
Five Friends

(Kizzie's p.o.v)

Having cat ears and fluffy tail isn't fun. They appeared when i was only fifteen, i stayed home for a week when i managed to make them disappear when i wanted. it took a lot of concentration. I was seventeen now and i finished school last year. I work in a resturaunt as a waitress and do my best to stay out of trouble. I seemed to attract trouble like a fridge magnet, it was a terrible flaw, my friends only find it funny. They don't know about my cat ears or tail, no one does. And i liked to keep it that way. I didn't like it knowing i had a deep secret, a second appearnce that would scare others away.

I lived in a small flat close to work. I liked being at home, i was able to have relax and let out my true appearance. I wanted to get away though. I kept having dreams of strange places and magical beings. Others like myself, but it was only a dream. I had three friends, kylie, Aisha and Rob. They kept me up to date with the world and took me out places that were crowded and supposedly fun. But their idea of fun was sex and alcohol. One sniff of it made me gag, the only thing that made me feel drunken was cat nip and it felt weird to even buy because i didn't own a cat.

I pulled off my apron and went into the kitchen to hang it up. My shift was done for the day so i could go do my shopping and go home. Aisha and Kylie were coming over later for a movie night of chick flicks and musicals. I waved to everyone before grabbing my bag and leaving. I was dressed in light blue jeans and a green tank top with my favorite black converses on. I shook my blonde short hair and walked into the busy streets. (My hair turned blue when i changed to my true appearance) I made my way to my usual store and brought the essentials as well as drinks and snacks for tonight. But i couldn't help feeling someone watching me, it was an odd feeling and i kept looking around everywhere checking for anything suspicious.

On my way back i passed a pet store. Something was drawing me too it and it definitetly wasn't cat nip. I walked in sniffing and looked at the animals, i felt a need too, the dogs growled at me but the cats all looked to me. And I could hear them all in my head, something that came along with my ears and tail.

'Take us home, the shop owners hate's us all' i heard one say. 'We know you, take us' another said.
There were only five of them but they're pleading cries called to something deep inside me. I couldn't leave them, i had to, plus i guess it would be company for me at home.

I walked up to the desk and the grey haired woman looked up at me and she scowled "Yes?"
I kept my anger in check luckily "I would like the cats please" I smiled lightly.
Her eyes brightened slightly "All five?" she asked eagerly "Yes, m'am".

She almost cried with joy as she opened the cages and handled them roughly. I had no idea how i was going to carry them home along with the food I needed to buy and essentials for them. She grabbed a two cat-carriers one slightly bigger than the other putting them inside. They weren't expensive either.

"Do you deliver?" i asked hopefully.
"Yes dear, i'll need the adress" she said as i placed all the cat essentials on the desk.

"You do mean the cat things not the cats right?" she asked a little skitty about it.
"Yes, i just can't carry all these things home" she nodded as i wrote down the adress.
"The delivery will be at four, is that ok?" she seemed to like me a lot more now.

"Yes that's fine, thankyou" I said as i left the store doing my best to holld the bags and the cat-carriers at the same time.

'Thank you, miss' i heard one of them say. "You're welcome" i smiled down at them. I put my bags on the ground and managed to flag a cab. I never had an intention of spending so much money but i had alot because i didn't spend much anyway so i was quite lucky.

When i got in i let the cats out who rubbed themselves against me and purred loudly showing me affection. I shut the door relaxing feeling my tail push out above my jeans and my hair push through my hair. I put my stuff away and sat on my sofa and the cats sat with me. They were all unique. The pure white one with violet eyes was called Kaz (Male), The bright ginger one with pale green eyes was called Jinx (female) The black one with bright blue eyes was called Dex (Male) The black and white one was called Yuni (Female) and the last one was grey and extremely fluffy with the brightest yellow eyes i had ever seen, called Jay (male).

'We are very grateful, Kizzie" Kaz said curling around my shoulders.
"That's ok, are you going to stasy with me?" I asked as Dex curled beside me and yuni stretched in my lap. Jinx on the top of the couch with her head resting on mine.

"Of course we will" Kaz assured me, he seemed to be leader of the little group. I smiled and continued watching TV when i felt someone watching me again. A shiver ran through me as i tried to ignore it until the buzzer from the intercom made me concentrate on that instead. It was my delivery and i was quitehappy now that i could set all the things around my flat. The cat beds went randomly around the flat. I felt happy having their presence.

"You guys hungry?" I asked as i filled my one empty cupboard with cat food and treats and other essentials. They purred instantly following me into the kitchen as i placed food out into theplastic bowls and one big bowl of water for them. I laughed as they ate greedily still trying to purr at the same time. I left them too it and went back into the front room flopping onto my couch and flicking through the channels coming across 'the big bang theory'.

-------- LATER ---------

I had told them all about my friends and they agreed to be friendly. Aisha and Kylie arrived and screamed in delight just at the sight of them.

"They're adorable" They cooed as i told them which one was which and petted them. "Why five of them, though?" Kylie asked.

I shrugged "I couldn't just pick one of them i had to have them all, plus it'll give me good company, it was getting lonely here by myself" i explained
"True, they're just so adorable"

We spent the evening laughing and crying at the movies and eating all the snack food and drink. The cats stayed with us either curled up with me or them. I offered the girls to stay the night because it was midnight and i knew it could get dodgey but Rob called inviting us to a party because he could pick us up.

"No it's ok, plus i don't want to leave the cats here on their own for the first night" I shook my head with an apologetic look. "Yeah, course, plus it's at Garry's i think it would be awkward if you went there" Aisha said.

Garry was my ex-boyfriend. He was a cheat like most guys it seems, i didn't care too much now because his kisses were always sloppy and wet. He held me too tight and liked to treat me like a possesion. I was lucky to escape from him really. I Grabbed a tight tank top and some baggy shorts with a hole for my tail to go through. I brushed my sharp little teeth and stretched out and flopped onto my bed and the cats curled up with me. I was watching grease 2 on my small tv in my room and fell asleep feeling the comfort of having cat company aroound me.

'KIZZIE!' Jinx screamed at me, i woke looking at her with sleepy eyes "What is it?" I asked and that was when i felt a strong pressence in the house. I gasped feeling scared, the cats crowded me growling and hissing as a man walked into my room, his movements were quick and i couldn't see his features but i was grabbed and pulled from the bed and i felt something wash over me causing me to black out, the last thing i saw was my cats falling asleep like myself. I was being kidnapped i think and was scared witless.

Waking up

(Kizzie's p.o.v)

I felt strange and groggy, was it a dream? I wasn't sure until i felt a silk sheet brush my skin. I slowly opened my eyes to a fairly dark room. I was lead on a four poster bed with curtains drawn back. There were fancy frames with detailed paintings on the walls. I sat up feeling a dull ache in my back. It clicked as i stretched, I looked down and found my cats beside me. Relief flooded me and i stroked their soft fur and hugged them close waking them up.
"Kizzie, can't breath!" Jinx gasped, i let go but they walked all over me rubbing their scents onto me. They're strangely protective of me I see.
"It's good to see you well" Jay said purring in my ear.
"I'm glad to see you all unharmed too, at first i though it was a dream. Do you guy's know where we are?" I said, my voice shaking slightly.
"No, sorry, we were blacked out just like you" Kaz said.
I lead back down and sighed heavily, why was here? why was i taken? There had to be a reason and someone was bound to come to this room soon. I have a feeling that the door will be locked and the windows too. My stomach growled stomach growled at me, i was hungry and so were the cats. Hopefully someone would come soon. I stood up and made sure to check the door which was locked like I thought. Maybe if i yelled someone would come and ... and what? I didn't know my captors name and i didn't know how many of them there were.
What could i possibly ask when they did get here? The only question which comes to mind is why? But i probably won't get an answer so easily. I needed to find a way out. I pulled back the curtains letting daylight in. I looked down finding myself in a very high-up room and i was in a very big house, more like a castle it seemed. The garden was well kept and very professinal and fairytale-like. I hadn't seen anything like this before. Where on earth was i?
Luckily the room was supplied with a very fancy bathroom, i brushed my teeth and hesitated on taking a shower. I did smell, and the essentials were all there. I stared at the window wall with the shower head behind it and shelves. I sighed and stripped from my clothes and stepped in hating the feel of water on my ears and tail. I was quick and wrapped the soft white fluffy towel around me drying myself down. I pulled back on my clothes and walked into the room again trying to dry my hair.
I looked up to see the cats glaring at a blonde haired man sat on the bed, his hair fell past his shoulders and his daring green eyes looked to my violet ones. He wore black trousers and a strange white baggy top, like a pirates. His fingers crowded with rings and his thin lips pulled into a grim line.
"My name is Warren" He introduced leaning back on his hands.
"Kizzie" I muttered sitting on the chair in the corner continuing to dry my hair, i was very cousious of him.
"I am a Mage before you ask" He said.
My head popped up, Mage? Like a sorcerer? He must be joking, i'm sure he's not telling the truth, just playing with me.
"What?" I stuttered.
"Mage, uses magic that sort of thing, how could you not know? You must believe me surely" He said smirking at me.
"But that doesn't exist, just old travellers tales" I muttered stunned slightly.
"Then what are you? hmm... you exist and you're half cat, can you explain that?" I didn't get time to reply "Magic exists" He said leaning forward "Now, get dressed, clothes are in the drawers. The others are waiting, dear"
He waited by the door as i picked out black jean shorts and a longsleeved white top. I kept it simple because all the other clothes looked difficult to get on. There was underwear too but the lacey fashion looked uncomfortable and revealing. I changed in the bathroom and immerged quickly feeling self-concious under Warren's stare.
"You're friends must come too" He ordered.
"We better get food" I heard Dex grumble.
We followed Warren down many halls and stairs. We finally came to large room with a long table and tall chairs. A roaring fire was going and i welcomed the warmth happily. At the table were seven people all staring at me with curious eyes, i wanted to retreat back to my room and stay put or lose myself in the beautiful garden i had seen. Warren guided me to a seat, the cats jumped onto the table and sat by me, there were cat bowls set out on the table too.
There were only three girls and each of them had something about them that made me want to squirm under their stare. The tall one had short silver hair and wore a white kimono with a dark purple sash at the waist. Her dark almond eyes studied me. I noticed she had long ears that were pointed and pierced.
"Kizzie, this is Carrie, she is an elf" He said seating himself beside her.
The second girl had long curly brown hair that went past her waist and a dainty mischevious face. She had thin wings that had detailed markings. She was sat next to the guy who had ears like myself. The colour of his hair and tails etc. Were a mix of burgundy and black it changed in the light. One of his ears were pierced and he had a cheeky grin plastered on his face as he engaged himself in a conversation with the winged girl.
"That's Darrel, he is one of you're kind, and Mei, Fey kind" Warren said following my gaze. It was strange to see someone so much like myself.
"Where did you find her?" the other girl asked looking to warren.
She was beautiful with long black hair and apple green eyes. Her skin was the colour of coffee cream. She had a sharpness to her though, something that told you she had a bad side too her and you didn't want to be on it. Beside sat another guy, her had shortish fire red hair with dark amber eyes. He was busy looking at some sort of paper.
"In one of the cities, horrid place really" Warren answered.
The girl looked to me "I'm Tess" She smiled, her name matched her perfectly.
"Thats Jax" She said pointing to the red haired boy.
"And i'm Axal his brother" Said the other blonde boy, his hair was messy and went past his ears, his eyes were like Jax's but he had a kinder face.
The last boy was very sexy and dangerous looking he was wearing an open white shirt and his black hair stopped just above his shoulders. His red eyes looked at me hungrily making me a little cautious of him.
"Arran, behave now, she's a guest, not a dessert" Warren said but there was a slight tease in his voice as his eyes looked to me and he winked.
Warren clicked his fingers and two maids walked in with trolleys with delicious looking food on it. She placed a plate of food infront of me, a fresh fish with the bones taken out and the head taken off. I licked my lips and dug in greedily i felt like i hadn't eaten for days. I wonder how long i was asleep for.
The others weren't as eager as me as they ate and looked at me with amused eyes. I finished my food and sat back feeling full and relaxed, the cats finished their food too. Yuni jumped into my lap and Kaz curled himself on my shoulders. The others sat close to me.
I Stroked Yuni and lost myself inside my head. What did they plan to do with me anyway? Atleast i wasn't going to a feast for them. They finished their food and engaged in conversation between themselves.
Arran who was sat by decided to break me from my thoughts "What's going through you're head, little kitten" He said sipping from a silver goblet.
"Lots" i muttered.
"What do you think of this place then?"
"Strangely beautiful, who owns this place?"
"I do" Axal answered looking up from the paper "I inherited it from my parents, unfortunately the pack went missing a while back so i have friends live with me instead"
"Pack?" What did he mean, what was he?
"I'm a werewolf, like Axal and Tess" he said "We're still looking for the pack but we haven't found a trace. I doubt they're still alive by now"
I was shocked, how could he just give up so easily "you can't think like that, think like that and you will never find them. What if they are still alive, and when they come back and find you gave up, what would they think of you then?!"
I shut my mouth realising i had spoke my mind without thinking once again, i couldn't count how many times i had gotten myself into trouble by doing that. I sat back and looked down at my empty plate feeling my cheeks heat up. I hated embarassing myself like this.
"That is true" he mused "I will keep looking then, but i have other priorities first, which involve you"
"I guess that explains a little about why i'm here" I muttered.
Arran chuckled "Yes, but there is more to explain"
"Darrel should be the one explaining, once he stops flirting with the Fairie" Tess said, she shot a glare at Mei and Darrel, the hatred was easily shown in her eyes.
Darrel looked up and his eyes slowly travelled to me and he sighed heavily "Simple, you are princess of the Luna Clan. The queen and King wanted you back so we retreived you, we'll be taking you back today, there you go, all explained" He then rudely turned back to Mei who looked a little angry at his behavouir.
She hit him hard across the chest and then looked to me "I'm sorry about him. The truth is that he got banished from the Luna Clan but the King gave him a chance to prove himself so he could stay part of the clan instead of an outsider, but he asked us to help him, when really we did all the work so he could go back. We didn't find out about this till this morning"
"Fine, then i'll tell them what you really did, you obviously don't deserve to be in the Clan from what i've already seen"
Darrel began growling at me and i didn't realise i was hissing back at him. He angered me but i sat back, i didn't really understand anything i had just been told. It was all slowly sinking in.
"See, if you're blunt with it she's not going to understand" Warren interupted "How's she supposed to take it all in so quickly? Arran, Carrie, take him out of here, keep him locked away for now. Tess, come with me and let's take her somewhere more private so we can discuss this properly"
Jax didn't seem like boss around here, but there was a side to Warren that he was hiding, and my curiosity wanted to find out.
The words were slowly sinking in and as they did my mind was slowly freezing over, i didn't want to think, I needed peace and silence a place to go away from here. Like in my dreams, were i could find my own answers to this. I let them take me upstairs to the room which i woke up in and i sat down staring into space. I didn't even listen to what Warren and Tess were saying. I was trapped inside myself and my own thoughts which weren't even responding.


(Kizzie's p.o.v)

I Looked at them with a blank stare "May I sleep?". I didn't hear an answer i only saw them nod at me and leave the room locking it behind them. I lead back with the cats prowling around me curling up themselves. I closed my eyes and breathed slowly counting each breath. I felt drowsy and cold. I Got to 37 when i fell into a deep sleep.

- The dream -

I opened my eyes finding myself lying on a soft floor. I looked to my left and then to my right. I was in a big marble room, the floors gleamed and bright light poured in from the old looking windows. I sat up and found i was in a long white gown, it was very simple. The neck line was low enough to be decent with a small criss croos lace. The sleeves were wide and hung delicately past my hands. My blue hair was long, it was tied with a white string spiral down the tail that hung over my left shoulder. My tail stayed hidden beneath my dress but my ears were out in the open and i twitched them just to make sure.
Standing up i found i was my usual height of 5'6, i saw an open door at the far end of the room. I moved swiftly towards it looking back to check no one was watching me. The halls i ended up in were beautiful, the white stones looked clean and a long pale blue carpet was laid out on the floor. Beautiful paintings hung on the walls of places and people i had never seen or met. I felt familiarity in this place. It was like i was a child running through the halls. Following my curiosity.
There was skip in my step and faint music that i twirled and hummed along too. The melody ran through me like water, so sweet and gentle. I found another open door, that lead outside. I stood at the frame only seeing white light. I pushed my hand through feeling a summer breeze cross my skin and soft petals. A Smile lit up my face and i walked through onto soft green grass that was warm beneath my feet. The sun touched my face lovingly.
All Around were tree's i had never seen and smells that had not passed through my nose, I wondered slowly through the large garden listening to the voice of the birds and the song that travelled on the wind. I came across a lake, by the lake was a tree with a low branch that had a bench hanging from it.
On the bench was a magnificent woman, she had long silver hair and white ears that prouted from beneath the silky locks. She turned her pale yellow eyes to me and smiled.
"Come sit, dear child" She beckoned.
She put an arm around me pulling close as i sat down, letting my head rest on her shoulder and the bench swing lightly.
"It has been a while, my dear"
"Who are you?" I asked feeling calm as she stroked behind my ears.
"My name is Nala, I am you're guardian" I went to speak but she put a finger to my lips "Let me speak, you can ask questions after. You're parents asked me in paticular to watch over you when you were taken. It was twenty years ago that happened. I know you are only seventeen but there have been times when i couldn't see you. You were out of my sight for three years. You were five when you were taken. An attack on the kingdom. You're brothers tried to save you but they were young and were no match for you're captors. After that no one knew where you were. The King and Queen were distraught and so were you're brothers and sisters.
"There has been much trouble since you vanished. The King would've have had found you sooner if he could but many things stood in his way. The people have also missed you and tried to find you. Outside of the palace walls is a city of Clans, you're parents have many allies. The people made a statue of you, its a great monument. Before you ask why you are so speacial i will tell you. You are the ninth daughter, and that means you are the Travelling child. One who will venture into far places from home and bring back treasures and go on quests. My dear child, you are the most important child of the family. Because one day, you will have to venture into far off lands and finally return The Cresent of Nerisaga.
"When you wake you will wear the dress that has been brought for you, you will be taken by carriage, one of ours which we have sent, the White lions will be pulling the carriage. The others will follow behind in whatever form of transport. It is going to be a day long journey. That is all you need to know for now, my dear. Now you may ask any questions"
"Who Is Nerisaga?" I was curious, i wasn't sure about travelling or going on quests, it seemed so dangerous.
"A very noble and widely known woman, all creatures know of her. You loved to hear tales about her, every night after dinner. You used to tell the one of Nerisaga and the Jasmine Flower girl so well. It was you're favourite, you'll remember soon enough"
"And my cat's? They will come with me too, right?"
"Of course, they will go with no one else, but you. It's funny how you don't see the bond between all of you. But you will see soon enough"
"Will you be there when i arrive?"
"Yes, if not then i will tell you by message. But do no doubt it"
I liked sitting here, just talking with her, even though a frightful path seemed to lay ahead of me and i had no idea of where it was going to take me, i felt safe and at peace.
"Sleep, child, soon you will be home and you can rest you anxious heart" I felt her kiss my forehead as i closed my eyes.
She sang softly, the words i could not make out and the tune was lost in my memories as i fell peacefully into a slumber that held me with warm hands.

- End of dream -

(Tess' p.o.v)

We left the girl to sleep, Warren told me to go get some rest while the others packed for the journey. The girl would be riding fast and we had to keep up, no trouble could come to her. Especially not after we just found her.
I went down the familiar halls and into my room, i sighed and stripped away my leather corset and tight brown trousers. I pulled on a night gown and crawled underneath my heavy covers and letting my head rest on my very soft pillow. My bed felt empty with just only me in it but i had to put up with it for now i guessed. It was such a strange thing being alone in this room.
I looked up to the large painting that hung against the violet walls. The picture was of me and my mate. His dark copper hair tied back from his face with a few stubborn strands hanging on his forehead. His bright Blue eyes looked to me, he was dressed in a long top that stopped at the middle of his thighs. His arms were around me. I was dressed in pale green, a long dress hugged my top half and falling loosely around my legs and pooling around my feet. The sleeves barely touched my arms, they were so light and floral.
Seval, that was his name. He was one of the taken, i was suprised when the girl convinced Jax not to give up. Hope still lived on in me, i would know if he had died, i was determined to find him. I was torn inside from the seperation. His scent was everywhere and sometimes it was just so overwhelming and i normally found myself basking in this moments. I couldn't help myself.
I turned away from the picture and closed my eyes tight, willing the pain to go that only grew with each day we were apart. I let myself wonder into a deep state of mind knowing i would fall asleep soon, and so would my wolf.

(Kizzie's p.o.v)

I was refreshed calm now. I was no longer cold inside and my sense finally came around. There was a knock on my door just as i had exited the bathroom. When i didn't reply quick enough the door opened and Warren let himself in.
"Ah, you're awake, good. You slept a long time, miss, I know the sun is fading but we must leave very soon. There is food packed ready for you to eat on the way and a flask of sweet wine. I was told you must wear the dress so i suggest you put it on now. I'll have Mei come and do you hair for you in a second"
"I'm guessing you already know about the visit i had" If he didn't i don't think he would be acting in this way.
"Of course, darling there aren't many things that i don't know" He winked before leaving.
I laughed seeing a small part of this other side to him, but it also made me blush but i wasn't about to admit that to anyone but myself. My cats were still doozing but i would wake them once i was dressed. I fumbled around the drawers then opened the closet finding one dress that was stunning. I went into the bathroom and pulled it over my head. I had to take off my bra because of the tightness around my chest. I had a feeling i wouldn't be ever using a bra again, which i felt a little uncomfortable with.
The dress


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 20.06.2012

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