
Chapter One

“Why hello there? May I be of any assistance?” asked a stranger.

“Why yes. Can you get my horse some water? Please and thank you?” Quinn said as she walked up to the tavern.

Quinn was on her way to meet her father in the Barbarian’s lands. Her father was a hero from the War of the Dragons. He was visiting some old friends, Wysteria and Archer. Wysteria was the first priestess of the good gods in over one hundred years. Her husband, Archer, full fills his name; he became the best archer in the Barbarian’s lands. Quinn’s father met up with them after the war began. It was with their help and of others that the war ended. Quinn’s father’s name was Xensor Chang-Shi.

 Quinn’s mother was the Golden General. She was one of the people who helped Xensor during the war. Quinn’s mother’s name is Angeline. During her childhood, Angeline, knew and loved Xensor. With her golden hair, slender body, almond shaped blue eyes, and pointed ears the elven women would never stay out of Xensor’s mind. Angeline passed down her eye color, hair color, slender body, and pointed ears to her daughter. Though the eye color and shape, ear shape, and slender body runs in both sides of Quinn's family.

Xensor also passed down the blue eyes, slender body, and pointed ears. He had red hair instead of blonde, so he gave his daughter red high and low lights. He also gave his daughter some human blood. Xensor was half-elven half-human and Angeline was full elven. So Quinn is three quarters elven and one quarter human. Since she is part human, she at least gets one human trait and that trait is to age fast.

Aging fast or normal for humans is a year at a time. But elves age slowly- a hundred years before they add a year to their age. So Quinn aged like a human but when she turns twenty-one her body will stop aging. She will look twenty-one forever.

Quinn walked through the door of the tavern. The room went silent. As Quinn drawled her hood back, the whole crowd gasped.

“Quinn!” Frista yelled.

The crowd applauded and whistled. Quinn walked over to the bar and sat down.

“I’m so glad to see you.” Quinn said after the noise went back down.

“Me, too. Is your father with you?” Frista asked.

“No, he’s visiting Wysteria and Archer. I only stopped to eat.” Quinn stated.

“Oh, okay. One plate of spiced potatoes and a glass o wine, coming right up.” Frista started to walk away.

“Thank you,” Quinn said quickly

When Quinn got back to the stables, she noticed that it was almost dark. She would have to camp in the woods and finish riding in the morning.

“My horse please,” she said in her sweetest voice.

It almost stopped the young boy’s heart. “R-r-right away ma’am,” he stammered.

When the boy came back, with the horse, he wasn’t alone. The other boy looked almost seventeen. He also looked like an older version of the younger boy.

“That’s her,” the boy said to the young man. “Isn’t she the most beautiful thing you ever did see?”

“Wow! She’s even more beautiful in person,” said the young man.

“Why thank you for your compliments, but I really need to get going.” She said as she held out her hand to take the reins.

“Yes of course. Here you go.”

“Thank you, fine sir.”

“How old are you?”

“Sixteen. Why?”

“Really? You look older than me.”

“Then why do you not looked surprised?”

“I’m comfortable with disappointment.”

“Okay then. Farewell kind sir. And farewell handsome young man.”

“Farewell beautiful young lady. May Quint bless the road before you.”

“Good-bye,” the boy said with embarrassment on his voice.


When she got done eating her supper, she got ready to go to sleep. But when she just started to fall asleep, she was woken by some noise in the forest. She tried to go back to sleep. Then she heard another noise in the forest.

“Who’s there?” she shouted as she got her dagger out of its holder.

There was no answer to her question. So she laid back down and closed her eyes. In the next second there was a hand over her mouth. A hand holding her hands together. And there was something heavy on her.

“Don’t even try to scream, there’s no one around for miles.” A familiar voice said in Quinn’s ear.

The man removed his hand from her mouth and opened her eyes. It was the man she saw outside the tavern.

“Why are you here? What are you doing? And get off me!” Quinn accused him.

“Cause I can, will, and want to. And I don’t think I will.” He said back.

Quinn scowled at him for awhile. The hand that was holding her hands loosened its grip. His free hand started to trace her jaw bone. Quinn’s eyes widened. She couldn’t believe that she was about to get raped, like her grandmother, on her father’s side, was.

“Why would you do this to me? I’m only sixteen.”

“’Cause you’re the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. And I want to have you forever.”

“Well you can’t!”

Then she disappeared out from under him. She reappeared in the forest where he couldn’t see her. She turned around to run away, but ran into another man. He wrapped her arms behind her and pushed her toward the fire.

“Well, well, well. Look who we have here. Thought you got away that easy?” he said.

“I knew you were smart, but not that smart.”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean I didn’t know you were smart enough to bring friends with you.”

“Yeah. Well you’re not the only magic user here.”

Then everything went black. She woke up with her hands tied behind her back. The men were sitting by the fire, eating her food. Quinn got up and started to walk away. Then she was on the ground again. Her hands started to hurt.

“We’re not that dumb.”

“One could only hope.” She spat back.

He got up at the same time she did. He walked over to her and slapped her. There was a low murmur behind him and she knew she was going to get it now. He grabbed her arm, hard. He dragged her over by the fire. He started at her for a minute. Then he told his friends to leave. They left with no second thoughts. He pushed her to the ground. She screamed out in pain. Her right wrist landed on a rock and broke it. He stumbled forward, rolled her over, and cut the rope. He examined her wrist then ripped some cloth from his shirt. He wrapped the cloth around her wrist.

“I’m so sorry. Does that feel better?” he asked as he wiped away some of her tears.

“Just a little bit. I know you didn’t mean to do that,” she mumbled into his chest.

She looked up at him. His eyes were all watery. She moved her good hand and stroked his face in a soothing motion. He held her face in his hand. Then leaned down and kissed her. She didn’t move or kiss him back.

“What is your name?” she asked when he was done kissing her, his forehead was on hers.

“My name is Balamor. What is yours?” he said with his forehead still on hers.

“Quintessa. Quinn for short.”

“Okay. Quinn I’m so sorry. I will never hurt you like that again.”

He kissed her again, but this time she kissed him back. They started talking and Quinn gave him her necklace. Then a young man interrupted them. The young man had blood running down his arm.

“We’re under attack!” the man said.

“You lied to me!” Balamor accused Quinn.

“No! I didn’t know! I’m so sorry!” she whined.

“Go fight! Now!” Balamor yelled at the man.

The man left with his sword in his hand. Balamor’s lips were on Quinn's collarbone. He was kissing her violently. He ripped her shirt while trying to take it off her. Then he moved to his own clothes. Quinn tried pushing him off her but he wouldn’t budge.

“Get off me!” she yelled at him.

Chapter Two

She closed her eyes, suddenly he was off her. All of a sudden she was in someone else’s arms. She tried hitting the other person but he grabbed hold of her wrists. Pain shot through her body so she started fighting harder.

“Quinn, stop! It’s me!” the person said.

“Father?!” she yelled through her sobs.

“It’s okay. You’re safe now,” he comforted her.

“How did you know?”

“I didn’t. I heard an ear piercing scream and started riding this way. I saw him kissing you but you not kissing him back. I knew that he was going to rape you. So we rode into the forest. We were going to sneak up on him. But we ran into his friends. When we got done with his friends we rushed out of the forest to see him undressing. Then you yelled at him to get off so Trixter pulled him off you. And that’s when I pulled you in my arms and you tried hitting me.”

“Oh. Thank you for getting him off me,” she said to Trixter, who was staring at her.

“You’re welcome,” he blushed.

“I will go get the horses,” Quinn’s father said. “Quinn you should change your shirt. It’s about to fall off.”

Quinn blushed, “Yes, father. I will.”

Xensor got up and started for the forest. Quinn was so embarrassed at what her father said. And in front of Trixter! Who is still staring at her! Her cheeks flare an even brighter red then before. When her father was out of sight she got up and turned to Trixter.

“If you will excuse me, I need to change,” Quinn said.

“Of course,” Trixter said as he turned around.

Quinn walked over to Balamor and undid the necklace she gave him. She grabbed her bag then kissed him on the forehead. As she was getting up Balamor grabbed her wrist. Quinn couldn’t stop the gasp that slipped out from her lips.

“He will get you,” Balamor whispered.

Then Trixter stabbed him again, to make sure he was dead this time. Balamor’s hand dropped to the ground. Quinn looked up at Trixter with tears in her eyes. Standing up, she started walking away. With tears rolling down her cheeks, Trixter grabbed her. She turned around ending up crying into his chest with his arms around her.

“It’s okay. I will not let anyone hurt you ever again. I promise. He reassured her.

“You will?” she asked looking up into his perfect brown eyes.

“I will,” he answered.

They stared at each other intensely for a while. Trixter leaned down to kiss her, but she heard Xensor coming back. Rolling out of his arms, she started taking off her shirt. Trixter turned around, knowing she did that for a reason. Xensor walked out of the forest as Quinn finished putting a shirt on. Xensor looked at Trixter, nodding in satisfaction that Trixter was respectable young man. Xensor walked over to Quinn to find her face redder than what it was when he left. Spinning around, he glared at Trixter, with hostility in his eyes, who still had his back facing Quinn.

“No, father! It wasn’t Trixter.” Quinn yelled.

She grabbed a hold of Xensor's arm. Trixter spun around looking innocent. Xensor believed her, but knew something made his daughter cry.

“Then why were you crying?” he asked.

“I saw Balamor and thought of what could of happened if you didn’t show up,” she lied.

Xensor nodded believing her, but thinking there was more to the story than that. Trixter walked to the horses.

“We should get going if we want to make it back before dawn,” Trixter announced.

“Right, I forgot my cloche,” Quinn said.

Walking over to the fire, she grabbed her cloche. Trixter wasn’t on his horse yet, but Xensor was. Quinn walked over to her horse. Then everything goes black. She woke up in Trixter’s arms.

“What happened?” she asked to her father, who was standing over her.

“You fainted. You’re lucky Trixter was there to catch you. Or you would have hit your head,” he answered.

She looked up at Trixter embarrassed. She tried to get up on her own, but fell back into Trixter's arms. Her blush deepened. Xensor and Trixter helped her to her feet.

“Maybe she should ride with me,” Trixter quickly added, “Just in case she faints again, I mean.”

“Of course. In case she faints again,” he said.

They helped Quinn onto Trixter's horse. The horse stumbled forward after Trixter jumped on his back. Quinn leaned down to pet her horse.

“You be good for him alright, Moonlight?” she mumbled under her breath to her horse.

She leaned back into Trixter's chest. In a few minutes Quinn was already asleep. Trixter had to carry her into the house Xensor was staying at.

“What’s the matter with her?” Quinn heard a woman’s sweet voice ask.

“We found her being attacked by some goons,” Xensor said to the woman, “Wysteria?”

“Yes?” she asked.

Trixter was laying Quinn on a bed. Archer was trying to help, but he grabbed Quinn’s broken wrist. He didn’t know that it was broken. So he was surprised that she screamed another ear piercing scream and started crying.

“Let go of her wrist!” Trixter and Xensor yelled at Archer.

Archer let go of her wrist. Quinn stopped screaming, but didn’t stop crying. Archer stepped back so Wysteria could examine Quinn’s wrist. Trixter took his hands out from under Quinn’s back. Everyone’s eyes widened, Quinn was bleeding. They rolled her over to see there was blood pouring out of a wound on her back. Wysteria was going to heal her back, but Trixter stopped her.

“Heal her wrist, too.”


Wysteria rolled her back over while saying a small prayer.

Chapter Three

Quinn was out for a couple days. When she woke up she was in a room. She left the room and walked into the kitchen. Xensor, Wysteria and Archer were talking. They stopped as soon as they noticed Quinn.

“Quinn. I would like for you to meet Wysteria and Archer,” Xensor said with a motion of his hand.

“It’s a please to meet you at last.” Wysteria said.

“Like wise.” Quinn said with a smile. “Where are my things father?”

“They are in the stables, with your horse.”

“Thank you. If you will excuse me I have to go.”

“Will you mind if I tell Trixter you are awake? He wouldn’t leave your side ‘til I told him to get you more water a few minutes ago.”

“No that’s fine father.” Quinn said as she walked out the door.

She found the stables easily. She got her comb out of her bag, combed through her hair, and put it back in her bag. She turned around to find Trixter behind her. He walked over to her slowly.

“When did you wake up?”

“A few minutes ago. Why?”

“You could have waited for me.”

“And look like a mess in front of you?”

“I don’t care how you look as long as I’m with you. That’s what really matters to me.” He said as he pulled her lips to his.

They kissed for a few seconds. Then Quinn was pushed into the wall of a stable. Quinn pulled Trixter down into the hay with her. Trixter was on top of her. They started to take each other’s clothes off when they heard Xensor coming.

“Let me up,” Quinn whispered.

“Why?” Trixter whispered back.

“’Cause if my father finds us in here like this, he will kill you. So let me up.”

Trixter rolled off her with no arguments. She got up, fixed her shirt, and grabbed her comb from her bag. She tried to get as much hay out of her hair as possible. Xensor walked up behind her and grabbed a piece of hay out of her hair.

“Why do you have hay in your hair?” he asked.

“I fell into the hay by accident.” She lied.

“Oh. Well, are you almost done and have you seen Trixter?” he asked again.

“No, I haven’t seen Trixter and I’m going to put my hair up. So I’ll be in the house in a few minutes.” She lied again.

“Okay. I’ll start cooking your breakfast for you.” Xensor said as he started away.

Quinn stood there ‘til Xensor was out of sight. She walked into the stall she left Trixter in. he was laying on his back, in the hay, with his eyes closed. She walked over to him and lay on his chest.

“Are you sleeping on me?” she asked.

“No, just waiting.”

He grabbed her chin and pulled her up to his lips. They started where they left off. Quinn fell asleep and Trixter didn’t want to wake her, but he had too. He got up and started to get dressed. When he got up, it woke Quinn up.

“Where are you going?”

“I’m going to eat breakfast.”

“Crap! I have to put my hair up.”

“You can say that your hair wasn’t working with you. Come on get dressed.”

“Fine, but I want to stay with you in here.”

“I know,” he said as he pulled Quinn to her feet and kissed her.

Trixter went into the house first. Then Quinn walked in the house. Wysteria’s eyes widened and Xensor’s eyes were suspicious. Archer was talking to Trixter in the backyard. Quinn’s eyes widened as Wysteria started to walk toward her.

“What’s going on?” Quinn demanded to them.

“I don’t know. Why don’t you tell me what’s going on Quintessa?” Her father never used her full first name.

“What do you mean?”

“You know what I mean. Why does Trixter have scratches all over his arms and you have a bruise on your neck?” he pointed out.

Xensor was going to grab her arm, but she ran outside. She ran to Trixter and hugged him. He hugged her back and kissed the top of her head. Quinn looked up at Trixter and kissed him. Xensor ran over to where they were standing and pulled them away from each other.

“What do you think you’re doing?” Xensor yelled at Trixter.

“Stop yelling at him!” Quinn yelled back at her father. “I love him!”

“And I love her.” Trixter said calmly to Quinn's father.

Xensor was in front of Quinn. She moved around him and ran to Trixter. He opened his arms and she ran into them. Xensor started for them, but Wysteria grabbed his arm.

“Xensor remember what Angeline’s father did to you two. Don’t be like him. I don’t like what they did either, but I have to live with it,” Wysteria said to Xensor.

“Fine. Quinn if you’re not pregnant then I will forgive Trixter.”

“What if I am? What are you going to do then?”

“I will decide that if you are!”

Wysteria walked over to Quinn. Quinn looked up at Trixter who was smiling at her. Quinn looked back at Wysteria with fear in her eyes. Wysteria put her hand on Quinn’s stomach and closed her eyes. When Wysteria opened her eyes, tears filled them. She spun around to face Xensor.

“She’s not pregnant,” she said as she hugged Xensor.

“Thank you Quint.” Quinn heard Archer mumble under his breath.

Quinn looked up at Trixter. He was still smiling at her. She stood on her toes and kissed him. She was happy she wasn’t pregnant and that her father wasn’t going to mention this to her mother. She was sad because they had to promise not to do it again.

Chapter Four

“I’m going back to Redcap,” Quinn mentioned at supper a few days later.

“Why, Quinn?” they all asked at the same time.

“’Cause Frista is probably worried sick about me.”

“Can’t you stay a little longer?” Wysteria asked.

“No. I will met you at the cross roads,” Quinn said looking at Xensor.

“Okay. When are you leaving?” Xensor asked.

“I’m going to leave at dawn. So I’m going to turn in early.”

“Okay. ‘Night Quinn.”

“’Night Quinn.” Wysteria and Archer said at once.

Trixter got up with Quinn and he put their dishes in the sink. Quinn waited for him by the stairs. They walked up the stairs with their hands intertwined. When they got into their bedroom, Quinn started to change. Trixter walked over to her. He stroked her arms and kissed her neck.

“No! We promised,” she said with approval in her voice. He didn’t stop kissing her.

“I don’t care. I’m not going to see you in a while,” he states when he caught his breath.

He started to kiss her again. She spun around and pulled him into herself. He picked her up and carried her to the bed. He lay her down on the bed. She took his shirt off while he finished taking her dress off of her. He stumbled to his feet and she undid his pants. He slid them off then went back to kissing Quinn. She pulled him down onto her. He wrapped her leg around his waist and she giggled at the improvement of his love making. He kissed her rapidly. She let out a gasp -- it wasn’t a shocked gasp -- it was a relieved gasp. He moved his hands under her and pulled her up into his chest even more. He laid her back on the bed. She looked at him. He had sweat beads rolling down the side of his face.

She rolled him onto his back and took the lead. She pushed her body into his. She kissed his neck and made her way down to his chest. He was shocked by her boldness. He pulled her back up and kissed her with more ferocity than before. He rolled back onto her and took the lead again. He kissed her with the same ferocity a second ago. He kissed her neck and moved to her collarbone and back. She took a big breath and kissed him with the same ferocity.


They were both tired after that. Trixter lay on the bed with his arms behind his head. Quinn laid on Trixter with a huge smile on her face. She started to kiss his chest agian.

“What’s the matter with you?” he asked.

“I was thinking. Maybe you can come with me and we can do that every night.”

“For a 16-year-old, you can be very persuasive.”

“Will you come or not?”

“I will come with you to Redcap, but I’m not meeting your father at the cross roads.”

“You don’t have to worry about my father.”

Quinn got up and walked over to the desk. She got a piece of parchment out and wrote a note to her father telling him not to stop at the cross roads. She walked back over to the bed and lay on Trixter's chest again. They fell asleep.


Quinn woke up before dawn, but she still got dressed. Trixter woke up when Quinn started to get dressed and watched her. When she was done washing her face, Trixter started to get dressed. She combed through her hair. Trixter walked over to her and kissed her. While Trixter packed Quinn walked down stairs and put the note on the table. He was at the bottom of the stairs when she came out of the kitchen. She took her bag from him. They walked to the stables and got there horses ready for the long ride ahead of them. Quinn got on her horse and waited for Trixter. When he got on his horse, she took off.

They rode ‘til Trixter got hungry. They stopped by a river in the middle of a field. Trixter was filling up some canteens he packed. Quinn pushed him into the shallow end of the river when he wasn’t looking. Trixter was drenched. Quinn was laughing so hard tear started to fill her eyes. Trixter got out, picked her up, and jumped back into the river. They kissed each other. After taking a breath, they chuckle and kiss again.

“Hello Quinn,” some dark figure on a horse said.

“Who are you?” she asked.

“Why, you don’t remember me? I was the one who helped you through the test in the Tower of High Secrecy in Hunter’s Forest,” the figure said as he got off his horse and drew back his hood.

“Demetri!” Quinn shouted.

She got out of the river, ran and practically jumped into his arms. Demetri kissed the top of Quinn's head. Trixter got out of the river in the same minute. Quinn started to blush and she went to comfort Trixter.

“It’s been ages or at least that’s what it feels like,” Quinn said when Trixter was under control of his emotions.

“Yes, that’s what it feels like. You look so much more beautiful.”

“Thank you. You look more dashing than ever.”

“Thank you. Where are you heading?”

“We’re going to Redcap to visit some friends.”

“May I accompany you on your ride?”

“Of course,” Quinn said looking up at Trixter to see if he agrees.

“Yes, you may,” Trixter said in a dark voice.

Demetri smiled with pleasure. Quinn smiled back and rubbed Trixter's arm some more. Trixter's muscles were so tight the Demetri could see them through his wet shirt. Quinn stood on her toes and kissed him. Trixter relaxed after that. Demetri raised one eyebrow and frowned. Quinn started to get on her horse when Demetri spoke up.

“You should let your clothes dry before we ride,” which made Trixter tense up again.


Texte: Shania Wiltfang, Justin Wiltfang
Bildmaterialien: Google Images
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 31.05.2013

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