
I hate my life. My immortal life. I hate every second of it. Though for some reason, I kept on living. It’s like I love hurting myself. I must be twisted in some weird demonic way. I am a monster, and I could never change that. I am a vampire. A bloodsucking, revolting, creature of the night. My name is Freddy.

The one reason I despise Alejandro. He should have left me there to die. I lost everything in one day, and gained something totally unbelievable. I found out that the storm that killed my whole family was a hurricane. The year was 1900, my family was having a reunion. Then it came, in a moment all I saw was happiness. Then all I saw was people I love, dead around me. All I could do was scream. Then I saw what I thought was god. He had long, brown, curly hair. Pale skin, dark water blue eyes, he was long, and extremely muscular. He stared at me for a moment, then came closer to me. No sooner I felt unbelievable pain. Like I was being crushed by all sides. My head felt like it would exploud. Then emptiness, darkness, nothing. I woke to Alejandro, who turns out is my very distant uncle.

He showed me how to be a vampire. I lived with him for centuries. I trusted him. I had to. He was the only one I had left. Until we found Hector, since we turned him, he has treated me as a brother. I cared a lot for Alejandro, and Hector. I would die for them. Then again, I wanted death.

I stared out the window, and thought of everything. I did this almost every night. Hector is out hunting, that boy was always hungry. Alejandro is in his room with Kayla. Kayla is his new girlfriend. Last week we let her in o our little secret. She took it quiet well. She is a strong woman, like my mom. In many ways she is like her. The reason I like her so much. The reason I voted to change her into us. I am afraid to lose her. Kayla reminds me so much of her, she kinda looks her. This very second Alejandro is about to change her. For some reason I know tonight will change my life. Into a happier one. Hopefully. I deserved that at least.

Then the scent hit me. Blood. Alejandro must have bitten her. Well at least the worst is done. In about a hour she should wake up in her new body. Her eyes would have changed into the last color she saw. The last color I saw was my moms purple shirt. So my eyes are, weirdly, purple. Alejandro saw the ocean, so his eyes are a crystal, clear blue. I wish I had something like that. Almost normal, nope I got purple. Hector saw his own blood, so his eyes are a dark red. Blood, what we feast on. No other solution, we must kill for it. Animal blood won’t cut it. We need human blood to fulfill are thirst. The scent hit me again. Her blood was still out? It smelled fresh. She shouldn’t be bleeding anymore. What was going on? I need to go check now.

I went toward Alejandro room’s. I opened the door, and the scent hit me like a cannon. Alejandro was still at her neck. By the looks of it, she was dead. My heart fell apart again. I wanted Kayla. I wanted her love. I needed a mom, and she was going to help me. Now she is dead. It is his fault. I looked toward Alejandro. I crouched down, snarled, then launched myself toward his neck.

Why? There are so many question. Why did he kill Kayla? Why did I attack him? Would he forgive me? Will I forgive him? Who will win the fight? Is there any need for a fight? It didn’t matter Alejandro would forever be who he is, and I am tired of him.

Before I could reach his neck, he grabbed, and threw me to his wall. I got up quickly. I stared into his blue eyes, I know what has happened. I challenged him. Once a vampire is challenged, its unbelievable urge to kill each other. Know I have a urge to kill my only family.

“ I don’t want this” I said slowly

“ Its too late for that Fred” Alejandro said under his breath

“Anyways I have been waiting for this for a century!” Alejandro yelled.

“What?” I screamed

His been waiting for a fight? What does this suppose to mean? Man, more questions, this sucks. Alejandro laughed, and crouch down. I'm not up for a fight. Especially with Alejandro. I need to use something I never liked using.

My ability, most vampires had there own unique vampire “trait.” Though usually there's always a set back to our powers. Alejandro can find anyone, from anywhere in the world, but they must know of his ability. Hector can keep anything a very strong “hold.” Sorta like the force in Star Wars, but if he needs complete focus or the hold disappears. Both Alejandro, and Hector think I don’t have a power. Though my ability is the most dangerous. I cause pain. Pain, real pain. I hurt. Thats all I can do. I guess im filled with it, I need to let it out some way.

He charged at me with great speed, and let out a loud war cry. I stared at him, and let out my pain in a quick blast. It seems I let it out through my eyes. Alejandro fell to the floor, filled with pain.

“How?” He said in the floor still in pain.

“I never told you about my ability, I knew you would abuse my power, Alejandro” I said to him.

“ I trained you! I gave you a life, and now you betray me?!” He screamed

“A life? You gave me a curse! I hated you for it! Now I will finally leave!” I screamed

“I will find you, and you destroy you for leaving!” Alejandro screamed

“It doesn’t matter anymore” I said walking out the door.

Now what? I left, where do I go? Wow I should have thought this through. Even though I didn’t know what to do now, im glad that im leaving him. I felt him, Hector, he is waiting right behind me. I walked toward the front door, pretending not to notice him. I felt his position change, he just thrown himself at me. I grabbed his wrist, and threw him at the wall. He got up, and charged toward me. All in under a second, I blocked his attacks. Quickly went behind him , and grabbed him in a choke hold. I got his wrist, and pulled his arm back into a position that if he were human he would lost the arm.

“Hector, did you think you were going to win?” I whispered into Hector’s ear

“You betrayed us, you must pay Freddy, no matter how strong you are!” He yelled out to me

“I'm stronger, faster, better than you, you had no chance” I said

“I had to try” Hector said with a grin

I let him go, and walked toward the door. I reached over for the nob, when I felt like I was grabbed by a giant hand. I turned to look straight at Hector, trying his best to keep the hold. I didn’t have time for this, Alejandro could come after me any moment. Damn. I have to do it, even if I didn’t want to.

“I am really sorry Hector” I said as I let it out of my eyes

“Ahhh!!” He screamed as he fell to the floor

I stared at him, then walked away. Now I have to think. Where can I go so Alejandro won’t follow me. The thought came to me. I cursed under my breath. I guess I have to go there. I started to run full speed toward east. I kept going and going. I knew where I was heading, but I have never seen it.

I stopped before I made it to my destination. I saw a group of campers. I was starving, I need to eat some thing. One male two females, it would be quick and painless. I didn’t like remembering what I did when I hunted. I went by pure instinct. When I finished my stable train of thought came back. I didn’t have to run far to get there now. The minute I was near it, the awful feeling of death came to me.

Then I saw them. Three figures dragging what looked like a body. Two of them in a dark red full body suit. The shorter one wore a dark blue version of the tight suit. I walked toward them. I knew what they where. So im in the right place I guess.

“Umm hello?” I said trying to get there attention. The tallest one in the dark red turned to me first. His eyes where a metallic silver. He was paler than normal, his spiked up blond hair added to his paleness. He was tall and lean.

“Who are you” The blond one said. He also got the other twos attention now all facing me with almost no expression other than slight joy.

“My name is Freddy, im here seeking your masters” I said calmly

“Why the hell are you looking for them” The shorter dark red one said defensively, and took some some steps toward me when the blond one grabbed his shoulder

“Leonardo, brother please this is not the place” Blondie told him. I finally caught a clear view of Leonardo, his hair seemed like it grows straight up. It looked soft, but its was a spiky style. His eyes where a reddish brown combo. He was pretty short compared to me and the blond. he was very skinny. His eyes revealed his Asian heredity.

“Leo you are so immature!” The dark blue one said “I'm very sorry, my name is Sophie, you know Leonardo, and he is Jaden” she said in a little girls voice. Her blond curls were warped in a pony tail. Her body seem to skinny for normal. Her sand brown eyes showed she was turned in the beach.

“May you please just take me to Kane” I said quickly

“If you wish” Jaden said “Follow us” he said with a smirk

Should I follow him? Is he going to take me to Kane? Or was this a trap? Well my options were limited, I had to take the chance. They stared at me waiting for a response. I nodded, I knew this would lead to a fight somehow. This time I was ready for one. I was full, the best way to be prepared. We were at are strongest full. Leonardo held out his hands, Jaden and Sophie held it from each hands.

“Well are you coming or not?” Leonardo growled at me. I stared at him in confusion. Was this a trick?

“Oh I’m sorry, Leonardo has the ability to teleport, he can go anywhere he has been before. A very useful ability.” Jaden said enviously, he stared at Leonardo with hate in his eyes.

“Yes it is, we have places to be and we have no time to waste” Sophie commanded. I walked cautiously toward them. I touched Leonardo’s wrist. I took one look around. Forest, dark and dull. The animals cries filled the air. I stared at the body that Jaden kept a hold on. The body was from a female vampire. I didn’t recognize her. I wonder who it was. I have a feeling that I will found out.

“Let’s get the hell out of here!” Leo yelled. In a moment I was in a forest, now im in a room. It was still dark, I felt like I was in Dracula’s mansion. I turned to see a face I had only seen in paintings that Alejandro had burned decades before.

“Kane, I wish to.....” I said before he interrupted me

“Crimes come first young one” He said gracefully, then he looked at the girl on the floor, where Jaden Had thrown her “Wake her up!” He screamed, weirdly it still sounded graceful. Sophie walked up to the girl picked her up and slap her a couple times. The girls eyes finally opened. A bright green

“Hunting in our territory is illegal, and you must pay the price young one” Kane said with a huge grin. “And the price is......death” He said coldly. He snapped his fingers. Then, Leonardo and Jaden each grabbed one wrist of the girl. Her curly blond hair blocked my view of her face. Her green eyes clearly had fear in them. In one tug, she was ripped apart. The sound of her scream filled the room. I stared in shock. This people didn’t play around. They were strong, and do what they want.

Kane laughed, and then they his focus went straight to me. His eyes were too black. Like there was nothing inside other than complete evil. His long straight black hair was in a pony tail. He was in a long black rope. His smile was devilish. If I didn’t now better I could have been staring at the devil himself.

“And who is this, Jaden?” Kane said, still staring at me.

“His name is Freddy, he came asking for you, master” Jaden said. His iron eyes took one glimpse of me then back at Kane.

“Why have you come to me Freddy?” Kane asked gracefully

“I can to join you” I said slowly. A huge smile came to Kane’s face.

“What makes you think your good enough to join us?” The woman holding Kane’s hand asked me. Her dark blue eyes scanned me up and down. Her straight her red hair covered the sides of her face. She wore a copy of Kane’s rope, but her’s was in a blue.

“I can show you my skills, I’m willing to do anything” I said nervously

“Do have any abilities?” The man next to Kane asked. His dark hair reached the middle of his forehead. He looked so much like Kane, but he had short hair, with dark red eyes. His eyes matched his suit. It was one of those tight suits.

“Yes its hard to explain, but I can cause other pain with just a look” I answered the dark haired guy’s question.

“My love, Mary, and Damion why question such a brave one, can’t you see were terrifying to them and this one just right up to us.” He said with a smile “ Show us your power Troy” A boy clearly still a teen walked out of the shadows. His black hair reached his nose. His face seemed to be a in a forever frown. He wore a black tight suit. I stared at him long enough to see his dark gray eyes had no emotion.

“Anytime now, my dear” Kane said to me. I looked at Troy one more time, his long muscular body stayed still. I let my pain shoot itself at him. He fist tighten, and he fell to his knees. He stared at me. Still no emotion. Then I took my pain away from him. He fell to the floor. He slowly got up, and walked back into the shadows. He was different. Like centuries of pain killed his emotions.

“Consider yourself, one of us, Freddy” Kane said with a huge smile. “You will wear black since you came to me”

“Wear black?” I asked

“ Oh, my apologies, all of are members wear the color of the one that let them join. You came to me, you will wear black. Our colors come from our eye. My eyes are black, the lovely Mary” he kissed her hand, she smiled “ Has dark blue eyes, and my brother Damion has a dark red tint.” He handed me the clothes. I stared at the skin tight suit. “ You shall be black since I chose you. Now whose team you should be in...” he went into a deep thought.

“” I questioned

“ Yes teams, we call it, the other members little...ummm whats it” He smiled “ The team they do there assignments with” He said quickly.

Then the huge doors behind me opened. A woman had opened it. she walked straight toward Kane. Her jet black hair stayed perfectly still in her walk. Her plain blue poped out in her pale skin. She was slightly tall me, once she was next to me. Mary had found her for her blue suit. She looked older than me. She was a adult in her forever age.

“Kane I believe he should be with us, are offense isn’t the the greatest and we need a warrior that can fight” She said commanding almost “and his ability will be useful for my team” She said. She took one quick glance at me, then looked back at Kane. She knew of my power? Who could have spread the news so fast. I took one look around to see Sophie wasn’t here anymore. Damn is this a kingdom or high school. Damn gossip.

“You make a good point Jasmine, dear..... well yes Freddy will be assign to your team.” Kane said slowly and unsure. Jasmine smiled grabbed my hand and took started pulling me out of the room

“This is your home now Freddy, I hope you like it here” Kane said before we were out the door.

We walked through halls and halls. It was all very dim. The place looked centuries older than me. Jasmine glanced at me then looked away again. She chuckled then kept walking. The whole walk after that was complete silence. I wonder what was funny?

“So your name is Jasmine?” I asked trying to end the silence. She just kept looking forward.

We kept walking then she just stopped all of a sudden. She nodded, then turned to me.

“I have things to fix, I’ll leave you with Abbie, she will show you around” She said to me with a smile. Then she disappeared. I turn to see her. The girl named Abbie at first I could only see her forest green eyes. Then as she came forward, her long curls went to her waist. Her pale skin brought all her features out. She was my height, her wicked smile appeared once she stopped walking toward me.

“Well maybe you can tell me your name, once you stop checking me out” She said with a sigh.

“Oh no! I wasn’t ummm im sorry” I said with a panic tone in my voice. She smiled

“I was playing, so you were then?” She stared at me


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 02.08.2010

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