
I have never thought this day will come. It’s the most horrible, terrifying thing anyone has to go through. Who ever made it, is evil, and disturbed. The first day of high school.

I didn’t want to wake up. I wanted to stay in bed, I didn’t want to leave this dream. The perfect mirror image of my Mom. “Jake, my dear, I love you” I heard the perfect copy of her voice. I knew it was all a dream. It was all just a copy of her. The real her was gone. All I had where her memories. There was no way of her coming back. Not anymore.

Then she faded, and all I saw was my old worn down room. The black walls fit into the empty void in my mind. I looked over to my two little brothers empty beds, both already left to school most likely. I got up, made my bed, and went to the closet. I decided to wear my favorite Three Days Grace shirt, my worned down, black, skinny jeans, and my favorite pair of low tops, and garbed my lucky black gloves.

I walked out of my room, and went into the restroom. I stared into the mirror, I always hated what I saw. The side of my long black hair reached the end my cheeks. The front covered one my eyes. I made sure my face was barely visible. Though, I still hated the way I looked. I banged on the sink in anger. Ever since she left, I haven’t been able to control my anger. I was only thirteen at the time, how could have I deal with that if no one new how I felt. If everyone thought I was OK. I'm sixteen now, it’s been three years, still I haven’t gotten over it. My brothers were four. Now there seven, and they have lived there lives happily. I was still deep in my depression. The reason I used to cut myself, I stopped when my friends forced me. I stared once more into the mirror, and left into the living room. Like I thought everyone was awake. Aunt Lilli was still in the kitchen, it seemed she always had something to do. She had short,black, and thin hair. A long slender body. She was always so fit. I went into the kitchen, and pretended that she wasn’t there. I opened the shelf, and got a snack bar. Left out of the kitchen got my book bag, and left the house. I started to walk toward my school.

As I walked, I smelled the freshly cut grass. Though the smell didn’t fit into the environment. It looked eerie. It was cold. It felt lifeless, like me. As I walked, it felt as if someone was following me. I ignored the feeling, knowing that if I turned around there would be no one. I felt very cold again. It was too cold to be a August day. It was to early for the winter seasons to kick in. Well, what else can I expect. It was always like this on my birthday. Why would this one be any different? As I walked I saw a bird flying. It seemed like it wasn’t afraid of me. It didn’t fly away like the others. It just stood there. Like it trusted me. Then in a moment the bird was gone. All I saw was a trail of feathers, leading to a cat, that was eating something. I just kept walking. I thought to myself, that was the perfect image of life. Never lower your guard, cause in the end you will die. Life wasn’t easy, but harder to keep. I learned that the hard way. I reached into my pocket, and got my snack bar. “Cherry flavor, my favorite!” I said, as I took one bite of my only breakfast. I kept on walking, at what seemed to be the longest road ever. I finished the bar, and threw the wrapper behind me. That’s when I froze. I swore I saw someone behind me. I turned slowly. I studied the area, I didn’t see anything. “Must be seeing things, now I know im crazy” I said to myself, I turned back around “Oh, crap!” I yelped. That’s when I saw her. The most beautiful girl I have ever seen. Long black hair, the lightness blue eyes I have ever seen. Her skin was pale, but seemed smooth, her lips seemed to be a dark red. Then I noticed her shirt. We where wearing matching shirts. Just her Three Days Grace shirt seemed tighter. “U mm, my face is up here?” She snapped “ Oh! It’s not like that I was looking at your shirt! I swear!” I panicked! “ I was only kidding” she explained “Oh OK” I answered back.

We started to walk together, I didn’t know why, but I thought I liked her. It was a strange reason. I was just caught in her spell. The weirdest part is that I didn’t want to leave the spell.

“So whats your name?” I asked.

“ My name is Mira Hunter” she answered, “May I know yours?”

“Oh yeah, im Jake Sol”

“Jake Sol....” she whispered, I loved the way she said my name. It was as if she sang it. To be honest everything she said sounded like a song. I just loved it so much.

“So are you going to Eastwood High?” she asked.

I was still deep into my thoughts, before I could reply. For some reason it took some time to answer. “Yeah...I am ... Are you?”

“Yes, I’ll be a Junior this year” she smiled.

Then again something else I fell in love with. The way she smiled. It was like everything about her is different. I loved it all.

“That’s cool I'm going to be a Junior too” I replied.

I waited for her to say something, but she didn’t say a word. So I scanned my head, looking for something to say. Then I saw her shirt.

“So you like Three Days Grace?” I asked hesitatingly.

“Of course! Its my favorite band!” she said quickly.

I was so happy to hear that! “There my favorite band too!” I replied.

“What’s your favorite song?” she asked.

“Ummm, World So Cold..” I replied

“Oh I love that song, mine is Riot!” She answered back

“Let’s start riot! A riot! Let’s start riot!” I singed.

We singed, and talked about music all the way to Eastwood. I wished we could have walked forever, and never stopped. For some reason I felt happy with her. Like without her there was no light in my dark. Wow, I was with her a few minutes and now I didn’t see light without her. Man, what am I? Edward Cullen? “Well, I guess I’ll see you around Jake” she said as she turned to walk away. “Laters Mira” I said. The words seemed impossible to say.Well I didn’t put much thought into it, and walked to the people who had familiar faces.

Zoe, and Nicky were standing by our tree. The tree that we called “The Tree of Friendship” we promised to be friends forever on that tree. Zoe stood there, until she saw me. Her lips turned into a huge smile, as she ran toward me. Her long curly hair waved in air. Her long skinny legs, ran faster than I though she was. Her tan skin fit into her look. She was wearing her purple and white striped sweater. Her beauty was obvious, but she couldn’t see it. She finally reached me, and gave me a huge hug. “I missed you so much, Jake” She said “ I missed you too, Zoe” She let go, and we walked toward Nicky. He had short brown hair, he was very skinny. His tan skin, unlike Zoe didn’t fit his look. Especially because his light brown hair, but it was to hard not to stare into his blue eyes. There weren’t as light as Mira, but still light. “Hey Jake! I haven’t seen you in ages!” Nicky yelled “Its nice to see you too” I said. We sat next to are tree, and talked about memories of last year. When we heard the first bell, we said “See yo later” and followed our schedules. I took a look at the paper, and repeated the classes in my head “Speech, Algebra II, Chemistry, Lunch,U.S. History, Spanish, Art, then my Career Path class, Medical. I followed the map, and ended up in my Speech class. When I walked in, the first thing I noticed was who was in the corner of the room. Mira. I couldn’t help it, but I had smile when I saw her.

I sat on the desk next to her

“So now your stalking me?” she whispered.

“Nah I’m just lucky” I whispered back.

I could have sworn she blushed.

Then I felt someone put there hand on my shoulder. I turned to look who it was, and I saw something that wasn’t real. A teenage boy that looked like he wanted to tear my head off. The way his eyes stared at me it was seemed like he could. His dark green eyes looked at me with so much hate. He wasn’t to skinny, but it still seemed like he wasn’t to strong. His eyes though put fear in me. It was a strange outfit too. Long, baggy pants, black T-shirt, and a weird necklace. his hair was spiky, but it was different than the normal hair.

“Mira why are you talking to this!” He said with the hint of disgust.

“Cause I can Jared!” Mira yelled at the boy

“It better not be what I think it is!” Jared said staring at me like I just committed murder.

“I can do whatever I want Jared!” Mira said with such anger.

“Mr. Hunter, may you take a seat?” said Mr. Owens

Jared stared at me one more time, and back to his seat. I couldn’t be anymore thankful for Mr. Owens. I had known him since my freshman year.

“Who was that?” I asked Mira

“That’s my brother, Jared” she whispered

“Oh, why was he so mad at me?”

“He is a real jerk and is overprotective”

“Wow” I said

She didn’t say anything else to me for the rest of the day. All day I thought of her, and Jared. It seemed like there something more to them, something different. I also found out that she has two more brothers at school, and one sister. Zoe says that there a weird bunch. Lenny, was the top student at school, and the second oldest of the family. Toby was the quarterback star of the whole city. He was the oldest, and he was also smart, maybe he copied from Lenny. I didn’t wanna know about Jared, all I know is that he is the third oldest. Ashely, is Lenny’s twin, she was “hottest girl in school” Not in my opinion, Mira was way better.

“Hey Jake, is that who I think it is?” Nicky said

“Who?” I asked

I turned to see who was Nicky talking about. Then, I saw him. Tall, buff, and was coming right to me. Markus, my Junior High best friend. I hadn’t seen him since the eighth grade. By the looks of it he has grown. He grew a lot. He had very tanned skin, hair was long and wavy. It reached all the way to his eyes. His long slender body, was completely ripped. His eyes seem as if they were aimed right at me. Not me, my hand. His muscles were clearly visible through his thin white shirt, and his old worned down jeans fit his “I don’t care” look. “Ahhhh" I yelped. A sharp pain hit my my hand. I dropped to my knees, the pain was unbelievable. I look at my hand, and something was craved into my hand. I finally saw what shape it was. It was a crescent moon. I looked up to see Markus, then all I saw was darkness. I blacked out.

It felt like I was flying, I was going to fast to be normal. Was I in a car? No, i felt the air around me. I didn’t know where I was, or where I was going. I wasn’t thinking straight. Then I saw her again. My mom, she was right in front of me. She put her hands on my face.

“Jake, please stay true to yourself, and go after what you want” She whispered in my ear.

“I will mom” I answered back.

“Stay true to yourself” She said before fading.

Then someone shook me awake. I opened my eyes to five huge guys, standing half naked. I looked around. I was deep in the forest. Then I saw Markus he was on the side of the tallest guy.

“Who are you guys? Why did you bring me here?” I asked gaining my breath back

“I'm very sorry from bringing you in such sort notice” The one in the middle said

I stayed quiet, and stared at them, they were all wearing the same thing. Worned down jeans, that all. Have any of them heard of shirts?

“Im Dan, Jake you have a purpose in this world. We all do, without us there would be no balance. They would takeover.” He said

“Who would take over?” I asked with sudden interest

“Vampires” the one far off to the side said

“Vampires? You got to be kidding me?” I said with a smirk

“This is no joke, this is real Jake, vampires exist. There strong, fast, and dangerous. They could kill you without even thinking about it. There cold blooded murders.” Markus said

“Well if there so dangerous, how can you stop them?” I asked

“Cris show him” Dan ordered

The one off to the sided nodded, then his eyes turned yellow. Then he exploded. In the same spot where he was, a monstrous wolf appeared.

“Holy crap? What the hell? Where did he go, and what is this wolf?”

The wolf stared at me, the yellow eyes, the same eyes that Cris had before he disappeared. That’s when it came to me. I finally understood.

“Oh hell’s to the no!” I yelled “I'm no wolf!”

“Im sorry if this isn’t what you want Jake, but you have been marked already” Dan said.

“What mark! I haven’t been marked at all!” I screamed.

“Look at your hand” Markus said.

Then I remembered. The crescent moon on my palm. I could still feel the sting. Could this be real? Can I really be apart of this all? If I was, I didn’t want any part of it. I didn’t want to hunt vampires. I wanted a normal life, after all I had been through at least I deserved. Nope not for me, I was going to a huge mutt, and hunt down vampires. Figures.

“I'm sorry, none of us wanted this, but we make the best of it” Dan tried to confront me.

“No....I don’t believe any of this” I whispered

Then something clicked in my head, Markus, he was staring at my hand. He did this to me. He ruined my already messed up life. How can I be with Mira as a dog. I hated it all. I hated him. I hated him, for doing this. He made me a monster. If it was all true I was sure to kill him myself. Even if I wasn’t sure if this all true. There anger in me, so much anger I had to let it out. Then I look right at Markus. Then I tackled him. He rammed right to the tree. I grabbed him by his throat.

“You did this! You made me apart of this!” I screamed at his face

He didn’t do anything just stared into my eyes like if they were amazing. A deep burning feeling ran down my spine. All in my head was hate, anger, and pain. My father filled my head. All the pain he brought me. Everything that made me hurt, came out. Then I just exploded.

Everything looked so different, so detailed. I felt things I had never felt before, the feeling was both good, and bad. Then I looked at them. Well not them, only him. Markus. He was in close range, it sounded like I growled at him.

“Oh shit” I heard Markus say

Then I saw him trying to phase. In this form, I knew I would lose. I didn’t give him any time. I pounced on him, a bit anything I could. I didn’t think, I just let the wolf do what it wanted. For some reason it also wanted revenge.

I howled, because I felt the others bite me. They pulled me away, and let Markus phase.

Jake calm down, you got to learn how to control it


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 02.08.2010

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