
silver is born

Silver opens her eyes and looks around. She sees twoleg place and trees outside. "You've opened your eyes!" Your mom, Fluff, and your dad, Red exlaims. "yes! I did!" you squeal. Momma, I am hungry but can I still explore?" "No." Fluff says. Eat and then play. You"ve got a big life ahead of you, you know."Red murmurs.

A while later, you have a tinkly thing around your neck. Your twolegs have put it on for you! "I love it!" you squeal. Fluff sighs and whispers some thing in your ear. "Slver, you are going to leave us soon. You have to live with other twolegs now....." "Why?" Your voice is sad. And your knees are wobbly.

You meet your new twolegs. Thhey are kind, but as you leave your home, you wander away in the woods! UH OH!


"where am I?" You wonder. You suddenly see a mouse and pounce on it. You turned out to be a skilled hunter! You eat your meal and sniff around. You bump into a object. "yow! You nearly squished me!" a voice said. You yelp and whip around. A handsome white cat was lying, legs splayed on the forest floor. "Sorry!" you whisper. "My name is silver." you say,"What's yours? ' "My name is whitepaw and I am from thunderclan!"

'Thunderclan....... Whitepaw said it was a group of cats livinng in the forest................ Maybe I shoulld join them..... NO! I shouldn't..' You think while you eat your tiny meal: a scrawny chaffinch. "I should! you decide.


Your name would Be: SILVERPAW! You got your apprentice name and your mentor was Whiteclaw, the cat you met when you were almost a kit. You bug Whiteclaw as we go out. He says we were hunting. When we were hunting, he showed me how tho do a hunter's crouch. When we hunted for REAL, I caught more than him; A chaffinch, squirrel, mouse, and moorhen. He told me to go and give the fresh-kill and have some myself and then rest.

The elders were VERY pleased to have such a big meal. I earned myself to share and a story from the elders.

The end

THE END!!(*^^)


Texte: none
Bildmaterialien: none
Lektorat: none
Übersetzung: none
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 29.07.2012

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