
Chapter 1

This book is dedicated to all my great friends, my most supportive family, my encouraging teacher Ms. Moss, and all the unicorns injured in the making of this book.

“Where am I?” Myra muttered to herself. Myra’s footsteps were silent against the dead leaves as they scattered across the forest floor. With her hands softly brushing against the tree’s bark and the tall grasses, Myra made her way towards an unknown destination. Every movement she made was completely controlled and calm, as if flying gracefully through the air. Closing her dark golden eyes, the forest around her slowly turned to darkness. Opening her eyes once again, Myra sat up straight, clenching the blankets she had been sleeping in tightly in her hands. Myra closed her eyes, trying to calm down while her heart beat as loud as ever. Breathing slowly she returned to normal. Opening her eyes slowly she thought about her dream. With a confused sigh she breathed out words to herself, “It was a good, calm dream… why am I so tense?” Shaking her head knowing she cannot answer this question, she slipped out of bed. Her feet pressed against the cold, wooden floor as she made her way to her closet. Slipping on her favorite outfit, she walked out of her room. Pressing her hand over her mouth as she let out a wide yawn, Myra walked into the living room. With a blink she looked around the large room, one of the largest rooms in her family’s creepy mansion. As she admired the dark brown wood that was centuries old her two little siblings, Jessie and Rose, ran out into the room. Myra looked back at them and screeched with annoyance, “Mom, Jessie and Rose got out of the tub!” pausing for a moment she waited for a reply, when none sounded she sighed, “Get off your phone!” the two toddlers were both running in circles, soaking wet and in their bathing suits. The sound of their mothers call echoed through their home sounding from the bathroom, “Jessie! Rose! Get back in the bath!” Jessie and Rose giggled and laughed wildly, “But mom!” They both cried in unison. Myra stood as her older brother, John, walked quickly into the room to retrieve them both, his eyes were cold and he was as silent as stones. Myra walked and grabbed Rose while John held Jessie. Together they brought the two squirming kids back into the tub. Their mother, Rosita, smiled at her two older children with relief and nodded to them to leave the room, “Thanks you two, oh what would I do without you?” With a smile, Myra exited and walked towards the kitchen, not looking at her brother. John sighed, “I am sorry, alright?” Myra swirled around; her dark brown hair flew from the force of the turn. Her smile instantly faded, and cold rage filled Myra’s eyes and she yelled madly, “’Sorry’ can’t reverse what has been done! You killed him John, You killed Cooper! You’re nothing more than an insane lunatic!” Feeling as if her grief and anger consumed her, she dashed full force at her brother. Smashing into him she shoved him backwards, John hit the floor with a loud slam. Letting out a yowl of pain, John scrambled to his feet panting, His eyes blazed with pain but he knew he deserved it. Myra’s hands shook with rage and hatred. Her eyes were cold and merciless looking; she stepped towards her brother seeming ready to rip his throat out. Their mother screeched while storming into the room, “What is all this racket- Myra! What have you done, your brother is bleeding!” Just then Myra noticed a long gash on the side of her brother’s check, it reached from his chin all the way to the roots of his hair. All the rage and hate vanished and she practically jumped to her brother’s side. Gult replaced all her feels and her heart tightened concern and she whispered, “I’m so sorry…” Helping him to his feet, Myra felt the lean and hard muscles under his skin. With a terrified blink, she wondered how she was able to topple him over like that. “You got blood all over the dining table.” Myra tried to joke. “Yea, well, you caused it not me.” She could tell he was trying to cover the pain in his voice with humor. Their mother ran to John’s other side and together they helped him into the kitchen. Rosita glared at her daughter and snapped, “Go get Jessie and Rose out of the tub and dressed Myra, you have already done enough here already.” With a hurt glance at her mother’s rage filled eyes, Myra backed away and led Jessie and Rose out of the bath. “Come on lets get you two dressed in some nice, warm clothes alright?” “Okay Myra!” Rose spoke first happily while Jessie looked up at Myra, his big gold eyes beaming, “Why is Mommy mad?” “Because you’re big sis here did something not nice.” She replied to him slowly and cautiously. “Why did you do something not nice, Myra?” Sighing she kneeled down in front of him and spoke gently, “Because Johnny made Myrie mad.” “Why did he make you mad?” Smiling, she rubbed his head, thick with his blond hair, “Why do you ask so many questions?” “Why not?” Jessie replied to her with the simplest yet confusing answer. It didn’t take long before Rose got jealous of Jessie getting attention, and she pushed her way through Myra and Jessie, “I want my nice warm clothes now!” Smiling Myra nodded to her bossy and outgoing little sister.
Slipping their arms through their clothes, she was able to get her little sibling’s dressed right when mother finished tending John. Turning around to her mother’s call, Myra walked into the kitchen. With a frown she stared at the bloody gauges wrapped around Johns arm. A tear rolled down her cheek as she looked at it, knowing it was her fault. As what had happened seemed to blow over, Rosita began to cook in the kitchen. Myra stepped forward sniffing the delicious smelling air, closing her eyes she thought, hamburgers with bacon and even… even some cheese and potatoes! Myra opened her eyes once again, they were filled with confusion. She thought to herself, how could I detect every little detail in what Rosita is making? Myra blinked away the confusion as her brother stepped into the room looking straight at her. Myra returned his gaze and spoke softly, “I really am sorry for what I did.” With a joking smile her brother replied, “Sorrys don’t reverse what has been done.” With a small smile she listened to how he quoted her. She knew every time she got angry at him, they would joke about it later. Leaping to her feet, Myra stepped forward and hugged her brother, wrapping her arms around his neck and burying her face into his chest. While she did John warped his arms around his sister and pushed his face in between her shoulder and neck. Myra began to cry, tears once again slipping down her cheeks and falling to her feet. John gently grabbed Myra’s shoulders and placed her once again in front of him, “I am sorry too, I know it doesn’t change anything but it has to be worth something.” Myra muttered through her tears, “Its okay, cooper was an asshole anyway.” Myra stuffed her face once again against her brother, crying until she couldn’t breathe, and he cried with her. Finally, for what seemed like moments, she backed away from her big brother and gave him a sad smile, “Thanks.” John smiled and rubbed her head as if she was a dog, “It’s alright.” With a smile Myra walked back into her room, lying down on her bed. After a few moments she stood, rising to her feet exhaustedly. Wiping away her tears, she cleaned off her sheets and changed her pillows. Tossing them to the floor carelessly she replaced them; falling onto her bed Myra closed her eyes and drifted off into the darkness of sleep.
Opening her eyes, Myra got out of her bed and walked out into the living room. Looking around, she glanced at the clock just above the humming oven; 6:30. With a growl of frustration, Myra turned on her heels and walked to the couch. Practically throwing herself on the ugly yellow thing, she tried to get comfortable. She wrapped her fingers around the remote and pressed the button turning on the large flat screen. All of a sudden her phone began to vibrate. Looking down she grabbed it and pressed it against her ear and whispered, “Hello?” She heard the most wonderful voice she had ever heard for the past few weeks, “Hey Myra! Its Ash, can you talk?” Scrambling to her feet and off the couch, Myra ran outside onto the patio of the third floor of her house. Basically panting she calmed her voice and spoke a little to coolly, “Why yes, yes of course.” Ash laughed with that adorable laugh that made her smile, even at her saddest moments. He spoke, “Hey I know it’s early, but I have something to tell you…” Myra’s eyes flashed with concern and she spoke, her voice trembling slightly, “Sure baby, what’s on your mind.” Before he spoke the same thing went through her mind, he can’t keep this distant relationship up… he is going to end it… he is going to end it… he is going to end it! Suddenly Ash spoke his voice tinted with excitement, “I just moved to London, you know that a good thing because that where you live now.” With a scream Myra eyes lit up, her heart instantly began to pound in her ears and joyful tears streamed down her cheeks, “You’re kidding me, you’re messing with me!” Ash laughed, “Nope.” Laughing with joy Myra cried, “I love you! Oh my god!” She jumped in a bewildered circle and ran inside. Bounding down the three long stairways, She bolted out the front door climbing down the wooden stairs leading to the sidewalk. She spoke panting in the phone, “What’s your new address?” “You don’t need to know because I see you.” Dropping her phone Myra looked around eyes wide. Her eyes lay on a boy, for the first time ever in person. His short, blonde, skater hair partly covered his beautiful golden eyes. He had his hands in his jacket pockets; the mist that always hung around her house surrounded his shoes. His dark blue jeans blended in with the early morning dimness, and his pale skin made him look as if he wasn’t there at all. Running forward, she reached out her arms eyes gleaming with joy. Ash walked forward quickly tears streaming down his face as well, and together they embraced each other. Myra wrapped her arms around his neck and lifted her feet in the air; she hung off him as he wrapped his arms around her waist. Myra lifted her head and pressed her lips against his for the first time, and never for the last. After what seemed like only a few moments, Ash lowered her down and smiled, “You’re even more beautiful in person…” Myra laughed, “I can say the same for you, webcam was great to but- oh whatever!” She leaped and kissed him again, he seemed so strangely irresistible. Myra smiled as she released him and spoke shakily, “I can’t believe its you… the real you.” She brushed her hand across his perfect cheek. Ash smiled and grabbed her hand gently and held it in his own, “I convinced my mom- whoa.” He stopped short when he took his first look at her house. “Are you rich or something?” Myra laughed and held his hand tightly, “Well… okay yes but that doesn’t change anything, right?” Ash laughed, “No amount of money could take you from me.” Myras cheeks turned a bright pink as she blushed. Ash laughed, “You’re so cute when you’re embarrassed.” Laughing Ash grabbed her pants and yanked them down laughing until he was crying. Myra stood in shock, what an asshole! How could she ever love such as arrogant piece of shit! Suddenly she screamed, she always did. Myra’s eyes flashed open, instantly she began to cry with misery and pain. Thoughts flashed through her head, I am never going to see him will I? Why not? Oh yea, because I can’t! Pressing her hands over her face as tears streamed down, she struggled to calm herself. Sudden rage filled her heart, why do my dreams torture me like this…? Why do I have to suffer with crying every morning or screaming? I hate it! She stood up and stomped over to her dresser. Opening one, she grabbed a small red box and carried it to her bed. Sitting down she opened it and grabbed the razor she kept hidden from herself for this long. Pressing it against her wrist she slowly pressed down, Time to end this endless torture once and for all. She closed her eyes as pain consumed her, seeming to control her every move and thought. All the problems in her life flashed before her eyes, visions of everything she has gone wrong, and all of them seeming to show it as her fault. When she opened the fridge and all of the food suddenly fell out, breaking the eggs and making the milk spill, the dogs got out when she opened the gate to let her and her family through the back, and they got hit by an oncoming car. Slowly she pressed it down and guided it upwards. Us leaving father all because I looked around the corner. Bringing cooper into the house for us to make love for the first time… and John seeing him thinking he was a burglar. The two girls that bullied me throughout my entire school life, me killing them. She opened her eyes as a reflex from the pain from going much deeper then she had thought she was going to. She looked down as dark red blood slowly slid down her hand, over her fingers, and onto her blanket. Tears rolled down her cheeks, pale with fear and pain. After watching this for what seemed like forever she made three quick slices over both her wrists. She lay down and cried blood soaking her shirt and pants. She cried until her brother walked into the room to see what was going on, he yelled with alarm and grabbed her, holding her tightly and rushing her to the first aid kit in the bathroom. Her vision darkened and her eyes rolled back, as her body tingled with a numb feeling, Myra went limp.
Opening her eyes, she saw her family’s private doctor, Doctor Hamilton, standing over her talking to her mother. Grunting with exhaustion and a headache, Myra propped herself up on her elbows and looked at her mother and Doctor, they both looked at her and her mother began to cry. Doctor Hamilton crouched on one knee and rested a gentle hand on Myra’s arm, “We nearly lost you Myra, and you need to be careful with what you do to yourself.” He glanced at the bloody razor still on her bed where she had left it. He spoke again in a more firm tone, “I am going to ask you some questions tomorrow, today I will let you rest.” He stood and looked at Myra’s mother, “I will take the guest room closest to Myra’s, please direct me to the room I have suggested.” Her mother nodded, still sobbing, and lead Doctor Hamilton out of the room. Myra lay back down with a sigh and looked at the bloody gauze wrapped around her wrists. She lifted her head seeing they had left the razor and she thought, stupid fools. She outreached a hand to grasp it when a hand grabbed hers, stopping her. She looked up to see Ash. Her eyes widened and she whispered, “This better not be another dream…” Ash frowned and crouched looking into her golden eyes with his own, “This isn’t a dream, I forced my mother to fly me in once John called me and told me what happened.” A tear slid down his cheek and he whispered in pure pain, “Why would you try to leave me… this is the first time I get to see you in person and your half dead.” Crying, she lifted herself and hugged him, crying into his jacket shoulder. She cried until she felt dehydrated from so many tears spilt. Finally, Ash stood up and sighed heavily, his eyes burning with sadness. Before he walked out of the room to let her rest, he pressed a kiss on her forehead. With her eyes shut, Myra listened as his footstep as he retreated from her room. Opening her eyes once again, she stood up, but instantly fell back onto her bed. She was weak still, but she wanted nothing more than to feel Ash near her again. She cried into her pillow until she fell asleep. Opening her eyes yet again, she saw the moon was high in the air, she did not dream for once. Or at least, she couldn’t remember. Standing, she felt strong again. Walking through the halls, Myra slipped into another guest room and saw Ash asleep. She smiled and ran forward and threw herself on the bed. Ash opened his eyes and smiled. Myra cuddled under his arm as Ash wrapped his arm around the back of her neck. Together they cuddled until dawn. Myra looked up at Ash and whispered to him, “Are you going to stay here forever?” He looked down and smiled, “I hope so, I am going to try and move my mom and brother down here.” Smiling, Myra nodded her head up and down showing her approval of his idea. Myra sat sharply up straight when she smelt the delicious scents of bacon and eggs. Laughing, she tickled Ash and climbed out of his bed, running out into the kitchen. She sat and watched as her mother carried the large plate of food and placed it down for everyone to eat. Myra glanced at Ash and patted a set next to her. He grabbed a plate and set next to Myra as they ate. Once they finished Myra smiled and said quickly, “Ash lets go for a walk.” Ash nodded and stood up and spoke respectfully, “Thanks for the food Ms. Garson.” Myra smiled at her mother and stood, she turned around to follow Ash outside when she saw her brother standing quietly in the hallway. He was glaring at her, she knew why. Myra walked towards him to speak, but he ignored her and walked past her into the kitchen to eat. Myra sighed then turned and ran after Ash, knowing he would get lost in her huge home.
They walked down the pavement, holding hands while a light rain fell. Ash smiled and turned her in a circle as if dancing, it all seemed like a dream. Myra closed her eyes and tried holding this moment forever. She shivered from the rain which made her open her eyes, the dream-like time was over and she was soaked to the bone. Ash smiled and whispered, “I always wanted to do this.” He took off his jacket and wrapped it around her shoulders. Smiling like a total idiot, Myra put her arms through the sleeves and hugged the jacket, holding it close to her. She breathed in the warm, sweet scent Ash left on his jacket, he smelt light peppermint. Closing her eyes once again, she embraced this moment as well, as she did Ash grabbed her hand and gently pulled her close to him, keeping her eyes closed she felt his lips press against hers, truly for the first time. Once it was over Myra opened her eyes and smiled brightly, she tried to talk but she was speechless. Ash laughed lightly and held her hand still; together they walked back to her house. Myra was amazed when she saw they spent the entire day outside together, the clock showed 7:18 pm. Smiling, she turned and looked at Ash. Her eyes clouded with confusion, he wasn’t there. She spoke quiet but with a faint laugh, “Ash?” Suddenly she felt a tap on her shoulder and she screamed, jumping forward and turning around on her heels, she stared at her surpriser. It was Ash, his eyes gleaming with triumph. She laughed and punched his chest, “Don’t do that!” He did nothing but laugh, of course. She smiled and could do nothing but laugh too, he was a big joker and she didn’t want that to change. After their bout of laughter Ash grabbed her hand and pulled her along. They left the house again and he led her down the street. She laughed and asked, “Where are you taking me?” Ash spoke with a glance back at her, “It’s a surprise.” Letting go of his hand she faced him, “What is it?” Ash looked at her, “You trust me, don’t you?” Myra smiled and sighed, “I do.” Ash smiled and grabbed her hand once again, leading her forward. They walked down the thicker vegetation of the forest, her mind wandered off, as usual. She thought about her home back in America. She missed her friends, her family, and her dog. Back home she had left everyone, her great uncle had passed away, leaving her mother with his old-style mansion and fortune. Myra was brought back to life as Ash suddenly stopped pulling. She stood beside him, looking at a one story cabin. He looked at her and smiled, “We just moved in.” Myra gasped and hugged him smiling like a complete idiot once again. Ash let her go and said, “I know it must be weird, to be dating a poor guy, but it’s not like we can’t-““What? Money doesn’t matter to me.” Myra spoke firmly cutting him off. “I hate money. Everyone judges every person by how rich or poor they are. It’s just a waste of time!” Myra turned and climbed up into a short oak tree. Ash sighed and followed her, “I wasn’t saying that, I just want you to know that it doesn’t matter to me. I don’t care either; let’s forget I brought it up.” His eyes looked worried, as if he gave something away. “Is money all you care about?” Ash replied quicker then she liked, “No” His eyes were cold and determined looking, as if he was keeping something from her. Narrowing her eyes for a moment she thought, what’s he hiding from me…? I guess it doesn’t matter. Shrugging Myra slowly spoke, leaning on the branch she was lying on. “Well then lets change the subject, are we officially together?” His confused look made her explain deeper, “Like… girlfriend and boyfriend. I know we are something, but when we were distance it seemed- well, you know… different.” He smiled, “Of course we are together like that.” He grabbed her hands sweetly and spoke quietly, “Forever and always.” Myra looked at him and smiled wildly, “I should be heading home… its getting dark.” With a glance to the sky the first couple stars began to shine. She leapt off the branch she was sitting on and landed with a silent thump. She looked back at Ash and smiled, he looked beautiful in the tree. Standing on her tippy-toes, she lifted her head as far as she could and kissed his lips softly, “See you tomorrow,” Ash whispered, his eyes closed. With a smile and waving, she started to run off. The moon was rising; she knew her mother would be upset.
By the time she made it back she was panting, covered in sweat, and exhausted. She closed the door behind her and took off Ash’s jacket. Suddenly she heard a screech of relief and she looked up sharply, her mother was running at her with tears streaming down her face. Her mother nearly tackled her down with a huge hug, she cried, “Honey what happened? Did you get hurt?” Myra looked at her mother as if she was crazy, “I was just walking with Ash and I saw it was getting late and left.” See looked around the room and saw her entire family sitting in the living room, tears soaking their faces. Looking at each of them, she looked back at her mother, “What’s going on?” Her mother’s eyes flashed with grief and she said quietly, “Sit down and I will tell you.” Myra cautiously sat on the couch and looked at her mother expectantly. She sat and grasped her arm gently, “Honey, Ash has been shot and they can’t find his body, but there was blood and everyone heard gunshots.”

Chatper 2

Myra’s heart went cold. She didn’t believe a word of it, Ash… dead? Her eyes narrowed at her mother with cold confusion tinted with sorrow, “I was just with him, so whoever was shot it wasn’t Ash.” She watched tears roll down her mothers cheeks, “You must have left before the shooter arrived-“She didn’t get much of a finish before Myra stood sharply and knocked the coffee table over with a scream, “I told you I was just with him! Stop torturing me!” Her mother stood and grabbed Myra’s arms more firmly now, trying to calm her daughter down. “Honey please calm down, I know this is hard for you to accept, but you have to. Ash is gone, he is dead and he isn’t coming back!” Myra turned sharply and slammed her fist on the side of her mother’s face. Blood flew from the force and her mother fell back on the couch. John stood and grabbed Myra’s arms, twisting them behind her back. He pushed her onto a chair on the opposite side of the couch and pinned her there. She screamed struggling, kicking furiously tears streaming down her face. It seemed like hours, the misery. I can’t believe it, I just can’t! It wasn’t true, was it? She had to see for herself, just once. A drop of blood, any kind of proof to show her that her one and only love was really dead. She knew deep down he was gone, but she didn’t want to accept it. Myra fought to get out of her brothers arms still, kicking and screaming, mostly crying with the pain of loss until she fell asleep from exhaustion.
By the time she woke up the sun was so high it didn’t shine through her window. Myra sat up; she was in her bedroom, but not on her bed. John must have put her on the ground as a punishment or something, because she hurt all over. Suddenly it hit her; she remembered everything that had happened. She closed her mind and reminded herself, Ash is dead, I punched my mom, John hates me, and I am all alone. For the oddest reason, she enjoyed putting herself in this misery. Misery seemed like her best friend now, the only thing that has been there all her life. That one feeling that has never left her, stuck beside her, forcing bad feeling onto her, and she did nothing but welcome it. The cold feeling of dread soared through her veins, it seemed to refresh her. Myra stood to her feet; she knew she needed to apologize to her mother. She walked into her mother’s bedroom but quickly froze in horror; she saw a gigantic black and red bruise on the entire side of her mother’s face. Myra broke down; falling to her knees and putting her hands over her face, crying. John walked in and Myra lifted her head, looking up at her brother the grief and guilt deep inside, ripping her heart to shreds felt unbearable. John’s eyes softened at his sister and he kneeled down beside her and wrapped his arms around her. Hugging her he made Myra rise to her feet once again. Slowly he guided her towards their sleeping mother; a dark feeling of cold anguish chilled her insides. Her pale skin seemed to get even paler; to the point she was whiter than a piece of paper. Now standing over her mother, Myra placed a caring hand on her mother’s shoulder. A tear rolled down her cheek as he mother opened her eyes and smiled exhaustedly at her daughter, the pain in her eyes burned brighter than the sun, but they were also filled with forgiveness.
Days passed by and Myra couldn’t shake the feeling of sadness off of her mind, Ash had been the one thing that kept her sane and now… now she felt so alone, or maybe she was just going crazy. Her mother healed fast, but she knew nothing would be the same between them. She watched the hours go by like minutes; all she did was stare at the clock and wait for the world to end. She didn’t focus on her studies; her teacher excused her temporarily once the news was out. Most kids would hate homeschooling, because of the lack of friends. Myra on the other hand enjoyed the solitary, that feeling of only her being taught made her feel important. Sighing, Myra stood up and walked out on the third floors balcony. She gazed over the town just outside of London’s main city. Getting bored fast she turned and walked back inside. The fireplace was burning now, she glanced at the clock. Only five minutes had passed, so it was still early. Walking down the old creaky stairs, Myra made her way down to the first floor. A large portrait of her great uncle Sam hung above yet another burning fireplace. His eyes always gave her chills as she walked past, she thought to herself; I swear that thing is staring at me… Ignoring it she opened the large wooden from door and walked out into the chilly evening air. Closing and locking the door behind her, she made her way down the stairs and landed in the grass. Myra closed her eyes and breathed slowly, enjoying the fresh air. Letting go of all her feeling she walked down the pavement, tucking her hands in her jacket pockets. While rummaging through her pockets while walking, she felt her Mp3 player. She stopped and whispered, “There you are…” Turning it on she plugged in her headphones and let herself go, seeming to become one with her music. Closing her eyes she listened to every beat, every little sound effect in the background and tone in the singers voice. Without even knowing it she jumped forward and air guitarted a solo. Laughing to herself she continued it until the singer became to sing again. She stopped as she saw some people casting her weird looks as they drove by. Dirt floated into the air as the cars dashed past. She turned off her music and gazed as the dust slowly fell back to the earth. Quickly she rushed across and skidded down the other side, which was a large meadow. Running, she dashed through the tall grasses and into the trees. She forest was thick, but she just ran. She ran from her life, from her family, from her dead boyfriend, from her own pain, from the creepy picture of her uncle, from everything. She wanted to be alone, nothing more. As she ran everything around her was a blurry mess, she didn’t realize how fast she was running until she tripped over a small fallen tree. She fell down in the dirt, cuts formed around her arms and legs and a gash on her cheek heavily bleed down her face, dripping from her jaw bone. Her mouth was filled with soil and her shirt and jeans were stained with the colors of the forest floor, she didn’t mind though. It only took her a few moments before she stood up again. Looking around she walked forward, wandering once again.
Myra’s footsteps were silent against the dead leaves as they scattered across the forest floor. With her hands softly brushing against the tree’s bark and the tall grasses, Myra made her way towards an unknown destination. Every movement she made was completely controlled and calm, as if flying gracefully through the air. Closing her dark golden eyes, the forest around her slowly turned to darkness. Quickly she stopped, this was her dream. A vision flashed before her eyes, this exact moment. It was all planned. All of this was supposed to happen. Her weird dream and Ashes death, all of it. Now frustrating confusion clouded her judgment and she ran farther into the trees. Leaping over small streams and larger rocks, she ran until she couldn’t breathe. Her lungs screamed at her, all her thoughts and memories flashes through her head. Everything that has happened, everything is just so over whelming! Myra eyes rolled back into her skull and she collapsed onto the forest floor. Everything went dark within moments, and her mind went blank.

Chapter 3

Opening her eyes, Myra lifted her head and looked around. At first the forest scene confused her, making her panic. Stumbling to her feet, she flattened herself against a tree and stared around. Slowly everything that had happened came back to her, and she relaxed. Stepping off the trees roots, she began to follow her footsteps back to the road she had dashed across. It took her a hour a two, but she eventually made it back to the house. She opened the door and closed it behind her. With a glance at the clock she sighed with relief, it was still early. Walking forward she tried to ignore the creepy painting of her uncle, but she couldn’t help but glance at it. The paintings eyes burned into hers. With a shiver down her spine she turned and began to climb the stairs, feeling the paints eyes burn into her back as she exited the room. Walking onto the second floor she looked around, she could hear John and her Mother talking. She knocked on the open door, and spoke, “What’s going on?” Walking forward her mother took a step towards her and gently held her arms as if trying to hold her back, “You don’t need to know Myra, it really isn’t important.” With a cautious glance at John she continued, “I think it would be best if we all left the room now.” Myra felt like screaming, you never told her anything! Her mother and John seemed to keep so many secrets from her, she couldn’t stand that annoyed feeling of rage she got. Suddenly a loud knocking at the door rang through the house, and mother sighed and rushed out of the room, Myra thought she saw a tear slide down her face. She looked at John, “What’s going on John?” When he hesitated to answer her eyes gleamed with frustration and she struggled to keep her voice calm, “John, please tell me what’s happening.” John sighed and looked her right in the eyes, “Dad is coming to visit.” Myra felt her heart go cold, her skin turned even paler then it already was. John spoke concernedly, “You okay? You’re looking a little pale…” Her legs felt so weak they couldn’t hold her any longer; slowly she sat down on the floor, her eyes staring blankly ahead with disbelief. The knocking sounded again, she heard her move wail with agitation, “Just wait a minute!” Myra could hear her fixing things around, cleaning up some of the trash the kids threw around. John held out a hand and Myra lifted her hand and grabbed his, John pulled her to her feet. Staggering slightly, she was able to stand up straight, but not without being light headed. Grunting, she ran her fingers through her hair, feeling to see if she had a knife through her head or something. The light headed feeling turned into a headache once she heard the door slowly open. Fear and anger flashed through her eyes and she turned around, rolling on her heels like she always did. Her pace was quick as she walked out of the study and rushed towards the stairs, each step bringing her closer and closer to her father.
It was night-fall now, the family was sitting by the fireplace. The glow of the fire gleamed dimly around the room, giving just enough light to see who was around her. Mother was sitting next to Ryan, or dad, that’s what he wanted us to call him now. John was sitting next to mother and beside him was me. An hour ago we put Jessie and Rose to bed, so now it was just us four. Her father spoke, “I know I have been a bad father, and husband, to you all in the past-“ Without thinking she snapped, “ If you’re asking us to forget then no, what has happened will never be forgotten.” Pain filled her father’s eyes and he spoke cautiously, “I know, I am not asking you to forget, I want forgiveness.” Her heart filled with guilt, she wasn’t giving him a chance. John looked at their mother, who was in tears. She spoke first, “I forgive you, I know you were messed up but this family need’s you, I and John can’t support all five of us on our own.” John nodded and Myra’s eyes flashed with frustration again, I could help! They never ask me! Ryan sighed, “I want to support you, I want to be part of this family. I will never do anything I had done, ever. The past will not be repeated.” He looked directly at Myra and John now, “But only if you two allow me.” Myra looked from Ryan to John, she could see the pain in her brother’s eyes “I forgive you.” Ryan smiled as John spoke. Dread filled Myra’s heart as her father turned his gaze from John to her, “Myra?” She couldn’t speak, no words could escape her. She looked at her father, she knew she had to forgive him. So she said what she knew she had to, “I forgive you too, dad.” As she finished her words, his eyes filled with happiness, but behind it she could tell he was hiding something, a smirk of evil. She took no notice to it, convincing herself father really has changed…right?
Days flew by; Myra grew closer and closer to her father. Ryan seemed like a new person, not like the rude, scary, cruel, or heartless man she remembered when she was younger. “So dad, what are we going to do today?” Myra spoke without thinking much. Ryan turned his head towards her and smiled, “Well what do you want to do today?” Thinking hard, she said, “We can… go for a walk?” John lifted his head and smiled, “I vote for walking.” Ryan shrugged and said, “Alright get your jackets. I’ll tell your mother we’ll be back soon.” Grabbing her jacket, she waited by the door with her brother. Her father appeared a few moments later with his jacket, the three of them walked out of the house together. Smiling happily, slowly the pain of Ashes loss began to disappear. The love of her father seemed to help, a lot. Myra thought to herself while she walked between her father and brother, Will this end? Just like everything else has ended? Every time I care about something, or someone, it leaves me. Glancing to John, then to Ryan, she decided, no. Not this. This will never end. She was determined not to let this go, no matter how hard she had to fight for it. She was thrown out of her thoughts and into reality as she tripped over a rock sticking out of the cobblestone pavement. She landed hard on the ground, but caught herself at the last moment. John laughed while Ryan smiled and helped her up. He spoke gently, “You alright? We can go back if you want.” She shook her head, it can’t end, “No I’m fine, really.” She wiped the water that was now on her jacket, trying to fling it off. Failing miserably, Ryan wrapped his arm around her and they kept walking, John keeping close to her other side.
They arrived back at the house, who knows how many hours later. Dad had just cut-the- cheese so, pretending to be little children again, John and Myra where running in the house acting as if they were disgusted. The joy she felt as she joked around with her father and brother, felt like the best feeling in the word. Myra no long felt lonely, the need for death. She thought to herself again after so many times before, I never want this moment to end, this feeling, I never want it to go away, never want it to end… The sound of her father laughing as he burst into the door brought her back from her mind, “Dad, you’re gross.” Laughing she walked towards her father. Ryan laughed and wrapped his arms around both Myra and John, “Oh I love you guys so much.” John smiled, but didn’t reply. Myra kissed her father’s cheek lightly, “I am going to bed, my tutor will be here early tomorrow.” Ryan grabbed her hand and looked at her, “Tutor?” She laughed, “Well not tutor, more like private teacher.” The blank, confused look in his eyes told her that he had no idea, “Since we are rich and all, mom said I can spend more time at home with the family, where I am comfortable.” She glanced at the ground; she didn’t want to tell her father the truth. John yawned, “Well I have to go to school,” He walked up the stairs and leaned down his mouth beside her ear, “Like a normal kid.” Myra closed her eyes and breathed in slowly, that hurt. John warm, sweet smelling breath floated across her face, and he leaned back upwards and bounded up the stairs. Myra felt cold pain fill her heart, turning it to ice. She felt the tears under her eyelids, she stood hanging onto the stair railing with her eyes closed, and she could feel her dad looking at her with confusion. Opening her eyes, she tried not to break down and cry in front of him. Three words slipped from Ryan’s mouth, the three words she didn’t want to hear over all the three words she could choose from, “Are you okay?” Myra fell into her father’s arms, wrapping them around his neck and burying her face into his shirt collar. Tears made a small pool on his shirt, but she knew he didn’t care. She trusted him more than she ever had, she could even say she loved him. Feeling her father’s arms wrap tightly around her, it comforted her. He whispered into her ear, “Why don’t you go to school?” Sighing, she reluctantly let her father go and she grabbed his hand. Myra lead him down a long hallway under they reached one of the many studies in the house. She let his hand go and they sat on the two chairs that were placed beside a small fireplace. Wincing sadly, she really didn’t want to tell the story. Breathing shakily a tear slid down her cheek as she began, “The last time I want to school, I was bullied. Not the normal type of bullied, in every way possible.” She looked into her father’s eyes, hers with rimmed with tears while his filled with anger and grief, “I wish I had been there for you-“She raised her hand slightly, tell him she wasn’t finished. “They beat me; they beat John in front of me. They harassed me online, which is why we don’t even have a computer. They killed the class pet and put it in my desk, they gave me death wishes. After a while… they began to kick Rose and Jessie around when they were walking out of preschool. That was when I… snapped.” She looked at her father again, realizing her gaze had moved to a daze in the firelight. “I… I murdered them dad, I killed them. I was put in boot camp until I turned fifteen, at the time I was only thirteen, turning fourteen. I was allowed to leave once I turned fifteen. Since then, every school didn’t except me. We agreed to move here because this house is away from the city, yes we are in a different nation all together, but even here no school will let me in.” Her father stood and kneeled to the side of her, he placed his hand gently on his daughters, “I don’t care what you have done in the past, I really don’t. I am sorry this all happened to you, I understand.” He pressed a kiss on her hand, and Myra smiled and leaned down, she hugged him. She cried into his shoulder as he hugged her back, she could hear him murmuring comforting things to her but she couldn’t understand. She was to light headed from repeating what she had done out loud. Her ears rang and she struggled to even her breathing. She snapped out of it as her father let her go and helped her to her feet. Smiling and spoke tiredly, “Thanks dad.” She turned, rolling on her heels, and walked out of the room.
The next day Myra opened her eyes. Sitting up she smiled and stretched. As she stood she realized something, I didn’t have a nightmare… Smiling even wider now, she slipped her clothes on and walked out of her room. As usual, she heard the doorbell ring. Climbing down the stairs, she opened the door and smiled, “Hey Maria!” Maria smiled; she was an older woman, but just as smart and witty as any young girl. She spoke joyfully, “Hey Myra! Can I come in? Its soaking wet out here! For some reason the damn Weather man lied and said it would be sunny for once in a blue moon! Well, look at me now!” Myra looked at Maria fully now, and noticed she was dripping with water. “Oh you can’t come in like that! Hang on.” Myra dashes away, within moments she returned to her tutor, “Here you go Mrs. Johnson.” She helped her wrap the large towel around her shoulders; she guided her through the door and up to the second floor. They both sat down beside a fire in one of the studies, “Alright… today we are going to focus on your math skills for the next hour. Then we will move on the science, then history! Last of all, since you’re already so good at it, we will work on your English. Sound good?” Blinking, Myra looked at Maria, “Oh yea, sounds great.”
She studied as hard as she could the entire day; she had never worked so hard on her skills. For some reason having her father around set her in determination mode. She knew she was trying to impress him, to feel his acceptance. Smiling, she passed all the little tests they did at the end of the day, and summarizing everything they had worked on. After they finished Myra led her tutor to the door, and opened it. “Bye Mrs. Johnson, thank you again.” Closing the door, she sighed and leaned against it. She was exhausted, so tired that she could hardly climb up the stairs. It seemed so hard, like climbing a mountain. She got to the third floor as quick as she could, walking tiredly into her room. She flung the door closed and threw herself on her bed. Her face basically stuck in a pillow, she grunted as someone opened the door. Right now is the worst time for someone to visit me, Myra thought. Opening one eye, she saw her father, “Work hard today Myra?” Smiling she forced herself to sit up, “Yeah actually, I got a lot done. I passed all my tests and stuff for today.” “And now you’re tired?” Myra nodded to her father’s words, “Well that’s not happening, come on let’s get you some ice cream or something.” “Really?” Myra smiled. “Of course,” He smiled and gave her a big side hug, “anything for my little girl.”

Chapter 4

For the next week she studied as hard as she could on her school work. The better she did, the more time she could spend with her father. Every day they would go somewhere special, whether it was the movies or a diner. Now she looked into her father’s eyes, Ryan was reading a book beside the firelight in the study. She sighed lightly and stood, “I’m going to bed, Maria doesn’t come on the weekends so maybe Me, You, and John can go somewhere or something.” Ryan looked up at her, his skin glowing against the dim fire, “I don’t think I can, I have to go to go to an interview.” Myra smiled, “An interview, you’re getting a job?” Her father nodded, “Yup, I told you I wanted to support our family, that’s what I am going to do.” Myra smiled even wider, “Thanks, I am sure I can find something to do tomorrow.” Kissing his cheek, she turned on her heels and walked out of the room. She skipped up the stairs, happiness giving her energy. By the time she reached the third floor, she was panting. She walked quietly through the hallway leading to her room. She glanced out the windows she passed; the midnight sky was pitch black, the stars gleaming in the sky like eyes glaring back at her. Her heart went cold for a moment, for some reason she felt as if something was off, like something bad was going to happen very soon. Shaking her head as if flinging the thoughts out of her mind, she closed her door as she walked into her room. She walked toward her bed, her feet warm on the furry rug in the middle of her room. She looked at the walls, plastered with posters of past bands she loved, movies she saw, her favorite actors. She smiled when her eyes met her memory sheet. Walking forward she placed one hand over a picture, it was of her and Cooper, they had been so happy. She smiled, his hair was the same color as hers, the dark brown. Their eyes were the same, well everyone who lives, or used to live, in Arizona has golden eyes. Its a genetic code over there, she missed it. The cloudy, skies and the damp air where she loved now couldn’t match up to the suns constant shine, the warmth you felt as you stepped out into the sunshine. Closing her eyes, she tried to imagine being back there, back home. Sometimes she regretted moving here, if she wouldn’t have killed those girls maybe her life would be better, and Ash wouldn’t be dead. Blinking away her tears, she turned around and jumped onto her bed, she was exhausted. Lifting her head, she turned on her Mp3 player and blasted the lullaby Ash had dedicated to her, and slowly she closed her eyes and sunk into her dreams.
Opening her eyes, the warm sun was filtering through the window above her bed, spreading across her face and blinding her. Putting her hand up, blocking the sun from her eyes, she sat up and stood, the cold of her room made her shiver. Within moments her teeth began to chatter. She walked forward, her bare feet pressing hard against the cold floor as she made her way forward. As she opened her door and quickly walked into the hall, she knocked into John. “Oh! Sorry John, do you know why it’s so cold in here?” John snorted, “Did you even try looking outside? It’s snowing smart one.” Gasping, she ran towards the nearest window and, struggling on her tippy toes, she peered out of the high window in the hallway. The white landscape was gorgeous, nothing like she had ever seen. This was her first snow, every hair on her body stood on end, half of the cold and half of excitement. Smiling like a dork, she ran into her room and slammed the door, within minutes she reopened the door and ran through the hallways and down the stairs, dressed in her thick winter clothes. Her black combat boots where good for the snow as she ran out of front door. Her pale skin got a little more pale from the cold, but she was smiling so widely it hurt. She was away from any town, away from people, just how she liked it. Her house was the only one for miles in every direction. She let out an excited screech, it was so early she was glad she didn’t have any neighbors; she would have woken them up. Rose and Jessie ran out next, mother following closely, all three of them dressed in thick clothes. She turned her head and smiled at them. Father walked out with John, but faces half happy half not caring much. Myra walked quietly, enjoying the cold as it bit her face, the light snowfall brushed her face gently, as if whipping away the cold bites of the weather. Smiling, she closed her eyes and breathed deeply, the crisp, pine scent mixed with snow filled her senses, awakening another side of her. She walked surprisingly silently over the crunchy snow, as if stalking prey. Turning on her heels, she looked at her family and smiled. Bending down, she made a snowball and chucked it at Ryan, he laughed and made a snowball, then chucked it back at her, “No one messes with the snowball champion!” Myra laughed, “This one does!” The bent down and made one in both hands and threw it at him, one grazing his cheek the other smacking his left shoulder. Myra laughed as he yelled sharply with surprise. Falling into a snow pile, she laughed as hard as she could. Ryan yelled out at her in the distance, “What’s so funny?” Still laughing, she stood and yelled back, “your face was priceless!’ She widened her eyes and stuck her tongue out to the side, her mouth wide open; she was mocking the face he made. Suddenly snow filled her mouth and she began to cough, her entire mouth felt frozen. Her teeth and cheeks went cold, making her shiver. She began spitting out snow, growling, “Hey! That was a head shot!” She heard her mother laughing, “Yea? I think you should get a free open shot then.” Myra smiled cleverly, “You’ve precisely right mom!” She made the biggest snowball she could carry, and slowly made her way to her father. She was a footstep in front of him, and she looked into his gleaming eyes. She smiled, “Pay backs a bitch.” She slammed the gigantic snowball in his face, it had required two hand to carry. Hearing her father coughing and her entire family laughing, she smiled with triumph. “Alright, you can be the snowball champion.” “What if I don’t want to be the snowball champion?” She smiled at him as he finished whipping the snow off his face, “Well you defeated me, so now it’s your claim.” Laughing lightly, she patted his shoulder, “Keep the title dad.”
They relaxed out in the snow for the how next hour, then her father had to go to his interview. Myra watched as he drove his car out of the driveway and yelled, “Good luck dad! Don’t forget to smile! You’ll do great!” He stuck his hand out the window and waved as he drove off, the family waved back at him and yelled just as much encouraging words to him. She yawned and mom lead us all back inside with our favorite question ever, “Anyone want some hot cocoa?” All four kids turned their heads to their mother and spoke in unison, “Yes!” Jessie and Rose ran up the stairs into the house, me and John walking at a slower pace with mother. “Do you think he will get the job?” Myra couldn’t help but hear what they thought, “I think so.” John answered her. She looked at mom and she nodded agreement, “He’ll get it.” She closed the door behind them and they all walked into the kitchen, all they had to do was follow the happy screams of Rose and Jessie to find where they were. Mom spoke, “Alright everyone go to the study and I’ll be there with your drinks.” My and John walked silently behind the chatting Rose and Jessie. They were talking in their baby voices, rose sounded like she was in charge, “Okays, just so you know Jessie, I am going to get my cocoa first, then you. Okays?” Jessie cried, “But you always get it first!” Rose shrugged, “You know I am one second older than yous!” Jessie sighed with his tiny lungs, “Fiiiine.” Now they were all sitting on the floor beside the fireplace, she lit the wood as John placed the logs in the fireplace. Rose and Jessie squealed with joy as the fire started, they all watched as the fire slowly speeded across the wood, until it was consuming the logs. The heat burned onto her skin, but it felt better than the cold. She turned her head as her mother walked in with a platter of hot cocoa. Smiling, she grabbed her cup carefully. Their mother helped Rose and Jessie drink theirs, they both complained about hot how it was over and over. John sat on a chair and watched us all, drinking his cup quietly. They all joked and laughed, all of them were content and happy.
By the time their father came home, it was already dark outside. The glaring stars were back, and they seemed to stare into her soul as she walked down the hallway, past all the windows. Myra wasn’t sure why she felt so hostile to the stars, but she did. Sighing, she knew her father was too tired to spend much time with her, so she left him alone. Walking into the kitchen, she grabbed an apple and brought it into her room. Laying on her bed, she grabbed her diary and began to write.
I don’t think I can stand my father being around… it brings back memories I don’t want to remember, I guess I’ll just write it down and see if that’ll help at all. My first memories were of my father and my mother, they had were in the kitchen and were screaming at each other. Both me and John were scared something was wrong, so I peered over the wall corner to see. I saw my father, Ryan, screaming at my mother who was pinned against the oven. She was crying, but her eyes were ablaze with fury. I looked at my father, his face was red with rage, and his voice was loud and booming, slightly echoing against the walls. I flinched when my father suddenly turned his head and looked me straight in the eyes, and his hand motioned for me to go away. I turned and ran, ran down the hallway and into my bedroom where John was hiding. Tears rolled down my plump cheeks while I told him what I saw. We both cried together until mother stormed in and grabbed our hands, she was angry, it was obvious. She half dragged both of us out the door, father rampaging after us. The three of us all climbed into the car and Ryan appeared at the driver’s window, mom rolled down the window to give him a sharp few words to part with when Ryan’s fist found its way to moms face, I let out a scream of terror.
I was just a kid.
Myra stopped; she had bitten into her apple when the juices spilled from the sides of her mouth. “Ugh.” She ducked away from her diary, the juices splattering across the pages. Sighing, Myra placed her diary in the bookshelf attached to her bed, I’ll write more later I guess. Myra yawned tiredly; sleep was starting to catch up with her. The darkness outside began to give her the chills, so she laid back on her bed, covered herself with her blankets, and fell into the darkness of sleep.
Opening her eyes, Myra sighed lightly, every movement she made felt like a chore. Sitting up straight, she yawned and stretched tiredly, the sun glowing off her pale skin and golden eyes, warming her for the first moments of her morning. Standing, she walked into her bathroom and looked at her reflection. The bags under her eyes showed she was lacking sleep, yet she couldn’t rest another moment. She tried doing her hair, but couldn’t find the energy. Sighing heavily, she turned on her heels and walked into her room. Looking around, she continued walking, out of her room and down the stairs. Sadly, Myra was to tired to hear the nearly silent foot steps behind her. Turning the stair corner, and holding tightly to the rims, she continued down the stairs, now on the second floor. Myra breathed in deeply, shock pulsing through her as someone their arm in front of her face from behind her. The person pressed a cloth in front of her nose and mouth before she could react. Breathing heavily in shock, the stench of something in the little rag made her feel sick. Her eyes got droopy as her legs buckled, she hardly felt her attacker as it caught her limp body. Slowly she closed her eyes, but her eyes were open long enough to see the face of her father, an evil smile stretched across his face as he dragged her weakened body down the stairs and out the door.
Myra gasped as she opened her eyes, What just happened? Where am I? Where’s Ryan? When she tried to move she felt chains tightly closed around her wrists and ankles. Her vision was foggy and unclear, but she felt the leather seats she was laying on and recognized them immediately, Ryan’s car? Trying to talk, Myra just realized there was duct tape pressed tightly over her mouth and wrapped around her head. Where am I going? Myra began to scream, but it was hardly audible from behind the duct tape. Struggling and kicking, her vision slowly returned to her. She was in the backseat on Ryan’s car, laying on her side and cramped in the tiny space. Tears of fear streamed down her face, drenching the leather under her head. Kicking more, Myra heard an irritated sigh come from the front seat. Myra’s heart turned cold with hate, why is he doing this to me? Eyes round with fear, Myra struggled to sit up, but the seatbelts were wrapped around her waist, chest, and legs. Myra let out another scream, and began her failing attempt to save herself by kicking again. She could see just a little view of the sky from the window, it completely black, even the stars didn’t dare show themselves in Ryan’s presence. A hopeless feeling made Myra cry more, he is going to kill me. Tears fell perilously from her cheeks as she cried silently. Narrowing her eyes, she thought, I can’t give up this easily, If he is going to kill me then I’ll fight till the end. Determination replaced the fear and anxiety in her heart, she began to kick, thrash, and scream. It took a little effort but slowly she felt the duct tape peeling off. As soon as it fell off she began to scream. The car swirled and she heard Ryan let out a yell of alarm. The car went to a sharp stop as Ryan slammed his foot on the breaks. Myra kept her scream going as he father turned, a large needle was in his hand. Myra’s eyes widened and she began to kick harder and scream louder, her determination dissolved as pure terror took over.

Chapter 5

Waking up, Myra opened her eyes quickly. The horrid memory of seeing that evil smile on her father’s face was firmly stuck in her mind, the thought of her father hurting her made her feel queasy, or was it just the poison? Without much warning, she leaned over the chair and wretched. Once it was over, the foul taste remained in her mouth, the scent lingering in her nose. She tried to move her hands, but they were chained to her chair, along with her feet. She glared around the room; there was a smallish speaker in the right-hand ceiling corner. “What do you want with me Ryan?” She screamed angrily at the speaker. There was a moment of silence, then, “You know exactly what I want.” Money, Myra thought. A tear slid down her face, “How much?” “Three million.” Came Ryan’s immediate reply. Hearing those two words, Myra felt like she was going to pass out. Before she could reply Ryan’s voice came over the speaker once again, “On lighter terms, I have a surprise for you.” Suddenly the door flung open, as if on springs. The one person she didn’t expect walked into the room, “Ash?” The evil grimace on his face scared her, “Yea, I’m alive if you even bothered to think about it.” Myra’s heart stopped, “Your- you’re working with my father?” Sighing, Ash stood in front of her, he looked as if he was preparing to tell her a story, which he was, “Remember the last day you saw me? The day I “died”, well you asked me if all I cared about was money?” Her heart turned as cold as stone, she struggled to keep her voice calm, but she couldn’t speak. Ash snorted, “Let me explain, I hate your guts. Your very presence annoys me; I almost barfed whenever we kissed. The very sight of you make’s me want to puke, just to get that clear, and I don’t love you. Anyway, Two years ago I had met your father; we were both in need of money. So, his daughter was brought into the conversation, about how rich she was. Together we devised a plan; I would gain your trust, learn what you liked and what you were all about. Your father would use those to his advantage after I ‘died’. And then we would use you to get the money from your mother.” “I can’t believe I trusted you-“ “Well, it was a little to easy to gain your trust.” With that, he stood and turned, walking out of the room. She screamed before the door closed, “There has to be more! Why exactly did you need money? You’re only seventeen!” again he spoke quickly, “Fine, obviously I need to tell both you even more- you’re such a nosy bitch, another reason why I hate you.” Ash glared at her before he continued, “The real story is that my brother and Ryan met online. They devised a meeting in person, but my brother got into an accident before the date they set. I needed money to pay off his debt and hospital bills, so I saw the conversation and I said my name was Ash. I am really Zack, Zack Henderson.” Myra sat, jaw dropped in shock, then… I have never really met Ash? The rage she felt was beginning to build slowly inside of her, and it quickened once she found out the truth, “So you lied to me?” “Yes.” Zack spoke short and quickly as he stood. She attempted to scoot her chair forward desperately, when she was close enough to Zack she spat on his shoe and seemed to hiss, “Then you’re just as bad as Ryan.” Zack abruptly stopped and turned, his eyes glaring into hers, “No one spits on my father’s shoes.” Zack lashed out his hand and she felt an incredible pressure on the side of her face, causing her chair to fall on its side. She screamed in pain when the chair’s side landed on her fingers, she felt them break. Tears of agony slipped down her cheeks and onto the cold stone floor. She watched helplessly as Zack stepped forward and kicked her hard in her stomach. Her guts tightened from the force and she let out a pain filled screech. Now coughing and gasping for air, Myra struggled to get out of her chains. She struggled madly while Zack repeatedly kicked her with all his strength, over and over again in her stomach. Unbearable pain seared through her, the air escaped her lungs and Myra couldn’t breathe at all. Slowly her eyesight made black spots over her vision, and within seconds the spots consumed her sight for good.
Myra sunk slowly into darkness. She felt her body as if she was awake, but couldn’t open her eyes… she couldn’t move. Trying desperately to let out a wail for help, her throat felt dry and brittle. Suddenly she felt like she was spinning, falling downwards into an endless pit letting out a scream that couldn’t be heard. Gasping in fear she opened her eyes, she was sitting upright again, her eyesight was fuzzy and she could taste her own blood. Grunting, she tried to move but every tiny movement she made sent pain surging throughout her entire body. As soon as her sight came back her eyes got blurry again, but this time with tears of pain filling within her eyes. Her stomach felt sore, as if she had been stabbed more than once times. She let out a moan and Ryan looked over at her, his eyes were hard with irritation. Zack looked also, he glared at her with equally as cold eyes… but to Myra it felt more heartless from him. She met their gazes and managed to rasp a few words, “Can I at least have a pain pill? I think my fingers are broken.” Just as she said that her finger twitched and she held back a shriek. The blazing agony in her eyes was unmistakable and Ryan nodded and pulled out a medication bottle with his name on it. He poured a glass of tap water from another room; she could hear the water running through the pipes in the walls around her. She watched her father re-enter the room and she opened her mouth, her eyes burning with desire for the water. She ignored the pill as it was placed in her mouth. As soon as the glass was pressed against her lips she began to gulp as fast as she could, not bothering to breathe. What lasted to long and ended to soon she finished the water. Suddenly Ryan’s phone rang and Ryan gave her a look, do not make a sound. Tightening her hands in a fist, she blinked away a few tears. He picked up his phone, “Y’ello?” Myra could hear the voice on the other line, it was her mother, and she sounded frantic, “Ryan I know you have her! Where are you! If you return her to me I will not press charges! Give me back my daughter!” Ryan spoke with not one emotion tinted to his voice, “Three Million.” Then he hung up just as Myra let out a scream, “Mom don’t!” Ryan’s eyes grew even colder, changing from irritation to impatience. If he doesn’t get the money soon he’ll kill me for sure, Myra thought, he is getting impatient. “Why would you do that? It’s just three million darling-“ “Do not call me darling, you disgust me, I would rather die chained to this chair and rot here for eternity then for you to lay a finger on my family’s money.” Finishing she lowered her head and spat on the ground before her father, that doesn’t sound like me… Suddenly the other side of her seemed to take over. The hatred and anger she felt for so long seemed to overwhelm her now, nothing mattered more to her then to see his blood spill, “Untie me, have some self-dignity let just let me go. You’re not getting my families money and that’s final.” She glared into her father’s eyes, her golden eyes sparked deeply into his grey. He hesitated, the hatred and impatience was gone now and replaced with confusion, “Untie me Ryan.” She glared him down, after a moment of meeting her gaze he snorted, “Nice try Myra, your little mind tricks aren’t going to work this time.” He turned and walked back to Zack, Myra watched them silently, her stare burning her father’s back as he walked away from her. Expectantly her father turned around, I knew he was going to do that… he glared her straight in the eyes, “There is a fine line between bravery and foolishness Myra, you’re still simply stuck on the foolish side.” He finished his words with a sneer and turned away to keep repairing the speaker. Zack snorted, “What is up with her and spitting today?” Narrowing her eyes at Zack Myra snapped, “What’s up with you being a heartless peace of shit today?” He glared at her but didn’t reply. She heard him mutter something but she didn’t catch it. She decided to ignore it and she leaned back with a sigh, she was getting awfully bored and her hands felt numb from being chained to the chair behind her back for so long. Sighing louder and exaggeratedly now, she growled, “I need to pee.” Zack sighed and said, “No you don’t you’re just bored.” “Ugh!” Myra groaned in annoyance, but she new he was right.
The day dragged on for what seemed like years, the restlessness she felt tingling inside her seemed ready to burst, and Myra couldn’t stop twitching. Ever since she broke her fingers on the chair Ryan had set up a camera set straight towards her, but nowhere else. She glared at the camera, it was on a holder almost right in her face. Getting even more restless and annoyed, she thrashed out, smacking her face into the camera. The cam knocked over and shattered across the floor, some pieces even flying and hitting the walls. She smirked as Ryan came storming in. He didn’t pause like she expected he would, instead he was went straight towards her and laid a hard slap on her cheek, the sound of the slap echoed once or twice against the walls, and blood dripped from Myra’s mouth, “Thanks, dad.” Her eyes were cold with evil amusement, she had decided to turn the tables and irritate her two kidnapers until they had enough will her. I won’t go down without a fight… it’s not in my nature. The same thought kept itself in her head, making Myra all the more determined to anger them. Trying to move once again, the pain had dulled even more with the help of the pill, she felt it slowly flowing through her veins, spreading into every part of her body. Suddenly alarm pierced her heart like a needle, she had gone limp. Fear filled her eyes and she let out a muffled cry, Ryan looked at her and snorted, the amusement in his eyes we so gleeful she was furious with her thoughts, is this how he is planning to kill me? Make me temporarily paralyzed then slit my throat? Well that’s a coward move. Instead of moving a move to kill her, he simply looked away and kept up with cleaning up the camera pieces. “You know sweetie, if you keep ruining everything I buy to keep a check on you I am going to have to kill you.” She couldn’t reply due to the fact she couldn’t move at all so he kept talking, “You probably wouldn’t like that,” Ryan looked at her with challenge burning in his eyes, “ Or would you?” Every muscle in her body froze; he did not just say that. “I read your precious little diary, you’re just as pathetic as I thought you were.” Ryan stepped forward and slammed her diary in the little shelf beside her. She couldn’t breathe, it felt like her body was giving up on her. She let out a whimper, her eyes round with fear, her pupils were so large with terror that the gold coloring didn’t show. Suddenly Myra began to feel woozy, her head reeled and she couldn’t keep her eyes open. Before she blacked out once again she managed to mumble, “What have you done to me…” She hardly felt a few tears roll down her cheeks as her world turned to darkness once more.
Opening her eyes, Myra’s pain had returned. The dim sunlight filled the cold stone walls of the room. Streams of light softly beamed through the tiny window. Closing her eyes, she breathed as slowly as she could; I wish I could die right here… right now. It wouldn’t be that hard, just have to focus on sleeping… no! I can’t die now! My family needs me, I have to get out of here! Summoning all her strength, she took in as much air as her lung capacity would hold. Tightening her eyes shut and slowly opening her mouth, she let out the loudest and most regretful screech she could. Within moments the door swung open, with it Zack and Ryan came running in, rage burning in their eyes as they stared her down, “Stop with the screaming!” Zack yelled. “Right now Myra!” When she didn’t stop Ryan grabbed a black object from a pouch attached to his belt, a gun! In a flash he raised it to her head, she kept screaming, her eyes wide open now staring at the trigger. Her father began to pull it back when suddenly the sound of a door being kicked down sounded from outside the room. Giving her strength and hope she kept up her scream, it slowly got louder. Ryan lowered the gun instantly and landed a hard punch in the middle of his daughters face. Myra went almost completely limp from the force. Her brain felt dead, she felt drool slowly dripping down her mouth, or was it blood, she couldn’t. Zack stood in the way of Myra’s vision of the door, and she saw him freeze with surprise when someone entered the room. She could hear the brisk footsteps as the mystery person sped into the room. “Ash? You’re… you’re okay!” Zack’s voice was full of relief and disbelief. The footsteps stopped and Zack walked forward and hugged him brother. It was then when my saw the true Ashes face for the first time, pale skin, jet black hair, brown eyes, a tiny mole beside his lip. Myra’s eyes were cold with agony as she looked at him, his face was over Zack’s shoulder, and she noticed his eyes were locked on her. Ash immediately shoved his brother backwards and he hit the wall, SLAM! Myra even heard a cracking sound from the stone wall from the force of the blow; Zack slowly fell to the floor gasping for air. Ryan stood, unmoving. Ash glared at Ryan, his brown eyes fierce with rage, “You said you wouldn’t hurt her.” “I didn’t.” “She is bleeding!” Ash stepped forward, his eyes blazing hatred into her fathers as he yelled, “Let. Her. Go.” Myra slowly lifted her head, she didn’t know what she looked like, but it was bad enough to send tears in Ash’s eyes. I don’t even know him… why does he seem to care so much? When Ryan hesitated Ash grabbed her father’s jacket and pushed him against the wall, lifting him up by his jacket, “Are you deaf, old man? I said let her go!” Ryan’s eyes burned with fear, “I can’t.” “Why not?” Ash snapped. “Because we already have her, Do you really want to give up on all that money? This is three million we are talking about!” Ash’s eyes gleamed with revolt, he pressed his face threateningly into her fathers, “You make me sick.” The words spat out of Ash’s mouth with pure disgust and he threw her father back to the ground, “Find another way to get money instead of trying to slaughter your own daughter.” A mumble of pain came from Zack and Ash kneeled down and spoke half gentle half madly, “Sorry brother, but your just as sick minded as him.” Ash struck out and punched him brother, breaking his nose. Zack let out a yowl of pain and held his hands to his nose, the blood gushed from between his fingers and Ash growled, “Give me the key.” Zack pointed to a small shelf almost right next to Myra. Stupidity smacked Myra across the face, why didn’t I look there! Ash stood and grabbed the key from the shelf, quickly he kneeled down behind her and she felt the pressure wrapped around her hands unbuckle. Letting out a sigh of relief, her eyes locked to her diaries and she quickly grasped it. Ash kneeled in front of her and unlocked the chains around her feet. She tried to stand but she collapsed at Ash’s feet. She felt the stranger’s arms gently wrap under her knees and waist as he picked her up, she used the bitter last of the willingness she had left to clench tighter to her diary. Ash carried her out of the stone room and into a narrow tunnel. It slopped up and Myra could see the bright light of outside up ahead, we must be in some underground cave or something. Frowning with exhaustion and fear, Ash carried her as he walked over a broken door laying on the ground. Myra half closed her eyes as he stepped out, into the light.
Ash walked through the wilderness with Myra in his arms; she could feel his rock hard muscles as he tighten his grip around her. Myra looked into his eyes while he focused on the ground, they were narrowed and concentrated on the stones, but they were a beautiful dark brown. It felt like he had been carrying her for an hour. Myra felt drowsy from Ash’s warm scent, his arms felt like a protective blanket, hiding her from the horrible world. She just began to close her eyes when Ash stopped and lowered her down, laying her on the grass under a huge oak tree. She could hear a tiny stream not far off, her thirst forced her to stand abruptly. The quickness of her move made her legs shake, her head felt like a balloon, filled with air and tortured with pressure. She pressed a hand against the tree to steady herself; the other was gently placed on her throbbing head. Sighing with pain and exhaustion, she tried to sit down again slowly, but she just fell down with dead weight. Ash was laying nearby and he looked over at her, his eyes gleamed now with worry. Whimpering, she stretched her aching fingers in the grass, she stared at the small stream wanting it more then anything. She could hear footsteps, and then she felt as if someone was behind her. Glancing up, she was Ash walking over to the stream. He cupped his hands and they filled with water. His own lips were dry, but he kneeled down and pressed his fingers lightly against her lips. Widening her eyes, she gladly accepted the water as it rolled into her mouth. She gulped the mouthful and Ash turned away and refilled him hands. Ash repeated this a few times until Myra finally found the strength to stand. Sighing with relief she watched him get him own water now, “Thanks.” Ash stopped and looked at her, his brown eyes seemed so irresistible. “No problem.” Myra turned and slid down the tree until she sat on its roots. Ash soon joined her and together they leaned against the oak. “Ash-“What’s your-“ they both spoke at the same time, their eyes looking into the others with the urgency of a question. “You go first.” “No you, my question can wait.” “Alright, what’s your name?” Myra looked at him question filling her eyes. She looked into his eyes, they were burning with an urgency that she didn’t understand, “Didn’t my dad tell you already?” “He only said he had a daughter.” Nodding Myra replied to his question, “I’m Myra.” The intensity in his eyes burned more than ever and Myra hardly caught him whisper, “So it is you…” Hesitating now, she forced the question out, “What made you want to save me?” Now it is Ash’s turn to hesitate, once he did she asked another question, “And why did you care if my father hurt me or not?” Ash lowered his gaze to his feet as he turned his head away, “I had seen you before, in Arizona. We went to school together, from preschool to high school, I had… well, I watched over you. The girls you- uh.. killed, they were going to jump you a few more times than they did, but I stopped them.” Myra watched him with surprise, “You did that? Why…” her voice trailed off with curiousity “Cause I have a crush on you.” Ash sighed his reply and anger sparked in Myra’s heart, “Then why were you planning to steal from me with my father!” her voice was full of hurt now, another person who betrayed me! “Am I that easy of a target?” Myra half asked herself. “I didn’t know it was you. He told me he wouldn’t hurt you, you had never mentioned your father so I didn’t know his name…” “The last name then!” “He used a fake one.” Silence… that was all that followed after Ash’s reply. “No, you’re not an easy target.” Ash said as he broke the silence, “You proved that back there.” “I got hurt though.” “You’re alive, are you not?” He looked at her again, his hypnotizing brown eyes stared into hers, she seemed to get lost in them, wandering with happiness and wonder, “Yea, hardly though, I’m only alive because you came.” Myra replied. Ash smiled and leaned back on the trunk again, sighing he put his hands behind his head and closed his eyes, “Then you’re lucky I came to the rescue.”. Smiling slightly, Myra did the same and then she laughed lightly, “We are sleeping together.” “What?” Ash almost let out a hearty laugh and she smiled, “Well your asleep and I am about to go to sleep so… we are sleeping together, right?” Her eyes beamed with humor and Ash laughed and leaned back again, closing his eyes with a smile across his face. Myra yawned and laid under his arm, it felt strange that she was so comfortable with someone she didn’t know at all, but she didn’t care. He is so warm… Myra thought as she slowly closed her eyes and let herself go in Ash’s warmth.

Chapter 6

By the time Myra woke up Ash was already standing, getting ready to leave and keep walking the rest of the way. Myra had to ask, “Where are we going anyway?” “I have a car about a mile away from here, we can get there and I can drive you home, do you have your phone or did they take it?” Feeling around all her pockets she sighed, “They took it.” Great it’s going to take forever for me to get another one… my mom is strict about this stuff; she hates buying things we ‘don’t need’. Ashes shoulders rose up then down as he shrugged, “I dropped mine in the stream…” “Wow.” Ash laughed, “Hey it wasn’t my fault!” Smiling she smirked, “Did a fish eat it?” He coolly smirked back, “Actually, yes.” They both laughed until they felt like they would pee their pants. While Myra was trying to get her breath back Ash yawned, he was obviously still tired, “We should probably head to my car now, we still have a long walk to go.” Finally regaining her breath she nodded, “Alright.” Myra kept close to Ash, either by his side or a little behind. Ash walked quicker than Myra liked, but she didn’t slow her stride. The forest around them helped keep the burning sun off their pale skin, along with keeping them cool. Soon Ashes car was in sight, it was a old brown and red truck, but it looked reliable. Myra reached out her hand to grab the handle, but Ash quickly opened it for her. Smiling back at his clever half smile, she climbed into the car and sat in the passenger’s seat. Ash climbed in beside her and started up the engine, Myra was surprised when the engine started with a small purr then began to roar to the point it hurt her ears. Myra turned her head to ash, her eyes brows raised and her eyes gleaming with surprise, I’m impressed. She watched him switch to reverse and he began to drive backwards, backing up to face the dirt road that she just noticed. “We were walking beside a road the whole time!” She half laughed half wailed. “Yes smart one.” He looked at her and gave her the most luring half smile she ever laid eyes on. His gorgeous glowing face nearly took her breath away and she tried to give him her best smile ever, he just laughed and began to race down the dirt road.
It took hours to even get out of the town her father took her too. She had no idea where she was or if she was even in the same country. “Do you know where we are?” Ash nodded, “Uh, did they hit your head or something? We are in Arizona… so where is your house?” Widening her eyes Myra let out a screech, “What! I live in London!” Ash set the car to a sudden halt and Myra screamed and she slammed her side on the dash-board. Ash gasped, his eyes round with worry, “Are you okay? Sorry I didn’t mean to you just freaked me out for a second and I panicked.” Myra could hardly hear him, she couldn’t breathe. She looked at Ash panic deep in her eyes and she tried gasping for air. Coughing wildly, she couldn’t control her lungs enough to breathe. Suddenly she turned her body in panic and she let out a scream of agony, pain electrifying her entire body. “Oh my god you’re not okay, Stay still I am going to find a hospital. Do not look where it hurt, okay?” Wailing she looked down and saw why he didn’t want her to look, something was obviously wrong. Struggling to ignore the pain she lifted the side of her shirt up, she nearly passed out when she saw three of her ribs looked as if they were shoved inwards. Wailing again, she leaned back in her chair, her eyes streaming out tears of pain. By the time Ash was carrying her into the E.R Myra was hardly conscious. Sweat dripped off her forehead and rolled like bullets down her race. She screamed when they put her on the rolling bed and she struggled to keep her hand locked with Ashes. Even when the nurses started pushing him back she did nothing but hold tighter, “Don’t go…” was all Myra managed to cry as they injected her with sleeping liquids.
When Myra woke up she couldn’t speak. Her entire left side felt more sore then she had ever felt before. Lifting only her head, the pain burning through her muscles and spine as she did so, Myra looked around the room. With a gasp she leaped off her bed and looked Ash straight in the eyes, his were filled with worry for her, “You’re awake?!?” Suddenly she got light headed and pain vibrated all over her body, her knees buckled and she began o fall. Faster then she could think she felt ashes arms wrap protectively around her, pulling her back up and onto her bed. Feeling her cheeks turn hot with embarrassment, Myra flicked her hair over her face, mainly only covering her eyes. Ash kneeled down beside her bed and smiling back at her, trying to peer through her hair, “Can I ask you something?” Myra heart skipped a beat when Ash placed his hand on hers, entwining his fingers between hers, “O-Okay.” “I know we haven’t talk much in the past… and we hardly know each other, but… if you’re willing to give it a try-“ Ash stopped midsentence as he chuckled with embarrassment of actually asking this, “Will you be my girlfriend?” Disappointment surprised her as she felt it pierce her heart, did I really just expect him to purpose to me?!? Myra shook her head, No way… me? Married? To a guy I hardly know? Wait.. he did ask me to be his girlfriend though… The questioning look in Ashes dark brown eyes made her flash back into reality, “Oh! Sorry I uh… spaced out.” Ash smiled and lightly laughed while Myra felt her heard pounding against her chest. The machine measuring her heart rate began to go off and Myra’s cheeks burned intensely with embarrassment, she laughed a little harder then she meant to, “Well I guess that means yes!” Myra pressed her hand over her mouth to stop her own obnoxious laughing. Ash laughed as hard as she did, but he didn’t stop himself, he just fell over backwards as he sprawled out laughing. Myra laughed even harder now, she propped herself up on her elbows and looked down at Ash while she laughed. Tears streamed down both their faces, “Did you just-“Ash couldn’t even finish his sentence he was laughing so hard. Myra felt as if her entire head was red as she laughed, “I think this machine is broken or something!” This just made Ash laugh even harder. As their laughing fit ended, they both sat up straight and began to regain their breath, “Wow… this should be interesting.” Ash spoke to Myra, his eyes gleaming with humor and even- no, Myra thought, is that… love? Suddenly the same feeling rushed through her, the emotion made her heart literally flutter, and the machine let out uneven beeps. Ash smiled and stood, Myra finally got a good look at him. He wasn’t tall, yet he was the perfect, average height of a male. His pale skin glowed slightly under the bright hospital lights, and his black hair made him look like a ghost. “I just realized, we are, well… together and I hardly know you-“Myra stopped when she heard the door to her room slide open, “Myra, is it?” “Myra looked away from Ash and at her doctor, “Yes, I’m Myra, I was wondering-“ The doctor cut her off and he looked down at his clipboard, he didn’t look at her at all as he spoke, “It seemed like you will be here for about a week or two. Your lungs need to heal as well as your ribs. You suffered a lot of damage but it seems as though you are going to be fine.” “A week!” Myra let out a shock filled screech, “Or two.” The doctor spoke with a smug on his face; he was obviously having a bad day and taking it out on her, “I can’t take that! I Live in London, I have a family to get back to and I need to get back to them now!” Myra was left wheezing and gasping for air. Ash spoke firmly, “We also need to contact the police.” Surprise and confusion filled the doctor’s eyes and he snorted, “Now is not the time for games-““Then give us a god damn phone!” Myra yelled on the top of her lungs, if he didn’t want games he should stop playing them! The doctor turned and walked out of the room, acting as if the two didn’t exist. “What the hell was that!” Myra was barely able to speak now. Frustration clouding her mind and judgment, she couldn’t think straight. Ash frowned and pressed a hand lightly on her shoulder, guiding her to lie back down again. Rage replaced frustration and Myra resisted Ashes help, “I want to go home! I can’t be here! Stop acting like your helping me and actually help me! Drive me home!” Her anger fumed, but abruptly turned to grief, “I want to go home…” By now she was lying down, curling in a ball and clutching to the thin white sheets that didn’t warm her at all. Sobbing heavily, Myra felt as if her entire world was collapsing around her. I want to go home… mother probably thinks I’m dead… why do I have to be here… I wish I died in the crash… All her thoughts raced through her mind at once, causing her head to throb. Pain lightly pressed against her temples, but it was enough to make her cringe. Tears leaked down onto the over-fluffy pillow that seemed to suffocate her, “I just… want to… go home.” Myra spoke between sobs. Slowly without realizing it, Myra cried herself to sleep.

Long white and red streamers were thrown through the air, soaring over Myra’s head. Confetti got stuck in her dark brown hair, the one’s that managed to escape her hair crunched delicately under her feet. Smiling, Myra looked up and into dark brown eyes. A tear of happiness rolled down her cheek as Ash grasped her hand, his gentle touch making her shiver with anticipation. Her long flowing dress danced at her feet as he twirled her around, fear gripped her heart as she didn’t stop spinning. The world around her seemed to turn to darkness, the streamers and confetti burned then went black. The people she had just noticed sitting on benches in long rows, all frantically screamed and trashed as they lit into flames. Myra crashed down and onto her back, falling and falling until she opened her eyes. Gasping with fear, she sat straight up looking desperately around the room. As soon as she did her surrounding became clear once more, and Myra’s tense shoulders slowly relaxed. Sighing, Myra turned to the edge of her hospital bed and stood on her bare feet, the cold of the floor slowly seeped into her feet and it spread up her legs. Quickly she sat down, lifting her feet from the freezing floor. Frowning with sadness and frustration, Myra looked around and found two pairs of thin plastic shoes. Slipping them on, she climbed out of bed and made her way down the hallway, “Hello there Myra! Glad to see you awake, let me show you to the café.” The sound of the nurse’s voice made her jump; her voice was high and squeaky, great… just what I need for my newly found headache. “Come on, let me help you.” Came the annoying voice again, the nurse carefully guided her down the long hallway and into the café, “Here it is, feel free to take anything you like. It’s your lung that got injured not your stomach.” Thanks for the update…Myra thought as the nurse walked off back towards her station. “Hey there, what’s your name?” Myra turned seeing Ash, his voice was full of humor as he bowed in front of her and kissed her hand, “M’lady come, let us feast of chicken wings and fries.” The rest of that day was not as boring as Myra had thought she spent countless hours with Ash, they did whatever they wanted and no one could stop them. Sooner then she wanted the day was over, and Ash tucked her into bed like a child, “I don’t want to go to sleep…” Myra whined to Ash and he smiled, “We can have plenty of fun tomorrow, I promise.” A twinkle lit her eyes as she smirked, “Will you cuddle with me?” Ash smiled brightly and replied, “Glad to, its better then sleeping on a chair.” They both lightly laughed as Ash settled himself under the sheets, “Goodnight Myra.” Smiling like an idiot once again, she cuddled closely beside Ash and whispered, “Goodnight, Ash.”
The two weeks flew by, only a few days were dull when she had to do testing. The doctor had told her she was bi polar, which made her mad, of course. Yet today was Myra’s last day in the hospital and this was when the final news about her lungs she would hear. Myra sat on her bed, crisscrossed, waiting as she looked at the door. Hope burned in her eyes as the door slid open and a female doctor slipped into the room, “Good morning Myra, Ash. I have come with the latest tests for your lungs and ribs.” Anticipation made the hairs on Myra’s neck rise, “Are they good?” “Well… you are allowed to leave today if you wish, but not for the purpose you may think.” Sadness gleamed in the doctor’s eyes as she sat down beside Myra, she felt the doctor’s hand on her own as she slowly spoke, “I must speak to you in private.” The doctor stood and led her out of the room, signaling for Ash to stay put. Closing the door behind her, Myra faced the doctor, “So, what’s going on?” Doom washed all throughout Myra’s nerves, grief for her own life and for the ones she is leaving. Myra could feel her head slam against her chest, panic replaced grief and her eyes blazed with fear, “Y-Your saying I am going to…” “There is always hope Myra-“ Suddenly fear glowed in the doctors blue eyes as she yelled, “We need more doctors in here, She’s having a severe panic attack!” Hearing this Myra’s entire feeling went numb, her eyes turned bloodshot with shock, and her hand began to shake lightly. Gasping for air now, Myra hardly felt the doctors as they guided her back into her room, Ash jumped to his feet as they all entered the room, his confusion and fear burning in his eyes, “Myra? What’s happening to her? Someone tell me what is going on!” Myra couldn’t speak, pure horror took over, all she could think about was her family. She collapsed on her bed while the doctors began to collect medicine. Mother, John, Jessie and Rose, Ash… I have failed them all. Myra stared into Ash’s worry filled eyes, and couldn’t help but feel guilty. She was putting him through pain, he doesn’t deserve it… I don’t deserve him. Myra cried out as a doctor injected a needle deep into her neck. It didn’t hurt, more like it felt strange. Coughing, Myra couldn’t move at all. She could feel the medication flow through her veins and throughout her body, and she couldn’t stop it. The fears of the world began to slip away. The rampaging beep sounds of the machine died off as well as Myra slowly closed her eyes. “Myra? Don’t fall asleep alright, it’s just numbing medicine, you’re fine now.” The doctor who had injected the needle shook her before she fell unconscious, “Wha-?” Shaking her head vigorously, Myra opened her eyes fully, “Oh…” “You know what, yea just go to sleep.” Wow… “Uh, okay?” Myra closed her eyes and slowly drifted off, “Wait no don’t-“ “Shut up!” Myra snapped at whoever kept teasing her with sleep. It was Ash of course, and angrily she opened one eye, giving him the death glare, “Wake me up. One more time. And I’ll be eating your toes for breakfast.” She heard Ash’s laugh as she began to doze off, into the oblivion of sleep.
Yawning, Myra woke up to Ash packing up the little stuff he had brought out of his car. “Are we leaving?” Ash sighed and looked at her, a small smile on his face, “Yes, but you say you live in London… right?” Frowning Myra thought to herself, okay… I hardly know this guy and we are together. I live in London and I hate long distance relationships, so… I should end it. “Hey… we need to talk.” Ash halted his movement, he stood up straight and looked at her, “Already?” Myra knew he knew what she was going to say , but before she could utter a single word he spoke quickly, “I know you live in London, and I understand why you probably hate long distance… but that doesn’t mean we should give up this easily, right?” Frowning Myra sighed, “Wrong, I am sorry but I think… you should leave-““You’re kidding me, right?” Tear’s formed in her eyes as she looked into the betrayal blazing in Ash’s dark brown eyes, such beautiful eyes… Myra wanted to slap herself to snap out of it, and she did, Ash’s luring eyes turned to confusion, “Did you just slap yourself?” Frustration and restlessness made her heart pound, he breathing slightly quickened and she sighed and wailed in confusion, “No- well yea but, ugh! Just… please. I am saving us both from pain, so just…go.” A tear slipped down Ash’s face, falling to the floor. “I am sorry you feel that way, but I’m not going anywhere. What I will do is give you some space; I’ll get some food for us.” Ash looked numb as he dully left the room. Before the door closed he stopped and looked at her, his eyes looked full of hurt like she had just stabbed him, “No matter what you say, I am never going to leave you.” Myra watched helplessly as Ash closed the door behind him. Letting out a wail of grief she pushed her face into her oversized pillow, letting her tears flow as they left puddles where they fell. Why won’t he leave me, he hardly knows me, I’m so confused! Myra punched the wall her bed was attached to, that helped let some of her anger out, but now she had purple and blue knuckles. Sobbing with frustration and pain, Myra flopped her face back into the pillow, it was uncomfortable now since it was soaked in tears, but she didn’t care much about anything at the moment. Myra tried to cry, but no tears came anymore. Turning onto her back, she looked around desperately, my diary should help… Searching through Ash’s things, she found her diary beside his things. Frowning slightly she thought, he must have read it while I was passed out. Grabbing it once again, she layed out on her bed. Grasping the pen attatched to the side, she began to write.
Well, A lot has happened since I last wrote in this thing. I am in a hospital in Arizona. My father tried to kidnap me but Ash, the real Ash, saved me. The Ash I knew before was really Zack, the real Ash’s brother. I feel so confused, everything is happening so fast! I wish I had someone to talk to about everything, I know I have Ash but… it’s different. Me and him are together now, a happy little couple. I tried breaking up with him, I am sort of glad he dodged the bullet and saved our relationship just now, he said he would give me some space, but he isn’t going to leave me. I feel happy that someone cares about me that much, usually I am alone and I can only trust myself. Now, I have someone to cherish my time with… or what time I have left.
A few tears rolled down her cheeks after writing the last few words, I am going to die… Frowning she sat up, wiping away the tears as best she could. Placing her diary on the little white shelf beside her, she stood and walked out of her room. As soon as she stood in the lobby, she began to think, If I am going to die… what is going to happen to my family? Her family flashed across her eyes, and she was determined to find a phone. Narrowing her dark golden eyes, she began her search.
She wandered down endless hallways, searched through pointless rooms, all for a phone that she couldn’t find. This is a fucking hospital, why the fuck can’t I find a phone! Isn’t that some kind of requirement or something? Suddenly her stomach tightened, she began to feel queasy. Grunting in surprise and pain, she crawled towards a door and slowly opened it. A supply closet? Perfect I guess… Closing the door behind her, she curled underneath an old desk; the stench of rotting wood filled her senses. Closing her eyes, she tried to relax but it didn’t help at all. Her eyes flashed open when the sound of screaming rang in her ears. Screaming from the sound, fear gripped Myra’s heart. Scrambling out from underneath the desk, she stumbled to her feet. Leaning against the door, she stared wide-eyed around the room. Screams and shrieks of agony and fear clouded her hearing. The sound of crunching bones and blood splattering against the ground seemed like torture. The fear and pain in the eyes of the girls she had killed seemed so clear she thought they were in front of her. Myra screamed, pressing her hands over her ears and tightening her eyes shut, she struggled to forget the memory. “Leave me alone!” Myra leaned forward and screamed as loud as she could, but the sounds only got louder. Wailing with fear and anger, Myra began to thrash around, her hands hitting random objects on the shelves and they flew, slamming against the walls and breaking open. Fumes released into the air around her, but the torture of the memory distracted her. Gasping for air, Myra fell to the ground, coughing madly. Blood streamed from her nose, falling into her mouth staining her teeth and tongue a dark red. Struggling to breathe, Myra felt her muscles numb as her vision began to turn a deep red, what’s happening to me… Myra fell limp to the ground, her throat tightened as her body began an even worse reaction to the fumes. Coughing weakly, blood flew from her mouth, splattering over her hand. I have to get out of here… Using the last of her strength, Myra turned and began to kick as hard as she could on the door. Within moments she heard footsteps outside, then the door flew open, the muscular and beautiful Ash stood in the opening, “Myra! We need some help down here!” Ash coughed lightly as the fumes faintly spread out of the closet and into the air, then it all dissolved. Quick as light, Ash had his arms wrapped around her, rushing her through the hallway and towards their room. Doctors filed after him, holding needles and bandages. Myra weakly turned her head back and forth, looking around her. When they ran past a mirror, her heart seemed to stop. Blood filled her eyes and leaked down her face, blood stained around her mouth and her nose, I look like a monster… Frowning, Myra looked away. When Ash carried her past their room confusion replaced her feelings. When she tried to talk blood gurgled in the back of her throat, and panic made her heart beat quicken. Her vision began to blacken from the confusion, pain, and fear, within a few moments she went limp in Ash’s arms.

Chapter 7

The numb feeling that covered her body made her panic all over again. As Myra’s eyelids slowly slid open, the panic that sent her heart racing faded, she positioned herself to sit up as she looked around the room. She was in a slightly larger room, and she could pinpoint doctors standing, walking, and talking just outside. The memory of Ash coughing when he opened the door to save her flashed through her mind, Ash, he was exposed! Myra looked around franticly, and just beside her was another bed, and there laid Ash. Sighing with relief, she reached a hand forward and prodded his shoulder; worry filled her eyes when he didn’t stir. Frowning with concern, Myra turned on the bed and sat up, her legs hanging limply off the side of the tall cot-like bed. Slowly she slid down, her loose blue gown nearly fell off, and that was when she saw one of Ash’s eyes peer open, “Ash!” They both smiled, but Myra’s quickly faded when she remembered just what they were in right now, “I’m sor-““Don’t, just don’t say it alright? I told you I wasn’t going to leave you, but I did. I left you alone for ten minutes and look where it got us? From now on, if we make It out of this, you’re never leaving my sight. Understood?” His words made her happy, but her face showed nothing but guilt, “Understood.” A doctor opened the door leading into their room and walked straight towards her and Ash, “Myra, Ash, you’re both probably wondering what’s going on, yes?” the doctors blue green eyes looked from herself to Ash, burning with questioning. Glancing at Ash they both nodded, “Alright,” the doctor continued, “Myra, you had been in a supply closet that we had been planning to close off a few minutes before. When you began to break things the fumes of the chemicals inside them released into the air. Now, none of these had been dangerous on their own… but combined, well you probably know.” Myra frowned with guilt, “How long will we be in here?” The doctor nodded to her, “Not long, you can leave if you want. The toxin wasn’t deadly, but…” The doctor’s voice trailed off. Ash spoke harshly with his anger filled words, “But what?” The doctor didn’t reply to Ash’s question, he only turned to Myra and gave her a grave and knowing look before he walked out of the room. What have I done to my lungs… Turning to Ash guilt made her forget about herself, “I know it’s not worth anything, but I really am sorry, this is entirely fault.” Ash turned to her, anger blazing in those gorgeous brown eyes, “Why did you even leave? And why the supply closet?” Frowned she nearly busted out crying, “My family came to my mind, so I went to look for a phone…” “I could have gotten a phone!” Rage made Ash raise his voice. Myra flinched, “My stomach started hurting so I crawled towards the nearest room… then all that happened.” Ash stood sharply and began to pace, his eyes locked on the floor while his hands clenched open and shut repeatedly. Was this Ash, or were the fumes affecting him? “Ash, Ash please calm down. I was just scared… I just… I want to go home!” Sadness took over as she thought of her family; they probably think I’m dead! Ash ignored her, his pacing made her stop crying and become restless. “Ash, stop pacing.” He ignored her, his furious eyes looked directly at her, but he didn’t stop pacing, “What?” He spat angrily at her, “Do you not lick it when I pace, Hmm?” “No, I hate it, so stop.” “No.” Ash glared at her then locked his eyes once again on the floor, glaring as if the ground, but it didn’t take long for him to calm down. The hurt in Myra’s eyes burned as she watched Ash, when he caught her eye he sighed, his voice apologetic, “Look, I’m sorry alright… you just need to be more careful.” I know-““No, you don’t know.” Surprisingly Ash walked towards her and kneeled down, holding her hand while she sat on the edge of her bed, his deep brown eyes looking intensely and passionately into her own as they dimly glowed a gold, “From now on, you do nothing but be here beside me. Be yourself, be mine. I will do anything for you, I will use more than my strength can handle, I will run farther then the edge of the universe to the farthest star, I am never going to lose you.” Myra smiled, her heart beat quickened slightly by the sound of his kind words, “You would do that… for me?” ”I couldn’t think of any better prize.” Ash smiled then stood, his arms flowed so gracefully under hers. He lifted her to her feet and they stood, Myra breathed in his warm, honeysuckle scent as he embraced her. A tear of joy rolled down her red, blushing cheeks, this isn’t fake, he really does love me. Ash’s breath tickled her ear as he whispered ever so quietly, “I love you, Myra.” Closing her eyes, Myra took in his words like she would never hear them again, “I…I love you too Ash.”
They hugged for what seemed like forever, but Myra didn’t mind. A tear rolled down her cheek as she remembered these would be her last days with Ash and her family. My family, I have to get back! Stepping back, letting go of his arms and exhaling his scent from her dying lungs, Myra frowned and spoke firmly and determinedly, “I have to get home.” “I know, I’ll drive you to the airport and we can fly together.” Tilting her head, Myra looked at Ash confusedly, “What about tickets?” Ash shrugged, “I can use my college savings, I’m probably never going anyway.” Myra frowned but gave Ash a short hug, “Thanks.” Ash turned when Myra stepped away again and began to grab his things, “No sweat.” Smiling, Myra turned and began pulling off the hospital gown and into her normal clothes, thankful to get out of that worn blue gown. Together they made their way down the halls, passing endless doorways until finally they walked outside. The large black doors of the hospital entrance swung open as Ash pushed them forward, the sunlight burned through the tree’s, shining in Myra’s eyes, blinding her to the point everything began glowing yellow for a few moments, “Wow… we were inside for a little longer then I thought.” Ash laughed in agreement, “Yea.” Looking around, Myra saw she was standing on a short stone stairway leading to the ten or fifteen story hospital, “Whoa…” Myra breathed out in shock as she looked up, staring at the huge building she had just been in. Ash grabbed her arm and gently pulled her along, through the small crowd of people making their way to the hospital entrance. They walked hand in hand to the parking lot, where Ash turned around and stood in front of her, his hands holding her back from continuing her walk, his eyes turned hard with seriousness as he spoke, “Myra, I have someone for you to meet-“ Myra raised her eye brows as he spoke continued, “She is the only women I will ever love, so don’t get jealous okay?” For a moment Myra’s heart stopped, another girl, what? Suddenly humor blazed in his eyes as he turned and ran to his old red Ford. Ash smiled and pressed his hand against the truck for a moment, and then he climbed in the front seat. Myra half ran forward and pulled her own door open, climbing in beside Ash. She glanced at him as he started the engine, Ash caught her eye and he smiled, “To London?” Myra nodded with a small smile, “To London… to home.”
Hours passed, Myra refused to stop at the resting areas. Ash glanced at her worriedly, “Are you alright? You look like you’re in pain…” Myra couldn’t stop twitching, I need to pee… NO! Don’t think about it Myra, you have to get to London- Oh god I have to pee! “I have to pee!” Myra snapped and Ash laughed, “I told you we should have stopped, but you wanted to keep going!” Ash laughed while Myra’s patience ran out, “That’s it, pull over.” “Whoa, whoa, I’m not leaving you on the side of the road Myra.” Ash half laughed half spoke firmly. “I know that, I need to pee!” “Oh, oh right.” Ash brought the truck to a stop as he pulled in to the right side of the dirt road. “God damn, that took long enough!” Myra snapped while slamming the door open and rushing behind a tiny bush. Crouching, Myra shivered as a breeze buffeted her, perfect, just perfect! “Stop watching!” Myra spotted Ash peering over the bush, “Oh, oh sorry!” Myra felt flattered, violated, but more embarrassed then anything. “I see you blushing.” Ash’s whisper sounded on the other side of the bush, “Hey! Stop invading my privacy!” Myra half laughed half yelled. Finally she felt better and jumped over the bush, landing lightly on Ash’s back then running off, “Hey!” Ash laughed and stood to chase her, but Myra locked the door’s lock, “Hurry up slow-poke!” Rolling down her window she poked his face and laughed. He smirked, “Very clever.” He walked around then climbed into the truck, “Alright, London here we come.”
Opening her eyes, Myra felt warmth coming in small waves off of Ash’s chest, “Oh!” Myra was sleeping nearly on top of him, he was sound asleep on the airport bench they had been sitting on, “Ash, Ash wake up the flight!” Ash grunted and tightened his eyes, then they flashed open, “The flight!” Suddenly a women’s booming voice sounded over the intercom, “Section 12 now boarding, last plane to London.” A shiver of terror and worry made the hair on her arms stand, “Come on, get up!” “Then get off!” Ash lightly nudged her off of him, “Oh yea, oops.” Myra jumped to her feet and stretched quickly. She watched as Ash grabbed their things, I don’t have much time left to spend with him… or my family for that matter. The thought of her death made her face go pale, I am going to die… and there is nothing I can do about it. Frowning, she wiped on a fake smile once Ash turned around, “Alright, let’s run.” The intercom woman sounded again, “Last warning, Section 12 boarding, last plane to London.” Myra smiled and grasped Ash’s hand, pulling him through the crowd she ran down a tunnel with large words above it, Section 12. Panting lightly, she began to walk, her lungs pulsed from the effort of breathing so hard while running, and she tried to hide the fact she couldn’t breathe that well from Ash, “Hurry up we sit in… Seat 7 and Seat 8!” Myra quickly walked down the aisle; people sat in almost every seat. Turning to Ash, she pointed to two open seats with the numbers 7 and 8 on them, “There.” Myra settled herself by the window while Ash stuffed his suitcase into a opening above them. He sat down, flopping like deadweight beside her, “So, watcha doin?” Myra smiled gazing out the window, “We should-“she stopped them a flight attendant walked through the aisle speaking in a lower toned voice, “Fasten your seatbelt. Fasten your seatbelt. Fasten your seatbelt.” The repetition of the same sentence made Myra feel irritable, that girl has the most annoying job ever. The woman stood beside Ash’s seat and looked at them, “Fasten your seatbelt.” She watched as Myra clicked the belt, Ash had trouble and the woman leaned over, her blond hair gently brushing ash’s cheek, “Here, let me help that for you.” Ugh, that bitch’s boobs are falling out of her shirt on purpose, whatever, they are obviously fake. Myra glanced at the wide-eyed and frozen Ash as the woman placed her hands just above his pelvis, fastening his seat belt as slowly as she could. Rage and jealousy pulsed through her blood, alright she is pushing it to far! Without thinking, Myra grabbed the collar of Ash’s shirt and pulled his face to hers. The woman stared, her eyes narrowed. Myra planted the best kiss she ever put on any guy on Ash’s lips, glaring at the flight attendant as she did so. Ash tensed up, then relaxed as if falling asleep. The flight attendant snorted and stomped off to the next passenger. Releasing Ash, Myra smiled at him as he leaned back on his chair, arms folded behind his head, “Wow…” Myra laughed, her cheeks burning with embarrassment. Ash snorted, “You did that to make that girl back off, huh.” “No… okay maybe.” Myra smirked, “But, I liked it.” Ash smirked and closed his eyes; Myra couldn’t help but laugh when he licked his lips. I hope that is the last kiss we have before I… her thoughts trailed off and she looked back out her window, gazing out as the plane began to lift off until she fell asleep.
Myra awoke to Ash’s hands gently nudging her awake, “Myra, Myra wake up we’re here!” Myra sighed, I just want to sleep… wait- did Ash just say what I think he said? Her eyes flew open and she leaped to her feet. Her head slammed on the little cabinet above her that held Ash’s suitcase, “Fuck!” Myra landed back on her seat, rubbing her sore head, “Myra?” Ash spoke like he was concerned, then he must have seen what she did and he started laughing, “You’re just full of fails aren’t you?” Myra shook her head, “I’m good, let’s go!” Myra felt a terrible pain inside her, and she knew her time was coming to a close. Tears filled her eyes and, looking into Ash’s eyes, she smiled and planted yet another passionate kiss on him. Once she finished Ash nearly fainted backwards, instead he fell forwards, and Myra had to steady him. Laughing, Myra hugged him tightly then pushed him upwards, making him stand straight, “Come on, my family is going to love you.” Ash smiled and he grabbed her hand as he helped her down the steps and out into the crisp, freezing air of London . Myra closed her eyes and smiled, I thought I hated it here… when really this is where I feel most at home. Smiling, she tightened her grip on Ash’s hand and they boarded a taxi. “Where to?” “3137 East Vectra street.” “That’s… far out there ma’am.” Ash spoke firmly, “Drive.” The taxi driver nodded and began to press on the gas, the speed of the car shocked Myra at first, but she knew this was good. The faster we are… the more time I can spend with my family. Myra kept her fingers entwined between Ash’s, the heat made her palm’s sweaty, but she didn’t care.
After an hour and a half the taxi stopped, just outside of her home. Myra let out a gasp, pain stirred deep inside her, It’s coming quicker than I thought it would. Ash smiled at her and climbed out, he quickly opened her door and held out his hand. Myra’s eyes glazed with pain, it took a lot just to lift her hand and grasp his. He pulled her to her feet and they began to walk towards the large wooden stairway, up to the front door. Myra stared at the wooden planks as if she was about to climb a mountain, how am I going to make it up there… Wordlessly she lifted her foot, placing it on the first step. Breathing heavily already, Myra drew herself forward and took another step. Myra felt a piercing feeling slice through her body, gasping she collapsed, but quickly she caught herself. Ash ran up beside her, but she was already standing upright. He quickly grabbed her hand, leading her up the staircase. Nine more steps… eight, seven, six, Suddenly unbearable pain seemed to grip itself around her, crunching her from the inside out. With a scream, she began to fall again, But Ash kept her up, “Myra? Myra are you alright?” Her jaws parted in a silent screamed and tears of agony streamed down her face, clouded her vision. Myra lifted her head, hearing a shriek of joy and surprise coming from inside the house. Her family poured out of the door. Mother, Jessie, Rose, then last of all… John. Their eyes were filling with happiness and relief. Her mother stuttered, “M-Myra? My-My little baby girl!” Her mother charged down the six steps left. Unable to breathe, Myra crunched over, kneeling on the steps. Ash quickly kneeled beside her, his voice filled with concern, “Myra?” She knew he tried to catch her, but she was already on the floor. Feeling as if the world had slipped away, Myra struggled to keep her eyes open. She could see her entire family now, rushing down the stairs towards her. Coughing, gasping for air, clawing yet again at her skin. Her eyes stretched wide, filled with agony and horror. Searing pain ran through her lungs, every breath she took was torture. Myra looked at Ash, he was talking, but she couldn’t hear him, she couldn’t hear anything. The feeling of her lungs collapsing, her vision cleared of tears for a moment. Myra laid out on her back, trying to regain her breath, but she knew it was too late, it’s time for me to say goodbye…. She reached out a hand, brushing Ash’s cheek as he kneeled above her. Looking into his beautiful brown eyes she rasped, “P-Please take care of my family…” her voice trailed off when she heard her name being called. Ripping her eyes away from his, she stared into the distance, past her family, past Ash. She exhaled one last time as her body slowly went numb.
Breathing in, Ash listened to Myra’s last wish as it echoed in his ears, take care of my family. His heart tightened when she brushed her hand gently across his cheek. Ash smiled, looking down into those gorgeous golden eyes he so easy fell for. He felt his heart turn cold as ice when her hand fell limply from his face, hitting the wooden stairs with a nearly silent, thump. Myra’s mother wailed, her two siblings began to scream and her older brother fell to his knees, his eyes emotionless and dull. Ash didn’t look away from his loves dead diming eyes, “Myra?” Placing his hand on her cheek, he shook her face lightly, “Myra, don’t do this to me… not now Myra, please no!” Tears fell down his face, dripping onto Myra’s beautiful and flawless face, “Please…” Feeling alone and helpless, Ash stuffed his face between Myra’s collar bone and shoulder, wailing into her shirt. Greif engulfed him, when he set up again, his brown eyes grew very dull, clouded with sadness. Myra, if you can hear me… I love you. Ash closed his eyes, not wanting to think his love was dead. Gently he picked her up, cradling her corpse in his arms. His eyes turned to Myra’s mother who was trying to hold herself up on the stair’s railing, “Call the police.” Ash carried her body up the stairs that she didn’t make it past, walked through the already opened door, and carefully placed Myra on the couch, laying her body down as if she would break if he dropped her. Greif struck his heart yet again, and he collapsed on the couch beside Myra. The sounds of sirens slowly grew louder and louder, but nothing mattered as he studied Myra’s perfect face for the last time, I lost you…


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 19.02.2013

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