
The Begining Is Always Better

Chapter ONE(1422, New Spain)

"nadie va a morir solo !" Demitria yelled "mierda! I volar en solitario hasta el final!" I explain myself. Barcelona had been at the military camp for three years now "nadie tenga que sufrir ." Brooke tells Jackson. "excepto el enemigo!" Barcelona answers Jackson`s question that ran around his mind "except who?" Jackson finally opens his mouth "¿por qué siempre llueve más difícil a aquellos que merecen el sol?" He asks. Barcelona answer all his questions with this little quote "No le diga al mundo sus problemas ochenta por ciento no les importa y los otros veinte se alegra que los tiene." "No pida prestado problemas ... " Demitria scolds them." haga sus propios!" Barcelona shouts from her bunk bed. The entire Squad and Barcelona bust out in laughter. Demitria turns, face red and shouts at the top of her lungs "no les enseñan eso!" "¿por qué?es la verdad.¿de qué otra manera
van a aprender? que necesitan para chupar hasta ser grande y la cara del mundo, incluso si esto significa solo. Así es como aprender de mis problemas!" she waits a minute then responds "No me importa cómo se aprende bien y el mal que están a mi hermana pequeña y su hermano!" ... Barcelona is me and I miss my brother... "OHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!" The squad shreaks "cállate que necesitan para aprender como usted y yo aprendí acerca de la vida!" "yo no soy tú y ayudar a los demás!" "WOW!" the squad eggs Barcelona on "creo en supervivencia de los más fuertes y aprender de mis errores que me ayude a sobrevivir y no le importa una mierda los demás si se niegan a dejar de cometer los mismos errores!...por lo que si se niegan a aprender de los errores después me iré!?" Barcelona turned away and left not leaving her a choice.

"assissnation es una práctica muy pocos aprenden con éxito. sin tener que aprender con éxito lo van a detener y lo colgó y no le importa! te entiendo ..., Barcelona?" ... "Sí, me gusta entender la Marca." Marca slaps his hands together alerting Barcelona "bueno, ahora roza el cuello sin que te pille ... ya!" ...silence was followed by a swift slash "perfecto barcelona usted es un asesino perfecto y va a hacer grandes ... no más grandes en las calles!"... "realmente?Quiero decir que `s sólo nadie ha dicho nunca que tengo ese potencial mucho antes." Marca explains the end of their teaching time together and the begining of their aquaintence "Yo no he dicho que tiene un potencial, i le dijo que estaba listo para la calle, yo no tengo nada que le enseñará sobre el asesinato de más de lo que ya le han enseñado en los últimos siete semanas." Barcelona turned on her heels and walked away without a word. Sudenly stopping and looking back "Recuerdo ... No pida prestado problemas ... hacer su propia ... y no se lastime" I told him what I always told people when I would refuse to say goodbye.

"al suelo! ahora! evitar que la flecha!" Barcelona was back. Demitria was relieved, Brooke was cheerful, and Jackson was, like always, hiding the excitement. "estoy intentando, por favor no te des por vencido en mí." The new boy Dylan pleas. Truth be told Dylan was a cute boy, a whole head taller than her, Dark blue almost purple eyes, blonde short hair just shy of the eyes, tanned skin , and muscles that could kill. Barcelona was training him for agility and stealth. "tratando de no es lo mismo que el éxito!"
Dylan is also Jessica`s crush. Jessica is Blonde, about four foot two , has olive green eyes, and is training for strength, agility, and speed. "Creo que necesitamos un descanso." Barcelona tells Dylan. Barcelona is five foot six, fire orange-red hair, hazel eyes, golden tanned skin, and never back down from a fight, Barcelona has been the best of the best since birth. Jackson is five feet tall, has honey brown hair, brown eyes and pale skin. Brooke is also brown haired, brown eyed, and pale skinned, as well as Demitria. Demitria, Brooke, and Jackson are all brother and sister. Demitria as the oldest and Jackson is youngest. Barcelona is the oldest of her cousins though. Dylan is 22 years of age as of next week. Jessica is 20 years old. Demitria is aslo 20. Brooke is 17 and Jackson is 15. Barcelona will be 21 in November. September marks beginning of Autumn. "si el agua gracias, Jackson. " Dylan explained with joy. He tossed one at Barcelona with all his strength. "OWWW que perjudican a mi brazo maldita sea!" Blood rushed out of my arm faster than the water out of the metal bottle. "Lo siento mucho barcelona i pensó iba a cogerlo." "i. .. se ... no ... aviso ... i... fue ocupado ... pensando en algo ..." By now people had rushed over to me blubbering about me being in pain and others were trying to tear Dylan away from me. When in truth I was actually feeling better the more we stared into each others eyes. "Me comprometo a hacer las paces con usted ... voy a barcelona." OW OW OW OW I held in the screams of pain as people began cleansing and suturing the wound "Owwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww no toque mi brazo más hijo de puta!" I immediatly scream out at the doctor, then I wish I hadn`t because now he is stitching the large gash up even faster with his high trained skills he mangles ever stitch perfectly into place and has wound a bandage around it in a matter of seconds. "wow, que nuevos barcelona era un bebé llorar" Florence chuckles. "cállate Florence o debería decir 'italiano albóndigas'." The whole training ground is filled with people by now and every single ones eyes switches between Florence, Dylan and I. Dylan is being attacked by men yelling at him to be nicer to women. "¿cómo se sabe acerca de italiano albóndigas?" "Sé que casi todo el mundo en toda la escuadron, por lo que conservan mejor sus insultos a su esposa oh, espere usted no tiene una esposa ... triste para una de 47 años." "ohhhhh que está maldita señora espeluznante." Jessica jumps in. I push her to the back of the crowd by her face,"permanecer fuera de esta perra! es mi trabajo para controlar a la gente que necesito saber cosas." The squad eggs us on like usual, glad they haven`t changed much,"ohhhhhh!" Dylan sits in the corner behind me and watches, concern filled his eyes. "cállate!" Florence shouts. "que no les dicen qué hacer!" His eyes slap back to me, "oh y usted tiene que decirles todo lo que hacen hasta la última fibra micro en la ropa que llevan!" This pissed off everyone on my squad and suddenly a hand curls into a ball and "WACK!" I feel something about the size of a large Rock smash into my cheek. "Recuerdo ... No voy a dejar de salir ... pero yo te ayudo!"
"i no te molestaré más. Me limitaré a salir y no volver nunca más y que es una promesa." No, Oh My God Dylan don`t be stupid I want you don`t you see the signals I`m sending you boy. "No quiero que te vayas dylan quiero que aprender y ... i usted quiere ..." "Que? ¿qué quieres que yo haga?" "No quiero que hagas nada! ... i usted desea." "Que?! no ... No, yo no creo que podemos estar juntos. i usted quiere demasiado, pero me gustaría que usted tenga el mejor, yo no creo que nunca hay nada mejor que yo ya estoy." "No quiero que la mejor hasta ahora siempre lo consigue. Yo quiero un cambio en mi vida y que el cambio que es Dylan. no te metas con mi causa chico i corazón literalmente se rompa mi corazón si intenta jugar conmigo." He pulls me close and wispers in my ear"No quiero que ni me he lastimado barcelona." Dylan

smashes his lips to mine in a full on intwine. I giggled like such a school girl when he pulled back I blushed bright cherry red."¿realmente tomar cuatro meses para que me digas que quieres?o estaba simplemente esperando el momento adecuado?" "En realidad, yo tenía miedo de que no me como la espalda y cuando me dijiste que ibas a dejar que estaba a punto de pánico." I blushed more and averted my gaze. This time he gently grabbed my chin and got me to gaze deep into his Carribean blue eyes. "no me tortura con los hermosos ojos color avellana, los ojos del bebé son adorablemente provocando a mí." I let a nervous giggle roll on loose. "Me encanta tu risa, cómo cambia lo intimetly con los gustos subjetivos y elogios. Me gustaría poder quedarme más tiempo pero mi tiempo es hasta que ellos quieren me envió de regreso a España por las cosas que no pueden aprender." "Barcelona es tu día de suerte si te gusta Dylan tanto que no puede vivir sin él ..." "Que? " Dylan is so confused he is scared and hugs me closer. "Barcelona es la deportación porque se ha ... problemas ... Florencia y se quejó a la captian que Barcelona ha sido mantener los secretos de la escuadra y el captian no me gustaba y adiós barcelona y Dylan tiene una buena vida de vuelta en España!" "disposición akward pero no me importa te quiero Barcelona."
"QUE?! NO!!" "wow hablar de momentos de depresión." Dylan wispers in between the yelling. I giggle like a little school girl again and everyone whips their heads back and plant their eyes on me,"Que?" I ask them not sure why their staring. "que se echó a reír, no te rías. por no hablar como una niña pequeña." I can`t stop myself from laughing again, "sólo con mucho gusto, como un niño cuando me reí a veces, nunca he dejado hasta el día siguiente." "necesita ayuda con la que, barcelona?" Brooke being nicer than usual, I can check that off the list of things that will never happen. "no lo tengo, gracias de todos modos aunque Brooke." Dylan shot me that Sorry-I-love-you-more killer smile. He pulled me close and the squad raised an eyebrow toward us. "Que? lo que no puedo abrazar a su?" "no, nunca abraza a los demás." They didn`t know I liked Dylan shit how was I going to explain. "sólo su envidia que me dieron la mejor chica." Dylan always helped me out that jesus.
Marca was waiting at the docks for me when we arrived Dylan kissed me goodbye and walked over to the tall blonde misterious woman and hugged her hello. I was so Envious of Dylan and his mom. I never wanted my mom to die in that accident,my father had died with her,so Marca decided he would take me in when I would arrive,I was grateful but I had my own home and needed to return before dawn. "marca que tengo que ir a mi casa, pero gracias por la hospitalidad." Dylan was staring at me now, not even walking. I began walking but maintained eye contact with Marca, who I had just left dumb struck. "Que? Pensé que no tenía casa. ¿por qué hubieras `t usted me dijo barcelona?" "Yo vivo en un lugar horrible." My home has blood shed and screams for help on an hourly basis. Dylans mother would be pissed to see Dylan with me if she knew. I was just glad I was never the one screaming but more the one just walking by because if you helped that person, you`d die too.

Clean Slate

Chapter TWO( one year later, Madrid)

" CHICO QUE TE ECHE A PERDER!" Barcelona screams at Dylan as she tosses him out the house she had been living in for all her life since she was seven years old. "Te amo, por favor, perdóname barcelona i didn `t significa ... me obligó a." oh no he did not just try pleaing for mercy...Pathetic."ella le hizo matar a su marido sí a la derecha ... tener una vida agradable." I slam the door in his face. I still here his pleas for forgiveness.

Some time later,"Knock!Tengo un trabajo para usted barcelona ... ¿estás bie? si usted no quiere hacer el trabajo que va a entender." I sat on the floor reading the note. Marco had a job for me. I needed something to save me from sulking about Dylan. "voy a hacer el trabajo y estoy mejor que nunca." I lie about being okay and accept his mission.
seven short hours later I had located the minister in which I had to assassinate. "500 florentinos para esto." I wisper to myself. I leap over the building and toss the knife. Damn, he dodges the knife. Flipping his head around the fat, bald headed man points and says something I don`t understand. "Swish!" the guards begin to let their arrows fly at me. "hijo de puta!" "swish... Slice!" The arrow goes straight through my heart and the pain is so excrutiating I scream and fall off the building. Damn, why was my life so screwed up lately?

( Hathersage, present day)

"Shhh... you`ll wake her, Amber." Where was I? "Sorry, Gradon." Who were these people? How was I alive? "Do you need me to tell her" "No I can do it Amber." Tell me what? Next thing I know that Gradon, man wispers in my ear at the same time a door closes, "wake up barcelona. I know your awake and I need to talk to you. please just listen." I flip my eyes open. "Is it that easy to see I`m faking?" every person I ever met never noticed me pretend to sleep. "No you just gave yourself up." "Shit Your to much like my brother." "You are a vampire. I have saved you from death. You are the princess of my land in return, understand?" "... I believe so." "Excellent, What is your last name Barcelona?" "Valentine... Barcelona Valentine." Gradon was six feet tall, had dark red hair, and deep blue eyes. "I needed to wait for the right time and the right person to be the princess. I am in need of a new ruler, I can not control the kingdom anymore for me and my wife Amber wish to simply live our lives." "This just doesn`t add up, Why me?" Gradon was now looking deeply into a book filled with hand written notes. His head snapped up, "No one else looks so much like me... See my people only feel comfortable around leaders who can also be sympathetic and hold their ground. Plus you look alot like me that will help you. I mean not to be rude, but in truth you could be my half-sister." How did Gradon know I was a leader? " I hope you do not mind me reading while we talk... You will need not learn much with what you already know about Assassinations and War training. Any young man will be lucky to have you... Unlike that ridiculous idiot which has done you horrible wrongs. " "How do you know so much about me?" He looked back up at the door. "Creek" "Sorry to inturupt... Gradon 'someone' is here to see you." He stood up brushing his pants off. They looked weird and unruffled but too plain to be a pair of slacks. his shirt was a little too hot and long sleeved for the summer. He nodded at me as he disappeared out the door. I looked around. Then I focused in on the book he had been reading... All my life had been recorded on the paper in the old, brown leather book. Were these people on drugs?

what was every one staring at? "Hey baby, how you doin`? " a stranger placed his hand on my shoulder. I twisted his arm around to his back,"Don`t touch me or you`ll lose something special to you." I walked off. "I hope you know that as a Princess you must get use to people tapping and hugging you." Gradon pretends I will go by the rules of a normal princess. "Damn bitch, you got an arm." the stranger says holding his wrist. "Gradon If you haven`t noticed I`m not exactly normal. I was in the Marines, An assassin, and not to mention I Grew up in the worst place possible for a spainard`s daughter." I was about to leave Gradon alone when he asked me a question in which made me boil with anger, " Do you know you must marry someone that will of course have the ability to tell you what to do?" " Yeah, but like I said I am not exactly normal. I will never do 'exactly' what I`m told and I promise That is part of my life code." "You must do as you are told and since you are being so stuborn then I should tell you we have chosen the prince of another land to marry you and you WILL do as you are told!" I am suprised that Gradon yelled at me he always keeps his cool around me. "I... I... I have to marry someone I don`t know?" "yes and you will be merging the two land and this must be completed before the end of the Year... I`m sorry, I know you must feel upset now that you know the truth, but you must understand." "Yes, of course I do." truth was I felt like comitting suicide. Why did I have to marry this complete stranger? Gradon was looking at me in absolute shock. He didn`t expect me to act so emotionless.

"Barcelona? Who would name their child Barcelona?" This could not be happening to me I felt like choking down bricks was less shocking. " Jasper, She is a beautiful, sweet, and out-going." How would my mother, Kathrin know she was all these things. "Barcelona is the princess of the land not far from here. Gradon has chosen her for the reasons of which I have stated and more... Jasper, please do not ignore me. " I felt like breaking people`s souls now. "I will refuse to talk to you till I have met this woman" Kathrin looked shocked but her face simply calmed down as she walked out of my room. I plopped down on my bed. God Kathrin can be so persistant.
Later that night Kathrin shook me awake, "Wake up Jasper!" I groaned and shifted to a sitting position. "What do you want now?" her face was fustrated all of the sudden," I just got a letter from Gradon, she would like to meet you tomorrow." I immedietly perked up, so she wanted to meet me too? "Is this alright with you?" "Absolutly, Positively perfect." "where are the drugs?" Kathrin asked me suspisiouly. "What? I just wanna meet Barcelona?" "really? Maybe your just tired." She wispered more to herself more than to me. But hey who was I to judge before I met the damn girl. I may even be friends with her. I was all for it if she was okay with it.
I was exstatic when we got there at about Midnight. We all sat and intruduced ourselves, then we ate lunch. Barcelona and I immedietly locked eyes and we were so caught up in each others eyes we didn`t notice Kathrin and- who I suppose was Gradon- sneak off. "So... Barcelona where are you from?" I try to kill the silence. She averts her gaze as I ask her the question. "Spain, but I was born in Puerto Rico. You?" "The next land over, I was born and raised there... Do you like England so far?" Mom was right, So far Barcelona was beautiful, out-going, and sweet, but she was also firmly grounded and sometimes a little random. I loved her already. God she was so pretty I was drawn to her with every breath We even breathed in harmony. I snapped out of my daze by a sudden anxious, yet cute giggle escaping Barcelona`s mouth. Her hazel eyes were now black but Jasper would have never known if he hadn`t locked eyes with her earlier, that they were actually hazel. "What are you giggling about? ... You aren`t reading my thoughts are you?" "NO! You just spilled fish on yourself." She jumps but continued to giggle as I looked over myself, completely embaressed I felt my cheeks turn red. I loved her laugh. I loved everything about her. I didn`t even notice the picture she had started to talk about.
She held the picture delacately as though any more pressure it might break.

Next thing I knew we were laughing and hugging and soon she was asking me if the fish had stained my pants. "No it was really dry and bland actually so my clothes are actually unaffected. Why?" She giggle and her face was a bright red. "I... well... um... I don`t know." she was embaressed and averted her gaze in no time. She handed me the picture for some reason.

Then I noticed something behind it. Another picture of what looked so charming not anyone would live in a place like that. It was abviously restored in color.
Anyone of this much important matter must miss a lot with the life they live and that`s coming from me so that`s a shocker.

Lovely Lies Unraveled

Chapter THREE (Somewhere in Hathersage, England)

I swear I loved Him first minute I saw Him. Jasper was absolutly charming with that black hair, strong looking, pale skin, and the peircing Jade green eyes I was gonna cry from not being next to him. He was so interestingly handsome I felt the inresistable urge to run up to my room, Slam the door and deny I liked him. When in truth I love him already. "This is a Extravagent picture. Do you miss home?" "yeah, I kinda wish these people had asked me that question a couple years ago." "Ouch, doesn`t sound like they care about how you feel around here." He pulled me down onto his lap and started wispering in my ear now. I couldn`t hold back the giggles, "Do you want someone to treat you the right way for once?" Jaspers voice was like silk. his skin was suprisingly soft as he carrest me. "Of course, Why wouldn`t I?" he let a comfortingly cute chuckle. " I want to make that wish of yours come true. See I may be commiting a crime." he continued wispering in my ear this time he kissed my cheek as he pulled back. I could do nothing but cock my head to the side. "I am already in love with a beautiful woman I hardly know." I blushed and averted my gaze. " I too, am commiting a crime... For I Love a Handsome man I know all to little about." Jasper`s turn to blush. I loved the way he was so shy yet so couragous, His laugh, everything I knew so far only drew me closer to him. I wish I could tear the clothes off both of us, suddenly realizing what I just thought. I heard his low laugh snap me out of my thoughts. "What?" "You have a dirty mind Barcelona. I don`t mean to intrude on your thoughts but I couldn`t help wonder." Jasper could read my mind. That was crossing the line, but then again he did apologize for it. " Don`t worry I understand you are curious, aren`t you?" He smiled at me with apolegetic eyes. "what`s wrong Jasper?" I slowly crawled off his lap. "You get to choose if I get to stay here or if you get to come with Kathrin and I to our land. Which would you choose?" this huge decision was up to me? "Which will you choose?" I flipped my head to the door and there standing as tall as she could His mother, Kathrin was wondering which I would choose. They had no idea that Gradon wasn`t my father I just simply had pure blood when I was a... Child. "Wow really? I didn`t know that. I thought you were." Jasper KEEP OUT OF MY HEAD! "OW you have a loud voice." I began remembering the lyrics to one of my favorite songs. Toy soldiers by Eminem. "Jasper! you must respect the privacy of her thoughts, Please do not read her mind." Kathrin was warming up in my mind even more. "Aren`t you glad he can`t see your past?" Gradon was now in the doorway behind Kathrin. "Glad? I`m mentally thanking every cell in my body that it`s impossible to see my past. I wouldn`t want anyone to know my past unless absolutly necessary. I hate my past you of all people know not to even mention my past. which reminds me... WHY THE HELL DID YOU TELL AMBER THAT SHIT ABOUT ME... about my past?" I couldn`t help going off on Gradon, he had told Amber I had been physcotically ramping out on a innocent town with my family as a "child". I pulled my fingers through my hair furiously and tugged angrily at the knots. "Barcelona you must understand I only thought she should know to help you." Oh no he did not try to play that book. " LISTEN UP! Gradon it`s not your story to tell and not to mention I don`t look like a Fucking Idiot I know Everyone`s past. Everyone`s even You Gradon I have a reason to hold me back from killing a single person I know except My Brother." He was parellized with shock. "Barcelona your Brother is dead he is not coming back... I mean no harm and I only want what`s best for you." My alert was raised higher than ever for no reason what so ever. I was breathing hard with fustration. "Your lying, I can feel it! Victor is alive and I know so. I know where he is and you keep insisting that he isn`t! He thinks I`ll be his ressurection. That I`ll Fuck up his life more... When I did nothing wrong... He simply wants nothing more than to end me... my existence..." Jasper was sitting there in the corner taking this in his mother did nothing but the same. "Why is your brother such a Bastard?" Jasper finally spoke. "JASPER!" Kathrin yelped up after the last word. I hadn`t realized I was crying till now. "GO TO HELL!" I could say nothing more. "BARCELONA!" Gradon shrieked out. I spun on my heel, "Remember... Don`t borrow trouble... make your own... and... don`t hurt yourself." I walked in the other direction of all of them and that room of sorrow and past spilled on the floor. I walked to my room, "Barcelona why aren`t you with Gradon and our guest?" I didn`t answer and simply kept walking past her,up the stairs. Many of the servants asked me the same question.

What did I do that upset her so much. I hated that face she had made. I felt sorrow, despare, and painful emotions as soon as Gradon had brought up her past. What had happened to her and why was she so mean. It was as though her past was so painful and complicated that If she was given the chose to get murdered or talk of her past, she would take murdered over her past. I heard someone yell angrily not even words just yelling mumbo jumbo. "What did I do to her mom?" I found the words slipping off my tongue. "You did nothing wrong Jasper... But calling her brother that rude, hateful word was very uncalled for. That was not the Young man I had raised to be my son." I couldn`t control myself around her. She was just so natural with me. "I feel so bad mother and seeing her cry like that was horrible and I just want to make her as happy as possible." I then saw Kathrin smile so sweet and genuine it felt all to akward. I already felt like yelling with Barcelona. I felt like doing everything Barcelona was, She was yelling and probably still crying because of what I had said. "mom, may I go talk to Barcelona? I feel to bad to leave her alone." she looked at me a little worried like she was afraid if I went up to Barcelona`s room I would never return. "Okay but be careful... and tell her to get her stuff."

I sat down on the floor far away from the door. by my balcony I sat alone crying silently. I heard the bedroom door creak open and then click shut after some silent foot steps. "Barcelona, I don`t know what it is or why but I understand what your feeling." I felt him slide down next to me and wanted nothing more than to tell him the truth but before I could he wispered in my ear so sweet and innocently, " My mother wants me to tell you to pack... I am here if you want my help." Jasper was being so sweet I cried even more, loud this time. " Oh please don`t do that I love you and hate to see you cry already." he embraced me. I pulled him closer and I coudn`t cry anymore. "Fuck It, That motherfucker can get it too, fuck him." He was staring at me as though he hardly ever heard these dirty words I spilled out. "I guess I should warn you I cuss on a minute basis when I feel angry but hardly when I`m upset." he stood and helped me to my feet. " I love you, Do you love me?" had he really just asked me a question he already knew the answer to. "I love you more than ever,right now." He looked a bit to happy, "Why?" "Because you came after me to comfort me when I was sad. No one has ever done that for me before and not to mention the way you talk to me is so sweet and caring. I love that because no one does those things for me anymore." I felt more tears roll down my cheeks. He pulled me close,engulfing my in his soft, warm, comforting embrace. I noticed people staring and pointing at us when I looked over my shoulder. I couldn`t hide my tears from them. I couldn`t help hearing one woman and man`s conversation, "Have you ever seen the Princess cry?" the woman asked him," No she`s always mean never sad. I think that boy may be slipped around her tighter than we thought this morning." he answered.

The ride to his land was pretty short but It felt like forever with the silence and then it got worse, I didn`t think it could. How you ask? Kathrin asked me a huge inaproppiate question, "Do you want to play with my sons heart Barcelona?" Jasper looked up and shot his mother bugged eyes, "MOM!" she looked at me still," Do you?" I was exhuasted and didn`t feel what I should say. "I... I... I don`t want to hurt Jasper. why would I? I mean he has been nothing but nice to me." I decided to let that remark about my brother go. " I mean he was rude to you earlier insulting your brother and then letting you go away so angry and upset and then we make you come to our land with us." I wasn`t even sure of anything anymore I felt like I might be high on drugs, at that moment Jasper pulled me close to him,"Jasper-" he cut me off. "You must be tired, get some sleep... and... drugs aren`t good for you." GET OUT OF MY HEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "Ow you have a loud voice." he distinctly pulled a fast hand to his ear, the other was still wrapped around me. Don`t you know curiosity killed the cat Jasper. "yes, I do know that." his mom was now stepping up,"you know what?" uh, oh. " You have very random thoughts Barcelona." Yeah, yeah, whatever. I`m to lazy to talk right now. Will you explain? "you are reading her thoughts again? what have I told you about that? It`s rude and violates a persons privacy.

New Territory

Chapter FOUR (Somewhere in Hathersage)
"Barcelona, Wake up." he wispered in to my ear. "why are you dreaming about fighting and war?... You know people know your name already? That`s an akward theme of music running through your head." Jasper wiped the tears from my face as my eyes shot open with his first words. I had dreamed about the war where I had seen my brother fighting for Russia. He had cut my arm and I had ignorantly kept going no matter how much he cut me. My friends were about to kill him when I was in trouble so they decided to let him go to save me and I was grateful that he got away and they stood up for me. "Barcelona what are you hiding?" I reached in my back pocket and pulled out the thick-ass pocket journal I had kept since I was ten. "What`s that?" He looked at it in confusion. "My journal... Read up. I don`t like explaining things to painful to write down." I pushed the book into his hands It`s brown leather was still perfectly soft and withered but other than that it was in mint condition. he kept it close to him. He led me into his castle with the other hand. He immediatly showeed me his room. WOW. "This is my room, my room is your room. You know lo mío es tuyo." He spoke spanish. His bed was dead center his closet no where in sight... four doors one at each side of the room and two at the right side wall. The wall held a large picture of Jasper in vivid detail. He opened one door to reveal a master bathroom. the next opened to uncover a huge library with different levels and more doors that he explained connected to other rooms." These are our closets. yours is the one on the right." he opened the door to reveal the spectacular closet with three isles and a sheet sectioned off another place presumably a changing area."I love you" Jasper had slid his arm around my waist. I turned around and kissed him intensly and then We were on the bed. "Jasper, how were you and the girl on the ride home." Who was that. the male voice was raspy and groggy. A man sleepily walked in on us. "fine,Derek" he rolled off me before his father had noticed. "Hello,Barcelona do you like my son so far?" he had wiped the groggy away by now. He showed a sly smiled that was obviously a I-saw-you-two-I`ll-go-into-that-later. "He`s very sweet." I blushed. "So I`m aware of your past." Derek had began. "great." I said emotionless. "don`t worry, I actually would love to see you dance some time." Jasper shot me a confused look."Oh and son Please, i`m sure she must be tired after the long day your mother had told me of." I don`t think he would have stopped himself from blushing if he could at that moment. "Yes Father... Goodnight Dad." I couldn`t believe the day I just had was real. It was real right? Okay good. "Goodnight Jasper. Behave yourselves... Don`t do anything wrong." His dad, Derek continued to warn us."DAD! We aren`t six-teen! We know this already." I couldn`t help but ponder,why Jasper still lived with his parents. "They won`t let me move out because they say I`m too childish to live on my own." "Really My word was rude because YOU KEEP READING MY MIND!" He pulled a fast finger to my lips,"Shhhh I`m sorry truely am. I just cant resist trying to read your mind. Exspecially after our 'little suprise.'" Jasper blushed. It seemed like the more time we spend together the more he wants to read my mind.

"Jasper,Are you and the pretty lady in here?" I hear the sound of a- what I presume a little boy- call for him. "Over here little guy!" Jasper shouts."I was sleeping you little... UGH! Jeez Jasper you really know how to piss me off you know that." Jasper looks at me. "Sorry, That`s my lil` bro Edgar. I call him Ed for short sometimes." A short little boy with the same pale skin, light Brown hair like their mother unlike their dad, pretty green eyes like Jasper. "This is the lady? She`s so pretty." Woah didn`t expect that come out the kids mouth. Jasper could only let out a low light giggle. "yes I think so too. That`s why I like her so much." Again Am I invisible or something? Nope, so why aren`t they aware that I`m right here? "Oh sorry Edgar this is Barcelona. Barcelona, Edgar." "Hi how you doing?" did he just say doinG. It`s how ya doin` not doinG! gosh some people just wanna make everything so... so... FORMAL! "I don`t know yet. I just woke up." Both Egar and Jasper erupt with laughter. "Really? You are wierd if you don`t know yet." OH NO He Didn`t."Boy all the best people are. Look at Johnny Depp and Wendy Williams. Wierd but Good people am I right?" He wondered about this for a while. " Yeah I guess so. You make a lot of sense." Hope he doesn`t ask what I used to do for a living. "What did you do when you were human? I mean were you a chef, or an actress, or what?" SHIT this kid wants to know everything now, don`t he? "Shhh... Secret." good cover Barcelona. "Where are you from?" This was gonna be fun. "Shhhh...s-e-c-r-e-t, secret." Jasper reached over grabbed the book I gave him off the night stand he had on his side and opened it. Crap! Forgot I gave that to him. "She lived in spain, She was in the army and, oh yeah. She was very mean to her cousins. wait don`t you know that these people don`t exist anymore edgar?" Edgar looked at me then Jasper."When was she born and when did she die?" Jasper looked at me. Even Dylan wasn`t stupid enough to write that down. "I was born the year 1380 in Isabella, Puerto Rico and Died 1401 in Madrid, Spain. Are you done asking personal questions?" He simply stared at me then said,"You died at 21, that`s so young. I feel sorry for you. You never got to live your life. I was born this way so I`ll grow up then stay the same way till I`m

killed. You won`t get another chance to go out and live your life. Sorry, it must be painful talking about your past, I`m sorry I made you cry." That`s when Jasper shooed him out and wiped my tears away with the flick of his wrist, his thumb now wet with tears,"Please don`t cry, your to beautiful to cry. I love you. Pleeeeease don`t cry or... Or I`ll tickle you to torturious death." Suddenly he was on top of me tickling me to till I plead for mercy. Something I`ve never done before by the way. "Thats more like it." Jasper licked the side of my cheek the next second, so Edgar came in to here me say, " Ugh now my cheek is all covered with Jasper saliva. Gross." Edgar immeidatly assumes, " He kissed you, you should be happy." "I licked her Ed." GROSSSSSSSSSSSSS. I`ll get him back for that. I lick both my hands and come up behind him and FWAP I slap both his cheeks at the same instint. "How you like me now?!" Ed takes a seat in a chair decoratively placed in the corner and sits back as though at the movies. Next thing I know Jasper comes up in front of me grabs my hands and licks me from down by my wrist all the way up to my shoulder. GROSSSS! I grab him by the hair and he crys out, "I Surrender!" I giggled in triumph. "Damn Skippy." "OH You Just Got OWNED By Your girlfriend." Edgar hops up out his chair. Jasper sits himself down on the floor as he laughs in defeat. "What`s going on in here?" Kathrin is already halfway through the doorway when Edgar explains to her. "That`s disgusting, Go wash up now." She orders us as though we were fourteen like Edgar over there. "Sorry, yes ma-am`." Jasper helps me to the bathroom.

"Sooooo... you ever think about having kids?" Derek, Jasper`s dad interigates me, "DAD!... This is gonna be a long dinner." I heard him mumble afterwards. I giggled at Jaspers hot pink colored cheeks. "Do you ever wonder what it would have been like if Jasper was a girl, Not to be offensive... I`m just wondering. Do you ever wonder what that might have been like Mr. Danela?" He held in a laugh as Jasper shot me a glare. "What?! I can`t ask a question?" Jasper immediatly stopped when his moms head began to move toward his direction. "Yes, I do think about it every now and then. I would image him with long black hair and a... large chest. He would have signed up for acting, But then again he acts right now, only more many in a way." his mother and Edgar were on the edge of hysterical laughter. "Honey, did you ever take into consideration that maybe he didn`t want to tell her that." She paused in between every word because she was still holding that laughter. Edgar let his fly on out the mouth. "If that were the case and Jasper were a girl, I think I might hide his bra every month." I gave him a look which destinguished if he ever even looked at my bra he was going to die a slow, painful, agonizing death.
"I love you." He wispered in my ear as he wrapped his strong, steady arm around me, covering me with the blanket as I crawled into bed. "Love you too, Jasper." I threw a leg around him and boy, I swear he was blushing so hard he almost glowed in the dark. "They never told me I couldn`t throw a leg around you. They said, 'please TRY not to seduce each other.' I can`t do that. I might be able to lower my standard to just benieth seductive, but not completely stop." He chuckled a light, airy, laugh. He turned to face me, Jasper stared at me as though constipated, "I`m trying not to read your very inapropriate thoughts..." he laughed. I wanted so badly to tear his clothes off, which was only a pair of pajama pants, his chest was bare which didn`t help stop the thoughts. "Barcelona... My mom`s coming to check in on us in like two seconds please remove your leg from me." i frowned, but I did as he requested. The door creaked open a couple seconds later. "Jasper, Barcelona, Are you two asleep?" We both stayed as far away from each other as we could and pretended to be asleep. I heard the door click shut and her high heel`s annoyingly sharp click, click, disappeared down the hall. "your better than me. I thought you actually fell asleep." I giggled. "Thanks, It`s a talent I was required to have when I was younger."

When I woke up I stretched, she looked so peaceful when she was asleep. If you did`t hang out with her for a day or two, you wouldn`t have known she was actually crazy and exciting and she made a lot of sense at times, but at other times she just confused even my mom and dad. I kissed her fourhead. I got dressed in a white T-shirt, Some jean shorts and black tennis shoes. As I was lying back down into bed getting comfy with the first journal in Barcelona`s series Paul came in. "hey... Wait a minute... there`s a girl... in your bed... sleeping... with you reading... waiting for her to wake up... Why, and who is she?" Paul was being stupid. His bright red-orange hair and brown eyes contrasted with his pale freckled face. He wore a green T-shirt and jeans. The green T-shirt and his red hair reminded me all to much of christmas. "Her name`s Barcelona and we`re getting married, because are parents want the rest of the vampires to know the war is over." I looked back down on her, She wouldn`t feel comfortable with paul in the room. "Paul, could you come back when she isn`t, well... you know... sleeping?" He stared blank faced for a moment, "Okay." He said quickly as he hopped up and walked out the room.
I was done with the fourth journal when she woke, their really thick, but their was a lot of them too, twenty to be exact. Her life was so intersesting I couldn`t put the journal down, "good morning my little murderer." She was silent then she responded, "Good and murderer don`t belong in the same sentence unless your teaching a murderer to kill. Assasins are a completely different story. You should know that by know. Which one is that?" she just questioned me as she began to get dressed. she disappeared into her closet. "Number Four." She came out and she was already wearing A black graphic Shirt with cut sleeves and faded ripped jeans. She looked so sexy. She had black Pumas and she was yanking a light blue brush through her red hair. "you already read the first three journals I wrote?" She was so sexy to me right now I just wanted to do such dirty things I never thought about doing with any other girl I`ve met in my entire life. "Yeah." She took a step closer and then she spoke," Is my life that interesting to you?" I realized she was waiting for an answer and with a quick nod i went back to reading. "Dude, don't you have anything else to do? I mean you remind me of someone I hated, As your reading too much!" Wait did she just say I was reading too much? "I thought reading was good for the mind." She put her hand on her hip and stared at me like a supreme ruler at a disrespectful slave. "But it ruins the bodies natural health... Come on I'm bored lets go do something... Pleeeaaassseee?" Wow she just woke up and already was bored. I wonder if she's part cat? They do get bored easily. "We didn't even eat breakfast yet." With a groan and a,"Fine, even though i haven't eaten breakfast in ten years... If I get sick can I punch you?" I looked at her pure intent, "Sure."

Breakfast Can Be Fun?

CHAPTER FIVE (Downstairs, 8:10 AM, One sunscreen bottle later)

Downstairs, Jasper made me sit at a stool next the counter. He made us breakfast, which was magnificent by the way. As he put the plates away a strange man in a green shirt started circling me, "You know starings considered rude?" Jasper turned. "Paul, stop stalking Barcelona." He stopped, raised his hands up in innocence and laughed, "Dude I can't help it she's just... so... HOW THE HELL DID YOU GET THIS BITCH WHEN I CAN'T EVEN GET ONE?!" Oh my god, "Well for starters not calling a girl a 'bitch' does help and not staring is another way to improve your chances." He began staring again, "Why you smart alec bastard." I couldn't help but ask, "Jasper may I pearce a wooden stake through his heart?" Japer's mysteriously green eyes widened, "Uh... No." "Alright but if he annoys me any more I'm punching his face in." Jasper calmed down quiet a bit. "Fair enough." A pretty girl with similar traits to Jasper's grabbed Paul's arm, "Not fair enough!" I wonder who she is? "Barcelona this is my twin sister, Jamie, She likes Paul when he's not calling every girl he meets a bitch and bickering with them. Yeah hard to believe, but Paul's pretty sensible when he's not tryin' to get lucky." I couldn't hold in the giggle at the sound of Jasper's remark. "Mom and Dad set you up with her... She's... pretty." Now I feel bad for laughing. "Don't be, You didn't do anything we wouldn't do, Barcelona." Jasper stop commenting on my thoughts and STAY OUT OF MY HEAD BEFORE I KILL YOU IN YOUR SLEEP! "OW your thoughts are loud, Barcelona." UGH, "Then do me a favor and stay out of my head." He rubbed the back of his head. "I got that." I smiled at him, "Good." I giggled. His sister joined in the giggles.

"JASPER! PUT THE BOOK DOWN! BEFORE I MAKE YOU!" I smiled. "Maybe that might be a good thing." She cracked a smile and looked down. She sucked her teeth, "Depends on what you mean by that... Are you hoping for mean or seductively sweet?" Did she really just ask me that... Infront of-"Sweety, he always wants that second choice." -my dad. "DAD!" Thank god Jamie is one to understand. Barcelona was trying to hide her smile, but I saw through it. "Jamie, I feel akward..." I whispered as to make sure my dad and Barcelona did not hear. "So... Barcelona..." She slowly turned to me, "yes?" Think man, you read her journals, that's right," I read that you... used to... kill..." Dad's eyes planted a that-isn't-something-you-bring-up-in-an-open-conversation glare at me. "yes, what of it? Are you afraid I might attack you in your sleep?" Well now I know I'll have trouble sleeping tonight. "Maybe we should put you in the guest room." Jamie, stop putting your two sense in. "NO! I like her. She won't try that." she giggled and shot me that killer smile. I felt my face get really hot. "Jasper are you alright..., Your face is red... That's never happened to you before." I snapped out my daze as my dad finished mumbling about my face.

Jail Is Easier

CHAPTER SIX (9:00 PM, Back in the library, five shots of whisky)

We were completely into each other. I loved this moment. His lips against mine. Entirely intertwined, "...What are you two doing?!" Are heads both turned simultaniously. "Edgar, do us all a favor and go back to bed," But Edgar just stood there staring. "Isn't it past your bed time anyways?" Edgar nodded then grabbed his blanket and ran back out of the room. The door slammed. Jasper pulled away. "It's getting late, we should start getting ready for bed too."

"Jasper, Why do I feel like this?" I turned toward her in bed, "What do you mean?" She broke into tears suddenly "I don't know, I just feel like everyone hates me for some reason." I gathered Her into my arms, "No, No, not as all. They all love you. Please don't cry. I hate seeing you cry." She listened to my heart beat, I know because her heart beat slowly matched mine for a single second. She slowly and quietly slipped into sleep in my arms.
She was still adorable sleeping in my arms. I wanted to please her. I don't know what I should do when ever she cries. I don't even know what I want to do. I don't want any one to ever try to make her cry, hurt her, or even make a nusaince. I settle down with a book.

When I woke up and He was out of it, no doubt. I mean he was out of it to the extent of at least two more hours. I got up and headed for the closet already seeing today's outfit in my head. My red bolero racing jacket with black and white stripes, Plain white tank top, Black skinny jeans, and lace up black combat boots. I lied back down in bed and as though tripping a wire, Jamie peers through the door. She waves a hand for me to come. I sit up and sigh really, really, loudly. As to let her know he was asleep. She walked in her brows deeply creased, her head tilted. She stared at him and waited a long moment. His chest slowly rised and lowered.

"...So you see If you really wanna suprise everyone, you pretend to have that I-have-no-idea-why-everyone-is-so-happy-and-why-they-are-all-smiling-and-being-extra-nice attitude. Then We both break in to happy santa giving harmony as we sing all I want for christmas is you. That would leave Jasper redder than a tomato on fire and get a couple of laughs from everyone else. So? PLEEAAASE?!" I thought this through a while, "OK." "SHUT UP! I'M TRYIN' TO SLEEP UP HERE!" Japser yelled through the door, down the stairs, and into the kitchen as we finished breakfast. "He's got strong lungs. Did he scream a lot when you guys were little?" I wispered to Jamie. We both giggled, "yeah actually. He could be a singer." more giggles. Paul came skipping in. Everyone bursts out in fits of laughter. Jasper is pissed as he comes down the stairs, stomping each step. "DIDN'T YOU PEOPLE HEAR ME?! I SAID SHUT THE HELL UP! I'M TRYIN' TO SLEEP UP STAIRS, AND I CAN'T DO THAT IF YOUR ALL LAUGHING LIKE ANIMALS AND MAKING NOISE DOWN HERE!" Everyone went silent. Jasper glared at everyone. "Loosen up." His eyes got wide with anger at my words. "LOOSEN UP?! WHEN I FIRST MET YOU, YOU WERE BOSSY AND DIDN'T WANT TO SOCIALIZE WITH ME. WHEN I FIRST HEARD ABOUT YOU I THOUGHT,'WHY WOULD ANYONE WANNA NAME THEIR CHILD AFTER A F*CKING CITY THAT ISN'T EVEN IN THIS COUNTRY.' I THOUGHT I WOULDN'T LIKE YOU. NOW I DON'T LIKE ANYONE BECAUSE YOU PEOPLE WOKE ME UP!" I Felt it before I realized I was crying. I stood up and was long gone before they would notice anything. "Wait, Barcelona... I DIDN'T MEAN IT! COME BACK!" His words got lower and lower the farther away I got from him. "PUT A SHIRT ON BEFORE YOU GO OUT, JASPER!" His mother yelled. "BARCELONA, I DIDN'T MEAN IT. PLEASE! PLEASE, JUST HEAR ME OUT!" But I wasn't going to waste anymore time on him. I pulled my MP3 out of my pocket as I walked. I cried silently. People Stopped, turned heads, tried to ask me what was wrong and more. I walked faster.


I walked all the way past Carlisle to Black pool. I crumbled outside of another kingdom. I cried harder, then I pulled myself together at the sound a horse. "Barcelona." I hadn't heard that voice in a long time. "Boris, what are you doing in England?" He eyed me a moment," I was delivering a special package, What are doing in England?... Hey what's wrong, you look like you've been crying." I looked up at, His blue eyes, brown hair, and arogant stance as he climbed off his horse, his pale perfect complection. Boris was always like the brother I never had, in comparison to my real brother. He wore a black suit. "Oh, I just got into a little emotional state..." He merely raised an eyebrow," With this guy, he kinda insulted me to the point where I couldn't take it anymore." Boris' brows furrowed deeply. "Guys have never stopped you before. Well allow me to help you with your problem after I deliver this package. You wait here. I'll be back in a jiffy." And without letting me speak he took off into the kingdom beside us.

After what seemed like a minute or two he came back. "Sorry I took so long." I cocked my eyebrow. "I was in there a couple hours." He emphasized. "Oh felt like minutes. By the way what time is it?" I scratched the back of my head. "Ten to nine at night. Climb on." We rode for at least two hours. Boris and I had talked the entire way to the kingdom. Every minute he learned another thing I knew or I gained knowledge from him. I directed him at each turn. "He lives in that kingdom? DAMN!" He whistled. "You breeding royalty?" I giggled. Boris always did know how to make anyone smile. Trust me when I mean anyone. "Depends, who wants to know?" The voice made me flinch. Jasper was just on his way into the kingdom. The beautiful White apollo horse stopped. "Jasper?" Boris broke me. He said his name. The reason I was angry, no, pissed. Flushed back to my memory. Tears began to form. No, not now, not here. "I assume so, Barcelona please stop digging your nails into me... It hurts." Jasper simply reached toward me. I didn't want him to touch me. I dug my nails deeper into Boris' abdomen and pulled myself to the farthest side of the horse from Jasper. "I found Barcelona on my way to make a dilevery to the kingdom in black pool. I hate to be rude but, may I ask what you did and or said that made Barcelona boil over to the point where she has cried to the extent where I can't seem to get her to stop?" Jasper sighed loudly and dropped his hand back onto the reigns of the horse. "Barcelona, I don't know how many times I have to say I'm sorry, But I know I want you to forgive me and if it means I have to say sorry a billion times, then that's what I'll do." I felt more tears spill. "Wow, he really loves you... Come on... or I'll get you by your... bra and tickle the shit out of you." I held in the giggle for as long as possible. "Forgive him already... Your more stuborn then when we first met in elementry." He was hyper. I could tell, anyone could tell. "How about we all go in and have some tea? Barcelona, are you alright with that?" I felt like shriveling up and disappearing. "As long as he stops treating you like some random bystandered," I wispered in Boris' ear. he chuckled then told Jasper my answer. "Alright, as long as I treat your little... friend? like a guest. Alright come on."

Inside with a pot of camomile tea and I still a little untrusting of Jasper. "So all that happened was they were making noise down stairs and you came down to tell them to 'shut up' and you suddenly told her you thought you wouldn't like her and that her name was weird? Oh well first, your lucky Barcelona cried instead of killing you. Second, honey, guys need their- what girls call 'beauty sleep' or whatever- or we tend to become cranky. Third, either way you don't have the right to go and insult Barcelona because they accidently woke you up. Four, hurry up and show us some sort of sign that you've at least taken a step toward forgiving Jasper!" I did the only thing that came to mind. I wrapped my arms around his waist and my head landed right smack in the center of his chest, but I was slow and cautious. "Yay! See now that wasn't so hard. Now I have to go." I sat up straight. I hadn't said a word since we had seen Jasper. "No, can't you stay a little while longer, please? " he looked at me as I grabbed his arm. His eyes traveled between Jasper and me and then Jasper. "Nah, I wouldn't wanna intrude, Besides I did threaten to grab you by your bra and tickle you. I don't think Japser perticularly wants a guy like that around you..., and possibly sisters?" I looked behind me, at Jasper. "One..., I only have one sister and as long as you don't grab anyone, including my mom, by their bra, We would be honored to have you. Won't you please stay if not for the night then an hour or two?" He looked at me with sad eyes, "I really wish I could, but I have to go back to Portugal to get the other package, but I promise you I'll be back before you know it." I challenged him,"LIAR! I'll know because you told me and then I'll have known way before you get back." Boris' smile was one earned. You needed a reason to have Boris smile. I was the only person he ever smiled for. EVER! "Well played, well played, Barcelona... Your more smart alec than the whole country of spain." I smiled. "No, my brother still lives there." He nodded his head," True, true." We both burst out laughing and I released his arm. "Hasta Luego." We both exchanged our goodbyes. I turn to see everyone is staring at me. "What?" Jasper grabs me by my waist. "I never learned who exactly he was to you." Jamie eyes me. "You okay? You ran out in a hurry and well. We were all worried." I take in a deep breath. Since Jasper's so close to me I take in his scent with my breath. "Boris is my Best friend from childhood. I'm fine and tired, so can we go to bed?" I turn my head up to face Jasper. "Sure, but first tell me... Do you really forgive me or was that just so Boris wouldn't have to worry about you while he was gone?" I looked up at him. My eyes met his lowered green eyes. I sighed," Jasper, please just don't insult me anymore and Girls are far worst than guys when they're cranky." I smiled and stole a kiss.

Winter Wonderland

I Woke up to see her beautiful face deep into sleep in front of me. Today my parents would throw a grand ball for Christmas. I hope she doesn't freak out and at that yesterday came running back to me. As I sat up She shifted in bed, stretched and smiled at me. "NO, NO, YOU'VE got to be kiddin' me?!" Kathrin's voice traveled up the hallway. I got up and began getting dressed. I pulled on a navy blue long sleeve T-shirt, faded Jeans, some tennis shoes, and a dark grey sweater. She was dressed in a dark grey long sleeve dress, grey flats, a black ribon tied bolero sweater, and some black tights when I walked back out of my closet. The dress was very flowy as we drifted down the hall, down the stairs and made a sharp left to the ball room. My mother was staring out the window at the snow thundering down on the house and everything else in it's path. "I have no idea why your yelling... I do not mean to be rude but, surely you must know by now that simply yelling will not change mother natures course. It's best to build your day around the weather." Barcelona could be so formal at times. I heard the giggle of tha monster before I knew it she was hugging me. "Good morning Jamie." She released me, "Morning. You seen Edgar? I'm suppose to take him to the taylor upstairs to get his tuxedo fitted, but he kinda ran away when I told him he had to wear a tuxedo." She smiled, even though she was my sister I only rarely had moments when we didn't get along. Edgar on the other hand was a nutral border between Jamie and me. "I'll help you." The first words out of Barcelona's mouth for the day. "Really? Thank you so much. P.S. since he woke up a little later than dad scheduled the maid snuck him a donut instead of his pancakes. He has a lot more to do today than either of us. Just warning never give him sugar before he's awake." Oh lord. Edgar's going to embaress me and Jamie in front of Barcelona.

We had searched here and there, still no sign of Edgar. Suddenly he bounced past us. "Morning!" He yelled as he continued to run down the hall. Just as the butlers were carring the china and crystal out of storage. Barcelona took off like a rocket after him. I've never seen anyone run so fast in my life. She ran right past him. "Hey! No way am I gonna let a girl win!" Edgar yelled to her. She stopped short. She reminded me of the roadrunner cartoon. She leaned up against the railing as Edgar continued to run. She was going to let him pass her by. Her arm flew out suddenly and they're was a loud thud. "OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!" Edgar's cry of pain echoed. I jogged over. The sight shocked me. Barcelona had Edgar by his hair. Edgar struggled and shifted frantacly in her grasp. He slipped out of her hand and There was a flash and she had both his hands behind him and she was sitting on him. "I heard a cry? Barcelona your amazing. No one's ever caught Edgar in mid sugar rush. We usually chase him till he settles down." He shifted and finally gave up with a," Barcelona Get OFF! Your heavy, Fat cow! Move!" She let one of her hands move away from his, but other than that didn't move. She wrapped it around his throught, Made him stand, and guided him to the taylor room on the third floor. "No, No, I don't wanna wear a Tux. Their stupid, itchy, and tight." Barcelona lowered her head to his ear. "I'm going to tell you something a very old friend of mine told me, 'We all have to do things we don't want to. Get over it.' understand?" He nodded. I guess that means she's just marrying me for our kingdoms, but as long as She's happy I'm okay with that, even if that means spending eternity trying to please her. The taylor had spent all eleven years of Edgar's life forcing him into tuxedos and the maids and butlers would hold him still as Jamie or mom talked him through it.

Dad was downstairs out on the front porch with a cup of coffee and Paul. Dad was ranting. Jamie Stole barcelona to do some things. So I Went on a journey for fun or at least a task from someone, anyone. "Kathrin always becomes so crazy when theres a party. I just need to escape for an hour or two." They both turned to me as I step over the creaky metal high rise border on the double front doors. "Hey dad, mom says it's time for you to get fitted. Paul, your mom would like you to help her in the kitchen." Paul started grumbling how come his mom had to make him beat all the dough. Dad started telling him to 'get over it'. There it was again that "get over it," saying. I ran out to the store to buy gifts for my siblings, mom, dad, Paul, and Barcelona. The town was dead except for the shops and a few last minute shoppers. I gave quick nods and "morning's". By the time I got back dad was back talking with paul on the porch, it seems as though the porch is their safe haven. "Jasper, the taylor's waiting for you upstairs." Dad warned. "yeah and Barcelona's helping your mom with music." Paul was gonna get it when ever today ended. I quietly tip toed past my mom and barcelona. "Hi Jasper. Have fun?" Barcelona's voice was like a knife. "Just some last minute shopping." I hurried up the stairs three at a time.
I was never not amazed at how Cole always finished before his deadline. Cole, the blacksmith, had not only finished the bracelet for Jamie, The earings for mom, but the necklace for Barcelona too. I also got Paul a new skateboard and dad a new set of Shaulders to replace the ones I broke about three years ago and for Edgar I got him a new video game. I silently hoped Barcelona would like the necklace, simple silver chain with a onyx surrounded by small rubies.

Later, All suited up and bored out of my mind, the guests began to arrive. Still haven't even seen Barcelona in hours or Jamie. So I decided to have a little fun. I began to swiftly look for dad or at least Edgar. I passed mom, Paul stopped me. "Dude, You seen your sister? I wanted to ask her something." I began to wonder what on earth he wanted to ask her. I shook my head. "I guess that means you haven't seen Barcelona?" He shook his head. Last thing I wanted to see. My Tuxedo was black and I wore a burgandy tie. Paul wore a forest green one. My dad had been wearing a dark violet one. Mom wandered away right when I was going to ask her why dad's tie was purple. She hadn't once been seen by the guests.

The taylor pinched and proded me with the sewing needle. I hadn't had a chance to look at myself yet. I saw Mrs. Princelove, Jasper's mom. She slipped into a beautiful violet dress.Long enough to cover her entire lower half and still drape. Long and far more flowy than the dress I was wearing earlier. too flowy, fake flowy. To me anyway. It had gold detailing, they formed little snowflakes and then they morphed into larger gold rope designed straps that wrapped around her waist. She placed long matching gloves on her hands, They reached up almost to her shoulders.Jamie slipped into hers. Long and her's had more of a smoke screen cover to it. The dark green was far to elegant for Jamie's behavior. She fit her hands into gloves. Long enough to reach past her elbows. They were light blue, almost torquise colored, details in which formed butterflies and flowers, There was a hint of pink in the flowers. The dress ended right before her feet. I still couldn't see myself.

I wondered what was taking mom so long. She emerged and grasped dad's arm. Jamie hustled down and disappeared. Edgar raised an eyebrow. "Jasper Your love awaits you upstairs. Go, fetch her will you?" finally. I rushed up the back stairs. I went to my room first. She was beautiful. She wore a Dark burgandy dress that was just the right combination of flowy, elegant, and her. The sleeves were long, the dress had black details, they were swirls, that morphed into a dark under layer of black sheets under the top layers of smoky red creating the perfect shade of burgandy. The knit gloves she wore were small yet graceful, the dress fell to the floor. Her hair was loose. "Barcelona... Are you gonna make it to the ball room or am I gonna have to stop half way out the door and comfort you?" She turned to me. The dress shifted perfectly with her. She was smiling. I took her hand. Wool gloves and polyester sleeves. The dress was polyester top and what looked like satin on the lower half. A black lace trim seperated the fabrics, it also framed her neck and the ends of the sleeves. I walked her down to the ball room. grand and decorated with tons of elegantly simple christmas decorations. An eruption of clapping awaited us. It shocked us both. "The lovely couple is charming." I heard the voice echo off the walls. It was low and graceful. I couldn't name the person at the moment. Barcelona was serious when the applause errupted, but this voice made her smirk, not her usual smile just a sneaky, mysterious smirk and it kind of creaped me out. "Gradon, It feels like forever." Him, the guy from the other kingdom. "Their's a side to you that I never knew..." Everyone was dead silent. "What do you mean my dear friend?" Dad cut in. "She's smirking. She's hiding something from me. I don't know what. I know because of that smirk..." the moments dragged on. "Oh it's nothing. It's just... you missed me." His eyes widened in suprise at her words. "Barcelona are you reading my mind?" She shook her head. "Then how on earth did you know that." everything they said was wispered, but the silence of the room enhanced the voices to a louder state. "Your fingering one of my old florentines." The words rolled off her tongue and every 'r' that came off her smooth lips was purred. "Oh, this... I guess I just thought you wouldn't notice." Amber was silent as she was draped on his arm like some kind of ornament. Her smile looked plastic, but that was Amber. Always 'looked' fake, yet always real. I turned to find Jamie trying to steal Barcelona away already. They ran off, and a few minutes later they were walking down the stairs in red santa dresses with hats on. Barcelona had a pouch attached to her waist and Jamie had a small shoulder bag. They were singing. God, My cheeks got so hot I thought I might pass out. She wouldn't do something like this. She started circling me and I realized a little to late she was singing for me. She ran her hands along my waist. She fixed my tie and she handed me a small box. I opened it. A small necklace stuck out at me. the chain was silver and the pendant said one simple word, "Eternidad" I didn't understand it. Jamie handed me one after everyone settled down and the song was long gone. A single onyx incrested earing. designed for men.

Barcelona had loved the gift. So much so that she had actually started to cry at one point, which made me feel kind of creaped out. We were settling down for sleep when she asked," If you ever had the chance to go anywhere, where would you go?" That made no sense," I can all ready go anywhere I want." Her face was a dark blob in the blackness of the room."Metaphorically speaking..." I thought this over a long minute," Anywhere your at is where I would want to go." I heard her laugh and then she stopped, "No, really. where? Alaska, Japan, Mexico, Russia, Italy?" I couldn't even keep up with her. "Wait, let me answer Barcelona... let's see... I don't want to be mauled by a bear in my sleep and have no one find me till after valentines day, so there goes Alaska... I don't speek Japanese so I would die out there... Mexico is a little too into drugs so that's a no... I don't eat garlic so bye bye Italy... and Russia is full of communists so again no thanks... although i always have wondered what Romania is like. " She giggled everytime I explained why I wouldn't want to go somewhere. "Been there. It isn't as fun when you go there twice. I always wanted to see Ireland." I couldn't help but ask, "Why Ireland and not Scotland? Or have you been there too?" A long moment of silence rang on. "Yes, actually. I have been there and to say it was funny watching the men dance in kilts is an understatement... Good night." She yawned and was gone. I grabbed a book and began to read.

"WAKE UP JASPER! COME ON! MOM SAID I CAN'T GO OUT AND PLAY UNTIL YOU AND BARCELONA ARE UP AND READY TO GO!" Edgar bounced and jumped and at a time tried to slap me awake. All the while Barcelona snuck around Edgar getting ready. She had on a pretty green dress. It was just long enough to cover right above her knees. It had that nine-teen fifty kind of flare at the bottom of the dress. It was long sleeve and she pulled on some black stockings and black sneakers. After words she pulled her hair through her brush and she took up a perched look on the edge of the bed. "Edgar you do know he won't be able to get ready if your hugging onto him like the last leaf to a tree in the middle of January, don't you?" Edgar finally got off of me and pulled my arm till I was in my closet. "GET READY!" Such a weird child to be related to, but no shame in him waking me up when I could tackle him and watch him disappear into the snow. I had a feeling Jamie might aim for my head. So naturally I reached for my grey ski knit cable hat. I pulled on a long sleeve white shirt and some dark grey jeans, then I slipped my white nikes on and grabbed my grey coat. This was gonna be fun. Barcelona had a red coat. It somehow didn't suprise me all the green in the closet. The color usualy looked good on her. The large mass of red shades and hues did frighten me though. They look good on her but the darker shades did give that mysterious and deadly look to her. Gladly most of the colors in her wardobe were much darker than Jamie and kathrin's palette. We walked down the hall and sat down for breakfast. YES! Bacon, toast, eggs, and a glass of 'juice'. "Edgar, you know staring is considered rude?" I felt his big fat head turn and his evil maniac I-can-not-wait-to-pumble-you-infront-of-Barcelona stare began to burn a hole into the side of my head. "DO YOU MIND?!" He just stared, "No I don't mind waiting." Sometimes it's just so hard not to beat the crap out of this kid. I mean, yeah, I get he wants to go play in the snow and he's only eleven, but seriously? He has to watch me eat in anticipation. "Ugh..." An idea sprung in my head. "you know what? How about you go get Jamie to get ready. Who ever finishes first wins. Us eating breakfast or Jamie getting dressed? Sound fun while you wait?" his eyes glittered like those creapy baby dolls Jamie obsessed over when we were six. "OKAY!" He bounced out of the chair and leaped all the way out of sight. Barcelona just finished eating too. We heard Jamie scream. "EDGAR! IT'S SEVEN IN THE MORNING!" a moment of silence. "SORRY, HURRY UP AND GET READY!" Edgar responded. "YOU SHOULD HAVE WOKE ME UP EARLIER!" You could actually hear her fall out of bed and scramble into her closet. Loud thuds and thumps traveled across the hallway. A loud "OW!" came after. "GET UP JAMIE! WE'RE GONNA LOSE! GO, GO, GO, GO!" I couldn't help but laugh. I mean seriously sometimes it's as though they're the twins and I'm the loner.

Later on we were all playing outside. We had made our snow forts, chose our teams and made a starter amunition of ten snowballs. We had all decided guys versus girls. Paul, Edgar, Cole, and dad on my team. Dad being the leader. Paul's mom, The taylor-Karina, my mom, Jamie, and Barcelona on the girl's team. We had to be extra careful this round, we had no idea what Barcelona was capable of. "Maybe we should go easy on them this first round." Edgar could be so niave at times. "Listen son, We never go easy on them. just because they got a new member doesn't mean we go easy on them. This is a family tradition. We barely win every year we play. The men of the house only win by one round you know. I guess it's what we get for playing 21 rounds of snowfort." Paul shrugged. "I'm aiming for the face this year." Paul is so inconsiderate. I peered up over the snowfort's wall. Barcelona was the leader this year. "Wow, mom may have made this the easiest game ever." Dad joined our little spy mission. "What?! Barcelona's captain." Paul and Cole were conversing when dad interupted telling them our results from the mission. I caught a glimpse of Barcelona cracking her neck. It sent shivers down my back. The whistle was blown, the loud chirp greeted us with a snowball in my face. Next thing I know I was slipping into the side entrance of their fort and smack hit Mom right in the neck. She flipped around and bam. "OW! MOM THAT...hurt." I crumpled to the floor with my hands wrapped around them. As though the pain would go away faster. "OH, Sweety I'm sorry are you okay?" My face hit the floor and I felt my face begin to stick in the painfilled expression. Mom pulled me up by my arm, "Walk it off, Jasper, Walk it off." I looked over my shoulder to see Barcelona smile and throw one straight at Dad's heart, She wasn't even looking at him. her stare stayed on me, her hand began pointing at her cheek. So Jamie hadn't hit me in the face. It was Barcelona, "All right mom, but first..." I aimed straight for the middle of Barcelona's chest, It flew and hit the target. Her mouth dropped as it slid straight into her bra. I saw dad fall to the floor laughing. "Nice shot son!" I turned and had to dodge the snowball Jamie was about to throw at my thigh. "Close your mouth, you'll catch flies, Barcelona." So she did, then she hit me with a glare that Would kill. She picked up a snowball and aimed and Smack she hit me right in the mouth. "How you like them apples?" Jamie has to put her two sense into everything. everyone started laughing as I started to spit out the snow. I took a big old chunk of snow and, "BAM!" I nailed Jamie right in the back of the head. She turned and showed everyone her stunned face. Even Karina laughed and she hardly ever laughs.

We all sipped our hot chocolate queitly. "You've got to be pullin' my chains! This is the first time the girl's have ever won in 30 years!" Barcelona seemed amazed. "Why does that suprise you because we're too hot to be smart?" she glared at Paul, "I hate to break it to you, but you ain't hot." Edgar made a slurping noise causing mom and dad to eye him. "So Barcelona what was your tradition in your old kingdom?" She took a deep breath, "Water." That confused me quite a bit. "Water... WHAT DOES THAT MEAN?!" Edgar just saved us from breaking our brains. "Inflatable pool full of dad's hot air. So began the love affair with water. That's how Amber became to love water. She was born in the 40's. I used to go on down to this dock where they built it beside this tree that stuck out off the edge of the sidewalk and hung over the ocean. We would tie this rope around a limb and jump off the end of the sidewalk into the ocean and we used the dock to get back out. I started when I was three years old and I was splashing water everywhere. " She laughed as she told us. "It's really more of a summer thing..." She scratched at the back of her head. "Gradon only told me this, 'On a river bank with all my friends.' and that's all I know 'bout him."

The Map Turns Blue

Spring came and went in a haze. Summer began and I knew exactly what I wanted to do. "Gradon So glad to have you here." I sat up bullet straight. I couldn't believe it. "When will you return with them?" I hear Mr. Princelove question. "Oh, around lunch time, seven days from now sound good?" I smiled a hundred watts maybe more. "Barcelona lie back down, it's only six o' clock." I couldn't sleep now that I knew. "I can't." He sat up, "All right, I suppose it's time for breakfast." I put on a firey orange sundress and some brown buck mule moccasin heels. The dress was simple and had that flowy feel to it, like wearing water and perfect for back in Puerto Rico. I put on the brown leather bracelet I had got from Amber on my 200th birthday. I perched on the edge of the bed. Jasper wore a navy blue T-shirt, some nice Purple shorts with yellow details, and some sandals. He put on the necklace I got him. "Do you know what that means Jasper?" He looked up at me. He didn't try to hide the fact that he was looking me up and down. He shook his head after he finished taking me in. "It means 'Eternity'. You couldn't put that together, Eternidad, Eternity. All that changes is the ending." I felt a frown appear on my lips. I skipped down the hall and wrapped my arms right over Gradon and Amber's Shoulders. "I missed you." Jasper looked way to confused to understand when he finally caught up to me. "Hi Gradon, Amber." Gradon smiled, "Hurry up and eat breakfast and then we will leave." Jasper and I furrowed our eyebrows. "where? More importantly why?" Amber did her school girl laugh. "To our kingdom for the traditions. Can't have you missing it even if it's only for a part of the tradition." Gradon smiled, "All you really need this time of year is..." I knew he was waiting for my usual responce. What I usually did the first half our of summer. Which would be right abou now. Now that I think about it. "A pair of shades and ice cold beer. Somewhere near the water." Jasper's parents laughed, "That doesn't sound bad actually." Typical guy responce. I could see it now me in a lawn chair near the beach just outside the garden. Sipping on a beer and getting ready to go as far as possible into the water. I get farther and farther each year, not only that, but Boris and my cousins always make it for the festival which should be tomorrow. Demitria, Brooke, and Jackson, I couldn't wait to see Brooke punch the crap out of Boris, because last year he kiss her then slammed the door to her car to go to the airport and never said a word to her since.

"Uh, I'm not sure this is safe." She was crazy. Jumping off a rope, I was crazy for letting her.
"your a BIG OL' WUSS if you don't jump in the water!"
"I ain't a WUSS!"
"Sure you are, look you ain't in the water yet!"
"Fine, but when I get you I'm gonna grab you by your bra and tickle the crap outta you."
I was sitting in the water watching her bicker with Boris about him being a wuss or not.
"Jasper did it and this is his first year, he's a man! Exspecially since you didn't!" Barcelona suddenly kissed me on my cheek. "Please don't bring me into this. your asking him to jump off a cliff into the ocean. Someone's gotta be scared." She laughed and, "FLOP!" She was completely submerged in the water under this fat ass. She popped up on the other side of me. Brooke and Demitria were laughing so hard they almost drowned and they were sitting on the sand at the beach. "It wasn't my fault, Jackson pushed me!" She looked pissed. "cállate o te raja tu pensamiento y alimentar a los pollos con su comida... te quiero Jaspe!" I felt akward maybe it's because I don't understand spanish. "She said Shut up or I'll slit your throughts and feed them to the chickens with their feed ... and that she loves you." Jackson didn't seem to know that she said it in spanish so I wouldn't understand on purpose. She blushed and disappeared into the water. The girls started making purring noises and meows and even a couple oohs. I only laughed, rolled my eyes and kept swimming.

She rolled out of bed, stretched then moaned in... pain? "Good morning." She just ignored me. She got up and glared at me. "What?" Barcelona put a finger to her lips all the while still glaring. She pulled on a dark purple T-shirt and some black shorts. She slipped on some black sandals, desperatly managing to brush her hair, she left it down. I had pulled on a sleeveless dark green T-shirt, tan cargo shorts, and some tan sandals. "What's wrong?" She flipped around, "I have a headache please shut the hell up and just enjoy the fact that I'm not killing you." she shuffled down the stairs grab a cup of "juice" and went back to her room. "What's up with her?" The weird sound of her cousins voice scared me. Which one was this again, Oh yeah Demitria. I forget early in the morning. "She said she has a headache." Demitria frowned. "Bummer dude. Oh well she'll be back to normal by the afternoon. Just leave her alone and let her cool off."
The lights in Barcelona's room didn't go on till five in the afternoon. Brooke took off straight to her room leaving us in the dust. "Figures, Brooke is always the first to jump on the chance to chill with her. She's probably on her computer or something. Jackson personally just likes hangin' with Boris... and possibly you. I kinda drift between the groups brother from another mothers and sisters by soul." Demitria really was the kind help confuse you all right.

Another Secret To Spill?

She was hanging onto Gradon by his back. "You too are pretty close for brother and sister." They stopped playing. She jumped off his back, mid piggy ride. "We're not actually related you know. We figured you might have got up to the part in Barcelona's stupid journals already. Check chapter seven in book eight." That was all, Gradon grabbed Barcelona and "BAM!" she made contact with the cement head first. "ARE YOU CRAZY!?" It took me a while to realize he was holding me back. Any pure blood born vampire could have died doing some stupid shit like that. What was Gradon's problem, did I say something wrong? "CHECK Page fifteen chapter seven book eight... or else." No way was he really doing this, while Barcelona lay bleeding out on the floor with severe injuries to the extent of hospitalization, and all he cared about was a stupid page in her old journal? "NOW! OR SHE'LL BLEED OUT!" I quickly fumbled with the bookcase. Book one... two... three... four... ah ha Book eight. chapter seven page fifteen.

"NO, YOU SCARED THE SHIT OUT OF ME! ... THAT WAS NOT FUNNY!" I had to stop it before Jasper did something, got himself killed. "J-Jasper would you cut it out. I feel like your trying to adopt me and we're not getting married. Like your some woman that's always wanted a baby girl... So please stop worrying about the little stunt... I did become perfectly heathly and safe a couple minutes later..." Jasper's green eyes pierced my skin with the devilish stare. "That's not the point Barcelona... I love you and there is absolutly nothing you can say or do to make me angry at you, but this was not your doing... It was Gradon and his insulent foolishness! SHE COULD HAVE DIED!" Jasper, you're so thick skulled. Jasper your gonna be next. The next one on the List.

"What's the List

... Barcelona? Barcelona? Hello? What's the List

?" SHIT! "P-please stop reading my mind." He raised an eyebrow, "You expect me not to? I mean for Jesus Christs! Your shaking more than a chihuahua in Siberia!" I looked down at my hands and body and sure enough, I was shaking to the point it looked as though I may have been having a small seizure. "That's because I'm cold." He came around to me and wrapped his arms around me, "That's thanks to the fact that you have lost so much blood lying there for at least a half hour." I felt the numbing pain shoot through me, I knew I was eventually going to have to make the choice. I felt the hot tears sort of ease my pain. It took me what must have been an hour to notice Everyone asking if I was okay and what was upseting me so much. "" They sort of sat there staring at me for a moment or two, " you know more than anyone else in this room that, that was the worst lie you've ever told, because if nothing was wrong then you woudn't be crying as though someone's just died." I felt more tears, fresher, faster, more tears poured down my face. I was still shaking.

After I finally calmed down, I started to stand up and Japser and Jamie ran to me,"you want water, food, anything?" Jamie was acting as though I was sick. I looked up at them, twins, always knowing they can come home to find the other one waiting and ready to play. I looked at Gradon, "I miss him." He stopped flipping through his magazine, dropped it on the table and walked over, "You know better than anyone that you cannot just see him. You know he would do more than 'try' to kill you." Gradon looked to the twins and said as though to comfort or help them better understand the situation," She is refering to her younger twin brother." I couldn't help, but wonder why that woman was always sending him where ever I was and then after we got caught up, she would comand him to kill me. So generally The magical barrier never allows my brother into an area in which was of the distance he was able to kill me, depending on the weapon he would get knocked to a harmless distance.
I needed air, I was going to have another attack if I didn't get air soon. The bubbly feeling I got in my veins cried for fresh air. I Shook off Jasper and Jamie. Gradon was hot on their trail, pulling at them, telling them about my brother. "Gradon I'm not above killing you. Even with a shiver and the need for fresh air I could snap you like a toothpick." He continued pulling their arms, "Amber's in the next room talking with Kathrin." Amber, the only one in the entire area who could, and would, kill me. "Alright... Jasper, Would you come outside with me... I'm afraid I might pass out if I don't get there in the next five minutes." I wanted desperately to add, "or I'll be annoyed to death by Gradon," but I didn't for fear Amber might hear. Sure she's nice at a glance and a quick chat, but behind all that nice-ness was the itching pain to go crazy and kill the next person to disrespect her. I made that mistake once and almost had my head chopped off.
"So are you gonna talk to me?... Barcelona. I'm sorry I was babying you earlier, but you know you can speak up and tell us what you want. I'm not saying change everything from what everyone wears to the form of government, but it couldn't hurt if you wanted a new pair of jeans or something." Jasper really was a nice boy, but he was so young and niave. When I was growing up if I asked for a new skirt without a reason I either needed to be the pope's daughter or willing to get beat to the ground by my own father for even bothering to ask the question, it'd have been stupid because they were expensive in comparison to just agreeing to serve in war and It took me from the age of 12 to get out of the kitchen and onto the battle field, I had only been out in the field for about 3 years when I died. "I'm sorry Jasper, but I don't think I'll ever ask for anything..." Truth be told I was actually a bit afraid Jasper might hit me if I asked him for something, even though he just told me too, I think I'll always be afraid to ask people for things, Gradon even forced me to Demand things from the servants in our kingdom. He would yell at me, "That's what they are there for, to be at your feet and bring you what ever you have demanded. Not to smile and skip up to you and bring you a half washed shirt and say 'I did what you asked' They are supposed to keep a straight face, you know that, it was your job when you were a child, now it's their turn, and do not hold back the demands!" I remember receiving the lecture almost daily.

"Jasper, how would you feel if I were to rip your sister, Jamie from your family and play with your emotions? How would you feel if you could never make any form of contact with you sister ever again? You'll never understand what it's like, it's incredibly hard to even give you a vague divulgence and even then you probably have no clue, correct?" Where was this coming from, what happened between her brother and her? "I'm sorry, you're going through this, but I have no clue what I would do... Would you mind telling me what happened between your brother and you? Or is that pushing your trust in me?" Why can't I read her thoughts now? What's she thinking? "It took me till I was twelve to get out of the kitchen and on to the battle field, when I finally got there, my brother decided to betray our country and became a spy, he died in the war... correction, I was forced to shoot an arrow through his heart, however he threw a knife and we died at the exact same moment, straight through the heart, from each others' hand... After that Gradon saved me, made me off as his little sister in the vampiric kingdom, and a queen made my brother off as her son, she is also has a nasty feel to always be in a war, she is desperately trying to start one with our kingdom, but Amber has no patience, not the time to deal with her, she calls the lady a child throwing a serious temper tantrum." Is this some sick joke, why put siblings through such pain, I mean I've heard of sibling rivalry, but this is ridiculous. "May I ask this woman's name?" She breathed in a deep breath as we rocked on the porch swing. "Ceartă... I have no idea why her parents named her that, but I suppose it explains why she behaves in the manner she does... ceartă means Contention in Romanian... I presume she had a tough life growing up with no friends." Hmmm, Would now be the time to ask her? I'm going to ask her. "Why did you're parents name you Barcelona?"

The meaning of my name

"My name?" I felt my eyes widen and my head slowly turn to face him. He'd been examining my profile for a while now, as I look him in the eyes he gently nods. "Yes, I'm curious, why they named you after a city... Please?" My name, I wonder what he'll say when he finds out. "My parents weren't the one's who gave me the name Barcelona, I was given that name by my friends from the army, when I used to practice, because I was the only one on the entire squad born in Barcelona,... My brother was in a different sector." I'll just wait till he asks, "So... What's your real name?"

My real name, oh how long it's been, I honestly barely remember it my self, what with everyone calling me by my nickname all these years."My real name is... No, You'll make fun of it." He started to smile, his smile was a sweet small crooked one, "I give you my word as a gentleman... promise." I don't think I'll trust him, after all his mom did make him promise not to read my thoughts, but he does it anyway. "Oh come on! You almost never tell me anything, if I don't read your thoughts then I'm condemning myself to a horribly silent marriage." Oh no he didn't, "Excuse me! Young man don't try to pull that card on me, I talk to you. I even let you read my journals... I never let anyone read my journals." He shushed. "Ok, my real name's Constanta... I never really liked it because the other kids called me constant and said I'd never make anything out of my life, they said I'd be the one to be the old cat lady... That's why I just let people believe my name to be Barcelona... don't tell anyone, ok?" He oggled me a moment, but eventually bit his lip, "Hmmm, that'll be hard, trying to hide the fact that I now know your beautiful name, Constanta." No! I made a big mistake, I regret telling him my name before the minute even passes. "I'll try." "Trying isn't good enough," I thought.



I woke to a loud bang on the door, maybe it's just another salesman. I turned over to see Barcelona KNOCKED OUT! "Excuse me Mr. Jasper, there is a man at the door who wishes to speak to your Fiance. Should I allow him in?" Is her friend, butch, barny, bo-bo-BORIS! That's it, is he back already? "We'll be down in a few." The handmaids scurried off. "Barcelona? Barcelona? BARCELONA! Gosh you sleep like a rock. Someone's here to see you." She stumbled out of bed almost slapped me and then quietly walked into her closet, she began pulling on some clothes.

Walking down the stairs was a challenge, my eyes still groggy, "Damn you're loud Jasper... sorry, but it's true." He looked at me with a face that read annoyed, "You're the one who woke me up all the way from the breakfast nook." That again. "So, did you sleep well Barcelona?" Turning to the voice I did not expect the man behind the voice.

Another Reunion Exposes the Truth?!

"Marca?! What are you doing here?!" Barcelona was really loud for someone who was overly fatigued a few minutes ago. "I went to your 'brother,' Gradon and he sent me here... Please lower your voice, you seem to forget how much respect you've been given." She suddenly posed herself, back straight and face emotionless. "¿Cómo está Barcelona?" Is that... Spanish, being uneducated in other languages is something I've never really liked about myself. "I'm fine, Marca, and you?" In her voice I sensed a bit of compassion, who the hell is he though? "Good, who is your little friend?" He scanned me,"He looks like someone you would need to protect." Rude much? At least I don't have such a thick spanish accent you can barely determine what I'm saying.

"This is Jasper Princelove and he's the prince of this kingdom." Damn, Marca was a really rude man, but Barcelona sure does know how to assert power, wether she knows it or not. "Oh really? Excuse my earlier rudeness." yeah, I don't trust this dude. "What?" He is obviously a dull, moronic imbecile... I'll have to make sure to talk to him alone or at least away from Barcelona. "Are you listening? Jasper? Jasper?" Stop reading his thoughts and focus on Barcelona, "I'm sorry, what did you say?" I recieved a well earned eye roll, "Marca was my old teacher when I was training to be an assassin." Her teacher, therefore he's a deadly threat. I must be wary of him. "That's interesting."

We talked for a while and when he finally stood up to leave I decided that was when I would accept his request to talk without Barcelona. "Let me walk you to the door." He eyed me a moment after he said his fairwell to her. "Thank you... It is an honor." We walked out of ear shot, it began to rain outside sometime during our conversation. "Who is she to you? Besides an old student... and did you know she was destined to become a vampire from the day she was born?" He spun on his heal, "She's all I've ever wanted and more, even if I may be a couple hundred centuries older than her, age is a mere number, an yes I did know she was infact condemned to become a vampire, after all she was always surrounded by them, is that not usually how they are chosen? When they unknowingly surround themselves with our kind, the fated one's come to us at will. It is purely up to what is written... Who am I kiding a pure blood is born, not made, everyone knows that, even the humans, and you probably have no clue how to determine what we call an 'unborn pure blood'." An unborn Pure blood,"What is that?" He smirked and let out a rough laugh,"An unborn pure blood is someone who's born from to pure blood's, who's blood is so pure it skips a generation. It's only natural her parents made sure at least one vampire was watching her at all times, but she probably didn't know it, just like her brother. Their parents were betrayed by their uncle, who overthrew their royal power and claimed it for his self. Therefore her parents were forced to go undercover while her mother was pregnant with them. That is why Barcelona has never known the life of a prima donna, and doesn't dare demand things of people."

With that Marca wondered off into the rain pulling his cloak tight.

Slip Up

  I rolled over and "THUMP!" Ow, I fell face first onto the floor. "Are you okay?" I was ever so aware of Edgar standing in the doorway, "Yeah, thanks for asking though." Edgar continued to walk down the hall. "Morning sleepy head." I rubbed my eye as Jasper put down one of my journals. Book 10 already, he speeds through them. "Glad to see you don't care if I break my skull open again." He let out a chuckle and for the first time in days I noticed his stubble, "Are you trying to grow a beard?" His head popped back out of the book, "No, why?" Maybe his facial hair just grows fast. "No, reason." I dragged myself to the closet and pulled some white flats and a pink dress on.

"Ready to go to the doctor?" Edgar jumped up from behind and scared me, He immediately earned a punch in the face, "OWWWWW! Why did you do that?" Well he's talking so he isn't dying. "Edgar, don't sneak up on me, I'm sorry." He pulled a hand away, bloody, damn. "I think you broke my nose." Jasper let the book rest on his chest. "It's your own fault for sneaking up on her." At least he knows it.

"So why are you two forcing me to go to the doctor again?" I know what it is and why, but I like when Edgar says it, "Because my parents and Jasper think you're CRAZY, Woohoo, Nuts, gone around the bend and fallen off the cliff." He's rediculous, are they just now figuring out I'm crazy? I've suffered so much in my past, if you looked at me now, you'd never even tell it was the same girl, I've become a lot happier lately. "Ok, ok, I get it." People I've known all my life, who've actually helped raised me as a child, were vampires and never told me until I found out on my own. I remember when I found out one of my life long friends was a vampire...


(1434, New spain)

  How old was I today? Do vampires age? If so I'd be about a couple decades older than when I was turned. "Barcelona, I need you to go fetch me some bread from the bakery." I yanked my shaul off the hook, "How much do you need?" "Not a lot."


  Her hair was a mere whisper in the wind, the grace with which she carried herself was astonishingly fascinating. There were no words to describe how much she'd grown since back then. She came and went like a dandelion seed blown in the breeze, walking with such resilience, it was almost impossible to tell she was a complete clutz as a child, always having to be taken care of till she grew into an actual women at the lonesome age of 15, to any passer by she would appear very much so like the royalty she was never told she was. I know I've always been a bit rude to her since the day we met in the hall at age 4, but I did so with the intent to help her learn the importance of asserting dominance and fear into the hearts of her future co-workers, it was obvious from the start she wouldn't be in the kitchen long, and she had no patience for sewing or cleaning. "Constanta, how lovely to see you here, buying bread for your family I assume?" A simply appalled facial expression spread on her emphasized bone structure and for some odd reason I felt a laugh rise in my throught. "I have no family, I live with my instructors, they continue to teach me many interesting facts and useful skills... What of you? No genealogy from you yet?" Tricky, no one has accepted my feelings yet and that is just the ways things are. "No, I live alone."


  It was later the night, I crossed roads with Jessica again and I finally brought to light the truth. I was sent on another commission, walking down the alley way to get to my destination and back in the shortest amount of time possible, due to my extreme fear of rats, and impatience contradicting one another. There was a rustle to my left, and a flash of platinum blonde hair. I turned sharply to discover Jessica curled around a lanky man's body, drenched in gory guts and the vital liquid necessary for a turned vampire to enjoy their life. The beseeching look on her face was a pitiful one I could not stand to look at any longer than required. The quintessential idea of a vampire's fundamentals is hysterically rampant. I have always thought so and will continue to think so till the end of time itself. With these conceptions transpiring in my head, I continued my errand as if I had seen nothing at all and so my secretive scruples, ethics, and habits aroused. Inside my soul there was something telling me, "beware", however I seemed to have left my sanity at the door after that. I never introspected or contemplated anything the same again. My dark ages had come.


(Present Day, Secret Vampiric Society, Doctor's Office)


"BARCELONA! STOP ZONING OUT, THE DOCTOR'S WAITING!" Edgar's screaming brought me back to the reality of my situation. "Yes, I apologize." I apologize? Nice, way to sound like you're a modern vampire who's lived among the humans long enough to know the ins and outs of society. "Old person, no one says, 'I apologize,' anymore. What is this the 13th century." The doctor chuckled, "I'm sure she is a lot younger than me, radiating such fascinating charm and beautifully crafted artistry." He looked to naive and useless to be an elder to me. "You wish, I'm older than some sixth century vampires... it gets tiring to come across people I was never partial to."


"Well it appears she's just under stress and experiencing some anxiety due to the change of atmosphere, She'll loosen up, but it'll take some time." The doctor was telling them something I could have told them had they bothered to lend an ear and feel some empathy for me. "My conjecture was correct, you're an inexperienced, juvenile in the likes of someone who is much more adept and empathetically perceptive than you'll ever be, I will also outlive you by a long run if you continue to hold such stubborn naivety and unconsiderate morals on life's ironically farcical methods." Both the doctor and Jasper seemed astonished. "Wait, don't we all live in the same exact atmosphere here on earth?" Edgar was probably smarter than the "doctor" and would go a lot longer than this mockery could.

When we got home Jasper was still attempting to make me feel convictable,"What the hell got into you, why would you say that to him in the middle of his office of work?" Edgar refused to stop laughing the entire way home. "Stop your laughing this minute Edgar, this isn't funny." The Mr. and Mrs. came over looking flustered, "What's wrong sweety?" Jasper thrust a finger at me, "She told the doctor off... yeah in an intelligent way using big words, but she told him off right there in the middle of his entire office!" "What did you expect me to do, say, ' Thank you for wasting everyone's time and money even though if someone had bothered to sit down and listen to me once in a while they could have figured it out on their own!' Goddamnit Jasper you're such cretin sometimes, correction most of the time. Are you really that stupid that you couldn't use the context clues to my weird uncomfortable behavior, that is there EVERYDAY?!" He turned on me, "ME!? You're the Bi-polar idiot I have to put up with all these days, I wake up to your incompetent behavior." This baby was driving the short end of my patience, "You're lucky I don't kill you in your sleep, I think about it whenever you assume I'm fast asleep, you don't think I know how to fake these things after eight centuries of living in a cruel world with people I can barely understand and come to comprehend! I can make it look like a bigger accident than the BP oil spill!"

"Maybe you should go think about what you've just said to each other before you talk again." Mrs. Princelove bagan leading me in the direction of Jamie's room, "Darling, Barcelona needs some time to think, care to let her relax with you?" The door made a distinctive "Woosh!" noise as she threw the door open and continued to shove a cookie in her mouth and observe the text in her history book,"No problem, come on in and have a seat."

After quietly positioning myself folded up on the floor she placed herself facing me. "What happened?" I contemplated telling her the delema of which has just appeared, "I threatened to kill Jasper because he was angry I told the doctor off in an intellectually accurate way." The book flew up in the air and notes fluttered to the ground, "Tell me more! I need the details, what exactly did you say? Which doctor was it, was it that craapy half bald newbie doctor? If so I totally don't blame you." haha, Jamie sure does have a bubbly attitude toward life.

Her perspective on everything I do, somehow, makes me feel better about pissing Jasper off. I assume it's because it means I'm not the only one who's ever considered it, I'm just the only one who's ever gone through with my actions. "Sometimes Jasper knows just how to get under my skin." Jamie locked eyes with me, Seriousness and death reflected in our eyes, "Jasper gets under everyone's skin." 

After Effects

Life has changed dramatically since I threatened Jasper, The akward silence between us has not ceased since I went to wake him up the next morning. "WHAT DO YOU WANT?!" He was so mean sometimes. "I'm sorry... Your father told me to." Jasper rolled over, "Tell him I refused to wake up, just leave me alone."

However, when I did as he requested his father went up and dragged Jasper out by his hair, "Your going to listen well and listen good, just because you're tired doesn't mean that Barcelona automatically becomes a messenger for your lies... Now eat your breakfast."

No one's been in a very good mood since last night, not Mr. or Mrs. Princelove, not Jasper and I have an exceptionally weary mood today, I have a feeling that something worse is going to happen today and I refuse to let it harm this family's relationship anymore than I already have.


   "Everyone wants to breathe down my fucking neck these days, they won't even let me sleep! Especially Barcelona, she just sits in the window seat all quiet and eerie. It's making me worry. Yesterday I went to check on her and she was freezing, I'm glad I had an extra blanket lying around, otherwise I'd have been so worried about her I'd have stayed up till she came to bed... God how she makes me worry, and her cold scared expression whenever she looks up at me when I start to wake up doesn't help. She's off. You think she's still upset about our fight? " I was so creeped out, I was asking my father for advice instead of Paul, then again, what did Paul know about women? "Well, women are hard to understand, but she should be sleeping, it isn't healthy for her to lose this much sleep. I think the best way to understand what's bothering her is to approach her when she's on the window seat at night and just ask her, call her out on her odd behavior and at least if she refuses to acknowledge her problems then she might go back to bed."

"You think so? I wouldn't want to find out that I'm the reason she's acting that way." My father put down his wine glass as he turn to me. "Son, sometimes you have to face the facts and if you did do something to upset her then I'm sure you'll find a way to fix the issue, but you'll never know unless you adress the issues." With that I had my answer.


I knew something bad was coming, I needed to know desperately what it was though. The thought had been itching at the back of my mind for weeks now, and a day without sleep wasn't something I could easily adjust back to, even after all these years.


(Pennsylvania, United States of America, 1800)


"These streets are dangerous at dusk, especially for a beautiful lady such as yourself. Allow me to escort you to your home?" Young men these days always have such an attitude where they think I would let them know where I live. "Oh, is it already that time? If you would please, I would be honored to have such a handsome man escort me home." A warm, innocent smile crept to the man's lips, "Surely and truely you know how to entice me with your smile milady." He is the kind of man to be trusted and to trust others too easily. He is used very often and tonight will be his last.

I lead the man down a dark alley, "Milady, Don't stray to far ahead, something might happen-" I swept up behind him, forcing him to whimper under my fangs and as his lush blood dribbled down his neck I filled my mouth with the sweet elixir. Enjoying every satisfying mouth full only to leave his lifeless body curled up in a corner to die, the last drop of blood against his pale complexion and Ginger hair, his brown eyes barely a glimmer in the dingy alley. "Good Night kind Sir." The last words of the innocent man would easily be confused as an inaudible gurgle had I not been whispering in his ear, "May God be with you..." God was supposed to save me all those years back and as I looked at myself now, here in 1800, Pennsylvania, I thought about how hopeless I'd become. Maybe God would help me find my path back to the old me, the empathetic and understanding humane me. So I shall attend church next Tuesday, if I survive that much longer, what with all these vampire hunters and murder detectives after me.


(Present day)

"Barcelona?" I looked back from the window and I could feel his stare, "I'm sorry?" He sat down in the window seat with me, "Is everything all right?... You're not still upset with me are you?" I looked Jasper in his light green eyes, "No, it's not you, I just feel... on edge, like something terrible's going to happen... I feel like it'll happen any minute, at anytime and I'd like to be alert when it does happen." He seemed suprised, but with Jasper there was no way to know for sure. "Go to bed, I promise you nothing's going to happen... at least not tonight or today, so you can sleep in late tomorrow if you want." So with that he placed his hands on my shoulders to guide me to bed, "Wow, I'm glad you're about to go to bed. You're freezing, let's get you under the covers." He tucked me into bed like I was a small child.

The Tsunami Sets Its Coarse

 "Good morning sunshine!" Edgar's loud voice echoed through out the deafening silence of the entire home of Princelove and just seemingly the entire kingdom. The bed began to wobble and shake furiously as Edgar's voice continued, "Today we should all go to the park and play frisbee or, or, or, we could play hide and seek... Oh, but I bet Barcelona would win... How about football?" Why was it so quiet? what was this dreadful feeling that caused my stomach to lurche and twist in pain. "EDGAR! SHUT THE HELL UP! IT'S FOUR THIRTY IN THE FREAKIN' MORNING!" Is that why it was so quiet, but that doesn't explain the horrible feeling I had. Why am I so scared? "Barcelona go back to sleep, it's just Edgar being an ass." But a lass I could not. I stayed wide awake wrapped up in the covers till dawn arrived.


I crawled out of bed to be hit with an ice cold chill and the door wide open. I hope no one walks by before I can close the door. It'd be embarrassing for anyone to see me in nothing but my night garment. I scurried to the door and closed it. From there I made my way to the closet where I dressed in a Champagne colored knit dress, tan wool leggings, a matching tan wool knit scarf, and black combat boots. I wore my hair down for added warm around my neck. I was aware of Jasper's slow paced breathing, still fast asleep I sat on the edge of his bedside and watched him burrow into the covers for extra warmth. "Barcelona? Are you awake?" I attempted to stand however Jasper enterviened, grabbing my wrist and snuggling it as though a teddy bear. "Jasper let go!" I let out a loud whisper as I snatched my hand back.

I had accidently slapped Jasper attempting my freedom of hand and he had woken very startled and the atmosphere seemed as though a small child was awoken and about to wail as his eyes watered from tiredness.

"You didn't have to slap me like that." Jasper's red cheeks still cold he had dressed into a persimmon button-up, a black coat, black slacks and dress shoes. He had on a brown scarf layered thickly and as close to his upper neck as possible,his Tie was Maroon and the outift seemed, overall, very warm.

"Ms. Valentine?" My head spun to the doorway of the dining hall. My waffle, forked, had stopped midway to it's destination. "Yes?" The tall man wore a doublet and seemed aggrivated to be surrounded by vampires in modern era attire. "A message from his majesty Lafayette and her majesty Amelia Valentine... Ehem... Our dearest daughter we wish to invite you and your kin to our tempest ball on the Third rising moon of the new year... that is all... your highness' reply?" this can't be, my mother was dead yet here stood before me a messenger which spoke her name, and as her majesty. This made no sense as I had grown up in the povert section of Spain. My parents had never been royalty as far as I was concerned. More over, if this really was my mother attempting to reach out to me, why had she led me to believe she had been dead all these years? Could this mean my father was alive as well and if so which of my parents had made this decision to reach out to me, or was it a mutual decision? "Barcelona do you want to go?" Jasper brought me back to the real world. "Oh um... can we?" A hoarse laugh came from Mr. Princelove, "The choice is yours although if I had not heard from my parents for so long only to discover they were still alive I would surely want to see them again." I wished to go, but had this been the long awaited stab in the back I had been waiting for? What if this was just a set up to attempt Jasper's and my own lives? What would happen to our kingdoms? A great fear set in, and my stomach became a giant glob of misunderstanding. All eyes were on me, all startled hands gripped their forks. I compelled the words to come, "Tell their majesties We shall attend. You are dismissed from my presence." The eyes continued to trail my every movement. I had lost my apetite.

The Storm Begins

"Hurry up or we'll be late Barcelona." It was the day of the tempest ball and I was feeling sluggish, My stomach had lurched about all night and the feeling of fear was still ever present. I was dressed in a skimpy black dress, Mrs. Princelove chose as a so-called, "change of pace." I paired it with beige leggings and some black boots. My hair was left loose. I purposely walked slow in hopes that it might settle my fears, it didn't.

"Barcelona... Calm down, I don't know why you agreed if you didn't want to come." The silence stretched out, he was waiting for an answer, "Some things are better left unsaid, just wait and time will grant the revelation."


Arriving at the tempest ball was momentarily the best feeling ever, When we climbed out of the Carraige my butt started to tingle, The road was bumpy and seemed unending. "Barcelona, look Isn't That Marca over there?" Jasper made an I'm-still-deciding-if-I-trust-him face. I pretty much ran to him, Jasper on my heels like the cutest puppy ever. "Marca!" He seemed slightly shocked as he began turning to us, however quickly assumed a smile. "Barcelona, I am glad to know you decided to attend." 

I spotted Boris speaking to a woman, "I wonder if I should talk to Boris, it almost seems like he could be flirting with that woman." I felt hot breath on my ear, "Do it." I turned to the ever composed Marca, suprised by his comment. "Umm, okay." I approached cautiously, so as not to throw him off his game if he was indeed flirting. "Hey Boris, I didn't know you'd be here too." His brown hair swayed with the slight breeze, his blue eyes locked on to me like a heat seeking missle. "Barcelona, You look very pretty, It's nice to see you too Jasper, how have you two been?"

Frozen in place, I felt my mind wander and rake every corner to figure out what had happened to the woman next to Boris. I knew her from somewhere and I was sure of it. There was no mistaking that lengthy platinum blonde hair, the smooth glimmer that cascaded from her head, framed her face and tumbled down her bosom, was so familiar I felt aggrivated to forget her name. Who was she?

The Ball

"Hello." The Blonde stated. I was a bit taken a back, where did I know her from, "Hi?" Boris sort of jabbed my side with his elbow, Barcelona be nice. "I am."

"If you would kindly accompany me, Their Majesties wish to speak to her highness and companion in private." A short man with long hair interupted, "Jasper, don't get lost." He pouted the entire way to the room their majesties were in. "Ahhhh Constanta my baby!" The queen smushed my head straight into her chest, was this really my mother? I remember her being a bit stricter. "Please Amelia, control yourself, I'm sure Constanta has many questions she wishes to discuss with us. No?" "Yes, why didn't you contact me earlier in my life? Why did you let me just believe you were dead? Do you even-"

I was silenced by the short man leading someone in, I felt a dreadful feeling wash over me. "WHAT IS HE DOING HERE!?" I felt like my entire world was about to cave in. In had walked my brother. His eyes locked with my own and I feared he would stab me right then and there. Whether our parents were in the room or not did not matter to me. He needed to die now or trouble could only arise in the moment."Constanta you're a lady, act like one, do not be so rude to your brother, apologize... now!" I couldn't believe it, did they not understand the things we'd put each other through? "No, I have every right to hate him, just as he does the same, you have no right to boss me around without knowing the facts." My father's eyes widened with anger, I could see them slowly turn color as a sea of red washed over them. "Do not test me, Constanta. So long as you are in my kingdom you will do as I say. That goes for all three of you." His finger scanned across Jasper, myself and my brother. "Now apologize and so long as you two are on my land you will get along, understood?" I didn't have to be told anything, I knew my eyes rolled instantly as he said this. I don't remember him being so irritating and bothersome. "Fine," the mumble escaped my brother's lips.

Even though we've tried to take each others lives so many times over the centuries he's still the same when we're forced to get along. After discussing many things with my mother and father, they dismissed My brother, my father clearly stating, "Go swoon a woman or something."My mother turned to me when the footsteps finally disappeared down the hall.

"I don't approve of your Fiance Constanta." Her bluntness was appalling. "Well you don't exactly have a say in the matter Mother." My last words were stung at her. "You couldn't even tell us the truth, I don't think you're in any suitable position to try taking over my life decisions especially when you aren't at all what I remember my parent's to be."

Taking Jasper by the hand I left with a slam of the door.I looked over and the grand hall was silent. Not a single attendee or employee dare breath in my presence. This ends now, my brother leaned on a pillar, wine glass dangling from fingers. I ripped up a chair from the corner, four Wooden stakes at the ready. "Barcelona, let's just go home... Calm down okay." Jasper entreated with negative result. I went up to my brother, "Ah-ah mother and father said-" I cut off my brother's overly vexatious sentence. Plunging the stake deep into his upper left torso, spewing blood out the back, he crippled.

A wretched scream echoed through the hall. The woman behind him was drenched in blood from the shin down, her gown sopping up the red liquid like a sponge. "You shouldn't have worn white dear." I gave a smug smile.

"JASPER! We're leaving now!"


The blonde from earlier ran up to us. "Constanta!" I stopped at the blonde's words. WHO WAS SHE? "You still don't recognize me...? It's Jessica." JESSICA? "Well finery certainly does become you, Jessica." Jasper held my hand, "Barcelona?" I felt a wash of fatigue come over me. "Is the Foyer spinning?" It was a subtle tilting at first, the chandelier just barely swaying, then the floor tiles began to swap places. Slowly my line of sight reached the ceiling. The raised design seem to form an endless mass as an envelope of black engulfed me.


I awoke in an unfamiliar room. A parlour? "Constanta darling, did your Father not warn you, Do not break the peace in our kingdom?" Was that mother? "I understand you must be confused by your inability to speak and your petrification... you were poisoned while you were half consious, by your fiance."

I sat up. "If you had been a Good mother to me you would know Marca has trained me well, including my bodies ability to fend off poisons. You would probably have also known that Jasper couldn't heat up water to save his life... I admit he is a bit of a spoiled prince, however he has his good points." I'd be an idiot to believe any of this.

"I'm disappointed the same woman who was calling me 'darling' a few moments ago just lide about poisoning me."Slowly, gracefully she turned, "If it isn't my way it's no way... After all, mother KNOWS BEST!" The gun shot rung out. I had definitely not seen that coming. She hadn't shot me. Mother had shot a man to her left. A man with piercing Green eyes.


She'd Shot Jasper. Straight through the forehead. I felt a single tear roll down my hot cheek. My throat went tight.

She aimed again... this time I was not stupid. I lunged, finding it exceedingly hard to maneuver the gun out of her grasp. I fired a shot at her, going from underneath her jaw straight through the top of her skulll. For safe keeping I took a coffee table to bits, plunging the make-shift stake through her heart. A loud cough startled me, it continued through the person's statement,

"Cough, cough, Jasper's not, cough dead, cough, cough" upon finding the source of the coughing I discovered a disgruntled Boris. "Clear your throat first Boris, speaking through coughs is weird." "Jasper's just in need of a 'drink'."


Though I may have killed many over centuries. I am now Constanta "Barcelona" Princelove, Princess of a Secret Vampiric Monarchy.




Le Fin


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 07.09.2011

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For my cousins. You help me push myself to the edge of Awsome. Which is why your so awsome to me.

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