

I sat up in my bed and brushed back my black hair out of my eyes. I stared at my blue covers and then got out of bed. Lucyanna, my dog followed me down the hallway to the kitchen. She was a puggle, a mix of a pug and a beagle. "Lucyanna is a hungry girl isn't she?" at this Lucy barked. I made waffles and gave her one. My dad walked out of his room and went to make himself a cup of coffee. I shoved a waffle in my mouth. My dad laughed. "You eat just like your mother used to." My mom was a very kind and loving mom. She died in a plane accident; she was on her way home from seeing her sick mom (who lives in Maine). "Oh really?" I said laughing. After breakfast I went to my room and open up my blinds. Today, in Reno, Nevada it was an average day. I remember my cousin coming over in the spring and she thought it was hot. I pulled on a red tank top, a black button down t-shirt and some capris. I heard my phone vibrating on my desk, scattered with homework and applications for jobs. I walked across the dark hardwood floor to it. I flipped it open - Connor.
Heyy babe :) can u hang out during lunch?
I thought for a minute and texted:
Ummm sure yea <3
I pulled on some black flip flops with white dots and grabbed my hobo bag and book bag. I walked out of my room surprised to see my dad standing there. "Oh, hey... I was just coming to tell you that I’ll be home late tonight my boss wants to talk to me about his daughter’s wedding!” My dad was a wedding planner / photographer. I smiled “Good for you, good luck!” He smiled and walked down the hallway to his room. I messed with my key chain in my hand- feeling the ridges and bumps with my palm. I opened the door to the garage. I unlocked my Ford Fusion. I plopped into the seat and put my bags on the passenger side. I started the car and turned up the radio.
When i was in the school parking lot I was texting with my head down, while I was in the car. I didn’t notice a guy walking up to the car until he knocked. I jumped. “Oh my god, Connor don’t do that!” I said gathering my bags and opening the car door. He laughed hands in the air. “Okay, but is someone really did do that I would have to hurt someone!” I poked his stomach. “ Easy there tiger.” I walked to the sidewalk with Connor’s arm on my shoulder. I looked him in the eye “Would you really.... you know-“
“Yes, yes I would in a heartbeat.” He tilted my chin up and kissed me gently.
“Ever!” I turned around to see Keera. “Hey, what’s up?” She clapped her hands excitedly. “Aaron asked me out, and I said- “I put my hands up in the international sign to stop. Then I bent my knee and put my hands on my hips. “You’d better have said yes Keera!” She nodded “Well duh!” I moved my hand to find Connor’s, as soon as we brushed hands he grabbed mine. I smiled a little then turned to Connor and kissed him on the cheek. “See ya later.” I said softly. I linked arms with Keera and walked to first period with her. She moaned “Monday sucks!” I looked at her.
“Miss. Lakener is here, remember the student teacher for science?”
“Oh yea, She’s a real witch, I asked her what page we were on and she almost gave me detention!”
“Wow, she gave me a detention for asking to go to the bathroom during a test”
We unlinked arms and opened our lockers. Out of the corner of my eyes I saw 3 boys cautiously walk past me then stop. “Hi Ever.” The “leader” said. I recognized the voice and didn’t turn around. “Erik what do you want, you know I have Connor.” He sighed “I thought you guys broke up.” I waved him off and Keera laughed.

At lunch I grabbed an apple juice and walked up to the table Connor was sitting at. He had an insecure look on his face. I sat down and stared at him for a minute. “What wrong?” I finally asked “Nothing.” He scowled. I lifted up my eyebrows “Well sorry for asking!” I opened up my juice and took a sip. His gaze softened “Sorry just....” I held up my pinky “Pinky promise no secrets?” He crunched on a celery stick. He shook his head no “Then I already broke the first rule that we made up....” My eyes widened with rage “Your cheating on me!?!” I asked angry, confused and hurt. “With who?” I said my hands in my palms, holding back tears. “Vanessa.” He said so softly I could barely hear him “Are you guys just dating or did you....” He turned away “We kissed and she hung out at my house for a while and that’s all.” I open my eyes and looked at him with rage. “Well, were done....and that’s all.” I said mockingly and got up to sit with Keera. I sat next to her she was sitting with Aaron. I leaned over and whispered in her ear “I need to talk to you alone.” She nodded then turned to Aaron “I’ll be back in a sec.” She smiled at him then winked. She grabbed my hand and led me to the bathroom where tears bursted out. I sat down my back to the wall and holding my knees close to my chest. “Oh no, what happened?” She said sitting down next to me. She moved her blonde this-took-me-an-hour-to-do perfect curls off her shoulder. She was fairly pretty; blonde, naturally blushed cheeks, tall but not too tall and she had tiny little freckles from one cheek to the other on her nose. I was her height, pale with black straight/wavy hair and a scar on my wrist that looked like a bracelet (long story). “I broke up with him: he was cheating on me for Vanessa!” She turned red “That little skank!” at that I laughed a little knowing my best friend had my back.

For the rest of the day I kept hearing
“Ever, wanna go out?”
“Hey heard ‘bout your breakup....”
“Need a boyfriend?”
“You should date my....”
ALL DAY! Do you know how annoying that gets? Keera and I walked to the picnic tables and sat down after school at the park. She sighed “That jerk! You two have been dating for like...EVER!” She said flailing her arms. ”Yea well, all good things come to an end, right?” She nodded. We watched as little kids about 6 years old were gather around the slide. There was a little girl and a little boy standing at the end of the slide holding hands. Then, another little kid standing on top of the end of the slide. The rest of the kids were sitting on the woodchips in a circle around them, I could just barely make out the words-
“Do you want to marry Tommy forever and always?” She nodded
“Do you want to marry Rosie forever and always?”
“Then .... KISS THE BRIDE!” the boy said with his arms in the air. The girl known as “Rosie” turned and kissed her “groom” right on the lips, then they held hands and bowed to their audience. I felt a tear roll down my face in remembrance of when Connor and I got “married” in that same spot, the same way.

Ever, Connor and Riley...
A perfect couple
Or the perfect breakup?
When Ever breaks up with her "perfect" boyfriend, guys swarm for her. But one stands out... Her ex still has feelings for her and tries to get her back but how far will he go?

I sat on my bed staring at my phone screen:
To: Connor (788-5486)
I watched the cursor blink as I didn’t know what to write. I shut my phone and decided to go to my best guy friend’s apartment. I walked to his house, just because. It wasn’t terribly far, but if I were just his friend instead of his best female friend, then maybe it would be far.... I rang the doorbell to his small house. He came to the door within a couple of seconds. ”Hey, come in.” He opened the door and I walked straight to his living room. I saw another boy sitting on the floor watching TV. I turned around to face Justin. “Who’s he?” I said taking off my button down shirt: it was hot in his house. He walked over to the boy and sat down. “Riley.” I pulled a black bean bag next to Riley, who was by the same couch Justin was. Riley looked at me and smiled, then turned to look at Justin. He mouthed something to him and Justin nodded and smiled back. I looked up at Justin who was getting up to get something from the kitchen; in another room. Riley turned to me again. “Now you know my name.... and you’re a stranger to me.” I laughed a little “Are you suggesting I tell you my name or be called stranger for the rest of my life?” I said half-jokingly. We both smiled. “Well, I guess I’d rather be called stranger.” He laughed. “Okay stranger.” I rolled my eyes. ”Guess I changed my mind; Ever.” He stroked his chin “Is it a coincidence that your name is pretty and that you’re pretty?” I shrugged and smiled. “Guess so.” Then Justin finally breaking the silence saying “Wanna stay the night Riley and or Ever?” I shifted in the bean bag
“Uhh sure?”
“Yea, fine with me.”
Feeling a bit awkward; I’ve stayed the night at Justin’s before just not at Justin’s with another guy.... “Are you guy and girl hungry?” I laughed a little “For one, yes but just a little, and two, I am not a girly girl so say GUY for once!” Riley and Justin laughed “How about you Justin?” Riley turned toward the kitchen instead of staring at me. “Yea.” Justin appeared around the corner with a white plate with food on it, three other blue plates and bowls. He set the plates down on the black coffee table. “Mmmm, grilled cheese.” I said “Mmmm tomato soup.” Riley said antagonizing me. All of us laughed. The boys were apparently being gentlemen and were waiting for me to take the first one. I reached up from the bean bag and grabbed a plate, one grilled cheese and a bowl of soup. After that the boys dug right in. I laughed softly. “What?” Justin said with his mouth full. I popped him in the mouth softly “Don’t chew with your mouth full!” I said in a mocking voice of his mother. “Gee, haven’t heard that one before!” he replied. I looked at the boys “Be right back.... Justin I’m stealing one of your sodas.” I got up and walked toward the kitchen. I heard their muffled voices from the kitchen. I opened the fridge and grabbed a Mountain Dew. I walked slowly to the living room stopping half way so I could hear their voices clearly.
“So, you said you like her, right? Then ask her to that dancy thing-ama-boob!”
“Well, I just met her and that’s why I’m asking you stuff about her.”
This.... had just gotten interesting. I remembered that you could hear just barely from outside so, I walked in and told them that I was going outside for a minute. The grass was prickly against my feet when I got outside I sat down under the window- which was cracked open a little bit. I pulled my knees in tight and resumed listening. I wondered how much Justin knew me- we’d been friends for eight years now.... and I’m sixteen and he’s seventeen.
“What’s her last name?”
“That’s pretty, how old and her birthday?”
“Sixteen and April, 1.”
“Favorite color?”
“Blue and or purple.”
“Fine what Riley?
“I’ll ask her.”
“Well I thought about that, it might not be the best idea.... right now that is. She just had a breakup; you should just hang around her for a while.”
At this I jerked my head back via; banging against the wall making a thump. “Shit!”
I whispered rubbing the back of my head. “Did you hear that?” Justin said. I crawled around the side of the house, my wavy hair getting in my eyes. “Hey! I know you’re out there!” I heard Justin yell. I got up and ran to the front door opening it. I tried my best to act. “What’s wrong I heard yelling?” Riley turned towards me. “Oh, Justin and I heard something.” I nodded my head.
A couple hours later we had killed time by playing twister (Riley really enjoyed), playing video games, watched a horror movie and playing with playdo. I borrowed one of Justin’s shirts and went into the bathroom to change. “Gee, wonder why he gave me a huge shirt.” I mumbled tying my hair into a ponytail with a white ribbon I forgot was in my pocket. The string hung low; to my shoulders. I looked at myself in the mirror. Justin’s big Monster energy drink tee made me look older, but only eighteen or twenty. I walked out of the bathroom and to Justin’s room. I peeked around the corner to make sure they had pants on. Riley was just putting on his shirt so, I saw his abs. I put my back to the wall and waited a minute, then walked in. Justin’s room consisted of a TV, two couches, a bureau, a walk in closet (which Justin was in), and a queen sized bed. I saw Riley’s jaw drop a little, then quickly close it and looked at the floor. I laughed a little. Justin didn’t seem to notice anything; I’d stayed at his how many times before. I sat on the couch, my legs folded under me. “Who’s sleeping where?” Riley shifted on the bed; interested in this question. I never really had a good look at Riley; he had chocolate brown hair with a natural side cut, he was a little pale and his eyes were a dark, dark, green. Justin had light brown hair, it was spikey in a way, his eyes were blue and he was just a little bit short for a guy but just by about two inches. Justin walked out of the closet and sat on the other couch. “I think it would be best if Ever got the bed and we got the couches.” I threw my hands in the air. “Just ‘cause I’m a girl doesn’t mean you have to treat me like one! I could sleep on the floor for all I care!” Riley smiled quickly. “Fine, then to make it fair I’ll get sleeping bags and we can put them on the floor.” I walked over to Justin and patted him on the head “Good Justin.” I said laughing. “We can watch another movie to.” Riley suggested. I nodded “Riley come with me to get snacks and the sleeping bags.” I walked out of the room and paused. I heard a clap and thought they high fived over me choosing him to come with me? Wow he must reeeeaaaalllyyy like me. Riley walked out of the room so I started walking. He caught up with me before I went down the stairs. I slipped and started to fall. Riley pulled on my arm toward himself, but I was already falling. He fell with me and I closed my eyes tight. When I opened them; we were at the bottom of the stairs (there were only five steps), Riley’s eyes were closed but was still breathing and I was on top of him. I closed my eyes again and ended up fainting, it was one of the kind where you can’t move but can still hear and feel everything. “Riley is she ok?” I heard Justin say from the stairs. Riley was now conscious and moving. He sat up, “Yea, she fainted though.” I felt him get up and carry me, my legs draped over his arms and my neck being supported with his other arm. Like how a mother would hold a baby. He was strong; he didn’t even hesitate when getting up or carrying me all the way back to Justin’s room. He set me down on Justin’s bed. My eyes fluttered open. “Ever?” Riley said. “I’m okay, but it’s only because of you? Did I hurt you?” Riley shook his head. We watched the movie on the floor, but I fell asleep first; thinking about what just happened.

Ever, Connor and Riley...
A perfect couple
Or the perfect breakup?
When Ever breaks up with her "perfect" boyfriend, guys swarm for her. But one stands out... Her ex still has feelings for her and tries to get her back but how far will he go?

Chapter 3
I woke up to the boys talking about putting whipped cream in my hair. I smiled ever so slightly and pretended to be sleeping still. Justin leaving the room to get the whipped cream. “You’re gonna get it my darling.” I laughed giving away me being awake. I opened my eyes to see Riley crouching down on the floor next to me. I pushed him on the leg. He hardly even rocked back on his feet. I put my finger up to my mouth. “Shhh.” Justin walked back into the room and shook the can up. I closed my eyes. Justin and Riley high-fived each other quietly. I pretended to roll over on my side, the boys flinched. Justin bent down and started to spray, right before he reached my hair I moaned and turned over dramatically slapping Justin in the face. I sat up and batted my eyes. “I, am sooooo,” I scratched my chin as if I were thinking. “Not sorry?” The boys laughed, I punched riley on the arm. I got up, so did the boys. I reached for the can of whipped cream. “Ah ah ah!” Justin said wagging his finger at me. I gave him puppy dog eyes. “Please?” He shook his head. “Fine,” I turned away from him with my arms folded like a child and started to fake pout. Justin fell for it. He came and started to say he was sorry but I was fast. I whipped around and snatched the can and held it like a gun; the nozzle facing out. The boys laughed. “What are you going to do with that?” Riley said stepping back a little. I laughed. “Well if you plan on trying to do that again.... most likely spray you?” the boys backed up in surrender, and I launched forward. “Too late!” I sprayed whipped cream everywhere. The boys and I busted out laughing on the floor; covered I whipped cream. Suddenly my wrist started to hurt; it was a throbbing/ stabbing feeling. I set the can down and held my wrist; it was a mix of purple and blue. Riley scooted next to me and whispered in my ear. “You’re hurt.” I laughed and pushed him away with my good hand; my left. “Smart you figured that out. Now....I can’t write anymore. I flicked a look at Justin, trying to get him to realize that I knew that Riley liked me and that I knew that Riley wanted to help me. I think he got the point he winked at me and said. “Well Riles, the wraps and gauzes are in the cabinet downstairs. I have to go run some errands; go to the market, the jewelry store?” I laughed a little at Justin’s failed attempt to get Riley to realize he was leaving purposely; get him and i alone. I looked out the window for a second and saw Riley nod at Justin, maybe his attempt wasn’t a fail. After a few minutes I heard the garage door shut. I got up and sat Indian style on the bed. Riley left the room to probably go the gauze pads. I leaned back and closed my eyes. The scene of him catching me, replayed over and over in my mind. I smelled something....something orangey. The smell got closer, something grabbed my arm. I sat up in shock to Riley sitting on the bed holding my wrist. “Sorry, didn’t mean to surprise you.” I nodded and shooed the apology away. His hand was warm and really soft. He started to wrap my wrist in the cloth but I pulled away. “I’m so sorry!” I said. “It just really....” I trailed off. He nodded and finished for me. “Hurt?” he asked. “Mmhmmm.” I looked away and he finished wrapping my hand. We sat in awkward silence for a while, the Riley broke the silence.
“Truth or Dare?”
“Ummm, have you had your first kiss yet?”
“Mmhmmm. Truth or Dare?”
“How much do you like me?” At this I saw him blush ever so slightly. “Well?” My gaze softened when he leaned forward, I knew what he was about to do. When his lips touched my I almost pulled away, but I didn’t. His lips were soft and warm and once again I smelled the same orangey scent. He pulled away first, my eyes averted his and I stared at my feet. “I guess a lot?” I said softly. He nodded “Truth or dare?” he asked quietly. I thought what would happen if I said truth; he would ask me the same question. If I said dare, who knows what he’d do. I looked into his eyes. “Dare.” I said a little playful He leaned forward again and whispered in my ear. “Kiss me.” Then he looked me straight in the eyes I started to kiss him; two inches away from his lips. Then ding dong! I jerked back and blushed again. “I’ll get it.” I said quietly. I got up, walked to the door and opened it. “Ever! I am so sorry.” The person at the door kissed my so hard I stepped back. I pushed him away. “Connor what the hell?!?” Connor, at the door, kissing me, saying he’s sorry? Not connecting the dots. He grabbed my hands. “Please forgive me, I broke up with Vanessa.” I jerked my hands back which caused me to wince. “What’s wrong baby?” Connor asked grabbing my hips. I slapped him across the face. “Connor what the **** is wrong with you?!? You lost the privilege to call me baby a long time ago!!” Connor stepped back rubbing his jaw. “I love you. Even though were broken up I’ll still love you baby.” A devilish smile crossed his face when he said baby. He grabbed me by the shoulders and tried to get me out of the door. He just stopped suddenly and lifted me up over his shoulder. I didn’t know what came over but I screamed.... loud. “RILEY!” he appeared at the top of the steps, his face reddened when he saw I was being kidnapped. He walked down the stairs and stopped in front of Connor, who was extremely close to putting me in his car. Connor let go of me and I punched him in the stomach.... hard. He folded in half and looked up an Riley who kissed me gently on my forehead and said “Go inside and call Justin.”

Ever, Connor and Riley...
A perfect couple
Or the perfect breakup?
When Ever breaks up with her "perfect" boyfriend, guys swarm for her. But one stands out... Her ex still has feelings for her and tries to get her back but how far will he go?


Texte: Holli Ryan- Sierra Strong
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 18.01.2011

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