
Chapter 1

Damien was at the Head Teacher's office, and, yet again, he was being told off for wearing fake fox tail. He always wore it unless he was asleep, and sometimes even when he was asleep. He got it two years ago when his sister got it for him when she went to Japan with her husband. He had worn it for so long that he felt like it was a part of him, like a part of a mental image of him was missing if he did not have it on.

Damien was used to being in the Head Teacher's office, he was always sent there by teachers who believed he should not get away with wearing his fox tail to school, as it was not part of the school uniform, and every time it was confiscated for at least a day depending on who had sent him there in the first place. Damien always wished his tail was a part of him, and that it could not be removed.

"Damien, I can see that yet another teacher has sent you to me for wearing that ridiculous tail of yours" The head teacher said

"I'm sorry sir, but I have to wear it, without it a part of me is missing" Damien replied

"Let's see, since Mr Spade sent you here, he will not be satisfied unless I confiscate your tail until the end of Friday"

Damien gloomily took off his tail, with a click of his belt, and handed it over. He imminently felt incomplete, which he did not like, it made him feel pointless and a lot lonelier amongst other things.

"You are dismissed" the head teacher said

As soon as Damien stood up, he had an irritating itch, just below where his tail normally rested, he scratched it, but it did not go away.


At the end of Friday, the itch was still irritating Damien as he went to the Head Teacher's office to pick up his tail. The head teacher handed it over, and Damien went to put it back on, but the Head Teacher stopped him.

"Do not put it back on until you get outside of the school grounds or I will have to confiscate it for the weekend" He said

Damien's eyes widened with the fear of being without his beloved tail for the whole weekend

"Ok!" he shouted in return, and ran out of the school grounds as fast as he could.


Outside the school, Damien put his tail back on and sighed with relief, he felt whole again, he also realised the ginger tail was slightly heavier and looked more like a real fox tail. Damien walked home stroking his tail, feeling more relaxed than he had in a while.


Damien soon arrived home. It was not a big house but it was big enough for Damien and his parents.

"I'm home!" Damien shouted as he walked through the door. His parents were standing there, with their hands on their hips.

"We had a call from the school, that your tail was confiscated again" his dad said

"Take it off, we will have to take it away until you learn not to wear it to school" His mum added

"But it is part of me!" Damien moaned, he had just got his tail back and did not want to lose it again.

"Just take it off"

Damien did what he was told, he undid the belt and took it off, but the tail was not on there, he turned around and smiled, the tail had made itself part of him. His mum pulled it, as if she was trying to get it off her son.

"MROWW!" Damien yelped, before he snatched his tail from his mother's grasp.

Chapter 2

Damien looked at his parents with a smile, slightly itching his ear. However what he not realise until his parents pointed it out was that his ears had moved further up his head. He looked in the front room mirror, his ears had become more pointed. Damien touched them and they were soft, they were covered in thousands of tiny hairs that you could not see unless you focused. Damien's mum stroked is ears and he started to purr, Damien thought foxes purred and meowed, but the don't, that was typical cat behaviour, not fox.


Damien and his parents were eating their dinner at the kitchen table in silence, His parents kept on looking and Damien's ears and tail, like they expected Damien to suddenly shout out "Ha i fooled you!"

However, Damien was not trying to fool his parents. He was exhausted, and it was only 5o'clock, maybe it was because foxes are nocturnal

Damien thought.

"Goodnight" Damien said tiredly. He stood up and made his way to his room, almost collapsing of exhaustion on the stairs. Damien attempted to get changed into his pyjamas but gave up when he got down to his pants, he collapsed on to his bed and fell asleep almost instantly, not even bothering to cover himself over with the duvet, not even noticing the loudness of the birds outside his grimy bedroom window.

Damien woke up in the very early morning, he groaned, it was going to be a long weekend.


All weekend was, was a haze, a haze of Damien going to bed shattered around 3:30 only to wake in the early morning, ravishing as he had not eaten dinner.

Through the weekend Damien noticed many changes in his appearance. His ears looked more fox like, they were more rounded and pointed, they were also higher up and covered in ginger and white fur. On his hands black pads had formed, and there was neat and pointy claws where his nails used to be. It was the same with his feet, his eyes had also formed into fox-like slits.

Monday soon came around and Damien decided he was still going to go to school. He woke up at Midnight because of his fox instincts, with ravishing hunger. His stomach decided he was going to raid the fridge. He found a 6 pack of jumbo sausage rolls, he ate four and left two for lunch. He also got a bottle of water out of the cupboard and made a cheese and onion sandwich. He got dressed and wasted the hours until it was time to school, he was wide awake and did not show any signs of nodding off any time soon.


At 8o'clock Damien set off for school, he got up to the roundabout which would lead to the straight road to the school when a boy walked up to him, Damien recognized him but he was not sure where from.

"Hello, how was your weekend?" the boy asked, staring admiringly at Damien's fox ears

"Well, as you can see, i am now part fox" Damien replied

"Are they real?" the boy asked, moving his hand towards damien's tail, showing Damien that he wants to touch it

"Yes" Damien replied "you want to touch them, don't you, you can if you want"

Damien's ears twitched in delight when the boy's fingers brisked against them, and his tail waged happily, like a dogs, Damien started purring and it got louder and louder. They soon crossed the roundabout and were on the straight road leading to the road the school was on. Damien closed his eyes and his purring got louder and louder, Damien did not know why he was purring, his parents said foxes did not purr, but he enjoyed it anyway. At the end of the road, Damien walked into a lamp post, and when he had regained his vision by shaking his head like a confused dog, he realised he was at the bottom of the school road, and the boy was running off to meet his mates.

"Thankyou and Bye" The boy said

"Youre welcome, bye" Damien replied.


Damien walked into his first class, Religion and Ethics, and prepared for the lesson, he was sitting on his own that lesson, in the front row. The bell rang and Damien could not cover his ears quick enough. Mr McLeod began to call out the register.

"Ami", Ami replied with a "Here Sir"

"John" John did the same

"Bryan" Bryan replied with a "good morning Sir"

"Yuki" And Yuki did the same

"Damien" Damien was surprise with the calling of his name and a "Mrow?" escaped his lips, as he was in the front row, Mr McLeod heard.

"That's enough of you and your foxy antics, first a tail, then ears, and now you are meowing, foxes don't even meow, what is wrong with you?" Mr Spade shouted "Get out of my sight, go to the Head Teacher's office now!"

Damien's ears dropped with sadness but he did not argue, he could not help being part fox so it was either come to school a part fox or do not come to school at all. Also, the school board would not be pleased if he got excluded because of his looks.

Chapter 3

Damien soon arrived at the head teachers office. He hoped his days of being sent to the head teacher were over since his could not remove the fox things about him, however that seemed to not be the case.

Damien walked in the head teacher gestured for him to sit down, he sat.

"Damien, what a surprise" he said jokily "I am guessing you are still wearing your tail?"

"yes sir, I put it back on after school on Friday and when I could got home I could not take it off, then my ears turned into fox ears and became more sensitive and now I am part fox, I got sent here by Mr McLeod, for answering "Morw?" to the register, but i could not help mit, it is part of my nature now, like purring is" Damien replied

"you realise you sound crazy, Damien?"

"yes, but it is true"

"it cannot be true as you cannot turn into pat fox just by wearing a fake fox tail, i am sorry, but i will have to confiscate them until you learn not to wear them to school anymore"

The head teacher tried to pull the ears he though was fake off Damien's head

"Mrow!" He yelped, smaking the head teacher's hand away

"For god's sake, Damien, stop making such a fuss"

"I don't mean to" Damien replied, as he massaged his sore ears and stated to purr

"Damien, how did you make that noise, foxes don't even purr"

"I just do, if you do not believe me, then where are the clips which would attach the "fake" ears to my head?" Damien asked, making the speech marks around fake in the air.

The head teacher searched for the clips like he was searching for head lice but he could not find them, and he realised that Damien was not lying.

"So you are part fox now, i understand" he said before he wrote Damien a note, "take this note, it explains to the teachers about your ears and tail"

Damien took the note and read it.

Dear Teacher

Damien is allowed to wear his ears and tail, as they are part of him and cannot be remove, they are real and it will hurt him if you pull at them and try to prove me wrong, so please do not do so

Also, please refrain from talking to Damien about this is front of the class, if the class asks just say that he has special permission from me. If Damien wishes to tell the class that his fox ears and tail are real, he will do so himself. If there are any problems which will affect his learning do not hesitste to visit me with Damien, if he is not with you, i will regard the problem as nothing to worry about.


Hear teacher of Dover court Secondary.


Damien went back to class with a smirk on his face, that would show any teachers like Mr Spade and Mr McLeod. By the time had had finished his talk with the head teacher it was period 3, tutor, which was only half an hour long. Damien liked tutor, he could easily get away with his fox tail and ears, it was only jewellery that could cause an accident and went against the school code of conduct. Damien yawned, he was already feeling sleepy.

"you finally made it to class then" the tutor teacher said with Damien walked in.

"Sorry sir, i was with the head teacher" Damien said before he handed the note over

The tutor teacher read the note, handed it back, then went to deal with a student which had just called him over. Damien sat dawn and yawned deeply.

"Tired are you, Damien?" asked the girl who was sitting next to him

"Yes, foxes are nocturnal and i struggle to stay awake during the day, i get sleepy at around 11 and am shatters by 3" Damien replied.

Damien curled his tail on to the table, rested his head on it and fell asleep almost instantly.


Damien woke up when the bell went off and, once again, he could not cover his ears quick enough. He groaned, it was the morning break so at least he did not have to rush off to any lessons. He took his time putting his coat back on and made his way out of the block, but before he got outside into the freshly cold air he was stopped by Mr Lewis, head of his learning community, Alhambra.

"Damien, can i have a word, please?" Mr Lewis asked

Damien followed Mr Lewis into his office, sat down and yawned deeply before passing Mr Lewis the note.

"Are you tired, Damien?" Mr Lewis asked

"Yes" Damien replied with a yawn "I find it harder to stay awake now because foxes are nocturnal, i am worried i might fall asleep in one of my lessons, especially if i have someone like Mr Spade"

"You can sleep here and i will wake you just before the bell goes, save your'e ears some pain, eh?"

"Thankyou" Damien replied with a yawn as he laid down on the sofa-like seat. He curled his tail around him and was soon fast asleep.

Chapter 4

Mr Lewis woke Damien up just before the bell went so Damien covered his ears just in time to stop himself getting a headache. He slowly stood knowing that there was no need to rush.

Damien took his time walking to Technology, he had Wood work that term and it did not matter if he was late, as long as he was not the last one to arrive.

Damien walked into class and handed his teacher, Mrs Simpson, the note from the Head Teacher.

"Do you need any protection for your tail?" Mrs Simpson asked

"No, thank you" Damien replied "It will be fine"

Damien put on the necessary protective gear, not including the gloves as he could not wear them because of his nails, and got to work.

A boy looked over at Damien with a smirk on his face like he was about to hurt him. When Damien was not looking, the boy grabbed his tail and shoved it in the clamp. He then turned the clamp handle tightly until Damien yelped in pain.

"Mrowww!" Damien yelped, before his stated prodding his tail and whimpering, hurt and confused.

Mrs Simpson rushed over and sent the boy outside. She removed Damien's tail from the clamp and inspected the damage. A clump of fur got caught on the fur and when it was pulled off it caused Damien's tail to bleed. Damien then took his tail and hugged it protectively

"Damien, who do you want to take you to reception?" Mrs Simpson

As Damien was speechless, he pointed at the girl from tutor, the girl walked over

"Can I stay with him until he calms down?" The girl asked

"Yes" Mrs Simpson replied "As long as you are not late for your next lesson"


Damien and the girl from tutor soon arrived at reception. The girl explained what happened to the receptionist which dealt with people from Alhambra.

"Sit down" She said, and Damien did, still whimpering and holding his tail protectively, still in shock.

The receptionist got some bandages and wrapped them tightly round Damien's tail. He closed his eyes whilst she did so and by the time she was finished Damien was fast asleep, head resting on the girl's shoulder.


Damien woke when the bell went off and he could not cover his ears in time. He realised he had been leaning on the girls shoulder the whole time he was asleep

"Sorry, I did not mean to fall asleep on your shoulder" Damien said apoplectically

"That's ok, you were tired and could not help fall asleep" The girl said, she was happy that Damien had fallen asleep on her shoulder; they were starting to get closer.

Damien was told to go back to class, he had PE which he was regretting, and especially as for PE you had to have a lot of energy, which he did not have at that moment. He got to PE and began to get changed, but he fell asleep. He was soon woken by the PE teacher.

"Hurry up!" the PE teacher shouted, causing him to cover his ears "Everybody is waiting for you!"

Damien finished getting changed and went into the sports hall, they were doing Dodge ball and he was afraid he was going to hurt his tail. The game started and he was instantly knocked aside by a ball thrown by the boy in Technology. Damien fell down against the climbing frame and fell asleep there


Damien was woken by the PE teacher minutes later and was sent to Mr Lewis, when he arrived, he could tell that Mr Lewis had been waiting for him.

"I can tell that one of the teachers caught you sleeping in their lesson, I expected that to happen" Mr Lewis said before he realised the bandage

"Yes, I hurt my tail earlier and used up most of my energy worrying about it" Damien replied, yawning "I fell asleep playing dodge ball in PE and the teacher sent me here"

"How did you fall asleep in PE?"

"I don't know, I was that tired"

"Well you can sleep here until Lunch, and then we can go to the head teacher and sort out a better school routine for you"

"Thank you, Mr Lewis, I really appreciate it" Damien thanked Mr Lewis before he laid down, once again, on the sofa like seat, he wrapped his tail around him carefully and fell asleep almost instantly.


Damien woke naturally just before the bell went off. Damien covered his ears until the bell stopped ringing, then he shook his head, trying to clear it.

"Are you ready to go see the head?" Mr Lewis asked when he realised that Damien was awake.

"Yeah" Damien replied, sitting up


Damien and Mr Lewis started walking up to the Head Teacher's office. As they walked up Damien realised people were looking at him like he had done something bad.

Mr Lewis and Damien soon arrived, they knocked and entered

"Sit down" The head teacher said before Mr Lewis and Damien sat down. Damien was careful whilst trying not to sit on his tail.

"Damien has been having trouble with staying awake in classes" Mr Lewis informed the Head Teacher, "he has become so tired that he has fallen asleep during a game of dodge ball in PE, that is when Damien was sent here by his PE teacher

"Ah, I see" The head teacher replied "We will have to do something about that"


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 23.06.2011

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