
Chapter 1: Sleeping

Red fiery eyes stare into mine. A silhouette of what appears to be a huge animal stands tall, about seven feet to be exact. I could hear the animals breathing, short but heavy. I don’t know why but I don’t feel afraid nor worried about being with this animal all alone in midnight. I feel secure and…comfortable. I took a step forward, the animal backed up and soon howled a long, heartbreaking howl.

My eyes burst open, I lift my head off my blue soft pillow. “Wha-?” I mumble to myself. Once my eyes vision got clear, I spot my sister -Annabelle who is 25 and still living with mom and dad with two kids of her own- throwing an outfit onto my bed. “You are late!”
I lay my face back onto my pillow, “Late for what?” I muffle into my pillow.
“Kimberly’s Sweet Sixteen dance rehearsal.”
I throw my blanket off my body and rush off. My feet hit the cold wooden floor, Shit I’m late again! I run out of my room turn left and two doors down, I ran into the bathroom.
I open the medicine cabinet -more like my hair products cabinet- and unwrap the cord to my straightner. While it sat on the sink countertop I run back into my room. I eye the outfit my sister laid out for me. Okay, this is okay. My gray off the shoulder Dodgers shirt, under that a white spaghetti strap, my blue jean bootie shorts, and on the floor, my black and blue Jordans. I quickly slide off my hot pink Victoria’s Secret sweats off and slide on my shorts. I throw my shirt on the floor and pull on my white spaghetti strap on. My straightner! Dammit! I rush to the bathroom, I grab my brush and roughly brush my hair. Then I start to straighten my hair. After twenty minutes of that and an extra five just to flip my bangs over my right eye I go to my room and finish dressing. I grab my black and white checkered ‘Los Angeles’ hoodie and grab my phone.
I run downstairs to find my mom cooking eggs with chorizo. I whiff some of the smell and under its spell, I walk into the kitchen.
“Nu-uh your late.” she says pointing towards the exit of the kitchen. I whine, “Ma! I’m hungry…”
“Then Kimberly’s mom can feed you. Now go.” she pushes me out.
I pout, “Love you too.” jeez. I put my arms through my hoodie’s sleeves and lift my hair out.
I walk into the living room to spot my brother and his friend -Erbondo or some shit like that but me and my sister Tiffany call him Irvine- shouting at the Xbox 360 because they just got killed on Modern Warfare 3. I walk past them, blocking the TV. “Ay! Pendeja we’re playing here!..” my brother shouts at me. I stick my tongue out at him, “Like I give a fuck.” I scan Irvine’s face, he smiles, “See you when you get back.” I smile back, Irvines kind of cute. He has caramel smooth skin, he’s really tall about six feet two and he has a kid face. Which is by the way so turning me on the most. Oh, and he’s in a gang.
“Be home by eleven!” my brother yells at me while I shut the door. I wave at him.
I walk five blocks up Pico and turn right to Fifth Ave. I walk up to a two house apartment building, up the small hill and walk into the backyard. There I spot my friends dancing. Kimberly who just did a spin stops suddenly facing me. “MARLEY GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE!” she yells. I smirk, “Sorry I’m late, I had a-”
“A?” she holds the ‘a’ sound. I shrug, “A dream about the animal again.” I mumble. She sighs and face palms herself. “Just go with Giovanni already. He had to pretend you were dancing with him which by the way is hilarious.”
I giggle. “Wow, I’m sorry Gio.” I tell him while slipping off my hoodie. I throw it on the cement porch and stand next to Giovanni. He shrugs, “Glad your finally here though.” he nudges my arm. I laugh.
Kimberly stands with Angel -her boyfriend- and yells, “One, two, One two three.” then Giovanni bends down on his right knee and holds out his hand in a gentlemanly manor with his other hand behind his back. I smile -as told to do- and place my hand gently on Gio’s. In which he bows his head, and stands straight up. He lifts his hand which is holding mine and I spin. When I face Giovanni again I fall into his hand and I lift my leg up -with the help of Giovanni’s hand caressing my thigh- lifting my leg higher. He pulls me back onto his chest and I start grinding on him. I them push him away, and take a step away. But he grabs my hand and pulls me -spinning- back to him. I land on his chest and he places his hands on my waist and pick me up into the air. He spins my body around and slowly brings me back down. Then, I back up away from Giovanni -still facing him- and soon a line of us girls stood. There’s five of us. Starting from the left the guys w rush up to their partner, meaning Giovanni rushes up to me. He places his hand on my waist, he walks circling around my body, like a shark stopping his prey from moving. He looks down into my eyes, his eyes so sincere and serious. His lips calmly landing on each other. His hand moves up from my waist, up my arm landing on my neck. I land my hand on his neck, and he leans into my face. Right when we’re about to touch lips, I fall back. Bending my back, he holds me. I hang there, in which Kimberly and Angel continue to dance. Then when Angel’s cued to kiss Kimberly, Giovanni pulls me up and lifts me up into a short peck on the lips kiss.
“Okay.” Kimberly says.
But Giovanni still has me in a kiss with him. And I’m not complaining, Giovanni is-I like him. I mean, ever since I got to know him, since ninth grade for me, and he was a tenth grader when we met. We started talking last year when I was a tenth grader and he was a eleventh grader. His lips were smooth against mine. And I enjoyed his smell of chocolate Axe. His hand caressed my back> creating chills down my back to my legs.
“Uh, guys?” Kimberly taps on my shoulder. I back away from Gio to look at her, “What?” I ask, disappointed at the moment ending. She places her hands on her hips, “That move for the dance was over a minute ago.”
I look at Gio’s blushing face. He smiles, “Sorry.”
I raise my eyebrow, “I’m not.” I murmur. Kimberly and anyone who heard me gasp. Gio smirks shyly.
“Yea, yea, yeah. Sooo you guys wanna go in my house and watch movies?” Kimberly asks us all.
So, we agreed and all scattered into Kimberly’s house. We walk up stairs, and then we all gather into Kimberly’s medium square living room. Three girls twist and turn on one of the couches, Kimberly and Angel sat on the floor, with her leaning on his body. The three guys are also on the floor, one laying down falling asleep the other two watching the movie. I sat on the other small couch, and Giovanni walks up to me, “Mind if I sit with you?” I shake my head, “No, come sit down.” I pat next to me. He smiles lightly and sits uncomfortably at first next to me.
Heat starts flooding my body, I can feel my face turn red. So, I try to ignore the feeling, at least until the movie starts getting into the beginning when it usually gets you hyped up. “AHHH!”, “EEEH!”, “AHHHHHHHH!”, all you hear is Kimberly, Madison, Emily, Sophia, and me screaming and jumping and gasping. It’s not until I felt something warm that I notice I’m hugging Giovanni. My body tenses and I cant let go, “Uh,…I-I’m scared.” I look away nervously. Giovanni’s arm wraps around my back and he fixes me to lean on his body, letting my head rest on his shoulder. I sigh, and cuddle among his body. His hand lands on my rib cage and he starts caressing me to calm my nerves down.

“What are you?” I ask the black silhouette curious about it’s self. The silhouette doesn’t answer, instead all I could hear -besides the animals breathing- was twinkling of the grasshoppers. The animals red eyes lowered, I think it’s laying down from standing. I sigh, “Well, I don’t like this whole ’me talking to myself’ situation…” I whine at this animals stubbornness. Then, the red eyes close, “Sorry.” a whisper. A whisper so clear as if it was said by me, myself. The voice was of a boy. “You’re a boy animal?” I ask back. Excited about the fact I’m not crazy and talking to myself. The red eyes appear back on. A scorching ear hurting howl let out.

I wake up, it’s dark. I’m still in Kimberly’s living room. I hear snoring. I sit up and look at the boy next to me. Giovanni. I remember! Me and Gio were watching the movies together. I must’ve fell asleep while we were watching Pirates of the Caribbean At Worlds End because I’ve seen that movie thousands of times. I look on the floor and I see everyone laying down, sleeping with blankets over them and pillows under their heads. Kimberly’s mom must’ve put them on… I yawn and lean on the opposite side of the couch -not wanting to wake up Giovanni- I grab my phone out of my back pocket and check the time, eleven fifty…oh I guess I should text my mom saying I’ma be spending the night.. and so I do and I place my phone beside me. I lay my head on the arm of the couch and close my eyes.
My eyes soon open from weight being shifted on me. I open my eyes and I see Giovanni’s head on my stomach. He’s facing the ceiling. He’s asleep…on me? But what could I do? He looks so gentle and childish. I couldn’t bear the thought of waking him up, so I just lay back down and sleep to the sounds of the TV.

It’s cold…as I’m staring at this animal I’m jealous. He’s probably warm and not freezing. He’s laying down on all four legs. He’s not tired because his eyes are open and looking back into mine. “So, animal do you have a name?” jeez how dumb I sound trying to talk to this animal. I cross my legs and rest my arms on my lap. Waiting for this animal to answer, wow I’m actually a patient person…I smile at myself.
“It’s Romeo.” a more regular, ‘human’ tone answers me. FINALLY. Wait…Romeo? “Nice name there.” I giggle. He huffs out a short breath. “So what now? On each dream I only get one sentence out of you?” I ask, noticing the pattern that has been happening. I cover my ears, a howl’s coming, I know. “No, if I have time I could just talk to you forever, believe me…I like your voice…and your mind.” WHAT!? “You can read my M.I.N.D.?” I stare at him dumbfounded. I swear I heard this animal laugh.
My body shakes, and from the distance I can hear my name being called out. I glance at Romeo. The animal whines in a crying tone. Which just makes me feel heartbroken. A tear comes out of me as Romeo’s crying howl roars loud as ever.

“Ay, wake up Marley!”
I open my eyes abruptly, “I’m awake.” I assure them. Everyone was awake but only Giovanni and Kimberly were trying to wake me up. The guys were playing Kimberly’s Xbox 360 and the girls were scolding and teasing them for getting killed all the time on Gears of War 3.
“Marley, girly its one in the afternoon…you’ve been asleep for fifteen hours.” Kimberly feels my forehead. I giggle, “I’m not sick Kim, I just…I don’t know.” I remembered Giovanni, he’s standing right in front of me, and I can’t tell Kimberly what I want to tell her in front of Giovanni. “I was just so tired from yesterday’s rehearsal…” Lie.
Kimberly inspects my eyes, “It’s not possible…” she murmurs. I raise my eyebrow, “What?” Your crazy, I thought to myself. “Sophia, come here.” Kim waves Sophia towards us. Sophia places her hand on Giovanni’s face. Gio laughs, “Giovanni go away, its just us girls.” she pushes his face away. He smiles and goes with the other guys.
Sophia looks at Kim to me, “What’s up?” Kim answers because I have no idea. “Sophia you’ve been crushing over guys a lot, -Sophia’s eyes widened- is it true that when you look into someone’s eyes you can see that, that person likes someone?” Kim asks. Sophia places her hands on her hips, “First off all, my business about having crushes on a bunch of guys is no ones business KIM. And second of all, yea I guess. I mean, if the person is only crushing a little bit you can’t see it, but if the persons nervous while you stare at them…yeah I guess its either cause of a crush or a secret…” she murmurs the last part. Oh, shit…
Sophia grabs my cheeks and lifts my head towards her face. She stares into my eyes. I had nothing to do except laugh. “Why are you laughing!?” she asks. “You girls are funny.” I stumble between my laughs.
Sophie lets me go, I fall back onto the couch, “I can’t tell with Marley…she’s a good emotion hider.” Kim nods with agreement, “True, true she has to hide her emotions from her family…” Kim murmurs quietly to keep it a secret as we made that promise. My body feels weightless, I don’t like where this is going…
“What do you mean she has to hide her emotions from her family?”
I stand up, “Oh look at the time, I have to go.” I grab my hoodie and phone. Giovanni looks up at me. He stands up, “Why?”
Ugh I hate that question. “My mom texted me yesterday saying I have to be home by one thirty.” another lie.
“I’ll walk you home…” he volunteers.
At one time I do want him to, I want to spend time with him alone, but at the same exact time I don’t want him too. If I would and could I would rather walk with Romeo. My smile that I didn’t feel I had on suddenly turns into a frown. Really? I want to walk with a animal? I look at Giovanni, thinking about what I just said.
“Yea.” I smile. I can’t believe I actually said I’d walk with a animal…

So I left Kim’s house with Giovanni. We walk down the hill and turn right. There, we walk all the way down to Second Ave.
“So, your mom has you under her eye?” he asks. What a way to start a conversation… “Yea,…I guess?” I ask myself. “I know, I know I’m pathetic.”
I quickly turn to face him, “No-”, “Don’t worry about it, you also think so your just too kind to say it.” he smiles. You have no idea Giovanni. “Nope, I don’t really think I’m that nice. I don’t know it depends really.”
He smirks and chuckles, “At what?” I roll my eyes, “I don’t know, I guess how I’m feeling at the time?” I shrug. Giovanni places his hands in his jean pockets, “Sorry.”
Romeo? No his voice is more deeper but a whisper…I shake my head, “For what?” I fix my mind to erase Romeo and the dreams.
“Hmm, for being the way I am around you, instead of myself.”
I laugh, “Yeah and what’s your real side? Are you really actually a member of the dark-side of the Sith?” I laugh at my joke. He chuckles, “Naw, but truthfully I haven’t acted myself around you and it’s cause of everything and everyone.”
“Soooooo…” whaaaaaat?
“Nothing, forget it.” he stubbornly says.
I pout, “Fine jeez.” did I do something wrong? I sigh.
We reach my house and walk up my four step porch. He grabs my hand, “I-”
“Marley!” I turn around behind me to find my brother with a guy. The guy has jet black hair, caramel skin and jade green eyes. My brother walks towards me and Giovanni. “Marley, this is my homie Shadow.” Shadow? “What kind of name is Shadow?” I stare at Shadow. He places his hands in his sweater pockets, “What kind of name is Marley?” he asks back with sarcasm. I growl, “I don’t like you little boy.” He smirks, “I’m pretty sure I’m older then you.”
I raise my eyebrow ,”Ah-ha yeah whatever, your probably thirteen like my brother.” I roll my eyes and look back at Giovanni. “You what?” I remind him of what he was going to say to me. He stutters, “I-I’ll tell you later.” I shrug, “Okay.” me and Giovanni hug, then step away from each other.
“I’ll see you tomorrow at school Marley.” Giovanni waves and leaves.
I ignore the fact that my brothers friends are assholes and I open the door to my house. I turn left and walk up the stairs. On the first door to the left, I walk into my gray lavender color walled room.
I rest my hoodie sweater on my computer desk and lay my phone on my bed side drawer top. I kick my shoes off and land onto my bed.
I lay my arms out by my side and stretch my legs out. I sigh and stare at my baby blue ceiling. “GIOVANNI YOUR SUCH A PUSSY!!!!” I yell and whine. Giovanni, your supposed to be strong, built, confident, smart, loud, bad, weed smoking, kind of guy. You tag! I mean come on now, you have a gun Giovanni but you cant come up to me to say something like, ‘I like you Marley’, or, ‘I love you Marley’, or maybe even, ‘Marley be my girlfriend please? I want you.’ BUT NOOOOO. He hugs me and leaves. I flip over like a patty and my face is buried on my pillows soft surface. My eyes close and I daze off.

I’m running in the woods. Tripping over some stupid plants that are overgrown. Getting scratches on my arms from rose bushes. I can’t really see where I’m heading too because the light is like a twilight blue. I suddenly have the urge to stop, so I do. I grab hold of a tree, my breathing turning heavy. I feel someone following me. My body overwhelms with burning heat and I’m quivering with fear. I know someone’s here, and that someone knows I’m here. A twig snapped in half. I quickly shut my eyes, I don’t want to see whatever’s out there.
“Marley…” a whisper. He whispers into my ear.
Shivers went down my back. My eyes open to spot a animals black silhouette walk from behind me to in front of me. The only color I can see are the silhouette’s red eyes. Then I can see the silhouette change shape as well as the eyes coloring changing. The red fiery eyes morphing into bright blue crystal eyes. I stood there dumbfounded with my mouth hanging open. My grip on the tree tightens as the silhouette walks with what sounds like feet towards me.
I release my grip off the tree and gasp. I fall on the ground, or…at least I think I should’ve had. A hand…a-a hand was touching my legs. I squirm, that’s when I feel something on my back. A? My eyes widened, another hand. “AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!” I screech with all my might. The hands grip on me tightened while I squirmed. “Let me go!!” I shout and kick my legs. The hand releases my legs but then hugs me from the back. His hands holding mine on my stomach. I shake my shoulders, “Let me go you creep!” I scratch the guys hands with I short nails. He still doesn’t let me go. He turns me around swiftly and hugs me again. I slide my hands between our bodies and start trying to push him away. “Marley please.” he begs. I freeze. I know this voice, “Romeo?” I ask. The guy releases his hug on me. As he takes a step back he nods. I scan his body, “Y-you have a…” Romeo smiles, showing his pearl white teeth and what looks like four fangs. Two on the top layer of his teeth, and the other two on the bottom. Those fangs replaced the wisdom teeth that were supposed to be located there. “I have a body like you.” he murmurs so proudly and thankful. I eye him up and down, “I can’t see you.” He’s literally pitch black, the only color I can make out of him is his bright blue eyes and his pearl white teeth.
He kicks a dirt rock, “Your not supposed to.” I raise my eyebrow, “Why?” He shrugs, “I don’t know, It’s like some kind of rule I have to follow by.” I take a step closer to him. He steps back, “No, don’t walk closer.” I didn’t listen, so I kept walking towards him until I made him bump into a near by tree. He was trapped by me now. I walk up to him so that my body is against his. I could feel his stomach moving up and down from his breathing -which was uneasy- “Are you okay?” I ask him, noticing his breathing. He swallows, “I’m fine it‘s just...” I look at him, “It’s just?” I ask, wanting to know what’s on his mind. “I-I can’t tell you, or at least I don’t want to tell you.”
My hands rest on his shoulders holding him there. “I wanna know.”
He sighs, “Your just…um, it’s just that you smell deli-” he suddenly stops. He grabs my hands and pushes me away from him. He took five steps backwards, away from me. “What’s wrong? What did I do?” I ask frantically. His hands grab the sides of his head. His breathing turns heavy and sturdy. His eyes shut close. I slowly tiptoe closer to him. “NO!” he yells. But his mouth is shut. “GO BACK!!” he roars. Ordered by fear, I stumble backwards falling on my back on the rough forest floor. Ow, I flinched at the pain in my back. But ignoring my pain and remembering Romeo I look up. Romeo’s hands are still holding his head, He bit his lip. “I’m sorry Marley.” Romeo’s eyes burst open. Showing fiery red eyes.
He growls angrily and shows his white sharp fangs and his teeth. I freeze. I can’t move, I-I don’t want to provoke Romeo into doing anything to me. “Romeo?” I whisper. A gruesomely howl roars aloud. I shut my eyes.

Chapter 2: School

My eyes open to the sight of my blue pillow. I turn my body around and sit up. I stretch and look out at the window. The sky is blue and gray. The sign of every morning. I grab my purple comforter blanket and throw it off my body. I lazily get up and walk out to the bathroom. I start the straightner and walk back into my room. I stare in front of my opened drawers dumbfounded at what I had nothing to wear. I sigh, I grab my black spaghetti strap tank top and put it on. Then I grab my dirty gray -color- style skinny jeans and slide them on. I grab my black Jordans and put them on, then I walk to my closet and start looking through my jackets and sweaters. I grab my white sleeved but black torso varsity jacket that I got from Wet Seal.
I grab my backpack, stick my phone in my back pocket and grab my silver studs and run down stairs. I throw my backpack on the dining room table and look in the hallway mirror. I put my studs on and grab my backpack. I run into the kitchen to find my mom cooking herself breakfast. I kiss her on the cheek, “Bye ma.”
“Mija, I want you home by at least seven thirty.”
That’s too early! “Ma! That’s too early! I always come home at nine WITH finished homework.”
She sighs, “Fine just be safe and text me every now and then please?” she begs.
I nod and grab a Go-gurt.
I walk out towards the living room and walk outside. I close my door and start walking to school.
At the gate of the school, there were huge crowds of guys yelling and fighting. That isn’t really new or surprising. After all LA High is known for fights anyway. So, as I walk by some guys look over me and smile, some even whistle. I didn’t care though, they always whistle to every girl they find attractive. I’m just one of them. I walk over the group and when I enter I see Kimberly and the rest of the guys.
“Hey.” I said to Kimberly. She hugs me then releases the hug, “Hi, hey have you seen Giovanni?” she asks. I shake my head, “Why? What’s wrong?”
She shrugs, but Angel walks towards us, “I hear he was in a fight with some random guy.” Angel says while resting his arm over Kim’s neck. I hold my arm over my stomach, “When?” I ask Angel since he knows everything about who just got into fights, who won, who was facing, why they were fighting, he’s the guy to go to find out about a upcoming fight. “I don’t really know, the guy just stood in front of Giovanni, and when Giovanni commanded the guy to move the guy didn’t listen. He just started to talk shit to Giovanni. But he didn’t know Giovanni knew how to talk and fight. So, Giovanni hit him and the guy just came at him.” Angel shrugs, “Whatever the reason, the guy hates Giovanni.”
“Is Giovanni okay?” I ask curious of the boy I have feelings for.
Kim answers, “Yeah, he’s fine he left with merely a bruised arm, but the other guy left without ANYTHING. I mean Giovanni told us he had no emotions when he landed a it on the guy. He said the guy healed fast.” she sounds so astonished. But, wait, “Giovanni told you about the fight?” why didn’t he tell me? I mean, we’re close enough to tell each other what we just went through in our lives. Kim shrugs, “Yeah, he said he went over to your house but your brothers friend Shadow said you were asleep. Giovanni told me to tell you that he wants to talk to you really bad.” she smiles thinking the same as I’m thinking. But then again, its Giovanni, he might not ask me out. He might just tell me about the fight instead.
“The only thing is,” Tony buds in, “We don’t know where Giovanni is.”
“How do you guys not know where he is?” I ask frustrated.
The bell rang to start the school day. We all tell each other bye and separate into our classes. I wasn’t really that fixated on Giovanni, I know he’s coming to school today. He told me yesterday he was going to see me today. Besides, I’ll be able to see him in second period.
I walk up the three flight of stairs towards the third floor and room 365. My Chemistry class. I already know I fail this class, who doesn’t? So, I just hide my phone under the desk and text my friends the whole one hour of being in this class.
“Marley, did you get this?” my friend Promise -yes that’s really her name- asks me about the section of chemicals and their properties. I shrug, “Not really.” She eyes me and giggles, “Texting again?” she asks already knowing the obvious answer. I smile, “Yes ma’am.” I confess. She sighs, “Well it don’t matter since you copy off of me anyway. Plus, let’s go to second period or we’ll get screamed out by ms. Miller.” she smiles and gathers her stuff. I nod, grab my phone and leave with Promise by my side. We walk outside to the uncovered hallway and find our JROTC leader, Anthony. He smiles and waves, “Hey Promise, Hi Marley.”
We say hi and continue on down stairs to the first floor. We turn left of the stairway and into the hallway. We continue walking to room 162. When we enter the room Promise sits with her JROTC friends -who are by the way SERIOUSLY way into their program- and hangs with them. While I go to the right and sit in the far back sit of the class.
“Hi Marley.” a girl named Daniela greets me. I throw my backpack on my desk and I smile, “Hi.”
I didn’t really talk to Daniela much, and I still don’t but at times when I’m actually early to class we try to fit a couple of words in our conversation. She gets out her notebook and starts copying the board. See what I mean? I don’t start work until the passing bell rings and that’s when class REALLY starts. Until then I just text.
The bell rings, I scan the door. Giovanni isn’t here. Why? Now I’m sad. There’s something up, I don’t know what. So, I put my phone away and start working.
About thirty minutes into class, someone knocks on the door. Laughing, I hear guys laughing. And I know one of them. Ms. Miller opens the door and Bryan and Giovanni walk in laughing. They got high. “Why are you guys late?” Ms. Miller asks them. She sniffs them and flinches, “You guys come with me.” she grabs both of their hands and walks them outside of the class into the hall. She waves over the security guard to search them.
I get out of my seat, others follow after me. I walk to the door and watch. Bryan laughs as the guy touches him everywhere searching for the marijuana they had. Bryan pushes him once the security guard went down ‘there’ “Ay fagot! Don’t touch me there!” he shouts. Giovanni stays quiet, knowing how much trouble he could be in if he talks. I look at Giovanni, I don’t care about the situation with Bryan. I only care about Giovanni. He looks at me while a female security guard checks him. He doesn’t flinch when she checks him ‘there’ but only looks disappointed. I bit my lip.
“He’s clean.” she lets Giovanni go and he walks towards me. He pushes by me and sits down. I walk towards my seat which is beside him. He doesn’t look at me, “What’s wrong Giovanni?” I ask. There’s something wrong. He looks away. Not answering me.
The bell rang and I quickly got up. “Marley.” he murmurs. I grab my backpack and leave without hesitation. I don’t want to hear it, you want to ignore me? Fine, ignore me, I’ll ignore you.

Chapter 3: Gio’s Bad Side Revealed

Sixth period, the last period of the day starts. I sit behind Kimberly and in front of a guy named Sean. He’s pretty cute too. Anyway, as Kim turns her chair around to stare at me, we start talking to each other and laughing. Not caring about whether the teacher is mad or not at us.
“Giovanni ignored me during second period..” I tell Kim. She looks at me and sighs, “Why what happened?”
I shrug, “That’s just it, I don’t know. He got high with Bryan and when he was done getting checked by the security girl he just walks by me and I asked him what was wrong and he just ignores me. He looked away.” Kimberly shook her head, “What a shame, I hope you guys are still okay with each other for my party…” she murmurs. My eyes narrow at her, “I might be loosing the one guy that matters to me and your worried about YOUR party?!” I slam my head on my desk and sigh. I don’t want to loose Giovanni, I like him. Ugh.
I hear Kim sigh and continue playing her Angry Birds game on her Android phone. My eyes close and I soon felt weightless.

I sit on the rough forest floor, and I cross my arms around my chest. “Romeo? You here?” I call out for him. No answer. Greaaaat, now your ignoring me? Do you hear my mind!? Well good. I’m loosing the guy I care about, and I’m gonna loose you? My animal friend? Do I not matter to either of you? Or am I just a girl you guys want and when you don’t get anything I’m worthless? Well I’m NOT, I am not just a girl who is waiting for someone to come up to her and say ‘You’re my everything, my best friend, I like you, I want you as my girlfriend and no one else’s.’ But? Will I ever get that? No, because everyone knows I like Giovanni, guys know that I wont go with them, BECAUSE of Giovanni. Do you know how much that bothers me? That I lost all my chances of being with a guy? And by the way, why do I keep having the same dream? Why is it always in a forest with you. I mean it’s like we can have conversations and continue with them from the last one, it’s weird…silence is all I hear.
Fine, whatever. I’ma wake up and never go back to sleep.

“Mr. Casimiro?” I wake up hearing a familiar voice. I freeze and stare at Kimberly. She raises her eyebrow, “What’s wrong?” she asks. I turn around in my seat towards the door to see blue crystal eyes. He has jet black hair that slightly covers his eyes. The tip of his hair is dyed red, and he has caramel skin. He’s wearing a black t-shirt and black fitted jeans. He has a chain coming out of his pocket. His ears are pierced with silver studs and he has a eyebrow piercing. But what catches my eye is his eyes and his voice. He walks by me, he glances at me and literally stares at me for two seconds then continues to the front desk. “Oh, who are you?” Mr. Casimiro asks him. The guy looks bored, “Names Romeo.” he murmurs. My eyes widen. No, it’s a coincidence. I don’t know him. I look at my phone, I can’t text. I don’t know who to text, I look up to see Romeo’s blue eyes staring in mine. He smirks, “Hey, what’s your name?” he asks.
I- “My name is Marley.” I stutter. He chuckles, “Cool, you have the same name as Bob Marley.” he smiles showing his pearl white teeth. As I look closely, I spot four fangs. Right. Where. The. Wisdom. Teeth. Should. Be. I stare at Romeo, “Y-your?”
His smile disappears and he sits next to me on my left. I follow his movements, “Romeo?” I call out his name. He looks at me, “What are you doing after school?”
I stare into my phone, should I find out who he is? But what if Giovanni texts me and asks me the same? What do I do then? I exhale, “Nothing really.”
He nods, “Oh, well I have to go to some kind of lame family meeting.”
I nod slowly, “Oh.” for some reason, I feel sad.
Romeo nods, “Yeah.” he looks uncomfortable now. As do I.
Kim coughs, “So Romeo, why are you here at LA High now?” she asks. Romeo shrugs, “Who knows? Maybe I have a better life living here then where I did before.” he looks at me. I look away, feeling heat rush into my cheeks. For the rest of the period I sat frozen, not moving a muscle at all. I was too nervous to move.

The bell rings and I get up and leave with Kimberly. We walk down stairs to outside and wait at a near by tree. This tree is where all of us guys meet at. Hopefully Giovanni comes. I need to talk to him.
By the time the school grounds got almost empty I’m nervous as heck. I’m playing with my fingers, staring at the gray rigid cement floor.
“Marley.” Giovanni’s voice!
I snap up and hug Giovanni. I bury my face in his neck. His arms wrap around my waist, “What’s wrong?” he asks me whispering in my ear. I miss his voice, even if he just ignored me for a day. I missed him. “You jerk!” I step back and hit his shoulder which didn’t hurt at all. He looks apologetic, “I’m sorry, I-I was high the whole day, that’s a stupid time to be near me.” he murmurs.
Soon, a girl came up towards us and starts rubbing Giovanni’s shoulder. “Hey, you wanna make-out on the third floor again tomorrow?” she asks in a sluttish flirty way. Rubbing over him. I gasp and anger floods me. My body feels heavy as my breathing does. He looks to and fro me and the girl. He shoves the girl away, “I was fucking high! I don’t like you hoe!” he sneers at her. Too late, “FUCK YOU GIOVANNI!” I yell and slap Giovanni’s face. He gasps but doesn’t get angry at me. As if he knew he deserved my slap. I start to run.
“MARLEY!” he yells after me.
I shook my head, no fuck you. I know now Giovanni Martinez. Your bad side. You’re a fucking pig.


Texte: I May Like YOU, but...I Love HIM.
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 16.12.2011

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