

Things were normal before. At least for me. Everyday in school, I get teased and made fun of because I'm the freak with violet eyes. I was use to it, but on top of it, I also get beat up. Oh yeah, those days were normal for me. That is, until things turned different.

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Today I was just minding my own business in the halls, when the most popular jock of the school, Dave, decided that he should mess with me.

He walked towards me. “Hey, Freak. Why don't I do you a favor? How about if I just put you out of your misery, huh? Nobody even wants you around, so stay still and let me do my work.”

He grabbed my shirt collar, and shoved me hard to the lockers. Raising his fist, he decked me on the face with huge force. It was a hard blow that made me fall to the ground. As I was on the ground, he kicked me on my chest that knocked the breath out of me. Then, he kept doing it again and again until I started to cough out a little blood on the floor. He crotch down in front of my injured body. “So, are you feeling dead yet? Just say the word and I might finish it.”

I don't know what happened, but I felt like I just blew up and started seeing red all over. I jumped to my feet, despite my injured chest that's hurting like crazy, and punched him on the face. He landed on his butt, and I began to attack him by kicking and punching him until my fist got bloody. All the pain and abuse that I had kept inside just burst out, and all I wanted was to let him feel what I felt all my life. We struggled on the floor to beat the other, but I was the one winning, even if Dave did land a few punches on my face.

What felt like ages of kicking his ass, someone tried to pry me off him. Someone pushed me against the lockers, and put my arms behind my back, then putting something on my wrists to hold them behind my back. I guessing someone put metal cuffs on me. Should have guessed someone called the police to break this up.

As they secured the cuffs on my wrists, they started dragging me away. I looked behind me to see Dave's beat up body on the floor unconscious. Serves him right. Now he would know how I felt.

Out of the school, the police officer opened the door to the car, and pushed me in. Half of the ride was in silence, until the police officer who's name I don't know started talking. “Boy, you are in a load of trouble. Beating someone almost to death is already putting you on a bad spot.”

I said nothing.

We arrived at the station in less than half an hour later. Being lead out of the car and to the door, I knew I'm gonna be interrogated with questions that I know will take forever. The officer took me to the questioning room, or whatever they call it, and sat me by the table, then cuffed me to one of the legs on the table.

He turned to me. “Wait here,” he ordered, then left out the door. Sure, what else am I gonna do while hand cuffed to a table.

After two agonizing hours of waiting, the officer --which I still don't know the name of -- came in, and sat on the other chair across from me with a folder.

“So, my name is Officer Brown.” And we finally have a name. “I talked to a few people who happen to witness the fight in your school.” He opened the folder, and read over what was on the papers inside. “All three of the witnesses happen to say that you attacked this student, Dave, out of nowhere.” No duh they where all gonna say that. Anyone in the whole school will do anything to land my ass in jail.

I looked at him. “It's true that I attacked him, but not out of nowhere. He was the one to attack me, he always has, I was just defending myself.”

“Right, it can't be coincidence that all of them happen to tell the same statement,” he said.

“That's because no one likes me in that school. They'll do anything to get me in trouble. Besides, if you don't believe me, you can go ahead and check the security cameras, then you can see for yourself that Dave was the one to attack me first,” I challenged.

“I had one of the officers to check them. He says that he didn't see him attack you, it was only you.”

Fuck you whoever is in charge of the cameras. They must of cut off the part where Dave was beating me up. Yeah even the staff hates me.

“Well, if you have nothing else to say to on this, than we're gonna take this to court. We'll set the court date to next week. Now, go to the end of the hall, we already called your parents to pick you up, they should be there by now,” he said when he took the handcuff off of me. I rubbed my wrist, cause apparently he put them on too tight, and walked all the way to the end of the hall.

And he was right when Officer Brown said that my parents would be here, because there they were with hateful looks on their faces. Let's just say my parents aren't the best of people. Mom was a huge drinker, and a whore at that. Dad is what I call the devil's twin. He'd find different ways just to torture me in the worst ways.

As I got in front of them, they said nothing. They both turned away from me, and headed to the door of the building to their car. I sighed, and followed them. Things are just gonna get worse for me.

A Week Later

“All rise for the Judge,” said the bailiff. We all raised as the Judge walked in. He was this old man who looked like he was at least 60 years old, bald and short. As he sat down, so did everyone else.

“Alright, so we're all here for Blake Carson for the almost death of a student, Dave Hudson. Son, why don't you come up to the stand?” I breathed in and let it out slowly. I walked to the stand, and made me do that oath “Say nothing but the truth.” The lawyer that was with Dave's parents was a young male with combed slick hair, and with a clean looking suit came up to me and looked me in the eye. “Now Blake, what is the reason for randomly attacking Dave? Were you just doing it for the fun of it? For revenge on him?” he questioned.

“I didn't randomly attack him. He attacked me. He's the one that always beat me up in school cause he hates me, I was only defending myself from him,” I said.

He nodded. “If that was true, then why did you come out attacking him on the security camera ? There was no evidence there that Dave came up to you.”

“Because everyone hates me in that school even the people who work there. So, I'm guessing whoever was in charge of the cameras has cut off the part of Dave beating me up.”

The lawyer raised an eyebrow. “You're saying that you guessed, but don't know that someone cut off a piece of that video. So, you don't have any proof of your accusation.”

I sighed heavily. “Fine, so I don't have any proof of someone messing with what the cameras caught.”

He nodded again. “Okay, now let's just say that you were attacking on defense like you said. Is that the only reason to attack Dave? If not, better come out with it then.”

I looked at him, then to my parents. Such hate noticeable in their eyes. They wouldn't care what would happen to me. They hope that they locked me up forever. I looked to Dave's parents. Both had the same look in their eyes as my parents. Then my eyes fell upon everyone else in the court room that held most of the people that went to my school. Everyone held the same hate they had for me. I'm all alone here.

I looked back to the lawyer. “No, it's not the only reason. I was angry and just wanted to make him feel the pain that I've been going through.”

“Alright, well you beating him half to death has now caused him to go into a coma. Hope you're proud of that,” he said with a glare. He looked at the Judge. “No further questions, your Honor. Though I would like to bring a witness to the stand.”

“Very well then.”

“I would like to bring Emily Nelson to the stand.” Emily stood up, walking to the stand. I got up to sit where I was next to my parents. As I took a look at Emily, she was the one in the hallway where Dave and I were fighting.

I sat back down to my place as Emily sat at the stand. The lawyer stood in front of her.

“Emily, was it really true that Blake started the fight?”

She nodded. “Yes, it's true.” The hell, weren't you suppose to tell the truth in court? Right, she never did the oath, and no one said anything about it. Perfect. They're all out to get me.

“Was Blake ever looking like he would stop beating up Dave?” asked the lawyer.

She shook her head. “No. He looked as he was going for the kill. I always believed he was a psycho killer waiting to attack at the right moment. And poor Dave had to be the victim.”


The lawyer nodded and smiled. “Thank you, Emily. And no further questions, your Honor. I'm just about done here.”

The Judge looked at him. “Alright. So, has the jury reached the verdict?” A man stood up where the jury people are held. “We have, your Honor. We found Blake Carson as guilty.” I sighed, should have known this was coming.

“Right, Blake I decided to sentence you to three years in prison, but since you are seventeen, still considered a minor, you'll be placed in a juvenile center until you turn eighteen. And while you're there you'll be sighed up for counseling for your violent behavior. Now, court is adjured,” he said as he slammed his gavel on the stand.

Everyone started to get up and leave. My life has just gone all the way to hell.

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And two days after the whole court thing, here I am in the juvenile center. I've been locked up in here for a month now, and this place isn't as different as my school. Everyone hates me. They also think of me as a freak with violet eyes. But, the feeling is mutual, I hate them all, too.

So, anyway this place sucks big time. Though if this is how juvie is like, can't imagine what it'll be like in Jail with guys all big and buff. Okay, so already covered up about people hating me --which is nothing new --, oh yeah, if you think cafeteria food is bad, you should check out what they serve here. There's the stale bread, watery soup with stuff inside that looks like someone's organs, mystery meat, and other gross stuff. We usually get to go outside out in the courtyard, but I prefer to stay inside if the majority of the people are going to be outside.

Well, right now I'm just getting my food in the cafeteria, which happens to be mystery meat. As I walked to find a place to sit, someone stuck their foot out, and tripped me, making my food fall all over me. Everyone in the room was laughing their heads off. A guard came and escorted me out of the cafeteria to a nearby bathroom to get cleaned up.

When we got there, I went inside, and went straight to the showers. It was always better to shower alone than showering with the other guys there. Not only do they give me a hard time because of my eyes, but my body as well. They all see how my body is not as built as theirs, but see how slim and bruised it is. It always made me self-conscious.

I stripped into nothing as I turned on the water. It felt nice and just plain relaxing, so I just stood there for a while enjoying it. Just minutes after, I began to clean my long shaggy blackish-brown hair from all the mystery meat.

After I was done, went back to get my clothes, but what I saw was a new clean orange jumpsuit that everyone was suppose to wear and a towel. I'm guessing the guard brought these in here. I grabbed the towel and dried myself up before I picked up my boxers and put them on. Then I put on my white T-shirt that I had to wear under my jumpsuit, along with the jumpsuit and shoes.

I exited the bathroom, but by now everyone should be in their cells by now. I went to my cell, which is located on the third floor, and saw one of the guards. He opened my cell, and locked me in as soon as I went inside. My cells doesn't have much, just a single bed, sink, mirror, and toilet. I looked at myself in the mirror, and all I saw was a freak with those eyes that everyone hated.

I heavily sighed, and lied down on my bed to rest my eyes.

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I woke up in a room that was familiar to me. Taking my surroundings, I noticed that this room was my bedroom. It looked the same as it looked a month ago, my bed unmade, clothes spread around my floor, just like any teenage guys room. I wondered how I got here if I was in my cell in juvie.

Throwing those thoughts aside, I opened my door to go see if anything has changed since I left. Apparently, nothing has. All the beer bottles were still lying around the whole house.

When I made it to the kitchen, I found my mother there. She noticed me standing there, and glared at me.

“What are you doing back here, Blake? Can't you see we are better off without you?” she questioned.

“I don't know.” I honestly didn't know how I got back here. It was all a blur.

“What you should know is that you're not welcome here anymore. We're finally happy that you left and you're not gonna ruin that. Now get out of this house before I call the police to send your ass back to that prison!” she yelled.

I nodded before I got out of the house into the streets, knowing that she was right. I don't belong there anymore. Never did.

I walked down the streets while people gave me weird looks like I was some kind of odd animal. I hated it when I was treated so different from everyone else. If only I can just end this misery. But, an idea struck in my head, now knowing how I could do it.

Running all the way to the bridge where it goes over the deep water, that's how I'm gonna do it. I ran to the bridge railing, and just climbed over to the other side. As I looked at the water, I thought that it would be freezing cold. I took a deep breath and let it out slowly before I let go of the railing, plunging into the water. Like I said before, the water was freezing cold. I wouldn't regret this decision as I sank lower and lower in the water. Everyone was right. I would be better if I wasn't around anymore.

Everything was blackening, my last breath has left my lungs, then --

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My eyes burst open, and my breathing was heavy. I was in my cell. I've been here the whole time. It was all just a dream, but the feeling I had wasn't.

My cell door opened moments later to reveal one of the guards. “Come on, kid. You're late for you sessions with Mr. Wilson,” he said. Mr. Wilson was my Counselor. Even if I attended the sessions with him, I never spoke a word since I got here. I could have thought the guy would hate me already with me wasting his time, but he never gave me a deadly glare, or any sign that he was getting impatient with me.

I got up from the bed, stretching a bit before I followed the guard out the door. I always needed an escort to my counselings, for a reason I don't know. We both walked through the halls in peace since everyone else was still in their cells. I had to attend these meetings twice a week on Mondays and Fridays, but if I ever needed to talk or vent, he said I was welcome to come by anytime. Though I never did.

We finally arrived to Mr. Wilson's office, and the guard left me there. Letting out a deep sigh, I raised my hand to knock on the door. And as soon as I heard a 'come in' from Mr. Wilson, I opened the door to find him on his desk filing some papers.

Mr. Wilson lifted his head towards me, and gave me a small smile, “Well Blake, you're a little late, but just take a seat,” he motioned to the chair. Mr. Wilson was defiantly young, like mid-twenties. He had black short hair, forest green eyes, a light tanned skin, and when we first met, he towered over me by a few inches. I would estimate about 5'11, making me 5'8.

I took a seat across from him, waiting for this to be over.

“Alright, so how was your day?” he asked with curious eyes.

It was shit now that you mention it. But I didn't say that.

“Come on, there has to be something you'd like to share,” he said with determination in his voice.

That's unlikely.

“Well, my day went rather well. Sure maybe it was full with other meetings with other people, but it's nice talking and helping them. It's always good helping others, even if it wasn't much.”

Please stop talking, I don't want to hear this crap about helping people when nobody even bothered to help me.

“And the way you just scrunched up your face, I take it that your not into helping people, right?”

I kept my face neutral, not letting anything slip by.

“Is there a reason behind that, Blake?”


“Come on, you can tell me.”

Sigh, he's never letting it go. “I hate them,” I muttered.

He smiled, probably because he got something out of me.

“What do hate, Blake?”

“Everyone,” I muttered again.

“Why do you hate everyone?” I mentally groaned. Why couldn't he stop questioning me? “Blake, come on, we're improving here.”

“Everyone hates me. So I hate them,” I said, my face neutral and voice monotone.

“Why do they hate you?”

“My eyes,” I spat at the word 'eyes'. If I have normal colored eyes I wouldn't be in this mess.

“Why would they hate you because of your eyes?”

This is getting on my nerves. Why this? Why that? Why? Why? Why?

I threw him a cold glare, and hopefully he'll figure out why when he looks at my glaring eyes.

After a while of him looking at me, he said, “I find nothing wrong with them.”

Okay, that made me blow up.

“Are you fucking serious?! What do you mean there's nothing wrong with them!! Are you fucking blind?! They're violet!! There's nothing normal about that!! People think of me as a freak because of them!!” I yelled.

“Blake, just calm down. I find nothing wrong with them because it's what make you you. It's what make you special. Everyone has something that makes them special, and yours happen to be your violet colored eyes.”

“Tell that to everyone, then. They don't care. My own mother looked at me like some type of alien when I was born. It's my fault she and my dad turned into what they are now. They couldn't believe with their own eyes that they created a freak.”

It's true. Mom and dad went ballistic when they found out what they created. Mom turned into a drinker, trying to make herself forget she had a freak for a son. And when that didn't work, she went around hooking up with random men behind dad's back. He eventually found out that his own wife was cheating on him, causing him to blame me she started doing this to him. That's when he turned into the devil's twin, doing anything, and I mean anything he could to torment me, making me wish I was never born.

“What do you mean 'the way they are now'? How is it your fault?”he asked.

“It's not really any of your business,” I answered coldly.

“You know, Blake, I'm just trying to help you,” he said sincerely.

“I don't need your help. You're only doing this because you have to, it's your job.”

“I have this job because I want to help others. So, I'm trying to help you by figuring you out more.”

I scoffed, “Fine, you want to know more about me and my problems? Well, here it is! Ever since I was fucking born, my parents took one look at me and adored me, but then I had to open my eyes, and the look of adoration was replaced by disgust. My mom was always stressed out and delusional about giving birth to something like me, she was convincing herself that there was no way that I was her son. And then she turned to drinking to forget that I was her son, or she would go whoring around behind dad's back if the drinking didn't help. When he found out about it, he started blaming me, and then he became my tormentor. He would do absolutely anything to make me wish I was never born. He would take me to the basement to whip me senseless, carve me like meat, and lets not forget the rapes

. He would just leave me beaten and broken.”

I was just so close to braking down right now.

“And then there's school where I was introduced with more looks of disgust and hate. Everyone hated me because I was the freak of the school, a freak of nature. Not one fucking person cared enough to help me. That's why I don't help others. If all they're gonna do is hate on me they don't deserve my help. I hate everyone in this fucked up world we're forced to live in. I hate it. I hate it. I fucking hate it. It was all me. It was me

that I couldn't be the son my parents wanted. It was me

that mom was going crazy. It was me

that she was cheating behind my dad's back. And it was me

that everyone hates.”

When I was done, I ended up sobbing like a weak person that I am while covering up my face with my hands. Within moments, a hand was placed on my back comforting me. I removed my hands slowly from my face to see Mr. Wilson right there.

“It's good that you told me, Blake. You needed to get all of that out, because bottling all that inside you is just going to hurt you more. If you ever need to vent, I'm here. It is what I do.” He looked at his watch and said, “Well, looks like our time has finished. Remember we have another meeting at Friday, but you're still welcome to come by any time if you need me. Now, off you go.”

I stood up while angrily whipping away my tears. When I was out in the hall, I couldn't help but to feel like I'm finally accepted by someone. It was a good feeling. Hopefully there are more to come.

Chapter 2: Finally Coming Around

I'm in my cell laying on my bed thinking. Thinking about how, well I don't know, a weight that's no longer on my shoulders. I've been holding this burden of not telling anyone about my problems because if everyone hates me what's the point of telling anyone? They won't really care. But, when I spilled everything about my life with Mr. Wilson, he just sat there listening to everything I had to say. Not once did he look like he didn't care about what I was saying or throw a disgusted look at me. He was just sitting and listening. Inside I felt some type of relief that he didn't treat me like the others do. I just feel like crying of happiness that someone accepts me.

Though, I don't know if one person is enough. It's only one out of everyone in the world.

I sigh. Why couldn't I just be normal with normal colored eyes. It's my eyes that made my parents hate me. It's my eyes that made me a freak. It's also very weird. How was I even born with violet eyes? Both my parents don't have them, and my grandparents don't either. My parents never mentioned that their grandparents have them or they would have understood why I have violet eyes.

Would my kids in the future have the same fate as I do? Would they be hated like I am? At least they would have loving parents that will accept them. Not like my parents. I would love them with or without the violet eyes. But the thing is, no way I would have that future if I'm hated.

Right, I have no future.

It was lunch time, though I wasn't really hungry today. I sat at a lone table next to the window. Everyone here was chatting, just like it would be in the school cafeteria.

Seeing those tall walls out the window is what traps me here. On the other side is my freedom. What am I gonna do once my sentence is over. Don't think I'll be able to go back living with my parents. I'll already be over eighteen when they let me out, so I need to figure out where I'll be staying and start a new life. No matter that I'll be alone for the rest of my life I'll be fine by myself, I can make it.

After lunch, everyone had the opportunity to go out to the court yard, but me, I stayed inside. Sometimes I thought about going outside with everyone else and do what I want, but I'm afraid. I don't want to be ganged up and get beat up again, I can't take it. Yeah I'm being a weak loser right now, but I'm now broken.

I walked around the halls until I stopped at the main stair case. Only a few people that were gathered by the corner were here.

One of the guys in the group who was big and buff looked over towards me. “Well look who showed up, it's the freak,” he smirked. He walked towards me with everyone else following.

“You have some nerve to show up around here with those freaky eyes of yours. No wonder your parents hate you; your mom had to give birth to a mutant like you.”

“Why don't you just leave me the fuck alone?” I glared.

“Why don't you make me, freak?”

We stood there glaring at each other.

“You're not worth my time.” I walked away until I suddenly ended up on the floor by Mr. Buff Guy.

“Oh no, you're not getting away.” He punched me in the face, then everyone else started to gang up on me, punching and kicking me. I started to feel numb all over my body as I laid there motionless. One of the guy's foot stepped harshly on my left ankle. I screamed out in pain and he smiled in satisfaction.

After awhile, Buff Guy and his gang got bored. “Don't show your face around me again if you know what's good for you.” Him and his gang left me there bleeding and bruised all over.

I laid there for a few minutes when I decided to stand up. It was difficult, but I managed, that is until I put weight on my left foot, “AHH! God damn it!”

I limped to the stairs to hold me up. My ankle felt like it has been crushed by a hammer. I heard foot steps coming my way, and it better not be those guys again wanting to go to round two. But no, it was the same guard that escorted me to Mr. Wilson's the other day.

“Hey kid, Wilson wanted me to find you since you're late again for your session,” he said sounding annoyed.

“Yeah, I think you should tell him I'll have to pass.”

The guard had an angry look in his eye. “I don't think so. I had to waste my time looking for you, and I'm not gonna let it be for nothing. Now take your ass to his office,” he growled.

“Can't you see I'm injured here? I can barely stand up because of my body being kicked around and my ankle, so if you excuse me I'm going to my cell.”

Before I new it, I'm on the ground again, and he stepped on my injured ankle.


“Listen to me, you are not skipping. You are going straight there or your ankle won't be the only thing broken. Am I making myself clear

?” he said sternly as he crushed my ankle harder with his foot.

“OWWW!! YES I GET IT! FUCKING BASTARD GET THE FUCK OFF!!” I kept screaming in pain.

I felt relief when he took his foot off my ankle, but it still hurt like a bitch.

“Now get up you shit.”

I got up slowly and then limped to Mr. Wilson's office.

It took a long while to get there, but I finally made it. I knocked on the door, then opened when he said to come in. He was standing in front of a file cabinet putting away a file. He noticed who entered when he turned around.

“Oh, Blake, you're half an hour late. Where were you?” he asked.

“Nowhere.” I hide my face so he didn't see my beat up face.

“Blake, is something wrong?”

“No, I'm fine,” I said sternly.

“Come here for a minute,” he said.

I sighed, and walked towards him without making my limp noticeable. As soon as I was standing in front of him, he was observing me, making me feel self-conscious. He place his hand on my shoulder making me flinch in pain. Yup, there's defiantly a bruise there.

“Blake, are you sure nothing is wrong?”

“Yeah, nothing is wrong?”

“Really?” he said sounding like he doesn't believe me.

I nodded while still hiding my face. He grabbed my face to make me look at him. His eyes were wide in shock, and I guess it's obvious why.

“Oh my god, what happened to you?”

“It's nothing,” I said reassuringly.

“Alright, we're skipping our session today, you need to get checked out now.” He tried to lead me out of the office, but I didn't move.

“Blake, come on we have to treat your injuries.” I shook my head. He sighed, “Blake, please.”

I looked down. “I can't walk. It hurts,” I whispered. Mr. Wilson grabbed my arm and put it around his neck, and wrapped an arm around my waist to support my weight as we walked slowly.

We made it to a small clinic. Everything in the room was white. There was a blond woman in the room organizing her supplies.

“Eva, you have a new patient to check out,” said Mr. Wilson. The nurse turn towards us and gasped. She really looked young, like in her early twenties. Her face was very beautiful that she wouldn't need any make up like most women do.

“Oh dear, what happened to him?” she asked looking at me.

“I don't know. He was like this before he arrived to my office,” said Mr. Wilson while staring at her.

“Just put him on the bed, and I'll get started on him,” she instructed. He nodded while placing me on a bed.

“Well, I'll be going now. Take care of him for me Eva.”

“Of course I will,” she smiled. Then he walked away slowly until he was out the door.

“Okay then, it seems you have a broken lip, bloody nose, and a big black eye. Hold on, let me get some ice for that.” She went to get some ice, and returned a few moments later. She sat next to me, and was about to place the ice on my eye before her eyebrows frowned. Why is she looking at me like that?

Her eyebrows returned to normal and said, “You have such unusual eyes.”

Oh shit. My eyes.

I turned away from her quickly. God, I can believe this, now she's gonna hate and be disgusted with me, too.

“Hey, what's the matter?” she said softly.

I shook my head. “I don't want you to see them.”

“Why don't you want me to?”

“You'll hate me just like everyone else.”

“That's not true, honey. There's nothing bad about them. Look me in the eye and I'll tell you something.”

I didn't turn to her. I didn't want to.

After a minute passed, she took my face in her small hands, and made me look at her.

“Honey, I'm telling you that there's no shame in having eyes like yours. They are special and unique. Be proud of them,” she said.

I didn't know how to respond, so I said nothing.

She put the ice on my bruised eye, and went to gather supplies for my injuries. She sat back down next to me with a wet towel, cotton balls, and alcohol. With the wet towel, she cleaned the blood off my face. Then, she poured the alcohol on a cotton ball, and dabbed it on my broken lip. I flinched in pain when it made contact on my lip, but I remained silent.

When she was done with my face, she turned to me.

“Is there anything else I should check out?”

I didn't look at her when I said, “My left ankle hurts badly.”

She inspected my ankle by moving it around.

“OWW!” I yelled.

With a nod she said, “Looks like you have a mild sprain and your ankle is really swelling up. You're gonna have to put ice on that for a couple of days for it to swell down. And you're ankle will heal up for a week or two if you don't put your weight on it.”

I nodded.

“Oh, you know I never did catch your name by the way.”

“It's Blake,” I whispered.

“Well, it's nice to meet you, Blake. You could just call me Eva.”


“You know, we may have just met, but you seem like a nice boy. How did you end up here in the first place?” she questioned.

I shook my head. “I better not say, or you might just change your opinion.”

“I guess that's understandable,” she nodded.

“Look, I should just get going.” I got up the bed carefully without putting weight on my ankle.

“Before you go....” She got up to grab crutches, then gave them to me. “.... use these until your ankle feels better, we would want it to heal properly.”

I took the crutches, and use them to walk out the door.

“Wait!” she called.

I turned. “If you ever need any help with anything, you know where to find me.”

I nodded. “I'll keep that in mind, thank you,” I smiled.

She smiled back as I walked out the door to my cell.


After a few weeks passed, my ankle has healed up nicely, and so has some off my bruises.

Today is another day at lunch, but I decided I should eat today while they're serving something appetizing for a change.

Gary AKA Big Buff Guy had spotted me, and made his way to my table.

“Hey, Freak, enjoying your lunch?” he asked and then spit in my food. “Hope you're not now.” Then he left.

Loosing my appetite, I got up to throw away my trey. I exited through the back door to the courtyard while mostly everyone was inside. I was just standing there for who knows how long until I saw Grey clouds above me. I guess it's going to rain today. Not one minute later, I felt something wet hit me on the face. It started drizzling for a while, then turned into pouring rain. I was starting to shiver from the rain, but I ignored it. I don't really care if I get hypothermia and die. That would be for the better. I was completely wet from top to bottom, but I still didn't care. I just laid down on the wet ground with my arms behind my head just not caring anymore. I was getting tired, so taking a nap here in the rain wouldn't matter. I closed my eyes, and begged the rain to drown out my problems.

Just when I thought I was relaxed here, someone had to wake me up. But then noticed it wasn't raining anymore, but the dark clouds still linger. So, turning my head to the person that woke me, I saw a girl with blond –almost white-- hair with black dyed tips. She looked pretty with her slightly tan skin, bright blue eyes, and her hair up to her breasts.

Her speaking is what got me back to reality.

“You know, you shouldn't be sleeping out here when it was raining, you could get sick or something.”

Her voice sounded so sweet and gentle I could of heard it all day.

“Come on, you should go inside and change out of those wet clothes,” she said, trying to get me off the ground. I got up and said to her, “Okay.”

As soon as I started walking to my cell, I noticed that she was following me.

“Um...not to be rude or anything, but why are you following me?” I asked.

She shrugged. “Just wanted to make sure you were okay, considering you were lying on the floor while it was pouring outside.”

“Thanks for worrying, but I'm fine,” I assured her. I continued walking, but she was still following me.

“What's your name?” she asked.

“Blake. Blake Carson. And you are?”

“Samantha Willows. Though, everyone calls me Sam.”

“So...again not to be rude, but why are you talking to me?”

“I don't know. You just seem like a good guy to talk to. And I see you aren't comfortable talking to people that are finally being nice to you.”

Okay, now that was weird. How would she know that?

“And how would you know that?” I voiced my thoughts.

“For the part of a good guy to talk to, I just feel it. I mean I saw that you looked all innocent and troubled. As for not being comfortable part, I can read people easily,” she explained.

“I see,” I said nervously. No one would actually take the time to look at me, and start wondering about me. I guess there's a first for everything.

As I stopped in front of my cell door, I turned towards Sam.

“So um...thanks for the chat. I haven't had a real conversation with anyone besides my councilor.”

“Your welcome. It was nice, you're like the only person I talked to since I arrived yesterday.”

So that's why I haven't seen her around here.

“Yeah. I guess I'll see you--,” before I could finish what I was saying, I sneezed and coughed a bit.

“Okay, I was right, you did get sick from being in the rain,” she said while feeling my forehead with the back of her hand.

“You're a little hot. Why don't you change into warmer clothes, and I'll take you to the clinic,” she offered.

“Sure.” I opened the door, and as soon as I changed, Sam took me to the clinic. It's really weird. Someone else actually cares about me.

Sam followed me inside the small office, and Eva looked up from her desk.

“Oh, hi Blake, it's nice to see you again,” she smiled at me.

I smiled back. “Yeah, nice to see you, too.”

She looked towards Sam, who was right beside me.

“Blake, who's your friend?” she asked excitedly.

“, this is Samantha,” I introduced.

“But, you can call me Sam.”

Eva got up from her desk, walking to where we were standing.

“Nice to meet you Sam, you call just call me Eva.”

After the introduction, she turned towards me, “So is there something I can help you with?”

Sam spoke up, “Yeah, I found him outside in the rain, and now he's sick.”

“Oh really, well Blake, go sit down and I'll go take your temperature.” She went to get the thermometer while I just sat down on the bed.. When she returned, she stuck the thermometer in my mouth.

After a while, she took it out and looked at it.

“Looks like you are sick, Blake. I'm guessing all you have is a fever. Take these pills when you get back to your cell, and rest it off.”

She handed me two pills, and off I went.

“She's really nice,” said Sam.

“Yeah, she is.”

I got to my cell, then turned again to Sam.

“Again, I'll see you around.”

“Sure. So, I hope you feel better soon. See you, Blake,” she said and walked off.

Strange how this is now happening to me. Maybe my life is finally coming around.

Coming Soon!


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 01.10.2012

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