
Strange behaviour even for Mum

I woke with a painful start. Not only was it a Monday morning and I had to get up early to go to school but I hit my head against the wall like I sometimes do when I have violently vivid dreams. I remember it as clearly as if it had actually happened as I have done pretty much my whole life.

The smell of salt water that hit my lungs was so overwhelming I had to take a few deep breaths to control my breathing. The sun setting beautifully in front of me, the ocean calm with a beauty could only be created by sometimes surreal and dream like. I felt the happiness and complete love wash over me as the same man I've been dreaming about for years wraps his arms around my waist and whispers
"Beautiful of this sight can only be improved by your very face" If I had been awake I would have punched him and called him a pervert but here, in his beautiful magically world of a man who was so in love with me it hurt at the sight of him. I run my hand down his cold cheek, he was always cold, never warm but somehow I set a warm shiver run through me as if the warmth I felt for him in my heart exploded and ran through the rest of me.

That's when the dream changed, the sand and sea were the same but the sun had been hidden beyond the world itself. My mystery man was still holding me close with his soft cold skin, but he was kissed my neck. No he was 'Biting' my neck. Just as the realisation and down-right fear came iver me as to 'what' he was I was kicking and screaming with all the energy I could muster but it seems my cries fell on deaf ears and just as I felt the familiar sensation of his teeth sinking in I awoke with a loud thumb and figiting due to fear.

These dreams were more common than not so another bruise on my head really wasn't anything too painful or stress related. What stressed me out was the sound I heard come from downstairs, not only did I her humming her happy tune, which was a sign that she was in her brighest of mood but from the smell of things she was cooking breakfast. Something she hadn't done since I got discharged from hospital after I broke my arm when I was nine.

I climb out of bed, got changed into my school clothes and set off downstairs hearing the sizzling of bacon and the apatising smell of freshly cooked eggs and a new pot of coffee. As I slide into the chair starring at her as she continues to dance around humming and enjoying the simple task of making breakfast. It wasn't that I wasn't greatful, of course I was she was my mother and I loved her, thankful to her for raising me but that didn't mean I wasn't suspicious. If there was one lesson you learned well in this house was to question everything and assume nothing and well... this was just down right strange, even for Mum and I was starring to assume there was some kind of bad news she wished to dawn on me. As to what news I would take so badly and her so well is another mystery in my life.

Mum never remarried after Dad disappeared that faithful night 4 years ago. I was barely old enough to understand he wasn't coming back let alone understand the difference betwewn 'dead' and 'disappeared' though thinking about it now it might as well have been the same thing. That guilt it was your fault, those hundreds upon hundreds of tears you cried at the memories you shared with them adn the realisation that life could still could go on without them. Some where deep down I knew that if the evidence does come to my attention that Dad is indeed dead I think I'll go through all that again because that tiny little fragment of me was hoping, pray beyong all things that he was alive just for some reason could not and would not come home to us.

Dad was a loving man. The best kind of man, he was the strong protective kind not that Mum or even me with my karate and judo lessons actually needed it, he was the soft understanding type, could tell what was wrong a mile off and then know where you needed an intervention or to be left alone to your thoughts. With how much he seemed to know about me I wondered if he could read minds. But most of all, the one thing even I couldn't do, he'd accept Mum's pasted, whatever little knowledge he had on the matter he trusted that Mum loved him and me and that we could a 'normal' family.

It wasn't that I had any reason to not be 'normal' it was just the evidence that we needed to be protected from danger that made me wonder. It started with the extra couple of bolts and locks on all doors and windows, then there was the £400 sercurity system and passcode that only me and Mum knew, but also the Judo and Karate lessons, the way some nights I would catch Mum starring out with window at sometimes a look of preparedness to face whatever danger was lurking on the opposite side of the street. I had asked her about it, heck I'd even gone as far to read her diary (which was completely useless) and even rading her wadrobe but all I found was a photo album of her with 4 other men including Dad smiling up to the camera, all the men look oddly pale and redeyed. On the left hand side was a young man, about 21 brown brownish hair with a cross around his neck and a smile that could only be discribed as cocky. Then there was Dad which his usual gentle smile and his blonde hair, the way I always remembered him. Then there was Mum looking the same as she does now.

Mum never changed, apart from the weight she put on and off at different times a year she looked the same back then as she did now. Then there was younger man, about 18 maybe and his smile seem there but not. It seemed only a tiny one he could muster for the photo but what got me was the sadness in his blueish red eyes. Then there was the other man who looked old than Dad with that 'wise' kind of smile playing on his lips as his eyes were cast over the group in apperication. Something about the group didn't sit right with me and all the other pictures were a mixture of those 5 people and a couple of other girls and boys adding to the frames the more into the album I got.

It wasn't just the album that didn't sit right with me. It was the fact that my own mother was almost a stranger to me which was hard to believe as she hummed her happy tune and flipped the pancakes.

Stranger to me.

"God Jen, don't scare your poor mother like that again" Rosie Wilkins, my mother said to me for the 5th time since she'd turned around to find me sitting at the table. She always jumped out of her skin and knocked over the juices she'd just poured for us. She clucthed her heart in that dramaticly 'Rosie' kind of way.

If there was one thing that could neve escape the notice of the people around my Mum was how much of a drama queen she was. Every little thing she would turn into some dramatic event that needs to be spoken and repeated still the other person would tell it word for word like her. I bite into another sausage and Mum gives that that gentle smile. That one you give someone when they are happily oblivious to the news you are about to them, that twinkle of hope that the truth wouldn't be too hurtful on the relationship. It was the few rare times I'd ever seen Mum so scared to be honest because she was usual so good at lying she could just make it seem the truth.

She just continued to stare at me as I eat, only vagely paying attention to her own breakfast. I couldn't take it any more. I needed to know what she was going to tell me and I needed to know before she decided it would be good to 'bond' before she would tell me. I slam my fork now on my plate, glarring up at her suddenly startled face.
"Seriously Mum just tell me whatever it is that's on the tip of your tongue or people do stop looking at me so strangely" I was expecting outrage at my tone, I was expecting a sudden denial of ever wanting to tell me. But what I wasn't expecting was for her to belt out a loud cackle of a laugh.

My anger was gone before I could even register why I should remain so and was quickly replaced with a look of deep confusion on my face.
"What's so funny?" I ask after she started calming down.
"Sorry-haha- it's just that-haha- For someoen who's so use to being lied to you can tell when someone wants to tell you the truth" I stayed silent wanting for her to continue but it seems she wasn't going too so I just snapped at her, the impatiences of the one thing I wanted to know but being in my knowledge yet.

"Well you would know wouldn't you" She sobered up at once and took a long gulp of her drink as an excuse as to not look me in the eye for a moment. She placed her glass down taking both our plates and putting them in the sink.

"Jen. Please you know I've explained this 'the less you know--'" I join in with the so overfully familiar pharse that when I heard it it was no more than a string of words that mad up a sentence "The safer you are" Mum slapped her mouth shut so tight I thought her lips were doing to disappear into her mouth. It was the look in her eyes but made me doubt myself for a second but then deciding I was too angry to care I stood up

"Mum. Do you think I like not knowing who my mother is? hmm? Do you think I like knowing that My own mother doesn't love me enough to be honest about her past? To know that almost everything about you is a mystery to me. Or the fact that whatever reasons Dad decided to abandon us is still a mystery to me. My life is wrapped in a mystery I sometimes feel like maybe I'm just so mysterious that no one will bother to get to know me. That I'm just some freak who somehow deserves all this clouded secrets in my life" Her face was an image of shock for a few moments, never having heard me speak of down right straight about my opinions of her secret keeping.

But it was soon replaced with a look of... Remorse? is it? it was never a look I saw on her face. Pain, yes. Sadness. Yes. Anger. hell yes but never remorse, never pity but that was indeed what was weaved into the orbs that looked back at me now tear filled.

"Ohh Jen. You've never said that to me before. I'm sorry--" She was sorry? why the hell couldn't she just tell me, how bad could it be? "I never meant to hurt my little girl. I was only trying to protect you... everything was so uncertain, you're father he feared for our lives. He feared for his girls lives, he was always the protector always doing whatever he had to to make us safe. But then something so unexpected and dreadful happened and your father had to go. He couldn't stay. He just couldn't risk it with the news he'd found he needed to be where ever he was" I shook my head at her, making her stop

"Who?? Who Mum? You talking about him running off to follow some guy because it was important. worth him leaving us?" She shook her head

"Not just leaving us but protecting all his friends and thoses of our community. He had to do so. It was his duty--" I hissed at her

"His duty? His duty was to love you till death do you part and be the father he never was to me. Not abandon me and leave me to think he didn't care or love me" Mum grabbed my shoulders
"Oh honey you can't really think? If there is no thing you should NEVER question is how much he loves you Jen--" She seemed to want to continue but then she bite her lip, a deep thoughtful expression on her face. Seemingly deciding seconds late she smiled at me.
"Here come with me to the living room. I have something I want you to see" I followed her barely noticing that I was already twenty minutes late for school.

So he did care?

'Dear Jen

I've been told you don't like being called 'Jens or Jenny' much any more so I'll call you by what you prefer. How is my little girl? and what did it feel like finally turning 14 sweetheart? Rosie tells me that you got that new phone you wanted. I'm so pleased that you had a good day.

I remembered that day you turned 9 still in your cast after your broken your arm, Do you remember honey? The way you still stubbornly wanted to go to that adventure park with all your friends from school. Of course I caved straight away I could never resist your puppy dog look especially when I got that special handshake and kiss from my baby girl. I could never resist you and your cuteness.

Now for the more serious stuff. sorry to ruin the mood. I'm sorry if you hate me. I'm sorry if you're still sitting at the bottom of the stairs wanted me to carry you to bed like I use to do. I'm sorry for missing your birthday. I'm sorry for not being able to do anything other than send these letters and hope you can understand that what I am doing is for you sweetheart but dispite the confusion you're feeling as to why I am not there kissing you and singing you to sleep every night that this is to keep all those I love safe.

When the time comes, all those little comments you've been hearing about 'him' will make sense. All the odd/off things about your mother and me will make sense. You'll get to that moment, hopefully after you're married you will understand and I hope with that you will forgive me for abandoning you with nothing not even such a word as goodbye. Now you must make your poor old Dad a promise. Even if you hate me please listen to your mother. Do everything she askes and please don't get too frustrated with her and her strange way of keeping secrets. It was one of the many things I fell in love with about her.

I'll continue sending these letters ever month like promises. Happy Birthday Sweetheart. You're always in my heart and thoughts
love your very loving Dad'

I must have spent most of the morning reading letters similar to this one, all with a date written on them, going through the last 4 years month by month as promised. There was a few that had 'AFTER' written in deep blood red ink on the page and Mum said that I couldn't read them until I understand why he'd gone away. I could barely find myself caring about those few letters that I couldn't read. I had over 30 letters, always explaining Dad's day (though vague) and he always spoke of how much regret he had for not saying goodbye, for leaving in the first place but that he felt this was more important than his own wishes.

Something inside my heart fixed together, something inside me sparked with fansination, of love for the man who I had even given up all hope of ever seeing again. That little piece of hope in my heart that I kept locked up seem to flood the gates and take over me. I knew I had this bright smile spread on my face as I read and re-read the letters carefully. I barely took note of Mum phoning school to tell them we had a family emergeny and that I wouldn't be in for the day or her get up to make tea or lunch.

Mum had sat by my side the whole time, smiling at me and even took to reading some of the words herself and spilling possibly more tears than even I did. But one thing I realised do suddenly even though it was clearly seen in all the letters
"He did love me" Mum laughs lightly at the whispered words as she rubs my back
"Of course he did honey, he never stop"

Even if the mystery was still infurating for me. I could take comfort in the fact that not only that Dad was alive and well but that he was still thinking of me and that he was doing something so selfless that he was giving up what he wanted most and I couldn't help but wish to be more like him. Hardly remembering the reason this whole thing started, as to how we got to these wonderful letter. Finally remembering my thoughts turned back to What was it that Mum wanted to tell me?

Friends of Mystery

There are moments so surreal in reality that hearing it a thousand times will never quiet let it sink in. Was I confused? yes. Was I angry? Yes. Was I upset? Of course. But one thing took hold me more than that.

Fear. Why was it when Mum had set the dinner plates away (take-away) and I was getting to the point of asking he directly what it was she wanted to tell me. She sat me down on the sofa and started with a sentence even more confusing than the man Dad was 'following'.
"Jen. I want you to meet a friend of mines son. They're arriving in a few moments and we were going to go down to the local pub. Is that okay?" When she said 'friend'? who excatly did she mean.

I'd met all of Mum's friends and their children, Mum took pride in knowing almost everyone in a 2 mile radious of this house. She took pride in knowing everyone's business and for the most part people just saw her (And me) as friendly neighbours but a couple of people just couldn't understand why Mum wanted to know them and even I wasn't sure as to why she bothered knowing and understand everyone's buisness in this neighbourhood. Pub's just weren't Mum's thing, I know that picture in that album I found had her in a pub with those 3 other men but shes never been a drinker other than a glass of Red wine every so often when she was down about Dad or my lastest injury or venture.

"Is it one of those friends from that picture upstairs?" I had barely spoken it but she starred at me with such shock I thought she might explode.

"Y-You've seen the p-pictures? Why were you going down my wardrobe?" I shrugged at her
"I dunno, one of my many attempts to get to know you" She sighed to herself running her hand through her long blonde hair.

"Jen. There is an important reason as to why they're coming over tonight of all nights and it is something to do with that look I was giving you this morning" I took a deep breath and nodded at her to continue but she shook her head.

"No you'll wait till they get here and we're out and then you can't make a scene in a public place" There was a ring at the doorbell and Mum rushed up to get it but not before giving me a wary look of warning to not be too rude. I was too tired to be angry the mixture of tears and healing bruises hiding behind my full fringe.

I stood up and stepped into the hall to see the two very same Men in the picture looking excatly the same. The older man with that proud smile now smiling and huggin Mum like she hadn't seen her in years and realising that she probably hadn't I felt guilt.

I stood there, shuffling my feet nervously as Mum hugged the younger boy that looked about 18 and still with that glint of pain in his eyes that could never quite be lost in the picture. He was starring past Mum and at me with such a look of horror
"Come in, Come in. We'll leave once we've had a cuppa okay?" The old Man seemed to give mum such a deep look of apperciation that I felt that twinkle of attraction flicker in his eyes but he caught me starring and smiled at me.

He stepped over the freshold with a clean, planted smile

"And this must be Jennifer. My my when I last saw you. You must have been what? 2? How you've grown up. You look so much like David (my Dad)" I smiled weakly at him. Hostility in my voice

"It's 'Jen' and considering Mum's only just told me that you're coming you'll excuse me if I'm not so greatful as to your presense" Mum rushed over to me letting the younger boy close the door.

"Jen please, be good. They're here on request of me, of your father" I growl at her, not threaten by her tone or hushed whispered of 'perental' force.

"You think that's going to change anything. You've kept secrets from me for so long and you just expect me to what? be friendly? be nice?!" I turn to them both

"I'm sorry for the waste of a trip to you both" I run off up the stair slamming the door to my bedroom door. I couldn't hear what was being said as I threw myself on the bed.

I had thought that Mum would have let them make themselves at home and then she'd come up and whispered screamed abuse at me till I agreed to come down. So when the knock at the door came instead of her pushing into the room her tone and body language furious I was surprised to say the least.

"Go Away" I shout at the person behind the door. But it would seem just like any Tv show you watch 'Go away' Means 'please come in'. I didn't bother looking at who had walked in as I buried my head into the door.

"Go away. I don't need you yelling at me. Telling me Dad'll be disappointed in me. He probably already is"

"Now David may be alot of things but disappoint in you is isn't. He loves you" My head shot up, hitting the wall again with that familiar 'bang'. As I cradle the back of my head he rushes over and bends out in front of me on the side of my bed.

"Jen are you okay?" I let out a harsh laugh.

"Like you care" I saw the younger boy smile at me slightly

"Like I don't" He whispered at me. I gently reached up and checked my head. His hands cold to the touch, cooling not only the bump and helping headache but my anger as well.

"There that's better a smile" My smile only got brighter at his words as he came and sat next to me as I swung my legs over the side of the bed.

"You know you really should give me and my father a chance" I look up at him, that glint of pain running deep in his bright blue eyes.

"It's not you and you're Dad. It's the secrets. Mum's only just told me this morning that Dad was even stil alive. Let only doing something involving the secret Mum's been keeping all my life" It dawned on me at that moment that I didn't even know his name.
"My Dad told me the big news this morning. I can't say I'm not angry but it's not like with your and my family history we can actually help it" I growl at him

"See? The criptic words. The half turths. Those eyes that shine of honest yet you know it's lies. When does Lying become so easy for you? Mum? And the hell am I the only one who's not allow to know?"
"Patiences is-" I glare at him not really caring how little I knew him or the intimate way in which was shoulder to shoulder with me. Our legs and sides burshing togehter.
"I swear if you say it's a vertue, stranger or not to me I will hit you" He laughs and the sound strangely makes me blush. A silence takes over us and I couldn't help but notice the red tint this eyes as he turned away.
"I don't even know your name. I'd like to know the name of the person I'm going to hit" He laughs and answers generally quiet humoured by my responses.
"Frankie, Though most call me Frank because Frankie reminds me of some cartoon character" I giggle a little at that.
"Okat 'Frank' I'm sorry I was so rude. I just--" He cut me off standing up
"Don't apologize with all these secrets I'm surprised you haven't ran away in search of David to get answers and if there is one thing we all know about David it's how he'd do anything do his little girl" I stood up too.
"Yeah well I'm told this big news as to why you are here will be answered as soon as we go to that pub from that picture" He seemed quiet taken back that I saw the picture but decided against asking him directly why and opened my door.
"I'll race you downstairs" That was all it took. That troubled look left his face and made him look a few years younger. He chased after me down the stairs of course me laughing and look up at him to see how close he was and realising his face was only inches from mine I almost lose my footing and he had to grab my arm and pull me close to his chest to keep me from falling.

Mind reading? what?

I heard the other man, to whom I did not know the name of either clear his vioce and when I looked down at him from half way up the stairs where Frank was holding me still. I almost painfully broke our eye contact and pushed myself slowly away from him so I was on my own feet.

As I pretended to check my shoelaces I caught the look of down right frustration of Frank's Dad's expression and the smile of guilt written on Frank's face. But if I was honest there was no quick exchange of expressions I missed anymore.. in fact I seemed to be more intuned to peoples emotions the older I got.
"Jen I'd like you to meet My dad Greg. Dad this is Jen!" Frank took my hand and lead me quicly down the stairs to stand in front of his Dad.
"Hi Jen... it's nice to meet you at last. I'm sorry if our presence is a little unfamiliar to you but we missed your mum so much we couldn't stay away and we have special news for you"

Mum came rushing out of the kitchen with a cup of tea for Greg, a can of my usual coke for me and what looked like Wine for Frank" Mum looked up at him as he took the drink and smelt it.
"This is very rare... where have you been storing this Rosie?" Mum smiled her million dollar smile
"I've been saving it for a good few years now... I didn't know how long it would be until we saw you but I knew it wouldn't be too much longer so I figured we'd better stock up on the good stuff" That's when the smell of the wine floated over to me. It smile like honey would to a child, sweet and mouth watering. I had to put my can of coke down on the tray and quickly excuse myself to the bathroom.

But thats when I saw it in the mirror in our hallway, my eyes flashing a darken red, like blood. I rub my eyes and force myself up the stairs, Mum having barely noticed my absence. When I got myself in front of the bathroom mirror my eyes were their normal hazel colour. I splash my face with water and held my breath and only breathed out of my nose as I came back down stairs.

I saw that Greg was helping Mum into her coat and Frank had my hat, scarf and coat drapped on his arm, to which at the sight of me he held out the coat for me to slip into, which I did with a thankful smile his way and that's when I noticed the slight red tint to his eyes were almost non-visable anymore and the 'wine' he'd been drinking had been drunk in one quick mouthful.

As we left the house and climbed into the BMW that was Greg's I grabbed my phone and saw I had a text from Hayley.
"Hey x I was worried about you at school today, are you ill?? Hope you're okay xx" I smiled to myself as Frank held open my door for me and I slid in comfortable and buckled my seatbelt before I took the phone to reply to her text. When I finally slid my phone back into my jean pocket I noticed that Frank was giving me a look of questioning. I sigh loudly
"Frank are you gonna stare at me like that the whole time or do I have to actually hit you this time?" Frank let a out an easy laugh and I noticed in the corner of my eye that mum was giving us a smile of approval.
"I just wondered why you bother with school when no one understands you there?" Okay seriously, could he read minds? That had been one of my inner most arguements since I started high school and I'd just learnt to deal with it and get on with being normal, but the fact is I never ever felt normal, I felt like I was surrounded by idiots and stuck up teenagers.
"I'm sure I don't know what you mean" Frank shrugged
"Suit yourself" I growled at him
"Nothing more annoying that someone asking you something and then just when you put up a little defence they start assuming you don't wanna talk about it. Yes okay I feel like that all the time... but what else am I meant to do? Flunk school? Not only would Mum kill me and FYI nothing more scarier than Rosie Wilkin's on a murderous rage" I saw a knowing smile cross bother Greg's and Frank's face "But also Mum's always expressed the need to be 'normal' whatever 'normal' means and besides Dad would be disappointed in me if I ever did that" Frank shrugged
"You make a compling answer" I smile and shrug
"So what wrathed of my mothers have you bared witness too?" Frank's head snapped to me so quickly I had to catch my breath.
"I don't know what you're talking about" I growled again.
"Stop it with the bloody lying, Hello Lie detector person right here... and if not Frank then what about you Greg?" Greg smiled half heartedly at me through the rear view mirror.
"Well I've been her best friend since High school I've known most of her fury since then..." I pffted at him
"Yeah right... like you know everything about her. Did you know she once burnt herself with a curling iron, through it against the wall and knocked the electricity of for a couple weeks?" I saw the small smile twitch on Gregs face as he glanced over at Mum was just shrugging, as if trying to not get involved with whatever moment me and Greg were having.
"Or how about the fact she never hums until she's hiding something, especially something she's happy about but necessarily other people won't be. Or how about the fact that she swear and curse worse than a 18 rated movie... or How about the fact that she keeps an album of you, Dad, Frank and some other Man in her wardrobe?" Greg smile strained a little at the mention of the photos
"Oh so you didn't know she'd kept them? I wonder if there is more secrets about those photo's than meets the eye" The flash of panick in Mum's eyes that I saw as she checked her appearance in rear view Mirror was clear to me.
The silence dragged on for what felt like weeks when we finally pulled up outside the 'Witches traven' pub.
I climbed out of the car and I saw that there was a few more steps between Mum and Greg as he held open the door to all of us to entered and I heard Greg whisper to Frank who was a few feet behind me 'When you get the chance burn them' And I had the deep sensation that it was the photo's he was talking about.
We took out seat at a booth in the far corner as Mum went and ordered the drinks. The bar keeper seemed almost shocked to see Mum's face, but the distance made me unsure.
"So Jen are you ready to find out just who your Mother really is?" But when I looked around at the 2 men, neither had moved their lips but Frank's voice was so obvious to me I just merely nodded at him, which caused him to blink in surprise.
"You actually heard that?" my face set in confusion.
"Heard what? I thought you said it outloud" Okay it was a lie, but I didn't want to let on that I'd known about my mind connecting ability since like forever. It would seem it would only happen when people where trying to actaully say something to me with their mind. It's different to mind reading because I can only hear things when they actually want to ask me a question with their mind are specifically too scared to ask that very question.
"No I haven't said anything since I left the car... how can you?" Does she really have this ability so early on?

"Okay for one, you're totally freaking me out and for two what ability and what do you mean early on?" Greg cut in and I realised he'd actually been listening with shocked eager eyes and ear this whole time.
"Jen? I want you to listen to me very carefully.. I want you to concentrate on Frank. Think about something you want him to hear, something you don't want to say aloud and then imagine it being going through his skull and into his brain, block out me, block out your mother, block out the nose of the pub just concentrate on Frank" I took a deep breath, gently closed my eyes and the first thing that came to my mind as a concentrated that was my hearing was reaching furthur than it ususally did. I could hear the hussle and bussle of the busy pub on a friday night and then Mum's voice rang in my ear as if she were whispering in my ears.
"I know Mary, I know she's so grown up. Too much like her father though, a little to dis-trusting and a little more independant than I would like..." That's when Frank's voice whispered in my mind
"block her out. concentrate" So I took another deep intake of breath and dispite my wanting to listen to her talk about me and Dad I blocked her out too. I found Frank's face in my mind, I out the rest of him shape around, from his musclar arms to his sweet carefree smile and I smiled to myself as I continued to think the words I wanted to think to him. Over and over again in my mind I repeated Greg and Mum: More to it, Greg and Mum: For too it.

I hadn't realised it had gone through until I heard Frank's laughter in my head
"Well no der captain obvious"

I open my eyes and glare at him.
"No need to get rude about it Frank" Frank glanced over at his Dad almost nervous about what i'd just said. But I noticed it wasn't that it was that now Mum was coming over to the table and seemed to be paying far more attention to me than anyone else.
"What was Frank being rude about honey?" Some deep instinct within me told me not tell her and besides I deserved some secrets of my own or maybe it was Frank whispering 'don't tell her' over and over. I turned to him with a super sweet smile that told him I'd gotten the message and he shrugged in response as he grabbed what again looked like Wine but as soon as the smell hit me I felt a rush of desire to just devour the liquid like I thristy beyond belief. I shifted my eyes as Frank too a sip of the liquid. I knew as I watched him drink it I was losing control of myself.

I'm a V-- what?

Get it away from me, GET IT AWAY

I knew he'd heard me cuz he took it down in 2 quick swigs and then shrugged at Mum as if he really needed it. His hand landed on my shoulder
"Jen you okay?" I looked up from his seat next to me.
"Yea--" He let in a deep inhale of breath
"God Jen you look like crap.." He turned to Mum and Greg
"I'm gonna take Jen outside she's looking a little pale, maybe the alcohol around her is doing her some damage" The understanding in Greg and Mum was far too care free it made my blood boil.
He grabbed my jacket that I'd taken off as I took my seat and wrap it softly around my shoulders as he quickly rushed me out the door and around the side of the pub. I wondered why he'd taken my so far away from anyone's ear shot when he did something so shocking to me I could hardly believe it.

He grabbed something from his pocket and put the blade to his wrist and without a flinch he let the scarlet liquid show to me and just like the 'Wine' the same desire for the liquid from somewhere deep within flashed through to my conscious mind. He held out his wrist
"Here it'll help you feel better.. Besides the more you're around it and smell it you might actually lose control and hurt somebody" I glance up at him with such scared, tear filled eyes that he looked shocked to see me so vunreable.
"Oh Jen honey. It's okay honestly. It's doesn't hurt you or me and besides it's kinda what I'm here for" I slowly pushed him up against the wall, his eyes teasing with flirtation. I rolled my eyes and let my eyes fall on his wrist... I don't know when this ever seemed to make some kind of sense. I mean I should be freaking out, getting him medical help instead I felt stupid for being scared and upset about something that was obvious normal for him.
As soon as my lips touched the liquid I felt this explosion of sensation, all my sense seemed to be enhanced 10 fold so when I felt Frank's other arm wrap around me and pull my closer the tingling I felt on my skin seemed to spread my body like a wild fire.

I don't know how only I drunk his 'blood' for but when I finally let go of his wrist and my weight fell heavy on his chest I could hear him breathing deep as if he'd had just kissed me till he ran out of breath. After a few minutes he lifted my chin to look up at him.
"Feel better?" I nodded and honestly I did, I felt more in control of myself, so much so that if someone aimed a gun at me I'd be able to calm them down and kick it out of there hand before they had time to realise just who they are messing with.
"Did you want to go back?" Frank's voice was a whipser.
"No not yet, can we find a bench to sit down on and talk?" He nodded and lead me back to the front of the pub where a beer bench sat with a froster's unbrella like every other pub did.

We sat opposite each other for a long time before he finally said
"Blood craving is normal you know" I scoffed
"Yeah on what planet?" he bit his lip to stop himself from laughing
"On Planet Earth or at least I think we're on earth... when did Spock arrive?" I let out a quick laugh figuring I should have taken him for a star trek fan.
"He didn't scotty beamed us up" I winked at him and his attempts to hide his laughter failed misably.
"Anyways Jennifer.." I was about to argue but he cut me off "I call you Jennifer cuz that's what your Dad calls you so I felt it a nice way of making you feel like he was around" I grabbed my long sleeved hoodie over my hands and sighed deeply and he took that as a reason to continue.
"You're not human though Jennifer... Do you think you'd be able to read my mind and suck my blood if you were?" Saying them together like that seemed to fix the pieces in my mind and I knew exactly what I was.
"How is it even possible? aren't we meant to not age? or---" and then that part made sense too, the fact that mum, Greg and Frank all looked the same as they did 4 years ago... they don't age.
"Okay so what age do I stop?" It was also around that kind I realised just how handsome Greg was disipute my confusion as to what his relationship with Mum was like.
"You've seen my Dad?" The question was blurted out I didn't even have time to make my mind progess what I was saying.
"Yes we see him once every month so we can send of your letters to you and also so he know's we're okay and we know he's okay... he's become like an uncle to me" I sigh
"Buuuttt?" He laughed unhumoured
"But Rosie and my Dad use to be an item, wayyyy back in the day when they too thought they were normal teens, they found each other cuz when a kid broke his leg at a party they both rushed away from the sight and smell of the blood feeling as if they were gonna lose control of themselves. But they split when my Dad got my Mum pregnant with me to which she died at birth at because she wasn't a vamp. So your Mum not understanding moved on and fell completely in love with your Dad's humble way of looking at things even with what he is... Eventually Dad finally got back in contact with your Mum and said he'd moved on. She believed in a threw herself into become his best friend again and your dad and mine reluctantly became friends, like brothers and well.. the rest is history"

That story made every little look between the two I'd seen make sense. Every little glance at me with a sense of pain was understandable.
"Okay I have a couple more questions"
"You actually sent me my letters? Did you know I only actually read them all this morning mum kept them locked up" The anger that spread on his face as his fists hit the table and the wood cracked a little but I paid little mind to it as he walked off towards the field connected to a park.
"Frank... Frank" But none of my calls where getting through. So I stop in my tracks, making sure I could still see him and imaging his gorgous young johnny Deep/Lenard De Crapio mixture filled my mind, my voice was that of a scared school girl as I whispered

I heard him stop, his boots not making a very sof crunch as they stepped on the long in-need-of-a-cut Grass and slowly turned to face me.
"Jennifer... Have you thought your Dad to be dead since today?"

I nodded and I heard the deep growled in this throat.
It was pitch black out hear and the only light being the ones of the pub behind us and a few street lamps lighting up the roads around the park.
"Why would you Mum do this?" It wasn't till he spoke aloud that I realised he'd actually moved within normal hearing range.
"I don't know Frankie.. She thought she was protecting me I guess...she figured that if all my friends thought my Dad was dead then at least they would deniability and so would I until I could at least handle myself enough to deal with that's happening" Frankie sat down next to the tree to my right and leaned against it as if it were the most normal thing in the world.
"You're very calm about this? I mean I was expecting screming.. I was expecting denial, stubbornness, tears and yet the only time you sounded upset was when I got angry what's the deal?" I sigh as I slumped myself onto the floor next to where his legs were stretched out straight.
"I guess I've been finding hints for years... Mum's urgent need to check the mail before I do. Her ability to always look young even though she's meant to be in her late 30s, the fact that the pictures of you all looked the same now as you did 4/5 years ago, not to mention the fact that I've always been a bit strange about blood, since a young age Mum would make sure I avoid it as much as possible but when I got old she just took me to a doctor and they said I just has a weak stomach against blood so I just avoided it whenever I could and when I can't I just hold my breath and breath through my mouth... Then there was the cellar in the house where I was NEVER aloud to play and still aren't aloud in there unless it's a dier emergency which considering we're the undead doesn't seem to be possible anymore" I saw him lips twitch as he attempted to control a smile
"And what about the mind thing? that can't exactly be part of your normal day to day life" I shrug.
"I guess I never figured it was me being insync with peoples emotions, I never figured it was their actual thoughts and most of the time I never say anything because some of the things I hear are just plain wrong/creepy. But the one person I can't read is Mum... I mean there are moments of extreme emotion when I will feel her pain/happiness and will hear what shes wants to ask me but then she usually speaks her mind when she's that emotional anyways" He shrugged.
"I guess that makes sense... So you're okay with being a--" I half smile at him
"A Vampire? oh hell no... but like most things in my life you either accept it or just pretend it's not there and most the time pretending just makes it harder to ignore so"

I don't know what came over me that second but the hairs on my neck stood up and I got to my feet in record time, Frank close behind starring at me with confusion. That's when I heard the cold chill of a familiar unwelcome voice and his evil ways only seemed to make more sense considering my family tree.


Texte: Orignal writing own by xxsatinangelxx
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 07.01.2012

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