

The sound of Penelope's tennis shoes crunching against the gravel road ripped through the silence of the crisp, cold morning air as she made her way to a driveway that led to a quaint farmhouse in the countryside where her childhood friend Sorrel resided, just a few miles down from her own house. She reached the foot of the stairs and gazed up at the crooked, white weathered door for a moment, pondering, before swiftly turning on her heel and walking around to the side of the house where she knew she would find Sorrel's window. Dawn had broken a little over an hour ago, so she was positive he was awake, but his parents would not be. Not for a good hour or two, which would give the two of them time to escape reality together as they often did in the woods behind his house, even if it was only for a little while. 

"Sorrel." She called out quietly as her knuckles softly wrapped against the cool glass pane of the window in an attempt to wake him without disturbing the rest of the house. A few minutes passed before she began to hear him stirring within the room, waiting impatiently for him to unlock the window. A few more minutes passed, then his window quietly creaked and bellowed as it opened and a blonde hair covered head poked out the window, sleepy blue eyes settling on Penelope's. He stretched and quietly wailed a yawn, clearly still waking from his deep slumber. 

"What brings you to these parts so bright and early, Little Bird?" Sorrel asked as he propped his elbows on the window sill and rested his chin in his hands, gazing down at her with his dazzling blue eyes and a goofy, toothed grin that warmed Penelope's heart whenever she had the pleasure to see it.  


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 11.10.2011

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