell over my round hazel green eyes. Dimples were imbedded in my cheeks and the bridge of my nose was kissed with freckles. I smiled slightly at myself; I thought I was pretty although my dad was the only one who told me so. My sandy brown and blonde wet hair was wavy and fell over my shoulders and back, I wrapped my hair in a towel then sat in front of my mirror, slowly dabbing my wet hair dry. My eyes bounced to the few photos that aligned the border of the mirror. I looked at the photo of my dad and me on my 5th birthday. I was hoisted on his shoulders, my two front teeth missing from my enormous grin. My face was painted pink, blue and yellow like a fairies wings. My dad smirked at the camera. I finished combing my hair and began to get dressed, throwing on a black v neck over a lacey black bra and pulled my favorite ripped jeans over my matching black boy shorts. I slipped on my dirty black and white sneakers and  faded red hoodie, I threw my backpack over my shoulder then checked my phone again *7:25 Tuesday November 25th* I crept out of my bedroom as to not wake my Aunt and Uncle, and down the small hallway plastered with 1970’s wall paper and out the gated back door. The cool fall breeze whipped my face and I turned to walk to school. Preston High was just a few blocks from my house and although it was freezing I preferred to walk than to be ridiculed on the bus. I thought back to my father, as I walked down the street, palm trees slapped in the wind. My dad was a strapping man over 6’5, with a big bushy brown beard; he had big brown eyes like mine and his laugh! Oh my gosh, you couldn’t help but smile. He was a pretty outgoing man, whenever we would go somewhere he would talk with everyone, he knew everybody in our town. I lived in a small community in Wyoming before the accident. My dad worked so hard to take care of me; he was a single father after my mother abandoned us when I was pretty young. He was a mechanic during the day and taxi driver at night. That was his passion cars, people, and being my dad. His only vice was the bottle, it was his stress reliever, which now I guess I could understand since I’m older, we never had a lot of money, it was just us, and he well… he was lonely. My father never hurt me, like never raised a finger if I misbehaved so I didn’t say anything about his drinking and eventually got use to the smell of Jack on his breath. The wind whipped through my hair and sent a shiver down my arms. I grabbed my jacket tighter and watched student’s cars whiz by. All of a sudden a lifted black truck honked loudly at me.  The windows rolled down and it was a boy from my school; Josh. He sat next to me in 3rd period and we had only talked a few times in class. His large mouth widened to a smile, his semi long blonde hair combed perfectly behind his ears and his blue eyes flashed. I blushed a little **was he really smiling at me? ** I thought. But then I was abruptly dropped back to reality when his smile disappeared and he said “Umm…Can you go please?” in an extremely sarcastic tone while waving his arm in a motion telling me to move across the street. Giggles came from the passenger seat; I nodded and jogged to the other side of the street. The dark haired girl sitting in the front seat looked me up and down then flipped her hair “what a dweeb” she laughed turning to Josh and they sped off. I pushed my hair behind my ears, grabbed the straps of my backpack and kept walking, I dreaded school, I mean I was good at it…well more like okay at school I didn’t fail, I was an average student that faded into the back ground of my High school. I was pretty quiet since I was the new girl in town and I guess no one at Preston High in California was very friendly. The only place I shined was on the stage, ballet was my passion and you would think being on the dance team would help my social life, but it didn’t. I drifted to class and stared down at my work sheet, my mind shifted back to my dad. He was a drinker, but a functional drinker. He’d driven me to the moon and back and nothing would ever have happened to us. It was Saturday morning and I was about 8 years old and I had been begging him to take me to this new butterfly exhibit at the zoo.  I knew he had been drinking, but I didn’t mind, after begging and pleading for what felt like years he finally agreed. I should have known something was wrong from his demeanor, I’ve seen my dad drunk but never like this. He finally pulled himself into the car as I buckled myself up in the back seat, I wiggled with excitement. We didn’t even get to the highway when the accident happened. I don’t remember much, just blabbering about the butterflies and then hitting my head hard. I woke up in the hospital by myself; soon I learned that my father was speeding and ran a red light; he was hit by an oncoming truck and was killed upon impact. I however had walked away with a broken arm, concussion and a broken heart filled with guilt forever.  After years of bouncing around foster homes that were less than spectacular I finally found a “family” with my Aunt and Uncle here. The sound of the bell brought me back to reality; I gathered my things and sped to my next class.

Chapter II

 Finally the school day was over and then there I was, home.  I walked up the dreary street; opened the rusted gate that closed in our sad cemetery like yard. The sun shone bright but it was like we were always under our own storm cloud. The grass had patches of green with spots of dirt spread over it, weeds lined the walk way up to the large porch. I opened the white screen door and stepped inside. The cold tile floors made me shiver; I never understood why the floors were so cold. Old family paintings hung along the walls. The wind screamed, and whipped the door shut behind me **SLAM** I jumped from the sound. “QUIET” my Aunt hissed from the living room, I hurried into the kitchen to avoid her glare and started to clean, “Your Uncle is sleeping” I could feel her glaring at me, like lasers in the back of my head. She sunk back into the couch; her blonde hair was in a matted and messy pony tail with streaks of gray throughout. Her face was constantly in a scowl and her body that was once slim was now round and shapeless, and her outfit of choice was usually an over sized shirt and sweats.  After I finished my chores I turned to head up stairs when my Aunt said “exccuuuusseee meeeee… you left this plate here! Pick it up now!” I hurried over, grabbed the dish then swung back a round; I lost my footing, tripped and shattering the plate all around me. Like a flash my Aunt grabbed the hood of my sweatshirt mixed in with a handful of my hair and turned me around, our faces inches away *POW* she landed a hard smack on the side of my head. “Didn’t I tell you to be quiet? What is the matter with you, you little idiot.” I flinched from her spit hitting my face.  “Clean that shit up or you’ll get more than that” her face was bent into a scowl.  She finally let go and I shakily picked up the shattered glass pieces of the plate. “You don’t realize how lucky you are girl” my Aunt glared at me “You have it so easy, no job, no money, I do everything for you, and this is the thanks I get in return. I can barely afford anything for myself!” She said throwing her hands in the air. I kept my head low once I finished picking up the rest of the dish I started to walk slowly toward the stairs, “Hey girl, I’m still talking to you” My Aunt said, almost in a growl. “I want you up early to take that damn garbage out” I nodded and headed upstairs to my room. I stripped off my clothes and stopped to look at myself in the mirror. I was thin but had a slightly muscular figure due to dance. I was 5’2 which is what I must have inherited from my mother; my stomach was flat and my skin was nice and tan, which was the only good thing about California, you have beautiful tan skin all year round. I had a cute but small butt with average sized breast that matched my frame. I pulled my brown hair into a messy bun and slipped my dad’s college sweatshirt on, my stomach gruggled but I would rather go hungry than face my Aunt again. I sat and on the window seal and looked as the sun started to set. I rubbed the part of my head where she grabbed my hair then rolled the sleeves of my sweatshirt up to reveal my arms that were covered in bruises and scratches. Not saying I justify what my Aunt does, that’s never right to abuse anyone in your family but she was stressed, she was living an idyllic life for a while- childless and happy then my dad died and they fell off the face of the Earth. I was just about to live with some friend of my mothers in Tennessee until my social worker found my Aunt and Uncle in California. Then suddenly she had a whole new responsibility. I was so naïve, thinking I was about to have a family and leave my tragic childhood in the past, but I was mistaken. The abuse started immediately. To add to the fact that I was not going to be getting a loving mother figure in my Aunt, my Uncle was almost a vegetable, he had cancer I think. I rarely saw him; he just stayed in the room and he mostly just banged on the door or wall with his cane when he needed something since he was so ill he could not speak. The bills piled on and no matter how hard she worked she was always in over her head, and I took the brunt of the frustration. I secretly hoped either my Uncle or I would die so we could escape and life would be easier for one of us. I climbed into “bed” which was just an army cot with stacks of old quits on top of it. I brought my knees to my chest, and closed my eyes trying to forget the memories of the past, tears filled my eyes and I sniffed quietly, breathing in the scent of my father. I drifted off into sleep to the sound of my Uncle banging on the wall and the heavy creaks of my Aunt walking toward him.

Chapter III

Like clockwork I woke up early to take the garbage out as my Aunt commanded last night but I don’t even remember falling back asleep but I must have because the next thing I realized was my alarm  ****BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP**** I slowly opened my eyes and tried to rub the fogginess away. I looked at my phone *8:45 Wednesday November 26th* “Oh shit, no” I said as the door to my room crept open. My Aunt stood there in her faded purple slippers, gray sweats and over sized ripped shirt. Her fist clenched and close to her chest, “What are you still doing here?” she said through her teeth, I tried to get up off the bed quickly but my legs were shaky. “I’m sorry” I m stammered. I stumbled out of bed and collected myself. “I’ll go right now” I whispered, looking down to the floor, I tried to get into the bathroom but she blocked the door, “I’m confused, aren’t you suppose to be at school?, You’re so ungrateful” she spit and hit my left cheek hard with the back of her left hand, her rings dug into my cheek and her knuckles scrapped my jaw bone. I fell to the floor. “And why are you so damn lazy?! Didn’t I tell you to get up early to clean the windows?” Confusion rushed over me I started to think frantically my mind was racing. I thought ***what did she say? What did she tell me to do? Wait… She never said that? Did she? DAMMIT REMI why don’t you pay attention?!*** And before I got a chance to answer her I felt the punches coming from everywhere, hitting me in the face and head, she kicked me in the ribs and stomach and I gasped for air. “ Never told me to…” I said between pants. “You little bitch, you lazy, lying bitch, get up!” she shouted, she grabbed my sweatshirt. Was she drunk? She had that familiar scent, the scent of my father after a long day, the scent he had the day he died, the scent of Jack. I was sweating and shaking, my hair was sticking to my face. Blood fell from my eyebrow, my lip and cheek were throbbing and I continued to gasp for air as she pulled me to my feet and pushed me against the wall “Shut up... You’ll wake him up” she said grabbing my chin to face her, “I’m so sick of you, walking around here like you own everything, like you’re the fucking queen or something, you’re nothing! Do you hear me? ... NOTHING!” as her voice carried through the house I could hear my Uncle banging on the wall, I guess in his attempt to get her to stop. She looked at the wall then back at me, fear rose through my body and tears mixed with sweat rolled down my face. “Please... Please... I’ll be better” I whimmpered she smiled; it sent a shiver down my spine. “Oh I have something in store for you” she said dryly. She threw me to the side “Get dressed and get your ass to school” she said as she sped out of the room and down the hall. I hurried and took a shower; I pulled my hair into a messy bun, pulled a white long sleeve over my white sports bra and black skinny jeans over my blue boy shorts. I slipped into my dirty sneakers threw a black hoodie on and sped out of the house to get to school. My face was still red from the beating and I didn’t have time to put makeup on to cover it, it’s strange I never wore makeup unless it was to cover the marks she left. A bruise was visible on the bottom of my cheek and chin, I pulled the long sleeves over my arms as I approached the school, and I kept my head down and went to class. I was already late when I slowly walked into class, pushing my hair over my shoulder to hide the bruise on my face. The stares and snickers from walking late in were one thing but I definitely did not want everyone whispering about where this bruise came from. I sulked into my chair and my phone buzzed with a text from my Aunt **Bring your ass home as soon as that bell rings, time to say goodbye** a lump swelled up in my throat, it’s not like anyone would miss me, but what was she talking about? Where was I going? Was I coming back? Did my Uncle know? School was a blur again and my mind was in a haze trying to think what would happen when I stepped inside that dreary house. That day was awkward, it seemed like everyone including the teachers were whispering about me, when the bell rang after my final class I did just as my Aunt demanded and sped home. The weeds were gone from the walk way which was different and I noticed the blinds were draw back actually letting in some sunlight. My hand shook as I opened the door unsure of the horror that lay ahead, and to my amazement, the house was vibrate from the ancient chandelier that hung in the front room, it was free of dust and spider webs for once and was lit brightly. On top of the fireplace were candles that smelt like apples and cinnamon, that wondrous smell filled this once muggy and cold hearted house. For once my feet were not freezing when I walked in and stepped on the tile floor. The house was spotless; it looked like a team of maids spent the day clearing away all the dust and dirt that this house was covered in. My eyes widened with amazement, as I walked into the kitchen my Aunt was busy cooking away, “What is all this?” I said with a huge smile and still looking around with amazement. My Aunt was stirring something in a pot when she turned to me, I almost didn’t recognize her. Her face was caked with makeup, her red lips shone in the candle light, her hair was curled and was for once fully blonde. She reminded me of the mothers from the 50’s with her Polk-a-dot black and white dress with shiny black strappy heels. She wiped her hands on her apron and a smile spread across her face. She grabbed my shoulders I flinched a little, she said “Tonight is an important night, I wanted to do something special, go upstairs and get ready, dinner is at 7:30” she leaned in and kissed my cheek,  I could smell her perfume, it was amazing, I took a deep breath, enjoying this brief moment of serenity, normality, possibility even love? She grabbed my chin with her hands; this time gently “Oh Remi” she looked at my bruise with shock, like she didn't remember who put it there. I shrugged, “it’s… it’s nothing really, I must have bumped it on a desk at school…” I laughed nervously and looked down. She turned back to the kitchen, “Here” she said handing me a pack of peas, “put this on your chin and be more careful”. I walked up the stairs, peas pressed against my chin and glanced back down, she was humming, I was still confused on what her text meant earlier but she was in a great mood for once and I didn’t want to ruin it. I walked into my room and was surprised how clean it was, the few things that I did have were neatly placed somewhere other than the floor. On my bed lay an aqua blue dress, with nude heels laid next to it. I opened up a small box and a silver watch with matching silver and diamond earrings laid there, they shined brightly. Also on the bed was a small bag, I removed the tissue paper to reveal a pink rectangular box, when I opened it I smiled wide; it was a makeup kit, with different types of foundation, blush and eyes shadows. I sat on my bed looking at the gifts and was amazed. My 16th birthday had just passed on Saturday and I received nothing but my hair pulled for forgetting to put my dishes in the sink from the night before. **Maybe she feels bad for earlier, maybe Uncle is better or we won the lottery** I thought, but oh what the hell it didn’t matter I was going to enjoy this small moment of heaven. I jumped in the shower, and then started getting ready; I opened my makeup kit, the foundation was light on my face and gave me a flawless look, I then followed the instructions extra careful on how to do a Smokey eye. When I finished, I looked at myself in awe, my hazel eyes looked seductively back at me, if only the kids at school could see me now. I straightened my long sandy brown hair and pinned my bangs back into a bump, my hair feel over my shoulders and down my back. I didn’t realize how long my hair was until it was all straight. I stood in the mirror and looked at myself; I put on a nude bra and nude boy shorts, and slipped the blue dress on, it was a little tight and pushed my breast up under the v cut. I slipped on the watch and my heels, and then stood in the mirror, I felt beautiful and I would hope my Aunt and Uncle would think so too. My earrings sparkled and matched my white grin. After getting ready and pacing my room for what felt like centuries I checked my phone **7:00 Wednesday November 26th** I sat on the window seal in my room and looked as the sun went down, clouds started to roll in and the palm trees shook with the wind.

Chapter IV

I noticed two black jeeps parked across the street from our house, I’d never seen them before, but Thanksgiving was tomorrow so I assumed the neighbors family were starting to come to town. At 7:30 I looked at myself one last time in the mirror, smoothing out the wrinkles in my dress, touched up my makeup and I walked down the stairs “Aunty this dress is amazing, and the watch, and earrings like… I’m speechless this is just great” I said still making my way down. “The dress is a little tight but it still looks…” I turned the corner and walked into the dining room, “I’m glad you like them” an unfamiliar woman’s voice said. An older couple and a boy a little older than me were sitting at the table. My Aunt walked over and handed them a glass of wine, then made her way to me. I was confused but I smiled wearily, “Umm hello” I said, my Aunt grabbed me by the hand and said “Remi, this is Mr. and Mrs. Baker, and their son Derrick.” The couple stood up, the man was of average height probably 5’8 and pudgy, he reached out and kissed my hand, he was bald aside from his matching busy white eyebrows and mustache. His eyes were tired and but they were gray and kind, he was wearing a black suit with matching black shinny dress shoes and black tie, his watch matched mine but was gold and with a larger face; overall he looked expensive. I looked at his wife who bent over to give me a hug, “Oh Debbie she is gorgeous” she said smiling at my Aunt. Her perfume was strong, her freshly dyed blonde hair was in a side bun, her wrinkled face was covered in makeup that looked like she spent hours on it, nothing was out of place or uneven, her green eyes were covered in a dark eye shadow, her earrings were diamond hoops, that matched her bracelet and necklace, her black dress fell over her knees, and her red pumps were shinny. When they greeted me they both had accents that I had never heard, like they were from the south. It was adorable. I looked at Derrick and he seemed less than interested to be here, he stood at 6’3 and was like a statue, his white dress shirt rippled over his muscles and were rolled up at the forearms, if he would have sneezed the shirt sleeve would have ripped, he wore a gray vest and dark blue jeans with black dress shoes. He had his mothers green eyes, his hair was black and was shaven close on both sides, the top he left at a medium length and was combed over to the left a little. He clenched his jaw, looked down at me, and nodded I almost melted, he looked like a Greek god. “N..nice to meet you all” I stammered, I sat next to Derrick. His silver watch matched mine but again had a larger face.  I looked at my Aunt again trying to figure what was going on and she said nothing. Despite my confusion the night was great, my Aunt cooked the best meal I’ve ever eaten, and we talked and laughed. Derrick didn’t say much but I found out he was 18 and senior at his high school, apparently he is super smart and athletic and almost every college wants to recruit him. I talked about school (obviously leaving out my social status and complete loneliness) and my passion for ballet, Mr. Baker mentioned that he knew the direction of the ballet troupe in Tennessee, where they were from. Occasionally while talking I could see Mr. and Mrs. Baker stealing glances at each other and my Aunt would encourage me to continue talking. After dinner my Aunt stood and said “Remi, dear will you please clear the table while I speak with the Bakers” I nodded “You help as well Derrick” Mr. Baker said, as they stood to go to the porch outside Mrs. Baker grabbed Mr. Bakers shoulder and whisper “She is perfect” she giggled and went outside. I shook my head and I stood up and started to clear the table, I made awkward eye contact with Derrick and gave him a closed mouth smile and he watched me, expressionless, “So..” I flinched a little, his voice was deep and country, I’ve never heard an accent like that. “You’re 16? What are you like a freshman” he said slightly irritated, I placed a dish in the sink, “Uhh… Yeah my birthday was last Saturday and no I’m a sophomore actually.” I was still looking down at the sink when he said, “Even better” in a mocking tone he smiled slightly at me and he was even more perfect that before, his teeth were perfectly white and he had dimples in the wrinkles of his smile. I bit my lip then opened my mouth to question him about what his family was doing here when finally the adults returned and Mrs. Baker clapped her hand together and said “Well its settled, she’s perfect!” she said giddy and looked at Derrick, who rolled his eyes. “What’s settled? Who’s perfect?” I asked as I walking from the kitchen drying my hands on a towel. I looked at Derrick slightly confused, he said nothing but he folded his arms and with those beautiful green eyes, looked at his dad who said “Well, the arrangement dear” Mr. Baker said, “Surely your Aunt has told you” I shook my head no; they looked confused Mrs. Baker grabbed my shoulders and said “You’re going to come live with us in Tennessee”.I backed up a little, “I’m confused” I looked at my Aunt terrified. “Did I do something wrong? Am I being punched for sleeping late? I’m so sorry” I begged. Everyone looked at me like I had two heads; even Derrick’s stern look melted from his face and was replaced with a look of concerned.  Everyone then turned to look at my Aunt, who refused to look over at them. My Aunt smiled at me nervously and said with a hesitant laugh, “No, of…of course not why would you say such a thing” She was ringing her hands. Then it clicked, “Oh I see...” I said finally. “I’m being adopted!”  The Bakers laughed and Derrick rolled his eyes, he slapped his hands on his legs and stood to leave the room, before he left he whispered something to his mom, putting his hand to his chest then pointing at me. “Oh Derrick” she said a little stern and slapped his arm; he then went and sat on the bottom of the steps. “Stop being stupid” My Aunt whispered coldly. Mr. Baker grabbed my hand, and said “You’re not being adopted honey” he looked at Mrs. Baker, she was smiling and her hands were clasped together and tucked under her chin. He looked back at me  “We want you to marry Derrick”

Chapter V

I pulled back “What?” I said horrified. “Excuse us for a minute, we’ll start packing” My Aunt grabbed me and pushed me past Derrick who was still sitting on the stairs, his face in his hands, he grumbled as he pulled his hands off his face. We made eye contact, as my Aunt pushed me up the stairs; he looked at me sternly but worried. I wonder if he could tell there was panic in my eyes. My Aunt pushed me into my room and slammed the door shut, swung around and stared at me “Why do you insist on embarrassing me? You’re going to go live with them and do whatever the hell they tell you. If they want you to go to the moon you go. If they want you to marry Derrick you will do it” she hissed as she poked me in the chest with her finger. “Why?!” I raised my voice a little “You can’t just tell me who to marry, you can’t do this! What did I do? Why are you doing this? What will Uncle say?!” “Your Uncle is dying” she said cutting me off, “Don’t you get it? You think my little piss poor job and the shitty check I get for taking care you is enough? Because I had to take care of you I couldn’t afford his medication that’s why, because I couldn’t afford proper care for him, and the Bakers are willing to help me take care of him! Because they are going to help me move out of this dump of a neighborhood! And because you’re good for nothing mother owes them a huge favor” she put her hands on her hips. I stood there with my hands to my side. “I’m not going” I said looking down at the ground. **POW** she slapped me hard against my cheek that brought my down on one knee, I rubbed my sore cheek. She bent down and grabbed my chin and brought it close to hers. “You have no idea how happy I am to get rid of you, you’re going you little shit weather you like it or not.” Derrick opened the door and my Aunt let go quickly “Is everything okay in here?” he said beaming at my Aunt. “Yes everything is fine” she laughed a little “Why don’t you help her pack, I’ll tell your parents they can go back to the hotel” my Aunt looked at me coldly then up at Derrick, he gave her a blank stare and watched her as she left the room. I couldn’t face him, but he reached his hand down to help me up since I was still on the floor. I grabbed his hand and stood up, god his cologne was heavenly but I kept my head down and sadly started to gather a few pictures on the mirror. I mean I wasn’t sad about leaving my Aunt, she was terrible, I was just so sick of feeling abandoned; like no one ever wanted me, like I was never good enough for anyone. I finished putting the pictures in the jewelry box I received from one of the foster kid’s years ago. I grabbed the duffle bag and suit case from the closet then grabbed the folded clothes in my dresser and jammed them into the bags.

. My sight was blurry, I started to sniffle and tears fell down my cheeks, Derrick sat on the ledge of the window and looked at the pictures in the jewelry box, he smiled and slightly chuckled at them. “Is this you?” he said pointing to the one of my dad and me on my birthday. I nodded and saw his smile, it was nice to see him smile but was he laughing at me? Was he laughing at the fact that I’m an orphan?  Laughing that no one wanted me? Laughing at my abuse? My face turned red and anger rose through me I snatched the picture and put it back in the box. I sniffed, “I’m about to change, could you leave?” I said harshly as I wiped tears from my eyes and glared at him. He stood there looking at me, “Oh yeah sure” he cleared his throat, “Is this it?” he grabbed the suitcase and turned to leave; he looked back at me then closed the door behind him. I took off the dress and heels then threw them into the duffle bag and went to the closet, I pulled on my ripped jeans and threw a sweatshirt over my bra. I washed the makeup off my face; my eyes were red and puffy from crying. I pulled my hair into a pony tail and slipped on my brown boots. I grabbed my jewelry box and duffle bag off the cot, and while flinging the bag over my shoulder I turned and looked at the bare room; I turned off the light and closed the door. I was actually surprised how quickly I packed, maybe a part of me wanted to leave as badly as I tried to deny. The front door slammed behind me and I walked down the steps of my porch, the cold fall air whipped silently through the trees then it started to sprinkle which was so cliché.

Chapter VI

One of the two black jeeps was gone and Derrick was sitting in the driver’s seat, his face was gleaming from the light of his phone, the engine hummed in the night. I looked back at the house, my Aunt grinned in the window.  I half heartily hoped she would run out of the house, wrap her arms around me and tell me she made a mistake, tell me she loved me and everything would be better, never let me go… but instead she closed the blinds. Derrick looked up from his phone and got out of the car quickly and rushed over to me. I stood stiff and looked at him a little panicked, he grabbed the duffle bag and box from me and put them in the car. I was still standing there when he said “Are you coming?” he motioned me over to the car and opened the door for me. I just sat there quietly while Derrick drove off into the night. It was quiet for a long time until he opened his mouth and said "I'm sorry if i came off a little cold earlier, I'm not usual like that." "Mmhmm" i said nodding a little, "Your mom’s kind of a bitch” Derrick said eyes focused on the road. “She’s not my mom, she’s my Aunt” I said staring out the window, “And what were you laughing at in my room? You think this is funny?” We both whipped out heads and looked at each other. “No, it’s not funny, she shouldn’t put her hands on you” he said in a matter if fact kind of tone. My cheeks burnt bright red, I was embarrassed that he knew the secret I tried to protect. He turned toward the road and his face bent to a frown, he gripped the steering wheel the leather sqeezed. “She’s lucky I didn’t see her, I would have stopped her” he let out a breath and relaxed his grip.  “Derrick?” I said in a small voice, He glanced over then back at the road a few times, “What?” he whined. “Why…well why is this happening” I said rubbing the sleeves of my sweatshirt together. He signed and said “My parents are pretty important people, and they’re ready to retire but they have  ‘Southern values’ or something." He shook his head, "I don’t know but  they want me to be married first before the hand the business off to me”. “Are you an only child? They can't pass it off to your siblings?" I asked. "I have an older sister but, shes busy with her family. My brother in law works for the government and they are always traveling with my nieces and nephews." he said. "Well why don’t you marry someone from Tennessee then? Why take me from my life and bring me to yours?! And what did my Aunt mean by saying my mom ‘Owed your family a huge favor’?” I said “Hey! I don’t want this either; you think I want to be in some forced marriage? This wasn’t my idea. What do you think my friends are going to say? I don’t even want a relationship period” he said looking me up and down. We both sat there in silence, the only noise was the piter patter of rain, buzzing of the air conditioning and the wind shield wipers. We pulled up to the airport and Derrick shut the car off, then looked at me, his arm resting on the steering wheel, “Look I don’t know you and I don’t know how to make this less awkward, I really don’t know what to say.” He looked down at the center consol. “I just don’t understand how they think we’re just going to do this, like I'm 16, I'm not ready to be married. We don’t have a choice?” I said looking back at him, he just shrugged his shoulders still looking down. He then looked back up and me and smiled a little, he was just so gorgeous. He said “I’m not that bad you know” I smiled a little and blurted out “Well you’re beautiful so” my eyes widened, my face grew flush then red with embrassmen. I turned away quickly. He laughed loud, “Well thank you, you're pretty cute yourself, I was not expecting that” I smiled and turned back at him, “So what now? We’re not getting married tonight are we? I’m not ready for that!” my voice was shaky. “No we’re not getting married tonight, relax” he said sitting back into the driver seat. The rain started to come down fast and hard against the the windshield. Derrick looked at his watch then back at me, “Look, I know this is weird, and I’m sorry this is all new, but I mean it didn’t seem like the greatest place to live”. I turned away from him and looked out the window. “Hey” he said gently, he grabbed my hands, and I turned back to him. “At least no one will hurt you again... i promise” he smiled slightly and I looked into his eyes and he into mine, it was like time stopped around us, my heart was beating fast, my ears burned red, my stomach was fluttering with butterflies, God I hoped he didn’t feel my hands sweating. I wanted to kiss him, I’ve never see a man so handsome in my life, but...what if he was like everyone else that drifted in and out of my life. What if he was abusive too? Was he a player back in Tennessee? Was this all an act? I pulled my hand away and looked down. I could feel him still lookiing at me. After a few quiet moments the valet knocked on my window, Derrick nodded and cleared his throat “I’ll grab the bags” he got out of the car and grabbed both his and I’s duffle bag and my suit case. He then came over to the passenger side and opened the door for me, he handed me an umbrella. We didn't walk into the terminal, instead we walked around the side and out back. Soon my confused was over when we were led to a huge private jet. We hurried to the jet, Derrick handed our bags to someone else and pushed me up the stairs. We shook the water off ourselves and I looked around in amazement. The seats and couches were made of leather and were light tan with dark maroon plush carpet. The jet was warm, and soon my slightly damp clothes were dry. In the front of the cabin was a flat screen TV playing some old black and white movie. When we walked in Mr. Baker waved at us as he went into the back cabin to make a phone call, Mrs. Baker was in a light pink silky robe with black boots on, she had martini in her left hand she patted the seat to the right of her and motioned for me to sit next to her, I looked back at Derrick who unbuttoned his gray vest and then plopped down on the couch looking at his phone. I walked over slowly and sat uncomfortably. She grabbed my hand and looked at my nails, “Oh sweetie, we have to do something about that, Suzanna? Suzanna dear we need our nails done” she smiled back at me, Suzanna then came over and started to give us Mani’s and Pedi’s, YES a full blown nail spa on an private jet **this can’t be real! ** I thought. Mrs. Baker chatted with me and told me about the Thanksgiving dinner party they would be hosting at their house tomorrow, thats when they were going to introduce Derrick and I to the community. I sat quietly and nodded as she spoke so highly of her family and especially Derrick, I looked at him and he rolled his eyes a little and smiled at me. She also spoke of her daughter Daphine, who I would be meeting tomorrow. Apperently they are not to fond of her choice in a husband but non the less accept him and love their 5 grand children. Soon me and Mrs. Baker had matching white French tip manicures and pedicures. I raised my arm to look at my watch and nails, when my sleeved rolled down, exposing my forearm marked my bruises, Derrick sat up quickly and looked at me. I rolled my sleeve back down over my arm and hand and looked away. Mrs. Baker didn’t notice, she stood up and said “Okay you two, once this little storm clears up we’ll be off for home, Good night” she moved to the back cabin with Mr. Baker. I stayed firmly in the chair and watched the black and white movie hoping Derrick would forget seeing my arm. Finally we started to take off and the lights in the cabin turned off. I moved over to the long couch were Derrick was laying and sat down at the end near his feet, still watching the movie, I shivered a little, “Are you cold?” he said looking down at me; he removed one of his ear plugs.  He had a blanket draped over him, “Come here.” I crawled down the couch, he was still laying on his back when he moved the blanket off his right side of his body, “Do you want me to lay there?” I whispered, he nodded, I laid on the  right side of his body and put my head on chest. He threw the blanket over both of us and put his ear plug in, smiling slightly. His heart was beating steady, while mine was going a million miles a minute, my head moved up and down with every deep breath he took. I breathed in his scent; I’ve never smelt something so amazing. I looked up at him, he face was lit from the screen of the phone, I smiled a little at him and then moved my head back to lay on his chest. “Are you comfortable?” I asked, looking back at him. He shook his head no and I sat up quickly, he moved his right  up from underneath me and laughed quietly. He grabbed my shoulder then pulled me down next to him, he continued to look at his phone while the faint noise of music played. Droplets of rain fell against the jet, Derrick rubbed my forearm arm up and down gently, i'm sure i even felt a kiss on the top of my head and I for once fell into a peaceful sleep.

Chapter VII


 I woke up with the sun shining on my face; slowly I opened my eyes and forgot where I was for a moment. I sat up quickly; searching frantically for my phone, hoping that I didn’t over sleep again. I realized I was no longer in my cold army cot bed but in this amazing Jet. Then the memories from the night before crashed over me like ocean waves. I stretched and looked at my phone, ***5:30am Thursday November 27th*** I sat up quickly and put my shoes on; I pulled my hair out of the pony tail from last night and threw it into a messy bun. The door to the jet opened quickly, Derrick popped his head opened and said, “Hey it’s time to…” I stood up before he could continue “oh you’re awake… well it’s time to go” he said harshly. He was still in dark jeans, but was wearing black chucks, a black long sleeve, with a gray and royal blue letterman jacket on. The back on his head, and partially of his ears were covered with a gray beanie, the top of his black hair was sticking out. “Well… get up” he said impatiently. I followed him down the steps of the jet; he opened the door for me to get into the black jeep. I looked at him, “You don’t have to do that every time” I said quietly, “Southern hospitality” he said sarcastically with a grin. The sun was rising over the mountains that were lightly touched with snow at the peaks, the land was green and instead of the palm trees the ones here were pine and reminded me of the Christmas trees. I looked at Derrick as he drove, “Did you sleep okay?”I asked, he shrugged, “Yeah it was okay.” I reached over to grab his hand but he pulled away still staring at the road. I put my hand back into my lap and looked at my phone, not a single text or call from my Aunt but why would she? She got what she wanted. At that moment I decided to stop sulking, to stop being the victim. No matter what comes out of this situation I would make the best of it, I sat up a little taller and smiled to myself. A new Remi would be born. After driving for what felt like hours, we pulled into a very affluent community. People were out walking their dogs and mowing the lawn. The houses were each big and nice with huge yards. Derrick stopped in front of an almost castle like house and the gates opened, he pulled into the long U-shaped drive way. The yard was large and grassy; it had two gardens full with flowers, on both sides of the entrance of the house, a fountain completed the regal look and was in the center of the yard. The house was enormous, at least 2 stories, when I stepped out of the car I looked down at the driveway made with different Earth toned stones. The house was a cream color with lots of windows and arches. When we walked in the entry way of the house it was just like that of the movie Annie, giant marble floors throughout, with matching marble pillars and  grand chandelier made of a million crystals hanging down. In the center of it all was a double winged staircase. It was early in the morning but the house keepers were busy with their daily task. I stood looking at the inside of the house with amazement; Derrick followed behind me; his arms full of suitcase. “Derrick this is place is beautiful” I said in amazement. He shrugged and bumped past my right shoulder nudging me forward and toward the stairs, he walked in front of me and I followed him up the stairs. He led me to a large white door and opened it. The scent of vanilla and pumpkin came rushing out toward me, the floor of the room was a dark hard wood, with a matching wood dresser, a wood bed was in the center of the room pushed against the wall. Candles were lit on the dresser and were on the ledge of the giant bay window to the left of the bed. White sheets were draped over the top and down the railing of the grand canopy bed; the covers on the bed were white as snow and looked like they had never been touched. A wooden bench was at the foot of the bed and above the dresser was a giant flat screen TV. “Wow” I finally said sort of quiet. Derrick placed my bags in the walk in closet, which to my surprise was already was full of clothes and shoes. He stood straight and brushed off his jeans, “Okay so here’s your room, the bathroom is over there” he pointed to another white door, “and the bathroom is connected to my room… so if you need anything just knock”.  Derrick then turned and left me in the room by myself, he was a lot colder than last night and I just didn’t understand. I spent the day unpacking the few things I had, exploring the clothes in the closet, had a snack and slept. The bed was so comfortable I couldn’t help but to fall into a deep sleep. I was asleep when Derrick came into the room, “Seriously you’re sleeping?” he crossed his arms. I scratched my head, my hair was wild like I’ve been living in the jungle for years, my shirt fell over my shoulder exposing my bra strap, I wiped drool from my cheek. “Get up, people will be here soon and you need to get ready.” Once he left I got up and went into the bathroom, the floors were a white tile, the counter tops were a dark granted and the sink were pure while. The shower was like that of a spa, it had stone floors and walls and a place to sit. It had shower heads on the top and both sides of the walls. Next to the grand shower was and even grander soaker tub. I got into the shower and let the water fall all over my body, I sat on the little tile bench in the shower, the water massaged my sore head and back from the beatings I took from my Aunt. I washed my hair slowly and shaved my legs. I never realized how many bruises I had until I had time to actually look at myself; I still had the cuts and bruises on my arms and a large bruise on left ribcage from when she kicked me. I realized the shower was steaming up the bathroom and I turned the shower off quick. “Oh shit, I forgot a towel” I said as I stepped out, just then Derrick opened the door to the bathroom, he was looking down when he saw my feet and slowly started to look at my naked body. I looked him up and down, his hair was in the same perfect fashion from the night before, and he was again wearing the shinny dress shoes and dark jeans from last night, but was wearing a black, red and green sweater with diamond shapes on the front. The smell of his cologne filled the bathroom. He looked me up and down, his mouth was shut, his eyes were wide and almost in a daze, his eyes moved slowly up from my feet to each of my breast and bounced back and forth looking at both of them, he looked at me seductively, like I was the most attractive girl he had ever seen.  I could feel myself becoming aroused and wondered if he could tell or if he was too. His eyes moved down past my breast to the bruise on my ribs, he opened his mouth slightly, in shock. He looked me back at me then at the bruise, his eyes were full of sorrow then he reached his hand out slowly to touch the my ribs and I quickly  grabbed my clothes and ran out of the bathroom, locking the door  to my room behind me.

Chapter VIII


My back was against the door and my head in my hands in shame. After sitting there for a while I finally collected myself and began to get ready. I put the flawless foundation over my skin, and instead of a Smokey eye, I did a simple cat eye with my eyeliner, and a light brown eye shadow. Light blush graced my cheeks and I rolled on a nude lipstick. I braided my hair into a messy but elegant side bun. I pulled on a robe over my still naked body and went to the window; I sat on the ledge and watched the sun set as numerous cars were starting to arrive. A black BMW pulled up and a blonde woman stepped out, I sat up a little to get a better look at her, she was greeted outside by Derrick, then they went inside. I crept out of my room and spied down the stairs to look at them. The girl walked in and hugged Derrick long and tight. They had large smiles on their faces, when they released from their embrace his arms ran down her arms and he grabbed both her hands, looking at her full of lust; it was different than the look he gave me in the bathroom. She was blonde, and was wearing her hair in a French braid that draped over her left shoulder. Her blonde bangs fell over her forehead; she flipped them out of her brown eyes. Her dress was black, lacey and short, she wore a white sweater and black heels. Her lips were a bright red. Derrick pushed her bangs out of her face and she kissed him on the cheek. I felt my cheeks and ears starting to burn, my stomach dropped. I stood up slowly and went back into my room. **Was I really jealous of her, he was nice for 2 second and all of a sudden you’re in love? Come on Remi. But the look he gives me… I’ve never been looked at like that.. He has to feel a little something. Right? ** I thought. I definitely was attracted to him, I mean who wasn’t? But I mean look at her! She looked like a model, long legs and big breast then look back at little virgin me. I took a few deep breaths to calm myself then pulled on a black strapless bra and matching black thong, I went into the closet and pulled out a knee length, plum colored dress and slipped into it, the dress was long sleeve, and was draped over my shoulders, the top of my breast peeked out from the top, I slipped into nude wedges. I looked at myself in the mirror and smoothed out my dress, I took another deep breath then I walked out of the room and started down the stairs.

Chapter IX

Mrs. Baker stopped talking to whoever she was talking to and came up the stairs next to me; she wrapped her arm around me and said “Attention, attention everyone, attention quiet down.” She looked at me and smiled, “This beautiful young woman’s name is Remi and she is going to be staying with us for a little while, and I want you fabulous people to make her feel welcome.” I smiled and waved a little, my eyes scanned the crowd looking for Derrick; he was nowhere to be found. The crowd applauded while I descended the staircase. I spend the next hour shaking hands and talking about myself, school and dance. The people were sweet, but definitely had their noses in the air. I wasn’t use to all this attention, but it was a fresh start and I liked that people were actually eager in wanting to know about this mysterious new comer. As I talked to the party guest my mind was distracted looking for Derrick, I finally set out to look for him. **Why are you freaking out?** I thought, I don’t know what it was about him! I mean it had only been a day… but the way he held me, the way he looked at me, I just felt something… I don’t know special. I turned the corner of a long and dark hallway and ran right into Derrick’s stomach with my chest. I looked up at him slowly, he was wiping red lip stick off his lips, and his hands were red from the stains. He looked at me, a little in shock, I think I scared him. Once he got over the shock of seeing me he stood with an “it is what it is look”. Soon the blonde girl came up behind him, and kissed his ear, my cheeks burned with jealousy. She looked down at me and smiled a little, “Hi, I’m Julia” she said with a slight giggle and reached out her hand for me to shake, I was still staring at Derrick when I grabbed her hand, “Hey, I’m Remi” I flashed a fake smile at her. Derrick huffed and grabbed Julia’s hand moved to the left and kept walking. I turned to look at him as they re-joined the party, her arm wrapped around his waist. It was late once the party finally finished, I was standing outside on the patio, trying to see if I could see the mountains in the distance when Mrs. Baker called my name, I turned to her and she wrapped me up in a hug. “You were amazing, and everyone loved you.” She squealed and smiled big looking into my eyes. “Thanks” I said smiling and looked down at my shoes. “So the clothes fit?” Her arms still grasping my shoulder and moved her head trying to make eye contact, I looked back up, smiled and nodded. “You start school Monday and you have to make a good impression, new start you know! Oh and ballet starts Monday as well so I hope you’re ready. Do you need shoes? I’m sure you have some but we can buy new ones or tights? Whatever you need. Do you have your license? No? Well we’ll have to work on that but for right now Derrick can drive you to school. Oh and don’t worry about that awful Julia girl, she’s been pinning over Derrick since they were in diapers.  And then we need to start planning the wedding, I’m thinking something in the spring...” My mind was spinning as Mrs. Baker continued to talk and rattle off the events that would occur in MY life. I tuned her out and nodded along, finally she said good night and left me on the patio to my thoughts.

Chapter X

 After the talk with Mrs. Baker I took a long bubble bath and pulled my dad’s sweatshirt over my blue Nike spandex shorts and slummed into bed. I had only known Derrick for a short while but I felt a connection with him, I didn’t think it was because of this marriage arrangement that I felt some sort of bond but the fact that he was different. He made me feel safe, a feeling I hadn’t had in a while. Maybe I just had never been noticed by someone so attractive and I tricked myself into thinking that maybe he would like someone like me. A small knock wrapped on the door that shook me out of my thoughts, “Come in” I said faintly. Derrick popped his head in; he was wearing black socks, black sweats and a gray St. Anna’s high school football shirt. “Hey, can I come in?” I nodded, he closed the door quietly. “So you made a great impression on everyone, everyone really liked you” he smiled a little, he came and sat on the floor with his back against the bed. I looked down at him. It was awkward and quiet for a little while until I piped up and said “Look I’m sorry… I didn’t realize you had a girlfriend, I don’t know maybe… maybe I can talk to your mom and we don’t have to go through with this. Maybe I can just go back with my Aunt…” “No” Derrick said cutting me off, he looked up at me. “That’s definitely not going to happen. Not after what I saw that she did to you, and she… she isn’t my girlfriend.” He said shaking his head. He stood and sat on the foot of the bed next to my feet. I looked in his eyes and blurted out “Well… I mean it sure looked like it.” I said coldly. “You jealous?” he asked. “NO” I shouted, “Shhh you spazz” he said frowning. “I don’t believe you. Does she know about our little arrangement?” I said laying back, Derrick moved closer to me and reached under my shirt, his hands were so soft; he rubbed my bruises, and I winced. I tried and failed to move his hand away. “Why did you let her do this to you?” he said with a sign, I sat quietly, “Look” I said “I don’t want to talk about it. Like ever again. And stop treating me like your little sister, I don’t need your sympathy for what happened, I dealt with it. And if she isn’t your girlfriend what is she? I thought ‘you didn’t want a relationship period’” I said in a mocking tone. He laughed and looked up at me, “Boy for someone who isn’t jealous you sure do talk about her a lot” he said. I shut my mouth. “I’m sorry” he said, I’m sure he was talking about the beatings again. “Well don’t” I said and climbed under the covers turning my back toward him. He sat there for a little while then got up and turned off the light, “good night” he said shutting the door. I laid in the dark for a long time, thinking about him and Julia, my stomach was in knots. I couldn’t love him… I just met him…did he love her? Did he want to get married? Yuck, the sound of marriage makes me sick I mean I’m 16! Thoughts clouded my head until I finally shut my eyes to go to sleep.

Chapter XI


I opened my eyes Monday after the holiday weekend, which was spent avoiding Derrick; and more time with Mrs. Baker and even a little time with Mr. Baker (who now wants me to call them Jeannie and James). Jeannie and I went shopping, got our nails done and she talked my ear off about everyone in the community, the wedding, how excited she was to see me dance, etc etc. James and I went to lunch and now have a daily morning walk routine, which I thoroughly enjoyed. He was so wise and it was so nice to have a fatherly figure again, obviously no one could replace my father, but he was closed enough. It was nice to finally have people that cared, they wanted to know how I was feeling, how I was doing, if I needed a shoulder to lean on, this was the best thing I think that came out of this arrangement. After showering and taking extra care on straightening my hair I re did the same makeup from the party. I pulled on blue jeans without any rips because according to Jeannie that “isn’t lady like” whatever… and my new brown UGG boots. After I put on my bra, I stood straight and was facing the door when Derrick busted into the room, “Can you knock?!” I said turning away covering myself. I pulled on a white long sleeve and faced him. “Hurry up, we’re leaving in 30 minutes” he looked me up and down again, “You look great by the way” he said with a half smile. I rolled my eyes, he bit his lip and left. After Derrick left I wrapped a pink scarf around my neck, put in the diamond earrings I received the night I met the Bakers and slipped the silver watch over my left wrist. I looked at myself, I felt…different. More confident! The bruises were fading along with the shit I’ve had to deal with from the previous years of my life. A huge smile was planted on my face. This was a new start for me, I was a new person, and this time around things were going to be different. Walking into school with Derrick made me feel like a celebrity. As we walked down the hall and he gave high fives or handshakes to every guy that walked by and small hugs to the girls. He introduced to me to a few people who were very nice and welcoming; I even received a few hugs. Everyone had an adorable country accent, and they giggled at my valley girl/west coast accent. Compliments poured in from my hair down to my shoes, this was a lot more refreshing than the kids at Preston High, Oh if they could see me now! The invisible mousey little girl was now on the arm of the most handsome guy in school being complimented by all the popular kids. Derrick didn’t introduce me as his fiancé or girlfriend or whatever the hell we were which was fine with me since I was still pretty pissed off about the whole Julia thing but he beamed down at me, smiling, like he was so proud to have me on his arm. The bell rang and Derrick introduced me to a sweet girl named Hannah, she had short brown hair, and green eyes that were covered with black glasses. She was taller than me, about 5’6 and was wearing a pink Victoria secret sweatshirt, black jeans and black UGG boots. “She has first period with you and she can show you around, we all have 4th lunch so I’ll see you then” Derrick said and smiled at me, “Thanks Derrick I’ll…” my voice trailed off as Julia came bouncing down the hall and put her hands over Derrick’s eyes. His smiled faded and he laughed an uneasy laugh. “Guess who” she said kissing his cheek. I looked at Hannah who shrugged and motioned with her head to follow her to class. I looked back at Derrick who looked at me like he was sorry but still took Julia’s hand and walked with her down the hallway. As we took our seats Hannah said “Don’t worry about those two; she’s been stuck on Derrick since freshman year. He’s denied her before but she’s like low-key crazy” Hannah leaned in closer to me and was almost whispering now; “I heard she showed up at his house in the middle of the night crying on the front yard” we both giggled. She pushed her glasses back, popped her gum and sat up straight “Derrick is just too much of a sweetheart to reject her so he’s been putting up with it for a little while” she said in a matter of fact tone. My heart fluttered a little bit with the hope that, maybe I wasn’t crazy and the way Derrick looked at me was something special. After a few classes it was lunch time, Hannah and I walked outside to the usual spot where Derrick and the rest of the gang of friends sat, the wind whipped my hair over my face, I saw Derrick, he was laughing and talking to the group of friends. I waved a little. “Crushing hard huh?” Hannah said and nudged me a little. I blushed and smiled back at her. Derrick continued to talk when he finally saw us; then motioned for us over to sit with him. Hannah and I sat opposite of Derrick, and a few girls and guys introduced themselves to me. I was in the middle of a conversation with the girls when I was interrupted by a voice, “Well hello, who do we have here?” I turned and looked at the voice, a boy probably the same height as Derrick walked over. “Wow, you’re gorgeous” he said smiling down. He shoved the boy that was sitting to my right to make room for himself and sat beside me. I looked at his face; He had icy blue eyes and a wide grin with perfect white teeth that fit his round face. He had long wavy blonde hair that touched his shoulders; the top of his head was covered by a gray beanie. He was wearing a letterman jacket like Derrick and light blue jeans with black sneakers. “Hi, I’m Logan” he said in a cocky tone, like I should already know who he is. He reached his large hand out; I shook it and said “Hi, I’m Remi.” Everyone was quiet and staring at us. “Remi?!” he exclaimed, “That’s a dope name. You must be new huh?” He said still smiling, still holding my hand, his cologne was amazing, maybe a little better than Derricks. I nodded, I was entranced by him, he was looking into my eyes, he was an attractive guy and he talked with a cockiness I wasn’t use to. “Why is it that the new girls always flock to his highness Derrick?” he said laughing. I looked at Derrick who was not laughing, he clenched his jaw. “Logan, you’re so pathetic” Derrick said and stood up. Everyone started to whisper a little. Logan stood and smiled at Derrick, “Ha what the fuck ever dude, I can talk to whoever I want” he grabbed his bag then leaned down next to me. He pushed my hair behind my ear and whispered in it “See you around… Remi” I turned and looked into his eyes, he winked and I blushed slightly. He stood and looked at Derrick again, “Pff chump” he said under his breath and walked away. Derrick lunged slightly at him, but a few guys pushed him back into his seat. “Relax dude” said one guy, “He’s a nobody” “Yeah don’t waste your time” said another. “What was that about?” I finally said, everyone turned and looked at me. Derrick faced me and looked very serious, “That kid is a fucking loser. He’s a shit talker and shit starter. He tried to have to me kicked off the team and thrown out of school because I had to punk his ass for staring shit.” Derrick relaxed a little and sat back “If you know what’s good for you keep away from him. He’s just ugh… He’s so fucking annoying” I gulped, and nodded. After a few moments of silence Hannah asked what I was going to wear for the dance, “What dance?” I said “oh yeah you’re new” she said rolling her eyes. “Well the winter formal is coming up, we’re all going as a group and you should come just bring a date” Hannah said as she nudged my arm. I smiled and looked at Derrick who was busy talking to his friends.

Chapter XII


As the weeks of school went on I was a new person, I was pretty, popular, and had friends. Weekends and after school were spent with the girls. I was going to parties, shopping at the mall, and sleepovers. Slowly the old quiet, abused Remi was melting away, I finally coming out of my shell. Ballet was going amazingly too! There were so many talented dancers that were equally amazed by how young and talented I was. Hans (who is the ballet director) said I was the best dancer he had seen. Rehearsal for the first show had started and when I wasn’t spending time with my friends I was practicing. The first show was the Nutcracker; I had auditioned for Clara but was put as a sugar plum fairy which was fine with me. The experience is what I lived for.  Derrick and I spent little time together, he drove me to school and we were hanging around the same friends but it started to feel awkward being around each other. His mother started to plan the wedding and a huge party where we would formally announce the engagement. I think why we grew apart was that we were trying to keep this secret of why I was really here from all of our friends. I half hoped we would start to fall in love and maybe this forced marriage would work out but I had to snap myself back into reality and let go of that fantasy, I wanted nothing more than to be close to him, to be with him but I didn’t get the feeling he wanted the same the thing. I was conflicted with my feelings and Derrick wasn’t making it easier. One minute he would flirt with me, and give me that look of desire… of wanting me more than a human can want another human, and then next he would completely ignore me. He did manage to get rid of Julia which again gave me hope.  I had been asked out on dates and was hit on constantly by the boys at school but I was polite and let them down easy. It started to become a game at school for the boys to see who could win me over but I knew I was holding out for Derrick… well not entirely. The way Derrick was so annoyed with Logan intrigued me to no end, like who was this kid? What was his story? He was so mysterious; it was the biggest turn on. So Logan and I had been texting on the low-key.  We never hooked up or anything, but I started to like him he would call me every morning and every night to tell me I was beautiful and I felt special for once, It was nice to feel wanted and I enjoyed teasing Logan. The Thursday before the dance Logan came up to me, and blocked the entrance to my classroom. “Hey Logan what’s up?” I said a little nervous, he smiled and said, “What’s the rush? Look this little dance thing is coming up and you’re the best looking girl in this school.” I blushed a little. “And I need a date and I know you need one too so…” he pulled out a rose from his bag, “Go to the dance with me?” he smiled; when he smiled he was so cute. He wasn’t the first guy to ask me to the dance, I actually declined half the football and basketball team hoping you-know-who would ask me. “Thank you” I said looking down at me feet, then at his smile, and pushed my hair out of my face, “I’m flattered… I really am… I just… I don’t think I can” I stammered. “Oh let me guess, you’re hoping Derrick would ask you right?” he laughed a little. He lifted my chin with his finger, my heart started to race, I tensed up expecting a slap, “He’s going with that Julia girl” My stomach and my heart sank to the floor, I wonder if Logan could see the color flushing from my face. “Come on Hun what do you say?” he smiled at me. “Okay, sounds good” I finally said reluctantly. He picked me up and swung me around, “Awesome! Pick you up at 7:00” he walked smoothly down the hall and turned the corner to go to class. When I sat down in my chair I immediately began to regret what I had done. The day went on pretty regularly; at lunch everyone was excited about the dance and who their date was. I could feel Derrick looking at me angrily, I tried to ignore it but I knew he knew who my date was and I didn’t care. He didn’t ask me, he asked Julia and I wanted Derrick to see I was going to move on. I feel like he fed off of the fact I had a crush on him and liked to torment me. I glared back at him with a “Fuck you” attitude. I was sitting in my room after school doing homework when Derrick burst loudly in to the room. “Come in” I said still looking at my papers, unfazed by his rude entrance. “So you’re going to the dance with Logan, really? Are you that stupid?” Derrick said coldly walking toward the bed where I was sitting, “Why do you care.” I said nonchalantly, I licked my finger then flung the paper of the page I was on. “You’re going with Julia?” I said still looking at my book. “Really you’re still talking about her? Like get over it already! Because you’re jealous you’re going to hang out with him?” he said. “I’m not jealous! First of all you’re a liar; you said you weren’t going with her. And I honestly do NOT care. Second you’re the one coming in here yelling at me, sounds like you’re the jealous one! ” I raised my voice, “I’m just going with her because she’s easy” Derrick said, “Oh wow nice, really classy Derrick” I said mockingly, “And FYI Logan is a sweet kid, he’s been nothing but respectful toward me and if you would actually give him…” I was in the middle of my sentence when Derrick cut me off, “Wow you’ve been talking to him?!” I shrugged. Derrick looked at me in disbelief “whatever Remi fine. Have a great time with that loser but when he does something stupid don’t come crying back to me” Derrick turned and left the room slamming the door behind him, “I NEVER HAVE CAME TO YOU JERK!” I shouted back. I angrily moved the papers on my bed off to the floor. He made zero sense, he hadn’t been paying me any attention and when someone does he acts like this? I was going to have a great time and I was going to make him jealous.

Chapter XIII

The night of the dance I got ready alone in my room, I told the girls about Logan being my date, they were wary about it but excited for me. I curled my hair into long loose curls that fell over my shoulders and back, I pinned my bangs back in a small bump on the top of my head. My make up was a simple pink lipstick with light blush and eye shadow. My dress was short and light blue, the top was a sweetheart neck line with sparkles on it. My breast were pushed together and poked out of the top a little, the bottom of the dress reached my knees and was made of a ruffle material that puffed out slightly. I put on nude heels, then my pearl earrings, with matching bracelet and necklace. I then descended the staircase and there was James talking to Logan. Logan was dressed in a light blue button down long sleeve dress shirt with a floral pink and orange bowtie; his pants were tan and he was wearing light blue sneakers that matched his shirt. His hair was wavy and parted down the middle still touching his shoulders.  I was still walking down the stairs when James met me half way down, “Wow, you look beautiful.” He gave me a hug, “I do however wish you were going with Derrick.” He whispered in my ear. I pulled back and looked into his gray eyes; he raised his eyebrow at me and smiled a little. “Me too” I said. “Remi…” Logan said looking at me stunned, “You… you look fantastic” he said sweetly, he bit his lip a little, “Thanks. You look very handsome yourself” I said blushing a little bit. After few pictures Logan and I got into the car and left, when we arrived at the dance the first person I saw was Derrick. When I saw him I wrapped my arm around Logan, he seemed unfazed and was giving high fives to his friends. I looked back at Derrick, he was standing with his hands in his pockets looking bored, as Julia hung on his hip jabbering away to another group of friends. When he saw me he did a double take, he looked mesmerized by me, I flipped my hair and smiled. Derrick peeled Julia off him and started walking toward me; he looked hypnotized by my beauty. “Derrick?” she said folding her arm in a huff. I smiled as she turned green with envy “Remi” he said reaching down to give me a hug, I took a deep breath, taking in the scent of the man I was sure I was falling for. He brushed a strand of hair out of my face, and brushed my cheek with his hand, “You look stunning, just wow. I’ve never seen you more beautiful”. He smiled, “Look I’m sorry about earlier, I just worry and…” Derrick said, I couldn’t even follow along, my mind was in a fog just looking at him **those dimples, oh my god! And those lips I just want to kiss him everywhere! His hair is perfect like is he photo shopped? ** I thought. My knees buckled, my heart race, my hands were clammy; my face grew red and hot. We were looking at each other and smiled. Logan; who had already left my side to speak with some shady looking kids rushed over and pulled me away from Derrick. They stared each other down like a pair of lions; I looked on worried about what would happen next, when Julia came up from behind hugging Derrick and glaring down at me. She grabbed his hand and whined, “Come on baby I wanna dance”. She kissed his cheek; Derrick smiled a little and shook his head, grabbed her hand and walked away. Logan didn’t stay next to me long, he went back to the shady kids he was talking to earlier and I joined my group of friends and danced. When we finally stepped outside to take a break, we saw Derrick and Julia arguing, she was poking his chest as he stood there with his hands in his pocket, looking less interested by the second. “Damn Remi, look what you did” Hannah giggled and nudged me. Derrick looked over at me and smiled, waving a little, I waved back and grinned. Julia looked at me then back at Derrick in disgust or maybe shock I’m not sure but Derrick just  shrugged his shoulders and she shouted “We’re DONE!” and walked away. Everyone that was watching said “Ooooooo” in unison, and then laughed. “Thank you!” he shouted back. I was giggling when Julia bumped my shoulder walking past me. Derrick just shook his head and walked over to us, he was wearing all black with a white tie and looked more handsome than ever, his green eyes looked me up and down, and he completely ignored my girlfriends, grabbed my hand smiling at me. I was sure he was about to ask me to dance when Logan pushed his way past Derrick and clumsily grabbed my wrist. He was a little wobbly on his feet, “Come on I love this song” he grabbed my hand and turned to go back into the gym. He looked Derrick in the eyes, Derrick stood there stoic, with his eye brows slightly raised and clenched his jaw. Logan was a little disheveled, “What? What?” he said slurring and looking at Derrick. Logan walked quickly to the gym and pulled my behind him, I looked back at Derrick who was shaking his head and looking down. A slow song was playing when Logan and I got to the dance floor, I draped my arms around his shoulders and neck, and he brought me close to him, putting his hands on my back, that’s when I realized why he was acting so strange; he was drunk. The smell of vodka consumed us, “Damn girl, you smell amazing” he sniffed me and I tried to move back “You look so good. You wanna get outta here?” he slurred. He started to fall over, I pushed him back on his feet, he finally regained his balance but kept his cheek resting heavy on mine, his breath was hot and smelt like a liquor store.  **oh my god gross!** I thought, “No” I said quietly, “Let’s just keep dancing”, I was trying to stay calm but my heart was beating fast. “I don’t wanna dance” He started to kiss my neck; I tried to move my head out of the way, “What? I know you like it. You’ve been such a tease Remi and I want **hicc** it already” he said with a laugh. I started pushing his chest hard to get him off of me but Logan pulled me back to him, “Is this how Derrick does it?” he reached his hands under my dress feeling my butt, I tried to push him off again but he just thrush us closer together, I could feel his manhood. I was struggling to get him off; I pounded on his chest with my fist and palms. “Let go!” I shouted, he was laughing, pushing his hands over my legs and up my dress. His hands were just about to pull the top of my dress down reveling my breast when  I looked over and saw Derrick pushing people out of the way, he was rushing towards us, **POW** he punched Logan in the jaw, and Logan fell to the ground. I gasped for air, covering myself up finally released from Logan’s grip. I looked at Derrick who was staring down at Logan clenching his jaw and had his fist still clenched together. After I got over the shock of what just happened I grabbed Derricks arm realizing the security guards rushing towards us. I started to pull him toward the door “Come on, let’s go!” I said, Derrick who was still breathing heavy looking down at Logan, “Let’s go Derrick!” I shouted over the music and he finally snapped out of his trance and we made our way through the crowd and out the front entrance, we sprinted to his car then peeled out of the parking lot.

Chapter XIV

We pulled up to the house all of the lights were off, Jeannie and James were out for the weekend on a business trip and the workers had gone home.  Derrick turned off the ignition, and we sat in silence for a little while the only sound was that of crickets and the engine crackling off. Finally after sitting quietly for what felt like centuries Derrick slammed his fist into the steering wheel which caused me to jump, “Didn’t I tell you to stay away from him?” he shouted, then turned glaring at me. He was shaking slightly “You think I don’t know what the fuck I’m talking about!? Do you think I’m fucking stupid?! He could have fucking did something way worse Remi! What if I wasn’t there?!”  I sat there quietly, a lump in my throat, twisting my hands together. I just wanted Derrick to notice me I didn’t know Logan was going to be like that. “Look I’m so sorry” I said trying to hold back tears “I should have listened to you… I shouldn’t have been so stupid... I should have…” I was interrupted mid sentence by Derrick. He lunged over and grabbed both sides of my face; pulling me toward him; he kissed me with such force. He was aggressive and his lips were moist and fit perfectly with mine. Before I knew it we started to make out. It was the most passionate kiss I’ve ever experienced. I couldn’t get enough of his kisses, I wanted more. I grabbed his dress shirt by the collar and pulled him closer to me, my hand trailed up his neck and rubbed the back of his head it was like we had been holding back our lust for one another, his breath tasted like mint, our tongues locked and swirled against each other, and I didn’t want to stop. His hands wrapped around my hair and held me close to him then he grabbed a hand full of my hair and pulled my head backwards revealing my neck he started kissing and sucking on my neck, I bit my lip as his hands moved up my dress over my thigh. He slowly put his hand onto the top my underwear pulling it down fiercely, i moanded slightly. He looked at me seductively, licked his lips and said "goddamn" then started kissing me again.  His hand rubbed slowly over my smooth vagina then his finger teased me, I knew he could tell how wet was, he slowly eased a finger in I gasped for air, then started to kiss him again. I bit his lip and he moaned passionately. He pushed his finger in and out of me rhythmically, breathlessly i moaned his name "Derrick, Derrick, ohh Derrick" I reached my hand over and grabbed his manhood, stroking it up and down, and he was big and fully hard. My hands quivered as I touched him we moaned in unison.He continued to finger me faster until I was just on the brink of an orgasm in his hand when I knew had to stop, I didn’t want to finish in the car… I didn’t want this to be our first experience; I didn’t want THIS to be my first experience. “Wait…” I said breathless.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 20.07.2014

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