

A six-year-old girl was playing in her backyard by the borders of the woods because her brother told her daddy was back there. She threw the ball up into the air and kicked it. It flew into the trees. She ran after it with a huge smile on her face.

An eight-year-old boy ran into the huge house the find his little sister. He ran into the kitchen to find his mommy. He asked where Daddy and Ashley are. Mommy said Daddy is up in his study and she didn't know where Ash was.

A young mother of two children, ran up stairs, looking for her only daughter. She ran into her husbands study to see if she was with him. Ash was nowhere in the house. She tells her husband that Ash is missing.

A young father of two small children, jolts up when he feels a trespasser in his territory close to his house. He raced outside to see his daughter skipping out of the woods and a black wolf behind her.

In the eyes of the black wolf, she was perfect. He could see her as a strong addition to his pack. He could see her mated with his son and giving him strong offspring. He could see the packs he now can over throw because of her.

Ashley looked up to see Mommy and Daddy standing on the porch. She smiled when Cameron walked up beside them. That smile dropped when she heard a growl behind her. She turned around to see a huge black wolf behind her.

Mommy and Daddy shifted into their wolf form and attacked the black wolf. Cam ran towards Ash in his wolf form and Ash ran toward him in her wolf form. Right before they got to each other, someone picked Ash up by the scruff of her neck. She froze like all pups would. The black wolf ran off with Ashley in his mouth as the rest of his pack fought off the Alphas and their pack members.

Chapter One (Ash)

I slam my hand down on the alarm clock and got up to take a shower. I walk into the bathroom, stripping my clothes while turning the water on. I wait until the water in hot to step in. I wash my hair and body quickly. I step out of the shower while wrapping a towel around my torso. I walk into my room to find the clothes I am going to wear to school today. I end up wearing black skinny jeans with rips all the way down the front, a red cut out shoulder top, and red All Stars converse that goes up to my knees.

I run down stairs to the kitchen. I grab a banana and a strawberry pop-tart before I head out the door. When I walk outside I see that it is still dark. Well it should be! It’s five in the fucking morning! Well let me explain…see I was expelled from my old school for…kicking a girls ass…and not stopping when the principle told me to stop. It was stupid because she threw the first punch…well slap. But now I have to drive an hour to get to my new school.

As I turn on my new red 2012 Audi R8 GT Spyder, the radio starts blaring Sick and Twisted Affairs by My Darkest Day. I buckle in and back out as I start singing.

“Smell the fear/There’s no reflection when you look in the mirror/You’re out for blood and you can smell the fear/You need poison/Like it’s the only thing that keeps you alive/You hear voices/They just keep telling you, you need me tonight

“She hides until twilight/Then she takes control/I’m like your dirty little drug/And you never get enough/Just a little bad habit that you hide from your friends/I’m like your dirty little drug/And you never get enough/Said you didn't want it but you're in a sick and twisted affair/You won't be alone tonight/A sick and twisted affair/You won't be alone tonight

“I give you wings when you’re free falling/I’m in your dreams, I’m the creature calling/You go colder/I am the only thing that keeps you alive/Can’t stay sober/One taste and it can take control of your life

“She hides until twilight/Then she takes control/I’m like your dirty little drug/And you never get enough/Just a little bad habit that you hide from your friends/I’m like your dirty little drug/And you never get enough/Said you didn't want it but you're in a sick and twisted affair/You won't be alone tonight/A sick and twisted affair/You won't be alone tonight/A sick and twisted affair

“Take control/I’m like your dirty little drug/And you never get enough/Just a little bad habit that you hide from your friends/I’m like your dirty little drug/And you never get enough/Said you didn't want it but you're in a sick and twisted affair/You won't be alone tonight/A sick and twisted affair/You won't be alone tonight/A sick and twisted affair/You won't be alone tonight/A sick and twisted affair/You won’t be alone tonight”

I sing along with every song the radio station plays for the next hour. When I get to the school almost every parking spot is filled. I pull into the parking spot that was closes to the doors. When I get out of my car I see everyone staring at me. Then a white 2013 Honda Accord EX-L pulls into the parking lot. The car stops behind my car and the driver gets out of the car. She was a 5 foot curly blonde step around the car.

“What do you think you are doing?” she asks in a nasally voice.

“Ummm…” I look around, “Going to school.”

“I mean why are you parked in my spot?” she asks again.

“I don’t see your name on it?” I snarl.

“Well I’m going to have to fix that,” she puffs.

“You do that and while you do I will be in class getting an education…” I look at the school, “Though it might not be a good one,” I mumble under my breath.

She gets back into her car and drives off. All of a sudden I feel a supernatural presence nearby. I mask my presence and scent. Apparently, my parents didn’t know the school was on other wolves’ territory. I walk into the school’s office to get my schedule. The secretary was a short middle aged woman with firery red hair and a permanent frown on her face. I smile at her and she glares at me. Wow! Okay, let’s try this again.

“I’m Ashley Woods. I’m new here and I would like my schedule,” I try to sound pleasant, but she pissed me off.

“Yeah, hold on a minute…” She looks through her files on the computer and prints my schedule. “Here you go, Ashley.”

I take the paper from her and thank her. I look for my class room for the next 20 minutes because I can’t seem to find the damn class.. I walk into the classroom and everyone stops what they are doing. I walk up to the teacher and hand him a note. He signs the paper and hands it back to me. I walk to the back of the classroom to the only empty seat. The teacher starts his lecture again, but everyone is still staring at me.

"What is your name?” a small girly voice asks.

“Ashley. And you?” I ask back.

“Cecelia Night but you can call me Ce-Ce.” She smiles at me.

Ce-Ce has bright blue eyes, medium length auburn hair, and is about 5’5”. She’s not skinny but she’s not fat either. She’s is wearing a green one sleeve shirt, white skinny jeans with rips, and Green Lantern converse. I smile back and she looks back at the board. I zone out for the rest of the class, though somehow I had notes on my desk.

“These are all the notes you missed.” I look up to see Ce-Ce standing over me. “You can copy them or keep them. I don’t care. I already memorized them.”

“Oh, thanks,” I mumble while standing up.

Ce-Ce and I walk out into the hallway. By the time the day ended Ce-Ce and I created a plan to go to her house on Friday. I hop into my car but Ce-Ce just stands on the sidewalk looking at the school. I get out and walk up to her. Ce-Ce is staring at a hot guy sucking face with the girl from this morning.

“Do you have a crush on him or something?” I ask.

“NO!!! That is gross!!!” Ce-Ce shouts.

The guy looks up at us and his chick glares at me.

“Then why are you staring?” I ask.

“Cause he’s my ride,” she whispers.

The guy walks over to us, leaving the bitch behind.

“HE is your ride?” I whisper.

“Yeah, mom tells him he has to give me rides,” Ce-Ce sounds ashamed.

“Mom?” I question.

“Yeah, the women who gave birth to use.” The guy stops beside us.

“Wait! You are her brother?” I ask.

“Yeah, duh,” he says.

“Well it’s not my fault I’m new and your sister didn’t tell me,” I hiss.

“Ooo someone is feisty!” he sneers.

“Whatever.” To Ce-Ce, “If you need a ride I can take you home. Either way I’m going find out where you live.”

She laughs, “If that is okay with you?”

She looks at her brother with a hopeful gleam in her eyes. He smiles at her and nods. She squeals and hops into my car. He looks me over and I feel a little uncomfortable, so I do the same. He is 6’3”, lean, and muscular. He has longish black spiked hair, bluish green eyes, and a tan complexion. He’s wear faded blue jeans, a tight blue v-neck top, and blue and black vans converse. He smiles at me as I look into his eyes to find lust welding in them. I get into my car fast and start to drive away.

“Whoa! You’re going really fast!” Ce-Ce yells.

“Sorry! I just had to get away from your brother,” I tell her.

I drive to her house. It was a 3 floor wood mansion with a fire pit near the drive way. We get out and walk up the little path that leads to the back of her house. But right before I walk around the corner Ce-Ce stops me. She looks around the corner to check on something. She signals me to follow her and I'm about to ask her what that was about when I hear the howl. I turn around just in time to see a light red wolf jump out of the forrest across the huge yard.

"Shit," I hear Ce-Ce mutter.

I drop my bag and get ready for the fight but Ce-Ce jumps infront of me before the wolf could jump on me. She lifts her hand and the wolf stops. I pick up my bag off the ground and start heading toward the patio. I hear the wolf growl and Ce-Ce harshly whipsering to it. I couldn't make out the entire conversation but I got bits and pieces of it.

"Sorry about that," Ce-Ce apologizes as she catches up to me.

"It's fine. I have some naughty pups too," I say nonchalantly.

I look at her after I walk in to her house from the sliding glass door.

Chapter Two (Sky)

I feel eyes on me so I glance up from making out with Crystal. 

Chapter Three (Ash)

The first things you see when walking in to the house is a giant kitchen. I walk into the living room to find a 65” flat screen TV mounted on the north wall with HD speakers all around the room. There is a black Catnapper Camden Wedge leather couch up against the south wall and black Catnapper Camden extra wide leather recliner near the east wall.


Texte: Shania Wiltfang, Justin Wiltfang
Bildmaterialien: Google Image
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 18.01.2013

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