
My name is ‘Mister Teddy’ though I am affectionately called Mr. Ted. And though my eyes may be made of glass, the heart inside my stuffed body is not and it would break whenever my sweet Nita was not near. Oh, my Nita. She is truly a beautiful child with her chocolate colored skin and hair the color of coal. And she loves me as much as I love her. I know this because she is forever holding onto me. 

We’ve been together, she and I, since before her family had to move from the quiet countryside to the bustling city because the home they had—they lost. That’s why we had to share a small place with people who are my Nita’s family. I can still hear the echo of cars in the street with their screeching brakes, their revving engines, and their angry horns that they pound whenever something angers them. I have never understood why grownups have toys that are so loud and obnoxious. 

When I’m not recalling the sounds from the street below, I can hear the noise in the little apartment because it’s crowded. Neither Nita nor I liked living with all these people…especially the two little girls of the man called ‘Uncle’. When we first arrived, those girls used to take me and ‘play’ with me making my Nita very upset because they were rough with me. Sometimes they even wiped their runny noses on my fur and coughed into my stuffing, causing small discolored patched. If I could’ve pushed them away, I would have. 

But my Nita always came to my rescue and her mother would put me in the washer to take away the


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Texte: Copyright of Nina Kari © 2012
Bildmaterialien: Photo taken by Giuseppe Ramos. Minor Manipulation by Nina Kari
Lektorat: L. Avery Brown
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 01.12.2012
ISBN: 978-3-7309-0613-2

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