

     A smirk covered Casey's face, she had always held her own, and she hated asking for help. She looked up, her blue eyes flashing, and her long turquoise-tinted black hair flowed in the wind as she spoke coldly to an older man, “No, I said I don't need help.” Her intensely intimidating gaze turned and locked on the older mans. He was leaning towards her in a friendly manner, asking her if she needed help getting home. “Are you sure, sitting on the curb of a street isn't very safe-” “I know how to live my own life, thank you very much!” Casey yelled as she turned and snapped, standing sharply and glaring ruefully down at the man. “Casey, sometimes its okay to ask for help.” Devil, her weapon and closest friend, stood and spoke flatly, his voice hollow but wise. “No, no, I can see that this girlie is very smart, very defensive, but you are right, young man, sometimes it is okay to ask for help.” The old man smiled and turned, walking away and back into his car. Casey glared threateningly as he drove past her, his eyes looking at her with a clever smile. She was relieved when his car disappeared in the light mist. “Great, another ride wasted.” Devil spat angrily as he sat, his lengthy yet choppy black hair waving in the wind. She snapped, turning to him angrily, “I'm sorry that I don't take rides from strangers, now let's get moving, Lord Death will be waiting.” Devil's red eyes flickered up to her, and his shark teeth gleamed in the moonlight as he chuckles, “Sounds good to me, but we got us some company.” Casey turned, seeing a large man with gleaming red eyes, his snake tongue hanging from the side of his saliva dripping jaws. Casey held out her hand and spoke firmly to Devil, “Weapon form, now Devil.” He smirked as he spoke flatly, “Already on it.” Casey heard a faint swirling sound, then felt Devil in her hands as a huge, bulky, black sword with a white handle. Casey smirked, “Good, now,” Her gaze turned to the evil man, her eyes burning as she lifted her sword and swung it through the air sharply, aiming it at the demons head as she shouted determinedly, “Your soul is mine!”

Chapter 1


Casey's footsteps echoed through the hallway, bounding off the walls around her. The rhythmic sounds of the echoes began to beat against her ears, making a grimace form across her face. She clenched her fists, feeling her nails dig into her skin as she reminded herself yet again where she was; I am in Death Meister and Weapon Academy. I am a Meister, my Weapon is Devil. I am going to collect ninety-nine evil souls and one witch soul, I will create a Death Scythe. Casey's never-ending footsteps stopped, halting outside of a large red door. Calming her frustrated breathing, she reached forward and grasped the black handle. Quickly, she twisted and pushed the door open. There, she saw him. "Lord Death." Casey sharp, monotone voice spoke flatly. A black figure stood in front of a mirror, his face a mast of a non-intimidating skull. Casey took a few steps forward and stood, her eyes narrowed, as he slowly turned towards her. "Hello Meister Casey Williams, I have been expecting you." Casey's eyes further narrowed, "I didn't inform you I was arriving." Lord Death chuckled and waved his over-sized gloved hand at her dismissively, "I'm A Grim Reaper, I always know when people are thinking about me." She sighs lightly, holding in her frustration, "I need to ask if you can assign me a mission. It has been two weeks and I haven't taken more than ten souls yet-" "Alright, alright! I don't have much to offer at the moment, but there is one thing I could give you." Death words slowed as he finished his sentence, "There are three evil humans souls who have begun their journey to become a Keeshin. As you know, Keeshins are evil and it is our duty as Meisters and Weapons to keep the peace throughout Death City and exterminate evil souls. I need you to go and kill these three demons." Casey smirks and nods, her voice filled with determination, "I will." As she turned to walk away, Lord Death continued, "Stop, I must warn you. These three evil souls have only just begun their journey. They are weak, yes, and easily stopped, but they are blood-thirsty and wild due to the fact they have only eaten a few human souls. Be careful out there." Casey turned and smiled cleverly, her eyes beaming with challenge as she repeated, "I will." 

"So... tell me again why you chose a mission over pizza." Devil growled yet again as Casey walked. He glared at her through the reflection of her samurai sword, his eyes half humorous half angry. "We haven't had a mission for two weeks, I am getting restless and agitated, I need to fight!" Casey raised her voice slightly, her eyes flashing with frustration as she walked down the brick roads of Death City. "Well... still. We could've taken one tomorrow or something-" "Enough." Casey cut off Devil's complaints and stopped, her eyes narrowing at the arriving thick fog ahead of her, "The demons are just ahead." "Nah, really!" Devil growled, his eyes burning with fake agitation. Casey, quickly fumed by his non-serious approach, snapped at him ruefully, yelling a little too loudly, "Will you shut up already! I can't stand your constant complaining its getting on my nerves! Now keep your mouth shut and let me kill these damn demons!" A roar beside her and a huge amount of pressure on her side sent Casey flying through the air. Casey screamed in surprise and landed hard on her side, wincing in pain as she realized what happened.  “Casey, you alright?” Devils guilty voice hummed at her through the sword. Wincing again, she replied to him, “Yea, I’m alright.” Lifting her head, Casey stared angrily at three demons. They were tall and warped-looking. Large hands and much to long of fingers. Their eyes were hidden with darkness and all there was to see was two red, eerily glowing orbs on each of their faces. Their mouths where huge, their bottom jaws hanging slightly under the weight of their gigantic, sharpened teeth. Saliva splattered onto Casey's face as the one who tossed her now stood over her, a insane smile dancing across its lips. Letting out a yowl of anger, Casey stood and sliced her sword their the air, the black blade sending the demons head soaring through the air. Black blood spiraled out of the creatures bare neck, its body falling limp to the floor at Casey's feet. The death of their companion caused the other two to turn, looking at Casey with hate and hunger. "They want me soul, well they aren't going to get it!" Casey snapped, half to herself as she ran at the two evil souled humans. She jumped, leaping through the air, her sword raising above her head. Her face was twisted in anger as she brought the sword down, faster than fast, onto one of the demons. She tightened her eyes shut, expecting the feel cold blood fly across her face. To her surprise, her sword clashed hard against the brick roads of Death City, rattling her blade and sending pain through her hands and arms. Clenching her jaw, she felt a hard slice against her spine, and screeched as she stumbled forward from the blow. She turned, glaring defiantly at the two demons remaining. I get three souls for this, these stupid things will not defeat me! Giving herself courage, a screamed released from her jaws as she jumped, against lifting her sword. As she neared them, she switched her move, and slices it horizontally across the two creatures, slicing their bodies in halves before they could've moved another inch. Casey landed, landing in a crouch and steadying herself with a one hand on the cold bricks, and one holding her sword. She smirked, her eyes gleaming, and she slightly released her grip on her sword. She tossed it through the air, and it warped from a sword, to a red light, then to a boy. He was pale, tall, had lengthy black hair and gleaming red eyes. When he spoke, his voice was as crisp as ice, but he came off in a casual and clever manner, "There, three delicious souls for Devil!" He said half to himself as three red orbs appeared over the three dead demons' bodies. Casey watched with a smirk on her face as Devil devoured the three souls, licking his lips afterwards. "Yum." He said, a smirk on his face as well as he glanced at Casey, "We ready to go back now?" Casey blinked, sent back to the present as he spoke. She tended to space out a lot. "Yea, sure." She said and stood, raising to her full height, her long, turquoise-tinted black hair fell down to her waist as she nodded. She walked over to a large mirror, having spotted it earlier, and walked through it, Devil close behind her. She arrived in Lord Deaths room, commonly called the 'Death Room'. "Lord Death, we have completed our assignment." The black mass of mist turned to her and spoke friendily through behind his skill mask that marked him as a Grim Reaper, "Yes, yes, I was viewing your battle, you both did very well. I will inform you when your next task will be assigned, good night!" He spoke them as he waved, dismissing them. Casey nodded and turned, walking past Devil and out of the Death Room, back into the hallway she had been walking in before. "So, pizza now?" Devil's voice made her jump as he spoke behind her. "Yup, definitely." She said, glancing over her shoulder with a smirk on her face.

Chapter 2


"Casey, Casey wake up we're gunna be late for class!" Casey groaned annoyedly as Devil prodded her shoulder sharply, trying to wake her up. Casey attempted swatting him away, but Devil caught her hand and yanked her out of bed, steadying her on her feet, "Now, get dressed, Professor Stein will disect you if you are late again!" Devil only half joked as he walked out of her room. Sighing, Casey placed a hand on her temple, grunting as her mind turned to confusion. She was to tired to process what was going on, but she somehow managed to pull on a clean unicorn, pulled her boots on, and brushed her hair. Finishing her look off with eyeliner, she quickly left her room and grabbed the back of Devils shirt, dragging him out of their dorm. "Ya'know, I'm the one who woke you up, so I should techincally be dragging you." Casey growled tiredly, "I can't deal with this right now, I'm too tired." She pulled him to his feet as they stood outside of Professor Steins classroom door. Rolling her eyes, she pushed it open and sped to her seat, hoping Professor Stein didn't see her. Luckily, he was facing the chalk-board, drawing out the body of some strange animal and explaining what was inside. Casey smirked, feel accomplished. Just then, the Professor stopped talking. Within seconds, he was inches from her face, his eyes squinted suspiciously, "You're both late." He said, his gaze flickering from Casey, to Devil, then back at her again. "I know, I'm sorry-" she began, only to be interupted by Devil's sly remark, "She wanted to sleep in, I told her you would disect her if she was late again." Stein chuckled, then was inches from Devil's face within a milisecond, "Don't test my patience, you were late too." He rolled to the front of the class in the speed of light, "Don't be late again." He warned  before he continued his lesson. Casey frowned lightly, and glared as Devil gave her the 'I told you so' look. "Now class, after that lesson, I want you all to leave, bye." Stein said as he dismissively pointed to the door. Surprised as everyone else was to leave early, Casey's eyes slightly widened and her eyebrows rose. Devil smirked, "Oh yea!" He said and leapt over the tabled desk, charging down the stairs and out of the classroom door. Of course he was the first one, but he usually wasn't this... hyper... or happy. She could name it either one, but it was weird either way. Standing, Casey slowly walked behind the rest of the students, watching them all charge out of the room. Devil is the first, and I am the last, usually he is last... what the hell is going on with him. Casey thought as she began to walk out of the classroom. "Casey." Steins voice haulted Casey's steps, and she turned, one eye brow raised and the other burrowed in confusion, "Yes, Professor Stein?" "Come here." He answered immediately. Obeying, she steped up the few stairs and stood in front of him. "I'm assigning you and Devil a mission, its classified so don't tell anyone about it." Casey blinked in shock, then narrowed her eyes and nodded sharply, understanding. Her serious tone and air returned to her, and she was happy for that. "There is a demon who is nearing its strength to becoming a Keeshin, I need you and Devil to team up with Star and Claw to defeat it before it gets out of hand, do you accept?" Casey froze, her eyes turning to blazing shards of ice as her eyes gleamed with frustration, but she nodded. She turned, understanding her assignment. As she left, only one thought was soaring through her mind, I hate teaming up.

"What!" Devil yowled with frustration as Casey told him the news. He has been sprawled out lazily on the couch, watching his favorite show when Casey had walked in. The moment she did she was careless and told him the news. No one, and I mean NO ONE interupts Devil and his show. So giving him terrible news AND interupting him, Casey had asked for a death sentence. Casey watched as Devil's head began to turn a red, then it slowly turned into a deeper, darker purple look. Casey sighed and glared at the ceiling as she laid back on the couch seat, "I know. I hate it. But that Keeshin soul is worth A LOT. So, in the end, I'll be worth it-" "Worth it!" Devil screamed as he stood abruptly, and Casey knew she was in for hearing a long, ground-shaking rant. "First things first, Star and Claw are new here, how the hell are we going to defeat the demon AND make sure it doesn't kill them! I'm sorry, but I'm not up for the responcibility. Second, I am missing my damn show because of this and I am ready to make the world explode! Which, if you didn't know this, I can!" He yelled, punching a wall and sending a huge chunk of it through the ceiling. "Devil!" Casey stood and yelled angrily. Devil turned and randomly let out a long, angrily yowl. Casey grabbed her hair and tightened her eyes shut, yowling as well. They were a perfect team. They let their anger out on eachother without anything physical. Most people think they are either a couple or retalted, but they were neither, they were just best friends. So now, yowling their heads off, they joined their anger together and let it all out on eachother, ranting and yelling all their problems into the air. "I can't believe this! Stein expects so much of me, when sometimes I want to relax!" Casey yelled angrily and waved her hands in the air. "I just wanted to watch my damn show, eat a peice of pizza, and pass out!" Devil yelled as he ranted. "Is that so much to ask! All I want is a little peace, to just be left alone for like... five minutes! But NO!" Casey yelled, still on her own topic, not listening to Devil, as Devil wasn't listening to her, "Look! I already missed the last twenty minutes, I missed an entire episode," Casey and Devil both ended their rantings in the same words: "thanks to those little newbie twirps!" They were faced back to back, when they both smirked cleverly. In unison, they both turned and faced the other, their eyes gleaming. "Let's get them." They both said. Casey held out her hand and Devil grasped it. He twisted and turned into a sword, the blade blade sparking as Casey left their door and stormed down the halls. 

 "Hey! Where did they go!" Casey yelled angrily, her eyes on fire with rage. She had been chasing Star and Claw for an hour now. She had no idea that Star and Claw were both boys, twins, and were both masters at trickery. Sighing, Casey's head finally cooled down. "Alright, alright! You two win, can we talk now?" She tried to reason with them, tired of chasing them. "Hell no, those assholes are going to get what they deserve, I missed three episodes now! I'll klill them!" Devil yowled angrily, his eyes blazing from the reflection of the blade. Casey rolled her eyes and tossed Devil behind her. She heard him morph, then he yowled and charged past her, the wind of his speed sending her hair in a dancing frenzy. "Hey!" She yowled as her skirt when up from the wind he was causing from running. Devil turned and widened his eyes, slipping on the ground and fall flat on his face, his eyes all white and his nose bleeding. He stared up at her, stars twirling around his head, "Sorry..." He mumbled. Casey rolled her eyes and kicked him to his feet, hard. He growled and stood, rolling his eyes, "So, what are we going to do about those two?" He nodded towards Star and Claw as they turned a corner, clever smirks on their faces as they walked towards Casey and Devil. She examined them quietly, Star had pale blue hair, green eyes, a star tattoo, baggy black shorts, a tight black top with white designs, and bulky black and white combat boots. Claw, on the other hand, had dark purple hair, blue eyes, his left arm a long scythe blade, white baggy pants, a white top with black designs, and bulky white and black combat boots. Casey sighed, these two looked like they were be a hand full. They were both Fifteen, and Casey rolled her eyes as Claw's arm turned from the blade to a purple blob, then to his normal arm. "What's up?" Star's raspy, ignorant sounding voice broke the awkward silence. Casey sighed and answer, "You two are coming with us to defeat a demon close to becoming a Keeshin, Professor Stein says its classified, so we cannot say anything about it to anyone besides eachother." She spoke sharply, and Devil finished it off with cold, piercing words, "So keep your big mouths shut." Casey smirked, feeling a sad rush of joy as Star's face flashed with hurt. Claw just rolled his eyes, obviously not caring. She could tell that he was going to fit in just fine with herself and Devil, but not --she turned her gaze to Star, who was now posing and admiring his muscles-- not him. 

Chapter 3


This is a nightmare. Casey moped as she walked through the streets of Death City. Her dull and annoyed gaze swept yet again back to Star. He was going crazy about himself, admiring his muscles and showing off a few moves, but remarkably Claw didn't seem to mind, or hardly notice for that matter. He just transformed when Star ordered and kept his mouth shut. Casey rolled her eyes, I don't see how anyone could deal with him like Claw does. The entire time Casey threw herself into her thoughts, Star was babbling on and on about himself, and Casey could tell by the way Devil's eye was twitching as he glared at Star that he was no more happy then she was. "How long do we have to keep him around?" Casey muttered into Devil's ear aggitatedly. "I don't know, but I want him dead. Maybe we should kill him and tell Lord Death the demon did it." Casey smirked, "It wouldn't work, but it would be worth it." Devil scoffed and kicked the stone road with his foot, sending a small stone flying. Casey gazed at it boredly, but she jumed and squeaked in alarm as she felt someone kick the back of her knee. She stumbled and let out another girly, alarmed squeak that she never thought she could make. By the sound of Star's heartful laughing, Casey knew the stupid moron had kicked her, oh well. Time for him to learn his lesson. Turning, she yowled and slamed her first hard onto the side of his arrogant, smirk stained face. He gasped, blood flying from his nose as he was thrown backwards from the force of the blow. Casey smirked and brushed her hands on eachother, a triumphant gleam in her eyes. "What the hell!" Star stood and shook his arms in the air angrily as he fumed, his entire head red with rage, "You're a girl! Girls can't hit me! Girls can't even stand punching me, they break their fingers all the time because their body can't take my level of epicness!" He screamed as he pointed at her, "You gotta be some pathetic witch!" He yelled. Casey narrowed her eyes, trying to look serious instead of breaking out into laughter. If Star's head got any redder, she wouldn't be surprised if steam exploded from his ears and nose. Casey scoffed, "I wasn't even trying, now if you so much as touch me again I'll actually punch you." She scowled and turned, walking once again. "Hell no! No one defeats me! I'm undefeatable!" Star jumped into the air, she could hear the wind swirling wildly from the force of his leap, but he was silent. Casey smirked and Devil caught the hint. He transformed within milisecods and Casey turned sharply, her sword in her hands as she deflected Star's silent attack from behind her. Her skirt went wild in the wind of her turn, but she kept her eyes narrowed and focused, meeting Star's glare head-on. "Back off!" She yelled and shoved him backwards with her blade. He flipped in the air and landed on his feet, his eyes blazing. Just then Claw morphed back into human form, a smirk on his face, "We'll finish that later then, because our guest has arrived." He nodded towards the sounds of something moving not to far behind her. She turned, and there it was, the demon-keeshin. 

"Well, let's get this party started!" Star's arrogant voice rang through the alley, and the shrill sound echoed off the walls, alarming their target. "You idiot!" Casey snapped at him as she turned and charged at the creature. She lifted her sword and yowled angrily, "Die!" Slicing her sword dowards and horizontally, she felt blood splatter across her face. She smirked and landed, turning to the demon, ready to admire the dead corpse. "Casey!" Claw's voice sent her eyes flickering open, and she hardly had enough time to dodge the demons hands as it sliced at her. Narrowing her eyes, she studied the creature as she crouched on a wall, gazing at her objective. It was muscular and powerful, and nearing its assendance to become a full-blooded Keeshin, a creature taken over by madness and has a craving for human souls, which feed the demons to make them Keeshins as well. Just as she began to think her game plan, Star's figure appeared from the corner of her eye. Claw had transformed into a huge, black scythe with a white blade, black stars marking the stick the blade rested on. It was a gorgeous weapon, she had to admit. They must have great power when in soul resonance. She blinked in surprise as Star's face turned from arrogant to serious, his eyes narrowing to consentration. He let out a yowl as he charged at the demon, his scythe ready to slice as he yelled, "I am a Meister at Death Weapon and Meister Academy! It is my duty to defeat the evil, tainted human souls that are on their journey to become a Keeshin, a whole 99 of them! I also plan on letting Claw devour a good and meaty witch soul, and then I will have created the most powerful Death Scythe for Lord Death himself to use! I will not fail, and you will not stop me!" He screamed as he slashed his scythe down, slicing the powerful creature clean in two. Casey's eyes widened with shock, her eyebrows raising far above their normal arch position, No way... 

Chapter 4


"Good, Lord Death will be happy with your progress." Dr. Stein praised flatly, his eyes dull as ever, he definatly didn't look like he was having a good day. Knowing he obviously didn't want to be bothered, she bowed her head respectfully and began to back out. "Hang on, what's our reward!" Star yelled as he pointed his thumb over-dramatically on his chest, a chocky smile on his face as he praised himself, his raspy and arrogant voice rang throughout the room as he boomed, "I was amazing! I split that dumb old guy in half, now give me something that I can use!" Professor Stein sighed and pointed to the door, "Get the hell out." Star slumped down, his arms hanging limply and his head low as Claw sighed and dragged his stubborn ass out of the room. Casey glared the entire time, Star was someone she knew she wasn't going to get along with. Devil grumbled under his breath and she gasped as he dragged her into the hallway. He slammed her gently but upsetly against the wall as he rampaged, "Did you hear what Lord Death told me? He said that Star's and Claw's room is under construction because Star punched a huge hole in the wall, and now they have to bunk with us from now on! All because they can't trust Star not to break anything without supervision! I don't want to be his damn babysitter! How the hell am I going to watch my shows with his lazy ass sprawled on the couch, stuffing his face with my chips!" He yelled angrily, his head a rocket ready to lift off as he paced back and forth. Casey stared in shock, what? We have to share our dorm with him. What have to live with him!?! 

(I'm going to write more later, need to work lol)


Texte: Backstory is based off of the pupolar anime series 'Soul Eater' other than that, all rights are reserved
Bildmaterialien: Google Images
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 08.03.2013

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