
First Impressions (Scarlett)

I walk into Jackson High School, home of the Wolves, and head for the main office. I tell the lady behind the desk who I am and she hands me my schedule. I read my schedule while walking out of the office.

First Period- French 1

Second Period- U.S. History

Third Period- Geometry


Fourth Period- Psychology 1

Fifth Period- English 11

Sixth Period- Chemistry

So I head for my first class. While I was looking for the French room someone bumped into me and I drop my books. My papers scatter around me. I bend to quickly pick them up, but the person who bumped into me had the same idea and we hit heads. With my hand to my head I gather my papers and books. I look up at the person who tried to help me. It was a boy with a round boyish face. He has light green eyes, slim lips, and a round nose with sandy blonde hair. He helps me stand up and hands me my English notebook, which I missed.

"Thanks," I mutter before I turn to continue the search for the French room.

He stops me and asks, "You're the new girl right?"

"Uh, yeah, Scarlett," I say blushing at the name.

"I'm Kyle. Do you need help around?" he asks sincere.

"Uh, I need to go to French 1." I pull out my schedule and the teacher slip to sign when I arrive in the class.

"That is by my class. I'll take you to it. This way." He leads me back the way I came.

Halfway to the office, he stopped me and pointed to the door to the French room. He told he would take me to my next class if I would like that. I told him that would be fine and walked into the room. I hand the teacher my teacher slip for him to sign. He signs it and hands it back with a work packet and some notes. I sit in the only open seat, which happens to be in the back of the room, and start working on the packet. I was the last person to finish it and hand it in.

By the time I got to my seat everyone was staring at me. But that's what happens when you have to move because of your stalker killing your parents and sisters. Now I'm stuck living with my abusive stepfather. I was about to go live with my father and was on the way when my stalker shot my father, mother, and two little sisters. He kidnapped me and had me for about a week when the police showed up and arrested him for manslaughter, kidnapping, and raping.

When I got back to my seat the bell rang. I gathered my things and headed for the door when I was cornered by a group of boys. I noticed that the teacher wasn't in the room. One of the boys grabs my waist and pulls me into him. I glance over worried and saw Kyle in the doorway. When he sees my frantic expression, he starts over toward me. The man who is holding my waist pushes me up against the wall. I start to hyperventilate when the boy was pulled back away from me. I drop to my knees and arms wrap around my waist again. This time, instead of freezing up, I close my eyes and start hitting the person.

"Scarlett! Scarlett! Stop! It's me, Kyle!" The person holding me now shouts.

I open my eyes to see Kyle staring at me with worry all over his face. I lean my head on his shoulder as His face rushes through my mind. When a hand lands on my shoulder, I look up into a pretty female face. I unwrap myself from Kyle and start standing. The lady is tall, slim, and has green eyes with pale blonde hair. She holds out her hand for me to take it.

"Hello, I'm the counselor, Ms. Smith."

The Realization (Alex)

I grab the packet Mr. Roy hands me and head for my seat. I start on the packet when she walks in. Her waist length medium brown hair sways around her curvy body. The pants she's wearing fits around her ass and thighs like a second skin. Even the black jacket she is wearing can't hide her large bosom. Jealousy sparks as I look around to find every guy in the room drooling over her. I nearly jump out of my desk and slam Mr. Andre Roy into the wall as he look at her with lust in his eyes. But I calm down when she shrinks from Mr. Roy as his hand skims hers when he hands back the paper she gave him to sign.

Mr. Roy tells everyone in the class that her name is Scarlett Vince. She slowly makes her way to the only open seat, which happens to be next to mine. As soon as she sits down she starts on her packet. So while she is busy I take the liberty to get a good look of her face. She has high round cheek bones, plump rosy lip, and luminescent blue eyes. The look on her face shows that she is trying to cover her pain. I will kill who every caused her pain, I think to myself. What the-? I haven't even talked to her yet and I'm already possessive of her! I slap myself mentally as I turn back to my packet.

As always I am the first to finish my packet. As I hand Mr. Roy my packet I notice he can't stop staring at Scarlett. I growl lowly to myself as I walk back to my seat. Scarlett is the last one to turn in her packet and yet again all male eyes are on her. Mr. Roy tries to touch her again but this time she just lays the packet on his desk. When she gets back to her seat the bell rings. I gather my bag and head for the door, when I glance back to look at Scarlett one more time before heading to Physical Education, I see a group of wolf-boys surrounding her and she looks worried. She looks at a boy behind me for help but I am all ready moving towards her. One of the wolves push her against the wall when I reach them. I grab the wolf's shoulder and pull him off her. He flies across the floor and his friends go after him.

"If any of you pups every touch her again I will kill you, got it?" I whisper to the pups. They nod and scurry off.

When I turn around Scarlett has her head on a boy's shoulder. Wanting to tear his head off for touching her I start walking towards them. Then Cara Smith, my creator, kneels down next to them and places her hand on Scarlett's shoulder. Scarlett looks up at Cara with so much fear in her eyes that I stop dead in my tracks.

"Hello, I'm the counselor, Ms. Smith," Cara says to Scarlett in a low non-hostile voice.

It has been two hour since I last seen Scarlett when she walked into the counselor's office before second period. I just want to bust in there and steal Scarlett away. But I can't because if I do then Cara is going to know that I care about Scarlett and then Cara is going to do everything in her power to destroy Scarlett. And I can't lose Scarlett right after I found her. Vampire only get one mate and if I lose my mate before I make her my mate then I will never have kids. Wait a fucking minute! Did I just admit that Scarlett is my mate? Holy shit! I did! She is! I'm freaking losing my freaking mind! I slam my head on the lunch table that I was sitting at as my thoughts raced on about Scarlett. When I hear someone sit down across from me I look up to see Zackary, my twin brother.

"What's up, Bro?" he asks as he stuffs his face with chips and a Dr. Pepper.

"Nothing," I say not wanting to talk about it in the open. "I'll tell you later."

"Is it about that smoking hot new girl Scarlett?" he asks innocently, but I can't help but growl at him for looking at her.

"Don't you dare look at her! If I find you talking to her I will personally kill you," I whispered where no one else could hear our conversation.

Zack raises his hand as a sign of submission and says, "So I take it it's her?"

I look down at my water and nod slowly. Zack then asks the one question I was dreading to hear.

"What are you going to do about Cara?"

Ms. Smith (Scarlett)

After Ms. Smith took me to her office she had me tell her what happened. I tell her what happened to me in the classroom. She places her hand on mine and I shrink back. I look up at her and she looks at me sympathetically through her thick lashes.

"No honey. I didn't mean in the classroom. You can tell me about what happened with Darren Guy."

When I don't answer, she opens of the door and the principle and my step-dad walks in. I tense up when Dave Morris, my step-dad, sits next to me on Ms. Smith's couch. Mr. Sidney, the principle, leans against the door and Ms. Smith sits back down at her desk. No one talks until Ms. Smith is done typing something into her computer. Suddenly, Ms. Smith turns around and looks at me, shocked.

"Miss. Vince, we want you to talk to me every Friday until further notice. If we are satisfied with the cessions we will drop them. If we are not satisfied then your step-father is to put you into therapy cessions twice or three times a week for how ever long he wants," Ms. Smith says.

Mr. Sidney stands up straight and says, "If there is anymore problems with the other students then we will have your father-"

"Step-father," I cut him off.

"Your step-father will take you home and we will excuse you from school for a week. Ms. Smith will bring over your homework everyday and everyday she will take the homework you finished the night before and turn it in for you so it won't be late," Mr. Sidney finishes.

Dave and Mr. Sidney talked in his office while I went to my locker and got my bag. I walk out the front doors and sit on the steps. I look around the school yard and I see Kyle sitting at a table eating lunch. I walk over to him and sit down by him. He looks shocked as I sit by him but he still smiles at me.

"So what are you eating?" I ask nonchalantly.

"Um...It's a egg salad sandwich my mom made me with carrots and celery." He leans in real close, "She's on a health kick and we all suffer when she is."

The look on his face is so hilarious that it made me laugh. I haven't laughed since before Darren kidnapped me. My laugh sounds so foreign to me but it felt so good to laugh that I can't stop. By the time I stop Kyle is laughing with me and everyone is staring at us. I blush as I my eyes meet with one set of forest green eyes. I look away back at Kyle with an embarrassed smile. Kyle looks at the guy I looked at then looked back at me with a sly smile.

"So, you noticed him," Kyle nudges me with his shoulder.

"I have no idea who you are talking about," I whisper my lie.

"His name is Alexander Mitchel, but everyone calls him Alex. He moved here a year ago with his twin brother and his aunt." Kyle sees right through my lie and informs me.

"Brother? Aunt?" I ask.

"His brother's name is Zackary, but he goes by Zack. You already meet their aunt." I look at Kyle shocked and he laughs softly. "Ms. Smith is their aunt. She took them in after their parents died."

I hear Dave calling for me and I turn around to see Dave waiting for me. I kiss Kyle on the cheek and tell him I'll see him tomorrow. Dave waits to talk to me til we are in the car, but he is talking about nothing so I tune him out. I head to my room when we get home.

"Wait! Scarlett, who was the boy you were sitting with?" Dave stops me.

"Huh? Oh! That was Kyle Woods, he is just a friend," I say trying to save Kyle.

"He better be," Dave says right before he slaps me across the face. "Next time you embarrass me I will give you a whooping you will never forget."

Her Story (Alex)

"How am I going to explain this to her?" I ask myself while driving home from school.

I pull up the driveway to the biggest house we've lived in for years. As the garage door opens I see that Zach and Cara are already home. Damn!!! This is going to be really bad. What if Zack tells Cara about my feeling toward Scarlett? This is really bad!

I walk into the house, but hear nothing. All of a sudden I hear a scream from upstairs. Great...Well as long as their mouths are busy. I flash up to my room hoping Zack will keep her busy enough so I can get our homework done. I know we are vampires but we are still required to do the same homework as everyone else.

As I am doing the homework, my mind reels to what happened to day during class. What happened to Scarlett to make her freak out like that? I have to know, I decided. Looking down at Zack's and I's homework I realize that it is already done. I listen carefully to hear if they are still busy. Hearing grunts and moans, I decide to leave. I rush out of the house and into the forest.

I look around to see where I ran to. There is a nice little house with a swimming pool in the back. I hear screaming and yelling coming from the house, then it all stops. The sliding glass door opens and a girl runs out of the house. She trips in the grass that is on the other side of the pool. A car starts from the front of the house and speeds off. I hear whimpering coming from the girl and I realize that she is crying. I walk forward to figure out who it is with out getting noticed, but by the time I reach her yard I step on a twig. Her head snaps up with wide blue eyes. Scarlett.

"What are you doing here?" she asks looking around frantically. "If he sees you here he will kill you!"

"He already left...Why are you crying?" I ask.

She gets on her knees and wipes the tears away. I kneel in front of her and take her hands. I grab her chin and lift her head to look at me. Her blue eyes are full of tears. If he hurt her, then I will kill him. Who was it anyway?

"Why do you care anyway? You are the popular guy and I'm just the weird new chick..." The last part she said to herself but I still heard it.

"Because you are more than just a 'weird new chick' to me." I lay my forehead on her's. "Which, by the way, no one has called you. And I am not the popular guy, that would be my brother. I am the brains and he is the brawn. Though both of us are strong, he just uses it more than I do. Sorry I'm babbling."

"We can't do this," She says jumping up.

She walks over to her house. I was going to leave but something inside me wouldn't let her go. I run over to her and spin her around. I push her up against the wall and kiss her. Hunger for more but not wanting to ruin everything. At first she tenses up but then she melts into me after a few seconds.

"No!" she pulls back.

She looks at me with tear filled eyes. Her cheeks are flushes and lips swollen. I now know why she freaked out at school today. Something had to have happened to her to make her not like physical contact. Her bottom lip trembles momentarily until she sucks it in her mouth and starts chewing on it. She grabs the back of my neck and pulls me into her.

"I don't know how to do this," she confesses.

"What do you mean?"

"I have never really been with a man willingly."

"You mean...?"

"Yeah, I was...raped...That is why I don't like physical contact. But that isn't the only reason..."

"You can tell me."

"My step dad is...abusive..."

I am going to kill him! I pull away from her and punch the wall. There is a huge hole in the wall where I punched. I look at her and her face is full of shock.

"Shit! Now it's my turn to explain."

The Explanation (Scarlett)

He punched the wall! And left a huge hole in it! What the fuck!?!?

"Now it's my turn to explain," he stats calmly. "Okay so I'm not exactly...human..."

"What do you mean you're not human?"

"Well I might look human and I was one once...but not anymore..."

"Don't tell me you're a werewolf or something," I say Laughing.

"Don't call me a werewolf! I am not an flea bitten inbreed mut!" he yells, pushing me up against the wall again.

"I'm sorry..." I whisper.

"I'm a...vampire..." he whispers back to me.

"You're a vampire?" I ask, not wanting to believe it.

He nods his head and flashes his fangs at me. Then everything goes black.


I open my eyes to complete darkness. I shift and bump into something next to me. The thing moves and a musky scent fill my nose. Alexander. A light flicks on real fast and i have to blink my eyes so they can adjust. But before they were completely adjusted, something heavy climbs on top of me.

"No! No! NO! This can't be happening again! Get off! Darren, please!" I scream.

"Scarlett stop! Stop!" he shouts.

It takes me a few moments to realize that it wasn't Darren. I look at Alexander's forest green eyes and his spiky black hair. I wrap my arms around him, hugging him. Feeling safe, I hold on tight, not wanting to let go. With very little strength Alex unwraps my arms from his torso and lays me on the bed. I grab his neck and pull him down to my mouth. I kiss him passionately. I have never felt this way about a guy before and I want to know why.

"I don't want to hurt you. If me just leaning over you to grab a glass of water makes you freak out then what will happen if we do that..." Alex says, breaking away.

"You won't. I freaked out because I couldn't see your face," I reassure him.

I pull him back down to me and kiss him lightly. He tenses up at first but then he loosens up. He sides his tongue into my mouth and chases mine. He slides his hand up my shirt and runs his thumb along my erect nipple. I gasp and he chuckles. I pull him closer to me causing him to shift over me. I lift my hips to find his hard-on. We moan in unison. All of a sudden, we both are naked and it is dark again.

"No..." I breath.

"What?" Alex asks from the dark.

"Please turn the light back on," I beg.

Light flashes back on and Alex crawls back on to be. He kisses my flat belly and works his way up to my breast. He kisses each nipple and then plunges the whole breast in his mouth. He swirls his tongue the end and sucks on the whole thing. I grab the sheets and arch my back causing my breast to go farther into his mouth. He does the same thing to the other. The entire time while looking at my face. When he is done with my breast he trails kisses up my neck. He pauses at my pulse but keeps going to my lips.

"I'm ready," I say more to myself than him but he still nods.

He positions himself over me. I feel him against my opening. I look deep into his eyes and relax. He pushes into me slowly and inch by inch. When he enters me all the way I let out a little moan. I wrap my arms around his torso and grab his shoulders. He plunges into me slowly not wanting to hurt me. but I realize the slower me go the farther I will be able to prove to myself that I am ready to recover. As if reading my mind, Alex starts going faster and a little harder each plunge.

Each plunge sends me into an abyss of pleasure. He pushes into me so hard that it pushes me over the edge. I grab his ass as I float on the clouds of ecstasy. He pushes one last time as he cums. He rolls off of me and I rest my head on his chest and fall asleep.

His Story (Alex)


Texte: Shania Wiltfang, Justin Wiltfang
Bildmaterialien: Google Images
Lektorat: Cassidy Janik, Boni Janik
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 07.08.2012

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To all my friends who believed I could make it as a writer.

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