
Staring out at the white moon and starless sky, I wondered where I went from here. I had let my charge, or human, die on my watch. It was no one else’s fault but my own. Much as I didn’t want to, and trust me that was a lot, I had to face the consequences sooner or later. And right about now I was thinking later would be a safer bet.
I leaned on the rail of the balcony and watched the dove’s stir and resettle themselves in their nests in a nearby old oak tree. The gentle breeze that lifted my blonde hair from my face was soothingly cool. I sighed as I heard the creak of a door opening. “So much for waiting until later to deal with this crap.”I mumbled to myself. I turned around to see Cyrus standing in the doorway with the bright glow of the imperial chamber behind him. Funny, I was always used to getting him to see the council, not the other way around. Cyrus was usually the angel we had the most problems with. Though none of them were major, just usually him making the female angels a little uncomfortable with all his flirting and pulling pranks on the warrior angels, he still got into his fair share of trouble. You would think that he would come back with some snide remark about the tables being turned on me but he didn’t. He just stood there with a grim expression. Cyrus was always one to have a smile even in the worst times. I knew that the council was really pissed off now.
“It’s time Kalona. The council wants to speak with you.” Cyrus said in an emotionless tone. I walked over to him slowly. I really wasn’t looking forward to this at all. Just as I was stepping into the room, I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned my head and saw that it was Cyrus. He tried to manage a smile, but I didn’t happen. “Good luck.” He told me solemnly. I couldn’t fight back the lump in my throat enough to answer him with actual words so I just nodded. I watched as he walked away and then the door slammed making me jump.
“Kalona, step forward.” Fiara’s voice rang loud and clear in the hallowed hall of the chamber. “You let your charge die to save a dark angel. This is inexcusable! That dark angel would have left you for dead and went on her merry way without so much as one ounce of sorrow! And you dared to let your charge die to save her?!” Okay, maybe pissed was an understatement. They were furious. Sure, I had accidentally let my charge die but no life is more important than another. Or at least that is what I was led to believe. I swear I could see flames in Madame Fiara’s scarlet eyes. I knew I had better answer before she got even angrier. “I thought my charge was out of harm’s way. And so I went to help the dark angel. It was a misjudgment on my part and I should be punished accordingly. But, answer me this one question, how is one life more important than another? You always taught us that one life has no more value than another. Well if that is true, then why is it so wrong that I helped her?” I braced myself against the scolding I knew I was about receive. Anyone with a brain knew that you never questioned a member of the high council. And especially Fiara. She had a very hot temper and often made punishments a lot worse than what they should be.
Due to my stupidity, Darius answered my question. He knew that Fiara was about to blow a gasket and to be honest he probably just really didn’t want to hear it. Neither did I for that matter. “We cannot condone the saving of a fallen angel Kalona. Though no life is more important than another, we could deal with as few of them as possible. Therefore as of now you are charged with aiding and abiding a fallen angel. The penalty is the stripping of your grace. You will become a Dark or more correctly Fallen Angel.” His words sent a wave of shock and fear through me. Every molecule in my body was screaming at me to beg him to reconsider but the shock I was in decided not to let my mouth open.
The old cherry wood door burst open and in the doorway stood the council’s two most favorite warrior angels, or my preferred name right about now, henchmen. Their names were Demitri and
Solace. They both had smug grins on their face and were laughing. “Guess you finally got what you deserved Kalona!” that was Demitri. I had never been able to figure out exactly what I had done to make him despise me so much. But I guessed it didn’t really matter right now. They walked over to me like they were stalking prey. In a half crouch and half upright position they walked to my sides. I guessed they were expecting me to try and get the hell out of there, just a few problems with that assumption. One, where the hell would I go? Everyone here would rat me out so that is a no-go. Second, I had way too much dignity and respect for myself to try a futile attempt at flying away. I stood my ground and awaited them to stop playing lion and zebra and grab me. When I didn’t move they stopped circling me and gave me a confused look. “Are you two done playing now?” I asked in a tone I knew was cocky as hell, but damn, if I was going to get thrown out of heaven get on with it already. That earned me some snarls from them both. Just great, that would probably get them to actually throw me down like a piece of garbage. Sometimes I wonder why I can’t keep my mouth shut when I need to.
They roughly grabbed my biceps and kicked my feet out from underneath me. Well I was right on the rough part, because now they were dragging me. And of all things they were laughing while doing it! You would think that since they were angles they would have more heart than that but apparently not. They stopped at the watch hole in the clouds and Darius waved one hand over it and it began to shimmer shine and then it dissipated, leaving nothing but the blue below it visible. I gulped hard. I knew what was coming but that really didn’t mean that I was ready for it. They lifted me up and dangled me over the whole in the clouds for a short time, enjoying the satisfaction of being the ones with the honor of disposing of me. Then with one last snide grin they let me go.
Down, Down, Down I fell. The further from heaven I got the dizzier I became. I felt like I was going to pass out. I tried to fly away or at least glide down so I wouldn’t be so dizzy but for some reason they weren’t working. I frantically reached for my wings, trying to see if maybe they were damaged and I hadn’t realized it. There had to be some reason they weren’t working. I had to manually stretch them out and when I did, what I saw scared me. My wings were black. Not just black like one of those damned twilight shirts but black as in coal or midnight black. The color of a raven. My eyes widened and the next thing I saw was darkness.
Chapter 2
I saw my charge walking down the street with myself flying above her. Though she couldn’t see me I was always there. But I also saw a Dark angel. The one named Annabelle as I recall. She was toying with a ball of fire. She grinned like only a child of Lucifer could and gently blew the fire ball at the building my charge and I were walking past. I ran to try and reach my charge but I was too late. The ball of fire caused a massive explosion that sent her flying. I ran to her then. She still had only a few bumps and bruises so I set her on the side walk out of harm’s way. Or at least I thought so. I flew over to try and help the Dark angel up, thinking she was hurt in the explosion. But then another explosion happened. Only this one was right next to my charge and sent part of the brick wall flying into her head and crushing it before I could even get there. “No!” I yelled. It did no good. It wasn’t like she could hear me anymore. I fell to my knees and felt the silent tears fall down my face. That’s when things clicked in my head. That wretched Dark angel I saved was the one who tried to kill my charge in the first place! My blood was starting to boil. I could feel it stronger than ever. I raced after the dark angel, determined to get her for this, but she disappeared. Like poof. She vanished into thin air. That’s when I woke up. I was breathing heavily. I rubbed my eyes and put my head in my hands. It felt…..different somehow. I looked at my hair and it was black. Just like my wings, I remembered. That wasn’t just a bad dream, all of that really happened! But if that is the case then where am I?
I jumped out of the bed I was in and immediately ran for the door. “Leaving so soon?”
I would have recognized that voice anywhere. “Why the hell did you bring me here Ridley?” I snarled. I seriously hated her. She was an angel for a time, and once my girlfriend. Thing is she got jealous of one of my charges and killed her. “Awww, don’t act like you aren’t thrilled to see me Kalona. I seem to remember a time when you used to love being in my presence.” She said as she sauntered up to me. Her hands were icy as she placed one hand on the small of my back. She traced a pattern abstractly on my back and turned me to face her. “Don’t you remember it too?” She said in a tone that made nearly every man want her. Every man except me. “No, sorry. I do however remember a time when I wanted to slit your throat wide ass open.”I growled through clenched teeth. “Just tell me why the hell I am in here and why the hell I am with you!”
“Oohh! Feisty! I see you haven’t lost your wild side. I always did like the bad boy in you.”She whispered seductively. She slid her pointer fingers in the hem of my jeans and pulled herself closer to me. “Ridley get the fuck off me!” I yelled and grabbed her throat slamming her against a wall. “Now tell me what I want to know!”I said ferociously. She cracked a smile and said, “You already know where you are and why. But as for with me, I found you. That makes you mine.” I slammed her against the wall with more force this time and she cried out in pain. “I,”I began and with every word I tightened the grip on her neck, “belong. To. No. one!” I threw her across the little room and into a window that shattered upon impact.
“I see my favorite new child has awaken.” Someone said in a slick voice. I turned to see Lucifer staring at me with beady black eyes.
Favorite new child?! What the hell has he been smoking? Everything under the sun probably. Because I knew I wasn’t his child. I spread my now coal black wings, I still wasn’t used to them, and flew straight up and through the thin layer of earth that shielded the underground from the sun’s rays. No way in hell was I going to stay there. I flew around for a while before coming to rest on a thick tree limb in a field. All that sure had taken a toll on my body. I wasn’t used to fighting like that. I lightly hummed Evil Angel by Breaking Benjamin and dozed off to sleep.
The sun had broken through the clouds and I had just barely awoken when I heard, “Hewwo!”
The sound made me jump and land flat on my ass on the ground. “What the fuck?!” I asked angrily.
A girl about sixteen popped out from around a tree. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to startle you.” Her voice was smooth as honey and beautiful as Beethoven’s symphony. Her hair was red with touches of blonde in it and looked like silk. Her skin was pail and her eyes were green. She was beautiful beyond words. So beautiful that like an idiot I stammered when I tried to talk to her next. “I-I am sorry as well. I shouldn’t have gotten angry. My name is Kalona by the way.”
She smiled a delicately beautiful smile and said, “My name is Ivory. It’s nice to meet you!” she held out her hand and I shook it. I pulled away and tried to see what she was thinking.
Wow, he is gorgeous! His black hair is amazingly perfect for having slept in a tree too.
I laughed to myself at that one. She gave me a quizzical look and I said, “Sorry I was remembering something.” She didn’t look like she bide it but she didn’t ask any other questions. Her phone rang playing All Around Me by Fly Leaf. She answered it quickly mouthing sorry. I nodded my head and turned away not wanting to be rude and listen in on her conversation. She was done in less than three minutes and said, “Sorry but I gotta go my mom is flipping out on me. Uh, I’ll see you later?”
Her voice made it sound like a question but her eyes were pleading. “Uh, yeah, sure.” I told her. Okay so I am a sucker for a cute girl, so what? She smiled one last smile and ran down the sidewalk and into a blue dodge charger. Nice car I thought to myself.


Texte: this book is property of my imagination and any attempts at plagarism will result in legal action
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 06.05.2011

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to my friends and my musical inspiration, breaking benjamin

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